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Scope and Sequence€¦ · 11 Superlatives hot = hottest happy = happiest Comparatives and...

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Page 1: Scope and Sequence€¦ · 11 Superlatives hot = hottest happy = happiest Comparatives and Superlatives With Two or More Syllables Cake is more delicious than pie. 44 Chocolate cake
Page 2: Scope and Sequence€¦ · 11 Superlatives hot = hottest happy = happiest Comparatives and Superlatives With Two or More Syllables Cake is more delicious than pie. 44 Chocolate cake

Scope and SequenceSentence Building

Wh- and How questionsWhat's your name?How old is he?

Proper NounsJapan-Japanese

Where Are You From?



Countable/Uncountable NounsI have two apples for my lunch.I add salt to my tacos.

Direct SpeechTammy said, 'I like tacos.'



Sentence BuildingSimple PresentShe sings 'Happy Birthday' to me.I don't wake up late.

Exclamation MarksI'm so happy!Be careful!



Some/AnyI want some milk. Do we have any milk?

How much/How manyHow much sugar do you want in your tea?How many potatoes do you need?



Adverbs of FrequencyWe never go to the museum.We always sit in the garden.

Adverbs of FrequencySara neverI always clean my room.



Sentence BuildingUncountable Containers and MeasurementsI drink a half a litre of milk a day.We buy three kilograms of rice each week.

Preposition- 'of'Dad wants a glass of water.He buys two tubes of toothpaste.

We Need a Loaf of Bread



Adjectives of Size and Appearanceone-storey, big

ugly, pretty

Very and TooHe is very sleepy. He is too sleepy to play outside.



Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Kitchen8 Adjectives of Amount

a few = three or fourmany = big amount

Plural Nouns ending in -'y'pony = ponies monkey = monkeys32

9 Right here/Over thereThere are oven gloves right here.There is a toaster over there.

Conjunctions I don't have a cat, but I want to get one.


The Time of the Ice Age

10 Comparativesnice = nicer happy = happier

Syllablesdog = one syllablemon-ster = two syllablesan-i-mal = three syllables40

Small11 Superlatives

hot = hottesthappy = happiest

Comparatives and Superlatives With Two or More SyllablesCake is more delicious than pie.Chocolate cake is the most delicious.44

12 as + adjective + asJack is as old as Mike.The eel is as long as the snake.

Collective NounsA The team won the match.48

We’re Going to 13 am / is / are + going to + verbWe are going toIt's cold, I think it's going to snow.

Writing a question with 'going to + verb'Is she going to feel better today?


14 Present PerfectShe has been to London.

For and SinceI have been going to this school for three years.We have lived here since 2010.56

15 Imperatives for Giving DirectionsDrive along River Street and take a right.

AbbreviationsEllen lives on Elm Ln.


Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Sentence Building

Page 3: Scope and Sequence€¦ · 11 Superlatives hot = hottest happy = happiest Comparatives and Superlatives With Two or More Syllables Cake is more delicious than pie. 44 Chocolate cake


Unit 1 Where Are You From?

2. Colour it. Colour the Wh- or How word red. Colour the rest of the sentence blue.

1. Listen and say.

1. Where is it?

2. When do you wake up in the morning?

3. Why do you like football?

4. Who are they?

5. How old is he?

6. What is her favourite sport?

When you want information about people or things, you use Wh- and How words.

Who are they?They're my classmates.

Where are they from?They are from Spain.

When are they leaving?They are leaving after lunch.

Who's he/she?She's my friend.

How old is he/she?She is 10 years old.

What's he/she/it like?He's nice.It's really fun.

What's your name?My name is Kim.

Where are you from?I'm from Japan.

Why are you late?I am late because our car broke down.

Wh- and How Questions





1. (Who / What / Where) are the children? They are at the park.

2. (Why / How / When) is the baby in his bed? He is sleeping.

3. (How / When / What) is the carnival? It is on Friday.

4. (Who / Where / How) is the pizza? It is delicious.

5. (What / Where / Who) is on the desk? My book is on the desk.

6. (Who / What / How) is that? That is my grandad.

Tracy: Where are you doing after school today?

Marie: I am going to my aunt’s house. What are you doing after school today?

Tracy: I am going to my tennis lessons. Why are you going to get to your aunt’s?

Marie: My mum is driving me. Where do you take your tennis lessons?

Tracy: I take them at the city centre. Why are you visiting your aunt today?

Marie: We are visit her because she is having a birthday party. I have to go now.

Tracy: Okay, see you later.

3. Cross it. Cross out ( ) the incorrect Wh- and How words to make the questions match the answers.

4. Underline it. Read the dialogues. Underline the correct Wh- and How question.

Tracy: What are you doing after school today?

Marie: I am going to my aunt’s house. How are you doing after school today?

Tracy: I am going to my tennis lessons. How are you going to get to your aunt’s?

Marie: My mum is driving me. When do you take your tennis lessons?

Tracy: I take them at the city centre. What are you visiting your aunt today?

Marie: We are visiting her because she is having a birthday party. I have to go now.

Tracy: Okay,hello.5


Page 4: Scope and Sequence€¦ · 11 Superlatives hot = hottest happy = happiest Comparatives and Superlatives With Two or More Syllables Cake is more delicious than pie. 44 Chocolate cake


Jack: There is the new boy in our class.

Tim: _______________________________________

Jack: His name is Brian.

Tim: _______________________________________

Jack: He is nine years old.

Tim: _______________________________________

Jack: He is from America.

Tim: _______________ did he come to England?

Jack: His parents bought a house here.

Tim: _____________________ did he arrive here?

Jack: He arrived here last week.

Tim: ________________ is standing next to him?

Jack: His father is standing next to him.

5. Write it. Write Wh- and How questions to complete the conversation.

6. Answer it. Answer the Wh- and How questions.

What is his name?


1. What is your name?_________________________________________________________________

2. Where were you born?_________________________________________________________________

3. How old are you?_________________________________________________________________


1. Cruz is from bolivia. He is bolivian.___________________________________________________

2. She lives in morocco. She is moroccan.___________________________________________________

3. Jason was born in greece. He is greek.___________________________________________________

4. He is from sudan. He is sudanese.___________________________________________________

5. Yoko lives in japan. She is japanese.___________________________________________________

1. Ahmed is from Qatar. He is (Qatari, Qatarian).2. Liz is from Ireland. She is (Irelandese, Irish).3. Karen is from Scotland. She is (Scottish, Scotlandan).4. Diane is from Bulgaria. She is (Bulgarese, Bulgarian).5. Alison is from Denmark. She is (Danish, Denmarkish).

Sentence Building

2. Circle it. Circle the correct nationality.

3. Fix it. Rewrite the sentences using correct capitalisation.

Cruz is from Bolivia. He is Bolivian.

1. Read it.t.
