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Scoreboar ixUSo. W 51--------- yjg s ;a.. piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6' <UPI)-N -iinlo "rndionctivc rn n *,8U Sf. brohdcMt here Raid the rn Man Fails i Attempt,. ' A 27*yeifr-fl'^ D enver man, V . local motel, waived prehinin Fallfl juRtice court and ord court. Clarence Elwood Kent. . In the county jail by Justice t on fnilurc to post $2,500 bond. ] $ 6 ,9 6 1 A w ard 1 Is Entered in Damages Suit A judnnent tor ‘ta.seijs. *lsntd t,, DUUIct Judge Hugh A. Buker. Ju rteordcd Thiiridtvy afwrnoon «lUi Un T*'ln “ “''i J, !»nr of WllUim O. Allen »nd iix two younj mm. 0»ry Alien *nd Giylonl AUtD'«»lnst Vemoa Kln- Tlie Judiment wm the reaull of & tnlfie »eeldenl I m I November nbout four mllti MuUi »nd two mllw ewt ofBuW. ■nil one »M heard before • Jury WtdRuday and U>e Judgment verdict v u rtuiraed Wednesday night. In hU eomplilnt for himself and hliaota, Allen charged Klnnenr with nmnlot • Tleld rlshl of way alfin MUilns a colllalon wich a IMS Dod*» tnidt drliren by Allen. TOe two bora vete pauensenf In tne truck »liiv tlulr father. Tha imck v u loidcd «Ub fumllure. AUm had Mujht a Judgment of »7iJl4i. HI bad Biked for $1,000 far ptneofl blurles; $(50 for ioit if wAT5sooJ9 *|cr daraiiBB to taBOtthold stMda; t3AOO for Injurlea to'iaa Qary; $3,MO for Injurlu u ra Gaylord, and I400£S for medical gd hosplul bills connected with tttment of two aon*. ■nw 13-member Jury reduced the laoust loughlfor Qaylord'a Injuries from $3,600 to tl.» 0 . OtherwUe. Alien »cd tha aons received erery- Iblci they couRht. Mtniber* of Uie Jury wera Mrrtle Andenon, Theodore Knicht, C. O. EmlUuon; Mn. Clfira Boyd. A. K Korton. Mr*. Cb# Weech. Row O. Ward.niU E. Woodruff, K. W. Web- ber. MyrUa I. Grlsss, Mra. Mabel Botyard and Etrl Fullmer. Tha Alleni were represented by naybom and Raybaro. Twin Palls aiiomtr*. and Klnntar wn* rtpre- aenled by Merrill and Merrill, Foca- ttUo, and WUllam J. Langley, Tain FalU. Assessor for 14 Years for ^-Jerome Dies , JDIOME June J-Clarenca P. EmlUi. 78, former Jerome county aiieisor, died Thurjiday a l St. Bfne- dlci'i huplial. lie um nur.isor here -for-»-Ttam,-btlng-tlnrt~tttctf8-tn IMO. and reUrlng at the end of lOM. Ite VH bore Sept. Ji, 1879, al Nor. ham. Ontario, Canada, and married E n Cheley. Ocl. 4, looi, a l Granite- TlUe. Mr. Smllh was a member of Uie PreJbyttrl«n cljurcji, Eden lodce Ho.7t. AF and AM. Boise conslatory. AP and AM, Jerome Kaslern Star No. M, and was a 50-year armbtf of ih( Odd Fellows lodRe, Ht also for SO years on the Idihs board of pharmacy. 6wltor» include hla widow, three wni. Robert o. BmlUi. SealUe; Pcr- o«l A 6mlUi. m-iom. Calif., and w erlck Smllh, Snn Francisco; Iwo uuthUrj, Mr>. George RoRera. ^?X-'"rn.-Ort«jna_Mr»._Al«hle “uuiolomew. Jerome; nine Rrand- filldffn; riKht great-Branrtchltdren: OnJlllHi, Lloyd Smllli, Ullo-' Canada; Clayton SmlUi, Toron* K Canaria, and Morley Bmllh, '^uka-orth. Ont., and a sister, Mrs Allen. WarlcworUi. «nfral atrrlcea will }x held at a Ptt. Monday at the Jerome Trfciby- “ run church wllh Uie Rev, William «nlue olfickUnR. Eden Masonic - *111 coniliitt graveside services « Uit Jtrome cemetery. Friend* . W ; call nl ihj wuey funeral ehap- 'I tr>m 1 to 9 pjn. Sunday and unUI - Jw t 0! SCTTirr.1 Monday, T hn lamlty eonirlbutiona lo Ui# Pres- memorial fund. Showers aw»er» ire predicted for U« ^ |e -Valley In the five day ^Uier fortcast recflml here, vix itie Aasodated Preis. 't look! like a rainy aummer.” the AP reporter as h« fqrtca.ll: •'■""Sing abotfc and acftliered afternoon thurdenhowera are- wih^i '■ next five daya _ Tj^U^.jtmpcratorea-betwcm- 'Probably.) oard - - BpulMB •> W ^ iFiT'K £4 lor lb* ^ 1857- U S -------1 1968 _ . l o - -r-% _______M ^ ------— ..Bi I I A Repon I ortkUl Cllr IX ________________' C~tiiW W»w.p.p 5 Say Radii ncouritered of U.S. Tesi I—Moscow radio said today a So_v; 1 800 miles west of a U. S. atomic IC radioactivity wnn reRifitcred liy flhin first encountered the ra<iioact: ich exceeded the normal dose hy ; in Holdup I Jailed Here; m,Vho failed in an attem pt'to roll liroinary h'carinR Friday in Twin , ? ordered to stand trini in district 1 ■nt, 27. Denver, was ordered held \ ice of the Peace J. 0. Pumphrey ' md. Kent, who has a wife and two i irrcsted at 10:33 p.m. Thursday , : Valley Memorial hospital by city i — police. He attempted to rob Albert WaJr,.proprictor of the , Brandlnfr Iron Motel, 4C0 Ad* 1 dison avenue we.st. n city police arre.itcd Kent In Im* ' thah an hour aller he walked Into ' the motel office, produced an old I l f J8 caliber revolver and ordered Wai* to "open.her up." Mrs. Walt ' T,,d was In the room nl Uie lime and iker. aUirted to leave, loon Walr aafd he aa'iwcred the de- | ourl mpnd. "I won’t do ll. you donl ; and hava the nerve.r | and Kenl then left IhBUfllce mutter- li'n* Ine. “Vou'll be »orr>'.“ Wai* lold police laUr the man vm ; of a young and was wcarlnc a checked bout sport J.i£kel. Wals iold police the east man wm carr^'lng "an old rusty gun." Mr. and Mr*. W all walched Uie Jury man walk acrau Carney atreel and rdlct disappear behind aome. buildings, then called police, and The man apparently had hidden wllh hLi lUltcaM when he made his sljn attempt, al robbing the motel. J918 DetecUva Claude Wiley began a The search along Addlnon avenue. A few the mlnutca after ihe'offleer had left mck word at the Town and CounUy rirlveln across from the hospital. It of Kenl walked up and asked for a 1000 drink of water. Alter he left t^je iou drlveln heading .vest, h . attendant 5 10 called poUee. T « w ^ ^ c |f 'c a r i were urles called and apprthtoded tha man. a Ui Kent waa taken to the Branding dlcal ' (CntJaiirf M r a t. >. C U m 4> with --------------------------- Top Business S' Leaders Plug ri' For Tax Cuts * a. WASHINOTOW. June 8 WU-Sev^ Veb- eral nf U)e nallon'a lop buslne.u label executives agreed yeaierday that the currenl recesaion is tho worst of Uie 1 by pMl-World war II economic slumps, Falls Fourteen of these Industrial and ;pre- financial leaders responding U) a ■oca- senate finance committee quesUon- rwln nalre. gave more aupporl to a ta» cut aa an anU-recesslon measure Uian U> publlo works. But most of them urged caution In applying any govemment reme* dies, citing a conUnued rUk of more InflaUon and conUnding It Im- poislble lo smooth out all economic ups-and-downs, _______j . . M , 6yme* gwldent of the p c Pennsylvania railroad, wrote, "lucre la no doubt now .that t^e current , n recession Is more acrlous than those “ ; • of m a-M and 1853-54.-................. Lfne. Philip Spom. pre.ildent of Amerl* h ,,. can Gas and Electric company, aald Ihe ••«hnw.'.l|tn..nt 10M reaching a sererlly welt beyond that .. reached In Uie previous two posU World war II recessions.” rried Elsewhere on the economic fronl; ^'’1'*: 1. The house wlUj some reluc- I*’ tance shouted approval of another Ipdce year’s extension of corporate Income »nd general excise or sales Uxes al Uiclr present raUa. TJje sena^e Is •ye**' almo.li certain to go along. The Elsenhower adminUtraUon saya 11 '* cannot afford to have the Uxes reduced aa acheduled June 30, The three (c«iu.».4 m r u .x c.Ubh n Per- -X, ----------------- Judge Reported S To-Be-Imprdved l«!li GOODING. Jima ft-Fonrth.PH- atloi irict Judge Doran H. Sutphen wu }ron> reported In good condlUon his mlth, home Friday aft«r becoming 111 Mrs. Thursday while holding court In Hailey. at a Ills attending phyalclan reported Mby- the Judge had a very slight aUxike. lllam nnd incurred no paralysis. He will sonic have to rest for two to three weeks, the pliyslclan said.__________ 5 FuU Recreation Swimming Poo • A'full program oT summer recrea- Uon acUvlUes for Twin Falls young- u,, stera from Uie fln t grade through 7'1 high school was ouUlned Friday “J morning by Ernest Craner, city d«- partai'ent ol parkj and rtcreaUon ^ superlntendenL ' Tha program described by Craner includes swimming, tenala.,buet»IL eoir, Up, Uimbllng and twirling and ^ other organised sports. DeUlU w larehcry.wlll b# aMounced later, he **Ctwer sftld Uie swimming pool at Jaycee-park-wlll open-at-1-p.-ro. Bunday. l>urlnc the real of tbe sim - mer th« poor«lU be open from 1 to ----- 1 B:90 asd Irom 6:30 to 8 p. m. Death ffional Newspaper Servint --------------- Ur ^ "■wp'r_________________________________ ioactive ' d by Ship sting Area Soviet scientific expedition ship imic tc.stinp bnwe in the Pacific, d bv scienlifitA aboard the Soviet ti [activity May 2H. “On_May 29 it u by .several hundred time.'i." the I. — broadca.st said. "In view of n the threat to health the expo- T dition had to stop its observa- c tions under the international b geophysical year program and a r t leave Uie conUmlnaled none. Pre- ^ K lvenllve men.iures have been taken pn the Vllyar," « ExpcdlUon Chief V. Pelelln re- '' . ported Uial the radloactlvUy un* re- = ■m corded In Uie Pacific ocean "over n ict 1.800 miles west ot the Mnnhall I.'- ^1(1 lands where Uie US.A. has been “ lesllng atomic bombs." ^ ^ MOSCOW radio said the ship had * been conducting IGY observation* ay wesl of the Mariana islands and ity norlh of Uie Caroline Wand*. ' •nil Thtre wa* no Indication Immcdl- " r alely,lt any of Uie Sovlel crcv.- | member* suffered 111 effe^ from kd- Ihe radloacUve rain. One member ot the Japane.w fish- Ing boat "Lucky Dragon" died from r nui radlaUon when the boat sailed un- old wltUngly near the American Bllclnl . red tesUng grounds a few years ago and ' 1- they wers hit by radloacUve fallout. ' md II waa considered almost cerUln the Soviets would build up a major ^ propaganda case around the latest j ° .1 incident. They have announced Uie suspension of atomic tesi* and have called on Uie United SUtes and ^ BrlUln to end Uielr te*t.v . In Washington iclenllsl Ralph E. wa* Lapp estimated Uial the radiation ked doanne reported by a Sovlel ship In J Ihe the western Pacific wns Just about in.” the same as the maximum aafe dally Uie dow permitted W wnrken Sn U. S. and aUimlc energy planu. ngs, Lapp. warUme member of the UB. atomic bomb projrcl and author of ‘ Hen the recenUy publUlitd •'Die Voyage 1 I,is of the Lucky DraROii." saW that on -Ul Uie ba.ils ol radio Moscow reporti i , a Uie Sovlel^rew members have i (ew "nnQitn«-*rfw'orry about.” ' left -------------- --------- j iS Rocket Group i^t Directs Blasts I iC At Idaho Aide] IDAHO.PALLS. June 8 Ifl — A, spokesman says a rocket soclclyi here has finled on Uie launching pad because ll lacked a necessary boost from Uie Idaho aeronauucs^ ^ director. I L neglnald Iletve*. an attorney who, ' donated his services to Uie Idahoj t o FWU'Rockel society, charged today l a thal Director Chel Moulton of thej sUte aeronautics department "had, IWI failed miserably and broken every promise ever made to Uie group. S! Moulton was not ImmediaUly nos available for comment In BoUe. Moulton has drawn up regulatloM n . under which amateur rocketry U to, ion. be llmlWd to designated launching; all«, al de.ilKnaled times, under au-, ,ur. pervlsloQ. He I* negoUatlng for altes. and h u said he expects U> announce lion their aelecUon shortly, me- The aociety was formed a few lore monUis ago to give guidance lo Im- youUii conducUng launching experl- imle menu wlUi rockets. The group took shape after several Idaho youngsler* the were Inhired In explosions,________ icre neevea said Uie society now wiu rent <jija,snd and let adult members pro- ^OM eeed on their own. ,: h* The attorney added the claim that Moulton ha* nol visited Uie society “ j,. In Idaho FnlU after twice promising lo^o MO . _________ •ost- nl: M C Discloses 3 ther [daho Contracts TOAIIO PALLS, June 8 t^V-The ^ Is alomla energy commission an- The nounced yesterday the award of '* llirte conUiuU loUvllng $1^41.137 ^ for addlUonal coMtructlon at Uie ) nearby naUonal reactor Ustlng slaUon. James Stewart company. Phoenix. Arlr.. haa been awarded a $I.3B}.‘< . J 000 crmtracl to build a one-aU>ry eo, InboraUiry Md_Mrvlce building. T and 8 Consl^ctlOn~«TOpany; 't u contract- for conslrucUon of a 500- foot, earth fill dlrerslon dam and In channels lo handle spring flooding ' from Big Lost tlvw. rted A '$55,500 road resurfacing con- •oke. tract was awarded lo Gardner- wlll Slone company. Blackfoot. 'The cot\- *ks. UTicl call* for surfacing a number of roads and parking areas._______ 9n Program Set; ool Opens Sunday rea- Admission prices Uils year are ung- changed somewhat from last sum- 5uch mer, Craner notes. CtUldren 1 to 13 Iday years old will b# charged 15 cents, de- teen-agers from 13 through high lUon school win be charged 35 cenu. . • AdulU, including teen-agers aner ualed- from high school, will be ■balL charged 4Q cenu. and Season Ucket prices are. ^Udren, I on *5: students. »7J0, and adalts, tlO. r. Jie ‘Swimming classes begin at 9 a. m. Monday it-Kartnon-park and at Bl at Harry Barry.part Cranerjald open- ... ro. toss are aUU available for the classes um- for the June 0 to 30 session at Harry 1 to B*rry p w t Further InfonnaUim can, (CMtlaaiA •* rat* X. C d n a T) TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. F L.A.Indui 'ToTnn 1 On A tor ip WASHINGTON. June 6 (UPII ic. day nominated John A. McCont Pt lo the atomic cncrRv commissic undersecretary of the air force, he L. Straus.s, who is retirinjr Jun of not immediately fiay whether Me IC- President to bo chairman, or 1 a- commissionera would bo promot lal held by Strauss. McCone, 56, “ nd served as undersocr«tary of the air force in the Truman ' administration 1950-51. Be- fore ihnt ha was deputy to Defetwe re. Secretary James Forrcsial for seven y.. monUti In 1948. I, He now I* president and director ot the Joshua Hcndy corporation, ajid chairman ot the board of the ..A Pacific Far East lines, He Is a Republican. McCone waa a member of Presi- drnl Truman's air policy commls- ,dl alon In 1B17-4B, The President’* nomination ot McCone was sent to Uie.«nBleaboull;]5p. m. EDT. The White Howe said thal a new chairman would nol be named unUl Uie senate confirms McCone'* nom- inalion. There has been apeculaUon that •'"J tho President may promote commls- * aloner Harold 8. Vance to the AEC chalrman.ihip. , McCone Ll a member of Burning Trt« »here PreAldent Elsen- hower frrquenUy plays golf. Yesterday's White Hou.« an- nouncement **ld only thnt a new AEO member would be announced In a dny or so. iinn StrauM ottered no specific reasons for stepping aside. He ssld only that "clrcumslances beyond the control „i|„ of either ot us made a change In J the chairmanship of the comml*- slon advisable.” ijB It was believed Uie sa-year-old ] r of officlnr.i renomlnaUon would have J age met wlUi sUff senate opposiUon. . on A Republican congreuional source orti said the "real reason" for the de- lave cblon to retire was Itial Slrauss wanted to end Uie "feud" between himself nnd Sen. Clinton P. Ander- son. 0 , N. M.. vice chalnnnn of the I Joint atomic energy commllUe. ^ s , Congratulated ; , I ■ Gon Robert E. Smylle aent a I a I letter of congratulation to XCrt. $ LtVern Strong, temporary chair— J man'of Uie local ClUicn’a Safely t ,-,yl council, for sparking Uie organi- ,lni| saUonal meetlns May IB and 3 sUrtlng the aafety program for ( ui -Uilif.area. 1 *n\e governor pledged tiie sup- 1 ' port ot Uie department of law en- forcemcnt and the *Ute police to I 5.^1 any! program of safety aelected 1 th;l f'® council. Mrs. Strong an- 1 nounced Friday Uie next meeUng I ef Uio council would be held on June 23. ' '' Mrs. Strong nya the council’s ' leiy effecUvenes* has been evidenced 1 5l»e- since the club was formed. She ions uyg several person* conUcled 1 * her urging safety measure* and ling; Mfety ImprovemenU in various 1 ■U'l sections of the city. - lie*. I 1 ince t.. State Will Not 1 S Take Federal j OT r-Jobl<^8—Help j BOISE. June e «v-ld*ho will pas* 1 up for Uie Ume being any acUon 1 to Uk# advanUge o f federal legls- ‘1 ^ lallon to extend unemployment 1 ^ benefits. Oov. Robert E. i^ U a aald • Smylia rioted that under Idaho law, a new benefit year sUrU Uie tin t Sunday In July, which la July ,f 5 8. 'This will maka persona who have .IS exhausted their benetiu eligible for another 38 weeks It they are *UU unemployed, Require* L(«bUUon 1 I Smylie aald It would t*ke aUle legislation to extend Idaho’# regular Uie jB-week benefit period, ting The federal law lUeir does not become eflecUve unUl June 33. The ■nix. 38-week period sUrtlng July 0 will IBS.- run unUl after Uie legislature starts lory lU regular session In January. “In the meantime," aald Smylle, ”*cj»’UlkecprtiCX/wilnlng,Uie auB8_- Uon and Uke whatever acUon be~ Any acUon before next January 11ns would require a special aeasloa of . * tha legislature. ;on- rund* Nol Needed ^er- As of the present time, said :oti- Smylle: "We would nol need In any iber event to borrow mooey to Implement ___ fully tha new proffram.” The balance In th* employment aecurtlr fund, he aald, aunds at $33,4MM7. “The agency Indicates that ell- gible cUImanU not now employed t y number between 1,300 and 3,000 statewide,” the governor added, um! Lead Ns Heavier 0 13 He aald the benefit load In Idaho ents. Is exacUy what It wu k year ago high and •’measureably better" than the enu. naUonal average. rad- -Looking at Uie federal aUtute be and our own. ll seems wa can do more for the people ot Idaho by Iren, ailnff " 'the exlsunc machinery," 110. Bmylle’aald. 1. m. The fedutJ legislation, algned by 1 at Prealdent Elsenhower Wednesday, pen* makes-nsarly-TW-mrnion -dollars uses available to Uie. itA ltt..Ihe aUtes arry eould get Uie money-ln Uie form caa of federal advances—by am elps to ) ' utend their beoefU pcriodi bjr haU. 3, FRIDAY, JUNK 6, igsiB Listrialist X Vacancy >mic U nit UPD— Prc.-^ident Kisenhowor ft>- ^onc, Los AiiRclr.s indu.'Atrialist, ission vacancy. Mt-Cono. former :ce, wns named lo ,«uccL-cd Lewis W June .lO.JI'ho White House diil situii r McCone would be named by tbi; mini or whether one of the present empl motcd to the chairman.ship now 4.90' ' S ix A il e- ___________ ______________ m i !i I ' ' ' IC ng ut This I* th* iwUted and ebam d reouUi rot ferca base. Calif. RIz el the eight crew t In Jy alter Ukeeff. Tba craft was en IU ,w Ij. 00ft ponnd* ct general earga. (AP wtrept “ LeightonWill ' S! Resign Guard _ US.1 _ ^ UJ er" Post to, Move ^Vh -BOISE. Juna 8 tfl—A veternn Idaho nnUonal guard officer sn- q, nounced today he Is resigning be- cause nf a btitloats transfer whi;h . will Uke hlm ^t.df the aUte. a OoL jamea^.O. Leighton. Boise *. postal worker andJoimer T».-ln FalU jxsldent. said his rcslgnnUon will y be effecllve July I. part |. Lelgttton came here from Twin cjjn ,d Fall* four years ago end has been help >r district operaUon* manager for the Qyn po*tofflce department In southern dowi >. Idaho and eastern Oregon. ------ i. He Is being transferred to Pori- _ ^ land, Ore., as staUon equipment of- ' I :d fleer for the N0rthwe.1t region, cov- .1 1- crtng Oregon, Washington. Id^ho, " Ig MonUna and Alaska, in • Leighton has been a member of the Idaho naUonal guard since 1030. I’s wlUi the excepUon ot time he served •d In regular army scrvlce dtirlng c I# World war Tt. He currently is com- , ^ !d mander of the II8U1 armored cavalry ony id which has lu headquarters In Twin Moi js *Fall* and-ts- engaged In aummer und maneuvers wlUi Uie Idaho naUonai -i-, __ ,1guard at Gowen field, near here. „ , Regimental officers arranged a f,®' farewell party for Leighton for to- the night at the Hotel Boise. mai AfaJ. Oen. John B. Walsh. Idriio ----- I adjutant general and commander ^ of Uis naUonal guard, aald no ac- tlon toward naming a succes.ior to Leighton would be taken- before | X clally. Leighton said he. expected * «ss tc submit ll at the conclusion of Jon t^e training period next week.. Ils- Leighton enlisted lA the national ent guard at Uie age of 16 aa a member ^ lald * u r.t. >. c*Ubh t> uni S; Baseball Today tuly NATIONAL LEAGUE com ave Piltsbureh __________ 100 000- 1 trol for Chicago ....... ........ .. .....- 110 300- 5 « lUU Law. Porterfield <4) an4. Folles; .[.w Droll and Taylor. he„ PhlladelphU at BL Louis, Mlla-au- , , kee at Los Angeles. ClncinnaU at San Frandsco.'nlghl games. AMERICAN LEAGUE not Chicago at Boston, Cleveland at nie New York. Detroit at Washington. ^ ti will Kansas Clly at Baltimore, night ^ e.me*. __________________ rile, PROJECT APPROVED '“ 1 JWMHINOTON. June 8 Lfl—The be- hou*e armed services commiTOB-tD- -A i dartenUtlvely-approved-SS-alr-loreo £nc iry prejecu to cost $361.566,000.___________ JWethodist Grou s Week Aiding ,ent RUPERT. June «-Twenly mem- Hod a t ber* of the Moscow MelhodLit Youth W Fellowship wUl return home SaUir- gtoa day after spending a week helping to B at Uie Idaho Ranch for YouUi, fron norUi of Rupert the Reason for the group's Interest In ei the ranch project I* Uuit Mr. and hj, Mrs. David Hulett, first house psi^ mal, aho ent* at Uie ranch, had been MYP ago counselors al Moscow before com- rj , the Ing to Rupert , . Uie . The group planned to cocne last _ lute summer but could not make ar- . do ranfcmenU. Hulett Had « faUl heart by alUck Uils spring which aumgthen- XV.- ed Uielr delermlnaUon to come and help wlUi Uie work which meant so ^ 1 b» much to their leader*. day. The group traveled from Moscow lars In a bus. opcmtcd by Vernon Burle- atAs son. extenslan fottsUr at the Uni- Tl oiTO venUiy of Idaho, who' Is 'alM Ul# and ( to MYF counselor. ITiey s.’cre accom- of I panled by one aoUier, U n..C. W. 'A. Nine Conntie* -------------- ll".Wf tt A»4ll UTST^ In E m i May,. WASHlNCiTON. June 6 (/P>— Th situiition in May. There was a sui number of idle workers. A joint re employment at G-1,OG1,000, up 1,15 ■1,904.000— lowc.st idlo figure Pince Airmen Die in Gras renaltts of an air fort* C1Z$ Globesiaster crew members were kilted when the blf fei I lU .way tor lU h eaa base at Tacbikawa wtrepheto) NEWS BUI UNITED NATIONS. N; Y.. June 8 (UF . tervenUon In lU rebellion by Uie Unite / boUi in scope and Intensity" and askc ^ council lo Uke ateps w fnd It DETBOIT. Jane 6 lfl-Cbry«ler corpor ' operaUena a t lU PlymoaU) body and Mae ^ Uie flrat aoeh action by any ot the ear n labor cenUacta. Tho eoiapany said MOO « m members of tba Votted Ante Werke WASHINOTON. Juno 8 Ifl-flecretiary psrtmenfnever took a poslUon for or ag " elgn ftid bill as tho mean* to give Prealt n help for sat«lllU naUon*. Under queaUot e Dulles aald th* department favon Uie n down. ________ ;Jerome Drivi I Term on Ti FrW Dave Meyer, Jerome, wai V days jail sentenco by Jerome Pol n MontlUy after he pleadisd gudty t ” under tho influence of intoxicati ^ also revoked lor one year. The ?or , Policeman Daylo Dean. Meyer alst - the sceno of an wddent Thursday mado by a citlicn after Meyer 1 -------------------- ^ --------- r r - r : : -----------puI “Senators Kill j ; Plans. for-Aid-* ' Fund Powers S WASHINGTON. June 8 tft-The B senate. afUsr atormy debate, rejected we - 43-O-ThurBday-nIghV a ptopo*al to Bia give President Elsenhower authority mil 10 UM foreign aid "funds to help by 1 communut naUons loo*en Uielr con- v 1 trol by MOSCOW. - Ing ® The roll call vote followed a floor of 1 fight In which two Republican mem- or 1 bers of Uie senaU foreign relaUons hlg. • committee openly challenged Uie He leadership ot Ben, William F. Know- Ric land. Calif, Uie minority leader, and p styles Bridges, N. R.. chairman of Uu , the senaU GOP policy ecmmlttee. Btu , These two led Uie fight to deny viol It Elsenhower new power- to provide roa financial and economic assUtance to cha naUona llko YugosUvU. Mand, j Eaat Oermany, RumanU and other nni communUt naUons. (or I- - AcUon camron-an-ameodmant-by son « gnnwUnrt In strlka Ih* authority paL <cwni.».a 1 rt*. X. i> oup From Mosc( tig at Idaho Ran( Hodglns, In a private car. Ida: h When the bua got to Jerome, en- the - gtne trouble'' developed and It had cou g U b« left for repairs while two cars tjL^ 1, from the ranch, were aent back for 8m! the stranded youth*. . con n Each of Uie MYF memben paid ^ d his own expense and they are now ®« makin* plans to raise money to pay ^ for repairs ot tho bus. reporU the T ' Rev. Janes R. Crowe. In charge of telli , the r«neh.. . ' I The youths spent each morning J during the week al physical labor. , weeding a 58-acr« field of'manchar ‘ ® rt amooUi brome graa*. being rtlsed'for ran “ seed. ThU seed U-an ImporUnt In- V gredlent In a puUire mU being de- at I „ veloped by the Unlverslly ot Idaho, day Uie Rev. Mr. Crowe aald. Mei i- The e rw Is good tor forage oop‘ i« tnd TlU be plowed under at Uie end T 1- ot five yem . her r, AU c :^ and ctop tolttloa it the to . ] ties . A»4ll B w ji ^ eports I plQymeii Jobless -The Rovernmcnt reported todny t fiubstantiul rise among those empl It reiKirl by the commercc and lubi 1,151.000 from April. Unemploymei ince January. The job gain was al ---------------------------- ----------; ------pans rash S Btrui ----------- J-----------------------------------j , resen I lay c K V ' er en (V , Til mud 1 foree force ^ki Intlu June Ptoyr for adjul propi dropi of sUrt aster whieh eraahed at Travis air Un If fflttr-enzlM pUae crashed sherl- mrec awa air fort* base, Japan. wlU« tO.- |n al JLLETINS 'R' i I (UPI)-Lebanoa said today the In- Ifnlted Arnb Republic "U Increasing asked the United'mUons-securlty Ml .rporaUon today shet down aaaemWy T" assembly plaaU In DeUolt Thla waa » «r aakm during optraUens MOO employe* ware aent Workers nnlon walked off Uw Jofc. ;t*i7 DUUM »«Jd today U ir aU U d&- or agmlnst an amendment to thb for- w >resldent Elsenhower Biore leeway tn »Uonlng by Sen. John H. Bpartoani Uie Idea, which Uie aenate turned fund . meei ver Given | ripsy CountI was fined ?I00 and Riven 10 Police. Judge Roberta Kchrcr ty to chartfes of driving while (tmb icating liquor. His license wns nami 5complaint wns fllgned-by City < also was fined $16 for leaving iday night This complaint was ^1' rcr backed Into an auto while ■■■* pulling from a curb on W est t Alain street. X Robert D. Ttacy. Rupert ww fined. 1150 plus coils oa » charge ‘ I uf th'lvlni whlle-tmder the Influence of InloxlcaUng liquor by Rupert » jusUce of l^ie Peace WUllam B, Stuart ThursHay. miss Buhl Police Judge Bernard 8tarr and Wednesday fined jlmmle J. Mudd. ache Buhl. tlO plus costs fot.tnivelini 35 eue: miles In a 25 mU8 sone. Ho waa cited m by City Policeman Wealey Annls. tnct Vlneent T. Phltllpe. Boise, appear- T Ing Wednesday before Buhl JusUce app« of the Peace O. E. Rudy co chanea Mar of passlns on a double line on the bias highway, was fined »10 plua. cosU. Ju ^ Me woa cited by SUte Patrolman It Richard Bums. Jorg Rupert JusUce of the Peace Wll- “ ** Uara E. Btuart fined Leo C. Kellogg. Burley. tlO Plus cosU on a atop slgo ^ , vlolaUon. Dala B. Hepworth. Je-™ ‘ rome, was fined $1S on a similar charge.. ^ Jack W. Vandever, Burley, was Qaki fined 110 plus COSU by JusUce Btuart ; for traveling 70 miles In a.60-mlle are mne,-Peiiy-Ii.-MuelcmMiJl^>pe^ ipr^ paid U plus eosU for fatiare to ___ y l^ 'lh o ligHt of way. ^ icow Spends t . nch for Youth » Idaho Ranch for Youth are under ,»< the fupervlslon of an agrlcultnral vt couhcU composed of Ulnldoka'Coun- vJ t»-A8enU.W..a. Prlest.and .Vance . «» emlUi; OCOTKO Welii, dlsW it aoU pr« conservaUonlst: Doa DoucUs. grass 1 specialist at the Aberdeen expert. Int ment aUUoa and BurlUon, e x te - I slon forester at tbs university. ' e]- The MYP group Inveled to Poca- ' } Ullo Thunday where Uiey. held a picnic while, th# Ret. Mr.-Crflwe ^ spoke at a meeUng of tbe Ftatcmal ' Order of Kagle*. He was preaented •« a check of |S50 to be used for the > nnth. Wednesday Uie-youUu wet« tmeaU at the Burley swlmmlni pool. Tues- day nlsht Uiey went to the Rupert ^ MeUwdlst church lor an evening ,- ot.JeertaUon... : __ z:___________ .Jz t PannU ot the-wuUM win arrive ui here Saturday night to retom them J to Moaco* la prlrata can. • • i— - .................... ....... FINAL ,;| EDITION . iii -------------PRICK S-GENTS^II Hike i! art for ' s Drop I lay an Improved employment j employed nnd a decline in tho I labor departments put May_ | ym ent declined by 216,000 to as attributed to seasonal ex- II pansion in agrlculturs and service employment plus a i|| bigger than usual gain in con- II Btruction. Tho report said a n sharp pickup In ouUoor work rep- resented In part recovery from de- ; Jay caused by especially bad weaU>- ; er enrller In the year. The emploj-menl rise In May waa , ■ much greater thnn the drop In |||l unemployment primarily because mo*t of Uiose Joining Uie farm labor 111 force were housewives and studenU ; who had been ouUlde Uie labor . foree In April. H The report said sliabla reducUoM J Jobless workers were partially otlset by an Increasing number of aUidenU r seeking aummer Job*.'ItU student , Influx inlo the labor force U expect- -i ed U) push Uie unemployment total .|j well over Ui* five mlUIon mark In \W June or July.. . The May drop ot 316.000 In unem- ployment wns aj)lt belter Uian usual for Uils Ume of year. Th* aeasonally ' adjusted n U ot unemployment aJ a prvporilon of the labor force dropped to 7J per cent from lU high of 7 i per cent in April. This w u the first reducUon since the rat* a u r t^ climbing, lu t summer. Unemployment among workers ta* sured for'Jobless paymenu decline^' In all bul four sUtes In May. drop- 1 ping by 3JOflOO to 3 million. . j* Regents Flan ,, New Binlding | At University;. I MOSCOW, Juna 6 UTKTbe board ''1 of regents, keeping pace Ip the age ,<! ofsalellllcs. yesterday drafted w e- '] llmlnary plans for a new physical , ^ fclence .laboratory and elaisropa J feuildiof at the Unlrerdtr ot Idaha j .Tlje.propoMd Uue^^ltory^buJld. || , Ing for chemUtiy and.phyale* wUl; 1 . coet about a mlDlos xtotlan, Includ- 7 tag equipment- ,i Pnaldent, D, R. nieophUua *al4 ' funds for Ute building, seeded to II meet Uie Inerewed aelenee load,a t (r Uie «c3iool. would be requested a t^ . .) next aeasloQ ot the state legislature. ycsUnUy"! acUon by. Uie .regeaU; cleared' Use way for Uie unlversitr to apply to Uie U.S. housing andiiousa' flnanee agtocy for a fraot of $11.- , 250 to pay Ul* coat ot preparlnc propoeed boUdlng would b« . put up between Uie library and ’ [ agrlculUtral science buildings. ' . In oUier building acUeo. the re>> genU approved cooUnulng of the name Campus club for the new eo- | (CMUasM m ric* S. Cilna , . T.F. Judge to Hold Hearing Of Policemen IDAHO PAU£, June « postponed preliminary hearing ol. Are of seven police officers dU^ . missed nt»m Uie Idaho PaOa force : and charged wlUi burglary hai been . acheduled for June U before Judge I Hugh' A. Baker of Tarln Palli._Tb^_; I arraignment wfll"be'In~nlath dll-. , trlct courtM Idaho Palls. ' . "nie five formerly were to have i appeared before Judge Henry & I Martin, but Uiey filed affldavlte ot. . j ] bias and prejudice against tb* 1 I five are tonner U eut Warvla | Jorgensen, and p a tro lm en Joe jt . Moser. Don Jenk&s..Beiio Barblsan i and WUllam Decker. ^ , j . I : • A *l*Ui,URoy Fowler, haa plea^. . I ed guilty and ls_^lng ».term to , tha sUte prison, lh a seventh. John - Crook, haa not yet-been arraljnetL. Also acheduled to appear W ore.., * Baker are two men accused of help- Ing Fowler loot a model h o m e .jn w > are Don Wardle and Rotert Wind- > - - HIGHUCiHTS in Today*! Times-N.wi ^ Page 1-^'ploym ent show* ta- crease for trhlted SUtei In May: . Russians complain-ahlprantato. radloacUve rain near VB.',tert : 1 i)te: Man Jailed here ta haldnp .. . try: Touth gjoup'helpe out a f ' , I Ranch-for TcmUi ; BeaeaUoa '.program lUl^'rorTW ln-PW ir-' I Page 4-Xdltortali "Bieoiirag- . Ing start" H Page 8-Kansas ayes IO-l»lb- .,>4] ej-per-acre wheat crop. , - >. jj . / Page 7-Unlvai*lty of Idaho ■.•Il , itudenti get . print* ^pUotc* )!- ..■ell I ’cense*. '' pJi [ Page g-Muilo'gnwp say* mn-, I ilc suttfy vital ta schools. ' - ' -Pag* l»-Aktas ploked TOrtU to beat Mirttaet terwelgbt -i**** ’ v- ^ Page 11 - UlMDla H : Cowboys «-«. , , f-J/ . ^ Pag* i»-BduUtor aeetli* aaa lun.Utegtated acho^KpfttbbUs ' -lemerw i nuim m /ilSl.pgW '.^ •' i'
Page 1: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'


ixUSo. W51---------yjg s ;a..

piissiansRainEiKW est oi

LONDON, J u n e 6 ' < U P I ) - N - i i n l o " rn d io n c tiv c r n n *,8U Sf. brohdcMt here Raid the rn

Man Fails i A tte m p t,.

' A 27*yeifr-fl'^ D e n v e r m a n , V . local m o te l, w a iv ed p reh in in Fallfl juR tice c o u r t a n d ord court. C larence E lw ood K en t . . In the c oun ty j a i l b y J u s t ic e t on fnilurc to p o s t $2 ,500 bond. ]

$ 6 , 9 6 1 A w a r d 1 •Is Entered in

Damages SuitA judnnent tor ‘ta .se i js . *lsntd

t,, DUUIct Judge Hugh A. Buker. Ju rteordcd Thiiridtvy afwrnoon «lUi Un T*'ln “ “ ''iJ, !»nr of WllUim O. Allen »nd iix two younj m m. 0»ry Alien *nd Giylonl AUtD '«»lnst Vemoa Kln-

Tlie Judiment wm the reaull of & tnlfie »eeldenl Im I November nbout four mllti MuUi »nd two mllw ewt ofBuW. •

■nil one »M heard before • Jury WtdRuday and U>e Judgment verdict v u rtuiraed Wednesday night.

In hU eomplilnt for himself and hliaota, Allen charged Klnnenr with nmnlot • Tleld rlsh l of way alfin

MUilns a colllalon wich a IMS Dod*» tnidt drliren by Allen. TOe two bora vete pauensenf In tne truck »liiv tlulr father. Tha imck v u loidcd «Ub fumllure.

AUm had Mujht a Judgment of »7iJl4i. HI bad Biked for $1,000 far ptneofl b lurles; $(50 for ioit i f w A T5sooJ9 * |cr daraiiBB to taBOtthold stMda; t3AOO for Injurlea to'iaa Qary; $3,MO for Injurlu u r a Gaylord, and I400£S for medical gd hosplul bills connected with tttment of two aon*.■nw 13-member Jury reduced the

laoust loughlfor Qaylord'a Injuries from $3,600 to tl .» 0 . OtherwUe. Alien »cd tha aons received erery- Iblci they couRht.

Mtniber* of Uie Jury wera Mrrtle Andenon, Theodore Knicht, C. O. EmlUuon; Mn. Clfira Boyd. A. K Korton. Mr*. Cb# Weech. Row O. Ward.niU E. Woodruff, K. W. Web- ber. MyrUa I. Grlsss, Mra. Mabel Botyard and Etrl Fullmer.

Tha Alleni were represented by naybom and Raybaro. Twin Palls aiiomtr*. and K lnntar wn* rtpre- aenled by Merrill and Merrill, Foca- ttUo, and WUllam J . Langley, Tain FalU.

Assessor for 14 Years for

^-Jerome Dies, JDIOME June J-C larenca P. EmlUi. 78, former Jerome county aiieisor, died Thurjiday a l St. Bfne- dlci'i huplial. lie u m nur.isor here

-for-»-Ttam,-btlng-tlnrt~ tttc tf8-tn IMO. and reUrlng a t the end of lOM.

Ite VH bore Sept. Ji, 1879, a l Nor. ham. Ontario, Canada, and married E n Cheley. Ocl. 4, looi, a l Granite- TlUe. Mr. Smllh was a member of Uie PreJbyttrl«n cljurcji, Eden lodce Ho.7t. AF and AM. Boise conslatory. AP and AM, Jerome Kaslern Star

No. M, and was a 50-year armbtf of ih( Odd Fellows lodRe,

Ht also for SO years on the Idihs board of pharmacy.

6w ltor» include hla widow, three wni. Robert o. BmlUi. SealUe; Pcr- o « l A 6mlUi. m-iom . Calif., and w erlck Smllh, Snn Francisco; Iwo uuthUrj, Mr>. George RoRera.

^?X -'"rn .-O rt« jna_M r»._A l«hle “uuiolomew. Jerome; nine Rrand- filldffn; riKht great-Branrtchltdren:

OnJlllHi, Lloyd Smllli, Ullo-' Canada; Clayton SmlUi, Toron*

K Canaria, and Morley Bmllh, '^uka-orth. Ont., and a sister, Mrs

Allen. WarlcworUi.«nfral atrrlcea will }x held a t a

Ptt. Monday at the Jerome Trfciby- “ run church wllh Uie Rev, William «nlue olfickUnR. Eden Masonic

- *111 coniliitt graveside services « Uit Jtrome cemetery. Friend*

. W ; call nl ihj wuey funeral ehap- 'I tr>m 1 to 9 pjn. Sunday and unUI

- Jw t 0! SCTTirr.1 Monday, Thn lamltyeonirlbutiona lo Ui# Pres- memorial fund.

Showersaw»er» ire predicted for U«

^ | e -Valley In the five day ^U ier fortcast rec flm l here,

vix itie Aasodated Preis.'t look! like a rainy aummer.”

the AP reporter as h« fqrtca.ll:

•'■ ""Sing abotfc and acftliered afternoon

■ thurdenhow era are-wih^i '■ next five daya

_ T j^U ^.jtm pcratorea-betw cm -


o a rd - ■ -BpulMB •> W ^iFiT'K£ 4 lor lb* ^

1857- U S • -------11968 _ . l o - - r - %

_______M ^------— ..Bi I I A R e p o n

I ortkUl Cllr IX________________' C~tiiW W»w.p.p

5 Say Radii ncouritered of U.S. TesiI— Moscow radio sa id today a So_v; 1 800 miles west o f a U. S. atomic

IC radioactiv ity wnn reRifitcred liy flhin f i r s t encountered the ra<iioact: ich exceeded the norm al dose hy ;

in Holdup I Jailed Here;

m ,V ho failed in an a tte m p t'to rollliroinary h'carinR F riday in Twin , ? ordered to stand trin i in d istrict 1 ■nt, 27. Denver, was ordered held \ ice of the Peace J. 0 . Pumphrey ' md. K ent, who has a wife and two i irrcsted a t 10:33 p .m . Thursday , : Valley Memorial hospital by city i — police. He attem pted to rob

A lbert W aJr,.proprictor o f the , Brandlnfr Iron Motel, 4C0 Ad* 1 dison avenue we.st.

n c ity police arre.itcd Kent In Im*' thah an hour aller he walked Into '

the motel office, produced an old I l f J 8 caliber revolver and ordered

Wai* to "open.her up." Mrs. Walt ' T,,d was In the room n l Uie lime and iker. aUirted to leave, loon Walr aafd he aa'iwcred the de- | ourl mpnd. "I won’t do ll. you donl ; and hava the nerve.r |and Kenl then left IhBUfllce mutter- li'n* Ine. “Vou'll be »orr>'.“

Wai* lold police laUr the man v m ; of a young and was wcarlnc a checked bout sport J.i£kel. Wals iold police the east man wm carr^'lng "an old rusty gun."

Mr. and Mr*. W all walched Uie Jury man walk acrau Carney atreel and rdlct disappear behind aome. buildings,

then called police, and The man apparently had hidden

wllh hLi lUltcaM when he made his sljn attempt, a l robbing the motel. J918 DetecUva Claude Wiley began a The search along Addlnon avenue. A few the mlnutca after ihe 'offleer had left

mck word a t the Town and CounUy rirlveln across from the hospital.

It of Kenl walked up and asked for a 1000 drink of water. Alter he left t je iou drlveln heading .vest, h . attendant

5 10 called poUee. T « w ^ ^ c |f 'c a r i were urles called and apprthtoded tha man. a Ui Kent waa taken to the Branding dlcal ' (CntJaiirf M r a t . >. C U m 4> with ---------------------------

Top Business S' Leaders Plug ri' For Tax Cuts* a. WASHINOTOW. June 8 WU-Sev^ Veb- eral nf U)e nallon'a lop buslne.u label executives agreed yeaierday tha t the

currenl recesaion is tho worst of Uie 1 by pMl-World war II economic slumps, Falls Fourteen of these Industrial and ;pre- financial leaders responding U) a ■oca- senate finance committee quesUon- rwln nalre. gave more aupporl to a ta»

cu t aa an anU-recesslon measure Uian U> publlo works.

But most of them urged caution In applying any govemment reme* dies, citing a conUnued rUk of more InflaUon and conUnding It Im- poislble lo smooth out all economic ups-and-downs,

_______j . .M , 6yme* g w ld e n t of thep c Pennsylvania railroad, wrote, "lucre

la no doubt now .th a t t^e current , n recession Is more acrlous than those“ ; • of m a -M and 1853-54.-.................Lfne. Philip Spom. pre.ildent of Amerl* h , , . can Gas and Electric company, aald

Ihe ••«hnw.'.l|tn ..n t 10M reaching a sererlly welt beyond that .. reached In Uie previous two posU

World war II recessions.” rried Elsewhere on the economic fronl; '’1'*: 1. The house wlUj some reluc-

I*’ tance shouted approval of another Ipdce year’s extension of corporate Income

»nd general excise or sales Uxes a l Uiclr present raUa. TJje sena^e Is

•ye**' almo.li certain to go along. The Elsenhower adminUtraUon saya 11

'* cannot afford to have the Uxes reduced aa acheduled June 30, The

three (c«iu.».4 m r u . x c.Ubh n Per- - X , ------— -----------

J u d g e R e p o r t e d

S — T o - B e - I m p r d v e dl« ! l i GOODING. Jima f t-F o n r th .P H- a tlo i irict Judge Doran H. Sutphen w u }ron> reported In good condlUon his mlth, home Friday aft«r becoming 111 Mrs. Thursday while holding court In

Hailey.a t a Ills attending phyalclan reported

Mby- the Judge had a very slight aUxike. lllam nnd incurred no paralysis. He will sonic have to rest for two to three weeks,

the pliyslclan said.__________ •

5 FuU Recreation Swimming Poo

• A'full program oT summer recrea­Uon acUvlUes for Twin Falls young-

u ,, stera from Uie f l n t grade through 7'1 high school was ouUlned Friday “ J morning by Ernest Craner, city d«-

partai'ent ol parkj and rtcreaUon ^ superlntendenL ' Tha program described by Craner

includes swimming, tenala.,buet»IL eoir, Up, Uimbllng and twirling and

^ other organised sports. DeUlU w larehcry.wlll b# aMounced later, he

**Ctwer sftld Uie swimming pool a tJaycee-park-wlll open-a t-1-p .-ro .Bunday. l>urlnc the real of tbe s im ­m er th« poor«lU be open from 1 to

----- 1 B:90 asd Irom 6:30 to 8 p . m.

D eath

ffional N e w sp a p e r S e r v i n t ---------------

Ur ^"■wp'r_________________________________

ioactive ' d by Ship s ting A reaSoviet scientific expedition ship imic tc.stinp bnwe in th e Pacific, d bv scienlifitA aboard th e Soviet ti

[activ ity May 2H. “On_May 29 it u by .several hundred time.'i." th e I. — broadca.st said. " In view of n

the th re a t to health the expo- T dition h ad to stop i ts observa- c tions under th e international b geophysical y e a r program and a

r t leave Uie conUmlnaled none. Pre- K lven llve men.iures have been taken

pn the Vllyar," «ExpcdlUon Chief V. Pelelln re- ''

. ported Uial the radloactlvUy un* re- = ■m corded In Uie Pacific ocean "over n ict 1.800 miles west ot the M nnhall I.'- 1(1 lands where Uie US.A. has been “

lesllng atomic bombs." ^^ MOSCOW radio said the ship had *

been conducting IGY observation* ay wesl of the Mariana islands and ity norlh of Uie Caroline Wand*. '•nil Th tre wa* no Indication Immcdl- " r a le ly ,l t any of Uie Sovlel crcv.- |

member* suffered 111 e f f e ^ from kd- Ihe radloacUve rain.

One member ot the Japane.w fish- Ing boat "Lucky Dragon" died from r

nui radlaUon when the boat sailed un- old wltUngly near the American Bllclnl . red tesUng grounds a few years ago and ' 1- they wers h it by radloacUve fallout. ' md I I waa considered almost cerUln

the Soviets would build up a major propaganda case around the latest j

° .1 incident. They have announced Uie suspension of atomic tesi* and have called on Uie United SUtes and BrlUln to end Uielr te*t.v .

In Washington iclenllsl Ralph E. wa* Lapp estimated Uial the radiation ked doanne reported by a Sovlel ship In J Ihe the western Pacific wns Just about in.” the same as the maximum aafe dally Uie dow permitted W wnrken Sn U. S. and aUimlc energy planu. ngs, Lapp. warUme member of the UB.

atomic bomb projrcl and author of ‘ Hen the recenUy publUlitd •'Die Voyage 1 I,is of the Lucky DraROii." saW th a t on

-Ul Uie ba.ils ol radio Moscow reporti i , a Uie S o v le l^ rew members have i (ew "nnQitn«-*rfw'orry about.” ' left --------------— --------- j

iS Rocket Group i ^ t Directs Blasts I iC At Idaho Aide]

IDAHO.PALLS. June 8 Ifl — A, spokesman says a rocket soclclyi here has finled on Uie launching pad because ll lacked a necessary boost from Uie Idaho aeronauucs^

^ director. IL neglnald Iletve*. an attorney who, ' donated his services to Uie Idahoj t o FWU'Rockel society, charged today l a th a l Director Chel Moulton of thej

sU te aeronautics department "had, IWI failed miserably and broken every

promise ever made to Uie group.S ! Moulton was not ImmediaUly

nos available for comment In BoUe.Moulton has drawn up regulatloM

n . under which amateur rocketry U to, ion. be llmlWd to designated launching;

a ll« , a l de.ilKnaled times, under au-, ,u r . pervlsloQ. He I* negoUatlng for altes.

and h u said he expects U> announce lion their aelecUon shortly, me- The aociety was formed a few lore monUis ago to give guidance lo Im- youUii conducUng launching experl- imle m enu wlUi rockets. The group took

shape after several Idaho youngsler*the were Inhired In explosions,________

icre neevea said Uie society now wiu rent <jija,snd and let adult members pro- ^OM eeed on their own., :h * The attorney added the claim th a t

Moulton ha* nol visited Uie society “ j,. In Idaho FnlU after twice promising

lo ^ o MO._________•ost-

nl: M C Discloses 3 ther [daho Contracts

TOAIIO PALLS, June 8 t^V-The ^ Is alomla energy commission an- The nounced yesterday the award of '* llirte conUiuU loUvllng $1^41.137 ^ for addlUonal coMtructlon a t Uie ) nearby naUonal reactor Ustlng

slaUon.James Stewart company. Phoenix.

Arlr.. haa been awarded a $I.3B}.‘<. J 000 crmtracl to build a one-aU>ry eo, InboraUiry Md_Mrvlce building.

T and 8 Consl^ctlOn~«TOpany;

' t u contract- for conslrucUon of a 500- foot, earth fill dlrerslon dam and

In channels lo handle spring flooding ' from Big Lost tlvw. rted A '$55,500 road resurfacing con- •oke. trac t was awarded lo Gardner- wlll Slone company. Blackfoot. 'The cot\- *ks. UTicl call* for surfacing a number

of roads and parking areas._______

9n Program Set; ool Opens Sundayrea- Admission prices Uils year are ung- changed somewhat from last sum - 5uch mer, Craner notes. CtUldren 1 to 13 Iday years old will b# charged 15 cents,

de- teen-agers from 13 through high lUon school win be charged 35 cenu.

. • AdulU, including teen-agers aner ualed- from high school, will be ■balL charged 4Q cenu. and Season Ucket prices are. ^U dren ,

I on *5: students. »7J0, and adalts, tlO. r. Jie ‘Swimming classes begin a t 9 a. m.

Monday it-K artn o n -p ark and a t Bl a t Harry B a rry .p a rt C ranerjald open- ... ro. to ss are aUU available for the classes um - for the June 0 to 30 session a t H arry 1 to B*rry p w t Further InfonnaUim can,

(CMtlaaiA •* rat* X. C d n a T)


L . A . I n d u i

' T o T n n1 O n A t o rip W ASHINGTON. June 6 (UPII ic. day nominated John A. McCont Pt lo th e atomic cncrRv commissic

undersecretary of the a i r force, he L. Straus.s, who is re tirin jr Jun of not im m ediately fiay w h eth er Me IC- P residen t to bo chairm an, o r 1 a- commissionera would bo prom ot lal held by S trauss. McCone, 56, “ nd served as undersocr«tary of

the a ir force in the T rum an ' adm inistra tion 1950-51. Be- fore ihnt ha was deputy to Defetwe

re. Secretary James Forrcsial for seven y . . monUti In 1948.I, He now I* president and director

ot the Joshua Hcndy corporation, ajid chairman ot the board of the

..A Pacific Far East lines,He Is a Republican.McCone waa a member of Presi-

d rn l Truman's air policy commls- ,dl alon In 1B17-4B, The President’*

nomination ot McCone was sent to U ie .« n B le ab o u ll;]5 p . m. EDT.

The White Howe said th a l a new chairman would nol be named unUl Uie senate confirms McCone'* nom- • inalion.

There has been apeculaUon th a t •'"J tho President may promote commls- * aloner Harold 8. Vance to the AEC

chalrman.ihip., McCone Ll a member of Burning

Trt« »here PreAldent Elsen- hower frrquenUy plays golf.

Yesterday's White Hou.« an- nouncement **ld only thn t a new AEO member would be announced In a dny or so.

iinn StrauM ottered no specific reasons for stepping aside. He ssld only that "clrcumslances beyond the control

„i|„ of either ot us made a change In J the chairmanship of the comml*-

• slon advisable.”ijB I t was believed Uie sa-year-old ] r of officlnr.i renomlnaUon would have J age met wlUi sUff senate opposiUon.. on A Republican congreuional source orti said the "real reason" for the de- lave cblon to retire was Itial Slrauss

wanted to end Uie "feud" between himself nnd Sen. Clinton P . Ander­son. 0 , N. M.. vice chalnnnn of the

I Joint atomic energy commllUe. ^

s , Congratulated ;, I ■ G on Robert E. Smylle aent aI a I letter of congratulation to XCrt. $

LtVern Strong, temporary chair— Jm an'of Uie local ClUicn’a Safely t

,-,y l council, for sparking Uie organi-, ln i | saUonal meetlns May IB and 3

sU rtlng the aafety program for (u i -Uilif.area. 1

*n\e governor pledged tiie sup- 1 ' po rt ot Uie department of law en-

forcemcnt and the *Ute police to I5.^1 any! program of safety aelected 1th ;l f'® council. Mrs. Strong an- 1

nounced Friday Uie next meeUng I ef Uio council would be held onJune 23. '

'' Mrs. Strong n y a the council’s 'leiy effecUvenes* has been evidenced 1 5l»e- since the club was formed. Sheions u y g several person* conUcled 1* her urging safety measure* and ’ ling; M fety ImprovemenU in various 1 ■U'l sections of the city. - ■

lie*. I 1ince

t.. State Will Not 1 S Take Federal j OT r-Jobl<^8—Help j

BOISE. June e «v -ld*ho will pas* 1 up for Uie Ume being any acUon 1 to Uk# advanUge o f federal legls-

‘1 ^ lallon to extend unemployment 1 ^ benefits. Oov. Robert E. i ^ U a aald •

Smylia rioted th a t under Idaho law, a new benefit year sU rU Uie t i n t Sunday In July, which la July

, f 5 8. 'This will maka persona who have . I S exhausted their benetiu eligible for

another 38 weeks It they are *UU unemployed,

Require* L(«bUUon 1 I Smylie aald It would t*ke aUle

legislation to extend Idaho’# regular Uie jB-week benefit period,

ting T he federal law lUeir does not become eflecUve unUl June 33. The

■nix. 38-week period sU rtlng Ju ly 0 will IBS.- run unUl after Uie legislature starts lory lU regular session In January.

“In the meantime," aald Smylle, ”*cj»’UlkecprtiCX/wilnlng,Uie auB8_- Uon and Uke whatever acUon be~

Any acUon before next January 11n s would require a special aeasloa of . * tha legislature.;on- rund* Nol Needed^er- As of the present time, said :oti- Smylle: "We would nol need In any iber event to borrow mooey to Implement___ fully tha new proffram.”

T he balance In th* employment aecurtlr fund, he aald, a u n d s a t $33,4MM7.

“The agency Indicates th a t ell- gible cUImanU not now employed

t y number between 1,300 and 3,000 statewide,” the governor added,

um ! Lead Ns Heavier0 13 H e aald the benefit load In Idaho ents. Is exacUy what It w u k year ago high and •’measureably better" than the enu. naUonal average.rad- -Looking a t Uie federal aUtute

be and our own. ll seems wa can do more for the people ot Idaho by

Iren, ailnff " 'the exlsunc machinery," 110. Bmylle’aald.

1. m. T he fedu tJ legislation, algned by1 a t Prealdent Elsenhower Wednesday, pen* m akes-nsarly-T W -m rnion -dollars uses available to Uie. i tA lt t . .I h e aUtes arry eould get Uie m oney-ln Uie form c aa of federal advances—by a m e lp s to

) ' u te n d their beoefU pcriodi bjr haU.

3, F R ID A Y , JU N K 6, igsiB

L i s t r i a l i s t X

V a c a n c y

> m i c U n i tU P D — Prc.-^ident K ise n h o w o r ft>- ^ o n c , L os AiiRclr.s indu.'A trialist, is s io n v a ca n cy . Mt-Cono. f o rm e r :ce, w n s n am ed lo ,«uccL-cd L ew is W J u n e .lO .JI'ho W h ite H o u se d iil situii r M cC one w ould be n a m e d by tb i; m ini o r w h e t h e r one o f t h e p r e s e n t em pl m o tc d to th e ch a irm a n .sh ip now 4 .9 0 '

' S i x A i le- ___________ ______________

m i!i I' ' '



u t This I* th* iwUted and e b am d reouUirot ferca base. Calif. RIz e l the eight crew tIn Jy alter Ukeeff. Tba craft was en IU ,wIj. 00ft ponnd* c t general earga. (AP wtrept

“ LeightonWill 'S! Resign Guard _US.1 _ ^ UJ

er" Post to, Move Vh-BOISE. Juna 8 tfl—A veternn

Idaho nnUonal guard officer sn - q , nounced today he Is resigning be- cause nf a btitloats transfer whi;h . will Uke h lm ^ t .d f the aUte.

a OoL jamea^.O. Leighton. Boise *. postal worker andJoim er T».-ln FalU

jxsldent. said his rcslgnnUon will y be effecllve July I. part| . Lelgttton came here from Twin c jjn ,d Fall* four years ago end has been help >r district operaUon* manager for the Qyn

po*tofflce department In southern dowi>. Idaho and eastern Oregon. ------i. He Is being transferred to Pori- _ ^ land, Ore., as staUon equipment of- ' I :d fleer for the N0rthwe.1t region, cov- . 1 1- crtng Oregon, Washington. Id^ho, " Ig MonUna and Alaska, in • Leighton has been a member of

the Idaho naUonal guard since 1030.I’s wlUi the excepUon ot time he served •d In regular army scrvlce dtirlng c I# World w ar Tt. He currently is com- , ^ !d mander of the II8U1 armored cavalry ony id which has lu headquarters In Twin Moi js *Fall* and-ts - engaged In aummer und

maneuvers wlUi Uie Idaho naUonai - i - ,__ ,1 guard a t Gowen field, near here. „ ,

Regimental officers arranged a f,®' farewell party for Leighton for to- th e night a t the Hotel Boise. m ai

AfaJ. Oen. John B. Walsh. I d r i io -----

I adjutant general and commander ^ of Uis naUonal guard, aald no ac- tlon toward naming a succes.ior to Leighton would be taken- before |

X clally. Leighton said he. expected * «ss tc submit ll a t the conclusion of Jon t^e training period next week..Ils- Leighton enlisted lA the national ent guard a t Uie age of 16 aa a member ^ lald * u r . t . >. c*Ubh t> u n i

S; Baseball Todaytuly NATIONAL LEAGUE comave P i ltsb u re h __________ 100 0 0 0 - 1 trolfor Chicago ............... .......- 110 3 0 0 - 5 «lUU Law. Porterfield <4) an4. Folles; .[.w

Droll and Taylor. he„PhlladelphU a t BL Louis, Mlla-au-

, , kee a t Los Angeles. ClncinnaU a t San Frandsco.'nlghl games.

AMERICAN LEAGUE not Chicago a t Boston, Cleveland at n ie New York. Detroit a t Washington. ^ ti will Kansas Clly a t Baltimore, night ^ e.me*. __________________

rile, PROJECT APPROVED'“ 1 JWMHINOTON. June 8 Lfl—Thebe- hou*e armed services commiTOB-tD- - A i— dartenUtlvely-approved-SS-alr-loreo £ n ciry prejecu to cost $361.566,000.___________

JWethodist Grou s Week Aiding,ent RUPERT. June «-T w enly mem- Hod

a t ber* of the Moscow MelhodLit Youth WFellowship wUl return home SaUir- gtoaday a fte r spending a week helping to Ba t Uie Idaho Ranch for YouUi, fronnorUi of R upert the

Reason for the group's Interest In e ithe ranch project I* Uuit Mr. and h j,Mrs. David Hulett, first house psi^ mal,

aho ent* a t Uie ranch, had been MYPago counselors a l Moscow before com- r j ,the Ing to R upert , . Uie

. The group planned to cocne last _lute summer but could n o t make a r- .

do ranfcmenU. Hulett Had « faUl heartby alUck Uils spring which aum gthen-

XV.- ed Uielr delermlnaUon to come andhelp wlUi Uie work which m eant so ^

1 b» much to their leader*. day. The group traveled from Moscow lars In a bus. opcmtcd by Vernon Burle- atAs son. extenslan fottsU r a t the Uni- Tl oiTO venUiy of Idaho, who' Is 'alM Ul# and ( to MYF counselor. ITiey s.’cre accom- of I

panled by one aoU ier, U n ..C . W. 'A.

N in e C onn tie*

-------------- ll".Wf t t A»4ll

UTST^I n E m i

May,.WASHlNCiTON. June 6 (/P>—Th

situiition in May. There was a sui num ber of idle workers. A jo in t re em ploym ent a t G-1,OG1,000, up 1,15 ■1,904.000— lowc.st idlo figure Pince

Airmen Die in Gras

renaltts of an air fort* C1Z$ Globesiaster crew members were kilted when the b lf fei I lU .way tor lU h e a a base a t Tacbikawa wtrepheto)


. tervenUon In lU rebellion by Uie Unite / boUi in scope and Intensity" and askc ^ council lo Uke ateps w fnd I t

• DETBOIT. Jane 6 lfl-Cbry«ler corpor ' operaUena a t lU PlymoaU) body and Mae ^ Uie flrat aoeh action by any ot the ear n

labor cenUacta. Tho eoiapany said MOO « m members of tba Votted Ante Werke

WASHINOTON. Juno 8 Ifl-flecretiary psrtm enfnever took a poslUon for or ag

" elgn ftid bill as tho mean* to give Prealt n help for sat«lllU naUon*. Under queaUot e Dulles aald th* department favon Uie n down. ________

; Jerome Drivi I Term on Ti‘ F rW D ave Meyer, Jerome, wai V days ja il sentenco by Jerom e Pol n MontlUy a f te r he pleadisd gud ty t ” under tho influence of intoxicati ^ also revoked lo r one year. The ?or , Policem an Daylo Dean. Meyer alst- th e sceno o f an w d d e n t T hursday

m ado by a c itlicn a f te r Meyer 1-------------------- ---------r r - r : : -----------p u I

“ Senators Kill j ; Plans. for-Aid-* ' Fund Powers S

WASHINGTON. June 8 tf t-T he B senate. afUsr atormy debate, rejected w e

- 43-O-ThurBday-nIghV a ptopo*al to Biagive President Elsenhower authority mil 10 UM foreign aid "funds to help by 1communut naUons loo*en Uielr con- v

1 trol by MOSCOW. • • - Ing ® The roll call vote followed a floor of 1

fight In which two Republican mem- or 1 bers of Uie senaU foreign relaUons hlg.

• committee openly challenged Uie He leadership o t Ben, William F. Know- Ric land. C alif, Uie minority leader, and p styles Bridges, N. R.. chairman of U u

, the senaU GOP policy ecmmlttee. Btu , These two led Uie fight to deny viol It Elsenhower new power- to provide roa

financial and economic assUtance to cha naUona llko YugosUvU. M a n d , j Eaat Oermany, RumanU and other nni communUt naUons. (or

I- - AcUon camron-an-ameodmant-by son « gnnwUnrt In s tr lka Ih* authority paL

<cwni.».a 1 r t* . X. i>

oup From Mosc( tig at Idaho Ran(

Hodglns, In a private car. Ida:h W hen the bua got to Jerome, en- the- gtne trouble'' developed and It had cou g U b« left fo r repairs while two cars tjL^ 1, from the ranch, were aent back for 8m!

the stranded youth*. . conn Each of Uie MYF memben paid ^ d his own expense and they are now ® «

makin* plans to raise money to pay ^ for repairs o t tho bus. reporU the T ' Rev. J a n e s R . Crowe. In charge of telli , the r« neh .. . 'I The youths spent each morning J during the week a l physical labor., weeding a 58-acr« field of'm anchar ‘ ® rt amooUi brome graa*. being rtlsed'for ran “ seed. ThU seed U-an ImporUnt In- V

gredlent In a puUire mU being de- a t I „ veloped by the Unlverslly ot Idaho, day

Uie Rev. Mr. Crowe aald. Meii- The e r w Is good tor forage oop‘ i« tn d TlU be plowed under a t Uie end T 1- o t five y e m . herr , AU c : ^ and ctop to lttlo a i t the t o .


tie s .

A»4ll B w j i ^

eports I plQymeii Jobless

- T h e Rovernmcnt repo rted todny t fiubstantiul r ise am ong th o se empl

It reiKirl by th e com m ercc and lubi 1,151.000 from April. Unemploymei ince Jan u a ry . The j o b g a in w as al ---------------------------- ----------;------pans

rash SBtrui

----------- J-----------------------------------j, resenI lay c

K V ' e r en( V , • Til

m ud

1 foree


^ k iIntlu



sU rtaster whieh eraahed a t Travis a ir Un If fflttr-enzlM pUae crashed sh e rl- mrec awa a ir fort* base, Japan. wlU« tO.- |n al

JLLETINS 'R'iI (U PI)-L ebanoa said today th e In- Ifnlted Arnb Republic "U Increasing asked the U nited 'm U ons-securlty ’ • Ml

.rporaUon today shet down aaaemWy T" assembly plaaU In DeUolt Thla waa »

« r a a k m during optraUens MOO employe* ware aent Workers nnlon walked off Uw Jofc.

;t*i7 DUUM »«Jd today U ir aU U d&- or agmlnst an amendment to th b for- w >resldent Elsenhower Biore leeway tn »Uonlng by Sen. John H . B p a r to an i Uie Idea, which Uie aenate tu rned fund

. meei

ver Given | ripsy CountIw as fined ?I00 and Riven 10 Police. Judge R oberta K ch rc r

ty to chartfes o f d riv ing w hile (tmb icating liquor. H is license w ns nami 5 com plaint wns fllgned-by C ity < also w as fined $16 fo r leav ing

iday n ig h t T his com plaint w as ^ 1 ' rcr backed Into an au to w h ile ■■■ *

pulling from a curb on W e st t Alain s tree t. X

Robert D. Ttacy. R u p e r t w w fined. 1150 plus coils oa » charge ‘ I uf th'lvln i whlle-tmder the Influence of InloxlcaUng liquor by R upert » jusUce of l^ie Peace WUllam B, S tuart ThursHay. miss

Buhl Police Judge Bernard 8 ta r r and Wednesday fined jlm mle J . Mudd. ache Buhl. tlO plus costs fo t.tn ive lin i 35 eue: miles In a 25 mU8 sone. Ho waa cited m by City Policeman Wealey Annls. tnc t

Vlneent T. Phltllpe. Boise, appea r- T Ing Wednesday before B uhl JusUce app« of the Peace O. E. Rudy co c h a n e a Mar of passlns on a double line on the bias highway, was fined »10 plua. cosU. J u ^ Me woa cited by SU te Patrolm an I t Richard Bums. Jorg

Rupert JusUce of the Peace W ll- “ ** Uara E . Btuart fined Leo C. Kellogg. Burley. tlO Plus cosU on a atop slgo ^ , vlolaUon. Dala B. Hepworth. J e - ™ ‘ rome, was fined $1S on a sim ilar charge.. ^

Jack W. Vandever, Burley, was Qaki fined 110 plus COSU by JusUce B tuart ; for traveling 70 miles In a .60-m lle are mne,-Peiiy-Ii.-MuelcmMiJl^>pe^ iprpaid U plus eosU for fa tiare t o ___y l ^ 'l h o ligHt o f way. ^

icow Spends t. nch for Youth »

Idaho Ranch for Youth are under ,»<the fupervlslon of an agrlcu ltn ral v tcouhcU composed of U lnldoka'C oun- vJt» -A 8enU .W ..a . P rle st.and .Vance . «»emlUi; OCOTKO Welii, d lsW it aoU pr«conservaUonlst: Doa DoucUs. grass 1specialist a t the Aberdeen expert. Intment aUUoa and BurlUon, e x t e - Islon forester a t tb s university. ' e]-

T he MYP group Inveled to Poca- ' } Ullo T hunday where Uiey. he ld apicnic while, th# R et. M r.-Crflwe ^spoke a t a meeUng of tbe F ta tc m a l 'O rder of Kagle*. He was preaented • «a check of |S50 to be used for th e >n n th . ™

W ednesday Uie-youUu wet« tmeaU a t the Burley swlmmlni pool. Tues-day n lsh t Uiey went to the R upert ^MeUwdlst church lo r an evening ‘

,- o t.JeertaU on... : __ z:___________ .J zt P a n n U o t the-wuUM w in arrive u i

here Saturday night to re to m themJ to Moaco* la prlrata c a n . • • i—

- .................... .......

FIN A L ,;| E D IT IO N . iii

-------------PRICK S - G E N T S ^ I I

Hike i! art for ■' s D r o p Ilay an Improved em ployment j employed nnd a decline in tho I labor departm ents p u t May_ | y m en t declined by 216,000 to ■ a s a ttribu ted to seasonal ex- I I pansion in ag rlcu ltu rs and |» service employment p lus a i | | b igger than usual gain in con- I I Btruction. Tho report said a n sharp pickup In ouUoor work rep- resented In part recovery from de- ; Jay caused by especially bad weaU>- ; e r enrller In the year.

T he emploj-menl rise In May waa , ■ much greater thnn the drop In | | | l unemployment primarily because mo*t of Uiose Joining Uie farm labor 111 force were housewives and studenU ; who had been ouUlde Uie labor . foree In April. H

The report said sliabla reducUoM J

Jobless workers were partially otlset by an Increasing number of aUidenU rseeking aummer Job* .'ItU student ,Influx inlo the labor force U expect- -i ed U) push Uie unemployment to ta l .|j well over Ui* five mlUIon m ark In \W June or July.. .

The May drop ot 316.000 In unem­ployment wns a j) l t belter Uian usual for Uils Ume of year. Th* aeasonally ' adjusted n U ot unemployment aJ a prvporilon of the labor force dropped to 7 J per cent from lU high of 7 i per cent in April. This w u the first reducUon since the rat* a u r t ^ climbing, l u t summer.

Unemployment among workers ta* sured for'Jobless paymenu decline^'In all bul four sUtes In May. drop- 1 ping by 3JOflOO to 3 million. . j*

Regents Flan ,, New Binlding | At University;. I

MOSCOW, Juna 6 UTKTbe board ''1of regents, keeping pace Ip the age ,<!ofsalellllcs. yesterday drafted w e - '] llmlnary plans for a new physical , ^fclence .laboratory and e laisropa Jfeuildiof a t the U nlrerdtr o t Id ah a j.T lje.propoM d Uue^^ltory^buJld. | |

, Ing for chemUtiy and.phyale* wUl; 1. coet about a mlDlos xtotlan, Includ- 7

tag equipment- ■ • , iPnaldent, D, R . nieophUua *al4 '

funds for Ute building, seeded to IImeet Uie Inerewed aelenee lo a d ,a t ( rUie «c3iool. would be requested a t ^ . .) next aeasloQ ot the sta te legislature. ycsUnUy"! acUon by . Uie .regeaU; cleared' Use way for Uie unlversitr to apply to Uie U.S. housing andiiousa ' flnanee agtocy for a fra o t o f $11.- , 250 to pay Ul* coat o t preparlnc

propoeed boUdlng would b« . put up between Uie library and ’ [ agrlculUtral science buildings. ' .

In oUier building acUeo. the re>> genU approved cooUnulng of the name Campus club for the new eo- |

(CMUasM m ric* S. C iln a , .

T.F. Judge to Hold Hearing Of Policemen

IDAHO PA U £, June « postponed preliminary hearing o l . Are of seven police officers dU^ . missed nt»m Uie Idaho PaOa force

: and charged wlUi burglary h a i been . acheduled for June U before Judge I Hugh' A. Baker of Tarln Palli ._T b^_ ;I arraignment w fll"be'In~nlath d ll- . ,

trlc t cou rtM Idaho Palls. '. "nie five formerly were to have i appeared before Judge Henry &I Martin, bu t Uiey filed affldavlte ot. . j ] bias and prejudice against tb* 1

I five are tonner U eu t Warvla | Jorgensen, and p a t r o l m e n Joe jt

. Moser. Don Jenk&s..Beiio Barblsan i and WUllam Decker. ^ , j . I

: • A *l*Ui,URoy Fowler, haa p le a ^ . .I ed guilty and l s _ ^ l n g » . term to , tha sU te prison, l h a seventh. Jo h n -

Crook, haa not yet-been arraljnetL . Also acheduled to appear W o re .. ,

* Baker are two men accused of help- Ing Fowler loot a model h o m e .jn w •

> are Don Wardle and R o tert Wind-> - -

HIGHUCiHTS inToday*! T im es-N .w i ^

Page 1-^ 'p lo y m e n t show* ta - crease for trhlted SU tei In May: .Russians com plain-ahlprantato.

• radloacUve rain near V B .',tert :1 i)te : Man Jailed here ta haldnp ... try: T outh gjoup'helpe ou t a f ' ,I R anch -fo r TcmUi ; BeaeaU oa

'.program lU l^ 'ro rT W ln -P W ir- 'I Page 4-Xdltortali "Bieoiirag- . Ing s ta r t " H

Page 8-K ansas ayes IO -l»lb- .,>4] ej-per-acre wheat crop. , - >. jj

. / Page 7-Unlvai*lty of Idaho ■.•Il , itudenti get . p r in t* pUotc* )!- ..■ell I ’cense*. ■ ' ' p J i[ Page g-M uilo 'gnw p say* mn-,I ilc suttfy vital ta schools. ' -

' -Pag* l» -A k tas ploked TOrtU to beat M irttae t terwelgbt -i**** ’ v-

Page 11 - UlM D la H: Cowboys « -« . , , f-J/ . ^

Pag* i» -B duU to r aeetli* aaa ‘ lun .U teg ta ted acho^KpfttbbUs ' - lem erw i n u i m m / i lS l.pgW '.

•' • i ' ■

Page 2: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

S Top Business I Leaders PluI For Tax Cti‘A <rr«a r>c« Oh )

- J U f t -ty»emi*-towlTed4*-»boat-*S.«

| n ^ 1 T ^ t to re n u n ln t rrported ■ ^ ■ 1 1 n n r c o u tn ieuon netlTlt;<n f ' month. U u M *U irpM of publlil i lM piiTste coutnicU on toUIed H■ I I 000,000 tn M aj. 10 per eeot i . ■ I I Aprir* tigum .

- J l l | « w nii«m J . LM tllt. mw ol .3111 -couDtn^i leading real e«Ul« <1

IT operf, u ld In. a W aihlnston li I . Yiew. 'BuslncM U bad. 1 don't I

’ Uiere wUl be a cubiUnUal recc l a either biulaeas or hooaln:

H < b i USa. Buiineia m ar becla to < , n i * n p * a rt nex t iprWi, and by■ |) r •ummer of » » well be In al

: ■ ! • ’ faeallhy condlUon.". V T Tbere waa no unanimity ac . u | . | th e bualneaatneo replying to

. M nats eommltie# Inquiry u to J *1 beU way to rererse the ewn H V ' Utnd.Tf support for U I cuU. often i

- k T- cantln jen t.buS j, came from Ji . ■ L T . Leflwlch. pff*ldent of 7. ;■ I WoQloorth .company. H. J . Llrl i l H ton. preildenC of the r t n t NaU ■ l l bank of CW aga,-P. r . McCoo

r l l l l pm ld en t of Beat*. Roebuck \\ ii J company, n . O, Rlncllffe. preal

. i i l l o f tha Philadelphia Eleetrle ( T i l l ’’omes S. Rockefeller, p

' J I I ^ e n t o f ' the T in t NaUonal I l f >ank of New York, 0 . R. Si 3 t ' l m d d e n t o t American alrl a f ’l Spom. Symea. and WUltam R. 0

.u M >iee president of InteroaU ' B irj; H am iter.com pany.

■ l l i l I 6erera1 of th u e men did not c ‘■ I V flatly for ndueUoni. but W IV th ey ahould b« eonaldered It■ sx neenSon continue* or worseni.

|!|[l Senators Kill ||f i; Plans for Aic jjlli FundPoweiM i l <Tnm r ic* Oat)

- m i jro m Ih* peodlng torelp i «Id . I l f [ Sen. O eorre D. Aiken, R , Vt., M lfc i bltt«m eu, i' H I M w aa 'a lm p lyahockedandunai '■111 ' t r the fudden a&Douncement t : M | 3Prtaldent.Elsenhower opposed ' H I InedU te acUon on th e propoaaL ; ■ ! - rH e referrM to Kaowland’a H U i&oixncement, after a He■ I S ^ « re o e e , th a t while EUenho T P 'I ifaToitd th e authority he did K i l t S tT or vrltlnff I t Into the pesd M l! ^,713,800.000 tetrelfo aid blU. n I 0_ ^ k e n sa id this cunested 1)11 House *1et « tew memtU A, '$ t coDcreas tell tbe sU t« depi I d s v w o f to re re n e Its pultlon.

■ B | S * llum an b a T r been float ■ I « n u n d ," h e tald , th s t the W n i S touse w u told 11 would no t se t B l B ottlcn aid •ppiDprlaUans I t wu ■ ■ I * ^ e t a U asT eed 'to ellmlniUon ■ I o b e amendment from the bill.' ■ I * - '8en , H ubert H. Humphiey, ' ■ I I fltonn,. deolsred th a t the seni ■ I I I StepubUean leadenblp waa dam 'H i L 2| t r i U s t t t U ’nawUllnf to ‘W e ; S n u t^ a o d eonfUeoce in the Pi

nii wnunc t« t n u t the PrH l f ■ b n t,” he (sId.K I S ' H ut Knowland ta d Brldcee m R | i S h a t aid t« communist nations w( [ j |8 | { in ly s e m to itreo{then the e i n t ^ l ot the ir corcmmenU orer U ■ I I fiapU re people* and tilUmately < ■ I l y i l t o n i o t dollar*.

is ; M an Atones for jH II Robbery of $I| f l « SAN PRANOISOO. June e <01^ ;! « -E m p lo y u t t the ClUaens rede H u «wH tssoelatlon ten■ S esterday v h e o a familiar fic H S fK lM into tha lr office*.■ w H e v u F rank McDonald. 51, B Snemployed handyman who 1R l Mobbed the f ln n of $30 on Marc^£ ; ^ H e used p a r t o t the money to IW a o r hla r e n t end spent pa rt o t Iti l l • » few drink*. I tie n he t*Te a b

f l ^ tft and called poUee. red<■ ^ d ( e OUver 3. Carter la ter gi I K W>im three y e e n ' probation.K g Y e i te r d a r , M djpfliad fttode■ ^ U y to th e wjndoW'of thk‘-tel■ *RU* MeDon*ld,*3S. (no relaUan). [R £ H e thrust a dosRi rose* a t ( a S ■«nd taldrI V f E : *Tm really lony—very *ony I W i} 3 t happened. I 'm not tha t kind e

Iq 'A 9 tu r . 1 shouldn't h*Te dose It.”I I ^ * n e n h e 'l e r t

l l P a ^ f Might {S| ~ Resume for U.0 1 W M E 7 T O R S . June « (TTFD—

ft S n r * n of th e n . 8. communist pi f i l l Worker, say* It hopes to r t r■ I 9 *Ur publlcAUoa w ithin the i f l i Mix months.■ ff S 'William L. TtUmotu the p»i

S e s e ra l m*n*cer. s*ld yesterday p o r k e r w as otercomlnj tinst gUfflculUe* tn d wa* hopeful of

Its etAtf.2 ^ e Dally W orker halted publ» o n U st J t n . IS. • .ffi _________________ _

I IScared on Streetg ; aitAWD R A P m a M leh. Ju:

1 «XOP1)-Oeor»e Amlck, who flnlj L l^econd In th e 1948 Memorial

3ndlanapolU race, say* Sut ciltrlTer* "scare tne to death.”S,; “And th a t Hollywood fret <vhere th t? drive alx abreast «

I *W» mile* an hour, weaving beck A r t h . wen. If* *omethlnB «w k c« you th ink of d r ln s up ( 3 p g altogether." be eald.

IT Keep the White FI p ------- ■ o f B a re ly F ly l

E N o a ita e dav» toUTumi

^ ijlP A G B T W O

I Weather, 'O MAGIC V A U X r-P srtly e l«

/ - I . . m ocatals*. L«« (ASlfbl M t«CiiltS "'*•’» M. M '

NEW YOBIC, (UPD-1•*♦5#00,000 gatleii yei te r t iy ~ w * * d f g r te

today was t5 1rted » tlM «14.tiTlty ISJt u Ul ' publleiDd ■■"“.V « ed . . « *n t sbon iwm ______________ ** «»

Murl»7 ----- --------------M MM j u h * ------------------- ' i . ___ i l _ale derel* (M in i . ___________»i *iton Inter- !•« A « .w .---------------i t loon't think {}" y";*" !■ ll1 reeotery o>4>a ____ _— ______ _ »i i iouslng In o«*ii»------------- -------- n «. to et«wl I. •

"‘•“ I Magic Va!th i B tm iX V — Punenl sertlce*

eeonoml « « • ^ ►at 3' p. m . Saturday a l tlie Oal ften on a stake houM wllh BUhop M sm "Jim u fUl W trs offlcUUng, Friends t ^ P W call a t th e McOulloch funeral he

Lirinu.' Priday and a t the church In Oal ' n s U ^ I from 11 for^rvl.ic^nne ll Concluding rites will be held In buck snd M*rion cemetery.

trl?*Mml JEROME — Funeral Krvlees er p ^ - CUreneo P. Smllh *111 be held i inal CilT P-m. M onday a t the Jerome Prea0 smiui terian c hu rch wllh the n»». 'WUl

alrllcei Perdue otflclatlng. Eden Msk1 R. Odell! lodge will conduct grareilde serr (TOsUoast * t ‘1'* Jerom e cemtUty.' Prie

may call a l the Wiley funeral ehj not come from 1 to B pm . Sunday and u but Mid Ume of service* Mondsy. The fan

•d it the I----------- —-----------------------------

^ Magic ValI . 1 M a d e V a l l e y M e m o r i ik i n . V lslU os. h o u n a t Maglo V>i1

MemorlU hospital are from a U and T to fl p jn . '____Vftrs ADMmXD

* ® Mr*. R Jch trd WlWanu. M n. IHe Dean. Mr*. Jsck Baldwin, a

aid hllL W alter 'R aam uuen, Lynette / , V t, hls Wiseman, Kmblelon E. WhlU, % eu , u ld O ertld H t l l and Lur*y H. Trabi amated” «u tw in F tlU ; Nor* Hennlngt en t that shoahone; Mr*. Jerry Bodenhan Med ln> Eden; Mr*. J im McOoIdrick, Hag >oaaL man; Mr*. OoUn Campbell, Klmb nd's an* ly; Mr*. H arold Meulemaa and Ji :e Houie H o w rd Peck, both Rupert; Dli wnhower Marler. H azelton; Bruce P . Ll did not n ie r . a n d U s* Taber. Bclie. pending DI8M1BBED

I. Mr*. J e rry Parrott and daughirted the Ray Morse. Terry Bam«. Bl«' member* shockey, Edw in Lynch and »

depart* Guadalupe XMLeon and ton. 'H. Twin F n lls; Sandra Seolt. O ul floating ford; IW bcrt Merrell, Kimbet

e White Mrs. W allace Br*gg. H uelton; E t get the n . carpenC«r. Fairfield, and Ar it sought Adam*. Oakley. nUon of BIRTBShill.- Friday morning birihi Include( uty> Dh ion to M r. and Mrt. Leille De

•enate's Twin Falls, and a daughter lo : I d*moa« and M rs. Howard Peck. Rap to place T hunday b irth* Included a daui tie Prtal. (o M r- t o d Mr*; Jack Baldi

Twin FbUs.» Preil* . - ' —I.

Goodintf MemorialVlsIUng houM are from J to 4

S ? /® p jn . and from T 10 8:50 pjn.^ A D M inX B

Susan Pa rv ln and Roger Pan bolh Jerom e.

DlflMlSSED Mr*. Don Dnimmond, Gooding.

' M inidokTCountyS z f l VltlUnjf hou rs are from 3 to < p

• and from 7 to 8 pjn.e <OPn ADMITTEDFederal Rhosan Tuylor. M pert, and Bl

n Unsed NoreU. N aoipa. r figure DlSUtSSEO '

D elbert W ise. Rupert, and 6t< I. 61, an Norell, N am pa.ho had ---------------Harch4, I 77

otVSn Jiimpoffa a beg. TURIN. Ita ly , June S (UP! Federal Once t paratrooper always

ter gtve paratrooper.In nnnounclng plans tod»y f(

code SJ., ,h l* Ju n e .31 jnarrtagA,^foBv ifc'-teller, iiaJlan paratrooper jU berto 't Uon). CrUtofaro to ld he, the bride an » a t her f o r m e r Paratrooper Chaplal

Fa the r L ino Basso, «ho will o: )ny Ihst fidate. w ill Jump from acren ilnd ot ft ' thousand fee t orer an airfield tl < lt.“ momlnB of the wedding. Wht

they land , they will proceed «ll- ______Uie fo rm al ceremonj.t A T he bride , Blanca Capfwe, »i

«l1L wear slock* and paratroc^ U g Jump boot*.

SSS'. Millions Are Hit S,rCi By India Famit

_ BOMBAY. India. June S (UPl .» P » ^ The sovem m ent reported today t «Jay The 3500.000 pemons hare been hit financial the c u rren t famine In VCOO vlll«

ul of ex> o( Bom bay stale.The BOTcmmenl ordered re

I publlca'* measures coaUng three million « lara. T he fnmlne CAUwd by

T extreme drought In terera) aiwhere th o monsoon raliu failed

i S s Damage^AwardiSunday L O 'O IS V nzs. K y, June t Ifi

tl.” circuit c o u rt Jury awarded ^freeway Mottle R . Ferguson beciui

a s t about m an fell through a ceiling and la back and ed on h e r two yean iko. Wav< Ing that W atera sa id he was Inipecllni : up drlr* sprinkler *y»tem when iho roof g


^ 1 City Sells BondsMOSCOW. Ju n i 6 UV-Th. ,

council yesterday announced sale o f |3«7.000 in water and le revenue bonds to ihe inreatm firm of Foster and Manhall. s Ue. a l 313M pw cent InietMt.


(UPI)—Juvenile Court Judge D O'Neill yesterday ordered the J»i of a boy c h a n r tf wllh itealing pounds (»1.400) e f tbe fiiher't i tn ts to increase his lon^ a iio n tram alxpenc* CT ceoU) t week

; ■ ' T lie naitw w Nanjlo channel t ITumt a neet* Ja p an '* Inland i n with ‘-Mtagio- PaaU le-ocean .- l l - h u - n u m ti

; ' w hjxlpocle.catietl by a U-koot

, TemperaturesclMdy tooorrew with Uisndenfaewen tu

I t« M.- U xh toaorrew aboct M. U w L t a t no«a. 1

1)—Tha blsbeat reported teBperature In t rg re a s t PBoenlx. Aria. T bi tow al repori and M ania, M ich . Ib* U. >. weather b n n

Win. IVr. HuiUn ...... - «•«. W -.-lt t r te r a U _________...mi 11« ! T 7 ~ . , M *iM lUKk Sprlix*________ >< IIM u a t li i dL t^yi< e.__________ *I *»10 _____________ *«JJ ■ HpDkan* . . _ _______ M 11l« TWIN r * U J ------------»l l{Ii m- m

' alley Funeralsrices to r suggest* contributions to 'th a P r be held byterlan memorial fund.

: Oakley _____BUHL — Puneral service*

.T h?m i ^ C’ Canon will be held . K ? a p. m . Saturday la Buhl Fi

ChrlsUaa church wlUj Ui* Rev. I d m the officiating, aulsled byU U. Gilbert Myetj, Twin Palls F:

Dapllat chureh. officiating. F l /Ices for ^ a tD uhl cemetcileld a t 3 -------Preiby. SHOSHONE — Roiary for I. William Rusloa Arambarri will be recited M aunlc 8 p jn . Sunday at McGoldrick tunI services *1 bome. Shoshone. Requiem m Friends will be celebrated a t 10 am . Mi

II chapel day a t St. Peten Catholic chureh nd unUl Uie Rev. PaUier Kevin. Last rl le family will b« held In Shoahone cemeW)

alley Hospitalslorial S t Benedicffl, Jeromi

Vallejr V W tlnf hou n are from 2 to 4 p 1 a to 4 u d from 7 to 8 p n ,

AOMITTED B arbara Davli and Parral Fa

[n. Le*« bat;k*, both Twin Palls, and M n Glen Lavel H unter. H*«emtan. te Ann DI8H18BEDU, Mr*. Carl Bates, Linda Bates, D a I M e r t , Bates, Debra Brtggi. R ita Ambn nington, *nd Mr*. David Kennlson, all . nhamer. rome, and Mrs. John H trta l, Zd , Hager- BIHTnsSJmber* A son was bom to Mr. and U jid Mr*. Donald Sluder. Shoshone.; Diana --------r. L uu . C o t t a g e , B u r l e y'• 'Visiting hours are tram 2:30 U

S w iw ADMITTEDM n . Alice Erickson and M n. D

wn a li Poulton, baUj OakJey; W aj o uU n . Anderson, Declo, and Mrt. J i

m h e rir PeUrson. Carrie Him - H a y d e n , a ll Burley d 'Arlen DISMISSED ■

M ark Brune, MurlAUgh; ste> Anderson, Haieltan; Mrs. Nli

:Iuded t Vega, Paul; Mn. Marilyn Jacks e Dean. R upert; Mr*. Cecil Cooper. Onkl ■ lo Mr. and O ary Lynet. Benny Magg Rupert. *Bd Lester Cadman. all Burley, daugh* .BIRT11B

Baldwin, A *oti wU<boro' to Mr. and K Georg* Poulton, Oakley.

Oregon Governor " , Denies Payment!

To Help Big Daid in , SALEM. Ore.. June fl (UPI>

Gov. Robert Itolmes yesterday < nled th n t the .iU le of Oregon h

■7 contributed fundi to an attorney o 4 p jn . Ujb Hells Cnnyon association :

ne lls canyon hearings before I fedeml power commlsalon.

id Steve Tho denial waa Issued In conni Uon w llh a ila te voucher on 1 eiecutlve department to r 11.071

d Steve to Attorney Evelyn Cooper..Oovemor Holmes u ld the p i

______ , ment to M n. Cooper was In conn<Uon With ft brief prepared for t Oregon « t e r resources board see Ing an FPO delay In granting

(UPI) cense to r two dams by the P a d ays a Northwest Power company. M

Cooper Is an attorney for the H( ,ay for Can>-on*»ssoclnUon, f o B ^ .t .,fihe-..w aa-.relalned by Oregi io 'D e I^olme* explained.''becaaie her t le and pericnce with the HclU Cany laplaln henrlngs gave her great familiar ,'111 of- wlUi our problems, and because i icreral It familiar wllh Uie workings of t eld Uie federal goverrunent."When ---------------------------

Two Chs(nges in^ LaborBiUMaJ

, ■ WASHINGTON. June 8 (UPI " ' The senate labor eommltie# tni

r * i two changes tn Ils labor reform ILit today bu l rejected several oU

. proposed revisions,n in e *^ 0 committee, which was expe* ,_ * ed to complete work on the bill 1d a y ^ ii t smendmenU' wh

- n ^ u l r e local unions lo g ‘ their m em ben 15 daj’i ' written 1

.4 ~ i u / before elections,Snn rtfii “ S 'lr from ofllee for a t least J •rl hY an efjlclal convlc^ / J . , vIolnUng tho financial report

secUon of the bill,S tn . John p. Kennedy. D , Mn

tho bill's chief ipanior. u ld i __ - __., changes-were-SUggr.iled .by-C hs


NaturallyWavorly CIUCAGO. June 9 lUPD—ecllng a le tte r bearing a Qxifedrrale fla■oof gave ^-addressed to Uie "hotel dirt

word" Chicago, haa been dellvet. ' ed to Its Intended receiver.- J _ Postmaster Carl Schroeder sillI Q S . th e - le tte r , , which came trocThe ellv Columbus. Oa.. was deUvered Iiced (h i Sherman hotel,nd lewer ■ * ■mtrnent - ________all. Seat- DELICIOUSL ' SHRIM P i S S I kyr and T ’MJune 6 L o b s t e r T a i l

cSK TeV ,. Mer'i lav- Oj>ea fl to 10 pm. lloirance SUNDAYS- ? / '

Noon to 10 pjii. «

r£ EA P D K o m T E n n m t t

Man Arrested On Attempted Motel Holdu]

I lo the Om) .........reporud Iron motel fo r Mr. tn d Mr*. Wi bureau to Idcnlify. A t f irst Walx said ■

did no t believe he w u Uie rii man. Ju.it u the police car v

Ml••.-pr^ puliing.away. M n. WaU got a ge 11 look a t the side of Kent's face.‘J , , -Y a . th st 's him." ihe shouted, l l *jJ The offlcera itopped Uie car s « _____ boUi Mr. and M n. W all U

*» . w as'U iem an, b u tW aU a a ld h e h II changed'coats. Tha Jacket be i JJ wearing when apprehended was J ; • " slpper short-length Jscket w

_______ large checks. The sports Jacket w.the small checks was found In t suitcase.

1 Friday, K ent admitted to pal' he attem pted lo rob Uie propriet

■ — He said he was hltch-hlktng abc la Pres* the counUy seeking work. The i

model revolver w u rutty and pol: found lh a t l l w u nol loaded a would no t fire.

If convicted of Uie robbery char held s t icen l faces a sentence In Uie pei m F l n t leaU arr of no t less Uian five yei lev. Roy ,tRd could draw u much a t a I I by the sentence.ilU F ln t The a u le aUtute covering robti r. F inal *peclfles any threat with a'deae metery. weapon whlcli Induce,^ fear of bod

harm while nltempllng to Uke t or Mrs. property of another eonttllulei n sclted * t t>«7.k tim er- —

S S Regents Planlurch by O

m e te r ^ New Building J At Universit' < rn a Ftf* Obi)

' c^)eraUve men'* dormitory (o ■nmA on the campus, ‘n ils CO-mi» i dormitory, esUmsted to ew t tl» "4P -* !- 000 wlUi equipment. U being co

tln jcled with regenti's revenue bon ,1 V.T, and Insurance payments from I rf m™ old building •which was rteenUy d

■ stroyed by fire.Five faculty memben a t the ut

n -v irt veralty wer« advanced to the ra;of tun professor. Uiey *re: WUlIa

all j H H . Baker, chairman of botony *j I E den. l>oad of blologleal sciences; Wllllo

8 . Greever, chairman of hlslor od M ra Edward C. Moore, chairman ” philosophy: WlUlam F. Barr, ent

moloRlst. and Ruby A. WorUiai , biologist' . S tate education officials, indudli :30 to 4 s u p t of Publlo inttnicUon Alton

Jones of Boise, will hold soma mee Ings as the aUte board of educaUi

n . D or- before ending the current session I Wnyne attending Uie University of Ida]

s. Judy commencement Sunday. ‘•le H ay- .

Repair Program NotedforSchools

t S i In Cassia Countriey. BUIUiEV, Juno S—Summer pror

to be a bujty leason for deani nd M n . repair of ^ s.'county achc

p n ^ rU e s . accordlnir to Bemi WriRley.Isuperlntendent

O n the agenda are completion i n r the sprinkler ajtlem a t the new Bu *''*■ ley high school and Uie new aUUei

i n t s -H o r n the buses will be bulll and tlL fC tl t l roof n t the Declo school tiora.U PD — building will be repaired. The Buday de- ley Junior high school building wron had have a new roof and the Oftkley elimey of m eplary school It getUng new cuPIon for Ing.ore the Tho eoverover entrance of tl

Burley Junior hlsh enUanee will !connec* replaced. General pelnllng oron th e deanlng are pUnned.

U.B7IJ5 A parking area a t Oakley hl| school Is on the program and g n

le pay - wlU be planted a t Malta high schncennec- ---------------------------

J yS? Rodeo at Jerome Opening Tonigh

ie Hells JEROME, June 6-Second annu rodeoljreicnled by Uie Jerome Lloi

Oregon, '*'111 l>o Ifcld tonight and Sa her ex- urday n lghl a t tha Jerome coun Canyon falrgroundi.nlllarliy Th* entry will, begin ilUse ahe 8 p .m . led by Glenda Lee Tlckne s of tha rodeo queen, who will also be U

U ons club candidate In Uie J ^ county fair in August.

T he stock 1* belne provided ti n the rodeo hy Jake Pope's Spur ar g— nowcl-Rodeo-compiiny.-Twin-FUl ■ Q f f p Specially act* will be Included ar

“ tho Jerome Rlderettes will be fea ( U P D - ured.■* More th sn 100 cowboyt from UUorm mu idnho, Nevada, Oregon and Ca I o the r iiom ia will compete. Ivan Pollai

, will be.announcer.expect- ' _____ ___________

JE * CRASHES I Which EUGENE. O re, June « (UPI)

, A m lliun - Jet aircraft, believed ‘o Kl’ e be ft nMy P-J4D from McChoi lien DO- ftir force b».v; m Washington w;

listed as missing and pretumi tast five crashed today in wooded count onvjcieo near Anlnuf, aouUi of c:olUse Gro» eporUng

, Mnss- TIMES-NEWS W a n t ADaid t h e --------------_Chalr-

^ CLOSE-CPD —4 M O N D A Y th

9 ,0 0 A .M .




k K ■ ! S /to icco ic j

f ' Crowe's Home^ ' SALE TO

M C--: _____ 238-M A IN -A(Just a few doon


d TwinFallsNe d M arrtan, • A msrrisge Ucense was law ed la * ^ r» Thursday by Uie Twin P*Ui county l U p clerk lo Danny L. Brown. Kimberly.

A u id Marjorie Barton, MurUugh.

A ri’eht A daughter was bom Thursday to ' " S m . u « f M n. D.n Mill.r, Q u io . .. ^ Park. CalU. Mn. MlUer Is Uie for** ^ mer Joyce BUler, dsughter of Mr.

and Mrs. C. R. Blxler, Twin Fall*.

“ ' t S k

^ e iisd o r i r M n W t^oil’ ^ ^ l o e k he w u and Signalman 3/c John L. Westen* was a ikov, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack C.

I wllh Claudas. all Tain Falls, have re - :el wllh turned to Long Desch. Calif, aboard

In the the destroyer USS Eversole a t te r a tlx*month tour of duty In the w est-

, police em Pacific, iprletor. ------------------ -

fl." teis^ton Will1 police O

Resign Guard Post to Move

I a life(rr*> r u t c>f)

robbeo- of company E of the lU th E ngl- neera In Tft ln Pallt. In 1B37 h e w a

I. a Riven o second lleutemmt's commls- ake ihB tn the Infantry reserve and he let rob- caut(j to actlre duty In 1940.

He advanced from second lleu- lentinl lo lieutenant colonel and du r-

M Ing World war II commanded a n tn - fanlry taUallon In the European field, lie won a allver tlo r . two

n r r bronze sUrs, two oak leaf cluster* and the French crolx de guerre.

• , He helped In the reorganlzaUon of % l t V the naUonal guard following the

V *«■ “ *<t named battalion com ­mander of Uie 183rd Infantry In

to be TVin Falls, later becoming rcgf* co-man meniAl commander of the llB th. He ; tIDO.* become a full colonel in m s .Ig con- Ha u ld he plans no turU ier n a - e bonds Uonal guard acUrlly when he ie»ve.i m Uie Idaho but probably will, re tu rn lo lUy de- Ihe reserve*.

S Algeria Told S BydeGauUe :H ToEndFight

ORAN. Algeria. June fl W—P re- dudlng „ | f r cjiaries de Gaulle told repre- iton D. MnUtlvcs ot all*Algerla publlo *afe- I meet- ty committee today lit Insurgent a u - jcaUTO ihority musl come to an e n d ..H e slOT ^ gijd will run Algerls,

Idaho named Oen. Raoul Salan. mlll- ' Ury commander of the Junta, a s his

own delegate general In Algiers—a » new post.** B u t de Gnulle will penonally as-n l o sume control of Algerian aftalra. U IO ftctlng ns his own cablnel m inister i _ f _ . for the atrlfe-tom terrllorj-. l l l L j De Gaulle iitid Uie commltee. proves «^hlch led Uie drive lo bring h im to

deanuD Power, must now coneenUale on in - achool icgmtlon of Uie Moslem and Euro-

Bemell PC">i communities In Algeria.On Uie l u t day of hls tour o f Al-

tlon of gerla, he told represenUUves o8 th e w Bur- Algerian and Uie local u fe ty com- ithleilc mlttee.

•^ o u must nol trespass,or tubsU- > serve tui* yourselves for legal authority. Id the Your task Is to work for a complete Horace inlegrallon of souU."® He spoke In the courtyard of the

O ran prefcctun afUr addressing a ■ey eie- gjowd from the prefecture balcony.I curb- ■■

I Whammy!"[ and GOLDSBORO,' N. C.. June 6

(U PD —Pualed why Ihelr radar T high check wa.-mt nelUng any tpeed- 1 grass ers. police Investigated nnd found school, a sign a block away reading:

•■Whftmmy one block ahead.' Look outi Zorro."

l e W hen the sign cam# down,i^ht BBCcden.

Boy Shoots FatherLOVINGTON, N. M„ Juno 8 itjP I)

couniy lo-year-old Eunice boy haa ad - iri., •» m ilted hs gunned down hls fBthk^

because his 8-Ksr-old broUier told him to,-pollce said today,

lerome H uschel Simms, 42, was sho t once . In the back late yesterday by a

ed for caliber rifle bullet. Ills son. Paul, ur jn ti readily, confessed la shooting Simms 'F U lJ ftfter—fln t- te l lln p —auUioTltlea—* ^ nnd' sUangcr had-done It. s Xfat- --------------------------------------- ----------

Some peepit are always dreaaed on Ume—Ibanks to luU IIm en t

r ADS. buying.


^.M . t o iS:00 P.M .



SC H O O L SUPPLIES ses and Dlsplav rat)Ic»

le & Church SupplyTO BC HELD AT

-A V E N U E-SO U T H -: -doon aoulh of renney'i)

. -• V____________

i]News In B rief P

^ p lant n iundsy . The IS boys were u *ccomp*nled by 1*“ “ other, L Shirley High. *cd Zelda Murphy, b.

* . Eads Eeerelt tralalsgPred L Powera. ton of Mr. and

Mr*. Fred A Powen. T* In Falls ^ ha* been gr»daaied from recruit txalaln* *t Uie n sn l tnlning cen- ,, ter. San Diego. Ctllf. h

r , . n P.!l. f l .» “ reprcsenuuve of American Hard*

»t«n- irare Mutual Insurance. company. _ * C- ha* been leleeled for * «P«W «1P ■ to Uie flrm't headQuarten a t Min*

neapdlt,'MlnB, during Uio week of ,j •«*■.• Jim* IS. r;vest- ____ _

4-B Clrl* Meet . CM n. William Orlflln ihow rf ^

I memben of the SUek Chleks 4-H - L d u b how to thrlnk maletlal * l the ^

meeUng held at 1 p jn .Jh u n d e y J In the home of Mn. Orlflln. R e- jj Q , treihm enu wen tined by Sheral „

G srm ln.

V ^C Named Cnttodlaa hMarina F ln t Lieut. Rlchsrd A. ^

Newby, son of Mr. and U n. George & jd . H. Newby. Twin Ptlli, h u been f w a sdected custodian of Uie third

jn ls - mnrlne dlvlslon'i ipeclal lervlces d h e fund. Lieutenant Newby It lervmg 140. with Uie Uilrd marlnei at Camp j l j u . Courtney, Oklnswa. J

Plan latUIIaUon™ an InsUllatlon ceremony for new of-

« c e n of beUiel No. 19, Job'* Daugh* te n . will be conducted at 8 p jn . , Saturday a t Uie Muonle temple.

, The pubUc is Invited. Oflicen arid , “ choir memben of the belhel will

*** practice for Uie IniUilaUoa * t 10 < a m . Ssturday a t Uio temple. i

7 In ____ '

- ; m .R . McDonald < PaidLastHonor'

Requiem high mas* * u cele* * ° “ brated a t 10 a jn . Friday In St. Ed- »

ward'a CaUiollc church for Michael noy McDonald by Father Mone J Later.

PaUbearen were Boy Lee Wright. ® Gregory Clough. Bill Auendrup. * David Weeks. Richard Oyer and

3 Conrad Henkleman. ‘Ilononry pallbearers wen Joseph *

U * Bcngoechea. John Bllboi, Larry a t Brubaker, Mlchad Hendenon, Gory

MarUn', Michael M ainn. Leo Mai- •Pro- berg. Edward Schuek and William •pre- Oldham.infe- Active and honorary pdlbearen t « u - and a lu r boy* were members of ‘ . H e Mlchael'i class at St. Eda-ard's *

KhooU \ mill- ------------------------- -

i i ; Small Businesses , Sets Resort Meetra in . SUN VALLE?, June « -A n n u a l| lister session ot tho Idaho.imall business

admlnlsUatlon advisory board will illee be hdd here Saturday, with Robert m to Buck, regional director for Uie ad-,, l „ . mlnlitraUon In Seattle, attending, i^uro- Sessions will be conducted by Or-

land Mayor, of Uie Idaho Power , company, who it eh*lrman of the [ r J : board. OUier board rtemben Indude » w o Bitter. Lewltlon; Leland

Burresj, Gooding; John McMurroy and Alfred Wheeler, both Boise; Ir-1

b»tl- win H. Karris. Burley: Sidney C a te , )rity. tn d R -R . Wlllecke, boUi PocateUo,: plete and Arthur Sullivan and Earl Soel-'

berg, bolh Idaho Palls. •’ t h e --------------------------■

my. Quake Recorded ~ On Seismograph

PASADENA, Calif.. June 8 lUPI), « -Seismographs a t Uie California jftT InsUlule of Technology loday re- fd - corded a major, earthquike a t * | ,„H dlsUnce of ijXio miles loulheul of i

here, labonlory director Dr. Charles Richter announced.

Dr. TUchter said the QUike had a _ magnitude of 8.7 on Uie Rlehur

scale, tlrong enough to do major ■ damage If Its cenUr w u in a popu-

— lated area. He inld two quikea were recorded, Uie Ural a l 3;18J4 and

l e r Uie second a t 3:25.17 ajn.. (PDT), Ydt% The distance and direction would .A Pl*ce Uie quake somewben In Cen-

tra l America, he uld. lold I - i

BrECULSIl Snapdragon PUnU We

™ ;; Aster Planti 35c ,L „ ? Geraniums. Pelunlu. Ivy, eto.

Orlo WUIlsmt* ------------orrr-FL O B A ij-----------

131 7th St. So. Phono RE 3-4400 ,




' A

th a

f u

' Uc,


TWIsa 2a

T. F. Program- OfRecreation L

13. , -

S Opening Soon K(r>»a r « i On*) tid

be obU ined from Bob Hilliard or tra C raner a t Uie city hall.

. A beglnnen- golf clinic will be ^ held * l 9 *. m. Tuesday a t Uie golf on coune by Cliff WhlUle', municipal coune pro. Craner u y t any young-

°* *ter* frtmi 8 yean cf age througtj high achool levd may participate In UiB free .dlrjfc. Some club* win be k-,

, , furnished, he adds. • "" -OTer-10IH>ouni-p»opl«-tock>P>r t

In the flinle last tummer. Craner _ • Ij^ note*.’ P Supenrlted pUy tnd an arts and “ ! c ra ft program will be carried out in

Harmon. Drury, SouUi. Sunrise, H ar- riton aad Harry Barry parks.

ThU prognm b ^ ln t Tuesday. ’J r . Craner notes, and during the sum- J "

^ m er, Tuesday through Prlflay, the ™ ■" program will run from 9 *. m. uaUl

noon and from 1 to 5 p. m.Y Signup for tennis Initructlon will

I be held a t the Harmon park c<2.urls *1 nex t Saturday beginning a t 9 a. m. r i i

Tap, tumbling and twirling I n - __BtrucUon will bo held In Uie Junior b lgh tchool g)^mnaslum next Salur- "

; day. SevenUi. eighth and ninth g raden ate scheduled a t 9 a. m., fif th and sixth graden a t 10 a. m.. . th ird and- fourUi graden a t I t a. m.

; and t i n t and second graden a t noon.

Final Honffr Paid .1- Alvah A. Welker'*’* Funeral services were conducted

Priday ot Uie Twin Falls mortuary chapel for Alvah A. Welker by Bishop Ross O. Ward.

' i ” Invocation was offered by Wlllle Chatlerton. wlUi dosing benedlcUon by L. M. WhlUheod.' Mra. Pauime McCracken and M n. Carol SatchweU aang. Accompanist w u M n . Jean Parker, with M n. Norman Herelnger organist,

i r The obituary was given by J, le. Harold Abegglen.,Speaker was Rlcli- a . a rd Snow. ' i■ .] Honorary pallbearen were Homer

Maxwell. H arry Maxwd). Meari y Metz. Ray Wryttlng; B ndy Jack- ,

bt. aon. B iU . JoUIe and Vem Cora- '■ in messer.nd Pallbearen were Robert Adamt,

Robert Welker, Larry Welker, Ro^* nh e rt D len. Tommy proctor and Ken* r „ noU) Bladtbum.^ Concluding services were held ftt ^]. Bloomingtoiu

^ JUSTICE ^ BIRMINOHAM. Ala, June 8 of (tn»I)—Circuit Judge J . Russell Me- [I.. Elroy decreed yesterday It was too

ho t to dispense Justice and ad- . Joumed h it court unUI September.__


1^. .

n ,lid

Fidelity Notional I” || , ' OF T W IN , FALLS


M o to r B ranch — 1 3 2 - 3 r d

- -----U M b e r 'F e d ^ 'D c p a U tT n fU n b e i

l e ^ ^ u w tw o v u it in v to

A P e r s o n a l S e r ‘v ic<

th a t m eet* th e r e q a lre n e n U o f e>-er] f u n U j w e ■erre. O a r h ig h * tan d* rd i

■ re i i e r e r low ered to m eet ■ p r ic e , U c o tU n o m s r t to a H a t ,


W IN FALLS MORTUARl0 3nd Avenue NorUi Ph«i* RE J-IW

S e e n ^ ^ ^

u a c - , l ( . . . " “ J '“ M >=

enUiuslastlcally iriim." Buy iiiwiibR rtilun rinp !,“ m an looking duWouiiy _ car passing on iireet.. i

shopper girlng anothtr lCSSV I " outline of French illUAiim

moUien Uklng wdted. uii.T!’ youngslen to iflrm^n’ picnic. . . And ovrrheird^ -Ar,

„ one « u ld kno». b tii„ itun t , , I UI A baby a drink ol milk ’

paper milk carton."1 1 1 -------------------------•is -Begonlat. Mom, md BrtHi.. J : Wanl* a t Glebe Seed 4 t eed. a J

[jj' Ev a BCIL loLt) HEBHUSBAND 'DiDm'T eV PeC T HIM TO ^ 9M A R T ...B L rr T4 ue^T w e COOtD D o VJOOLT) BE T o K e e p m s m o u th ,


j r A n d U 's a wise move ^^hcn iri y o u o p e n your mouth and g l C a ll M o g ic City Roofing,

1 2 0 R o « i 's ^ '^ R E 'iM M

« N ig h t P hoM RE W 571

_______ , , , ,1





O N E o f th o numerouJ fa­

c ilities w e have developfJ

to h e lp you with your fi*

non c io l p r o b le m s . Ask

one o f o u r officcrj to in­

tro d u c e th em cll!

al Bank

H A T FILER \ . 3 , d E o . t

unbee'C orp.------- --------------------- --

' i c e

e w r y 'd*rd*

e , y e l - ............................. ..



raiPA Y .JU N 'E^^

Page 3: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

jVew Tides a t -f, F. L ib ra ry

A r e R e p o r t e d

i f ' J f A " " ' “"“ . . “I T«iA ,h . hMki ir e Amcr*


^Ilivoi-M .A lW rl un io n : "None i f l t l u - m n c c i P. lU ld.» to rm "

ii rfJldtnl-* »riune» on ih e md nnvytn of n m olhtr; »nd Ep»c«Illsht;' Eric

. tcltnlllle iccount of Uie

^mrcounl or Briveniuffs In Afrlcn.new titles tre -Conscn-a-

. In Amrrlcs.’' DoroUiy l l« n e r : T ^ . n .v i Before YMKrday," Ferij U crfhan, »nd "Joyce J»ckwn« “ aide to Winning ftlendi «nd Pop-

■nctude-.-T'«,uL R«1 Engine OeU » Nntrff. x ! ^ i . . r o » - "Fann to r Real. PS f.;- -c»puln PUR»a»h" nyan ; ■'^C htw r Schleln: -'Homer and“ c i r O ^ " - - ■ - A n n

K l , " M Wd ‘T h* A B C

r a » r - s ‘£ « r s ^ s^;'th» Wolf Dos." Monlsomery.

California Firm Has Low Bid on Airmen Housing

. UOUNTAIN HOME, June 8 «V - ; ^ l l f S ^ la firm *•« the .ppn rcn t lo* biddtr yesWrdiy u bid*/ftere Mifned for 310 unlLs of family hou*- JS to bS bu ia 'U Mountain Home

PaMdena. Calif- wSflUtd i bid of I35M.OOO on the Cipehart houalns pMiJeel.

C IL Ellc Coiulr^:cUon company Poeilello w u aecond low, with J4.-

1*0 oUief •ubmltl^d wrn 11138000 by Herbert Blew

c S . .n J IIM M M . b jM«x A. Botilser. Mountain Home

The Uirte low bld» will be aent to 4ir forte offlclati In Omaha and Wishlhjton. D. C. Th« wweMfu blWer will b* noUfled ^ hi* b d a .eefptaoM about June S3, offleiala

“ b u« offJcIali hop# to begin, oon- itniftlon about July 1.

Dance SlatedE)EN, June « - B t u d e n t i o

PiUey ichool, Eden-Ho*elton. whc llU be In the aerenth. eighth oi BlnUi gradti next fall, are Invited lo »U«nd a aguar* dance lo be held froa 7;:t) to JO p. m. Friday In th< £den grade achool building,

Noreni Anderaon, Eden erad« ictiool teacher, will direct lh« dnnc. Inc Tlie Clerer Cooka 4-H club Eden. La iponiorlng the party RelrtshmenlA will be aerved and « CTtU admimon fee will be charged


HOnCR IS IIKIIKIIY CIVKK lU l lh< IV»H «t C.,mmliil"i>«> et lh» Clly ol

[kl {»lla>ll^aul|Kii: 'I. IIKroNIM!, Ih« lolloolnr proIxnl««:

A. I^ii 11. 11, r. 0 , n. 8. T,■ •nitr Trvt tion «>;>U>(l(.1-n, C-1. «.l 10 M-1, to p«tDll .ip»n.ian o f iiinlnr Muilrr.

II. lou I Ihrvutli I.:«d ni't*.T AJ.mt»n. Tb.'»o» h.lf<,t t<H I, ('ock'i Sukll.Iiloo, Th* norlh loll cf i«t I. llUk 1, ll~>1li Kilfn- >ni<. Ul I, nWk 1, IIamIU >:ntniii>n n»»l1>'r'uniloii'8uUMtk>'ii. U l <. W»rl<ii.artlto No. T SuWWilon.

I •u»pl lU r. JW of MClh *W IhorW Ifom lUl u K-l-D lo F«(cnll <ius>l» Kinptrrr,

r. I.. I. JoSnioa SuMMilnn fram **

!. Tiir. roi,i>)wiNa riio rosnn bur, c u rrn u u r ic u in ohdinanc^JO. ion: •

A. ItA ml IIA.»>rnU 1)1> fo1lc«l>i| mn In oddllloa —iB KoM .Irndr ».iii,lll«1l

Wo-,.n', Wpr R.U

wVwh V ^ ’iT'I>. Swiloti 11*.:,. rl.n t NuroofT

1. .b>Mfd 10 r..d: 'T l.. ul*•I iitJnv looli, »kM],Urm<». <orU• ■f »lS«r ilnlkr llmi || p*fmltlnl,", T>i«l IB.J. *I>.J .n ilM-» Ifc. I.,i U th .n .«l lo

III, inr rors.r lola bull.llnsu »*rf ro r«TQr4 db iht Ith of

?oo'7'** | ‘ "h^ '•.lurW lo 10* In

!>■ H it K»il»i, lU-J. chtniodX r/Ml.;

i p i p m i

J. Ti;n DAvrs ([h.lrmin. Ito.rd of




Business CoUe!■

ud- .

fer- :1 . i_‘ ^ier> Ax m t.. . I___Lw-

A la, -'■■■ •■•




ri}w n’aPop- PreaenUng * diploma ta hla ac

eommeneemtat eaerrUea for T»ln j jh e B iih t,,U SlerUnt U raoo. eollcn

sN a v y Studies BC piiglit Report S Of Regulus IIr a lk POINT MOOU. Calif.. June 8 lllon (tJPI)—The navy evalualcd reporu nery. todny o f 'a 'iu cce .« fu l niRht of I. Itefiulur II mL’islle, nent out over

the Pacific from Uie'navnt air mu- Hlle leal center here and recovered In Nevnda;

Tlie aleelc. supersonic . 'b I r d

n alreaked seaward from lls launch- Ins pad ye,Uerday ofi'llie flrat fllRlit of a RfKUlar II from iliLi lest cen- n g w r. A JATO booster helped aend ll

Chase plancii. pllolcd by Lleiit, O k ) Pred Parker. San Antonio. Tex., and Lieut. O. D. John.vjn ac-

1 ° ^ : companled the atubby-wlnsed craft on IU fllKlit of aboul 300 mllea sea-

:a llf- *■»'■'* “"** “ AnUlope Dry' th e recovered by Lleul.

ir . J. Hays of Edwards air force ba.se, who look over control from a

‘ ” •* Jet TV-2 and larded Uie mls-slle IM.H on lt.s Irleycle landing Kear about

35 mllei aoulh of Tonopah,Naval offlcera w id the f<-«t

’• brouBht the negulua closer to opera-tional staRe In lls role as a nuclear

L r t striking force from Uie navya aiib- J..1 marines Orayback and Growler,

and Uia nuclear-powered Halibut, aoon to b* launched a t Mare Island. Iclala *

„ Tlie ml.«lle. baalcally a remote controlled jet aircraft. Is S7 feet long with a 30-fool wingspnn. It haa a range of 1,000 miles nnd an operational allltude of 00,000 feet.

An “In'tema! navlgaUon ayslem" ■, of permlta Uie Ilegulus to guide lUelf ' who toward lls target. Operator* aUo can u , o r Mnlfol ' « “> lhe ground or from ivited t h e a l r . _ _ _ _ _

Scholarship ToldWENDELU June »—Diana FrlU»

secreUry of Uie Wendell Commu- nlty 4-H club, announces Uial Jerri

party. NleUon and Janie Mall* are can. f dldates for Uie club scholarahlp U

4-H camp.The scholarship will pay full ex.

IT S iKn-se W the 4-JI camp to be helC------- o l IhB Pre.sbylerlatj Camp SawlooU:

above Kelchum July 30 to Auk. 3. •I th* Roland Ruby ond L am ' Nlelsor

will represent Wendell a t Ihe-Idnhc inV oD 4-H club eongreas Uils month Ir


Space Traveler?"uk. MIAkO. Fla,. June « Ifl — A h*.Vf Penn.S5'lvanLs hltchhlker-wlth an orih “Interplanetary" Itinerary has ii»"- arrived liere on his way to Jupl-

ter. In Florida. Uiat la.,i T. Devon SmlUi. 3J-ycor-oId auto •Ion. Msembly worker from Elwood,

Pa., aald he already has visited ** Mereuiy. Te*.. and Sun. La.

tram His last sdieduled slop—Earth ^ JTex.__________________________

ANCK__________________ I I L '__i-r.--

;:i': F g a r a g e s !HOM E IM PR OV EM EN TS !

t m KImberty Rd. RE 3-78M !CRESS BLDG. SU PPLY i

No rtn; payment*. Wmoa. to pay i V.U Stamps I

I [p mK IU T K iS T IG I

^ - _ Gam©5a- = $ 1 T 2 5*Vwi; • I w * J M *

■ J r v m . r m

\ e o s y - o n - y p u r - b u c / g i

i d e fe rred p a y prqn

1 UNITEDi Kimberly Roa


liege Graduates Ri

Is aoD. n ry as t LarMo. dorlor annual T«ln Falla IlDilncn eollece Thumday I*f« prn ldenL At right U ItU nrh 1).

I Instruction Held .f By PTA Councils „ In Two CountiesT I IfEYDURN. June 5 -A Jotnl school

nf ln.strucllon was held 'nicsday by . lhe Minidoka and Clt - lu county

'* ® PTA councils under thc illrrctloii of Mrs. JcM Hyman. Minidoka county

’f, 1 pre.sldenl. and Mrs, Jay E. WtvVc. Cassia county prrsldcni,

ConRre.-u publlcnUous nnd proifriim were dlscuwed by,Mh»,- Vfrn And-

.,. erson; Buhl, third vicr president of ‘ ^P the Idaho eongreXs of PnrrnUi nnd „ , , Teachers: education. Mrs. Ssm Dan-

Shaslione, fourUi dlsu-lct con- “ trres.1 publlcalloni chalrmnn; budret

“ nnd finance. Mra. Wllllnm Holt, Bur* ley. fourth district pre.'Jd(!ni; nn-

• .„' lional Pnrent-Tfiichrr Miiicar.lne. , , Mrs. Arvie Voylr. Declo, siale m ra!

' ,I aervlcn ehnlrman: leKlslatlon, Mrs. Don Chrlsholm. Diirlry. Junior high president, and Mrs. KelUi Ameiida.

^ Ca.Mli\ council leKWiiUve chalnnan. I,,,. Memberalilp and ho.^pllnllty, Mrs,

; 'V „ Forrrat BadKcr. Rupert, and Mrs.U U. Locander. Paul, both pnst

l^ iil presidents for Minidoka council; publicity and procedure book. Mrs. Q. D. Brown. Minidoka council pub-

i „ . Ilclly chairman. «nil Mrs. Sum ‘ Ogawa; Ca-wla council publicity

. , , ,1 chalnnan,.» h . Newly organised PTA unlta at- i ‘ , lending were eioiieer In Minidoka ,7h,,V county, and Burley Opportunitynnd’ Klwol- Represenlailvr.s allenried

• from Murtaugh. Kimberly, Valley - n f . and Shoshone.

A film, -Teacher* In Print." wa.i

H Idaho AEC Plant r„' Will Get Reactorfrom IDAHO FALLS, June 8 «V—The

atomic energy commission said today ll U having a reactor built to de ter-

d Ume Uie effect of exUime nuclear condlUons on fast reactor fuel ele-

transient rescUir teal facility. 5 ^ ^ being designed by Argonne national

Uboratory a t Lemont. HI.. Is being In to ‘he national reactor l«aUng^ staUoD In eastern Idaho.

H Guests Reported• 3 llEyBUIUi. June 6-^^r. and Mrs, ieljon Richard Coon and daughter, Long- fdnho Tlew, Wash., are tueaui Uils week of.h In his parents, Mr. and Mr*. Faye Coon,

Mr, and Mrs. Lrster Jakeway, _ _ WlchlU, Kans., have been guesU of „ Mr.'and Mra, Pred Dllger.7 Freddie Y e a m an , Trentwood.• Waah., Is spending the summer wllh

- A j,Ls grandparents, Ur. and Mrs. Fred

iS _________________tiPl- RETIREMENT FUND

WAUSAU, WU., June fi (UPD— luio T ilt U. S. navy haa agreed to pro- ood, vlds back pay to Loral ABderaon. lied The pay cover* 37 ye«f|>.__________

^ m w . i t . i i H I U . . 7 0 . 3

W P W C E S ifK m r p iE s n G E


K uW T Y r t .

i d g e t W OUjerTlrt* Priced ^ Aewdlogly Lowr . I

D OIL COVtoad ^ RE 3 -7 0 3 3 -----------

Receive Diplomas

uat noma, whs retclvrd the Alpba Tol lay hlihr.1 ir a d n In h rr flaaa. Commc I), ward t.ns thap tl. (SUff pheto-cm

Heuss Pledges Germany Will

— Hold Freedomunty WASHINGTON. June (I i;Ti—We.st '» of oennnn Pri'sltlenl Theodor Heiiss un ty proftilwd conKrc.w yesterday - Ills 'tvVc. county will stand fi'st with the

WcJlern world and ''will never again trnm depart from the path of democracy 'f 'd - nnd freeiloin."t t of A Joint sc.sslon gnve the visiting nnd 74.>'(iir-old President a standing

3 a n . ovnUon, nnd Speaker of llie House con- Slim Ilavburn, D.. Tex.. Introduced id re t him as the head o t "a Rrent. proud B ur- nnrt free people , . . who are dc-

n a - lernilned to remain free."7lne. Heiw addressed connre.ss on the lu ral jccond dny of a state visit—the Mrs. first ever made to th is country by a h igh Orrmnn head of slate.•iida. Eitrller West .Germnny and the man. Cnllr.d fitnles agreed tha t unlflca- Mrs. tlon of East and We.st G erm any Mrs. nhould not be ruled nut of dlacua- pnst Aions wiien nnd If there Is a new ncll; iiummit meeting between leaders of Mrs. tJie communist world and tlie West,

; Eat With Ikenl-i Wa's IUNGTON. Juno G (UPI)

doka Hlteen Republlcan.s. a ll inem- anlty bers bf the house of represenla- nried tlvri, met for breakfiiat w llh alley Prcildenl Elsenliower today a l

Uie Wlilt« House.«'a.<i 17ie IS Republicans eomprl.ied

A aoclal-lype group Uml meela perlodlully for breakfust and

L calls In a top governmenl official L to dlacuM policies and to ex-

change Ideas, c o r n ili Ume they wept all the

.T-k. way lo Uio top for a guest, nnd “ j - v wound up wlUi an Invitation to

lhe WhlU) House.


:lllly. Capitol police have threalened with lonal prosecution any person who operate* Being ft tricycle, sled, kiddle ear o r K ooteraUng o a Uie caplUil grounds,_____________

■ » *‘ood. with

i WU— o r m o r e

n e x tJasl make a phot

083 how Allstate's Ecc ~ may mean big

Wo’ll tfll! you cxac lly w ith tw o Bpccial A lls t

1, Sava on f ln an e ln g . ! __ MTaPB»-iInancing-aUi

operating bank .

2. S o v c o n ln tu ra n c * . A ' than those o f m o at oth

are you 'll eavo real {6 $ 100. . . o r o ven men

Convenient "packa; paym ent covcre botf: ance. A uto liab ility ini

“ if you wish. W h y n o t how m uch you m ay m

Ken B allanfyne 8BEARS, SOEBtK

4U MaJa A m ine West

Y o u 'r e In g o

A ir J r .?------ ----- l>y,-W o«bM O>»0

. . . . ■i«ail«blim»0. Mor



as at Ceremony B(


' «ai(lof *1

r ^ '• a. ili





Io ta lehelanhlp key for ha flag th# immeneement v i i facid In tho fourlh . .-cocrav ln t)______________________

I Fair Committees S£ 1 Set by Grangers-A W. W. Nellie nnd VIrgll w'llllnms. Juni

chnlrnien. nmiouiieed Uiclr fair nol

meommlUees ut Uie nieeUnc of the ssld Mountain Hock Grange lliursday veni nlgni. • Tl

working nn Uie display booth wl,l ,till ' r , be Mrs. \oljIe, Mr.s, H. W. n itd f - (o 'L*; man und Mrs. Kaymond O’Dell.

Meruln l 'arley. John Dean. Claude i,un ' , . v Brj'ant. Harry R.iyl and Rclna De- g,

Vries win be In charge of grain, Leo *.ho ,ln_ Crane and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nel- yopk ;,ntf son win make the sheave*, -ju „ In charge of Irult will be il. W. ,o ,

i-ed Rledeman, Raymond O’Dell. Max j.,id o„d Vanaur.deln and Lyle WeaUierble: d e . vegetables. Mrs, Nelson. Perlle Bell- of 1

vllle.' nobcrl Uayl, Mrs. .Velma tj,„ lh e Treadwell. Williams and Chatl'is j j j ,

.th e Jones; Isl! corn. Charles O’Dell: n )v a peas and ie an s . Von Buchanan, —

John Miller, ElvU Utley. Carrol Ul- ^ th e ley. Vernon Lawson and Mrs. L. Dll- £

lea- llnglon.any In oU'fr buslne.v, re.solutlons per- •lui- talnlng to *u te Orange session to J j new be held In October, were read from fl of Perrin Hnrland, stale Orange *ecre- “ 'e at tary I t was reported Pomona___ Grange wll! meet in the MounUln

' Rock hall In July.During the lecturer's hour, a me­

morial program waa given by Mr*.’I) Charles Jones, assisted by Mr*. V«r» n - non Lawson^___________^

Gel J-30I FerUMser and Wonn Conteo^ I t ClBb^Seed A Feed. Adr.


9 Heart Disease:x- aod

Sftiniach TroubleCan OKc t Be C orr« ted by

, g e n t l e , accuratfl ChlropmcUo Adjustmental

Dr. Alma H ardin• a te Cnm O PE A C rO ElOtcr UO Mala North BB S-4TU

I'lIK)e ^ o n y o u T —E t c a rbone call to find oat Econo-Rate Financing ig savings for yoa

c lly how much y ou’ll save illatalo advantages,

la. Becauflo wo’U help you

• . Allslato’s rates are lower . o ther coinpanics. Chancca .1 foHing money— $50 . . .Tiorc. I ,ckage" plan. One m onthly Iw th finandng an d inBur- / insurance cnn bo included n o t call.DOW and find o u t

,y save? -

e & E. John GoodrichSBtICK * CO. BLBG, ~

PbsB«~R£ 3*««:i

g o o d h s n d s w H h

. S T A T E

.Kph CO. -'W •• • • • • .


Boyle Sees Futuri Troops Propel!

H j UAL nOYLK liOMNEW YORK. June fi - ’n ie 'tl 'e

« n if IJ a future wnr. T he AnirrlcltU;b,i't InI.mity ts attacking. [ «'

•MJV Iiom the advaiiclng hn^ and cum r.(v.:iu iniildly for- waiil Ukr a swariu of siury bumble-

■*^'nify t.ike one^^^^ajB y " 'h i l l . . . t»n h m s K 0 B : - j E i n b'l" . . . thier hills . . . * \ V J

• «.«lilt su tiitd en-

pl.no*,a I. c a l l e d ^ J i ^ M Wr Wlorr thr b e a m -A j | | l M U hi«,iiennal w h o l« * » « l« i g^,u y ': H»l

’"llirre hns never been an exploit .. lo mnidi this in (he entire annuls “ j. of warfare. U s fiin tastir. 1 am proud of jiiii men, and I'm recomnirmlins ^ evff)' <inc of you for Uie niedsl nf hiimir."

’I'hf membrrs of Ihe plaionn look J unrisily si one n iioyirr. m ially ai I " ' liuiiMi prUite blurt.' out; eve

•'Aw, hell, g e n e r a l . 'v r ain’t nn|n>e lierof.v We jiisl se t our rear roiket.TI' moifl!* ion high—and couliln’t stop.lloli If Me hadn't run out of fuel, we'd I'ei still be goUig." 1 ^

Tills mile fanta.sy coulil rome true ^ If a new portable rocket devclopnl by an ex-nrmy technlciil sergennt 5

. works out. Strapped to lhe rr:ir of / a doughboy 11 holds promise of turn- 5 I'ng him Into a comblnnllon r a c e -y hone and antelope.

S ’'He can run faster, can Jump acrou rivers, scale walls and cliffs,,

J. Jump extraordlnnry heights — and,Ir nol be Ured when h e gels Uicrf,".>e said Alexander H. Bolu-, the In- ly venior I

Tlie rocket, details of which are J I'l still secret, doesn’t enable a soldier.

to fly. apparently, bu t doci give ■' him the csliilcratlng leelhig he's a '

human cricket, . • tf* Several Infantry veterans with X ■/> whom I discussed the doughboy g '* rocket were on Uie sltepUcal side, 9

T lieyre always Uilnklng up ways / lo gel a dogface Into baltle laslcr.‘',{i

** said one. 'W h a t th# dogface hlni-]> <:■ self wants Is a way to gel him o u l'g '• of baUle altogeUier—and for th la.|»

Uiere’* no b e tu r gadget than a gen- p 'r* era) pcace." |S

The army, of course. Is te stlng i/

>• K o d a k F i n i s h i n g ! |-D A n -T SS B V IC B - |g

u L E E O O N P H O T O |f m Sboibooo N orth - D o w u U ln S

ff* Oin B B 0 » M 81a«p« 8


Y ou Can Buy Durin;

24” Coal Furnace & 22” W eir Furnace & 22” M ontag Coal Fur 2 20” Sunbeam Coal M ueller Coal Furna<2 A m erican Standar C rane O il B o ile r ....

. 3 U n k B e l t S to k ers .~ ------ 3 I ro n Firem an Stok

’ 2 Fairbanks-M orse S3 L arge Commercial 2 Good Used Oil Fui

2 Gas F lo o r Furnacc 2 Gas W all Furnaccj2 Gas H e a te rs ..........Iro n F irem an Heatn

S to k er & Blower,

- -------—Miscell6 E lec tr ic W ater He 6 Oil Stoves Quaker,

28 El Steam Radi

Ufied 0 S

U sed Je ep W ith Wii

T E R M S On Moi

M IL D I238 So. Lincoln

i r e W a r W i t h G r

i l l e d b y R o c k e t s „■!

dozens ot Ideas to make It easier for Evanj 'the doughboy to do his task In Co»■ b.tltlr. ,I nu t no old Intaniryman ever be- * 'lievrs snvone will ever make his Job a t ^ ei cuin/orinUcT 'nvrouglloui hlslliry Itt knotts the problem flf. the dogface crusai hns n:u.i>s been the same, T(ie pic- f “>- turr Is alwitys the sa m e-a scattered >” «■' group n[ men v,lth a thousand- * y ‘ ' y»rd stiire In th rir tired eyes stum - ^ bllnji up a forlorn hill lo root out a dug-in enemy.____________ ^

Meets •—Super Six Skinners 4-H club met

Wrdne.Nday nt the homr of Gary A.wendrup. leader, wllh Dennis Greene, vice pre.Mdenl. in charge.

Tractor safety and engines were * i Ft, dlscu.ved. Allen Webster b a new - - ineniber. nefrrshments were served n i by Gregory Clough, 0 I

{XVB MEtr .S JFJIOME, June B — The Sugar !«„,

l.onf Livestock club met Monday »r"u- levenlng nl Uie-Ornnge Imll wlUi 17 members and Uu-ee visitors prcsenL O#

[IT hr members then went to Char- Tw illo lte Walter's home to look at j jh c rc a lf , ______________________



’i; NEVER NEEDS I" , GM orantoed Ih e L if t ol

ROOFING‘i Insulation - Wteotl ’ I F . H . A . T E

" \ i N o th in g D own — 3 6 fi

“I PHONE RE 3-217!I- 5

DAK DAI ROOFmGn -GIra M« a PUm (« Stand u d

I 151 ROSE ST. T W IN F>


m uH E A T I N G El

nSA V EM O K EY n g T h i s Off-Seo!

; & B l o w e r , E x c e l l e n t C o n d i t io

e & B l o w e r ............................. ................

F u r n a c e w i t h n e w c a s e ........ ............

o a l F u r n a c e s ....................................... .

r n a c e . B l o w e r , F i l t e r s , e t c . ..........

d a r d C o a l B o i l e r s , E x c e l . C o n d .

i r s ................................ ........... ................. - ......

I to k c r s - . ............ --------- ;------------------------ -

s e S t o k e r s ............................. .. .................

c ia l S t o k e r s — ..................................

F u r n a c e s ..........— ................................

l a c e s ..............- ........- ........................•'---------

a c e s — ............ — -.............................- ......

a t m a k e r P a r l o r F u r n a c e , c r , L a r g e S i z e — .......- ........................

e l l a n e o u & ^ q u i p j i

H e a t e r s ( S o m e L i k e N e w ) ........

i a , D u o - T h e r m a n d e t c . ) -----------

i E l e c t r i c M o l o r s l / 8 t h t o 3 H P

i d i a t o r s l B l a s t C o i l s , C o n t r o l s

a l O i l T a n k s , 2 0 0 G a i . t o 2 5 0 0 G i

. S o m e U s e d A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s

W i n t e r C o b ........... ............. .......... ..........

M o s t I t e m s — E v e m n g t B y A ,

i D E i l heatin P K E N SHEETS>lnEA 4-2502 or EA ^

Graham C r u s a d e

T o E n d J i u i e 1 5 , i8AK FJIANCISCO. Ju n o 8 tfl- — ,:

Evangelist Billy O ra h am a-Ul end hU Cow paUce crusade Ju n e IB, bu l ')i| will return to 6an Francisco June 23 f l | for a "mass evangelSaUe meeUoK" I I a l Seabi stadium. - M

crusade June' IS, announced yestcr* f l day. meant his orlslna l alx wecki of H meetings here will be extended on* |] l week, ■ . 1

Local sponsors asked the North i r Carolinian lo rem ain an addlUonal ||, two weeks bul G rah am said ho aad I h b staff were Ured. j j

-------::4=.;LCATto?*-BgciNS--------- !—BUSS, June a — M ra. Larry Gib- ■•{

tMns and Mrs. Irla Thompson, and Kenneth. Glenns Ferry , lefl Tues- , day to vUll Mr. and Mra. Ben Bray. •'< Doulder. Colo, and Je rry Thompson a t Ft, Blls^_Tex^________________

BDHACH Best - hr Ittsea Pests |{

fsd'crtssssss."!"!?! II- L o oo plsMt or bitdJ. ‘ I

BUHACH I1 U n r T» Um— IP

E w T rH rN i^ ^

L SIDING)S PAINTING i fi f t «f I h t B u ild in g , B ||

ALL T Y P E S 8 i9 C h eck O u r P r ip e i | |

l o t h e r S t r i p p i n g |

TERMS 113 6 M o n lh i fo P o y l H !j


ANIELSSIGCO. | ld u d m Boot th e World* K ,

N FALLS RE ^V79 ^ '


EQUIP.■ Y l f Y o u

e a s o n S a l e

l i t i o n ....... — 1 8 5 .0 0

________ _______ 1 3 5 .0 0

________________ 8 5 .0 0

........ e a . 8 5 .0 0

....................... . 1 9 5 .0 0

k )n d . e a . 1 9 5 .0 0

_______________ X 9 0 .0 0

_________ e d . 9 5 .0 0

____________ e a , _ _ 9 p . 0 p _ „

............. e a . -6 5 .0 0

....... . e a . 2 9 0 .0 0

......... ........: e a . 1 9 5 .0 0

................ _ „ . e a . 6 5 .0 0

___________ e a . 6 8 .0 0

............. ......... 2 5 .0 0 U p .

......... ...................... 2 2 5 .0 0 ’

p m e n t ,

...... 25.00 tp____ _ 30;001jpiH P , ^t r o l s & e t c .

lO G a l .

n e r s _ _ ___ „ „

........ ............... ..... .3 0 0 .0 0 ,

■y Appointm ent

■ | N 6 A N D

r M E T A L c a ^ : .


Page 4: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

II ; . & ! ! = f « K . i / S . V J l * . “r i

I K ■■§ II I , . ; a < a 5 v i : ' ' i i & i : ; " . 'A- ■ ■ bra« ef ikU MPtr p«n(»(' H lU M ClurnoN, ■ I BT CABUn-TATABL

I I : S S - - ^ S 5 ^ ^ =; | l L ;Bf «lx »»Blln i I »n> tfc« -

*■ I r< “ by .mail- rATABLX' f l ■ - fritUa U4)m u4 >&• CMBt7. Km

f £ to tu y .S U M •!»*».■

1 1 ----------- =f t i -1 {!;■ h HI fltmt. B«» I

; f [ | E N C O U B A G IN (J !A Prem ier Charles de Gs

. . 1 1 h la troubled countrymenJI i frlenda abroad as one desI

Z j | t o cu t'free 'governm ent b u tH H i CQUlP It ^^ I H . lem s as A lgeria........

,:f j |l* “ Tbe general m ay be jii IjL'J -ask ing lo r emergency jn

' .U l | ' m onths. The pace of theI I I ; h l3 coming to power sugge

' I I I .Blmply cannot move los, critical th e hour.

■flf' ' B ut w hat Is Im portan tIII secs an early lim it toI t " g ra n t under which he w

‘ ' I I recourse to th e nationalC f' Similarly,*ln requesting

•.flj' tu tlona l reforms, Includln,• ! ||! endum. Do Oaulle advar_,d ; denlflbly democratic Jn cl / y II . Ho w ants' any now ’ gov i l f f '^ u ll popular voting an d liR H r em m en ta l responsibility t| [ l| f ilam ent,

' • ■ I ' A r ih o same tim e, how ' | M t effectlvo separation bctwi

fPf] and th e executive authoi4 u separation, weakness of'■ III been a prim e facto r in tM l h a s m arked the postw ar

:W I political history.' H I T his m uch m ust surely'HI second De Oaulle phase 1H I len t years. A nything less <W l re tu rn , a f te r Do Oaulle, U

cession of fu tile govem m■ I I Tho general showed Ingp i I a llty In nam ing a cab ine t iiL’iij b a n d w ith p arty leadersM tt p rem iers and career m enH I d ig h a rd in to France’s f uH I : T he f irs t and th e supre:H i Algeria. Tho reacH I 'te c tlo n ls ts th ere to D e GtH I displeasure and dtsappoln H f i ' too m any liberals fo r theLH K B u t De OauUe will ha^V s ;to seek re fonns In F rance '

overseas territories. Andt W i able feeling th is .m ay opcH i Independence for AlgerloW areas, on term s reasonab lm ^ Beyond doubt, If h is cor

' i l :* ^ v e an y enduring signH Oflulle m ust find a solutlcH to fall In th is, h is t

K m e n t would In the end beI] 35 governm ents w hich pri

!w as OQ th a t rock t h a t th fina lly foundered.

■ .G O O D ST A IJT _O N•Ct'i T he commercial a irline■ l h av e show n strong Inltii'T9 com bating th e perils o f to:jjH space. Now they a re beingI E e ra l government In decisis'iff . o r elim inate th e hazards« f I S ta rtin g June 19 th e gc,W era t« th ree 40-mlic-wlde "H providing maxim um safeif l tr y and Interm ediate fliglR Tho featuro of thcsoH th a t th ey will bo -undel i contro l a t all tim es a n dt a a irc ra ft—commercial, p r i

W w ill be allow ed'to e n te r 01

S lines w ithout tho autho:

g round controllers.

T hese corrldors wUl ta' a h ^ a c e lii th e 'n a tlo n in>

’■ too-llkely prospect o ^ m lH be v irtually wiped out.w P resident Elsenhower's[2k ru le s governing m ilita ry® th ro u g h exlsUng federa l tH I f a r as th e y go, b u t th ereH over p rivate p lanes In thV H appily, tho govem m er B ,.«s la possible I t wlU e j M -leng th a n d heigh t o f th e■ f i r s t th ree will be carved■ ;17.000 to 22,000 feet.

>H O n top of th is, th e al:■H la s t Ju ly 1 have been opB i In thb “golden triang le" cH ll Ington-Chlcago on In s tn

TO* — abovq-giaoQ -fcctrw iiith lrJ itt <pn Instrum ents oh a i m^11 Kfeet anyw here In th e counV *K ^Iy th is to f ligh ts abo ( H T here can bo no doubi | n : ' dependence upon in s tn u [ ■ g ro und .con tro l will ta x i f H m e n t a n d tra ined persoi U availab le for th is v ita l -w

H E quipm ent is being ad H and_a jra lQ ln g :p ro g ram .< H un d e r way. B u t I t would M I new burdens .do n o t cau

a n d confusion in th e £at]vH t T h e im p o r ta n t th lp g is'.U ' s tep s Indicate 'fu ll aware:« . o f th e a ir safety probien solved u n til a ll th e n a tloM a re under complete* con tw located airspace, govem e\m e ra l agency.« ' B u t these beg lnning .rcM ;iecessary collision d ls a s t! ■ «how a,determ lnatlo fi" to

|H . A m an who goes to a p H : . > th e w hole cheese u su a lly I B ’ i ^ r a t t u o u i t

H page t o pb

m r I I I T U C B

W ]s K i i S t a S a n . r - ' ' ”. M tu r Apti: L n i l . I t tb« vort Iloocd hOUM ri«T th« _ toroer O eoe

\a t t - *»>M U»M <*««.

‘ABLE nr AOTAitei - ~■ 1 u

• " ■ Lii

« LM~ U l

J 5 " c S ! 1 ! S ^ o " pB«a rraMiN*. C4J11. treinendouB------------- DemoeAtIcJ IN G S T A R T A rertll H m J O a u iie 's p ro g ra m fo rn e n im prcM ca F ra n c e ’s gECXiONd e s ig n e d n o t to u n d e r- u, j,gaib u t to sh o re 11 up a n d b m obuineI s u c h p e re n n ia l p ro b - biii*. the exp

or co;

>e’ u n d u ly o p tim is tic Iny i» w c rs f o r on ly s ix Uon to John

th e e v en ts In c id e n t to in iMO th a t th e French

fo s t , no m o t t c r how e n l eourtj 1 Uie Ubor Ja

y in t Is t h a t h e h im selfto thU extraordinary S ™ . in

1C w ill g o v e rn w ith o u t unions* m hm al a ssem b ly .' held Uiai Ui s tin g a c t io n o n c o n s tl-u d ln g a n a t io n a l r e fe r - or bd v a n c e s p r in c ip le s u n - Herbert Bro la c h a r a c te r .•g o v e rn m e n t ro o ted Innd In th e I d e a of gov - before ^I ty t o th e e le c te d p a r - furier cJi»rgi

ot iiuUee, «h o w e v e r, h e w a n ts a n ‘ le tw ee n th e le g is la tu reitho rlty . Lack o l th a t “ re lS teao f th o e x ec u tiv e , h a s tn d th e r do

In th e In s ta b i l i ty t h a t Twiiticiu edi w a r c o u rse o f F re n ch

coiUy c&inpfir e iy com e o u t o f th e pjvinphieu. au e I n F r a n c e ’s tu rb u - utieai purpoeless c o u ld m e a n on ly a They do r ie , t o th e o ld a n d su e - m m e n t s .

I n g e n u ity a n d o r ig in - n o o s E Rin e t s tu d d e d o n th e o n e house Reput[ers s e rv in g a s d e p u ty » iih e i«m e n a b ly q u a lif ie d to ^B f e s t e r in g dlfflculC les. e jn ite thnt 1a p re m e te s t , o f course , taiconUa th ere a c t io n of th e in su r - effective » u te G a u l le 's c a b in e t w as “ ’'V *'p o ln tm e n t . I t c o n ta in s ^ , y jabort h e i r ta s te . w w te iiouae

h a v e b r o a d a u th o r i ty bers. is th e rm c e ’a r e la t io n s w llh I ts problem, o r ) t a d t h e n ^ l a cqnslder- ' o p e n th e d o o r to fuUs e r l a a n d so m e o th e r u n io n s /n a b ly s u i ta b le to th e m , is l a t o r s -j c o m in g to pow er Is to uie-combines ig n i f ic a n c e , Q cn. do '

ilu t lo n to A lg e ria . I f h e g Sm ”h is e m e rg e n c y govern - a p v c i o airi b e n o b e t t e r th a n th e iesW*tor^ i tI p re c e d e d h im . For i t " A t h e F o u r th B epubllc


.O N REFORM S V T F \r lln e s a n d th e i r p ilo ts » *• J-* * In i t ia t iv e a l l a lo n e In J t t o d a j 'a c ro w d ed a i r - .,T 6 i tu n m e ln s Jo in e d b y th e le d - ic lslve a c t io n to reduce Earlier in 1 r d s o f c o llis io n . to u i i the 1le g o v e rn m e n t will o p - chance* of t ,de - s k y w a y s " a im ed a t s a f e ty f o r c ro ss -c o u n - ^ o u ij , f l i g h t s in th o s e zones'.' n U s n at«t«l cso a i r su p e rh ig h w a y s 1 1 Alastoi i n d c r c o m p le te g round in d I n a l l w e a th e r. No ‘iS m ed deau

p r iv a t e o r m il ita ry — notbeconalt! e r o r c ro s s th e s e b ro ad bUla. T h a t ai i t h o r l t y o r th o CA A '.

BUls for atII ta fact bo the only since 1916. <: I in. which the now all- frcw ancoj M td d - a l r coum ion w ill S t S t. . The propo er'a spm al emergency it58 by an 1 tary flights Into and lortai legisiai ral airways are good ash e r e Is s t i l l n o c o n tro l the majortt; n th o s e la n e s . lUtehood foim e n t s a y s t h a t a s f a s t “1 e x te n d th e n u m b e r, t h e n e w skyw ays . T h o ^ bm ]

i r e d o u t a t a l t i tu d e s o f without link The U rrld

e a l r l t o W hich . in c e " “ S I 1 o p e ra t in g a ll a i r c r a f t vbea v e me le” o f N ew Y o rk -W ash - n s t r u n ie n t f l ig h t ru le s th l s - J u l r l - b c g ln - l l y ln g i i n u ^ l 3 " a b b v e " 10:000 c o u n try . P re se n t ly , th e y i ia « ,ih e se a b o v e 18,000. ^ lietwecn

lo u b t t h a t th U henTlor s t r u m e n ts a n d fe d e ra l por(«d in a ■MX se v e re ly th e eq u ip - tn so dajrs e r s o n n e l t h o CAA h a s c ep w . ww<

g a d d e d a t good p a ce . OM*; a m o f a m b it io u s size is more than lUld b e ' a m ira c le . If th e w Uv,

c a u s e so m e s tu m b lin g ^ o r t i 'o ^ M l l y d a y s . „ , TOOUIg i s t h a t th e s e positive much mone ? a r e n c s s o f th o g rav ity compeuuve ro b lem . I t w ill n o t b e ^la t lo n 's 110,000 a lre r a f t c o n t ro l in p ro p e r ly a l- 'viee Pre* e m e d b y a s in g le f e d - l e w e baa«

South Arneig .r e s p o n s e s t o .the u n - a a s t e r s o f r e c e n t w eeks uonai p « i i I t o g e t t h e Jo b .d o n e , e o n ^ t o j

in lsh l moxiI a p a r t y a n d tr ie s to boU ly Is c o i^ ld e r e d tb e o f - d ingers o fother M y ia a

' ' II m


W I R L I G I GnNOTOK. - An mnuentUl group of dUU louse R«publlc«a *UJ loon requeit t h a t . Jener»l WlUlam P. nogeri enforce T otl-H i iMiODM un l°» ' UM

' pollUc&l campolioi.'

. . t i demand. llJey underwent that. 1 ' , t r ths combined labor.m orement * H < K a ^ mUlloni b to Oblo lo defeat the 1

8eo. Robert A. T aft the. U H Q i b e ran (or reeltcUon, Uu AFL-C ■ S s B h len rch r will tpentl tv a j cen t ti ^ S j ^ m can aftord to. defeat WIUI

of CaUfomli.AnoUier man marked for sUui

te r U Sea. B arn ooldwater of / tons because of hU aerere crlUcl o f Beek-Hoffa pracllcea a s a me

he McClellan commlltee. la poslUve side, labor alilrei to. roU up ou* vote for IU favorite candidates fo r ' ktic presldenUal nomlnaUon In' l»80— O H arrlm an of NeVYOtfcvand O. Mennen V> Michigan.'

ION JM O P TAFT.HABTLEr ACT—Acco ■gal opinions vtilch Uie complaining OOP* lalned, th e Tali-Hartley act (aeetlan 30«» f expenditure o{ union members' dues to et

,t congressional candidate! Just ia oUier iJcorporalo donaUons. ------ -:lr reaearch, Uiey trace Uie origin of th l i a rohn h. Lewli’ contrlbuUon of fSOO.OOO to PI T hey have a bulky file on Uie aubject. a senate apeech by Senator T aft In wh

!d ou t aecUon 3Ws intent, but which the fi i t s have neglected In Uielr InterpreUUon ir Jaw.ta Involving Walter P. Reuther's alleged i n t o f funds In the campaign of ^ v e n I la Michigan, u well a i shipment o t oil w ah across lUte llnea, the federal courts hj It thU expenditure li lawful. The ruling 1 fUlenged by many legal experla. bu t U 1 I opposed succcMfully by Democratic attorn or by th e ir RepubUcan succesaorft-Rogcrt Brownell.

B*S LAWyEBS CONTENTION-In t«ct,-wl in Attorney general reluctantly brought sue! o re . th e supreme court. JusUce Pellx Prat tiarged from Uia'bench Uiat the departmi :e, w ith apparent deliberation, had aelec teat aad prtKOted an Inadequate argume s, however, did not prevail with Uie new d of the moment.

lied iabdr's able lawyen contended thei r d o ^ o w —that they use their fundi only I educatfon,- and UiU contenUon ho* bi

by federal JurUts. including the nine 1 it I t la a recorded fact Uiat their extrem xmpalgn of paid advertisement, newspapi ta. speeches and doorbell»rlngers have a 1 trpoae.do n o t try tb serve the common good. 0: 1 labor’s. In fact, they do' no t labor for I a w ho do not belong to unions.

E REPUBLICAN GnOUTS CONCERN-! .epubllcan group are dUUncUy-dlsappoln Elsenhow er admlnlalratlon's handling of t w hich they attribute to Uie phlUophy RepubUcanUm.” More realliUcally. they r

tiat the admlnlitraUon does no t w ant to ■ th e labor vole In Uie great and pollUci sU tea, from Kew England to California.

1 new fac ton account for the current u none o f 'th e measures seeking lo reform

ibor pmcUcei. Including Uiose framed ' :ouao or Indignant McClellan commlltee me th e re any itlempt to deal wlUi thla be , o r to correct Uie court*' InterpreUUon. N( , tho kind of dellnlUTi curb on unlota ' 1 saneea th a t appUea ta'oorporaUona. •

N8 AIM TO INCREABE TRrEN D Lr* LE RS—The oUier provocallon la the belief U iblned union campaign Ireaaury U able or® th a n the two major parUia can afford, ja m ore Important than Uie defeat of Knc Jldw ater and their lympathlttrs ia, th a t t 5 a lm s to booitlta current total of "friend

In th e houie to 300 or more, or enoi ol a n d to decide the fate ef whatever lej t preaented to Uiat body. Should they » J n e x t congrejs will be an APL-CIO anne* (Rtlnwd br WtCIsr* H«wipi|*t


im about vote of 3DS-1M la Uie house to adj a th o •49th slate wn* anoUier poslUve atep and dreary struBRle to face rcftllllea.' In th e week Uie house had voted tentaUv iie bUI. I t now goes to Uie aenate. wh< of tln a l adopUon aro. good unless somebc la throw ing a monkeywTeach In the maeh

a to r Knowland of CkllfBrala"sald May 6 Klc aasunuice} from Uie una te th a t a E ta tehood hlU would be brought up for act: i ^ n bUl Is approved. I h l i would most Ilk n th e defeat ot both cauaei again, rea rs ago a bill to aAmll Hawaii aa a a t deattned to paa-Jjut tear Uiat Alaska woi jnaldered caused a senate bloc to Join tho t a l action killed aUtehood fer both terrltorl >lne the bills In this aesslon. even Informa: ould have the same effect, or statehood for Alaska have been In congr 16. <HAwaUan sUtehood h u been beb>re « ico 'lO lS.K A t one UfflB'or another since 1: amber of congreas has appreved italehood Tltorles.iroposetl Alaskan coniUlutlon waa nU fled an overwhelming vole. The last three le:

Ilslatures. have passed memorials urging aU laska Is read? for admission to the Union ■ orlty of Ita people want statehood. Polls ah jorlty of the people cf the mainland fa’ >d fo r bo th icrrttorles. t'a case to r lUtehood may be weaker In so: lan th a t o t Hawaii Dut Alaska sUtehood ) led faster this year. The approval of the AIj will by 'Itself enhance the chances of Hawi Unking the two caaet.

errltorlca ahould be mad# sUtea for Uie bea« people, for Uie strengUi ot Uie United 8U dem onstrau to Uie world tha t we mean

e m ake n proml4e,-Salt Lake Tribune.

DUS REPLACES FERRYrsilroo< l.tow n.caU h«.rouU -to^n-P rancl gd e a^ -la te rM ted - l& .lh a Qrdcc_luued I r th e IntenU te eommerce commission auth le Soulhem Pacific lo abandon lU ferry ae » e « i Oakland Mole and Ui# Ptrry buUdl t n who hare looked forward wlUi pleasure n lnu te boat trip acrocs Uio bay will be trai In Greyhound buses, the change to u k e pl lays u n le « some new letal proltsls are 1 w hich doesn't seem likely.Southern PadUc haa been trj-lng for a ]< replace lU ejpenslve ferrleyi with buses. 1

n# one o t Ui« ferries, Berkeley, have bi iian JSOO.OOO since 19M. Bui cbjfctlona w a Uve change which the ICO atudled lo r ye acting U st weet

of Ihe romance of raltreadlng wUI tob a u lt of the njllng.- but the rallrosd will sj noney, and uring money ts v lui in the toi lUve t r a a s p ^ u o n iwce In »hlch the n iTO eagaced^.Qtden Standard-Eiamlner.

lUT.AND.RUN DIPLO.HACVf««aUy th a t ma baarta lt te am conduct a po!H.eeMon lour friendlier rclaUi

IT XMlgnbors to the south.O fp y th ln p hare been claimed for the i

paattoe and it might be Uial such a lour wo imdenundlng. 11 cerUl

;om&;,rSd‘S’H'ssf.i5"SV ouaa .l» - iM t a m u S

M m


G P o t' dlsUlu-

Sh o t s t BTjoney In

id the ir . " 'that, as SHORT BUMMKS AOADI e n t sent po t flhou:

i S * i w , • “ ^ anoUier ot“ 5 t o e /Mioua ih o rt lummera.J dIaUncUy recall abu tting

fumae* here about th re* w( WlUUm ,fo . M attw of fact, we were thi l o w w liig gulte w rlpusiy ot IM klng I

thla air conditioner bualneaa. aUugh- Then about a week ago wo al

' of Ari* ered out o t bed one m om lnc a i erlUclam shivered eight dowa the b tu e n a mem- u> tum tbe furnace back on . P

thermore. i t’s been In tue da lly al ■U Up a Uien.for the Do you tuppoM I t wUt ba • 1

J — Oov. wlaterTlen WU- L ghJTer

(Twin Palli

•Accord- KITTENS FOK K IDS DEPT 30P*era Six Uttena hav* to h av e 1 IM) for- homei and two other caU a lao h to elect to more, one o t them the mothe:

aer law* aix. The kitten* are about 3 mor old and weaned, Vou c an ph

'h i | sec- REdwood S-6MS.

B^cL^lt kittena are abou^ •ihlch ““’" ‘h* old. They coma in vaji th« fir t. w lo"- *potle<l, one yeUow ,S i o i I ; " " “ ' • ' “ ■ 'I " v " "Uon Of roo*t«r* al*o wiu b e glged 'dla- ***^'ipvemor ******* , « ,

? U h J « WUT EDrrORS DIE YOUNC lln» has picture of the little boyt i t has * Rupert'* tuHlBg derbyttomey* pertecUy why editor*ogcr* or old age. .•

The capUon tinder the p lc tu ie peaclng on page th ree yester

ct,-«hen plainly identifies the-boy a s L t such a Badger, 10, ton ot Mr. and M rs. J< jKfsnk- 1- Badger, R upert All o t w hlcl

artm enl flas and dandy e tcep t fo r one U aelected fla w -lt wasn't. gumenL Actually, Uie boy- I t R onnie K lew deal >*7ear-old aon o t Mr. and Mra.

m er Kidd. Declo. Now you'll won then— anyone could be oo w rong,

only for Blow b> blow, here’a how U h aa been A roU of undeveloped 1i^ a ton 1“ hy Mrs. Porrest Bad,ttremelv T-N jcportcr a t Rupert. T h e Mi snanen Valley editor phoned M n . Bad '« a DO-’ concerning idenUflcatlon of th e l

Mra. Badger wasn't home, bu t od onlv *ho answered th e phono for the fhe Magic VaUey ed ito r

boy was Leon Badger. O f cou when telephone* are developed v

ttj TV attachmenU ot aome sort, ma BMlnUd “ r t o t Uilng w on't hap i t cf thU “ »yho. ^ ^

hey rec^ ' D E P T .I to an - Pola:sllUcally We have four femalo pjim la .. shepheid pupa to give away. T >nt eon- will be email dogs. T he m other 1 form or good stock dog, Phone EAat 4*C I ^ the or pick them up four miles no: :e mem- ona mile west and one-ha lf i .U boale north ot Jerome a n ^ m e .in. Nose Charle* Ot<ona po- mother of. the** fo tir .pi

8 to 10 weeka old. U a coIlTe. Th TVQ. ot the pups are' male; one fem

th - t You can get them by phoning Dikhi. to o r pick them up a t th o J<

LuU pUce three mUes w elt, thr And one-half mllea south a n d 0 ! j , ^ “thg fourth of a mile west of Filer.

nSHEEMAN FAVOIIED er legta* Some o t you good conatltU( icy auc- loay recall the weather a rouad tl Iinn>r parU WU sort of on Uie fou l 1

Sunday. I t repeated on M onday 1 I t was anything but nice T ueada

, ^ Then came Wedneaday a n d w i R O happened? Yep, the clouds broke

Into a fine day. one of thoao "Wh to admit U-ao-rore- June days.I atep In Ever think why? Wen, you r

recall Uie fishing aeason ope lUUvely Wednesday. LoU of guy* took

where the fields a sd stream* (b u t b imebody stuck to the lakes) to try th e ir op maehls- Ing day luck, ay 6 he There'* an old saying about : a H a- Oood Lord looking after d a rn fo r action drunks and United SU lcs soil s t likely Maybe we can now add Ilaherr

to Uie list, huh? a sta te . . • •

a would ' BOYCOTTED BY FISH ? tho two D ear Po t ShoU: '

W iy U It tftat two fisherm en ■ ormauy, th e st

bait and ever>'Uilng else, a n d wl one wUl catch fish after fUh. oher one .wUl. a lt.g lum ly by ' r

titled tn ■ . ,

IR sU u I FAMOUS LAST LINElion and . • AnyoM whe says ' I t ea lU ahow be done* Is Ukely (e be iDterrnp d favor b / Mmeone doing ll."

GENTLEMAN IN TIU In tome FOURTH ROWood has ^10 A lu - Hawall.

I benefiti SU tet m M ^: : Umied . last _____________ M _____________

r y aerr*building. /asure to « trans-


a long . • OpCl

n \ ^ n I in.w y m a S o t U f d

--------------------- 1 --------

le tough V .

e'* ^ I S u n d <

^ ^ 0 a . ni t malor t , '

tour of ^rclaUona ■* lySTf

the na - j ? , \ m‘i l would t I f V HeerUUUy " * * * ■le eaaler. I B

Here ' C I3 S S / Ijp'boiUe V y Jthem to X - ^ ■,


t im e s -k e w s . n

■— ^HOW T H IN G S iI P E G L E R ’!U P LOS ANOELES-Oene Fowler aaya

WUd WlU Lyons w u bom In Waco, J sod Baron Lcog says.Telurlde, C o l^

but I always heard th a t he came . tfocn Ileater itreet and w ent w a te m

" ' * w h e n h e g o t j a v i y c l S y SfUN stranded l n 0 r a n d . P ^ Q 2 f R B

Junction in amU-

^ bulldog ahoes, for»e ahlr* »toej% ^ ^ p -* and 1 herder*, eowpoae*w m e n l V»d railroad men. I B m i i i Hin wur. The d r u m m e r s --U r ^ e carried only left^ shoes, but never paired them up.I a long Anyway, WUl came promUienUy

Into view wlUi Jack Denpaey tn the early IwenUes, a noisy, IrrtUUng

p j l i i ) but eventually acceptable lltUe animmer who w u called the aena-

)EP>T. lor because he t» d served a« aer- leant-at-arma of the Colorado leg*

h .tt . lilature In Denver la the Ume of Powler, Runyon. Oeorge Creel. Olio

Arthur Chapman. Uie “ S ' S ; .ulhor ol. -0 « t W l» r. lb . We.1

^ Begins."Toward Ui^ end of hU *Uy among

about 3 us In the East In Uie era of wonder* various ful nonsense, he selUed down tn the

low and outer office of Jim Parley aa Jim or six took over to Institute th a t veralon

» given of. the spoils system called Parley- tEdwood lim. Jim had been chairman of the

Kew York fight commission, and when he began lo hand ou t the

UNO ipoils. w m got the f ln t Job, boy and ««pU on clerk, butlerbv 11. be ran off to many deserving Demo-

J l . cn U Uiat Jim soon aUialied him away In a glorified mop-cloaet wlUi

, a pair ot shears and a bucket o r blll-Po“ « ‘* “ cl‘P *>»logIe» and

f f 'V r f I tUek them in scrapbooks. Ue came3?hn

Jle WM running out of mileage and Farley privately knew he was

t . wi/ift took bad wlUi the capital prUe or rfr* Tl hlg casino'and liadn t fa r to go, Jim

gave him |«,000 a yew of our money. Well, much worse onea got much

I t hap- , , ,Wild Will carried an enormoua re-

6 Miffflc wlver which, by righU. ahould have ■R^frr had wheels and a split Uall, and,

t h . l i k e Bat Maslcrson, who nlao was h i.t IncUned U) get loaded and belllger- on» M SlxUi avenue, reliving hisiw r th f anclcnt Blorles os Uie m arahal of

rm irw Dod«6 C'ty. The senator sometimes unllmbered old B e ta y an d cnus«l conatemaUon, He pulled ou t old

h rjin rn <>” * 'l>«ht In BUly La Hlff's

loaded her a t they sUwd In Uie p . - bar before dinner and had passed

Uie word.So the consternation was dis­

p a rt- unctly paltry, and Juliu* Tannen. y. They » vaudeville monologlst who was her la a then laying the base for m ost of t <-6M4 today's TV comedians, wolked oul- > north, (idg nnd called a cop. So a young J f mUe policeman put handcuff* on the

senator and It took Jimmy Walker I O tto blmselt to get BeUy back, rr nuns. ‘WUd Will wore a wig, o r mg. i. someUmes came slaunchwlse. b u t he

musi have had spares. I saw Prank Menke Uke one for a souvenir tha t

f night In Great Palls during thenrf ^ Dempaey-OIbbons Uilng when Will ™ passed out. Being somewhat nude on

lop himself. Prank wore I t wbr- glshly a t Uie Bamboo cafe In Shei- by. bul 11 w u only a OS rup. nnd

lUtuenU uenke wm an egghead to this ad Uiese piece perched up there Uke a divot, oul aide ■When Wild BUI came out o t the dny and ether next morning hla head waa e*day. sdomed u usual with Uiat cos- id w hat meUc streak a lltUe off Uie beam, roke up. n e lo«t anoUier in A tlantic Clly jveloped the night a Oreek welterweight •'W hat- from Philadelphia named Kid

Brown Uirew the sugar bowl ou may through the front window of Child's opened and everybody went UiaUway. WIU

took to pulled out old Betsy ond fired six i t most very loud bangs, but th e : drew no I r open- blood and chipped no plaster, so

Uiey may have been lollipops, o u t the . • • •■n fools. Oene Fowler and Baron Long

sailors. dUter sllghUy on Uie lime Wild ibennen Will, pulled Bettsy en the mob In

Colorado Spring* a t the close of a punk right for the lightweight

n? championship In which Freddie Welsh stood off Charlio Wlilte for 30 rounds and got a decision from nen e w jjm ,

he same arching h is neclc andI u .u fiwlns his na-itrlls a l a Utile num-

ber named Agnes, who Is sUil a t his Dy. w iia side Uieae days, and w hen the-bot*

Uea began to loop out of lha crowd 4«Hn* ^


—Twin Falls BE S-2St» J-FU et DA MlOe )

TH E PAUL w a m w i n a / ’n |

tpen for your inspection

Iirdoy; June 7 .8 -------------- g | { j

n d a y J u n e S |a . m . to 6 p. m, f t

f l n l l M - fuR to live in a ho for comfort and convci

' *fodem GAS appliance■■ . votk out o f houiewotk

TWIK f a l l s , IDAHO


r s A N G L Eru y * h« aUiffed Agnea down undCT the Waco, apron of Uia rtn« a n d crawled Iv

*^>£ie* aays he haa only hearw ; ste m u h) Uia ensuing excitem ent be-■ , r ^ cause she scrambled rig h t back oul b B to cover Uie sUiry. Oene insuu

tha t Senator Lyona did o o t pull Bettsy on the mob u n til they wen a l l ouUlde and mliUng th e ir way to. ward aomewhere.

■ k *1110 baron and A gnei agree that ^ 1 the aeaaWr hopped up th e sUps

tu t on hla back, tpread'-eagled by a r> r^ beer botUe tha t knocked ou t all n f e o t his front teeth. Agnea aays hes

Oalahad sUyed under th a l r l n g ^ ■•hr coek*crow.

I t is agreed th a t W elsh made ■ L V P' flsht by Dotting W hile In the

anoot wlUi J*b» and tying him up in Uie ellnche* ^ constanUy keep-

*tin« in j WhlU'* eye* Into th e glare ol lltue „ that a fte r a round or two

*«na- be w u almost blind. W hite had • * f feet like fUppen. alway* fla t and

' «« • quietly jhutning over th e realn, and of h u len hook would have won him

Olio the UU< U he had been a UtUe more . the alert.W est He once hooked Benny Leonard

d ear out of Uie r tsg . wlUi tha title mong a t sUke.' but BUI Olbson, who 11ft- nder* ed Benny back In tim e, distracted n the Charlie's attenUon by calUng him i Jim name* until Uie round w m over. :r»lon . « •»rley- Just u most of th e best tighten it the of all welghU now are Negroes

and mo.-it of Uie g reat llghtwelghu ol I UiB Uiat spaa were Hebrews up from

terrible slums In strange defUnce ol c. but aU Uie supersUtlona of nutflUon tcmo- condition end hygiene,

him Will Lyona had on amUble habll with of picking up HO watchea ancj hav-

; bill- ing Uiem engraved "to my dear pal 1 nnd Senator Wild Will Lyons" from came President Wilson, Al Sm ith, et al een. In time Dempsey actuaUy did give

him a watch. aulUbly engraved, llc an and I go Into blue moods when 1 I ^ Uilnk upon Uie fac t th a t I am Uie „ Q. only one of Uie whole set. perhaps , Jim 3.000. 141 told, who never gol a Slfl In -v walch. . sulUbly engraved, from

S j W L _______________________ ;

19 Beauties to <have

l3 Title in MisIg hU BOISE. June 8 (fl—N ineteen Oeir nl of bUU girls will compete here Juni times 30 and 31 In the annual Miss Idahc aused pageant.■ old Brimelles wlU dom inate the field

InformaUon on a ll the conlesl- ‘ V?* anU was not avallnble. but pageani “ officials s.ild 13 ot them are knowr

to have dark hair.'Hie only blond listed on the pros,

pectus 1s Jeannie Rnu. Miss Nampa nnen. o ther glrU hat

nol been obtained, out- ^

^°the The contcstanU a re M a rg < •nlk^J Schwend. Miss Caribou Counly:

KaUierlna Orave*. Mlsa Boise; Janei Johnson. Miss Duhl: Pauline. Ber- B«n. Mis* Caribou County; Bonnii

K. Baird, Mlsa Cassia Counly: Oeorgli Pinch, Mlts Coeur d'Alene.

Miss University of Idaho. Anni

: the , « I Td™ Injured Couple Is

Seeking Damages• ['i'u BOISE. June « WV-An Idaho cou. rfivM pie filed a U. s . dLitrict court com- 7 plaint yesterday u k ln g nearly HO,-

^,,1, 000 damages for Injuries suffered ' In a road crash here la s t March 1

“ Oscar D. nnd D ora E . Larson salt Uiey were mjured on U. S. highwaj

•rkpht 30 wfcst of here. They anid the ir cm Kiri * « by one driven by Gar?

iT l] Leonard Hunemlller, an Oregor man who waa nam ed defendant.

WIU ----------------------------

Vii King Hill Visits*■’ “ KINO i n m June *-SU 8 Hites-

man Is vlslUng h e r brother-ln-- Uw and alster. Mr. a n d Mrs. Ray.“ "5 Combrldge.3b n Carma Seller* and Ju a n lt* Steenof n Olenns Ferry, are vUlUng friendi

•eiKht and relaUvea a f Moscow.________

5 WANTED I: and J Commencing 1959 Seoton Snum- J rI t his i Permanent T enan t F a r m e r ^rlicrt- r -and Livesloekman fo r H Sec— Jirowd i tlon of choice Row-crop land >—“ S In Twin FalU County. 5

I f ApplicaUon ahould o u t l i n e 2) i your experience. lU l references 2] ¥ and Include le tte r from your &} 8 banker relaUve to your tlnan- &9 i cUl resposslbUlty. ' K

I I WriU B e t E-W, Ttia«»-New* g

t g / _ ~

See it a t



Twin Foils

1 a home designed N A TU R A L GASconvcnicncc. M O ST POPULAE’l.iancei uke the h 's clean, fast, cocw otkl reliaU e a ad so-»-

•Ml Js-RolSofEr Ihe

^ C a m ^s EcU Tem per Kept Him O ff M onum ent

’ “ r CAIRO—It h u long been a minor mysUry among a rc h ae o lo ju u u to

Dull *hy cameu are no t shown on Egyp- tUn slon* m onumenu. They are menUoned In a n c i e n t EgypUan

' papyrus document*. So why the U ,,t dUcTlmlnaUon?

it*ns I t »*«“ » to ma Um answer ties Ini l t S ..n , -•

hy a I encountered on t oil a trip lo Uic pyra* f , h e r mill* of MemphU. { J M H h K I UU soma M miles up- .-

stream. Is a fair do a example of loher. 1 I the lied charscterU- n up ties, the omUslon ceep. w o u l d b e Q t u t e u n - '- j M ^ ^ ^ H re of denundsble. r two pharoiht Just

had elded to t o r g e t ^ » ^ ^ ^ ^ W ' ' and Uwm. *»*•«• a an -

, and I didn't get bitten and hope' I him never do. I t U absolutely wUe to Uke

more an Arab’s advice and s u y aw ty from a am el's mouth. They bite with a

inard grinding moUon, and the ir bite U title dangerous.lift- NoneUieless. Uie camel U clearly

acted one of the most valuable anlmnU him man h u ever domesUcaled, and

:r. once one Is buckled Into hU saddle, his feel crossed and resUng on Uie


‘ give animal's neck, he oeems to conduct sved himself la a satisfactory manner, len 1 I w n 't say the sensalion of a 1 the camel rids U the acme of comfort, -haps but it Is Interesting and 1 can’t a SIO help wondering whnl It would be from Ilka to ride on a racing camel. _______ The racing lype, known as Uie

0 Compete for liss Idaho PageantOem Marie Berr>-: ML« Franklin County, June JudlUi Bauer; MUs Idaho Falls. Idaho LaRae Patlerson; MUa Malad City,

BeUi Dopp: MLvi Nampa. Jeannie field Payette County. PaU-lcioilesl.. , a n t Miss Pocatello, Jeanette Ashton; nown Resburg, Sharon A-nhbaker;

Ul4s Rupert, Marlene Orecne; Mlsa T *!'' Piilis. Sharon Zlntnlk; Miss

P™*' Waslilnuion County. Barb.ira U e ‘"JP®; Johnson: Patricia Joy Clark. Mbs

College of Idaho; Jolane Cromwell, jg Miss JeJJerson County.

The winner will represent Idaho in the Miss America pageant In At- lanUa City., *

Janet ContesUnU will • be Judged on n - r . b«auty. Intelligence and ta lent. The

nnnif t^lenU Offered by Uie Idaho glrU : Include pantomime, drew design.

’ * modeling end playing the clorlnet, Anne reading poetry, alnglng. giving • a

dnunaUo reading, dancing and play­ing Uie piano and organ.

:S ----------------------------------------------

? e S D u rin g Hi# 5u

X JUKE • JULfered

“ . ’a VOUR IOC

K 0Gary •regon . ' 1 1ll, J. '•


= , l l - iKeen. V ? ylends *


4 CLOSE = SA TOIur Q For P ro m p t Servn- HJ RE 3-latural G J

m o d e l H O i

Jffi Find oui w hy i

I "Coraforf ( i Convenience Uni I with NATURA

ent C. O rr frll »t a R..

r ‘-g

0 eyes. Rarellclikp «na . i l * ' '■ ful chest, lie can run

hone so it U m i,,). «■K j ^ bred for thal purpfi,'.-since i h . r ’ H of the pharoalw. In .V l t i i f u ,? '■ w u used in the a r m K ^H according to ihe r t w i p i i o r j ^

from mulUtude of other u-r,

U iS « u ld be c.imrl h ^

maU • ' ' of Mfxphi,and » )'“ung caitirl that h»4 J

been sheared, rather liiripcr.Ji'., ‘ ti'fe the way g■ been clipped on one side. 771“,

of wool Uial had bren lak ta iS him was impre.«lvr.

Camels dftcat hard rwdi tv. . B feet act like snorshoea. i t l r j i iy oul to keep the animal froa I 'tw1 Inlo the jand . NontUielta ^

means are all of them r'cm i , deserl Uavel. .Very likely tn la i , ; an Importahl factor, iM i* - desert'Uavel Is so rijorous, liiie-.u underaUndable lhai s esir.tl tW

iducC had-(pent IU early years cr. on an oasis or In the Nl!i t K of a woufd nol be be.1l suited Jur isw, ifort. oul across the sands of the UbrS can’t desert.1 be "niat Ll wluit I was loM b; ua

Arabs who were prepaHnj 10 1, 1, Ujc some freight ou l to a pisct 200 tfa

------ or so wesl of the river. And ttaUie way one of them acled I cod' see whal was meanU

U was the first dc.iert trip Jof Ut beast. He kept up a constsni luK

n f - Ing while he waa being lojdrt. ^ aller the Job was compleirt i>

inly. »hsolutely refused lo gel up. Cvna. 'alls, pleadings did no good ahsinc City, Plnaily. after p a rt of the losd h! „n ie hecn removed. Uie animal eoairew flcin to rise.

incidenUlIy, when cameli msi from an especially exhaustlnidoe

IJ"*': Journey, the beat d id for risi«!:i w , , ' them b a mixture of csmd’i

*n<l pulverised dates, I csn bebm ll after having a taste of Uie mUta U reminded me of goat's mUi. ta

„ somewhat sweeter.On our.way back to Uie cllj.ti

passed Uie pyramids of Mtmphlia^"ho our jefi, ^ j ^• not help recalling a deserlpUoa tf

Uiem by AnaUile Prance: -At flih . on Uia pyramids of Memphis art axa The of rosy light; a t sunset thrx 1.1 girls black triangles against a fUsl^ sign. »i}-“•Inet, icoprtiibt. im . b» eottt. Botii

llay- Idabo Seed PeUtees tiM OTl At Otobe Seed A Feed.Co. **v. j

! • S u m m er M o n lh s



--------n ib m o u n t a i iT V

C o m / x u i j i ^ ^•III ■M ii.iiii'--—

W IU B ^

> E D O N I R D A Y SServ ic# A n y tlm i CalJ

! 3-2386 _

O M E __________a ® a s B S | j!

I w

h y iher^B '

rf and------- 1-Unlimited" |RAL GAS ^

h i i n H x I d h m c - o J W ^


^TtroAY. JUNEg_„„

Page 5: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

C a r a y G i r l , H o r

5 Years, Eni„ ^ l d JuDf AiUmton.

S l» i“ i .^ ! ° . . ' , . . l m . M ™ ■!.

F ' t f aS ™ '* * “ " "emyWdln t tlu b .________

C o l l e g e G i r l s

H i t c h - H i k e i n

E a s t G e r m a n y

^ • . " ; s ' i . ' K ”d w r £^ , .« 7 M tS r tf ty w d hlUh-hlkw!

! 2 , m Berlin through Commu-

police_. Ihe funnlM t things they ! L ^ - *4l<! BusAn fl1om«n. 18 5 % « m ncU eo. -w e didn't tjllj liiiifs »nd » the police were not

a m n in s to u » -b u t Jiut jw - , u'<. *mused them snd ihcj

g ^ Xn“ lhry gave u . tran^ll

of •greement c*me froff « ,S ^ i two KnmnB companloM-

whllehMMl. 20. of ChictRo JSTuwt schuiti. ai. ot s»c City

TJnlted SUU* h»s no dlplo- - S f rtUtlona w ith Eo»t Oermw y

i S j iw o n ly * lih It*Im torte*. American clvlUftni ire

10 »\-ol!J Und travel throuBli '2 t0 tf m » n y when solM to BerlinS m °£ S n a t o w n ojrU ln

CoMUtar olllclalJ «ald u U r « ihft knew th* three coedj were th« ^ Affl«rlc«n» to hlUh-hllc* U ISlln throuih East Oennany. ®?h« slrU. »pendln(t a «m e*ter »i thrOn*ver»liy of Vienna, Jelt th« r,alrl.n capiul Wednesday mom; M tnd hitch-hiked to the Em O ^ t n border crowing near Hof West Oennany.___________

Mrs. Dunford Is Honored at Rites

BURtSV. June »—Puneral *erv Im {or M n. Ruby Maa Dunfon rer« hfld Wednesday a t the Pelli LDS « r d ehspel with Binhop Mon ne Adun* otflelnllng. The prayr I t the mortunry waa given by J. C WillenUne. .

Tht orelude and p o jtU in e jtr i ■ DlHid by-M.bel Judd. William n I o K e*Te th« InvocftUon. Ellei I Mltchtll read tho obituary. Cl&renci I Csmpbell. Otno Lnmon and Caro I l*r»on »an|. JoAnn Larson ani 1 MrrtJa Ejan were aecomp#nlsU

8pe*»« were blihop Lelloy ner »fld bl*hop Rw d Bowen. Th

1 benfdlcUoa wai given by Jame

l^ M b ea rere were Jay Oaiwt] Lwjmin Walker. O faat lU ndal K(ack Baggett, m n k Beck am ^ i rd EarL The Pella elder* <piorun

noi'en wore carried by BcmI Blnthim, Tsabell Wyatt, Marth Btnch. Ellen Mitchell. Ofinnl DulUn. Olady* Gamer. Margare Adimi. Myrtle Bingham, Ruth Judi ind June Hunter.

Concluding rites were held a t th Plftiant View eemel«ry where th m te WM dedicated by BUho; AdAM.

State Hospitals’ Budgets Studie(

OROHNO, June fl UWHenlth of ficlili talked about the sunu o monty needed to run Idaho'* thre mentAl Itutltutlonj In the next bl Minium, a t a meeting here yealer dsy.

Prtpu.itlon* were mado for pre unUng a budget to the legi«latun

'u id BUitf nosplUl North Bup' Myrick Pullen.

Olhcr alWndlnjc were Dr. Wayn Smllh, fuperlntendent of 8 tat« Hm

I plUl South. Blackfoot: Dr. Terre. Carrer of BoLfe. ntal« health admin lilfilor. and Dr. John L. Butlei anrctoL of m enul health.______ _

WAL May Resume Services Tuesdaj1X56 ANOELES. June 6 (fl-W eat

em Air LlrtA 'reported today tl P ^ tm e l U working around th clock In preparaUon for rcaumptio « nishtj n e « Tuesday.

WAL plane* have been grounds •ince Feb. ’21 becauw of % pilot

rtcenlly settled.^■ni# sirllne aald flight M le u 0'S Lf« Angele* a t 8:10 a. m . Tues uy lor Suit Lake City and Min ntipoiu will be th# flrit. Twenty

cltlf* »ni be reached the fin “ y. Tlie airline aald It wlU tak 11 i i j i lo re-eatnbllih all flight* t

tlllc* In 13. Wg tam - a t a t* »nd Mexico. WAL noiiBril60 night* a day.

Sfry Cup, fcBd Sbooks ml Glob y aad Feed Co.___________ ^

o r s e w o m a n f o r

E n t e r e d i n C o n t e s tniton, * * * * '

8- -• - ilagle r the /alley nd 13

rou-n ^ridloK


■a s re

r and

>y the

si n


Solons Agree on ™,Y, Indians’ Pay for J.S Inundated Lands; peo- WASinNOTON, June -6 W -6en-

l***y at<-hou« conferees agreed ye. ter. ran ilt <jny u,e Crow Indians ihould l«

paid 2’.j million doUar* for Und tt from be flooded by Ycllowtall dam Ir

ioni—_ Montana.licago. They recomended also tha t thi : City. Crows be permitted to file suit In

, the court of claim* for an additions: dlplo- paymenL Thi* would be for ttii many, pius-market value. If any, of thi ga rrl' u n d a*, the poteoUal alCe for.C/ic I* are xe<icral YellowUll project on tti« rough Big Horn river.Jeriin, ^ h e conferee*' version of legWs- irtaln. tio„ i<, pay the Indians will have Ic ■®f “ be approved by bolh hou«.i ot con- [* tlj* grcM before It I* « n t to Pre.ildenl ke to Eisenhower, who vetoed a Ilve-mll- ter a t payment bill In 19M.

S Last Rites Held For L.T. Rupard

RUPERT, June «—Puneral Mrr- Iccs for LAither T . Rupard were helc

S Thursday aftcrrjoon a l the Qoodmst . . mortusry chapel wllh the Rev. P r o c C. Zlnn otdclntlng.

The prelude and posUud# wen played by Mrs. L. L. Culberuon. t

jnford j u j t gjinj by Mr. and Mrs. Doi Parmer, accompanied by Mrs. 8hel

Mon* don siagel who a!*o accompanle< P™ y" Parmer in a *aIo number, f J. C. Kinwers were In chance of Mn. U

Ton Llovd. M n. Mlrl Whitaker, Mn j c r t pioyii-arw rrW T».“ W. U. Itfckerl #m R. Mfg. willlnm Bchenk and Mrs. J

Rjiy Johnson, arence paiibearers were WUllam S^jeni Carol pioya Oreer. W. C. RIcken. Mir

J and Whitaker, Ray Himea and J . Ra; snista. Johnson,

o""* Concluding rlt«s were In the Ru

S : Licensed Vehicle Numbers Raiset

WASinNOTON, June 8 W—Th BCMle number of motor vehicles Ucensed t .tartha operate on American highways In eannle creased again last year, but no t b; irgaret u much ns In 1058.1 Judd Reporting th is yesterday, the bu

reau of public roiui* said th a t li a t the New York male and tho District o re the Columbia, tho number of reglslerei BUhop vehlclM ftctURlly declined. The bu

rcftU also said:Registrations t h r o u g h o u t Ih

.) country totaled ffJ,13S.OOO In m : I This waa an Increase of 3 per cen

« over IHB and compared with a 4 pe l lG Q between 1D3S snd 19S8.

Almo Visitsl , t hi* a lm o . Juno 8 - I r v ln Klmbei irMi^r. Orou*e Creek. U lah. aon ot Mri ' Bertha Klmber, Almo, wa* commli

- r , sloned a second lieutenant In th lature U.S. armyTcscrve and wa* grad Runt' U“t« l a t commencement exercise

^ ’ May 3t a t the New Mexico A and N w>vn* AlbuquerQue. Klmber majored 1: * iiM . electrical engineering,T r ^ i i Clarence W ard hna returned t

Bol»ealU rvU lU nghU brother. Wes Ify W art, and ht* alstcr-ln-law, Nel

nAIRY s n o w OPENS T ip IDAHO PALLS, June 8 UWMor ‘V than CO head o t catUe are entorti ( ] q v ^ a n n u a l. IntermountaliU o j Dairy Catlla Congress which openfr -West- today a t Bohneviile county fair ay tt* ground*. The e v e n t continue id the through Saturday. mption

~p£ R adiatorsNEW AKD USED

' S e rv ic e I R epair*

Phone RE 3-6080e f ln l An T jf w Ttiifli

S C L Y P rS•m»iiy R A D tA T O R SH O P

OATay XO-On T n e k LaM B a tia len A n Our Bmtii— ■

Globe ■ N M k S U e ilu

^Ifyouw aut^ ^ v w h a t-g o u 3

■want p w l i e i i g o u 1

v jsn rm .. fthen ^

IrtSflJTjSPg ia r e f c r ^ o t t ! f


i d s-6en-Mier-Id be _____________________________

FREE Ll the --------------------------------------------Jit Inlionsl ------------------- -■ ttie f the

0 S -ym r G m r

^ ■ GARDIildent m•mil- ' ^1 HOS

I »'.> 1.held ■ PLASTIC......... Idman I ^ H

I. Don

: : f p a n psJjenk. .

From Our Fresh and» Ru-

, RAISIN Esed-T he l o a f o n l y ._______sed tors In-lot by w __

■letoC ' ^ iT M ^ n iW l ^stered



’ p« 1 1

Imber, 'Mr*.

nmli- - ^SH ELB Y 'S SALUTE T V A LLEV ! The local In

Si m f in e s t and taflliest foo ^ ^ Thc.se products a r e r id ,Wes- n iina and prolcins so csj '. Nel- economical tool SO HER__ _ «' B EIN G , w ith lo ta of dj



««”» F r e s l i , J u i c y

I mmi

II [ C A ^

I F ^ frIoH W fth P u rc h s it c

I ------D en to lX re



Juaranlee % 0 'A

D E N I ^SE I ^1AQ H I’'"”'

. 7 0 ■ .turkc

roast, cue, {

and Tasty Bakery ■

BREAD,_ j9 c j 1

'E T H E DAIRY-INDUSTRY OF J ll industry th a i supplies us w ith n

foods: inllk, b u tte r, cheese, and rich in health and energy-bulldini

o essential to all hum an n u trition . 1 H ERE’S TO YOUR H EA LTH AND }f da iry foods and a S PE C IA L CI :LP~US“ C E tE B R A T E "D A uiY 510

c y I


OTS _ 2~ 3 9 e BRECK * ]


l i t o f C o lg a ta 't I


^ ' : 5 ^ 1 - < " I



9 k ? i T ^I B I

I I k

lump, w hole, y o u n j rk e y s ready to. last, f r y o r barbe- ,

le, a n d only


)F MAGIC V H H ^ P th nature’sm d cream , ^ W B m ai Idinjr vita-Dn. T hey 're ^ND W ELL ' Q | 8 j, CHEESE____________________ ^'M O N T H .


b .* M I^ ^ ^ K R A F T ' S [



^ W i!rl9cj

i H E L B I13 Addison E ost-"M ode



SATURDAY, JHere we a re boys and tfirls! 7S I’rizcK fo r doffs w ith th e sh o rti the one w ith th e lonRcst ta il BEST DOG IN T H E SHOW! Gl TO ENTER YOUR DOG IN Tl FREE!


> 1 i 1 I (,

L . 7 9YKISS>NANIrS O A lm J m

?0M 300-LB. BLOCK


S H m eiENGE

0 X ^ 0

l Y 'S ^sdern in O ur Service,



! 7S b iu prizes to be aw arded In Shel lo rtest leR S '.. p rizes fo r the blgR< a il and the shaRcies^t do;; PLUS A ! GET YOUR ENTRY BLANKS AT i TH IS BIG SHOW ON SATURDA


S E S .. .IKiETS

B e l A i r ]




e7 OraTo 'oiwd''iTOi

.....Ir PAGE FIVE ',;]


W i i' W i f ' ' i H

T 10:00 A. M. II Shelby’s big K id’s Dojr Showl J i ^ b i s e c t doR. th e sm allest doz | H JS A GRAND PR IZ E FOR tM I H 5 AT SHELBY’S NOW ! PLAN v O IRDAY, JU N E 141 IT S ALL "[M

TRANT! ~” j | --------------------------------------------- - i l l


jl IE


. . 2 9 Js . . 1 9 1 8 i 3 9 ‘|

^ I

ir 4 9 °

. : ' ■ '' ■ ' ■ t - l

- ■ s i i i

Page 6: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

I p o c k e t s M a y

I k ; B e U s e f u l i n

I l i - C a u s i n g R a iA I IJBW TOWC. Jun« 6 (UPI ’II I - % iw tb a ' or not nckeU rrer '■ B - p t o s t o to tha noon, there ns« • m g - i m t lndle*Uon t t u l rocketi .I I b t UKtf to tMke rain. Even 1> :

‘I l> th tak U ft leticr wonder, rou ll h -H / " t o ftdmlt It *ouJd b« more Jmiw M - .le jy lueftU In lh» r« ln -iu r 4 o t U>« world. -■ . / d m b I U «U the tAlk et rec

■k •'•that 11 c*n be d o n e - t t Jeu t rei # M d ’reUibty. .Where r*ln 1K ! • - jtU en tn th ew » k to fe lfo r tito m i

’H r*lD. the doubwn »»y It probeB B ' vouU h*T* rained u r v iy .

i 8 J • to BriUih E « t Afrlct. wh: | i ;» lo f* llU ip M M » ad liT e tu U r,aiV V eUl meteoroIofUU h m been ilr •IP I n e k e u Inlo » ip « n t c lo u ^ 'y :{, the lf r e w iu h.T* rou*rf h W t

' W , i ih U la th i way to »et rain wl iL A non« would hate fallen

: R M . In itead of hydroiien ^ b^> « Jlf ig other deadly “warheadj. th l W ' rocketJ carted finely sround «

'^ l l B S chloride. In the midst of clai ; | I K ' tha “warheadi- were exploded . « ! ■ ' Tcuea and riddled the eloudi « I I I ' tiny partlclea which (Iheorctlci . 1 1 1 UMt) prorldb -w ed j- for r■ l i s J ' «lroplet* lo form around, k i l l ' 17111, of coune. If a refinement n i l lieedlD*" cJoudi by pUnea. a ^ i l l l • nlau# wllh which Amerleani h ■ l l< - b e m made familiar. 'H ie reiuIU ! l ( ‘ * ‘‘aeedlnv” by plane have been i

• « » ’ { c e r ta in . Sometimes rain follow D l • 'w neUm ea It d ldnt. So fa r It 1■ I. { K llered no droughla, pu t no dew ■ I h i In bloom.‘I I I ! MetcorologtaU J. H. BnueU i P ! ' ! l C. M. Taylor uMd two-lneh na Ifl,?* flara rockeU which'can be prtclJ

■ n n "aim ed and controlled aa to the a ! r l i ' ' tudea a t which they explode. Tr M |7 ; noaea were redealined to hoW

> | j | f p c w d and ft Half of aodlum chi

I I t J ■na aelentliU acatt«red..SO r ■ U - ' n u c ea ftiound aMucer-ahaped a: T ii eontalnlDi about JO aijuare ml

SH«« there could be no WenU w | v s rea to aenta u a “control.'' tl H I ; : worked out a lUtUUeal methM ■ f f s u r e tha l the paaalng cloi h | I . Which were fired upon wer* aelec

IllS^***T h v w o r t o d tha t rainfall In i W l '^ b a a la down-wlnd from the rock ■U |**aauochtO f alte "tended" to be ml l f l | * t a u m when no eloudi » « « •*«

in to c l ^ . The difference 1 W l *■ tween Bilnlmun and maximum > H I t two to three Inchea of r a ln -«

of rain.

i l ] I n f l a t i o n F e a r

| | t R i s e s i n S p j t «

| | ; O f R e c e s s i oH NEW TO RS. June 8 W—The f■ « of n o re InllaUon la rlalns today■ * ap iu of the Induatrlal reeea»lon.■ 2 Some bualnettmen are calling ■ 1 * o th v rlae In baalc pclcea Inerltt H ) * r re a U th s alump hanga around M l Z ftWtUla je t. BtUl s io re -a n d these B ' ^ particularly nuneroua In the at ■ I «- market—t h ^ lh a t the buslneu n t turn, w h en 'lt come^ wUl alart H i ^ ft I r ^ and perhaps vlgoroua In IM £ .tlo n rerlval.I I Hera are tome of' the faetora t

m a re keeplnf tha Inflation lasue a■ today:■ Wacei Oo UpR Wacea of many workera are gc [jl [i tip. ee n t though the ir Induiuica i

‘ h a te much Idle producUon facllH Bone of theae wage boosla are v ten Into exUtlng contracU and a< are In process of negoUaUon., Steel eaecuUrea ..are. aaylng I

Fll the autoaiatls wage booat Jul. i u I re a llf fo r ft price rise to m eet U. 2■ .jn u c h o t ft price booaTateelnlUa ! 9 mak* atlek until demand Impn■ more th a n It ba i of laU la th i R question.n Enough ble steel uaera beUiv K t price hike Is coming to have bo W ed the ir ordera thla m onth to I H I I t and this haa caused at«el oul■ to bounce back from Ita low pc M Frtee Hike Seen■ A wage hike of araund 2S o B i S i n hour la coming Aug. 1 In■ •lumlnum loduitir- And aome■ jcuUvea ar* now warning that r a -ean n o t be met without ft price l a ^ a t u t too.0 « Here also ther* Is a quuUoi K T'.maklne a price hU e aUek. ItaU *ftlumloum companies were foI I I ">AprU 1 to cut the cost of pig f

. -5 m ^ U -ft-p8und-tc-a*-c«nU->>-caus« the donitUe dunand for ' 'm e U l had slackened and beci ; eofle t ftlunlnum was being aoli <’ Xurope a t a lower level.

V D r i v e r K i l l e d .I ’ , EUOENE.-June 6 W — A d'I 'tn ick backed oft a ao-foot enbjI .^ jnen t Into the WUlametto tlrer

J te n ia y . The drlw r w u killed.HL i H e'w aa Bdon 0 . Reynolds, a'l l I - 30. of Sa len ; a contmcl hauler■ R : . th « H albert Brother* Construe■ I - eompMxy of Jdlacada.

H I >*: TRAVEL IN MIDrWEST y f W WENDELL, Juno »~M r. and 1 B '^TSam B u n g u n and Sharon. I l i i through Montana. N<If W~ pakotfti-aouth-D*lio t»-and -m r [if J -y aotft. They plan to return to V i u ^ den ftiound June ao.

t t FR ID A Y .SA T U R D A Ym M Robert MItchum • Ursula Thli n ,* "B A N D ID O "U •> -Fllffied In MezleeH dacraaae«p« - TerhnlwilutI I TLUS _____» 'R ichardB arton '.''H ulh 'R om a [ | ! • "B IT TE R V IC T O R Y "


^ I E I Q R E Y D r i v e - ki T n e o t ro '— Je ro m s .I Brightest screen to Idaho

f \ ENDS T O N IG H TS Je ff Chapdler. . Oraoa ^ e l lg “ M A N I N f H E S H A PO V

SA TU RD A Y O iiV f7 , ■ CharieaQuiaUvftnlnr .* 7 , G U N ^ T O . ,M E U "


y ' p

K A Y T K tain cri UJ*cTci«fl( U P D - _ . S S K

r««w**il ».M K «. * W..lWr t |y keu canm If youluH have Till u ir 2**lmme<«.

i.starved !,«» t^ c- ikt K*tmut aai- sa« Ktfi'i r«» abc«

i ? ; g ;

i i r "lUr, Offl* l iM N m. WMlWr {i m y,„

H r ;flpe th a t : i . # a j« ^ r u t s ^ S * 5in when u> * n i r ^eplaturally. i; i rrk tiif r .a * i!?.'unbi or i ts t m>uim v«tku«.

na S00l« N ot, J'#; « “<itclQUdl, l;Ot KlUivM V<nKt« ffU Dmloded by }■« 2';.ids with « .,0T .Il^ 'M i. lilO D.Ijrellcally sim Hr*». wm>w iho iin

. ' S i " ' : i ! ! Kement ot ' I m aTt'o*/'* J ii« S«' , a tech- ---------------------------------------------

Tornado Toll f S Raised to 31:

Help Pours iMENOMONIE, Wls.. June 6 (Ul

the all • Kjii In iive.eouiu 1?* »f«* of northwestern 'Wlscon

• stricken by tornadoes late Wedrn n chlor- to 31 today.. . Mr*. Rolf Lunn, 21, Colfax, dl

■li n i ^ In “ >• Jitwpllal a l 7 :« a,^ J ^ u . » " brother-in-law. Erll* Lunn. and his three-year-old »

Leon. *1“ were-among the dead .k » AuthorlUe* lUll had been unal

H .iSi.S. to IdenUfy a truck driver and ba »ho had been found dead In Colfi

aeiecieo volunteers maaaed In work grou tl In <h. working slde*by*alde with natloi

lo u a m m . m ct .h ic h h .a b , assigned to Colfax alon*. Colfa MethodUt church -waa converted I to clothing headquartera for t

C ? nwdy. The Luthenm church aerv hot meal* to the rebullders.

was Donjtlona of clothing, beddl and food poured Into the slrlck communlUea. More than ftO U were collected In the twin clUea

T he highway p a t r o l reporl 'C U sighl-seers will not be allotted It

the tornado area this week-ei k i t a noadblocka will be manned to k« t l l G them oul.

Damage was.aUggerlng. Revli Red Cro.« flguret today listed : ilOn homes destroyed. 17J homea w

__ . major damage, and 3U with mil The fear

^ A tolal of SOS tann bulldlnga i deetroyed. Another 11 aultered n

lllng an- (Um»ge. and IM n lno r dama .n e v i^ i i Thirteen other buildings. Indud: round ror churches and a school w these are ^egtroyed.Ue stock The Red Cross reported lO Ineas up- m ^ned hosplUllred. Altogether,

families were affected. > lua Intla- ~

S?a;: Smylie Says P«are going . Important^!h !1»?/ BPOKANK, June a W -PoUl ■n u id Idaho'a governor last night, ^ L m . not dirty bualnesa: Ifa the m o st: on portant business In Am erla."'In i th a l Robert K. Smylie, a Rept July 1 Uwn- *I»ka a t the organluUo ■t U How neeUng of tho Lincoln club of 8 mlliacan k a n t,. which he described aa ImproTM * f« « y loUnded “to broaden i , th i .big deepen the parUclpatloa ot yoi

Scout Benefit for Hagerman Slatt

OW point. HAOKRliAN. June 6—Pinal pi , for the fath 'ir and son dinner

, I ” ."v Boy Seoul troop No. S5 were m 1 In the the meeting of the official bo TL®. A t of the MelhodUt church, uw t in u dinner U to raise fundi price m - p ,y **pens«a for the aum)

II,... «*mp a t Cape Horn. Archie Bro luUon 01 Twin p»lla,.wlll ahow alldea ef i f o ^ prtmlUre area aa pa rt of the j pig from R obtrtj r « I« U d

cbaliman-of-the board-forthe ©. A. *• OUiI beeauu p » n t« l hla vacation during Ig aoia in jaonOi ot July ao he can alien

anmmer couree in Tacoma. Was: "^1 . CREDIT MEN MEET6 Q , BOISS. June S (A-Execullvn

. du„,n Idaho.productlon credit auocUU o n £ T k . yeaterday to plan t

»i»»p T fi. la the naUonwlde observa ST the M th annlvaaary ot PC/

lauler for ___nstrueUon ^

»a. North


SESSIOI ^ _5AT..AF_TERN "■ ; SUN. EVENIj , l „ A D M ISSIO N : 6 P .p .1 -

n s. Clamp £daho Shoe 8


lGIC VALLEY]k b a e k e e p

ttM Klleeyclea)' n « » U*eyel*a>« u .* T

I L - yI STn^'cHOn SiM y»««f •! H«rV

Dr«ainlu Si&S H«v«

j T . . . c « . w \ ! S

• B'Wan^trfsl Sto* I iM *h» I*Mrul»rf I DtjifT-* MMI. a jij a a».4»I rW M imtiJ BW« *IM'l WaalW TiM Km kill«rUlM<I r w ^ r f o l Bto. S<M WltS U .» -tu >« B'W»ad«TrBl Sk«i> a:l« Ivaiu « rWaad*r<ul lU i. aS* W«l*« * kMfc « »*Wo#4»rf»l I b ^ .. .« Ce»ln( -llfc »1M

Mirtln 'iSV .S If* WsadfrrBl lIlM k»*M TU It• B'WeaiMfuI Bb«« JliM Nraissr.t - - lU«a»grU>(>«

0 lira‘i ' 'L e ^ O n k . «:*« rlw » T o T««i 4 Ntw Tbkm in4 Kesin9 Kr^UU W*nJi *:0» •Ilk HH K'iM

Orck. .liM Hlibt Trail• MmU. pr..Bl«a t> :» aur<w

u |, TeleviiKLIX-TV

s i n

! c o ^ ty JImMOnsln S:l» lUiMk Partr

c .. lOiM K*U Uk* Ww>llln(X. died 21 ,u XLIX fU*d)l^

45 a jn . BATUHOaT

Cffi Magic VaUeyl = In State’s ffi

“ »«‘o yo“"» P'pie aUll are recounUng late t ^ rv B d week the events of the Idaho 8U

Championship Hlgl) School rod xdd ing Saturday and Sunday

l ' ‘S S i ™ W jUI., d .n ih u r c l I■ItlM M™- 0- O- WyUle. Twin Paloorted W” named queen ot the rodeo,ed into Valley queen cc»k-»nd te su n la were Donna Daniel. Ooc10 keen "^^o placed second In I

competlUon; Karen Bumgardn Revised ‘ 1 ° placed third, ated 189 Jo a n Bamei, Elba.!s w ith Magic Valley entranla who «1 minor PoalUoca In the various rodeo ca

gorles include Mlai Wyllle. v. igs was placed aecond In the cloverli ed m a- barrel race; Kathleen Qolcoech lamage. Qoodlng. who won l in t In i ,eluding breakaway roping event and aeco 3l were In the pol* bending conteat a

th ird In th ^ co w cutting compe lO re - tlon; Byrd tfolay. Twli^ Palls. » her, S9i took f l n t place In tha bull ridi ________ coB lttt; Harold Wright, M alu, a

Politics Is Most it Business for U. J.PoUtlca, people In political activity.*IghU "Is "Don't buy the Idea," Smylle a^ost Im- In hU prepared Ulk, “that you cak.” afford to be partisan aboul pollURepub- ftcUvlty.

luUonal “We had a ll ought to. hope tlof 8po> every poIIUcal campaign would

aa an bitterly conlestcd and thal the laclen and would be broadly and effecUit joung discussed. T his waa how our tr----------- dom waa achieved In tha flrat pi

ftnd this Is how It will be savL O r "Aa a m atter of fact, being aet

. 1 and effective In partisan poIIUA t G f l affairs will Increase your sU t

i „ r « . »nd effeeUveneaa I n , your busin

"You w ont gel hurt being [i 1 ^ ^ America and you a n b« most eff al board ,

take aides and exert your ene and lnfluenc«*to mak# the poUU

i^ row n! l“ l™ment of your'choosing a

"You owe I t lo yourwlvea and UIB pm* your country lo make pollUcaJ alfi »>im1 I I truly respooalre to your belleU I

.de.l«*.ftnd.aap^U o,as.-______Ollbert ---------------------------

irlng the BONDS OVEBBUB8CIHBED attend ft W A Snm aTO N . Jun i 8 if t- : Wash, treasury u id yeaterday ILs oiler

of one billion dollars In long t( I II ... n f bonds was ovenubicrlbed by a m x lIu o M f tn Of about 3H-1. an the ir 'servanca »«•«*. P»lt*<J and Growtn* at PCA-a. OlaW 8**1 a a J ra*4 Co. A

f K I D S :ER PE PSI-C O U ON S Will Be: tNOO NS 1:00 to 3:30 NINGS 7:00 to 9:00ip il -C o lo C op* b o th S o t. and Sun.

mp Skftt«a Furnished >0* Skates 90o Extra



M .( U » UacTcSei) R tn - — niOAT ' ------------

! g »r!7* iiJi*<iM Jua«*uaklBB TiM C

- :?.:sS: . ’.SS-V"* SU, ' .a iu (^W7B»*fUU m Im ?)

' f tan n jA T i

Hm s :tl BtiMfU f«r Dw a itl V *l»«< llU U«ll/'tU«MI*U IjM C

• to« B a i* .a ^a * OU I

* 1 - Bi' 'tu I *1*1 x u u iu tu n a iU T

ti l l flpiu'«K*«4ia t i» > .]U*i* lliM BpIm 'dNMIm m u N

ie:ll GM»*ro*r lliM i:' Moik lUI YMnTnil7,r*>*a ii.s sH t:H K»*tru II ti»s N**t t iii«lB*< l:M Y«unT^I>,F«rt« S:loVI i iu UMkaBlKLIX V:MVTill l:»N *l^ ' a iilUIS i: i i c«wk*rn««.h*ii i ,e t uiT * ra^ 10:S0 DIrk'iD*BC«>l*U lUOai?.M*" lllw kIZJ. S iU jI

I l«e Utrnt | . |» tliUr4o< l:«IN*»ii)<l8I|Mrr tliOOiJ

• * * *

vision Logi4 « ;b ^ »t Ik. w**k|TI» Dick *Bd tk* Dtith***III* l.lf* WJtk EIIu ImU SiO« ll*ckl* J*ekl*lilA w««l*r* Tk**l*r .......4ilD Ulfhir HouM l-t*7lva*« ^ ■M Kl*ik 0*«<U.:i«'l.ani lUnitr :«» r*rrr Cona

'• r :0I Annl* 0>kl*r:M UU «r HIUt NBO

l;H aaniB«k>OSB - I lls lilt Fired* - 1:1* Sutu Trai>»«r l i » U «m t* W*lk Hk«« ABO '

lOilS Tws On Um AU1«II :W KLIX HtailB««_____________

y Youths Compete [Bgh Scliool Rodeng peo- won first place In the boya' e Ite this cutting event; Bobby Parks, Mai10 SU t* who look second place In the c 1 rodeo, cutting event, and Oeorga 8ml day In Filer, who took third place In i

aame event, fit Mr. Other conlesUnlA from the Ma

In Palls, Valley a rra were David Royer a eo. John Bingham, bolh Tw in Pa en con* bareback rldlnR, finb aecUon; BIi 1. Good- ham and Johnny Bryan. OoodI In the saddle bronc riding; Br>-an. W

gardner. Mink, boUi Gooding. Je rry Jaw Ird. and Twin Palls, bareback riding, aecc

section, and Max Peterson, OoodI ho won and Royer and B bgham , bull rldl eo cate- first section.le. who Other, events In which Ma loverleaf Valley young people competed coeehea. Mink. George Smith. Filer, and I In lhe Weaver. Qoodlng. aaddlo bronc r

1 aecond Ing. second section; Jim Vlcki est and T«’ln Falls. Mlok and Jam es, t »m pell- riding, second-leo tlon ; Vlcki ills, who Bobby Parke. .Malta. Sm ith s11 riding WdRht, boys' cow cutUng conte lu . who Kathleen Oolcoechea. Ooodlng. gl '' cow cutting contMt. and

Roberta. Twin Falls, aod L a\ Cunningham. Gooding, bftrebi brono riding, t i n t aecUon.

J - ~ O ther area entranU were . . W Blake and Roberts and Cunnlnght • saddle bronc rldtng, l l n l aecUi

Smith ftnd Vickers, Arlle Conne vile Miri ‘ ntl Oolay, all T*'ln Palls, bull rid -ou c.n'1 conleat, llrat lecllon; Bingham i MllUc^ Bryan, saddle bronc riding, aecc

aecUon; Carl EUason, M alU, I nn* th*t Weaver, Qoodlng, bull riding ci

h . iL m 6 « lih and W right, boya' < uV»w cuUlng contest: Oolcoechea, gl fi.* eow eutUng contest; PeU n n u c . Smith, Conneley and Golay. ba

? back bronc riding, tlra t aecU'M ink.'Sm ith and W eaver, sad

m K >»«>n®bareback trooo riding, second s l*on; Cunningham, bull riding, t

- aectlon; RoberU and Cunnlnghi .in> fnp aaddle bronc riding, aecond secUi

Jimmy Qlbbs. Wendell, bull rldl i ir vmi •««ond section; Sm ith. Vick * . r i / r ^ Pwke and Wright, boya' eow cult M u S l contest, and JanhlecB Bailey, Albl

and Mlsi Oolcoechea, glrU' < * * culling ccnlest.

I and to 'S .S '; 5 ; I p i 'A R R S T - R A T t

^ 6 u ’:mg term • • ,

a chiIg a t th i

have i the s


;twTHimoii>ii«aii WILLIAM FAUIKHD

30 _ TheI Long,

SumiQ n e m a S c

D ......................................... 4'C*10~»C»

EegularPricoi k I Cc TUI S t f S " ^ I Ue 'AtUr f j 2&C Child m W M f f Anytime * ' ' SAT.—Prices

I change a l 3



EDm^S ('" " k t f i k a r t

'WBS lo t Uiuk • U EAST t

a ii S M . ’i 'K .™ .I«« C*»»k»* *«■«< sa t Muk t 1* KABT ,;M Nr«* <:0g (tflkw * flpBmS K S S . . - , - :;00 D«*« Tib* « ;ll Tr*MBt« Ck»»III »N.»« cUk

iS Tll**i*fi®"l»l ' ' I^«« il*u»l/k“^l»tll«kllU V*Il>r Sir'oIUir* 11:11 N*«* >I«»4IU«jM Capiul Dsn* . It J l Hwl* kr BurllfktSS iW*>liNi.i n o t N .. . U.*dIiB~

lU lAUi Dtut 11:1] t(iul« kr BtMll«kl

:u U4\at Ccttitt «:tl Uoml*. li*M l« . IiMiNtwi i:ltV okoHt*i ,

Ccr... ‘' m . n. . . Till UenliK tlilodia* ■'>U K*4 KslfT Su»*bM>d I•« 5“BlWf X*riilM•M N ... satN»w.'» W»lkir Uint l ' ‘> XarnlBf UfloilM 1;il Tu 'w ::.. UltlM I M KART Wb.,1* - ,J l U. V. IlirrU. 14! S'** , I.L IlOI liociLur 1 '^ Jl7mB* AU FaltkiUO »Or»»l Oi* Opit - » l'‘ JAhT Wk*«U:0« iN«r< ll:» Kcw*illH*nli*r i«:UKARTWk*<U:t» tl«Bl1sr ItlU W«Bi.B-* WorialOO Ip»»t« Tl»«_________ IliU BkoBlma* 11«»*


Chiu-ch Camp Rally in Buhl

Slated Sunday' "d UHL. J u n e «-Plans were made for the pre-cam p n lly a t the meel* Ing of the Mld-Soake River 8ub- Olitriet Afethodbl youth council Wednesday eynlng In the Buhl MelhodET c h u r c h w i t h Larry Laughmlller. president. In charge.

The raliy will be held at 3 pm .______ Sunday In .th e Castleford Methodist

church wILh supper and worship services to be held a t Cutleford

I t ? crossing n e a r Balanced Rock.Nominations tor new officers were

- l o r k made. Election will be held Sunday. J l C t # Sally Thompson. Caatlelord. and I..' >-n<r >tobert Engle. Filer, arc running for

M .1I . president; Colleen Custer and Jerry V.. ; i t : Robinson, bo th Twin Palls, vice o president; Sherry Mclnturf, Klm- ? '” *?• berly. and B a rb an Smith, Filer, aec-

rewo-; Vem Crego, Paul, and Ce* W .,I . «>1* Wllllam.i, Filer, treasurer,

' June Brown, Twin Palls, and Bar-w-it bara 8u Lynard. Rupert, publicity

‘ chairman; Jam es Nlhart. Castleford,• talUi chairm an; Richard Pierce.

Buhl, and David Spark;!. Flier, tel- l. W all lo^ship chairman: ChrisUne Kaer- James. ca.itleford. *ilne*.i chairman: **;?nd Sam 'Williams. Filer, outreach chair- o(^lng. jn n e t UcBralney, Buhl,

I riding, ejtiienshlp chalmisn., TenU tlve plans were made to

Magic charter a bus again this year for “ o summer cam p. M«. Selmer Thomp- nd l^ y jon, CasUelord Melhodbt Youth me rid* Fellowship counielor. attended In Vickers. u,e absence of the Rev. Leonard es. bull Clark, who haa Usnsfcrred to Pay- Vlcken. ette. -nie Rev, W, A, MacArlhur, th and Tft-in Falb, will be camp dean.;ontest; ----------------------------I*' SUMMER BCnOOL SET

LaVon POCATELLO. Juno fl'w -R eg ls- ftrehiek traUon for summer classes a l Idalio

8U te collese will begin Monday and 7,rt cla.-ua'ork alarLs Tuesday. The sum-

nffVi.m mer school will conUnue until Aug.. , S ‘ IM >"■20 • « » -Snnelo-am M d Port Tobacco, Ud.. was really

.K ond n*med to r Indlso Queen Potopaco. L, nnv But. It soiinded like Fort Tobacco to S ' c ^ : early whlto aelUtri.______________

,T»wpiiiiiiiraiiii[iiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiB• “ C u rly ” «n

The NeyadW ttver, = w ill play

WOODEIsection; —

VitJcen; p Sunday Ever, Aimoa S -1 f™ "* 8

*''.'°''gi]iii]iiiiBiiiiiiiiiii]gg]iiiiiiiiiBATE MOVIE F U a O F SEX. FUN AND-B

I’re gonna get [lild-even if y e to marry stranger!”


« P L A Y I N G l l K n

p o t j w pimerS c o p e

DOORS OPEN l t l 5

t w in FALIS. IDAHO_______

~ Crop Prospect - Boosts S" ' » K S r i in ^ - - S n .”

n l ; : ; J j ; n r m l l J to acres o f wheat W to a lh s a s i S m M r W J t T O T ™ '

n o d the lam er* can banlly be- utT Ikve it. 'U T For the t i n t lime alnee »53 they

are t«ikint abdut SO bushels to tho « r * . l r a 35 and 40.-The haiard* th*y dread trom

S r t BOT until th* Pourth o t Ju ly are

■ Judge Studies Arffuments in

'lifkl jrRoads Matter

BOISE, June fl W -D U tric t JudgeMerlin S. Young took under ftdvlte.

>di« n e n t yesterday argumenU o s■ whether Idaho can legally pay uliUty

companies tor relocating their 3 iiT equipment during highway con- M*>J alrucUoft.

A Uw requiring payment, passed i>ii*t by the last legislature. Is under • - atUck In the action brought by r»iik. the sUte highway board. Previously « utilities paid tor moving Ihelr own

poles and other eijulpment.Jia Allen Q. Shepard, specW assUUnt »» attorney genenl, oJfered to show — ^ during the trial yesUrday th a t pro­

visions of the Uw would cost the I SUte W.00CT.000 th a t otherwise would

be used to r highway constnicUon.

d over a period of years.Judge Young. In denying the offer

of proof,’ la id the question of whether the legislature ncjed wlselyi

c i y w u not before the c o u rt j• ' SU le attorneys contended the

made id ,ho consUluUoa prohibits hlgh- >'” t- way money trom being u se d 'to r ®“>>- o th e than highway purposes.

tul* Rovera. Denver. Colo., at- “ ! i r torney tor Mountain States Tele-

phone company. argued the law was“ ■ coaiUluUonal -because the Issue P-®; Involved public money being used

ft*** for public purposes.Idaho Power company and the

telephone company ar* defending the Uw.

» « e -n)m F.A 1w orlh.FlIer*ttonjeyfor way. two Mmidoka county area coopera*

Bnd U ru, appeared to argue th a t the E for lav irould work hardships on them. Jerry __________________

“i": Dance Festival to L™, Be Given Tonight £ ; By Burley’s Stakeicree’ BURLEY. June 8 — The Burley . fei. LDS sUke MIA will hold Ita an- Caer- nual dance festival a t tha high man: achool gymnasium a t p. m. today, hair- The public U lyeleome and no ad- Buhl. mission wlU be charged.

Maxine Oartier wrote the acrlpt e to for tho production’. "Love la a Unl- r for venal Language.'* She ha* been as- omp- slstcd by Ctoyd Taylor, acllvlly routh counselor to r the YMMIA. and Mr. d In and Mn. Wells Koyle. stake dance >nard directors.Pay- Wayne Yong will alng the theme 'thur, number and LalUe Crane will ilng

with him, “Under the Bridges of Parts." Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood­land will alng “Lel Me Call You

> .,1, . Sweetheart" and K athleen Clark will •diio alng an original number, "1 C an t , and Find a Fella."sum- Mike Martin and U nda Larson Aug. will introduc* the "swing" dance

ivall- with John Van Yperen playing and alnglng “Witch Doctor." Kathleen lledberg and Maynft MeUne are ac-

rcally companbu. Tliere also will be ipsco. several olher dance numbers in- :co to eluding the all-glrl dance In whleh

more than 100 gtrU will participate.

..................... ............................................... ......

y’* and “Jerry ” .

ada Rangers |I p la y a t the =

>EN SHOE Iiveiting, Ju n e 8 =

8 lil 12 p.m. 12

i i i i i i a i i i i i i i i i iB i i i i i i i i i i iB S in i i i i i i i iO

iND-BARN BURNINGS." M i |-u n tu u iM t

;et you

s s S S f: 5 ^_______ Pcftture Time*

l:30-S :S9


ct of 30 Bushels Spirits in KansasI fl bcftyy rain, high winds, tenpera- s< ring toxts above 10& and grasahoppen. n leat Barring theie. more than 21S mll-m r Boa Bnawh uf Uie guUen grain h be- wlD aoon goit* th e elevaton and b

bins of Kansas, the nation's No. 1 «hey w bcat producer. e the The harrest tide probably will vi

s ta r t here on th e aouth-cenlral e rom w-.wMB bonier nex t Monday or .are *X\tesda7. *— Rftymond Prre, Sum ntt county

B grla tltun l icen t, predicted yields ri w iU .run .U to 30 busheU to acre a and th* avenge wlU equal or top b

— tM n -m am a -w itti wiueii auumei it

1 . county led the s ta te U st year.~U the weather continue* bright

ftnd cool like thU . they ll be cut* j tlB( wheat-by th e middle of next

yJT week." said Chftrles Smith, who baa 300 acres of wheat,

iilge T h * crop’s ' mftturln* fast and LUe* mod.'* Smith o ld . “Prospects are ”o s eneU eat. beit alnce 1U3. Qtve us lUty « tew n o re days and nothing could heir bother this crop bu t hall or high x n - vjfid or heavy ra in . /

"My 100 affct look like M-to-SO / ssed buihel wheat. T here 's some around c K ltr her* may go to 33.“ . [

by At Liberal, in the aouthwrst cor- t .lulr s e r o t Kansas, th e atate employment

u»t Alaska Mailman ‘ Has Long Route, ;

5™ 15-Day Schedule LJffer cO E irn d'ALENB. June fl Wl - i

of Idaho postmaster* were told yesUr- c Uely day lh a t Ihelr mailmen ahouldn't

complain, lhat there Is a carrier In t th* Alaska with an l.lB9-mlle route that j

ilgh- takes IS days. |to r K. W. Luke, postal Inspector a t i

. Spokane, said I t U a mall boat t , t . route eitendlng from Sewanl to

MlkoUskl In Alaska. He made the . trip while on' an Inspection -tour

lu „ , Ust year. - -SUd Luke said there are M poilotflces .

to be aerved along, the way and that 5 the the mall boat b 'Just about the only '

[ii„- outalde conUctHhe place-i have. The trip U made once a month. f

, Only aboul 40 of the IM memben of Uie Idaho chapter of the NiUonal ’

u , . League of P w tm asten are here for the annual meeUng. J

} Two Are Killed in ‘ it Utah Plane Crash, WEKDOVER AIR FORCE BASE, | ( P U lah, June 6 W — Two men on

'a Jet training flight trom Larson irley i l r force base were killed when, an- Uielr plane crashcd In remote weal-

high o n Ulah early yesterday, xlay. The air force Idcnutled Uiem as;

ad- F ln t U eut. Darrell E. Rodenbeek.' 3#, of ML Vernon. Wash., the pUot.l

crlpt and P in t Ueut. George T . Jost, 28.! Unl- ot San Jose. Calif., copilot. |I as- The plane, a T33 Jet Iralner, was; ivlly on-a training flight trom Uie 322nd|

Mr. lighter interceptor squadron at' ance L anon air force base, near Moses >

Lake, Wash. _______________^

*lng( TWO EXCms of! ^ M MI i^Tnrson M

I'i'c" ■■bel 9Hm, A

hich I

"i! J

i ■ 'K l" - - t - s t a r t s t <= ,'i : c l'Ji DOORS OFKN S:

i ir ” = “i ! B

................................O P E N - 8 :0 0 —SHORTS 8 :3 0 , 10:30 YELLER 9 :0 0 , 11:00 '

A D M ISSIO N T H IS I P i a U R E O N L Y -

AD ULTS 7 5 c ; CH ILD 2 5 c 1




— ^ P A L - J O E Y ^ -

A D U L 7 S '6 5 c —

• _ Bo w e r y b o y s i


8 : 3 0 ~ H ' ; 0 0 ‘

. OPEN TILL 11:00 n ilD



Is an Acre

sas Wheat Areaall- For a week now i , ? '

or . O arten City b the ^• worry about Kra.vihoppm.

nty Dan Traj-tr. F lnnw eotl^..:lds ricullural agent. r a l i i» d ^ i 'J * - « e a U M t lh e county le tu n . ^ i f ^ top b u ^ n center for spnT n e r It . i .U«Ub i t l e ^ Uun ^ 1 .^ *

£ Airline Boss ' Blasts Board

i For Inaction» W M H m aT O N . j „ „ ,

A. Patterson, prr.-ilclent ot >-J0 Air lines, sharply nn<l eivU aeronauUcs board , u w• tor what he said was tailurt t a l i

lo hall air colllsJoas. ^lent H , laid avliuca«.— committee U iat th e CAB'i

oa a mid-air collLslon IH i j a ? iweena United alrUneritidiTnH Worid alrilncs pUnc, n i h ^

, of 138 lives, "were an liuu lit.?* Intelligence of lhe Amerlcsaptti.A Then he added Uist iht c ,

hadn't done "a Using ut _ J anything," to prevent staiiiu

dies unUl after a collision of' “ DnlUd plane and a mllJim u

over Las Vega* laat ApriL ^ ”“" t He turned hU fire cn thi c*mf In the midst of urging prompi ta -. that „ f n t ot a bill to s ti up »

Independent federal avIiUcu iK n lo unify control o t all »ir (^1

boat both clvUUn and mlllUry,

" Insects FoughTWASHINOTON. June d Ui-Ta

deparUnent of agrlculuw m last night It U stepping up lu icc,.

The Wes to combat a grasshspptr ta,, sion posing the most strloui taun Uireat of recent y e a n In n»i Bews. w a i italcs. -

.g . The departm ent ssld addlUxi: penonnel and equipment trt bc2> moved Into Colorado, Ksnm, ^ homa. New Mexico and Teui a

I help organlre an loaecUcldi ipnjSj program.

shi '■ ■ ' -|V2 FRIED

B CHICKEN; asl „ ,>eek * K eody to S e rv i le

10 Minutes '



t ' ^ f p ns-W .D 8 '

S TODAY!•EN 5:15-8AT. 1:15 {j|J • |;jj






- - - ^ ^ in g - S te a i ly ^ .


_ F R I.-S A ti f i ADULTS 6Sc S J KIDS FREEl

9:30 ONLY

ra iD A Y .n d SA TU RD A Y


! _ E 5 ^ 5 J

raniAT. juN s n

Page 7: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

Xeachers foy Cassia County A re R e p o r ted

i.iw ^^'ltJC U C U ^ eootruU lor next

' " ” ;.So” “ S w o»cn ; Dmi.1 r » ‘- M n . J m 0 “ "

S j r r “ r . E s^ I nHnclpal of Uie Ovpof

»mcr 114 bmlnnlr*

t™ WdEtr »hof>e home U In He^ «iu teach English m will Mn

E T m S . '» ™ " 0 "‘»'TUtnltA d d lU o n .lte « h rn * lll^ D l.n n 'w l»n . Burley; M n, Parley C «J ,n i MwloB Adnms. 0#W e^ Mar

u»^nd»l«. (Hlcley.Qolden Wood, formerly with th

*.1, ^ w d m#lh dejmrlment 0 nliripT hljh K hw l wbo WM

• ? J f J 'i lenre of abfttiee to »tteni univenity.wlU rttun

i ^ G o 'd w C w d n e r'» n d HUm Uthone^_______________ _

Benson Raps Congress for Slow Actions

WA3HIN0T0H, Ju n i 8 «V-S6C rtury of AjHtulturc Den.ion bellevt& ih o d d h B v e » r o l c e - l .u tmthe wmplcte or fln*lkind of firm proKnm the Jtdcnlortmment ihou!d pro»lde,

11» mi<U Ihli point i ne« conference jtiterd»y .In .mhtl he tilled eongrei'lona! ddaj In kcllRf on new farm leRliUtloi

DtMon objected lo proposab bein eonjldered by the houie BRrlcuUut eommltue that grower* of whca Mlton, rice »nd aome other crop* li

’ allowed to d te ld e -a l refcrenda- •tnoni aeteral alterative projran; for thtlr crop*,

Danierooi PUn T belle»» 11 Is danjeroua to si*

wppoft to a proBttim Juit Ixwiu Uic people dlrecUy lotereaUd in tn for It.- he wld.

Such farmer decWon*. h# »Ii mliht b» »R*lnat, public Interej

land nol In Ui» looj-Um* Inlere: > ot tir ln iltu r* 'I t« I(. Ileapontlbllll

for de t*ralnln | farm prognm* h uld rwU « llh conffreax.

Thi i*erelary alao crltleUed it«f Uken by Ih* eommltlet to Ue »arloi (ann IcflilaUre propuala tonelhi In on* bin. Thi* unlflcaUoB »( undertaken, he *«ld. to U.M non cofltroTcnlal propoaal* to help cart controTenlal one* through congru

Procnm Delated Kaeh farm propoiial. he *ftl(

tlioutd tUnd on lt« own feet.Cen.V)n u ld Uial In tying th

asrlwltural trade development pro jn m lo other aeUona. congre** wa ddxylnK export of jiurpluaea,

tie Mid hla depArtmenl w*a loaln out on export aate* .while walUn for th* hous* lo act on « *enaU approred bill to extend the prognm noT (cheduled to expire June 30.

«* . . A A a A I

i n___ B;r BOB BEE8K _____

Tbla wa* U i jt%t ef (be Chicago Werld'i Fair. Oh. th i Windy Oly ^ bad a priTleo* FaIt. way

Irj nttdtd ■ |

^ l U r falart. .

ini modem areh lleciu t^la tick- j boy* pulllnB the lauriala

‘found the Pair pound*. But I^

■ - J!J?^'>’i_iii«_i*_inuch_of-on*.l “»*llrl a t they did of «nythlng

- Off r« i name «ma Helen Oenld ^ k . and ihe did > dance In « lch (be wore m eolleeUen cf

. . . and not m ath cUe. She k„1 »P ^ U>»» year

V.L »*terwardi. Her lUge “ » • »«• a lly JUnd . . . And

the hit of the r U r l ., Ihi year?

* "«* e*r m id i tT iI j h it «th a buyer th a t year, he *UII

*«>«d * rood deal ir.' k * m eant real ttTlnj*.

Si?e. on the ear of Wl

P " ye»r wai 1D31.cbolfi. in * new ear

k2 1« Ihe beauUful new ^ ^ P ly m e a lh , Swedlab Volto ^ a n e r c l a l Volkawagtn. AndO m I V " "

new line. Stop !n . . . 2 ^ wr. higher trade . . . oor

^ A Y . JUNE « . 1958

i; S t u d e i

t y

w n s-An*


teraon; —3) will

!. who)ppor. 2nnlnc.


Lo«an, f high


I H ey M n.





.*, .h» Talkln* orer the fine poind ef “* Tenlly of Idaho iludenU who h»r

apecUl a ir force nOTC program. 1S i '^ d . * . .

S e v e n I d a h o S t i

F o r L i c e n s e s ;U N rV E nS m f o p IDAIIO, June

—Seven University of Idnho iciilor S have qunllfled for private pllol'

llceniiea under a *peclal air fore nOTC prORrnm, It w u announce

I f today.■ '* SelccKd cadet* took part In Ui

first prOKrnm ot 11* kind ottrrcd " > n S the unlvcrMly. ClvllWn fllshi In

*tructora a t . Uie Mmcow-Pullma V -S k - airport trained tlte cadet*.______ '

“ S.°! Guests Speak at ;t;:; FairfieUChurdUcltlng PAIRFIELD. June.»-GUM t* t delay* the Community church Sundoy wet

slAtlon. Mr. and Mr*. Milton WarkenUi jbelnK Oaxlcn. Mexico, culture Mrs. W nrkenlln gave the mc4MK wheat, for ehlldrcn nnd Wnrkenlln gave th rops be sermon. AUo guc.<st* al Die ter>'lc enda— were Mr. nnd Mrs. Emmet llote Bgram* Tn’in FnlLv who aang.

A fter the sen'lcei a poUuctc din ner wn* held. In the evenlilg Ui

to give W arkentln* ahowed a film "Ur «eau*e aheathed." which Li a story cf Gu«W J In I t mala, and aUo alldc* Uiat Ihey ha

lAken of the natives.I said. ---------------------------lntere*t G arden and Flower Slake* an Inlerext TrellUe* a l Globe Seed Co. Adiislblllty------ 'im* he ■

d itepA v*rlous

I non- (> carry ■ngrea*,

ig the ‘'I p « - . ^ 1 ' X ^

> loalng Hviltlng ^itnaU- P ognun.

I \;cago ^a ty w M /r / f /x ,way ,

l i ltui* I B R U h I m

But 7 mm

enld• >0 7 m m0 of W i m /She

m Z w jAnd ,

:h i tlUIl

^ H O Is: C




l e n t - P i l o t s T a l k ( h

(* ef ftylog w llh lealn rta arc Ihrse Itnt- > hare qualified aa private p llou ^nder a am. From left, tho newly-pledged airmen

* * * *

S t u d e n t s Q u a l i f y

; s a s P r i v a t e P i l o t sJune 61 'T lie Inslruclors hnve Indlcntw .tJilors Uie Idnho cntlcLi are nn (xiUlandlni pilot'* uroup of sludcnl.i," *nlil Col, Merrll forec A. Kemplon, p roIf.\w of nlr (iclenci

luneed <n,B a tudenls will enter the nl force rcscn’c na second llcuiennni

In Uie loiiowlnj commencement exerclir 7 ‘l "I Sunday.illman ^ ' '“ '* >■1''* J ' Nelior

pocfttello; noberl L. Byee. Wendell -------- Clinrle* L. Pfeiffer, Chnllli; Gnry F

t Blake. Burley: Genr A. Klillntr. Die U lch;-W ilton F.. niRKcrrt, Olf fore

rch ^PUC Okays Loan

p j j . „

.tSMEc BOISE. June 8 <,f(-WaJihlngtoi ,ve the Water Power compiiny. Spoknni ier>'lce wm (rrnnted nulliorlly ye.ilerdny i lloter, ur.o two million tlollnn of promls

Aory nolr.i lo finance natural ga Ic din- construction.Ig the Aulhority to Lwue the notes t

•'Un- pny for con.itnicUon of electric fa 3u«le- fftcllltica was Rranted'la»l Febni ;y had u r by Uio Tdaho public ulllllle

commls.Mon. The eommbudon Thur* day approved the swlich.


i k s E


' TIM ES-NEW S, ■n

Over Flying at Uni

lin t- are Robert L. Byee; WradeB: Ch ler a BUkt. Uorley, aod Oene A. KlsUnj rmen photo—»l*ff cBgT*flng)__________

y Trophies Planned \ For County’s Fairf)ts Triple B elub meel Tuesday

evenlnB nl Itie ho(no of Blllle Turner llcAted and decided to award iwo lrophle.'< indlnit lo the eenlor dM.'lon nnrt two lo Uir Merrill Junior division for tho beat aeUi clence. of 4>I{ beef records a l the Twin lie air I-’nH-i county fair, ennnt.i Tlie club will hnve a twlmmlnn crcl«J pxriy “I Nttt-Soo-Pnh June 13 and

win attend th e I-'irst BaptLM church JMson ns “. ,, ' 10 Boise vftltcy 1* planned for mic tndell. jyiy_nry It. . rneetlnn will be held nlIf. D‘f- the home of Louis Davls June 3< ilfford, when deleRate* lo 4>H club con- /Mil. Rrf."4 a t the University ot Idalto wlli

report on th e ir acUvllles. RefresJimp.nLs were aen’ed by Mr*

J l Iloraoo Turner.


in Kion necej^i(,n.ln.splred algn of Uie tlmej i? » t« “ gasoline service sUllon here: r)!m>. "Ciulomera wanted. No ex'perlenc<S " 'Stea to Good qoAllty h u no iab«Ul«tel I


• A E sI RE 3-7371 I

t o '


w m




fniversity ]>


Oln i







; Charie* I . Pfeiffer. ChaUl*: Gary IU i*Unr> Dletrieb. (UcdTcnlly p r tu serrlceMl

I' I I . . I ^

:d Dead Wrong I"Q it< TOLEDO. June « ffl — AfterCllL breoklng Into an automobile nnd Asrsday alcnllne 30 dreiw* and four aulta, hejm cr a ihlrf Uirew away liU loot in "phlesi downtown nlleys. |M '0 Uje' Ths RarmrnU were the buck- jMi

seUj lypa u.vd by undertnkers In | ‘Twin I drcMing corpse*- *?de

,")|n5 ATTEND OflADUATION Lli lurch WENDELL. June 6 -M r. and M n. >1 irlp Truman Boyd and Jimmy, Mr. and

mid Mrs. Ralph Newberry and Donna. ”Mr. Uld Mrs, lle rs^ e ll XjAmb and

)d fti Undn. Mr. and M n. Oeorge Wah- “* 1- 24 ler and Ocorse. Jr.. and Mr. and " 5on. M n. Arthur Byce. alt Wendell, will “l

J «JII Bllrnd graduaUon exercl*es a t theUnlverally of Idaho. Mo»cow. Bun* 1

Mr*. d#>j_____________________________

ri)_ % Avoid DrasHc Loss


L | | JOE SALISBUR5 . I X S h o ih o n e Eo*t

10 Minute^ _______________________


| - f ^W SUNDAY

^ J U N E S


N u n W i n s P e r m i s

: L o v e r B e l i e v c tI VLOflENCE. ll.ilv, June 8 (.fi-,I TliL IS Ihe story cf s man wlio re .|R ;I luiiied' from thr ilmd miil a uun itnI ttlin (ibtiilnfd Uie 1‘opc'i i'rrmis.\lon oilI lo mnrry him. cliI l l Mailed :0 ye.irn ago In Uk rrn -r tr j l Iialiiin hill town ot F.ikbiio, WI nnir Air/--.o, south of Floirnrr, Atl>n I'lI GuKlnni. n preny clrl nf l^, and litI Riniildn Matcsuil. JC. became eii- tr.I gncrd. vrI A yr.nr laler. in 1039. wnr r.imr.I tlinsldo wM e"<lfd to ariiH tlrlnre hfI he roiilcl wed Alban, he wa* »fni nif »u!>• , _ £1;

I W e i i d c l l B i b l e ~

S c h o o l H e a r s “

T h a i l a n d A i d e »WKN151-;lL. June e -M r, and Mrs. be

I Ecltiir Vc.Mal si«ke to the Pic.’b}- po I tr ru n mid MrthodUl'Illble schnol th

niuiMliiy a t the Methodist church, th I Vr.M;il Is a p lan t.palholosL^l un- I dcr th r fnrelRn aid procrani. lie nnd

hUi wife were formerly Prrjiljylerian j niLv.loiinries In Indln, Pnlestliie and I Ttistlnnd.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Vr.itnl showed slides of the Huly Land Mid their work inj “ I ft TliaUiind leper colony. Tlie Veslnlsim are vbllliii! Ihelr diiushler, Mr*.!l-‘« Rohn PhUllps, llncerman.

I Mrs. Mnurlce Scheql reporU,lICl children nre ftttendlng Uie vscntlon Bible sohool which will run for two m

I weeks. The closing day, Junr 13, will iti • be a pnrenii’ vLiltlnR day wUh each Bi

deparim ent presenting a program.^ T eachen of the kindergarten are II

Mr*. Chad Bohek. •uperintendenl: t ; Mrs. Oenn John*on. Mn. Arlo \

—I W uthrlch, Erma Ruby, Julie Galej, ♦ and D iana PrlUi. {

Afrs, Jamfs Freemtn J* *uperin- j .. lendent.of-tlifl.prlmars-tlcparUaenL t . J AsslatlnR her are M n. Jame* Ben- J , nett. Mra. William Parr. Mri. Pred j n EaUin, Mr*. Carol Petenon, Judith +

Mel.ier, Charlene Parsons and Janie 4 . jM alli. ♦„ I Inslnjctlng the Junior depirlmenl {

U Mrs. A, E. Gilbert u euperlnlen- S deni, Uie Rev. Chad '«ollek. M n. t

— James Eaton, Sheryl aievcnMo and J Linda Lamb. ’

r* Mrs, Doug Schmnk. Elaine Parr,I Charlotte weaton and Qlane Peler-

" , sen are In eharse of Uie refresh- ■ ' ment*. Nursery for the children un- ;

J der * year* I* directed by ^^rs. Rich- , ard Hagerman wlUi Susan WUwell ■

!}J5 oif her oMlilant.

Keep oot B u p »nd Worm* with ! In*ecUetde* from Globe Seed. Adr.

Loss o f Crops with '


URY AGENCY ^ :D ia l RE 3 -1 6 6 8 X


Come to th e H pfm I good music and • II crowdi Free Soother D inners Sunday! Am

; Drawing e re ry 10 m Y nel you (FR E E , o f Cl

^ 1 110 to 1501


“ C h u c k W a g o

^ W a t e m c i M n e t

j p - , U k e ltlA U y o u c a free o t charge cD

B & 8 p jn . to 1 a jiu e xMonday.

n i s s i o n t o W e d J<

e d K i l l e d i n W a r ^Wnrd came In a few montlui th a t wa:

I RJnoIdii was dead. Alb.i. Rrlef *irlck-' lui>nlen . entered a nearby Roman CaUi- Uien ollc convciil nml took the vow* ot a q

clowcred Benedlcllne nun.I- Iliiiiililo.'however, was nol dead. Jar0, Wo\in(lrd. he was.'hiitUed from ho.'- anC >■> pitnl 10 ho^plInl. Not until 104S did Ii id lie rrtun i tn Ihe A rran hill coun- cue !• try lo Icorn Alba lu d entered a con* Elll

vent. llicr. Kvenlually he irran jed to meet Brc I- her 111 Uie prejenre ot Oie motlier U\n If sujirrior of Ihe eonvrnl. AIbn de- feci

firir,^ in n. it to be rclcfl^ed from her |*alt

Ten years laler. la.n November. *h |came the word thnl Pope Plus X II J " ' had Rrnntrd her the releaw. II wasa lone ilnic lo wall, bul the church ®'’‘' cnn!>ider.i surh dbpciisiitlon a Rrnve * * mnUer requiring the fulleii study.

A month ago Alba and Rlnaldo[* j were married In the Kalclnno parish |

[church. Eiirly th h week Uitlr story J s. became kiirruii to Italian news-1* papers, and ye.iterday church nu- A ol thnrllles a t Knlclann confirmed thn t Tin .. the wedding had Uie ble-vlng of Uie pnr

Holy See. VId --------------------------- tor

;'d Set Deadlines p";IIOLLISTErt. June « — Salmon

,„ |T racl Livestock 4-tI club memben Ida ,l,;m ust have cattle project* ready by wai :s,!Kcb. 1. next year, and (haie w llh m

iihrcp and hog project* by June 1. I _ JO next year. ll C3n Members took the acUon a l n I * vo meeUnR WediiCMlay night nl the I ] JU itollliler Grnnge halL Film* ot Uie I :h Brownlee dnm were shown. ll1. 12.re READ TIMES-NEWS WANT A D 3 . l t

............■ ■>***> *aA *a*A 4»A A A >10 ^ 7 V n -rT T T T T T T T T T 1 W T T 1 "n ^ 'r

I-Modern Horn'>■ +5d t _ _ • ___ .

n l J * . . t- 'S iu * *

rs. T-’id t - i i i l i y K

; H '

tl- ;

tl- !!:Il On* of t h i better hornet {n M

161 Lorkipur DHyiih Two yew* old— very cholco 3oc*t

: th ro aib tn tf lc . 88-foot lol—undergi -1 • -Inch w ater meter.

I Redwood *ldlng. Tile roof, large pa• X nace, perim eter hot water heal—lorgi f ■ Three bedroom*, IVi bath* plus li > ' kitchen wlUi buUl-ln G-E Oven and• . : work. W all to wall carpeting in livlni I one bedroom. Hardwood floor* thn I 1 extm storage rcwrn.I f Thermopane and pUt« g la u aero

;; window*. • ■

i ;: C urren t epp ralia l ihow t today

U P r i c e m 9 0 0 . M: : r n o N E b e i-z o i i a f t e r t r .

& ! : DRIVE B Y - h a v e A LOOB:—YOU ’

rAINMENT J :r! I■se Shn where there U - If 14a lively fun-fUled V ' t lthem fried chl^en I f t j iAnd a Free ‘ n fjt&.0 minutes that may f f f ^ Mof course) / / 7 J |I

[E H O R S E S H U / / i | P

ag:on B u ffet” If ^ M a

i e t h e w a y v p u / / ^ j W j B

i c o n e a t / / t o j w f l i «

• e v e r y d a y I f f f l | E J i s

^ e x c e p t I

• ■ y_______- n

P A G E S E V E N j ; ' ]

Joint Luncheon i. 3 . Held by Kiwania.'1 j

JEROME. Juno 8 — Jerome Kl-i»|]l .1 warn* memben were Joined a l th e lr 'i f f l

luncheon Thursday by memben o d iM .- Uie PUer KlwanU club. I W* Oue»U were Jack Ramsey. B I i J B

l le r rr ll. Maurice Kiss* and J. i. Jamerson. all Filer, Grant Ileynold^^H

and Ellloil Brown. Jerome. . | | H ) d In lionnr of June dal0 m o n ltu H i ' cuest speaker for the gaUierlng w a a ^ |H- Elliot Brown. producUon maiiDger o f |< ^

the Jerom e Coopentlve c rtam ery |r!r■t Brown spoke on dairy produeUj ji r Uiroucliout the world and ihelr if-Qll 1 . feel on the suindard nf living. H e S li

,aald milk U not reeognlted u a food ^- product In treoa sucli as tfhlnaj^.T'

. where there is stanration, a n d 'in %bcertain areas of Africa It Is against v|.

, Ihe luw- U) drink milk. TTierc are.iA f, only five areas In llie world where :

a sufficient *mounl of dairy prod- [ ._ uct* I* used. ,>4i|'

; Parking Fines j i- A total of tl3 In bonds wsi p o s te d lH t TIiur.vlay wllh Twin PalU police f o r |H e parking violation*. ; • !

William Ownby posted a t2 b o n d lB l for two overtime parking vlolatlon*.^H

Posting $1 bonds lor o v e rtlm e |H parking were Dudley Creed. D o n M Glbta. Alex Nelson. Ds!*y Ford. Mr*.|

" A. Coiner. Elaine Malney. A. L u fl.il|L « Ida Brown, Alvin Schaak and E d * I H y wnrd Benoll. _ _ _ _ |* | |

IFit-Rite Dental lab -|D e n tu re * R epalred-R elined ] |f l i

W HILE-U -W A IT l l t t 2 4 9 M a in W e i t RE 3 -1 9 8 7 | H B

i n e ^ f o r S o l e L i

{n M o s tc V olley , located a t | | i lD riy e , T w in F a ili tlocation on dead .end atreei, M T i ?

adcrground iprlnkUng lyilem, IH - I U

rge paUo. double rsrage. Q-E Pur* T I k;'-largo fireplace, ' I)Ius large full Uled shower. U rge • ■ WJ and lU nge. The flneal o t cabinet ; ; a1 living room, dining room, hall and . IBa th roughout Large utUlty room, ' UM

I aero#* fron t of house-eUeot-Ula . 'j ,>

' ■ ' I so d o y 'i c E i t M b l «2B ,900 .00 : :

).00-B y Owner : iI I P .M . FOB AFTOlNraENT I | H


i i i i M i t i M i i M t M i i m t n ifll

Page 8: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

I At th e Cm s t P» t88TT**IAH

ly DwaM B. M*«r . ^W ' l i l i a. «• Ck«nk Btheol — CUuwI L /e r »U UM. T»aa* AJuH* «n<lI k V m K “ X ■> tom U f Wor.hlp-*««mDn■ Ik T t* . i-twi'.U c t e n i t til> »•»- Meo^ir: Trua»H b M U tiM Jr. n<ma «ltk Ur. r» -■ 8««iUi>4iUr. 1.* P. m. ,T u^*n■ "Ti* A*'kn»l »inwWfr» "I’l »i f f

T.niBf««>; ____ .KEORUANIUD U»l

»n» r.iu»i»ni '■ ‘•*1*/....I a n ChlMw** prir»r » •• "■•

I CblWr»a* rB*rh*Ji»"‘i n .." Pro*f»tn "lih p"i "ll""" • 'I Ififn l l ni Iw* "f X"'r"»n rUu il

fc- S : ‘rtitTV%-p: /u«tor‘tar.V Ml »«« '. !••«»•._______ .

I Neighboring , * Churches i -------------------------------------------------

Li'u^Tiiiw'ilV »m»r

T'jo'p W»>1n«.d«T VMJtroTrJUK» t. nHW iTMrtCMV


M ta-lrt ^or 8'-n«.r m W IVt j i I ' i P“ wr. cm ... -Ill

L i t h lionlliif. Al » •" -» ‘I-P ' will r l~ . wllh » pro«r»m *l l-iO P- »•^ Jiiitr. _____ _P Buni. ri«sT w^Bo _W I t. o . I'rI-lbeod awllDi. lo:lO •• •»■

i" T»lk W »n EUtt — l« inlnul‘» — Tht ii H«khU*^«k rrlwlSiwJ Ilf.torxl —

?:s; »:»0 ». m. ■n.tir.d./ Trln.fr.I p. m. W«ln«»d.y M.1-A.

BUIIL SECOND WARD I.DB ' liU •. to.'* Senior A«ronle rr»»tK»ocl

iimbII » lllh I'a.tm. 10 ' SwaVr - Ilnhtrt linn. 10 Ulnut* Kp*«k<r |I _ II. D. Ch«n»r. nnb.rt Fr*!.*!..'' i ! « S ^ r * " » r r ' T h « r » j i j ’ MIA.

tvKVzr z io s LrriiRiiAN' ‘ A t .« i* T M « 1U r/pl.r.‘r'” ‘I I t «. Bl. 8iit«]ir BchonL II «. n . Dltlnt

8«rTl««. TJO J>. m- Ho"<l«T North-».t Cl.ltW Con««BllaB. I'ortlao^ Or«uii. Tum4w »<inb*nt Ol.lrkl Convention, rottltni. Ort*on. W«dn»wlir Northwwt n u trk t Cont.nll«. l'ortJ«n<t. Orwon.

I 1 tiu Udiw’ AW. Thurwlar Nonhwr«t ' QtelTM Oonvmllon. PonUnd, Oft«n.

BUHL r i m rwanYTKniANi| I C«n>tr Blilh and Wtln

Jtiui s . tiaclatMh. ftlnUltr > l:U m. Cburth Bthool far ill mm.;■ r*Uh u d Ut* Cufrleuliim. Mr*. Uurn.rd |i AlbtftMii. AeUBf BnMTliilmdmt. l.lndt B L*a tad Xtthr 0«il«r. I-UnUU. AduH1 Chrlitiw romm. TVni«l .’T»» n».k

DoelriB** th. Pr»ibrl*ri»B ChurcK. Or. KMlBlMk »in U Oi« Gu«l T .«h.r.

Wonhli. 8«fmoB lb»m«l 'Th* M»n Who Cot A Oloa" Dr. MMlnlch p r^ h ln r ,Tlw Mrrini ir« Dou»l«i Nnh »n.!D»tld Lcwry. U.h«r» ar* lupplM br lh« WMtmluUr Ftlkmhlp Rroupt. Th* Chin* Ml Choir, undtr lb* dIrKtlon of Mn. rr«Bk AUlni, mill aliut C> rln(U>n‘t "A Sons *nd • rn r.r ." TU Anihrm will Itielud* dti»U by U r «nd DotjgiM r»mUr,

' A Crib Room u d Kur.«rr U pr»<ldnl durinc th« WonhiK E«rTi««. 1 p. tn. WntmlniUf r«llo»«blp Croupo mwl In

I tb« nm id* Roenu. 'Hu K.w Mnnbtr. « tl| l>* w«lMm«l InU (h* KeIlo»hlp. Tbt D*ToUoB« OBd L«»oo >111 b» pr«.M«l br Card raunon. ntfrnhmrnla will, b» pro- vldad br K*llr CatUnn. I)*lnaU. le lha

' Chuirb'a Yeulb will h< approfnl.Ctrl Ulh U th* Mafarmtor. Dill tnd Jun* Rsbtrla or* th* Ad>LM>ra. *ilo t . m. Thur» dar Womra’l AuocltlUiB m«ndthlp Coff^

I Hour. A Uu.lrtl rrofrtm «lll b* pmtnlnL Tb* »«T0ll«na »!U b* »lraii hr Mr*. KdwMrd Kiur. Th* rn « rtn la undtr Ih* dimttoti ot Mrt. lUr Wn«*r. Th* N »

,Mtmh*n or lb* Cburth «U1 h* aptcUl roMU on thU «rt>loB. t;iO p. m. T>ia 0*111* ' Jonlor Cbclr -IU mftl (or nh*tn4l In Ih* N*>*. Mn. Don llnberli U Ib* dlr«etor. K*thr Kailer i< Ih. PUataL Mrt. Kltlo Kab will hava th.rc.

.of th* ntr**hm«nl«. Tb* Choir U (or l>ir* •nd ftrU Ib ih* ith, »lV.tnd «lh gttMt. Tb*r tr* a<M<i1«d lo aim at th* wunhin Mrrle* ob th* Un Sunri.r In Jun*, ?;<t p. m. Chtnt.l Ch*lr llthMntl. Mr.. Fiank AlklBt, Choir Dlr«l«r. Mn. Sitnltr Ktrn. Or**BUl. ( ». Bl. Pridtr Pr«ibrt*rlan M«n'a Rttrtat. At BavUsoth Camp. Thtmai

I 'M ra tnd th* Ckurtk.’* 9p*clal OuMt la Mr.-r«l-WBtMii»toTU TT.*«r»r o( N. a . r . M. Th* lUir*tt fonllniin throufh. Jbb* Itlh. CtnpClra, Workahop. lU«r*> «Uo«. Wonhlp.___________



New Chemiofil EA SIEST. M O ST .E E & C

W E ED EZ WO Once over ligh tly leaves a dandelions and a ll broadlct shrubs, flowers . . . won’t v to H um ans and pots. T E E A T S 20,000 SQ. FT . ....

■ y o u 'r e read aboi


\ A C a ^ .FROM Y


PAGE eight

Churches *Q. MrMr. »«Uf

a ai^ * •- ^ Bu»d»r S iJn rti"

I*»r1 Artow"™*"*^ '**'» •’•'Ifl', r.i- uib*nB Ulk*. .ft*» U-Itf'ta l««lhVran

• '■** (;B*rk"iiTni.K‘ Third aT»ii>a nurib

I'IS a fK. Kun<l>? K<)m«I. t l a, m. Wrf

[jit’n* Tliu"'la a! ■<i>,'TI» Mlaikosarr IWItIr 'HII rliili Bir»t »llh Mr., ^N ^K rait. Ultf. Idaho..ijTa" I'liiinni a» Tiirr A Bcrsdios,

N a .-a .''£ ‘S . ‘i l . r . t . r— 1 «L :n .'"rr:';; 'r ' s " :.-

lloir Conmunlufl. 10 t. m. • I IWr Communlun _____

{ AKHEtltlLY OK CODRKsfid aonua ati.l llllh alrnt Mlt

II. r . WaUlo. Ptal.r. I" 1. m. fiiind.r S<b"n|. It War.SIp •"'!

rkil4'<n. rhunh al. < p.m. r>anc«tiiUr*;in p, m. TNi~IJr »v*Blni ttn U '

.1 llxcVn Nunlnr lloxi'. * P, m. Trar.r rnrS- ..Tnr."* fir* Tnhlnt Ju'rit T and'fnnllBi.’lr.c

^",^*'^"7 " ‘'’''ll^hl^l' '"t«*»r r ‘r.ni‘in'"'n*'''|-.',»u*. ‘ •Ill ‘W In" cha'nil

nr lha VIIS. II InmiMrtallon I. nM>!H n>: >•■}]}. Ktllcmihlp U.tllni (or

Ih. Mule Vall.r K«(llon »lll htirt al utnld'ika «IIh .anrlrn al ! tnd I:1S p. m,

v W Ujnch It btli<( broucht br Iho.. w l«t —----...•ix.k r i u i r hOiitkkiin B A rniTL-hrl.- MI.r al Wa,hlB«u,n .anaJn ,D. E. Atlitr. Btal.r * .■>t al 10 *. m. Aundir athool hour. It a. m.'ki'aB Kurnlni sonhip hour, US9 p, n , Tnln>Mr.- iKt unkiB. l;:o p, m, tf tn rrf »onhlp.

Vara- 4 p. n , Tut.dar Clrt. tuxlllarr *1 thaton< rhurrh. ( p. n . Wtdnradar Vrtrtr matt*

a. » . Inc -Tb* Hour ot-Po-tr.“ Tliuradir -Khool Churrh VlillalloB. W* Ib>II* »ou M «tl»Bdp. n. Mr frltftdlr church on Iht rurntr.

aiL'Kca or TUM BRmiFBHItl Waal KU^ t>*n<j*

a. n . H.T. RaWiI E. Ktla. pa.Ur.mtnl ^ liU Bondar Bthool 10 koralnr h~>l. I'.llooah'ip. 7, p.m." Tundar. Ibr Hc*iil "n .t Tr®p u : 7::« ?.Bi. W«Jn.*.lar. Houn of

— r»wtr. I p.m. TTiuradtr, Ilvrnn CIrtIa, - II • p.m. Thuradar. Nanml Clr«lt. I p,ra. Ta'ik> to riBAT n iu itcii o r tub nazarenb

— 401 fliilh atinua north itoN w. Ella. UrHB. pttlor

aarr, ( lit t. m, Sundar Khoot. 10:41 t. m. wonhlp, ”n * flll.nt Suf/ar^r." 7 p. m. roulh hoor, I p. B<. rraaf*ll.ll< atrrlct. I p. ni. Uondar tburrb board mtttlnr

'W l » p. m. Tutvltr tha Knoa chapur of th* hM>d >111 mttc vllh Joan ilrBtaraon.,Un(. m Hohbln. attnu., I p. m. Wtdnaadar

n rrartr mtttlnt. ] p,, n . Tburadar- tha ■ ocf ' ‘<>°r (haRirr ol iht NrM.H >111in.T* ll*MlU>n. • P-’m. Thurad'ar Vacation Ulbl*..ktr «t«*l profram. ______

ninLB DAPTIHT ». !i« l/Kuat alr*»t

L. V. Marrk paal.r to a. m. «un.lar mSoi.I, ll t . m. i tv k n .

• ^ m, Mrrltt*. 1 p. m. W*dnM<lar mid- <mk avrrlea.

'-iH! ■ UNITED n^CTIIBBN IN CllltUir

wni n. m, Kundar School lluur. 11 a, m. -on Mornlni Wonhip Rtrtlc*. 7 p. m. Chrli* ,>r«l “•n Kndntor. I p. in. Kfanlnc Worahip5; : : " i i ^ 'S " w S " i . r i , ’::r.

Hiudar and i'rtr'r Mrttlnr. 1:10 p. .m Thura.lai Rlrl'a Cluh, Jl p. m. FjUlar Adull Choir ' rractlc*. Kollrai Tt>* Quan«rlr CnB(ar«ni* Mnllnr HchadultO for Juna t hai b**n poalponrd ta Juny :i.

“ rt TTLEB ATBEET DArTIST.Inda _ «* Trl»r alr**t

» t . m'l.'o'nL?a:i‘4 l Mom.Inf Wnrahlp 5*rmoni (ioral lipaaktr, Rtr.

; S : . " r "liabi* Krtnlns Worthlp firrmoni (lutat Kp*ak«r.

Rtir. >Url Kaurin, 0 p. m. Dr«mn> MNlint. Ulna P' Bl. TUMdar I).V.II.!1. Wotk ahnp. Who * ^ m. Wntnrwlar KIbl* Sludr and hint. 1‘n '* ' llNllnt. I p, m. llu.Inru Mtttlni., *,h'j BtrllCL TEMPLE;han. ^ M. DatU. ptaurUn. *• ■<>'• Hroa4lcaal. o«tr KUX.. 10 a. IB. Sundar School 11:10 t. m.. »JII Mornlni *bohlp, Strmon br lllihop J. T.

rorlrrdalt. Crarvla. '« p. m., ridnl rroptr'i Uttllnf. 7:J0 p. m. 6p*-

cUI Kvanrtllttic a*r>ltt* conductnl hr , In llUhop I’arnt. Concrcailonal iinflac >llh ibtr. •I**‘l*> "'“•Ic by lha choir tnd orchnlrt.A- K c r /; ;

rrartr Dandt. II p. la. Turadar. Dlhla lha Hludr, I p- m. WaOntadar. fra rtr Mttl.

9Ttd- <"■ Halurdar. Cblldrvn'a Churrh.>“» ... rJMT MBTIIODIBTBhoahona tnd Kounh ar*nu. c«at, nl«L *'• MacAtlhar. ailiil.ltr .Mn. (:tS a.m. Churth tkhool; nuratrr In , Bt> addlllon. 11 «.m.. >orahlp: choir u ._ anthem; atrloon, “I. lha Duor Op*n or

Sbutr Till) p.m.. Btnlor and Inltrmadlal* MYK. 7:SEI P.m. Mondar. llor HcouU and

Ut lb* Kiplnrtr Unit. » p.m. T>i»adar. Woik-

“I D o F A L S E T E E T Hnbi'p R o ck , S l id e o r S lip?.iVnh FASTnmi. ta tmprered powd*r to

,mai Oo DOt iUa*. tlip Ot roek. No nm «T .

i i tu n b m t h i .C h l / A f f T i r a t t wflnw touam .__________________*_dr


litKil Weed Killer.: a C lE N T W EED K IL L E R WONDER B A R q ,

s a wax film of 2-JD to kill adlcaf wcetis. Won’t d r i f t to n’t wnsh off o r track in . S a fe"

........... 4 .9 8about it in TIM E.


—n a n ' CMftmM. t v tU rffSw t*d « * ^ •n It th* Ch«i»h flckatl » |» t-m. Wa*. aa*dar. Prartr aaatloa. with Mn. * • *• Ma«Anhiir. (I« ind Blr««t Eaat aad Mra.

ha«nal. I p-m. Wtdandar, Qrcla 10 >111 rt* „*rt >lth Jlrt WIIMBi Marti*. I1» Moiah

Aratg*. Otbar VTsJb ClrcWa matt Th»r*- I for dar a. follovtl Xo. I. »»- H nrr Cro>. run. t Waal of W. * PolBU. 1;W pm.; Ko. S.Mr, Mn. C. E. M<ClalB. Ill North Junlp*r.

ulflc ; p.m. .harp; »«. I. Mr.. W, L fnmatw, ,r»ltt n» L»chtf.ii. 1:M pJ".: Ka. 1,-Mn. lllll otib. Touhtrlr. I 'l »arlb af Ja»i«i. .lor* at itran Ilurrr. I :>0 P K. 1 No. t. Un. Lllllt M*na*r.

haa 404 llh A .tru. Ilt.l. |;I9 P.Bu; No. *.I, on Mn. Cmif* like, l i t llh A<tnu#^North.

IVM.r. Clrcla T -I’i T«p*t >lth Mra. tv>b WIIK, Itt Junlptr

S i'• nib.fl K. >l.«r.. ..laklir al .da/alU.

» am. lamllr W.nhlf. »:ll a.m. Hun. >|M II a./«. Murnkr Worahip

i:t»f.li>« Wor’hJo. Kira:' 'Wori,ln» Tol u crlhcr >llh MonA.r, 7 a.m. Kcuula.

■ p m. Am.)ma crlau. Mn, It. II. Ilatknfcr. t : : i llh A». K Tundir. t p.i>. Marr>

• Thuridtr rpm.^EiHulJ..' Iloaid K»rilnr of W«man'» Mli.lon Hocl.lj. 4 p.m. Cub HcouU. 7 p.m. Kipktrn,


:t"k . »•“ " r.lf- Tht^ahb.lh |lfhnol^Ur|nnli>r “'j

m’nc -Mfh*£S” '. .'T'tl rvii»‘’>lll“rk* T>H,1 fnr I'alli >v*t«nlhMl.|r AdTrnlliU Ih* npinr- l„ It ti.i<!lrlnrartkln.lali<thf-‘MII1br.P..llar-larf. tba >nrM. Thk. turn •III prvvH* 'forPf'„ >orId t.vtr, rafh I*

1 ^ * "• JTjo'p! Ar*brra?hlii>d”r Clul.*>t'linr*l at Ih* Mallr Vallrr Junior Aca>t*mr BBd.r Ih* dlrocilnn al Dlr^lor Davkl Waiu. Th. InaoB Oil. >r.k >111 b* -Tiack and Trair. Th. l>ont. l{**IUi aBd W*l(*rt norl.lf >111 nM In Ih*

I, ni. Il**llb and W.Uan r#nirr, I'all. Atf. V.IB. W*.t til dar 00 Turtdar trcordlni tn ihlp. lnd.r. VV.. n, A. Dr.kj. A poutuck

,h. dion.r >111 b* a.rt.d.J".ll JBnOVAl't'il''wrTNE8IIEAiitBd

t:IO p, n.-Bundar. Illb?. dlnura* da. Il.tr»d br a ntrr^BMilf, *f lh« -TVoI^h- lo>«r~ Boclalr. Mr, K, Craaalrr.' aubirct "Whit tj -nitt WorM C«inla» TuJ" J :10 p. m. fluBdar. nibl* .IDdr with th* tid ofth* “>tUhU>*r. tubjKI. “Whal ll Urana

Icout To lla A ChrUtian." I p. m. Tundtr, UIM* „f ijtudr. aubjact.- “No S»!r Ealialloo Hr

Tilt I.t» Of Mot«," 7;H p. m. Thurajar. Thao«nll« UlaUl.rr .choeli WHitcn r*>l» on ttiun. It, to, }| and t t frum “Eijulppad lor Kr.rr Co.J Work. Chtpl.ra ?l»>°yJrV" TTl»?!ral”a*nd''"’y ' “"h *

' f!.” r tlk f tnd 8. «lnd"rr*^M*rilId*Vn” m. diKU.. 1 CbrcB. t-iM I and t:t.|< , l:S»

p.m. ThurMdr. fkrrk* mMltnx: Th.ma: Tkt. "Not Koraakint th* Ralb.iint Toi.Ihar At line, Roma ]t*i* Ib* Co.tOQ-* Tnt br J. Srknra.■ Talk on “tmporUnc* of AtlatidlBf Int/r- rKi, national Conrtniion" br C. Dtnnr,

Dtmon.irtllon on "Nr> Yotk A..«mblr , u,, R*mlnd*n" hr K. (irtul.r, Ttik nn «,l| -Ka*p Your MIod I'IimI on Th. Thln<. d al *>“ ’• : “ • At World Aai.fl.blr, br V. JlH* •"<* tntounc.oiCBIt brK. Crta.ltr

riRAT CIIRIHTIAN Bboahon. and Blilh aT.nu* north

Uoatld L. ilafl.tB. BiltUl.r Bundar MornlBi Wonblp ' topic i **A

b Ij . Ptrthla fo r CblIdr*Bi ll.rif<i»t SuBllihl."

Dlt,kn U b . (.r KWii.. .[, m. * P' >"• Uondar Th. iluiln.it WomaB’a hri,. ColM tnd Ktt Maria mm iolntJr, Tu.^ .,Klp dtr Orflctal rioanl Mwllnr TunJar :h.^ E«*nln> MlKtllaBMUi 8ho..r (or Klain* 1,11,1, (tialnik) Marajltn. In Ih. Churth baaamanL

„ All ladira o( Iht Chunh ar* ln<llnl tn tttand, T to i p. m. Vi’cdt.Uar Ctlltra

ttrir " n 't 'or A..l»Bm.nU. I p. m. i:hdlr P rtc n a l tic*, 1 p. m. Thundar C,W.K. Gfneral

MnllBC in Ih* ChUTTh baa.mnl far a poiluck lupptr, and Inittllallon «r cllh tn .1 P. m. Halurdar flhlrlrr K~llcr >«1dln> >llh all Church mtti<Wn and filtnda of Shlrkr U.iltd to aiund.

b” ! CimiflTIAN SCIENCEntadlnr room^lJ*)*!” A?.‘. E. op*n

Mondar. Wtdnaadar. Vtldtr 1 lo 4 r, m. lint. Bundtr achool ? :tt a. m. Rundar arr«k>'V a 1 ! K i r t s t [ . '■ . . T i i v r s r .:n(. Iltn Kclcnca atrrlcn Humlar. Scriptural

roadlnia in Ih* LHion..'Wtwon rnlillnt “Ood tha Onlr Ctuit and C»«alor" >111 iacluja th* rolIo>ln( (ram r.aloii

UX. “>l» ‘ht >onl o( Ih. Ixfd >.r* tha n.. h**>*n*'1»Bd*i tnd all tb* hn.1 o( thrm

I. T. br tha bratih of hU raoulh." Carral*ll>* m., P*a>ua* rrom "Sclanc. tnd llrallh wllh

fip*. K*r to tb* Bcrlplur*." hr Marr tlak.r hr Eddr >111 Includ* th. lolln»lnr (170:::))

>|lh ■^pUltual caiutllon 1. Ih. on. quntion alrt. !• ba conald.rtd, (or mar* than all <i(htn

far aplrtluU caoaatlon rtlain la humtB I. n . pracnaa. Tb* ajra aarmi rttdf ta approachInl-irth.

i A u c t— In o r d e r to dis-iolve a p a r t i

flt h e fo llo w in g li.st of m n c h in . 4 m ile s w e s t o f B u r le y , o n

S o l e T

I T U E Si ! 51 H e a d -D .

C o m p l e t - eDoUUIa ne ller-hM ty

ip rbxcrTo be freih b r d»y of *ftl»

no liU lo Cow—Spriniet-S y n ; oldwill give 8 'i BftI, «>ien fresh

noU tdn Ctnr—he»Ty ipriti«er W ith 2nd calf-wlll jiyc 7 gnl.

2 IloUlcln Cowv-tiearr »priBferiWUI give 6 'i gal. when freah , .

BUek HoUteln Co« - Juit, freth . f ltlnc * t»l. ______* r — nroU tttii-K 5fm rfrn* ir«ri---------

Oood big hclfcn - noU U ln C0» - S xn. old

I To be fresh by of uile* Whlt« UoUteln HHfer

To Ireshen Junt S—guve 8 ■ RRl. with flrtt cMf

Deli(cll« Cow—( jr. old - • Olvlnc 7 gal. nnw - bred bnck In April

H obleln Cow—2nd e»lf .Olvlng 6 Ki>l- now — bred

J back In AprilThese are (rood biR *

MILKING EQUIFD e la v a l M llkcr— N ew P u m p '

f o u r u n i t 2 D clo.vnl D uckc ts 2 S u i D elavaV , M ilk Cooler— 6 -c a n

1 y e a r — sid e door 19 X en -gallon M ilk Can.s

G a C a D U R1 Q A Y L O R D P H IL L IP S . A n

. 'a F ‘ .ks= ~ rr, ^ ^ } fr ,m ^ ' m ----------

2 Mudc Not Ext 'I Says Four’" T WENDELL. Jim* 0 - l to ) b e « Of t- o. the Pourth DUtrlct Mnile Zduators e> ip*r. h*re retfU m ed their itu td lh*t U

mtislc eontrlbute* to the needed' dli- n * at dpime. rigor ta d tr*inlni each t na*r. student Bfld U not u extn>currt> r

cul»r MUvlty In lh». public lehoolLa.; Bjitem. *■Mr.. In s prepared it«tcment of belief

mnd recommendMlon*. »doptejl dur* n Inc the ibUrch meeUag of the Idiho li Mu»le Educator* u io ^ U c n fourl]} n

• biennial meeting-In Pocatello, th r p ~ '/ourW 'J ia ilin illl& le ’ eduealoti ' t r l ’tl

fourth Ihelr bellefi In four leparate p atatefnenU.

p J They pointed out lh»t “current ti To- em phuU on the present su te ol n

OUL. -cniergency' feeing the nsUoif . . . larv condemnation of the ralue, worth "i icn'. and r»uH of our public tchool tys- t'

Mac Likes “Sus; Idea for Travel

; Dy H ENRI McLEMOBEr>i-r The flr«t really sensible tuggextlon *■ r>in for space travel h u been made by J ["- Dr. Sydney C. Bausor. a profesior i>un<i of biology a t Creighton unlnrstty.

for Pauengers. Dr. Bausor believes, I) hil!! should be sen t >;n>nk fs r sway p l a n e U ^ ^ ^ ^ H H <'

In a s u t i of S U S '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V w ‘ p e n d e d a n la ia t lo a .^ ^ H |L '. '1 t

>»i.i A man would b u y ^ ^ R ; b I b* h i i u c te t. *

then be proeewed fAff. by q u l c k - f r e c x l n f ^ ^ B |f l - ^ « ■ I m and freexe • dry.

TWhen the rocket ^reached Its desU-njidon — several '

, d» h u n d r e d years' ' ..ich- Jaifj- Jf the port M.L*-*r. 1. bini of cajj w u one of the jtslly distant P J ” p lanet*-the passenger* would be ■ rana thawed out and se t In motion, f “I';'* « M *■*” concenied, I don't ■ J ' " think Dr. Dausor's method ihould » iitcn be limited to space travel, or tha l ’ from travelers ahould have to wait until ’i ' ” the distant future to enjoy IL I,ktra Why nol sitirt using ll right now J •nd for short hauls, and in present day • j” iconveynnces? Anyone who has ever r At made a transcontinental bus trip mra. certainly wouldn't object to being .

frown Into a state of suspended Zkii animation for such a ride. In fact, :

n i I wouldn-i be surprised to find th s t ‘ I"** Dr. Bausor gol his Idea while en

? : route Jrom, say. Omaha to New ' York In ft bus. Particularly If he

happened to gel a seat over the » wheeU. °

Think of Ml the misery the icicle ^ . , i treatm ent would save commulersl j ipk. Their wives would freer# them u ll

b* soon ns they finished breakfast, pop n ‘I’r them Inlo the bade seat of the car tl

ctr.. or station wngon. and slide litem * itn’a Into. Uio 815 wlUiout hearing a *>

grouchy, sleepy word. And there *ai« would be no trouble In getUng tjiem lanL thawed. In summer, the average j t" commuter train would have them

sUrrlhg within four mllea. ,xrai w ith traffic what It Is. and getting n

“ worse, I can think of nothing more C cUn, pleasant than being froien slltf as a - t of board on it long automobile trip.

■ AnTTJow pleasant ll would be for mothers to be able to freeie the little ones Into a sU t« of composure before

optn pulling them on the tmln or plane ;,i7: for a flight to Orandms’s. Ju.<l nacr leave Johnny and 8l.Her In the '■'I*; freezing section the night before—all ‘jir*! dressed, of course—and luck Ihe.-n >111 Into Uielr seats and settle back for

a quiet Journey._________________

all«* Iht. auhjtcl. to ' pondar tomohal th* wJih *urr»m*fr *f Bpkll. and at l»a*l lo touch aktr Iht brm o( Truth', ■farm.m." Th. Roldrn : : n T.U ‘i“ r t '» d thj 'h tn nanla ahall bleat thn.' Thtr •hall apnk imtB or lb. *lorr ot Ihr klnfdom. and talk oach ot thr pe>tr.“_____________________.

t io n Sm rtnci'sh ip we will sell our entire chinery n t public auction on the G. , on Highway -CO.

T i m e : 1 : 0 0 p . m ; S h a

S D A Y , J U NDAIRY CATTLE; t e D a i r y Hierd D i s p e r

Holstein Cow—« ym. eld To freshen Auk, 1—gives

> 8S gal, when fresh' nnlsteln Cow—S yr*. old

^ Been milking M days-glv." Ing 8 gal. now

liaUUln Heifer 'Olvlng '5 'i gnl,-]u3t bred back

Holiteln Heifer Olvlng 5 gnl. now—open

HoUUlo Heifer Giving 4<i gal, now—open

nolstelc Cow—« rrt. old Giving 3 sal.—brtdTtO rl

HolsUIn Heifer Olvlng S 'j gal.—open

Hnbteln Heifer •Olvlng gal. now—open

8 HolsUIn Cnw—S jn . oldDred In Jan. Klvlni! J gal.

Red Cow—5 yrv old d Just fresh-glving gaL

Holstein C o « -3 r n . old Giving 4S gal.-bred back

d HoUtelti Cow-« jn . old Olvlng 3>j gnl,

lifT cows, in Rood flc«h and have pt

J I P M E N T M A (“ISM InlentaUenal

Jm p'fe new lype oood condition Dixie He«l Thinni

Su ree lluckct.«5 ^_ i_ . • ___ J Horn Manor* Losi•c a n Bttc— u M u ^

Fatm Hand Powei I Used_9 BOnUis-

. .T e n n a of Sale: Cash _ •

R F E E & T E D iA a c i lo n c c r ___________


xtra-Curricular A iirth District Eduiof tern . . . and Bpeclfle refercDces to trac t

or* certain curricula and «ibjeeu u be- maUi is t Ing ^frlll.' •eitia-currtoilar' and u n - work li . necessary lo real educaUoo" brought choU £h about the statement of belief and rl. recammendAlion of Uie association, own ool The belief of Uie assocUUon as Th

te l forth In U»e four » u t«nen u are: buoc jeC "1. We believe th st music is a p lan ir- m euure of tniUi. a medU In edutaU nu sl Jio ing the eompleie person, a commu* currl I h nicallve art—of. by. and for the peo- the i h r pie. We beneve ^ s t music c<M.| soelt

lie person. »®cla"3. W a.believe th st music con- educ

•nt tributes to ihe needed discipline, m intol rigor and training of each student, aurvi

-3. We believe th s t music • Is a phllc•th -solid." not a ••frlir or "esU a-cur- currlft. rlcuur* In th a t It deTdop* concm - with1----------------------------------------------------- Uie 1

uspended Life” 3 eling Near or Far " i

There would be a cerUIn danger nma> on in being frow n, of course. 8o much bv of our food comes frcan these days, «h ic ■oV Uist a m an would be wise to pu t a f w n I . tag around hU neck before allowing “i* '

himself lo be Iclcled. Otherwise a proa ' hurried housewife might mlsljike

■ him for a fish sUck (large, family TH■ economy sire) and plop him Into a #nw ^ sauce pan o{ hot grease. I t would currl ; | be pretty embarrassing to Uiaw out e rw : | and find yourself garnished with *nd k l parsley and melted butter, and with TT M a hungry family eyeing you. chllC i l Be good for a lot of )oke.i, Ujough, and■ Sample: 'TVho was that popslcle te r r■ I saw you with last night?" Ject M a : ‘T h a t w u no popslcIe-Uiat lean H w u my wife." mu^■ A flnol ihought: What would tour* tend

Ul class b« like on Uie rocket to I t,nt 'Outer space? Would a man get Just p a rt be M deep ft freeie u Uie deluxe flMUi

passengers? I ’d hate lo Uiaw out ance around Neptune, say. when 1 didn 't whlc

.[rt wanl U) get off until Vega. U>ke!“ (DWrlbuI^I br MrNautht flrndkat*. Inc.) soun

“ J --------------------------- clem

„ Fund Okayed for S Metal Stockpiles'■'P WABHINOTON, June 6 HV-The f»et " J senate appropriations committee veloj " , ye.iterdny approved an allowance o t capa A’ 10‘i million dollars to Uie office u

of defense moblllraUon to upgrade teacl stockpiled meUils. atrer

jjf The money Is to be used lo process “Ida: h . stockpiled cliromo and maganese .Uons

ore' to prevent Its deterloraUon. of ei r l. 8en. W arren G. Magnuson. D., rti Wash,, chairman of Uie appropriar Ke Bfl Uons subcommittee which recom- Balt' op mended Inclusion of Uie Item, soJd .•r the npproprlaUon could have the im way. for reopening Uie Pacific NorUi- ' a west Alloys Inc.. plant In Spokane ;re to process stockpiled chrome.

^ ARl'lORY BEING BUILTOODQ4. U tah, June 8 (fl—Ground

w u broken here yesterday for the ng new John M. Browning NaUonal ire g u a rd armory. ’_________________


f C H R IS T IA N 1 all i SC IEN CE J

S STATION S U N D A Y SK K T F I 9:15:! 1270 KC A.M.

ire herd of dairy cattle nnd B G. C. D urfce fa rm locatcd

harp o n

NIE 10L E -51 Headlersai Sole

HoUteln Cow -5 jrrs- old Olvlng 3 gnl.

Brtnrn Sw lu Helfef Ju si fresh—glicing i gat,

Ayrshire Heifer Ju st fresh—giving ! gal.-.Ju.nt bred back

HoUUin Cow—5 yr*. old . Olvlng 4‘4 gal.DolsUin Heifer - [! Giving < gal^Jus t bred

bnckBlack Cow—4 rra. eld

Giving d>i gal.-Just bredbnck _________ ___

< months old ( •t HoUtein Boil Calrts O

BabiesHoUUIn Heifer lUhy CsU < Holstein llr lfen

12 months oId^<pcn HolstelR Heifer

4 m onths old 4 HoUtein Helfen

3 monUis old HolsUIn Heifer

3 months old e (rood square udden:.

lACHINERYJsnal B««t lU rresU rUonh ln n e r- i m U of Choppen” idlUon tn every way Loaderany kind of trnctor

»owet Bo* nths—like new

)MQORE- . M. P H II.U P S . Clerk j


' Activity, J" lucator Group

tracUoo. mental discipline, m athe. m maUcal precision, perserranee. team , peac work, and cooperation. democraUc trafi e h o to and peisuial pitalucUvlty, weet

u . w e beUeve 0 « t music U lU a ; own IncenUve prograa.- • P. h

The prepared sUtement says.the C3 o Bssoclauon 'offers no apology for the car <

of music in our society, or and music educallon In our public school plus curriculum. Uiulc serves, educates, over the child.' Uie itudent. the a d u lt- Or society.- _ ...... ..

soclaUon recommends that -music and ' educators Join ichool boar^ , ad- forf* mlnlstrawrs, teachers and others in dlspl surveying each local educational Tl: phllooophy . . . for poailble change In a fit curriculum . . . music educators Join to pj wlUi all educators In reevaluat^g 18M: the present program of music edu- forle o t lo n in . . . schools.’* folio

The assoclstiori says special at- Man tenUon should be dlrecUd lo music plus classes which are secondary—center* vehli ed only wllh no progrtra ot music Jusr Ualnlng In Ui« elemenUty gradu! for music which h u no carry-over Into Ucen a dult life and use; music acUvtUes Qi which becauie of repetlUon delTKt M ar from academic progress and leam- fine< ing and music programs aea tcd to drlvl produce‘'entertainment" rather than Can long-term educational benellU. Acec

The educator* says a "balance- muf; should be alUIned In any revision of Hup curricula and an "Incentive- pro- of 4 gram should be set up in all grades and subjecu Including music. I

They furUier lUte Uiat the glfud child should be found, counselled and made to produce more and bet- te r music as well u In all oUier sub- . « Ject fields. -More rigorous menial .L . leamlwc ahould be Uie goal In all muslo classes," Uie educators con- .— - Und. V B B

I t is recommended.the slate de* partm ent of education In .Idaho ajuume leadership In creaUng a bal­ance In curricula In the schools which will Include creative arts and toke steps to create a workable source book In music educaUon for elementary classroom music, second­ary Tocftl and Instrumental a re u ot InstnicUon.

The educators want lo esUbllsh th e post of a sUiU supervisor of music and educate the public to the fac t "music has consistently de­veloped the 'gifted' clilld *nd his

lT* ls lurUicr recommended that teacher preparation and training be strengthened. The sUitemenl notes “Idaho’s teacher-training Instltu- Uons should Include music u a port of every curricula."

Keep fUh wortasin Globe'i ’Xoeky B a l f Mow from Globe Seed. Adv. f a

[ ^ S

__________ _

Justice Court for Go Rupert Fines 13 p , TrafficViolators

nOPZBT. June 8—JusUce ot the I Peace WUUam E. B tuart reporU IS traffic TlolaUons during Uie p u t HOrweek. ■ itiiute

Appearing before him were Em eii the k<P. McZvers. Burley, fined *23 plui were i C3 coils for falling to have a pUol for d<car wllh an execceulvely wide load, aalllnsand Prank E. Tlbblu. Rupert. tlS.CO a t Enlplus costs for hsuling a IJM pound ^ fooverweight on a single axle. . ,

o m ile Huntley, Twin Kails, for- *feiud ■ 15 bond on a charge of Pt«ced

and'Homer D, Hankins. Twin Palls, conien forfeited-a '*5 bond for failure lo do soil dlspUy Uie gross weight signs, protesi

Theodore J. PulUn, Hazelton. paid w 11 a nne of tlO plus casts for failure James to procure an operator's license since aklppe lOU; George AUeoTwltchell. Burley, ing. f forfeited a 15 bond on a charge of were i following loo closely behind a car: had ai Uargarlto O. VUluenor, Rupert, i i ledera plus, costs for faning to have a readln vehicle equipped wllh mud flaps; ■Juan Pallclg, Rupert, tS plus cosU u ,; k . fo r driving without an open to rl

, wood.Oeorgt W; Olhnon. Minidoka, and oecrji

M anln W. Gale. nupert,-were each Termc fined 15 plus costs oo charges of nnd J< driving with noisy mufllers; Ida recelvi Carey. Paul, Snd Mike J. Oomrs. peck J Acequla, IS plus coats for having no mufflers, and Jusn lla Florey Dias.Rupert, U plus cosU, on a charge u -rte i ol driving without a muffler. a ftf r"

............ SmlUiFILER MAN GRADUATED a Qua

FILER. June 8 - C a r r o l R. Mal- In im t thews, aoiMuman seaman, son of Mr. Blge and M n. Wilbur R. Matthews, rouU sea M 3, FUer, h u been graduaUd from Injunc the Uie. fleet sonar school a t Key ed ser West, FU.__________ L____________Uon.

DRIVE-IN CIn te r ije n o m in a tio n o l

Motor-Vu Drive-

' Sunday - 8:00 to — S P E A K I






® T h e few c en ts Invest

will t u m in to o p ro ft fo r

■ od now , w h eth er you wt

* e rty o r sell h o u s th o ld am

I . Y o u 'll fin d I t j l s o p

* H elp W o n te d Ads! T he:

It i r jo b s w ith m ore m om

See o u r w ide listing fo r r

i \ 1

I . m i



Golden Rule’g Crew Is Given Terms in J a j i

HONOLUH), June« r--p ,. lUlute skipper sr.d t u o n t ^ *"-'Jtt O.Mm n l r S 'rere sentenced to M fi,„ , ror defying a court erceV lallliig toward Uie nuclar t , * ' It Eniwetok, '

A fourth crrw rnftnbfr * „I suipended M.fl.jr _ • jlAced on prooatlon lor or.f „i-

:oniempi of federal co-jn ;o sail to the mld-P,ci:i:;;,.'-Tf^jrotesl agalnji lilt Inn.

W i l l i a m Ilunilncion ji ^James, N. Y.. the keicti'i iklpper. was sentenced In th» -.IT ing. Four hours laier I'u Mre arre-itcd end «rrii{,iec lad announced pUiu lo nicr,. ^ federal courlhou.^e »|[h reading:

a, ' »>' ■ The crewmen sre Ormti £>.

wood. 58. Poiieiikefnji. 1. •’ 3eorae Wlllouichby. « . mx:iZ rem .ee. N, J.. ench ctt«, so i ? »nd James Peck, 43, Ne»- yotv received the Ru-niended i, Peck joined the crew onlr th ln ^

The ketch wns ovrrUken bi ", »a.U Ru.ird Wednr.vlsy mot* t«7 three miles out. Tlie ere. h id iS if t f r “ Uie original nkipptr a v SmIUi Bigelow. 5J, Cos Cob cS' I Quaker, w u arresled f o r ' ^ Intent to defy the court wdn,

Bigelow took Uie Ooiden iio>i. lea May 1 In defiance ol Uit a - inJuncUan and w u given a lurW Kl senUnce and placed on

CHURCH 1ionoi Service

re-ln Theater to 8:45 o.m.







nvested In a W ent Ad

t for you! Coll in your

)u wont to rent prep-

Id and personal items. .

ilso pays to read cur

They pby off in b«t-

money and a future,

for men ond women.



ADS. . .

Magic Valley's ' Biggest Market Pidcel

0 9 3 1iES-NEWS ED DEPT.


Page 9: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

» j BKE »,

N e w (

r C h o

P r oNevcon

n n t >^-ra clolhlni

u 'iponiorvd icounrll.

^ E C K ^ ^ H C h °^ ■ I C S h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B h ipolntrd ta

;or l c I ind t* u : vtio pTA'l

'‘ B ^ K ^ - ' Eich xiclub chK

■ " eompiuh, H . • h*»e con B . • . ' - , llbrar>-. '■ ■ •'. • : ' . - , YWCA, » H . . I qr tdiool■ ' . - ' i- ! paUcnU

" 4 ; home. C ^ E - ••• r i " monfr ft■ . > ^ - - < - ^ ..• . nlty Che^ ^ ■ • ^ ■ —w - ■— • fund. At

furU i*’!c fiABV SEVERSON p*tienl. „lSt»H cm rm nni) p « j n

* ‘ *

n a T a l l e y I s S ' , S

d t o S e v e r s o n

N e v a d a R i t u o l f c ” } ! .LTON. Jun« « — Ing. CWIrgnc Tolley »nnouncf me Uia most t et Uielr d»u£nt<r, Nonn».

r ^ ? . " J o i “; ; S K i r n l; took pl»ee M*y « t l Elko.

e ef the P e « e O tori# B.. Dttfonned the cerm eny X wUh C ld * R 5 « Hull PW™™

Lynne- Boucher Jn . t - ««3 « ; n

ff wtddlnB. the bride scleet- nl blue UJfeU ihe»lii drew

r t Mcfswrlea. Delbtrt \bride 14 a r* d u * “ Uan* »th tchool. TTie bridegroom prtMnlvd idu»t*d tnwj OakJey high m o . O

for grcuir» making their, home In deroUoM

Her ftherc' the bridegroom DeVllllen bjM *1U» hL< iBlhcr In Uie a 'cowtnKUan comptny. Quced M:

• * » - c S S - ' n m i t t e e s A r e . .

a m e d f o r C l u bnllle« for the coming ye#r reeled th uned t l lh« meeUng of the on “The Ul dub Wtdnesdiiy » l tJie wm pre* it Mrt. A. D. Rodesy. In Uiermtn tre Mrs. K. H. O&rr. Uie hom• Ur», Ilftrold Brown. cnl«r« D«»oUon Dl- Mn. L. B. Ilftwklna, Colem&nMr*. Rudolph Lodtr. sick; AUee Bt

kke Pope, membcrshtp; Ur*, achool «i loemfr.- public senlce; M n. w u Ini nodrnnn. Kmpbook; Mrs. Plerwn. Wrliehlng, pariliunenUrlftn:

ojd SmIUi. rtporUr. « u l Mr*. . ,I Ehrtamoa mualclan. l l O I T prognm waa prtaenUd by _

n m metUng «U1 be a pot* nnfr . t I p. m. Wednesday at , nAOB 1 pjijk, T hc« aU^ndlng are

to Srtnf.'a corcre'd <U»h and mice. noU caU wm ba “my• flower." tag wedi

V « hnU In I_ XJnion n

l e s t s R e p o r t e d0 ItlLL. June 8-M r. and noblt gn ick Bmllh. P o n SmlUi. Ark, jjen Taj

local rctldenLs. and M n. }£f^ jo« •nnprall. Sun Valley, were n d ; m r

cn cuuLr Tuesday aflemooo p uolor ) home of M n: r^cUie Sud* Ma>

■ M n. Jo4ind Mn. SmiUi alio vUlted Mrs. Net nd Mrs. Cecil BoU enroute - ,.— n Bfnitdlno. Calif._________ ^

l a r l a n M a r t i n

P a t t e r n —

t vJ all thfMJ ' ordered t

J ' • Ing Uils ,^ achool. 1

n A n >»y“ y»K W i - iCm§ a I and he 1U U to. \ \ rt ; eon he R

UU ' to learn / 1 .S T M * ' h i m to.

/ do? Who ' f i - " l£ y \ There

l y P ^ J j V TOlTtd hi’ - \ I cannot a

about ani j f i r X '- ’ P in t am

i>y *0 mH j p / out. Uiat

well In t a B u n ^ tn«nrf qo

M ill. 1

and cerr

\ - / / / V ^ / J *0 there \ V \ <*'\ Toca\ J ^ ^ U b 1 ^\ ' ' ' * ! ■ ■ ' want anV : . Ing WlUT I a n our b\ \ . u m typ<\ V W ■ : Uie mach

_____ \ ___\ _ ^ B ' *niM»w/ ^ r ■ H “ h otSrorke

I f W V v o 't of\ , I / . / fine and

)U<t - \ / / Uoa u l l^164 ' / / ■nieytiSJttS / . ; read, nc

^ '__ read to

u H T , • - f i r muithaT

O L S T L s , , .PBnM p . i t t n . p „ i ™ ° I*

pnrlnen wlUi

5 * r A - " “a l ' s J T ; “

re u n ite . ft

• 1» fli. *of «*ci» l» t - _

w « ef Tlmea- * ' 233 v /e ii it th

'■ " • ” • Y. P rta t -I*1U> “ oe. * ^ •'Jl« number. |

H v

e w c o m e r s C l u b

i h o o s e s W e l f a r e

P r o j e c t f o r P T Aewcomen club selected for Its ; tiz-monlh civic project In ISSt olhlng aod hou.'Chold *;oods col- Ion amontc m rm bers ot ihe club‘Onintnite-'tn-thr~w elfare-roomuorvd by the Tw in Falls FTA

:n, O. A. Siren, chairm an ap* itrd by Uie council, is In chan;e Uie dUtrlbullon of the arUcIcs .Is aislsled by volunteer workcn

I are m em ber' of the variousot Twin FalLn. .

■ch Mz monthx. the Newcomen ) chocMa a civic pmjecC to ae> iplish. In the p u t mem ben e contrltHited work a t the clly ar>'. donated furn itu re to the CAi auUted n t (he cerebral pal* icliool, baked birthday cnke» tor Icnt4 a l the H ortoa nurrtns It. participated In collecUni; ley for th e fied* Cravi, Commu*' Chest, polio drive and cancer d. At one time fundi were rabed U i(.rehabilitation of a menial

iir ire ira re room, located in Ihe county hospl»il. Is donated, by

In Palls county to Uie PTA tor Ir work. Anyone who I a In n«M I living in Twin P^ll4 county Is Ible to rccelve^:lothint from this ter and aaiyene who would like donate clothing or hou.iehnId ru Is welcome to bring the aril*. lo the f ln t floor ot the build*. Children's 'c lo th e s are among most needed Items.

¥ * *

i m b e r l y W o m e n

H a v e U n i t M e e t saMDKRLY. June 8 — V ariedjV i , , , gnm s were gl»en a t the group I N 6 W ttings of the ChrlaUan Women's lowshlp when they met Tuesday rrooon'and evening. „ „Iroup one m et a t th e church with . ® 1. Jo Woolen as hostess. Mrs. bert W right conducted the devo- u and Mr*. Radford Walker Knted Uie p r« f« m . ^ 7 . *»*,lo . Oeome CrockeU wa.i hoste.'j group two a t h e r home. The

oUons were led by Mr#. Richard ,'1' , /m ien, a guest. Mrs. Parris eslone. program chairm an. Intro- ' ' L ir ed Mrs. Joe Proehllch who pre* “" ‘ i ted__ a book rc r ie * . "A Pull

In'. Kdon r>urk waa In charge of ■ program for group three which .: a t Uie home of M n . Thomas *allwood. Mra. E arl P o tter dl* °led the deroUana. A book report “ '® J™ “The Cross and CrUU In Japan" *? 1 presented by Mxa. C. C. Unynle. n Uie eTcnlng, group four met a t ,tratlon

home of Mr*. Robert Wrirfht. " e m b roUonals were presented by M n. ^ eman WaUtins. P o r Oie program, ^ce Belago told of Uie Indian ,ocl a l Brigham City, U U h. Sht t introduced by Mrs. John —


o m e o n H i l l I s

P r o g r a n n S u b j e c t s ? ™fAOERMAN, Ju n e 6-Hom B ou club We-

Hin was - Uie subject of Uie Oeorge : gram prCMnt«d to AJU Rebekah Mn. ] g« No. 31 a t th e ir regular meet* club prb Wednesday erenlnic a t the lOOP Mn. Pul

1 in Richfield hy 13 roem tjen of Them ion Rebekah lodge H a 45. The luncheot (ling followed a poUuelc cupper. Mrs. ThItendlnit were M rs. Ployd Boss. ___lie grand; Mn. Jo h n Stark. Mr*. PBEI I Taylor. Mrs. ClelUco M anh. Final I. Joe Howard. M rs, Louise Con* gnnd « ' Mn. Charles Skinner. M n . O. Uie Elu Molony, M n. Audrjr Clark, Mr*, met Mo I McADulty, Mr*.‘Jack Chlpman. R. D.I. Jock Bardgly tn d i l r . and ment* u Newt Cnw ford . WUdmai

Care o f Your (By A N C a O P A l

lU sa t a p a rra t aay rtghts a t achool a U im 'day*? T ha p r tn d p a l h u school I

tred Uial m yaon who U graduat* Uio.stud Uiis Juna ahaU p t to vocaUonal tn eonfe:

ool. It's a tn d e school and my cnL His says ail the dubs are sen t there In mj

I he w ont go. We w ant our son of high have a college educaUon. How Tides fo . he get Uiat If h e b to go to a atudenls aUonal schoolf H e doesnX w ant deparUn learn a trade. We don 't want U»latag, > to, eiUier. W h a t can parenta and Uie Who owns Uie scliooU a&yway?" difficult:

■here are m any <jue*Uons In- from of red here. I . no t knowing the boy. Btudentj jiot answer. B u t there are ' some devtlopl; » to t h e .m a t te r - th a t 1 know lODalltl: u t and hftta llrm opinions about than Uii st and foremost b th e idea held Uia schc •o many people In achools and . th a t duU-minded pupUa can do a rmi 1 in the tradea. W hat trades de- ^od DO akUlsr I know none. u t<uT*i kills flower from baalo slrengUis undentandlng language, in fine ortlnaUon between bndn , muscle* .V I cerres and tho iot«Ulsenc« tha t u«> c. > Kts them. T hesa quallUea a n pOBseased by-dull-mlnded people I

there is no sense In sending the l one* and th e de fecU m to

TOcaUonal achool. :^ho should go tbere? Those who at an acUve. useful Ufo work*

wlUi m aterial thlDgt. These our buUden, our mechanics, cer*

1 type* of en rlneen . the potten. machine w orken of m any kinds,

ue a n a highly Im portant grw p•orkera. I t la Ih e y w h o -c a rty - th * ----------t of Uie world. They need u 9 and as eomprehenslre a n educa*1 u It is poeslbla to giT* them, hey m ust be al)le t o read , really d. not Just ca ll words. They ■e to be able lo apply w hat they b c a to Uielr special need*. They |It hare fine ooordlnaUon between I Id and hand.' HJuid* h a re power lUmulato the enrichm ent of Uie I iid u the m ind h a s to dlrvct the

nio 1* to decide w hat type high ;

M odtni, S c itn tifie

FUR STORAGEW A h a ( M u t y B o n u s

f o r y o u r h ir s ,D IA L RE 3 * 2 2 5 5far bonded n eaaen fer ■


F u r S h o pu 'la A aaa^ Cawiah• (Waxt U OrpbeMB)

N ew com ers C

Mn. G. A. BIrea. le ft , Twin FalU PTA eoon ■fa evCT clothing preaentcd to Uit wtlfan

ew C lu b E le c ts Uni t O ff ic e rs a t M e e t Me

Jiy Babbell was cliosen as prcsi- f t and Uie nnm^. Kool Koolten. V„C

selected a t an organitnUonal •Ung Of anew 4*H club Wcdnei* „«A l-T , afternoon a t Uic home of Mn.

;ene Walker. „ . . . i,,ilice Frtderickaon was c ccted . .■ president: Debbie Driscoll..su^r: Julle n o b e ru , seercury ; p‘°"- ol Bays, publicity rc,K,rlcr; Di*

Brown, extension reporter, nnd •Uly Stowe, recreation chalrmwi “be assisted by Je rrle Cook and «dy walker. ’ ' 5 'lortnce SchulU, couniy extension “« agent, explained ' ' i i r i o u s j i .« * of Uie 4-H program and told Kroup how to measure dry and

I ta Babbe*rand Miss Frederick* wilt present a measuring demon* ^

aion a t Uic mectlnK next week. «n«Ucd. icmbcn decided to m eet Wednes*. afternoon. M n . W alker is Uieler and M n. M. J- Bays, Jr.. as- «

* * ty til. :B citations G iven \ t C lu b 's S ession K i ;In . Prtd Thieme presented Mn. Ii eral readings for th e proKTwn a t inn Ten«

meeUng of the H ighland View mer. Poi s Wednesday a l the home of Mrs. best poll >n?e Puller. ^ pray;" fIn . Henry Slevers received the hating I J priie. Mn. Jf.'.ie Dnvis aaslsted - tea m a J. Puller In serving refreshments, a poll■he next meeting will be a poUuck «,ch Ti*cheon June 33 a t the homfl of Smith i t Thieme. - served ai

If * Uiaa UPREPARES FOR COUNCIL A 'fa* ‘Inal pnparaUons were made /or under U; nd council fire when m em ben ot ic r Hill.

EluU Koda Camp Fire group Rogtn, , t Monday a t the home of M n. Bailey. £ D. Wilson, guardian. Refresh- erton. t

nts w en scrred by Carolyn Donald : Idman. Allred. :

1 Rogcn. :

' Children L.TaJI ling*. SI

PATRI changtd.' The cl

ool.a graduate of th e elementary Mra. Joa- ool b to attondT T he principal, .student's teachen , Uie parents »nfertneo with Uie student pres- <» w J . . His wlsJi sliould carry weight. in my experience the best type I b high achool b the so rt th a t pro* es for the aducaUon of all lb „ v e Uie denb. There should be several « i - »h, larUnenb. such as vocational presbytc latag,UiehumaniUe8.lheaclcnce* met TUiI Uie Arts. Tliere ahould be no gftni Th' riculty about a sUidenf* transfer Mn. 1 Dl one deportm ent to anoUier. uonals i idents h a n n way of changing, of influi •eloping, becoming different per- u tU n lallllfs wlUi dUferent abiliUes Pai of K n UicM wlUi which they entered isaa 'm kschool U-alnlng

---------- The rrmrd ba* «f r>uf >l«»»lop- June 17

II kl »»luibi». Boi onlr tit »*nHin«M McDona'ih u T r l ba derot

Paul wllaipliiM U>« «lu». of ihli

: c. H.iRjr«rt It. W. Y. aiaea at


■i GiNNiNG Classes offeredT yping— B e g tn n in g a n d A dvanc g in n in g o n d A d v a n c e d Bookl<ee ing— B u s in e s s E ng lish— Busines ness A ri th m e tic — Solesm onshif — Spelling a n d V o c a b u la ry Bu chine— E tc. In b o t h Doy a n d b




. ’ IS A V A IL A B L E T O AJ.L :

, ■ r

; C l u b P r e s e n t s I t e m s

. roancll welfare r»«m ehalnnan. clab, re; rtlfar* rocm by th a Newccmen and M n

' n i t s o f C h u r c h H a g (

M e e t f o r S t a k e H e l

C o n f a b i n M a l t a«ALTA, June 8 — Annual Raft Cr rer stoke Relief tioeicty conven* .1 honoring the Vbltlng Teachen s held Tuesday nl Uie LDS >‘n* irch, ParilclpaUng w en the Al* II;"'"',® ' n. Almo, Lynn. Elba. Mnlla, Yost “" 1I Bubletl wards. " Ainch was served a t noon by theUa and Sublett wards with each rd contributing food. Art and VJ* ft work were displayed. n the afternoon a program w«s aented under the dlrecUon of Mr*. P®wlin.1 Harper. M rs.jia ro ld Oman fj*w Uie opening pm^^r. Mrs. II. E. ig played th e prelude, and M n. villa Udy directod group singing. Neymari^ rhe Almo ward presented a skit llUcd. "Her Husband's Religion.- “tiicn Brewerton recited "My

M '* tU i'^ '? ^ m « " e lyrd the harmonica. A skit on the llet society m ngcdne was Elven Uie Elba wnrd. Vocal seiecUons C a r a

n presented by Mrs. Orville Vdy U e i e i Mn. King, and M n. Harvey r _ „ Rlit, M n. G ran t Beyler and Mr*. T O I :hard DuUer. -p},# jiln. Helen Kebey gnve the Visit* Relating : Teachen" me.AMge for the sum* of u,g r. Por June It i.< "Modesty Is the camp PIII policy:" for July. "Qreat men jjome of i ly;" for August. "NoUilng worth ^ue fir ring b free." and for September, by Kathy !am and live forever." Diana EL I petted p lan t waa presented to of Ui# S4 :h Tislting teacher. Mrs. Flossie Tobin, ho illh and Mrs. Mill, who have carma Ci Ted as visiting teachen for more ulrlch. J LO U yean, wero honored. business; I ' fashion show was pnten t«d and gam Jer Uie supenrislon of M n . Wai* clU«nshl

Hill. Modeling were M n . Dean Dana Ig tn , Janice Bailey, M n. Wendell Ann Mariley. Sharon Perry. Janice Brew- honor beion. Debby and Vicki Hilt. M n. Uie n n knald Hill, KMhy Allred. Michael Campred. Mr*. Reed Allred, Deanna meats co gen, Mrs. Orson Zollinger. Paulason and Mra. Marilyn Hatch. i iin . Bailey dem onstnted how to rA Qr l African violets from leaf cut- i ic v n i g*.’SIIiis or Uie p la n b w en ex*

^ dessert«rhe closing p n y e r w u given by the ht*. Joaei* Hepworlh. u,e Bl

*■ * Mn. W

I r s . C a r l K e l l e y

I s L e s s o n G u i d e ^nJEN. June’ fJ-M rs. Carl Kelley _ _ ire Uie lesson on "Service unllmit* C D • when ■ member!! ot the Eden ■ *’ ssbyterlan Women’s orgnniutlon :t Tuesday n l the church. M n. m Thornton waa hoitess. - 'viiln. Ben Davis gave the devo- \ nals using the topic “Stewardship influence."> tte n were read from Nlri 8u I of Korea and an ahnouncement s'm ade regarding Uie leadership Inlng schools.rhe next meeUng win be held iBe 17 a t the home ot Mra. Irving IJJonald. Mrs. CurUs MeUalf will ^devoUonal leader and Mrs. H. P. ^ ul will ba prognun chairman.

rba beat D a n Canvas in town, all \ ^ Cl a t Globe Seed A Feed. Adv. V fU l,

NOW! ^XERM_____ J

UNE 9 /RED IN— ®

Ivanced S ho rlhand*-^B e* ^ikl<eeping a n d A cc o u n t-siness P rin c ip le s— B usl.nsh ip — O ffic e P ro c tic e -w/ B u ild ing— O ff ic e Mo*nd N ig h t C lo s se i .






n s t o P T A W e l f a r e R o o

i U -

k, rvpreatnled by Mra. L. E. Hlaton. Welrome ' I M n. D. D. Lawley. dvte project cbalrmaa. (K

j g e r m o n E v e n t T w o I r

H e l d f o r C o u p l e S e s s i c^aERl.^AN. June B — A surprise R o K o er parly honoring .\fr. and‘.>trj. IN C U C t Crawtord wns held Monday DtlHL, Jut ilnK at ih f Mn.ionic temple. j,j„^ k'ford and the form er M n. Ctiro* jai^jj m new

DrlRliljnnn, DcU-olt. Mleh., |„g gf ■ married May 21 in Sail Lake Tuesday nlgl and spent sevcr.^l days In Utah iniUalic

re rfturnlng to h b farm at jlrecUon of 1 trman. Tlie bustni)proximat«Iy 30 people altcnded juc ttd by Mr polluck dinner. A rose colored ^rand, iKpoi kel given by Uie group wns „,]] ented by M n, E. L. Chnplin. „ j j dgim, le party was given by the Star voted to sent al club and hu.ibanas of mcm- joi,i, Qoo<ih . Mn. Charles Uoblawn. presl* ,,.[,0, was In charge wlUi Mrs. R. E. dnushter nt nan and M n. C laude Alien, gift announced o mlttee; M n . C a r t Hardwick and ,ble M n Hi , A. S. K nraloff. InvlUiUoni, and 1,^ . ,, Robinson. Mra. E. L, Chnplin. lodoe. and al Mn. E. 8 . Thompson were in be nurd:

ge of decoraUng a n d preparaUon Ihe dinner. • of Ui

¥ * * Ho. M, was 1

; r e m o n i a l H e l d

• o r L o c a l G r o u p p r^ ^ 't^ d S ”■he Seven C rofts and Tlielr HornUns llonon" w as the Uieme he ccremonial fo r Wa-Kl-Tom Jip Plro O lrb la s t week a l Uie , e of the Ictvder. M rs, J. C. Blnlr. “ le fire of W o-hc-lo was lighted lathy Squires. Donnie Reid nnd “ « • Keen*/- la Elsberry. "n ie candieilghten he sei'cn c ra fls wero Rosanne PARTICl n. homer Carol Blair, outdoors; aLMO. J u na Canon, creativo arU; Janice daughter of ;h, FronU en; • Connie PriUi. porUclpale ir leas; Sharon M nnkcr, sporb clnaUng Rhj gam es,'ftcd D onna Windsor, ^ i e p jn . 8

:nshlp. . . ^ scliool .ma Bryant, P h y llb Ingalla and Marie Cnm peau presented Uie

ir beads earned In traliseekcrs. «renk Just completed. )imp Plre songs and refresh* ■ k ■ m ts completed th e event. | ^ p

v \ e e t f o r C o r d sSYBimN, Juno 0—Memben ofTNT Club were entertained a t a SUCCCBItr t card p a rty T uesdsy eveningHe home of M rs. Minnie Smith ■■ mim ■ie Big'Bend d is tric t. t t * W «rx. Roy Skinner played high forle and Mra. A rth u r SmlUi was. for pinochle.-*M n. MlnnetU Phonnan won th e a ll-cu t prixc.

F R E E ... FR EE.;. FREE



E R i E " ’’rK E E -& -<ALL DAY SATU

AwMkB-s Fii>«tt_Fpoa C m M M ^


R o o m . ^ [d A V ^

. I n s t a l

A t LTlie


Mniu hall b hendi

^ K L ' wall. Eden.B n O then in:^ Q k . ; Knielit

strong. Kcnlo■ j T ’ Lydln aray:

mander:H C iirer:

Mrs. Frank Ocne

'' . Mrs.Mrs

Kimberly. I coni

Eutterfield. I su tt

meetinc. Mr inscIo..tlng

T lir sfnted Knlglit imd( Knde.<Oi. Thi niadps Mr*.

Dclfeaira drpartm rnl Wallace wrr Orayblll. M M n. Khigh *s drpartm mander.

SutK the auxlllar PatrloUo Li ported that

_ , . Uie DAV at Iroma Wsgon'hoileM. center, conductress Jan. (RUff photo-enfratlnj) in ,u iled a t ------------------------- -------------- H. a t Uie

D I n i t i o t e d o t S^?nTo**^

s s i o n H e l d , b y

e b e k a h W o m e n j ' l ; " ; "IL, June 8—M n, Lee Howard A peUUof rs, Raymond Bennett were in* chapter and IS new members a t Uia meet* all business Buhl Rebekah lodge No. M Ing on veto)

>y nlglit a t Uie Odd Fellows I t was am niUnilon rllM were under the and poUuck un of Bob Coad. stoff capuln. a l Uie homi buslneu meeUng w u con* half mile i by Mrs. Lcland Hudson, noble mils souUi c Reports were given on sick Hostesses

id also a report on the senior meetUig are jhth grade bnnqueb. Memben Quest, to send a box ot g ltb to Mrs. At tbe aoc Ooo<ihue. a member of the

who is atoylng wllh her ler a t Tacoma. Wash. I t was need one wheel chair ia avail- in . Hudson nnnouneed U new ■hnvi; been purchased for the ■and al.V) Uiat more sllvera’ara ■I purcliased. I. Leonard Clark. Payette, vice .of Uie Buhl Rebekah'lodge

, was present for the meeting itn . Sm ith Herrington, New iws, wns a guest.Leland Hudson, noble grand,

ted a going flway gift to M n. .:Honored in Uie blrUiday were Mrs. Mae Chatlerton

uclile Huston.tshm enta wero served lo the mbers present by Mrs. Mike rich. Mrs. Vernon Rodlg and Ceeney.^ ^ ^

IRTICIPATES IN REVUE - iO. June 8 — Sandra Eame*. ler of Louis A. Eames will pale In Uie dance revue. 'P u - ig RhyUim." to be presenUd )jn . Saturday Jn the Burley

S I N U SM F E C T IO NBronchial - Lung

Ailments ‘ jcccBsfully Treated

W . H I L L , D . C ,Main North. T w b FaOiPhon* RE 3-7618

itEE ...FR EE ^




IPUDNUT " f c _ C O F F E E


m ij B


/ ' s - A u x i l i a r y L S e l e c t

t a i l s O f f i c e r s a n M

t L o c a l P a r l e y i ^ Hnew slate of officers tor ' chapter No. S. Disabled in Veterans auxiliary. In*Monday night a t the DAV ; hended by Mn. LeRdy Reh* - len. ns commnndrr. s in.iUlled by Mrs. T. M.

werr Mrs. Ilnrotd Arm- Kcnlor vice romniander; Mrs.□ ravhlil. junior vice com* n W ^ v K - : Mrs. W. C. Slone, trens*•Irs. Ada Our.M. chaplain;-ank HorH.i. adjutnnt; Mra. elnTsTarrKrant-al-arms: M n. g h j E | 5 HiVftflf. llllTTt'Ttl'* I”. Jurrc'll. Blade.'. Jerome, color

Mr». Jomcs Kodesli. Jr.. m 8 | | | ^ ^ H banner M rs.

conduclre.'J. and Mrs. Cnrl eld. historian and mii.Mcian.Sutterlleld conducted the ^ ■ 0 9 ^ ' *

Mrs. Sweet led Ihe ntien* lyer. and Mrs. Quest (he

Has nnd banner were pre* by Mr*. Blades and Mrs. SANOhA . under th r direction nf Mra. *tho h

. They were retired by Mrs. . * * ' and M n. Kodesh assisted by £03 leinptJ"

alM^Vrlerlrd In ftllertd Uie e n « « « lent convention Uils week a l . „ L 5 i .; ww* Mrs. SuUertield. M n. .?! 1. M n. Dewey Julian andSlight. M n. Horejs will go - a rtm enl senior vice com*

Butterfield, who repre.«nled A A s m O rilllary a t a meeUng of the I J ^ | J0 League ot Women, re* r i c l Q tha t Mrs. Olen Engleman ofV auxiliary, waa voted as a ress. M n. Engleman will be1 a t the pauiotic tea, June Uie American Legion hall. ‘ iV auxiliary will assist In thefor the lea and M n. Dorb

( will be responsible for a tJo»- . ot flow en for the event. M n. M. A. K night presented Mrs. SuU grand, was it

wim a past commander's neu mecUng. her tB'o ye tn ' service. Mrs. C. L.

UUon was sljned by, Uie served refresl- and auxiliary In favor of v

ness houses and stores cloa- acTIVIT V curana day Nov. 11. sPRINaDAs announced Uie next social tluck meeUng will be held home of M n. Kodesh. one- Ui# acUvlty n lie west and three*fourUu day s t the L: uUi of Kimberly. was «ponsore<sses appointed for the July t are Mr*. SUadley and M n . ler follawtng

log. M n. Ann8 social hour wlUi Uie chap- w en hosteaso




■ ■ M ( ” '

J l ®WD660

rh 4 i “



No Paym ent ^til


“ ■ P A C E .N I N B

l e c t s A u g u s t

H k. - n '* vv.’

DkA JOAN MITCHELL tho haa e b o a a Angnst (or rrUgB In Uie Balt Laka Clly mple to David Peck, aon of d M n. J . D. Peek. Borlry. gsgement Irum ooD ead by nn t* . Mr. and Mr*. Ray II. aUo Burley. (Staff en- :l . .__________________ __

n o r i a l R i t u a l s

i d a t M e e t i n gimorial cenm ony honorlog 1 memben of Primrose Re- odga waa conducted a t the night meeting o t Uie group

;0 0 P hall. The rituals wera h i direction of U n . aienn

M. A. Ohrbtopherson, noble vas in cbarga o t tha busl* cUng.0. L. tcB-lf *ad ccfliBilllM -efreshmenb.

* ¥ « r iv n r n io o t nn.n.flODALE, June # -A wiener ad games wer« tea tund a t vlly n igh t o t th s UIA Mos* Uie LDS church. Tha etent nsored by tha o ftlcm .

iwlng Monday n lgh fi meati1. Armstrong aad M n. Stono— steasM.__________________

iuT"am a■■FREE


i]^ , y j


r y



til A ug.

t t


Page 10: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

A k i n s ’ F

^ R a t e s H i

T o B e a tST. LOUIS. June G (/7V-

po w cr to nu llify Vince Mui in a lC-rountl m atch fo r thi gcT Akins is tho 9 to 5 f champioriKhi)) o f thc 147-po

C nrm en BuHilio went huntir . f o r biKKcr Kume. A kins hi

M artinez u re thc survivors i a n involved eliminiition tou nam cnt.

T h e l»ul will be esrrled on m w ork ttlcvblon and radio, lUrlti n l 7 p.m. (MSTJ.

Emory Jones, the local promoti a n d the ihtemfttlonal Boxlns cli expcct Bbout e.000 r>copIe and troM B#le of IGO.OOO or more. Tl cpaclout arcnn scali 10,200 ri could pull In 1100,000 for a sell-oi

•' T h a n b to tlie TV people «nd KU&mntcRl purr.e. each llRhler w get *t le iit *30,000, Each Wk 118,000 from TV i»nd a t lenul $15,0 m ore or a prlvllese of 30 per ce: of Uie gale,

Baalllo. currently ''between fldht w ith Sugar Rny RoblnAon. Ij e: pected to be ft w itnna. Carmen »c

• a n d loat Uie mlddlewelsht crown i two jouili with Roblnaon and it: Is whltlnit for Rjiy t« make up h m ind about No. 3.

Held’s Homer JLetsA’sNip" Senators 2-0

By n i A««eUte4 PrcMA lwo*njn homenin by Wood

H eld proYlded th e Kawa* City Ath letica and pitcher Ralph Terry will •a a-0 victory over Camllo P«KUa a n d th s Waahlneton Senaton In i tense 13-lnnlns duel Thursday nlghl

r o r Held, a flfth-lnnlns aubsU tu te for Mike D ax u who left thi Bam* with a sprained right ankle this was homer No, 3 for the aeascn

' --'The blov Into th e le d field bullper follow lni a ilngle by VIo Po«ej rew arded T ertr wttb hU third Tie- torjr o f tha season.

O ene Stephens. pltUnc his apeed a ta in s t the strong r ltti t arm ol ftoelcy CoUtIIo, daslied home with th t ' deciding run o r Jackie Jensen’i Ions foul fly a s Soston defealed Cleveland 80,

Inserted u a plneh-runner, Ste­p hens beat Colavlto'i Uirow on a dust-bUlovlnc slide.

Sam m y White foUowed w ith a tln s lo tha t brought in a& Insurance tally.

- B ay Boone's g rand ilam homerun In th a serenlb Inning backed u ;

,^Hank Aguirre's brillian t pitching lo< a 6-3 Detroit T lctorr o n r Balttmon

A g u lm took over In th s flnl ISQlng after tha O rlo la had scored tb e lr only thre« ru n s off Paul Foy* tack. Tbe tall left-hander got Jim B usby to fly ouU to end the Inning a n d iOloired o n lr two h its a fte th a t fo r hli second victory against cne defeat.

Bherm Lollar knocked In all of Chicago's runs w ith a homer and a alngla a s the W hite Sox salvaged a >•3 n igh t cap victory a ft« r Uie American lesgue leading New Tork irankeea had taken the flrat gans of a doublehesdcr 13>«,

L ollar rapped a two-rut) homer off i ta r te r - lo u r Bobby Shanta In the f l n t Inning of th e second game, then m ade It S-0 w ith an RB I single

~ o r rB a l Maglla la th e n inth before Ray Moore loit h is four-hit shutout. T hs Yankees go t their runs on singles by Andy Carey and BUI fikowron. an error and a force oul before M oon got lla riT Simpson to h it In to a force o u l tha t ended IU,

SETS DRnX.<l NEW YORK, Ju n e 0 (tn»I)-T he

New Y ork Knlckerbockera o f Uie NaUonal BaakeUwU asaoclalion an­nounced today they will atn rt a three-week training period Sept, 23

• a l the New Stanford, Conn., Catholic high school

B lllr Thomtotj, Atlantia Co»»t conference golt champion, is at­tend ing Joumallam school a t the

, 'Dnlveraltyof North Carolina,

T h e] o f I- o n fn

S tatistics show th a t th( riagc is 23 for the groon 90% of these m arriag a f te r 5 y ears but J out a t the,end of 10 years. These a n d hundreds v a rie ty o f v ita l sub je experts a t The Prude th e ir fam ous Dollar Gu T h is copyrighted , fr< m ake your fu tu re men

. see the m an who has ti linger tip s in the uniqu

'P ru d en tia l A gen t

T i l * P n i d « n t l a l• WESTERN HOME OFFICE


P u n c h i n "

I i m 9 - 5

t T \ I ® i n e z/T)— Virtril A kinn b a n k s on p u n c h in

M artinez ' b o x in s sk ill F r id a y , nigh If th c world w e l te r w e ig h t t i t le . S lu j

5 f a v o r ite in h i s h o m e to w n . T h ;7-pound diviHion h n s b e e n un m n n n c

“ " S j j S o l o n s B e a t

B e e s D e s p i t e

« S t u a r t H o m e r s

•omoter, SALT LAKE CrTV. June « «V ng club Dick Sluart h it two mighty homi and a njM lor S a lt Lake City Thursdi

re. The nijihl but a dinky plncn single t » and Jim WuUake gave Sacramento sell-oul. t-a win here.' A Westlake came on In the nint ler wttt Inning wllh Uie score Ued s i 7- I wllh ihe.|bft*cj loaded. He hit$15,000 grounder back through the 'mlddl

■er cenl ,[,,t no one could handle, acortn I.. .. n iM .lh al gave the fiolons ih

lignu ,.|n, Jn i „ i of i j , j nm th, fituai “ **■ led off wllh hi« 31st homerun of th

en »on campaign to cut th e final marqli bul the next Uiree men went dow in order.Sacramento __ OOl 320 013-# 14Salt ij ik s .......... 030 000 2 2 i-« 7

Bridges, Kume (3), Bowman (D _ and Rwelll; Oreen. Trimble (4i ll* Schults (7». w iuiam s (») and Mile)

^ A dHeS <. INDIANS 1SPOKANE. June s «v-O ene U r

pulled the string wllh a alx-htlle. Thursday nlghc as San D(egt) bea Spokane 4-1 before another bl| crowd here.

“ Ban Diego--------iOl 001 100-4 0 1Woody Spokane ____ 000 000 lo o - l 8 iy Ath- Lary and Jones; Barker, Oeorgi y wllh (5), Page (8) and flhcrry.■aseual —_s In a HOtJNTAIES 6. BEAVERS 1 night. v A N C O tn ^ , B. 0 , June t t « -

lUbaU- Righthander O e o r g e Bnmbergei f l the pitched a sUngy alx-htlter here ankle, Thursday night u Vancouver Moun- eascn, u « irounced Portland Beavers M . ullpen PorUand ■ DOO 100 000-1 fl 1Po«er Vancouver_____ OJO 000 03*—< 15 Qd vie- singtelon. Lary (2), Buzhardl (fl)

Itodrlgua (8) and T om ey. Neal (8) apeed Bamberger and White.

wlUt QUNTS 4. EA1NIER8 2 nwn’a SEATrLE, June 8 MW-The Phoe- realed nix OianU, who le a d ‘the Pacific

Coast league by two games, threw a> Bte- third slralghl bomb Into SeatUe’a on a dujoui Thursday nlghl, whipping

the Ralnlers 4-3,Itb a I t w u the aecond come-from-be- w nce hind victory for lhe Olanls in the

l u t two nlghta and each time the ncrun Rslnlers were coasting along with ^ lip whal seemed to ba a very comforla- ot lor ble lead.tao rt. p^ioeal* ...... 000 000 031-4 8 <

first _______ 000 300 000-3 4 4•cored Qiet, n ican o (8). Jones (9) and

Haller; Surkoat, Wicand (8) and t Jim Dotlerer.nnlng __________________

S t a n d i n g s ‘.

»nd a ___________i< ii .iiigcd a ------------------» i» •»*«

CrOff IHEXtCAN LEACIK‘ the . w I. r .t. CDjame. Knr VotV __________ 10 11 .IUangle cn, -------------- t . i, u t ,fton c k k i i .____________ !i II .«;! ISItout. Clnilind __________ H Jl .«« 10^

' Bm IuTt '"* ” •; ' j ‘‘> oul I — :)n to NinONAL LKAGI'Ii IU, Y,

S*I1 ............... t l II .*iO(

-•n^e il ii iili iij Ute ............... .....................s< i« .«<o, n . ________ II : t , i j j t

r t a ^ A«.ft. — ---------u t l ,m )•it. 23 FACtnc coAar i . iu c itahollc , w I, p,r. cn

P W l i ___ :_____II i» ,(4R ..._____ li to .III t

II iii: .S':th* ‘Z Z IZ .Z It ” • ,'iii il

____......................... » - H -.IM.. n _ .

FactsLifefnarriaget t h e a v e r a g e a g e a t m a r - r o o m a n d 2 0 f o r t h e b r i d e , r i a g e s ' w i l l s t i l l b e i n t a c t o u t o f S w i l l b e d i s s o l v e d a r s .

“d s o f o t h e r f a c t s o n a i b j e c t s w e r e s t u d i e d b y r u d e n t i a l i a d e v e l o p i n g : G u id e .

f r e e s e r v i c e c a n h e l p m o r e s e c u r e . F o r d e t a i l s IS t h e f a c t s o f l i f e a t h i s l i q u e D o l l a r G u id e , y o u r

S s ■ sw e c te e E M e re re ro * *LO} ANGELES. CALIFORNIA

n iih 't

in n e d *'■ y

rs6 c n -home-ursdaygie by B « i'nto a

nintht l 7-7 ■ Ihit a

CliatDpleaa for Uia Honlelpat coring joom aaiM il were crowned Thara ^ left, receive* a Berebandlte cert

tonrtiam ent chalrtaan, while Mrs.o» * * * *largln. ___

Winners for *;.! Best Ball Meet> (4>,

AnnonncedT^rv Mrs, Jo h n Klmes and Mrs, Waym

h iu^ r W illiams became the champions ol T a t the Tw)n l*alls MunlcJpaJ Women'i . h,_ assoclaUon best ball tournament

• Thursday wlUi a 4-3 victory ovet J J Mrs. K enneth Slraughn and C, Big-

•1 8 1 —eorge T he champion.n received certlfl-

ealcs while Mrs. Klmes waa awarded the m edalu t trophy, which ahe won In qualifying play,

tn— F irst f ligh t champions were Mrs. erger O pal Russell and Mrs. Donnie Mil- here Jer. who took a S-4 win over Mrs.

[oun- Charles Adams and Mrs. May Scott. 8*1. Mra. Thelm a Brown and Mrs.

8 1 Mae reldU nan took lop honors in 16 0 the aecond flight while Barbara

■ Ifl). Barnes and Phyllis Melvltle were : (8); lunner-up . T he champions look the

final m atch by a narrow 1 up score.M n . M arian McDown and Donna

Croasley were the winners In grand 'hoe- consolaUon play for first round los- iclflc era In championship and first ew a flights. Second flight consolation lUe'a p rlte w ent to Doris Kennedy and. iplng Dorothy C onrad l.'

iE; Funds’OkayedWlUl T l r •^ or Improving '1* Fish Hatchery

WiyJHTNOTON. June 8 -T he bu- few y'of th a budget haa approved a request fo r funds to increase fish producUon a t the Hagerman federal hatchery. Senator Henry Dworahak

CD said today.Dworahak said the $147,000 supple-

* mental appropriation would enable* Uie hatchery to boost its producUon T from 185,000 pounds annually to

l» 230,000 pounds. Tho fundn would boused for new raceu-*y», quarters for prcMnl employees, driveways and a sewage ayat«m.

I Dn-orshak said thc 2S per cent is increa.’M tn producUon would "help loS meet Uie Increasing need for atock-

Ing nearby lakrs and streams, and I P ullllre- Uie' best Uout-calslng flow

of w ater in Uie naUon wlilch supplies ■ tho H agerm an alte." The senator

OB said h e Is in favor of bringing exlsUng hatoherlea to full produe-

I Uon before bulldlrig new hntchcrles.* S The facility Li managed by Uie U. S.

flah and wildlife service.

’* Globe's fancy Laws Grass Seed Is 7fl% M ae G raw . Olabt Bwd. AJv.lt

II 8 i vI FR]B E v e r y !

^ E ^ i - A V i n F r e e C o s

G a s o l i n e o n ]



B Kimberly

Best Ball Tonmej'

i j . - A . , i

elpat women'* gelf aasoeUtlon b o t ball rharaday. Mra. W ayne WJIIUbis, secondI eertmcale Irom Mrs. 8y RuimII. left. Sir*. E. P. Eenlck. aaaodatlen prealdenl.

Vayncms of — ^ "

II Chavez Ra\ a rted Varied on 18 won

LOS A N G E L E S, Juno 6 (fF. Mrs. p late will be in th e Los Angc

' M''- Sco tt said T h u rsd ay an she w about on th ird base rijfht no' and h e r husband , Francis, an

in In’ election, M ra. S co tt told n re- rbara p o r te r : “ W e t h i n k it’ll be

good fo r th e c i ty and good for us too. Som ebody's goinp to

«nna ^0 get[rand US o u t o f h e re now."I los- ProposlUon B. the referendum on first wheUier -W accept a. contract be-

aUon .iveen the Dodgera and lhe city of snd Los Angeles giving the ballclub the

ravine alte, p.tssed by a slowly In- creaslnK margin.

d There are now a doten families living In Iho ravine.

Of Uie 300 acrea the Dodgers will get under the contract, the city now

| | ] f actually owns only 165 but agreed to acquire the remaining acres{;e.

One Of the oldest residents, ptaak [T de Leon, waa agnliut the contracU f lie built the City Center grocery

. store In the ravlno 45 yean ago, be.' fore m ere were streets, lights, mall ed a o r gas service.fish "I voted against the referendum,"

i._< D e Leon said. "Aj long as Walter] O ’Malley (Dodger presidentl doesn’t: boUier u s . I don 't care whal he does.)

, T he few houses Uiat are left won'll ’P'*" inw rfere wiUt tho sladlum," lu * His granddaughter. Lisa Villa. 25,, ^ and h e r broUier, Manuel, 21, are fori

Uie Dodgers. |1 for "I've lived here all my life," U sa' id a *«>d. " I love U here. I t 's like being

out tn the country. B ut I'm moving awayanyw ay. I knew the plac* waa

help ^ork- A neighbor. Joe Carntnsa, 35, SAld: and “1 gu®“ It’ll I'clp properly valUM- (low and people will alart aelllng out. But , l lu a lot of us will always be biller. We alor Just d idn 't w ant to move,"King But H arry H ansen, 60, aald;1^'- ll 'm ready to sell. I'm altUng on

my porch walUng to hear from '• 8. O'Malley and the Dodgers."

Mtiinwhlle. there 's a long haul ahead, a lol of d irt to move and ver>‘

d u likely fresh roadblocks to hurdle,: Ldv.lbut Uiere was no quesUon Thursday

p o Ii r e n I £ E ! |2 W e e k s ■

Cash, G ifts or> n y o u r co r's ICENSE'' w hile S

at th e Big

ly Rood ■ B

TIMES-NEWS. TJ. t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO

ey Winners Get Aw

ban rigbl. p K M ts medalist trophy ie H ru>nd Mra. WllUaias lock Uie crewn by beatleft. t i n . C. Blgley earUer Is the day a t thi(enl. engraving)_________________________

ivine Resident Bums as Nei^

3 (/P>—T h e dai.siea In Mrs, B arden Sc ingclcB Dodfrer.H Chavez ravine ballpa le w atered th c flowerfl, “ Sandy, m y fi ; now. O ur back y a rd is in deep le ft , an a irc ra f t ' e ng ineer, both voted fo r re- Ibe who won the battle of Uie baseball

f o - ballots,, The final count for the propo.il-

10 Uon to le t Uie Dodgera build Uie g e t huge baseball park In Chaves Ra­

vine:1 on Yes 345.435; no 921,142. The totals;

be- were from 4.519 Los Angeles pre-. y ot clncta. '

the ---------------------------- Iin- SIGNS PITCHER [

PHILADELPHIA, June 8 (U P D - ■llles TJ,e Philadelphia Phillies have

signed southpaw pitcher lion'Ruth,!18, of Slireveport, La., for Uie John- son City. Tcnn., farm club In the

reed class D . A ppalachian league. '


iterj /*"'^1oes.j /


M l 7 ^ ‘ I ■ I HIM I ~UM-But W lkklM fcdC v

om '

»uler>'ilc.'1 ^ ^


\ i i DANi m NIGHTy I 9j \ A ll/lustie Br / \ ORGANI!

r f w \ Your Fa Dance i

C L U i

A w a r d s

^ '


ie Mrs. John Rise*. Mn. R lnee and y beaUng Mrx Keenelh Straugbii- a'tia''< a t th e monJelpai Msrte. (b'latf photo- »

M ltits’ Feelings jighborsjn S co tt’s yard are where home •allpark. “T he w ay J see it," M rs. m y 'great' danc, is standing ju s t le f t fie ld ." Explaining th n t .■jhe

d f o r Propoaition B in Tue.sday’*'


PICKUP II * 2 1 3 0 I

BOB REESE l i e ^ i MOTOR CO. Ihe' tw BLOCK • te d AVI. BO. | [ ^

i ^ j i

DINNERS DAIL-------------------------- ------------^ M e n u

Braun ™ iNISt l l SA-

ice M usic , i f l s I------

tt 9 3

Golf Day Set l lTwin PalU Municipal golf ' /

course will parUclpale in national ' I golf day wllh local amateur*

■! given a-chance lo beai Uie loo fJ-: pro of Uie country, reporu Cliff 1 ^ WhltUe. m'ualeJpal course pro,

WhltUe sa id . natJonal open 'champion Dick Mayer and POA > rchamp Lionel Hebert will play a \ tm atch with Uie winning score (o iji

I be Uicd aa goal for all amateurs l „ In the country',

y Men will be allowed Uielr [mI handicap while women will gel 1t,i■ t the ir handicap plus seven addl-S Uonsl sut>ke*. Amateurs, whose ^or■ low n e t scores beat Uie low gross ,9__ lnw -nfl. »ft hf ».> ta rc .ifU fr ^Q Will receive special awards.

All proceeds will be donated ■' a to charity, WhltUe added, or

b Football Players " I Turn to Crooning di! PULLMAN, Wash, June 8 (.IW ' i Chuck Morrell, rugged fullback on I the Washington Stale college fool- ' 3 ball team, turned up u a song writ- I e r Thursday with a name plusger ^ I for his tuncs-B lng Crosby'a son,I Phil Crosby. 23, Is ^forrel^s room- ' f I m ale a t WSC anS has recorded two

of his songs, • Ii ' Morrell, 21. and Crosby are both r~t radio - speech majors and they will (

Slrlkf ou l this week for Lot Angeles Pe lo find a record company to market Ph

_ Ihcm. forMorrell, whose football playing an

belles any Interest In tender ballads. Do has written. "I'm In Love WIU1 You. Cu and You Know II," On the other side Is a mild rock 'n roll number \ called. "Ball of Love," cos

--------------------------- perR8 AD TtMES-WgWS WANT APB, «ai


e ■ M a u a a a » « f a u i > | S ,, HALSpMlli.|Cor.lnri,yM'n*Mf

sad vwli iKllMi y«vr l«wn U wo i •MriMbl.AQUA-OIAlhm.lK.iythI elUCKNttSfr(Akll«,SrMmeA<«i

I I 'u K K 'i ! ! ' , ?I


C ollV ERN THOMAS PlunII 259 Third A venue E<l | W atenroifcs Eqaipoient Cov—Salt Laks C

R E A K r


SUILY! 6 to 9 PJ

n u s Are Changed Ddi

3 I B A N K


2 » 1 0 '

B A U . O O N IA T . NITEI Over 75 P

Plus Coin Showers ond 0

*911 ' " 1 .

» iG CU i-r,CLUB * CAFE * 0

Idaho - Nevada I

nce-Macmillan^GolfMatci,S Won’t Hap,,eu" ■: LONDON, Jun- a , l-pi ■A ,ently BrlUth prin,^» itacm lllan L-n't pU:„ w : "■•••-« r i“ ilcnglng Pre.-iatni E l ir '-‘*-» Icam eofpolf. •4 ,, r HU close avnelatfj u ^ll" I his faronie spfri. CrI-i,; !'■t !Pl>essini and crou-f h, I “•*;< i■■ , He only pl.-,yj co ll,,. J ,« 'prntpeot demands it «U; *X f «i-,„ t,. .. : "Phea«ntJ." ^d ■ MKCmlllrn hstpln^rd

or four tl. l . •■ , 1 . ^ — prime minister m J.nw ,

Uien only on vL-it,. t ; tPfUwhere people are 01 '-


. „ a t the lime of ihr ‘ ‘ r ' ^ence Insi year anil ^especled he and MacmilUn 'i '’ ^

•0 play. They 'didn’t,

Ih PLAYE^fiW.SPK,V»KD ~111 CIltCAQO, Junr « (Upn ^ *sc

et Phillies was Jinfd ISO. M r for two days Thurjd.y »red

Ig an altercation wlih ifih.i . Donatelll In a game M U iT V j'* he se u. Cubs Tuesday, “’ “’'C liin:r • ------------------------- The:r Val Mlchalson, freihmin

coach a t Syracu.ie iinivfnlir ^

'»■««« Lis;----------------------- ----------- — _ scrlfl

dofil a /§ £”• * I Hln

I . i> Me

T r i l T w i M l O B r rM>K

' £

i f e t f e / l j O t l / p f o j j f S ’

b | SftttM -• plin nlMwik AOUJl ‘**t I' reywewaPMmoliw, “ 'r «n U wattr*^ •vltmalktllr, v,i , Ue.<idi i^ t t« ^ .W « i« tw W l.^ M f I , ,^ rtxlna

' thiblt -EA ST TERMS AVAIUIltl

noUii„m n

K l

n n u n M n n . K

’lumbing & Heating Co. “ {j0 East, Twin Folli

m f 9uMltn

H orn « r J^liVr

B acon , Eggi, i>r, TH ot C a k e i '

ond C oH .il ) ] ] i

: O O a . m . f i l 1

UNDAYeft In Miman

^ . . wtedED a i l y - ------ :

( nite] I■ (Sing to

P A Y I j i


FREE EVERY' | l ;1 1 0 M I N U T E S . f e S

' I ISS?

Fd r o t ' P_________ — . •>« Ca----------------------------------. i^^er fl

5 - P r i z e s f e " - ,fttaltlnnl

d O f h « r . P r i i e i

>ry 30 Minute* B j SUNDAY

p.m.'IlllillO ^ to . 'ie fiy O ih#r P r i» « ®=WtT'n

r g a m i n g ' . ^ , 1 ;

l a L i n e

Page 11: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

^ S 0 S ^

Glancy W I (yrandslai 1 4 - R u n O l

Lil* . ^ n r . y - \ V £ a t h <;r«P " pn.A d m ade i t a g randslnm m er.

- r i t to b e a t th e Mnffic V nllc tfvs h a d dropped a ;fu l| hom e

Vi.inir th a t chaacd s ta r te r orj-- A lth o u g h o u th it by th e S b o y f l 12 to 15, th e Ja c k s nade th e ir ’s count, leav ing

» t j ’ nlv tH rcc m en on base. i

^ n s » Mlo homer In llie llrsl: Si tlr tlgh t “ "s"” W ■"‘J'I f“ ^ P»lm* •nd ClMicy Wealhrr- «.v ^ »nd OniCller accounllnj for

S e UUlM In lhe Kcond. Cliw y .»■ flSded hl» tnndilommer la the

^ f w n e .fler »n error. CliarlcJ ce»llJcnJ»®” '* *'“ *'* lU u Addle Hlnuie.A *olo homer by Charles W*aUier-

soon. hU ISm ot Uie year, col on- S r In lhe Jourlh and Ward

*■-*< «red on a Palma tingle In lhe itih IllnHle eloscd oul tcorlng In ht ieveoth wllh « mIo roundlrlp-

’r a a Cowbo)-* acorcd* first In lhe hlrd on Don niBl)el'i homer and jS m up two mora In Uie fourtl*.

5 > I double by Oary Sorenson, Gary sallh'a single and Joe McElroy’s

^ itrlflce fly Kored the fourlh Cow- OT run In the fifth.■nicn SQrenson led otf Uie ninth

U rlth a double, bul Or*'eller still l ! DU?d weaped without trouble J I HlntjJe had commlticd an error

Jl McElrey'a »oJt twuncer.That opened the Kftles and alnnles

i> Mike Vwemehuclc and Don Davis s nd Blebel's double scored three.5 llll Zimmerman chased home an-

iiher tally, hlltlns the fln t pilch hrown by reliefer AltKrto Ciutel- inos, bul then Jim Prevail struck ut to tnd the same.The Cowboys will now take the

i t« four days off. preparlnR for « >lr of doublcheaden a l BolM on UMday and Wednesday. Tlie locals rtxlnally were slated to play Mon> »y. bul tho Boise club had uf. an ihlblUon came with lhe pltuburgh inles of the National league on

During their off time, the Cow- '

i ojs will conduct • tlinle for all ' nolhole leaguer* a t Jaycee park I eslnnlng a t 11 ajn. Saturday.

The box: 1lim it ab r kill'MV.IIrr <l> r >i rbl I '‘.’r ' i t ' ' 1 * t I I I # 'lla'ir 4 I I I'WcKtrik 4 1 1 1 , h Wn»n< 4 t 1 ][Wlin<MI> 1 0 1 1 I

I t a . " ' ' 4 1 i 1'Hi.t’i . i ! i s <rw>ll>r ( 0 I e Zntmnrf 1 0 2 1

IpAwrn p 0 0 0 0 !I 0 0 0 ’

. • Toml«» « « 8 T 'll'PrrttU 4 0 a e i

T.U1. 7<*,U 11111“ ’*-r»rm< for Toim* In Ird. t—fannad r ToQika Ib 4th. hr Zlmmrnun r

« . , , s r = ! ! ! !1! i . t ' 1 1r^lllnlil* }, DtrU an,] SmIlb. I'O-A— ‘ ■da Valltr JMI. HlMoul. t7.ll, pi>- t • n>, Klnlil* tad Dm (t). Knllh. I; >mut< 4nd WIUOR. unaxUlxl y>< Wllun. Smiili vntuUM and tlarli. '0B-k4ii. Vaiw :e. aiiMwi. j. -.n- .m.N>n }, m.UI .nd W..H, HR- < I. W«.lh'rip~<n. Ch. WaiiK ripmn. Vila. ,

” ':r“ ;

i i'i i :7rBP-Chrw,illvmp<»fl hj ro-,'™. ?

A -lll. [j' ------------------ —--- ----------- d

9ne American j ^ ft in British s 4mateui- Play S_8T. ANDREWS. BcoUand. June 0 }

Holland. lone American eft In the BrIUsh Amateur Oolf 1 oUTOsment. won a tense «juart«r- 1 mal match Thursday, then charged t !« Scottish gallery was unfair to |

TTt» wealthy, 57-year-old golfer «m ^ k tU le Centre,. N. Y,. de- ? «t«dDou8lai Alexander, »IO-year- ~ '.d ^ c - f ro ta jusfacrajs UiYFlrth' f If Tay. on the n th hole. 5;On the lam green, as Ifoltan,. wna °

^ . 5 he heard ^»»eone in the crowd say "miM lt“L®. ‘ *?*«® whLiper. After the pul( H

ent down, Holland turned lo tlie H MUery and ahouted: “If you are

“ I " ‘I- <10«»o m‘ can I hear you,” “AmerlMn u n k a 8-foot pull ».

w . he had heardwhtapertrf* for him to miss 1?

'I 'u n j the. cnllre round,"U l« . cooling off. Holland aald

holes byUkiaj pictures while he waa on L

^ P lo n w ,0 K u referee, told I te f> w ram an to stop, w

Holland, who n e w h u B

lhe Jovial Irish haber- i- iK l l a T '■‘"J'* ”7fella-, a -y e a r -o ld coach cm

^ S « L " *“

' " r

BOwiAisim a g ic b o w l iJ

Al»1~ Show {Hi.4 n i i l ‘° ‘J 'f« ted « ia neal- „ '

3« . ‘I','*"*' e*«e. DaVe Te- cid< -h 'sh individual aeries. u»

n a , wiM : high aemteh team , . r «I8; high handl. “ :

• m rsD)AT.J«NE5.™

J L A S T O P l

V ¥ e a t h e r s p (

a m H o m e r

O u t b u r s t b yh it his f i r s t hom erun in o rp n iz c d Tier. A nd tlie i'liHrfoula 'I'im terjnck ii^nllcy Cowboys 11-8. I t m arked th t icme flcrie.s. B ut th c TimbcrjnckH :tCT and winner Don Onveiler, bcf the ----------- ----------------------------------

S Course for 1 SMeet Is ‘To'•hrr-: N E W YORK. June 6 (U PI)

p ionship will be played n l Ti Miei club nex t week and R obert 1 tree courso, predicted today th n t th

a r t i s t o r n putting fool b u t n h er- —

f , C ai-dinals N ip P ii’a te s to

ml? G e t .5 0 0 M a rkjaryroy’S Th* A»*«elated Pre»a;ow. St. Loula achieved the .&00 mark

for lhe t in l time tlib season, niidK- Inth InR Pittsburgh 4 0 Thuratlny for a tUll sweep of t]ie tiiree-game series. Tlie lubie victory, Vinegar Bend Mlteir? over rror Bol> Friend, caupulted the on-rush- '

Ing Carda Into third piacc. ieIm Tho Cards gol to Friend for aev- ' *vls en hlla but made ihem count In ' iree. handing the star right-hander hU ' an- fourlh lo.is nsaln.^t eight vlctorlr.v .itch Two of lh« Cards runs were unearn- ' itel- cd. 'ruck Tlie Cards have now copped aeven i

of Uielr last eight game.i after a i the dismal sU rt, losing 14 of- their f irs t *

>r B 17 contests. ion aangllng Bob purkey atumbled a t 1

cals the atart and finish bu t pitched Ion- mnimiflcenily in between and picked c , an up hla seventh victory lui Cincln- • irgh nail dropped Lo4 Angeles 8 -i before 1

on il meagre Coliseum crowd. tThe t 'fo o t 2-lnch riRhlhander, c

OW- *ho has lost only once Uils seojion. t »11 waa nailed for two runs In the first t

lark Innlns and another in lhe second. i After that, he didn't allow a Dodger t past second base until Oil Hodges ]

brbi h it his elghUi homer of the year t> 0 with the basei pmpty In the ninth.{ J lUftht-hnndcr Dick Parrcll’a brll- j 1 1 llanl relief work and Sian Lopnta’a j i 1 rilly-cnpplng two-run homer carried r » ® the Philadelphia Phillies to » 7-6 J1 2 decision over the Chicago Cubs. t2 1 But the victory went to Ray Sem- i e e proch. second Philadelphia pitcher . J J who »-M lifted for a pinch h itte r , 8 T when the Phillies unloaded a flve-« e m n aevenlli Inning to offset a pre- . - — v1dU3 Chicago six-run ocplojlon.

Soo Pranclseo'a rookie l i n t h u e - . nun man Orlando' Cepeda singled home !,

the winning nm wlUi one out In . '-11 the loat of the J3th Innlns "niur*- . .7 _ diy, beat Milwaukee 8-4 ond moved , ii>_ the Qlonta Just 10 percentage points _

behind the National league leading T Bmvea. • J

:ii_; A crowd of 19,831 fans s.aw lhe ' IR- oiiintfl Mlvaee the finale of a S

Uircc-snme aeries as dmmnlicolly so as Uie Braves captured Wcdnesdoy’s » game in extra Innings. II W llh 6-fool, a-lnch toll Oene J I Conley pitching in relief. Wlllle _ 1 Mays opened the 13th with his

y,7 fourth single of th# day. SubsUlute - ' tblrd baseman Jim Finlgan doubled ..

down the right field line but Hank I AMon'a bullscye throw caught Maya •*

! lr}-lng to slide lo under catcher Del Crandall. ,,

T l» right-handed batUng Cepeda. ,, ft 200-pound 20-year-old newcomer „ from Puerto Rico, tagged Conley'* u first offering to left Held ond Plni- f. gan scored easily.

;; New Coast League • cr Formation Is ; ; » Expected Soon sc• SEATTLE, June 9 WWA new P a- gi

{ " cldc Coast college athletic group— Q ‘ ‘ which hfcj been termed the '•flig H

nv#"--*hould b*-“Ulrly well ahoped" O ' by lat« summer, aUUetie director lo

, OeorKO Brigga of W ashington.aald " j Tlmrsday. o'™ Earlier In tho week Waahlngton N

revealed plans lo Join California, P< UCLA snd SouUiem California In y« the formaUon of a new associaUon. with SUtoford u ’* possible f if th or member. a t

The Callfomla trio — excepUng of Stanford—will withdraw from the

,'} Pacific Coast conference July 1. ot IflSe. Washington claims the con- pr

“ ference then will cease to exist. fe I . An cxplohttoo' meeUng will be of _ “ held soon, Briggs said. wlUifltonford of V invited to Join Uie Insurteni Tour. ^ “ ■ "I feel all of us can ogree on T

paltcrna for eligibility.- recruiting, A i," achedttling and financUl old for : ;* oUiletea so Uiat wc can operate p r

togeUier in confidence," Bt‘l«g i aald. p r

S Baseball Scores "kn AMERICAN LIACUX

' N.wyi.fk--------» l 111 t»>-12 11 » »I(WjBn. riKh»r HI, Qwllm {Tl >bd . '

r« I.«IUr. II.Ilr <>)! Uc»ra, S um (1) lad . .

:h Chlt.tti------------10* m M t-S II 1 —tr Nr« York______goo OM ««:—i t i

.n ? h7w.‘.Ia •'* ' I a».»ii°Bd‘ ______Ml 000 »««-i t • ’

“un" Wiil.';ii~74f”»i,i“Bre” iT*«»*‘i! rornlala. (41 •tid-WblU.(It Innlonl

r . ciir 000 oh oo* ooa » - t ■ «W atk.__069 OM OM «»0 »-4 T « ri

Tartr and llou»«; I>skiuI asd C«grtBfr. ID«troll ----------- 001 IM 400-* I 1U<IUmor« _____ 100 MO OOO-l 4 »

rarutii. Aiit1iV« <l) tnd WIlaoB) Odall, i D - » « IS) « d _ T l ^ d KATIONAL LBACIIB

Frlmd and >'ellM: UIwlI tad JI. Smilh.• ClKlnnill .......— 111 soo 110—S 11 I 1L Lm AattlM ___ 210 ON HI—4 S I 1, Pgrkrr and nallirt F.nkln>. D m nl '’ (4). KIVP (41, RMlHick (I) asd n««bor«. , |

llllnolnn) ,: U lU k n ---- MI 0«« e:o M4-4 II S ,I 3 u Prso. — MO. lot M« 001—« li i i ,1 SMbs. Ilurd«tu <11, Cealn (I) 4>d> CrodtUi AaMalll. ( ? , ^ I (IJ, CeaMcbta (U) aad IchaldL ;

? S N I N T H

) o o n ’s

r O f f s e t s

►y L o c a l sizcd baseball here Thnrsdnv n ig h t _ inck.s u.Kcd the cii.shion provideti 1 th e fir.Ht time this y ear th e Cow- :k» had (o pi^l down ft four-run befor e they co u ld < ^ n t th c vie-

• U. S. Open- 'oughened’JPD —The U. S. open golf cham - t Tiil.ift’.i Southern Hills country r t T ren t Jone.s, who curried th e .1 thc w inner "will not be a wedgo it n complete golfer.” The archi-

tcc t’a words contain tho a n ­nual b it of bud newji fo r Iho.He com peting in America’s most prized tournament. I t means Uint, as usual, the rough hns been loucheiied, Uie lalrwaya nnrrowed, new irD[u luinlled and ever^lhini; eLie Imaginable done to give the colling hoUliols Uie horror.i.

I l also make.1 lhe open strictly o grab bag gamble.

Tliroughout the year, Uie p ro lti- i slonals floff par to fragmenl.i on -

p ,p courses often purposely mnde easier , ly^. In the Iiiteresls of low-scoring lo r f j j j , (hose making the cash and carry

tour. Nor can all of Uie.ie course.n be . ev- considered fair tests of colt, ninny |

In fnlllng under Uie nneerlng category ' hbi of "pllch and putt" 'eoiirsM. _lr.v Vet Uie U. S. Oolf a2.toctnlion, } rn- which operates the open, olten car­

ried Uiings loo far wlicn II come.i ,'cn U> "toughening" Uie aiwnys-lrgltl- _• ft mate courses selected for the event, j , irst This was proved at the monstrous .i

m an-eater developed at Oakland u a t Hills. "

led Most pros feel that the open ted coume — again, always a good one In- —should be played a.i it b . But Uie j,, ore UBOA seems to have a fear Uiat b,

the pros would murder the over- .i ler, BBC man's course. So Uie hazards w e u- on. altered to flt<the big hitters and » rs l they wind up on what Ij, technically, nd. a speclfti course, .anyhov,', ln.itead y. :e r of playing o regulation layout, l l i l i ces Iji proved In Jones’ ciplonallon of sor the work a l Southern HllLi. th. •Tlie cluuiges which have been ■ll- made to strengthen the target j .

oreiw.- he says. “Tee.i have been . IM pushed bnck on many holes. TwKct,'*® oreas (where the pros would h it

the ir drives) have been strengthened ^ In tw ow ays-byU ioaddlllonoftnips " ond by pulling In Uie rough to an opproxlmale wldUi of .30.35 yards."

J'* Tho real panic, however. Is on ■'* oround Uie greens. ro^ "Wo hove vbuallied Uio possible f?

oreas in which Uie plna moy be locftled," he adds. “Pot traps have “ been pu t directly before Uiese pos- *1| slble pin oreas or rough brought ^

™ oround the face of Uie green. Fringe ” rough wUl be bfouRhl up to wlUiin

• 35 inches of Uie green's surface. ; ,. requiring o I jV "nf fOiot Uiat mo.il of

golfers ore not accustomed U) play- Pu ing—o chop-lypo suoke." be

i . , ------------------------ yft

L BYU and Utah L £ To Swap Sports S Faciilities“** SALT LAKE C nV . June 8

UUih ond Brigham Young unlver- *• sllles onnounced Thursdsy they will , swap home facillUes In football and* bAskeUiall next season to Uiat more

*■ fan* can waUh.u u h has a bigger fooUiall sUdium,

ond the UUh-BYU fooUiall game > win be played a t Utah Sept. 27.

BYU lias a ’blgger fleWhousa ond boUi BYU-UUh basketball game* win be ployed a t BYU Feb. 38.

AUileUe rivalry between t h e ochools—always high-ls expected U)

IL- go'aUU higher next season. BYU'*'— luw football regime under coach Ig Hoi -Kopp t l In llA third season,J- Observars.«ay^ Ui«-Cou|aLn-.«IU. b* or loaded.Id U U h will be In Uie Jlnt year of

O 'new regime under coseh Ray m Nagel, who h u only polnlpoint a, passer Lee Oroucup back from last In year’* Jock CurUce cotthed team, n. BoUi coaches Stan WatU of BYU h ond Jack O ordserof Utah will hove

strong besJutball squads mode up ig of reteran* from lu t season, le 'n ie *wap In arrongemenU was 1, oanouDced tn o joint statement by i. preAldents of the two Skyline con­

ference •ehools-Dr. A. B*y Olpin •« of UUh ond Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson d of BYU.

I' Tim TamPavored-----ir NEW YORK, June 8 lA-TIm Tom « probably will be one of th t shortest L prlcetf foTcrllM In the hisUay of '

the Belflionl itakes when he goe* ofler 0 trlple-erown grand *Iam on Solurdoy.

I t look* like Uie C*lumet eoH I will hove oboui six opponent* In the » 1100,000-oddedUiree-year.oldclossIe.< • Th# eorly odd* li*led Tim Tam• o t 1 to 10 to capuiro hi* ninth


J j Q B I ii.tM i«H ia<

<*»**• W«.Ailaaiidaalvli>>IFmkm4 Ml WMr «m Wl Am>M Orind ’ FmAmw

■ r . J i S . r S . i S o . ■

J - I N N I N G

■ Loes’$10(

i n




nche BIllirLec*. Oriole pitelier. a b e m bi

ruled lh a t Aipremoote wa* aafe o t hi ' o In the firUi Innlnc of the Washlncto

Loea was ordered from the gara^ aitsp « - by m a n aftf lUthofda. (NKA telepboto

|M iceIi’sW in 1 ™ Over Fullmer

Was Clean KO »;M ^ g s T JORDAN. Utnh. June 8 «1 80 “ ■ —Tlie referee tald Thursday Uiol

Joe MIcell of Nev/ York scored o hr clean knockout over Jay JMllmer of ou We.il Jordan.

TIius referee Ken Shulien ended of confusion wheUier Fullmer was kny- «•( oed or aulomallcally called out Wed- cU nesday nlghl bcenuse he was an knoekcd down three limes with nii

f* olashlng lefts In Uie laat minute of m Uie nationally televised flRht, which

Ifl ended n t 2:09 of the third round.'y- ahulscn didrt'l count after the

th ird knockdown, and rinRsldo offi- 1“ d a is told nevamen thnt was because ®‘ of an ftutomaUe kayo rule after

Uiree knockdowns In one round. [y B u l.S h u b e n *.old Tliursday he ‘ ; '

„ d idn 't boUier lo count because I t T* •“ wn.i obvious Fullmer was out. Shul- IJ sen had told Uie lighters In his pre-

boul instructions that Uiere would },{( 1 , be no Uiree-knockdown rule, bu l his njt

words were inaudible to officials ond o i' newsmen o l ringside. ele

,ij MIcell dropped Pullmer Into Uie hlr roBca cnrly in Uie third with n left ;

le to th e chin, and Shuben slopped Uie we. y. f ish t for an elghi-counl. Fvllmer he , f come off the ropes and MIcell spilled nni

him in the middle of Uie ring. When s u Jt Fullm er (rroglly got up. another left ch

rollcd 'him on Uie canvas, and Shul- um „ *en signaled Uie end. for, Pullm er. 21, Is Uie younger broUier lo*

It of form er middleweight king Oene •- Pullm er. He hsd won 13 pro fights thc

before running Into MIcell, o 29- Uie ycftr-old veteran. Te;

-------------------------- ■ hlaREAD TIMES-NEWa WANT ADS. Bol

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I • 'I

I f 01

• iDfniars niiCT ■Hta®f-A BU


r R A L L Y T<

00 Protest

M m I fN C /



ea Bwplro lo rry Nipp a lter th# nm p n ? ° a t home In m nn-down pUy by Loea j„nln IncioB-DolUniore game in HoUlmore. . i . , ^ anspcDded iDdenmuiy aad fined |I M „ . ‘r iboto)______________________________

‘ ‘Play Bair Beats £ ‘Yankee Go Home’ S

PHOENIX. Arlz.. June 8 W -T h e The umpire's ery. "piny ball," U for the 1more appealing to the Japane.it awnyyoungster Uian Uic slogan, "yankee loftedgo home." field.

It And many an anti-American rally '0 hns ended prrinnlurely oa Japanese h ‘ >f audiences drift off to freo ball games.

Tliese are some of th e flndlnga , C*ai a of Ford Hoffman, prealdent of the

worldwide Amateur Softball osso- ’’- elation who malnuins U iat baseball» nnd softball ure omonR America'* Cloi h most potent force.i In molntolnlcg scoltei'1 friendly relations with Japan. forma:

Hoffman, a Phoenix renllor, re - °j}'y . eenUy compleled a tour of Aslo «' under *ponsoralilp of Uie U. S. a ir oh'y * ■ force. Bob• ------------ Botoe

, Morrow Is Back, ^ j In Winning Role

- ABILENE. Tex., June 0 «^-0obbyJ Morrow U back In Uio form th o t “. l u . » made him sprint champion of the1 Olympic games and he wanl« to

Cleon up on all thc guy* who beate him during his big slump th b year, t Morrow whipped two of Uiem la st i,ome f week in the California relay* when their e r he sped to a 9.4 In the 100-ynrd dnsh , , ^ I nnd lefl Roy Norton of San Jose ,k , t » S tate and Bill Woodhouse of Abilene i f " ^ I Chri.'tlan behind him, H e obo tr l- ^• umphed over Willie Whilo df Cali­

fornia, who lu d Uiken hla measure SION*r last year. TOR! Now ail Uiafa lefl b Dove Slme, Two O I the Duke flyer who racked him up in have• the special 100 In the Big Spring. Toront

Tex., relays. Morrow hopes to get club ot Ilia dunce in the nnUonoI AAO o t pound Boketsfield, Calif., Juno 20-21. 2I6-po)

■ e i r -



T p l • ^ i r -

S u n d a y S d

F o r D r o p p iPROVO, Ut«h, Ju n e 6 ( U P I ) -

NCAA ba.teball to u rn am en t n l Oi nlctl on a Sunday. D r. Erno.st L. W dflion after wecklong e ffo r ts to h to anatlier date. School officials i


Error in Ninth SirV • chat

Innnig Lets , ™ Boise Tip I. F. s

BOISE, June 8 Ifl — A dropped fly ball in Uie last of the n inth inning gave Boise a thrilllnir 2-1 victory and o sweep of o four-game *et wiUi Idaho Falb her# Tliursday

ftrrorThe error by Russet outfielder quire.

Bob Rodger* broke up o b rilliant a ‘vie pitching duel between rlghtimncfen w|iic| Roger Cbpp of Boise ond Hugh irutlt McMullen of Idnho FalU. Iiubl

The score waa knotted a t l - I nnd Sundi Uie ba»* were loaded w ith one ment awny when Tom Brown of Boise mtssli lofted 0 high fly Into ahort left “ oir field. In Uist faU l nlnUi. Rodger* "1.1 tried lo take the ball on the run lo pose set himself up for a good throw to Uiai i home, but he dropped the bnll. Wllkl:

Clapp, on Uilrd base o fU r on Inning-opening walk, hod tagged up P*! end would iiove otiempted ocorlng onyway.

Clopp went all Uie woy on three L" o ‘ scoltered hlU. hi* lop pitching per- formnnce of the season. He faced iviji only 33 batlcr*. 'McMullen waa jicj„ig wilder, walking 11 'and otrlklns ou t fuiurt only two. ,ould

Bob Uecker'* homerun pulled At BoL-K even in Uie eighth Inning o su< after Idaho Falb hsd grabbed o 1-0 would lend In the seventh. seven

Clapp had faced only IB bntteri, hy 01 the minimum, going inlo the seventh.

Idaho Falls got It* firC wnlk In Uie sevenUi when Jesse Queen ,, «Uolled down Uie p a th . w ith one away. Jak# Wood rapped in to o gyj, force pUy a t second for the next oul bul then Rodger* boomed a dou- ch»m, ble off Uie center field woU to drive omnh home Wood and give the Ruasei* durim Uielr early 1-0 lead. team*

I t wa* the second n ight In a row "Th thnt Bob# coma from behind ond loumt won, memb'

■ - ■ . The NSIQNB S LINEMEN “ ‘* 11

TORONTO, Ont., June 6 (U PI)—Two Colgate university fooU»Il Bton ment have *l(tn»d contracls with the day li Poronto Argonaut*. T he C aiudinn toume club odded Wllllnm Unsinger, o 211- -Thi pound guard and Ralph Anlone, o akllng 115-pound Uck'e. ally u


— § f e . . . ' ^

G E N U IN E A N D O R I G I N /

o n s . scHdurr DtsT.. iNo« riUKKR^


c h e d u l e a s

p i n g N C A i’1)— Brigham Young u n iv e rs ity to t Omaha, Nebr., because th e chump i. Wilkinson, pre.sident o f th e unive to have tiic tourney fina l fswitched Ills m et in S a lt Lake C ity w ith t h c : dny. A long distance call wits plnccd to NCAA orficinls in A V an effo rt to have tho d.'itc A . E changed.

Tlie icAm, which Qualified for the 1^ | 4 tourney a.i repre.ienutlve from dts- irlct 7 by winning the Skyline con- .w ^ . i ference UUe In A plnyoff with CoU I orndo Slate college, unnnimoualy voled to uphold the university de- n n -

CflWlSWilkinson sent o telegram to W ol- run* li

ter Byers, execuUve *ecretiiry of the u . in NCAA In Kanaos City, which sa id: nm ins "Your scliedule of game* haa been tnn, ornuiRed *o Uiot we would be re- qulred to play on Sunday. ThU is fi-. a 'violation of ChrlsUan principles ■- m,. »lilch moUvote u* as o ChrlsUan n iiiin r ln.itliutlon of higher learning. Your Insbtence Uint nil lenms piny on Sundny In order tha t Uib tourtio- ^,,5. ment mny be financed by pnld nd- “ V " ntsslon, b In our opinion, offensive -7, :o omnteur oUiIeUc* - gj,®

"1.1 subordinate* the whole p u r- jruQ id xse of intercolleglaU) bwieboll to Jiai of tiie commercial bo* cfflce," „rt-. miklnson.Mld.

Wilkinson aald BYU »wa* willing " i r , „ o pay IU own expenses roUier th a n vmin >e financed by Sunday baseboU. niutac!

"We ore unwilUng lo forsake our irinelplea much as we would like0 compete for the noUonal UUe,- heidded. • ittoi

Willtlnson olso urged NCAA of- Iclnb to arrange the tournam ent In ° ¥ uture yeor* *o Uiat Sundoy ploy 2“ ^ , rould not be necessary.

At Kansas City, Uie NCAA oold *J . successor for Brigham Young i'ould be picked by the diatrict ' even seleeUon committee, headed f®*? ® iy Olenn Daniel ot Wyoming u n l- ^ erslty. • • to giveByers olso aald there waa no th lns

(lereeniry about playing on Sun - . ... . :ay alnce the baseball tournam ent InsUtut pernle* nt o defitiU >n onyByera sutem ent: tho t JT h e naUonol collegiate baseball fIndJi I

hamplonshlp has been held ftl I h l a ^ )mnho Uie post eight yeo n ond ^ tho luring each of those yeoro Uia * < eama Involved played on Sundoy. i "Tho date* ond *lte for th e 19S8 a ID

Dumoment have been known to A i n lember InsUtuUons for some time, lie NCAA execuUve committee bo* sUbUahed Uie policy Uiot If & Relax 3ort tradlUoaolly ond customArlly eondll1 played on Sundoy, NCAA toum o- FINE lent committees may uUtize S u n - o jn . ’I ay in Uie conduct of the NOAA (Cot )umoment In tho t sport. I . "The NCAA ehomplonshlps In A

cling ond boseboU hove trodlUon- IIly uUllred Sundoy. No mem ber I


m^NEWLOWI - . . ' m -m l

f c


■1 -

Y S 1 1 - 8

* 1

3 R e a s o n

A P l a yy todiiy stepped o u t o f tho lumpion.ship gam e w as sched- iniversity , announced tho de- ched from Sunday, Ju n e 15, thc board of tru stcea ycater-

A’s Rally in . Eighth to Tip Billings44rl0

POCATELLO, Jun# 6 WV-The Po- :otelIo AthleUcs poured oeroos five ■un* in UiB eighth Inning to take o [4-10 Pioneer league victory over Slillng* before 3,200 oppredoUve ans.

Eoch team scored three ruri* In ho first Inning but Pocatello got five n the second lo take An S-3 Jeod. lllUng* chipped owoy o t the lead >nd ued the score o t 6-S In Uia ixth inning on manager Chose Rid- lie’* second bwes-empty homenm.A wolk ond Charlie P ru itt's tri-

lie put Pocatello back Into the lead y one run In Uie seventh. But I lorold MoitIs, who took o rer for U rter Norm Ba*a In th# elghUi. ove up two runs on o single by Lou irown ond doubles by AKie Bur- e lt and Bill DlCroato.Emle Lewis, who had reUered

lUlings starter Jere Hill In Ui# Kond Inning, finolly weokcned in ne bottoin of the eighth. A volk ) Morris, Lou Kllmehock's singlo nd 0 walk to newcomer John Cun- ingham loaded Uie b M u w ith one ut. Joe Alo prompUy singed to g h t field to score two runs. I •An error by Burnett allowed on- •' Iher run to Kore ond Rob O los- 3w'* single drove in Uie fourth » re of the Innbg. ‘n u t woa oil ir Lewis, ond H (^ r t Riley come on > give up 0 run-ocotlng double to rultt. _______ ___________

isUtuUon Is obligated to compete i any NOAA event, and we regret lo t Brigham Young university ndfl it Impoulble to compete in k lls championship. I t mlght-be odd. ' d th a t both skiing f ^ boseboU un 0 defldt.-.__________________ . . j


Relax while you bowl In olr eondlUoned co h o rt!FINB FOOD s e m d frtm 7:W ijn . *tU 1:00 OA. '. (Cotertsg Serrlca A n U lo ^ )

MAGIC BOWL iu t SeeoDd E ast I

f ~ \


r a C E - r -

L " .


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Page 12: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

F E ID A T , JU N E 6, 1958

ACftOSS M.WIr*LAstoaUbed mewur*T.IllftiMt tl.SUtebfu ita t ILSuramoMdbrldsi SS. Pouch

U .T tk a tw ty S9.Klnfattb« liW llh d ra w Vlilfolhi JS.A]tCTT>myj» 4i.Cetopltla

, ja.N esatlv* 4J. Oecia*I IT.SJouaa Io1b |I Indian lU iin trI ■ IH,En*lUh « .« o r*

[ KSUr maturt '' 129. Stuck In iS.ArUalum

'JI.Aro«»aU« «.D o|'»Jort a«M U. Kethlni

'S3.Po»1Ut« ' o .SI pole* U ExDand

S3.roolbaB s iw i i h lp itetm H, nemalntd

61,Happen . U oa:E*rlj '

Em . DOWN, ar.SirlwOM tr ia a u n t


I [ I ' f f f f t t ' f

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I l i t i


JM -w ftM E N /ca JW Ren eg a d e ;rRAPPKJ M S INi -me 0X(OE3/— ONB DARK NI£h{T A 0EAJ? S F£CT TAIL ATTACkeD THElR CHIEF,

m e 8EAST AMD THS' WCHI6P/— A P T 6 R t lg O T H & 15

EAe B A ^ -fo ^


- - " I f i 8 tra n » * .h o w Ju n io r c can’t r u n a law h .m ow crl"


ARC un& OP TXIUOS w e MOT KMOW ADCur a ttST tR .r--H n VJ*i UCAAiy KILUO, An* H0W7 ANO WHY WASMT ms CASt --- -----RtPOKTtOTDTHrTOaCCT---


B u r i r \ ^ w e cA N Y -jiK E



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•I “ f ^ p rrt*

,I rTheater

alfa • a iU T tU o w buclt

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tt-Pordo*a R-------i r ---------- talxnUl a tl.Coiddlihe«r ------------------------ SXDfiwloftJi__________________

^ h TT X Sea robber■ ^ ________ ».RJdlcuI*

m .8 w*iiowr .A a o b ie d

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9 -------------- a ------ 47.11ari7« i S r * 4>.CaUb,_______ B ______ euddenlr“ •» #l.NoUorib*

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T T ^ H iWOOT- TILLHeSPlfW r/^ l6 A M 6 A M tHATM7e£l£B

5 - ^W0(3O£M POT-HaoSRS ? WHIL6 CRUIS-fo y « \ PFAU'S f i irjd im a i


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o r can leam to drive a car but

'^|I||i|||lil1 I T vmAABmwKiv 1 I PuirteD ABOUT ^V I I CHSITW. MR. «WP —


1 t'y o u R E o u R B err) I H^ Ll



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“D o n 't be im patien t w ith h you re a d p oe try to mo over


— ”

“M rs, H icka said If D anny sU re tu rn a ll t h a t augar and floui

w wa m w n ^ \iu rT O E R tM Ja ^ fai<x7«»j P -“ \M 0516M SO rA CAS650FNWL• \3TRUMU IM V taOMWHYD


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. V \yMA£HIUB 1 ■UCHFORMe/jL \


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th hcK Gcorjrc! Remember how ver tho phono all ono sum m er?"


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ly stayn to lunch you don’t h a f ta ^Hour and stuff you borrowed r ]

WCTCO T3 TMt • ''fl'll'l'Jl'IHI AS»*DOINAl.L

*iNWLlMC8-I WMT W ill l • •WHVWCMONT . ) iV.il»M THtt P R tS j/ J ' 1

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, I THINK (XCHA‘3 '. i • S 5 i NUMBER OJE m a

A g g g ^ lNqiNEP W GENr = i M r " - — PiJesN

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, t w i n FA U S. IDAHO

IS r> s o iw u m e M o V U i l r B tn -R R snuIROUBlSWTNWfn ■ Up I) CUrUPBEAR* MUHIDlfJreiAK. ■ 1 3 ( AOTHAWETO

“ /w lHf « u n T T ie p e $ o u p n m o p a u u n f » ( r n^ WPUAPEK51 THKC£ MTHESfiiSCAM lUC L lom m v ’e m a a t » -sw ^ ^ » o fftcK M D T w am esE )

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fM A^LW EP ^ K J ^ Pf HMMJ IIPEA T'KEEP TO' '® B f >

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^ l u GIVE 0 Y B u r - 'H \4-Au.

. ^ \ \ HOW SHOULD I re v 1 f r ^ i V | . ^ \ \ ( t o LO CflTETH ESH/P- I « M - - ' l C ; £ R ^ i T r o R ^ a m i - ;

B i ^ S5 P ! . ^

W I ^ *^^ U H s!T \V O T Y P E S |K»PB lOOUBTX OFfiLAVERr, H ST.A TWATOOP \ eW EXPEDIENr ' I SCHAN \m i r v B ifsiHW S.Bi/r \ s' ^ BEENSO k VIOOUSI/ - \

■ n t r o A Y , J U N E ^

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' ' ' ' ' ^ ’ ' ‘-rt 1 ^ 171 r^MEimEV^POOB, Sf , K >- ‘.‘ .* *'

. a / y 1 r uaiU' 11^ I ¥ * “y g

li * ■ ^ ' eftoort' ~C[ .k 1/EM ADDRESSED TDTT;) U NORT'AMERJCAWa'^ * fuU «

y ^ WEBEEfiESTFECTlN < ctd u) i -N >R10!IIV^VEU)0KED2/.VltvOOARETHE T = :: l I V —

4 T r KNCW M3U W PK '7 ] STWJO ME PERPECJli-- a 2 . ____SO ww DO MM PR' / r S —

Page 13: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

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: w & : u . . r . li^uijMbn. 5;■ I Br■ ■ fc w .M - i< .. t lT lo-rr; n.od„..» | «

1 bU ;-:! 1» >0 «*"'• l'»f i „ 1 8l»ujhl»f •l»»r etUtln** al- Ui' M »»«.i: »o »«l«- • ( Jj'

>.. «nr TORI STOCK EXCllANKK^ jT r o t t i . j " i ‘ (u n i-L .* i •• '• '• 1.1

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Sk -,!!;S“ ... IS’i s: 1;“ si^fsr.'- i:!: ;i;^ 1(>; Pu,. oil j " ’i rh. M J>'4 RCA >*S S«-“ a ,r u lot. Ilrsub StMl, 4T'.. , 0.■*,“ • ! i ' - K . : : ; ” !-!i: ' ‘,

- !»£'V■:^ ! : " -i f ii'*!r;!fc, iS .

iiiiSiSni«.Wiltbi 5J‘. Oil »«»;f* l-t »•', Sim Mil ■% i nioV n«‘{ Tfi Cu!t Sul IB*. r

Tl«V"Ar.jr «•■ V«'Auu> !>'« C«ni-rox ao^ inii, itit <U Oelon Cirb * :'« P

« i; Unl«B oil »9 . iprlohinl im U° Alrrr*rt <:<«,A»Tf « i{ U . Alrll«« ,C

««. (Ib Cetp R Ho.r~wi. |t>I tin Knill 4« tnm5 r SMt u * li'-W;»r »1S -»I.

■ !mf 1JS u R « sn »?:‘AOil m s Wr.« WKlon . lOS .l.u

Cmlrti >»U w™i Alrbr SJ>, rown>n Muk 112 W«i KIw *1 '. b;Il.rr » 'l Whlit Moi «7 anNltkJ J|% W «l«fti . r ^ j

AUmCAH EXCIIASGE rw YOIIK. ;sei < (Uri)—Lull »aU: -€i k.f Kill IV, TKk.iMlor 7'4 t J I n t S IIS Uuh I(U,SjK . t ) ,I. HI. I!? j

S<Mt AveragesCmtM M b * A>kUI>1 r»M L^ w L . li 'l i UiJL' s u l u

s ^ i j ! i i g sISVBTMKNT THl/STfl C

iri«.r ci«ii>n (MctMT t . yr^ berM((»bHU IBi NBPtlir)

m<i AiV»d " i ^ rv.'* 2 L Z ~ " ‘ 4 ” * i '- IL Stel S«rlM_______ M t ?;*! *P01ll. I i ^ i 6>rln-------- I.H *,10 ft P‘•"i*'""'*------ --------11.>• H-0! thai;:«‘ "i.‘'! ! :* : :z = z : »;?i i?1S «{^•Ml Ul--------- --- i .jj jo .js Dr s i — z r r j f i l|.u i. M r : : : ; r z z : n : " }i;i:

^'ii^Hii^d-'rAi;— - r i in tH Ri«k _ ,0 0, JnR«"biM rjw»re«i„ . 10.1J 11,4, no r

’est Type o f £ P o la r isF ire d

CAPE CANAVnUL, Juno 6 (U PI) ?^,h

W tutl Polarli mlulle m r e d lnU> ^J‘ ^.*J»*limKcourM today (ind •-T

T T^nirj nnafiimMd U lw - t h a t - - • t ff«Uc nijht paltr»M p a rt of

ind thst Uie rocket w m n o t Wi

• fareninner o t acliw »’Weh WlU t>4 one of Uie IM aj

11 ‘ ^w w nA U leindK lTftnced ahe«i

Ihouwvnd w * ^ ,ii? . ’’” "'1 *haiTily b u t docs

“«>f out in d kept go- Tanci

a X «f the broken w m e

a ,;- '■-

^ lo be iBtinthed for ■ome

Babies Biecer JS"

«Port u ld tWs wna DCf rccords Inveal

Of Old bfiby clothe* trol . »im modem day facta went

L ' row p

_ T w in F aD sM1 ' u m i o dfci~~ ----------------- in.09.M-o» w w i^ M CiS l *** ^ D»rlo4 J ” H — IlLW-U.tO OaU .» .-T -------- ., tn .iM ».to lilted

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5S-'™S-.-=EF= IS S-^ga.-nr—ig^i'ii i".'k « « l K ,„

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Livestockxk ' o<;i)KS;k- OCDILV, Jsn* « U-t—lOSOAI-Citll* sr - 15; n-.llr •lofl»r •!.< ffr.I.r r l . 'i « ; .f ll- i.!» Uml^loU n."lli)m •I.^ri ; oft.- I

^lvrm ‘’4n 'r 'iirj‘'^h*k'‘rHV’ i o t l r o u ; ’nd »m ' 1 »rilrn >l IS.llB-jn.en; Ind' •icr '^ l '* “ '• Jon cal«M 21.10, *.!• H ni :s; .l~ .lr: N». J .nd I Urro>i IIfb as4 illu : u lU. }u:i. . h

r4 Ur Uml. ;:.M; cholo tlaucbUr »••• ir« Ha. 1 p<lu I.:J.

“ ■ ronTi,AND.*j>inI''*a” r i i - r . i i i« f.-r •'; »-rk I.»M; lr.,1. unrv»n; frd •! .« . .nd f

, hither. h>irrr< ilridr: ' 0» Sn-l OO ln>rr;> ! bulli I.CO '<f(: rSnIrr r>'l ■Ir'ra :• |(o«.1 ST.OWI.in; iiantltnl ;J.on.;ii.iii;• l«f»r» rh.plr, .

'Sll.OS; foorl f|pmm»rtUl ilrr J

• 1 sS!'o'i>-:ruV: »«Id ; t ‘ucfci:%'o^uimi,';V'ci!':<.C0: cull te ulllllr » l> n and ^

I I ie.oii.:o.M. s1I«I* for j»r«k K7l)0: IraJe arH**. •l'un« *j

« ’ooV bl'i in.l^ nie Ila. :9.(a-:i.»: hxvirr i(.oa.ii.i(<. uJ I"' S.*"Oj iBfliiilM iriiuncl

t ■lirinr l<mb« tniullr few j.iia f*'•i :i.:n :.C 0: cowl I».0ft-S0.»0;.eull lo uillli, 0» *«<• j.CW.oa. MH n ^ i T n J'4 DEMVirn. Jam e i-iy-riisnA i-r.iti». m ; rjl<M not..: •uri>l|’ lnrlu.lr.1 .li I.»,1. {*

rraln/c<li bnufht lo nrrlv*; all rltian 1

’ 1. \V ’""•I ">• •'‘Pl'lr . b«ld fur Uonilir Imilln*., {U>rn> nimr: nominal: rrtlfn ltr rkl lr• *1. lOJ-ll# lb. .I.Mhlcr •prlh( lamb. »;i --------- h. I.OH ANCKI.I:.S. 1.0.1 ANfiK1.M. Juna I "

Cittic <D0: iltuthUr •!«•>« an>l >>|{fn !:'’ J 'l~ « ' " I J ‘ ho'l“" ‘"ro- "‘Vb'I chot* ^ ^ 0 : lilth tnoil andi lc.«* tSnIp ^

. fihr^ nonr: laod tn rhnlr> hnIH,i>>r •jrlBf fMj»r lamte aboul al :«.00.

I OMAHA. OMAHA. Jun» I OTV-(M.SDAj-Ilofi <—

hiebtr; .‘i«d'’r l.*"l‘rm*!” lJH ,No. I md t I»WJO Ib. bulrh.n ,•

. » . ; t : mitnl No. 1 u J J00.400 lb. >ow> ,1 I lioo-^ojo, > "< ; ■

?h~p m ;” lb. C.Ufornl.. •print lUuihltr ]<ml« 22.*L

ciiiCAcn * ' CIIICAflO. Juna > lU ril-tll.S D A l- ‘ ,

Kofi <.:M: n.oJ«ralalr x i l . . . unnrti; ' mmllr ;} klsbar sb bulrhrri- aatcral Jnli«»llhU o.«r tIO tbi, 2Wo'hl«h»f; l(H ,

IlM Jt lb, bulrhin ’•l'***s sa * * >**-220 Ita- j "* Caltl# ioo; I IM, ^

105; ni.1 «no'u<l) of^anr onTeli.. an hind to fulij’ im prirr ransri; tlj r^wrnH.! auln alnul ■l«.ilj'; uillli, lo , choica ihotB iliuililfr l«mU lT.Ot>.:o.tiQ. jjg

• 36 Graduates ‘""iHear Talk of “ Cui-tis'Eaton ”■

LEWISTON, June fl (iB-A m d u - , aUng cloM of 38 w nlora At Lewi*.I Clark Normnl *ehool waa told Prl- I dny; "In a larse menaure. th e future /—

clUrenry depends on you tu Inatrue- i Uira and illsclpllniirlftn#," I

Curtis Ertton. Twin FalU, n mem- ber of the itJile board of education ^ Mid In an address prepared for commencement; • c

"Let u* be ever mindful of our re- eponslblilly to ourselves to contrive J " ft plan for the growth of th e mind iii th a t hns breadth and depth and continuity.” **J7

Dr. H. Walter ateffenJ, ndmlnl.i- bb!i' tratlve head of the normal school, «•" told tJie students: '

-you made a colleRe again out ot ft cnmpuj. There Is no silence lllce n ; the alienee of empty achool build- «!«•• inRS, and these buildings are silent jj],-'

LCN8 wis Mtabllahed In 1955 on ***< the campus cf w hat was formerly , Nortlicm Idaho CoUege of Edusn- ij’ ' Uon. NICE was closed by the Idaho Oet.' legislature Ip IBM. c*

Graduates of the tw o-year school <n which Is a branch of U niversity of Idaho, are qualified to teach In /" Idaho elementary schools. l l

UoS. Leading in £i Space Medicine 5S

WABHmaTON, June 6 (U P D - WyoTh# commandant of the a ir force cn'oachool of avtatlon medicine teaUfied Tltoday that the United S tates It sUU Comahead of Russia in apace medicine, Oeoi

Maj. Oen. OUa O. Benson. Jr.. aionwarned, however, th n t while Hus-ila drividoeis net appear to be “terribly ad- vehli ranced- in the field I t U "maktnc g rea t strides."

Beiuon appeared before Uie house „iMined serriees c « n m ltt« to plead _ for authority to spend 20 mlUlondpllan for laboratories a t his school. “ ,P^ located a l DroeU a ir force base.

Tire Causes Crash pRUPERT, June 0—D amage esti- H

mated a t p i was reported to a ear H driven by Joseph o . Powler as the ■ reamlt of a flat tire T h u n d ay n ight ■ 3n a county road southeast of ■ ' Flupert. ■

Deputy Sheriff Howard P la tt , who U — iivestln ted , said Fowler lost con- K M Tol of hls vehicle when th e tire »ent na t and It went Into th e bor- •ow piL _____

i MarketsGSAIN .

nia»l «<larlo "««lata «< ««(Tw« dMlm qofltlBS)

fllAKlInloi ................. ...... «iia122 ilialm qwUec121 t e l tn guoljnc'tg'.w'l (2i dMl«n oaoUac |>.tO)£j. 8. Nft n U NBK Um m tk m U lf.

BOGS .r tf la Umit, U m ---- ’ ia~Jt.

iiu m a> A t|t>Mlm aal guoudi iH

. UVI rOULTBt ■ ■(DmJm aM «MUdJ H I

FINANCE I ' • • • •

Grain CIllCAllU. ;»a . WbMt'fntTm -

’t,'d'Va.h Vrlr»"

c)U; (Wn an.l r». lio<>r<«r, Iradxl al ilnKlrmd* •llhln fi.rti.,r. of"' r’», Lui ’«>. Wkrti c;«.H t i . - l ' . crnli a bu>h>,tftr li»ri. Juti I ; ,„m unrhiBcr>! ii>. . . s

I^ 'f. July •, lo - r li> >.

rA«ll liUAlSrilKACO. Jw, t „lv-.'io »l.«l. f-l.

■ r ...,l«.r.. I'orn So. I rrllo- 1.11'.; for .V". S J.;:... t.'S’i . ’-j. bg,b».n i.ll ll'’ ,-'..,nd S')l«n m,.l 1(,.-.0.13 0CI, llirlrr Bi.fllni »bok.

<;n*is M'Ti'niui ill; flllCACii. Jun« ( i;]')—■rk 0i«T< iiiik._ u * n.— 'Si>. Wk*4tIrr ^ . j.«;s l.JJj; l . | |S

' ( idi’*’*j:!!;;

s."; Iirl''."..‘."i'’ i'ii 1.:: -M.r . j.:iH J i,;i

iiii; :lii ii:; .-3 Ju lr...... l.;»S 1.25‘; - i ; ‘

ils'* W’,1, KANUAB CITY' KANMA.1 CITY. Jun. t (,11 - Whr.i

**d'*d” 'k'*'h"rd'-O'l”'' ^ * N* '''*• k" ,2‘‘I|5 2.0o’v ’j°MN'Na°lSrii«\.^'’o;^_ r»r,trN»‘ V'^hll»“r .:w " ! I ;V ^ '7 ^ .ii :; ; -"'•-‘ ■•“ '.•I ” ’. 1III, “" ffianer'l In ilijwn J rfnti;

[ ' lijf 1.0."‘ elN!'VlaVl” ’ »2*»oN.’.'s!iVl.llni r, :.3l-2.:iN, tlran 2>.(0>>0.2t. .-ihotUJ W.tMI.M. __

" Potatoes-Onions tn ' ,jJ CIIICARO

-CniCACO, Jtina A lUi'lt _ roH1o«^ InUli'Tulal t>- 6. •hlptnrnli i<*; iriltali

.SuTOlU >ni>drral>: drmand n - ! : rr»f ^•' k.l firm. for

Tr.fk h I» ' riOfl lb., irs IA unlt» tOlI lnd*^.'w «*‘jv7 iT - 'us*2A

• SIrm o ln t Idaho ruufi> 'inrludlnt SOl'l'co*UW« tIo- WnBn” 'N Hh k*'^Jt«d 'rlMr*?on'lUc‘i S.M."" *' “ ‘ j

' I’olalon lna<): Arrl«>li Tl; Irt^k 219: be• frm.‘‘7lltTlfr;lTOni»r"^" Trirk talni Alabama round ixli I.2J:' frw 1.19: ArltOflB roun,l rr<la i.to; (rw KI- l.II; CilKonla Ion* whll^a 1.TJ.J.IIS, ,,. .'<lre«l ntf»i riorWa rnutid rf.(« ISO jha.)" t.M; Al>b«ma m.inil rxli rtVI.tn; f , . fen■ i» :io 'i - : j ; 'i„ i 'V ie .? .; r"■ Onli>f»: Hupplln n.odrr.1. : d.tritnd" nn.|critt: miikrt alMdr. mei

— HJ-wfuRM (

■ni» fflll««ln» futum QuoUlloRi ar* ’

'7 1 JJ jsF -rr .‘tnr-.oT,• Jtn iurr_______ l.M i.si i.n « the: - - , . i . - : . . . a ” !“

Butter and EggsL - , * J thin

a i i r x c o - SovlCHICAflO, Jun. ( (uri) - Ch.«»: Of 1

Slnil. d.l.l« .n,t h.neSorni StJI; pro*, nothOl

^^Kutur: 1,09.000 lu .; .Ira.lr; >1 wor.

dlnln io>^: cWk. :«!i, ’ |l^O L

NEW YORK, Jufit t Wnnl fulurntlMad .t to ,1 nl a r.nl barf; July manIll.OMi 0 1. IIXII; Dft. lia.lll: Mirrh tion1I*.«II, M.r lao ii. Jui, in .in i cki. ua3,

C<riiflr.i«t -«.1 .iK>t llJ.tN. - Of tlo',? . b ^

C«rt((kr.|rd apol «n«1 t«pi IH.IK. April (n-iiid:N.Nnmii>.i) out

-------------------------- the I

Going to SessionsBOISE. June 8 (U P I)-Idaho will T l .

be represented a f th e 2Sth annual conference of the western region of j b American AAMcialion oX-Motor-Ve* by-A! hide Admlnblmlors s t Cheyenne, dnmn Wyo. June P-H, b f two sUle law aceid enforcement officials. tucsi

Ther tre State Law Enforcement Uam Commliiloher Earlo E. Koehler and Dai Oeorge Denney, director of the divl- ed to aion of reglstmtlon. tities a n d office driven' licenses in the state motor drlvei vehicle boreau. Ing.

ATTEND nEARINO niORFIELD, June »-V letor Cen. JEl

arrusa and Theo Brush attended Judgi a public ulillUes commission hearing Ktmei a t Boise Tuesday. M n, Victor Cen- Valveam u a and sen. and Mrs. Pete tn JaiCenamixa accompanied them and publicvisited Mr*. Telea Hgmeachea. Offlo




Provides Security and Sj See o r w rite your local ]

T W IN FALLS GOOJ. II. FELT ALAN D.Seey.-Treai. Seey.-P .O .B o x m ■ P .O . I

S p r in g ’s 1


' s ’ <'M#SSi|

Catholic Leader 1 May Meet Popu]

I* WASHINOTON, June 8 (U P D - po .. A prominent American spokesman th<

for tiie-Romnn Catholic church snld thi• today the world ■•"may have to find ‘ '• another p l.in e f as one wny to help lo , solve its growing popuiaUon prob- poi “ lems, I ■ Othcrulie, he-said, the world may; be faced with the grim po.ylblllly‘ of committing "race suicide" through, birth control. '' Mngr. Irving Leblanc, director of ^h,, Uie National Catholic Welfare Con- ,, ferencc's family life bureau, ad- „• vanced the Idea In a statem ent , Issued becaujc ot "wldcspreitd com-

ment . . . on blrtii control and Uie > problem of overpopulaUon." _; Possibly two-llilrds of the world's gni

' Huge Soviet Lead- : Cited by General

L 03 ANOELES. June 8 (UPD— _ Parmer army research chief Lieut, eiet Oen. James M. Oavln (Ret.), says 1 the Rua.ilan» are " ta r in fron t of us" oiai militarily aad technologically."

"Perhaps five years is n o t an r n exaggeraUon,'- he told an audience £ i of sclenUsU and industriallsLv

"We are <julte reacUve In Uie things our government does. ' The Soviets are leading w in the field of psychology and we a rc doing P™ nothing lo combat them."

Gavin also said the SovIcUi "are ™ ' winning th e psychology w ar now."

Meeting Starting On Suez Damage S

PARIS. June 8 (U P I)-A Bcven- man United Arab Republic deiega. Ei tlon from Cairo opens fu rther nego- »o UaUons today on indemnity claims b o i of the old Sue* Canal company. <=inc

The negoUaUons. expected to last aboul elRhl days, are to p u t final touches ^ an agreement signed II; April 29 in Rome. The claims grew fUP. oul of Egj-pfs natlonalliaUon of lege U>e Suer canal in I8S8. Egypt since hold has united wlUi Syria In Uil UAR. sumi

---------------------------- mon

Damage ReportedJEROME. June 6—A truck driven Gl

by-Alv# J.-Stowell.-Jerome. rccclved Olebdamages esUmated a t *200 In an ------accident a t a Jerome Intersection «■ Tuesday wlUj a car operated by WU- 1Uam Janes. Jerome. ^

Damage to the Jane.i ear amount­ed to 1123. D sjic Dean. invesUgaUngofficer, said Uie vUlon of both HAtM ven was obstructed by a build- ^

GIVEN SENTENCE ' ^ JEROME, June fl—Police Court / '

Judge Roberta Kehrcr sentencedKtmer Howard B arnett and Daniel ^Vaiverde, bolh Jerome, to seven days mIn JaU on charges of being d runk in WMpublic. ArresU were made by PoUce SO fflcq Lloyd Small.________________ ■

.Y S E C U l

! R A L I j u n > B A N K F A


id SavinRs fo r 'y o u . F o r Additions cal N A TIONAL F A R M LOAN Al

SO O D IN G BU RLEY^ D. teCOM DS GLEN KUNAUSecy.-Trea*. Seer.-Trcas.• .O .B « * m - P .a B o * S M>oe WE 4 ^ 1 p io M OB 8.7113


s Not All Poetry anc‘f i

~ Wr J

'//; ITT ■ !

r States Planet 531 lulation Problem £,- population h undemourishtd and n Uie percenUse Is growing raUier i Uian tllmlnbhing, he said.1 "Something drtu^lc wiil soon have f p lo be done, for the poor nalloa-i get ‘- poorer and Uie rich ones get richer." ,7 "® ‘

The Catholic spoke-iman said his f church "lias to come to grips wlUi „ Uils major cufient problem. We ^ , cannot play ostrich." S'®"

Hb added, however, th a t artiflclnl ”, blrUi conlrol b "CBmpIetcly unten- .' able" as-a solution.

He proposed that Uie world "meet r j ’ v • : Uie challenge" by:

—Preventing good farm land from being "gobbled up" hy roads and facunlea.

—Encouraging more worid imm l. gratlon to areas which can support J*®'"*; a larger population. ^

—Greater research In agriculture. ® I -Lowering trade ban-ier*.-M ak ing 'm ere capital available "

to foreign countries to speed th f lr

—Developing vast nippUes of n u . T U f«e clear energ>-al reasonable cost. I T l l S

And, perhaps, finding another p

Election ResultStai Undecided S? “

HELENA. Mont, June 6 (JM W t . . primary election was three days ago. Nellie ( but nepubllcans still haven't deeld- ed Uielr nominee for Ihe U. S. aen- Harold ate race agaUul Democrat Mike r?* '** '' Mansileld. RIchmc

Unofficial returns from all but one — of Uie state's l.ioi preclneU today gave Louis W. Welch, 31, a smelter worker. 10.783 vote* U> for IMrs. Blanche S. Anderson. 82, a I Helena widow. I

Election otflclali said Uiey h a d ' no Indication .when returns would I be available from the remaining p re- I clnct, In a itmota seeUon. I


fUPD — Mtalislppt SouUiem .coi- , lege announced yesterday It, wlli I hold an 11-day conference this summer designed to "give women ' more poise and % more attracUve personality and to enhance beauty * and to Improve the social graces,"

GUdlfilBS and DahIU Dolbi a i , O lobe-BetdaBd-i^eed<le.----A dv. I-------



( S S l ' . j IMPIEMENTS ' j ^ n f f i P W R N j T U R E ^

I R K ^


;ional in fo rm n tlb n , '1 ASSOCIATION. ■- I I


"fleey.-Tref*.Bapert . >1

13 rb u ie n c (-8U1 I

■ m b b i m I 'S m m


illd Song E(

Lr/ " A N<

'twUM TF^------^iYUuiY/l /fj/l'/,r •“ or

> , i ! V \ . inler— ------------------------------------ Isnd.

Miori 3-da: on I

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SAgalf.iat t^



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\ \ u \ . \ l , ‘ ^tt III M / V \ l I ) 1 K M /y /w /y

T * " ~ —I s S s d W N e a - - - * . said,.__________________________ _ wrry

53 Year Resident 4-1 Of Shoshone Dies

ailO SnO N E. Jyne f t-M n . Ruslna , . . 3.* Arambnrrl. 82. long-Ume Shoshone nni resident, died Wednesday nlghl at theli Wood River Convnlescent centeh .nnali Mrs. A rambarri was born Nov. 23,1675. In Ea. Spain, nnd came from dasae there to Dolse. She and he r liujband fields' lived n l Magic dnm where Uiey in a s helped wlUi th e eonstrucUon ot Uie New dam. They moved to Sho«hone about 53 years ago and ran a boarding house here fo r a number of years, n o i

Her huiband preceded her In Mn deaUi- Survivors Include two daugh* return ^ n , Mrs. Frances iOBrlanchana. Uiis 1 Shoshone, and Mra, Mary flmlUi. his p Moab, Utah; nine grandcblldfen and Kunki 10 great-grandchildren. . Rober

Rosary will be recited a t 8 pin. Sunday a l McOoldrick funerall lome. Shoshone. Requiem mass wlU M celebrated a l 10 « jn . Monday a l 31. Peters Catholic church wlUi the ^ev. Father Kevin u celebrant.':.ast riles wUl be held In Shoshone' :emetery. * |

Mrs. Hamilton Is Paid Final Honor -

Puneral se rv lca fo r Mrs. Blanche ' lamUton wero held Thursday after- lOon In the W hita m ortuary chspeU 1 rtUi Uie R er. D. s . Acker otflalat-j I

^ l o b t aod organUt was Mrs. M* tellle Ostrom Babcock. i * Pallbearer# were M anson Powler.'

farold Powler. Orrice Powler, Lee “owler, C h a r lu Allen and Carl Llehmond. | Concludlnf aervlcea were held In

Her lO O P cemetery. ____



I end

WEEDKIfor every 1

W e h o v a tr a ln o d , experience y o u w ith your pr

Let us help you contro l; w ith the correct chemical

• "NIAGARA" 1• "STAUFFER" li , "D O W " WEED I• "A M IN O TRIA3• "D O W PO N "foi


SIIVIPLOTB u rle y - Rupert-

Educator Says He ( Integratedlittle

L m X E ROCK. Ark.; June fl W - one 1 A New Yprk educator yesterday ex- brief. nrf.s. rr1 fnnflflrnfe tliat_h/« cniilfl - wccrMfully opernte an Integrated . cenlrnl hluhjcliool next full wlUi- o « « l ' out Uie presence of federal troop<. 6y«<=

Dr, Dnvld Salten. ijcliooi super- y - , * Inlendent at Long Beiicii. Lons Is* oy Uv Isnd, N. V„ made this HiuerUon Miorily »>ffnrc the conclusion of n3-dsy hearing In U. S. dtstrlct court Sch on Ihe Lliile Rock nciiool board’s Butlei plra-for a2';-yearstifipenslon ot ra* of th clsl Integrntlon nt Cenlral. m en -

A flrcLilnn ,niUliff hnnrrl's pfUUnn iia-pe msy be several weeks away. ation

Judge Harry Lemlev of Hope, Ccntn A rt, »'ho took Uie cnse under ad* talked Tistment. g rnnud Uie sthool board ty." C

Parley Delegates — Still Registering H

SANDPOINT. June 8 HV-Dele-gales were sUII checking in today ■ M lat the Idaho s ta le Elks assoclaUon I V ,convcnUon, I W

A new Elks golf course will be I ^dedicated by H. L Blackledge, grand Iexalted ruler. S m

The convention Is expected to bethis community’s InrgeM. 11 started ■ |yetterdny wlUi business sessions. ■

Pinal events Saturday Include aparade. H e

Chemist, 70, Gets ^ Degree Tuesday « i

NEW YORK. June fl (U P I)-A 10- • yesr-otd chemlsl will be graduated I J from Queens college next Tuesday as a Phi Betn Kappa. P(

Eugene Bloch will be awarded msgna cum laude honors when he receives hls bachelor-of srls degree at exercises along with 580 oUier . seniors. I

Slock, who Intends to write poelrr, uld. "I had a wonderful Ume. I 'm wrry it's aU over.-

4-H Meet Planned oMOSCOW. June 8 (UPD—Idaho

I 'l l club members converge on Uie * University ot Idaho campua June * ' 15-21 tor Uielr annual contrreas. . J

UllUn Johannesen and Don >111- ” J Jiell, aisIsUnt state 4-H leaders, ' . ’ mncwneed today Uiat the youngsters , »IIl spend Ihe week attending ilasses,'listening to leaders in many m 'leids of knowledge and taking pa rt n a scries of recrcaUonal aeUviUea. c w w

New officers also will be elected.


v(n, Olen Kunkel and son, Tom, etumed to the ir home In Pocatello . ills week alter a short vlsll with ils parenls. Mr. and Mrs. A. E.£unkei. and hla sister. Mrs. Homer toberts, Amsterdam.________________

STRAN-STEEL Blfo r Every C o m m e rc ia l e n d I

R e tin o id sG E N E R A L CO NTRAI


i and CARD

M IC Ar iC I D E S tfid K

C IL L E R S f cy need! Menced p e rso n n e l to o s s ls t B j j rp ro b le m j .

rol your noxious weeds and Ini icalB—appUed r ig h t an d a t the j

INSECTICIDES ' Insect and W eed Kil D KILLERSAZOLE" for C anadian for Q uack G rass

ERS-Of All Kiiid

T SaitBtllipir t - Jerom e - Buhl — TwiiiJf

• ■ ir-

[e C o u ld R u n t l e f io c k S c h o a Lone week to fUe 'a nipplemeatal b r i e f . ...............................................

dean « f the school of education * t‘ Syracuse university. Syraciuei Ni Y., were the only witnesses called by Uie NaUonal AasodaUon for Uie advancement of Colored people whicii Is opposing the peUUon.

Scliool board attorney Richard Butler moved to sUike the lestiaony of the New Yorkers—both white men—on • grounds that "they had

jvrm nnl IrrmglMln. of th» tllll. _ation here; they had not been in Cenlrnl high school, cor had they talked to any members of Uie facul­ty." BuUer ssld Salten and Roger* admittedly did oot know the local sltuaUon.


P — L S S J

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As Lew As

eoMPitniY ttm A u n i FOB MOn CAtS

• T >m forts « r t I rtu i M«wj• C f c r w ^ M phfM rtofi• A la«li» » IstM i.M tf^• Uola, ««aMCtlB| r*4 b**.

• C w k e ft W red b « U i|( OmtomsW fO d f p w

r rSEMiSi<03 M ab ATtane Wert

RE 3 -0821


BUILDINGSin d In d u ttr io l N i i d


PH O N E RE 3-5T 81 . -




d insect.prats— th e p ^ p e rtim i ' ..


ian thistles■ V ' -I

ndsi ' . ' ;

M R S : - T |infisk . III

• ■:


Page 14: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'





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m o w in ga n d 'RAKING



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^.U r K K ^»» UE ^ iM - io ,M .i . . r .

i M i P s i^ 187 DUBOlfl. RE 3-6974

^ W T t ^ W U K r a Y

l » i7 G.I. G .I.; G .L


f f i BALANCE L IK E R E N T .

i | S s -I f i i i g f i

i " | s s . i l 'I ’tiT, TW IN FALLS R EA LTY



PAUL B. LARSEN „ - R EA L ESTATE___. Jl« DoJd.. U .n .|.f~ - o « k T rk - |ic "



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H I Mi g ^ S f y

S ' J i . f - ' " ' ' ' - * ' - - m___ r.rrit.. Il-ul Hide. Li

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MAGIC V A LLEY r -----------------R E A L T Y ------------------

; I N E S S a n d P R O F E S S I O N ^

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nn,E V 0toT D U S IN E S 3


R E 3 - 0 9 3 1 .. ^

t w in p a l l s , IDAHO


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F A R M S ^

C H A S . S . L O O N E Y „J, B. W H IT E AGENCY


B IB I^fgaiiP <S p 2 5 i ^ 3 -


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B«. rhonr^TfJ DIfhl.'OJw’l. n>ih] }[j

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------- FARMS FOR SALE-------


s 80 A C R ES . ^

— j



0 R Y liPERT?I p Y o u !

• nEFHICEnATIOS SEIIVICE ~A,pl...c> HB >.,111. -

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I L E T ’S M O V E

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■ — ^ B A LE HAY LOADERS n e

s C S I S b . "IJ





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01 d™ , m c„:,a ™-------------— u v c s T o c i: ' BUS

. T .I. h—


B A B Y C I ^ m ^


r ; :_________________ ’ M*‘ Oil

S u n n y C h i x Hatcherrn . . . UA *.«*! „ > r,^ h e

FOR SALE O R J j A i J i A

dtftr7 A in l«o'buckr*T>* U £• riJlfl'Ju'

WANTED TO BUT ’ ’I f ' '

T V S E R V I C E ,

■ E I S E R - C A O ! * , . ^ -

t n , (Juifk K W

S r

J F ffi# !- >*!

Page 15: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

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n*U>‘>ra. IMt Crantd* fitlM.S,*l! J-IJM er RK M ill.______osimluM u lb. klfkMtritt room Igrallart. cupft. ilor., tt-S !ilirw ~ « mU . ^ 4 .nir n I lus TN «uL rhei>« nr. i-<:ti. •>■jy Blm«U-PMUT»o« riatBC* Itt



w* wn ......**ysD LiTlifnoa Mlt «’»tr CaUM Ukl«_________ | 1.» .

' DARRELL’S lUli E4it rlwa* U t-lIU 1

I A U C T I O N I “

:00 p.m. F riday, June 6 — ConslRned by local f i- r i unce company to settle ^ lankruiitcy proceedings!

No Minimum r lc eIui4 tuUinillt wuliir, t 7Mn eU ItWiicCeUipol nrrU>rsIar: Ilii:i>•linir >.bl. M»dJ TV, 1 B..I.I

rtir» 4 Biiirtu: Rlar«r u»idl» FO ri**fuS' 11*’ *• : (irewRiti li (tur* luiomMrf:">»™ n 1*»« <l<»JbU h.rr.L DliiK<oapl<U up u IV .1 tddlUon lo the tbove, we TU »»e « jenerel run of fine. f«n fumllure and mlscellan- lu tr tld u .

Banner Auction200 Sh08hQn<i,Sd______

RE S - 1 « V

■------------------------TV„ J ^ I C VALLEY „ „ BUYER - LOCATOR


---‘"noT oF e n "*IKIOttlM n i Dlut U in Rwiih

*«•!*D „„ •m .oJ ttt i

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J » LUUns Pile

S S S . " r " S O N

T jj WUh To Sell? «,.®H‘ N«Coniiim iMii

*' CWi'” t l B» a m

- ^ t f tn 's e l l Ptar Lesa • 'JIn T he,“NO • , , ,

y ^ . D l i W c t 3 ^ .

A ® VALLEYflT* » .*4UI 0


* M iruu) runN ouuA rus. t i t .i t >»CurmiLMd. r tt ta n lUtim.' TjgEB-Ci.'.-BSiTA U»L.,«, - f

flabfc. TtriBi. WMl. Mu.lf O iin , f,aUMMCIt I-IAN0~'SAI>.^ ' 11

Mule 1x4 Fursllurr. 'w iI r B^A. I7t.«fl- ()««r.at..4. t r C p .W

UU. iMdfi IKI.ia. CouMUat. rwion >• MAii» y__________________ 1.’ K f i : r ; r ? v r . - r . ' s s ; j

' m ifw ' a ‘l i I r«M»aat?V>l? ran w

rOU SALC .plan piano, m r am . auuM u t^a«« e( toaUael. Far fankn UIar> " ■atJoa writo CradJl D.01.. Box HI.Ba. a. U br*B(h Ball Lako CIU. Uuh.

SPORTING GOODSi 7 E - B W T m t i F T i n / r s r n 5 —

afcan m Sbaabaaa « o « i k . _________OME !«• THoapaoB boat vruiUallr » « !»*» tn ll.r and mobir. <]» la4 Artaui ' h. HanlL n. B. Bar.rt.ll._____________ >kBUAT. Baur, Irallar and acaMoriM. tl

liU ArUlMs Caau I Prleo tltiM (ar ^

1 i‘V iiia 5 iCAiis~ w .'i ;a ' u;:i'i~i i~kT i mJaknua molsri lioal Inllar. rbca. till. IIIIUmIIob. ______________

Jl* UOAT“i(lli f lU r * ^ bottsa. llt l U iUatk » Utrtun maur. r a t» H *1 1R>I aad UalUr. |(M. rbaat :>ll. ai

_______________________ _ nTHUCKS A N D TRAILERS " I!

U4I BTliUKUAKUl H Im pUs» .Ilk■ im <111 A t^ u . Kmml ^

tu t aieVIIOLPT pkkup, road Mirw a . KA «.«»0I. Jaroma._________ ___

llt l CHU plekip Ueed ahap*. tU QaliKr.TwIa FalU.

LaRUK ha.Ha. tr«ll«r C r .<n.r.l u.c ___' rteaa KA *.IOII. Of aaa K u Hnmll, kOllIUE HOMES) Blvut^ Tarry, M.rcurr,

ABC. D.tr«lt.r, Tanixrunt. <a4 r » VI Antrkaa; All at M n.C arft Trilkr 1. StJm. ItIO Kliabarly Btad.

t r TWO^Badroaa^uaa ju l lik.ra*urae«aura* T rallS '*54l.fc '^ th Tf Btmr.

U-roOT b»i«^lran«r^^ l l t t l ^Ma4 ___BogoUla, I a«alf ef D ttttr ea Ulik»7 M. ll.tialH Bpet of MiVv

vr YOU NClm tu»p Uall.r* t t . u ior IU bamlni. Kl.ld and SlrMm. I hiiin - aiadf uilltr, 1 ona wKnl lu rnc . lr>ll>r altnoal b.w. Rll.tr Slrrak and llein E».

iWoadf S»al. H t Wwt Addlaan._______DE VIU.E

CadllUa tt the trar.l iralltra.JEWRLL ___

N*w i r dnIfiiMl fnr .oaclou. H«lin.B c o rrs^ j^ iu K K ^Ai.ca



SalM - ra ru - S.rrlr* IM


l l t t SlnlxrlT ItMd D irbaiia BS




<lt ASDISOH WEST RS t-tUI *rr«fll Br Tb. Eaeooar Of Qsalltr”

:--------------------- : m

F A R M T R U C K S !






F IN A N C IN G i«i

A V A IL A B L E »»'


laiHton. t-apMd axl.. how all- aa«a, Lam vbaolbua.

IIM UrmtNATlONAL (-.ixtrj tnai- nbiloA. ]..paMl axla. 01* seUr.

IKI nODCE VI. t.apaa4 lran<nluloa, '- ^ 1 ^ Ml.. EiUk lent *kMl>

IHI IVODCR Vt, (^ m .4 tnn.aU .I»,. {..PMd aila and aUndard vbnl> bt«: • •

l l t l DODGR' V«. |.«po«i traairn:.-aim. tipMd axla, lo n t wbMl- • . Uu.

IKI rono v t. 4«pMd ttaMiBlMba.tmiMad axla. SUadud wbMl-

l l« CIlEVnOI.rT « CYUKDRH. 4.• M.d UtBtmlailoii, i^pMd axla. H.HMar BT.thauM. Lone «lia«)> J,baM.

111! ciiEvnotET « cyrjNDr.R, *.BUndard V hi“u»a, “ '*■

m t rono r tm v t . ih m « i ini...mUlon. t-.paad axl.. Lont wkMl-

]lll DODRE I CYUNDER. t-iM«l KaaiminlsB. 2.apead nxlt. Loaf -H-IWm. • l „ i

IH9 CMC V t MOTOR. «..eh^ tnn.-' ?hZ'°r.'i., ^]iaCHC. 44t>a.d tnniail(.l<m.'l<

apMd uia. U>Bi whMlbua.


‘“ ' ; a \ w - r e , £ , v -im DODGE VI OKE TON. 8uk« ^ti. '

BlacU «ha>l Low nllaafa. 1114 :

' “ ’ i



«0 BLOCK B E O O m AVK. 60.



SEE TH E ALL NEWIlMUtlJul n.* l».fu «1J». 4I-»L loaf ----

. fnnt kllrlifn I^Uur. Ilnmr.

• N ^ ' i o - 'i r de. 6h<LV____ tU8iI-USIID s;.fu Calunbla 1-USEO tfcfu r .a Amrrl<aiUSES t».|l, Catr CoachMllEp IHL I.b^irooa » » LaliBt*

l-t-fl- *Ua SpanaB Impartel ma». ' •ba. lUa >.«, tki. OB. to appraet.HE M l>l Rup«rv »*ka


Opninc £ . .bIb» -IIII I ».».BuadijB tfoia I Mil I »»»■______AUTOS FOR SALE________

i»*j Vi >otd tw t door, »T«drl»^ radla.■ *■* irVoKD, « door Wl.h «r«drlr.. wTu

rooU coBdlUon. Fbaaa RE

lm '!-tY 7 d u T n ”'s u tU Watea. llrai. Will Mil far l«a fer «aah. RE 14l« .

n~CM)lLlAti k W .o ,a . po.«r .la.«.f. vhlla >ldt .a ll., air condlsloalnf, all aicnMrln. |l l» t . t i l l 1th a>nii. .alt.

- I ‘ "« »>= ^Il>7 l)k;suit) atloor hanllop, powir .Arr.

■m litn and aatrana.. tone . fill., no vhluwall tirM. piuhliglton drli., A.1 MCdllloa. Phona UU l-Xiet. Ba. I'llM.airlll. niehflald.________________


_________ISIB Klmb.rlr Road

87 FORD “500"VMorla Hardtop Coupa. SaalU thtrN I I ttr wartaaur

»23UX» ----Y O U N G ’S MOTOR

SA LES**rk. Loi On Tha Tarr»«a”

•pm araalBca

M CHEVROLET ^R«1 Air t-dMr aodan. Ona local owarr.Radla, baal.raaulematk.


j^SALES_^ _ •

NO DOWN , PAYMENT PLAN w.n il roH n«t S I1111 siud.hakar V-l i :»n i l Charrelrt ' t i l lItU Ckarrel.t IlH IHll t l roBlIa. UU11(1 Old.mobiIa , t i l l Hi

DERNELL’S AUTOSr iln »Bd Jackion

------------------------------------ -------------- Itl



436 NORTH M A IN . ^

:iM OLDlJHoniij: »i *.D~.r. n.Jl^h.aifr. hrdram.llc. Uiaullful hlu.and whila ____c ijE vnoun - V-« <-D<»r H-I.n.n£dlir, ■ baaUn aulnmalle li.na* aalafloa, t.OM ACTUAI- HII.W

m^TORD ralrUn. 4 . door, tl.dln, b.aur, aulomill. Iranimliibn, pow.r a«».riii|. Thundrr-HIrdancln.. BlIAnr

HIT FORD KalHan. -SOO’. ItMullful rallow anH whiu, Compl«l»lx agul;p..i. NEARLY NbW

IIII VORD ralrlan. 4.|)«nr. R.fllo, haaUr, aulosi.llc tnnimUiltin, power .la.rlBff and brak*.

IMl OLOflHOIIILE .Sup.r M. Ilir<i.S rt:i.S i,''w 'a . ':K Jlwall llraa, Tow.r aUtHni and

'power brakaa.»U MERCtlRY^MenUCUIr .pert 1953

aiMrlBf. t^lIl fowtr Caatinniiii Rl^ JPM

IMI OLO.<lMOniLE Super It. lUdle,.

IH4 MOICUHY MoMewr 4-A»r. 111. UM r u r r ? ‘*' ' a



IBJS___ PH O N E_RE^3s6811__________

-AOOM Prom Seir»“ ' IM!


P . UH- - 0 - ' '

RD *“•

T.R-A-D-E.I-N-S “« R-E-F-U-S-E ■T-O P-A-Y “«• M-0-R-E-!

» t l Cherrolet < deor aadtB UST

ItU rot4 v a ralrtaaa Tpwb Sedaa with . till.**

IMT D<^a v ll Corourt «I

l l t l DaSoto v a rirafllU Spartnaa lUr^top (Be* thI* od.I U lt.tl

***? H u ^ p *fuk^»i?) IMI.M 1K7 (1H4 Xei»iir7 Cuatoa i dour - IN.OIIHI U em rr We«UTty 4 door *

with «T.r^rl>e_______ III.HI ttt IhraiirT ------------ 1 ]1H4 Fard 1.--------------------- IH.Ct

UNION " iMOTORS Inc. . '

-B m SefcUfUr —Jah* RelkBACK OF PARK HOTEL " *Oi>r I«u Cl»a iiindar.

. . Baa Tm Meadarl


HACmUCK l>il 4 donr riTtadlK. iUk» gjn



Lowest F r lc u l 1 YEAR R.T.C. CUAHANTEi j

T erm i

YOUNG’S MOTOR n .S A L E SiSi Uala Ea.l *

T he Let On Tha Terrac.~


i 1 Yeax Pull'G U alnhtee '

11S E E U S NOW ■„


III Mdln Ave. 50. I t I lu t . I , 5-PolnU - PhDDi n s 1-M71 j ,


G O R E ’ SES • ~

M O T O R ■ GlMAGIC V A L L E Y 'S ' _


wiirjiE YOU CAN nUY ron less . . . BECAUSE WE DEAL ON, VOLUME “

STATION W A G O N SALE •Ererr 00. Ib Up ahape, Raadr to n ea . j ,

IHT PONTIAC 4 .Jeer Slatlea Want.LOADED WITH KXTSAS **I/IW MILEAGE...... .....I16M.M ,

IMT KTUnKIIAKER Chanplen, £!•• ” wllh nr.rdrlv.. hllAL CAS HAVRRl LIKE NEW ...ItTH.tO

IHI CHKVROLJTr BiaUoa Waiwi. t rrlind.r, 4 Hoor, ( pa.imfir.IIEALLY CLEAN____ |lt4I.W

lu i FORD Blallon Waton V.|, 4 doer ' LOADTO WmrEXTnA.1 IITM,«I

ll t t Pl.YUONTK SUllon W.ren V.l.I door SubvrbaB______ lltH.M ------

IM4 CHEVROLET Dll Air fllall.a Wacon 4 door. NEW PAINT----------------------------- I104I.M

Haar mer*' Hard Tept. 1 and < door prkad ts i.ll. AH rear*.

OPEN SUNDAYS150 Ttilrd Avenue E u t

RE3-7U «


O K m



•harpJPM 8TUDEDAKER »«3 195


5“« ‘ LC


,. .»»eTdrl*e j g gIBJS PLYM0T7TH fSU

rr.rdrlve ^u i s M E R orm v i i t u

aUUea wMoa .


U M 0LD8M 0BZLS tlM ISeperH

US7PORO »2]U'BUllM Wa«oa . 194

ItM PORD I17J5 ’Oxrdlop VlilAria 195.

UM PORD . ItSU195:

IMI PORO t u s. orartrir.

m s CHKVJtOLSr t lM I '

U U CEZVROLffr tt»s

UST c s ^ L v r i i w 195;

u s T c ra r^ iO L E r u t m i g ^

U M ^ ^ V R O L T T ' tllM

U M CH ETO O LIP HIMiu u . .« « n « ~ ! . 195<

TRUCKS mb:llS7 OHEVROLW a-ton |» e s •

LWB VO. lo , .1 1 . .^ ,

U94 CHEVROLET a-ton |1395 GooiLWD, Na« lira* ea n u pggi

UU.PORD 3-ton - *1683LWB. y o . t ap*.d COM

We bar. a Kaar. Dul/ t.war Br^wn. ‘ pa tnnanlMlan. ciullaal aandl-

• IU*CALL RE S-3033


CHEVROLETT .I. r .o i U l, ^


O O l G1 AUTOS FOR SALE___________,; 8ACRIFlCIN(i~tm»<l r»«Ila<- <»'» “ W: -S s w " ’...............

t l kOKO «n.^...i,l,l,. T.ln^h MiBt. fair ryhh... im-., b ,„„, phon.

-------------- ]I WILL NOT m t r



l lt l c n i^ o l jn - D,h'„ L l i l t >dlo. baal.r, vhli.ailu ____||> | „IlH FORD !.Jo.r, 0..-Jtli. _ | l ( t

» -i» ie M»acunY8. Y «.,beic,_im OVXX XO UOIIE TO CItOOlE I'ROU


H . L- -R O Y - BEER (0*ncr) ---------,U 8 M ain North r e 3-UQ

(Aeroa. Fren OpM BoBdan aad Z.talata

------------------------------ DOIl'B W orth the D r lv s - “

F o r W hat You Sava iTpili' DrlvB In-Look-Cflmpare . [\

m t Ford VIcloil. V-t *“ **All Ih.

1H( FORD Cuilsn F.rHgit ->OranJrir.. Rulle. K,w Tim

ItU Cbm elK Ral Air FMda# r»w«wCIldfc Badl.

T R U C K S & PICKUPS '•IIU.CborralM tr«(k. bMt aBd irtia

•ad. ciG.lltBl Hm Tllt l Oodsa plrUp. fl.l M , «..pMd 'rndlo. Xrttiiil fcluk 1»U Teri truck. traU M. Dnxxia, XS•ood ••odilloi

' B U H L MOTOR ”“ i COMPANY .»> Jr t i Sal« A B«rTl<erbM>e K. a. iU BuU 1 '^ d

■ m t CI



tOoor tlatlei wana ISIH ] t l | Cl 'M DODGE VI

t-door eUtlcii waion IHI Clw|{b OTordtlT. IllH j„ j

iHloer wa»oB. Of.rdtlT* IIIU _WO]

'» » rL Y K oim i VI p

•H nODGB VI ’ PCt-ioor. new pilnl {ItlCHOOSE PROM OVER lipan

M UNITa • »SCO Kenny Moon -----------

BOB REESE U S m CAR^Opoa Erenlmi


B U Y NOW!"E v e r y D ay Is A

Sale D ay ]

A t


OutBtftodlns Viiluci i

1957 PLY M O U TH ?2395. CuiUm 4.Door SutwtUn, fall/

agulppad, puaK fcuUoa eoBlrelt, t*M «U,al , 11

1957^ CH EV R O LET |2295. UbH-aqulppod. Real aleaa.

1957 .F O R D Fairlano ?2395p*lfpe»er"wlB/lIad » « Cnbrakaa.

1957 PO N T IA C Cat. ? 2 « 5 „ „ roiH a r d to p «QMI«, all poaw Coua«ulpp*d. Low mllaata. r e .


1954 B U IC K Skylark n 4 9 5 m iCoa>artlliU. aU pawn aq<app.d, C«ulUU pbarp. CLI

1955 ^ R C Mont. |1E95 » » ^lUrdtop ao<jpa. * j

1 9 B 4 -C H E V 3 e ttI ^ " f l t l9 5 - - m i RA:•OOP*. «Jaual In Ion. ,


1919J3A D IL L A C 62 $316 ™

1543 M ER C U K Y $221, alub COMP*. IHt ro r

1953 F O K D . $355 „ „WooT aedan Wai

1952 PA C K A R D |395♦OooT »«»c n j

1951 B U IC K Super ?295 , „ „ na^

■ S s '‘‘T IC K -U P S ” . „ „ roR

Coui1953 F O R D V-8 . ?7fi5 , h, ron

M T n d apaad , cout1 9 6 S G Jrr.C . 5795

d^paed XW for

1949 G Jtf.C . % -ton 5395I iptad lUI RUC

1954 CH EV R O LET |8 9 5 ’« To. 4:ap..d UU c m

1963 In te rn a tio n a l $995 andU Tt, »«poad. iHpaed xxla, c w »I«ta metar rrattaAl

A V A B A B U POR DZUVERT . . grui Good te leetton NEW CtdUlaet, w t .PootUc*. V»uxJ»Ui, G JIC .X jy ,



MAK> A - R - L f - E - S - 0 - N - ’- SPONTIAC - CADOLAO - OMO

601 «a,HAIN e a s t , MAIN SOUTH



»l» llMl«.UU t» «,B..flll.U I'ow.f lop. 7^-.-kol>i.i.d'. Twin .poUlxht.? 'itoV <uk TikphnMRghl ISJJ afur I p.m. V.

PRIM E BUYS —m t PONTIAC 4.Dear *.<1411. t-Tena

.Wl'n* and htakw. AIR CO.S. . DITIONINO

IHt Mi:nCIlRY 4.d»r J ___

m t >0R0 F-l 1 Tnn. IIUPMdtr.ninilMliiB, 1-apMd ailb | | ; (


B IL L IE ’S USED CARS m i Kimberly Ro«d


OOAriANTEED CARStt - J l Cb..i;.:.la ____ i; i , l l Per JIa.H l-b.tmiM J-.loor J'.r Ma.K I'enllic 4..loor ___ i:«.OI Per Ma.l - t l Mrrcur;. _____ r.t.OI Per Ma.


U9 2nd Avenue & u t Joal W..t of Ua Nrw Clw IUU

rilONE R£ t-H7t


BETTER BUYSm i PONTIAC 4aoo( Oaribip Sadtn.

L«f.l OB. owBtr. LOW MILE.AMU UtiIHT FORD V.t CuiloB IM Moor.

LIKE NEW n i lIttf CHEVROLET V-l B.lAIr *aoe»m t ciiEVnoLtn' v.i tio taoai u t t1»U CADILLAC 4t 4-d»o»IHI RIIKVnOLrr B.lAlr Uardlop

CoupeIHl OLDHUORILE Bup«r II nardiop

Coupe ] ||{m t roNTlAC t Dtlui. 4.d«er IHI CHEVROLET B.lwe 4mJoo»IHI CMO V .| W Tea Pickup IHtm i fo rd 'V .l % T u ritkup



------- --------------------- SH"SERVICE’’QUALITY

, L a s tin g F riendsh ip



W I L L SMOTOR CO. . ^ :

. A i r o T H E IR 1SELECT


•■ S H O P ’* IWhara Cara Keep Boltlnd ^ ^

HT CnEVROLET i l l 4-)o«r V.t. i• Radio, h«Ur, pew.r-dida,

VEBV CLEAN Mil 1HT FORD FalrlaBe IOD Kirdl/ip t

Coupe, naillo, beaUr. Fordomalle,BEAL SUARF l l t t I

HT RAUIILF.n taenr. Radio, haaler, i< rirllnder en ilsi B«1 unit. retllplBf •e.ta

Ul FORO Falrlaaa VI<tsrla Hirdtop Coitpa. Radio. hMUr, rofdoaalk,CLEAN I

HI CREVnoLrr v a lUl Air Co«pa.ItAilio. heaur. pewntllda.A NICE ONK P

IM RAllBLiatCoftoal-doorflUlloa - — -----Ve5 y: VERY CLEAN ----------

“ ■ ' v T r . 'K ’X 'M f f a s E I C

Itt HAKDLEn SUUoa Wann. UmiI. r i ,or. hjdraatUa. A NICE LtTlLX 11CAR

lltT C

111 CnEVROLET V-l 4.door BUtloa **W ^ttad .0 .b a au r .p e - .r ,l ld .. IHT F

III CnRVnOLCT tie tOonr. Radio, bkaatar. Ob* ewa.r. REAL CLEAtJ

IU NAflR ABbaaaador 4-door Sedaib — %lUaio. haaUr, tardrunallc. racllB- nIn* eaata. bad valL READY TO. KGO 11

i{4 FORD V-l VWtorU Ttaidlop m t RlCoupa. Radio. W tar, FordosaUa dl

i i FORO V.l Vklorta Ilardiop hiCoupe. Radio, baaur. Fordenalla. hiaaaloa laUrlor. REALLY N ic l ,<

U FORO CuaUaa Va tOoor Bedan. • ^v w lf CLXAN

II HUDSON RamH tOoor. Radl^ g|r R ic n f r o 'M u i * *'*** S

U CHETROLET >t7.Ilae Delaxa. £ j h « l« . CLEAN INSIDE

AND OUT __ <

> - P I C K U P S - **“ gUBTODEBAKER H-Toa. fiadK ”bantar. OTanWra. SUARF11 FORB v.» U-Ton PlckBA lpLEAN ***• *’*II FOBS v a ) i - T ^ tnpwd m u >

11 FORD v a H *«■ ' i m Ct

JIA N Y O l i lE R ' i iMAKES a n d MODELS “

lE R E TO SEJIV E YOU"UM Bord, Rar ilam H . Lswall WlUt _1‘boBO RE t-TtIt Twin Falla rhari C«la«at« S«e4 TM t rriasda’


lltr.,. l-hon. lir ».oc;i. • -;IJI CllllVttl.tiU ••J.n. I'rlrKl for ««ltli ^

mU. Sm lluxb rhllllpi. Ul <lb A«enu. wheeU. FjuI. after*

PERSONALLY INDORSED ».rdioliw Jiunson Ilornt^ V.t Sm r 4. “ ****"

do r StJin. T>lB ira>il ridlo. »»Ihrr>rM. P 'o " drer. ^

IH t PONTIAC v.t 141 ..rl~ Woer --------- ^«»Jjn. Il»»l*r. .UEil.ril Kjnfhro- vtt:B>r.h tranimliil.B, UOOU TIHtS

IMT CONSUI. (i;i.(l[ik Fetdl f p a ^ FORIot.fhfad 4 tjllnJ^r, ll.'.l.rl


d«r Sniin. I'uih-hullon luto.whlLw.ll.. LOTs'orilOOM** "■

1I5T CIIKVimiXT' 510 V.« <.d~.r Jiailon Wi«nn. rowtrrllJ., n.lln.

iST”i rL E A N MOTOR CO.' -

'HUDSON '• RA.MBLER i : i Iod A... w «i itc i.:u:i

_______________________________ RK


lltT PLYMOUTH R..Cf Sr.lin. V.| G 'taolor, pe.trnii. t>an>nl»lon j.

IMI MERCURY 4-.locr. M.nonaUt! fui’ hlaUTKA CLEAN and w

M il CADILUC -I!- S^B . 4:1..^ ^ ‘“"p.BiechaBUall/ «trj rood clean .

t l i l CKCVROLET D.Isi. <.deor. I M HSUsdard .Uft. A UllAIir ONE J"

Mil CHKVIIOLET 4-ioor, Pn.«rcIIda m! l l t l FORD B lan. BUndaH Iraae-

B>l«k.B „ „ ^IMI nODOE U Tea Fl«k«p. l-.rted, J*

diluia tth. drMil FORD Va^ W To« PItkup. A ul

1114 CIlEVnOLET 1 Tnn Trwk. 1- MSI 01.P«d. NEW MOTOR Su

1111 Fono Cabo.er Ttutk. t^p« 4I f Cl

l l t t FORn^rojk. l.apMd. m l lood j

■’‘■ M r t ; . ' ' ™ ' - ' ' - — -


HE W « 0 •*


IN TOWN.— a t — . ; T ?

y o u r e e ' ,MOTOR CO.


r K - W S ^ s r .nad wUla Orai

UM CtntVROLET B.lAIr Bixrt Cp*. MERadio, hMl.r, automalla Irana. |-DoBiUtkiB. IM and wblta. 11,090 man Mlualallak NEW

MtT CIIEVBOLET V-l I.Doof Sadaa. ' **®, Radle. bMler. nuUfflaUa Iran*. * *l..loa.4.»0 ACTUAL klLES . j j

UM FORO Faltlaae I.Door. Radio. ■*">« baaur, auunaU. truaailatloB. .powrr atanlax. Tbscdar-Blrd to- 'H CUEBlaa. SlIAtU' Badl.

u n FORD Falrlan. -I« .“ RMUlIful flfl O UTellow iDd wbll.. Cora»I<laly . bardi•lulppaj. NEARLY HEW f i ; ;

tIU OUSMOmu: M lOoor. Radio.-OHE^bw*KTO“ ^ Uanualailoa. •

1»M O nE V R O LE T B»lAlt Cegpa. *M BOIRadio. haaUr, and aulaaaita *-*r,UaaiinlatlaB. NICE traax

IMt FORD falrUB. '4-Door. Radl^ JS9_CHE - baaur, auumatie traBimlMloB,

power lUetlBC asd brakcalltt MERCURY MoBUter 4 .door. 5 ^

Uadlo, kMUr aod otirdrlra.ITS A r u r n ^



PH O N E RE 3-6811 ___ JA «w i.E T cro ,s«m “. . : . . , -M. pLY_________________ :___________ Radio

•a CHE



“o'ne*^/;.,?-'!?; ’*T STDlnlliua, JiulUkaB.w Inilde. *■!><»w)d oul_______________t in t

^ das. Radla brawr, Fordeaatie. '_____ 2-Uma flnUk. whluwall Ur«. low PORI-U e a^ SHARP ----------- l l l . t

IU cnrvROLrr tie 4-jeer sutioa ■ ^*£t'‘h ..i;!» .rn “a'-bluT;fat’2:

Itt RUICKBupwRlvUraCMipa. IU- 11 DOW dio, baalar, D/Baflow iraBimla- _ _ _aloa. Pewm alMrlnr, power "U ffTUL

whluwall Um. Oaa owntr Im- matslau.- Msal m« aad drln lo .

- apprwUU llTIt 'U CHE\ Itl CUEVnOLtr Blrllae Odaie *. * •***

J l ^ u Z i u i J r d T * ■» t o r i«>Ma tiBlih. ExealUal Uraa. Ko- ' > *«**

« PORIlallaa ______________ -r< 4» t ape*

— COMMERCULS— J2*2M CnEVROLET « Ton PItkat: *.

■peed (ranic^wloB. lU i l t « pir ‘81 CHSV owa.r. W»T ahS..“ a>en/. *” * «>••osdiuoi------- ------------- tu i t .J l C T ur

t l FORD H Taq Pkkap. V.|.'<9 DODC

BUNS LIES A MILLION ^ t l t wllbu

” S S r a . " h i 5 r ? £ ? & ‘r j , ^ w a y i'’•V ASK PC

MiTJin^ t . t . i . . . 1


s t o u s - PBONS SA 4 - a u . WEBTW « M a n * ; O T Z . M t .

B«ndt» 10 *1011 Q J

Jy ^ '

A U T O S FOR SALE . ?. t;iiK V K O ^ tt*.M. PI BO KE i.« u i |

w h Z t..\T ^ lo r, Phoa.^U^lT^Bakl. f lafter«. ■

B7 PONTIAO 1|U^to^^4-dnor aedin. Loaded, IT.ftOt 'j


.. Y O U N G 'S M O T O R

“Th. Let On Tb. T.rra<a“ 11 open erenli.1.___________ '

N E A R L Y N E W 1965 ‘‘

FO R D , C R O W N V IC T O R IA ''lUdlo. heaur and aulonatl.lran.o.l..loB. D e a a l i r o l red•nd whlu all new arbB allni 'ruihinn eupretae Uraa. aalf . l thUi

F A C T O R Y A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G 1Owned hr old maid a<bao]tearh.r and m lt dritea oa Uhot dare I I

Y O U R E E M O T O R CO. H4t« Norlh Mala |

RR t-IIU (Acn>a< Irom Sear.) I M

CLEAN CARSth e l are

GUARANTEED .I»4 CADIIXAC 4.door ..dan. Utull. rul bla<k finlth with faalcbint black '•nd wblu InUtlor. Draad new pr» ,nitin wblU aM.wall Um. Fullr •quipped, Uxal owner. E ieevU t^r |l«V' iiWcvjiy~r:iSr~iinu!^. I

Clramlsc (rern tad whlla. All IIIralher Inurlor. Leoka aew. llMertotnallr. radio. Uator. .white **aide walla. Cuaraalead ptrlKl. ;

HIT Do'DCB*Tdoo™V.iu™B«BuVu* 'rellow and whlla. Fsab baUon tdrlrlni. radie, baaUr, wblu aMa i twalU. tinted (law, «sa owaer. , ' '*low raltea.. _ Z ! --------- tlOtt '


Super Local owner. l^iIlr >b ra i^ m ’u ^ 'b E E T0*AFPB& ICIATE---------------------- i im



701MAIN EAST :jl

PHONE BE S-7700 l |

N U T T Y N O R T H R O P ^sa y ,, - . t - k


t h e : B U Y E R -iI S K IN G l \

T ou n u n e the Deil—W ell . l lD o tba R e s tr j l

7 W IVVB V-a Wbcod____ IM N IOraidrlTa ndl« and baatar | l

S M ERCrm Y UontcIftlr.....41M» |l-D oor.r<^ itoeriar brakaa. aU

J PLYMODTH V-8 B e L lW l i I doer. Radio, baalar and Orardttrt. - .J NASH RuBbler w tt<m _4ieM 111

Aulo. Irana. ladl* » bMlar IflI CUEV V-8 6U. w m __ IlM f I

Radio, baaur. power llUb I jI OLDS B8 d.daof.---------41MI l l

bardlop. Radio, baaUr, asl* tn u . jwrew.r hrakM. |U

1 PORD V-8 <-door__:— t i e s ■' Radio, baaur. o-drlti. ■BUICK SpeclaL— __41M 84-dr. bardup. Radio, b«u r, aatk ^ ||traax. power (taarin* and brakia. W

-SF:^“Sn=5s'“‘ ISTODB Cbamp 4-dr----- llOOt IRadio, beatar. eratdtiia. ■NASH WamMM» . t«MCocnlrr dab bardton Radio. bMler, agio, trmna. CoBUaeatal UbPORD CustomUni a - d r _ tU 8Radio, bMlar, auto. trau.PORD V-8 «-<tr , tM I Radio, bMUr, aala, (nia.

.P L ^ O T T l ^^ MM

CHEV 310 Sport C pe.__44MRadio, beatar. powatilida.PACKABO 4-door_;___ t» *Sadia, baatw. asla. trtia. ■PONTIAO a > d o o r _ _ t u sRadio, baalar, ttd. Inaa. .

P IC K U P S ■ _PORO U ton , < fpeed_l41 iM

PORD % ton , i speed___«UIS

CHEVV-a U toa,Sspd-41U B

CHEV H ton , 4 speed.—

D0IX3S H ton, 4 ipeed— N tt

ffTUDE H ton . orerdrlTe—t n s

T R U C K SCHEV V-8, a totL______ DUS ■I apaed aad 1 tpeed

P O R D V - ia to n -----------SUM " ,Sapeedaale * > ,PORO V-8, a ton______ tU M . ' VtapeedaxU'POKDi-T-a-------- 1--------« l» l ■ ^Cab *««r. S.apaal txte.CHEV, a ton:— :---------U i m ‘ —.

tlp o o d tx l. ■0r u D S . a - t o n _ _ — ’t-epeed nal* aad atMk iMkDODOS IH tnh . l . , ; ------mw llhijfaU bad. . . . ,

Iw a y a ^ u y * C e r tif le d l" - V ';

K POR ; '. N ntty.N orU aop - c

w .1 ,W,


Page 16: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF190/PDF/1… · Scoreboar yjgs ;a..ixUSo. W51---------piissians RainEiK West oi LONDON, June 6'

- P A G S a n T E E H

Id iaho C ollege L is ts Summei

-------- ^SchoolEveriIDAHO STATE COLLEGE; P<

f UUo.- June Mon' “ opens the 1958 »umrofr leulon

Idaho 8U t« college. C Iu iu ( Tue»d»y. Bummer Khool ( Aug. 1.

• ' icUho BUM «-1)l offer lU ’ cam Ih Jn ao llelfJ* UiU fumroef, Kcort

m Dr. Clwence C. Moore, fumi I truloD director. In »ddltloo Ui

.1) U1I1 be the FBI U w Enforetiii ■caggiiiy Juiw H iiiwpth H i

. »ummer mu»lo c*ina for high »c ' ' . »tudenU June 18 Uiroujh 24 wi'

conference of Id iho trtde >nd duslrlftj te tcheri June 19 Ihrci 33.

The iU t« textbook Improvcm ' ‘ commllUe metU »t IfiC Juni

Uirough IS *nd the Lutheran L man's league holds a convenUon

, the cwnpui June 30 through n ISO ll a iponior of lhe fifth i

nuaJ Idaho coachu aw xlat coaching d lnle a( Sun Valtrjr A

' i Uirough a. ‘

I Summer aeulona' ituilent bM Include many public achool teaehi New income tax proTWoM, »h permit worktof teacher* to ded aummer achool expenic*, may i to thia tummer'a enrollment.

Several plcnlct. ouUloar mor (wlmmlng and aquare danclog among the Itemi on the lumi recreation schedule. An alUcami get actjualnted picnic June 13 U ' {Inl social event on Uie lumn


Hagerman Votes Ili To Check Wat<III HAOEIIMAN. June t-Th« vllli IU board roled to Uln-t»o ump •M of water from the pipes each mon

to b« ien t to the healUi depn ment In Boise for teilln*. Mrs. Frs. Olauner vUl send Uie saeiples.

| l | -ni# problem of draining pu(kcn Uie through street e u t or tw was discussed and I t « u voted conUct Uie highway dtportmei

The library will remain doe unUl lha booka are all cataloced ai on the ahelves. Four member* a tended with M*yor finerson Pu mire conducting.

B O O tir BLATEO JEROME. June S — Memben

the E ast End UvMlocken plann a booth for lha July 3 eelebntli

I In Hazelton a t Uielr l u t meeUi a t Uie AJbert Slelnmeta home. 3 Bruno w u named to appoint a cor

j mlltee for the road tl jn project.


Buy-O-Raij N o w i s t h e

f o r t h o » V a c ot


REG. 6 .9 5 I FR O N T S................... ..

REG. 3 .9 5REARS____ ________ Pa


BRAHA Iiq Port* and

A IR ^ V A C U U M - H

I H Y D R A U LIC f« r Coi



S m iX liir 1 . ■ H h r t h t -

Regular 1.98 SPEC IA L...

I 'Z i? LINiW t - H a r t Soir

USED MCC oll U l fo r YeO n t B rand N iW ILLY S JEEPa n d Port* to J

H undreds oREMEMBER: '

T w i n IEast U s* o f O n

v » i n w 3


ge Local Delegat ner National Soi

hai been JniUUed treaiurer ot P o a - nocky m ounU ln region of uie

1 Monday tem iU onal buslneu sororltjf, AJj

«1 ends aervB for two yean.SU delegates from Kappa D<

chapter of Twin Pall* Buslii eflllege a ttended Uie lOUi reglo

” conclave a t Albuq'ueniue Satun ; and Sunday. Thoia alWndln* *:00 were Puller, sponsor. • ipTctnient M ,rouerlt« Montgomery, alumr

W - E ! i i c - S m r t i m n r r igh scntwi Sandra Dowd.U and a .^.^0 T w in PalU chapter of A1[

’"J loU . a lthough Uie youngest chi te r In :lho Hoeky MounUln regl U Uie la rgest actlVe chapter la

rovenicnl region which include* ArUona. > Jun* II Mexico. Colorado. Utah and Ida

r*n Lay- The Twin Pall* delegates recel ■nllon on special recognltloii and the altei gh 33. ance award lo r having traveled t fifth »n- iher th*n any other group prew j«l*llon Ml*» Borah, prwldent of the I!p» Au« «■' chaptcr. gave Uie Invocation

^ ' Uie luncheon Saturday.. v. 1 . Col. W ilfred •McCormick, autl

7 and lecturer, ajid Mr*, H. L, Heu profe**or of buslneu admlnUtrat

? 5 ' . I t U>* un lv e n lty of New Mex;0 deduct principal speaker* a t Ui» c< may addnt. __________________

' I S Journeys, Guests Related for Edf

lumnier ' e DEN. June » -M r, and Mrs. D Thompoon. S alt Lake City, arri Tuesday a t the home of Mr. i Mrs. Ivan B arr and LorelU and

;6 S W ednesday, the B tm and J. . . Thompson w ent fishing. f l t C r ' Mr. and Mra. KenneUi Bnol'd i

daughters le fl Sunday for Cam e viiuge [a a ttend graduation Mcrelsei

the University of Idaho where J H monto broUicr 1* a member ot (d e ^ ru plan jo be awsy a we

Mrs. Hnrold Bauer b attending I iple*. In the ir absence.1 puddle llobe rU K ay SUcnmets fell In or town Twin Palla store la it Friday i roted to verely cu tting her lip. She « irtment. uested a t the Twin Fall* Clli I cloud hospital.ced and Mr*. Dave Davli vUUed a t Po< x a st- tello and a ttended Uie grnduaU )n Pug- exercises of h e r granddaughter.


iben of aide K nicknacks club met a t t planned home of Mr*. H. V. Jinklns TUesd tbntlon to plan «n a lM ay meeUng durl meeting which members wlU glre demo ime. £d itratJons. W anda Jenklni Is a n . a com- member, Berdell Branch, preside: led . conducted the meeting.

m m

tama ^ 0 0t h e t i m e t o g e t y o u r

a c o t i o n T r i p , o r f o r J


3 9 5


S i T i r S a fond S i r r lc a *°

ELECTRIC— C D n r iC o t , o n d T r u c k ! SPECI


[TINGUISHERSor T railer H om es

her T y p t, H a itd y , h r t— E oiy to l / » t

•” . . i 9 8 c

NINGS y s EXSome Good G o o J

MOTORS Oilr Y our N eed* F Oi New A rm y ilEEP BLOCK 'to A m m b i t B A

Is of Small M iscellaneousER: "Y o u C o n M ost A lw oy* Find I:

Falls A u tC i t y ( K t m b e r l y R o o d )

ate Is.Chosen for lorority’s Treasure

of Mr. • • * •. i n — ,;m*..;ar,».tai,,—-

nUon -

* DelU Duslnesa regional

ng wereir .'M ra . B K ..lumnae, .1: J -

if Alphai chap- "

region, ■' ■r In the ■■ina. New fCI Idaho. recelved attend*

far* present. the lo*

Itlon a t


stration • •Hagerman V i s i t sIIAOERMAN, June « -M n . N

LA rnnaga and son, Bro«-nIee *:

t e tlo n . llomeitead: Ore., are guesU M r. and Mrs. Martin Curran, r Qordon Marzh Is visiting :

l l f l p t i RTftndparcnta, Mr. and Mn, IIow« M arsh . Jits parents, Mr. and M

irt.Dave Calv in Marsh. Hells canyon, wi arrived w eek-end gueiU, Also vUlUng I

tJr, and M oroha wero their son and daug and on ter>ln*law, Mr, snd M n. Pic

id Mr*. M a rsh and Allsn. Ilslley, Mr. a M rs. WllllAm B e n so n ,- Nam:

a l'd an d M arah 's slater, snd Mr. and W Canada K e ith Patterson, Bol<e.


. « n d Splee 4-11 club will meel in , tha 10 a . m . Tueadsy wlUi each meml

* lA give a demonstration Lunche 111 I n «

“ G U A R A N T E E D


S S ; S E R V I C E

D e n t u r e R c p la c e m c n t f T R e p a ir* while you w oit

McDOW'Stduring D E N T A L L A B

demon- (OppodU Idaho’Tbealw) a new m j . j j j i

esldent, ^ BbMboM NorUt

scialsur c a r in shape r S u m m er Driving.

Im p a lo R t e r S ea t

SPEAKERSKits Com plete

R e g u lo r ' e n d HI-FI S P E C IA L PRICES


Dfety BELTSt o F i t C o r* o r Truck*

o r 7 .9 5 m f k m

;cial. . . . 4 . 9 5



CLEANERI t 's th e Um« of year lo tiean OBt yoo r rodUler.

RE G . 2 .5 0 1 A O S P E C I A L ___ ■ • T T i r

jXCHAHGKw o d ~ S to c i r o f "C yclone"


O n S a l e ' ^ ' a


u s I t e m s O n S o l o !

id I t ^ - o r td f o r L e t t ot

jtp P artsR E 3 - 2 6 1 6


j r Pocatello Group Plans New Bai

POCATELLO. June 8 W»-An plication for a naUonol bank cl

■ I t was eent to the U. a , co. B i b troUer of currency tn Washing

D, C . about 10 days ago. Ge< Phillips, eQ-st^nney.aAid yester

"AlUiough we asked for and

B :I : : , | y |


, l n v '

3itsuesU of

Ing hlK 1 ' - Howard

were Ing the daugh-


Nampa, nd M n . '.V

) Sugar

member i incheon ■

•E a k A r i o

cnta TEAM an I C O U N T\ l i l iW M ''e f '« h « B 0 i„ . ■ ■ IU i-B a te t td a 7 V ^ '8 i; . «inwkirat«otRMij

' : . ■ , .U i« 'o (y o B r Ufeil

r ' : ; K 9


'T A K E -n

A n f Ifo For I

t w i n F A L tS , IDAHO

M ired tecbnlMl help front o fO dal I p of th e Idaho P in t National Bonk b y I Boise, this Is not to be a b ranch o > 3 n K th s t bank.'* Phillip* u id . “TbU U i -A n sp - *roup of local clUrens. AU o n o nk char- the opinion, backed by the ir money >JK2SP. Uial.U ieaJm >pn»-hrre.foiUPP»ie;

b snk . . . We sre se t to go soon ofte;

esUrt»y. “ **P y*" ' • "n . »*Crow togM aah .G lob .B eed .A dv

g j j g j k i

B w | M' ' -'J '^1

H : - '

:a s t o p c o m e iand th e WINSTG TY PEA PICKER!B eet fB a-fU M weAeaas e ter e t tbe « T d \ 8 d ' S n ^ } B i th e H oere ’u d h « . j>a*glri I i i u a m 1« ;je la 'iB U tt 'e e W n ite - . * i U t *

f y g M

V , - r ; V ^ ' i -

IT-O R I f Bv iT !" 'r i ' - D o u b l e i V

i i l M i M I M M W M

i i H M r A i

I'fb ieft. tre e b e i t m eetti'tn^ 'u 004.-' ( I 'rtiade*' : cooked and teaMoed ex* ' \ 1 Jy. to j ^ r t j f o u f d l a w ». truly ' | - ■

fa n r ^ ^ L tf in n lf ' ' ^T .SO |

^S^lKinffHiUJudge’s Tul Fines 6 Violatoio n of K IN O inL U JuneB — 8 1 jp « tc money, wera fined for traffic vtolaU( ,nother early Uil* week by Ju stice cf tn aJS Peici-Eytm -Bhm aaiC----------------

Pined for over weight truck lot were AusUn V. Oullck. PrtnevL

„ Ore., M3 snd cosu .. B urton Sander*. Kendrick. »27 a n d coe

d.A dv. DMilel P. OoeU. Btm Valley. >13

1 ^ . 'H i’'.W -

lEDYrON I : -m■RS!; :P B v a p b f-girt • b u A I.iiLiTtuie ' 7y/?afalRiMl

W i t W

■ H IIJI l i A m iA a a U ^ ^ ' M i ’

^ _ • ; . . heU m r fee

I .

p t ^ p p

\ m A U. I

trn m: H H

• , , , , ' ; " F u n ; S p p t . ' S o i i

> M d coeU; Jow ph L. Adams. Bsriey ; 8 * IiM and coats, and. Joseph B

W illiams Boise, tS and coaU. r n r s Uanuel Wlke, Tu-tn Palli, vmj ( • v x o 110 snd cosU for excesspe/toes weight on his truck. ilaUOQs ■ — •o t U te ________J 3 iU Il_ ia -M E tT ^ —

JEflOME. Jua* e — The, Canyon k loads side Champions will meet a l t p, m nevUle, Thursday a t the Wayne Mort home » n A. Karen Livens, president, conductec

costs; Ui« la st meeUng a t Banbury llo , >13.50 Springs. ________________

• . i v l i


lo u t A Doubt, T t

A I M P U S Sl^linjielrica Today! |• U b m g b i to yee direct trees HBOt • ( r fe r Sal«|rtar. *04 8 « ^ *« ttu U jc« » I t l i imc* Boret Come in r iy . . . get 1& eti u i|

hfPfcilRp H v S j l

E E E ^ n

l i l lio iitiipf

'^ I P A Y . JU N E g

Surley, ------ -

C a ll1. was _

““ Colonialf o r Q u a l i f y

i i i C O R C R E T j .

- . . 'i'r. ■ .

it OSCARBllEAkS ALL-tfME n t a i t a i n m e n t R t c o n j

. ' I ^

------------- ~ r

B :Sat: .- pile

ae s u i t : !m .. '- : lesl

W '\ Uie•'• ■■: ' '

P« corn

■ S ? * T ? 5 ? 7 ^ . ? - T < - e » e iWP : . ; , f . -r ■ h3pI • . , . plsi

) ' s;f . ed


’ ed If|n\s;TW*'«w ■ Hr i K l W f V 7 > % i ^ obtj


S B r E B : theiS B » a W % f l ^ i f SUll

- ^ ^ H h V- sbs

» • ' ■' ^^ 8 ” ' L-<

........................ in t- • r ••'. • •• Ju s t

T he Most £

;h o w Sn

■■ i ■ TTe «ORANO O U C P S r •*•■ B lfhi.elttU ikw aB deifa) ]Mi Ikli wh«U ohowl 111 an J

I ■ . ' ■ ' • BO, t 8rwhm gorer secoD


: U I B ptibii!r^, rtelec

' ;r’M m clitii-Pour-

. prorn

The•' : l ' ••' •' ‘

s .pcuii


I P R f f

NDAY!W g g g g ^ I

i t t j
