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Scott Smith: Managing Digital Content

Date post: 28-Nov-2014
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Scott Smith of ChicagoMag.com talks about online tools that can help editors in reporting and storytelling as well as time management and organization.
Managing Digital Content Presented by Scott Smith
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Managing Digital Content Presented by Scott Smith

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Who Am I?Director of Digital Strategy for Chicago magazine- Web, e-mail newsletters, mobile, social media

Formerly Web editor at Playboy.com, Time Out Chicago, Chicagoist

Someone who uses almost all of these tools

Lousy at making PowerPoint presentations

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What I'll cover todayTools for producing and distributing digital content What do these tools do?

What problems do they solve?

Why they work

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What I won't cover todayHow you'll use them

Best practices iPad applications


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What these tools help you doReport PublishPromote


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Top 5 toolsEvernote Wordpress Tweetdeck

Storify Google Analytics

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EvernoteWhat does it do? Store and collect notes, links, images, sound Why does it work? Collect via multiple platforms; all content in one place organized via tags

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TweetdeckWhat does it do? Organizes Twitter friends, followers, mentions, searches Why does it work? Fast access to lots of information from multiple accounts

Caveats: Lacks internal analytics

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StorifyWhat does it do? Takes several tweets, videos, blog posts, pictures and organizes them into a conversation Why does it work? Allows you to follow back and forth between users; organize responses; add notes

Caveats: Clunky interface

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WordPressWhat does it do? Creates an in-house site or CMS without purchasing a separate product Why does it work? Customizable, scalable, flexible

Caveats: You'll need a developer, servers, hosting

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Google AnalyticsWhat does it do? Tracks website traffic and usage Why does it work? The most robust set of tracking tools available for free; easy to install

Caveats: Tough to drill down into

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Other tools for managing content

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TumblrWhat does it do? Creates communities around blog content; allows for easily republishing Why does it work? Makes it easy to quickly publish a variety of content: video, photo, text, chats, etc.

Caveats: Content is hosted off your site

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VimeoWhat does it do? Publish great-looking video and store it online Why does it work? Accessible and embeddable anywhere

Caveats: Size limitations without Pro subscription; noncommercial use Kaltura Community Edition - Open source solution

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UstreamWhat does it do? Live-stream events/discussions online to a wide audience Why does it work? Social media integration especially Facebook; runs on any site and many mobile phones

Caveats: Quality dependent on equipment

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SoundCloudWhat does it do? Store, send and publish audio online, allow for downloading or embedding

Why does it work? Embeddable on a variety of sites; professional-looking; easy-to-use

Caveats: Free version limited; Google's Flash player if storage not an issue

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FlickrWhat does it do? Display and store photos from content creators or community members Why does it work? Easy to upload, tag, create galleries

Caveats: Won't integrate with analytics/ads on your site

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Cover It LiveWhat does it do? Live chat with readers; incorporates video, social media, polls Why does it work? Promotes your intelligence, instant feedback

Caveats: Need a producer + talent

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Twitter listsWhat does it do? Keeps track of Twitter users by topic Why does it work? Bookmarking; immediate access to sources; can be used in a widget

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UberSocialWhat does it do? Access to full Twitter functionality on a mobile phone without need to access site Why does it work? Integrates geolocation into tweets; works well across various platforms; live-tweet from the field

Caveats: Occasionally slow

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TwitpicWhat does it do? Hosts photos taken with a mobile phone/posts to Twitter, Facebook, etc Why does it work? Allows for posting of and promotion of content at the same time

Caveats: Can't auto-tag, organize easily

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Bit.lyWhat does it do? Shortens links for posting to Twitter and other social media; displays some analytics Why does it work? More room for comments; encourages retweets; tracks reach

Caveats: Works best on site, not in mobile apps

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ChartbeatWhat does it do? Real-time tracking of traffic and which pages have the most readers Why does it work? Instant feedback; displays engagement

Caveats: $10/month for only one site, two logins

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Google AlertsWhat does it do? Tracks mentions of you, your brand or the subjects you cover Why does it work? Infinite possibilities, varied tracking and reporting ability

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Google MapsWhat does it do? Organizes location information in a map Why does it work? Gives readers context for venue-heavy writeups

Caveats: Tough to include longer blurbs

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LinkedInWhat does it do? Allows for publishing a resume or other professional profile and track contacts Why does it work? A way to keep the professional separate from the personal

Caveats: Most functionality requires pay or revealing profile

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DisqusWhat does it do? Organize, moderate, publish and promote comments on your site Why does it work? Works on many sites; most CMSs don't handle comments well; treats comments like content

Caveats: Content is hosted off of your site

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Sites for researchMashable Romenesko MediaShift

Expanded list of free/cheap tools:http://lisa-bu.blogspot.com/p/tools.html

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Contact InfoEmail: [email protected] Twitter: @ourmaninchicago Tumblr: ourmaninchicago.tumblr.com

Links from this presentation: On the ASBPE site

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Q&AWorkflow: Basecamp or Campfire
