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Scotwork - Raport z badań nad skutecznością szkoleń

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Od 1991 roku oceniamy wpływ naszego doradztwa, w tym szkoleń na pracę naszych absolwentów i ich przełożonych, oraz analizujemy ich wyniki.Przeprowadziliśmy takie badania na ponad 15 000 absolwentach i ponad 5 000 przełożonych. Wciąż kontynuujemy monitorowanie wyników naszej pracy na całym świecie.
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Measuring Successful Training
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Measuring Successful Training

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A follow up study of 5,000 Course Participantsand their Managers to assess the

benefits of theScotwork Negotiating Skills

training course

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Every year industry and commerce spend billions of Pounds, Euros, Dollars etc. onManagement Development. The overall results evidently produce better managementperformance - but how do you assess the contribution of any one element? How doyou weigh up the relative benefits of competing courses in the same management dis-cipline?

With other products and services, it is possible to measure objective criteria; responsetimes, reliability, copies per minute.

Information-based topics can be assessed by a formal exam and pass rates can becompared, given a large enough sample; but with a SKILLS course the change inperformance is much harder to measure. The measures are more subjective, there isno control group against which to gauge any improvement and the trainee has to havehad the chance to use the skills in the workplace. Some of the benefits such as “im-proved use of time”, “improved confidence” are very difficult to measure. All trainingproduces some measure of benefit to the participant, so how to compare those bene-fits relative to other courses?

We believe that the SCOTWORK NEGOTIATING SKILLS course does produce a resultwhich can be measured in financial terms and in 1991 we set out to prove it.We assessed the impact of the course as rreeppoorrtteedd bbyy tthhee ppaarrttiicciippaannttss,, we then addeda study of their lliinnee mmaannaaggeerrss’’ ooppiinniioonnss of the change in performance, and finally welooked for ootthheerr ccoommppaarraabbllee rreesseeaarrcchh against which we could benchmark our results.Over 15,000 participants and 5,000 of their managers have taken part in this survey.This report contains the results from 5,000 participants who attended the Scotworkcourse in 2004, 2005 and 2006; and 620 of their managers.

7 Fortrose Street,GLASGOW G11 5NU,United Kingdom

Tel: + 44 141-357 3989 [email protected]

Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Mauritius, Mexico, Middle East, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine,

United Kingdom, USA

Investing???... in Training?

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Most valuable training activity Pace Content, teaching methods and enjoyment Course materials of continuing value SCOTWORK Tutors Improved performance Financial return Total benefit Personal benefits Comparison with other coursesSo that’s what you think - but what about your boss?


Why them? What did they hope to achieve? Did they achieve it? What was the participant’s opinion of the course? How did it compare to their colleagues’ opinions? Are they trying to use the skills? Has it saved money? Total benefit Is the benefit increasing or decreasing? Was the training investment worthwhile? Were they briefed, de-briefed and followed up?






Contents 4








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Most Valuable Training Activity

“From which single activity did you feel that you learnedthe most?”

SCOTWORK pioneered the use of video recorded case-plays as a teaching method in the 1970s and 66% of participants felt that they learned most from thisone activity. Observing others in the same situation wasthe top activity with another 14% of participants. Formal theory input was placed top by only 6%.


The SCOTWORK course is run with great intensity; over

25 hours of learning packed into three days. Over 82% scored PACE in the top two categories - VerySatisfactory and Quite Satisfactory, 14% as Satisfactoryand only 4% as Less Satisfactory.

Content, Teaching Methods and Enjoyment

94% scored Content, Methodsand Enjoyment in the top twocategories with Enjoyment scoring particularly well. SCOTWORK has always be-lieved that learning can be fun.

Course Materials of Continuing Value

“Do you refer to the Leather Personal Organiser andCourse Handouts which you received on the course?”

So many handouts from so many courses end up in somany cupboards never to be read again. SCOTWORKtackles this problem by presenting the course notes in acompact A6 leather organiser and by printing the noteson plastic coated long-life paper; as well as having thenotes available for download from our website to their computer or PDA.

As a resultan amaz-ing 81%of partic-

ipants are still referring to the course notes 3 months after the course!

Improved Performance

“Do you feel that your negotiating performance has im-proved as a result of the course?”

After three months 96% of participants said YES. We think that this is an acceptable result.70% felt they were more in control of the negotiatingprocess. Over 50% reported that they had improved inhandling both external and internal business conflict.47% made fewer concessions and 30% gained more con-cessions when negotiating.


“Would you recommend the Scotwork Negotiating Skillscourse to anyone else?”99% of participants would recommend the course and53% had already done so. Indeed the vast majority ofour new clients come from recommendations.


66% of participants learned most from video recorded case-play

YES 99%YES 99%

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Financial Return

“Has your employer been able to gain a benefit of atleast £2,000 (€3,000) in time or money as a result ofyour attendance on the course?”

49% said YES, their employer hadmade a saving of at least £2,000and of these 2233%% claimed they haddone it on the first negotiation afterthe course!

45% said they cannot measure thebenefits to their employer in financial terms.



Total Benefit“Can you estimate the total financial benefit over the last3 months?”

58%, who could measure a financial benefit (including personal benefit), shown as a % of the wholesample, estimated a total figure for the previous threemonths of:

13% estimated £5,000 to £10,0009.4% estimated £10,000 to £20,0006.4% estimated £20,000 to £50,0003.4% estimated £50,000 to £100,0004.6% estimated £100,000 and over

If a total of 14.4% of ALL participants are saving over£20,000 then this represents a spectacular rate of return. That is an average of one person from each course saving the total course investment cost, including fees,travel, accommodation, etc.

13% -

12% -

11% -

10% -

9% -

8% -

7% -

6% -

5% -

4% -

3% -

2% -

1% -

0% -

£5k £10k £20k £50k £100k +


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Personal Benefits“What benefits, if any, have you personally received as aresult of attending the course?”

The course teaches participants to UNDERSTAND the ne-gotiating process, to RECOGNISE the skills which can bebrought to bear in a negotiation and PRACTISE theseskills in a non-threatening environment. As a result:

Participants could score more than one category in this question.

Comparison with other courses“How did the Scotwork course compare with the BESTskill courses you have attended in the last 2 years?”

Of the 58% who indicated that they had been on a comparable course:

41% said the SCOTWORK course was the equal of bestand 54% said the SCOTWORK course was THE BEST THATTHEY HAD ATTENDED over the previous 2 years.

69% would like to come back on the Scotwork course formore!

So that’s what you think – but what about your Boss?If the participants thought that they were now brilliantnegotiators, what did their managers think? We added a3 month follow-up survey targeted at the managers ofcourse participants. This requires those participants,who had completed the survey, to forward an email totheir manager inviting them to complete an on-line questionnaire.

There were several challenges: we did not know who themanagers were, the managers may have had several oftheir staff attend the course, would they complete a formfor every one of them? The managers might be less com-mitted to the course and therefore less likely to fill out aquestionnaire and, if they themselves had not attendedthe course, would they even recognise improved negoti-ating performance?

In spite of these difficulties an astonishing 13.2% of managers have taken the trouble to complete the survey. This compares with a 31% participant response rate.

70%of participants reported an improved level ofCONFIDENCE

68%felt that their negotiations were MORE SATISFYING

35%had improved their interpersonal RELATIONSHIPS and

18%felt that their CAREER PROSPECTShad been enhanced.


twork Neg





Worse Sam

e Better




Calibre of tutors

Teaching methods

Course materials

Changing behaviour

Practical application

45.2% 56.9% 58.5% 50.2% 58.2% 54.3% 52.9% 54.5%

45.5% 39.0% 36.6% 45.5% 37.9% 40.1% 42.6% 41.3%


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Survey of Managers

“Why was this person chosen to attend?

44% of participants were identified at annual appraisal,only 3.6% were a last minute replacement.A pleasing 25% reported that the SCOTWORK course was“AUTOMATIC FOR THIS GROUP”. Another 12.6% ASKEDTO BE SENT ON THE COURSE, perhaps reflecting the 53%of participants who had already recommended thecourse.

What Did They Hope to Achieve?

We started with a list of those things which the participants reported that they had achieved and askedthe managers to list their objectives.

An overwhelming 88.5%marked “IMPROVED NEGOTIATING PERFORMANCE” with “Im-proved level of confidence” second with 49%.

Managers could choose multiple objectives.

Did They Achieve It?

The managers reported that, of the total number of theirobjectives, 86% were met in full.

What Was the Participant’s Opinion of the Course?

Our customers are both the course participants and theiremployers. The opinion which they express to their manager in private, matters a great deal to us. It is thisopinion which affects the manager’s confidence in theSCOTWORK course and the justification for their continued investment in this form of training.

The managers reported that 98% thought that thecourse was ABOVE AVERAGE with 49% rating it as EX-CELLENT; only one person said it was Below Average!







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19% -

18% -

17% -

16% -

15% -

14% -

13% -

12% -

11% -

10% -

9% -

8% -

7% -

6% -

5% -

4% -

3% -

2% -

1% -

0% -

£5k £10k £20k £50k £100k +

Total Benefit

“Can you estimate the total financial benefit over the last3 months?”

372 of the managers responding who estimated a totalbenefit –

18.5% estimated £5,000 to £10,000

12.9% estimated £10,000 to £20,000

9.9% estimated £20,000 to £50,000

7% estimated £50,000 to £100,000

6.2% estimated £100,000 and over

Are They Trying to Use the Skills?

Would the managers know what skills had been taught?Fortunately, 64% of the managers had already attendedthe SCOTWORK course and, of the rest, we must assumethat they understand the concepts taught, because98.5% of the managers replied to the question.

Would the managers be in a position to observe the participants in action frequently enough to answer thequestion: “Are you aware of this person trying to use any of theskills taught?”

91% said YES they had seen the person trying to usethe skills...

...and 84% could identify specificinstances where they

did use the skills.




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Has It Saved You Money?

We asked the managers the same question, “Has this resulted in a benefit to the organisation of atleast £2,000 (€3,000)?” and 98% of them responded.

43% said YES while 55% could not measure the benefitin financial terms.

Our target is to show a 3 month return of around 10 timesthe course fee. The managers estimate that 12.9%achieved it, and the 64% who fell below the target weremore than compensated for by the 23% who over-achieved by a considerable margin.

Were They Briefed, De-Briefed and Followed Up?

72% of participants were formally briefed in advance

53% of participants were formally de-briefed afterwards

26% of participants had an action plan drawn up

16% of participants had had a review of their action plan

Is the Benefit Increasing or Decreasing?

“Over time, is any benefit gained from the training: constant / increasing / decreasing ? ”

People very quickly forget what they have learned unlessthey have an opportunity to practice the skills.

In answer to the question 2.6% said Decreasing, 46.5% said Constant and a surprising 51% said Increasing.

This could be explained both by the high level of ongoing reference to the course notes and to the fact thatskills improve with practice.

Was the Training Investment Worthwhile?

98% of managers who answered said YES.











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Pace of course 41.7 40.6 13.9 3.4 0.4

CCoouurrssee ccoonntteenntt 60.2 33.7 5.4 0.8 0

TTeeaacchhiinngg mmeetthhooddss 61.8 32.1 5.4 0.7 0

LLeevveell ooff

eennjjooyymmeenntt//ffuunn 59.1 33.6 6.5 0.7 0

SSuuiittaabbiilliittyy ooff

ccoouurrssee vveennuuee 42.5 37.0 16.0 3.5 1.0

Very satisfactory

Quite satisfactory


Less satisfactory

Not satisfactory

Course tutors -Overall 63.5 32.0 4.2 0.3 0

Course tutors - Experience of real world 56.5 35.7 7.2 0.6 0

Course tutors - Understanding of your industry 23.2 45.6 27.2 3.8 0.2

Course tutors - How well they worked together 52.6 36.2 9.8 1.0 0.1

Course tutors - Sensitivity to your needs 36.9 45.5 15.7 1.7 0.2

Formal Lectures - Clarity of lecturer 54.8 38.2 6.8 0.3 0

Formal Lectures - Content 54.0 39.2 6.6 0.2 0

Formal Lectures - Humour 57.7 33.6 8.0 0.6 0.1

Formal Lectures - Pace of lectures 41.5 41.0 14.6 2.8 0.1

Formal Lectures - Presentation 49.7 40.9 8.9 0.4 0

Very satisfactory

Quite satisfactory


Less satisfactory

Not satisfactory

Scotwork Negotiating SkillsParticipants’ Questionnaire Data


QQ11 Looking back on the course what was the most memorable aspect?

Open Question (Literal answer)

QQ22 From which single activity did you feel that you learned the most?

Lectures 6.6

Negotiating cases 35.4

Having own case evaluated 25.2

In discussion with Tutors 7.1

Preparing cases 6.3

Watching other cases 14.0

Working with others 4.5

Reading notes afterwards 1.0

Number of Replies 5156

Q3 Looking back at the course, how happy were you with the following factors?

Q 4 Please comment on any factors which were less


Open Question

Q5 Do you refer to the Leather Personal Organiser and Course Handouts, which you received on the course?

Yes 80.6

No 19.4

Q6 Which three elements of the course do you remember most?

Having a “Wish List” 56.6

Avoiding giving “Elk Steaks” 53.9

Having a structure for preparation 40.3

Using proposals to move negotiation forward 37.1

Giving the other party what they want, on your terms 32.5

How to recognise signals 24.3

Using good questions to improve the quality of the Argue Step 17.8

Analysing where you are in a negotiation by using the 8 steps 17.3

Putting a price on demand 15.7

Recognising closing opportunities 12.2

Valuing concessions in the other party’s terms 11.7

How to propose a remedy when you have a complaint 8.5

The factors affecting Competitive/Co-operative behaviour 2.7

Q7 Looking back at the course, how happy were you with the following factors?

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Scotwork Negotiating SkillsParticipants’ Questionnaire Data

Q8 Do you feel that your negotiating performance has improved as a result of the course?

Yes 96.3

No 3.7

Q9 If yes, in which areas has it improved?

With internal organisational conflicts 50.7

With external organisational conflicts 53.5

With domestic conflicts 24.8

More open discussion of causes of conflict 26.9

More in control of the negotiation process 69.9

Better use of time 29.5

Fewer concessions given 47.5

More concessions gained 31.1

Other 4.1

Q10 If you answered No to Question 8: Why do you feel that your negotiating performance has NOT improved?

Open Question

Q11 Has your employer been able to gain a benefit of at least £2,000 in time or money as a result of your attendance on the course?

Yes 48.8

No 7.1

Cannot measure saving 44.1

Q12 How soon did you exceed that amount?

On first negotiation 23.0

Within one month 37.9

Within three months 39.1

Q12a Can you estimate the total benefit over the last three months?

Under £5000 35.6

£5,000 - £10,000 22.8

£10,000 - £20,000 16.0

£20,000 - £50,000 11.2

£50,000 - £100,000 6.0

£100,000 and over 8.4

Q13 Why have you not been able to effect a saving?

Have not had opportunity to use the skills 86.0

Have not tried to use the skills 3.6

Tried to use the skills but did not achieve any benefit 10.4

Q14 What benefits, if any, have you personally received as a result of your attendance on the course?

Enhanced career prospects 17.8

Improved level of confidence 70.6

More satisfying negotiations 68.6

Improved inter-personal relationships 34.6

Other 3.9

Q15 In what ways do you feel that the course could have been improved?

Open Question

Q16 Have you attended any other short management skills courses in the last two years?

Yes 57.6

No 42.4

Q16a If YES, what was the subject of other courses which you rated most highly?

Selling 9.8

Negotiating 7.5

Purchasing/Buying 3.1

Leadership 32.3

Outward Bound 2.6

Presentation 17.2

Interviewing/Appraisal 5.3

NLP 1.5

Other 20.7


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Q17 How did the Scotwork course compare with that course on:

Pace 45.2 45.5 9.2

Content 56.9 39.0 4.1

Enjoyment 58.5 36.6 4.9

Calibre of tutors 50.2 45.5 4.3

Teaching methods 58.2 37.9 4.0

Course materials 54.3 40.15 0.6

Changing your behaviour 52.9 42.6 4.5

Practical application 54.5 41.3 4.2




Scotwork Negotiating SkillsParticipants’ Questionnaire Data

Q18 Would you recommend the Scotwork Negotiating Skills

course to any one else?

Have already done so 53.1

Yes 45.8

No 1.0

Q19 Would you like further negotiating training from Scotwork to improve/update your skill level?

Yes 68.4

No 31.6

Q20 What is your job function?

Sales 32.0

Purchasing 14.4

Production 3.8

Distribution 2.0

Staff 4.5

Professional 15.4

Government 2.2

Other 25.5

Q21 Were you on an Open (public) Course or a One-Company Course?

Open Course 33.7

One-Company Course 66.3

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Scotwork Negotiating SkillsManagers’ Questionnaire Data

Q1 Why were they chosen to attend?

Need identified at appraisal 44.3

Were invited to attend 21.6

Asked to be sent on course 12.6

Course is automatic for group 25.3

Late replacement for someone 3.6

Other 5.1

Number of Replies 620

Q2 What did you hope to achieve by their attendance?

Better negotiating performance 88.5

Improved level of confidence 49.2

Improved their use of time 15.2

Improved inter-personal relations 23.3

Other 3.8

Q3 Did you achieve all of your target objectives?

Yes 85.6

No 14.4

Q4 If NO, which objectives did you not achieve?

Better negotiating performance 46.7

Improved level of confidence 20.7

Improved their use of time 23.9

Improved inter-personal relations 28.3

Other 13.0

Q5 If NO, why do you think that those objectives were not achieved for this individual?

Wrong course for these objectives 14.1

Person has not had opportunity to use the skills 32.9

Person no longer in same job/department o

Course did not work for this person 2.4

Person’s behaviour has not appeared to change 30.6

Insufficient follow-up in the work place 23.5

Other 18.8

Q6 Did they remark on any particular aspect of the course, as you recall?

Yes 65.2

No 34.8

Q6a If Yes, about what did they remark?

Open Question

Q7 Generally speaking, what was their overall view of the Scotwork course?

Excellent 49.3

Generally Good 48.7

Average 1.8

Below average 0.2

Waste of Time 0

Q8 Have other members of their peer group attended this course in the last two years?

Yes 75.9

No 24.1

Q9 Does their opinion of the course match that of the other participants?

Yes 95.5

No 4.5

Q10 If No then how does it differ?

Open Question

Q11 Was this person formally briefed on their training objectives before attending this course?

Yes 71.8

No 28.2

Q12 Were they formally de-briefed after the course?

Yes 53.5

No 46.5


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Scotwork Negotiating SkillsManagers’ Questionnaire Data

Q13 Was an Action Plan drawn up to implement the lessons learned?

Yes 25.8

No 74.2

Q14 Has there been any formal review of the Action Plan since then?

Yes 16.1

No 83.9

Q15 What ongoing support/reinforcement is the organization giving these participants?

Open Question

Q16 Are you aware of this person using any of the skills taught?

Yes 91.0

No 9.0

Q17 Can you identify specific instances when they did use these skills?

Yes 84.1

No 15.9

Q18 Has this resulted in a benefit to the organisation of at least £2,000?

Yes 42.5

No 2.7

Cannot measure 54.8

Q19 What total value would you place on the direct benefits over the last 3 months?

Under £5,000 45.6

£5,000 - £10,000 18.5

£10,000 - £20,000 12.9

£20,000 - £50,000 9.9

£50,000 - £100,000 7.0

£100,000 and over 6.2

20 Over time, is any benefit this person gained from the training -

Constant 46.5

Increasing 50.9

Decreasing 2.6

Q21 Would they benefit from further negotiating skills training?

Yes, from Scotwork 40.3

Yes, from another source 11.4

No 48.4

Q22 Taken overall, was the training investment in the Scotwork course worthwhile?

Yes 97.8

No 2.2

Q22a If No then why not?

Open Question

Q23 Do you plan to send more people on Scotwork Negotiating Skills courses?

Yes 79.5

No 20.5

Q24 Have you attended the Scotwork course?

Yes 63.8

No 36.2

Q25 If “No”, do you plan to attend in the future?

Yes 41.0

No 59.0

Q26 How recently have you attended the course?

Within the last 12 months 48.2

Within the last 5 years 37.7

Over 5 years ago 14.1


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We can tell from our clients’ positive reactions when theysee the survey data, particularly as it relates to their ownpeople, that this study provides a unique insight into thedirect benefits of the Scotwork course. It surprises us that more management training companies do not conduct and publish this type of follow-up study.

We are also proud of our survey response rates with 31%of all course participants taking the time to give us feed-back and to the 13.2% of managers who responded. Insome countries the response rates are even higher: 47%of Slovak participants and 45% of Italian managersreplied. We are working on strategies for increasingthese response rates with the objective of reaching 50%response.

Comparing the results of the 1995 - 1999 survey with thislatest study, we can see a broad improvement in almostevery category; unfortunately two figures that we havebeen unable to improve upon are the 98% of managerswho say the training investment was worthwhile, and the99% of participants who would, or already have, recommended the Scotwork course!

It is gratifying to see the improvement in the rate atwhich managers brief, de-brief and follow through ontraining:Participants being briefed by their manager beforehandrose from 62% to 72%Managers de-briefing participants after the course rosefrom 47% to 53%Action planning and goal setting rose from 22% to 26%Review of those plans rose from 12% to 16%We believe that the introduction of the Scotwork BriefingDocument has assisted in this improvement. We hopethat the launch of the Scotwork Extended LearningProcess ™ will continue the improvement.

The Scotwork teams study these results and the feed-back to the literal questions, to identify areas where wecan improve. The biggest changes between the 1999study and the present one are:The previous studies were conducted after 6 monthsand we now follow up after 3 months. This has removedthe 16% of participants who previously had reported sav-ing double the course fee in the period 3 to 6 monthsafter the course. We have moved from a paper survey to an on-line survey.

SCOTWORK is committed to continuing to develop theNegotiating Skills Course to ensure that we maintain ourplace as the market leader. We intend to carry on withthe Participants and Managers Surveys to measure theeffectiveness of our skills training and to publish the re-sults. We hope that this will continue to demonstrate toour clients that they are getting a good return on their in-vestment.


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History and Methodology

This project was born out of stories from previous course participants about their negotiating successes.

In 1991, in order to attempt to quantify the value of our training course, we appointed anindependent consultancy to conduct some discussion groups drawn from course attendees. From this we devised a pilot questionnaire which was completed by some 300previous course participants during 1992. This preliminary survey allowed us to refine ourtechniques and focus on the areas of greatest interest.

The survey began in 1993 with the participant questionnaire and we added the managers’questionnaire in 1994. At that time only those attending the UK courses were surveyed. In the second survey which ran from 1995 to 1999 we included participants from our larger offices including France, Germany, Australia and South Africa. Up until 2002 we hada paper questionnaire using reply-paid envelopes.

The survey was suspended between 2002 and 2004 while we developed software to runthe survey on-line, with the participants being contacted by email. The present surveybegan in 2004, in English, and progressively we have included 17 of the 19 languages inwhich the Scotwork course is delivered.

We would be happy to share our data and our methods with legitimate interested parties.

I should like to say a personal thank you to the 14,000 people who have assisted in thisresearch project at its various stages so far.

John McMillanSenior Partner

Glasgow, May 2007

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Participants and Managers from the following Scotwork clients submitted follow-up questionnaires


AB Foods. ABAC. ABB. Abbott. Abena. ABI. Abingworth Management. ABSA. Accipitor. Accountability Training. ACD Labs. ACNielsen.Acqua Minerale SanBenedetto. Acrux. Active International. Actix.Adams & Westlake. Adelphi Group. Adgistics. Adidas. Aegis Media. Aegon. AFL Solicitors.African Defence Systems. Afton Chemical. Afvalzorg Holding. AGA. Aggreko.Agility. AIG.Airservices Australia. Aker Kvaerner Engineering Service.

Alcan. Alcoa Alumínio. Alfa Insurance. Alfa Laval China. Alfa Strakhovanie. Alliance Pharmacy. Allianz. Allied Domecq. Almirall. Alphapharm.Alstom. Altadis. Amadeus Capital. Amazon.co.uk.Amcor. Amersham Biosciences. AMP. Anchor Yeast.Antonio Puig. ANZ. AOL. Archant. Artven. ASC. Asda Stores.

Ask Afrika. AstraZeneca. Atlantik Group. Atrivo. Aurora Assicurazioni. Aurora Energy. Austereo. Australian Taxation Office. Autodesk. Automobiles Citroen. Avendra.Avilton Foods. Avis. AWB. AXA. Ayudhya Securities. Aziotics.

BA Trading. BAE Systems. Ball Packaging. Ballantyne Homes. Banco Itaú. BankBoston. Barclays Bank. Barclays Ventures. Barloworld. Bartle Bogle Hegarty.BAT. Battiston Consulting. Bayer. BBC. BBDO. BCD Travel. BD. Beiersdorf. Bell Pottinger. Benefit Cosmetics. Bentley Communications. Berri. Betts UK. BHP Billiton.Biogen Idec.BITE Lietuva. BJL Group. Black & Decker. Bloomberg. BMW. Boehringer Ingelheim. Bord Gáis.BP. BPB. BPI. BPI Leroy Consultants. Bramac Stresne Systemy. Brasseries Kronenbourg.Brau Union. Bridge Shipping. Brisbane Airport Corporation. Brisbane City Council. Bristol-Myers Squibb.Britannia Operator.

British Bakeries. British Sugar. Brown-Forman. BSkyB. BT.Budget Insurance. Budget Rent A Car. Building Element AssessmentLab.Bulgarian-American CreditBank. BUPA. British Venture Capital Associa-tion.BWG Foods.

Cable & Wireless. Cadbury Trebor Bassett.Calor. Campbell Soup Company. Canal Digital. Capital Radio Group. Carat. Cardinal Health. Cargill. CarnaudMetalbox. Carter Holt Harvey. Castrol. CAT. Cathay Pacific Airways. Cazenove Private Equity. CCS/Omnicom. CD Ogilvy.CDI Pinnacle Management. Cebal/Alcan. Celestica Kladno. Cereal Partners UK. Cerebos. Ceres Beverage Company. Chalhoub. Channel 4. Châteauform. CHEP.ChevronTexaco. CHH Pulp & Paper.Chime Communications. Chivas Brothers. Christchurch City Council. Christian Dior. Chrysalis Radio. Cinépolis. Cisa Trading. Citigroup. Clara.net. ClarityBlue.Clausen Miller. Clayton Utz. Clear Channel. Cline Davis and Mann.China Light & Power. CMR International. CNN.

CNP Assurances. Cobega. Coca-Cola.Coca-Cola Amatil. Coca-Cola Enterprises.Coca-Cola HBC.Cognis. COI. Colas Reunion Industries. Coldiretti Lombardia. Colliers. COMAG. Commonwealth Bank of Aus-tralia.Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais.

Compass Group.Compuware. ConocoPhillips. ConvaTec. Coogee Chemicals. Cook Medical. Coop Italia.Coors Brewers. Corning Cable Systems. Corporate Express. Corporate Traveller. Corruseal. CPM. CR Bard. CRC Group. Creative Channel Services. Credipar.Credit Du Nord. Crombie Lockwood. Crompton. Crown Castle International. Crown Cork & Seal. CSIRO. CTB. Cuisine de France.

DACEM. Daily Mail.DaimlerChrysler. Dalter Alimentari. Danaher Motion Särö. Danone. Daramic. DAS Omnicom. DB Breweries. DCUK. De Stiho Groep. Debbane Freres. Defence Procurement Agency(UK).Deloitte & Touche. Delvita. Department for Transport (UK). Department of Defense (US). Department of the Premier and

Cabinet (NSW).

Page 20: Scotwork - Raport z badań nad skutecznością szkoleń


Participants and Managers from the following Scotwork clients submitted follow-up questionnaires

Deutsche Post World Net. Devonshire Hotels. DGB. DHL. Diageo. Diamond Management & Technology Consultants.

Dick Smith Electronics. Dillon Bass. DIMA. Dimension Data. Diners Club. Dirol Cadbury. Discovery Networks Europe. Distell. Dixons Stores Group. Dominion Funds. Doncheva. Dongwha Patinna. Döres. Dorma. Dow Corning. DPC. Dr. Peter & Co.Drake & Scull. Dreher Sörgyárak. DSGI. DSM. DTR. Dulux. Duropack-Starpack. DWUK. Dyson.

E.ON. eBay. eBucks. Eddie Stobart. EDF Energy Contracting.Edrington Group/Maxxium. Egis Slovakia. Eglo Slovensko. Eircom. Eka Chemicals. Elastika Michelin. Elca (Thailand) Limited.Electronic Arts. Elsevier. eLUXURY.com/LVMH.EM. Emap. Embaixada da Polônia. EMC.Emerson Climate Technologies. Empatha. Empire World Trade. Empresa. Energex. Enhance Dental Care. Environment Agency. Epicor Software. Equant.

Erawan Group. Ergon Energy. Ericsson. Ernst & Young Global. ERSTE Ceská sporitelna Esanda Finance. Eurodata Systems. Eurosport. Eversheds. Evian. Evolution Flowers. Exact Magyarország. Excerpta Medica.

Fabris Lane. Fairfax - The Age. Fallon. Faurecia. FCL. Federmanager Bologna. Felda Bridge Africa.Ferring Pharmaceticals. Fidelity International. Finance Wales Investments. Financial Times. Finidr. First Data International. First National Bank. FirstRand Bank. Fleishman-Hillard. Flight Centre. FMC Corp. FMCG National Cold Storage Namibia.

FOA. Fontanafredda. Foremost Friesland.Företag. FormFlo. Foster’s Group. Freedom2Surf. Freescale Semiconductor.Freudenberg.Fujifilm. Fundes. Future Publishing.

Galileo Press. Gallaher Group.Gamestation. Gandel Retail Management. Gant Travel. GarnierGavin Anderson/Omnicom. Gaz de France GDAIS. GE Healthcare. GE Holdings. GE Money Bank. General Mills. General Motors. Generics UK.

Genesis Energy. George Weston Foods. Geotechnical Engineering. Gillette/P&G Gist/BOC Group. GKN. Glassons. GlaxoSmithKline. GlobAlliances. Global SantaFe Corp. GlobeCast. Glow Group. Glue London. GNL. Govt of New South Wales.GPO Ingeniería. Grace Davison. Greencore. Grenco. Grizzard Communications.Groupe Express-Expansion. Grupo Prisa.Gruppo PAM.GS Caltex. GSD&M. GTOI. Guardian News & Media. Guerlain. Gunther Titex.

Hager Group. Halfords. Hall & Partners. Halliburton. Hallmark Cards. Harcourts Real Estate. Harel Frères. Harman. HarperCollins. Hartmann. Havana Club International. Hawkins Construction. Hawkpoint. Hayman Barwell Jones. HBA Health Insurance. HBO. HBOS. Heineken. Hella Australia. Henkel. Jas. Hennessy. Hennessy.Henry Bath. Hewlett Packard. Hexion Specialty Chemicals. Highlands & Islands Enter-prise. Hill & Knowlton/WPP. Histogram Ltd. H J Heinz. Hobart City Council. F. Hoffmann - La Roche.

Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals. Hutchison Ports. Hydro Tasmania. Hyphen.

Iceland. ICON Clinical Research. Idroterm. i-Faber.IHTM Conforama. IKEA. Illovo Sugar. ImageComm. Imperial Tobacco. Impress Metal Packaging. IMCD/Honeywill & Stein. Incitec Pivot. Incredible Connection.Independent News & Media. Indevco. Indigo Capital. INEOS Enterprises.Initiative Media. Innospec. Innovex. Insight Investment. Interislander. International Power.International SOS. Interstar Modes. Intrade Partners. Inverness and Nairn Enterprise. Invitrogen. IPC/Marketforce. IQSYS Informatikai Rt. Irish Cement. Irish Distillers/Pernod Ricard. Iron Mountain. Irvin & Johnson.

Jackson Hewitt.Jaguar & Land Rover. Jakob Mueller Frick. Javelin Direct. JCB. JC Decaux. Jetix Entertainment. John Fairfax Holdings. John Lewis Partnership. John Swire & Sons. Johnson & Johnson. Johnson Controls. JohnsonDiversey.

Kaingaroa Timberlands. Kaluga Brewing Coy/SABMiller. KCI. Keller Ground Engineering. Kelly Services. Kembla Products. Kemira Chemicals.

Page 21: Scotwork - Raport z badań nad skutecznością szkoleń


Participants and Managers from the following Scotwork clients submitted follow-up questionnaires

Kelly Services. Kembla Products. Kemira Chemicals. Kenzo Parfums. Kepak Convenience Foods.Kerry Foods. Kespro. KFKI-LNX. Kiatnakin Bank.Kiev Mohgila Business School.Kiki Lab. Kimberly-Clark. Kingspan.K-Kauppiasliitto. KKS Compass Group.Kolding Kommune.KONE.KPMG. KPMG Corp Finance. KPMG Corp Recovery. KPR. Kraft Foods. Kraton Polymers. Kungsleden Fastighets. Kuwait Finance House.

Laboratoires Polivé/Groupe Georgia Pacific.

Landmark Graphics. Learning Solutions. LeasePlan Slovakia. Leatherhead Food Intl. Lékárny Lloyds. Leo Burnett. Lever Fabergé. L’Express. Lilly. Linens ‘n Things. Lingarden Flowers. Lloyds TSB Bank. LNX. L’Oreal. Louis Vuitton. Lowe Corporation. H. Lundbeck. LVMH.

M2M. M.Video. Macquarie Bank. Maersk. Maina Panettoni. Maison Johanes Boubee. Makro.Malia. Mamusa Marketing.Manning Gottlieb OMD. Mannington Mills. Marketforce/IPC. Marnier Lapostolle.Marsh. Marstons.

Massdiscounters. Massmart. MasterFoods. Mattel Toys. Maurema Trading. Maximus Coaching. Maximuscle.Maxxium. Maybelline New York. McCann. McDonalds.McNeil/Janssen-Cilag. MCE. MCPS-PRS Alliance. Meda Pharma. Media Monitors. MediaCom. Mediaedge:cia. Medi-Clinic. MEI. Melbourne Racing Club. Menzies Aviation. Merck Pharmaceuticals.Meridian Wine.Mercedes-Benz USA. Mer-chants. Merisant Hungária. Merrill Lynch. Metro UK. Michelin Tyre. Micromuse Inc. Microsoft.Mighty River Power. Millipore. Mindshare. Ministry of Education (Aus-tralia). Mitchells & Butlers. MLC. MMG. Mobiltel.Moët Hennessy/Diageo. Moinhos Shopping. Molson Coors.Mondi Packaging. Moreng Metal Products. Morgan Stanley. Motherwell Bridge Engineer-ing. Motorola. MPG. MSN. MSVC. Mueller. Multiple Foods. Musgrave.Myrurgia.

Namibian Beverages. Nampak. National Brands. National Express.

National Hospital Network. National Starch. Navis. Nestlé. Netonomy.New Skies Satellites. Nike. ninemsn. Nissan Motor GB. NMT. Nokia. Nokusa Engineering Informat-ics.Norske Skog. North West Shelf AustraliaLNG. Northcliffe Newspapers. Nosys AJjV. Nova Alinça Agropecuária. Novartis. NSC. Numil. Nutraherbs. Nutrexpa. Nutricia Clinical Care.

O2. Oasis Water Factory UAE. OBI Hungary Franchise Centre. O’Brien Glass Industries.Oceana Brands. Octapharma. ODS Business Services. OMD. Omnicom Group.Opus. Oracle.Orange. Orangina Group. Organic. Orica. Origin Energy.Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics/Johnson & Johnson.

Osborn & Barr Communica-tions. Out Of The Box Management. Oxford University Press.

PACE Partnership. Pacific International. Pangbourne Properties. Pangea Trading Company. Pannon GSM. Parfums Givenchy Canada. Patak’s Foods. Patheon. PepsiCo. Permark Supply Network. Permira Advisers. Pernod Ricard. Pescanova.

Pfizer. PHD Media. Philip Morris. Philips.Physician Sales & Service. Pinneys of Scotland/Uniq. Pioneer Foods.Pivovar Saris.Pizza Hut. Platform Nine/ninemsn. Pliva. Plzensky Prazdroj. PMCDE. Porter Novelli. Posterscope. Powerlink. Powertrain. PPC Lime/Barloworld. Praktiker. Premier Foods. Premier Transmission. PricewaterhouseCoopers.Princess Yachts. Procure4. Progressive Enterprises/ Woolworths NZ.

Provid/BBDO. Proximity London. Prudential. PTT Exploration and Produc-tion.Putetto.

Qantas Airways. Qenos. QIC. QML Pathology. QMP Publicis. Quality Spirits International. Quest International. Quintiles.

RAAF.Rabobank. Radiospares. Rainbow Farms. Rand Merchant Bank. Randstad. Rathbone Brothers.Rautakesko. Rayonier. RBS.Reading Alloys. Reckitt Benckiser. Red Bee Media. Red Mill Snack Foods. Reilly People. Rexam. RHM. Ricoh. Rieter. Right4Staff.

Page 22: Scotwork - Raport z badań nad skutecznością szkoleń


Participants and Managers from the following Scotwork clients submitted follow-up questionnaires

Rijk Zwaan Iberica. RLM defence contractor. RMIG-RM BESSON. Roads & Traffic Authority of NSW.Roaring 40s. Robinson Plastic Packaging. Roche Products. Roland Food Corp.Rolls Wood Group.Rolls-Royce. Rossmann. Royal Liver Assurance. Royal London. Royal Thai Air Force. RS Com-ponents. RSM Robson Rhodes. RTÉ. Russell Reynolds.

SAB Miller. SAD/Pioneerfoods.`Safmarine. Sainsburys. Saint Gobain. Samancor Chrome. Sandy Lane Hotel. Sanitas. Sans Fibres.Santander.Santos. SAP. Sasko. Saurer Hamel. SC Johnson. SCA Direct / Omnicom. Scandinavian Tobacco. Schering Plough. Schweppes. Scottish & Newcastle. Scottish Courage. Scottish Equity Partners. Scottish Life. Scotsman Publications. SCQuARE. Screwfix Direct. Sealed Air. Slovak TelekomSekela Consulting. Sephora/LVMH. Shell Australia. Shoprite Checkers. SHS Sales & Marketing. Siemens. Silvachimica. Sinclair Knight Merz. SingTel Optus. SIXT lease/Speed Lease. SKILLED Group.

Skycity Adelaide. Slovak Telecom. Slovensky plynárensky priemysel. Smarteq Wireless. SMEC/Groupe Colas. Smorgon Steel. Snickers Europe. Soda-club. Sokotel. Solomedios. Solutia. Sony. Sophos. South African Airways. South East London Strategic Health Authority.

Spar. Spescom DataVoice. SPI Pharma.Spizza 30’ / Pizza Hut. Spotless. SPP. SRV. SSL-Magyarország. St Ivel. Star Shipping. Starbucks Coffee. Starcom Mediavest. Steelcase. STEF-TFE. Steritech. Stock Exchange of Thailand.Stoneridge Pollak. Storck. STOXX. Strapmark. Strive Training. Sulzer Pumps. Sun Microsystems. Suncorp. Suporte Portas Corta Fogo. Sustain. Swift Energy NZ. Sydney Airport Corporation. Symbian. Syngenta. System Brasil.

T+C Matador Sales. Taeuber & Corssen. Target Express. Tasman Orient Line. Tasmanian Department of Treasury & Finance.

Tattersall’s. Tchibo Budapest. The Direct Agency.

TDL Distributors. Techint.Technopark. Telefonica Móviles. Telkom SA. Tellumat. Telstra. Tesco. TestGrid. Tetley. Tetra Pak. Texel Finance. TfL Congestion Charging. TfL London Buses. TfL London Underground. Thai Olefins/PTT Chemicals. Thales. Thames Port.Thamesport. The Technology Partnership.Therakos. Third Sigma International. Thrutainers. Thule Fastighetsutveckling. Tiger Brands.Tilda. Tile Warehouse.Timbercorp. TimeWarner. T-Mobile. TNS. Toll NZ Consolidated. Top-Toy. Torreal. Toys “R” Us. Trammell Crow. Transend Networks. Transmark/SAB Miller. Transtel. Transurban. Transwest Haulage. Transworld Freight. Trinity Advisory 2001. Tronox Pigments. TRUenergy. TRW Automotive. TUI UK. TVNZ. Twinings.

U.S. Army, Center for Contract-ing & Commerce. UCB Pharma. Umicore. Unilever. Uniq Prepared Foods. Uniqema.

Unisource Sistemas. Unisys. Universal Music. USAF.

V&S Absolut Spirits. Vanguard Solutions. Vattenfall Data. Vector Logistics. Versatel Netherlands. Victorian Urban Land Authority. Vinimark Trading.Virgin Atlantic. Virgin Money. Virgin Radio. Vital Health Foods.Vodacom. Vodafone. Volksbank Garbsen. Volvo Trucks. Vseobecna Uverova Banka.

W.L. Gore & Associates. Waitrose. Walker Books. Ward Wilson. Warner Bros. Watlow. WBC. WDB Brands.WDS Global. Wesley Radiation Oncology. Western Union. WestLB. Westpac Banking Corporation. Whirlpool. Wieden+Kennedy. Wrigley & Co. Williams Lea. Wintershall Noordzee. Woodchem. Woodside Energy. Woodward Foodservice/TBFG.Woolworths. Wyborowa / Pernod Ricard. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.Wynnstay Group.


Yum Restaurants International.

Zapplift. Zenith Optimedia.

Page 23: Scotwork - Raport z badań nad skutecznością szkoleń

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United Kingdom, USA

SCOTWORK was formed in 1975 and has specialised in running Negotiating Skillstraining courses for industry, commerce, the professions and government ever since.

The SCOTWORK Negotiating Skills Course is run over 21/2 days with twelve participantsand two tutors. The course is intensive and highly participative involving over 7 hours oflive negotiating exercises which are video-recorded for subsequent review and evaluation.

All the SCOTWORK course materials, theory and methodology have been developedin-house by the SCOTWORK team and are unique to them. The skills taught reflectpractical business experience, provide straightforward advice and can be immediatelyapplied in a work situation.

SCOTWORK is involved in teaching negotiating skills in over 50 countries and operatesthrough a network of offices in 29 countries and 19 languages. The course is run both asan Open (public) Course and as a One-Company Course.

In addition to our flagship negotiating skills course, we offer a range of tailored negotiating solutions and consultancy.

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