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Scrapbooking Everyday Memories

Date post: 09-Mar-2016
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Scrapbooking everyday life is anything but ordinary with the ideas in this new special issue. Featuring inspiring layouts about family traditions, hobbies and interests, activities and routines and more, following these creative ideas will help your everyday pages be among the most interesting in your scrapbooks. On sale November 16, 2010; 140 pages, $14.99.
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Everyday Memories 15 journaling tips to quickly capture your memories > www.creatingkeepsakes.com 245 faMily & friEnds, hoME & hoMEtown, hobbiEs & activitiEs, & MorE! PuuurfEctly Playful pet PagEs! SPECIAL ISSUE easy ways to scrapBook your adoraBle layout tips for babies, kids, & more!

Everyday Memories15 journaling tips to quickly capture your memories >


245 faMily & friEnds, hoME & hoMEtown, hobbiEs & activitiEs, & MorE!

PuuurfEctlyPlayful pet PagEs!


easy ways to scrapBook your

adoraBle layout tips for babies,kids, & more!

Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 5

If you could go back in time to your grandparents’ generation for just a day, what would you want to see in that 24-hour period? Would you want to be present for an important event in their lives such as their wedding? or a historic moment in time like v-J day? As scrapbookers, more often than not we answer that question by saying we’d like to see a typical day—their homes, family life, etc.—to get a good sense of who they were as people and what their lives were like. That’s because, as family storytellers ourselves, we know that those everyday experiences often define us even more than special events and celebrations.

far from ordinary, everyday memories from things like routines and hobbies often make up some of the best in our lives—and some of the best scrapbook pages in our albums. ironically, those everyday memories are often overlooked in our scrapbooks. That’s why we’ve dedicated this entire special issue to inspiring pages about scrapbooking those everyday moments. inside these pages you’ll find ideas for scrapbooking:

★ your home & town,

★ your traditions & activities,

★ your family & friends,

★ and more.

We hope the ideas in this issue will inspire to you capture those slice-of-life moments that mean so much now and will mean so much to future generations looking through your scrapbooks.

JennAfer MArtin editor-in-Chief, Creating Keepsakes magazine

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CHAPTER 1: YOUR routines15 ways to scrapbook the details of your day-to-day life. . . . . . . . . . . .9

CHAPTER 2: YOUR hobbiesrecord your favorite pastime with these 14 unique ideas . . . . . . . . . 21

CHAPTER 3: YOUR getawaysCelebrate your favorite escape with these 14 fresh ideas. . . . . . . . . . 33

CHAPTER 4: YOUR home16 cozy ideas for scrapbooking your home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

CHAPTER 5: YOUR friends14 inspiring ideas for scrapbooking your friendships . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

CHAPTER 6: YOUR family15 fabulous ideas for scrapbooking your family relationships. . . . . . 73

CHAPTER 7: YOUR traditions15 exciting ways to record your family’s most treasured events. . . . . 87

CHAPTER 8: YOUR townscrapbook your town with these 13 cool ideas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

CHAPTER 9: YOUR activities15 creative ways to showcase your active family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111


record your own everyday moments with these 15 trendy ideas . . 123

15-MINUTE LAYOUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138



Happy Girl by Wendy Sue Anderson. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper and Core’dinations; Patterned paper: Making Memories; Die-cut cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper; Chipboard: K&Company; Buttons: Cosmo Cricket, Making Memories, and Papertrey Ink; Punch: EK Success; Font: SNF Goody; Other: Adhesive, burlap, fabric, and thread.

DESIGN TIP: Try using your journaling as

a border for your layout. A handwritten

journaled border not only looks pretty, but it

also allows you to tell your story in a way that

keeps your layout’s focus on your photos.

Blissfully by Briana Johnson. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper and The Paper Studio; Patterned paper: Every Jot and Tittle; Stickers: American Crafts and BasicGrey; Die-cutting machine: Klic-N-Kut; Pen: American Crafts; Font: Suede; Adhesive: 3M, Kokuyo, and Tombow.

CrEATE A domestic bliss LAyouT

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and in Briana Johnson’s bright, clean layout, pictures demonstrate more clearly than words that being a stay-at-home-mom has both the good and the bad (after all, who really likes to do dishes?). By using a collage of pictures and minimal journaling, you too can create a layout that shows that while cooking and cleaning are not always the most fun, the sweet moments you get to spend with your kids make up for it.

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Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 11

On a Typical Weekday by Becky Higgins. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper; Pen and stickers: American Crafts.

CAPTurE daily life iN WordS

On the other hand, you may want more journaling than photos. By using identical square journaling boxes in fun, bright colors, Becky Higgins optimized her writing space. All this extra journaling space is perfect to record those things your kids say to you every day, like “I love you, Mom!” Save time by stacking different colored papers on top of each other and then cutting multiple journaling squares at once.

DESIGN TIP: For a twist, create an asymmetrical look

by cutting journaling squares that are not only different

in color, but in shape and size too. Mixing rectangles

and squares (with the occasional circle thrown in) will

give your page a tidy yet “I’m not perfect” look.

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This is My Day by Lisa VanderVeen. Digital Supplies: Software: Adobe; Patterned paper: Jen Allyson, Katie Pertiet, deena rutter, and Mindy Terasawa; Mask: Jen Allyson; Rub-ons: Katie Pertiet; Alphabet: Patti Knox; Template: Anna Aspnes; Font: Adler.

I Love My BBC Every Day by Claire Skeps. Supplies: Cardstock: Canon and die Cuts with a View; Transparency: 3M; Felt accent and thread: Jo-Ann Stores; Metal accents: Advantus; Paint: Scribbles; Marker: EK Success; Adhesive: 3M, i Love to Create, and Therm o Web; Other: Button.

CrEATE A close-up collageNot only can up-close pictures help reinforce details of your daily routine, but they can also give your layout an artistic look. Here, Lisa VanderVeen grouped macro shots of her alarm clock, her to-do calendar, and more in a circle collage and typed a sentence or two outside the circle to explain each photo. Separate your photo collage from your background with a simple border to make your photos pop.


daily lovesFollow Claire Skeps’ lead and dedicate a page to the things you love doing every day, like going to yoga or watching the sunset. Don’t forget to record why this daily routine makes you happy—that detail will add a world of meaning to your journaling.

PHOTO TIP: If you have a photo you love with

a lot of scenery or sky in it, simply layer an

embellishment over that part of the photo. You’ll

fill in that empty space without losing any of the

perspective the uncropped photo provides.

SCrAPBooK your daily transportation

Who can forget the daily routine of waiting for the bus as a kid? Take a cue from Julie DeGuia and try recording your child’s favorite games to play while waiting at the bus stop. Be sure to get both natural as well posed pictures of your kids—you’ll want to capture them at play in addition to seeing their sweet faces clearly.

Bus Stop by Julie DeGuia. Digital Supplies: Software: Adobe; Cardstock: Classic Cardstock; Alphabet, bus, clock, journaling spot, and patterned paper: Katie Pertiet; Circle: Art Warehouse; Font: Lucida Grande.

Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 13

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Bike Wash by Laina Lamb. Supplies: Cardstock: Archiver’s; Patterned paper and journaling spot: Glitz design; Stickers: American Crafts; Punch: Stampin’ up!; Other: Adhesive and coaster board.

rEMEMBEr THE fun choresFollow Laina Lamb’s lead and capture the liveliness of the more exciting chores on your child’s to-do list—like washing the car. Give your layout a playful structure by using colorful printed borders. Then choose patterns that enhance the theme of your layout, like Laina did here. For example, if you’re creating a layout about taking the dog to the groomer’s, you could pull in an adorable puppy paw pattern.

Saturday Morning Tent by Kim Watson. Supplies: Patterned paper: Bella Blvd, Cosmo Cricket, Creative impressions, Fancy Pants designs, and Sassafras; Journaling ticket: Advantus; Chipboard: Bella Blvd; Rub-ons: Glitz design; Stamp and brayer: Close to My Heart; Ink: American Crafts and Close to My Heart; Spray ink: Tattered Angels; Metal accents: 7gypsies; Brads and pen: American Crafts; Craft knife: Elmer’s; Adhesive: American Crafts, Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L, and Tombow.


weekend routinesCapture the playful essence of Saturday mornings with a carefree page featuring bright colors, asymmetrical groups of layered embellishments, and candid photos. Save time when creating your layout by using a journaling spot that doubles as an accent, such as a ticket.

Picture this: You have a free afternoon to yourself. What do you

choose to do? Do you sew or go running? Perhaps you choose to bake

or go antiquing. Whatever it is that you decide to do, it’s probably

something that you love. It probably makes the hours fly by and leaves

you with a satisfying feeling of accomplishment. And that feeling is

definitely worth recording on a scrapbook layout. Years from now,

even if you no longer engage in that hobby, you’ll be able to look back

at your page and think, “I did that.” So grab your camera and give

yourself permission to record the things you love doing!

Record your favorite pastime with these 14 unique ideas.












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Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 21

JoUrnaLIng tIP: Try breaking up your journaling following

our sketch. Put your thoughts on four or five separate

journaling boxes for fast, easy-to-read tidbits. Then, group

the boxes together. This is a great idea for pages that don’t

necessarily have a narrative story. That way, you can express

multiple feelings about the activity, like Layle has done here!

Junking by Layle Koncar. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper; Acrylic letters: Advantus; Rub-ons: Me and My Big Ideas and Scenic Route; Die cut: Bam Pop; Stickers: Scenic Route; Pen: Newell Rubbermaid; Other: Adhesive and staples.

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SCRAPBOOK YOUR LOVE OF discoveryThey say that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. That is why antiquing and shopping at garage sales, or “junking,” as Layle Koncar affectionately calls it, is so much fun! The hunt is what makes this hobby exciting. But don’t wait to create your scrapbook page until you find that perfect piece for your home: record the fun you have during the search. Write your journaling about your hunt and how you and your friends finally had a moment to catch up with each other. This is one scrapbook layout that’ll be worth spending a Sunday afternoon on.

Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 23

“There are

no rules for good

photographs, there

are only good

photograhs.”ANSEL ADAMS

I Spy by April Massad. Supplies: Cardstock: BasicGrey; Patterned paper, die cut, and stickers: My Mind’s Eye; Chipboard: Colorbök; Ink: Ranger Industries; Stamp: Advantus; Pen: EK Success; Font: CK Journaling Condensed; Other: Adhesive.

RECORD YOUR shared hobbiesApril Massad’s layout shows us that bird watching is anything but dull—it’s an exciting hobby that she and her son enjoy together. Capture the excitement of shared hobbies by using brightly-colored accents that pop off the page. If your themed stickers and die cuts lack dimension, try adhering them to a bit of chipboard to raise them off your layout.

Photo tIP: Get a different perspective in your photos:

give your kid the camera (and a photo credit on your

layout). Allowing your child to be the photographer will

not only make him or her feel involved in creating the

scrapbook page about your shared hobby, but will also

provide you with those elusive pictures of yourself.

Easy Baker by Davinie Fiero. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper; Patterned paper: October Afternoon; Laser-cut paper: KI Memories; Fabric paper: American Crafts; Stickers: American Crafts, K&Company, and Making Memories; Ribbon: My Mind’s Eye; Buttons: Studio Calico; Font: Modern #20; Other: Adhesive.

DOCUMENT SIMPLE childhood hobbiesChildhood hobbies can be something as simple as baking in an Easy-Bake oven or exploring the neighborhood. Capture your child’s memories of that time by using simple layout designs that you can quickly and easily create. Follow Davinie Fiero’s example: start with a few classic pictures of your child engaged in his or her hobby, and then ground the photos using photo mats or frames using our sketch to help you with placement.

dESIgn tIP: To get a special home-spun touch on your page,

consider stitching directly on your page. Here, Davinie started using

a straight stitch, and then used a zigzag stitch to complete the effect.

Experiment with the settings on your machine and see what you can

do! Don’t have a machine? No problem. Use a stitching rub-on or

stamp to achieve the same look without a machine.

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Some hobbies are more complicated than others and take a bit of study or practice to master. The stories that go along with this learning make for terrific scrapbook layouts, like Mou Saha’s layout about felting. In addition, the supplies or memorabilia from these hobbies often lend themselves well to being incorporated into layouts. Mou wrote the title for her layout on felt and then cut around the lettering. The result? A beautiful title that shows her skill in scrapbooking and texturally brings her hobby into her layout.

Felting by Mou Saha. Supplies: Cardstock: Core’dinations and Die Cuts with a View; Patterned paper: Studio Calico; Embroidery floss: DMC; Pen: American Crafts; Adhesive: 3M; Other: Felt, felting pad, needles, and wool roving.

Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 25

Sometimes each of us just needs to escape from the grind of everyday

life. We need a recharger, a chance to break out of the routine and to

have fun. Getaways can be simple or elaborate, cheap, or expensive.

But there is one requirement for a getaway—it must be fun. These

occasions are perfect events to record and scrapbook. This chapter is

dedicated to some of your favorite escapes, whether it’s heading out of

town to a local bed and breakfast, river rafting with friends, or simply

curling up with a good book for a mental getaway. So gather some of

your favorite getaway pictures and your supplies, and look through

these pages to find some incredible examples of getaway layouts that are

sure to inspire you to scrapbook!

Celebrate your favorite escape with these 14 fresh ideas.
















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Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 33

PHOTO TIP: If your particular getaway is something you’ve

done all your life, combine photos from your most recent

trip with photos from when you were a kid. Not only will

you be able to share your lifelong love for this getaway,

you’ll create a trendy, almost retro look on your page.

The Lake by April Massad. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper; Patterned paper and stickers: BasicGrey; Chipboard: BasicGrey and Colorbök; Stamps: Technique Tuesday; Paint pen: Elmer’s; Ink: Ranger Industries and Tsukineko; Tag: The Paper Studio; Font: CK Journaling; Adhesive: Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L.

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SCRAPBOOK YOUR outdoor gaheringsCamping trips with plenty of sun, cool water, good food, and family are sure to take your mind off anything! You’ll love re-creating this brightly colored layout that perfectly captures the energy of a quick trip to the great outdoors. Follow April Massad’s lead and use a vibrant strip of patterned paper to create the perfect backdrop for displaying lots of photos.

Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 35

Navy Pier by Kelly Purkey. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper; Patterned paper: Heidi Grace Designs, Li’l Davis Designs, and October Afternoon; Rhinestones and stamps: Hero Arts; Ink: Tsukineko; Buttons: 7gypsies and Li’l Davis Designs; Chipboard: Heidi Grace Designs; Punches: Fiskars Americas; Pens, pins, rub-ons, and stickers: American Crafts; Other: Adhesive and thread.

RECORD FUN EVENTS around townSome of the best escapes can be taking advantage of the fun happenings in and around your town. Look for a fair, celebration, or an attraction as a perfect little getaway for you and your family and friends. Keep your eyes peeled for signs or announcements in newspapers and use one of these local events to make some scrapbookable memories with your loved ones.

DESIGN TIP: Replace some of your page embellishments

with photos, like Kelly Purkey did, to get more photos on

your page and to keep your layout from looking crowded.

Try grouping your embellishments (following our sketch)

to create this balanced yet fun look!

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Making a Splash by Erika Stainton. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper; Patterned paper: October Afternoon and Pebbles; Rub-ons: October Afternoon; Stickers: American Crafts, Paper Trunk, and Pebbles; Spray ink: Maya Road; Adhesive: American Crafts and EK Success; Other: Notepaper.

Getaway by Paula Gilarde. Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper and Stampin’ Up!; Patterned paper and stickers: Sassafras; Rub-ons: Jenni Bowlin Studio; Font: District Thin; Other: Adhesive.


journeySometimes, all you need is just a change of scenery. Try taking and documenting a small weekend getaway from start to finish, like Paula Gilarde did. Take scenery shots as you travel to your destination—these shots will not only give your page a modern, travel-book feel, but will also help you document the sights and sounds of the journey along the way.


weekend adventureThe ultimate getaway may include a high-adventure activity that you can find in your own backyard. If rafting, hang gliding, or backpacking seem like great escapes to you, then you know that these activities produce lots of great pictures and stories for you to scrapbook. Follow Erika Stainton’s lead and create simple handmade accents (sun and waves) for a layout that just screams fun.

Santa Monica Farmer’s Market by Lisa VanderVeen. Digital Supplies: Software: Adobe; Cardstock: Lisa VanderVeen; Stitching: Anna Aspnes; Journaling card: BasicGrey; Buttons:Anna Aspnes, BasicGrey, and Michelle Underwood; Alphabet and seed packet accents: Katie Pertiet; Bows: Audrey Neal; Borders and tags: Jesse Edwards; Fonts: Adler and Lainie Day.

SCRAPBOOK YOUR local market

What better way to get away (and jumpstart your scrapbooking) on a Saturday morning than by browsing the local farmer’s market? These outdoor markets are filled with colorful, fresh products that can inspire you to cook and can spark great color combinations for your scrapbook pages. Take full advantage of those colors on your next layout by arranging plenty of photos in a grid and surrounding them with simple, themed embellishments, like Lisa VanderVeen did on her digital layout.

BUDGET TIP: Creating a traditional version of this layout? Try

using real seed packets as accents. They are affordable and you

can plant the seeds beforehand. Not only will you have your

own vegetables or flowers, but also awesome accents for your

scrapbook stash!

Scrapbooking Everyday Memories 37
