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SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis

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  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis


  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis


    Success Driven ProjectManagement (SDPM)

    Approach to project planningand performance analysis

    Vladimir Liberzon, PMPPeter S. Mello, PMP, PMI-SP

    Spider Project Team

  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis



    Success Driven Project Management (SDPM)methodology was developed in Russia in 90-s andsince then was successfully used in many projects,programs, and organizations

    SDPM is supported by Russian PM software SpiderProject but its basic approaches can be used with

    other PM software tools

  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis



    Success Driven Project Management methodologyhas some common features with Critical ChainProject Management approaches but manydifferences too

    Application of SDPM approaches showed very good

    results and the number of companies that implementSDPM is growing very fast

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    SDPM Ideas

    Triple constraint and multiple project success criteriamake project management too complicated.

    There is a need in the single and integrated project successcriterion.

    The same project schedule and budget targets set for allproject stakeholders leads to project failure.

    There is a need for setting different targets for project workforce,for project management team, and for project sponsor.

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    SDPM Ideas

    Target for Project Team Member: Project scheduleand budget shall be optimistic (no reserves included);

    Target for Project Management Team: Includes

    contingency reserves (scope, time, cost);

    Target for Project Sponsor: Project schedule andbudget shall include management reserves forunknown unknowns.

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    SDPM Ideas


    Project Team Members

    Project Management Team

    Project Sponsor



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    SDPM Ideas


    Project Team Members

    Project Management Team

    Project Sponsor



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    SDPM Ideas

    Project management team shall have time and costbuffers for managing project risks and uncertainties.These buffers are not linked with any activity sequence.

    Project buffer is a difference between target value and the value

    for the same parameter in the optimistic schedule.



    Time bufferManagement


    Cost bufferManagement


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    SDPM Ideas

    Targets shall be set using risk simulation.

    These targets shall have reasonable probabilities to bemet.

    Risk simulation shall calculate necessary project costand time buffers.



    Time bufferManagement


    Cost bufferManagement


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    SDPM Ideas

    Project status information is useful but not sufficient fordecision making.

    Decision making shall be based on the analysis of project trends.

    Project buffers will be consumed during projectexecution.

    Project management is about managing these buffers.

    If they will remain positive to the moment of project finish thenproject management was successful and the targets werereached.

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    SDPM Ideas

    There is a need to have tools for measuring projectbuffer penetrations and project performance analysis.

    The best indicator of buffer penetration and projectperformance status is current probability to meet projecttarget.

    If the probability to meet project target is rising thenproject buffer was consumed slower than we expected,in other case project buffer was consumed too fast andproject success is endangered.

    Success probability trends are the best integrated

    performance indicators they take into considerationproject risks, they depend not only on performanceresults but also on the ro ect environment.

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    SDPM methodology also includes approaches to creatingproject schedule models and organizing project data.

    In this presentation we will discuss:o Resource Constrained Scheduling and Resource

    Critical Path,

    o Risk Simulation methods and objectives,o Setting right project goals,

    o How to set and to manage Project Buffers,

    o Success Probabilities,o Management by Trends

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    Project ResourceConstrained Scheduling and

    Resource Critical Path


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    Project scheduling without resource limitations takeninto the consideration;

    Project/Portfolio resource constrained scheduling(resource leveling);

    Calculation of feasible activity floats and those activitiesthat are critical;

    C lcul tion of the Pro ect/Portfolio cost m teri l nd

    Scheduling Tasks

  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis


    The problem of project schedule development withoutallowing for resource constraints has a correct

    mathematical solution (Critical Path Method), which wouldbe the same for all PM packages, provided that initial dataare identical.

    Other tasks are solved using different approaches and

    yielding different results.

    Critical Path Method

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    Resource constrained schedules produced by differentPM software are different. The software that calculatesshortest resource constrained schedules may save afortune to its users.

    That is why we pay most attention to resource-constrained schedule optimization.

    Resource constrained


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    Traditional notion of Critical Path works only in case ofunlimited resources availability.

    Let us consider a simple project consisting of fiveactivities, presented at the next slide.

    Activities 2 and 5 are performed by the same resource.

    Sample Project before leveling

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    Please pay attention to activities that became critical.Now delaying each of the activities 1, 2 and 5 will delay

    the project finish date.

    We call these activities Resource Critical and their

    sequence comprises Resource Critical Path.

    Sample Project after leveling

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    For many projects it is necessary to simulate financing andproduction, and to calculate project schedules taking into

    account all limitations (including availability of renewableresources, material supply and financing schedules);

    True critical path should account for all scheduleconstraints including resource and financial limitations;

    We call it Resource Critical Path (RCP) to distinguish it

    from the traditional interpretation of the critical pathdefinition.

    Resource Critical Path

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    The calculation of RCP is similar to the calculation of thetraditional critical path with the exception that both early

    and late dates (and corresponding activity floats) arecalculated during forward and backward resource (andmaterial, and cost) leveling;

    This technique permits to determine feasible resourceconstrained floats;

    Activity resource constrained float shows the period for

    which activity execution may be delayed within thecurrent schedule and with the set of resources availablein this project without delaying project finish.

    Resource Critical Path

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    As you may notice in our example, Resource CriticalPath may include activities that are not linked with logical


    Resource Critical Path is actually not the path but thelongest sequence of activities in the current schedule.

    One activity may depend on another because theseactivities are performed by the same resources. We callthese dependencies as Resource dependencies.

    Resource dependencies may be shown in the projectschedule with the dotted arrows but they are the result ofthe project leveling and not initial information like logicaldependencies.

    Resource Critical Path

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    Success Criteria


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    If project success criteria are set as finishing project ontime and under budget then proper decision making will

    be complicated;

    For example, project managers will not be able toestimate if their decisions to spend more money andfinish the project earlier are reasonable;

    We suggest to set one integrated criterion of theproject/program success or failure.

    Project Success Criteria

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    Many projects can be considered as business oriented:

    Construction of roads, power plants, bridges, ports,

    telecommunication networks, new product development andproduction etc. brings economic results and generate futureprofits;

    Implementation of the corporate information system will improveorganization processes, etc;

    In any case the delay of project finish date usuallyincreases project indirect cost, and acceleration meanssaving some money.

    Project Success Criteria

    S C

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    So each day of project delay means some money lossesand finishing project earlier means additional profit;

    We can define cost of a project day (maybe separate

    and different for acceleration and delay) estimating theseprofits and losses;

    This way we define the rules of the game that is calledProject Management

    Project Success Criteria

    P j S C i i

  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis


    Another option to set the profit that should beachieved at some point in time basing on the forecast of

    the revenues that will be obtained after the project willdeliver its results;

    Such success criteria will permit to weight time and moneymaking managerial decisions.

    At the next slide you may see the project schedule thatis calculated without allowing for project financing andsupply restrictions. There is a period when project has

    no money to proceed.

    Project Success Criteria

    P j S C i i

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    If project manager

    finds enoughmoney then projecttotal profit to thetarget date will beclose to $245,695.

    Project Success Criteria

    P j t S C it i

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    If we calculate

    project resource,supply and costconstrained

    schedule then itbecome clear thatthe project willloose more than

    $17,000 due tonecessary delays.

    Project Success Criteria

    P j t S C it i

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    Maybe it is reasonable to borrow money or to find someother solution?

    To be able to weight options and to select the best it isnecessary to consider not only expenses but also futureprofits.

    Proper project (program, portfolio) schedule model is thepowerful tool that helps to select the best decisions.

    Project Success Criteria


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    Risk Analysis &

    Success Driven

    Project Management


    Wh i k l i

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    Our experience in project planning shows that theprobability of successful implementation of

    deterministic project schedules and budgets is verylow. Therefore project and portfolio planningtechnology should always include risk simulation to

    produce reliable results.

    Why risk analysis

    Ri k Sim l ti

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    Risk simulation may be based on

    Monte Carlo simulation or use threescenarios approach.

    We prefer 3 scenario approach forthe reasons explained further.

    Risk Simulation

    Monte Carlo and 3 Scenarios

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    Lets look at the difference between accuracy and precision.


    Monte Carlo and 3 Scenarios

    Monte Carlo and 3 Scenarios

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    Monte Carlo means Accuracy but lack of Precision.

    3 Scenarios means Precision but lack of Accuracy. The choice depends on management approach.

    Our approach may be called Management by Trends. Applying Trend Analysis we rely on data precision.

    We think that trends supply management with mostvaluable information on project performance.

    We think that trend analysis helps to discover

    performance problems ASAP and to apply correctiveactions if necessary.

    Monte Carlo and 3 Scenarios

    Monte Carlo and 3 Scenarios

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    It is the main reason why in our software 3 scenariosapproach was selected.

    We think that the quality of initial data for project risksimulation is never good enough but Monte Carlo risksimulation creates an impression of accuracy that is

    actually dangerous for project managers.

    In any case we need Optimistic schedule and budget forproject performance management.

    And we need to understand what happens with successprobability during project execution and so we need dataprecision.

    Monte Carlo and 3 Scenarios

    Risk Simulation

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    A project planner obtains three estimates (optimistic,

    most probable and pessimistic) for all initial project data(duration, volumes, productivity, calendars, costs, etc.)and creates optimistic, most probable and pessimistic

    scenarios of project performance Risk events are selected and ranked using the usual

    approach to risk qualitative analysis

    Usually we recommend to include risk events with theprobability exceeding 90% in the optimistic scenario,exceeding 50% in the most probable scenario, and all

    selected risks in the pessimistic scenario

    Risk Simulation

    three scenarios approach

    Risk Simulation

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    Most probable and pessimistic project scenarios may

    contain additional activities and costs due tocorresponding risk events and may employ additionalresources and different calendars.

    As the result project planner obtains three expectedfinish dates, costs and material consumptions for allproject phases and the project as a whole.

    They are used to rebuild probability curves for thedates, costs and material requirements.

    Risk Simulation

    three scenarios approach

    Risk Simulation

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    If probability curve is known the required probability to

    meet project target defines the target that shall be set. The area under the probability curve to the left of the

    target value determines the probability to meet the



    Risk Simulation

    three scenarios approach

    Project/Program Targets

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    Target dates of most projects usually are predefined.

    They may be set not only for the whole program/projectbut also for its major phases.

    Project planning includes determining how to organize

    project/program execution to be able to meet requiredtarget dates with the reasonable probability.

    Project/Program Targets

    Success Probabilities

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    Success Probabilities

    Probabilities to meet approved project targets we callSuccess Probabilities. These targets may be set for all

    project parameters that will be controlled (profit,expenses, duration, material consumption).

    Target dates do not belong to any schedule. Usuallythey are between most probable and pessimistic dates.

    A set of target dates and costs for project phases

    (analogue of milestone schedule) is the real projectbaseline.

    But baseline schedule does not exist!

    Performance Measurement

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    Performance Measurement

    problems It means that application of usual project performance

    measurement approaches (like Earned Value Analysis)is complicated.

    Without certain schedule and cost baselines it isimpossible to calculate Planned and Earned Value.

    If we select some schedule (Optimistic or Most

    Probable) as the project management baseline thevalues of Performance Indices that are lower than 1 donot mean that project performance is worse than



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    We recommend to use optimistic schedule for setting tasksfor project work force and manage project reserves.

    The schedule that is calculated backward from the targetdates with most probable estimates of activity durations wecall Critical schedule.

    The difference between start and finish dates in current andcritical schedules we call start and finish time buffers(contingency reserves).

    The difference between activity (phase) cost that hasdefined probability to be met and optimistic cost of the sameactivity (phase) we call cost buffer.


    Sample Critical Schedule

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    There are time,cost and material

    buffers that showcontingencyreserves not onlyfor a project as a

    whole (analogue ofCritical Chainproject buffer) butalso for any activityin the optimisticproject schedule.

    Sample Critical Schedule


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    Performance Management


    Performance Measurement

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    Performance measurement routine shall be set for allprojects belonging to the portfolio/program.

    Portfolio/Program schedule is revised regularly. For mostlarge programs it is done weekly. To be able toreschedule the portfolio/program it is necessary that allprojects belonging to the portfolio/program have the samedata date.

    So the portfolio/program management team requires fromall project management teams to enter actual data of theirprojects at specified dates and time (for an example: each

    week on Tuesday before 12:00 the actual status onTuesday 08:00 shall be entered).

    Performance Measurement

    Performance Measurement

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    If different projects have different data dates thenprogram scheduling became impossible and most

    reports will not be reliable.

    So setting the rules for entering actual data is mandatoryfor program/portfolio management.

    Project/Program/Portfolio planners shall keepperformance archives to be able to get trends of

    project/program/portfolio parameters.

    Performance Measurement

    Management by Trends

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    We recommend to manage projects and portfolios basingon the analysis of performance trends.

    If some project is 5 days ahead of the baseline but oneweek ago it was 8 days and one month ago 20 daysahead of the baseline then some corrective action shall beconsidered.

    If the project is behind the schedule but the distance

    become smaller then project team improved projectperformance process and corrective actions are notnecessary.

    Management by Trends

    Management by Trends

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    So trend analysis shows short term performance resultsand helps to make timely management decisions.

    Usually project management team analyses trends ofmain project parameters like duration, cost, profit.

    Management by Trends

    Earned Value Analysis

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    Earned Value Analysis is another method that is usedfor estimating program/project performance.

    But this method shall be used very carefully and only incombination with other methods because:

    the real situation may be distorted,

    project managers are motivated to do expensive jobsASAP and cheap jobs ALAP,

    it does not consider if activities that were performedwere critical or not,

    it does not consider project risks.

    Earned Value Analysis

    Success Probability Trends

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    We consider success probability trends as the reallyintegrated project performance measurement tool.

    Success probabilities may change due to:

    Performance results

    Scope changes

    Cost changes

    Risk changes

    Resource changes

    Thus success probability trends reflect not only projecterform nce results but lso wh t is oin on round the

    Success Probability Trends

    Measurement of buffer

  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis


    Success probability is a measure of buffer penetration.

    If in the middle of the project half of project buffer wasconsumed it does not mean that the project is performed asexpected.

    If most risks were behind then success probability willbecome higher and it will tell us that project buffer

    consumption was lower than expected, if successprobability went down then buffer consumption is too highand it is necessary to consider corrective actions.

    Measurement of buffer


    Success Driven Project

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    Success probability trends may be used as the only

    information about project performance at the topmanagement level because this information is sufficientfor performance estimation and decision making.

    We call Management by Trends methodology SuccessDriven Project Management.




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    Success Driven Project

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    1. Multiple project/portfolio success criteria make

    management decisions complicated and subjective.

    1. We recommend to set one integrated project successcriterion for decision making and performance analysis.

    1. We recommend to set reliable target dates and costsbasing on risk analysis and simulation, but to use

    optimistic project schedule for setting tasks for projectwork force.


    Management Tips

    Success Driven Project

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    4. Time and Cost contingency buffer penetrations shall be

    regularly re-estimated. If these buffers are consumedtoo fast there is a need for corrective actions;

    5. We recommend to keep project archives and to analysetrends of project parameters;

    5. If trends are negative corrective actions shall be

    considered even if the status is good;


    Management Tips

    Success Driven Project

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    7. Earned Value Analysis supplies management with the

    useful information on project status. But it shall be usedcarefully and only as the supplement to other methodsof project performance measurement. In any case it is

    useful to analyze EV parameters trends;

    8. Success Probability trends are the best integratedindicators of project health.

    Positive trends show that recent project performance is better than

    expected. Negative trends show that buffers are consumed fasterthan expected and corrective actions may be necessary.


    Management Tips

    Success Driven Project

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    9. Success probability trends depend not only on projectperformance but also on risks that may changeduring project life cycle.

    Success Probability Trends may be considered asthe best integrated project performanceindicators necessary for proper decision making.


    Management Tips


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    Success Driven Project Management and Critical Chain Project Management



    RCP and CC

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    Resource Critical Path is the same as Critical Chainexcept suggested approach to determining Critical

    Chain does not include taking into account supply andfinancial constraints.

    We never met the clear description of CC calculation



    Drum Resource

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    CCPM suggests to find Drum resource and create theschedule and determine Critical Chain scheduling

    activities of this Drum resource.

    SDPM does not look for drum resource. At differentproject phases different resources may be critical,

    Resource Critical Path is calculated applying traditionalresource leveling.


    Optimistic or Most

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    SDPM suggests to use Optimistic estimates for project

    work force management.

    CCPM suggests to use most probable estimates.

    Using most probable estimates still means that there are

    some reserves for usual problems and these reserveswill be lost in any case (Parkinson Law):





    Project Buffers

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    CCPM suggests to estimate excessive contingencyreserves that people added to most probable activity

    duration estimates, take them away, summarize and putin a dummy activity that is called Project Buffer andfollows the last activity of Critical Chain.

    SDPM uses risk simulation for setting reliable targets andproject time buffer is the difference between acceptedproject schedule finish and target finish. Project time

    buffer does not belong to any chain.

    Besides, SDPM also works with Project Cost Buffers andMaterial Buffers.


    Feeding Buffers

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    CCPM suggests to create feeding buffers on activitiesthat precede Critical Chain activities to protect Critical


    CCPM proposes that Critical Chain shall never change.

    SDPM does not protect any chain project schedule isregularly recalculated and risks analyzed.

    Besides Resource Critical Paths in optimistic, mostprobable, and pessimistic schedules may be different.

    Change of RCP during project execution is usual.



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    CCPM suggests to pipeline projects in the portfolio (toperform them one after another) to avoid multitasking.

    SDPM suggests almost the same always applypriorities to the portfolio projects calculating portfolioschedule. But if resources are available they may be

    used in the projects with lower priorities.

    Besides there are special cases when multitasking is

    useful. An example is in the next slide.



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    With multitasking:

    Without multitasking:


    Buffer Penetration

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    CCPM does not suggest reliable quantitative methods for

    analyzing buffer penetration. Dividing buffer into threezones (green, yellow, red) is one of them. Entering yellowzone means an alert, red requires corrective actions.

    SDPM estimates buffer penetration by successprobability trends. If the trend is negative then projectbuffer is consumed faster than expected.

    If in the middle of the project performance project bufferis half consumed it may mean excellent performance if

    most risks are behind and poor performance if most risksare ahead.67



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    SDPMwith other PM


    SDPM with PM software and

  • 7/29/2019 SDPM Approach to Project Planning and Performance Analysis


    SDPM is fully supported by Russian PM software Spider

    Project but it does not mean that SDPM cannot beapplied with other PM software.

    We will show that it is easy with any PM softwarethough more complicated than with Spider Project.


    SDPM with PM software and

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    We will start with discussing simplified calculation of the

    probability to meet project target.

    Lets suppose that we got optimistic, most probable andpessimistic values of some project parameter.

    It does not matter much what shape of probability curvewill be selected. Remember that our initial data are not

    perfect and we plan to manage trends. So lets supposethat the distribution is triangular.


    SDPM with PM software and

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    Lets restore the triangle distribution and calculate the

    probability to meet some target T.

    It is an area to the left of T divided by the whole area ofthe triangle. It is not hard to get the formula shownbelow where X is the probability to meet target T.


    SDPM with PM software and

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    Now lets look at the simple sample project where we

    defined optimistic, most probable and pessimisticactivity durations using PERT option in MS Project2007.

    Applying PERT weights 6, 0, 0 we will make expectedschedule the same as optimistic, with weights 0, 0, 6expected schedule will become pessimistic.


    SDPM with PM software and

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    Lets enter total project durations and formula forcalculating target probability into Excel.

    You may see how Excel calculated probabilities to meetdifferent target dates.

    Optimistic schedule shall be used for setting tasks for

    project workforce.


    SDPM with PM software and

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    During project performance planned project duration inoptimistic, probable, and pessimistic scenarios will change.

    Entering these data in Excel we will be able to calculatecurrent values of success probability.


    SDPM with PM software and

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    When probability value reach 1 we may be almost sure

    that target date will be met.

    Probability trend shows when we had problems and whenthey were solved.










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    Thank YouFor Attending!

    References for SDPM: www.sdpmworld.comwww.spiderproject.com

    Contacting the authors:[email protected]@spiderproject.com.br

    http://www.sdpmworld.com/http://www.sdpmworld.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.sdpmworld.com/http://www.sdpmworld.com/
