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SDPSSNGO-Organization profile

Date post: 15-Jan-2015
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Warm Greetings From Salem District People Service Society ( SDPSS ) in IndiaABOUT USSALEM DISTRICT PEOPLE SERVICES SOCIETY [SDPSS] is a registered Non-Government, Non-Profit making voluntary organization working for the upliftment of our underprivileged society..SALEM DISTRICT PEOPLE SERVICES SOCIETY [SDPSS] is a grass roots, child-focused, development agency, serving the poor without regard to religion, caste or gender, operating in Salem (Tamilnadu). SALEM DISTRICT PEOPLE SERVICES SOCIETY [SDPSS] aims to build capacity and empower families and communities around the children to give them a wholesome life filled with hope, dignity, justice and peace....With Regards,J. SAM DEVADURAIProgramme ManagerE-mail : [email protected]@gmail.comPh - 0427 - 2310575 ,Cell-9629330025SALEM DISTRICT PEOPLE SERVICE SOCIETYSALEM.Our Profile in following links,www.samhita.org/ngos/salem-district-people-service-society
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