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SE: CHAPTER SE: CHAPTER 6 6 Considering Objects Considering Objects The Special Nature of OO Development Use Cases Using UML OO System Design OO Program Design OO Measurement
Page 1: SE: CHAPTER 6 Considering Objects  The Special Nature of OO Development  Use Cases  Using UML  OO System Design  OO Program Design  OO Measurement.

SE: CHAPTER SE: CHAPTER 66Considering ObjectsConsidering Objects

The Special Nature of OO Development

Use Cases

Using UML

OO System Design

OO Program Design

OO Measurement

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Considering Objects We will examine more carefully the concepts

involved in Object-Oriented (OO) development

We will show how they are used in requirements capture, system design, and program design

To illustrate these concepts, we will use UML, the Unified Modeling Language

We will see that : Capturing design in UML helps to make problems and the solutions more visible

The design can be improved as we view it from different perspectives

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6.1 What Is OO ?6.1 What Is OO ?What is OO ?

Object-Oriented is an approach to software development that

Organizes both the problem and its solution as a set of discrete objects

Both data structure and behavior are included in the OO representation

We can recognize an OO representation by its seven characteristics

Identity, abstraction, classification, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and persistence

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Characteristics of OO Characteristics of OO

Identity refers to the fact that the system are organized into discrete, distinguishable entities called Objects.A single object has states and behaviors associatedEach object usually has a Name, also called a Reference or

Handle; the Name distinguishes one object from another OO uses Classification to group objects that have

attributes and behaviors in commonWe can represent a class using a box such as the one in Fig 6.2Class name, attributes, methods

Each object is an instance of a class. Each instance has its own attributes values, but shares attribute names and behaviors with the other instances of the class

A class encapsulates an object’s behaviors and attributes, hiding the implementation details

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Characteristics of OO Characteristics of OO

We can organize classes hierarchicallyForming inheritance structures

We can use an abstract class to simply the hierarchyWhere no objects of the abstract class may be defined

A behavior or method is an action or transformation that an object performs or to which it is subjectedThe behavior is triggered by receipt of a particular

message, or entrance into a particular stateThe same behavior may exhibit differently on

different classes; this is known as polymorphism

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Characteristics of OO Characteristics of OO

See graphic representation of class using UMLFig 6.3, p.262

Persistence is the ability of an object’s name, states and behaviors to transient time and spaceThat is, the object’s name, states and behaviors are

saved as the object is transformed

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6.2 The OO Development Process6.2 The OO Development Process Advantage of OO Development

One of the advantage is its consistency of languageWe can describe both the problem and the solution in the same

terms : classes, objects, methods, attributes and behaviorsThroughout the development process, we should have

consistency of terminology and of perspective

Describing classes requires 3 perspectives Static, dynamic and restrictive The static views include descriptions of the objects,

attributes, behaviors and relationships The dynamic views describe communication,

control/timing, and the states and state changes The restrictions describe constraints on the structure and

the dynamic behavior

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The OO Development Process The difference of development processes

This cross-the-process consistency is a key difference between traditional procedure and the OO development processOO is a philosophy of problem and solution

representation, not a life-cycle by itselfOO can be used in many different software life-cycleOO is the way to think of objects and classes in terms

of their likelihood for reuse

Table 6.1 ,p.263, gives various characteristics of a software product or project

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OO Requirements OO development processes

No matter what the life-cycle, an OO development process requires steps for

describing requirements, designing the system, designing the programs, coding and testing.

OO requirements analysis is usually done in the user’s languageAnd discusses the concepts and scenarios likely in

the application domainThe concepts include information, services and

responsibilitiesThe requirements definition can be independent of its

representation as objects

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OO Coding and Testing OO Coding by OO programming language

Once the design is done, the system is described at a very low level using object models

It is usually necessary to refine the hierarchical structures and make adjustments as the requirements grow and mature

Testing an OO system involves some of the same activities that are performed when testing any kind of system

See Fig 6.4,p.265.There are some characteristics of OO that

require special attention during testing

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6.3 Use Cases6.3 Use CasesUse Cases

It describes particular functionality that a system is supposed to perform or exhibitBy modeling the dialog that a user, external system,

or other entity will have with the system to be developed

The entity interacting with the system is called an Actor, and it can be a user, a device, or other system

Each use case describes a possible scenarioOf how the external entity interacts with the systemThe use case is represented as a drawing plus a brief

textual sketch of how the function is performed

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Uses Cases The system functionality

The use cases in their entirety constitute a complete description of all possible ways using the system by all possible entities

The collection of use cases paints a picture of the complete functionality of the system

Use Cases are useful for requirements They are particularly useful for communicating with

customers, designers and testers Customers read them to make sure the desired functions Designers use them to lay out the objects in appropriate

places Use cases feed all stages of the life cycle, acting as a

means of communication across all roles

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Uses Cases Use Case Diagrams

They are a graphical representation of system functions

They have 4 elements : actors, extensions, and uses

An actor is a role that an entity plays with respect to the system

The case is a depiction of some aspect of the system functionality that is visible to the actors

An extension extents a use case to illustrate a different or deeper perspective

A use is a reuse of an already defined use caseSee Fig 6.5, p.266

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Uses Cases Use of the Use Case

We use the use case to help to understand the customer and the problems

For each use case diagram, we write a scenario script to describe the system functionality

Example : see Fig 6.6, p.267, for the extension of Fig 6.5, and Fig 6.7, p.267, for the further extension of Fig 6.6, and Fig 6.8, p.268, for the further extension of Fig 6.7

In each case, we think a participant as a roleWe use a set of questions to help to identify participants

The result is a comprehension description of how the system will work Including its interactions with system beyond its boundary

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Uses Cases Alternative ways of system

requirementsSometimes problems are hidden with

requirements written in natural languageWhen we translate them to use cases, these

problems surface.It is a good check on the requirements qualityOnce we have use cases, we can examine them

further to find existing and potential problems, and

We can ask questions (see p.268-269) for doing so.

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6.4 Representing OO: Using UML6.4 Representing OO: Using UML

UML : Unified Modeling LanguageIs a notational approach that is popular for

describing OO solutionsOMG (Object Management Group) has adopted

UML as the OO notational standardUML can be used to visualize, specify or

document a problem and its solutionsUML diagrams include dynamic view, the static

view, restrictions and formalization of systems

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UML in the Process UML being used throughout the process

Fig 6.9, p.270, shows how UML can be used in requirements specification, design and coding.

In the requirements process, workflow diagrams define the entire business processBy describing the activities that the business will

performUse case diagram can also describe the system to be

built by describing the general processes that the system must perform

These diagrams can be supplemented with the UML object models

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UML in the Process UML being used throughout the process

Once the requirements are in good shape, design begins with UML state diagram and the activity diagramThe activity diagrams display all the activities that

can occur in the system as the values of objects change

In concert with the activity diagrams, we use state diagrams to show all possible states that object can take

Object diagrams describes how each class is associated with others, including inheritance relationships

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UML in the Process UML being used throughout the process

Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagramsThe interactions among classes are illustrated using interaction

diagrams of these 2 typesSequence diagrams show how messages flow from one object to

another, formalizing the information descriptions of events in the requirements

Collaboration diagrams use object and sequence information to show the flow of events between objects

Finally, the design can be implemented usingPackage diagrams show how classes are divided into modelsComponent diagrams reflect the final system modulesDeployment diagrams show the network links involved with the

application being built

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6.5 OO System Design6.5 OO System Design

We begin with use of UML class diagramsThese diagrams describe the object types and

their static relationshipsIn particular, we want to depict associations

among objects and class and subclass relationships

We use the diagrams to illustrate the attributes of each object, their individual behaviors, and restrictions on each class or object

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Requirements elicitation We try to extract nouns

To look for particular items that can suggest object classes, we seekStructures, external systems, devices, roles, operating

procedures, places, organizations, …

We can use questions as guidelines about what to include in the list of candidate classesSee questions listed on P.272

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Requirements elicitation We try to identify behaviors

From the requirements statements, we extract verbs

We can look for particular items that suggest behaviorsImperative verbs, passive verbs, actions, events,

roles, operating procedures, services provided by various organizations

The behaviors will become actions and responsibilities taken by a class or object, or actions done to a class or object

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Requirements elicitation Use UML boxes to describe classes

See Fig 6.10, p.274It includes: class name, attributes, operationsSee Fig 6.11, p .275 for Inheritance relationship

Class RelationshipsRelationships usually consist of 4 types

Generalization, association, aggregation, composition

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Requirements elicitation Class Relationships

generalizationThe super-class generalizes the subclass

Association2 classes are associated when they occur together,

and when the relationship must be preserved for some period of time

The association is depicted with a straight line, andThe numbers at each end show the cardinality

associated with each member of the relationship

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Requirements elicitation Class Relationships

compositionAn composition is recognized when one class is part

of another classWe denote the part-of relationship using a line that

ends in a filled diamondThe numbers at each end show the cardinality

associated with each member of the relationship

AggregationAn unfilled diamond shows an aggregation that is not

an inheritance relationship

See Fig 6.12, p.275 and Fig 6.13,p.276

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Requirements elicitation Other ways of associating classes

Association can be enhanced with Associative class that depicts the association relations

in further detailsQualified association makes the related class object

qualified with some attribute valuesSee Fig 6.14, p.276

See example of Fig 6.15, p.277And Fig 6.16, p.278And Fig 6.17, p.279, with cardinality added to

the diagram

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Other UML Diagram Class Description Template

Each Class is described in more detail using itSee example on p.278-280The template lays the groundwork for the

program designIt includes information essential for programmers to

implement the design as codePrivate interfacePublic interface

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Other UML Diagram Package Diagram

The package diagrams show the dependencies among classes as they belong to different packages

We say that 2 items are dependent if changes to the definition of one may cause changes to the other

2 packages are dependent if there is a dependency between classes in each of the packages

In this way, we can view a system as a small collection of packages

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Other UML Diagram Package Diagram

See Fig 6.18, p.281 for package diagramThe dashed arrows shows the package

dependenciesAs you can see, package diagram gives a high

level overview of the system and notes the high level dependencies

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Other UML Diagram Interaction Diagrams

Used to describe how operations and behaviors are handled by the objects in the design

We usually generate one interaction diagram from each use case

There are 2 kinds of interaction diagramsSequence diagram shows the sequence in which

activities occurObject’s lifeline; an arrow between 2 lifelines

represent a message; a * on the arrow indicates that the message is sent many times. Self-delegation

See Fig 6.19, p.282

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Other UML Diagram Interaction Diagrams

Collaboration diagram shows how the objects are connected statically, based on use caseObjects are icons; arrows used to depict messages;

the sequence of messages is indicated by a numbering scheme

See Fig 6.20, p.282

Dynamic ModelsState diagrams and activity diagrams

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Other UML Diagram State Diagrams

State diagram shows the possible states an object can take, the events that trigger the transition from one state to another, and actions that result from each change

A State diagram is needed only for classes that exhibit dynamic behavior

The state diagram is similar to state transition diagram, see Fig 6.21,p.283, Fig 6.22,p.284, Fig 6.23,p.284Start state is represented by a black dotEnd state is a smaller black dot inside a white dotA rectangle represents a stateAn arrow shows the transition from one state to anotherA condition is noted with a bracket expression next to an arrow

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Other UML Diagram Activity Diagrams

Activity diagram is used to model the flow of procedures or activities in a classIt uses a decision node to represent conditional

choiceSee Fig 6.24, p.285 for notions usedStart node is represented by a black nodeThe end node is a smaller black dot inside a white dotA rectangle represents a stateArrows used to show transitions from one state to

anotherHorizontal bar allows broadcasting events and

parallel activities to be representedSee Fig 6.25, p.285

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6.6 OO Program Design6.6 OO Program Design

Program design begin with classes & objectsBut we must embellish and modify them to

include more items, includingReused components, reusable components, user

interfaces, data structure and management detailsAnd there are likely more than in the system design

In this stage, we must make more detailed decisions about the data structures and each object’s interfaces

That is, the levels of abstraction in this stage are different from that of during the system design stage

The interface is a collection of operationsIt also allow us to take advantages of polymorphism

or dynamic binding.

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OO Program Design Design Implementation

The choice of object composition and class inheritanceInheritance is often called white-box reuseComposition is often called black-box reuse

It enforces the encapsulation built into the system design

One way to moderate the effects of composition is to allow an object to delegate its operations to another object

The object interfaces must be designed very carefully

Each construction paradigm has advantages and disadvantages

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Design Aids Design for Change

The only guideline that applies to all systems is this : Design for Change

There are many OO-related techniques to help make the system more flexible and maintainableA toolkit is a set of related, reusable classes that

provide a well-defined set of functionalityFrameworks and patterns are also design aids

Focused more on design reuse than on code reuseExample : MVC (Model-View-Controller) patternA framework is a reuse of part of a domain-specific design

More specialized than a design patternFramework can be expanded to suit the specific

problem : frozen points, hot points

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User Interface Design Several aspects of OO Program Design

In UI program design, we must consider issuesDefining the humans who will use the systemDeveloping scenarios of the UIsDesigning a hierarchy of user commandsRefining the sequence of interactionsDesigning the relevant classesIntegrating the classes

The 1st step in UI design is to layout the interaction on papersee Fig 6.26, p.289see Fig 6.27, p.290

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Data Management Design Address ways to store and recover persistent

objects It takes into account the system requirements concerning

performance and space We can perform this task in 4 steps

Identify the data, data structures and relationships among themDesign services to manage themFind tools to implement themDesign classes to oversee the management functions

An OO solution can use conventional file or relational databasesSee Fig 6.28, p.291 It might be needed to set up tables and extra tables to capture

the relationships

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Task Management Design Task management is a critical part

We must scrutinize the requirements and determine how to coordinate the activities the system is to perform

A task refers a process in the systemIt may be event-driven or time-driven

A task management is designed in 4 stepsIdentify the task and classify them as event- or time-

drivenDetermine the priorities for the tasksCreate a task to coordinate all other tasksDesign the objects for each task and their relations

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Task Management Design Task management is a critical part

Each task must be defined formallyto facilitate the programmers understanding for better

implementationFor each task, we include

Task name, description, priority, services, communication mechanism, and place in the hierarchy

Example see p.291

Design pattern can assist us in deciding how to manage tasksSee design patterns for task management

see Sidebar 6.3

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Task Management Design The Observer Pattern

4 major constructsA subject :know its registered observers, and

provides notice to the observers once something happens

An observer : can register to a subject to express its interesting for a subject

a concrete subject : store a state of interest and notify the observers when the state changes

a concrete observer : once get notified of the change of the state, get the interested state

See Fig 6.29,p.293, Fig 6.30, p.293

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6.7 OO Measurement6.7 OO Measurement

An OO implementation needs measureSuch as coupling and cohesionAnd design complexity

This section will discuss the ways to measure characteristics of OO implementation

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OO Size MeasuresNumber of Scenario Scripts (NSS)

It measures the number of scenario scripts in use cases

It is correlated with application size and number of test cases

This measure is useful in at lest 2 waysAs a size measure to predicate project effort or

durationAs a test case estimate, it helps team to prepare test

cases and allocate resources

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OO Size MeasuresNumber of Key Classes

It is intended to evaluate high-level design, suggesting effort needed to build the system

It also tally the number of support classesThis is targeted at low level design

The average number of support classes per key class and number of subsystemsThese are useful for tracking the structure of the

systemClass size is the sum of the total number of

operations and number of attributesHere we count inherited features as well as features

in the particular class

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OO Size MeasuresSpecialization Index (SI)

The number of operations overridden by a subclass (NOO) and the number of operations added by a subclassTo evaluate effects of inheritance

From these, we define the Specialization IndexSI = ( NOO × level ) / (total class methods)

Each of these metrics cab be applied during the different stages of developmentSee Table 6.5, p.295See Fig 6.32, p.296

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OO Design MeasuresDesign Measures focused on Design

than on sizeMeasuring the coupling between objects, the

response for a class, the lack of cohesion in methods

Table 6.6 shows where these metrics can be collected

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OO Design MeasuresWeighted Methods per class

Table 6.6 shows what are these metrics and where they can be collected

Weighted methods per class = ∑ci

Ci is the method complexity

If the complexity of each method is 1, it is simply the number of per class

The number of methods and the complexity of the methods suggest the amount of time and effort needed to build and maintain the class

The larger the number of methods, the more effort and the greater the impact on the children of the class

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OO Design MeasuresDepth of inheritance

It is the maximum length of the path in the hierarchy of the class inheritanceFrom the class to the root of the inheritance tree

This characteristic makes the class harder to understand and harder to maintain

The number of childrenIs the number of immediate subclasses

subordinate to the given classIt is another indicator of the ease of maintenance,

testing and reuse

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OO Design MeasuresCoupling between classes

It is the number of related classes of a given class

We want to maximum the independence of each class

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OO Design MeasuresLack of Cohesion in method (LCOM)

It is more complicatedGiven a class C with n methods, M1,…,Mn

Suppose {Ii} is the set of instance variables used by the method Mi There are n such sets, one for each method

We define P to be the collection of pairs (Ir,Is)Where Ir and Is share no common members

We define Q to be the collection of pairs (Ir,Is)Where Ir and Is share at least one common members

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OO Design MeasuresLack of Cohesion in method

That is P = {(Ir,Is) | Ir∩ Is = Q = {(Ir,Is) | Ir∩ Is

Then, We define the lack of cohesion in method for class C to be LCOM = | P | - | Q |, if | P | is greater than | Q | LCOM = 0, Otherwise

This metric is based on the notion that 2 methods are similar if they share an instance of variableThe larger the number of similar methods, the more c

ohesive the classThis LCOM is a measure of relative disparate nature

of the methods in the class

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OO Design MeasuresThe Response for a Class

It is the set of methods that might be executed in response to a message received by an object in that class

If many methods can be invokedTesting and repair become far more difficultHigh values indicate the classes need scrutiny

Each above metrics suggest a guideline in terms of likelihood of faults in the design

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OO Design MeasuresGuideline for finding faults

The more likely that there will be more faults, ifThe larger the weighted method per classThe larger the number of childrenThe larger the depth of inheritanceThe larger the response for a class

Other metricsMessage-passing coupling

The number of method invocations defined in a class

Data abstraction couplingThat number of abstract data types used in the system

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OO Design MeasuresOther metrics

The number of messages sent by an operationIndication of average operation size

The average number of parameters per operationThe complexity of each operationWe can also derive measurements from a class

description, see example on p.301Fan-in : the number of classes calling this classFan-out : the number of classes called by this class

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Where to do measurementThe “best” set of metrics is not yet

foundThe measurement is valuable only when we can

apply it to increase our understanding, predication and control

There are metrics related to each of the 6 types of UML documentsUse cases, class diagrams, interaction diagrams, state

diagrams, package diagrams, class descriptionsSee Table 6.7, p.302

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On Page 306Problem 2Problem 3Problem 4Problem 5
