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Sean Whelan's Senior Val Portfolio

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2013 senior valedictory portfolio
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“In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed.” I think that sums it up best. It is so easy to get caught up in school, work, or just life in general that we often forget to take a step back from everything and have fun every once in a while. Of course goals are important, and we need to work towards them to get where we want to go. Fun is never an excuse not to live up to your full potential. But life is short, so we need to have fun when we can. In other words: work hard, play hard. Meaning of Life Being a Friend 2 Most Influenced By Worldwide Wiz 3 Time Capsule Magazine: Kendrick Lamar 4 Mac Miller’s Version of Art Most Memorable High School Experience 5 Newspaper: President Obama Achievement Unlocked: Become a Brother 6 What Formal Education Really Taught Me Boston Marathon Bombings 7 Top Ten List What I Will Miss Most 8 Table of Contents Sean Whelan’s Valedictory Portfolio
Page 1: Sean Whelan's Senior Val Portfolio

“In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed.” I think that sums it up best. It is so easy to get caught up in school, work, or just life in general that we often forget to take a step back from everything and have fun every once in a while. Of course goals are important, and we need to work towards them to get where we want to go. Fun is never an excuse not to live up to your full potential. But life is short, so we need to have fun when we can. In other words: work hard, play hard.

Meaning of Life Being a Friend


Most Influenced By Worldwide Wiz


Time Capsule Magazine: Kendrick Lamar


Mac Miller’s Version of Art Most Memorable High School Experience


Newspaper: President Obama Achievement Unlocked: Become a Brother


What Formal Education Really Taught Me Boston Marathon Bombings


Top Ten List What I Will Miss Most


Table of Contents

Sean Whelan’s Valedictory Portfolio

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Meaning of Life

One mantra I always try to live by is “Always keep everything in perspective.” I try to

apply this in two ways; firstly, you have to look at the big picture. It is very easy to get caught up in the little things that happen every day, but in the grand scheme of things,

some person at the drive-thru being rude is not that big of a part of your life, so it shouldn’t bother you that much. However, the other application of this seems to be a

contradiction. It is also important to remember that life is not only the big things. It

can be easy to get caught up in your job and forget that there is life outside of it. It is vital that we remember that some of the best things in life are fleeting moments spent

with ones we love. Studying or work are not worth giving up every bit of fun you can possibly have. Lastly, always keep an open mind. Not only will you be happier, but you

will be more informed without even trying. It’s impossible to learn from people who have the exact same views as you. (196)

Being a Friend

There are many roles that peo-

ple have to play throughout their lives: students, babysit-

ters, chauffeurs, and many others. However, if I had to

peg myself for a single role, I

would say that I am a friend. I don’t necessarily mean this in

the traditional sense, because I don’t have an obscene num-

ber of friends that go to nu-merous different schools

across the state or country. In-stead, I simply picture myself

as someone who is always open to talk to anyone who needs help, and will go to great lengths to assist my friends

with anything they need. Obviously, this position of mine offers both advantages and disadvantages. I gain so much by being able to be so close to the people I am good

friends with, but there are drawbacks to having friends in different groups, as they sometimes dislike each other and make it hard to spend time with both. Despite these

disadvantages, I wouldn’t trade my situation for the world. I consider it a great honor

to be able to call Derek Ku, Austin Lawrence and Chris Amador my best friends, and to be able to be close to many others. I just hope that I bring them as much joy as they

bring me. (208)

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Most Influenced By

Even though I look just like my father, I have always been told that my personality is

almost identical to that of my mother’s. We are both the oldest children in our respec-tive families, and that already essentially guarantees that we will share certain charac-

teristics. For example, we are both extremely self-motivated and consider grades to be important. However, she has influenced me much more by parenting than she ever

could just purely by genetics. I would hazard a guess that more than 75% of my opin-

ions and beliefs about social situations have been greatly influenced by my mom. She is a very empathetic person and vocalizes her thoughts on how people feel on each

side of a situation. Hearing and seeing this as a child changed me forever, and now whenever I consider a problem I make sure that I consider the thoughts and feelings of

everyone involved. (190)

Worldwide Wiz

One of the headlining events of 2012-2013

was the birth of Sebastian Taylor Thomaz

to Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose. This was

obviously big news due to the fact that

both of his parents are rich and famous,

but it was also very odd. It is a very

strange thing today to see a popular rap

artist publicly announce that they are hav-

ing a baby, as most of them do their best

to keep it quiet. However, this is the first

time I can remember that a rapper was

planning on having a child and did so with

his wife. Then again, the relationship be-

tween Wiz and Amber has always been

strange. I attribute this mainly to the fact

that a large majority of what Wiz Khalifa does is the opposite of what is expected of

him. This is relevant because I really respect that he does so much to be different and

stand out. I think that it is very important to not just do what other people think you

should, and that your reputation should never take precedence over what you want to

do. That being said, everything in moderation… (192)

"Amber Rose, Wiz Khalifa Welcome Baby Boy!" US Magazine Online. US Magazine, 21 Feb. 2013. Web. 21 May 2013. <http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-moms/


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Time Capsule

The first thing I would put in my time capsule would be my UEFA Champions League

soccer ball. Not only is it my favorite ball, but it shows how much soccer means to me and how it has become an enormous part of my life. The second item would have to be

my senior ’13 headband. It firstly shows that I am primarily a part of Fishers High School, but that my class is important to me too. My best friends are in the class of

2013, and we have one of the most friendly and high-achieving classes to come

through FHS. I would also have to include my iPod. Music greatly affects my life and has a profound power over me, and I never want to forget that. My IU Men’s Basketball

trading card collection would also have to be in there. My dad gets a “trading card” pack of the basketball team roster every season that he has season tickets there,

which has been since I was three years old. Lastly, I would have to include the book To Kill a Mockingbird, which I got in Honors English 9 as a freshman. It has truly changed

my life, and I enjoyed it very much as well.

Magazine: Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar is a 25 year-old rapper from Compton.

His music has reached the ears of the general public

mainly due to a few select songs he put out featuring

big artists. However, he is different from the rest of the

popular rap genre. His first album talks not about his

newfound success or large bank account, but instead of

the hell he grew up in. Entitled “good kid, m.A.A.d city,”

it is essentially a day in the life of Kendrick prowling the

streets of Compton. One song specifically discusses him,

at the age of 6, riding his bike home and witnessing a

drug dealer getting shot in the head. Worst of all, in-

stead of talking about this and other horrible acts of vio-

lence with his parents, Kendrick was left to make sense

of these things on his own. I think that this discussion of

his life prior to rapping is what endears me to him so much. Of course his music is cap-

tivating, but the actual meaning of the words goes way deeper than that. He is relat-

able in the fact that we have all at one time been a scared little child who didn’t know if

we were going to make it in the real world or not. (210)

Weiner, Jonah. "Kendrick Lamar, New Kid on the Block." Rollingstone.com. Rolling

Stone, 31 Jan. 2013. Web. 21 May 2013. <http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/kendrick-lamar-new-kid-on-the-block-20130227>.

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Most Memorable High



The sun is already sizzling as I walk out to

my car in the driveway. I make sure to tuck in my shirt all the way and straighten my tie before I buckle my seatbelt. School

today is nothing but a formality. It seems as if every thirty seconds, someone is

saying to me, “Good luck tonight,” or “Don’t think about last season.” But ignoring our 4-0 loss last season at HSE is impossible. In fact, it only adds fuel to the fire. At lunch, the table is mostly silent, the blank stares on the

faces of my teammates and I seldom broken. Every second until game time seems to last an hour, until finally we break the huddle and line up for the announcement of the night’s lineups.

My eyes squint in disgust as I hear the names of their players read aloud, and can only imagine the looks on their faces when they leave the field in defeat. The crowd is deafening, making all communication attempts useless. Nikko’s curling shot seems almost willed into the goal by the

eyes of every Fishers player and fan, and when it hits the net, the stadium erupts. The final whistle blows and pure elation takes over as everyone takes turns kissing the Mudsock trophy,

ours at last. (216)

Mac Miller’s Version of


This is a song about someone that Mac loves. She

gives him clarity; in other words, she helps him

see that a lot of the other little things aren’t as

important in comparison to her. She fascinates

him, and he is drawn to her because she truly

makes him happy. He constantly reaffirms that

he hopes that he makes her as happy as she

makes him. The hook of the song talks about she

helps take away his pain, and he is thankful

enough that he hopes that he can do the same

thing to her. His love for her isn’t like other fake

love, it is effortless. All he wants to do is repay

her for being able to make his life better like only

she can. This is relevant because most rappers

talk about how much money they have, how ex-

pensive their clothes and car are, and (most im-

portantly) how many girls they get with because

of their money. He has finally found a woman

Clarity (Lyrics)

Clarity… clarity.. clarity..

[Verse 1] Figure all this out, I ain't gonna take a charity

Marry me, wish everyone could shake and play the tambourine

Perfect, I know I love you I ain't tryna let those words slip

Pure bliss, I knew that we would stay together, we in cursive

Infatuation, when every single move you make is fascinatin'

Gravitatin' towards anything that gives a sense of happiness

Activist, love activist

Sendin' my love for girls who got some cuts at their wrists

Hope you found what you lookin' for, I hope you found what you lookin' for

[Hook] You take away the pain and I thank you for that

If I ever get the chance, bet I'm paying you back

Ima be waitin' for that (x2)

[Verse 2] Misery, you represent love, you the epitome

So wish for me, I'll come out of nowhere, your epiphany

Disconnect, from everybody who don't understand my vision yet

In a jet, is where my mind is so I light another cigarette

To calm me down, so calm me down

Everybody who can save me now is not around, chopper down

Busy today, but can you tell me how tomorrow sounds?

In between, purgatory ain't as bad as it would seem to be

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Newspaper: President


The article that I chose was an informa-tive one about Barack Obama being

elected the President of the United States in 2008. This was a landmark election for several reasons, the most

obvious one being that he is black. However, it was also significant because

of the change in government policy that would and did follow, with President

Obama being a democrat and the out-going President, George W. Bush, being a republican. The change in policy has

affected both the United States and the world as it has shifted from war time to pulling troops out of the Middle East, pushed for near-total healthcare reform, and taxes have been lowered

and raised for the middle and upper classes, respectively. The increase in government spend-ing will most likely have to be paid for by my generation and several that follow, but I would not mind if it goes to a good cause with an acceptable outcome. The United States (and indeed

the world) can be made a better place if citizens stop focusing on the President being black or a Democrat and focus on what he is doing while in office. The competition between parties is

quickly becoming two groups of buffoons blindly following whatever their particular party sup-ports, instead of being informed and making decisions on their own as to what they want for

their country. (226)

MacAskill, Ewen, Suzanne Goldenberg and Elana Schlor. “Barack Obama to be America’s first

black president.” The Guardian. The Guardian, 5 Nov. 2008. Web. 28 January 2013.

Achievement Unlocked: Become a Brother

One afternoon, as I pulled out of the school parking lot, I answered a phone call from my sis-

ter. Before I could say a word, she was accusing me of ruining her life and telling me that I

needed to come back to the school and pick her up. Fuming, I turned around and headed back

to school, where I found Darby sitting on the edge of the sidewalk by the soccer locker room

looking daggers at me. However, before I had a chance to tell her off, she slammed the car

door shut and immediately started crying. She told me about how she had gotten blamed for

making a mean picture collage of a classmate and got a detention, and didn’t object because

the real culprit was her best friend. Normally, I try to avoid helping my sisters with their emo-

tional issues, but it really hit me this time that she was upset for a good reason. I took her

aside when we got home and gave her the best advice I could, which was that she had done

the right thing and could always be proud of that. I could tell she felt better after that, and that

really helped me develop as a brother and a man. (210)

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What Formal Education Really Taught Me

Throughout the 12 years that I have been educated by the Hamilton Southeastern school sys-

tem, I have learned a lot about life as well as what they have taught me directly. The first

thing I learned is that everybody is human. It is mind-blowing to me that kids can be mean to

their teachers and then expect them to do everything in their power to help that kid get the

best grade possible. If you are nice to someone, not only does it make you feel better as well

as them, it will help get them on your side. The second (and probably most important) thing I

learned is that if you want to get anywhere in life, you have to jump through hoops. A funny

quote to illustrate this point is from the movie Horrible Bosses. It goes: “When my grand-

mother came to America, she had $20. She didn’t take any crap in her life, and eventually

turned that $20 to $200. That sucks.” On a more serious note, it is true that it is impossible to

get anywhere without doing what people tell you or taking crap. The key is to not let doing so

overwhelm you, and letting your personality shine through anyway. (206)

Boston Marathon Bombings

On April 15th, two explosions occurred dur-

ing the running of the Boston Marathon.

This tragedy ended up killing four and injur-

ing 282. The two suspects behind the

bombings, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsar-

naev, were identified shortly after the

bombing and the areas surrounding the

marathon and suburban Boston as a whole

were shut down as a manhunt was con-

ducted for them. On April 19th, the older of

the two brothers, Tamerlan, was killed in a

shootout with the police. Later that day the

younger of the two suspects was caught in

Watertown after being found in a covered boat and a furious firefight with authorities. This

chain of events gripped the nation while the search was on for the suspects, and ruined the

lives of many in the Boston area and across the country. Many strong feelings were also

evoked as cemeteries across Massachusetts refused to make space for the body of the dead

suspect. This was a terrible, heart-wrenching occurrence, and has already caused security to

be tightened at large athletic gatherings. The one good thing to come of it was to bring Boston

together as a city and show that it would not fold under its intense burden. (200)

Boyle, Louise. "'We Got Him!' Wounded Fugitive Marathon 'bomber' Captured after He Was

Found Hiding in a BOAT in Backyard of Boston Home. Cops Use Flash-bang Grenades to

Flush Him out." Mail Online. Daily Mail, 22 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 May 2013. <http://



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Top Ten List Movie – The Bourne Identity completely took me off guard and mesmerized me the first time I saw it. I

love spy movies, and this one is action-packed and features one of my favorite actors as well,

Matt Damon.

Book – My favorite book is a seven-way tie between the books in the Harry Potter series. What

can I say, the concept of magic fascinates me and I grew up reading this series.

TV Show – By far and away, my favorite TV show is Spongebob Squarepants. I love cartoons in

general, and I’ve watched it since I was a little kid. Also, the humor (immature) is right up my


Teacher – My favorite teacher I’ve ever had would have to be Mrs. Ferguson. Not only is she

hysterical and brutally honest, she helped me realize my passion for environmental science

and unknowingly greatly influenced my college choice.

Food – If I have a kryptonite, it is pizza. I could eat pizza for three meals a day and a snack.

It doesn’t matter if it is hot, cold, or even that good, because I love it all, pepperoni espe-


Drink – Although I enjoy almost every fruit juice, lemonade definitely takes the cake. I love sour foods

and drinks, and lemonade is always refreshing.

Restaurant – Although I love the food there, Outback will always have a special place in my heart for an-

other reason. My parents met there, and both worked there while raising me. It doesn’t hurt that their steak

is to die for though!

Sports Team – It is hard to pick which sport is my favorite to watch between soccer and basketball,

so I chose to list my favorite teams for both. I have been a Hoosier fan since birth, so the IU basket-

ball team is my favorite team to watch in all of basketball. For some reason unbeknownst to me, in

early high school I started to support Arsenal and have come to fall more in love with them every

season. Gooner for life!

Musical Artist – Although he does not come from my favorite music genre, Bob Marley is my favorite

musical artist mainly due to the message he portrays. He was all about peace and love, and was a

great role model in many aspects of his life.

Activity – Nothing brings me more joy than playing soccer. Since I was four I have been on some

soccer team or another, and even when practice and conditioning were terrible, I did it all for the

love of the game

What I Will Miss Most... The world as I know it will expand significantly after graduation. For the past 18 years

of my life, my world has been limited to the city of Fishers and its immediate surround-

ings. Even if something occurs that causes immense controversy and has the entire

country in shock, it is very unlikely that it affects me directly, or even at all. I am for-

tunate that my family makes enough money that even when the recession hit, we did

not have to make many changes. Even when a new president is elected, very little of

what happens as a result of that actually reaches my life. I have grown up in a shel-

tered environment, which most people like, but which I abhor. However, the reason

why graduation will be such a big challenge for me is because I will not be able to see

my family as often. Even though I don’t like to admit it, I love seeing my parents and

sisters every day, and it subconsciously bothers me when I don’t. I sometimes find

that my mood gets worse and worse the longer my mom is on a business trip, or the

more tournaments my dad and sister go to that are out of state. If I can barely handle

a few days, how can I handle months or years at a time?
