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RESEARCH ARTICLE Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage Shangping Wang 1 , Duqiao Zhao 1 *, Yaling Zhang 2 1 School of Science, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 2 School of Computer Science, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China * [email protected] Abstract Attribute based encryption (ABE) is a good way to achieve flexible and secure access con- trol to data, and attribute revocation is the extension of the attribute-based encryption, and the keyword search is an indispensable part for cloud storage. The combination of both has an important application in the cloud storage. In this paper, we construct a searchable attri- bute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage, the keyword search in our scheme is attribute based with access control, when the search succeeds, the cloud server returns the corresponding cipher text to user and the user can decrypt the cipher text definitely. Besides, our scheme supports multiple keywords search, which makes the scheme more practical. Under the assumption of decisional bilinear Diffie-Hell- man exponent (q-BDHE) and decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) in the selective security model, we prove that our scheme is secure. Introduction In 2005, Waters et al.[1] came up with the concept of ABE(Attribute-Based Encryption) which was much more flexible than traditional public-key encryption. With the development and deepening of ABE, the attribute revocation of ABE is concerned by more and more people. The efficient attributes revocation scheme is an integral part of ABE scheme, which is one of the difficulties for the application of ABE, and the study of ABE is inseparable from the attri- bute revocation scheme research. P. Traynor et al.[2] put forward a scheme which achieved the update of secret key in 2006. However, it needed that the user must kept close contact with attribute authority to get the secret key. Thereafter, Kumar et al.[3] presented a scheme with revocation of ABE, and it expanded from the IBE which they proposed before. All of these articles demand that users need to access the attribute authority for key reissuing at regular intervals. In 2008, Jiang et al.[4] gave a scheme that solved the key misused problem of users. How- ever, in this scheme, the third party should be included in each decryption key of users, and made it was unrealistic. After that, Kim et al.[5] inserted the users’ information in the secret PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0183459 August 31, 2017 1 / 20 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 OPEN ACCESS Citation: Wang S, Zhao D, Zhang Y (2017) Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage. PLoS ONE 12 (8): e0183459. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0183459 Editor: Yeng-Tseng Wang, Kaohsiung Medical University, TAIWAN Received: October 19, 2016 Accepted: August 6, 2017 Published: August 31, 2017 Copyright: © 2017 Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Funding: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants 61572019, 61173192, and the Key Project of Research Foundation of Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China under Grant No. 2016JZ001. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Searchable attribute-based encryption

scheme with attribute revocation in cloud


Shangping Wang1, Duqiao Zhao1*, Yaling Zhang2

1 School of Science, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 2 School of Computer Science,

Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

* [email protected]


Attribute based encryption (ABE) is a good way to achieve flexible and secure access con-

trol to data, and attribute revocation is the extension of the attribute-based encryption, and

the keyword search is an indispensable part for cloud storage. The combination of both has

an important application in the cloud storage. In this paper, we construct a searchable attri-

bute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage, the keyword

search in our scheme is attribute based with access control, when the search succeeds,

the cloud server returns the corresponding cipher text to user and the user can decrypt

the cipher text definitely. Besides, our scheme supports multiple keywords search, which

makes the scheme more practical. Under the assumption of decisional bilinear Diffie-Hell-

man exponent (q-BDHE) and decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) in the selective security

model, we prove that our scheme is secure.


In 2005, Waters et al.[1] came up with the concept of ABE(Attribute-Based Encryption) which

was much more flexible than traditional public-key encryption. With the development and

deepening of ABE, the attribute revocation of ABE is concerned by more and more people.

The efficient attributes revocation scheme is an integral part of ABE scheme, which is one of

the difficulties for the application of ABE, and the study of ABE is inseparable from the attri-

bute revocation scheme research.

P. Traynor et al.[2] put forward a scheme which achieved the update of secret key in 2006.

However, it needed that the user must kept close contact with attribute authority to get the

secret key. Thereafter, Kumar et al.[3] presented a scheme with revocation of ABE, and it

expanded from the IBE which they proposed before. All of these articles demand that users

need to access the attribute authority for key reissuing at regular intervals.

In 2008, Jiang et al.[4] gave a scheme that solved the key misused problem of users. How-

ever, in this scheme, the third party should be included in each decryption key of users, and

made it was unrealistic. After that, Kim et al.[5] inserted the users’ information in the secret

PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0183459 August 31, 2017 1 / 20







Citation: Wang S, Zhao D, Zhang Y (2017)

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with

attribute revocation in cloud storage. PLoS ONE 12

(8): e0183459. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.


Editor: Yeng-Tseng Wang, Kaohsiung Medical

University, TAIWAN

Received: October 19, 2016

Accepted: August 6, 2017

Published: August 31, 2017

Copyright: © 2017 Wang et al. This is an open

access article distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License, which

permits unrestricted use, distribution, and

reproduction in any medium, provided the original

author and source are credited.

Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are

within the paper and its Supporting Information


Funding: This work is supported by the National

Natural Science Foundation of China under grants

61572019, 61173192, and the Key Project of

Research Foundation of Natural Science

Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China under

Grant No. 2016JZ001.

Competing interests: The authors have declared

that no competing interests exist.

key of attribute by using the black box model and sent it to the user, which was more efficient

to guarantee the security of the system.

Attrapadung et al.[6] put forward the two revocation models, they are direct revocation

model and indirect revocation model. The direct revocation model is specified the revocation

list by sender, and the indirect revocation model updates the secret key periodically by the key

center. In [7] [8], the authors gave some ABE instances. However, in the above schemes, they

do not relate to the keyword search issue, which makes users can not effectively search for


To overcome this problem, Boneth et al. [9] proposed a single keyword search scheme,

namely the user can only search a single keyword. In this scheme, the data owner extracted the

keywords from the file before encrypted, and used the public key to encrypt the keywords.

After that, the data owner sent the file and the index of the keywords to the cloud server. The

user could generate the search token about the keywords which he wanted to search and sent it

to the cloud server. The cloud server used the matching algorithm to find out the cipher text

and returned it if the match was successful.

Searchable encryption has many practical applications. In 2011, Kerschbaum et al.[10] pro-

posed a secure conjunctive keyword searches for unstructured text scheme, and the scheme

was proved secure in the random oracle model. At the same year, Cao et al.[11] and Chuanh

et al.[12] gave schemes that the multi-keyword search over encrypted data.

In 2014, Han et al. [13] proposed an attribute based encryption (ABE) searchable scheme,

in which used the homomorphic encryption technology. Sahai et al. [14] gave a outsourcing

technique based on the scheme of Gentry et al.[15]. After that, Liang K et al. [16] proposed a

searchable ABE mechanism with efficient and secure in cloud storage. This model can be

applied to real life, such as the safety of electric power system. And the scheme is secure in the

random oracle model. Later, Li et al. [17] proposed a searchable ABE scheme with attribute

revocation in cloud storage.

Willy Susilo et al.[18] proposed a searchable scheme, and it supported multiple keywords

search. At the same time, Li J et al.[19] made a searchable CP-ABE with revocation. In this

scheme, the receivers could not steal any information from the cipher because of the access

structures were partially hidden, which made the scheme more secure.

In 2016, Wen et al. [20] proposed a verifiable attribute-based keyword search scheme with

fine-grained owner-enforced search authorization in the cloud. This scheme supports user rev-

ocation. Besides, it allows data owners encrypt the data and outsource to the cloud server. In

the same year, Yang et al. [21] proposed a conjunctive keyword search scheme with designated

tester. User can search within a specified time if he is authorized, and it is proved secure in the

standard model. In 2017, Jiang et al. [22] proposed a keyword search scheme with efficiency

and verification in cloud data, and it allows multi-keyword search. Finally, they gave the secu-

rity analysis in the scheme. Later, Poon et al.[23] constructed a conjunctive keyword search

scheme. This scheme allows phrase search, and has smaller storage cost.

Our contribution

In 2012, Qiang Li et al.[24] put forward a scheme with fine-grained attribute revocation. How-

ever, the scheme only achieves the attribute revocation, the keyword search is not involved,

this problem may lead to the problem that system users cannot effectively download cipher

text which they interested from the cloud server.

In this paper, we propose a keyword search attribute based encryption scheme with attri-

bute revocation. The new scheme supports not only the attribute revocation but also keyword

search. When a user wants to search the file which he interests, he sends the search token to

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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the cloud server, and the cloud server runs the test algorithm. If the test is successful, it returns

the file. In this way, the user can download the file which he interests and save the storage

space at the same time. Finally, under the assumption of q-BDHE and DDH in the selective

security model, we prove that our scheme is secure.


A linear secret sharing scheme can be used to represent an access control policy (M, ρ), which

M is an l×k matrix, and S = {att1, . . ., attn} be an attribute set, and for i 2 [1,l], ρ(i)! S is a

mapping function, and ρ(i) maps a row into the attribute.

Linear Secret-Sharing Scheme (LSSS) [25]

A linear secret sharing scheme includes two algorithms:

Share: In this step, it is dispersing the secret value s to attributes specified by ρ as follows: by

selecting v2; . . . ; vk!R Zp,setting ~V ¼ ðs; v2; . . . ; vkÞ and computing li ¼ Mi �

~V where Mi is the

ith row of M,it assigns secrets share λi to the attribute ρ(i).Combine: In this step, it is used to collect the secret value from secret shares which related

to the attributes as follows: selecting subset I = {i: ρ(i) 2 S} the attribute set {ρ(i) | i 2 I} satis-

fies access control strategy (M, ρ), and computing coefficients ki, i 2 I such that ∑i2I kiMi =

(1,0,. . ., 0), then we will obtain that ∑i2I kiλi = s.

Decisional q-BDHE assumption [24]

The definition of the decisional q-BDHE exponent assumption in our article as follows:

Choose a group G1 of prime order p, let g be a generator of G1, and define e: G1 × G1! G2,

the adversary is given a vector

ðg; gs; ga; ga2

; . . . ; gaq ; gaqþ2

; . . . ; ga2qÞ 2 G2qþ1


We say that the Decision q-BDHE assumption holds in G1 if no polynomial-time algorithm

has a non-negligible advantage to distinguish eðg; gÞsaqþ1

and a random element in G2.

Zero Inner-product [24]

The ID represents the identity of user which associated with user’s private key. Define a

vector X = (x1,. . .,xn)T such that xi = IDi-1, i 2 [1, n]. To encrypt with a revoked user set

R = {ID1,� � �, IDq}, one defines as Y = (y1,. . ., yn)T, the coefficient vector of PR[Z] from

PR½Z� ¼Xqþ1


yiZi� 1 ¼



ðZ � IDjÞ

where, if q + 1 < n, the coordinates yq+2,� � �,yn are set to 0. By doing so, we note that

PR[ID] = <X, Y> = 0 iff ID 2 R.

For example, if the user ID1 in the revoked user set R = {ID1, ID3}, we have that

PR½ID1� ¼< X;Y >¼Y


ðID1 � IDjÞ ¼ 0.

Decisional DDH assumption [10]

Let G1 is a group which prime order is p, let g be a generator of G1, and give a tuple (g, ga, gb)

where a; b2RZp, we say that the decisional DDH assumption holds if no polynomial time

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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algorithm has a non-negligible advantage to distinguish that Z equals gab or to a random ele-

ment of G1.

Algorithm model and security model

Algorithm model. Denote U = {ID1,� � �, IDQ} to be the universe of all the users, we con-

sider a scheme that searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in

cloud storage, as described in Fig 1. There are seven algorithms in our scheme:

Setup (λ)!msk, pp: This algorithm is executed by attribute authority. It inputs a security

parameter λ and outputs the master secret key msk and public parameter pp.

KeyGen (ID, (M, ρ), pp, msk)! sk, τ:This algorithm is executed by attribute authority. It

inputs a user’s identity ID 2 U, an access structure (M, ρ), public parameter pp, the msk and

outputs the secret key sk and the part of search token τ.

Encryption (pp, ω, Rθ, m)! ct: This algorithm is executed by data owner. It inputs public

parameter pp, the attribute set ω, a revocation list Rθ� U which attribute θ 2 ω,a message mand outputs a cipher text ct.

Index (pp, ω, Rθ, W)! Ind: This algorithm is executed by data owner. It inputs public

parameter pp, the attribute set ω,a revocation list Rθ� U which attribute θ 2 ω,the keywords

set from the uploaded files W and outputs keywords index Ind.

Fig 1. System model of our scheme


Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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Trapdoor (pp, W0, τ)!τ�:This algorithm is executed by user. It inputs the public parame-

ter pp and the keywords set W0, and outputs the new token τ�.Test (τ�, Ind)! 1 or 0:This algorithm is executed by cloud storage server. It inputs the

search token τ�and keywords index Ind and outputs 1 or 0.

Decryption (pp, ID, sk, Rθ, ct)!m: This algorithm is executed by user. It inputs public

parameter pp, the user secret key sk of user ID 2 U, a revocation list Rθ� U of attribute θ 2 ω,

a cipher text ct. And the user ID has the attribute set ω0 as: if ID 2 Rθ, let ω0 = ω − {θ};otherwise,

ω0 = ω. It computes the message m if and only if the attribute set ω0 satisfies the access struc-

ture. And the user can decrypt the file with m.

Finally, the system model of our scheme is shown in Fig 1.

Security model

(1) Selective security model of attribute revocation.

Init. The adversary A chooses the attribute set ω� and a revocation list R�yðy 2 o�Þ.

Setup. The simulator operates this algorithm to get the public parameter pp and sends it to

the adversary.

Phase 1. The adversary queries the simulator for user private key sk which corresponds to

the access structure (M, ρ), such that ω�0will not meet the access structure (M, ρ).Challenge. The simulator receives two messages m0 and m1 from adversary, and chooses a

random bit b 2 {0, 1} to encrypt mb, and computes challenge cipher text ct� with the attribute

set ω� and the attribute revocation list R�y.

Phase 2. Same as Phase 1.

Guess. The adversary gives a guess b0 of b, and the advantage of the adversary in this game

is defined as jPr½b0 ¼ b� � 1


Definition1. The game model of this paper is to be safe if there no polynomial time adver-

saries have a non-negligible advantage in the above game.

(2) Indistinguishability against chosen keyword attack (IND-CKA) model.

Init. The adversary A selects a attribute set ω� and a user revocation list R�y

of θ 2 ω�. Then Bruns the algorithm to generate the public parameter pp and sends it to adversary A.

Phase 1. The adversary queries the challenger as follows:

1. The index of keywords {w1, w2,. . ., wN}.

2. The search token of fwj1 ;wj2 ; . . . ;wjN1g, and 1 � j1; . . . ; jN1

� N .

Challenge. The challenger receives two different keywords w�0

and w�1

from the adversary.

We require that the keywords w�0

and w�1

satisfies that 8j;wj 6¼ w�0^ wj 6¼ w�


The challenger chooses a random keyword w�b, b 2 {0,1}, and give the index of keywords w�bto adversary.

Phase 2. Same as Phase 1.

Guess. The adversary gives a guess b0 of b, and the advantage of any adversary in this game

is defined as jPr½b0 ¼ b� � 1


Definition 2. We say a searchable encryption article with multiple keywords is secure based

on the game IND-CKA, if the advantage of the adversary is negligible in the above game.

Implement of the algorithm

Our construction is based on the Qiang Li et al.[24], and we combine the keyword search with

attribute revocation in our new scheme. User constructs the search token when he wants to

search files. If the search is successful and the set of attribute satisfies the access structure, it

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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outputs 1 in the algorithm of Test, then cloud server returns the cipher text. Our scheme adds

access control in search, the user can download the files which he interests and can decrypt in

this way, and save the space. We construct our scheme as follows:

Setup (λ)!msk, pp: Give that the G1 and G2 are two groups of prime order p, the binary

size of p is λ,let g be a generator of G1. Define that e: G1× G1!G2. In this paper, we suppose

the maximum number of attribute is m when encryption, and n represents the maximum

number of revoked user set in the revocation list. Then randomly choose α, β, δ 2 Zp,

A ¼ ða1; a2; . . . ; anÞT2 Zn

p , set H ¼ ðh1; h2; . . . ; hnÞT¼ ðga1 ; ga2 ; . . . ; ganÞ

Tand randomly

choose {k0,i, k1,i 2 G1|i = 1,. . .,m},let K0ðxÞ ¼Ym


iÞ0;i ;K1ðxÞ ¼



iÞ1;i . Then

randomly choose that {t0,i, t1,i 2 G1|i = 1,. . .,m},and then define two functions Tf(x): Zp!

G1,Tf ðxÞ ¼Ym


iÞf ;i where f = {0, 1}. Let hash H be H:{0, 1}� ! G1, then the master key msk

and public parameter pp are:

msk ¼< a; a1; b; fk0;i; k1;i; t0;i; t1;igi¼1;...;m >

pp ¼< g; eðg; gÞa;H ¼ ðh1; h2; . . . ; hnÞT; gb; d;H;K0ðxÞ;K1ðxÞ >

KeyGen (ID, (M, ρ), pp, msk)! sk, τ : Let M be an l × k matrix corresponding to access pol-

icy (M, ρ). Define a vector X = (x1,. . .,xn)T such that xi = IDi−1, i 2 [1, n]. Randomly choose r,{zi,0, zi,1}i2[2,. . .k] 2 Zp, define a vector v0 = (α + rα1, z2,0,. . ., zk,0)T, v1 = (α, z2,1,. . ., zk,1)T. For

i = 1 to l, and compute that λi,0 = Mi�v0 and λi,1 = Mi�v1. Randomly choose {ri,0, ri,1}i2[1,. . .l] 2 Zp,

and set the private key as

sk ¼< D1;0;D1;1;D2;0;D2;1;D3;KX >


D1;0 ¼ fDðiÞ1;0 ¼ gli;0T0ðrðiÞÞ


D2;0 ¼ fDðiÞ2;0 ¼ gri;0gi2½1;...;l�

D1;1 ¼ fDðiÞ1;1 ¼ gli;1T1ðrðiÞÞ


D2;1 ¼ fDðiÞ2;1 ¼ gri;1gi2½1;...;l�

D3 ¼ gr;KX ¼ fKi ¼ ðh�


1 � hiÞrgi2½2;...;n�

Then calculate that KX ¼ ðK2; . . . ;KnÞ ¼ gr�MTX

A, where MX 2 (Zp)n×(n−1) is defined by

MX ¼�x2




� � � �xnx1

In� 1





Randomly choose fv2; . . . ; vkg 2 Zk� 1p and set v ¼ ðb; v2; . . . ; vkÞ

T2 Zk

p . For i = 1 to l, com-

pute λi = Mi�v. Randomly choose ξi 2 Zp, then denote that

t ¼< t1; t2;0; t2;1 >

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t1 ¼ ft1;i ¼ gligi¼1;...l

t2;0 ¼ ftrðiÞ2;0 ¼ Kxi

0 ðrðiÞÞgi¼1;...l

t2;1 ¼ ftrðiÞ2;1 ¼ Kxi

1 ðrðiÞÞgi¼1;...l

then send sk and τ to the user.

Encryption (pp, ω, Rθ, m)! ct: Suppose that a message m is encrypted with a set of attri-

bute ω and a revocation list Rθ� U which attribute θ 2 ω. Define a vector Y = (y1,. . ., yn)T as

the coefficient vector of PRy½Z�, and randomly choose s 2 Zp then output

ct ¼ hC;C1;C2;0;C2;1;C3i


C ¼ m � eðg; gÞas;C1 ¼ gs

C2;0 ¼ fCðxÞ2;0¼ T0ðxÞ

sgx2o;C2;1 ¼ fC

ðxÞ2;1¼ T1ðxÞ

sgx2o� fyg

C3 ¼ ðhy11 � � � hyn

n Þs

Index (pp, ω, Rθ, W)! Ind: A revocation list Rθ� U which attribute θ 2 ω. Data owner

encrypts the file F which is firstly encrypted by a symmetric encryption algorithm and gets

cipher text F�, and suppose that the symmetric encryption key is m. The set of keywords

W = {w1, w2,. . ., wN} is extracted from the F, and randomly choose t 2 Zp,and output the key-

words index

Ind ¼< I0; I1;j; I2;0; I2;1 >


I0 ¼ gt

I1;j ¼ gb � HðwjÞd; j 2 ½1;N�

I2;0 ¼ fIðxÞ2;0 ¼ Kt


; I2;1 ¼ fIðxÞ2;1 ¼ Kt

1ðxÞgx2o� y

and send <Ind, ct, F�> to the cloud server.

Trapdoor (pp, W0, τ)!τ�: The user constructs the search token τ� according to the key-

words W 0 ¼ fwj1;wj2

; . . . ;wjN1g; ð1 � j1; . . . ; jN1

� NÞ which he interests as

t3 ¼ ft1;jq¼ gb � Hðwjq

Þdgq¼1;...;N1 ;jq¼1;...;N

and sends search token τ� =< τ1, τ2,0, τ2,1, τ3> and his ID to the cloud server.

Test (τ�, Ind)! 1 or 0: The cloud server receives the search token from the user. First,

the cloud server judges that whether the ID of user is in the revocation list Rθ. If ID 2 Rθ, let

ω0 = ω − {θ};otherwise, ω0 = ω. If the set ω0 satisfies the access structure (M, ρ), then there exists

a set of constants {μi 2 Zp}i2I, such thatP

i2Imi �Mi ¼ ð1; 0; . . . ; 0Þ.

(1) When ID =2 Rθ, cloud server selects N1 keywords index from the Ind, we denote the result

of selecting as fI1;O1; I1;O2

; . . . I1;ON1g,where 1 � O1; . . . ;ON1

� N. Then cloud server tests the

selected index set fI1;O1; I1;O2

; . . . I1;ON1g with the search token τ� =< τ1, τ2,0, τ2,1, τ3> with the

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following equation


q¼1eðI1; t1;jq


s¼1eðI1; I1;Os


If the equation holds, it turns to next step; otherwise, it outputs 0.


i2Iðt1;i � t

rðiÞ2;0 Þ




2;0 Þmi; gÞ

¼? eðI0; I1Þ

If the equations all hold, it returns the corresponding cipher text<ct, F�> to the user, and

user can decrypt. Otherwise, it outputs 0.

(2) When ID 2 Rθ, cloud server selects N1 keywords index from the Ind, we denote the

result of selecting is fI1;O1; I1;O2

; . . . I1;ON1g,where 1 � O1; . . . ;ON1

� N. Then cloud server tests

the selected index set fI1;O1; I1;O2

; . . . I1;ON1g with the search token τ� =< τ1, τ2,0, τ2,1, τ3> with

the following equation


q¼1eðI1; t1;jq

Þ ¼?YN1

s¼1eðI1; I1;Os


If the equation holds, it turns to next step; otherwise, it outputs 0.


i2Iðt1;i � t

rðiÞ2;1 Þ




2;1 Þmi; gÞ

¼? eðI0; I1Þ

If the equations all hold, it returns the corresponding cipher text<ct, F�> to the user, and

user can decrypt. Otherwise, it outputs 0.

Decryption (pp, ID, sk, Rθ, ct)!m: User can decrypt according to the returned cipher text.

If ID 2 Rθ, ω0 = ω − {θ};otherwise, ω0 = ω, and then:

(1) When ID 2 Rθ, let I = {i: ρ(i) 2 ω0}, and there exists a set of constants {μi 2 Zp}i2I, such

that ∑i2I μi �Mi = (1,0,. . ., 0),then ∑i2I μiλi,1 = α. It calculates

φ ¼Y



eðCrðiÞ2;1 Þ;D



¼ eðg; gÞsa

and m = C / φ, user can decrypt F� to get F with m.

(2) When ID =2 Rθ, calculate

KX ¼Yn


Kyii ¼ h







so that when <X, Y> 6¼ 0, and then calculate

� ¼eðK;C1Þ


� �� x1<X;Y>

¼ eðg; gÞrsa1

Let I = {i: ρ(i) 2 ω0}, and there exists a set of constants {μi 2 Zp}i2I, such that ∑i2I μi �Mi =

(1,0,. . ., 0),then ∑i2I μλi,0 = α+ rα1. Thus we have

g ¼Y



eðCrðiÞ2;0 ;D



¼ eðg; gÞs�ðaþra1Þ

and m = C / A, user can decrypt F � to get F with m.

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Correctness analyses

In this subsection, we show that our construction is correct with some appropriate parameters


(1) In the process of search the equation holds, it means that cloud server selects N1 key-

words index from the Ind which we denote fI1;O1; I1;O2

; . . . I1;ON1g,where 1 � O1; . . . ;ON1

� N

is matching the search token of the keywords fwj1;wj2

; . . . ;wjN1g; ð1 � j1; . . . ; jN1

� NÞ from

the user, then computes that


q¼1eðI1; t1;jq



q¼1eðgb; gb � Hðwjq



q¼1eðgb; I1 � Hðwjq



s¼1eðI1; I1;Os


a. When ID =2 Rθ, compute that


i2Iðt1;i � t

rðiÞ2;0 Þ




2;0 Þmi; gÞ

¼eðgt; g


i2Ilimi �



0 ðrðiÞÞÞ



0 ðrðiÞÞ; gÞ

¼eðgt; gbÞ � eðg;



0 ðrðiÞÞÞt



0 ðrðiÞÞ; gÞt

¼ eðgt; gbÞ

¼ eðI0; I1Þ

b. When ID 2 Rθ, compute that


i2Iðt1;i � t

rðiÞ2;1 Þ




2;1 Þmi; gÞ

¼eðgt; g


i2Ilimi �



1 ðrðiÞÞÞ



1 ðrðiÞÞ; gÞ

¼eðgt; gbÞ � eðg;



1 ðrðiÞÞÞt



1 ðrðiÞÞ; gÞt

¼ eðgt; gbÞ

¼ eðI0; I1Þ

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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(2) The decryption process first calculates

Ki ¼ h�


1 � hi






¼ g�

xix1� a1� gai


¼ gr� �

xix1� a1 þ ai

� �

MX ¼�




x1. . . �


In� 1












In� 1
















x1� a1 þ a2


x1� a1 þ a3



�xnx1� a1 þ an






KX ¼ fK2; � � � ;Kng ¼ gr�MTX�A

(3) The decryption process calculates:

a. When ID 2 Rθ

φ ¼Y



eðCrðiÞ2;1 ;D





eðgs; gli;1T1ðrðiÞÞri;1Þ

eðT1ðrðiÞÞs; gri;1Þ

� �mi



eðgs; gli;1Þ � eðgs;T1ðrðiÞÞri;1ÞÞ

eðT1ðrðiÞÞs; gri;1Þ

� �mi



ðeðgs; gli;1ÞÞmi



eðg; gÞs�li;1 �mi

¼ eðg; gÞs�ðP

i2Ili;1 �miÞ

¼ eðg; gÞsa

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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b. When ID =2 Rθ

KX ¼Yn







1 � hi






¼ h�


xnynx1ð Þ

1 �Yn




¼ h�


xnynx1ð Þ

1 �Yn


hiyi � h1

� y1


¼ h�


xnynx1ð Þ

1 �Yn


hiyi � h1



¼ h�


xnynx1ð Þ

1 �Yn




¼ h�<X;Y>

x11 �





� ¼eðK;C1Þ


� �� x1<X;Y>


e h�<X;Y>


1 �Yn




; gs !


1� � � hyn

nÞs; grÞ








e h�<X;Y>




; g


� eYn




; g



1� � � hyn

nÞ; gÞ







¼ e h�<X;Y>



� �; g

� �� �� x1<X;Y>


¼ e g �<X;Y>


� �; g

� �� �� x1<X;Y>


¼ eðg; gÞrsa1

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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g ¼Y



eðCrðiÞ2;0 ;D





eðgs; gli;0T0ðrðiÞÞri;0Þ

eðT0ðrðiÞÞs; gri;0Þ

� �mi



eðgs; gli;0Þ � eðgs;T0ðrðiÞÞri;0ÞÞ

eðT0ðrðiÞÞs; gri;0Þ

� �mi



ðeðgs; gli;0ÞÞmi



eðg; gÞs�li;0 �mi

¼ eðg; gÞS�ðP


¼ eðg; gÞs�ðaþra1Þ

Let A = γ / ϕ = e(g, g)sα.

Security analyses

Selective security model proof

Theorem1. If an adversary can break our scheme with advantage ε in the selective security

model, then we can construct a simulator to solve the Decision q-BDHE problem with advan-

tage ε2.

Proof: This proof bases on [24].

The simulation proceeds as follows. First, the challenger sets

Y ¼ ðg; gs; g1 ¼ ga; g2 ¼ ga2

; . . . ; gq ¼ gaq ; gqþ2 ¼ gaqþ2

; . . . ; g2q ¼ ga2qÞ

Then the challenger flips a fair binary coin μ: if μ = 0, the challenger sets Z = e(g1, gq)s if

μ = 1,then the challenger picks a random element Z from G2.

Init. The simulator B runs adversary A. A selects an attribute set ω� and a user revocation

list R�y,where θ 2 ω�, which it wishes to be challenged upon.

Setup. The simulator B proceeds as follows:

(1) The simulator B randomly chooses α 0, β, δ, 2 Zp, and then simulator B sets that

eðg; gÞa ¼ eðga; gaqÞ � eðg; gÞa0

,implicitly has that α = α 0 + αq+1. Then it randomly chooses

fk00;i; k

01;i 2 G1ji¼1;...;mg, and computes

K0ðxÞ ¼Ym


iÞ0;i ;K1ðxÞ ¼




(2) It sets R�y¼ fID1; � � � ; IDmg where m� Q. For k 2 [1, m], simulator B sets

Xk ¼ ðxk;1; . . . ; xk;nÞ ¼ ð1; IDk; ID2k; . . . ; IDn� 1

k Þ, randomly chooses bk 2 Zp and has that

bTk �MXk

¼ bTk �


. . . �xk;nxk;1

In� 1




A ¼ 0

and bk ¼ 1;xk;2xk;1; . . .


� �T. The simulator B sets the n×q matrix B = (b1|. . .|bm|0|. . .|0),

for k 2 [1, m], it consists by bk, and q −m columns are 0. Sets Z = (z1,� � �,zq)T 2 Zn and

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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zi = aq+1−i, gz ¼ ðgaq ; � � � ; gaÞT

and implicitly has that A = B�Z + δ where δ2RZn

p . Define

H = (h1, h2,. . .,hn)T = gB�Z�gδ, for k 2 [1, m], we have that MTXk�B 2 ðZpÞ

ðn� 1Þ�q¼ 0, so it

doesn’t have zk = aq+1−k.

(3) It sets ω�0 = ω� − {θ}, randomly chooses two polynomials f0(x) and f1(x) of degree m and

computes two polynomials as follows:

u0ðxÞ ¼ xm� jo�jY


ðx � iÞ

u1ðxÞ ¼ xm� jo�� fygjY

i2o�� fyg

ðx � iÞ

For i 2 [0, m], let c0,i and c1,i be the ith term of f0(x) and f1(x), d0,i and d1,i be the ith term of

u0(x) and u1(x). B defines T0ðxÞ ¼ ga�u0ðxÞþf0ðxÞ and T1ðxÞ ¼ ga�u1ðxÞþf1ðxÞ,at the same time, B sim-

ulates {t0,i, t1,i}i = 1,. . .,m where

t0;i ¼ ðgaÞ

d0;i gc0;i ; t1;i ¼ ðgaÞ

d1;i gc1;i

Finally, B gives the public parameters

pp ¼< g; eðg; gÞa;H ¼ ðh1; h2; . . . ; hnÞT; gb; d;K0ðxÞ;K1ðxÞ >

to A.

Phase 1. Let M be a p×l matrix, ω�0 doesn’t satisfy the access structure (M, ρ). If ID 2 Rθ,

there is ω�0 = ω� − {θ}; otherwise, ω�0 = ω�. The simulator B generates the secret key sk as


(1) When ID =2 Rθ (in this case, we have ω�0 = ω�), and ω�0doesn’t satisfy the access structure,

B first defines p ¼ ðp1; � � � ; plÞT2 Zn�

p where π1 = 1 We have Mi�π = 0 for each i when ρ(i) 2 ω�.Then the simulator B defines two vectors η0 = (r, η0,2,. . .,η0,l)

T and η1 = (0, η1,2,. . .,η1,l)T, and

defines that u0 = α1 η0 + απ and u1 = η1 + απ, we can compute the first term of u0 and u1 are

α + rα1 and α.

i. When ρ(i) 2 ω�, B computes that

gli;0 ¼ gMi �m0 ¼ ðga1ÞMi �Z0 ; gli;1 ¼ gMi �Z1

and randomly chooses ri,0, ri,1 2 Zp and computes that

DðiÞ1;0 ¼ gli;0T0ðrðiÞÞri;0 ;DðiÞ2;0 ¼ gri;0

DðiÞ1;1 ¼ gli;1T1ðrðiÞÞri;1 ;DðiÞ2;1 ¼ gri;1

ii. When ρ(i) =2 ω�, B computes that

gli;0 ¼ gMi�u0 ¼ ga1 �Mi�Z0þa�Mi �p; gli;1 ¼ gMi �u1 ¼ gMi �Z1þa�Mi�p

and randomly chooses r; fr0i;0gi2½l�; fr0i;1gi2½l� 2 Zp, and sets ri;0 ¼ r0i;0 �


ðMi � pÞ and

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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ri;1 ¼ r0i;1 �aq

m1ðrðiÞÞðMi � pÞ, then

DðiÞ1;0 ¼ gli;0T0ðrðiÞÞri;0

¼ ga1 �Mi �Z0þa�Mi�pT0ðrðiÞÞr0i;0g

aq � f0ðrðiÞÞ � ðMi � pÞ


DðiÞ2;0 ¼ gri;0 ¼ gr0i;0 �aq

m0ðrðiÞÞðMi �pÞ

DðiÞ1;1 ¼ gli;1T1ðrðiÞÞri;1

¼ gMi �Z1þa�Mi �pT1ðrðiÞÞr0i;1g

aq � f1ðrðiÞÞ � ðMi � pÞ


DðiÞ2;1 ¼ gri;1 ¼ gri;1 � aqm1ðrðiÞÞ

ðMi �pÞ

Then B computes that D3 = gr, KX ¼ fKi ¼ ðh�


1 � hiÞrgi2½2;...;n�.

(2) When ID 2 R�y

and sets fID ¼ IDkgk2½1;m�. The simulator B randomly chooses r 0 2 Zp

and sets r = r 0 − ak. Defines A = B � Z+δ, the first term of A is a1 ¼ d1 þXm


aqþ1� j, and com-

putes that

gaþra1 ¼ ga0þaqþ1

� ðgd1þ



aqþ1� j

Þr0 � ak

¼ ga0 � d1ak � ga1r0 � g�

� Xm


aqþ1� jþk�

randomly chooses fZigi2½2;l� 2 Zp and defines η = (α + rα1, η2, . . ., ηl)T, and for i 2 [1, p], sets

Mi = (xi,1, xi,2, . . ., xi,l), then computes

gli;0 ¼ gMi�η ¼ ðgaþra1Þxi;1g



Zj � xi;j

randomly chooses ri,0 2 Zp, then

DðiÞ1;0 ¼ gli;0T0ðrðiÞÞri;0 ;DðiÞ2;0 ¼ gri;0

As ω�0 does not satisfy the access structure, the simulation of DðiÞ1;1 and DðiÞ2;1 are the same as the

previous case. For {Ki}i2[2,n], the simulator B can computes KX ¼ ðK2; . . . ;KnÞ ¼ gr�MTX

A by


X�B � ZþMT

X� δ.

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Challenge. The adversary A submits two messages m0 and m1, B randomly chooses mb

where b 2{0,1} to encrypt. Then computes

C ¼ mb � Z � eðgs; ga0 Þ;C1 ¼ gs

C2;0 ¼ fCðxÞ2;0jC

ðxÞ2;0 ¼ T0ðxÞ

s¼ ðgsÞf0ðxÞ; x 2 o�g

C2;1 ¼ fCðxÞ2;1jC

ðxÞ2;1 ¼ T1ðxÞ

s¼ ðgsÞ

f1ðxÞ; x 2 o� � fygg

Then the simulator B defines Y = (y1, � � �, yn)T according to the revocation list R�y


<Xk, Y > = 0 for k 2[1,m]. And we have that Y ¼ MXk� γ1 where γ1 = (y2, � � �, yn)T, then

< Y;B � Z >¼ YTB � Z ¼Xm


zk �YT�bk ¼ 0

and computes

C3 ¼ ðhy11 . . . hyn

n Þs¼ ðgsÞ<Y;A>

¼ ðgsÞ<Y;δ>

Then B sends the challenge ciphertext ct� = (C, C1, C2,0, C2,1, C3) to the adversary A. If

μ = 0, then Z = e(g1, gq)s, the challenge ciphertext ct� is a valid random encryption of message

mb. If μ = 1, then Z is a random element of G2, and ct�is also random from the adversary’s

view, and ct� contains no information of mb.

Phase2. Same as Phase1.

Guess. The adversary A outputs the guess b0 of b. B outputs μ = 0 to guess that Z = e(g1, gq)s

if b0 = b; otherwise, B outputs μ = 1, and it indicates that Z is a random element in G2. And the

advantage of simulator B to solve the q-BDHE problem is


2Pr½m0 ¼ mjm ¼ 0� þ


2Pr½m0 ¼ mjm ¼ 1� �





2þ εÞ þ







IND-CKA security proof

Theorem 2. Suppose there exists a polynomial-time adversary A, which can attack our scheme

with advantage ε in the IND-CKA model. We can construct a simulator B that can solve the

DDH problem in G1 with probability at lest ε4eðMþTN1þ

12Þ, where e is constant, and we assume the

adversary A makes M index queries and T search token queries(it contains N1 keywords) in

each phase[10].

Proof: B is given an instance g, ga, gb, gc of the DDH problem in G1. In the following parts,

we construct the cipher text by setting δ = b. The simulation proceeds as follows:

Init. The adversary A selects a attribute set ω� and a user revocation list R�y

of θ 2 ω�.B is

given an instance g, ga, gb, gc of the DDH problem in G1. Then B runs the algorithm to generate

the public parameter pp and sends it to adversary A.

Phase1. B maintains a hash list L = {wj, αj, lj} and randomly chooses αj 2 Zp for keywords

wj with biased coin flip lj. The list is empty when begins and simulates the hash function as a

Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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random oracle. And if the random oracle is queried for a hash of w,B searches the hush list L if

the w exists in the list.

1. If lj = 0,the B gives that gaj ;

2. If lj = 1,the algorithm aborts;

3. If the keyword w does not exist in the list, the B flips a random coin l 2 {0,1} so that Pr

[coin0 = 0] = σ and σ will be calculated later.

a. If l = 0, the B randomly chooses α 2 Zp,and adds< w, α, 0> to the hush list;

b. If l = 1, the B adds < w,?, 1> to the hush list.

c. The B repeat the above process.

Keywords index query. If the adversary A asks the keyword wj of index information, Bsearches the hush list L. If lj = 1, B aborts; and if lj = 0, B randomly chooses t 2 Zp, let HðwjÞ ¼

gaj and generates that

I0 ¼ gt

I1;j ¼ gbHðwjÞd¼ gbðgbÞaj

I2;0 ¼ fIðxÞ2;0 ¼ Kt


; I2;1 ¼ fIðxÞ2;1 ¼ Kt

1ðxÞgx2o�� y

Search token query. If the adversary A asks the keyword wjqof searching token with the

access structure (M, ρ), Let M be a p×l matrix, ω�0doesn’t satisfy the access structure (M, ρ). If

ID 2 R�y, there is ω�0 = ω� − {θ}; otherwise, ω�0 = ω�.B searches the hush list L. If ljq ¼ 1,B

aborts; and if ljq ¼ 0,let HðwjqÞ ¼ gaj . For i = 1 to l, randomly choose ξi 2 Zp and B generates


t�1¼ ft1;i;jq

¼ gliHðwjqÞ

dgi2½1;l�;q2½1;N1 �;jq2½1;N�

t2;0 ¼ ftrðiÞ2;0 ¼ Kxi

0 ðrðiÞÞgi2½1;l�

t2;1 ¼ ftrðiÞ2;1 ¼ Kxi

1 ðrðiÞÞgi2½1;l�

Challenge. The adversary A outputs two keywords w�0

and w�1,B randomly chooses b 2 {0,1}

and searches the hush list L that< w�b; a; l >. If l = 0,B aborts; if l = 1, let Hðw�bÞ ¼ ga and com-


I0 ¼ gt; I1 ¼ gbgc

I2;0 ¼ fIðxÞ2;0 ¼ Kt

0ðxÞgx2o� ; I2;1 ¼ fI

ðxÞ2;1 ¼ Kt

1ðxÞgx2o�� y

Phase2. Same as Phase1.

Guess. The adversary A outputs the guess b0 of b, B outputs gc = gab if b0 = b; otherwise gc is

a random group element in G1.

Correctness Analyses. In the above simulation scheme, if the adversary A has the advan-

tage of attack our scheme, and then it will be given the keyword wj of hush value is H(wj) = ga

rather than the random value H(wj) = gaj. Then it can compute that I1 = gβH(w)δ = gβ(gb)a, that

is I1 = gβgc = gβgab, and B computes that gc = gab which means it solves the DDH problem.

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Probability Analyses. Suppose that the adversary A makes M index queries and T search

token queries in each phase, and the probability that B will not be terminated in two query

phases 1 and 2 is s2ðMþTN1Þ, so the probability that it will not terminated during the challenge

step is 1 − σ, so that results in an overall probability that B does not abort is s2ðMþTN1Þ � ð1 � sÞ.

And, through the computes that the maximum is s ¼ 1 � 1

2ðMþTN1Þþ1, so the maximum proba-

bility is 1

2eðMþTN1þ12Þ. Thus, if our scheme can be attacked by the adversary A with the advantage

ε, and the B can resolve the DDH problem with advantage ε4eðMþTN1þ


Performance analyses

In this section, we give some performance analysis in our scheme. The hardware runtime envi-

ronment is Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz, and RAM is 4.00GB. The software runtime

environment is JDK 1.7.5, JPBC 2.0.0 and MyEclipse10.

Our scheme is compared with the schemes of [21, 24, 26, 27, 28] in Table 1.

Our scheme is also compared with the schemes of [26, 27, 28] in Table 2.

We can see from Table 2, our scheme has a large amount of computation in the KenGen

and Encryption generation, because our scheme doesn’t need to update the cipher-text and

secret key when attributes revocation. However, the schemes of [26], [27] and [28] don’t

achieve the function of attribute revocation.

As is shown in the Fig 2, we suppose that there are 16 attributes in the policy and provide

the relational graphs of keywords index building time as is shown in Fig 2(a) and search token

building time as is shown in Fig 2(b). From the Fig 2(a) and 2(b), we can see that the time cost

is nearly linear with the index building and token building. In the Fig 2(c), we give the rela-

tional graph of the number of attributes in the policy and time cost. As is shown in the Fig 2(c),

Table 1. Performance analyses.

Scheme Fine-grained Attribute revocation Keyword search Do not update cipher-text when attribute revocation

[26] × × × ×[21] × ×

[24]p p


[27] × × × _

[28] × × × _

Our schemep p p p


Table 2. Calculation analyses.

Scheme KeyGen Encryption Pairings in Decryption

[26] (2 + 2l)ex (3 + | S |)ex 2 + 2| I |

[27] 3lex (2 + | S |)ex 1 + 3| I |

[28] 2lex (6 + | S |)ex 1 + 2| I |

Our scheme (2 + 4l)ex (3 + 2 | S |)ex 1 + 2| I |

| S |: The size of the attributes set of a decryption key.

l: The number of rows of the matrix in access policy(M,ρ).

ex: An exponentiation operation.

| I |: The number of attributes for a decryption key to satisfy a cipher-text policy.


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Fig 2. (a) Index building time (b) Token building time (c) The number of attributes in policy and index

building time


Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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we can find that the effect of the increase of the attributes on the time is not particularly evi-

dent in our scheme which takes less time than Zhiquan’s[29].


In our scheme, we add the keyword search based on the attribute revocation, the search tokens

generated by the attribute authority and the user. The cloud server match is divided into two

cases: the user is in the revocation list and not in the revocation list, and the cloud server uses

the different test according to the different case. It will return the cipher text when the attribute

set meets the access structure and the search keywords exist, and the user can decrypt cor-

rectly. This scheme supports multiple keywords search at the same time which makes more

flexible in the practical application.

Supporting information

S1 Appendix.



This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants

61572019, 61173192, the Key Project of Research Foundation of Natural Science Foundation

of Shaanxi Province of China under Grant No. 2016JZ001. Thanks also go to the anonymous

reviewers for their useful comments.

Author Contributions

Writing – original draft: Shangping Wang, Duqiao Zhao.

Writing – review & editing: Yaling Zhang.

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Searchable attribute-based encryption scheme with attribute revocation in cloud storage

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