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Second Semester Final Exam Jeopardy Review The U.S. Army and the BIA encouraged this activity...

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Second Semester Final Exam Jeopardy Review

Second Semester Final Exam

Jeopardy Review

The U.S. Army and the BIA encouraged this activity because it served to severely undermine

the survival of the Plains Indians.

• Killing the Buffalo

Who gave a speech warning of the increasing influence of the “military-industrial complex?”

• Eisenhower

This member of the Central Powers joined the alliance in

place of Italy, who chose to side with the Allies instead.

• The Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

What was the common name of What was the common name of “Operation Vittles,” a major “Operation Vittles,” a major

relief effort undertaken by the relief effort undertaken by the western powers in 1948?western powers in 1948?

• The Berlin AirliftThe Berlin Airlift

Theodore Roosevelt said his Theodore Roosevelt said his administration would afford administration would afford equal treatment to all groups, equal treatment to all groups,

including among others business, including among others business, labor, and consumers. What labor, and consumers. What

name did he give to his name did he give to his presidential agenda?presidential agenda?

• The Square DealThe Square Deal

FDR was the first president to FDR was the first president to appoint a woman to his cabinet. appoint a woman to his cabinet. Who was the woman that became Who was the woman that became

his Secretary of Labor?his Secretary of Labor?

• Francis PerkinsFrancis Perkins

George Creel was the director of George Creel was the director of this element of the U.S. war this element of the U.S. war

effort during WWI.effort during WWI.

• PropagandaPropaganda

One of his more controversial acts as president was signing the Helsinki Accords with the Soviet


• Gerald FordGerald Ford

Which legislative act was responsible for giving land grants of 10 sq. miles for each mile of

track to railroads involved in the building of the Transcontinental


• The Pacific Railway Act of 1862

If a country could provoke another country to attack them first, then the former would be

justified in waging war according to this 1928 international


• The Kellogg-Briand Pact

At what location did the Union Pacific and Central Pacific rail

lines meet to complete the Transcontinental Railroad?

• Promontory Point, Utah

This Vietnamese nationalist was an admirer of Woodrow Wilson’s

peace efforts at Versailles.

• Ho Chi Minh– leader of the Viet Minh & later North Vietnam

William Kelly independently developed this process, named

for its British inventor, for removing impurities from molten

steel.• The Bessemer Process

His trust company controlled 90% of American oil refining at

the turn of the century.

• John Rockefeller

He was the first of the Progressive Presidents. He may never have made a difference if

not for the death of his predecessor in office.

• Theodore Roosevelt

Nixon was hurt by the visual power of television in the 1960 debates with JFK. What earlier

TV event helped Nixon’s political career?

• The Checkers Speech

What was the gist of the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine (1932)?

• The U.S. would not recognize territorial claims when that land was taken by force

This Scottish-born immigrant became exceedingly wealthy by dominating the steel industry in

America.• Andrew Carnegie

The Germans assisted in the return of this individual to Russia in hopes that he would close the

Eastern Front.

• Vladimir Lenin– the Bolsheviks promised “peace, land, and

bread” as well as socialism

Why did JFK specifically label the prevention of ships coming to

Cuba as a quarantine?

• Blockades were considered an act of war– by specifying that only incoming military

hardware would be stopped, JFK avoided the offensive image of the blockade

This New Deal act provided for collective bargaining for labor.

• National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

Which Supreme Court decision ruled that states could not

regulate interstate railroad rates?

• Wabash v Illinois (1886)

What did a sign with a blue eagle represent in the 1930’s?

• Businesses displayed the sign to show support for FDR’s National Recovery Administration

The perception that JFK was a weak POTUS following the Bay

of Pigs failure prompted Khrushchev to attempt to oust the

Western Powers from this occupied territory in 1961.

• West Berlin

Where were the two primary federal Indian reservations in the

late 19th Century?

• Oklahoma

• South Dakota

Why did Wilson insist that the Germans sign the war guilt

clause of the Treaty of Versailles?

• He didn’t! – Wilson did not want the war to end with anyone

shouldering the stigma of the loser.

Who theorized that it was the existence of a western frontier that

shaped the American character?

• Frederick Jackson Turner

This New Deal legislation followed the Bank Holiday and

provided for federal bank inspectors.

• The Emergency Banking Relief Act

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was

formed as a result of this 1955-56 civil rights action in Alabama.

• Montgomery Bus Boycott

The 18th Amendment banned alcohol. What law provided for

enforcement of it?

• The Volstead Act

Under this program, farmers were paid to destroy crops and livestock in order to raise farm


• Agricultural Adjustment Act

John Dean was the vital witness against the defendants during this


• Watergate– Dean was Nixon’s White House counsel

What type of monopoly do you have if you have single ownership of the entire

production process?

• Vertical Monopoly– An example is Carnegie’s Steel monopoly

This New Deal program is often viewed as the genesis of the welfare system in the U.S. It established a

pension for retired or disabled workers.

• Social Security Act

Carter was a champion of human rights throughout his presidency. Support of this leader seemed to

violate his principles on the issue.

• The Shah of Iran

What was the term, created by Mark Twain, that described the period of corruption and scandal

that underlay the apparent prosperity of the late 19th


• The Gilded Age

According to Keynes, what was there not enough of, leading to the


• Demand for surplus supply that was overproduced during the 1920’s

Herbert Spencer was famous for applying an important and

controversial scientific theory to social behavior. By what name was

Spencer’s doctrine known?• Social Darwinism

In 1954, the Supreme Court called for action “with all

deliberate speed” in regard to what case?

• Brown v. Board of Education

In what year did Hoover institute the New Deal?

• He didn’t! FDR did in 1933

Flappers and Vamps were symbolic of this decade in


• The Roaring Twenties

His veiled threats of nuclear war may have hastened the cease-fire

talks on the Korean conflict.

• Eisenhower

To what document did Hitler point, calling it the foundation for

all of Germany’s problems?

• The Treaty of Versailles

The failure of a string of Savings and Loan Associations (banks)

and the subsequent public bailout of those institutions added to the economic misery of the early part

of this man’s presidency.

• George H.W. Bush

Who was the only Democrat of the Gilded Age?

• Grover Cleveland

Johnson’s war on poverty was part of this, his social program.

• The Great Society

An alleged attack on this U.S. ship led to LBJ’s 1964 call for

the commitment of combat troops in Vietnam.

• The U.S.S. Maddox

Reagan was referred to as the “teflon president” following this

scandal in which he faced no formal charges of wrongdoing.

• Iran-Contra

16 European countries accepted aid as a part of this U.S.

sponsored plan to relieve post-WWII suffering in Europe.

• The Marshall Plan (1947)– U.S. aid would serve to halt the spread of


She wrote A Century of Dishonor, in which she criticized U.S. Indian policy and called for

reforms.• Helen Hunt Jackson

The revelation that the US had been secretly bombing Cambodia

inspired a protest that lead to tragedy at this college campus.

• Kent State University, Ohio

Overproduction and a drop in foreign demand blighted this

industry in the 1920s and led to a significant drop in prices.

• Agriculture

Col. John Chivington and his Colorado militiamen were

responsible for the massacre of surrendering Indians at this

infamous site.• Sand Creek

Who is considered to be the first American environmentalist?

• John Muir

Thomas Nast focused many critical cartoons upon this man, a

notoriously corrupt NYC politician.

• William Marcy “Boss” Tweed

He was “kicked upstairs” to the Vice Presidency in 1900 by New York Republicans who viewed

him as a troublemaker.

• Theodore Roosevelt

Why was Hoover so reluctant to utilize public works projects to put

people to work?

• He thought that a balanced budget would restore confidence. Spending $ on public works would hinder that plan.

What was the main focus of Reagan’s early legislative


• Winning a tax rate reduction

This former POTUS ran again for office as a third party candidate

in the 1912 election.

• Theodore Roosevelt (Bull Moose or Progressive Party)

What was Hoover’s perception of the Crash?

• It was merely part of the business cycle and would eventually correct itself

He was the leader of the Nationalist Chinese.

• Chiang Kai-shek

Wilson used this phrase to describe his vision of an end to the war without creating losers.

• “Peace without victory”

In defense of this program, FDR likened it to loaning a garden

hose to a neighbor.

• Lend-Lease

The ammunition for this journalistic bombshell was

leaked to the New York Times by Daniel Ellsberg, a former State

Department analyst.

• The Pentagon Papers

Daily Double!Daily Double!

A 1913 legislative act created a more flexible monetary system

overseen by this agency.

• The Federal Reserve– Federal Reserve Act of 1913

In order of implementation, what are the three “R’s” of the New


• Relief

• Recovery

• Reform

This winner of the 1912 election exhibited little in common with

average Americans but won because of a split within the

Republican party.

• Woodrow Wilson

Who headed up Clinton’s efforts to win health care reform?

• Hillary Clinton

One significant Progressive goal was the creation of a tax code

that placed the largest tax burden on the wealthy. What is this type

of tax code known as?

• A graduated tax

What two leaders created the Atlantic Charter?

• FDR and Churchill

What was it that the Bonus Army was protesting for?

• Payment of bonuses promised to them as veterans of WWI

Wilson’s policy of “Watchful Waiting” was directed toward

events in this country.

• Mexico– political unrest was a concern of Americans

who had investments in Mexico

MacArthur wanted to fight China to defeat communism in Asia, but this

plan violated Truman’s policy. What was that policy called?

• Limited War–Part of “containment”

What issue ultimately drove the U.S. to join with the Allies in


• German Unrestricted Sub Warfare

Largely because of public hostility toward prohibition, especially in the cities, this amendment was passed to

overturn the 18th.• The 21st Amendment

This union, which later joined with the AFL, sought the

unification of all trades within an industry.

• The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

Why did the British declare that they would take up unrestricted

sub warfare against the Americans in WWI?

• They didn’t. British policy was generally to confiscate but not destroy ships. Further, the British generally paid for goods seized.

This labor leader spent time in jail for leading the Pullman

Strike in 1894.

• Eugene Debs

This man emerged from the ranks of the House of Representatives to lead the Republican charge against Clintonism in 1994.

• Newt Gingrich

Trials of the leading Nazi war criminals by an international court were held in this city.

• Nuremberg

This muckraker’s writing was influential in inspiring pure-food

legislation and, probably, vegetarianism.

• Upton Sinclair

When the U.S. finally entered the war, who was to be eliminated first according to official allied


• The Germans

Which two New Deal programs were ruled unconstitutional?

• NIRA (NRA)– unlawfully controlled intrastate commerce

• AAA– processing tax unconstitutional

This brutal 1942 battle in eastern Europe was a turning point in the European war, marking the

beginning of the end for the Germans

• Stalingrad

For what reason did T. Roosevelt say that all trusts should be


• He never said that. TR believed that some trusts were good and beneficial to the public.

Daily Double!Daily Double!

Confidence in future improvement of the state of society was

characteristic of members of this political movement.

• Progressivism

Truman (right) pinned a medal on this commander of U.S. forces

in Korea, but later fired him.

• MacArthur

What term was given to FDR’s attempt to “reform” the Supreme


• Court Packing

This was the chief complaint by those who were critical of

Truman’s decision to use the Atomic Bomb.

• Japan would soon have surrendered without doing so

What was Hoover’s perception of the Crash?

• It was merely part of the business cycle and would eventually correct itself

What effect did the entrance of Theodore Roosevelt into the

1912 election have on the race?

• Republicans were divided over Taft or Roosevelt, thus ensuring Wilson’s victory.

The Germans issued this promise not to attack commercial

shipping without warning after the sinking of a French vessel.

• The Sussex Pledge– Wilson demanded such a pledge, as it would

place any break in diplomatic relations in Germany’s hands.

This presidential policy stated that the U.S. would halt the

spread of communism anywhere in the world. It was prompted by

events in Turkey and Greece.

• The Truman Doctrine

What was the name of the alliance known as the Triple

Entente during WWI?

• The Allies

What were FDR’s radio addresses to the nation known


• Fireside Chats

Whose presidential campaign called for “a return to normalcy?”

• Warren G. Harding

He was the reckless anti-communist crusader whose

accusations ruined many lives.

• Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI)– he claimed to have a list of over 200

communists who worked in the U.S. State Dept.

In which battle did the Japanese lose 4 aircraft carriers, turning the sea war in favor of the U.S.

for the first time?

• The Battle of Midway

This African American political figure founded the Universal

Negro Improvement Association.

• Marcus Garvey

This Tennessee court case highlighted the conflict between

traditional and modern ideas.

• The Scopes Trial

What did Keynesian economics suggest should be done to end a


• Deficit spending on works programs– FDR reluctantly adopted this remedy because

he knew it would create great debt

This improbable non-aggression treaty shocked the international

community in 1939.

• Nazi-Soviet Pact

What was the name of the official order that placed Japanese-

Americans in internment camps?

• Executive Order 9066– This was the only major violation of civil rights

during the war.

MacArthur wanted to fight China to defeat communism in Asia, but this plan violated Truman’s policy on

Korea. What was that policy called?

• Limited War

This was the most controversial of all of the wartime conferences.

Critics charged that FDR gave too much to Stalin.

• Yalta– secret agreements included extra representation in a

postwar UN and spheres of influence in Asia• Including occupation zone in Korea

Generally speaking, what did the Taft-Hartley Act regulate

• Labor-management relations– It also reflected the postwar fear of communism

by requiring union leaders to take a loyalty oath

He was the mastermind behind the policy of containment of


• George Kennan

What case did the landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of

Education of Topeka, KS (1954) overturn?

• Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
