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Secrets of Social Media Planning

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Ebook of slide presentation by Rowe and Company on social media planning. Simple rules for small and medium businesses and community groups to plan professional use of online social networks.
Secrets of Social Media Planning Simplified Thinking James Rowe Rowe and Company, LLC Revised March, 2012
Page 1: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Secrets of Social Media Planning

Simplified Thinking

James Rowe Rowe and Company, LLC Revised March, 2012

Page 2: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Secrets of Social Media PlanningJames Rowe presenter

Rowe and Company, LLC

It’s time to bring law and order to the wild world of social media. This is a story of how simplicity and organization, the good guys, conquer technology’s complexity, the villain. In this world of “simplicity” the threes rule and there is only one exception. The exception, we’ll present, is a simple solution and a weapon of mass destruction against social media confusion.

Page 3: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Secrets of Social Media PlanningSimplified Thinking

Rowe and Company, LLC

When you finish this story you will have three secrets to social media planning. You’ll have the weapons to tackle the bewilderment. Let’s count them down.

One - social media is simple when you consider people, your audience, first.

Two – literal understanding of the terms social, network and media is the easiest way to always think about social networks and social media utility.

Third – Forrester Research, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, promotes the P-O-S-T process and the four steps are the WMD approach to developing social media blueprints. It’s the four in our rule of threes and the secret conqueror.

Page 4: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


• characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club


• an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information: club members


•the means or channels of communication, information, or entertainment

Medium or Media

What it means

Social media thinking

Let’s start to piece together the puzzle that is the battle.

Deconstruct these words – “social,” “network” and “media” or “medium.”

Doing so will begin to vanquish the complexity of social media and its associated technologies. The process allows you to orderly put together the puzzle and the battle.

Page 5: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


• characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club


• an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information: club members


•the means or channels of communication, information, or entertainment

Medium or Media

What it means

Social media thinking

Social is people and their interaction; how they mingle and relate to each other, in work and play, and how people endeavor to improve day to day life.

Network is the way people group themselves by relationships – family, friends, church, and clubs. These are real world networks or groups. You must keep it real to win the social media battle.

Lastly and always last:

Medium or media is the technology people use to communicate with each other; phones, the Internet, videos, photos, audio, documents, text messages, and events offline and online.

Page 6: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Secrets of Social Media PlanningSimplified Thinking

Rowe and Company, LLC

Page 7: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


It’s About PeopleSocial media is how people connect online

Everything in life is about people – employees, customers, clients, members, friends, family and business associates. All different circles and sometimes forming a Venn diagram

People helping people is as natural as breathing; a natural order and part of a simple world. Each person an individual they are still; friends, family and associates.

So let’s share a few secrets of being productive and safe online as well as in the real world.

Page 8: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Real Life Social NetworksSometimes distinct groups overlap

The distinctions of real world networks and groups complicate people’s struggle to manage social media technologies safely and efficiently and to solve the puzzle.

Typically, individuals have different personas for family and church; behaving differently in each group. And yet we have even different faces for friends, work life, and clubs. We accept the multiple characters because these circles are mostly disconnected but sometimes do connect.

Relationships often tend to overlap in these groups; for the most part though real world networks are detached. The perils of social technology blur detachments and many times dismays individuals. The fog causes embarrassment that affects ones reputation, the reason we project multiple offline personas is to protect our respectability.

Page 9: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Real Life Social NetworksSometimes distinct groups overlap

The disrespect of online social networks for the sanctity of real life is yet another professional concern in the battle to constrain social media and make life simple, safe and better for everyone.

Page 10: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Distinct OfflineSocial Networks

Pieces of Social Media PuzzlePuzzle pieces are usually distinct

We have three basic secrets to instill order in cyberspace. They are really very obvious.

Now for the simplicity of the threes again; real world networks can be broken into a trio of basic circles – you and family, your friends and your associates.

Your friends are connected with the same three groups and so are your associates. You can see that each individual has these extensions of three instinctive networks.

Communication runs along these three key networks and evolve around trust, confidence and favor. It’s the natural order of real life which offers social media such tremendous liberty.

Page 11: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Distinct OfflineSocial Networks

Pieces of Social Media PuzzlePuzzle pieces are usually distinct

Natural network extensions however complicate social media technology. The issue frustrates the capacity to simplify life for people. We offer rules to bring order, though.

Page 12: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


• Associates trusting enough to share favor for you with friends, family and associates.

• Friends confident enough to share favor for you with friends, family and associates.

• Your connections approval to share favor for you with friends, family and associates.

It’s about networkingConnecting social network puzzles

Be happy. Don’t worry. Have fun with the process. We’ll present methods to simplify life and creation of a battle plan to smack down social media technology complexity with law and order.

We all wish our associates to trust us, our friends to have confidence in us, and our family to approve of us. It’s innate to desire trust, confidence and approval. Such should truly be the objective of social media planning and it’s the foundation of our rules.

Page 13: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Secrets of Social Media PlanningSimplified Thinking

Rowe and Company, LLC

Page 14: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12



•real world activities




•blueprint to connect


•social media chosen

POST process from Forrester Research

Social Media BlueprintProfessional approach to online social networks

Are you ready for the law and order method?

Our simple social media engagement strategy exceeds of the rule of threes, slightly but justly.

Forrester Research deems the four step approach to law and order in social media as the P-O-S-T process. A method best used to decide safe and professional organization of social media technology.

Page 15: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12



•real world activities




•blueprint to connect


•social media chosen

POST process from Forrester Research

Social Media BlueprintProfessional approach to online social networks

P – Stands for people – the social in social media – friends, family, and associates.

O – The objective – what you want from people or what you wish for people.

S – The strategy – your “style of engagement.” It’s how you achieve your objective for people.

T – The technology - lastly and always last decided in the four step process manage online networks safely and professionally - smart phones, text messaging, inexpensive point and shoot cameras video and still, and entertainment devices.

Page 16: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12



•real world activities




•blueprint to connect


•social media chosen

POST process from Forrester Research

Social Media BlueprintProfessional approach to online social networks

The P-O-S-T process, in my humble opinion, is the easiest plot to construct a blitzkrieg plan to conquer social media technology.

Page 17: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Secrets of Social Media PlanningSimplified Thinking

Rowe and Company, LLC

Page 18: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


How to engage customers, members and friends.•Blogs•Microblogs•Directories•Wikis•Media players•Video•Cameras•Documents•Cell phones

Social Media PuzzleTechnology decisions

Technology has tentacles that makes it difficult and confusing to apply law and order to social media.

This peculiarity is why the P-O-S-T process is best lay out for technology puzzle pieces and to conceive battle strategy to civilize our digital lives. Use the four P-O-S-T steps to decide correct technology and simplify the blueprint for battle.

Use the P-O-S-T process to pin down if you require a blog, a microblog like Twitter or a wiki such as Wikipedia. There so many technologies on the battlefield – SurveyMonkey for polls, point and shoot cameras, podcasts for audio and other sundry devices and platforms cluttering up planning. The technologies are propitious when law and order directs.

Page 19: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


How to engage customers, members and friends.•Blogs•Microblogs•Directories•Wikis•Media players•Video•Cameras•Documents•Cell phones

Social Media PuzzleTechnology decisions

Best of all the P-O-S-T process guides in organizing utilities in the strategy to improve life for everyone and win the contest against confounding social media technologies.

Holy cow! It’s the four step P-O-S-T process - conqueror of social media complexity and confusion. Victory is in hand.

Page 20: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Secrets of Social Media PlanningSimplified Thinking

Rowe and Company, LLC

Page 21: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


• It’s about people and real life.

• Professional use of social media• Real world networking on


• Taking offline life online securely and productively.

Complete the Social Media PuzzleFor business and community service

• It’s about real world networking.

You have simply three rules for law and order in social media.

The social media planning rule of threes:

One - It’s all about people – family, friends and associates.

Two - It is remembering literal meanings of the labels social, network and media.

And three - wow wee, the four step P-O-S-T process for law and order in framing a plan to bridle and conquer myriad new media technologies.

Page 22: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


• refresh everything project


• social media policy

Hannaford’s Supermarkets

• customer relations

Sean Patrick’s Restaurant

•Engage customers and members with real world activities.

•Create a policy to govern social media participation.

•Embrace positive and critical customer and member service .

Social Media Business Cases

Customer and Community Service

Consider how other professionals have civilized social media with law and order; Here are some best cases. There are quite a few but here we present only three to keep it simple Samaritan.

First - Pepsi, the soft drink maker, and its refresh everything project. Pepsi diverts most of its advertising budget these days to pay people to do good for people; to come up with ways to improve life. You get it – people helping people – that’s social; that’s civilized.

Page 23: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


• refresh everything project


• social media policy

Hannaford’s Supermarkets

• customer relations

Sean Patrick’s Restaurant

•Engage customers and members with real world activities.

•Create a policy to govern social media participation.

•Embrace positive and critical customer and member service .

Social Media Business Cases

Customer and Community Service

Two -Hannaford’s Supermarket chain has a strict law and order policy to engage friends on its Facebook page. Hannaford clearly states its “Terms of Use” for Facebook fans. The chain’s business page rules link to their corporate social media policy, the laws governing Hannaford employees and their professional digital life. Hannaford workers are included as “people” in the company’s social media policy, as should all guidelines for professional use of online social networks and social media tools.

Page 24: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


• refresh everything project


• social media policy

Hannaford’s Supermarkets

• customer relations

Sean Patrick’s Restaurant

•Engage customers and members with real world activities.

•Create a policy to govern social media participation.

•Embrace positive and critical customer and member service .

Social Media Business Cases

Customer and Community Service

Three - Sean Patrick’s Restaurant’s Facebook page tackles social media openness and its extreme tolerance of criticism in a calm demeanor actions online require.

Sean Patrick’s handling of a critical diner’s one star review on its Facebook business page with an offer for another menu item is a positive example of customer service.

Page 25: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Secrets of Social Media PlanningSimplified Thinking

Rowe and Company, LLC

Page 26: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Rowe and Company is Social

Big Picture ConsultantsProject ManagersMedia Technologists

[email protected](617) 652-0611

Rowe and Company practices what we preach. We believe in simplicity and clarity. Law and order is best in the wild world of social media.

We’re sheriffs. Well, we are consultants, instructors, project managers, solutions architects and technologists. R&C works with businesses and broadcasters to inform and entertain people. We bring the social and professional to social media planning for correct technologies to serve audiences. R&C makes life easier and safer in work, play and community service. We wear a simple badge of law and order.

Page 27: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Rowe and Company is Social

Big Picture ConsultantsProject ManagersMedia Technologists

[email protected](617) 652-0611

Call us at (617) 652-0611 or email us at [email protected] and discover how to design social media policy, without stress, to serve and connect people, and manage technology – wrestling it down to simplicity and easy consumption with rules and processes.

Page 28: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


[email protected](617) 652-0611

Rowe and Company is Social

Send your questions to [email protected] or call (617) 652-0611 for a proposal to oblige your budget. You will learn we’re available address to your organization and to lay out professional use of social media.

Click here to take our survey and tell us how we can serve you right now.

Take a respite for a few seconds and download and watch our brief video “Social Media Thinking” at this link.

Page 29: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Here’s a page of sources for R&C’s social media law and order; our simple business practices for digital living.

Rowe and Company is Social


Business Profile James Rowe Focus Business Expert

“Social Media Thinking” Video

Email [email protected]

Website www.roweandcompany.biz

Blogs Rowe and Company



Pages Facebook


Google Phone (617) 652-0611

Page 30: Secrets of Social Media Planning

Rowe and Company, LLC - Professional Services for Social Media March 17, 2001

P.O. Box 853, Shirley, MA 01464 | Telephone (617) 652-0611 | www.roweandcompany.biz | Email [email protected] 03/17/12


Ask for a proposal from Rowe and Company,

your professional resource for

social media law and order.

(617) 652-0611

[email protected]
