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Section 100 (Volume 2 Changes)

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Section 100 (Volume 2 Changes)
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7/17/2019 Section 100 (Volume 2 Changes) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/section-100-volume-2-changes 1/27  Andhra Pradesh State Highways Project SECTION 100 - GENERAL Clause 102 DEFINITIONS The following abbreviation shall be added to this Clause. “MOST - Ministry of Surface Transport” “CRR - Central Road Research nstitute” Clause 103 MATERIALS AND TEST STANDARDS !dd after first paragraph" “#or co$paction of $aterials the densities specified are characteristic values as assessed in accordance with section %&'.(.( of the specification. !ll $a)i$u$ dry densities referred to in the specification are for $odified *heavy+ co$paction.” Clause 108 SITE INFORMATION Replace Sub-Clause ,&., with the following" “Test pit logs taen along the road are available at the /$ployers offices in 0yderabad for the Contractors infor$ation but the Contractor shall satisfy hi$self regarding all aspects of site conditions”. Replace Sub-Clause ,&.' with the following" “The site of the wors provided by the /ngineer to the Contractor shall1 where possible1 e)tend for the full width of the Right of 2ay. 0owever1 where directed by the /ngineer1 the site of the 2ors $ay be less than the width of the Right of 2ay but in any case shall e)tend a $ini$u$ of , $etre beyond the li$its of the per$anent 2ors shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall $ae his own arrange$ents for land re3uired by hi$ for site offices1 labour ca$ps1 stores1 etc.” Replace Sub-Clause ,&.4 with the following" “Sourcing of $aterials for inclusion in the wors is the responsibility of the Contractor. t is the Contractors responsibility to supply $aterials which fully co$ply with the Specification.” Clause 109 SETTING OUT Replace Sub-Clause ,&%., with the following" 5idder /ngineer in Chief *R65+ *!d$in and /!7+ Volume 2 Version 24-3
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The following abbreviation shall be added to this Clause.

“MOST - Ministry of Surface Transport”

“CRR - Central Road Research nstitute”


!dd after first paragraph"

“#or co$paction of $aterials the densities specified are characteristic values as assessed inaccordance with section %&'.(.( of the specification. !ll $a)i$u$ dry densities referred to

in the specification are for $odified *heavy+ co$paction.”


Replace Sub-Clause ,&., with the following"

“Test pit logs taen along the road are available at the /$ployers offices in 0yderabad for theContractors infor$ation but the Contractor shall satisfy hi$self regarding all aspects of siteconditions”.

Replace Sub-Clause ,&.' with the following"

“The site of the wors provided by the /ngineer to the Contractor shall1 where possible1e)tend for the full width of the Right of 2ay. 0owever1 where directed by the /ngineer1 thesite of the 2ors $ay be less than the width of the Right of 2ay but in any case shall e)tenda $ini$u$ of , $etre beyond the li$its of the per$anent 2ors shown on the drawings.

The Contractor shall $ae his own arrange$ents for land re3uired by hi$ for site offices1labour ca$ps1 stores1 etc.”

Replace Sub-Clause ,&.4 with the following"

“Sourcing of $aterials for inclusion in the wors is the responsibility of the Contractor. t isthe Contractors responsibility to supply $aterials which fully co$ply with the Specification.”

Clause 109 SETTING OUT

Replace Sub-Clause ,&%., with the following"

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 Andhra Pradesh State Highways Project“The wors shall be set out fro$ the Reference 5ench Mars *R5M+ shown on the drawings.Coordinates and levels for Reference 5ench Mars are based on assu$ed datu$ and shall beas shown on the drawings. 8ocation diagra$s for Reference 5ench Mars shall be provided

 by the /ngineer within 9 days of receipt of a written re3uest fro$ the Contractor. 5efore theco$$ence$ent of construction the Contractor shall confir$ that the Reference of 5ench

Mars have not been disturbed and are true in regard to position and level. f R5Ms have been destroyed1 disturbed or da$aged before the Site is handed over to the Contractor1 the/ngineer will arrange to have new R5Ms installed.

2here a Reference 5ench Mar will be affected by the e)ecution of the wors1 theContractor shall relocate the $ar clear of the wor before it is affected. :o R5M will be$oved by the Contractor without written approval of the /ngineer. The relocated $ar shall

 be of the sa$e construction as the original wor. The Contractor shall survey and note theco-ordinates and level of the relocated $ar and sub$it in writing full details of the new$ar including a location diagra$ to the /ngineer for approval.

The Contractor will ensure the $aintenance and safety of the Reference 5ench Mars.;estruction of any Reference 5ench Mar will be i$$ediately reported to the /ngineer and

the Contractor will be responsible for the replace$ent to the original standard at his cost.The Contractor shall establish 2oring 5ench Mars tied to the Reference 5ench Mars in

an area before co$$encing wor in that area. The 2oring 5ench Mars shall be at a rate of 

4 per ilo$etre and also at or near all drainage structures1 overbridges and underpasses.

8ocation and level values for 2oring 5ench Mars shall be sub<ect to the approval of the

/ngineer. !ll levelling for these 2oring 5ench Mars will be undertaen using accepted

survey practise of double run levelling confor$ing with to an accuracy of =-,( $$ > where

the difference between forward and return runs will not e)ceed this tolerance. The Contractor 

will $aintain field observation level records of these runs in a syste$atic $anner and

trans$it these records to the /ngineer when seeing approval for acceptance of his woring


The e)isting traverse pins in the road surface at appro)i$ately (?&$ intervals shown on the

drawings $ay be used by the Contractor in establishing 2oring 5ench $ars. 2here a

discrepancy e)ists between the traverse pins and the Reference 5ench Mars1 the Reference

5ench Mars shall tae precedence.

Checs on 2oring and Reference 5ench Mars shall be carried out by the Contractor once

every $onth and ad<ust$ents1 if any1 shall be agreed with the /ngineer. #ull details of the

checs carried out shall be sub$itted to the /ngineer for approval1 i$$ediately after the

chec is co$pleted. ! 5ench Mar register recording 2oring and Reference 5ench Mar

values and any ad<ust$ents shall be $aintained by the Contractor. !n updated copy of the

5ench Mar register shall be supplied to the /ngineer each ti$e an ad<ust$ent is $ade to a2oring or Reference 5ench Mar.

The costs of co$plying with the re3uire$ents of this Sub-Clause are dee$ed to be included

in the rates for the ite$s of wor included in the 5ill of @uantities”.

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Sub-Clause 109.7

;elete the second and third sentences of this Sub-Clause.

Sub-Clause 109.9

;elete the second and third sentences of this Sub-Clause and add"

Setting out of the road align$ent and $easure$ent of angles and distances shall be done

using a total station electronic theodolite and traversing targets. The theodolite shall have an

accuracy of one second.

Sub-Clause 109.10

!dd new sub-clause.

“5efore carrying out any survey wor the Contractor shall sub$it to the /ngineer for

approval a progra$$e and $ethodology for the calibration of all optical and electronic

survey $easure$ent e3uip$ent to be used on site during construction of the wors. The

Contractor will $aintain calibration records for all such e3uip$ent in his site office1 available

at all ti$es for inspection by the /ngineer.”

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Sub-Clause 110.1

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with "

“;ata on the locations of above ground services and appro)i$ate locations of undergroundservices was collected during the road survey. This infor$ation is available at the /$ployersoffice in 0yderabad. ! nu$ber of these services have been relocated since the survey wascarried out. The infor$ation available on the location of e)isting utilities is thereforeappro)i$ate only and in so$e cases $ay be inaccurate or inco$plete. The /$ployer acceptsno responsibility for and does not guarantee or $ae any representation as to the accuracy ofthe infor$ation. The Contractor shall $ae such further en3uiries and investigations as arere3uired for his own infor$ation.

!ttention is directed to the possible e)istence of utilities not shown in the 5idding;ocu$ents1 or at locations or elevations different fro$ those shown in the ;ocu$ents. TheContractor shall ascertain the e)act location of each utility prior to doing any wor that $ay

da$age such utility.”

Sub-Clause 110.2

;elete this sub-Clause and replace with"

“f any e)isting or proposed utility conflicts with the location or elevation of any ite$ ofconstruction shown on the ;rawings1 the Contractor shall notify the /ngineer of suchconflict. !ny variation to the wor re3uired shall be deter$ined in accordance with theAeneral Conditions of Contract.

2here relocations of utilities are noted in the docu$ents as being re3uired to be undertaenduring the course of the wors1 the Contractor shall allow in its progra$$e for the period of

notice and the duration of the relocations and will allow for any effects of alterations to theseservices upon the wors. The Contractor shall have no ob<ection if the public utility bodiesvary their decision in the e)ecution of their proposals in ter$s of progra$s and construction1

 provided that in the opinion of the /ngineer1 the Contractor has received reasonable noticethereof.

!ll service utilities re3uiring relocation will be $oved clear of the 2ors prior to possessionof site being issued to the Contractor. 2here1 during the course of the 2ors1 additionalservice relocations are found to be necessary1 the relocations will be carried out by therelevant authority. n such cases1 the Contractor shall1 after obtaining the approval of the/ngineer arrange with the relevant authority to carry out the relocation wor. n theseinstances the Contractor $ay be re3uired to provide the various public utility authorities withthe opportunity to re$ove1 relocate1 or wor on their utilities before the Contractor proceeds

with succeeding construction operations. Should the Contractor suffer any delay due to the$oving of any such utilities1 or the operations of any authority controlling such utilities1 theContractor $ay apply to the /ngineer for an e)tension of ti$e in accordance with the AeneralConditions of Contract.

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 Andhra Pradesh State Highways Project2here the ContractorBs $ethod of woring results in additional ad<ust$ents being dee$ednecessary by any utility authority1 the Contractor shall arrange for and bear all costs anddelays in relation to those additional ad<ust$ents1 notwithstanding that the /ngineer $ayhave approved the $ethod of woring.

!ny pipe1 cable1 conduit or other nown service of any nature whatsoever which has beenda$aged as a result of the Contractors operation shall be repaired and reinstated forthwith bythe Contractor or the authority concerned at the e)pense of the Contractor and to thesatisfaction of the /ngineer.

The Contractor shall conduct its operations so as to interfere as little as possible with theoperations of public utility authorities or their contractors on or near the site. The /$ployerreserves the right to per$it public utility authorities and others to wor on or near the site.

 The Contractor shall arrange regular $eetings with the relevant authorities throughout the period of the wors to $aintain the re3uired co-operation. The costs of all co-ordination withutility authorities shall be dee$ed to be included in the rates for the ite$s of wor included inthe 5ills of @uantities e)cept as specifically covered in Cl.,,&..”

Sub-Clause 110.8 Measu"e#e$% &'" a(#e$%

!dd new Sub-Clause ,,&."

“7ay$ent to service authorities for relocation of services shall be $ade by the Contractorafter approval by the /ngineer and rei$bursed fro$ the 7rovisional Su$ included in the 5illof @uantities.

The Contractor shall be paid the percentage of the cost of the relocation 3uoted in the 5ill of@uantities.

7ay$ent of su$s e)pended against the provisional su$ for relocation of utilities by service

authorities along with the percentage additions in respect of the ContractorBs attendance3uoted in the 5ill of @uantities will only be $ade when ade3uate and sufficient docu$entaryevidence is produced to the /ngineer showing that the su$s clai$ed were in fact properlye)pended and actually paid by the Contractor.”

Sub-Clause 110.9 Ra%e

!dd new Sub-Clause ,,&.%

“The percentage 3uoted in the 5ill of @uantities for the Contractors attendance during therelocation of utility services shall be full co$pensation for all costs associated with the co-ordination of the relocations with the relevant authority including rescheduling of the worsas necessary to allow utilities relocation to be undertaen.”

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Sub-Clause 111.1 Ge$e"al

!dd the following after the first paragraph"

“!ll costs associated with environ$ental protection shall be dee$ed to be included in therates for the ite$s of wor included in the 5ill of @uantities.

The Contractor shall preserve e)isting trees1 plants1 and other vegetation that are to re$ainwithin or ad<acent to the wors and shall use every precaution necessary to prevent da$ageor in<ury thereto. The Contractor shall ensure that no spoil $aterial1 road e$ban$ent

 pave$ent $aterial stocpiled around the base of e)isting trees.

On co$pletion of the 2ors1 all areas disturbed by the ContractorBs construction activities*such as areas for co$pounds1 $aterial storage1 access and haul roads+ shall be restored totheir original condition1 or as $ay be acceptable to the /ngineer. Restoration shall includeripping1 topsoiling of the area and seeding and planting. The cost of this wor shall bedee$ed to be included in the rates generally.

f so re3uested by the /ngineer1 the Contractor shall on two wees notice1 $ae available sitestaff of fore$an level and above for training in the environ$ental aspects of roadconstruction. The staff to be included in the training shall be chosen by the /ngineer. Thetraining shall be of a $a)i$u$ of two woring days duration and shall be held on the site.Training will be arranged by the /ngineer. The costs of providing personnel forenviron$ental training is dee$ed to be included in the rates generally.”

Sub-Clause 111.2 !'""'+ ,%s &'" E#ba$#e$% C'$s%"u/%'$

!dd the following after the first paragraph"

“2here borrow $aterial *including subgrade and sub-base+ is re3uired to co$plete thewors1 details of the location and e)traction $ethods of borrow sites shall be sub$itted forthe approval of the /ngineer. 5orrow areas in forest or sanctuary areas or other locationsdee$ed environ$entally sensitive by the /ngineer shall not be approved. The edges of

 borrow sites shall be no closer than ' $etres fro$ any fence line or boundary. !de3uateclearance shall be provided for the construction of catch drains. 5orrow sites shall haveade3uate drainage outlets unless the relevant landowner has agreed that the borrow area is tocreate a per$anent tan or da$. Cut batter slopes shall not be steeper than ' to , and shall beleft by the Contractor in a tidy and safe condition to the satisfaction of the /ngineer. 2rittenclearance fro$ the land ownervillage head shall be obtained before leaving a site fro$ which

 borrow $aterial has been e)tracted. Copies of such clearances shall be provided to the/ngineer.

Site preparation for borrow areas shall be in accordance with Section (&, of thisspecification. Topsoil is to be stripped and stocpiled in accordance with Sub-Clause '&,.'.(and replaced and seeded in accordance with Sub-Clause '&.'.5orrow areas shall be top soiled and seeded i$$ediately after the area is no longer re3uired

for borrow as directed by the /ngineer.5idder /ngineer in Chief *R65+ *!d$in and /!7+

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!pproach roadstracs to borrow areas shall be $aintained during use and left in good

condition after closing down the borrow areas.

The costs of treat$ent of borrow sites in accordance with the re3uire$ents of this Clauseshall be dee$ed to be included in the rates for the borrow $aterial.”

Sub-Clause 111. 'llu%'$ &"'# )'% M la$%s a$ !a%/$4 la$%s

!dd the following after the first paragraph"

“8ocations for 0ot Mi) and 5atching plants shall be sub<ect to the approval of the /ngineer.

5atching and 0ot Mi) operations shall be undertaen in accordance with all current rules and

regulations protecting the environ$ent.”

Sub-Clause 111.5 Subs%a$/es )a6a"'us %' )eal%

!dd the following after the first paragraph"

“The use of any herbicide or other to)ic che$ical shall be strictly in accordance with the

$anufacturerBs instructions. The /ngineer shall be given at least D woring days notice of

the proposed use of any herbicide or to)ic che$ical.

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! register of all herbicides and other to)ic che$icals delivered to the site1 shall be ept

and $aintained up to date by the Contractor. The register shall include the trade na$e1

 physical properties and characteristics1 che$ical ingredients1 health and safety haEardinfor$ation1 safe handling and storage procedures1 and e$ergency and first aid

 procedures for the product.”

Sub-Clause 111.8

!dd the following after the first sentence"

“!t the direction of the /ngineer1 the Contractor shall provide for the laying of dust

 palliative on1 or the watering of1 the wors and of roads1 and other areas i$$ediately

ad<acent to the wors. The $aterials and $ethods used for dust control shall be sub<ect to

the approval of the /ngineer.”Sub-Clause 111.12

!fter the last sentence add the following"

“The costs of co$pliance with Clause ,,, shall be dee$ed to be included in the rates forite$s included in the 5ill of @uantities.”

Sub-Clause 111.13

!dd new Sub-Clause"

“The Contractors attention is drawn to the ;ischarge Standards pro$ulgated under the

/nviron$ent 7rotection !ct1 ,%D1 and the Contractors responsibility to adhere to theseli$its. !ll waste arising fro$ the pro<ect is to be disposed of in a $anner which is

acceptable to the State 7ollution Control 5oard and the /ngineer.”

Sub-Clause 111.1

!dd new Sub-Clause"

“The Contractor shall plan and e)ecute the wor so as to $ini$ise the possibility of

 pollution of areas ad<oining the construction area1 fro$ conta$inants such as petroleu$

 products1 trade waste1 garbage and other no)ious substances. $pervious bunds shall beconstructed around all fuel1 oil and li3uid $aterials storage areas large enough to contain

at least ,(&F of the storage volu$e.

;rainage of the ponded areas shall be provided with locable gate valves. The gate

valves shall re$ain closed and loced at all ti$es e)cept during the controlled re$oval of 

stor$water fro$ the ponded area. The valves shall be $anned at all ti$es while they are

unloced andor open.”

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Sub-Clause 112.1 Ge$e"al

;elete the last sentence and add the following "“#our wees before undertaing wor which would involve any obstruction whatsoever

to traffic the Contractor shall sub$it1 for the /ngineers approval1 a Traffic Control 7lan.

The plan shall include"

i. Typical drawings for te$porary diversions in accordance with Sub-Clause ,,(.'

ii. Typical details of arrange$ents for construction under traffic including details oftraffic arrange$ents proposed to be in place after the cessation of wor each day.

Special consideration shall be given in the preparation of the Traffic Control 7lan to the

safety of pedestrians and worers and delineation of the roadway at night.

The $ini$u$ re3uire$ents for traffic control are shown in the ;rawings. !lternative

arrange$ents $ay be used sub<ect to the approval of the /ngineer.

Te$porary diversions will be constructed only with the approval of the /ngineer and willgenerally only be constructed at bridge sites where new bridges are to be located on thee)isting road align$ent. Road wors shall generally be constructed under traffic.”

Sub-Clause 112.2 assa4e '& T"a&&/ al'$4 a ,a"% '& %e Es%$4 Ca""a4e+a(U$e" I#,"'e#e$% 

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with"

“n general the wor will be constructed under traffic with the following being the$ini$u$ re3uire$ents to be provided by the Contractor.

!t least one '.9$ lane to re$ain open to traffic at all ti$es.

#lag $en in contact with each other by radio shall control the flow of traffic ateach end of a section being constructed under traffic.

The surface used by the through traffic shall at all ti$es be a fir$ all weatherco$pacted surface free of pot holes and other defects.

The $a)i$u$ continuous length over which construction under traffic $ay tae place shall be li$ited to ,.&$ unless otherwise approved by the /ngineer.7assing bays at least (&$ long with additional width of (.?$ shall be provided at&.? $ intervals. !t any ti$e1 the nu$ber of sections on the pro<ect being

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constructed under traffic shall be $ini$ised and shall be sub<ect to the approvalof the /ngineer.

;uring periods when the wors are not attended by flag$en1 the carriagewayshall be restored to a $ini$u$ width of 9 $etres *or two separate '.? $etre widelanes+ to allow passage of two way traffic.

#ull details of proposed traffic control $easures are to be sub$itted to the /ngineer forapproval ? woring days prior to undertaing any wor which would involve disruptionto traffic.”

The use of the co$pleted 2ors or part of the 2ors in providing for traffic shall not beconsidered as full opening to traffic and shall not be a reason for issuing of a Certificateof 7ractical Co$pletion for the section so used.

Sub-Clause 112.3 assa4e '& T"a&&/ al'$4 a Te#,'"a"( De"s'$.

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with"

“2here approved by the /ngineer1 a te$porary diversion shall be constructed with a 9$carriageway and (.?$ wide earth shoulders on each side *total width of roadway ,($+.The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of the pave$ent which shall have a bitu$inous surface.The Contractor shall sub$it full details of his proposal to the /ngineer for approval1 ,4

days prior to undertaing the construction of the diversion.

;esign details sub$itted for approval shall show"

i. 7ave$ent construction and surface type.

ii. Roadside furniture

iii. ;rainage culverts and pits.

iv. !lign$ent and grading at a horiEontal scale of ,"(&&& for rural roads and ,"?&&for urban roads.

v. ! sight distance diagra$ if opposing traffic is to use a single carriageway.

vi. Sufficient cross-sections to indicate the feasibility of $aing connections between

various parts of the wor.

vii. ntersections1 and any other locations where traffic $ay be re3uired to $aeturning1 $erging or diverging $ove$ent1 at a scale of ,"?&&.

viii. 7ave$ent $aring details.

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The geo$etry of the diversion shall be designed for vehicle speeds of D& $hr in

accordance with RC guidelines.

;rainage structures shall be provided to prevent ponding if necessary. The drainage

structures shall be siEed to prevent water flowing over the road in stor$s with an average

recurrence interval *!R+ of one year unless otherwise approved by the /ngineer.

The diversion e$ban$ent and pave$ent shall be designed to resist da$age during

 periods of overtopping in stor$s with !R greater than , year.

The wearing surface of diversions shall be bitu$inous and shall be fir$1 even and sid

resistant under all weather conditions and shall be designed to re$ain sound during use.

The wearing surface width shall e)tend across the full width of the traffic lanes. Thewearing surface shall be carried onto any e)isting connecting roadway so as to finish

s3uare to the e)isting roadway centerline.

;iversions shall be constructed in accordance with the technical re3uire$ents of theSpecification 7arts for"

Site Clearance/arthwor1 /rosion Control and ;rainageSub-bases1 5ases *:on-5itu$inous+ and Shoulders5ases and Surface Courses *5itu$inous+

 The Contractor shall be responsible for the $aintenance of diversions and shall ensurethat the road surface is ept safe for traffic. 7otholes and other failures shall be repairedwithout delay. ;a$age caused by stor$ water1 including overtopping of the diversion1shall be repaired by the Contractor. The cost of all or any wor which1 in the opinion ofthe /ngineer1 is to be carried out by the Contractor to $aintain the diversions in atrafficable condition is dee$ed to be included in the rates in the 5ill of @uantities.

!ll signposting1 pave$ent $aring and other traffic control devices shall be co$pleted before the opening of diversions to traffic. ;iversions shall not be opened to traffic untilthey have been inspected and approved by the /ngineer. Gnless otherwise approved bythe /ngineer1 traffic shall be switched to diversions only where the ContractorBs usualworforce will be on site for a $ini$u$ of two days thereafter.

Gnless otherwise approved by the /ngineer1 sections of e)isting roadway or bridges being replaced shall not be disturbed for at least two days after opening a diversion incase failure of the diversion occurs and there is a need to redirect traffic bac onto thee)isting roadway. The need to redirect traffic shall be deter$ined by the /ngineer. Thecosts associated with the redirection of traffic bac onto the e)isting roadway shall be borne by the Contractor.

Gpon co$pletion of the 2or the diversion arrange$ents shall be re$oved and the arearestored to a condition e3uivalent to that which e)isted prior to the co$$ence$ent of thewor.”

Sub-Clause 112.5 Measu"e#e$%s &'" a(#e$% a$ Ra%e

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with

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“i. Construction Gnder Traffic

7ay$ent for traffic arrange$ents for construction under traffic is dee$ed to be includedin the rates generally. f the Contractor fails to provide traffic arrange$ents to thesatisfaction of the /ngineer on sections of road being constructed under traffic1 li3uidatedda$ages shall be applied at the rate of Rs (&&1&&& per $onth per section of road being

constructed under traffic. 8i3uidated da$ages shall be applied pro-rata in the case wheretraffic arrange$ents are not to the satisfaction of the /ngineer for part of a $onth.

ii. Te$porary ;iversions

The Construction of te$porary diversions1 including te$porary cross drainage structuresand flood protection as described in Sub-Clause ,,(.' shall be $easured on a linear$etre basis for each diversion re3uired. The length of the diversion shall be taen as thelength along the diversion centre line fro$ where the centre line of the diversion leavesthe edge of the bitu$en surface of the e)isting road to the point where it returns to theedge of the bitu$en surface of the e)isting road. The rate shall be full co$pensation for

construction *including supply of $aterial1 labour1 tools etc.+ $aintenance1 finaldis$antling and disposal. f the Contractor fails to carry out $aintenance of a diversionto the satisfaction of the /ngineer1 li3uidated da$ages shall be applied at the rate of Rs(&&1&&& per $onth per diversion. 8i3uidated da$ages shall be applied pro-rata in thecase where $aintenance is not to the satisfaction of the /ngineer for part of a $onth.

Gpon co$pletion of construction of each diversion to the /ngineers satisfaction1 theContractor shall be paid D&F of the rate per $etre for the length of the diversion shownin the 5ill of @uantities. The re$aining 4&F shall be paid upon re$oval and disposal ofthe diversion and reinstate$ent of the area to its original condition to the satisfaction ofthe /ngineer.”

Sub-Clause 112.7 Se R'as a$ "',e"%( A//esses

!dd new Sub-Clause"

“!t all ti$es1 the Contractor shall provide safe and convenient passage for vehicles pedestrians and stoc to and fro$ side roads and property accesses connecting to theroadway. 2or which affects the use of side roads and e)isting accesses shall not beundertaen without providing ade3uate provisions to the prior satisfaction of the/ngineer.”

Sub-Clause 112.8 la$% a$ Eu,#e$%!dd new Sub-Clause"

“;uring the day1 plant and e3uip$ent woring in a position ad<acent to traffic and having

a pro<ection beyond the nor$al width of the ite$1 for e)a$ple1 a grader blade1 shall havea fluorescent red flag attached to the outer end of the pro<ection. ;uring poor lightconditions or at night1 an additional traffic controller with an illu$inated red wand shalldirect traffic around such plant and e3uip$ent.

!t night1 all plant ite$s and si$ilar obstructions shall be re$oved fro$ the nor$al pathof vehicles1 to provide a lateral clearance of at least D $ where practicable1 with a$ini$u$ clearance of ,.( $.

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7lant and e3uip$ent1 within D $ of the nor$al path of vehicles1 shall be lit by not lessthan two yellow steady la$ps suspended vertically fro$ the point of the obstructionnearest to a traffic lane1 and one yellow steady la$p at each end of the obstruction on theside furthest away fro$ the traffic lane.”



Sub-Clause 113.2 Measu"e#e$%s '& Lea &'" Ma%e"als

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with"

“7ay$ent shall not be paid for haulage of $aterials re3uired under the contract e)cept asspecifically stated in this specification. The rates in the 5ill of @uantities are dee$ed toinclude the costs of haulage fro$ source of supply to the site for all $aterials re3uired for the 2ors and the cost of haulage fro$ the site to locations for disposal for $aterials notre3uired for the 2ors.”

Sub-Clause 113. Measu"e#e$%s '& !%u#$'us C'u"ses &'" a(#e$% '$ :e4%


;elete this Sub-Clause and add the following "

“!ll bitu$inous surfacing shall be paid on an area or volu$e basis in accordance withSub-Clauses ,,'.' and ,,'.4.


;elete this clause and replace with"

“2here the ter$s crushed gravelshingle1 crushed stone1 broen stone or stone aggregate

appear in any part of the Tender ;ocu$ents or ;rawings issued for wor1 they refer tocrushed gravelcrushed shinglecrushed stonecrushed roc aggregate obtained fro$ anintegrated crushing plant having appropriate pri$ary crusher1 secondary crusher1vibratory screen and pug$ill.”


!dd the following Sub-Clause"

=Sub-Clause 119.

Aranular base course shall be ept clean and unconta$inated as long as it re$ainsuncovered by surface treat$ent. The Contractor $ay1 at his own ris1 allow traffic to

travel on the crushed roc base prior to application of the pri$er seal. Should the basecourse beco$e conta$inated with $aterials unacceptable to the /ngineer1 the contractorshall $ae good by cleaning it to the satisfaction of the /ngineer or by re$oving thelayer and replacing it in accordance with the specification at no additional cost.The asphalt wearing course shall be placed between ' and $onths of allowing traffic to

 pass over that section of pri$er sealed base course and not before the approval of the

/ngineer is given.”

!dd the following Sub-Clause"

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=Sub-Clause 119. 

!ny da$age to e)isting pave$ents1 which1 in the opinion of the /ngineer1 is caused by

the ContractorBs construction traffic shall be repaired at the ContractorBs e)pense as

directed by the /ngineer in accordance with Clause '&&&.”


Sub-Clause 120.2 Des/",%'$

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with"

“The Contractor shall arrange to provide fully furnished office acco$$odation

constructed as shown in the drawings or as directed by the /ngineer. The Contractor shall

 provide woring drawings and Specifications based on the infor$ation provided in thisspecification for the approval of the /ngineer prior to co$$ence$ent of construction.

The office shall have a net floor area and consist of roo$s and offices as detailed in

!ppendi) !. The siting and orientation of the office shall be decided upon in

consultation with the /ngineer and shall be confir$ed in writing before erection.

5uildings for the office shall be constructed of concrete andor $asonry or other

$aterials approved by the /ngineer. Office shall have concrete floors with approved floor 

tiles. The walls1 up to the level of the base$ent shall be constructed of coarse rubblestone $asonry and above this level1 up to the roof level1 shall be constructed of bric

$asonry. The roof shall be of reinforced ce$ent concrete of M(& grade. The walls shall

 be plastered with ce$ent $ortar. ! potable water supply shall be provided to the toilets1which shall contain a wash hand basin and shower1 and to the tearoo$ which shall

contain a sin with suitable built in cupboards and woring surfaces. !n electric geyser

shall be provided in the tearoo$ to supply hot water to both the tearoo$ and toilets. Thestore shall be fitted with suitable shelving.

Ceilings shall be provided in the office. The clear height of the office between floor and

ceiling shall be (.4$ $ini$u$. !ll windows shall be of the type that can open over thefull window area and shall have steel fra$es. !ll windows shall be $os3uito proofed.

!fter construction1 the office building shall be painted with an approved paint and the paintwor shall be $aintained during the contract period. /ach door shall be provided

with a loc and two eys.

The office shall be provided with a telephone with switchboard and e)tensions to five

roo$s and shall include a connection fro$ the ;epart$ent of Teleco$$unications.

7aring areas and roads around the office shall be treated to $ae the$ dust free1 either

 by using crushed stone1 suitable dust-laying oils or bitu$inous surfacing1 or by other

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approved $eans. They shall be well-drained and ept trafficable and free fro$ $ud at all

ti$es. #ootpaths shall be si$ilarly treated to provide convenient access to all buildings.

The wor shall include the provision of ((&H electricity1 all electrical ite$s such as

lights1 wiring etc. The wor shall include the provision of an uninterrupted source of

fresh clean potable water including all pipes1 fittings1 tans1 tube wells pu$ps1 valves etc.and sewerage1 including septic tans if necessary. !ll of the preceding will be considered

 part and parcel of the acco$$odation provided and will not be paid for separately.

The Contractor shall provide the office acco$$odation within 4 $onths fro$ the date of


co$$ence$ent of the wor or ' $onths fro$ the date of providing the land for the

construction of office acco$$odation1 whichever is later.

The furniture to be provided and $aintained for the /ngineerBs site office shall be as in

Table ,&&-(.

;elete Table ,&&-( and replace with

Table 100-2

Sl :o. te$ Specification  Nos.


&, /)ecutive table Mae - Aodre< Model (

*for the /ngineer+ :o.T-,& or e3uivalent

&( /)ecutive chair Mae - Aodre< Model (

*#or the /ngineer+ :o.7C0-9&, or e3uivalent

&'I Table *for Site /ngineer1 Mae - Aodre< Model '

!ccountant and 0ead Cler+ :o.T-,&4 or e3uivalent

&4I Ordinary chair Type Mae - Aodre< Model '

*#or the /ngineer1 !ccountant :o.C0R-D or e3uivalent

and 0ead Cler and visitors+

&? Table *for all other staff+ Mae - Aodre< Model

 :o.T-,&, or e3uivalent

&D Ordinary chair-Type Mae - Aodre< Model ,&

*#or all other staff and visitors+ :o.C0R-D or e3uivalent

Stool Mae - Aodre< Model ,&

 :o.ST-( or e3uivalent

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&I Steel !l$irah Mae - Aodre< Model 4

,%&$$ J %,? $$ J 4?$$ :o., Storewel plain or e3uivalent

&%I Steel !l$irah Mae - Aodre< Model ?,(9&$$ J 9D?$$ J 44&$$ Minor plain or e3uivalent

,&I Racs - ? Tier Made of slotted angles and 9,&&$$ J %&&$$ J '9?$$ M.S. Sheets of Aodre< $ae

,, 0ot 2ater Aeyser ,& litre capacity ,

,( Steel Cash Chest of siEe Mae - Aodre< Storewel or ,

4?&$$ J 4?&$$ *appro).+ e3uivalent

,'I !ir Coolers The coolers shall have (4K *D&c$+ DSiEe fan with suitable pu$p

and shall be of either A/C1>haitan or Coll 0o$e $ae

or e3uivalent

,4I !ir Conditioners (.9 w Carrier or e3uivalent '

4.& w Carrier or e3uivalent ,

,?I Ceiling #ans ,4&&$$ siEe Ceiling fans shall be of approved ,($ae and colour 

,DI Co$puters ('' MhE 7entiu$ co$puter 4with hard disc capacity '.(A51

'(Mb R!M1 one dis drive of '.?K

,4K siEe Colour HA! $onitor1'D>bps Mode$

,9 7rinters 07 8aserLet D7 !4 printer ,

Canon 5L('& !' printer ,07 ;esLet D%&C!4 printer ,

, 7hotocopier Modi Jero) Model ?(,D ,

I These ite$s include provision for furniture for laboratory and associated office.

Sub-Clause 120.3 O+$e"s,

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;elete the last sentence and replace with"

“The land for the site office shall be provided by the /ngineer at a location within a townto no$inated by the /ngineer and this will be advised to Contractor within ( days after

the date of co$$ence$ent of the wors.

Sub-Clause 120. Measu"e#e$% &'" a(#e$%

!dd “including the verandah” after “office acco$$odation” in the first sentence of the

first paragraph.

n the second paragraph1 replace “Rs ,?1&&&K with “Rs '&1&&&K.

n the fourth paragraph1 replace “Rs ?1&&&K with “Rs ,&1&&&K.

n the fifth paragraph1 replace “Rs ,?1&&&K with “Rs '&1&&&K.

Sub-Clause 120.5 Ra%e

nclude at the end of the first paragraph"

“The contract rate for construction of the site office shall include the preparation of

woring drawings and Specifications for sub$ission to the /ngineer for approval and thesupply of all furniture and e3uip$ent listed in Table ,&&-(”.


Sub-Clause 121.1 S/',e

;elete this sub-clause and replace with"

“The wor under this Clause covers the provision and $aintenance of a fully e3uipped

laboratory for the e)clusive use of the /ngineer.”

Sub-Clause 121.2 Des/",%'$

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with"

“The Contractor shall arrange to provide a fully furnished field laboratory constructed as

shown in the drawings or as directed by the /ngineer. The laboratory will be located at a

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site in the town deter$ined by the /ngineer and this will be advised to Contractor within

( days after the date of co$$ence$ent of the wors. The Contractor shall provide

woring drawings based on the infor$ation provided in this specification for the approvalof the /ngineer prior to co$$ence$ent of construction.

The laboratory shall have a net floor area and consist of roo$s and offices as detailed in!ppendi) !. The siting and orientation of the laboratory shall be decided upon in

consultation with the /ngineer and confir$ed in writing before erection.

The laboratory shall be constructed of concrete andor $asonry or other $aterials

approved by the /ngineer. The office part shall have concrete floors with approved floor

tiles. The laboratory shall have a concrete floor. The walls1 up to the level of the

 base$ent shall be constructed of coarse rubble stone $asonry and above this level1 up tothe roof level1 shall be constructed of bric $asonry. The roof shall be of reinforced

ce$ent concrete of M(& grade. The walls shall be plastered with ce$ent $ortar. !

 potable water supply shall be provided to the toilets1 which shall contain a wash hand

 basin. The store shall be fitted with suitable shelving. 5enches and shelving as noted onthe drawings shall be constructed in the laboratory.

Ceilings shall be provided in the offices and laboratory. The clear height of between

floor and ceiling shall be (.4$ $ini$u$. !ll windows shall be of the type that can open

over the full window area and shall have steel fra$es. !ll windows shall be $os3uito proofed.

!fter erection1 the building shall be painted with an approved paint and the paintwor

shall be $aintained during the contract period. /ach door shall be provided with a locand two eys.

The laboratory shall be provided with a telephone connected to the public telephonesyste$ of the ;epart$ent of Teleco$$unications. 7aring areas and roads around the

laboratory shall be treated to $ae the$ dust free1 either by using crushed stone1 suitable

dust-laying oils or bitu$inous surfacing1 or by other approved $eans. They shall bewell-drained and ept trafficable and free fro$ $ud at all ti$es. #ootpaths shall be

si$ilarly treated to provide convenient access to all buildings.

The wor shall include the provision of ((&H electricity1 all electrical ite$s such aslights1 wiring etc. The wor shall include the provision of an uninterrupted source of

fresh clean potable water including all pipes1 fittings1 tans1 tube wells pu$ps1 valves etc.

and sewerage1 including septic tans if necessary. !ll of the preceding will be considered part and parcel of the acco$$odation provided and will not be paid for separately.

The Contractor shall provide the laboratory acco$$odation within ' $onths fro$ thedate of the co$$ence$ent of the wor or ( $onths fro$ the date of providing the land

for the construction of laboratory acco$$odation1 whichever is later.

The furniture to be provided and $aintained for the laboratory is included in Table ,&&-(.

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Sub-Clause 121.3 Lab'"a%'"( Eu,#e$%

;elete this sub-clause and replace with"

“The following ite$s of laboratory e3uip$ent shall be supplied to the /ngineers fieldlaboratory.

A. Ge$e"al

*i+ 5alance

*a+ 9 g to ,& g capacity se$i-self indicationType-!ccuracy , g$. /lectronic ( :os.

*b+ ?&& g$ capacity-se$i-self indicating /lectronic

Type-!ccuracy &.&, g$. ( :os.

*c+ Che$ical balance ,&&g$ capacity !ccuracy &.&&&, , :o.*d+ 7an balance ? g capacity !ccuracy &.? g$ ' :os.

*e+ 7latfor$ scale - '&& g capacity , :o.

*ii+ Ovens-electrically operated1 ther$ostatically controlled

*a+ #ro$ ,&&C to ((&C Sensitivity ,C , :o.

*iii+ Sieves " as per .S. 4D&-,%D(

*a+ .S. Sieve sets 4?& $$ internal dia as per S

of re3uired sieve siEes co$plete with lid and pan. ( Sets

*b+ .S Sieve sets (&&$$ internal dia *brass fra$e

  and steel or brass wire cloth $esh+ of re3uiredsieve siEes co$plete with lid and pan ( Sets

*iv+ Sieve shaer capable of taing (&& $$ and 4?& $$dia sieves-electrically operated with ti$e switch

asse$bly. *!s per S+. , :o.

*v+ (&& tonnes co$pression testing $achine , :o.

*vi+ Stop watches ,? sec. accuracy. ( :os.

*vii+ Alassware co$prising beaers1 pipettes1 dishes1

$easuring cylinders *,&& to ,&&& cc capacity+

glass rods and funnels1 wire gauEes1 steel scales1$easuring tape1 casseroles1 arahis1 pestle-$ortar1

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 porcelain dishes1 gunny bags1 plastic bags1 che$icals1

digging tools lie pica)es1 shovels etc.1 glass

ther$o$eters range &C to ,&&C and $etallic

ther$o$eters range up to '&&C. !s re3uired

*viii+ 0ot plates (&& $$ dia *,?&& watt.+ ( :os.

*i)+ /na$el trays

*a+ D&& $$ ) 4?& $$ ) ?& $$ D :os.

*b+ 4?& $$ ) '&& $$ ) 4& $$ D :os.

*c+ '&& $$ ) (?& $$ ) 4& $$ D :os.

*d+ Circular plates of (?& $$ dia D :os.

*)+ 2ater testing it , Set

*)i+ #irst aid bo) *replaceable+ , Set

!. F'" S'ls

*i+ 2ater still , :o.

*ii+ 8i3uid li$it device with Casagrande and !.S.T.Mgrooving tools and as per S"(9(& ( :os.

*iii+ Sa$pling pipettes fitted with pressure and suctioninlets1 ,& $l. capacity , Set

*iv+ Co$paction apparatus *7roctor+ as per S"(9(&*part 9+ co$plete with collar1 base plate and ha$$er ( :os.

*v+ Modified !!S0TO co$paction apparatus as per S"(9(&*part + ,%' or 0eavy Co$paction !pparatus

as per S co$plete with collar1 base plate and ha$$er ( :os.

*vi+ Sand pouring cylinder with conical funnel and tap andco$plete as per S"(9(& *part (+ ,%' including

$odified e3uip$ent. D :os.

*vii+ Sa$pling tins with lids ,&& $$ dia ) 9? $$ ht.

g capacity and $iscellaneous ite$s lie

$oisture1 tins with lid *?& gra$s+ etc. (4 :os.

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*viii+ 8ab C.5.R. testing e3uip$ent for conducting C5R 

testing1 load fra$e with ? Tonne capacity1 electrically

operated with speed control as per S"(9(& *7art ,D+1and consisting of following " , Set

*a+ C5R $oulds ,?& $$ dia - ,9? $$ ht. co$pletewith collar1 base plate1 etc.

*b+ Tripod stands for holding dial gauge holder.

*c+ C5R plunger with settle$ent dial gauge holder.*d+ Surcharge weight ,49 $$ dia (.? g wt. with

central hole

*e+ Spacer disc ,4 $$ dia. 49.9 $$ ht. with handle

*f+ 7erforated plate *5rass+*g+ Soaing tan for acco$$odating D C5R $oulds*h+ 7roving rings of ,&&& g1 (?&& g and ?&&& g

capacity , :o.*i+ ;ial gauges1 (? $$ travel - &.&, $$division ( :os.

*i)+ Standard 7enetration test e3uip$ent ( :os.

*)+ :uclear gauge for density testing ( :os.

*)i+ Speedy $oisture $eter co$plete with che$icals ( :os.

*)ii+ Core cutter apparatus ,& c$ dia ,&,? dc$ height1co$plete with dolly1 ra$$er etc. , Set

*)iii+ Standard $easures of '&1 ,? and ' litres capacity alongwith standard ta$ping rod , Set

*)iv+ Gnconfined co$pression test apparatus , Set

C. F'" !%u#e$ a$ !%u#$'us Mes

*i+ Constant te$perature bath for acco$$odating bitu$en test speci$en1 electrically operated1and ther$ostatically controlled with ad<ustableshelves1 sensitivity ,C , Set

*ii+ 7enetro$eter auto$atic type1 ad<ustable weightarrange$ent1 and needles as per S",(&'-,%? , Set

*iii+ So)hlet e)traction or centrifuge type apparatus

co$plete with e)traction thi$bles1 with solvent6 filter paper , Set

*iv+ 8aboratory $i)er including re3uired accessoriesabout .&( cu$. capacity electrically operated fittedwith heating <acet. , :o.

*v+ Marshall co$paction apparatus auto$aticallyoperated as per !STM ,??%-D(T and co$plete

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with electrically operated loading unit1 co$paction pedestal heating head asse$bly1 dial $icro$etreand bracet for flow $easure$ent1 load transfer bar1speci$en $ould ,&& $$ dia. *4 in.+ with base plate1collars1 speci$en e)tractor1 co$paction ha$$er4.?' g *,& lb+ ) 4?9 $$ *, in.+ fall. , Set

*vi+ ;istant reading ther$o$eter , :o.

*vii+ #ield density bottle along with cutting tray1 chisel1ha$$er and standard sand ( :os.

*viii+ Hacuu$ pu$p and ' specific gravity bottles , Set

D. F'" Ce#e$%? Ce#e$% C'$/"e%e a$ Ma%e"als

*i+ 2ater still , :o.

*ii+ Hicat needle apparatus for setting ti$e with plungers1as per .S. (D%-,%D9 , Set

*iii+ Moulds

*a+ ,?& $$ ) '&& $$ ht.cylinder with capping !sre3uired

co$ponent*b+ Cubicals ,?& $$1 ,&& $$ *each siEe+ !sre3uired

*iv+ Concrete per$eability apparatus , :o.

*v+ 0igh fre3uency $ortar cube vibrator for ce$ent testing , :o.

*vi+ Concrete $i)er power driven1 , cu.ft. capacity , :o.

*vii+ Hariable fre3uency and a$plitude vibrating table siEe, $etre ) , $etre1 as per the relevant 5ritish Standard. 4 :os.

*viii+ #lainess inde) and elongation inde) test apparatus D :os.

*i)+ !ggregate i$pact test apparatus as per S" ('D*7art 4+ ,%D' D :os.

*)+ 8os-!ngeles abrasion apparatus as per S" ('D*7art 4+ ,%D' , :o.

*)i+ #low table as per S" 9,(-,%9' 4 :os.

*)ii+ /3uip$ent for slu$p test. 4 :os.

*)iii+ /3uip$ent for deter$ination of specific gravity forfine and coarse aggregate as per S" ('D *7art '+ ,%D' 4 :os.

*)iv+ Co$pression and fle)ural strength testing $achine of

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(&& tonne capacity with additional dial for fle)ural testing , :os.

*)v+ Core cutting $achine with ,& c$ dia dia$ond

cutting edge. , :o.

*)vi+ :eedle vibrator , :o.

*)vii+ Hibrating ha$$er as per 5.S. specification , :o.

*)viii+ !ir entrain$ent $eter , :o.

*)i)+ &.? Cft1 , Cft cylinder for checing bul densityof aggregate with ta$ping rod !s re3uired

*))+ Soundness testing apparatus for ce$ent , Set

*))i+ 4$ ) ($ ) ,$ curing tan , :o

E. F'" C'$%"'l '& "'&le a$ Su"&a/e Ee$$ess

*i+ 7recision auto$atic level with $icro$eter attach$ent ( Sets

*ii+ Total Station Theodolite - /lectronically operated

data logger and D traversing targets. , Set.

*iii+ 7recision staff ' Sets

*iv+ ' $etre straight edge and $easuring wedge ' Sets

*v+ Ca$ber te$plates ( lane

*a+ Crown type cross section ( Sets

*b+ Straight run cross section ( Sets

*vi+ Steel tape

*a+ ,& $ long ( Sets*b+ (& $ long ( Sets

!ll e3uip$ent shall be new when supplied.

Sub-Clause 121.5 Measu"e#e$% &'" a(#e$%

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!dd after the second paragraph"

“The laboratory shall be provided to the /ngineer within 4 $onths fro$ the date of issueof the /ngineerBs notice to co$$ence or ' $onths fro$ the date of providing the land for 

the construction of the laboratory whichever is later. Gnless otherwise approved by the

/ngineer1 no wor on the per$anent wors which re3uires laboratory testing to deter$ineco$pliance shall be undertaen by the Contractor until the laboratory1 including all

furniture and e3uip$ent1 is handed over to the /ngineer.

f the Contractor fails to handover the furnished laboratory within the period stipulated

above1 an a$ount of Rs ,&&1&&& per $onth or part thereof shall be debited to the

ContractorBs account for the period of delay.

The $easure$ent for $aintenance of the /ngineerBs field laboratory shall be on

$aintenance $onths and shall be $ade on co$pletion of satisfactory $aintenance every

$onth. f at any stage1 the Contractor fails to carry out the re3uired $aintenance

satisfactorily1 an a$ount of Rs ,&1&&& per $onth or part thereof shall be debited to theContractorBs account. n addition1 the $onth$onths during which the Contractor fails to

carry out the re3uired $aintenance satisfactorily shall not be $easured for pay$ent.

f the Contract wors are not co$pleted within the stipulated period or within the granted

e)tended ti$e of co$pletion1 $aintenance of the laboratory acco$$odation inaccordance with Clause ,(,.? shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost and

as such no pay$ent shall be $ade for the sa$e. n case of any failure by the Contractor

to do so1 an a$ount of Rs '&1&&& per $onth or part thereof shall be debited to the

ContractorBs account.”

Sub-Clause 121.7 Ra%e

!dd at the end of the first paragraph"

“The contract rate for construction of the laboratory shall include the preparation of

woring drawings for sub$ission to the /ngineer for approval.”



;elete this Clause and replace with"

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Sub-Clause 122.1 Ge$e"al

The wor covers the construction and provision of furnished $obile site cabins for the

sole use supervisory staff of the /ngineer.

The site cabin shall be placed within the road reserve in locations approved by the


Mobile cabins shall be constructed of ti$ber1 asbestos or other approved $aterials. Theyshall have double walls filled with insulating $aterial and be lined on the inside with

ti$ber or other approved $aterial.

Site cabins shall be painted in an approved paint and the paint wor shall be $aintainedduring the contract period.

Site cabins shall be constructed in accordance with the drawing in !ppendi) !. The clear 

height between the floor and ceiling shall be (.4$ $ini$u$. !ll windows shall be of the

type that can open over the full window area. !ll windows are to be $os3uito proofed.

Mobile site cabins shall have a floor area of not less than ,( $( and shall be fitted with a

 bench type woring top as shown in the drawings with suitable shelves and cupboards

 provided beneath. The structure shall be strong1 durable and weather proof1 shall beade3uately insulated against heat 6 cold and shall have provision for through ventilation.

/ach door shall be fitted with a loc having two eys.

Site cabins shall be constructed such that they are easily transported fro$ place to place

within the site. The Contractor shall sub$it proposed design for the site cabins to the

/ngineer for approval before co$$ence$ent of construction.”

Sub-Clause 122.2 Measu"e#e$%s &'" ,a(#e$%

!dd new Sub-Clause.

“The provision of site cabins shall be $easured as the nu$ber of site cabins supplied to

the site. The rate shall include for the provision of acco$$odation as specified includingroof1 walls1 floor1 windows and glaEing1 furniture1 doors with locs and fittings1 painting1

$aintenance1 servicing1 relocation when re3uested by the /ngineer and re$oval when no

longer re3uired. The site cabins shall re$ain the property of the Contractor at theco$pletion of the wor.

Gpon provision of each site cabin on the site in a location satisfactory to the /ngineer1 the

Contractor shall be paid D&F of the rate tendered. The re$aining 4&F shall be paid upon

re$oval fro$ the site of the site cabin. The costs of relocating the cabins within the site

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during the construction of the wors as re3uired by the /ngineer are dee$ed to be

included in the rate for provision of site cabins.

Site cabins shall be provided to the /ngineer within 4 $onths of the date of issue of the

/ngineerBs notice to co$$ence. f the Contractor fails to hand over the site cabins within

the ti$e stipulated above1 an a$ount of Rs ,?1&&& per $onth or part thereof for each sitecabin not provided shall be debited to the ContractorBs account for the period of delay.



Sub-Clause 123.2 Su,,l(

n line ' delete “D?$” and replace with ,&&$.”

;elete the second paragraph and replace with

“The Contractor shall provide the co$plete wireless syste$ within ' $onths fro$ the

date of co$$ence$ent of wor and apply within one $onth of the date signing ofcontract for obtaining the fre3uency allot$ent to hi$ by the Aovt. ;epart$ent. 0e shall

sub$it a guarantee for

replace$ent of any defective trans-receiver*s+ during the currency of the contract.”

Sub-Clause 123. Measu"e#e$%s &'" a(#e$%

n the second paragraph delete “Rs ,&1&&&K and replace with “Rs ?&1&&&K



The heading of this clause1 shall read



Sub-Clause 12.1 S/',e

;elete this Sub-Clause and replace with"

“The wor covers providing and $aintaining of hard top passenger cars1 hard top <eeps

and $otorcycles for use by the /ngineer and the /$ployer as described under the 5ill of@uantities. The ter$ “vehicles” as used in this Clause ,(4 shall include hard top

 passenger cars1 hard top <eeps and $otorcycles.”

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Sub-Clause 12.2 Des/",%'$

;elete the first paragraph and replace with"

“The passenger cars shall be petroldiesel driven1 !$bassador cars having cylindercapacity of $ini$u$ ,4&& cc for senior personnel of the /ngineer and 7ro<ect ;irectorof the /$ployer. The hard top <eeps shall be 4 2heel drive Maruti Aypsy $odel :A 4,&for other personnel of the /ngineer and other staff of the /$ployer. The $otorcyclesshall be Na$aha ,&& cc. The nu$ber of vehicles to be provided by the contractor shall bedecided by the /ngineer/$ployer at various ti$es1 out of the total provision in the billof 3uantities and indicated in writing.”

Sub-Clause 12. :%"a+al '& *e/les

;elete this sub-clause and replace with"

“The Contractor shall withdraw particular vehiclevehicles if so directed by the /ngineer.n such cases the re3uire$ent for withdrawal of a vehicle shall be given in writing ,?days in advance and the withdrawal of vehicles shall not be for a period of less than ,?days continuously at a ti$e.”

Sub-Clause 12. Measu"e#e$% &'" a(#e$%

!dd after the last sentence"

“te$s for pay$ent shall be a+ cars and <eeps and b+ $otorcycles.”

Sub-Clause 12.5 Ra%es

!dd the words and /$ployerB after the word /ngineerB in the second line.
