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Section 4 Well Construction

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  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics


    Well Constructionis a part of WellPlanning

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    What is Well Construction?

    Well construction a specic part of well planning It is an

    engineering !esign process that starts with a clearun!erstan!ing of the o"#ecti$es to "e achie$e! %s a&ini&u&' the following !ata are re(uire! to co&&ence the!esign an! planning process

    Well !epth

    Location ) lan!' o*shore +water !epth,-eolog. ) litholog.' structural features' ha/ar!s'

    sta"ilit.0or&ation Pressure prole0racture -ra!ient prole1ownhole target+s, ) $ertical or !irectional well

    T.pe of well ) e2ploration' !elineation' appraisal'!e$elop&ent

    E$aluation re(uire&ents ) sa&pling' coring' logging'testing

    T.pe of 3ui! an! anticipate! 3ow rates

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    Well Construction

    Any given well requires several strings of

    casing, starting with the largest diameter pipeon top. Subsequent strings of casing are

    progressively smaller in diameter as they must

    pass through the inside of the previous casing.

    The diameter of the deepest casing is

    generally dictated by the size of the

    production tubing required for anticipated

    flow rates.

    The primary purpose of each casing string is to

    isolate one geological regime from the other

    and enable further drilling with full control ofanticipated downhole pressure conditions of

    the net interval.An understanding of

    downhole pressure variations is essential for

    selecting the setting depth of each casing.





  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    The Core Concepts for Well Construction and #rilling


    $ydrostatic "ressure

    "ressure %radient

    Conversion of &nits'uoyancy

    "ore "ressure

    (racture %radient

    )ud Weight Window

    Casing Seat Selection

    Wellbore Schematic

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    Pressure is the force e2erte! per unit areaUnits of &easure&ent4psi' "ar' 5gf6c&7' 5Pa

    8 at& +stan!ar!, 9 8:;7 5Pa8 "ar 9 8== 5Pa 9 =

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    * cu. ft. + .-* &.S. gallons, and * sq. ft. + *-- sq. in.

    To convert gradient from psi/ft to pounds per gallon, divide

    by the factor 0.-*/*--1, or 2.234

    To convert gradient from pounds per gallon to psi per foot,

    multiply by 2.234


    Convert *4.2 ppg to psi/ft 7777777

    Convert *.2 psi/ft to ppg 7777777

    Conversion of Oilfield Pressure Units

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    * cu. ft. + .-* &.S. gallons, and * sq. ft. + *-- sq. in.

    To convert gradient from psi/ft to pounds per gallon, divide

    by the factor 0.-*/*--1, or 2.234

    To convert gradient from pounds per gallon to psi per foot,

    multiply by 2.234


    Convert *4.2 ppg to psi/ft 7777777

    Convert *.2 psi/ft to ppg 7777777

    Conversion of 9ilfield "ressure &nits

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    Well :A; Well :';

    T# *2,222;


  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    "ressure gradient of compressible fluids is comple as itdepends on several factors, such as specific gravity of the

    gas, bottomhole and surface pressures, temperature,

    compressibility factor, and height of column. The

    following relationships could be used for approimation

    where precision is not critical6

    2.* psi/ft for a gas column down to *2,222;, and 2.*3

    psi/ft if deeper

    What is "ressure %radient of a %as Column8

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    What is 'uoyancy8

    'uoyancy is the loss of weight when a body is immersed in liquid.

    !t depends on the density and volume displaced.

    !n drilling applications it is important to >now the buoyant

    weight of steel drill pipe, casing and downhole tools when they

    are lowered in the wellbore. This done by first calculating the

    'uoyance (actor for the given mud density, and then multiplying

    the weight in air with the 'uoyancy (actor.

    'uoyancy (actor + *= 0)ud density in ppg/?3.31

    where, ?3.3 is the density of steel in ppg

    5ercise6A drilling assembly weighs @-2,222 lbs in air. $ow much will it

    weigh when lowered in a well full of *@.2 ppg drilling fluid8

    Answer 777777777

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    "ore "ressure is the pressure of the fluids withinthe pores of the formation

    Bormal "ressure is equivalent to the pressure

    of a column of water with a pressure gradient

    ranging from 2.-@@ psi/ft 0.@ ppg1 for fresh water

    to 2.34 psi/ft 0*2 ppg1 for salt water. Typical valueis 2.-?3 psi/ft 0. ppg1

    Abnormal 0overpressure1 is any pressure above


    Subnormal is any pressure below normal

    What is "ore "ressure8

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    Under-compaction:5ntrapment of pressure due to rapiddeposition of overlying seal not allowing water to escape

    Uplifting:(ormations compacted at great depth can be

    uplifted to a shallower depth due to tectonic forces.

    Centroid:#eeper fluid pressure in communication with

    shallower part of a dipping formation

    Artesian: 9utcrop at a higher elevation

    Diagenesis:Temperature and pressure causing alterations in

    the composition of formations over time

    What is the 9rigin of Abnormal "ressures8

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    (racture gradient is the mud weight required to fracture, orcause the formation to separate and ta>e fluid. !t is the static

    mud weight, or equivalent dynamic mud weight, at which lost

    circulation occurs

    Dost circulation is a maEor cause of well control problems

    At a given depth (racture %radient depends on6

    Dithostatic or overburden gradient

    "ore pressure

    Fatio of vertical and horizontal stresses in the matri

    What is (racture %radient8

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    #uring the planning

    stage, the two profilesare developed from

    offset well data analysis,

    basin models, and

    seismic data

    #uring drilling, real time

    data is derived fromactual mud weight

    requirements, downhole

    logging tools, drilling

    responses, and Dea> 9ff

    Tests. AdEustments in the

    program may berequired for observed

    differences between

    prediction and actual

    )ud Wt 5quivalent 0ppg1



    "" FG

    (ore (ressure 1racture &radient (ro$les

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics



    Mud Wt Equivalent (ppg)

    Trip 2argin&enerally 0.3 0.*

    ppg oer (ore(ressure

    5n eep 6ells may

    switch to 7*0 +00psi oer (ore(ressure

    %afety 2argin

    8ic9 Tolerance

    &enerally 0.3 0.*ppg under 1&

    )ud Weight


    The )ud Weight vs #epth %uidelines

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics



    "" G (%, )ud Wt 5quivalent 0ppg1

    'ottom &p

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    FH' 2 ft

    )SD *32 ft

    )ud Dine ?22 ft

    Typical Well Schematic

    @2I Conductor

    42I Surface Casing

    *@=@/I !ntermediate Casing

    =3/I "roduction Casing

    I "roduction Diner

    "ay Jone

  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


  • 8/10/2019 Section 4 Well Construction


    Oilfield Services Energy & Logistics Engineering Production EnhancementEnergy Logistics

    %rades of Casing K according to strength G properties

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