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SECTIONS 1-5 Chapter 15 Medieval Europe Section 1 Geography of Europe Europe is a peninsula...

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SECTIONS 1-5 Chapter 15 Medieval Europe


Chapter 15 Medieval Europe

Section 1 Geography of EuropeEurope is a

peninsula continent. Most of Europe lies within 300 miles of an ocean or sea.

Rivers into the interior made travel easy & encouraged trade.

The mountains & rivers isolated areas, fostering diverse cultures.

After Rome fell, Europe divided into many kingdoms.

In Britain, the Angles & Saxons invaded from Denmark & Germany, later become known as the Anglo-Saxons.

The Angles & Saxons pushed aside the Celts who were living in southeastern Britain to Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

The English Channel separates the British Isles from mainland Europe.

Also in the 400’s, a Germanic people called the Franks settled in the area now known as France.

King Clovis of the Franks coverts to Catholicism, before long, nearly all of the Franks became Catholic as well. After his death lands were divided, and battles for kingdoms ensued. Nobles began taking over royal duties, one in particular the, “mayor of the palace,” was in charge of giving out land, settling disputes & fighting their own wars. Most powerful Mayor of the Palace was, Charles Martel.

Charles Martel & the Battle of Tours

Charles Martel is accredited with stopping the Muslims from encroaching further into Europe, thereby preserving Europe’s Christian heritage.

By 800, Martel’s grandson, Charles went to the aid of the pope when the Lombard’s threatened Rome. In appreciation, the pope named Charles the new emperor of the Roman Empire and renamed him Charlemagne.

Rise of the Catholic Church

By the time Rome falls, Christianity is established as the official religion of Rome. The Catholic Church plays an important role in politics & the growth of a new civilization in Europe.

Monks are sent out as missionaries in order to Christianize western Europe.

What role do you think the monasteries played in medieval society?

Religion & gov’t wrestle with political power when Pope Gregory VII issued a decree forbidding kings from appointing high ranking officials. King Henry IV (Germany) refused the order, and is excommunicated by Gregory VII.

1122, a new pope and German king agreed that only the pope could choose bishops but only the emperor could give them jobs in the government. The Concordat of Worms limited the emperor’s power.

Section 2 Feudalism

Feudalism=landowning nobles governed & protected the people in return for services such as fighting in a noble’s army or farming the land.

King gave land to LordsLords gave land (fiefs) to vassals

(lower lords) Vassals promised loyalty and service to lordsPeasants (serfs) worked on manors (estates)

Vassals/Knights- mounted warriors who protected lands

A vassal was a noble who served a lord of higher rank. In return, the lord protected the vassal.

Landowning lords granted vassals land called, fiefs. The vassal or knight governed the people who lived on his fief.


Some peasants were free, others were serfs. Serfs could not leave the manor, own property or marry without the lord’s approval. Lords could try serfs in their own court.

A peasants life would have been short lived and extremely difficult. Most died of diseases due to water contamination.

Cruck house

Trade and Cities

By 1100, feudalism had made Europe safer and new technology enabled people to produce more food and goods.

Medieval towns set up their own governments. Only males who had been born in the city or lived there for a long time were citizens. Citizens elected members of a city council who served as judges, city officials & lawmakers. Wealthy families controlled the election turnouts so that they were the only ones elected.

Crafts and Guilds

By 1200, guilds or business organizations were formed by tanners, carpenters, bakers and other crafts people who set standards for quality and price. The rise of craft guilds create a new middle class that did not exist before.

Apprentice- 10 years old

Journeyman-15 years old

Master- a journeyman had to produce a unique masterpiece to prove his ability in the trade

Medieval cities had narrow, winding, dirty streets. Housing was crowded together. Candles & fireplaces were used for light & heat. What do you think would be the result from this???

Women ran households, prepared meals, raised their children & managed the family’s money. Many helped their husbands in their trades. Some developed enough skill to earn extra money or carry on the business if the husband passed away.

Serfs v. Peasants

Section 3 Kingdoms & Crusades

Late 800’s, Danish Vikings attacked Britain, King Alfred of Wessex, later known as Alfred the Great, united the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms & drove out the Vikings. The united kingdom becomes known as Angleland or England.

1000, dispute over the English throne. William, who ruled Normandy & cousin to King Edward claimed to be the new king. Harold Godwinson, a noble also claimed the throne. 1066, Battle of Hastings, William defeated Harold & his foot soldiers.



Battle of Hastings- 1066


William the Conqueror, orders a census to be taken in 1086 in order to obtain tax revenue, record all resources, and men for military service. The tax burden put upon the people was so heavy the census became known as the Doomsday Book.

Lets do a graphic organizer!!!

Political Power v People Power

1154- 1189, King Henry II used the law courts to increase his power. Set up a circuit judges who traveled around the country to hear cases. Established a common law, laws that were the same through the whole country. And set up two types of juries to hear cases; grand jury decides if there is enough evidence to prosecute someone for a crime, and the trial jury decides if a person is innocent or guilty.

1199, King John comes the throne raising taxes and punishing people without a trial. Nobles met with King John in a meadow called Runnymede in 1215 to sign a document called the Magna Carta (Great Charter) that took away the kings powers to tax without consent of the Great Council.

The Magna Carta is the 1st document to limit the powers of the king while ensuring rights of the people.

French Kingdoms

Western portion of Charlemagne’s empire becomes known as the kingdom of France by 843.

Estates General- France’s first representative body

Eastern Europe & Russia

By 700’s, Vikings began moving into the Slav’s territories. The Slavs called the Vikings who came to rule them as Rus. Over time, the Slavs and Vikings blend into one culture. 880, Viking leader, Oleg established a Rus state around the city of Kiev. Named the Kievan Rus, the state was a group of small territories.

The Crusades

1095, Pope Urban II called for the Europe’s lords to launch a holy war or crusade against the Muslim Turks who had taken control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land region.

The First Crusade began in 1098 capturing Antioch, then finally Jerusalem in 1099, driving out the Muslims.

By 1291, eight crusades & many expeditions later, the last Christian city fell to Muslim control.

Cause and Effect of the Crusades

Section 4: The Church and Society

Religion was the most important aspect of medieval society. More monasteries were built, new religious orders or groups of priests, monks & nuns were established.

Cistercian farmFrancis of

Assisi Saint Albert

The Catholic church provided social needs for people such as schools and hospitals. The church also served as a social control institution so people would strive to be better citizens.

During Sunday mass, Christians took part in rituals called sacraments. The most important was communion, taking of wine & bread, to obey instructions from Jesus during the last Passover meal He shared with the disciples.

Most educated women in Europe were nuns. One in particular famous woman was Hildegard of Bingen who headed a convent and composed music for the Church in Germany.


1233, the pope established a court called the Inquisition or Church court to try heretics.

Mostly, Dominicans were put in charge of seeking out persons guilty of practicing anything contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. A person could come forward and confess & receive forgiveness after being punished. Those accused would find themselves undergoing torture until they did confess, then often put to death and their properties confiscated. Hmmm…

The Catholic Church has historically blamed the Jews for Jesus death. In addition to the blood libel, Jews were hated because of their money lending practices. Christians also blamed the Jews if any disease, natural disasters or economic problems arose in their communities. Hatred of Jews is called anti-Semitism. Christian mobs attacked & killed thousands of Jews during this time. Gov’ts made them wear special badges, some had to live in separate communities known as ghettos. Jews also lost the right to own property or practice certain trades.

Medieval Culture

Churches were built in Gothic or Romanesque style. In order to get the bldg. higher, the ceiling, doors and windows were all arched. Stained glass windows illustrated Bible stories to the people who were illiterate.

Medieval Literature

Educated people spoke and wrote in Latin. The Church used Latin in mass and university professors taught in Latin.

Each region had its own local language that people used everyday called vernacular. The vernacular included early versions of Spanish, French, English, Italian & German.

The Black DeathThe Black Death

Probably began in the Gobi Desert region in late 1320’s. Bacteria carried by fleas on black rats that were transported by ships.

Ring around the rosies, A pocket full of posies, Achoo! Achoo! We all fall down.

The first line refers to the pink rash. The second, posies were carried to perfume the corrupt vapors. Sneezing was brought on by the high feverish chills, and lastly death came to all.

Section 5: The Late Middle Ages

The Black Death or bubonic plague killed approximately 98 million people across Asia and Europe.

The flea regurgitates the blood from the rat into the human, infecting the human. The rat dies. The human dies. The flea's stomach gets blocked and it eventually dies of starvation. It's a grim disease in every stage.

The death of so many people turned Europe’s economy upside down. Trade declined and wages rose sharply b/c workers were few & in demand.

Hundred Years War

The 100 Years' War was actually a series of military conflicts between France and England that began in 1337 and ended in 1453. It began with Edward III claiming to be not only King of England, but King of France as well. It ended with the English in possession only of the town of Calais.

Joan of Arc

1429, a French peasant girl, Joan, told Charles, the prince who ruled southern France, that her favorite saints had urged her to take back France. Charles allowed her to go with him and the French Army to Orleans. She was able to rally the soldiers to a victory. Charles became king shortly after. A few weeks later, the English captured Joan and turned her over to the Inquisition who had her burned at the stake.

Enfin!!!(French for Finally!!!)

Joan of Arc
