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Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

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1 2 February 2015
Page 1: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

1 2 February 2015

Page 2: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

2 2 February 20152 2 February 2015

Bangalore: Archbishop Bernard Moras of Bangalore Arch-diocese clicked the button (IST) 4.10 pm, Jan 24th, launch-ing the first tele-ministry of Bangalore’s ‘Logos retreatCentre’. The retreat centre a hub for thousands from Ban-galore will now exchange programs for telecast with DivineRetreat Centres’ ‘Goodness Channel’.

Incidentally, Mattersindia’s Adolf Washington too hasbeen slated for programs for telecast on topics, both, onpriesthood, challenges of the Church and the Media Minis-try. He is listed as resource person for the conference.

Archbishop Bernard Moras who addressed a largegathering of over 1000 people after the launch said “Wit-nessing begins with conviction.The major chunk of thepopulation is going to be Youth. So the future of this countryand of the Church is in the hands of our Youth. I urge ouryouth to involve themselves in the ministry of the Churchand become torchbearers of love, peace, unity and har-mony. I know you can make it. You must ask for empower-ing from the Holy Spirit”.

Thiruvananthapuram:Three sixth semes-ter mechanical en-gineering studentshere have designedand developed aprototype vehiclewhich runs morethan 200 kilometresper litre of petrol.

"It is a wonder-ful innovation and needs to be promoted considering theenergy crisis and rising oil prices", said B. Anil, the Princi-pal of Government Engineering College, Barton Hill,Thiruvananthapuram. Incidentally, this prototype will beshipped tomorrow for the International Fuel EfficiencyContest, "Shell Eco Marathon", to be held at PhilippinesFeb 26 to March 1.

"This is the only entry from Kerala for the competitionin which more than 120 teams from 16 countries will takepart," said Bibin Sagaram, team leader of the project.

The vehicle is powered by a Honda GX35 engine anduses light weight materials, advanced aerodynamic tech-niques besides advanced tuning for extreme efficiency.The design of the body of their vehicle is inspired by thegolf ball which has a highly aerodynamic construction. Thevehicle weighs just around fifty kilograms. The other twostudents Ronith Stanly and S.Vishnu Prasad along with afaculty of theirs will be taking part in the competition.

The project was undertaken under the guidance oftwo of their teachers Santhosh Kumar and Anver Sadath.

The vehicle has advanced safety features includingcollision warning system, engine temperature monitor,seat belt. The vehicle's chassis is made out of light-weightaluminium and the body is made out of extremely strongfibreglass and polycarbonate.

Kerala students develop200-km-a-litre vehicle

Archbishop MorasLaunches

‘Logos Tele-ministries’

Gold Medal toGlancia

Ms. Glancia Ashma Pinto, ofSaint Mary’s English MediumSchool at Kannarpady partici-pated in Rural Shuttle Badmin-ton at Indore and got first placewith gold medal. Ms. Glensiahas been winning the medalsat national level since threeyears. She is the daughter ofMr. Jerald Anie and Smt.Juliana Pinto of Omzoor Churchof Bantwal Taluk’s Farangipete.

Page 3: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

3 2 February 2015

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‘Thought for the week’

Choose to make a difference instead of choosing to beindifferent today."



Cover : Opportunities in India forEntrepreneurs

(Article on pg. 12 &13)

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(Contd.. on p. 7)

Obama Promotes ReligiousTolerance In India Speech

President Barack Obama gently nudged India on Tuesday to fulfill itsconstitution’s pledge to uphold the “dignity of the individual,” drawing onhis own experience as a minority in the United States as he closed out

a three-day visit to New Delhi.

peaking to an audience of young people, Obama said that while he has hadextraordinary opportunities, “there were moments in my life where I’ve beentreated differently because of the color of my skin.” As he touted the importanceof religious tolerance, he noted the persistent false rumors that he is a Muslim,not a Christian.

“There have been times where my faith has at times been questioned by peoplewho don’t know me, or they’ve said that I adhere to a different religion, as if thatwere somehow a bad thing,” Obama said.

India is largely Hindu, with almost 80 percent following the faith. At over 12percent Muslims are India’s largest minority, with Sikhs, Christians and Bud-dhists making up the rest. While religious groups largely coexist peacefully, thecountry has seen several flare ups of violence, primarily between Hindus andMuslims, reported timesofindia.indiatimes.com.

The US has said some local laws and policies in India restrict religious freedom,with reports of discrimination and organized attacks against religious minori-ties. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was denied a visa to the US in 2005, threeyears after religious riots killed more than 1,000 Muslims in the Indian statewhere he was the top elected official. He has denied any wrongdoing and India’stop court has absolved him of any role, but India’s Muslims and Christians arewary of Modi’s right wing Bharatiya Janata Party.

Equality, across gender and religious lines, is enshrined in India’s constitution.But India continues to remain a deeply misogynistic society with a gender ratioskewed in favor of boys. Despite a law that bars sex selective abortions, thepractice continues, with girls often considered a burden.

Contentspg. 3 - Obama Promotes Reli-

gious Tolerance In India ...pg. 4 - Mr. Modi, Why the Deathly

Silence on ...pg. 5 - A letter From Indian ...pg. 7 - Reader's Viewspg 10 - Not Godse, For God's Sakepg 11 - Views on Newspg 12 - Jobs that could dominate in

the near futurepg 13 - Opportunities in India for

Entrepreneurspg 15 - The 10 Richest Religions in

the Worldpg 16 - Keeping Your Bouquets

Healthypg 17 - Last Prophet of the Old ...pg 18 - Clean Your Kidneys ...pg 13 - Inspiration!pg 20 - Matrimonials

Page 4: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

4 2 February 2015

by Antara Mukherjee

Over the last few months, shocking cases of communal violence have emerged within our

country. Incidents of forced religiousconversions and destruction of reli-gious architecture have now reachedthe capital city. Just last month, St.Sebastian’s church in Dilshad Gardenwas a victim of arson. Police suspectvandalism due to the traces of kero-sene that were found on the premises.This is one of the four churches thathave recently been vandalized in thecity. Neither the police nor the Christiancommunity is free of fear so as to beable to point fingers at the responsibleparties. This tactic of creating fear inthe hearts of the non-Hindu communi-ties is obviously in preparation for theDelhi assembly elections.

This state of affairs has created anatmosphere that is damaging the secu-lar social fabric we have tried to main-tain in our society for long. Religiousorthodox mobs are striking fear in theminds of those who are eligible to votebut may not do so anymore due to thepresent situation. Archbishop Anil Jo-seph Thomas Couto told The Hindu:

“We used to hear about such violencebeing perpetrated on the Christian com-munity outside Delhi, but now it hascome home — these attacks are hap-pening in the Capital. What frightens usis that the Prime Minister has main-tained silence on the issue and hasmade no public statement to reassurethe Christian population.”

He has rightly pointed out the fact thatour Prime Minister, who is known forhis flamboyant oratory skills, has nowsuddenly chosen to remain silent overthese activities. He has remained silentwhenever these incidents have croppedup, leaving his other ministers to repre-sent the Government’s cold but forc-

ibly polite sympathy towards the vic-tims.

What is even more outrageous is thatthis issue has been suppressed and isno longer an election issue. The domi-nant political parties are playing a dif-ferent kind of vote-bank politics withreligious identities; hence every dis-cordant note in the socio-political fab-ric is masked by an agenda of develop-ment without addressing the questionof “development, but for whom”? Eth-nic and religious minorities continue tobe targeted through terrible hatespeeches, false propagandas such as“love jihad” or “ghar wapsi”; also thespate of caste/religion based sexualviolence, fraudulent capitalistic “gurus”and a general hype of aggressive andintolerant religious majoritarianism.

With the following figures in mind, it isquite understandable why the state iscurrently being swayed in the desireddirection.

“Hinduism is the religion of 81.8% ofNew Delhi’s population. There are alsocommunities of Muslims (11.3%), Sikhs(5.4%), Jains (1.1%) and Christians(0.9%) in Delhi. Other religious groups(2.5%) include Parsis, Buddhists andJews” (Wikipedia)

Let’s go back to the time of the electoralcampaign of our Prime Minister. Hepromised economic development andfurther progress of resource manage-ment. What he didn’t talk about is So-cial Development and the fact that re-source includes people. He went onand on about the necessity of bringingin more money for the country, butdidn’t talk about encouraging peacebetween communities. His silence is aclear sign that his government did notinclude social development in itsagenda and was successfully able tobrush it under the carpet without rais-ing any suspicion. The current

government’s silence reeks of doubtsand suspicions regarding their blind-ness towards social development.

Forced conversions are now becom-ing frighteningly rampant, with thou-sands being given monetary compen-sations and others being threatened.The repeated attacks on the churchesare representative of an indifferent gov-ernment which makes no effort to ad-dress this dangerous trend.

These incidents are creating fear evenin the heart of the members of themajority religion. A friend of mine whois a practicing Hindu said, “I don’t feelcomfortable to be proud about being aHindu. Our hands are going to be tiedto religious violence even though theones doing it are far from being hindus.”It is quite interesting to think that thismight be a serious backlash to thevociferous claims of the advocates ofreligious majoritarianism. With the factthat those representing Hinduism areonly a handful of right wing parties, it isvery dangerous to think that the realityand the genuine message of this ageold religion will be lost. It is beingshaped and manipulated to soothe theneeds of a few and the rest of thefollowers have no say in how they arerepresented.

The Constitution holds up the people’sright to follow, profess and preach thereligion of their choice as long as itdoesn’t interfere with other religionsand their attitudes. But in the presenttimes, it is quite obvious that we as anation are slipping away from that styleof secularism. One can only hope thatthe upcoming Delhi government willuphold and protect the integrity of ev-ery religion that resides within our stateboundaries and encourage other stateinstitutions across the country to do thesame. The thought of what will happenif this hope flickers is very dangerous –politically, socially and even economi-cally.

Mr. Modi, Why The Deathly Silence On TheVandalism Of Churches In Delhi?

Page 5: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

5 2 February 2015

People change, their careers,views, political positions, religious affiliations might change.

Kiran Bedi can also change. Her entryinto the ambit of Bharatiya Janata Partyhas created an uproar on social mediawith all her old tweets being shared,discussed and deleted. But we thoughtchange is not something that has to bedespised, but questioned; we thoughtit is more important that Ms. Bedi clari-fies a few of our queries about hercurrent political position. It is with thisintention that this Facebook page waslaunched yesterday.

Dear Ms. Kiran Bedi,

You have been a national icon ofwomen’s power as the first female IPSofficer of the country: As you havejoined the Bharatiya Janata Party now,you are giving legitimacy to the partyand its 7 months’ rule in the centre. We,some women of the country and of theconstituency, request you to answerthe following questions. This will onlytake 5 minutes of your time. If you aretoo busy to answer at length, a simpleyes or no would do!

1. The Hindutva leaders have madeunacceptable remarks on women’schoices, be that costumes, professionor love (women wearing jeans, womenhaving to give birth to four children tosave the Hindu religion or their war on

love through “love jihad”).They have also demon-strated that they have noqualms in using male vio-lence on women if it fitstheir logic. Many inci-dents of moral policingon women by Hindutvaparties and allies havebeen reported. This in-cludes physically assault-ing and molesting young girls by them.Do you approve of this sort of denial ofwomen’s freedom for personalchoices? If yes, what should we expectfrom the party that is in centre andcontesting for Delhi elections? If youdon’t, how do you intend to try andchange their positions on women?

2. As a police woman, you do know ofthe reports that 63 MPs of the BJP havea criminal record. A lot of these crimesare against women, including rape andassault. Do you justify having rapistsand molesters in responsible positionsin your party?

3. Ever since the Hindutvavadis havebeen in power, attacks on minoritiesare on the rise. For instance – theattacks on Churches and Christmascelebrations. As a person who knowsthe history of communal violence, youdo know that communal violence isfundamentally anti-women in that itleaves the choice of being assaulted

by men from other com-munities or of beingmade to live under thedirections of men fromtheir own communities.As a woman, would youdisown the communalistbigotry of thehindutvavadis or en-dorse it, now that youhave joined them?

4. Privatisation of railways and de-regularisation of medicines have a hugeimpact on our daily lives. Do you thinkthese steps were essential for makingIndia into what the party envisions?

5. Hindutvavadis have been coming upwith statements that make learning andteaching history, science and socialissues difficult. As an educated women,would you endorse this kind of politicalinterference in education?

We know you won’t run away fromthese questions as you have alwaysbeen applauded for your faith in socialjustice and commitment to the rights ofwomen. Since you have been an iconof female strength, many of us areconfused with your current politicaldecision. Once you answer these ques-tions, our doubts will be clarified aboutsupporting you.

Kindly respond.

A Letter From Indian Women –“5 Minutes Please, Ms. Kiran Bedi”

Kimberley Dias303, 3rd Floor, Dadar Silver Sand Society, S.K. Bole Road,

Agar Bazar, Dadar, [email protected] / [email protected]

Mob: 9820259272 / 9819198232






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Page 6: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

6 2 February 2015

by Dr. Leo Rebellowith his comments at the end.

OBTAIN:1. Birth Certificate2. Caste Certificate3. Tribe Certificate4. Domicile Certificate5. Driving Licence6. Marriage Certificate7. Death Certificate

APPLY FOR1. PAN Card2. TAN Card3. Ration Card4. Passport5. Inclusion of name in the Elec-toral Rolls

REGISTER1. Land/Property2. Vehicle3. With State Employment Ex-change4. As Employer5. Company6. IN Domain7. GOV.IN Domain

CHECK/TRACK:1. Waiting list status for Central

Government Housing2. Status of Stolen Vehicles3. Land Records4. Cause list of Indian Courts5. Court Judgments (JUDIS )6. Daily Court Orders/Case Status7. Acts of Indian Parliament8. Exam Results9. Speed Post Status10. Agricultural Market Prices Online

BOOK/FILE/LODGE:1. Train Tickets Online2. Air Tickets Online3. Income Tax Returns4. Complaint with Central Vigi-lance Commission (CVC)

CONTRIBUTE TO:1. Prime Minister's Relief Fund

OTHERS:1. Send Letters Electronically

GLOBAL NAVIGATION1. Citizens2. Business (External website that

opens in a new window)3. Overseas4. Government5. Know India6. Sectors7. Directories8. Documents9. Forms10. Acts11. Rules.

What is missing?

According to Dr. Leo Rebello thefollowing things are missing:

1.. Registration of FIRs with imme-diate generation of FIR numbers.

2.. Online automatic computer gen-eration of ISBN, like in USA.

3.. Online application for Film Cen-sorship Certificate.

4.. Online filing of cases in All Courts.

5.. Online registration of CorruptionComplaints against Police,Courts, Civil Supplies Deptt, Co-operation Commissioner, FDA,PWD, BMC

- which are by far the most cor-rupt Govt. Departments.

6.. Online RTI applications -- appli-cation fee of Rs.10/- can be col-lected along with supply of infor-mation.

Operating principle should beSimplicate rather than compli-cate.

Online India:Modi Government Introduced Online Services

The online link:http://india.gov.in/services/online-services

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Page 7: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

7 2 February 2015

[DUCF] 24 HourNational Toll-free

Helpline No.1-800-2080-4545

This is to inform you that UCF launcheda 24 hour Toll Free National HelplineNumber (1-800-208-4545) so that law-yers and experts can assist victims ofviolence, intimidation, coercion and il-legal confinement by criminal or politi-cal groups.

United Christian Forum for HumanRights (UCF) consisting of membersfrom all denominational and non-de-nominational Christians present in Delhiwas created on 19th January, 2015 atYWCA of Delhi to coordinate both legaland advocacy assistance to the Chris-tian Community traumatized in recentmonths by communal violence in sev-eral states.

The Forum was started with blessingsby the religious leaders of the Catholic,Protestant, Evangelical and Pentecos-tal Churches as well as by non-de-nominational and independentChurches.

The Forum will pursue all such caseswith judicial, political, administrativeand police system.

—A C MichaelCoordinator - UCF

B1A/10C, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +91-9999940633 / +91-9818155290

God'sSpecial Children

A couple of days ago, Goa CMLaxmikant Parsekar caused eye-browsto be raised by stating that somepeople were born with disabilities dueto a 'mistake' and 'negligence' on thepart of God. He went on to say that Godhad given us body parts but had forgot-ten to give some children these partsdue to 'negligence', for which the chil-dren had to suffer for life. He added ,NGOs (like DRAG) that focus on spe-cial needs were 'rectifying the mistakecommitted by God' .The chief ministerwas speaking at the inauguration of afilm festival on special needs and dis-ability issues.DRAG strongly objectedto this statement and clarified that ifGod has created a person disabled, itis to show people the power of God.

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These statements made by the CMbesides being absurd are also veryinsensitive.These differently-abled chil-dren are God's special children. Theyare endowed with other special tal-ents. Very often we see that such chil-dren are the focal point holding theentire family and even the extendedfamily firmly together in strong bondsof love. God shows his power throughsuch children . "My grace is all youneed. My power work best in you weak-ness" ( 2 Cor 12:9).

—Prof Robert CastellinoCalangute

Women also face the risk of harass-ment and sexual violence, a subjectthat finally became the subject ofpublic protests after a fatal gang rapeon a moving bus in the heart of NewDelhi. The protests prompted morestringent laws but critics say moreprogress is needed.

“Every woman should be able to goabout her day — to walk the street, orride the bus — and be safe and betreated with the respect and dignitythat she deserves,” Obama said toapplause.

Since taking office in May, Modi hasoften talked about women’s rights,urging Indians to treat sons anddaughters equally. He recentlylaunched an “educate the daughter,save the daughter,” program to stemsex selective abortions and encour-age parents to keep girls in schools.

Courtesy: Matteersindia

(Contd.. from p. 3)

Page 8: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

8 2 February 2015

New Delhi: Officials of the Indian bish-ops in a special consultation have askedIndian Prime Minister Narendara Modito urgently intervene and stop activitiesthat challenge nation's secular nature.

They urged Modi "to urgently interveneand take appropriate action to stopincidents that pose big threat to theunity of this secular nation," said apress release from Indian Catholic Bish-ops' Conference.

Cardinal Baselios Cleemis Catholicos,president of the conference, presidedover the special consultation on Mon-day in New Delhi.

Cardinals Oswald Gracias, Telesphore

Toppo and George Alencherry alsoattended it along with CBCI Office-Bearers, representatives of Conferenceof Religious, laity youth and women.

The unfortunate incidents that hap-pened in the past few months in vari-ous parts of our country have hurt thesentiments of the Christian commu-nity, said the press release referring toseveral cases of attacks against Chris-tians and churches in India.

Such events have "shaken the faith inthe secular fabric of our nation. Theshocking incidents that have takenplace against Churches, clergy andlaity in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh,

Bishops Ask Modi To UrgentlyIntervene To Save Secular India

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Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi havecaused great concern for the Christiancommunity," it said.

The recent controversies in the nameof religious reconversions portray anegative image about India. Commu-nal polarization and the bid to homog-enize India are posing threat to all mi-norities – women, dalits, and all linguis-tic, cultural and religious minorities, itsaid.

The reconversion programs of Hinduhardline organizations called GharWapsi programmes, the saffranisationof education and culture, and the de-mands for a Hindu Rashtra are chal-lenging to the secular ethos of ourbeloved country.

"The Christians of this country needassurance from the Government thatwe are protected and secure and safein our motherland. We express ourstrong concern on the aforementionedissues," said the press release signedby Conference's Deputy SecretaryGeneral Fr. Joseph Chinnayyan.

"Putting an end to such dangeroustendencies is inevitable for the growthand progress of our great nation," saidasserting Christian recommitment "forthe progress and development of ournation."

Source: Press Release


Thanks to St. Anthony, St. Jude & Sacred Heart of Jesusfor the special favour granted

— Mrs G. M. Fernandes, Andheri East

Page 9: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

9 2 February 2015

Tura, Garo Hills – The Chief Minister ofMeghalaya Dr. Mukul M. Sangma, con-ferred a special life time service awardto a Salesian missionary who workedover 65 years in the Garo Hills ofMeghalaya.

“In honour of his selfless service to thepeople of the region I am pleased toconfer the special award for lifetimeservice to Reverend Father BattistaBusolin,” said Dr Sangma conferringon him the award on Republic Day atTura Stadium, 26 January.

The citation presented to Fr Busolin ofDon Bosco College Tura reads, “Rev-erend Father Battista Busolin, SDB, 94years of age – a patron, friend andguide of the people of Garo Hills hasdedicated his entire life and the past 65years for selfless service to the peopleof Garo Hills.”

Born on 16th January, 1922, in Padua,Italy Fr Busolin set foot first in Garo Hillsin 1950 and has devoted more than sixdecades of his life to endless and untir-ing service of the people of the region.

“Don Bosco College, Tura, Don BoscoB.Ed College, Don Bosco CollegeHigher Secondary Section, the Col-lege Hostel are all monuments to hisvision and commitment to the develop-ment of Garo Hills,” says the citationhighlighting some the veteranmissionary’s achievement.

Fr. Busolin has also set up numerousschools and dispensaries in Rengjeng,Garobadha, Bagmara and in severalvillages of Garo Hills bringing hopeinto the lives of a million people, havingeducated over 20,000 students manyof whom are now holding responsiblepositions in society.

Fr. Busolin exudes happiness and en-joys good health even at the age of 94and the many people who come tomeet him daily are inspired by his posi-tive mindset and relentless service, andgenerosity.

He continues to live among the Garoswhom he calls ‘my beloved people’,bringing life, light and happiness to

Republic Day Award For Italian Missionary

thousands of Garos and giving every-one a shining example of selfless ser-vice and sacrifice.


For Mumbai House looking for afull time catholic house maid whohas experience in cooking andbaby care

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Page 10: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

10 2 February 2015(Contd.. on p. 17)

He is allegedly involved in some otherheinous crimes as well. So small won-der then that he and his ilk seek toidolize Godse. But God forbid that suchshould actually happen.

In this era of 3G, 4G and 5G, we arecalled to choose between the 2 Gs.Haanjee, the two Gs that I am referringto are Gandhi the victim, and Godsethe assassin.

What drove Godse to murder Gandhiji?Apparently the Hindu Mahasabha wasinfuriated because Gandhiji accededto the partition of the country, with aseparate homeland (Pakistan) for theMuslims. He had also insisted that thecompensatory contractual sum of Ru-pees Fifty Five Crores be handed overto Pakistan. At Independence, whenthe rest of the country was feasting (incelebration mood) Gandhiji was fast-ing in Bengal, to try and stop the geno-cide being perpetrated at Novkhali.The Hindu extreme right perceivedthese acts of Gandhiji as being partial

to the Muslims. They saw red, so theyshot him dead.

In all probability the terrorists who shotdead the Charlie Hebdo cartoonistswere also filled with righteous indigna-tion and misplaced ardour. The samegoes for the Pakistani Taliban thatslaughtered innocent children inPeshawar, and the Boko Haram whoare indiscriminately killing thousandsin Nigeria, and now Niger. When willthis self-righteous indignation end?

When we turn to the other G. Several ofus could have causes that we passion-ately espouse. We could also havemajor differences of opinion with the“other”. But that does not, in any way,justify killing the opposition. It is herethat the other G shows the way.

When the freedom struggle was at itszenith a group of zealots (a deliberatechoice of word) torched a police sta-tion in Chauri Chaura. Gandhiji imme-diately put the freedom struggle onhold. In like manner, during the Sec-ond World War (1939-45) Gandhiji ex-tracted a promise from the British thathe would support their war effort, pro-vided that after the war ended, Indiawould be granted freedom. The rest ishistory.

There are many such instances in the

Not Godse, For God’s Sake


life of the Mahatma, when he subju-gated his own plans to that of the greatergood. That is the hallmark of great-ness. It is also the skill of a masternegotiator, and the magnanimity of aSpirit filled person. No one can everplease all, so there will always be dis-gruntled and disillusioned elements. Inno way does that justify taking the livesof the antagonists; or worse still, theinnocent lives of those not even re-motely involved in the conflict.

As we commemorate the 66th anniver-sary of Mahatma Gandhi’s martyrdomlet us make a choice between the 2 Gs.For God’s sake, let it not be for Godse!

* The writer is a member of the GandhiPeace Foundation, Kanpur

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30th January 1949 inBirla House, New Delhi. On

the eve of his assassination I am re-minded of his killer, Nathuram Godseof the Hindu Mahasabha. Godse isback in the news thanks to those seek-ing to idolize him, and even buildtemples in his honour.

His loquacious proponent is SakshiMaharaj, the saffron clad BJP MP frommy neighbouring district of Unnao. It isnot insignificant that the sadhu himselfis a prime accused in the murder of oneBrahm Dutt Dwivedi, an MLA from an-other adjoining district of Farrukhabad.

Page 11: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

11 2 February 2015 11 2 February 2015

A Debating PointIn a mid-night coup of sorts, the

BJP announced that the newly inductedmember Ms Kiran Bedi will be the CMcandidate for the Delhi elections some-thing she insisted on before she agreedto join the party. The Troika of Modi,Shah and Jailtley took this all importantdecision keeping all the other stakeholders in the dark. Rajnath Singh maybe de facto No 2 in the cabinet butwhen it comes to crucial political deci-sions, its Jaitley.

The reports suggest that the BJPparty became jittery. The much toutedModi rally flopped. After tasting walk-over victories in many of the recentlyheld state elections, they thought Delhiwould be a cake-walk but seeing thereality on the ground, all the best brainsof the party worked overtime how tosave the Prime Minister from a possibleembarrassment should AAP score overthe BJP. That would be a disaster, thestrategists felt. Losing to a non-entitywould bring down the PM’s stock to anew low signaling an end of wave. LikeRahul Gandhi, Modi had to be savedfrom a possible humiliation.

Every body expected a directKejrival v/s Kiran Bedi contest in NewDelhi. She was willing to face him sheadmitted. It appears the party was notconvinced that she could win againstKejrival. That by itself is an admissionthat Kejrival is a formidable foe and thatis a bigger victory for him. The partyhad to shift Bedi to a much safer con-stituency where even an ordinary mem-ber would have won. But Bedi losing toKejrival would have been a catastrophicsituation for the party. Desperation wasevident from the tone and tenor of theirspokespersons. They were angry andlooked extremely nervous.

Kiran Bedi, appeared on CNNIBN and confidently declared thatshe is all for a face to face debatewith Kejrival on TV. She never spokeabout time constraint. AAP was quickto challenge her, making BJP ner-vous. Losing a debate would meanloss of face. Debate should be on thefloor of the house they said. Thesame party mocked Rahul Ganhi toface Narendra Modi on TV. They be-littled him for running away. Bedisaid she believes in ‘delivery’ butmadam, you must first ‘plan’ andthen ‘conceive’ [ideas and issues]

before the question of ‘delivery’ comesup. Disclosure by AAP [never mind ifit is late] about her ‘soft’ corner forBJP during the Anna movement willhurt her unless Anna debunks theAAP claim. He should, as his owncredibility as a strict apolitical cru-sader, is at stake. It could tarnish hisimage.


A Typical Case OfDouble Standards

Following the dastardly attack onthe establishment of Charlie Hebdo, crieslike “I am Charlie”, “Ish bin Charlie” and“Je suis Charlie” went viral. The worldwas shaken by the death of innocents inthe process. Of course, the reaction ofISIS has been too violent for words. It isunfortunate that, to register a protest forsomething which may have been offen-sive, radicals are prepared to kill eveninnocents and in the process, are willingto die for a cause, that’s if you like to callit that.

In complete solidarity with thepeople of France millions of people gath-ered a few days back to tell the ISIS thatthe world is not prepared to be coweddown. This, one of the biggest gather-ings in history, saw dozens of politicalleaders from across the world cometogether standing shoulder-to-shoulderwith the grieving people. That showsthat civility still exists in the world and notall is lost to the radicals, who despitebeing shunned by all religious heads.This solidarity gave a lot of hope to thecitizens of the world.

Among those present also was theIsraeli Prime Minister representing hiscountry. Ironically, one of the daily pub-lications in Israel, Ha Mevaser, which isconsidered as ultra orthodox broughtout a picture of the solidarity gathering inFrance by blocking the image of Ger-man Chancellor Angela Merkel. This wasa highly insensitive thing to do espe-cially when it related to showing worldsolidarity. If the paper had any reserva-tions in showing her image because ofpast history of animosity with the Ger-mans of Adold Hitler era, they couldhave avoided showing the picture alto-gether.

The President of France took thecentre stage in denouncing the attack

on freedom of speech and everybodyapplauded him. He was emphatic thatunder no circumstances freedom ofspeech will be allowed to be infringed.A very laudable stand in the face ofgrave tragedy! But surprisingly, whatactually followed is appalling. A coupleof days later, a well known French co-median Dieudonne was arrested bythe French police for the following com-ment on Face Book – “Tonight I amconcerned. I feel like Charlie Coulibaly– he killed 4”. He was booked for sup-porting terror. Surprisingly, no worldleader or activist took any umbrage.Does this comedian not have the free-dom of expression as well like the CharlieHebdo cartoonists? By arresting him,France has shown the world that it doesnot really respect that right. The policeaction may have been prompted by thefact that the entire French populationwould be ‘hurt’ by those comments ofthe comedian. But when it came to thehurt feelings of the Muslim communitybecause of cartoons, the governmentdid not see it that way.

The BJP government also con-demned the dastardly attack in Francewhich they saw as an attack on free-dom of speech and expression. Infact the whole country was disturbedwhich reminded us of the 27/11 trag-edy. Similarly, the country wasshaken up when little children weremassacred in Peshawar – Pakistan.A few weeks ago, there was intrusionby a boat which ultimately went up inflames when challenged. The BJPparty created hype over the incidentcalling it a Pak conspiracy and wantedeverybody to do likewise. The Gov-ernment was very cautious and didnot really name Pak. The CongressParty, in its wisdom, challenged theBJP to show some proof of Pak in-volvement. The BJP pounced uponthe Congress for being pro-Pak andanti-India. This is the same approachas the French towards a comedian.


by Marshall SequeiraMarshall SequeiraMarshall SequeiraMarshall SequeiraMarshall Sequeira

Page 12: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

12 2 February 201512 2 February 2015

The number of people without ajob in India is increasing on adaily basis. Economic slowdown

in the domestic arena coupled withslow growth in Europe has meant thatwell paying jobs are hard to come by.The unemployment rate in India roseto 4.9 percent in 2013-2014, up by 2basis points from the previous yearrecords.

However, the picture isn’t allthat gloomy either. Technological ad-vancements are taking place at a rapidlevel and sustainability is the core chal-lenge that major economies are deal-ing with. This will only mean that thekind of jobs available in the market willchange from time to time. Here aresome futuristic jobs that could rule theroost in the coming decades

Garbage designer: We’ve all heardof a fashion designer, but this is arelatively new field for sustainabilityenthusiasts. The amount of garbagethat is generated in India is huge. Thedays of segregating wet waste and drywaste will soon disappear. So whatdoes a garbage designer do? Well,their sole objective is to convert the by-

products of various manufacturing pro-cess into high quality usable materialsthat can be used for making somethingentirely different. Recently, Bill Gateswas part of a project that burns humanwaste and converts it into electricityand clean drinking water. This projecthas immense potential considering itscore function of converting waste intoproducts that are widely used through-out the world- water and electricity.

A robot therapist: By 2030, we canexpect robots to be a quintessentialservice provider to humans all aroundthe world. However a large section of

Jobs That Could DominateIn The Near Future

the population has no idea about ro-bots and their functioning system. Arobot therapist will help every family/company choose the right robot fortheir organization based on their needsand family profile.

Nostalgists: Nostalgists are interiordesigners, albeit their job involvesmuch more than just designing rooms.Their services could be used by thewealthy to recreate an environmentthat they feel most comfortable in. Forexample, if a 70-year-old retired coupledoesn’t wish to live in an old age home,they can hire a nostalgist to designtheir home in such a way that it re-sembles their favorite decade of living.This profile will also involve consider-able research in history along withrobust research into the future. It’s allabout recreating an environment thatresembles the customers favorite era.

Tele-surgeons: This is one careerthat has already gained some momen-tum. Demand for healthcare will nevercease to exist. However, in order toovercome the problem of geographi-cal boundaries, a tele-surgeon will beable to operate on a patient lying downin Mumbai, from a remote location inDenmark. The entire operation will beconducted by a robot that will be con-trolled by the surgeon from a far offlocation. Consider this to be the Skypein healthcare.

by Somesh Chandran Job outlookA good way to plan for your future is to determine the potential jobprospects in your field of interest. Labour market information andresources to help give you an overview of general industry informa-tion, including which industries have a promising job outlook.

U.S. News & World Report released the Best Jobs of 2015. Healthcare and technology jobs dominate the Best Jobs rankings, withDentist claiming the No. 1 spot, followed by Nurse Practitioner at No.2 and Software Developer at No. 3. With an average salary of$188,440, Physician tops the new list of the Best Paying Jobs of 2015.

Manpower Employment Outlook Survey India 2015

The Manpower Employment Outlook Survey for the first quarter of 2015 wasconducted by interviewing a representative sample of 5,108 employers in India.Indian employers report dynamic hiring prospects for the January-March timeframe. With 44 per cent of employers forecasting an increase in staffing levels, 3per cent anticipating a decrease and 34 per cent expecting no change, the resultingNet Employment Outlook stands at +41 per cent.

In India, the strongest hiring people are reported in the South and the West, whereNet Employment Outlook stands at +46 per cent and +45 per cent, respectively.

Employers in industry sectors forecast an increase in staffing levels during the firstquarter of 2015. The strongest labour market is expected in the wholesale andretail trade sector where employers report a Net Employment Outlook of +54 percent. Vigorous hiring activity is also anticipated in the finance, insurance and realestate sector and the services sector, where Outlooks stand at +48 per cent and +47per cent respectively. The Outlook for the transportation and utilities sector is +45per cent and employers report an Outlook of +42 per cent for the manufacturingsector.

Page 13: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

13 2 February 2015 13 2 February 2015

preneurs can explore many options inthe food grain cultivation and market-ing segments.

Corporate demandsThere will be a good demand for formalattire with more companies openingtheir offices in India. People who canmeet this demand in a cost effectiveway can make a good business.

Ayurveda and traditional medi-cineIndia is well known for its herbal andayurvedic products. With increasingawareness about the ill-effects allo-pathic medicines, there will be a hugedemand for cosmetics, natural medi-cines and remedies.

Organic farmingOrganic farming has been in India sincea long time. The importance of organicfarming will grow at a fast pace, espe-cially with many foreigners preferringonly organic products. Entrepreneurscan focus on business opportunities inthis sector.

MediaThe media industry has huge opportu-nities to offer young entrepreneurs. Withthe huge growth of this segment, anybusiness in this field will help entrepre-neurs reap huge benefits. Television,advertising, print and digital media haveseen a boom in business.

PackagingWith China invading the markets withcheap plastic goods and packagingmaterials, there is a good opportunityto develop good packaging materialsto meet domestic and foreign demand.There is a huge demand various sec-tors like agriculture, automotive, con-sumer goods, healthcare infrastructureand packaging sectors for plastics.

FloricultureIndia's floriculture segment is smalland unorganized. There is a lot to bedone in this lucrative sector. The glo-bal trade in floriculture products isworth $9.4 billion. With a 8 per centgrowth, it is expected to grow to $16billion by 2010. India's share in worldtrade is just 0.18 per cent.

ToysAnother evergreen industry is toymanufacturing. India has potential tomanufacture cost effective and safetoys for the world. With Chinese toysbeing pulled up for toxins, the marketfor safe and good quality toys beck-ons Indian entrepreneurs.

Healthcare sectorIndia's healthcare sector is dismal.The private sector can play a vital rolein developing this sector. With medi-cal tourism also gaining momentum,the sector can attract foreigners whoare looking for cost effective treat-ment in countries like India.

BiotechnologyAfter the software sector, biotechnol-ogy opens a huge potential. Entrepre-neurs can look at a plethora of optionswith the application of biotechnologyin agriculture, horticulture, sericulture,poultry, dairy and production of fruitsand vegetables.

Energy solutionsIn a power starved nation, the need todevelop cost effective and power sav-ing devices is gaining more signifi-cance. There is a huge demand forlow-cost sustainable energy savingdevices as well.

Recycling businessE-waste will rise to alarming propor-tions in the developing world within adecade, with computer waste in Indiaalone to grow by 500 per cent from2007 levels by 2020, according to aUN study. This sector opens a viablebusiness opportunity for entrepre-neurs in terms of e-waste manage-ment and disposal.

There is certainly no formula tobecome a successful entrepreneur. Some may succeed

and make good profits, others sinkalong the way. Which are the mostlucrative sectors for entrepreneurs?Here's a list of good opportunitiesentrepreneurs can look at...

TourismTourism is a booming industry in In-dia.

AutomobileIndia is now a hot spot for automobilesand auto-components.

TextilesIndia is famous for its textiles.

Social venturesMany entrepreneurs are taking up so-cial entrepreneurship.

SoftwareWith one of the largest pool of soft-ware engineers, Indian entrepreneurscan set higher targets in hardwareand software development.

Engineering goodsIndia continues to be one of the fastestgrowing exporters of engineeringgoods, growing at a rate of 30.1 percent.

FranchisingIndia is well connected with the world.Hence, franchising with leadingbrands who wants to spread acrossthe country could also offer ampleopportunities for young entrepreneurs.With many small towns developing ata fast pace in India, the franchisingmodel is bound to succeed.

Education and TrainingThere is a good demand for educationand online tutorial services. With goodfacilities at competitive rates, Indiacan attract more students from abroad.

Food ProcessingIndia's mainstay is agriculture. Entre-

Opportunities In India For Entrepreneurs

Page 14: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

14 2 February 201514 2 February 2015

Royal Christian Family

GET-TOGETHERof Brides and Grooms

Royal Christian Family99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Near GPO.,

Fort, Mumbai 400001Tel.: 022 - 22693578, 22654924

Email: [email protected]

Get-togethers are held from time-to-time betweenboys and girls of matching age group maintainedin our Get-together Data-bank

If you wish to participate in these get-gethers, youneed to give your entry in advance which will berecorded in our Get-together Data-bank. (youneed not do any payment while giving the entry)

From the Get-together Data-bank, we select thematching boys and girls from time-to-time andinvite them for the Get-together. The dates are notannounced but communicated individually.

Once your entry is included in our Data-bank, Youwill be contacted when there are sufficient choicesto include you in a particular Get-together.

Mail your profile entry with photograph to :[email protected] or if you haveregistred with us, simply give your registration no.

Jobs andCareerOpportunities

Local - National - International

All you need to send us your CV withEducatilon, Job Experience, SalaryExpected and PhotographToEmail: [email protected]

or by post, courier to:

The Secular CitizenAppointments,99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor,Fort, Mumbai 400001

Corporate - business houses,Organisations, Small Large Officescan forward their Human Resourcerequirements by Email to: [email protected]

Mr. Johnson Therattil is honoured with 17th Jwala Award2014 for the committed and continuous involvement inthe Political Affairs instituted by Smitha publications. Hehad received the Award from the hands of ShriSuryakrishnamurthy – Chairman Govt. of Kerala SahityaAcademy on Saturday 27th December 2014.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved, glori-fied & praised throughout the world now and forever. Sa-cred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Sacred Heart ofJesus, Thy kingdom come. St. Jude worker of miraclespray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us.Amen, Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days.

— Ms Philomena Sequeira, Udupi

Thanks to Sacred Heart ofJesus & St. Jude for the

favours granted

Page 15: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

15 2 February 2015

The 10 Richest Religions in the World

A lot of people believe in theexistence of a god that willhelp save a person’s soul.

Preserving the institution that canhelp you believe in God requires alot of money however. Here are the10 richest religions in the world.

10. The Church of Scientology: TheChurch of Scientology is devoted tothe promotion of the belief system ofScientology. L. Ron Hubbard estab-lished the religion in 1952, succeedingan earlier self-help system that he hadset up called Dianetics. The churchwas incorporated the following year inNew Jersey. It has gained celebrityadherents along the way, the most fa-mous of which is Tom Cruise. Thereligion is based on subscription, withmembers going up in rank as one paysa required fee. The highest rank isOperating Thetan VIII that costs around$256,000. The church once spent morethan $3 million to purchase some gold

bullion and more than $14.1 million fora cruise ship.

9. Freemasonry: While Freemasonryis not really a religion in the real senseof the word, its members are requiredto believe in a supreme being. A vastmajority of its members are rich andhigh net worth individuals. Some peoplebelieve that Freemasonry is actuallythe richest organization in the world. Itsmembers are said to be powerful andtheir symbol even appears on the dol-lar bill and the seal of the United States.Masonic lodges can be found all overthe world.

8. Protestantism: Protestantism is adivision of Christianity. It actually in-volves any denomination in the Chris-tian world that deny the authority of thepope in Rome. It affirms the principlesof the Reformation and believes in theprimacy of the Bible as the only sourceof truth. There are probably over 33,000Protestant denominations, but it all

started in 1517 when Martin Lutherreacted against the medieval doctrinesand practices being followed by theCatholic Church at the time. Researchin the United States shows that Protes-tants are in the middle in terms ofwealth accumulated by its believers.

7. Televangelism: Televangelism isnot exactly a religion but rather, it is anelement of Christianity where believersare addressed by a minister throughtelevision broadcasts. It also adheresto Christian principles, but it focuseson personal morality as viewed bypreachers. Televangelism relies mainlyon advertisements, donations andmerchandise; all these are done free oftax. Television evangelists are knownto live a luxurious life, building expen-sive homes and traveling by privatejets. Put together, it is estimated to bea $2.3 billion business.

(To be contd...)

Page 16: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

16 2 February 2015

Receiving a bouquet of flowers is won-derful. The colors give your home ahappier atmosphere, and the smellsbring about memories of spring andsummertime. Sadly, these bouquetsdon’t last long, and the wilted flowersbecome a sad sight and end up in thetrash within a couple of days. By follow-ing these simple tips, you’ll be able toprolong the life of your bouquet for upto 3 weeks.

1. Test the freshness of roses: Whenyou’re choosing a bouquet, look at thebottoms of the petals to see how manypetals were previously removed from it.A fresh rose will only have one or twopetals removed, and the more petalsare missing, the closer the rose is to itslife’s end.

2. Most flowers do not have a scent:Your nose is perfectly fine; most deco-rative flowers simply have no scent.Growers prefer to breed flowers that arebigger and more resilient, not neces-sarily the ones that smell nice.

3. Don’t keep your flowers on a win-dow sill: Yes, they do look great in thesunlight, but the same light also speedsup the wilting process and the flowerswill be gone in a day or two. Instead,keep the bouquet in a shady area.

4. Wash the vase after you use it:Don’t swap bouquets without washingthe vase properly. The bacteria andfungi from the previous bouquet willhasten the decaying process and yournew flowers will be dead in no time. Forthe best results, wash the vase withalcohol or bleach.

5. Fruits are your enemies: Keepingyour bouquet next to a fruit bowl maylook lovely, but it will also shorten thelifespan of your flowers. Fruits emit agas called Ethaline, which speeds updecay in plants.

6. Keep flowers away from air-condi-tioning: Flowers prefer a humid envi-ronment, and air-conditioning dries upthe air, shortening their lifespan.

7. Change the water: Still water is a

nursery for bacteria, fungi and algae –all of which can speed up the decayingprocess. By changing the water on adaily basis, you will prolong the lifespanof the bouquet.

8. Don’t use scissors: Instead of snip-ping stems with scissors, work with asharp knife without a serrated edge.Cut the stems diagonally and cut itagain every 3-4 days.

9. Remove the leaves: You can usescissors to snip any leaves that come incontact with the water in the vase. Leav-ing the leaves in the water creates aperfect habitat for bacteria and fungi.

10. Don’t play with the flowers’ shape:Avoid breaking, bending or damagingthe stems. The stems’ shape is vital forthe delivery of nutrients to the flowers. Ifyou have a damaged flower, you will dowell to remove it from the bouquet.

11. Don’t buy bouquets out on thestreet: These bouquets often sit in thesun for too long and are often not fresh.Go to your favorite florist and buy it fromthem to ensure your flowers are fresh.

12. No cold showers: You don’t likethem and neither do the flowers. Whenfirst putting the flowers in, or when youchange the water, make sure they’relukewarm.

13. The “magical formula”: Instead ofjust using tap water, make a mixture of4-parts water, 1-part Sprite (not diet)and add a couple of drops of bleach.Using distilled water is better than regu-

lar water.Wash the vase before useRemove the leaves that ttouch the

waterUse a non-serrated knife to cut the

stem diagonally every 3 daysAvoid bending or breaking the stemsChange the water dailyUse lukewarm waterDon’t leave the vase in direct sun-

light, near an A/c or a fruit bowl. Usethe magic formula: mix 4 parts ofwater with 1 part of sprite and add afew drops of bleach

—Agnelo Rodrigues, Wadala E.

Keeping Your Bouquets Healthy

London: The Anglican Church in En-gland on Monday consecrated its firstfemale bishop, the Reverend Libby Lane,at a historic ceremony in the Cathedralof York, in northern England.

Lane, who was appointed to thepost December 17, 2014, will becomethe eighth bishop of Stockport, a city innorthern England, in an event witnessedby a thousand guests.

In an interview with Radio Manches-ter, Lane, 48, said, "It is a remarkablething that this happens to me, and peoplehave been very supportive of me per-sonally, but actually this is about a mo-ment in the Church's history."

On December 17, the AnglicanSynod appointed Libby Lane as its firstwoman bishop after having voted lastJuly in favour of the consecration ofwomen, a measure which was then ap-proved in November by the relevantlegislation in parliament.

Lane has been a priest since 1994.Besides England, there are 165

countries with the presence of the Angli-can Church, representing some 85 mil-lion faithful.

Some of these countries acceptwomen bishops, including Ireland, Aus-tralia, New Zealand, Canada and theUS, with a total of 29 women conse-crated.


Anglican Churchin England gets

first femalebishop

Page 17: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

17 2 February 2015

Last Prophet 0f The Old Testament( On Sunday 12 January :Feast of TheBaptism of the Lord.)

John the Baptist was the precursor ofthe Messiah; last of the Old Testamentprophets. John had been sent by Godwith the exclusive mission to inspireand prepare the Israelites for the com-ing of the Messiah who would be greaterthan himself.

The prophecy of Zechariahsummed it up: “And you, child, will becalled the prophet of the Most High; foryou will go before the Lord to preparehis ways.” (Lk.1:76). It was John whodesignated Christ as “the Lamb of God”.The child John was the son ofZechariah, an old priest of the Templeat Jerusalem, and his wife, Elizabeth, akinswoman of Mary.

All the above facts are from theBible. The Holy Bible is of divine origin.It has documented the Word of God inthe words of man : it tells us of thecreation of the universe, ‘in the begin-ning….’, of the Messiah, ‘The Wordwas made flesh….’ And of all the proph-esies in the Old Testament, preparingthe Hebrew nation for the coming of theMessiah of the Jews.

The Bible informs us that Johnthe Baptist was born at Ain-Karim south-west of Jerusalem. As a hermit, he livedin the desert of Judea till the year A.D.27,when at the age of thirty he began topreach on the banks of the Jordan,calling men and women to penanceand baptism.

Theologians say the most de-scriptive account of John’s lineage andbirth is given in the Gospel Accordingto Luke. Subsequently, after furtherresearch and effort, I was confrontedwith something absolutely remarkable:a dramatic and colorful story of theman appointed by God to pave the wayfor His son Jesus Christ.

Next. During the reign of KingHerod of Judea, lived Zechariah, aTemple priest at Jerusalem and hiswife, Elizabeth, who came from thefamily of Aaron. They were both veryold and for many years had desired tohave a child. They lived a blameless lifein the beautiful hill country. Their prayers

to be parents were not an-swered. One day Zechariahwent to Jerusalem to per-form his priestly duties in theTemple. He had been se-lected that particular day bylot. ”To enter the sanctuaryof the Lord and offerincense.”(Lk.1:9). This was a religiouscustom of the Jews. The rest of thepeople remained outside the Temple.

While in the sanctum, an angel ofthe Lord, in white robes blazing withheavenly light, looked upon the terri-fied man and smiled, saying: “Do notbe afraid Zechariah for your prayer hasbeen heard. Your wife Elizabeth willbear you a son, and you will name himJohn. You will have joy and gladness,and many will rejoice at his birth, for hewill be great in the sight of the Lord….He will be filled with the Holy Spirit.”(Lk.1:13-15).

The messenger of God was theangel Gabriel. “I stand in the presenceof God, and I have been sent to speakto you and to bring you this goodnews.” (Lk.1:20). Because he did notbelieve the words of the angel,Zechariah was struck dumb.

Elizabeth carried the child in herwomb for nine months. As Foretold bythe Angel Gabriel, a boy child was bornto Elizabeth. On the eighth day after thebirth of the child, they were going toname the boy. Many neighbors andfriends suggested the child shouldhave the name of his father. “but hismother said, ‘No, he is to be calledJohn.’ (Lk.1:60). The gathering turnedto Zechariah and asked what hethought. Since he was mute, theprophet wrote on a stone tablet, “Johnis his name”. Having done this, and inthat very moment he got back hisspeech. He praised God in a canticle.Imagine his state of mental happiness,ecstacy and gratitude? He wept in joy.

Almighty God had given Israeland the world the last prophet of theOld Covenant, John the Baptist, as Hehad promised. John grew up in thewilderness, lived on honey and locusts,till he was strong in spirit.

John remained in the desert for

thirty years till he was readyfor his ministry. St. Paul inthe Acts of the Apostlesmade certain to mentionhow John had already pro-claimed a baptism of repen-tance to all the Israelites.You will find this account in

Acts.13:23.John began his movement of

baptism from the banks of the RiverJordan. “And as John was finishing hiswork, he said, ‘what do you supposethat I am ? I am not he. No, but one iscoming after me, I am not worthy tountie the thong of the sandals on hisfeet.’ (Acts.13:25).

Jesus was the one whose com-ing John had foretold. John was theenvoy of Jesus. Many of John’s follow-ers had identified John with the prophetElijah. The gospel of Luke says “Youwill go before the Lord to prepare hisways.” (Lk.1:76).

In the Book of Malachi 3:1 men-tion is made to a prophet who wouldprepare the way of the Lord. Most bib-lical scholars agree, that it was a refer-ence to John. “ Behold, I will send my

messenger, and he shall pre-pare the way before me; and the Lord,whom ye seek, shall suddenly come tohis temple, even the messenger of thecovenant, whom ye delight in : behold,he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.”(Malachi 3:1).

Jesus came from Galilee to bebaptized by John. At first John refusedto baptize Jesus. “I need to be baptizedby you”. Jesus persuaded John to bap-tize him. In many ways John was al-ways a man of strong will and charac-ter. He had a special sense of destiny,a dynamic temperament and a fearlesstalent to brave the odds. When theJews of Jerusalem sent Levites andpriests to question John, he spoke thetruth and gave his testimonyunwaveringly.

“I am not the Christ.” Then thepriests asked: ”Are you Elijah?” Hereplied, “I am not.” (Jn.1:19-21).

John the Baptist had a large fol-


(Contd.. on p. 18)

Page 18: Secular Citizen Vol.24 No.5 dated 2nd February 2015

18 2 February 2015

Years are passing by and ourkidneys are filtering the bloodby removing salt and any un-

wanted bacteria entering our body.With time salt accumulates in our

kidney and it needs to undergo clean-ing treatment. How are we going to dothis?

Here is an easy, cheap and simpleway to do it.

Take a bunch of coriander(DHANIYA Leaves) and wash it clean.Cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot.Pour clean water and boil it for tenminutes and let it cool down. Next filterit and pour it in a clean bottle and keepit in refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass everyday and youwill notice all salt and other accumu-lated impurities coming out of yourkidney while urination. You will be ableto notice the difference yourself!

DHANIYA/CORIANDER is known as abest cleaning treatment for kidneysand the best part is it is natural!

10 Biggest braindamaging habits:

1: Missing breakfast.2: Over-eating3: Smoking4: High sugar consumption.5: More sleeping specially at morn-

ing6: Eating meal while watching TV or

computer7: Wearing Cap/scarf or socks while

sleeping8: More brain usage during sickness9: Over speaking10. Habit of blocking/Stoping Urine.

Coriander benefits the skin, hairand overall health. It aids in digestion and helps in the natural

treatment of urinary tract related disor-ders. Moreover, coriander is useful indealing with allergies and infectionscaused by fungus and bacteria.

For therapeutic purposes, usuallycoriander leaves as well as seeds areused. When used as a spice in culinarypreparations, it helps avoid food poison-ing. Moreover, coriander adds a distinctflavor in dishes.

Healing PropertiesCoriander has carminative, stimulant,stomachic, antiseptic, anti-bacterial,analgesic, anthelmintic, anti-inflamma-tory, expectorant, anxiolytic, diuretic, andaphrodisiac properties. It has com-pounds like Cineole and linoleic acidthat relieve the symptoms of arthritis andrheumatism.

Being rich in oleic acid, linoleicacid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascor-bic acids, etc., coriander benefits healthby reducing blood cholesterol (LDL) andhence, avoiding heart disease.

In addition, it promotes healthy liverfunction, stimulates the endocrine gland,and lowers blood sugar. Plus, corianderhelps cure issues like indigestion, diar-rhea, stomach gas and flatulence as itencourages the production of digestiveenzymes and juices. In fact, it is consid-ered good for improving appetite.

Besides, coriander is useful in get-ting rid of itchy skin, rashes and inflam-mation. This aromatic herb removes badbreath and heals mouth ulcers due to itsnatural antiseptic qualities.

Furthermore, it strengthens the im-mune system and helps in detoxificationof the body. This therapeutic herb iseffective against harmful bacteria likesalmonella, too.

Coriander can also be used forrelieving conjunctivitis and preventingmacular degeneration. Coriander seedshelp cure anxiety and insomnia. You canalso soak in bath water mixed with cori-ander oil.

Medicinal Uses of Coriande• Drinking an infusion prepared by

boiling a teaspoon of coriander seedpowder in a cup of water serves as oneof the simplest coriander home rem-

edies for indigestion.• Having buttermilk mixed with two

teaspoons of coriander juice works asan effective natural cure for nauseaand indigestion. Follow this therapytwo to three times in a day.

• Prepare an infusion by boiling a tea-spoon of cumin seeds in a cup of waterand add a teaspoon of coriander juiceand a pinch of salt in it. Consume thissolution two times in a day after havinga meal to help control diarrhea natu-rally.

• When dealing stomach pain and gas,take equal amounts of ginger, gratedcoconut and dry coriander seeds. Blendthese ingredients well to form a pasteand salt to taste. Consume this homemedicine along with cooked rice.

• Coriander benefits in providing relieffrom rheumatic pains and swelling byhaving a cup of coriander tea regularly.To make this tea, steep one teaspoonof coriander seeds in a cup of boilingwater for about five minutes. In addi-tion, you can apply crushed corianderleaves on painful joints.

Coriander BenefitsClean YourKidneys In Rs. 5

Or Even Less

lowing and Herod Antipas, Tetrarchof Galilee and Perea, considered Johna political threat. He feared that itcould lead to a rebellion. Herod onhis own initiative had John the Bap-tist arrested on two accounts. Thesecond being, that John had de-nounced the incestuous marriage ofHerod to his niece Herodias. Johnwas imprisoned at Machaerus For-tress on the Dead Sea.

Eventually, John was beheadedat the request of Salome, daughter ofHerodias, who asked for his head atthe instigation of her mother. His graveis at Sebaste in Samaria. St. Jeromewho visited the tomb at Sebaste borewitness to many miracles. John,Prophet of the Most High and the lastprophet of the Old Testament had hismission accomplished.

(Contd.. from p. 17)

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19 2 February 2015


Respect is not bought but earned.Just like this statement is truefor your work place, it also holds

true for your relationship. Respect is avery important component of a rela-tionship. You can probably stay to-gether without love, but if there is norespect for each other, then the rela-tionship is doomed. Men can earn theirrespect by doing a good job, takingcare of their girl, being chivalrous etc.But many a times women expect to berespected without doing anything toearn respect.

You cannot have a demandingappraoch in a relationship You mustknow what men love in women themost if you want to earn the respect thatis due to you. Here are some sugges-tions.

2. Remain Dignified: Men love womenwho know how to carry themselveswith dignity. If you are going to giggleat silly jokes and fall over him whiletalking, he will never take you seri-ously. You need to have a strong per-sonality and conduct yourself in a man-ner that will make him respect you. Thisdoes not mean that you stop laughingand talking altogether. You just have toknow when to talk and at what point tobless him with your laughter.

Set strong boundaries:In a relationship, you want to clearlyidentify for yourself how you want to betreated and define what behaviour isacceptable and what is unacceptableearly on. You don’t need to be ruthlesswith your values but the moment youlet your partner walk over or manipu-late you even once, is when you lose allrespect. Having your identity attracts aman more towards a woman.

3. Earn his mother's respect: All menlook up to their mothers as the perfectexample of womanhood. It does notmatter whether you like your boyfriend's

mother or not. But earning her respectis going play the most vital role in yourrelationship. When you meet yourboyfriend's mother, do not give away tomuch about yourself. Gauge her per-sonality first and then frame your re-sponse accordingly.

4. Never keep conditions: Men hateto be tied down. If you are going tokeep conditions for him from the be-ginning of your relationship, he willnever respect you. Try to be a littleselfless in your dealings with him. In-stead of forcing him to party with youevery weekend, cook once in a while.Stay home for a movie night and havefun.

5. Be his Life-Manager: Most men areclumsy by nature. They like to havesomeone to clean up their mess. Thatis why men love women who can handlethe tiny details of their life.

Be honest: Honesty is ALWAYS thebest policy in a relationship, regard-less of any supposed best interests foryour partner. If you’re always one-hun-dred percent honest, you can’t reallygo wrong and you should consequentlyalways be trusted.

As long as you are always honest,even with seemingly trivial things thenyou will always have your partner’srespect in this department.

You must be able to challengeyour husband's expectations from youand outshine them every time. Theseare some difficult but reliable ways toearn respect from your husband.

Earn Your Husband's Respect

Marriage is a commitmentfor life. It is a permanent,lifelong relationship.

Marriage is not just an institution,it is a sacrament, asacred union. Itwas after centuries of experiencesthat wise ones of the ancient timesformualated the rules of marriage.

The word for the married state inour ancient Sanskrit language isgrahasta ashrama. Marriage isconsidered as an ashrama — aplace of discipline: not a pleasure-hunting ground. Accordingly, inmarriage, two persons offer thewhole of their mind, body andfeelings to each other, they live foreach other.

These can be seen as the 'TenCommandments' for a successfulmarriage:

1. Avoid the next quarrel.2. Be a good listener.3. Appreciate your spouse.4. Keep your love free.5. Do not expect perfection of

each other.6. Be a good forgiver.7. Be patient, lovbing, under-

standing and kind.8. Develop a healthy sense of

humour9. In misunderstandings, don't

hinde your feelings.10. Make time daily to sit to-

gether to thank God for bless-ing both of you.

Happy Married Life

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20 2 February 2015


Address your replies to :

Regd. No.ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY,99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st

Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

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Members are requested toinform us when they are settled,so that publication of theirdetails can be discontinued.

MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht.5’ 10”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Handsome, Edn. B.A., PG-HR, work-ing as a HR-Manager, Seeks a suit-able match. Contact email :[email protected] OR9820470506 (Regd. No. 6270)MUMBAI : East Indian + Goan Chris-tian Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 6’3”, Wt. 85 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.MBA., working as an Asst. Manager.Contact email :[email protected] OR98192995981 / 9867036662 /9920733293 (Regd. No. 6267)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 36 years, Ht. 5' 8”, FairComplexion, Handsome, Edn. HSCpursing S.Y.Com., working as an Emi-gration Supurvisions. Seeks a simple,understanding, good look, smart girl.Contact email :[email protected] OR9619019991 / 982095412 (Regd. No.6138)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht.5' 9”, Fair Complexion, Handsome,Edn. B.Com., working as CEO inFamily Business. Seeks a good look-ing, smart, stylish girl. Contacat email: [email protected] OR9821556409 (Regd. No. 6135)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 29 years,Only Child. Ht. 5' 9”, Fair Complex-ion, Edn. S.S.L.C., Working as a Clerk.Seeks a suitable match. Contact email: robindsouza1985@ gmail.com OR9820527457. (Regd. No. 6128)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 54 years, Ht. 5' 6", Wt.58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.Bachelor in Hotel Management, work-ing as a Food & Beverage Manager inAustralia. Seeks a fair, should be will-ing to relocate overseas, single/di-vorced or Widow below 46 years. Con-tact Email : [email protected] 9769494588 OR +61 433072951.(Regd. No. 6126)

MUMBAI : Roman CatholicManglorean Australian Citizen em-ployed in Govt, 45 yrs, Ht 5'11, BCom,Wheatish, Tetotaller, Separatedawaiting divorce seeks suitable alli-ance. Reply with photo [email protected] (Regd. No.6125)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicDivorcee, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt.62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.Undergraduate, working as a Admin.job in U.K. Seeks a graduate, simple,fair, understanding willing to work andlive in U.K. below 33 years. Contactemail : [email protected](Regd. No. 6123)MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Bachelor,aged 44 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 50 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC.,working as a Jewellery setter. Seeksa suitable match. Contact Mob :9833046266. (Regd. No. 6121)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 36 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt.78 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.Com., Having own well establishedbusiness. Conact email :[email protected] OR9220566467 / 9892320912 (Regd.No. 6120)AHMEDABAD : Goan Roman Catho-lic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 6”,Wt. 68 kgs, fair and slim, Edn. B.Com.,well settled. Seeks a suitable match.Contact email :[email protected] (Regd. No.6116)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 37 years, Ht.6’, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. HSC., Dip. in A.C. Mechanic,working as a AC Technician in Mus-cat. Contact Tel.: 23733750 Or 968-99694267 (Regd. No. 6113)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 7”,

Slim, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.B.A.,B.Com., Teacher by profession. Con-tact email :[email protected] OR9869423500 (Regd. No. 6067)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 9”,Well Built, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Com., M.A. Position : Vice Presi-dent. Contact email : [email protected] OR9819268548 (Regd. No. 6066)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 6’, Wt.65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC working as a Sr. Executive.Contact email :[email protected] OR9930187005 (Regd. No. 6065)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 4”,Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.HSC., working as a Hotel Manager.Contact [email protected] OR9821152347 (Regd. No. 6064)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 36 years, Ht.6’ 1”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. M.Com., working as a Se-nior Manager. Contact email :[email protected] OR9323149249 (Regd. No. 6061)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 34 years, Ht.5’ 5”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion Edn. B.Com., working as a Man-ager. Only Child. Contact email :[email protected] OR 8806930925(Regd. No. 6059)

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21 2 February 2015


Address your replies to :

Regd. No.ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY,99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st

Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.Royal Christian Family

Helps In ChoosingThe Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 33 Years

Please renew your membershipat lease a month in advancebefore its expiration date.

MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC spinster1973 born, 5’ 5” tall, fair complexionwith qualifications, B.Com. (Mumbai),M.B.A.Finance (Canada), M.B.A.,(H.R.) and Diplomas in I.T. (NIIT),Comp. (APTEC), and Cert.Ind Acct.(I.C.A.), working in good position.Graduate / Post Graduate unmarriedR.C. Bachelors upto 45 years, em-ployed in good position and well settledin Mumbai or abroad. Contact email :[email protected] or MobileNo. 9892700617. (Regd. No. 6166)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 56 kgs,Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E., (IT), MS,working as a Sr. Software Engineer inUSA. Contact email : [email protected] OR 9869036355 (Regd.No. 6207)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Fair Complex-ion, Edn. M.com, (Accounting) GNIIT,Working as an Accounts Executive.Contact email :[email protected] OR26324478.(Regd. No. 6089)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 29 years, Ht. 5’3”, Wt. 50 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com.,Dip. in 3D animation, working. Contactemail : [email protected] OR9967366434 (Regd. No. 6063)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged Date of Birth 14-05-1983, Ht. 5’4”, Wt. 63 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. MSc. Nursing, working as a ICUNurse in Abudhabi - UAE. Seeks a welleducated Mangalorean Bachelor withgood family values. Contact email:[email protected] OR9930076741 / 28918871. (Regd. No.6257)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC parentsinvite alliance for their daughter 27years, 5’ 4”, B.Tech (Computer Engi-neer) Working for MNC. Seeks well

qualified and well settled bachelorwith good family values. Kindly replywith profile and recent photograph toemail : [email protected] OR09916087940 (Regd. No. 6223)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 46 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt.73 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.Com., working as a Audit Assistant.Contact [email protected] /[email protected] OR9819884257 (Regd. No. 6027)MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt.60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.Arch., Position : Interior Design.Seeks a well settled match. Contactemail: [email protected] ORo2240153702 (Regd. No. 6171)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt.56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.SYBA, Dip. in Avition, working CO inTCS, Seeks a Goan, loving, under-standing, social and should have fam-ily values. Preferred from Gulf/Mumbai. (Regd. No. 6170)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht.5’ 3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. MBA (Finance), working asa Finance Manager in Dubai Seeks awell settled boy in Dubai or Mumbai.Contact email :[email protected] OR971501663159 / 9867375554 (Regd.No. 6169)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 26, Ht. 5’ 5”,Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. B.Com., employed as an Admin-istrator. Seeks a suitable match. Con-tact email :[email protected] OR9920623791 / 7738745831 (Regd.No. 6127)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 43 years, Ht.5’ 5”, Wt. 59 kgs, Fair Complexion,Edn. 9th Std., good looking and smart,working as a Hair Dresser. Seeks asuitable match. Contact 9619957198(Regd. No. 6124)

MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 2”,Slim, Fair, Edn. B.Com., working asa Operation Analyst in FinancialOrganisation. Seeks a suitablematch. Contact email :[email protected] OR9920243080 (Regd. No. 6122)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’, Wt.50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Com., B.Ed., Teacher by profes-sion. Contact email:[email protected] /[email protected] OR9820448715. (Regd. No. 6119)MUMBAI : East Indian RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 25 years,Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 55 kgs Fair Complex-ion, Beautiful, Edn. MSc (statistics),working as a Sr. Marketing Execu-tive. Seeks a well settled, under-standing bachelor below 33 years.Contacat email :[email protected] OR9833989747 (Regd. No. 6117)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 31 years. Ht. 5’ 2”,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC,working as a Chef in Qatar. Con-tact email :[email protected] /[email protected] OR9892071067 (Regd. No. 6115)INDORE : Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 39 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt.53 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.M.Com., well settled. Seeks a suit-able match. Contact email :[email protected] OR09827011122 (Regd. No. 6114)

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22 2 February 2015

MATRIMONIALSMUMBAI : Mangalorean Syrian Ortho-dox Christian Spinster, 33 years, Ht. 5’8”, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.MBA, B.Com., working as a Program-mer in IT Software. Contact email :[email protected] /[email protected] OR9167135860 (Regd. No. 6111)NEW PANVEL : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, 37 years, Ht. 5’ 1”,Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.M.Com., working as a Account’s Man-ager. Contact email :[email protected] OR 9820794213(Regd. No. 6110)NEW PANVEL : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, 30 years, Ht. 5’ 7”,Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.Com., Working as a Sr. Accountant.Contacat email : [email protected] 9819747847 (Regd. No. 6109)MIRAJ : Maharastrian Protestant Spin-ster, 30 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 50 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.D.S.,(Dentist), Lecturer in Dental College.Contact email :[email protected] OR 0233-2211495 (Regd. No. 6108)MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catho-lic Spinster, 25 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 45kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Com.,working. Contact email:[email protected] (Regd. No. 6107)MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catho-lic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 66kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBAin Hospital Management, working as aAsst. Manager Operations. Seeks awell settled match/\. Contact email :[email protected] OR 022-25777199 (Regd. No. 6106)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 70 kgs,Fair Complexion, good looking,Edn.BMS/PGDBA, working as a SalesExecutive in Dubai. Seeks boy prefer-ably from Dubai. Contact email :[email protected] OR9969235259 / 9869180059 (Regd. No.6084)MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catho-lic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’3”, Wt.56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.

B.A., Animation (Dip.) working as a Ani-mation. Contact email :[email protected] OR 9819680299(Regd. No. 6062)MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 24 years, Ht. 5’5”, Wt. 53 kgs,Fair Complexion, Edn. Graduate in In-terior Designer, working as a InteriorDesigner. Contact email :[email protected] OR9322145137 (Regd. No. 6060)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 33 years, Ht.5’5”, Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.E., (Computers) working as a Soft-ware Engineer. Contact email :[email protected] OR9820445461 (Regd. No. 6058)MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 39 years, Ht. 5’2”, WheatishComplexion, Edn. T.Y. B.Com., work-ing as a Computer Operator A/c’s de-partment. Contact email :[email protected] 9930661771 (Regd. No. 6055)MUMBAI : Karnataka Protestant Spin-ster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 55kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A.,working as a Clerk. Contact :[email protected] OR9768919470 (Regd. No. 6029)MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman CatholicSpinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Aver-age built, Tan Complexion, Edn. Dip. inHotel Management, Seeks a guitablematch. Contact email :[email protected] OR9158622614 (Regd. No. 6013)NAVI-MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’1”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., employed as an Admin., ContactEmail : [email protected] ORMob: 9820579253 (Regd. No. 6011)MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 60kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A.,employed as a Secretary. Contact :Mob: 9833120168 (Regd. No. 6010)MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Spinster, aged30 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, FairComplexion, B.Com., working as aSME, Seeks sober, well settled bach-

elor. Contact : email :[email protected] OR9820264984 (Regd. No. 6007)MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Spinster, aged26 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 60 kgs, TanComplexion, Edn. B.Sc + PGDQA,working as a QA Personnel in Phar-maceutical, Seeks a good looking,understanding, responsible, wellsettled bachelor. Contact email :[email protected] OR9892394604 (Regd. No. 6006)AHMEDABAD : Goan R.C. Spinster,Wheatish, slim, good looking, aged29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 49 kgs, Edn.B.A., PGDMFI, Pursuing MBA, work-ing as a Senior Officer in Bank. Seeksa educated, well settled bachelor fromdecent and respectable family. Con-tact email : [email protected] /[email protected] OR 079-22162694 (Regd. No. 6004)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht.4’ 8”, Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. MBA., working as a HR.Contact email :[email protected] OR8806890197 (Regd. No. 5977)NAVIMUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht.5’ 4”, Wt. 57 kgs, Fair Complexion,Edn. M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed., Lec-turer by profession. Contact email :[email protected] /[email protected] OR 8976104700(Regd. No. 5976)POONA : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 56kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA(Mktg & Intl Bus) working as a LeadMarketing. Contact email :[email protected] /[email protected] OR9881134217 (Regd. No. 5974)MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catho-lic Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 4”,Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,good looking, Edn. B. Com., workingad as Deputy Manager, Seeks a suit-able match. Contact email:[email protected] or28950832 (Regd. No. 5945)

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