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Securing Your ASP.NET Application Presented by: Rob Bagby Developer Evangelist Microsoft...

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Securing Your Securing Your ASP.NET ASP.NET Application Application Presented by: Presented by: Rob Bagby Rob Bagby Developer Evangelist Developer Evangelist Microsoft Microsoft [email protected] [email protected] (email) (email) http://www.robbagby.com http://www.robbagby.com (blog) (blog)

Securing Your ASP.NET Securing Your ASP.NET ApplicationApplication

Presented by:Presented by:Rob BagbyRob BagbyDeveloper EvangelistDeveloper [email protected]@microsoft.com (email)(email)http://www.robbagby.comhttp://www.robbagby.com (blog)(blog)

Security Overview / Basics

ASP.NET Security Architecture



Input Validation


Sensitive Data

Session AgendaSession Agenda

Defense-In-Depth Security – The concept that many layers of security is better than one layer.

Security OverviewSecurity Overview

Threat ModelingThreat Modeling

Structured approach to:Structured approach to:Evaluate security threatsEvaluate security threats

Identify countermeasuresIdentify countermeasures

DREAD helps rate riskDREAD helps rate riskDamage potentialDamage potential



Affected usersAffected users


More information in MSDN Patterns and PracticesMore information in MSDN Patterns and Practiceshttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnnetsec/html/ThreatCouhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnnetsec/html/ThreatCounter.aspnter.asp

Threat Modeling ProcessThreat Modeling Process

1. Identify Assets

2. Create an Architectural Overview

3. Decompose the Application

4. Identify the Threats

5. Document the Threats

6. Rate the Threats

Session AgendaSession Agenda

Security Overview / Basics

ASP.NET Security Architecture



Input Validation


Sensitive Data

ASP.NET Architecture - ASP.NET Architecture - OverviewOverview

Gatekeepers – The authorization points within an ASP.NET application that are provided by:


IISPermits requests from users that it can authenticate (with anonymous turned off)Uses NTFS permissions to perform access control

ASP.NET Architecture - ASP.NET Architecture - GatekeepersGatekeepers

ASP.NET – has 2 gatekeepers

UrlAuthorizationModuleConfigure <authorization> elements in Web.Config to configure accessBased on IPrincipal (stored in HttpContext.User)

FileAuthorizationModuleFor file types mapped to the ASP.NET ISAPI ext.Access checks done using the authenticated users token

Could be the anonymous account

ASP.NET Architecture - ASP.NET Architecture - GatekeepersGatekeepers

ASP.NET Architecture - ASP.NET Architecture - GatekeepersGatekeepers


[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role=@"DomainName\


ImperativePrincipalPermission permCheck = new PrincipalPermission( null,

@"DomainName\ WindowsGroup");


ASP.NET Architecture ASP.NET Architecture (Principal Permission Demands)(Principal Permission Demands)

Session AgendaSession Agenda

Security Overview / Basics

ASP.NET Security Architecture



Input Validation


Sensitive Data

The process by which a user is uniquely identified, given his/her credentials.

Authentication Options

Windows w/ impersonation

Windows w/o impersonation




Operating system authenticates user

Requires valid windows account

Transparent access to resources

WindowsIdentityWindowsIdentity widentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();

IIdentity iidentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();

Authentication - WindowsAuthentication - Windows(Overview)(Overview)

Configuration<authentication mode=“Windows” />

<identity impersonate=“true” />

AdvantagesACLs for Resources accessed by your app.Flow caller’s identity to middle tier

DisadvantagesReduced scalability – database poolingRequires windows account for each userIncreased administration

Authentication - WindowsAuthentication - Windows(w/ Impersonation)(w/ Impersonation)

Configuration<authentication mode=“Windows” />

<identity impersonate=“false” /> (or no identity ele.)

AdvantagesACLs for Client Requested ResourcesURL Authorization<authorization>

<deny user=“DomainName\UserName” />

<allow roles=“DomainName\WindowsgroupName” />


DisadvantagesRequires windows account for each userIncreased administration

Authentication - WindowsAuthentication - Windows(w/o Impersonation)(w/o Impersonation)

Configuration<authentication mode=“Forms”>

<forms loginUrl=“login.aspx” name=“AuthCookie” timeout=“60” path=“/” />


AdvantagesNo Windows accounts requiredFirewall friendly

DisadvantagesYou have to implement / write

Authentication - FormsAuthentication - Forms

Configuration<authentication mode=“Passport” />

AdvantagesSingle sign-on

DisadvantagesNon-trivial to implement

Authentication - PassportAuthentication - Passport

Session AgendaSession Agenda

Security Overview / Basics

ASP.NET Security Architecture



Input Validation


Sensitive Data

The Process By which The System Validates That The Authenticated User Has Access To Resources Or Has Privileges To Perform Certain Operations.

Options Depend upon Authentication type

Windows w/ impersonation

Windows w/o impersonation





ACLsClient Requested Resources: Original Caller’s tokenResources Accessed by Application: Original Caller’s token

URL Authorization: Original Caller’s Group or User<authorization>

<deny user=“DomainName\UserName” />

<allow roles=“DomainName\WindowsgroupName” />


Authorization - WindowsAuthorization - Windows(w/ Impersonation)(w/ Impersonation)


ACLsClient Requested Resources: Original Caller’s tokenResources Accessed by Application: ASP.NET process identity

URL Authorization: Original Caller’s Group or User<authorization>

<deny user=“DomainName\UserName” />

<allow roles=“DomainName\WindowsgroupName” />


Authorization - WindowsAuthorization - Windows(w/o Impersonation)(w/o Impersonation)


Client Requested Resources: ACLs must allow read access to anonymous Internet user accountFile Authorization not availableResources Accessed by Application: ASP.NET process identity

URL Authorization: Determined by custom data store. Sql example:<authorization>

<deny user=“?” /><allow roles=“RoleName, RoleName1” />


Authorization - FormsAuthorization - Forms

.NET Role-Based OptionsDeclarative Demands With PrincipalPermissionAttribute (1 Role)

[PrincipalPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Role=“MyRole”)]

Imperative Demands Using PrincipalPermission Object (Multiple)

public void MyMethod { PrincipalPermission perm = New PrincipalPermission(null, “MyRole”); perm.Demand(); }

Role Checks With IsInRole (Multiple)Principal.IsInRole(“MyRole”);

Custom Authentication Role Checks

string[] roles = new string[] {“MyRole”, “MyRole1”};

IPrincipal principal = new GenericPrincipal(identity, roles);


Authorization cont.Authorization cont.(Role-Based)(Role-Based)

Defense-In-Depth Approach

Granular Roles

Declarative Demands, Where Possible

Use IsInRole If You Need to Check > 1 Role Membership

Authorization cont.Authorization cont.(Guidelines)(Guidelines)

ASP.NET Forms AuthenticationASP.NET Forms Authentication


Session AgendaSession Agenda

Security Overview / Basics

ASP.NET Security Architecture



Input Validation


Sensitive Data

Assume all input is malicious

Centralize your approach

Do not rely on client-side validation

Be careful with canonicalization issues

Constrain, reject, and sanitize your input

Input ValidationInput Validation

Session AgendaSession Agenda

Security Overview / Basics

ASP.NET Security Architecture



Input Validation


Sensitive Data

Use Stored ProceduresGrant Access Only To Stored ProceduresParameterize Queries, When SPs Not Possible

Use Least-Privileged Account Approach

Protect Connection Strings As Secrets

Hash Passwords

Encrypt Sensitive Data


Session AgendaSession Agenda

Security Overview / Basics

ASP.NET Security Architecture



Input Validation


Sensitive Data

Hashing – Practically Impossible To Reverse

Encryption – Can Only Decrypt With Encryption Key

DPAPI – Data Protection API

Sensitive DataSensitive Data

Sensitive Data Cont.Sensitive Data Cont.

I want to… Recommendation Advantages Limitations

Store a user password securely

Salt + SHA1 (One-way hash)

Prepend random salt to the passwords before hashing to defend against off-line dictionary attacks.

No keys to manage.

Identical input yields identical hash values.

Must store a salt to ensure unique cipher text for identical values.

Sensitive Data Cont.Sensitive Data Cont.

I want to… Recommendation Advantages Limitations

Store a user password securely

Salt + SHA1 (One-way hash)

Prepend random salt to the passwords before hashing to defend against off-line dictionary attacks.

No keys to manage.

Identical input yields identical hash values.

Must store a salt to ensure unique cipher text for identical values.

Protect local user data

DPAPI (Encryption using keys derived from user credentials)

DPAPI manages keys on behalf of the application.

Data can’t be decrypted by other users, or on other machines.

Sensitive Data Cont.Sensitive Data Cont.

I want to… Recommendation Advantages Limitations

Store a user password securely

Salt + SHA1 (One-way hash)

Prepend random salt to the passwords before hashing to defend against off-line dictionary attacks.

No keys to manage.

Identical input yields identical hash values.

Must store a salt to ensure unique cipher text for identical values.

Protect local user data

DPAPI (Encryption using keys derived from user credentials)

DPAPI manages keys on behalf of the application.

Data can’t be decrypted by other users, or on other machines.

Encrypt data that will need to decrypted later

Symmetric encryption algorithms (e.g. Rijndael)

Flexible: data can be decrypted by other apps / machines that have the key.

Application must manage keys and transmit them securely.

Wrap-up & Questions …Wrap-up & Questions …

Rob BagbyRob BagbyDeveloper EvangelistDeveloper [email protected]@microsoft.com (email)(email)http://www.robbagby.comhttp://www.robbagby.com (blog)(blog)
