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Security in Networks CPSC 363 Computer Networks Ellen Walker Hiram College (Includes figures from...

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Security in Networks CPSC 363 Computer Networks Ellen Walker Hiram College (Includes figures from Computer Networking by Kurose & Ross, © Addison Wesley 2002;, 2006)

Security in Networks

CPSC 363 Computer Networks

Ellen Walker

Hiram College

(Includes figures from Computer Networking by Kurose & Ross, © Addison Wesley 2002;, 2006)

Goals for Secure Communication

• Only the designated recipient can read the message (Confidentiality)

• The sender and recipient are correctly identified to each other (Authentication)

• The message is received as it was sent (Message Integrity and Nonrepudiation)

• The network infrastructure is available for communication by legitimate users (Availability and Access Control)

Aspects of Security

• Encryption • Authentication• Ensuring message integrity• Network protection

– Firewalls– Attacks & Countermeasures

• Security crosses many layers of the network stack

Alice, Bob and Trudy

• Alice wants to communicate with Bob.• Trudy wants to intercept or disrupt communication.



channel data, control messages

data data

Alice Bob


Who are Bob and Alice?

• Humans• Customer, store (credit card transaction)• Customer, bank• Store, supplier• Bank, central data warehouse• DNS servers exchanging addresses• …

What might Trudy do?

• Eavesdrop (intercept messages)• Insert messages into conversation• Impersonate someone (Alice, Bob or

someone else)• Hijack the conversation (replace Alice or Bob)• Denial of service (prevent this conversation

and any others)


• Disguise data so that only the designated recipients can read it (with a key)

• Long history, significant advances in past 30 years– The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

awarded the 2002 A.M. Turing Award, considered the "Nobel Prize of Computing," to Leonard M. Adleman, Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir for their role in the creation of the world's most widely used public-key cryptography system, which has become known by their initials, RSA.

Cryptography Definitions

plaintext plaintextciphertext



decryption algorithm

Alice’s encryptionkey

Bob’s decryptionkey


Decrypt (Encrypt (text, Akey), Bkey) = text

Two kinds of keys

• Symmetric key systems– Encryption (sender’s) key = decryption

(recipient’s) key– Key must be exchanged privately first

• Public key systems– Encryption and decryption keys are different– Each individual has a public and private key

• Alice uses Bob’s public key to send to Bob• Bob uses his private key to read the message

Substitution Ciphers (Symmetric Key)

• Caesar Cipher– Substitute each letter by one k away in the alphabet (with

wrap)• If k=1, HAL becomes IBM• 25 different options (assuming 0 is not reasonable)

• Monoalphabetic Cipher– Substitute each letter by another arbitrarily

• Example: (A=X, B=A, C=F, … Y=O, Z=T) • 26! – 1 different options (all orders of 26 letters)

• Polyalphabetic Cipher– Use multiple monoalphabetic ciphers in a pattern, e.g. c1,

c2, c2, c1 for each 4-letter sequence

Attacking Substitution Ciphers

• Ciphertext only– Use letter frequency statistics (e.g. e is most frequent in

English text)– Use common patterns (e.g. “ing”, “ion”, “ed”)

• Known plaintext– Get pairings from known words (e.g. “bob” give b and o),

use those to get more words

• Chosen plaintext– If Trudy can get Alice to send a known message containing

all 26 letters…

• Steal the key (!)

DES: A Modern Symmetric-key System

• 64-bit key (really 56+8 parity bits)• Operates directly on binary data (64-bit

chunks)• “The goal is to completely scramble the data

and key … there should be no correlation between the ciphertext and either the original data or the key” [NIST 1999]

DES Encryption(56 bit)

2 permutation steps (first and last)

16 “rounds”, each using different 48 bits of key

Took 4 months to break by brute force in 1997

Broken in 22 hours in 1999

Strengthening DES

• Cipher-block chaining– Each 64-bit block is XOR’ed with the encrypted

previous block before encoding

• Triple-DES (3DES)– Run the algorithm 3 times with 3 different keys

• Advanced Encryption System (AES - 2001)– 128-bit blocks– Keys are 128, 192 and 256 bits long– If brute-force takes 1 sec on DES, it takes 149


Problem with Symmetric Key

• How does Alice communicate to Bob what key to use?– Cannot send it in plaintext, it is too valuable– Use another symmetric key? (same problem!)– Use prior knowledge

• “Use the name of my dog when I was little…”

– Exchange key (physically) by secure courier• “One-time pad” – two identical sequences of secret keys,

each is used for one message and thrown away

Public Key Encryption• Every individual has two keys (public, private)

– My private key unlocks message encrypted with my public key (and vice versa)

– Private key cannot be computed from public key

plaintextmessage, m


decryption algorithm

Bob’s public key

plaintextmessageK (m)


K B+

Bob’s privatekey

K B-

m = K (K (m))B+



• No shared secrets! (No couriers needed)• Anyone can send an encrypted message to

anyone (also a disadvantage?)• If public key unlocks private key as well, we

have a way of authenticating signatures– Bob signs with his private key, Alice verifies it’s

Bob by decrypting with Bob’s public key

RSA Keys

• Choose 2 large prime numbers (p and q)• Compute n = p*q and z = (p-1)*(q-1)• Pick another number e, less than n and

relatively prime to z• Find a number d, so that (e*d-1)%z = 0• Public key is (n,e) and Private key is (n,d)

RSA Encryption / Decryption

• Let m be the message text (as a binary #)c = pow(m,e) % n // encryption

m = pow(c,d) % n // decryption

• Because of the choices of d and e, pow(m,d*e) % n = m (see p. 619)

• Also, d*e = e*d so we can use public, private key in either order


Goal: Bob wants Alice to “prove” her identity to him

Protocol ap1.0: Alice says “I am Alice”

Failure scenario??“I am Alice”


Goal: Bob wants Alice to “prove” her identity to him

Protocol ap1.0: Alice says “I am Alice”

in a network,Bob can not “see”

Alice, so Trudy simply declares

herself to be Alice“I am Alice”

Authentication: another tryProtocol ap2.0: Alice says “I am Alice” in an IP packet

containing her source IP address

Failure scenario??

“I am Alice”Alice’s

IP address

Authentication: another tryProtocol ap2.0: Alice says “I am Alice” in an IP packet

containing her source IP address

Trudy can createa packet

“spoofing”Alice’s address“I am Alice”

Alice’s IP address

Authentication: another tryProtocol ap3.0: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her

secret password to “prove” it.

Failure scenario??

“I’m Alice”Alice’s IP addr

Alice’s password

OKAlice’s IP addr

Authentication: another tryProtocol ap3.0: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her

secret password to “prove” it.

playback attack: Trudy records Alice’s

packetand later

plays it back to Bob

“I’m Alice”Alice’s IP addr

Alice’s password

OKAlice’s IP addr

“I’m Alice”Alice’s IP addr

Alice’s password

Authentication: yet another tryProtocol ap3.1: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her

encrypted secret password to “prove” it.

Failure scenario??

“I’m Alice”Alice’s IP addr

encrypted password

OKAlice’s IP addr

Authentication: another tryProtocol ap3.1: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her

encrypted secret password to “prove” it.


playbackstill works!

“I’m Alice”Alice’s IP addr


OKAlice’s IP addr

“I’m Alice”Alice’s IP addr


Authentication: yet another tryGoal: avoid playback attack

Failures, drawbacks?

Nonce: number (R) used only once –in-a-lifetime

ap4.0: to prove Alice “live”, Bob sends Alice nonce, R. Alice

must return R, encrypted with shared secret key“I am Alice”


K (R)A-B

Alice is live, and only Alice knows key to encrypt

nonce, so it must be Alice!

Authentication: ap5.0ap4.0 requires shared symmetric key • can we authenticate using public key techniques?

ap5.0: use nonce, public key cryptography

“I am Alice”

RBob computes

K (R)A-

“send me your public key”

K A+

(K (R)) = RA

-K A


and knows only Alice could have the

private key, that encrypted R such that

(K (R)) = RA-

K A+

ap5.0: security holeMan (woman) in the middle attack: Trudy poses as

Alice (to Bob) and as Bob (to Alice)

I am Alice I am Alice


TK (R)


Send me your public key



K (R)-

Send me your public key



TK (m)+

Tm = K (K (m))+


Trudy gets

sends m to Alice encrypted

with Alice’s public key

AK (m)+

Am = K (K (m))+



ap5.0: security holeMan (woman) in the middle attack: Trudy poses as

Alice (to Bob) and as Bob (to Alice)

Difficult to detect: Bob receives everything that Alice sends, and vice versa. (e.g., so Bob, Alice can meet one week later and recall conversation) problem is that Trudy receives all messages as well!

Digital Signature

• Verifiable (signed by me)• Nonforgeable (only me)• Nonrepudiable (and I really signed it, no

matter what I say later)

Generating a Digital signature

• Use your private key to compute k-(m), where m is the message– If the message decoded using the public key k+

matches the message send using your public key, then the signature is true

• Assuming everyone keeps their private key private, only you could have signed the message– To forge signature, your private key is needed

Without Encryption, can we check…

• Sender is as claimed• Data has not been changed since sender

transmitted it

Message Digest

• Like a checksum• Compute a “fingerprint” H(m) of the message• H(m) is shorter than m• “sign” the digest instead of the message

– Shorter string to encode using private key

• H(m) is a hash function (like in hash tables)– It is computationally infeasible to find two different

messages with H(x) = H(y)

Finding a good Hash Function

• Internet checksum– Too many messages have the same result– We can easily get the same checksum by flipping the right


• MD5 algorithm (Ron Rivest)– 128-bit message digest– Pad the message– Append message length– Initialize– Mangle (4 rounds)

• SHA-1 (Government standard, 160 bit)
