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Security Stud

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  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud



    Security - protection from malicious attempts tosteal or modify data. Database system level

    Authentication and authorization mechanisms to allowspecific users access only to required data

    We concentrate on authorization in the rest of this chapter Operating system level

    Operating system super-users can do anything they want tothe database! Good operating system level security isrequired.

    Network level: must use encryption to prevent Eavesdropping (unauthorized reading of messages)

    Masquerading (pretending to be an authorized user orsending messages supposedly from authorized users)

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Security (Cont.)

    Physical level

    Physical access to computers allows destruction of data by

    intruders; traditional lock-and-key security is needed

    Computers must also be protected from floods, fire, etc. More in Chapter 17 (Recovery)

    Human level

    Users must be screened to ensure that an authorized users

    do not give access to intruders

    Users should be trained on password selection and secrecy

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Authorization and Views Users can be given authorization on views, without

    being given any authorization on the relations used

    in the view definition

    Ability of views to hide data serves both

    a. to simplify usage of the system

    b. to enhance security by allowing users access only to data they need

    for their job

    A combination or relational-level security and

    view-level security can be used to limit a usersaccess to precisely the data that user needs.

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    AuthorizationForms of authorization on parts of the database: Read - allows reading, but not modification of data.

    Insert - allows insertion of new data, but not modification ofexisting data.

    Update - allows modification, but not deletion of data.

    Delete - allows deletion of data.

    Forms of authorization to modify the database schema

    Index - allows creation and deletion of indices.

    Resources- allows creation of new relations.

    Alteration- allows addition or deletion of attributes in a relation. Drop- allows deletion of relations.

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Authorization Specification in SQL

    The gran

    t statement is used to confer authorizationgrant

    on to

    is: a user-id

    public, which allows all valid users the privilege granted A role

    Granting a privilege on a view does not imply grantingany privileges on the underlying relations.

    The grantor of the privilege must already hold theprivilege on the specified item (or be the databaseadministrator).

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    Roles permit common privileges for a class of users can bespecified just once by creating a corresponding role

    Privileges can be granted to or revoked from roles

    Roles can be assigned to users, and even to other roles

    SQL:1999 supports rolescreate role tellercreate role manager

    grant select onbranch to tellergrant update (balance) onaccounttotellergrant all privilegesonaccounttomanager

    grant tellertomanager

    grant tellertoalice, bobgrant manager to avi

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Privileges in SQL

    select: allows read access to relation,or theability to query using the view Example: grant users U1, U2, and U3 select

    authorization on the branch relation:

    grant select onbranch toU1, U2, U3 insert: the ability to insert tuples update: the ability to update using the SQL

    update statement

    delete: the ability to delete tuples.

    all privileges: used as a short form for all theallowable privileges

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Revoking Authorization in SQL

    The revoke statement is used to revokeauthorization.revoke

    on from


    revoke select onbranch fromU1, U2, U3 All privileges that depend on the privilege being

    revoked are also revoked.

    may be all to revoke all privileges

    the revokee may hold. If the same privilege was granted twice to the

    same user by different grantees, the user mayretain the privilege after the revocation.

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Limitations of SQL Authorization SQL does not support authorization at a tuple level

    E.g. we cannot restrict students to see only (the tuples storing) their own grades

    With the growth in Web access to databases, database accesses comeprimarily from application servers.

    End users don't have database user ids, they are all mapped to the same databaseuser id

    All end-users of an application (such as a web application) may be mapped to

    a single database user The task of authorization in above cases falls on the application program, with

    no support from SQL

    Benefit: fine grained authorizations, such as to individual tuples, can beimplemented by the application.

    Drawback: Authorization must be done in application code, and may be dispersedall over an application

    Checking for absence of authorization loopholes becomes very difficult since itrequires reading large amounts of application code

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Audit Trails An audit trail is a log of all changes

    (inserts/deletes/updates) to the database along withinformation such as which user performed thechange, and when the change was performed.

    Used to track erroneous/fraudulent updates. Can be implemented using triggers, but many

    database systems provide direct support.

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud



    Data may be encryptedwhen databaseauthorization provisions do not offer sufficientprotection.

    Properties of good encryption technique: Relatively simple for authorized users to encrypt and

    decrypt data.

    Encryption scheme depends not on the secrecy of thealgorithm but on the secrecy of a parameter of the

    algorithm called the encryption key. Extremely difficult for an intruder to determine the

    encryption key.

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Encryption (Cont.) Data Encryption Standard(DES) substitutes characters and rearranges

    their order on the basis of an encryption key which is provided toauthorized users via a secure mechanism. Scheme is no more securethan the key transmission mechanism since the key has to be shared.

    Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a new standard replacing DES,and is based on the Rijndael algorithm, but is also dependent on shared

    secret keys Public-key encryption is based on each user having two keys:

    public key publicly published key used to encrypt data, but cannotbe used to decrypt data

    private key-- key known only to individual user, and used todecrypt data.

    Need not be transmitted to the site doing encryption.Encryption scheme is such that it is impossible or extremely hard todecrypt data given only the public key.

    The RSA public-key encryption scheme is based on the hardness offactoring a very large number (100's of digits) into its primecomponents.

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    Authentication Password based authentication is widely used, but is susceptible

    to sniffing on a network Challenge-response systems avoid transmission ofpasswords

    DB sends a (randomly generated) challenge string to user

    User encrypts string and returns result.

    DB verifies identity by decrypting result

    Can use public-key encryption system by DB sending a messageencrypted using users public key, and user decrypting and sendingthe message back

    Digital signatures are used to verify authenticity of data E.g. use private key (in reverse) to encrypt data, and anyone can

    verify authenticity by using public key (in reverse) to decrypt data.Only holder ofprivate key could have created the encrypted data.

    Digital signatures also help ensure nonrepudiation: sendercannot later claim to have not created the data

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Digital Certificates Digital certificatesare used to verify authenticity ofpublic keys.

    Problem: when you communicate with a web site, how do youknow if you are talking with the genuine web site or an imposter? Solution: use the public key of the web site Problem: how to verify if the public key itself is genuine?

    Solution: Every client (e.g. browser) has public keys of a few root-level




    A site can get its name/URL and public key signed by a certificationauthority: signed document is called a certificate

    Client can use public key of certification authority to verify certificate Multiple levels of certification authorities can exist. Each certification

    authority presents its own public-key certificate signed by a

    higher level authority, and Uses its private key to sign the certificate of other web sites/authorities

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  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Closure of a Set of Functional

    Dependencies Given a set Fset of functional dependencies, there are certain

    other functional dependencies that are logically implied by F. E.g. If A p B and B p C, then we can infer that A p C

    The set of all functional dependencies logically implied by F is theclosure ofF.

    We denote the closure ofFby F+.

    We can find all of F+ by applying Armstrongs Axioms: ifF E, then E p F (reflexivity)

    ifE p F, then K E p K F (augmentation)

    ifE p F, andF p K, then E p K (transitivity)

    These rules are

    sound (generate only functional dependencies that actually hold)and

    complete (generate all functional dependencies that hold).

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Additional rules

    IfE p F and E p K, then E p F K (union)

    IfE p F K, then E p F and E p K (decomposition)

    IfE p F and K F p H, then E K p H(pseudotransitivity)

    The above rules can be inferred from Armstrongs


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    Example R = (A, B, C, G, H, I)

    F= {A p BA p CCG p HCG p I

    B p H}

    some members ofF+A p H

    by transitivity fromA p B and B p H

    AG p I by augmentingA p Cwith G, to getAG p CG

    and then transitivity with CG p I CG p HI

    from CG p H and CG p I : union rule can be inferredfrom

    definition of functional dependencies, or Augmentation ofCG p I to infer CG p CGI, augmentation of

    CG p H to infer CGI p HI, and then transitivity

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  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud



  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Integrity Constraints

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    ReviewThree things managed by a DBMS1. Data organization

    E/R Model Relational Model

    2. Data Retrieval Relational Algebra Relational Calculus SQL

    3. Data Integrity and Database Design Integrity Constraints

    Functional Dependencies Normalization

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Integrity Constraints

    Purpose: prevent semantic inconsistencies in data

    cname svngs check total

    John 100 200 250e.g.:

    cname bname

    Jones Kenmore

    Turner Main St

    Smith Union

    4 kinds ofICs:

    1. Key Constraints2. Attribute Constraints

    3. Referential Integrity Constraints

    4. Global Constraints

    bname bcity

    Main St BostonUnion NY

    Union NY


    No entry for Kenmore...


  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    ICsWhat are they? predicates on the database must always be true (:, checked whenever db

    gets updated)

    There are the following 4 types ofICs:Key constraints (1 table)e.g., 2 accts cant share the same acct_no

    Attribute constraints (1 table)e.g., accts must have nonnegative balance

    Referential Integrity constraints ( 2 tables)E.g. bnames associated w/ loans must be names of

    real branches

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Key Constraints

    SQL examples:

    1. Primary Key:

    CREATE TABLE branch(

    bname CHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY,

    bcity CHAR(20),

    assets INT);

    orCREATE TABLE depositor(

    cname CHAR(15),

    acct_no CHAR(5),

    PRIMARY KEY(cname, acct_no));

    2. Candidate Keys:

    CREATE TABLE customer (ssn CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,

    cname CHAR(15),

    address CHAR(30),

    city CHAR(10),

    UNIQUE (cname, address, city);

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Key ConstraintsEffect of SQL Key declarations

    PRIMARY (A1, A2, .., An) orUNIQUE (A1, A2, ..., An)

    Insertions: check if any tuple has same values for A1, A2, .., An as any

    inserted tuple. If found, reject insertion

    Updates to any of A1, A2, ..., An: treat as insertion of entire tuple

    Primary vs Unique (candidate)

    1. 1 primary key per table, several unique keys allowed.

    2. Only primary key can be referenced by foreign key (ref integrity)

    3. DBMS may treat primary key differently

    (e.g.: implicitly create an index on PK)4. NULL values permitted in UNIQUE keys but not in PRIMARY KEY

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Attribute ConstraintsIdea:

    Attach constraints to values of attributes

    Enhances types system (e.g.: >= 0 rather than integer)In SQL:

    1. NOT NULL

    e.g.: CREATE TABLE branch(

    bname CHAR(15) NOT NULL,


    Note: declaring bname as primary key also prevents null values

    2. CHECK

    e.g.: CREATE TABLE depositor(

    ....balance int NOT NULL,

    CHECK( balance >= 0),



    affect insertions, update in affected columns

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    Referential Integrity ConstraintsIdea: prevent dangling tuples (e.g.: a loan with a bname of Kenmore

    when no Kenmore tuple is not in branch table)



    (e.g. loan)



    (e.g. branch)

    foreign key

    bname primary key


    RefIntegrity:ensure that:

    foreign key value primary key value

    (note: need not to ensure , i.e., not all branches have to have loans)

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Referential Integrity Constraints



    (e.g. loan)


    Relation(e.g. branch)

    bname bnamex

    x x

    In SQL:

    CREATE TABLE branch(bname CHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY


    CREATE TABLE loan (


    FOREIGN KEY bname REFERENCES branch);


    1) Insertions, updates of referencing relation

    2) Deletions, updates of referenced relation



  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Referential Integrity Constraintsc c


    x x

    A B

    what happens when

    we try to delete

    this tuple?



    Ans: Oracle allows the following possibilities

    No action

    RESTRICT: reject deletion/ update

    SET TO NULL: set ti [c], tj[c] = NULL

    SET TO DEFAULT: set ti [c], tj[c] = default_val

    CASCADE: propagate deletion/update

    DELETE: delete ti, tj

    UPDATE: set ti[c], tj[c] to updated values



  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Referential Integrity Constraintsc c


    x x

    Emp Dept

    what happens when

    we try to delete

    this tuple?




    ept ADD

    Primary Key (deptno);


    REFERENCES Dept(Deptno) [ACTION];

    Action: 1) ON DELETE NO ACTION left blank (deletion/update rejected)


    sets ti[c] = NULL, tj[c] = NULL


    deletes ti, tj


    sets ti[c], tj[c] to new key values

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Global ConstraintsIdea: two kinds

    1) single relation (constraints spans multiple columns)E.g.: CHECK (total = svngs + check) declared in theCREATE TABLE

    Example: All Bkln branches must have assets > 5M

    CREATE TABLE branch (


    bcity CHAR(15),

    assets INT,

    CHECK (NOT(bcity = Bkln) OR assets > 5M))

    Affects:insertions into branch

    updates of bcity or assets in branch

    2) Multiple Relations: NOT supported in Oracle

    Need to be implemented as a Trigger

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Global Constraints


    1) How does one decide what global constraint

    to impose?2) How does one minimize the cost of checking

    the global constraints?

    Ans: Functional dependencies.

    but before we go there

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Summary: Integrity ConstraintsConstraint Type Where declared Affects... In Oracle ?

    Key Constraints CREATE TABLE


    Insertions, Updates Yes

    Attribute Constraints CREATE TABLE


    (Not NULL, CHECK)

    Insertions, Updates Yes

    CREATE DOMAIN notsupported in Oracle

    Referential Integrity Table Tag

    (FOREIGN KEY ....

    REFERENCES ....)

    1.Insertions intoreferencing reln

    2. Updates ofreferencing reln ofrelevant attrs

    3. Deletions fromreferenced reln

    4. Update of referencedreln


    Possible Actions:

    -- Update/delete no aciton

    -- delete CASCADE

    -- delete SET NULL, SETDEFAULT,

    Global Consraints Table Tag (CHECK)


    outside table


    1. For single relnconstraint, withinsertion, deletion ofrelevant attrs

    2. For assesrtions w/every db modification

    Assertions, domains notsupported in Oracle.

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Functional Dependencies

    A B C D

    a E 1 U

    a E 1 V

    a F 5 W

    b F 3 W

    b F 3 W

    A B C

    AB determines C

    two tuples with the same values for A and B

    will also have the same value for C

    Constraints that will hold on all legal instances of the database for the

    specific business application.

    In most cases, specified by a database designer/business architect

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Functional Dependencies

    A B C D

    a E 1 U

    a E 1 U

    a F 5 W

    b F 3 W

    b F 3 W


    C BD same as C B

    C D

    Be careful!AB C not the same as AC


    Not true

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Functional DependenciesExample:

    suppose R = { A, B, C, D, E, H} and we determine that:

    F = { A

    BC,B CE,

    A E,

    AC H,

    D B}

    Then we determine the canonical cover of F:Fc = { A BH,

    B CE,

    D B}

    ensuring that F and Fc are equivalent

    Note: F requires 5 assertionsFc requires 3 assertions

    Canonical cover (or minimal cover) algorithm: In the book

    (not covered here).

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Functional DependenciesEquivalence of FD sets:

    FD sets F and G are equivalent if the imply the same set of FDse.g. A B and B C : implies A C

    equivalence usually expressed in terms of closures


    For any FD set, F, F+ is the set of all FDs implied by F.

    can calculate in 2 ways:

    (1) Attribute Closure

    (2) Armstrongs axioms

    Both techniques tedious-- will do only for toy examples

    F equivalent to G iff F+ = G+

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Armstrongs AxiomsA. Fundamental Rules (W, X, Y, Z: sets of attributes)

    1. Reflexivity

    If Y X then X Y

    2. Augmentation

    If X Y then WX WY

    3. Transitivity

    If X Y and Y Z then XZB. Additional rules (can be proved from A)

    4. UNION: If X Y and X Z then X YZ

    5. Decomposition: If X YZ then X Y, X Z

    6. Pseudotransitivity: If X Y and WY Z then WX Z

    Proving 4.(sketch): X Y => XXXY =>XXY

    XYYZ=> X YZ

    For every step we used the rules from A.

    a2 3

    osures s ng rms rong s

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    osures s ng rms rong s


    F = { A BC, (1)

    B CE, (2)A E, (3)

    AC H, (4)

    D B} (5)

    Exhaustively apply Armstrongs axioms to generate F+

    F+ = F 1. { A B, A C}: decomposition on (1)

    2. { A CE}: transitivity to 1.1 and (2)

    3. { B C, B E}: decomp to (2)

    4. { A C, A E} decomp to 2

    5. { A H}pseudotransitivity to 1.2 and (4)

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Attribute ClosuresGiven;

    R = { A, B, C, D, E, H,I} and:

    F = { A

    BC,C D,


    AH I}

    What is the closure of A (A+) ?

    Algorithm att-closure (X: set of Attributes)

    Result X

    repeat until stable

    for each FD in F, Y Z, do

    if Y Result then

    Result Result Z

    Attribute closure A

    Iteration Result-----------------------------------

    0 A

    1 A B C

    2 A B C D

    3 A B C D E

    Better to determine if a set of attributes is a key

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Functional dependenciesOur goal:

    given a set of FD set, F, find an alternative FD set, G that is:smaller


    Bad news:

    Testing F=G (F+ = G+) is computationally expensive

    Good news:

    Canonical Cover algorithm:

    given a set of FD, F, finds minimal FD set equivalent to F

    Minimal: cant find another equivalent FD set w/ fewer FDs

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    FD so far...1. Canonical Cover algorithm result (Fc) guaranteed to be the minimal FD set equivalent to F

    2. Closure Algorithms

    a. Armstrongs Axioms:

    more common use: test for extraneous attributes

    in C.C. algorithm

    b. Attribute closure:more common use: test for superkeys

    3. Purposes

    a. minimize the cost of global integrity constraints

    so far: min gics = |Fc|

    In fact.... Min gics = 0

    (FDs for normalization)

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Another use of FDs: Schema DesignExample: bname bcity assets cname lno amtDowntown Bkln 9M Jones L-17 1000

    Downtown Bkln 9M Johnson L-23 2000

    Mianus Horse 1.7M Jones L-93 500

    Downtown Bkln 9M Hayes L-17 1000

    R =

    R: Universal relationtuple meaning: Jones has a loan (L-17) for $1000 taken out at the Downtown

    branch in Bkln which has assets of $9M


    + : fast queries (no need for joins!)

    - : redudancy:

    update anomalies examples?

    deletion anomalies

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Domain Constraints






    are the most elementary formof integrity constraint. They test values inserted inthe database, and test queries to ensure that thecomparisons make sense.

    New domains can be created from existing data

    types Example: create domain Dollars numeric(12, 2)

    create domain Pounds numeric(12,2)

    We cannot assign or compare a value of type Dollars

    to a value of type Pounds. However, we can convert type as below

    (cast r.A as Pounds)(Should also multiply by the dollar-to-poundconversion-rate)

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Integrity Constraints

    Integrity constraints guard againstaccidental damage to the database,by ensuring that authorized changesto the database do not result in a

    loss of data consistency. A checking account must have a

    balance greater than $10,000.00

    A salary of a bank employee must be at

    least $4.00 an hour A customer must have a (non-null)

    phone number

    l l

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Constraints on a Single Relation

    not null

    primary key


    check(P), where P is a predicate


  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Not Null Constraint

    Declare branch_name for branch is not nullbranch_name char(15) not null

    Declare the domainD

    ollars to be not null

    create domain Dollars numeric(12,2) not null

    h i C i

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    The Unique Constraint

    unique (A1,A2, ,Am)

    The unique specification states that the


    A1,A2, Amform a candidate key.

    Candidate keys are permitted to be null (in

    contrast to primary keys).

    Th h k l

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    The check clause

    check(P), where P is a predicateExample: Declare branch_name as the primary key for branchand ensure that the values ofassets are non-negative.

    create table branch

    (branch_name char(15),

    branch_city char(30),

    assets integer,

    primary key (branch_name),

    check (assets >= 0))

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    The check clause (Cont.)

    The check clause in SQL-92 permits domains tobe restricted:

    Use check clause to ensure that an hourly_wage

    domain allows only values greater than a specified

    value.create domain hourly_wage numeric(5,2)

    constraint value_testcheck(value > = 4.00)

    The domain has a constraint that ensures that the

    hourly_wage is greater than 4.00 The clause constraint value_testis optional; useful to

    indicate which constraint an update violated.

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Referential Integrity Ensures that a value that appears in one relation for a

    given set of attributes also appears for a certain set ofattributes in another relation. Example: If Perryridge is a branch name appearing in one

    of the tuples in the accountrelation, then there exists a tuplein the branch relation for branch Perryridge.

    Primary and candidate keys and foreign keys can bespecified as part of the SQL create table statement: The primary key clause lists attributes that comprise the

    primary key.

    The unique key clause lists attributes that comprise acandidate key.

    The foreign key clause lists the attributes that comprise theforeign key and the name of the relation referenced by theforeign key. By default, a foreign key references the primarykey attributes of the referenced table.


  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Referential Integrity in SQL Example

    create table customer(customer_name char(20),customer_street char(30),customer_city char(30),primary key (customer_name ))

    create table branch(branch_name char(15),branch_city char(30),assets numeric(12,2),


    arykey (branch_name ))

  • 8/3/2019 Security Stud


    Referential Integrity in SQL Example (Cont.)

    create table account

    (account_number char(10),branch_name char(15),balance integer,primary key (account_number),foreignkey (branch_name) referencesbranch )

    create table depositor

    (customer_name char(20),account_number char(10),primary key (customer_name, account_number),foreignkey (account_number) referencesaccount,foreignkey (customer_name ) referencescustomer)
