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Security Testing with OWASP ZAP in CI/CD - Simon Bennetts - Codemotion Amsterdam 2017

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Security Testing with OWASP ZAP in CI/CD Simon Bennetts - @psiinon AMSTERDAM 16 - 17 MAY 2017
Page 1: Security Testing with OWASP ZAP in CI/CD - Simon Bennetts - Codemotion Amsterdam 2017

Security Testing with OWASP ZAP in CI/CDSimon Bennetts - @psiinon

AMSTERDAM 16 - 17 MAY 2017

Page 2: Security Testing with OWASP ZAP in CI/CD - Simon Bennetts - Codemotion Amsterdam 2017

The Plan

• What are we trying to solve?

• What can you get out of this?

• Introduction to ZAP

• Where to start

• Where to go from there


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What are we trying to solve?

• Find security issues as early as possible

• Integration into the devops pipeline

• Finding all of the possible vulnerabilities

• Putting pentesters out of a job :P


What are we not trying to solve?

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What can you get out of this?

• A way to quickly evaluate your apps

• Options for more thorough scanning

• An introduction to the ZAP API


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ZAP Introduction• A tool for finding web app vulnerabilities

• One of the worlds most popular free security tools

• Completely free and open source

• OWASP Flagship project

• Ideal for people new to security

• But also used by security professionals

• Ideal for devs, esp. for automated security tests

• Not a silver bullet!

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ZAP Features• Swing based UI for desktop mode

• Comprehensive API for daemon mode

• Plugin architecture (add-ons)

• Online ‘marketplace’ (all free:)

• Release, beta and alpha quality add-ons

• Traditional and ajax spiders

• Passive and active scanning

• Highly configurable, eg scan policies

• Highly scriptable

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Some ZAP use cases

• Point and shoot – the Quick Start tab

• Proxying via ZAP, and then scanning

• Manual pentesting

• Automated security regression tests

• Debugging

• Part of a larger security program


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ZAP Install Options• Windows, Linux and Mac OS Installers

• Linux packages, Mac OS Homebrew Cask

• Cross Platform zip

• Docker Images

• owasp/zap2docker-stable

• owasp/zap2docker-weekly

• owasp/zap2docker-live

• Distros like Kali8

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Where to start?

• The Baseline scan

• Completely safe

• Runs quickly (1-2 minutes?)

• Can be easily integrated into CI/CD

• Easy to get started – just required the target:

• Very configurable if needed9

• docker pull owasp/zap2docker-weekly

• docker run -t owasp/zap2docker-weekly \ zap-baseline.py -t https://www.example.com

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Baseline scan

• Uses docker (the only dependency)

• Time limited spider of target (default 1 min)

• Just passive scanning

• By default warns on all issues

• Can change to ignore, info or fail

• Can include any ZAP cmdline option

• Can ignore any url regex for any rule


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Baseline scan - issues

• All release and beta passive scan rules, eg

• Missing / incorrect security headers

• Cookie problems

• Information / error disclosure

• Missing CSRF tokens

• ...

• Can optionally include alpha pscan rules


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Baseline scan – usage


Usage: zap-baseline.py -t <target> [options] -t target target URL including the protocol, eg https://www.example.comOptions: -c config_file config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings -u config_url URL of config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings -g gen_file generate default config file (all rules set to WARN) -m mins the number of minutes to spider for (default 1) -r report_html file to write the full ZAP HTML report -w report_md file to write the full ZAP Wiki (Markdown) report -x report_xml file to write the full ZAP XML report -a include the alpha passive scan rules as well -d show debug messages -i default rules not in the config file to INFO -j use the Ajax spider in addition to the traditional one -l level minimum level to show: PASS, IGNORE, INFO, WARN or FAIL, use with -s to hide example URLs -s short output format - dont show PASSes or example URLs -z zap_options ZAP command line options e.g. -z "-config aaa=bbb -config ccc=ddd"

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Baseline scan – output


./zap-baseline.py -t https://www.example.com3 URLsPASS: Cookie No HttpOnly Flag [10010]PASS: Cookie Without Secure Flag [10011]PASS: Password Autocomplete in Browser [10012]<snip>WARN: Incomplete or No Cache-control and Pragma HTTP Header Set [10015] x 1

https://www.example.comWARN: Web Browser XSS Protection Not Enabled [10016] x 3


WARN: X-Frame-Options Header Not Set [10020] x 1 https://www.example.com

WARN: X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing [10021] x 1 https://www.example.com


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Baseline scan – conf file

• Use -g option to generate, -c or -u to use


# zap-baseline rule configuration file# Change WARN to IGNORE to ignore rule or FAIL to fail if rule matches# Only the rule identifiers are used - the names are just for info# You can add your own messages to each rule by appending them after a10010 WARN(Cookie No HttpOnly Flag)10011 WARN(Cookie Without Secure Flag)10012 WARN(Password Autocomplete in Browser)10015 WARN(Incomplete or No Cache-control and Pragma HTTP Header Set)10016 WARN(Web Browser XSS Protection Not Enabled)10017 WARN(Cross-Domain JavaScript Source File Inclusion)10019 WARN(Content-Type Header Missing)10020 WARN(X-Frame-Options Header Scanner)10021 WARN(X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing)10023 WARN(Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages)10024 WARN(Information Disclosure - Sensitive Information in URL)10025 WARN(Information Disclosure - Sensitive Information in HTTP Referrer Header)

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Where next?

• Mass Baseline scan

• Provides a simple dashboard

• Shows the detailed results

• Shows the per service history


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Mass Baseline scan• Part of the community-scripts repo:



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Full Scans• Packaged options:

• Cmdline quick scan

• Jenkins plugin

• Sdlc-integration scripts

• Scripted API scan (coming soon)

• Daemon mode + API

• (ZAP as a Service – in development)


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Cmdline Quick Scan


./zap.sh -cmd -quickurl \ http://example.com/ -quickprogress

• Spidering

• Active scanning

• [====================] 100%

• Attack complete

• <?xml version="1.0"?><OWASPZAPReport version="2.5.0" generated="Tue, 4 Oct 2016 09:31:53">

• <site name="http://example.com" ...

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Official Jenkins plugin

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Official Jenkins plugin• https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/zap+plugin

• Maintained by the ZAP core team

• Supports authentication, scan policies, Jira integration

• Dedicated User Group: https://groups.google.com/group/zaproxy-jenkins

• Supports ZAP 2.6.0 +


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Sdlc integration scripts

• Part of the community-scripts repo:zaproxy/community-scripts/api/sdlc-integration

• Spidering, passive and active scanning

• Supports authentication

• Supports JIRA integration

• Linux only, requires some file editing


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Useful cmdline options

• Turn off db recovery (speeds things up)-config database.recoverylog=false

• Update all add-ons-addonupdate

• Install a non default add-on-addoninstall addonname

• Setting the API key-config api.key=j8WdOEq8dhwWE24VGDsreP

• Disable API key in a safe environment-config api.disablekey=true


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Using the ZAP API

• Intro to the API

• Exploring

• Scanning

• Reporting

• Authenticating

• Tuning


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Intro to the API

• RESTish – ok, only uses GET/POST requests

http(s)://zap/<format>/<component>/ <operation>/<op name>[/?<params>]

• Maps closely to the UI / code

• Theres a v basic (but complete) web UI for it

• And clients in various langs:

Java, Python, Node JS, .Net, PHP, Go …

• Clients are generated from the code


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API UI – Top Level

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API Pro Tips

1. Experiment with the Desktop UI

2. Export configs from the UI (contexts, scan policies..)

3. Then reproduce using the API UI

4. Finally convert to a script


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Intro – Python API

• Install from pypi:

pip install python-owasp-zap-v2.4

• In your script:

from zapv2 import ZAPv2

zap = ZAPv2()

zap = ZAPv2(proxies={ 'http': 'http://localhost:8080', 'https': 'http://localhost:8090'})



from zapv2 import ZAPv2

zap = ZAPv2( apikey='mysupersecretkey', proxies={ 'http': 'http://localhost:8090', 'https': 'http://localhost:8090'})

• zap.urlopen(target)

• pip install python-owasp-zap-v2.4

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• Proxy Regression / Unit tests

• Traditional Spider (crawler)

• Ajax Spider (browsers)

• Spider SOAP definition (via alpha add-on)

• Spider Swagger/ OpenAPI definition (via alpha add-on)

• Import ModSecurity2 logs (via alpha add-on)


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Spider Desktop and API UIs

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Spider Desktop and API UIs

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Exploring – Trad Spider



id = zap.spider.scan(target)

• time.sleep(5)

• while int(zap.spider.status(id)) < 100:

• print ('Spider progress %: ' + zap.spider.status(id))

• time.sleep(5)

• print ('Spider completed')

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Exploring – Ajax Spider



id = zap.ajaxSpider.scan(target)

• time.sleep(5)

• while zap.ajaxSpider.status(id) == 'running':

• print ('Ajax Spider # results: ' + zap.ajaxSpider.number_of_results(id))

• time.sleep(5)

• print ('Ajax Spider completed')

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Scanning – Passive Scan


while int(zap.pscan.records_to_scan) > 0:

• print ('Pscan records : ' + zap.pscan.records_to_scan)

• time.sleep(5)

• print ('Pscan completed')


• Passive scanning happens automatically when proxying

• To tell when its finished:

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Scanning – Active Scan



id = zap.ascan.scan(target)

• time.sleep(5)

• while int(zap.ascan.status(id)) < 100:

• print ('Ascan progress %: ' + zap.ascan.status(id))

• time.sleep(5)

• print ('Ascan completed')

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Reporting – HTML + XML



# HTML Report

• with open ('report.html', 'w') as f: f.write(zap.core.htmlreport())

# XML Report

• with open ('report.xml', 'w') as f: f.write(zap.core.xmlreport())

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Reporting – all alert data



# Use paging for lots of alerts

• offset = 0; page = 5000

• alerts = zap.core.alerts('', offset, page)

• while len(alerts) > 0:

• for alert in alerts:

• # Do whatever you want with alert

• offset += page

• alerts = zap.core.alerts('', offset, page)

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And dont forget...



# Your work here is done...

• zap.core.shutdown()

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• Authentication can be hard :(

• Simple form based auth should be ok

• Authentication scripts should be able to handle anything

• But if you have complex SSO or equiv you may want a simpler option in your test env

• Pro Top: use the UI to set authentication up!


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Tuning - speed

• Spider time limits

• Data driven content

• Technology

• Active scan

• Scan rules

• Input vectors

• Attack strength


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Tuning - feedback

• Active scan stats

• Response stats

• Authentication stats (alpha add-on)

• Statsd support


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Tuning - accuracy

• Attack thresholds

• Rule configuration

– Forms that dont need CSRF tokens

– Increase timing attacks from 5 seconds


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And if you need help...

• ZAP Getting Started Guide

• ZAP User Guide

• ZAP User Group

• ZAP Developer Group

• ZAP wiki, includes links to videos

• irc.mozilla.com #websectools


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Talk Summary

• Use the baseline scan for a quick security overview

• Use the mass baseline to create a dashboard

• Use the new Jenkins plugin for more depth

• Use the ZAP API for even more control

• If you need help, just ask :)


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Question Timehttp://www.owasp.org/index.php/ZAP

AMSTERDAM 16 - 17 MAY 2017
