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Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

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Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013
SEDIBENG Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision 9 OCTOBER - 15 OCTOBER 2013 Tel: (016) 950-7000 | Fax: (016) 981-0604 Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm. Armed Armed robbers robbers caught caught One of the alleged robbers was a woman. One by one all the eight armed robbers were arrested and taken into custody after an armed robbery in Three-Rivers. An alleged robber is being taken into custody by the police. P3 P3 see To bring you quality news, please note that our social networks are up and run- ning. For more news about our area’s newsmakers, achievers, entertainment, job opportunities and how to make new friends, look out for fresh stories and much more news on our website www.sedibengster.com. Also follow us on twitter@sedibengster our mobisite http:// sedibengster.mobi or ‘like’ us on Facebook www.sedibengster.com Beaten to a pulp P2 T T i i r r e e d d o o f f b b u u c c k k e e t t s s y y s s t t e e m m P P 5 5 Talent on Talent on display display P12 P12 By ensuring that you have a valid will, you as the testator, can protect the inte- rests of your loved ones and ensure that there is no delay in settling your estate after your death. For more on this visit www.sedibengster.com Free wills on national will week Know Know your your rights rights P4 P4 Mahala ProMotion Cash BaCk r32 000 nissan QashQai 1.6 Isaac MolotsI 078 627 9038 a1s969a
Page 1: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013


Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision9 OCTOBER ­ 15 OCTOBER 2013 Tel: (016) 950­7000 | Fax: (016) 981­0604Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm.


One of the alleged robbers was a woman.

One by one all the eight armed robbers were arrested and taken into custody after an armed robbery in Three­Rivers.

An alleged robber is being taken into custody by the police.


To bring you quality news, please notethat our social networks are up and run-ning. For more news about our area’snewsmakers, achievers, entertainment,job opportunities and how to make newfriends, look out for fresh stories andmuch more news on our websitewww.sedibengster.com. Also follow uson twitter@sedibengster our mobisitehttp:// sedibengster.mobi or ‘like’ us onFacebook


Beatento a pulp


TTiirreedd ooffbbuucckkeettssyysstteemm


Talent onTTaalleenntt oonndisplayddiissppllaayy


By ensuring that you have a valid will,you as the testator, can protect the inte-rests of your loved ones and ensure thatthere is no delay in settling your estateafter your death. For more on this visitwww.sedibengster.com

Free willson nationalwill week





r32 000nissan

QashQai 1.6

Isaac MolotsI078 627 9038



Page 2: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

2 SEDIBENG STER 9 October - 15 October 2013

PROF ABRAHAM CHANGESPROBLEMS INTO HAPPINESSafter Cindy Mokoena who had been fight-ing for years to win her court case, at lastshe won and proved to the nation aboutProf abraham a strong healer, a number ofpeople had testified about him as well that byusing the mirror he shows all your problemsand solve them at the same time. By usingcalabash oil he brings her lost lover back byhypnotising him. His blessed Nile falls waterbooms businesses by attracting customers,his magic ring wins horse racing, casino andlotto draws, the njuki herb cures all bodypains and illnesses, his spiritual powersmakes enemies to confess their plots.You can find him in Vanderbijlpark at theexebition 2000 Building Hertzog Street

to BooK FoR AN APPoiNtMeNtcALL HiM @ 078 804 0268

Pinky Mofokeng

SHARPEVILLE. - Mmama Morobi (52)from Phomulong had a nasty surprisewaiting for her and her two grandchild-ren on Monday morning on their way toa local crèche. Morobi was walking hertwo grandchildren to school when twomen approached her and allegedly threa-tened her with a knife, demanding mo-ney. It is believed that the two menknown only as ‘Tobetsa’ and his friend‘Sbuda’, were standing on the corner ofher house waiting as if they knew shehad money on her. The moment she ca-me out they demanded the money whichwas R350.

It appears that Morobi was so shockedand afraid for her life and that of her twograndchildren that she threw the moneyon the ground. The suspects took the mo-ney and ran in different directions. Theshocked Morobi screamed for help andwithinin minutes the neighbours respon-ded and chased the thugs. Both of themwere later caught in Rooistene and bea-

ten with any kind of object communitymembers could lay their their hands on.Morobi says, “I am very grateful to Godthat we managed to escape unharmed.I’ve never seen the two men in my lifeand don’t even know how they knew Ihad money on me.

I was just taking my grandchildren toschool to pay their school fees.” The po-lice were called to the scene and on arri-val found the two men lying in the midd-le of the street covered in bloodstains.They were taken to the Sebokeng Hospi-tal for treatment.

Police spokesperson Rapule Pitsosays, “The community must not take thelaw into their own hands. We advisethem to bring the criminals to the policestation so that the law can run its course.”The traumatised Mmama Morobi saysthat she will not be opening a caseagainst the thugs as she is just gratefulthat they did not harm her two grand-children and that she managed to get hermoney back.

‘Tobetsa’ and ‘Sbuda’ (on the ground) are surrounded by angry communitymemberswho say they have had enough of them terrorising them to support their bad habits.Photo: Pinky Mofokeng.

Thugs beatento a pulp

Carla du Plessis

MEYERTON. – Tears of joy and relief rolledover the faces of friends and family of ArshadAli (37) after he landed at the OR Tambo In-ternational Airport on Saturday after he wasabducted in Pakistan on his way back to SouthAfrica last month.Sedibeng Ster reported recently about the

plight of Ali who is a businessman and alsoANC Chairperson in Meyerton. As he walkedthrough the door at the airport on his way backhome the relief on his wife Emel’s face wasclear. “This was a very difficult time for meand I am so glad that he is back and safe,”she said.Sedibeng Ster had an interview with Ali

when he arrived at home where friends andfamily came together to celebrate his return.He told Sediebeng Ster that t they stopped ata roadblock on their way to the airport in La-hore, Pakistan and individually they wereasked what their names were and when he toldthem who he is, five men in informal clothescame to him, handcuffed him and covered hisface so he can’t see them and took him away.When he opened his eyes he was in a smallroom. “The first few days I was sleepy, I think

they gave me something that made me sleep,”Arshad said. While he was there they askedhim questions about his life. For 13 days hewas kept in this room. Three times a day theygave him something to eat and only two timeswas he taken to the bathroom. “They did nottorture me or hurt me,” Arshad said. It is be-lieved that he was detained by the Inter-Servi-ces Intelligence (ISI).

While Arshad was missing all the info hisfamily had was that he was under investigati-on. According to Arshad this was his thirdtime was under investigation but was neverfound guilty for anything whatsoever. Aftereight days the people, still unknown to him,told him they were sorry and that they hadreceived the wrong information and he mustkeep doing the good work he does in SouthAfrica.

On the thirteenth day he was dropped inthe middle of the city.

“I just counted the days and I am very exci-ted to be back with my family and friends,”Arshad said.

He also would like to thank all South Afri-can Media as well as the government who hel-ped to get him back to South Africa.

Abducted man reunitedwith family

Friends and family came together to welcome back Arshad Ali after he was abductedin Pakistan on his way back to South Africa last month. He is seen here with his twosons, Aziz and Zunaid and his wife, Emel. Photo: Carla du Plessis

VANDERBIJLPARK.- A 36-year-old Nige-rian man is behind bars following his recentarrest by the Vanderbijlpark police.

In an effort to ensure maximum manpowercombating crime during the festive season, allVanderbijlpark SAPS personnel working in

offices are being deployed operationally inthe residential areas.

While doing routine patrol they stoppedand searched people in Becquerrel street andarrested a Nigerian male (36), who had 25plastic parcels of ‘Nyaope’ drugs in his pos-session. It is alleged that the suspect was hi-ding the drugs in his jacket, and was sellingit in the streets of the CW2 residential area.

Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Kin-nie Steyn says, “We are proud that thesemembers left their offices and went to patrolthe streets of Vanderbijlpark, it means theyare putting their community first. We appealto the community to work hand in hand withthe police so that we can win this war againstdrugs in our streets.”

Caught in the actCaught in the act

Police standwith theNIgerian suspect thatwas recently arrested in Vanderbijlpark.

Page 3: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

9 October - 15 October 2013 SEDIBENG STER 3


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Police spokesperson Constabel WilliamTshabangu, two of the suspects are fromZimbabwewhile the rest are South Afri-cans. They are presently in custody andwill shortly appear before a magistratein Vereeniging. He also said the vehicleinvolved had been hijacked during Au-gust and had a bullet-hole near the petrolcap. “ Shop owners should really bemo-re prepared against attacks like this,”says Yusuf.

police helicopter and sniffer dogsarrived at the scene five more ofthe suspects had been apprehen-ded. One of them was caughtwhile wearing some of the jewel-lery. According to Heidelberg

However, the robbers found them-selves on the wrong end of the barrelafter plot residents outside Vereenigingspotted the bakkie speeding past theirhomes. Police from all over the area -including Vereeniging, Meyerton, Hei-delberg, and Flying Squad membersimmediately spread amobile net to sna-re the felons. Near Heidelberg three ofthem were captured and a weapon sei-zed from the vehicle. By the time the

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Carla du Plessis

VEREENIGING. - The thunder ofgunfire knelled the umpteenth ar-med robbery at the River Squareshopping complex last Thursday.

Two days after Telkomencounte-red two armed robbers in this centre,employees of Diamond House wereforced to co-operate with armedrobbers, of whom one was a wo-man. According to owner Mr Yus-uf, two of the robbers entered, onepointing a firearm at the employeeswhile the other went to his officeand forced him to lie on the floor.

Francina Mokoena of CardiesStores nearby says that she becameaware that somethingwas wrong, Mokoenasays, “Some peoplewere already in theshop and a very smart-ly-dressed womanwas standing in thedoorway. I was hel-ping a client and, inthe space of a few mi-nutes, everything wasover.”

The woman is be-lieved to have beenstanding in the door-way to make sure thedoors did not close.The robbers made offwith two sacks full ofjewellery and spedaway in a silver Corsabakkie. The robbersare said to have beenat the centre the previ-ous day.

Robbers arrested after chase

according to the editorial policy of sedibengster we invite readers to comment aboutthe newspaper’s contents, and we correctsignificant errors as soon as possible.Please send information about correction ofmistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsmanof Media24’s Community Press, GeorgeClaassen, at [email protected], or call him on (021) 851 3232 or 083543 2471.Readers can also complain about the contentsto the southafrican Press Ombudsman, MrJoe Thloloe.In that case, please phone (011) 788 4829of 788 4837, send a fax to (011) 788 4990or email to [email protected].


Page 4: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

4 SEDIBENG STER 9 October - 15 October 2013



Suitably qualified, registered and authorised parties are hereby invited to submit a bid for various tenders within Midvaal Local Municipality as listed below:

BID NUMBER DESCRIPTION CLOSING DATE TIME CONTACT PERSON8/2/3/20 (2013-2016) Supply and delivery of cleaning materials and assessories 22/10/2013 09:00 Mr E Maja – (016) 360-7447

8/2/3/21 (2013-2016) Supply and delivery of general hardware,tools and paint products 22/10/2013 10:00 Mr E Maja – (016) 360-7447

8/2/3/22 (2013-2016) Supply,delivery and maintenance of hygiene items and services 22/10/2013 11:00 Mr E Maja – (016) 360-7447

Bidding documents containing the specifications and details of the deliverables will be available from Mr Enos Maja and Mrs ZodwaMazingela at Rates and taxes hall, Municipal Offices, Meyerton, as from Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at a non-refundable deposit ofR250-00 per document, payable at the rates and taxes hall during office hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:00. Cheques are to bemade out to Midvaal Local Municipality. Notice of this bid is available on the webpage: www.midvaal.gov.za. Bids are to be sealed inan envelope marked with the relevant bid number and description as indicated on the bidding documents.

All fully completed and signed bid documents must be placed in the tender box situated on the ground floor at Block A, CornerMitchell and Junius Street, Meyerton to be placed in the tender boxes by time and date as set out in the bidding documents andwill be opened in public. No late, e-mailed or faxed bids will be considered. The tender box is generally open from Monday to Friday,07:30 to 16:00.

Bidder’s attention is specifically drawn to the provisions of the rules and specifications which are included in the bid documents. TheCouncil reserves the right to accept any bid or part thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and not to con-sider any bid not suitably endorsed or comprehensively completed. Bids completed in pencil or re-typed will be regarded as invalidbids. Evaluation of the bid will be based on compliance with all criteria as set out in the special conditions of contract, the specifica-tions and according to the preferential point goals as indicated in the bid documents.



Moleboheng Chaha

VANDERBIJLPARK. - SedibengDistrictMu-nicipality and theGauteng Legislature in colla-boration with the IEC (Independent ElectoralCommission) and theDepartment ofHomeAf-fairs launched the Voter Education and Regi-stration Campaign at VUT (Vaal University ofTechnology) recently. Amongst officials whoattendedwere Stategic Planning andEconomicDevelopment MMC, Maipato Tsokolibane,IEC Provincial Electoral Officer Masego She-

biri and acting speaker of the Gauteng Legisla-ture, Uhuru Moilwa. Moilwa at the event sta-ted that the campaign was crucial especially tothe youth as records proved that a large percen-tage of the youth did not exercise their votingrights. “The youth of today should realise thatfreedom did not come free. It is important thatwe educate people about the importance of vo-ting. Failing to do so would mean that we asgovernment would be creating a generation ofpeople who are a danger to society and a mass

of people who would not have an understan-ding and an appreciation of voting and whatit means.” Moilwa acknowledged that the big-gest challenge the youth of today face is thatof unemployment, and urged VUT students toget an education and excel in their professionalfields. “Young people should not be deman-ding RDP houses from the government. Whatthey should be demanding are jobs that theyare qualified for,” addedMoiloa. HomeAffairsRepresentative Mpho Moloi stated that it wasimportant for people to have their green IDbooks to be able to cast their votes. “Anyonewho has a problem with their ID must reportto their nearest Home Affairs offices. We arebusy rolling out the new smart ID cards andwe hope that by the next elections they will ha-ve reached all the citizens of the country,” con-cludes Moloi. The launch was subsequent toa door to door campaign in Sharpeville whichsawofficials go to communitymembers to edu-cate them about the importance of casting theirvotes in the up-coming elections.

Know your rightsKnow your rights

Deputy speaker of the Gauteng Legislatu­re, Uhuru Moilwa, urged the youth to exer­cise their voting rights at the recent votereducation and registration campaign heldat VUT.

Moleboheng Chaha

SEDIBENG. - Democratic Alliance (DA)regional chairperson Dady Mollo has sta-ted that the DA is ready for the upcominggeneral elections.Mollo states that the DA hopes to bring

the ANC votes down to below 60 per centin the 2014 elections. “We are the onlyparty that has grown in every single electi-on, and we will continue to grow. If allDA supporters are registered and vote onElection Day, the DA will win Gautengnext year.We will be able to create opportunities

for more people.” says Mollo.“We know that Gauteng will not be the

province it can be until we fix our schools

so that every child gets a decent educationand everybody gets to participate in a non-racial and inclusive economy.“Our activists are knocking on every

door to ensure that our message of hopeand vision for an open opportunity societyfor all reaches the masses.“We want to have a society in which

every person is free, secure and equal,where everyone has the opportunity to im-prove the quality of their life and pursuetheir dreams. This is why we encouragethe communities we serve to register.“This would mean more jobs, better

schools, better service delivery to the poorand less corruption and every vote acrossGauteng and Sedibeng will count, he ends.

DA’s message of hope

Moleboheng Chaha

SEBOKENG.-The ANC recently launched‘The Moses Kotane Zonal Volunteer Briga-de’ named after Kotane who was a politicalactivist and the general secretary of the SACP(SouthAfricanCommunist Party). These vo-lunteers will be working towards the upco-ming 2014 elections.

Kabila Mgangane, Sebokeng East ZoneANC Political Education Officer, stated thatthe ANC would be having a host of celebrati-ons to make the public aware of the importan-ce of voting.“People must remember to go out and vote,

especially the so called `Born Frees’.“In the apartheid regime votingwas a sour-

ce of oppression, but today it shows the free-dom of choice that all South Africans havegained through living in a democratic count-ry. The different celebrations have been alig-ned to coincide with the 1984 Vaal Uprising,”says Mgangane who concludes that peopleshould practice their freedom by going outand exercising their right to vote.

Let theLet theraceracebeginbegin

Page 5: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

9 October - 15 October 2013 SEDIBENG STER 5


I am excited as I go through an articleby Fred Khumalo of the Sunday WorldNewspaper wherein he talks about ‘cle-ver’ blacks and ‘dom’ blacks. I am notgoing to go into the politics of the wholearticle (my article is not a re-write ofKhumalo’s), but just into the ‘clever’and ‘dom’ blacks argument. Fred says

that there is this friend of his that callshimself a Dom Darkie, except that he issharp as a razor blade. In many town-ships that we live in we know that thereis this ‘clever’ that has the latest models

of cell-phones, cars and clothes, etc. This‘clever’ (‘dom’ in real life) looks down oneveryone and sees himself as larger than life.What everyone knows is that this guy leftschool in standard 2 (they call them Gradesthese days) during lunch time and never cameback. The ‘dom’ ones (clever in real life ac-cording to me) are those that prefer to shy

away from the limelight while working hardto put bread on the table for their families,they make an honest living while remembe-ring where they come from. They do not wantto be associated with the ‘who’s who’ of thisworld but they work their socks off.I do not know in to which category you

would fall if you were to classify yourself ac-cording to the two categories of blacks thatare mentioned by Fred, but I sure hope youwould not call yourself a ‘clever.’ Fred saysthat he thinks that his friend is a visionaryas he started classifying blacks into ‘clever’

blacks and ‘dom’ blacks long beforethis was a presidential concern. Thereis nothing racist talking about this mat-ter thisway, as Fred says, In SouthAfri-ca we are good at labelling people asit diverts attention from ourselves tothe person who is being branded.So once in a while let us agree to

agree with Fred that there are ‘clever’blacks and ‘dom’ blacks, the differen-ce is that we just call them ‘moegoes’and ‘slim mense’ in township lingo.Lerato...

‘Clever’ or ‘Dom’?‘Clever’ or ‘Dom’?

Lazarus Dithagiso

SEBOKENG. – It is no secret that some membersof the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) havestarted to divorce their party to tie the knot withAgang South Africa. Apparently the EFF vehicletook off like a house on fire but now the nuts andbolts holding its wheels in place have come undo-ne. The party which is led by Julius Malema aimsto give theANC sleepless nights.Mofokeng, a for-mer regional election head of the EFF, was thefirst to quit. Mofokeng together with other mem-bers told Sedibeng Ster that they have packed theirbags for Agang South Africa political party ledby Dr Mamphela Ramphela.The lad who started his political career at the

then Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) stands by hisbelief that there’s no future in the EFF. He saysthe party has lost focus. When they were askedwhy they had left ‘the red berets’ (as EFFmembersare commonly known) he responded that there

were rumours that Malema might be trying to re-join the ANC. “The man seems to have lost favoursince the South African Revenue Service dealtwith him so harshly.“I was not surprised to see Kenny Kunene jump

off the EFF wagon while it was still moving. Yes,we started the party with the aim to give the ANCand DA sleepless nights, but lately the situationhas taken a turn for the worse. We left our partieswith excitement to join EFF but it was, later, likecold water being poured over us.The in-fights in the party from national to pro-

vincial up to local levels have caused an enormousnegative impact,” he says.Provincial EFF spokesperson Patrick Sindane

says, “These are the people pushing ‘empty-sto-mach’ politics. Agang SA uses desperate peoplelike Mofokeng. It is good that they move out earlyas we are busy building a revolutionary move-ment, not a Hollywood or a closed corporation.”

Jumping off the EFF ship

Former EFF member William Mofokeng (centre) with new supporters of AgangSA in Sebokeng Zone 17. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso.

Page 6: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

6 SEDIBENG STER 9 October - 15 October 2013

Lazarus Dithagiso

VEREENIGING. - Two women who weredesperately looking for jobs fell prey to jobscammers. Palesa Tema (25) and Lizzy Tueng(29), both from Boitumelo, met with an agentknown only as Mmaki.Mmaki asked the victims whether they had

not seen two other women looking for jobsin the vicinity. The women sought were ap-parently supposed to fill in application formsto receive uniforms before they started work.The victims - Palesa and Lizzy - then becameinterested and told Mmaki they were also un-employed. Mmaki told them they would haveto pay R2 000 each before filling in an appli-cation form. After that, they would have topay another R2 000.Theywere promised that someone from the

Emfuleni Local Municipality’s (ELM’s) Hu-man Resources Department would contactthem with the application forms.This never happened. Stanley Gaba, Emfu-

leni LocalMunicipalityHead of Communica-tions, condemns a situation in which mem-bers of the public seek to enrich themselvesby pretending to be from the municipality.“No person, except Human Resources has theright to hire people and this is without anycharges.My advice to the victims would be to open

a case of fraud with the police. The munici-pality will never collect money from the pub-lic for jobs,” he says.

ELM notresponsible

for jobscam

Moleboheng Chaha

SEBOKENG. -While political campaigns are ta-king place at every turn in the run-up to the 2014elections, service delivery in the Sedibeng regionis said to still be falling through the cracks.This is according to Beverly Hills Phase 2

(Ward 43) residents who have apparently beensubjected to the bucket toilet system for over 20years. The residents have called for the immedia-

te attention of the local governmentstating that if their cry for help isnot heard, they will take to thestreets right before the elections.77-year-old Martha Maskubu, a se-nior resident, says that local go-vernment has been such a disappo-intment to her as they have failedto provide them with proper toiletsystems for over two decades.Maskubu adds that her late hus-band died in one of their pit toilets.Another, younger resident, JamesTelane says that after so many ye-ars of digging their own toilets intheir yards, they no longer haveanywhere else to dig.”Ward 43 Councillor Jabu Zondi

says that he has been in talks withthe MMC for Infrastructure, Elec-tricity,Water and Sanitation -Nom-vula Thulo. “I need help, things aremoving very slowly, and right nowit seems like I am not doing my job.I need the residents to help me. Iamnot saying that theymust protestbut they should make their voicesheard.”Zondi believes that working to-

gether with the community ofWard43 will bring progress to the situati-on. At the time of going to pressSedibeng Ster was still awaitingcomment from Emfuleni LocalMunicipality.

Left: Jabu Telane digs yet another hole thatwill probably be used as a pit toilet for him andhis familly members. Photos: MolebohengChaha.

Residentsangry over

bucket system

Page 7: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

9 October - 15 October 2013 SEDIBENG STER 7

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7. Speurdienste /Private Detectives

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EiENDOMME/PROPERTiES72. Algemeen te huur / To let80. Losies / Boarding81. EiendommeBenodig /

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Page 8: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

8 SEDIBENG STER 9 October - 15 October 2013

Send a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae,quoting the relevant reference number, toe-mail: [email protected]

Closing date: 18 October 2013

Because the resources we value mostare the people we employ.

Human Communications 103162

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Superintendent: MaintenanceLydenburg Smelter, Ref. No DL30913

This role ensures improvement and proper maintenanceof equipment and infrastructure to ensure maximumplant availability. The successful candidate assists withsolving the problems by initiating, developing and/orimplementing alternatives or improvements and is involvedin financial management, organisation development,mentoring, coaching and performance management.

Candidates require a tertiary qualification in Mechanicalor Electrical Engineering, at least 5 years’ experience inthe Ferro-alloys or similar industry and computer skills.Experience in submerged arc furnaces, pre-reductionprocesses and SAP systems (or a similar environment), aswell as a GCC, will be advantageous. Our ideal candidateboasts strong organisational and leadership skills.


Applications are invited from suitablecandidates in the following position:

Vertical Boring Mill OperatorHorizontal Boring Mill Operator

Planer Operator

Minimum Requirements & Experience:

Red Seal and 5Years appropriateworking experience

E-mail a CV to [email protected] or

fax to 086 230 0457

Closing date: 18.10.2013

For any enquiries, please contactChris van Wyk 082 894 2034

Application not responded to within14 days of closing should be considered

as unsuccessful.

DATA CAPTURERSThe position of two data capturers

is becoming available in ourcompany in Vanderbijlpark

Requirements* Must have at least grade 12 qualification.* Must be fully computer literate.* Excellent communication skills.* Ability to work independently.

This position is in line with our EmploymentEquity plan and targets, and will only beavailable for people living with disability.

Salary and Benefits will be negotiateddepending on experience and knowledge.

If you are interested please fax yourCV to Lourens at 086 623 3362

Closing date 18 October 2013 at 10:00


Junior Admin Controller(Walkerville)

We need a self-motivated, intelligent young personwho enjoys admin & can work under pressure.

Duties incl: Invoicing, data capture, Debtors,Credit Control, other general admin.

Req: - Living in Walkerville, Meyerton, De Deur,Drumblade or Henley. - Reliable transport to & fm work.

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Permanent position with room to grow.Training provided. Salary negotiable.

Fax CV: 082-906-6666 / 086-602-1951E-mail CV: [email protected]



Sekuriteits firma benodig wagte / beamptesvir dag en nagskof werk.

Aansoekers moet CV’S en aile sertifikate saam bringmet onderhoudsvoering.

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Die Midland Groep, ‘n gevestigde maatskappy wat beskik oor verskeie voerkrale, abattoirs enander aktiwiteite, met die fokus op kliënte diens en menseverhoudinge is opsoek na ‘n geskiktekandidaat om deel te word van ons dinamiese span.


Die geskikte kandidaat moet aan die volgende vereistes / pligte voldoen en oor die nodige onder-vinding beskik.:* Naskoolse kwalifikasie en of klerkskap sal ‘n voordeel wees* Maandelikse finasiële verslagsdoening* Kontrole / Nasien van krediteure* Opdatering van kasboeke* BTW & ander statutêre opgawes* Opdatering van bateregister* Deurgee van bestuursinligting op ‘n deurlopende grondslag* Ten volle tweetalig* Potensiaal om te kan groei in die finansiele afdeling

PAKKET:Normale groot maatskappy voordele is van toepassing. Salaris is onderhandelbaar na gelang vanondervinding en kwalifikasies.

Slegs kandidate wat aan die vereistes voldoen, en graag deel wil word van ‘n dinamiese span, kan‘n volledige CV met bewys van kwalifikasies en kontakbare verwysings rig aan:

Die Personeel Bestuurder:E-pos: [email protected]


Sluitings datum: 15 Oktober 2013

Gebruik asb die korrekte verwysings nr wanneer u aansoek doen vir die pos. CV’s wat ontvangword sonder verwysing sal nie oorweeg word nie.

(Aanvaar asb dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was indien u nie gekontak word binne twee weke na diesluitingsdatum nie)





) 950


0It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make surethat his advertisement is correct on the first dayof publication and placed according to his/her

instructions and that all mistakes are corrected beforethe next edition.

MooiVaal Media does not accept any responsibilityfor more than one faulty placing.


SASOLBURGNotice is hereby given in terms of the stipulationsof clause E. 1 of the Sasolburg Town PlanningScheme no 1 of 1993 that JACQUELINEMITCHELL intends to apply to the MetsimaholoLocal Municipality for permission to utilise erf/er-ven no(s) ()2) 15303 59 roy campbell streetsasolburg 1947 for the purpose of HAIRSALONMore particulars of the envisaged use is opento inspection at 59 ROY CAMPBELL STREETSASOLBURG 1947 for a period of 14 days fromthe first publication of this notice on 2 OCTOBER2013. Properly motivated objections to the en-visaged use must be submitted in writing withinseven (7) days after the last publication of thisnotice on 11 OCTOBER 2013 to the applicant aswell as the Municipal Manager PO Box 60Sasolburg 1947. a1s8vtk



GDARD REF: 002/13-14/E0165

Notice is given in terms of Regulations published inGovernment Notice R 544 in Government Gazette No. 33306of 18 June 2010, under Section .Also in Section 54 NationalEnvironmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998),as amended, that The Department of Local Governmentand Housing proposes a Low to High income HousingDevelopment on the Evaton Estate, Evaton, Gauteng

The proposed development will consist of the Developmentof semi-detached and walk-up housing units. It is proposed toaccommodate approximately 120 houses, the current accessroad of St Andrews Road on the Eastern border of theDevelopment will be upgraded and tarred.The main roadR551 (Johannesburg Road) and Residentia Train Station lieon the South of the development.

The proposed Evaton Estate development is part of theEvaton Renewal Project and has the potential to improve theliving conditions by contributing to the creation of jobs, anddevelopment and upgrading and rehabilitate the Socio andEconomic structures of Evaton to help in the sustainability ofthe communities through such projects.

In terms of Sections 10(ii), 23(i) and 9(i) as read withGovernment Notice R544, A basic Assessment is required forthe following Listed Activities

10(i) The construction of facilities or infrastructure for thetransmission and distribution of electricity inside urbanareas or industrial complexes with a capacity of275 kilovolts or more

23(i) The transformation of undeveloped, vacant or derelictland to(i) residential, retail, commercial, recreational,industrial or institutional use, inside an urban area, andwhere the total area to be transformed is 5 hectares ormore, but less than 20 hectares

9(i) The construction of facilities or infrastructure exceeding1000 metres in length for the bulk transportation ofwater, sewage or storm water- (i) with an internaldiameter of 0,36 metres or more

Interested and/or Affected Parties who wish to participateby contributing comments or who would like to obtain moreinformation, should please contact Motshabi Molope, fromTholoana Consulting

P.O. Box 1549, Honeydew 2040, Johannesburg,Tel +27 11 057 1847, Fax +27 11 704 5130,Cel +27 72 8055 903,[email protected];GDARD REF NO:002/13-14/E0165





I, Mr. C F DE JAGER of PACE PLAN CONSULTANTS, being theauthorized agent of the owner of Erf 187 Vanderbijlpark SW 5,hereby gives notice in terms of Section 5(5) of the Gauteng Removalof Restrictions Act, 1996, that I intend applying to the EmfuleniMunicipal Council for the removal of certain restrictive conditions inthe Title Deeds of Erf 187 Vanderbijlpark SW 5, which is situatedat 73 Beethoven Street Vanderbijlpark SW 5 and the simultaneousamendment of the Vanderbijlpark Town Planning Scheme, 1987, withthe rezoning of the above-mentioned Erf from “Residential 1” to“Residential 2” with a density of 1 dwelling per 500m2. All relevantdocuments relating to the application will be open for inspectionduring normal office hours at the office of the Strategic Manager:Land Use Management, first floor, Old Trust Bank Building, corner ofPresident Kruger Street and Eric Louw Street, Vanderbijlpark, for 28days from 2 October 2013. Any person, who wishes to object to theapplication or submit representations in respect thereof, must lodgethe same in writing to the Municipal Manager at the named addressor to P.O. Box 3, Vanderbijlpark, 1900 or fax to (016) 950 55 33 within28 days from 2 October 2013.Address of the agent: Pace Plan Consultants, P.O. Box 60784VAALPARK, 1948, Tel: 083 446 5872Date of first publication: 2 October 2013. a1


Page 9: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

9 October - 15 October 2013 SEDIBENG STER 9

1. HOUSING RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS1.1 Stopping of unlawful eviction within our communities etc.1.2 Deal with threats eviction letters, Notice of Motions,

Verification of eviction orders etc.1.3 Negotiate with Banks to increase your bond contract

to 30 years. To reduce your monthly instalments. Andto acquire your property back legally.

1.4 House status & House disputes e.g. Bond houses,Municipality houses, RDP houses, Flats, Landdisputes, Plots, Clusters, Vacant stands etc.EstateAdministration i.e letter of Authority & executorships.

2. Deal with housing crisis & title deeds cases etc. Fightagainst property-hijacking and fake auctioneering.

2.1 Community housing dispute [cluster cases]. Andconsultation on Housing rights and human rights.

3. Eradication of fly by night Estate Agencies andproperty-corruption. Assist membership with courtcases AS well.


Call:Mr J. Mokoena: 081 213 6064

Mr L. Mondise Sithole: 072 871 6493Mrs T. Dzanibe: 079 119 1369

Mrs M.M. Radebe: 078 191 2081


Contact DetailsTel: 016 583 1603

016 583 0794072 871 6493078 191 2081

Fax: 086 732 4331E-mail: [email protected]

Physical Address:847 Lakeside ProperP O Lakeside1984Vaal

Postal Address:P O Box 847P O Lakeside1984Vaal

SEDIBENG.- A grandmother will embark ona walk to thank the Lord this Saturday.

69-year-old Ntsamaeng Tsotetsi from theRainbow Family Church was diagnosed withArthritis 23 years ago and says that she suffe-red for years until she accepted Jesus Christ20 years ago and since then, according to her,her arthritis has gone away completely.In giving thanks for the miracle she has de-

cided to walk for 20 kilometers from Noldickin Meyerton to Beverly Hills, Sebokeng ta-

king the taxi’s route.This she says is to show the world that she

received health in abundance and that mostof the ladies her age would not attempt thatdistance.The walk is scheduled for October 12 from

09:30 from Meyerton (Noldick). Welfare ar-rangements and necessary support for thewalking have been arranged.

Taking a holy walk

Right: Pensioner Ntsamaeng Tsotetsi willtake a holy walk this weekend.

Mduduzi Mathebula

DE DEUR. - Big and small, young and old,gathered at Gospel Fire Ministries recently tocelebrate their heritage.The church was packed to capacity with

high profile dignitaries and local citizens. Theevent was graced by people’s poet MzwkheMbuli who appealed to the congregation tostart teaching children about their origins. Asusual he performed exceptionally well.Before the man of the house, Ananius Ra-

lekholela gave way to his visitors, the Sedi-

beng District Municipal Executive Mayor Si-monMofokengwelcomed everyone includingthe most important guest, Chief Siphiwe Ku-nene from Zululand and Morena KhoabaneTheko from the Kingdom of Lesotho.Ralekholela was ecstatic about the event,

especially because they were celebrating cul-ture and roots. Both Kingdoms dignitariesfrom Lesotho and Zululand taught the congre-gation about two or more things that dignifythem as Africans. The word of God was deli-vered by Bishop Daniel Makutsoane.

Zulu chief and LesothoZulu chief and Lesothoking share the podiumking share the podium

Mzwakhe Mbuli spoke his mind duringthe Heritage Day celebration in De Deurrecently. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

Members of the Khulumani Support Group, Boipatong branch, at the launch of anew flag hoisted at the Roman Catholic Church in Boipatong in remembrance ofthose who died during the shooting by the apartheid government that resulted inthe killing of about 45 people in 1982. The group was registered in 1995. Photo:Lazarus Dithagiso.

MEYERTON.- ‘Ahealthy body leads to a heal-thy life’, this was the theme that was used onthe recreation event organised by Midvaal Lo-cal Municipality sport section with the aim ofpromoting and developing sport and recreationthrough early childhood recently.

The department collaborated with differentstakeholders in ensuring the success of theevent namely, Sisonke Early Childhood Deve-lopment Forum, Mayor’s office, Speakers’ of-fice, Protection services, Fire & Rescue and li-braries.

The event was also graced by local council-lors who advised every parent to become moreinvolved in their children’s lives as that willbuild confidence and ensure a better future be-cause the children are our future. The eventfocused on teaching the young ones on howto play different games such as how to skip arope, jump in a sack, egg racing and aim thro-wing which will assist in building their confi-dence. Later that dayMidvaal LocalMunicipa-lity hosted the dj’s audition as part of the buildup to the Gauteng Carnival.

Early childhoodEarly childhooddevelopment event helddevelopment event held

Midvaal Local Municipality recently organised activities for children in their area.

Page 10: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

10 SEDIBENG STER 9 October - 15 October 2013

Zacharia Nale

SEBOKENG.- Happiness Development Clubheld its annual Player Awards to recognisethem for their individual achievements duringthe year. This club awards took place at theZone 7 Library recently. Some notable foot-ballers who graced the occasion included for-mer soccer greats Simon ‘Bull’ Lehoko, Aus-tin Mlilwane, Martin Mpholo, Jack Lebokoto mention but a few.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, club di-

rector Vusi Jamekwane says the awards aredesigned to motivate these up-and-comingyoungsters to take their soccer careers seri-ously. He believes that this is the only wayto keep these youngsters focused.“We as Happiness Development are com-

mitted to the development of football in thisregion. The awards are partly to reward theseboys for their hard work during the seasonand I wish to thank all the people who makethis possible for us to host these awards everyseason,” says Jamakwane.Mokgadi Moshikidi was named Players’

Player of The Year for his outstanding perfor-

mance during the season. Jamekwane descri-bedMoshikidi as one of themost talented soc-cer players to have emerged from this regionand believes that he has a great future aheadof him.Sandile Radebe was named Players’ Player

of The Year after he was nominated by histeammates. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sportthe two say that their dream is to play profes-sional football. They say it doesn’t matterwhich team they play, as long as it is a profes-sional team. “This award means a lot to meand has since motivated me to work hard attraining. I could not believe it when my namewas called. It came as a surprise because thereare many good players in the team. I wantto thankmy teammates for contributing to myachievement,” says Moshikidi.Radebe also thanks his teammates for no-

minating him Players’ Player of The Year.“This is an honour for me and I will alwayscherish this moment in my soccer career. Butthis means hard work for me and I also wantto thank my coach for believing in me,” heconcludes.

Club awards players

Sandile Radebe andMokgadi Moshikidi were named Players Player of The Year and Play­er of The Year respectively. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

Zacharia Nale

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Vaal University ofTechnology (VUT) runners have qualifiedfor the World University Cross CountryChampionships scheduled to take place inUganda in 2014.The two are Collen Mulaudzi and talen-

tedXolisani Zamkele who produced a five-star performance during the USSA CrossChampionship qualifier held in Welkomrecently. The two helped their VUT Athle-tics Club finish in second place during thiscompetition. North West University wascrowned champion, beating the likes ofVUT and the Central University of Tech-nology who, respectively, finished secondand third during this event.

To add more good news, VUT Athleticshead coach Joseph Diale was appointedHead Coach and Development manager ofLegends of Athletics South Africa (LASA)recently. The man, well known for introdu-cing unknown talent in this region, sayshard work paid off. He believes his team’sachievement is based on hard work and no-thing else.“These boys train very hard and they

push themselves at training. I also want totake this opportunity to congratulate Col-len Mulaudzi and Xolisani Zamkele forqualifying for the World Cross CountryChampionship. They really deserve thisbecause they work so hard at training,” heconcludes.

VUT duo qualify forVUT duo qualify forworld championshipworld championship

Zacharia Nale

SHARPEVILLE. - Ntswaki Thinane is thelatest woman football administrator to owna soccer club in this region.This Sharpeville-based female football

administrator is set to follow in the footstepsof other great female football administratorsto emerge in this country, such asRiaLedwa-ba. Just like Ledwaba, Thinane is the bossof the newly establishedVaal ItalianHuntersDev FC. The club consists of the three divisi-ons u/13, u/15 and u/17. To date Ledwabawas the owner of theRia Star FCwhich cam-paigned in the Premier Soccer League beforeshe sold it. This ambitious female admini-strator is destined for a great future if her pas-sion for development football is anything to

go by. What places her head and shouldersabove the rest of the women football admini-strators is that she also coaches her soccerteam. In an exclusive interview with Sedi-beng SterSports, Thinane says she has a lovefor this sport, hence she decided to form herown soccer team. This soft-spoken womanadministrator believes that women shouldnot ownonlywomen’s football clubs but alsomen’s soccer teams.“Many women think I’m crazy when I tell

them I own a boys’ soccer team. Just becauseI’m woman they think I must be involvedwith women’s football clubs only. I enjoyworking with these boys because they wantto take their football careers to another le-vel,” says Thinane.

Ria Ledwaba in the making

Ntswaki Thinane is the latest woman football administrator to own a soccer club.the Vaal Italian Hunters FC. Photo: Zacharia Nale.Zacharia Nale

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Vaal Vikings Rug-by Club hosted a successful Developmentcoaching clinic at the club’s grounds duringthe school holidays.The main aim of the clinic was the drive

and vision of Valke Vice President (Deve-lopment Portfolio) Koos Blomerus in con-junction with rugby Deve-lopment coach ChristoAbrahams and Dick Gra-ham.The objective was to as-

sist and coach the coaches ofthe local township schoolsin the art and laws of rugby,as well as to start basic andthe training of children agedbetween 13 and 18.This three-day course at-

tracted many youngstersfrom the township schoolssuch as BeverleyHills,Esokwazi, Tsepo-Themba,Sizanani, Polokong and Vi-kings.The training incorporated

basic rugby skills, teamskills such as scrumming,where the students weremore than keen to be invol-ved and learn the value of te-amwork along with gainingnew friends.

Rugby Development coach ChristoAbrahams says his organisation is planningto conduct courses on referee basic trainingand a follow-up on the first training of coa-ches. He say South Africa is committed todeveloping rugby in all areas of the countryand the Valke are looking forward to imple-menting this mandate.

Vaal Vikings holddevelopment clinics

Some of the action at the Valke Rugby Union Develop­ment Coaching Clinic held on the Vaal Vikings rugbygrounds recently. Photo: Ettienne van Rensburg.

Jannie du Plessis

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Two primary schoolkids fromVanderbijlpark have put out the Se-dibeng region on the map. the pair will com-pete for team SA in the World ROK Cup In-ternational final in Lontano Italy this month.Joshua (12) & Cameron

Dias (9), pupils of MiltonPrimary School who are inin Grade 7 and 3 respecti-vely, have been chosen torepresent South Africa onOctober 14 at this worldevent. Josh qualified bybeing one of the top threeMini Roks in the country(60cc - also called the pri-mary school class) and Ca-meron for being the onlygirl to compete in a fullMini Rok season against30 boys.Josh is lying third in the

National championshipwith his home race left -any one of the top three arestill good for the title andmaybe he can add it to hislist of achievements in on-

ly his second year of karting. Cameron is ly-ing 10th in the regional championship andthis young girl has shown that she has whatit takes to mix it with the big boys. With oneregional race left she can confirm her positionas one of the top drivers in her class.

Local kids to compete in Italy

Joshua Cameron on his 60cc kart, he will be leaving for Italysoon.

Page 11: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

9 October - 15 October 2013 SEDIBENG STER 11

paddler and their youngest son, Jonathan, alre-ady enjoying competitive river racing. Hannesand Helena are both students at the NorthWestUniversity.

Father and daughter finished their 22km ri-ver race on the Klip in 2 hours 8 minutes, asthe 59th double canoe.

bonding and participating in the canoe races onthe river as they prepare for the Hansa Fish Ri-ver Canoe Marathon – an A grade river racethat takes place at the end of September in Cra-dock, Eastern Cape.

The family who live in Vanderbijlpark havebeen actively involved in competitive canoeingwith the oldest son Hannes being a white water

VANDERBIJLPARK. -HiPerformanceFeedsbased in the Vaal Triangle has supported andsponsored a local canoe race between Dalesideand Meyerton near the R59 Vereeniging hig-hway for years. The race was organised by theWATUNICanoeClub based on theNorthWestUniversity canoe club with perfect spring wea-ther. JP Pienaar and his daughter have enjoyed

Zacharia Nale

SEBOKENG. - Junior Lions FC, a household name in localfootball, recently extended its development structure by in-troducing the u/13 and u/15 divisions.

The club is one of themost feared teams in the PromotionLeague in Stream B, known for their physical strength. Theclub has produced quite a number of players, some ofwhomply their trade in the Vodacom League and First NationalLeague.The team used to conquer this region when it cameto junior soccer tournaments in the u/17 category, but re-cently they have become an ordinary side. Speaking to Se-dibeng Ster Sports, the teams’ Managing Director/CoachPaseka ‘Happy’ Moqholofane says there was a need for theteam to introduce these two divisions. He believes that thedevelopment of players must start as early as the age of6/7 years.

“In the past we used to have only one division whichwas u/17 and this was before they graduated to u/19. Look,we used to have only one division - that is why we usedto compete strongly because we gave them 100% attention.But I’mhappy to introduce these two divisions because theywill be our feeder teams for the u/19,” says Moqholofane.Meanwhile, Junior Lions FC is one of the teams that chal-lenge the league title in Stream B and Moqholofane wasoptimistic that his side also stands a good chance to be crow-ned the league champion at the end of the season.

It’s a fact, social media has become part ofour lives! One of the local development coa-ches – Themba “Danki” Dlamini - posted onhis facebook that there is a need for a coa-ching indaba in this region.Shooting From TheHip supports Dlamini’s

idea to organise a coaching indaba. In the pastwe had soccer indabas in this region but

things never changed because they were al-ways based on the “administration” point ofview.Sedibeng football needs a ‘makeover’ to

improve the standard of football - especiallyas far as coaching is concerned in this region.For example, despite the high level of talentin this region we still fail to produce a Voda-com League team.We have everything; facilities are there, ta-

lent is there but the quality of coaching leavesmuch to be desired.The fact of the matter is that talent is was-

ted because it is in the wrong hands. We don’thave coaches but “FAKES”. Yes fake coa-ches! There is a Coaches Football Associati-on in this region but most of the members arenot actively involved. How is this possible?This Coaching Indaba will address such is-

sues among others. There must be identityand information when it comes to develop-ment. As things stand now – there is no identi-ty including in our own Bafana Bafana.Shooting From The Hip has been saying

this for the past 20 years - that there is a needfor identity in this region. The kind of footballwe play is all about results! The fact of thematter is that we cannot blame soccer fansfor staying away from soccer grounds onwee-kends because of the kind of football playedof late. There is no creativity in our footballbecause of these “FAKE” coaches who res-trict talented players.A coaching indaba will address this among

other issues – our identity.The MSC Soccer Tournament starts this

weekend and you will see teams that get bea-ten every weekend winning this tournament

because they will go out to look for players.If Shooting From TheHipmay ask - how doesa coach feel winning a tournament knowingfully well that half of the players are not his?This is not the first time Shooting From TheHip has posed this question.Shooting From The Hip challenges Sedi-

beng Coaches Football Association to alsoplay a part in the development of football inthis region. Gentlemen, indoor meetings willnot fix our football, but if you go to the juniorsoccer matches, you will then understand the-re is a serious need for coaching. Coachingdoes not take place in boardroom but on thefield/ground. The sooner we call a coachingindaba, the better. Like Coach Ted Dumutrialways says, don’t take those Facebook com-ments for granted because the people whoposted those comments make lot of sense.

Call for coaching ‘indaba’SHOOTINGFROM THE


Zacharia Nale

VEREENIGING.- Vereeniging Refractorieswill this year host its Third Annual CharityGolf Day on Saturday, October 26, at theMaccauvlei Golf Club in Vereeniging.Last year the event raised R100 000 which

was donated to Nokhupila Community Cen-tre in Springs and Sedibeng Children’s Havenin Vereeniging. The aim of this year’s golfday is once again to raise money for charitiessupported by Verref in the Vereeniging andSprings areas. Verref will again be invitingsuppliers, customers and business partners tosupport the day. The day will also give com-panies the opportunity to be part of the eventthrough various means, whilst giving back tothe community.

Sponsorships can be as follows:1. Sponsorship of a hole at R5 000 per hole.2. Sponsorship or donation of prizes for the

day.3. Sponsorship of a fourball at a cost of R2

500 which includes halfway house and theluncheon.4. Monetary donation or as indicated be-

low.Should you or your company wish to parti-

cipate in any way please contact Louise leRoux on (016) 450-6025 (Office) or 082 4441252, or email [email protected]


Golf DayGolf Day

Junior Lions FC adds divisions

Junior Lions FC u/13 is the club’s new development structure, introduced recently. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

JP excels at Fish RiverJJPP eexxcceellss aatt FFiisshh RRiivveerr

JP Piennaar and his daughter Helena Pienaar from Vanderbijlpark enjoyed the rapids on the Klip River preparing for the Hansa FishRiver marathon.

Page 12: Sedibeng Ster 10 October 2013

12 SEDIBENG STER 9 October - 15 October 2013

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Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - It is that time of the year when thelocal junior and senior soccer teams look forwardto doing battle in the annual Sedibeng Soccer Tour-nament. This much anticipated Moso ConsultingService (MCS) sponsored tournament will take pla-ce at the Shakespeare and George Thabe Stadiumson Saturday. This tournament is one of the biggesttournaments in this region giving local soccer starsa platform from which to showcase their talent.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sports, Tebello ‘Ben-

za’ Kheswa, one of the tournament organisers saysthis year’s tournament will be more competitive, ta-king into consideration the participating teams.Kheswa says as much as the stakes are high, the

tournament is not only about winning but givingfuture soccer stars a platform to display their talent.He says they intend to invite one of the PSL deve-

lopment teams to be part of this tournament.“Wewant to take this tournament to another level

and I can’t wait for the kick-off. Look, last year thetournamentwas a big success andwe expect tomakeit even more successful,” says Kheswa. Accordingto Kheswa this year they decided to include ladies’soccer. The winner in the senior soccer teams willwalk away with R20 000, trophy and medals, whilethe winner in u/17 will walk away with R10 000,a trophy and medals. The winner in the u/15 willreceive R7000, a trophy and medals while the win-ners in u/13will pocket R3 000, a trophy andmedals.There will also be prizes such as Player of The Tour-nament, Top Goal Scorer, Goalkeeper of The Tour-nament and many others. The draw was conductedat the Mohloli Secondary School on Sunday.Under-13 FixturesSaturdayVaal Manchester vs Nale AcademySebokeng Academy vs Ikageng DevHappy Stars vs Vereeniging Old Boys FCVaal Milano vs Mighty StarsSundayBenfica vs Bophelong MilanoCelta Vigo vs City StarsVaal Italian Hunters vs EyaGolden Eagles vs Manyora

Local talent onLocal talent ondisplaydisplay

Local talentwill be ondisplaywhen local juniorsoccer teams battle it out in the Sedibeng Soc­cer Tournament on the weekend. Photo: Za­charia Nale.

Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - FormerVaal Football Associa-tion (VFA) administrator Sipho ‘Tigers Don’tCry’ Nkumane is on a mission to revive Sedi-beng football.This former Bafana Bafana manager belie-

ves that there is a serious need to revive foot-ball in this region to bring everyone who isinvolved in it together under one regionalroof.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sports, Nkuma-

ne says he is aware that there are serious pro-blems in this region among the people whorun football. Nkumane says he is aware thatthere are two Emfuleni Local Football Asso-ciation committees, the one that belongs to

Bushy Nale and the other to Philip ‘Mngos-hii’ Ndlovu.Nkumane says his first mission will be to

meet these two groups and find out their sideof the story and try to bring them togetherfor the sake of the development of footballin this region.Nkumane, however was quick to point out

that this is nothing to do with elections to be-come Safa Sedibeng president. He says heknows many people will say this is nothingbut strategy to become Safa Sedibeng Presi-dent.“Look, I know many people will think I

want to use this opportunity to become regio-nal president. I can assure you, I’m not intere-

sted in the position but I want to help bringour football back to where it belongs.I’m quite aware that things are going horri-

bly wrong for football in this region. I’m alsoquite aware that there are two camps in thisregion, which is not good for our football,”says Nkumane.Nkumane says he realised this after he was

supposed to conduct an administration work-shop in this region last month. He says therewere no club representatives especially fromStream A and that was when he realised therewas something wrong.He says he will also engage school sport

in an attempt to revive school sports to bepart of the regional revival of football.

The Emfuleni Local Football Association’sDeputy President Phiki Khumalo also ac-knowledged the fact that he personally metwith Nkumane and explained everything tohim.“It is true that I met with Mr Nkumane be-

cause he wanted to know what is going onin this region especially Emfuleni. I told himeverything and I even told him our positionregarding football in this region. We supportcommitment to Safa - not to individuals assome people suggest.“I have been in football my entire life and

so has Mr Nkumane. We will meet him withthe entire executive committee,” he conclu-des.

Crusader for regional revival of footballCrusader for regional revival of football
