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See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline...

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LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 201V5 INC. VIC. AUSTRALIA Registered by Australia Post – P/P No. 799999999 Volume 38 Issue 1 - July 2014 DISTRICT GOVERNOR: DG Alan Fluck (Roslyn), Unit 2/6 Randolf Court Lower Templestowe 3107 (H) 03 9850 6999 (M) 0468 607 485 [email protected] (Vermont) CABINET SECRETARY: Ivan Kayne OAM (Annee), 3 Leon Court Donvale Vic 3111 (H) 03 9842 2701 (M) 0411 717 810 [email protected] (Donvale) CABINET TREASURER: Lin Byron, 5 Strickland Drive Wheelers Hill Vic 3150 (H) 03 9561 5486 (W) 03 9807 2255 Email [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Ron Smith (Laurel), 26 Duff Street Sandringham 3191 (H) 03 9598 4162 Email [email protected] (Sandringham) 201V5 201V5 Lions Website hp://201v5.lions.org.au ABN 66 147 266 469 Inc. No. A0044463B NewsLetter At the Mulple District Convenon, Canberra in 2013 Delegates voted to give Lions throughout Australia a “Principal Lions Focus”, it was amended at Tamworth MD Convenon in May and now reads: Humanitarian Service, Disaster Relief, Sight, Medical Research, and Encouragement of Youth . . . having the above as a focus gives us all the impetus to be able to confidently remind our various communies what we stand for, apart from “We Serve”. Fellow Lions, Lionesses, Leos and Friends: WHEN you read this District Newsletter, Roslyn and I will be in Toronto, Canada at the International Convention, 4th to 8th July where I’ll be inducted as your District Governor 2014/2015. At the Convention Joe Preston becomes International President who takes over from Barry Palmer and as Immediate Past International President, Barry takes over the role as Chairman of Lions Clubs International Foundation. Joe Preston’s theme for the year is: “Strengthen the Pride” and make a brighter future for those we serve. District Club Training OVER the last two weeks of May our District held three different Training Sessions: two were for Incoming Club Officers, one in Doncaster East on Sunday, 25th May and another in Tatura on Sunday, 1st June; the Zone Chairmen had their Training Session at the Box Hill Lions Hall on Saturday, 18th May. I would like to thank Pat Mills and her team for the excellent programs put forward. The attendance was good and the feed back was excellent, so thank you to the Lions who attended these sessions. Working Together MY theme for the year is: “Together we will make it happen”. By working together, I believe we can make See you 19th July at District Changeover... District Governor Alan Fluck and wife Roslyn, picture taken at the Mulple District Convenon at Tamworth in May prior to their leaving for Inducon at the Internaonal Convenon in Toronto, Canada, 4th – 8th July, 2014. our Clubs more viable and offer better projects for our communities. Some of my goals for the year: Better Club Management; Retention of existing Club Members; Growth in your Club Membership; Encourage Club Members to be involved in Training Programs; Succession – think about who will be your next President, etc. DG Training DURING our training in Sydney this year as Incoming District Governors we were asked to set a target regarding the growth in membership of our District. I have set a target of one New Club with a net gain of 40 members by 30th June 2015. You may think that figure of 40 is not a problem – but it is, as the District only had an average of 13 net gains per year over the past five years. By working together we as a District will make a better membership growth rate happen. Looking forward to meeng you BOTH Roslyn and I look forward to visiting your Club within the next 12 months. I encourage your members to have their partners at the meeting when we visit. In Conclusion... Henry Ford said: Getting together is the Beginning; Staying together is Progress; Working together is Success. Until next month, DG Alan
Page 1: See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July. A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating

L I O N S C L U B S I N T E R N A T I O N A L D I S T R I C T 2 0 1 V 5 I N C . V I C . A U S T R A L I A

Registered by Australia Post – P/P No. 799999999             Volume 38 Issue 1 - July 2014

DISTRICT GOVERNOR: DG Alan Fluck (Roslyn), Unit 2/6 Randolf Court Lower Templestowe 3107 (H) 03 9850 6999 (M) 0468 607 485 [email protected] (Vermont)CABINET SECRETARY: Ivan Kayne OAM (Annette), 3 Leon Court Donvale Vic 3111(H) 03 9842 2701 (M) 0411 717 810 [email protected] (Donvale)CABINET TREASURER: Lin Byron, 5 Strickland Drive Wheelers Hill Vic 3150(H) 03 9561 5486 (W) 03 9807 2255 Email [email protected] EDITOR: Ron Smith (Laurel), 26 Duff Street Sandringham 3191(H) 03 9598 4162 Email [email protected] (Sandringham)

201V5201V5 Lions Website http://201v5.lions.org.au

ABN 66 147 266 469Inc. No. A0044463B


At the Multiple District Convention, Canberra in 2013 Delegates voted to give Lions throughout Australia a “Principal Lions Focus”, it was amended at Tamworth MD Convention in May and now reads:

Humanitarian Service, Disaster Relief, Sight, Medical Research, and Encouragement of Youth. . . having the above as a focus gives us all the impetus to be able to confidently remind our various

communities what we stand for, apart from “We Serve”.

Fellow Lions, Lionesses, Leos and Friends:WHEN you read this District Newsletter, Roslyn and I will be in Toronto, Canada at the International Convention, 4th to 8th July where I’ll be inducted as your District Governor 2014/2015.At the Convention Joe Preston becomes International President who takes over from Barry Palmer and as Immediate Past International President, Barry takes over the role as Chairman of Lions Clubs International Foundation. Joe Preston’s theme for the year is: “Strengthen the Pride” and make a brighter future for those we serve.

District Club TrainingOVER the last two weeks of May our District held three different Training Sessions: two were for Incoming Club Officers, one in Doncaster East on Sunday, 25th May and another in Tatura on Sunday, 1st June; the Zone Chairmen had their Training Session at the Box Hill Lions Hall on Saturday, 18th May. I would like to thank Pat Mills and her team for the excellent programs put forward. The attendance was good and the feed back was excellent, so thank you to the Lions who attended these sessions.

Working TogetherMY theme for the year is: “Together we will make it happen”. By working together, I believe we can make

See you 19th July at District Changeover...

District Governor Alan Fluck and wife Roslyn, picture taken at the Multiple District Convention at Tamworth in May prior to their leaving for Induction at the International Convention in Toronto, Canada, 4th – 8th July, 2014.

our Clubs more viable and offer better projects for our communities. Some of my goals for the year:▪ Better Club Management;▪ Retention of existing Club Members;▪ Growth in your Club Membership;▪ Encourage Club Members to be involved

in Training Programs;▪ Succession – think about who will be

your next President, etc.

DG TrainingDURING our training in Sydney this year as Incoming District Governors we were asked to set a target regarding the growth in membership of our District. I have set a target of one New Club with a net gain of 40 members by 30th June 2015.

You may think that figure of 40 is not a problem – but it is, as the District only had an average of 13 net gains per year over the past five years. By working together we as a District will make a better membership growth rate happen.

Looking forward to meeting youBOTH Roslyn and I look forward to visiting your Club within the next 12 months. I encourage your members to have their partners at the meeting when we visit.

In Conclusion...Henry Ford said:

Getting together is the Beginning;Staying together is Progress;Working together is Success.

Until next month, DG Alan

Page 2: See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July. A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating

Lions District 201 V5 newsLetter / District website: Http://201V5.Lions.org.Au/ JuLy 2014 pAge 2

A FEW weeks ago I attended the seminar for incoming Club Officers in Doncaster. As a member of the GMT for V5 I was particularly interested in the class for incoming Presidents since I reasoned that they would be thinking about increased membership of their various Clubs in this new-year. The presenter kindly offered to let me speak to them to this effect.About three-quarters of the way through his presentation he told me he was ready for me and said “I can give you three minutes”. For an important issue I felt this was a short period of time, but I was grateful for the opportunity.However, unbeknown to me, in another room, a class was being held for the recruitment of new members.As a result, I didn’t attend the Incoming Country Officers Seminar in Tatura, as I felt I’d be “surplus to requirements”.

The importance of communicationTHE action did make me think about one very important part of our organisation – the fact that we must give attention to communication if we ever hope to be successful in our quest for new members. If we try to do each other’s jobs, then we are destined to get things in a right old mess.In the new Lions year we plan to present (subject to the approval of our new Chairman), a system designed to not only bring membership to the notice of all Lions but also to encourage action on recruitment towards the extension of numbers. Time for talking about new members is over; the time for action to put our thoughts into deeds is here.In our new Lions year let us work to get as many Lions as possible concentrating on the potential for new members and preparing to work towards that goal.While it is the duty of every Lion to be on the lookout for new members, let us not get in each others way while we try to follow the same objective, when this could be avoided by effective communication.

– Harry Taylor

Thank you to contributors of copy and photos. Would

you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July.

A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating a fabulous year for our District with District Governor Alan Fluck and his team in full planning mode for 2014-2015.The same challenges still confront us as a service community although there is a real sense of ambition and activity coming out of many of the Clubs that we are invited to spend time with.

DG Visits July and August23rd July ---------------------- Violet TownAugust4th ------------------------------ Mooroopna13th ---- Chelsea District & Mordialloc- Mentone14th -----------------------Dandenong City18th ------------------------------ Broadford19th -------------------------------- Brighton20th --------------------------------Wantirna

We are seeing more new members, although the number that leaves us is still disappointing given friendship, fun and fellowship as well as ensuring a strong sense of purpose for members is the very best way of encouraging people to want to stay with this great organisation.We are also keen to support the development of our leadership and communication skills for all of our Club Officers, and we have planned a range of workshops and experiences for this New Year that will hopefully prove to be both popular and insightful.It will be a great pleasure to work with all of the Clubs in District V5 and I look forward to being able to meet with your members and share some of the fun, friendship and fellowship that we should be renowned for.

– Second Vice District Governor Brian Buchanan

Looking forward with confidence in thisLions year just beginning

To all Lions:IT’S imperative we keep the momentum we have achieved during 2013-2014.I want to thank each of you for making my year as International President such a success. It was a year of achievements, and your contributions as a Lion has helped take our Clubs to new levels of success. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your International President!

Lion Barry J. Palmer Your Immediate Past International President

Dear Lions,Just over a year ago, I was a new International President sharing my dreams with Lions around the world. Now, it’s my turn to offer my gratitude to each of you for making those dreams come true. It’s been an incredible year thanks to you.Throughout the year, Lions did a fantastic job of inviting new members into our Clubs. We reached out to family and friends during Family and Friends Month. We put an emphasis on inviting men and women, and we’re stronger for it. We used tools like social media to connect with new members and promote our Clubs.And now, following the end of the Lions year, it is so important to keep our new members serving into the future – keep the momentum going!Day in and day out, Lions perform countless acts of service that strengthen their communities and touch the lives of millions. It has been an honour to lead hard-working, dedicated men and women like you, who bring help and hope to those who need us most.Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your 2013-14 International President.

Page 3: See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July. A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating

Lions District 201 V5 newsLetter / District website: Http://201V5.Lions.org.Au/ JuLy 2014 pAge 3

1. The Class of District Member Clubs’ Representatives at Doncaster East for Presidents, Secretaries,Treasurers,VicePresidents,MembershipChairmenandNewbies.

2. IPDG Chandra presenting 2nd Vice District Governor Brian Buchanan with International President’sCertificateofAppreciationforGlobalMembershipTeamChairmanship.

3. Garry Prigg, Public Relations two-stepping itwith IT ChairmanAlecOwen as they lead the first all-togetherSessiononTrainingDayatDoncasterEastSecondaryCollegegivinganoverviewoftheday’sproceedingswhichweretofollow.

4. A “new” District Governor Alan Fluck addressing his Incoming Cabinet Officers at the MurrindindiMeetingon17thMay,2014forthefirsttime.

5. Peoplecan’tliveoneducationalone–SouthVermontClubmembers–LtoR:IanBauer,ChristineMendis,JohnClulowpreparedformorningTrushtowaterandfeedthemasses.

6. Zonies2014-2015ataSpecialTrainingDayon18/5/2014–pictureLtoR:BrianBuchanan,presenter;SamSpano(representingLaurieCooper)Zone6;PaulMcCauleyZ4;RuwanPaulZ8;FrankSainsburyZ10; AnnEldridge,presenter;DannyRhodesZ3; JamieKennedyZ7;CarolSmithZ2;PatMills,presenter;DGAlanFluck;andDarylSchraderZ5.KeepingupwiththeLionslatesttoassisttheDistrictGovernor’sAdvisoryCommittee.

Governor going, Governor coming & Schools in at DoncasterFourth cabinet / incoming cabinet Meetings, Murrindindi 17/5/2014; and club officer training, Doncaster 30/5/2014


2. 3. 4.



Page 4: See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July. A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating

Lions District 201 V5 newsLetter / District website: Http://201V5.Lions.org.Au/ JuLy 2014 pAge 4

Welcome –WELCOME to the new Lions Year, the District Officers look forward to working with the Clubs to make this year one of the best. All the District Officers are willing to visit your Clubs to talk about their Portfolio.Incoming Officer Training –APPROXIMATELY 150 Incoming Officers attended the Training Day held at East Doncaster Secondary College, with another 45 plus attending the Officer training at Tatura Primary School. I would like to thank all the Presenters and Officers that attended.AGM and Convention –REMEMBER to register for the two-day Warrandyte Convention in October, registration forms will be available very soon. We would like to see all District V5 Clubs attending this very important Convention.


Blackburn North Vivienne Williams Marguerite Cahoon

Boroondara Central Zhi (Michael) Li Caroline Ostrowski

Steven Nicholls Patricia Hullet-Kimpton

Box Hill Jason Reid Jennifer Vick

Pat Mills Steve Haylock

Dandenong Malcolm Adaman George Annea

Stanley Dissanayake Keerthi Gunawardana

Dandenong Supper Sebastian De Silva Mihirie Dississanayake

Wijitha Perera Bandu Dissanayake

Healesville Lindsay Frost Paul Walker

Rowville Antony Singarasa Shane Lockwook

Tallygaroopna Greg Cochrane Lawrence Powney

Dates to remember:JULY 2014Fri 4th - Sun 8th International Convention, Toronto.Mon 14th - Executive Meeting.Sat 19th - District Changeover, Clayton RSL. (See advt on p8.)Sun 20th - 1st Cabinet Meeting, Clarinda Community Centre.Mon 28th - Project Notices of Motion to be debated at the District’s AGM and Convention must be lodged on or before this date with the Cabinet Secretary.

AUGUST 2014Sun 2nd - Follow up Incoming Club Officer and New Member training for those not able to attend last training. Expressions of interest to Pat Mills at [email protected] .Fri 20th to Sun 31st - ANZI-Pacific Forum, Adelaide.Sun 24th - Facebook, Web Page and You Tube training. Contact Pat Mills. [email protected] 26th - All Notices of Motion (except Project) and Nominations for all District Elected positions to be dealt with at the District’s AGM and Convention must be lodged on or before this date.Tue 26th to Thur 28th - Advanced Lions Leadership Institute in Adelaide. There are a number of openings available.Sun 31st - MD Council Meeting.

SEPTEMBER 2014Fri 12th - Executive Meeting.Sun 28th - 2nd Cabinet Meeting, Venue TBA.

OCTOBER 2014Sat 25th - Sun 26th District AGM and Convention, Warrandyte.

NOVEMBER 2014Tue 4th - Melbourne Cup Day.Sun 8th and 22nd – Leadership Training Program.Sat 29th - Lions Club of Lysterfield Fund Raiser - Christmas Chimes Dinner Dance, Sacred Heart Hall, Oakleigh - $45 –Eastern/Western Buffet Dinner - Band In2groove.

DECEMBER 2014Thur 25th - Christmas Day.Fri 26th - Boxing Day.Wed 31st - New Year’s Eve.

Thank youI would like to thank all members of the Cabinetand Club Secretaries for the assistance you havegiven me in carrying out my duties as CabinetSecretary over the past twelve months. I lookforward to working with the incoming Cabinet andClubs Officers for the upcoming Lions year.62nd Multiple District 201 National ConventionCOUNCIL Chairman Gary Parker introduced theInternational President Barry Palmer and InternationalDirector Sheryl Jensen and the Official Party to the 1200Lion members present.

After a Welcome to Country Ceremony by Mr NevilleSampson an Aboriginal Elder, and a brief welcome fromthe Mayor of Tamworth Cr Col Murray.

Mr Sam Bailey officially opened the Convention; Samspoke about his life after becoming a quadriplegic at theage of 19. In his presentation, he told us “You don’t needwings to fly”, he looked at what he has achieved and hisnext goal, with his wife is to become the first quadriplegicto fly a helicopter, which he hopes will happen in July.

Prior to the lunch break it was announced the CouncilChairman Elect 2014-15 would be PDG Warren Lathamfrom 201N5.Notices of Motion –

CNM1: submitted by the Council of Governors thatClause 84.4 a Rescission of a Sunset Clause in relation toCategory “B” projects. At the Darwin Multiple DistrictConvention it was resolved that all existing Category “B”Projects not continue past 30th June, 2014 without priorapproval of delegates at the 2014 Convention. For thisreason the 2014 Convention had to consider the proposedcontinuation of existing Category “B” Projects. MotionCarried.

PNM2: submitted by Council of Governors that“Beyond Blue – Joining Hands Project” as a Category.“C” Project, for the period 1st July, 2014 to the rising ofthe 2015 Newcastle Multiple District Convention. Thisproject is managed by the National Office and is aprincipal project of the Public Relations Officer. $15,000will be set aside from Council funds to cover printing andincidentals. (Our costs.) Motion Carried.

PRNM3: that the “Australian Lions Children’sMobility Foundation” continue as a Category “A” Projectfor a further term of four years expiring on 30th June,2018. This project is managed on behalf of the Council byTrustees pursuant to the provisions of the Trust deed.More than 1800 walkers have been provided by theFoundation. Motion Carried.

PNM4: that the “Youth of the Year Quest” Projectcontinue as a Category “A” Project for a further threeyears expiring on 30th June 2017,. A cost of $2.27 permember will be levied to operate this project which ispayable out of Clubs’ Activities Account. MotionCarried.

PRM5: that the “Australian Lions Childhood CancerResearch Foundation” continue as a Category “A”Project for a further term of four years expiring 30thJune, 2018. This Project is managed by a Trust appointedby the Council of Governors, financial contributions aremade by Clubs on a voluntary basis. Motion Carried.

PRM6: submitted by District Cabinet 201V6 “JuniorPublic Speaking Competition” continues as a Category“B” Project for a term of three years ending 30th June,2017 its aim is to give Primary Students the chance todevelop their ability to speak in public, gain confidenceand prepare them for future roles including that ofspeaking to an audience. Motion Carried.

PRM7: that the “Lions Neurobionics ResearchFellowship Fund” which was adopted at the CanberraConvention in 2013 is continued as a Category “B”Project for a further three years until 30th June, 2017.The purpose of this Fellowship Fund is to support aNeurobionics Fellow at the Bionics Institute (formallyknown as Bionic Ear Institute), donations can be made byLions Clubs in support of this Project directly to theVictorian Lions Foundation. Motion Carried.

PRM8: submitted by District 201V5 that “AustralianLions Visual Independence Foundation Inc.” continues asa Category “B” Project for a period of three years until30th June, 2017. The ALVIF has given people who areblind or vision impaired a measure of independence and

confidence through technology that in manycircumstances would not otherwise be available to them.Motion Carried.

PRM9: submitted by District 201V2 that the “LionsEye Health Program” continues for a further three yearsexpiring on 30th June, 2017. Saving sight and theprevention of vision loss are primary Lions Projects.LEHP is the current “sight” Project of the MultipleDistrict and was founded by funding received from LionsClubs International Foundation and Campaign SightFirst. Motion Carried.

PRM10: submitted by Districts W1 and W2 the “LionsMcCusker Alzheimer’s Research Foundation” Projectcontinue as a Category “B” Project for a period of threeyears until 30th June, 2017. All financial donations are ona voluntary basis and will assist research into Alzheimer’sdisease; this Project is managed co-jointly by the LionsClubs of Claremont Nedlands (201W1) and Lions Clubof Bull Creek (201W2). Motion Carried.

PRM11: submitted by 201C2 that the “LionsEmergency Medical Information Book” Projectcontinues as a Category “B” project for a further threeyears expiring 30th June, 2017.This project is managedby Lions Club of Blackwood and is a joint project of Lionsand Rotary. Clubs may purchase, on a voluntary basisfrom the managing Lions Club; no financial responsibilitywill fall on the Multiple District. Motion Carried.

PRM12: submitted by Lions Club of Vermont (201V5)that the “Letters to Father Christmas” Project continuesas a Category “B” project for a further three yearsexpiring 30th June, 2017. I would like to thank Lion RonBromley OAM and his dedicated team for their hardwork over a number of years. Motion Lost.

PRM13: submitted by District 201V5 that the “LionsCord Blood Foundation Incorporated Trust” continues asa Category “B” Project for a further three years expiring30th June, 2017. This project was first adopted at the2008 Gold Coast Multiple District Convention; it ismanaged on behalf of the District by the Lions Club ofWaverley. Since its inception Lions Cord Blood hasreceived $1,400,000 in donations, it is proposed to raisea further $300,000 in the next here years. MotionCarried.

PRM14: submitted by Lions Club of BrisbaneRiverside that the “Lions Prostate Cancer Researchand Treatment” Project continue as a Category “B”project for a further three years until 30th June,2017. This project is managed by the Lions Club ofBrisbane Riverwood, the purpose of this project issupport further development of this research andtreatment into prostate cancer. The Research is beingcarried out at the Mater Medical Research Institute.Since its adoption as a Lions project the managingClub has received over $700,000 from Lions Clubs.Motion Carried.

PRM15: submitted by Lions Club of Lugarno thatthe “Early Intervention Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) Education and Therapy” Project continues asa Category “B” project for three years expiring on30th June, 2017. At present it is estimated that over12,000 children in Australia suffer from ASD, thatone in every 119 Australian Children; the focus ofthis project is to lobby governments. MotionCarried.

PRM16: submitted by Lions Club of Brisbane HollandPark that “Lions Australia Operation Smile” Projectcontinues as a Category “B” Project for three yearsexpiring 30th June, 2017. This assists children in the EastAsia area who suffer from either, cleft palate and severecraniofacial deformities. The project raises approximately$50,000 each year through voluntary donations fromLions, Lioness and Leo Clubs, all funds raised arecommitted solely to the provision and undertaking ofremedial surgical procedures. Motion Carried.

PRM17: submitted by Council of Governors that aProject namely “The Follow Your Dream Foundation –Australia” Project be adopted as a Category “B” project

for a period of three years expiring 30th June, 2017. Thisnew project is managed by a Trust. It will support thewell-being, maintenance and encouragement of theyoung, the disadvantaged, the aged and needy in thecommunity. Motion Carried.

PRM18: submitted by Council of Governors that the“Lions Cakes Fundraising Activity” be approved for afurther four years expiring 30th June, 2018. The LionsCakes Program has operated for over 40 years and isrecognised nationally as a Lions initiative raising moneyfor charitable and humanitarian causes. Motion Carried.

PRM19: submitted by District 201V2 that “TheResolution relating to Multiple District Conventionadopted at the 53rd Multiple District Convention held inAdelaide in 2005 be rescinded”. This resolution moved inAdelaide was that all future Conventions be held over aperiod which included a weekend. Motion Lost.

PRM20: Withdrawn.PRM21: submitted by District 201Q3 that “Corporate

Membership” that this Multiple District requests theInternational Board of the International Association ofLions to consider, and if thought fit to introduce aclassification of Membership to be known as “CorporateMembership”. Motion Carried.

PRM22: submitted by Council of Governors “ProposedAmendment to the Definition of ‘Principal Focus’, theamended definition of ‘Principal Focus’ which wasadopted in Canberra should now read: “HumanitarianService, Disaster Relief, Sight, Medical Research, and theEncouragement of Youth”. Motion Carried.

PRM23: submitted by Lions Club of Nambucca Heads201N1 that “Multiple District requests that theInternational Board of the International Association ofLions Clubs consider and if thought fit, adopt andpromote as an International Project the Australian LionsYouth of the Year Project in a like manner to the existingYouth Exchange Project. Motion Carried.

PRM24: submitted by District 201N1 that “TheCouncil of Governors seek International support toreinstate the Information Booklet in New Members Kits.Motion Carried.

PRM25: submitted by Lions Club of Ultima District201V1-4 that the Multiple District Convention requeststhe International Board of the International Associationof Lions Clubs to seek the approval at the earliestconvenient International Convention to the amendment ofSection 4 of Article IV of the International Constitutionto the intent that it shall read as follows:

SLOGAN: shall be: Liberty, Intelligence, Or Nation’sService. Motion Carried.

PRM26: submitted by Council of Governors that“$100,000 in the International President PromotionFund be transferred to the Follow Your DreamFoundation”. Motion Carried.

PRM27: submitted by District 201T1 that “MD201Convention 2017 be held in Hobart”. Motion Carried.

Motion – That this Multiple District Conventionendorses the nomination of Council Chairman Eric Caterof New Zealand, for the position of International Directorof Constitutional Area 7. Motion Carried.

Notes – at the 2008 Darwin Convention it was decidedthat all Category “B” Projects would terminate at theTamworth Convention and only ten Projects would beapproved. As the number of Projects exceeded the tenrequired all motions approved were passed in on a ballotpaper.

PRM6 – PRM17 with the exception of PRM12(Letters to Father Christmas) were on the Ballot Paper.

At the declaration of the secret ballot for Category “B”Projects by CC Gary Parker, “Junior Public SpeakingProject” was eliminated as a Category “B” project.

Ivan Kayne OAMCabinet Secretary 201V5

Information from the Cab. Sec.Correspondence to: Cabinet Secretary Ivan Kayne OAM, 3 Leon Court, Donvale, Vic., 3111 (H) 03 9842 2701 (M) 0411 717 810 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Club Secretaries –OVER the past year I have noticed an improvement in the number of Clubs reporting Monthly Membership Reports (MMR), however, Activities Reporting is well down. Some Clubs are still not filling in their MyLCI returns, please endeavour to report your Club activities monthly, also correct any changes of addresses, etc., on the MyLCI website. If you make a change to anything on the MyLCI website please also advise the District. I would like to see all our records up to date and correct. Please note that MMR’s need to be reported each month even if your Club has no changes.Remember –IF YOU have a problem that I can assist you with, don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I will endeavour to solve your problem.

– Regards, Ivan Kayne


Please help our advertisers, they are Lions and would like your support

Escape Travel, The Glen Shopping CentreMarion Kassianou: Phone 1300 084 [email protected]

Proudly supporting Monash Lions Club

DG helping Noble Park-Keyborough Lions with their Greater Dandenong CouncilAutumn Day BBQ.

Leos make a difference to RCH AppealLeos make a difference to RCH Appeal

THE Monash South East Leos took partfor the eighth year in Royal Children’sHospital Good Friday Appeal. Theinclement weather did not daunt them.They had a number of their friends jointhem as well. It was great to see such acommitment to this cause.

Their day started as early as 8.30 am; theywere door knocking in the Berwick Area.

Special mention must be made of LeoJehan Fernando who organised the entireevent. He liaised with the Good FridayAppeal office and did all the routes etc.,necessary.

The Lions Club of South East BusinessWheelers Hill offers his mother Delani,who opened up her home for a second yearas the centre for this activity, a “specialthank you”.

Well done Leos. We are certain you madea significant contribution to the Appeal.

Lion Leonie NathanielszLions Club of South East BusinessWheelers Hill

Around and


PDG Robert and 2NDVDG Ann Eldridge seen atthe Dinner Dance at the MD Convention.

DG Chandra and Cabinet Secretary Ivan Kaynecelebrating each others talents???.

A bit of schmoozing going on here particularlywhen the big boss Barry Palmer is in town.

Lawrence Powney, President; DG Chandra; Peter Cooper, Fire RecoveryCoordinator who received a Geoff Callander Award for Black Friday BushFire Service; Murray Yates, Zone 1 Chairman. A $10,000 cheque from 201V5District Disaster Relief Trust was presented to Tallygaroopna Lions Club.

NEW MEMBERS: District Governor Alan and Members of Lions District 201 V5 have much pleasure in welcoming the following new Members to the District –

Page 5: See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July. A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating

Lions District 201 V5 newsLetter / District website: Http://201V5.Lions.org.Au/ JuLy 2014 pAge 5

KYABRAM’S Fifty-year Charter Anniversary was held on Saturday, 31st May, 2014. The function attended by 80 members, past members and guests who enjoyed an evening of reminiscing old times and meeting up with fellow Lions.IPDG Chandra was guest speaker and spoke of his life in an Indian orphanage before being given the opportunity to undertake tertiary studies with the help of a Lions scholarship.Shire of Campaspe Councillor Carol Howell also addressed the audience, thanking Kyabram Lions for all their achievements over the last 50 years, especially the facilities now on offer at Edis Park which is an ongoing Lions project.Special guests in widows of Charter members cut the anniversary cake with Vice President Russell Johnson, Mrs Margaret McCormick and Mrs Marjorie Thomson.– David Livsey, Kyabram Lions Club

Widows of Charter Members (no Charter Members alive today): Mrs Margaret McCormick, and right Mrs Marjorie Thomson cutting the

Anniversary Cake with Vice President Russell Johnson.

Kyabram’s Fifty-year Anniversary Dinner

Fifteen Past Presidents who attended the celebrations, some from the 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s and 2000’s.

Chairman’s CommentsWITH the Board’s total support, CEO Adam is busy planning a new initiative that will be known as Youth@Risk camps for 13 – 17 year olds. He estimates that this project will require funding of about $20,000, including the camp and follow – up of participants over a 12 month period.It’s something he is very passionate about, and in his usual way, is putting his money where his mouth is, and taking part in a gruelling triathlon later this year. For his efforts, he hopes to attract the necessary sponsorship to fund the first of what he hopes will become an ongoing Lions project of the camp. Further details will be communicated to all V based Lions Clubs in the near future. We hope that Clubs will financially support Adam’s efforts.

UpdateAn earthy chance to assist cancer researchHERE’S a chance to get a prize-winning rose at a greatly reduced price. Every Lion’s Rose we buy contributes to Childhood Cancer Research that has already made significant progress in treating cancer.Please place your orders directly to Treloar Roses. They make beautiful, lasting presents, brighten up our gardens and remind us of what Lions do. Treloar Roses will donate $1.00 from the sale of each rose to the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation.

– District 201 V5 Childhood Cancer Research Chairman [email protected] 0425 708732 – 9870 4046

Lions RosePrice (AUD): normally $19.95 now $13.70 order at http://www.treloarroses.com.au/index.php?route=product/product&path=131_141&product_id=2936Description Specification: (KORvandaber) – We cannot over emphasise the quality, health and flowering ability of this beautiful shrub from Kordes. The fully double

creamy white blooms open with a breath of apricot and are produced in clusters of 3-5. There is a slight, pleasing fragrance and the glossy foliage is highly resistant to black spot and mildew. Decorated with Gold and Silver medals in international rose competitions, this elegant variety will bring real pleasure to every garden. They grow to 1.2m tall.

Page 6: See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July. A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating

Lions District 201 V5 newsLetter / District website: Http://201V5.Lions.org.Au/ JuLy 2014 pAge 6

ANZI Pacific Forum in AdelaideDear District 201 V5 Lions,A couple of years ago, I attended the ANZI Pacific Forum in Queensland. It was a memorable experience. A major point of difference from Conventions is that the Forum is devoid of hierarchies and most formalities.

The Forum is an opportunity to meet Lions from our Constitutional Area, the International President and other significant Lions some of whom will present a range of interesting and informative sessions.

This year, there will also be sessions focussing on our own health: for example, ‘Your Health – Your Future’.

Being held in Adelaide, it invites us to explore the delights of one of our own cities. I would recommend that Lions in our District consider attending. It’s an excellent way to enrich the Lions experience. See adjoining articles.

Enquiries to Marguerite Cahoon [email protected] 0425 708 732


29 - 31 August 2014

FORUM GUIDEUse this guide to select the forums you wish to attend so that you can show them

on your Forum registration form.Please note that forums not shown on your registration form may be booked out and

unavailable to latecomers. Booking with registration ensures that you will have a seat.

SESSION 1Friday 29th

2.00pm - 3.15pm

SESSION 2Friday 29th

4.00pm - 5.00pm

SESSION 3Saturday 30th

9.00am - 10.00am

SESSION 4Saturday 30th

10.30am - 11.30am

SESSION 6 & 7Saturday 30th

1.45pm - 2.45pm3.15pm - 4.15pm

SESSION 8Sunday 31st

9.00am - 10.00am

SESSION 9Sunday 31st

10.30am - 11.30am




CC's & DG's


meets withPDGs





YOUR HEALTH - YOUR FUTURE. Part One & Two 1.45 - 2.45; Afternoon Tea 2.45 - 3.15; Part Three & Four 3.15 - 4.15











meets withDGE's








NEW BROOMS - NEW IDEASLions less than six years










The challenge of solving them


Become a Lions Mentor


SESSION 5Saturday 30th


PART ONEDr Carmine DePasquale


PART TWOProfessor Neil Pillar



PART FOURProfessor Peter Blamey


Forum not all work . . .THE Hilton Hotel is located in the centre of Adelaide; a parking station is immediately behind and above the Central Market, as there is minimal parking in the street. Free tram operates within the city boundaries and buses or trains go through the city at regular intervals. Thursday 28th August – Planned is the Ambrose Golf Day, tick the appropriate box on the registration form if interested and further details will be sent to you. Friday 29th August – We suggest you eat before the Opening Ceremony, as the market gets busy at lunchtime. The Adelaide Central Market is immediately behind the hotel and is open both Thursday and Friday, day and nights and is surrounded by many café’s.The Opening Ceremony begins at Noon it concludes at 1.30 – 1.40pm. Forums start at 2 pm and will conclude at 5 pm exact timings are on the “Forum Guide”.At 5.30 pm to 7 pm “Joe’s” Cocktail Party (where you can mingle with that International President Joe Preston and the Immediate Past President Barry Palmer or relax with friends) and will be held in the Gallery Level 1 (this is the central core of the Forum) after this you are free to dine as above or catch the free tram to Rundle Mall for Friday night shopping.

Saturday 30th August – Lunch will be Noon to 1.45 pm in the Ballroom.The Gala Banquet with entertainment is in Honour of the International President it will commence 7 pm for 7.30 pm.Sunday 31st August – The Closing Ceremony will commence at Noon including lunch and conclude by 2.30 pm.

Registration Form is available online at: www.lionsclubssydney.org.au/.../Registration5ANZI_2014.pdf

Friday Joe's Cocktail Party:



29 - 31 August 2014

Please complete a separate registration form for each Lion, Lioness or Leo and for partners who are attending any forums. Partners who are not attending forums do not need a separate form.

Lions Title:

Preferred First Name: Surname




Tick if partneris a separateregistration

Club Type: Club of



Mobile Number: Phone: email:Address:

City: Post code:Special

requirements:(dietary or other)


Saturday lunch:

Saturday Gala Banquet:

Sunday closing ceremony & Lunch:

self partnernumber for:

@ $35each

@ $40 each

@ $65 each

@ $40 each

total cost

Administration charge: (All registrants $100 except Leos $50)Forum pins: @ $8.50 each

TOTAL:Deduct any early bird deposit that you paid:


FORUM SESSIONSPlease mark one box only on each row with the forumsessions you wish to attend. Refer to the Forum Guide for session details & times.If filling in on your computer, you can only have oneentry on a line, but you can click any other box to change itSESSION NUMBER





6 & 789

PAYMENT I authorise $AU to be charged to my credit card. VISA MASTERCARDCARD No:



Send completed form to: REGISTRAR, ANZI Pacific Forum 2014,PO Box 1286, BLACKWOOD, South Australia, 5051OR (Credit card payment only) email to [email protected] DEPOSIT VERIFIED: REGISTRATION




office use only:

My cheque for $ payable to "ANZI 2014 Forum" is attached, OR

Years inLions:

Opening Ceremony:

Friday afternoon tea:Saturday morning tea:

Saturday afternoon tea:

Sunday morning tea:

Are you interested in playing in the golf Ambrose onThursday ? (International Perpetual Trophy to be won!) YES / NOIf you say "YES" we will send you full details and a separate golf registration form.


Page 7: See you 19th July at District Changeover · of copy and photos. Would you kindly note the deadline for August is Wed., 16th July. A NEW Lions year has arrived and we are anticipating

Lions District 201 V5 newsLetter / District website: Http://201V5.Lions.org.Au/ JuLy 2014 pAge 8


Minuteman Press Heathmont, 112 Canterbury Road, Heathmont, Vic. 3135 — Ph: (03) 9729 2466 Fax: (03) 9729 2477

D I S T R I C T 2 0 1 V 5


SATURDAY 19TH JULY 2014Dress Code: Gents Suit or Collar & Tie – Ladies Neat Casual

Venue: Clayton R.S.L, 163 Carnish Road, ClaytonTime: 6-30pm for 7.00pm

Cost: $25-00 per head: Drinks at Bar PricesR.S.V.P : 5th July 2014.

Your Lions awards maybe worn.

Return to Changeover Chairman PDG Glenda McLeod 41 Stonehaven Road, Tatura, VIC 3616 – with cheque payableto Lions Clubs International District 201V5 or Credit to Account:

BSB 033 065 Account No. 372316 referring your names.PH. 5824 1398 M. 0411 298 113

CLUB: ………………………………… Paid by Cheque / Direct Credit

Name/s: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DIETARY NEEDS……………………………………………………………….….…

All attending the Changeover “must” submit this form to the Chairman

D I S T R I C T 2 0 1 V 5



(Please Circle one)

OUR weekend away had been in theplanning for many months, and as thetime drew near, we were expecting theworst. Dookie had had its wettest few daysin years (85mm in Dookie for the threedays prior to the weekend), and a reportfrom a very damp Warburton on the nightbefore we left did not sound promising.

The weather was in fact a very importantfactor for this particular weekend, as manyof us were intending to ride our bikes fromLilydale to Warburton on the Saturday, andthen weather permitting to ride fromWarburton back to Lilydale on the Sunday.

In all, thirty-two Dookie Lions andfriends set off on Saturday morning, 12thApril to drive to the Lilydale RailwayStation which is the starting point of theRail Trail to Warburton. Arriving inLilydale just after 11 am, we stepped out ofour cars, unloaded the bikes and set off innear perfect conditions. It was partly sunny,not too hot, not too cold and best of all itwas not windy.

This particular Rail Trail is exactly 40kmin length, and passes through some verybeautiful scenery. The recent rains hadreally freshened up the bush and many littlestreams were babbling along as they passedunder the trail.

Our first stop, at the 14km mark was for

lunch at the quaint ‘Carriage Café’. Somevery enterprising people have built the cafe,using an old-style railway carriage. It isright on the Rail Trail, and within the townof Seville.

Back on the bikes and on into theafternoon as we soaked up the spectacularscenery, which included the upper reachesof the Yarra River and some great mountainviews. The surface ishard packed gravel,and despite all therain, was inremarkably goodcondition.

At Warburton wewere all booked intothe ‘Alpine RetreatHotel’, a big oldrambling pub withabout 40 bedrooms,on the bank of the Yarra, which at this pointis a lovely mountain stream. Happy Hourwas enjoyed in the lounge as stories of theday unfolded. Many had not ridden 40kmbefore, so there was a lot to brag about. Wehad a dining room to ourselves for dinnerand then some good fun was had as eachperson told the group about their day. Wewere all pretty tired after quite a long day, somost turned in for an early night.

On Sunday morning we all gathered backin the dining room for breakfast, and righton 9.30, those of us that were riding back toLilydale set off. Only thirteen of the groupwere up to the return trip, the rest going offto enjoy the local scenery and a busySunday Market at Yarra Junction.

The ride back was enjoyed once again insunshine and virtually no wind. Most of us

pulled into the ‘Carriage Café’ for a coffeeon the return trip, and then it was off forthe remaining few kilometres into Lilydale.

As Lions, we work pretty hard within ourcommunity, so a weekend away like this is agreat way to relax and socialise. This tripwas extra special too as we had quite a lot ofnon-Lions with us and we all enjoyed eachothers’ company.

Peter McManus

Dookie Lions and Friends weekend at Warburton

bpA print group, 2 Mcintyre street, burwood 3125 ph: (03) 8831 2000 email: [email protected]

Lions Club of South Vermont

Saturday 30th August @ 8.30am Charlesworth Park

Cnr. Mullens & Livingstone Rds, South Vermont

Enquiries call Peter on 0415 300 749 www.southvermont.vic.lions.org.au

Wide variety of quality plants at great prices!

All proceeds support Lions Community Projects


LIONS Club of Nagambie and District members supported Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation by holding the Biggest BBQ in Nagambie on 26th April.Lions Australia has been supporting childhood cancer at least as far back as 1976 – they formalised their support for childhood cancer research over 17 years ago establishing the Lions Cord Blood and Childhood Cancer Research Appeal.Since then Lions has raised in excess of $7 million for childhood cancer research. The establishment of the Lions Australia Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF) has taken Lions commitment to focus on achieving 100% survival for kids with cancer to a new level.Just over 700 children are diagnosed with childhood cancer each year in Australia. Tragically, three of those children will lose their battle with cancer every week. Medical research is the key to finding a cure for childhood cancer and ultimately putting an end to this heart breaking situation.Nagambie Lions members cooked many sausages outside Nagambie’s Burgess IGA supermarket all-day, and raised the goodly sum of $338.00. The Lions Club of Nagambie and District Inc. is only a small Club, but very active in its community. In June at their Changeover Function they celebrated their tenth year since they were chartered in 2004.

– Diane Grant

Nagambie Lions support Australian Lions Children’s Childhood Cancer Research

L-r: nagambie Lion president Marlene brew, glenn walsh, Lion Lois Keall, Dale walsh, Lions Lyn tanner, cheryl Mensfield, coral paterson, seymour Lion Liz Johnson, nagambie Lion Margaret gieschen, Lion David Keall, nina Xuereb, Frank staples, and iris staples seated one of the club’s original members in 2003.


TRIVIA NIGHTSaturday 16th August

come along for trivia, silent Auction, games and

Lots of Fun

Chelsea Yacht Club Kelvin Grove, Chelsea

7.00 for 7.30 p.m.$25.00 per couple or $15.00 per head

byo Food, Drinks at bar pricestea and coffee supplied

contact: evelyn sainsbury (president) 9786 1873 or

glynis bailey (treasurer) 9776 2804

[email protected]

payments: chelsea District Lions club inc bsb: 033180 Account: 144837
