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Seed Invest, Automated Investment Advice App Positioning ... · Seed Invest, Automated Investment...

Date post: 26-Jun-2020
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Seed Invest, Automated Investment Advice App Positioning Statement For mass market or affluent consumers who need objective financial advice at an affordable price , Seed Invest is a mobile app that provides free tailored investment advice . Unlike existing services provided by banks or brokerages, our product is 100% tailored to the needs of the individual and does not push sales into expensive financial products. Detailed Persona of Mark the millenial young professional Mark is a millenial who is interested in stock market investments. Mark is a white collar professional and draws an annual income that puts him in the top quartile among his peers. While Mark would like to invest his money in the stock market, he does not have the time to do so. He has some knowledge about stocks investment but have no desire to be a pure DIY investor. Mark had explored talking to a financial advisor or bank relationship manager but they seem to be focused more on selling him investment products rather than giving him the best investment advice. It does not help that these people charge high fees that Mark does not feel is worth the money. Mark is looking for a solution that will provide him recommendations on investing in the stock market at a reasonable fee. It will be great if he can be updated regularly on his portfolio and be educated on the latest news and events that impact his portfolio.
Page 1: Seed Invest, Automated Investment Advice App Positioning ... · Seed Invest, Automated Investment Advice App Positioning Statement For mass market or affluent consumers who need objective

SeedInvest,AutomatedInvestmentAdviceAppPositioningStatementFormassmarketoraffluentconsumerswhoneedobjectivefinancialadviceatanaffordableprice,SeedInvestisamobileappthatprovidesfreetailoredinvestmentadvice.Unlikeexistingservicesprovidedbybanksorbrokerages,ourproductis100%tailoredtotheneedsoftheindividualanddoesnotpushsalesintoexpensivefinancialproducts.DetailedPersonaofMarkthemillenialyoungprofessionalMark is a millenial who is interested in stock market investments. Mark is a white collar professional and draws an annual income that puts him in the top quartile among his peers. While Mark would like to invest his money in the stock market, he does not have the time to do so. He has some knowledge about stocks investment but have no desire to be a pure DIY investor. Mark had explored talking to a financial advisor or bank relationship manager but they seem to be focused more on selling him investment products rather than giving him the best investment advice. It does not help that these people charge high fees that Mark does not feel is worth the money.

Mark is looking for a solution that will provide him recommendations on investing in the stock market at a reasonable fee. It will be great if he can be updated regularly on his portfolio and be educated on the latest news and events that impact his portfolio.

Page 2: Seed Invest, Automated Investment Advice App Positioning ... · Seed Invest, Automated Investment Advice App Positioning Statement For mass market or affluent consumers who need objective

Thinks Marklikesinvestingforthemaingoalofcapitalgrowthand


Sees Markgetsmostofhisnewsandknowledgeaboutinvestingfromonlinearticles.Likemostmillenials,hedoesn’treadthephysicalnewspapersandreliesonwebsitesandsocialmediachannelssuchasFacebooktogetnewsaboutpersonalfinanceandinvesting.Markalsogetsrecommendationsfrompeerswhenevertheydiscusssuchtopicsoveragathering.

Feels Markknowstheimportanceofsavingsandinvestment.Besideswantingtosaveforbigticketitems,Markalsowantsaninvestmentportfoliothatcanprovidefundingintheeventofarainyday.Markhassomeknowledgeofinvestmentbutfeelshedoesnothaveenoughknowledgetomakeaneducateddecision.WhileMarkispreparedtotakerisks,readingaboutstockmarketplungesandinvestmentlossesscareshim.

Does Markisconstantlyonhisphone.Tasksheperformsonhisphonearereplyingemails,sendingtextmessages,readingnews,browsingsocialmediaandplayingsomegames.Markhasabusylifestyleduetohisheavyworkload.Thephoneservesashisprimarycomputingdeviceoutsideofhislaptopthatisusedmainlyforwork.

ProblemScenario+ValuePropositionProblemScenarios CurrentAlternatives ValuePropositionMarkneedsaffordableinvestmentadvicethatis100%tailoredtohis



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ChildStory TestCasesIneedtoinformthesystemwhatmyinvestmentgoalsandrisktoleranceare



