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Seeker magazine 2014 term 4

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1 SEEKER 1,2,3,4... High Five! Survive the Apocalypse! What you really need to know #HELP Can a hastag really save the world? Interviews with YOUR 2015 Captains MEMES! For the last time this year Even Disney would be proud
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1,2,3,4...High Five!

Survive the Apocalypse!What you really

need to know

#HELPCan a hastag really

save the world?Interviews with YOUR 2015 Captains

MEMES!For the last time

this year

Even Disney would be proud

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editor’s note

AngieEditor 2014

This edition, The Seeker celebrates our first anniversary since our inaugural edition in Term 4, 2013. Since then, we’ve doubled our content, team members and number of memes since our very first publication. I couldn’t be prouder of everyone who’s worked hard to make this happen, in particular our Year 12 girls who will be leaving the Team once they graduate at the end of this year. Expressions of gratitude are therefore, 100% in order. Rosie, juggling your captaincy, school work and extra curricula commitments inspires me to no end. Your consistency and commitment to this magazine has been more than I could ever have hoped for despite everything you already do. Thank you. Ellen, your unique take on issues lights up The Seeker every time. Your bespectacled enthusiasm and bubbly personality has gotten me though the most stressful times when I’m trying to put this blasted publication together. I have been so grateful for your support and energy. Thank you. Holly, my respect for your talent and article writing is something I can’t justly express in this amount of space. You never failed to contribute to every edition while you’ve been integral in establishing a clear direction for our Arts and Entertainment section. Thank you. And last but not least, Nikki. Our time together was short and sweet. You supported The Seeker from the start and brought a fresh perspective when you joined this semester. Amiable, supportive and beautiful, your presence on the team was worth every second. Thank you. So, what do hashtags, public speaking and apocalypses all have in common? I don’t know either, but email me if you find out. Check out pages 12, 18 and 16 respectively to discover more. The end of the year is the perfect time to watch a movie or catch up on those shows everyone’s been talking about. See pages 22 and 24 to find out more. And if your feeling a bit nostalgic, flick to page 27 to see The Seeker’s wrap up of 2014. A final thank you goes to you, the reader. On behalf of The Seeker Team, we hope you’ve enjoyed reading every edition this year as much as we enjoyed making it. Just like the Year 12’s, bigger and better things await us next year.

Until next time,

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cover story Meet Your 2015 Captains Thought you knew them? Think again!

school Social Scene A special Year 12 feature Year 10 Social The styles, spray tans and more culture and lifestyle Fem and So Not Fem A beginner’s guide to feminism #Hashtivism Can a hastag really save the world? Left is the New Right You’ve got to hand it them Surive the Apocalypse! You never know.... Public Speaking Pointers Be scared of speeches no more! Calling All Castles! The best and awesome ones


arts and entertainment BBC Shows You Need to Watch Benedict Cumberbatch; nuf said Movie Reviews Spend your holidays wisely 2014 Rewind Flashback to the year that was

memes and competitions Memes For the last time this year!













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Many of you may not have had the chance to meet and get to know our amazing college captains for our school’s 50th year. You may have seen them making awesome speeches about Thankyou Water or kicking butt on the badminton field, performing in the St Clare’s and Eddies musicals, spreading justice socially through the Social Justice Committee, leading World Challenge fundraisers, singing like an angel at the SCC talent shows or with the Youth Ministry Team, or heard their laugh in the corridors or seen them playing rugby like a gun on the footy field. Can you guess who these lovely ladies are?

By Ashleigh Watson

Meet Your 2015CAPTAINS

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Why did you want to be College Captain?I’ve always enjoyed helping and getting to know others. College Captain has given me an opportunity to do both while encouraging others to do the same. Most of all, whether it be discovering how to organize large scale events or conversing with the male species, any skills I am to learn are what I look forward to most.

Is there a particular leader who inspires you or you identify with?My nerdy answer would be UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. It’s hard not to be inspired by someone who is incredibly intelligent, modest and diplomatic under pressure. My not-so-nerdy answer would be Katniss Everdeen. Having to lead whilst feeling vulnerable is something I identify with very much.

What’s the best SCC pun or joke you’ve ever heard?For real, I would’ve joked about having double maths once a cycle, but it probably wouldn’t be rational…

What is something you’d like all St Clare’s girls to know about you?If you see me dancing in the corridors for no reason, please feel free to join in!

2015 College Captain: Angie Lu

Why did you want to be Arts and Culture captain?Since year 7 I’ve always been really involved in the arts through the chorale and musicals. I loved these activities and developed a passion for the arts! I wanted to give back to the school in some way and thought that Arts and Culture Captain would be the best way.

What’s your favourite Broadway musical?I loved Mary Poppins, but I would definitely have to go with The Lion King!

Eddie’s or Marist?How controversial…haha! Um they are both great schools… but I’d have to go with Marist ;) (Sorry, don’t mean to offend!)

Where in the world would you travel to if you had a free ticket?I reckon I would go to Santorini in Greece. I have wanted to go there ever since I watched the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants – haha!

2015 Arts and Culture Captain: Laura McMahon

2015 Faith and Community Captain: Catalina Ringrose-Voase

Why did you want to be Faith and Community Captain?I wanted to be Faith and Community Captain because I thought it would be the best way for me to give back to the school community in a way that played to my strengths.

Who inspires you?Lots of people inspire me… It ranges from David Attenborough to Joan of Arc.

Hunger Games or Harry Potter?Harry Potter. Always.

If you could be principal of SCC for one day what would you do?I’d probably just chill on the teacher’s balcony!

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Why did you want to be Sports Captain?I’ve always loved watching and playing different sports and it’s a huge thing in my family! I wanted to make sport a major part of our college culture and I felt that being sports captain was an opportunity for me to make this happen.

What are your favourite sports?I enjoy all types of sport like touch football and hockey. Although, I’d have to say my favourite sports are those which really get the adrenaline pumping like Quidditch, curling and lawn bowls!

Of all Australian sportspeople, who would you most like to meet and why?Matthew Mitcham- Olympic Champion in Men’s Platform Diving. Diving is one of my favourite sports to watch and I’d love to know what it’s like to be a gold medallist – he’s also quite a funny lad so I think if I got the chance to meet him it’d be a pretty good time!

Do you think we will ever beat St Eddie’s in a charity netball match?The charity netball games will always be a tough competition but if we had a charity rugby game against St Eddie’s I reckon we would dominate on the field!

2015 Sports Captain: Vicki McCarthy

2015 Social Justice Captain: Catherine Langron

Why did you want to be Social Justice Captain?Because I’m passionate about Social Justice and have been inspired by some of the amazing Social Justice Captains we’ve had in the past.

Who has influenced you most in your life?Definitely my parents, I’m like them in so many ways.

What’s your favourite book?Harry Potter is the love of my life, but there is no way I could choose which one.

If you could change places with anyone in the world for one day, who would you choose?Probably Ellen DeGeneres. She’s so funny and lovely, and she has an awesome job, and she makes so many people happy in so many different ways! Though I wouldn’t pass up swapping with Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Watson.


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Social SCENE

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By Megan Braido

We all knew that social was approaching when the girls started online dress shopping three months

before the actual date. I have to admit that I found myself in the eye of the fashion storm. One thing I know is that every girl has a story about their dress. I however, find my story to be quite different from the norm.

Starting at 9am, my dad and I found ourselves in one of Sydney’s major and massive shopping centres. My dad and I had already walked through a five story shopping centre. We made it to the second centre and walked through over 500 shops before I found a dress. It was as though there were rays of sunshine surrounding it. It was the last one of the rack and it fit perfectly. I knew it was the one and when I bought it, I felt amazing.

But the story doesn’t end there. I walked out of the shop and looked over the balcony to the lower floors and saw that X-Factor contestants were performing. After recieving a photo and a few autographs with the boy band Younger Than Yesterday, I also received a few selfies. Long story short, buying a simple social dress lead to an adventurous, crazy filled shopping day that I will remember for years to come.

When the day of the social came upon us, girls of all years started playing the game ‘spot the orange spray tan’. Period 6 couldn’t come soon enough when we were to get our tickets. Girls squealed when we heard a knock on the door and Ms Cupitt greeted us with tickets. As soon as the bell went, girls rushed out to the long line of waiting cars to go home and get ready. 6:30pm rolled around the corner too quickly and it was time to arrive at school. Walking down into the cafeteria was like Cinderella descending a crystal staircase whether that be in flats or heels. There are stories that won’t be forgotten like how some Eddies boys attempted crowd surfing almost taking a girl out in the process (talk about murder on the dance floor!), wig and candle worshipping in the middle of a dance circle, and everyone jumping up on stage to dance to one of the last songs.

Overall, the night was filled with lots of dancing, eating and socialising. The aftermath left more than a few with bruises on their feet and blisters to match. Year 10s extend a huge thank you to everyone involved; the night wouldn’t have been as amazing as it was without your contribution.

The mystery wig that ended up on the dancefloor!

A personal reccount

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Culture and Lifestyle

Fem and Not So FemA beginner’s guide to what is and

isn’t feminist by Clementine Wraith and Katelyn Tsipiras

FEMINIST: Emma Watson's UN Speech

So, you may be wondering, “Who is this Harry Potter girl and what is she doing at the UN?”. Emma Watson's inspiring speech launched the United Nations' #HeforShe campaign which invites all men to stand up for women's rights. Search #HeForShe or check out the website here.

NOT FEMINIST: Nerf Rebelle

At what point in time did we decide that making something ‘feminine’ means pink, sparkly and half the size of the boy’s toys? For example…Nerf Mega Thunderbow: Fires 5 bullets 24 metres!Nerf Rebelle Heartbreaker Bow: Does it send secret messages bullets or something? Is it lighter for women’s arms?

FEMINIST: Jennifer Lawrence

This star has garnered a lot of attention for combatting body image archetypes and smashing every stereotype of ‘female Hollywood star’ known to humankind. She is one of many Hollywood stars to stand up for the negative portrayal of Hollywood women joined by Ellen Page, Patrick Stewart (click here to hear him speak) and the always wonderful Tina Fey.

NOT FEMINIST: The Hunger Games Books

Watch as a strong female defending her family transforms into a whingey teenager who thinks more about Peeta or Gale than saving Panem. Heroines hailed as feminist icons in YA fiction such as The Hunger Games, Divergent or Beautiful Creatures, do absolutely nothing to challenge stereotypes of teenage-girls.

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There are many excellent authors and journalists who discuss the struggle for equality. Some of our favourites include Hanna Rosin, Clementine Ford, Roxane Gay, Peggy Orenstein and Rabia Siddique.

NOT FEMINIST: All About That Bass

Despite its catchy tune and bubblegum pink appeal, Meghan Trainor’s All About that Bass is a classic example of female-perpetuated misogyny disguised as positive messages. The lyrics, instead of assuring all women they are inherently beautiful, assures one group of women that they, because of their size, are more loved by men than women with other body types. So not only does is this insulting one group to reassure another, but places male validation of personal appearance at the centre of this message to young women. Yet it continues to be a chart topper.

FEMINIST: The Burka Avenger!

The Burka Avenger is a Pakistani children’s TV show about an inspirational school teacher named Jiya who transforms into a burka-clad ninja by night. With her identity concealed, she battles evil, like polio and the men who want to stop girls going to school. Jiya joins the ranks of many other female Muslim superheroes, including Kamala Kahn (alias Ms Marvel) from the Avengers and Sooraya Qadir (alias Dust) from the X-Men, among others. These female heroes empower girls internationally and, most importantly, help break down damaging stereotypes of Muslim women.

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Can a hastag really save the world?by Lottie Twyford

Society today is changing at a rapid rate. Gone are the days of getting the news every morning from the newspaper or even at 6pm every evening on the telly. Today when we want news, we want to know it when it happens. Much like the famed Veruca Salt, “we want it now”. Social media has become the news source for millions across the world. Recently, a trend has emerged of promoting charities and social issues through the use of a hashtag known as ‘hashtag activism’, or ‘hashtivism’. Once a numerical symbol, it is now described as a “powerful tool to save the world.” A current example of social media being used to share news and to promote issues is with the #BringBackOurGirls campaign. There is little dispute that after the 2.1 million tweets with this hashtag attached that the world is now more aware of the plight of the abducted Nigerian school girls. Through the efforts of the online campaign the world feels an extremely strong sense of empathy and solidarity for the girls and their struggles.

Celebrities such as Cara Delevingne, Michelle Obama and even UK Prime Minister David Cameron have all jumped on the hashtivism bandwagon by posting pictures with the message #BringBackOurGirls written across them in May this year. So, it’s not just

the usual suspects who are promoting causes through social media. Well educated, influential people are taking part in these campaigns.

In 2012 we were assaulted with constant media coverage of the KONY 2012 campaign. KONY was arguably the fastest growing viral social media campaign of all time which generated 3.7 million pledges and prompted international rallies attended by thousands. But without a solution, two years down the track the name KONY is followed by “Oh, I forgot about that guy” or the slow remembrance of the director’s naked, public meltdown and not whether justice was actually served.

Critics of the campaigns believe that the hashtag makes no difference at all. Acclaimed screenwriter Shonda Rhimes said that the hashtag is nothing more than “something pretty on Twitter.” She also says that “a hashtag is not a movement. It’s you, sitting on your butt, typing on your computer.” Even those who agree with hashtivism would agree that in some cases, only in the moment that we retweeted or liked a photo did we feel any empathy towards the victims of each situation…and then we just kept on scrolling through our newsfeed without giving it another thought.

Can a hashtag really save

the world? Short answer? No. Long answer? Well, it depends on how you look at it...

Culture and Lifestyle

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In terms of tangible outcomes it’s been argued that the hashtag has no effect in the real world. It’s been dubbed “slacktivism”-using social media to declare your support for a social justice issue without really having to lift more than one finger to like or retweet. In an ideal world an issue coming to light would result in discussion and awareness, which arguably the hashtag does. But, it’s the next step; the taking of action and coming up with a solution that we seem to have a problem with. The problem is not the hashtag. It’s the fact that it is used in isolation with no other event to back it up.

But whether or not a hashtag or a bucket of ice water dropped on your head makes you a social rights activist doesn’t entirely matter. “A hashtag can at least start a conversation”, says Ramaa Mosley, who is credited with starting the #BringBackOurGirls movement, after she saw Nigerian lawyer Ibrahim M. Abdullahi tweeting the phrase. Even if it’s only done because everybody else is participating, it doesn’t mean it’s all for nothing.

Look at the #NoMakeupSelfie which raised more than $8 million for breast cancer. “The truth is people feel good about being part of a bigger community that does good outside their own lives. It’s as simple as that” (Roxana, The Cool House).

That being said though, the ice bucket challenge has now been done by absolutely everyone we know, maybe it’s time to move on to a new, slightly less cold challenge.

“A HASHTAG is not a movement. It’s you, sitting on your butt, typing on your computer.” - Shonda Rhimes

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WHY LEFTis right

by Catherine Langron

Left handers have had a reputation throughout history. The Oxford dictionary defines “left

handed” as meaning; cripples, defective, awkward and clumsy. In Russia, to be called a “left hander” is an insult and many artistic representations of the devil show him to be left handed. But are left handers really that bad?

There is much discussion among researchers about what causes someone to be left handed. The current theory, agreed upon by most researchers, is that a child’s handedness is influenced by the environment their mother is in whilst pregnant. Left handedness is thought to increase if the mother is in a stressful environment or experiences trauma during the pregnancy or childbirth.

But there are also a number of other theories about what causes a person to be left handed:

• The age of the mother (women who are over 40 at the time of a child’s birth are 128% more likely to have a left handed baby than a woman in her twenties.)

• Genes (though even identical twins who share 100% of DNA sometimes don’t share the same handedness)

• Gender (men are apparently 1.23 times more likely to be left handed than women)

• Modelling (children are thought to watch and imitate their parents’ behaviour)

Culture and Lifestyle

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Being a leftie is thought to be linked to many health issues

Left handers seem to be associated with a greater risk of a number of psychiatric and developmental disorders. While lefties make up only between 5% and 10% of the population, about 20% of people with schizophrenia are left handed. Links between left-handedness and dyslexia, ADHD and some mood disorders have also been reported in research studies. Being a leftie has also been linked to stutters and people being more prone to genetic disorders.

There are also a number of debatable aspects of left handedness related to health, including that lefties are:• More prone to migraines• More likely to be insomniacs• Better at multi- tasking• And have a lower life expectancy (with lefties apparently dying

as many as nine years earlier than righties)

According to estimates left handers make up 5 – 10% of the population and there are many interesting things you should know about them. Meanwhile, enjoy this gallery of famous lefties!

However, there are many advantages to being a leftie

• Lefties make especially good baseball players, tennis players, (almost 40% of the top tennis players are left handed) swimmers, boxers and fencers

• Left handed people adjust more easily to seeing underwater. While it’s not quite clear why this is so, scientists think it has something to do with a different part of the brain being dominant in left handed individuals

• They are better at 3D perception• Tests conducted by New York researchers found that there

were more left handed people with IQs over 140 than right handed people

Lefties are living in a world designed for right handed peopleThere are a lot of small, everyday inconveniences that left handed people have to deal with which would probably never even occur to a righty. Sometimes even left handers themselves don’t associate these issues with being left handed.

These can include:• Shaking hands with a non - dominant hand• Crossing paths or passing people on the street• Accidentally using the wrong plate/cup at the table• Putting a belt on upside down• Trouble opening or locking locks• Appliances or tools being difficult to use, as they are designed

by left handers (e.g. can openers, kitchen knives, cameras and watches)

• Writing on spiral bound notebooks

That’s right: Angelina Jolie

Bill Gates: left brained too?

Left handed but not least, Rafael Nadal

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4 Apocalypse Scenarios

(That You Might Survive)by Caitlyn Baljak

So after taking about a dozen tests to tell me how long I would survive an apocalypse (the answer is about a year, thanks for asking) I decided that I’d

inform my fellow survivors as to the challenges that may be faced in the future that are almost as difficult as writing a religion essay (almost).

Culture and Lifestyle

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1#Alien Invasion

If aliens do contact us, it’s probably not to ask if they can stay for a cup of tea (else they’d stay away #nointelligentlifefound). They’ll most likely be technologically superior in every way. This includes weaponry. If they did decide to conquer Earth (whether for minerals or chai lattes; whatever floats the mothership) they’d start at the urban centres and work their way out from there. But it’s ok, if Hollywood’s taught me anything; it’s that aliens only ever invade the USA.

TIPS: Watch and

read The Road in

preparation stock up

on fur coats and avoid

Parliament House (a

likely target).

TIPS: (More) fur coats,

hot chocolate and

ice-skates. Maybe a

greenhouse for vegies

might not be a bad idea

either (they’re only a few

hundred dollars on Ebay).

TIPS: All. The. Dettol.

*NOTE*Ebola is not going to kill us all. Check out this website if you don’t believe me

TIPS: Get chummy with your scouting knots, because the wilds of Tidbinbilla are about to become your BFF. Also, probably best to ditch the fluro; camouflage is of the upmost importance when you’re trying not to be experimented on, or be delicious.


The ultimate *pew* *pew*. Unleashing nuclear terror can have three main effects on human life (that means you). Firstly, you die instantly from the force of the blast. Secondly, you are close enough to the explosion’s vicinity to acquire radiation sickness and die a (not so) long, agonizing death. Thirdly, you are nowhere near any radioactive matter whatsoever, but unfortunately, the debris from the blast has reflected the sun’s warmth back into space and the Scrat has just tried to burry an acorn in your snow-filled backyard (as if Canberra’s weather wasn’t crazy enough).

3#Super Volcano

Mother Nature; be afraid. ‘But there are no active volcanoes in Australia’ I hear you say. While this may be true, it just so happens that we share an atmosphere with every other volcano on the planet; so here’s some food for thought. If a large, dormant volcano were to blow its top (say, Yellow Stone) then the global weather disruption would be insane. The ash released into the atmosphere would effectively block out the sun (you know, the one that makes plants grow?) and cool down the entire Earth; potentially causing another ice age.


Potentially the most likely apocalyptic event is that of a crazy infectious disease *cough* Ebola *cough* taking advantage of our weak human bodies and disposition to give sick people hugs. The most frightening aspect of this doomsday event is that people (and your own body) are the enemy. With advances in bio-technology, it’s possible that bio-terrorism could be on the cards (but unlikely). Even if an outbreak were to occur, it’s unlikely that a zombie-like event would occur; rather just a super intense version of the flu (that wipes out hundreds of millions of people).

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During my time as College Captain, I’ve done a fair amount of public speaking – it sort of comes with the territory. Since my first speech in front of the whole school at Year 12 2013 graduation, I’ve picked up a few tricks which have helped me iron out the nerves (to an extent). Feeling scared about it is totally natural; in fact around 75% of people in Australia suffer from some degree of glossophobia – a fear of public speaking. However, it is almost impossible to avoid. From English orals to weddings and birthdays, there comes a time when all of us will have to open our mouths in front of a crowd. Despite all my practice, I still shake, and feel nauseous before speeches. Below are a few of my methods to make myself at least appear more confident, mixed in with some general tips aimed at improving the calibre of your speeches.

by Rosie Georgelin

Learn your speech by practicing aloud, but alone. I find practicing in front of someone really puts me off – I spend too much time trying to gauge their reactions to my lame jokes than actually learning the words. Don’t practice through the whole speech. Stop on the bits that you are struggling with and repeat them. Now again. And again. Now one more time for duty watch. Excellent.

KEEP BREATHING. This is general life advice, however, it will help you to relax significantly, and taking deep breaths during your speech will force you to slow down. Every full stop should signal you to take a nice strong breath, with lots of exhale to remove excess CO2 from your lungs.

Speak s-l-o-w-l-y, clearly, and to the person in the back of the room. You’ve probably heard this a million times… because it is the most vital aspect of public speaking. Not only does this ensure that the audience hears you, and has time to understand you, but this also gives YOU time. The slower you talk, the longer your brain has to process words coming out your mouth. You can pause to look down at your page, memorize the next sentence, and continue speaking without looking like an idiot. Also, a loud voice = looking cool as a cucumber confident.

Speak as normally as possible. The language of your speeches should be significantly different to the language of your essays. You know why? Because there is no way you’re going to be able to remember sentences more complicated than the Gordian Knot. So speak as you normally do (although don’t go overboard with this – for your own good, please remove ‘like’, ‘um’ and ‘yeah’ from your vocabulary).


Culture and Lifestyle

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I’m an advocate for pages over palmcards. The number of times I have watched speeches where someone has fumbled, misplaced, or completely dropped a pile of plamcards thicker than a brick is disconcerting. However, this choice is totally subjective.

If you have a lectern, place your notes on it and use your hands to gesticulate as you would in normal speaking. Do not staple your pages, or do anything which would cause you to have to touch your notes during your speech. Try not to grip the sides of the lectern; the tension in your arms and shoulders will be obvious to the audience.

If you are without a lectern, it gets a bit tricky. You’ll have to hold your notes, which makes your shaking hands very apparent. I’ve done speeches with hands shaking so much I can’t read my notes. So here’s a tip. Hold your notes in one hand, around waist height (NOT in front of your face). Use your free hand to cup the note-holding hand. Ta-da, instant shake minimizer. Use the cupping hand to gesticulate when necessary.

Don’t imagine people in their underwear. I don’t care what you’ve heard before. The only thing that achieves is making you exceptionally uncomfortable and monopolizes your concentration, which should be focused solely on speaking legibly.

Don’t tell the audience you are nervous. By doing so, you have just made the audience’s first impression of you as a babbling nervous idiot. Make the first thing you do when you’re up the front of the audience is give them all a nice big smile. What better first impression could you make than that?

Don’t quote other people (except in assessed orals, of course). The reason you are speaking in front of a crowd is because people want to hear what you have to say. Not George Washington, or Oscar Wilde, or whoever else said some witticism you wish you’d said first.


Now go out there and pontificate like a pro!

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Calling All Castles!

We all love castles. Sand castles, jumping castles, the castle that heralds the start of a Disney film... As a self-declared castle addict I consider myself an authority on all things castle and I have decided to share my love with all of you. So here I have compiled a list of 9

of the most interesting and beautiful real-life castles from around the globe!

Neuschwanstein Castle – GermanyThis breathtaking castle is probably the most popular castle in the world. It’s the first image when you Google Image search “castle” and has even rumoured to have been the inspiration for Walt Disney’s iconic Cinderalla Castle. I was fortunate enough to visit here myself and can confirm this castle is as beautiful on the inside as the out.

Château de Pierrefonds – FranceThis beautiful château (French for castle) located just outside of Paris may look familiar. This castle was used as the set for the city of Camelot in the TV series Merlin (see page 23 for more). This castle’s classic medieval features ensured it slotted perfectly into the land of magic from the Arthurian legend.

By Nikki Kaylock

Culture and Lifestyle

Potala Palace – China Potala Palace can be described as simply jaw-dropping. Located in the Tibetan region of China, it was the previous residence of the Dalai Lama. This building is also incredibly old. Construction started in 641 but wasn’t completed for another 1000 years. Although not technically a “castle” this building was just too astounding for me not to include it on this list.

Kylemore Abbey – IrelandKylemore Abbey lies on the banks of Connemara Lake in Ireland. The picturesque Abbey is currently home to a group of Benedictine nuns who run a shop for the Abbey and even make their own chocolate! The Abbey is also surrounded by a lush Victorian Walled Garden that stays green all year thanks to the reliable Irish weather.

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Bran Castle – Romania Bran Castle has long been considered the historic home of Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula. Although this tale may be just a legend, this castle’s “haunted” reputation has brought millions of horror aficionados to the site over the years. Here’s the exciting news: the castle is currently on the market! So if anyone has a spare $135 million on hand, how does a St Clare’s Castle sound??

Castillo de Mendoza – SpainRemember the castle you always drew as a kid? Huge walls, four turrets with flags on top, crenelated battlements all the way around? Well, it exists. The Castillo de Mendoza in Spain is the embodiment of every Lego castle you made in Year 2 and although the surrounding Spanish landscape isn’t particularly inspiring, the castle itself is enough to get any fan of the Medieval era excited.

Bojnice Castle – SlovakiaBojnice Castle is a perfect fairytale castle; a lake edges one side of the beautiful castle with its cream walls and blue roof. The stunning location of the castle means it has been the set for countless fantasy films and it hosts many festivals such as the International Festival of Ghosts and Monsters (add that one to the bucket list!)

Himeji Castle – JapanWhen I picture a castle, this isn’t exactly what comes to mind, but I wish it would! Himeji Castle, nicknamed “White Heron Castle” is the most well preserved castle in Japan and is a truly beautiful example of Japanese architecture. Unfortunately, the castle is currently under repair, so we can’t run off to see it in the school holidays, but it is scheduled for reopening early next year!

Swallow’s Nest Castle – UkraineAlthough comparatively tiny, the Swallow’s Nest Castle in Ukraine is still spectacular. The castle is situated precariously on a cliff beside the Black Sea with parts actually hanging over the side of the cliff. This Neo Gothic castle is both a marvel of physics and beautiful in its own right.

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Because, it’s

Looking for a new TV show to watch? Well go no further than the BBC! Believe me the BBC will never let you down. Sometimes you might feel like your world is falling apart (*cough* Steven Moffat *cough*) but you will always come back for more. These are my personal favourite BBC shows; the famous Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin and Robin Hood. Only two of these shows are still running sadly, but you can never get bored of rewatching all of your favourite moments!

by CaitlinDavies

Robin Hood is (as you could probably guess) based on the legend of Robin Hood and his fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham. Over the three seasons of Robin Hood, there have been many (and I mean many,) fight scenes. Whether it be against the Sheriff, Guy of Gisborne, the Sheriff, and did I mention the Sheriff? Most of the fighting scenes are real, with little use of CGI; even Jonas Armstrong (Robin) can use a bow and arrow!

Favourite quote:“And yes, some of us may fall but our fight will live on in the minds of those that despise injustice, in the hearts of those that cherish freedom! You are the soul of England, standing firm against tyranny for a real future! Now ask yourself; is that not something worth fighting for?!” –Robin Hood

Sherlock is a retelling of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most famous works. These of course being the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Waston, with the twist of being set in 21st century London. Humour is a big part of Sherlock. These are a few of my favourites:

“Anderson, don’t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.” - Sherlock

“I always hear ‘punch me in the face’ when you’re speak-ing, but it’s usually subtext.” - Watson

“Listen, what I said before John, I meant it. I don’t have friends; I’ve just got one.”-Sherlock

Arts and Entertainment

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Merlin is loosely based off the Legends of King Arthur and Merlin. However, instead of Merlin being the old wise man he is in the legends, the show depicts him in early twenties and just beginning his adventure with Arthur. Once again, humour is a major part of BBC shows but the best bit of this show is Merlin and Arthur’s bickering!

“Arthur: You look like a startled stout!Merlin: Well at least I don’t look like a bone-idle toad. Let’s go!Arthur: You saying I look like a toad?Merlin: Yeah! And maybe one day you’ll transform into a handsome prince. Just magic’s outlawed so that’ll probably never happen. Come on lets go. (Turns to go)Arthur: Merlin! (Merlin turns back to Arthur) I’m the one who gives the orders remember!(gesters to himself)Merlin: Yeah!....You ready lets go(he walks off)”

Favourite Quote:“None of us can choose our destiny, Merlin. And none of us can escape it.” –The Great Dragon

Doctor Who follows the adventures of a time-travelling alien, called The Doctor, and his many companions. He travels across the universe and always ends up finding aliens who are causing trouble. The Doctor is currently in his twelfth incarnation and has been going on for 50 years. The show celebrated its 50th anniversary at the end of November last year.

Doctor Who has many monsters and aliens that The Doctor has to fight. These are my personal top three scariest.1. Weeping Angels- Weeping Angels are stone statues, but don’t mistake them for being nice; they can kill you with a touch. Remember not to blink! 2. The Silence – The Silence are alien creatures, who look a bit like the painting ‘The Scream’. The horrible thing is once you turn away from them you immediately forgotten that you’ve ever seen them. 3. The Daleks- The Daleks are one of the Doctor’s eldest enemies. The Daleks are created with an inability to percieve any emotion beyond hatred and have an implacable belief that they are the most superior creatures in the Universe.

Favourite Quote:“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.” –The Doctor

Hope this gives you more of an insight into the wonderful world of the BBC! Trust me, watching the BBC will be the best decision you have ever made. If you haven’t watched any of these shows before, I strongly suggest you do and if you already watch all of these then I commend you on your awesomeness! Allon-sy!

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Holiday Movie GuideHola! So we may not have had a stellar year of film

but there’s been a scattering of really good ones. Also, check out some of these movies now released on DVD!

by Chloe Aksenov and Holly Williams

The Fault in Our Stars

This amazingly soul touching and sad movie which was released in June and is still one of the most popular movies this year. A story about two teenagers who are battling cancer, this film is a solid 10\10. A box of Kleenex, chocolate and ice cream is recommended while watching this movie.

“It’s beautiful, bitter sweet, heart-breaking, perfectly executed … and the first film in my 28 years that has made me cry.” - Gemma Corder.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

This action filled movie came out at the end of last year to critical acclaim. The third movie in the series is also out now! Katniss and Peeta return with Katniss as the official “Mockingjay” and figurehead of the rebellion. Have a read of the books by Suzanne Collins to get a good overview of what the third and final movies will bring. Get excited guys!

“Unpredictable yet utterly dependable, thrilling yet stoic, Katniss Everdeen is a force of nature on screen, and a role that Jennifer Lawrence appears born to play.” – Ed Gibbs

Yet, we’re still just over a month until the end of the year and boy, is it going to pick up. Try and keep it together because there’s so much more to see over the holidays and go have a look at some of these

awesome recommendations.


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18th – AnnieIt won’t be such a hard knock life after you experience all the music, comedy and drama of such a beloved tale. Prepare for a good sing along!

26th – The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies The final chapter is almost here. With the trailer sitting at around 20 million views on YouTube, it’s clear this film is highly anticipated. Keep an eye out for pre screenings and join the crowds who will be lining up to see The Hobbit come to its epic conclusion, and certainly, it will not disappoint!

26th – Night at the Museum: Secret of the TombIt’s back. The second film was a bit bland but the entire cast is back and ready to bring some comedy. Need a really good reason to see this? It’s one of the 4 movies Robin Williams has left behind and everyone should make the effort to go see him in his element one last time.

26th – Big Hero 6 In a 2 minute trailer, Disney successfully made us giggle more than once. It’s described as an ‘action comedy adventure’ but you should go see it because it looks so darn cute.

In Cinema

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Arts and Entertainment

January and Beyond

8th – Into the Woods This has to be the single greatest team of actors, film crew and writers since Harry Potter. This film is going to knock our socks off with the acting and musical ability that will be showcased.

29th – The Theory of Everything This is the journey of Stephen Hawking’s life and love. Eddie Redmayne (Les Mis) and Felicity Jones come together to make us laugh, learn and cry. It’s going to be very moving and inspirational.

April 2nd – Fast and Furious 7Let’s not forget one of the best movie series of all time, Fast and Furious 7! Get keen guys, the soulful and quite sad action movie will arrive in cinemas next year! Woo!

Canberra Sunset Cinem


Head down to the Botanic Gardens

from the 14th November to the 20th

December with your family and friends

to see a range of old and brand new

movies from Dirty Dancing to The

Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1.

The set up is awesome and there will be

London Burgers, ice cream and popcorn

so you don’t go hungry. You can buy

tickets online in advance and even

purchase a comfy seat (alternately you

can bring some cushions). All info here.

Check it out and go enjoy your fave

movies outdoors!

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Looking back on the year that was


Malaysian Airlines To lose one plane may be regarded as

a misfortune. To lose two looks like carelessness #oscarwilde

brought to you by Katelyn and Angie

ACT Legalised Same Sex Marriage ….for a week

Boko Haram Good luck Jonathan

Scottish ReferendumAye; we’re still part of the UK

Ebola Coming soon to a hospital near you

ISIS “President Obama announced last Thursday night that the U.S. would

begin air strikes in Iraq. So in a way, it was the ultimate throwback

Thursday. “ –Seth Meyers

Ukraine/Crimea You only get out what you Putin

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Oscar Pistorius TrialDid justice prevail?

Sochi Winter Olympic Games Sochi actually has a subtropical climate

(just saying)

FIFA World CupDanke Brasilien, gutes Spiel!


Kate Middleton became pregnant for a 2nd time

Who Weekly knew before they did!

Weddings: Kimye, Brangelina, George ClooneyShame it took them so long. Now let’s talk

about the age gap …

Robin WilliamsRest in peace

Gough WhitlamMedicare, Aboriginal land rights and free university education; a true Aussie legend

Malala Yousafzai Youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner


Adam Goodes Australian of the Year


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Happy - PharrellSay Something - A Great Big World and Christina AguileraShe Looks So Perfect - 5 SOSGeronimo - SheppardSing - Ed SheeranQue Sera - Justice Crew

August - Now

We Are Done- The Madden BrothersOnly Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma FaithAll About That Bass - Meghan TrainorShake it Off - Taylor SwiftYou Ruin Me - The VeronicasThinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran


Eurovision Conchita Wurst

X Factor and The VoiceMarlisa and Anja

MasterChef and MKRBrent Owens and Bree and Jessica

House Rules and The BlockAdam and Lisa and Simon and Shannon


Lastly, while everyone expected a catastrophic Muck Up Day, Mrs Hawke, Mrs Harley, Mrs Goering and Mrs Banu were

expecting something far more life changing. Congratulations

and good luck!

Opening of the CanteenEntering for the first time

and realising you weren’t in McDonald’s…..

St Clare’s DayWalking in Winter Wonderland

All those fire drills….….and not one of them were real

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for you

Memes and Competitions

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YOUR TEAM 2014Angie Lu

Ash WatsonCaitlin DaviesCaitlyn Baljak

Catherine LangronChloe Aksenov

Clementine WraithEllen Davies

Holly WilliamsJacinta Evans

Katelyn TsipirasLizzie Crane

Lottie TwyfordMegan BraidoMegan PhippsNikki Kaylock

Rosie GeorgelinSarah Smyth
