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Seeking God’s Help - WalnutRidgeChurch.com

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FOR THE LEADER Seeking God’s Help Nehemiah 1–2 Nehemiah was an Israelite who served the king of Persia in one of the more important jobs of the day—cupbearer. e cupbearer was responsible for tasting the king’s food and drink. If the cupbearer did not die after consuming the king’s food and drink, the king knew that he would not be poisoned by eating and drinking. e person holding the cupbearer position was trusted completely by the king. One day, Nehemiah had a visitor from Jerusalem and took the opportunity to inquire of the city’s condition. After hearing of the deplorable conditions, Nehemiah prayed for four months. Nehemiah trusted that God would provide an opportunity for him to approach the king and find favor with him. ere had been no building at the temple in Jerusalem for 20 years because King Artaxerxes had commanded the rebuilding of the temple to be halted. Nehemiah, as a servant in the king’s court, would have known that. Nehemiah’s request would now require the king to reverse a previous decision. Later as Nehemiah attended the king, Artaxerxes noticed that Nehemiah was sad in the king’s presence, a crime in Persia punishable by death. Artaxerxes asked why Nehemiah was sad. Nehemiah, overcome with fear, poured out his sadness for the city of Jerusalem. When the king asked what Nehemiah needed, Nehemiah silently prayed for God’s help. Nehemiah then asked the king to allow Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem where he could help rebuild the city. Influenced by God, the king granted permission for Nehemiah to go. e king graciously agreed to send letters giving Nehemiah safe passage and timber from the king’s forest to rebuild the city walls and gates. ree days after Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he went out at night to survey the damage and prepare a plan to rebuild the wall. e officials of the land were agitated with the rebuilding, but Zerubbabel and other city leaders were ready and strengthened to complete the work. God heard Nehemiah’s prayer and answered it, and God hears our prayers. Session 3 22 Explore the Bible: Preschool Leader Guide © 2020 LifeWay
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Seeking God’s HelpNehemiah 1–2

Nehemiah was an Israelite who served the king of Persia in one of the more important jobs of the day—cupbearer. The cupbearer was responsible for tasting the king’s food and drink. If the cupbearer did not die after consuming the king’s food and drink, the king knew that he would not be poisoned by eating and drinking. The person holding the cupbearer position was trusted completely by the king.

One day, Nehemiah had a visitor from Jerusalem and took the opportunity to inquire of the city’s condition. After hearing of the deplorable conditions, Nehemiah prayed for four months. Nehemiah trusted that God would provide an opportunity for him to approach the king and find favor with him. There had been no building at the temple in Jerusalem for 20 years because King Artaxerxes had commanded the rebuilding of the temple to be halted. Nehemiah, as a servant in the king’s court, would have known that. Nehemiah’s request would now require the king to reverse a previous decision.

Later as Nehemiah attended the king, Artaxerxes noticed that Nehemiah was sad in the king’s presence, a crime in Persia punishable by death. Artaxerxes asked why Nehemiah was sad. Nehemiah, overcome with fear, poured out his sadness for the city of Jerusalem. When the king asked what Nehemiah needed, Nehemiah silently prayed for God’s help. Nehemiah then asked the king to allow Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem where he could help rebuild the city. Influenced by God, the king granted permission for Nehemiah to go.

The king graciously agreed to send letters giving Nehemiah safe passage and timber from the king’s forest to rebuild the city walls and gates. Three days after Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he went out at night to survey the damage and prepare a plan to rebuild the wall. The officials of the land were agitated with the rebuilding, but Zerubbabel and other city leaders were ready and strengthened to complete the work. God heard Nehemiah’s prayer and answered it, and God hears our prayers.

Session 3Session 3: Seeking God’s Help

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SESSION FOCUSTEXT TRUTHNehemiah prayed for God’s help.

BIBLE STORYNehemiah 1–2


CHRIST IN CONTEXTThe Book of Nehemiah tells how God used Nehemiah and the Israelites to rebuild and dedicate the walls of Jerusalem. God sent Jesus to rebuild the relationship between God and His people.

BIBLE SKILLS • Know there are two main parts of the Bible—the Old Testament

and the New Testament.• Open the Bible to a Bible book.


As preschoolers arrive, offer choices of self-guided activities that set the stage for Bible explorations.

FAMILY AT HOMEPrint this week’s devotional page (Enhanced CD) to give to families.

▸▸ Sort large buttons by color.

Tools: Bible opened to Psalm 54:2, large buttons, 4 clear plastic cups, marker (write single letters on cups to spell P-R-A-Y)

▸▸ After everyone has had an opportunity to do one or more arrival activities, direct preschoolers to Exploration Stations. (See next page.)

▸▸ Draw a picture of a place where you can pray.

Tools: Bible, crayons, copy paper

▸▸ Work mixed-up puzzles.

Tools: Bible; several wooden puzzles related to church, preschoolers, prayer; basket (put all the puzzle pieces in the basket)

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Nehemiah worked for the king. One day some men went to see Nehemiah. They told him the city of Jerusalem was in trouble. The walls had been broken down and the gates burned.

The news made Nehemiah very sad. He cried for many days. Then Nehemiah prayed all day and night.

Nehemiah said, “God, Your people have not obeyed You, but You promised long ago that you would forgive us and be with us. Please hear my prayer, God. Help me be brave when I talk to the king about this situation.”

Then Nehemiah went to the king.

Nehemiah looked sad, and the king asked why. Nehemiah was afraid to answer, but then he told the king how his city, Jerusalem, had been destroyed and the gates burned.

The king asked Nehemiah what he wanted from the king.

Before Nehemiah answered, he prayed to God again. Then Nehemiah said to the king, “Please send me to Jerusalem so I may help my people rebuild the gates and the walls of the city.”

The king listened to Nehemiah’s plan, then he sent Nehemiah to Jerusalem so that Nehemiah could begin the work.

Nehemiah knew God had heard his prayers.

TEXT TRUTHNehemiah prayed for God’s help.

BIBLE VERSE Psalm 54:2

LEADER TIP! Today’s story opens the door for conversation about prayer. Nehemiah prayed that God would help him be brave when he talked to the king. God hears us pray and ask for help.

BIBLE VERSEFrom the Bible text: God, hear my prayer; listen to the words from my mouth. Psalm 54:2

Paraphrase:God, hear my prayer and listen to the words. Psalm 54:2

LEADER TIPYou choose! Are your preschoolers ready to learn memory verses? Decide which wording of the Bible verse you want to use with your group.

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TOOLS• Bible• tape, black marker• 2 paper plates —one with

a happy face drawn on it and one with a sad face drawn on it (Attach wide craft sticks to the plates for handles.)

• 2 paper strips or wide pieces of ribbon for bookmarks

PACK ITEMS 3 Story Picture: Nehemiah’s

Prayer15 Bible Book Markers:

Nehemiah17 Bible Books Poster18 Bible Poster Add-ons:

Nehemiah35 June-July Bible Verses

LEADER TIPShow preschoolers where the Book of Nehemiah is located on the Bible Timelime for Kids.


GATHER• Show the happy and sad face plates. Ask preschoolers to name the

emotion that goes with each.

• Pass the happy face plate around the circle. Ask each child to name something that makes her happy. Pass the sad face around the circle. Ask children to name something that makes them sad.

HEAR THE BIBLE STORY• Say: “There are times when we are happy, and there are times when we

are sad. In our story today, we will learn about a man who was very sad. But the man asked God for help.”

• Open the Bible to the Book of Nehemiah. Invite a child to place the Nehemiah Poster Add-on (Pack) on the Bible Books Poster (Pack).

• Display the Story Picture (Pack) as you tell the Bible story in your words.

• Ask a few simple review questions about the story.

• Share: “Nehemiah was very sad when he heard about Jerusalem. He prayed for God’s help. God heard Nehemiah’s prayer and answered him.”

• Open the Bible to the verse marker at Psalm 54:2. Lead preschoolers to say the Bible verse together.

PRACTICE BIBLE SKILLS• Say: “The Bible is made up of two parts—the Old Testament and the

New Testament. The Old Testament is in the front of the Bible; the New Testament is in the back of the Bible.”

• Place a bookmark at the Book of Genesis and one at the Book of Matthew. Pass the Bible around and direct children to open the Bible to each bookmark. Say “Old Testament” when the Bible is opened to the first bookmark and “New Testament” when it is opened to the second.

PRAY• Thank God for listening to our prayers and helping us when we ask Him

to help us.

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TEXT TRUTH Nehemiah prayed for God’s help.

BIBLE STORYNehemiah’s PrayerNehemiah 1–2


PACK ITEMS 3 Story Picture: Nehemiah’s

Prayer24 Bible Letter Cards32 Book: Tell Me About the

Bible 35 June-July Bible Verses

LEADER TIP!Help preschoolers understand that prayer is more than just a blessing at a meal or a bedtime ritual. Teach children they can pray anywhere, anytime, about anything.


Set up at least three stations to provide choices of multisensory activities and movement for busy preschoolers.


Tools: Bible, poster board

with the title I Can Pray For

written at the top, tape, sticky

notes, washable markers

• Explain prayer to children.

Say: “Prayer is talking to

God. When we talk to God,

we are praying. God wants

us to pray. Nehemiah

prayed for God’s help.”

• Open the Bible to Psalm

54:2 and read the Bible

verse about praying.

• Ask each child to name

something or someone for

whom he can pray. Write

the response on a sticky

note. Tell the child to place

the note on the poster.

• Spend a few moments

saying simple sentence

prayers for the requests

on the poster. Then invite

children to use the markers

to decorate the poster.


Tools: Bibles, Book: Tell Me About the Bible (Pack), Bible Letter Cards (Pack), shallow pan holding shredded paper

• Hide the individual Bible Letter Cards in the paper. Invite a preschooler to search to find the cards.

• Read the letters on the cards, then lead one or two children to put the letters in order to form the word Bible.

• Read the book to boys and girls. Remind preschoolers that the Bible is God’s Word, and it is completely true. Ask children to name some things they learned about the Bible as they looked at the book.

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Tools: Bible, traffic cones or

shoeboxes, plastic hoop, tray,

basket, chair, table, masking

tape, Preschool Family Card

• Arrange the objects in one

area of the room. Use tape

to make directional arrows

pointing which way to go.

Put the Bible and Family

Card at the end of the path.

• Guide children to go

through, under, around,

and over obstacles. When

preschoolers reach the end,

show them the picture of

Nehemiah praying.

• Open the Bible to

Nehemiah 1 and tell

children about Nehemiah

going to the king.

Nehemiah was afraid, but

he prayed to God, and God

helped Nehemiah be brave.

• Comment that sometimes

fear gets in our way (like

the obstacles in the path).


Tools: Bible, Activity Page, June-July Bible Verses (Pack), white paper, pencil, crayons

• Show children the picture on the Activity Page. Comment that Nehemiah is praying. Say: “Nehemiah lifted his hands to pray. Let’s draw a picture of your hands to remind you to pray and talk to God.”

• Direct a child to place his hands on a paper. Pencil an outline of the child’s hands and write the Bible verse on the paper. Direct the child to use crayons to decorate the hand picture.

• Open the Bible to today’s verse marker. Say the verse and reference. Help children say the verse with you.

• Tell the Bible story as children draw.


Tools: Bible, Story Picture: Nehemiah’s Prayer (Pack), plastic cups (two per child) with a small hole poked in each cup bottom, string, scissors, stickers

• Display the Story Picture and ask children to tell what they see. Remark: “Nehemiah asked for God’s help. God heard Nehemiah’s prayer. God hears our prayers, too.”

• Give each child a set of cups and suggest he decorate the cups with stickers. Then thread the string through the bottoms of the cups. Tie a knot in the string inside each cup to hold it in place.

• Show children how to talk through one end of a cup while another child holds the other cup to her ear.

• Say: “Just like you can hear your friends talking, God hears us when we pray.” Read Psalm 54:2 aloud.

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OPTIONS1. Continue activities from

the first hour. (Kids learn through repetition.)

2. Try something different. Choose two or three new activities.

TEXT TRUTHNehemiah prayed for God’s help.

BIBLE STORYNehemiah’s PrayerNehemiah 1–2The Bible story is printed on the back of the Story Picture.

BIBLE VERSEGod, hear my prayer and listen to the words.Psalm 54:2

PACK ITEMS 3 Story Picture: Nehemiah’s



PASS A BALL & TALKTools: Bible, ball, upbeat worship music

• Invite children to sit in a circle. Open a Bible to Psalm 54:2. Read the verse to boys and girls and repeat the words together.

• Say: “Nehemiah prayed for God’s help. God listened to Nehemiah’s words. Just like Nehemiah prayed to God, we can pray to God. God hears our words when we pray.”

• Play music as preschoolers pass a ball around the circle. Stop the music. Ask the child holding the ball to name something she can pray for. Repeat, making sure each child has an opportunity to share a response.

MAKE A PAPER CHAINTools: Bible; colored paper strips (approximately 1-by-11 inches, several strips per child); Activity Page; tape; washable marker

• Prior to the session, write today’s Bible paraphrase on several strips of paper. (Each child needs at least one verse strip.)

• Open the Bible to Psalm 54:2. Read the verse to preschoolers. Show children the Activity Page picture and remark that Nehemiah prayed.

• Say: “Nehemiah asked for God’s help. God heard his words. God hears our words when we pray, too.”

• Invite a child to make a paper chain. Give him several paper strips and one Bible verse strip. Show the preschooler how to make a loop of paper and tape it. Then guide the child to loop more strips. Use a final strip to loop the ends together.

• Say: “The words on your verse strip are from the Bible.”

WALK & LISTENTools: Bible, Story Picture: Nehemiah’s Prayer (Pack)

• Take a few children on a walk through the church. Tell them to walk quietly and listen for people praying in classrooms. Say: “Nehemiah prayed and asked God to help him know what to say to the king.”

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LEADER TIPTell preschoolers they can explore God’s Word, the Bible, by themselves or with someone who can read it to them.

• When you return to the room, show the Story Picture and summarize the Bible story. Say: “People can talk to God at any time and anywhere.”

USE MAGNIFYING GLASSESTools: Bibles, sticky notes, 2 or 3 children’s magnifying glasses

• State: “The Bible is God’s Word. In it we read true stories about people like Ezra and Nehemiah.”

• Assist a child in opening a Bible to sticky notes placed at the Books of Nehemiah and Psalms. Give the preschooler a magnifying glass to look for words and numbers.

• Help the child find today’s Bible verse at Psalm 54:2. Say the verse with the child.

CIRCLE TIME GATHER• Sing the song “If You’re Happy

and You Know It” to get children’s attention and move to the circle.

• After the song, direct children to be seated. Pass the Story Picture (Pack) around the circle.

REVIEW THE BIBLE STORY• Say: “I love being happy.

Sometimes, though, I am sad. We can ask God to help us when we are sad. Nehemiah asked for God’s help.”

• Summarize the Bible story for the children.


• Say: “The Book of Nehemiah is in the Old Testament part of the Bible. The Old Testament tells about things that happened before Jesus was born.”

• Open the Bible to Psalm 54:2 and hold it. Direct preschoolers to stand and say today’s Bible verse together.

PRAY• Encourage children to repeat the

following prayer: Dear God, thank You for hearing my prayers. Thank You that I can ask You for help. Amen.

Look for printable Next Hour helps on the Preschool Enhanced CD.

DON’T FORGET! Give every child this week’s Activity Page and Preschool Family Card.

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