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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/776/16/16_selected... ·...

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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY - Common Bible: The Standard Version. London: Collins, 1973. Faulkner, William. A Fable. London: Chatto & Windus,1969. Graves Robert King Jesus. 6th ed London: Cassell. 1962. Jayakantan. Joseph Wept Trans. A.A.Hakim. Madras: The Christian Literature Society, 1974 Kazantzakis Ni kos. Chrtst Recrucrfied. Trans Jonathan Griffin. 1954. Rept 1-ondon. Faber and Faber, 1985. Lawrence. D H The Man Who Dred The Short Novels Vol I1 London. Hememann, 1956. Vljayan 0 V. Pravaaclrakante Vazhr r h e Prophet 's Wav] Kottayarn D.C. Books, 1994 - Adam. Karl. The Sprrrr of Catholrcrsm. Trans. Dom Just~n Mc Cann. New York. Image Books, 1935 Adler. J. Mortimer, ed. Great Books of the Western World. Chicago: Encyclopaedia lnc., 1952. Aldington. Richard. D H Lawrence - Selected Letters. 1950 Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978. Allport. W. Gordon. The Indrvldual and His Reltgron A Psychologrcal Interpretation. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1973. Arniot. DaniClw. and others. The Sources for the Life of Chnst. London: Bums & Oates, 1962.
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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY - Common Bible: The Standard Version. London: Collins, 1973.

Faulkner, William. A Fable. London: Chatto & Windus,1969.

Graves Robert King Jesus. 6th ed London: Cassell. 1962.

Jayakantan. Joseph Wept Trans. A.A.Hakim. Madras: The Christian

Literature Society, 1974

Kazantzakis Ni kos. Chrtst Recrucrfied. Trans Jonathan Griffin. 1954. Rept

1-ondon. Faber and Faber, 1985.

Lawrence. D H The Man Who Dred The Short Novels Vol I1 London.

Hememann, 1956.

Vljayan 0 V. Pravaaclrakante Vazhr r h e Prophet 's Wav] Kottayarn D.C.

Books, 1994 - Adam. Karl. The Sprrrr of Catholrcrsm. Trans. Dom Just~n Mc Cann. New

York. Image Books, 1935

Adler. J. Mortimer, ed. Great Books of the Western World. Chicago:

Encyclopaedia lnc., 1952.

Aldington. Richard. D H Lawrence - Selected Letters. 1950

Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

Allport. W. Gordon. The Indrvldual and His Reltgron A Psychologrcal

Interpretation. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1973.

Arniot. DaniClw. and others. The Sources for the Life of Chnst. London:

Bums & Oates, 1962.

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Anderson. Norman. Jesus Chrisr the W~tness of Hrsrory Illinois. lnter-

varsity Press. 1985

Andrews. W. T.. ed , Critics on D. H Lawrence. 197 1 2nd impression.

London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1976

Appan. K P 'The Writers Locale"[Ezhuthukarenre Desam]. Bhashaposhrnr

23rd ser 12 (2000): 5-7

--- Shohhrkkunnavarute Swrsesham. 1973. Rept, Kottayam: D. C.

Books, 1996

- -- Uththard.dhunrkatha Varthamd.navum Vamsriva/~.vum 1997. Rept.

Kottayam D C Rooks, 1998

AulCn. Gustaf Jesus m Contemporary Historrcal Research. Trans. Ingalil

13 Hjelm London 1976

Bahhtln. M M The Drologic Imagrnatron Four Essaj>s ed. Mlchael

Iiolqulst Trans Caryl and Michael Holquist Austin: Unlvers~ty of

Tcsas Prcss. 198 1

.-- Speech Genres and Other Lure Essays Ed Caryl Emerson and

M~chacl l+olquist Trans Vem W. McGee. Austin Unlverslty of

Texas Press, 1990

--- Problems ofDostoevsky's Poetrcs. Trans. R. W . Rotsel. USA: Ardis.


Baker. Carlos. "Cry Enoughl". Nuttons 7'h August 1954. 115-18

Barclay. William. The Mind of Jesus Eighth impression 1976. London: S C

M Press L T D, 1960.

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Barthes, Roland Image, -MUSIC -Text Trans Stephen Heath London

Fontanna, 1977.

Bassea. John., ed.. Wrlliam Faulkner the Crirical Herrtage. London

Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975

Beck. Warren "A Gigantic Faulkner Fable". Mrlwaukee Journal, August 1.


Bennett. Tony "Texts. Readers, Reading Formations". The Bullerin of the

Midwest Modern Lunguage Assocrolron. 16.1 ( 1983):3- 17.

Benton. William. The Annals of America Great Issues m Amerrcan Ll je A

Conspectus Vol I1 London Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. N.D.

Blrch. David Language. Lrterat ure and Crrtrcal Practrce: Ways of

Analysrng Texrs London Routledge, 1989.

B~rring. Singh Jagaroop The Holy Ghost A S t d y of the Novels of D H

Lawrence New Delh~ t4arrnan Publishing House. 1994.

Blair. Just~ce "Man's Survival Theme of Faulkner's 'Fable"'. Fort Worth

Slur- Telegram. August 1.1954. 7.

Ble~cher, Joseph. Contemporary Hermeneutics and Cr~t ique London:

Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.

Bloom et a]., Deconstruction and Critictsm. New York: Conttnuurn. 1979.

Blornherg. L C r a ~ g The H~s/or ica l Relrabrbty of the Gospels. U S.A. Inter - Varsity Press, 1987.

Blotner, L. Joseph. ed. Selected Letters of Wrlfwm Fatlkner New York.

Random House. 1977.

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Booth, C. Wayne. The Rhetoric of Fiction. 2nd ed 1961 Middlesex.

Pengun Books, 199 1

Bowie, Andrew. From Romantrcism to Crrtical Theory The Phrlosophy of

German Lrteroty Theory. London: Routledge. 1997.

Brett, Dorothy. Lawrence and Brett A Friendship London: Martin Secker.


Brewster. Earl and Achash. DHLawrence Reminrscences and

Correspondence London. Marttn Secker. 1934.

Brunnel. P~erre ed. Companrons to L~terary Myths, Heroes and Archetypes

London Routledge, 1996

Bultrnan. Rudolf Theologv of the New Testament Vol 1 London- SCM

Press, 197 1

Burrows. Mlllar. The Dead Sea Scrolls New York The Viking Press. 1956

C'amus. Albert The Rebel New York Random House. 1951

Cavttch. David D H Lawrence and the New world New York Oxford

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Caws. Peter. Sarrre. London. Routledge. 1979.

Ch~tctukulam. Tony "Chanthrarnurangunna Gurusagaram" Deeprka

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Coffee, Jessie M. Faulkner's Un-Chrrst lrke Chrlsrrans B~bltcal Allwions

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Colebrook, Claire New L~terary Historres New Historrclsm and

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Cowan, C James. D H Lawrence and the Trembl~ng Bakance. London:

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Cox. H Leland , ed . Gale Author Hand Book WrNlom Faulknec

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Cullman. Oscar The Chrrstofogy of the New Tes~ament. London SCM

Press. 1959

Dcrrida, J Wrrrrng and Drflerence Trans Alan Bass London. Routledge

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Il~lthey. W Selected Wrrrrngs Cambridge Carnbr~dge Un~versity Press.


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Books. 1960

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Dunn. D. G. James. The Evidence for Jesw. Philadelphia: The Westminister

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Durant, Will. Caesar and Chrrst. the Story of Civibsatlon. Part Ill. New

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Frazer. James George. The Golden Bough - A History of Myrh and Religron

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Graham, Alred Dorn. The Chrrst of Catholrcrsm A Medrtative Study. New

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Harmon. B Nolan. cd., The interpreters Blbfe. vol 7. Nashville: Abingdon

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