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Selected Works of Nandini Goel

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Here is a collection of works by Nandini Goel
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Selected Works of Nandini Goel 1 1 Know More about NandinI Goel at http://www.facebook.com/nandinigoel.india 2 Educate My Girl Program ~ http://www.educatemygirl.org
Page 1: Selected Works of Nandini Goel

Selected Works of

Nandini Goel


1 Know More about NandinI Goel at http://www.facebook.com/nandinigoel.india

2 Educate My Girl Program ~ http://www.educatemygirl.org

Page 2: Selected Works of Nandini Goel

Who governs the land is not important but people are?

I live in a Joint Family. Who governs my Joint Family?

Toda , I fi ished eadi g “o ial Histo of De a Ri ha d M Eato , a d I am surrounded by

numerous thoughts regarding the effects of quest of conquering.Having the hangover of this reading, I

developed some understanding about the tensions going on in the world and how they can be handled

which includes my understanding of this book.

Recently, there has been some serious tension going on in Hong Kong and in Ukraine. There is an

ongoing struggle for complete democracy or right to rule their own land in many parts of the world.

People in Hong Kong want to govern their own land but Chinese authority does not want to lose its

control over Hong Kong as it is a major financial hub. In Ukraine, people want Crimea back from Russia

as they claim it to be a part of Ukraine, but Russia argues that they did as per the wishes of the people of


Now, myself being from a land which was ruled by Colonial powers in yesteryears , the demand of

People in Hong Kong and Ukarains initially sounds OK to me, but then I look at it differently and try to

understand what was achieved in the past by the conquers, and what benefit it laid for the common

people of the land. I am also trying to search an answer for few questions like:

What do the People of the La d a t?

What do the e pe t f o the go e i g autho it ?

Do People of the La d get hat the a t afte the get the ight to self go e ?

Ho i po ta t is it fo people to get the ight to self go e ?

Is the t a sfe of po e a pe a e t solutio ?

These are questions which need serious attention. Reading the books about historical events provide my

answer today as inconclusive, but there are also thoughts which need a lot of conditioning. My serious

contemplation maybe too young and immature. One thing I am sure of, I have some thoughts about this

which I want to lay on the table today.

In my opinion what I understand, these territorial tugs create some long term and some immediate

effects on the people of the land. The conqueror gets some immediate benefits like the wealth of the

land, feel the taste of pride, fame and power, no more enemy neighbor, safety of border from

immediate threat, new trade routes for the people of the kingdom and an increase in military might.

There are some long term benefits like Trade Benefits (new trade routes/new markets), new culture

development, new scientific development, increase in trade, increase in revenue by increase in taxes

adding wealth to the treasury.

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But people are subjected to everlasting pain of loss of life and property is one of the biggest after effects

of war and agitation. There is an in-numerous number of examples, throughout the cultures, ages,

countries, regions that validates the fact that although the war or quest of conquering has brought

immediate or long term benefits to the conqueror and his society, but he was never able to enjoy the

fruits of his victory for a long period of time. There had been revolts and agitations against the victorious

party from time to time in spite of his win . The reason for me to write this article is to express my

concern about the culture of frequent agitation in our global society, and also, it is an effort to find an

alternate solutions to avoid war, conquering, violence for the peaceful existence of all the parties on a

given piece of land.

When there is a delusion of power, then the one who is ost affe ted is the o o a . I a olde time in India , there were frequent exchanges of power due to frequent invasions, in a very short

period of time, like 5 years or so, which immensely affected common people. People were not affected

only when a ruler from a different dynasty takes over the land but also when there is a war of

succession. Now let us study the example of the family of Queen Tarabai (Maratha Clan , India).

Tarabai wanted her son to be the next ruler and he also ruled for some time and made his own policies.

His nephew was in jail but when he came back he wanted to get to the throne. Some people who were

agai st Ta a ai’s so o spi ed ith he ephe to get hi the th o e. No , he the ephe took the throne, he made some policies hi h e e diffe e t f o the poli ies of “hi aji II Ta a ai’s “o .

I belong to a Hindu family, and Shivaji II ( Grand son of Shivaji) was a very famous leader of the Hindu

community. After some time, Shivaji came back to the throne and the policies were changed once again.

Well, this was a war of succession going on between two princes but did omeone think about the

common people and how there lives were affected?

Policies were made and were rejected, but no one cared about the life of common people. The people

would adjust themselves to the policies of the previous king and suddenly a new king would acquire the

throne and then the people would have to follow new policies proposed, or forced, by the new king.

Now there is a delusion of power going on Egypt where first the people removed Hossini Mubbarak and

brought Muslim Brotherhood and now they removed them and brought a new government. The people

supporting these three governments are fighting among themselves as provoked by their leaders. This

has brought destruction and hatred among different societies prevailing in Egypt. What about the

common people who are born on the land of Egypt by the virtue of their destiny and have a common

purpose to make their ends meet and support their family. The life of common man is affected by all this

frequent change of power.

I am not saying which government will be the best for the people of Egypt but all I am saying is that

whatever problem is going on in governance of Egypt they should solve it as soon as possible. Inducing

hatred and killing will never bring their families and society a peaceful existence. The world is closer

toda a d the e ill al a s e so e o u it to suppo t the eake so iet . I toda ’s ti e, e e society has to learn to coexist and bring measures for peaceful existence. The people in power have to

u de sta d this i po ta t thi g, the do ’t a t to ule, a e la d he e the e is o Hu a life, as

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all were dead during their accession.

Similarly, I read today about Hong Kong. The importa t thi g that I feel a e The people of Ho g Ko g . I opi io , toda it is i po ta t fo the go e e t of Ho g Ko g to i g poli ies that ill help the people of Hong Kong to live a Happy and Healthy lives and not show them the stick or

intimidate the . It is ot i po ta t at all Who go e s the La d. This is e e hat the agitato s ha e to understand , every non ruling group of people cannot not demand the change of government, and on

the other hand, it is the responsibility of the people in power to make sure that the policies are people


One thing I strongly believe and understand , which according to me is very important in the time when

exchange of information can be viral in just a click of a button, demand of abrupt change of power is not

the solution to the financial miseries of a society. Definitely change in policy and governance is required

to seek new ideas and application but that should happen more peacefully and with proper and peaceful

expression of mandate.

History has taught us that war and agitation only brings destruction, and once a person is dead he is of

no use. Yes, metaphorically he can insight agitation in may others but what will that bring? More killing,

more dead people, more member deficient families? Do we want this type of our life on this earth. Yes

people want to avenge themselves. Yes I do not have answers for the people who have had miseries

inflicted on them by some bad people or their enemy. My intention to write this article is not to seek an

answer for the solution for the wrong done to the people and how justice could be done, and I will

always feel pain for their loss, and I am not asking to ignore their pain or injustice done to the people.

The point this article want to focus, there is no good in frequent change of power, neither for the

conqueror nor for the people of the land. Instead a solution should be explored to make the governance

of people and society friendly. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the people to understand

that they should ask for better policies rather immediate change of government, they should ask for

equal representation in the government . As there is no guarantee that the new government will stand

up to their expectation. Also there are immense possibilities of backlash by the people who are not in


Ma the Pea e P e ail a d Hu a it shall e jo its “ojou o this Ea th. Na di i Goel 4

Peace to all,

Nandini Goel

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Meditating Eagle in the sky.

Watching the turmoil as it goes by

Waiting for peace and silence to cover the land.

Seeking serenity

to quench thy thirst and hunger

O’ thou isjudged.

Meditating Eagle in the sky

No power, No Reign seek

Yet screaming at the people thou see.

As a Mother of a teenager

Telling what is done

In the rage of anger or fun

O’ thou isjudged.

O’ Meditati g Eagle i the “k

thou no country, king or spy

No Victory , No vengeance seek

Yet Wise scruple and despise

O’ thou isjudged.

Need not Startled or delusion

The light made the eyes.

Never flex muscle or arm

Meditating Eagle in the sky

O’ Misjudged.

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Meditating Eagle in the sky.

Watching the turmoil as it goes by

Waiting for peace and silence to cover the land.

Seeking serenity

to quench thy thirst and hunger

O’ thou, isjudged f ie d.

-Nandini Goel

Epilogue ~

The Eagle’s spi it ep ese ts e e editati g soul hi h appea s e st o g o i g to the adia e it emits. He who never takes sides; One who is confined to his world and wishes peace for all; He who is

beyond any greed and just wants peace for all. One who wishes to live in silence and solidarity, yet

wants to help the one who is in need. And when he helps someone, he just wants that people should

not judge him to be on one side. Where as he is happy and eager to help someone on the other side

equally. As he just wants to help every soul on this earth to the best of his capacity. The Eagle , I truly

believe represents the same. The one to which I relate.

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Me and My God, Live Under Same Roof forever.

Today I was reading about the Yazidis and after my reading and contemplation , I firmly believe human

being is a born creative creature. This is apparent with existence of different gods and religions. Human

imagined/created different images of god through their vivid imaginations. It is like many painters who

were separated by distance were asked to paint on the same topic, i.e god.

They all painted god according to their understanding and imagination and painted the canvas with

colors of their choice making the poster look beautiful, serene, pleasant and colorful.

Every painting speaks about the inevitable existence of supernatural power that is god, many questions

about the interaction of human with his society and his family, many unanswered questions such as how

and who provided the food, shelter and wisdom to the first man in his community and how the same

knowledge was passed to the generations ahead were source of inspiration.

Every painting had a strong connection of an individual with his environment such as climate, weather,

geographic conditions, flora and fauna that had made strong influence on the artist while painting his

imagination on the canvas

It is clear the thing that attracted the human, adorned his god in his painting and the one that created

hassles in his daily life was disliked by his god.

It is clear the painter was the enlightened soul, who painted to educate the fellow beings of his

community, to bring peace, harmony and sense of joy in the life of the people of his community.

With the passage of time, this imagination and thought became the ritual and tradition of the

community, which were practiced by the people along with the daily chores.

I believe the acrimony started when each community was asked to describe the painting of their god

and in rage to outsmart the other community, the members of the community started disapproving the

painting from the other communities which created ego clashes, fights and later religious battles.

Today, no one is ready to accept and understand the painting that depicts the other image of god. It is

just the ego a d a iet to p o e o e’s pai ti g, the ost eautiful, is hat a i g the e otio s of the people in the communities. I wounder what an image would be if all the paintings are kept together in

a room. Would God be running from one canvas to the other with the change of my eye movement, just

changing the posture as if I am rolling my eyes over my flip book.

I do ’t ha e a a s e , eithe ha e a solutio ut e e ti e I hea a dis o d a d e s a out a killi g I wonder if there was ever a need to paint a God.

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Kavad Yatra in Northern India ~ Euphoria All Around

National Highway 58 filled with Kavarias For the past seven days National Highway 58 (NH 58) of India is

th o ged ith Millio s of Lo d “hi a’s Hi du de otees a i g pots filled with water from River Ganges

in Haridwar (In the state of Uttrakhand). The Holy water which they carry to their city temple is offered

to Shiva Linga with chanting of religious hymn and prayers , on the auspicious day of

Mahashivratri(this year on 26th July), covering a distance of almost 200 Km while performing this ritual.

The pilgrims who are known as Kavarias carry the pots filled with water on a bamboo pole known as

Kavad or Kanvar. The devotees carry these pots of water slung across their shoulders as they walk

towards their city temples. Kavarias are seen wearing saffron kurta, Tshirts and pyajama with a saffron

turban spreading saffron colour all over the highway.

Kavad Yatra 2014

The euphoria of the ritual is not only among the youth but could be clearly seen equally among the

women, elderly and even physically disabled Hindu devotees.

People in individual capacity , in groups can be seen dancing and walking around the highway. Some

group of devotees have designed beautiful Tabloids which depicts some part of mythological story from

the life of Lord Shiva. Use of Modern technology to beautify the tabloids with LED lights and a Music

system playing Bollywood songs , whose lyrics are altered for the occasion to encourage the fellow

devotees could be heard at regular interval of the trip.

Most of the people walk bare foot or wear Flipflops , under the scrotchy heat of sun on Concrete roads

besides the traffic chaos. It is needless to say that you get blisters and bruises when you walk bare foot

for such a long distance. It is an amazing fact that the devotees shed more sweat than the water in their

pot that they bring from River Ganges to their city temple. This surely depicts strong belief and

devotion of the pilgrims and illustrates human endurance.

An Interesting story was told to me by an old lady sitting at the temple , which I reconfirmed through my

research after going through the old literature. Well the story goes some thing like this : According to

the Hindu mythology during the Churning of the Ocean, The Poison appeared on the surface of the

ocean and started burning the whole world, The Sages, the gods and the demon prayed to the Lord

Shiva and asked for his help. Lord Shiva answered their prayer and to save the life on earth, drank entire

poiso i ediatel , Pa ati. The o so t of Lo d “hi a sa hi sippi g the poiso a d i ediatel rushed to his help. Fearing the consequences of the Poison, she immediately stopped the poison flowing

down by putting her finger on Lord Shiva throat. So the entire poison got accumulated at the neck

causing, the neck of Shiva, turn blue. I am sure Indian mythology had great understanding of Human

physiology and affects of chemicals on the human body *smile*. Although, he drank the poison but he

even had to suffer the heat that was created due to the poison in his body. To free him from this pain

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the sages pour water and milk on Shiva. Since then, this ritual is performed in Hindu temples and water

is poured over Shiva Linga.

It is believed that somewhere i the T eta Yuga a thousa d ea s ago , Ra a a the de o ki g of Lanka,(ardent devotee of Lord Shiva) who was killed by the King Ram of Ayodhya, which again forms

an important mythological story of Hindu religion offered water from a Kanvara and released Lord Shiva

from the negative energy of the poison. After that day this ritual of Kanvar or Kavad Yatra prevails in

Northern India.

Rud a A hishek is a othe su h itual. It is ased o the sa e sto as the Ka ad Yat a. We offe milk mixed with honey, water and Tulsi (Basil leaf) besides the chanting of Holy Hymn on Shiva Linga.

Although the ate offe ed to the god statue du i g Rud a A hishek is f o the de otees it

Strict rules and penance are observed during this holy ritual by the devotee. It is said that

devotees(Kavaria) cannot keep their pots of water on the ground on his way to his city temple. Usually a

devotee does not eat food offered by someone on his way and he even abstains himself from worldly


It is blissful to watch enthusiastic devotees during their Kavad Yatra at this time of the year, which has

filled entire NH58 with Euphoria and Happiness!

Reporting direct from the ground : on National Highway 58 ,near Delhi India


Nandini Goel

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#Stop Killing Children for a Piece of Land

Re e tl , the odies of Th ee I o e t Tee age Bo s ha e ee fou d i Is ael’s o upied la d ho e t issi g a fe da s a k. The Isla ist g oup, Ha as is a used fo this killi g. M hea t is sad a d

I want to talk about it.

I do ’t k o ho ould kill th ee tee age s. All I see is that the e is so u h hat ed i this o ld that people could take innocent lives for no reason. Even if someone wants to prove his point, would some

father or mother approve this act of violence? What was the reason for killing innocent teenagers? Now

as these teenagers are dead, did the killer get his vengeance or retribution, and after the killing, did the

killer get his justice?

Why is there so much hatred? I mean what is the need of it? It has been decades since Israel was

proclaimed an independent nation. OK, Let us hypothetically assume that if one of the group gains

control over the disputed land then what are you going to do with the people living there, are you going

to kill them or relocate them? What is the solution that one has for the millions of Lives living on that

land. Do you just want to remove people ( which includes Children, Women and the Old) just because

you think they have no right to live on that piece of land.

I know this is a e old p o le a d the li es of a fa ilies a e at stake. I do ’t k o ho a people would read my message and how many people would echo the same sentiments? The only wish I

have is to have a better understanding among the people of Israel and Palestine. I have always believed:

Whe hu a ei gs ha e a feeli g of elo gi g to a ds a ate ial, it is e ha d fo people to lea e thei lai o e it. I su h a situatio , the p a ti e of e u iatio has p o e good fo all.

After reading about the Arab-Israel conflict, I have realized that this problem has increased with the

passage of time. I am of firm belief that if a proper administration and perception is not created among

the people of Palestine and Israel, the situation may go worse.

It is high time that people in the region open their eyes and minds, and be thoughtful to the pain of


History has taught us that killing has never brought any good for the society. Either society faced

extinction or the offspring of that massacre has brought harsh environment for all who were involved. I

feel deep pain for the families of the deceased. It is a heinous crime inflicted on the mankind by the

killers of these teenagers.

I am very sad owing to the loss of young lives. My Heart is sad in grief and I pray for their souls to rest in


I am equally sad about the loss of Palestinian Life. I pray for the kids and people of Palestine who lost

their lives. I also stand for the innocent people of Palestine who were killed in response and retaliation,

killi g does ot justif killi g .

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Human life is worth far more than some materialistic desire and one should not try to gain out of this

misery. These are very short gains which leaves long lasting scars on human minds and souls.

The World, A Bottle filled with love and hate

The world is a mixture of two elements, love and hate (each having different colours) poured into a

t a spa e t glass ottle, he e the glass ottle sig ifies the f agile life .

When one pours love into this glass bottle, the amount of hate decreases and so does happens with the

hatred. So, if we spread the message of love among our fellow beings then we are pouring love into this

bottle of Life.

Ashoka (The Mauryan Prince, famous for renouncing the war and following the path of peace) was one

such example , where a human realized the importance of Peace and Love and spread the message to

other fellow beings. He built many temples, rest houses and spread the message of Dhamma(or Dharma

meaning Human Duty) in the world. He sent many missionaries (among which were his own children,his

son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra) to different parts of the world carrying the message of love

a d pea e a d ade a spe ial g oup of people alled Dha a Maha at as ho taught people a out teachings of Buddha and the importance of love and peace in the society.

Spreading the Message of Peace and Love has never gone in vain. This has been tried and tested many

times. So we all must try to spread the message of love in our daily life. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

describes love as the most powerful force.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said :

The e is o diffi ult that e ough lo e ill ot o ue ,

no disease that enough love will not heal,

no door that enough love will not open,

no gulf that enough love will not bridge,

no wall that enough love will not throw down,

no sin that enough love will not redeem.

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how great the mistake, sufficient

realization of love will resolve it all.

If only you could love e ough, ou ould e the happiest a d ost po e ful ei g i the o ld.

It is important to keep pouring love in that bottle of life to keep this world a happy and beautiful place

to live.

Many times human takes the path of hatred to seek his vengeance or some times to earn his living. It is

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important to those who are enlightened to share that hatred can never help a person to seek justice.

Similarly it is impossible to live a life with money earned by spreading hatred. Either the life will be short

or life would be unpleasant journey if the means are through the path of hatred. Gautama Buddha once

said, the two things that matter the most is :

1) How much you were loved and

2) How peacefully you lived your life

It is beyond my doubt that sometimes the amount of hatred in this world has surpassed the quantity of

love in it. It is then when people start killing and hurting others. But then at that time either we can fill

more hate to it or we can minimize it with peace.

As Ma ti Luthe Ki g J . o e said, Da k ess a ot d i e out da k ess, o l light a do that , so it is important that we should try to fill the world with the light of love, to remove the darkness of hatred .

One thing I am also sure, many a times, messenger of peace and love would be crushed by those who

want to spread hatred for their benefit. It is the duty of wise and strong to make sure that people who

profess love should be supported and protected. It is the law of nature that we have thorns in the same

plants to protect a beautiful flower blooming on the ramule of the same plant. The presence of thorn

does ’t sig ifies the agg essio ut it sig ifies the a a e ess of the atu e he e it p ote t its ello gesture from being ruined by some belligerent personality.

Therefore it is important that we should keep pouring love in this environment to keep the proportion

of love above the amount of hatred in our lives and society.

Peace and Love,

Nandini Goel

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Message to Boko Haram : Information about Western Education

After Abduction of more than 200 girls in a village in Nigeria by the Anti –Western Education group

Boko Ha a , It has e o e e i po ta t to dis uss a out otio s a d fa ts ega di g u h hated Western Education.

It is very important for all of us to discuss and comprehend to seek right solution to prevent and control

further damage to human life and property.

What is Western Education??

Let me explain you more, have you ever wondered that how did the people in one continent were able

to know about communities living in other continents. Have you ever wondered how the big ships and

Planes were made, How people today can use cars , buses and have better medical facilities? Well it all

happened very slowly but with a constant pace through out history. It was people with the higher skills

who made it possible through their observations and research, that we have these unique machines and


Now this information that lead to the advancement of technology and lifestyle is something that is

western education.To learn about those advancements is western education. Keeping in mind that these

education will in fact help their own community in the future.Let me explain you with an example, now

every one wants to use a car for transportation , now if tomorrow you want your car fixed in Africa , you

will not call a technician from India or Spain. similarly with medical advancements we are able to

diagnose many disease which were never known in the past , so a women who is a trained doctor can

help treat the women of her community in future if she is trained and taught properly in her life.

So,Western Education is compilation of all the research, knowledge and advancement that has been

made in the field of Science , technology, engineering , sociology and various other fields it is something

that can influence and help us to live a peaceful and comfortable life.

Western Education is not a religion and it does not promote a specific culture.

Well, People in most of the world want their children to learn and go through this process of learning

Now, It is true and rightfully perceived that western education started from the countries like America,

England and most of the English speaking nations to name a few but it is of significant importance to

note that these studies have roots in Arab and Asian world. for instance Al-Khwarizmi is still considered

as father of algebra which gave birth to modern algorithms, Study of Astronomy has roots in India where

Aryabhatta did immense research in his time.

Now, this education which enables children to do something new and create something innovative,

enables their young minds to question and than seek answers is the base of modern education system

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that prevails in institution all around the world.

I would not mind if people stop calling this mode of education a modern education system rather than

alli g it a Weste Edu atio s ste I a u de sta d that o e a ha e ese atio s o i g to thei regional and cultural differences.

My fellow humans in Nigeria, Killing and abduction of innocents would not solve the purpose. Let us all

sit down and work to bring peace in the society.

As mentioned in Al-Fatiha ( I st Chapter of Holy Quran), Allah is merciful and most compassionate.

So I request you in the name of Allah to let the girls go to their families , unharmed.

May the blessing of God and Allah be upon us.

Thank You.

You Tube Link : http://youtu.be/rsMoba0gl-w

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Book Review : The Silkworm (Cormoran Strike, #2) : By Robert Galbraith (Pen Name : J.K.Rowling)

With the reasonable amount of Suspense and the Unveiling of the Identity of the real

ulp it at the e d of the ook, I ould state this ook as o e of J.K. Ro li g’s good o ks.

Although, I o ’t e eal the a e of the u de e as I do ’t a t to e e titled, spoile . **laugh**

This o el is ’t a tuall a e i is e t of the g eat dete ti e sto ies of “he lo k Hol es “i A thu Conan Doyle, but you have quite a feel of Sherlock Holmes story in this novel.

I am also sure that the author was under constant pressure of the fact that her work might resemble to

some of the earlier detective characters and the stories published in the past, which is apparent in the


Ha i g said that, I do ’t ea that J.K Ro li g’s has at hed the e pe tise of “i A thur Conan Doyle.

Although I am very young, I also believe that it would have been better if J.K Rowling could have added

some more scientific nuances to her work. Her pedantic missed the knowledge of modern science,

innovation and dexterity.

I think the novel was quite straight forward and even Scotland Yard could have solved the mystery!!

But still I would rate the book 4/5 as it was good to read.

I lo e the a i hi h all the ste ies a e sol ed i this sto a d I e e felt f ighte ed at ti es do ’t

know why).

Although, Co o a “t ike as the p otago ist of the sto ut I liked Ro i ’s ha a te o e. Would love to read the next Cormoran Strike Novel in the row.


Nandini Goel

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We all need a little of Benjamin Franklin in our lives

Today I wish to d iscuss what should be taught in schools , at homes to the generat ion next. Interest ing

Today I am reading about Benjamin Franklin and I am inspi red by him . .

In my Opinion , we al l need a l i tt le of Benjamin Frankl in in our l ives.

We al l need to have a l i t t le knowledge and sense of science and other ski l ls l ike carpentry mason etc. His l i fe is one of the best examples of how one can be self reliant.

One can say Ben’Frankl in invented things for his own comfort.

For Instance: He had poor eyesight and needed glasses to see close and see things far away. He got t i red of changing his glasses and so he invented the Bifocal Glasses.

Simi lar ly He did the Kite Exper iment as he was scared about his house being burnt down in thunderstorm, he wanted a solut ion , and so he created a l ightn ing rod.

Another amazing qual i ty o f his personal i ty (Endurance and perseverance) , he never s topped work ing r ightful ly on some thing he bel ieved in , no matter what may be the condi t ions, this is clearly explained when he s tar ted using h is pseudonym “Mrs. Si lence Do Good” when he was not al lowed to work for a newspaper.This also proves that he neve r los t hope and tr ied harder to have his way through.

Benjamin Frankl in made Junto , A group of l ike minded people. Again This shows a remarkable t rai ts of his personal i ty ( Visionary , a philanthropist and his bel ief in Community Spir it ) .

A l though, Ini t ia l ly he belonged to a very humble fami ly but his his efforts and hard workmade him one of the r ichest and among most in f luent ial people of his t ime.

Benjamin Frankl in was an important f igure in def ining the American Ethos. His c lear and balanced thoughts were one that described the fundamentals of Amer ican Society.

He described the American Ethos as the marr iage of fol lowing va lues:

1) Pract ical Value of Thri f t 2) Hard Work 3) Education 4) Communi ty Spi r i t 5) Self Governing Inst i tut ion 6) Opposit ion to Authori tar ianism 7) W ith Scient i f ic and to lerant value of Enl ightenment .

Th is proves that his ideology played an important role in shaping American Society and Inst i tut ions. An Important fac t that “He helped Thomas Jefferson in edi t ing the Declaration of Independence” can never be ignored.

His vis ion and insight is one of the main reasons behind the st rong America we admire today. He was a real f i rst american and founding father of America and an inspira t ion to al l human beings. This was my opinion how we al l can achieve a bright future when we al l shal l br ing a l i t t le Benjamin Frankl in in our l ives.

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Wishing you al l a very Bright Future.

Bankys NYC vs. Vandalism

Hello Everyone!

Recently, I was walk ing down an underpass and s uddenly I not iced that the wal ls were painted with the messages. They were very much coherent to my eyes, but then I lost interest. What do you think the reason could be? I real ized that i f we shi f t that message and see the background which is the plain painted wal l , isn ’ t that an art?

A person was paid $500 to have this wal l painted for c leanl iness. Another person thought that there is no art in a plain wal l and so he sprayed some message on the wal l . I t ’s l ike someone didn’ t l ike the Mona Lisa and sprayed, “ I love you Hina” on her face.

The person who wrote this message had no respect for other’s work and he didn’ t real ize that no one wi l l pay attent ion to his work and some day the munic ipal department wi l l wash i t .

Now someone wrote, “ I love you Hina” on the wal l . I would l ike to ask him wi l l Hina keep watching th is message the whole day, doesn’t she has some other work to do. I am exasperated by such acts of vandal ism. Now we have to te l l these people, what they think is their r ight to expression, is in rea l i ty destruct ion of som eone’s work, in o ther words this is vandal ism.

What is the need of defacing the wal l? Can’ t you enjoy the tranqui l look of the wal l? I f you wi l l see th ings in an ins ipid manner you wi l l never be able to enjoy l i fe and wi l l move towards fai lure.

I f one wants to express i tsel f , now other mediums are avai lable l ike one can post i ts thoughts on a social networking si te . Maybe your graff i t i is a f ine work of ar t , but is i t r ight to vandal ize someone else work to exhibi t our sel f -expression? This we al l need to ask when we see such works. So for the benefi t of al l , le t us s top invading space and let everyone l ive in peace. May be, check on one’s emotion before disp laying such work, could be a solu t ion for this problem?

Mr. Banksy is a good ar t ist and let me a lso s ay I l ike his work and art . The medium, he chose to express h is thoughts , may be is improper. He could have bui l t a wal l on a ground and could have expressed his thoughts .

Let me expla in you with the help of an example: I have taken a picture of the presen t scenario of the wal ls of the underpass. (Refer Picture 1, 2)

And now take a look at the c lean painted wal ls , can you see a di f ference and don’ t you think that the clean painted wal ls are also a piece of ar t . (Refer Pic ture 3)

Now take a look at a pic ture with the shadow of Ti tanic, isn’ t that nature’s art? (Refer Picture 4) Now le t me cut out two f rames f rom the f i rs t photo:

In the f i rst frame(Refer Picture 5) you wi l l not ice that the branches of the tree are fa l l ing on the wal l , isn ’ t the view beauti ful but you didn’ t not ice i t , did you?

In the second f rame(Refer Picture 6) you wi l l not ice the grass growing between the creeks, isn’ t i t creat ive but you surely didn’ t not ice i t , did you?

Let’s enjoy the beauty of s impl ic i ty and let us not spoi l someone else work jus t to achieve what the Graff i t i art is ts cal l the r ight to expression.

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Thanks Nandini Goel

Re: Educate My Girl Project.( www.educatemygirl .org ) I wish to tel l you more about this project:

Th is project as the name suggest, educatemygir l : Is pr imari ly about educating/ training/(creat ing awareness) gi r ls. We wi l l not be providing books or money but we wi l l be discussing with gi r ls and t rain ing them about mental /emot ional /physical s trength requi red in their dai ly l i fe. Schools provide education which help gi r ls to choose a profess ion but they are unable to handle the pressure of work /society/family.

Our goal is to tra in g ir ls ( l i terate or i l l i terate) that th ey can make thei r l i fe worth for their family and society and can weave a happy l i fe .

Food/Clothes/Job depend on economic /social background but to handle the pressures is never looked upon. To provide food, c lothes, water , hygiene etc. you need to deal with larger area/ society as a whole. We wish to train and engage wi th indiv iduals .

Hope I can do my part for my wor ld.

Do regis ter wi th the websi te and attach the Facebook page with yours Hope you l ike my ef for ts. We eagerly await your opinion regard ing the a bove said.

Thanks and Regards Nandini Goel

Title: Trusting Companions: Every thorn needs a Rose. by Nandini Goel.

Once upon a t ime in a far away land there was a beautiful garden with all var iety of f lowers. Rose was admired the most and for this reason jasmine was jealous of her. One night,

Jasmine told the thorns on Rose plant, “You are not admired by anyone only the flower rose is admired” to plant a seed of doubt.

The thorn asked Jasmine, “So what should I do?” Jasmine Repl ied, “ Destroy the f lower and you wi l l be admired the most .” The thorn did as recommended and when the morning arr ived no one even looked at i t . The thorn real ized i ts mistake but now i t was too late .

Jasmine was admired the most now. At n ight Jasmine made fun of the thorn, “You fool , I am not your wel l wisher and see what you have done, you have destroyed your own beauty and what is a thorn without the beauti ful rose flower”

h t tp: / /www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcqW yyHlCDA

Peace for Al l

Nandini Goel

Page 19: Selected Works of Nandini Goel

Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin: Interpretat ion by a New Generat ion .

Namaste! (Hindu Greetings : I t means “I bow to God within you.”)

Recently, my f r iend int roduced me to a very famous song, “ Sta irway to Heaven” by Led Zeppel in. Whi le l is tening to the song and reading the lyr ics, I was fascinated by the song.

So I searched on the in ternet and looked for the meaning of the lyr ics and found di f ferent in terpretat ions of th is song avai lab le on di f ferent s i tes. I was not convinced as the song did sound di f ferent to me than the in terpretat ions I had found.

I am very young (ten) so I have no r ight to change the meaning of th is c lassic song. But I f i rmly be l ieve the true meaning of this song is one in which the poet bel ieved whi le wri t ing i t .

Below is my in terpretat ion of the lyr ics . I t should be noted that proof reading and edi t ing of the sentences were made by my fa ther and f r iend. But the content is my interpretat ion.

“There’s a lady who’s sure, al l that glit ters is gold, and she’s buying a stairway to heaven.”

She feels that heaven gl i t ters and hel l is dark. Every person on th is ear th wishes to reach heaven. So this Lady in the song would do every th ing which can earn her a place in heaven.

Referr ing the s tory by W il l iam Shakespeare where the phrase originated, “Al l that gl i t ters is not gold” in “The Merchant o f Venice.” This is the message Port ia’s fa ther wanted to give to everyone who opened the golden casket . Meaning that the people were lured by the r ichness of the gold and had forgot ten the ini t ia l reason to search the caskets, for Port ia’s hand. One should not forget h is aim in l i fe.

Bel ieving Robert Plant and Jimmy Page’s creat ivi ty, I s trongly bel ieve that they cleverly used this famous phrase to their benefi t .

”When she gets there she knows, i f the stores are all closed, With a word she can get what she came for.”

She knows when she reaches her dest inat ion (Heaven), even i f al l the stores are al l c losed, she st i l l wi l l get what she came for because of her go od deeds on earth .

“Ooh, ooh, and she’s buying a stairway to heaven. There’s a sign on the wall , but she wants to be sure, ’cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.”

Here the poet wants to tel l h is l is teners that everything has two meanings. Iron ical ly, I bel ieve this song, “Stai rway to Heaven” has two meanings.

“In a tree by the brook, there’s a songbird who sings, sometimes all of our though ts are misgiven.”

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Again, the poet wants to emphasize about the general apprehensions in people’s mind about one’s thought about “how to attain the path to heaven?”

People refrain from chari ty or good toward others as they fee l that i t wi l l not be counted.

“Ooh, it makes me wonder, ooh, i t makes me wonder. There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west, and my spiri t is crying for leaving.”

Here the poet uses “west” as a metaphor for sunset or toward s the end of his l i fe. He thinks about his future and thinks about his las t days when his soul would be crying to leave his body. Then the only th ing that wi l l help him to achieve heaven would be his past investments in good.

“In my thoughts I have seen, rings of smoke through the t rees, and the voices of those who stand looking.”

Again the poet wants to aff i rm that what he th inks is correct and even his inner voice and spi r i ts around him are showing him posi t ive s igns. The r ing of smoke represents a “ha lo” usual ly seen around holy spi r i ts l ike Buddha.

”Ooh, i t makes me wonder, ooh, i t really makes me wonder. And i t’s whispered that soon, i f we al l call the tune, then the piper will lead us to reason.”

Here “piper” f rom the s tory “Pied Piper” or “Paid Piper” gave the reason of k i l l ing the chi ldren when was not paid for his services.

Yes, to understand the tune of “Piper” that sooner or la ter we shal l a l l d ie so s tar t invest ing in good immediate ly.

“And a new day will dawn for those who stand long, and the forests will echo with laughter.”

I t wi l l be a new day for the people who can understand the above said and al l around them i t wi l l be happy and pos i t ive.

“If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, don’t be alarmed now, i t ’s just a spring clean for the May Queen.”

Here the poet is point ing towards something that is happening for good.

He uses c leaning the hedges to celebrate spring and a l i t t le gi r l wi th f lowers crowned as the Queen of May.

“Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run,

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there’s st i l l t ime to change the road you’re on.”

Here the poet is te l l ing about the opt ions that persis t in one’s l i fe.

Now this l ine clear ly indicates the poets understanding of the song and he c learly asks his l is tener to choose the r ight path, and i t makes me wonder…

“Your head is humming and it won’t go, in case you don’t know, the piper’s call ing you to join him.”

Here the poet wants you to decide as soon as possib le . The “piper” is about to reach to you and one’s end is f inal ly approaching.

“Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know, your stairway lies on the whispering wind.”

( I t ’s a sat i re .) Here the poet t r ies to tel l the l is teners, “Hey Lady, your thinking or wish is lying on the whispering wind” ***laugh***

“And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our soul.”

Here the poet t r ies to tel l the l is teners that we must invest in good during h is l i fet ime. He is point ing towards human ego or impression about himself which is bigger than the real i ty. Where he also thinks he is above everyone owing to his s trength.

“There walks a lady we al l know, who shines white l ight and wants to show, how everything sti l l turns to gold.”

Here the poet is te l l ing the l istener to fo l low the white l ight (good path) showing the promise of heaven.

”And if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last.”

Here the poet is saying: I f you l isten careful ly and i f you pay at tent ion, then you’ l l unders tand.

“When all is one and one is al l , to be a rock and not to roll .”

Here the poet is saying: I f you make this understanding as a part of your l i fe , then you wi l l be as sol id as a rock, you wi l l not need to go rol l ing (searching) for answers.

***A l i t t le play off of Rock -n-Rol l ***

“And she’s buying a stairway to heaven.”

Peace for al l , Nandini Goel

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After Delhi Rape Vict im: Teach Your boys to Respect women.

After the Rape Incident in Delhi . More than Anything Else India Needs to educate thei r k ids to avoid future Incidents l ike these. Every parent should share this to thei r k ids. I wi l l speak more later but f i rst play the Link Below : ht tp :/ /scratch.mi t .edu/projects /nandinigoel /3017433 Play i t a fter every movie , af ter every story, Every advert isement where you show Indian women in negative shades. From where these pervert men, Carry the image of the women, The medium that teaches these weak minds that character of a women is re lated to the clo thes she wears or by the t ime at which she t ravels outside her home.. P lay this l ink now….For the sake of Humanity. Play i t ! Peace For Al l . The Generat ion Hope.

Sorority… A Poem written by Nandini Goel

Looking Out of my Window

I saw the Woman’s P l ight I Asked Myself…

Why do man badger woman?

Can’t they balk th is d iscr iminat ion?

Or they’ve to Bal lyhoo l ike a bairn?

Can’t we have a badinage?

I Asked Myself

Why does man ca l l woman baloney?

Can’t there be peace between them?

Why do man uses woman on ly to l i f t h is ba le?

Can’t there be a ltru ism between both to showtheir respect for one another .

I asked myself

Why do men have bad not ions about female?

Can’t there be a ba lance between them?

Why do man has no answers when woman quest ions?

Can’t they balk baff l ing the woman?

And l ive in peace with them?

I asked myself

L ike the environment in which I l ive

I fee l b lessed…. I wish its everywhere

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Peace for a l l .


Gandhi’s Legacy is still alive

(Heroes never die! )

Mahatma Gandhi is the fa ther of our nat ion. We have read a lo t about him in books, but to understand his importance you should go to places l ike Dandi. A Week back I was in Dandi and I wasinspired when I learned about the works of Gandhi and how he accompl ished them with facing number of hardships. For al l he did, he inspire his people, he fought for thei r r ights.

Mahatma Gandhi completed the DandiMovement in 24 days on Apri l , 6 1930. He started his journey f rom Sabarmat i Ashram, Ahmadabad to the Shore of Dandi . This March wasn’ t an ordinary march al though anyone can pick up sal t and walk up to 20 km every day. However, his wasn’ t a superf luous act but the desperat ion to inspi re the people to f ight for the ir r ights and to tel l them that i t ’s senseless to pay tax for something on which no one has the r ight was commendable. The t ime when the World ‘s economy was down and Gandhi rea l ized i f you want to break someone’s backbone, hi t hisbank account .

To my understanding, Mahatma Gandhi wanted to ag i tate against the Colonia l Rule as he rea l ized that the foreigners were al ready under pressure due to the ir Economic Downfal l . Also, the Danger of War (W orld War 2 s tar ted in late 1930) was hovering over the ir heads.Mahatma Gandhi wanted nat ionwide Civi l Disobedience movement and he also got succeeded . Mahatma Gandhi took advantage of this weakness of the Colonial Rule in India and hurt them at the r ight place, a t the r ight t ime.

This Dandi Movement wasn’ t just for some sal t but was his ‘Desperation to see an Independent Nation’ and i t was his ‘Confidence to break the Confidence of the foreign rule’ . He wanted to weaken the sel f conf idence of the foreigners.

He a lso knew that the government would take act ions against h im and his fol lowers and then he wi l l be successful in br inging the movement to the not ice of ent i re nat ion and so making i t a mass movement.

He knew there would be vio lence by the Bri t ish and his movement would be scrut inized at every level . He was aware of the possibi l i t ies, his a ttempt would be mal igned in publ ic but his s incere attempt and his foresight got him the r ight resul ts for himsel f and his countrymen.

His main aim was to break the Colonial Rule and also to educate the People of Ind ia about the ir ignorance and a lso i t was s tep to br ing Indians more closely towards their sel f bel ie f and sel f rel iance.

Reading about Gandhi makes me feel that he wasn’ t sel f centered and he always thought for o thers . I t is very di f f icul t to understand why someone would ever march from Sabarmati to the seashore jus t for himself unless his love for his countrymen was infa l l ib le .

Mahatma Gandhi was commit ted to inspi re the people of India. He always put his countrymen before himsel f . He was locked behind bars so many t imes but st i l l h is sel f be l ief kept al ive. From Dandi, I gathered a wonderful understanding about l i fe and i t wa s that “Never let your Self Bel ief Die” . Not only he had st rong sel f be l ief but also he was a great vis ionary. Even before his Dandi Movement, he sent a let ter to Lord I rwin (Viceroy dur ing that t ime) to abol ish the Salt Act but his plea was unheard. He ha d no opt ion lef t and he planned the Dandi March.

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In L i fe , many a t imes we al l do things before thinking, but he had his st rong reasons behind each

and every decis ion.

I want every reader to Think: “ Isn’ t i t fool ish to walk and march rather than going in a bus or a car” but this was his phi losophy. He knew how to inspi re people, and to do that you have to do

something ext ra ord inary. He could have reached the shore of Dandi in a s ing le day, but he knew

that wouldn’ t make an impact on the minds of people an d his at tempt would have gone f rui t less.

This shows his s trength as a vis ionary.

I am inspi red from my t r ip to Dandi to do something wonderful for humani ty, for the people and al l

those who expect more from me. Mahatma Gandhi ’s love for his countrymen was apparent and I

also want to fee l the same love and respect for my country.

Dur ing this tr ip to Dandi , I fel t that Mahatma Gandhi wasn’ t a biased person who d i f ferent iated between rel igions. As during his march he s tayed in a Wora’s house (W ora is a Musl im community).

Th is inspired me to think about the wor ld as one. I t made me feel i f God didn’ t d i f ferent ia te

between rel igions. I f the creator of al l doesn’t d i f ferent iate between rel igions, then why do

humans? We have no r ight to d iscr iminate any human being on the bas is of his rel ig ion. I t was one

of Gandhi ’s main aims to un i te al l rel ig ions in India during those days of movement but somehow,

even today this goal hasn’ t been achieved.

Mahatma Gandhi had a great phi losophy and I bel ieve i f the governments aro und the worldadopts

his phi losophy, then the wor ld would be a safer place to l ive. Some Leaders after Gandhi such

as Mart in Luther King Jr . fol lowed the phi losophy of Gandhi and fol lowed the path which helped

King to at tain h is goal of reunit ing America as one, he lping him to demol ish the di f ference between

Blacks and Whites.

Gandhi ’s Ideas were always meaningful . He had a good descript ive rea son behind each and

every movement he took. I f this ph i losophy is adopted by the people, then the leve l o f c r ime would

automatical ly decrease because people would think before they act .

We do not expect the people in today’s wor ld to march for sal t f rom S abarmat i to Dandi, but we hope

that people might adopt Gandhi ’s v is ion, the one he had for every human of this earth . We want for every human being to l ive a serene l i fe. That he or she doesn’t start a f ight with the one who

disagrees with them. They must take an act ion which indi rect ly sets a message for

his opponent that i f you won’ t l is ten to me then I won’ t harm you but this is what I can do. This was Mahatma Gandhi ’s way of working. He wouldn’t raise his hand, but he would le t his dist ract -er know that he disagrees with them and he wi l l not let them have things thei r way.

Mahatma Gandhi had a spec ial inheri ted ski l l of control l ing his emotions. He won’t let h is emotions be out in publ ic. I wish I was also so pat ient. I wish I could gather such ski l l and be more p at ient


Dandi was a wonderful t r ip . I learned a lo t from i t . I learned about the mistakes I make and I also

understood with this t r ip how I can correct them wi th my pat ience. I am Inspi red to adopt the way

of Mahatma Gandhi someday in my l i fe. I know everyone cannot be Gandhi , but learning f rom his

goodness is not a bad idea, maybe because you get to learn about such vis ionar ies once in a l i fe

t ime.

This is what I learned f rom my tr ip to Dandi . I hope that my message might m ake a l i tt le impact

on the chi ldren of the world. These were the views I brought f rom the Land on which Gandhi


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Hope can help the world

Peace for al l .

Nandini Goel

Tears in Heaven: Looking at the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy through 10 Year Old’ s Eyes… ::: An Art ic le by Nandini Goel

I am 10 years o ld, not much o lder than those deceased in Sandy Hook E lementary Schoo l . Hear ing the

news of th is shootout , my heartgoes out for the fami l ies of the deceased.

”Educat ion is not about learning facts but to learn how to think”, sa id A lbert Einstein but now I ask myself ,Is i t safe to go to schoo l? Today, there was a shootout at Sandy Hook E lementary Schoo l , someday i t can happen inmy school too. How can we think and study if there is a scary thought in our minds. Today so many innocent chi ldren have lost thei r l ives but why?? Just because some unbalanced mind wanted to show h is importance. Maybe he didn’ t get love in his ch i ldhood or was bu l l ied around but that was not because of ch i ldren or maybe he was bu l l ied by some chi ldren but ch i ldren do not react because they are corrupt but it is what they are taught at their homes or what they see in their fami ly . A ch i ld ’s mind shapes or molds just l ike his or her parents or by the society where they l ive.

I don ’t know in how many homes wi l l today the song “Tears in Heaven” by Er ic C lapton ( l inkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxPj3GAYYZ0 ) wi l l be p layed repeatedly, just l ike my father

d id when my second s ister d ied of Leukemia. I can truly fee l the pain of the famil ies as I a lso faced the

loss of my newly born s ister . I can understand the parent ’s gr ief and I can te l l you those moments are

not good, those tears that fe l l f rom one’s eyes are too l ight and they keep rush ing out without any contro l . If you care and grow a p lant for years and sudden ly i t fal ls down, such a tragedy… The same gr ief I saw years back on my father ’s face I can imagine the same on those parents face those who lost

their innocent ch i ldren … Such a great Loss…

Whatever s tresses the ki l ler had st i l l he had no r ight to take the innocent l ives . Even if he just ify

h imself in front of humans, wi l l he be able to just ify himself in front of god… He has done an act for which he can never be forgiven, not by anyone… He is a cu lpr it of those innocent ch i ldren; he is a cu lpr it of a l l those parents who lost their ch i ldren’s l i fe and a l l those ch i ldren who lost their chi ldhood just by

going through th is pa inful episode of their l i fe .

Recent ly In an Art ic le I read that Pastor of the church was asked by the v ict ims parents , what d id their

ch i ld asked in their last moments? Th is news touched my heart . Oh! What can I say?? The same wait

that those parents were fee l ing to see their chi ldren the one I saw on my father ’s face when my s ister was in Intense Care Un it . “I am sorry for their loss”.

May the Innocent rest in peace and blossom l ike f lowers in the garden of Heaven….. Amen!!!

Peace to A l l

Nandini Goel

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Wars: The Humanity’ s Of fender………by Nandini Goel

How the Wor ld Abandoned in front of cruelty.

We never knew when we surrendered, abated and abol ished humanity. But by abrogat ing god’s ru le we torture each other But how’ l l you abscond in front of god. We weren ’t insane Just we chose the wrong path and lane. Let ’s not abo l ish the humanity. So in future we don’t need mistakes from h istory . . How can we do th is to ourse lves?

Life shou ld move l ike a peaceful caravan.

We can s tar t a f ight without any theory

When the law asks , do we have “a fort ior i ”?

We start a f ight Ad Inf in itum

When the law asks to abide

We start an argumentum

We start a war for inducement

This Infr ingement

Leads to losses which are inexpedient

How’ l l we fu lf i l l the losses?

It a l l wouldn’t have happened

I f we would have ca lmed our horses

We are dis tr ibut ing v io lence every hour

This is g iv ing bir th to cr iminals and juven i le offenders

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Let ’s abate this horrendous hoax

Rebui lt the earth into a peacefu l home

Peace For Al l

Nandini Goel

Food for thought….. Food for a l l .Poem by Nandini Goel

Each Morn ing when I wake up..

And read about the p l ight of ch i ldren..

Starving to Death!!

The "One" who are the same age as I am

I fee l angu ish and pain .

Why we both l ive two total ly d if ferent l ives

Why so much of Injust ice?

Why is so Dif ference?

Looking at the potato

Ly ing On my k itchen table

I ask myself " Is it so d if f icu lt to get for a meal?"

Even on my dining table

When I see some left over on my plate

I ask myself "How can I squander even a b it of food?"

When the wor ld is drowning in the f lood of starvat ion.

Food is the b ir th r ight of every human being

L ike no one owns the wor ld

No one owns the food..

I f a person buys food more than h is needs

Then that ’s rude!!

When the Mighty and the strong

Accumulates more then their needs

Yes they are strong and capable…

Even the god must be having s leepless n ights…

After watching his ch i ldren suffer ing for l i fe…

There is a point to remember…

They are the chaperons…

They have a duty to fu l l f i l l…. Its our schlep…. No matter If you don’t l ike

You have to car ry the food to the needy and the who le mankind.

So much land but st i l l not enough land…

So much land but not enough food…

So less popu lat ion but so many houses…

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So many people but not enough food…

Why is that so???

We have redundant houses, but not enough food…

Why is that so???

Instead of Crops I see bui ld ings of concrete…

Why is that so???

That the farmer doesn’t wants to be a farmer anymore…

Why is that so???

That the farmer wants to earn money by se l l ing his land and be a mil l ionare in a go…

I f we don’t have someone who grows…

I f we don’t have land on which we grow

Tel l me! How we’ l l surv ive???

I see so much pain and suffer ing

On the Streets and Everywhere..

Oh! Don’t remind me "Industr i l izat ion is imperat ive". . Is n ’t that to a l imit??…

What i f i t destroys the balance..

Wouldn’t It be sheer wastage….. Of this god’s Wonderfu l Present…..

I ’ve been hear ing news

About poverty everyday

Why is that so???

That even after Your contr ibut ion of mi l l ions and bi l l ions

We can’t feed al l…. Why is that so???

With such a b ig contr ibut ion

We st i l l have hunger a l ive…

May be more of our sweat and b lood is Needed…

To make the food suff ice…

So lets contr ibute for the sake of the mankind!!!

I can ’t susta in it anymore…

It ’s t ime we eradicate the starvat ion…

Lets get more sens it ive about i t

O! God help me to help my fe l low beings…

Thank You.

Nandini Goel .

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The Bath in Holy River Ganges in the Month of Kart ik

In the auspicious month ofKart ik also known as “Damodar Maas” of Hinducalendar. According to Lunar Hindu Calendar“Kart ik “ the 9 t h

month starts wi th the new moon.

Th is year i t was observed from 29t h

October to 28t h

November. I t is bel ieved that even the one who has sinned for ages can l ive l i fe in a pure way jus t by having a bath in the holy Ganges and performing few ri tuals during this month .

In the Hindu mythology, I t is bel ieved , In this month ofKart ik , the hol iest of al l . Having a bath in the holy Ganges during this month one can be pure again. I t is equal to the Kumbh in Pray ag which happens af ter 12 years .

Dur ing this Month,One should per form Bathing in Ganges and fasting and should l ive a chaste l ife , toachieve purity of his soul .

I t is also bel ieved that Reading Gita in this month is also very auspicious. Meditation during this month is also considered holy. I t is bel ieved that one should l ive serene l i fe dur ing this month.

To begin with one must calm himsel f and must not be vindict ive to anyone. Hindus al l over India observe this month as a self puri fying and soul conquering .

Now a day’s besides Indians, people f rom foreign land a lso amalgamate wi th these Indian Rituals. They also fol low these r i tua ls and t ry to attain peace and pur i ty for them sel f , during the month of spi r i tual i ty and ruminat ion.

Th is year I had the opportuni ty to have my f i rst Kar t ik bath, I saw people from al l walks of l i fe performing the r i tual , reading the Gi ta and other Hindu scripts a tRishikesh , by the Ganges. They were al l lean as Hindus and fol lowed the r i tuals .

Dur ing this month of Kart ik where high winters are approaching the land ,bathing in Open River is l i t t le di f f icul t for human body. I observed i t was not only the human but even the ent i re val ley turned serene and seemed as i f even the b irds and the r iver were meditat ing simul taneously.

Whi le bath ing in the Ganges I fel t the warmth of i t . Al though I was shivering, st i l l a sense of t ranqui l i ty approached me, which was cont inuously speaking to me and rel ieving me of a l l my past baggage that I wascarrying with me. Verses of Epic Gita and di f ferent k inds of r i tuals created symphony to my ears .

Ri tuals such as the marr iage of Goddess Tul si (Holy Bas i l Plant) with Ido l of Lord Vishnu created beauti ful al l iance of the Human wi th i ts Nature. I t was fun to be par t of th is ceremony.

People carr ied Ganges water with them to their homes, according to the Hindu Mythology Ganges water is considered to be the remover of al l s ins and very much sacred, keeping i t at one’s home , keeps away all evil eye .

I d id Surya Namaskar wi th my mother on the banks of r iver Ganges, which is also a ho ly th ing in Hindu Mythology. I t was wonderful to experience th ose moments .

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People with vu lnerable minds came out fresh and strong af ter bathing in Ganges. I t is bel ieved that i f they do so they wi l l surely succeed. I t is good to know about human bel iefs and i ts trys t with i ts surreal Environment.

I met some people there and I interacted wi th them and I real ized that everyone had come there in search of peace. They said that sain ts go and pray on the high mounta ins to attain peace but for them to take bath in the holy Ganges is one such effort to a ttain their peace.

Peace for all .

For the sake of the Weak & Helpless.....Poem by Nandini Goel

For the sake of the Weak & Helpless.....

We all are a part of this ravishing world

But sometimes it seems like this world is covetous

You pretend as if you care about the world

But that's just a travesty

Whenever you see a mendicant on the road

You call him a ravenous

Not only a pauper

But even the scavenger in your house

Is treated viciously

If you treat the impoverished so wickedly

Then you should be given no mercy and courtesy

Well if god gave you prudence

And a prosperous Life

Than why are you so critic

to the Impoverished

You should be a benign

And Succor them as a fellowmate

You should use your sagacity

To be genial to others

But you beguile someone.....

Shame on you...Shame on you.....

Thank You

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Lets Do It Today….written by Nandini Goel

Lets Do It Today….written by Nandini Goel

Let all disease cease today

Let all treacheries release today

Let the bourgeois go beyond today

Let every hand join and warble today

Let's Do it today!!!

Let the perfidious gain altruism today

Let the fascist turn to a eloquent today

Let the implorer live to competence today

Let every hand join and warble today

Let's Do it today!!!

Let every clandestine be in open today

Let the pugnacious be in peace today

Let the bigot be a foresighted today

Let every hand join and warble today

Let's Do it today!!!

Thank you

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The Wind Song............Written By: Nandini Goel.

The Wind Song............Written By: Nandini Goel.

With the breeze that swings

The Flame Pirroquete's

And Gently Scintillates

O! Lord "what a dance, what a dance".....

With the breeze that swings

The Leaves Jostle Dilatorily

The Windmill gyrates Tardily

The Birds Warbles Limply

O! Lord "what beauty, what a beauty".....

With the breeze that swings

The Fatigue relishes plenty

There the Alienated releases its acrimony

and the Skullduggery

Who Transformes smarmy.....

O! Lord what a moksha, "what a salvation of soul''.....

With the Breeze that Swings

Even the Callous becomes sentient eventually

The Cacophony becomes cipher very euphoniously

The breeze that swing makes the leaves sing

O! Lord what a Melody,what a Melody.....

Thank You

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The Village of my Dream........Article by Nandini Goel

The Village of My Dreams….by Nandini Goel

The Village of my dreams is still in my mind.

There are still many nuts to grind.

This Village of mine will be spiffing. My Village’s Citizen will be smarmy. We’ll Have to remove this skullduggery . There shouldn’t be violence in my village. I’ll have to vapid all their slovenly thoughts. No bias on the basis of Caste SystemAnd Untouchability.

Where the people will govern themselves through their strong “Panchayati Raj”. Where one will stand for other in times of need.

No one should be Illiterate in this village of mine. Peope in my village shall lead a peaceful and a

Healthy life. Good Education and Jobs should be the right of all. I want my village to

Be the best of all. I’ll not let my village’s citizen become spendthrift. So even if its

A famine or a flood my village will never lack funds. I’ll have to slog that is why

I’ve made this project. My village will have people of all religion and faith those who

All believe in the poem we heard during Indepedence Movement.

“Don’t Forget the days of blood” O! Friend

“ In the midst of your happiness remember to shed a tear for us” “The Hunter has torn every sing flower” “Do Plant a tree in desert garden” Dear Friend

“Having Fallen to bullets we slept in Jallianwallah Bagh” “Do light a lamp on this lovely grave” O! friend

“The blood of Hindus /Muslims/ Sikhs/Christian and all flow together today” “Do soak your robe in this river of blood “ Dear Friend

“Some rat in Jail while other lie in their grave” “Do shed a few tears for them” O! Friend !!!!

This poem was sung after Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre which inspires us to live in

Unison. Although Unity between Religion can’t be found in today’s World and we

often hear the news of crusades between Hindus and Muslims.

But I want the people of my village with this religious diversity, who will live in harmony.

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Thank you

Nandini Goel

Mangoes! Mangoes! Every Where................One of the Old Poem by Nandini Goel.

Short trip to Mango farm near Delhi on Saturday 1st May 2010.

New Poem. by Nandini Goel

Mangoes! Mangoes! Every Where.

Mangoes! Mangoes! Every Where.

In the summer on the trees.

Some are sweet , some are sour.

Some are yellow , some are green.

Mangoes!Mangoes! every where.

Some to eat, some to share.

Mangoes!Mangoes! Every where.


Nandini Goel

An Evening of May..... A Poem by Nandini Goel

An Evening of May.

Is so Scintillating......

Make me feel like a pantheistic.

It Intrigues me to be an ascetics...

It feels like manifestation in the air.

And thin layer of Cool breeze Everywhere..

The leaves are whistling.

And the milieu is Enthrall.

After the vapid afternoon.....

This ethereal milieu has refreshed my mood very soon.....

This cogent evening of May ...

Wants me to live in the quiddity of this moment everyday.

Thank you

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Nandini Goel

Life is a Serendip...!!! by Nandini Goel

Life is a Serendip... !

If you are not a insipid

if you know how to enjoy it

And Anticipate to get the best of it

Never Lament

And Never think about the consequent

Try Harder and Harder to get higher

Else you'll be like a cipher

Live like a equipoise

Never get lethargi with extravagent praise

Never be Somnolent

Be Agile and Active

If you've the powers

Never Usurp

Life is a Serendip... !

If you know how to live it

Thank You

"Woken up" for my Dreams ..........The Poem by Nandini Goel.

When I saw the flock of birds fly.

When I saw the Tulips blossom on high.

When I saw the sun lighten the sky. "I could see the path".

The Omniscient showed me "the path" "I woke up for my dreams"..

"The tantalizing fragrance of Jasmine. filled my breath

And so could hear the Birds Chirp and could see the the sky lightened.

The Omniscient appeared before my eyes and whispered "Be Agile"

Gain the sagacity of the world.... And never forget to follow the path I showed you.

Be my Moses I'll be your guide..

So when the army of 1000 men is against you ...

The river will surely divide for you and your crew.

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The air made me feel the Omniscient and he will surely help me to accomplish my dreams for which I

woke up.

Thank you

Thinking about Rural Women

Empowerment for Women

Empowerment is a process that aims at creating the conditions for the self determination/self

belief of particular people.

Today, I would like to take this article to a different direction. I know most of my readers are

literate internet users. But we must understand that there is a big section of our global society

who are underprivileged and may no use internet. But as concerned citizens we also need to

think about them and it is important to seek measures for their upliftment and empowerment.

So if we talk about women empowerment we also have to consider women living in rural areas of our society, only then we shall bring real empowerment of women on our globe.

Every Country is speaking about economic and inclusive growth, rural areas and agriculture

have largely been bypassed and the ratio of rural to urban poverty has increased.

The Women and girls are restricted from mobility, access to education, health facilities and

experience violence at community and household levels. The situation is changing in urban

areas but in comparison rural women are still facing inequality and injustice.

Women are involved in the production of 50% of food commodities consumed by our country

but still women enjoy an unfavorable status in the society. Today, the emphasis is on ensuring

the benefits of development in the different sectors of opportunities for women and that

women must be able to function as equal partners in development process.

Women have been neglected throughout the years in every field social, culture or economic and when it comes to rural women, the negligence is in greater quantity.

In rural societies and elsewhere women empowerment is an imperative issue. For the holistic

development of women an inter sectoral approach is need which will end exploitation and discrimination against women enabling them to develop their full potential.

Urban women may be more aware and empowered about their rights in comparison to rural women who have the history of living depressed life in the hands of male members.

We know that women are a nucleus of a family not only in rural areas but in urban areas too.

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She manages all the household and works more than 15 hours. Despite that their contribution is being ignored since generations.

Rural women are being denied of their rights and are being ignored in the family due to the

following reasons:

1. Lack of Education

2. Non Access to Health Facilities

3. Perception of having lack of income generation capacities.

4. Control by Men 5. Gender Inequality

These are some suggested ways and approaches to rural women empowerment:

1. Educational Empowerment

2. Economic Empowerment

3. Social Empowerment 4. Capacity Building

We all have to break this wall of biased thinking about women in our society. United Nations

has taken a step forward by declaring October15 as the World’s Rural Women Day. Women cannot be treated as one’s personal help or servant in a family.

Women can help themselves by forming “Self Help Groups” or “SHG”. Government gives loan to these SHGs and after sometime when they have enough money, they return the money

back to the government. This scheme was first started in Bangladesh’s Gramin Bank. Please do not confuse yourself about empowerment. It is just the development of self belief.

It’s not about demonstration of your power to men but it’s all about your confidence that is in the time of need you can equally participate in the welfare of your family.

In a Typical Family, Association between man and woman is an unspoken agreement between

both which states that, “A Women must handle all the household work and the kids while the husband must earn for the family.”

Empowerment means that women can move confidently even in her house that they can also

earn for the family. If a woman has extra time she can earn for the family by sewing clothes, selling any handmade delicacy or something she is good at.

Women should be given the right to equally participate in the decision making of the family.

She should not be dependent on her man. She must be able to handle problems on her own.

She must be treated as an individual in the family.

Women should also actively participate in the national development. Empowerment also

means to remove the feeling that you are inferior to someone. Women is involved in equal labor with her man does she gets equal right as her man?

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She is bound by the unspoken agreement. This should be honored by both man and woman for

the harmonious existence of the society.

Thank You Courtesy: Kurukshetra Magazine and Discussion with my group and elders.

Footsteps of Time: A poem by Nandini Goel

I have traveled so far

Won Sometimes

Lost Sometimes

Now, that I turned old

I see the footsteps of time!

Reminding me of my journey

Oh! How far I traveled

In this beautiful world!

Through the winding roads,

By the prairies,

On the pinnacles,

Besides the grand beaches

I traveled

I traveled so far

I remember all

the footsteps of time!

Some thwart

Some hurt

Though, some stood next..

Help in the journey

I remember those

By the marks on the footsteps of time!

My memories are still clear

As the footsteps of time!

Thank You

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This is India : Poem by Nandini Goel

Once I heard a mob

And I ran towards it

I heard voices praying to Ram, Allah, Guru Nanak and Christ

I asked a man taller than me

What are they doing?

And he said " They are all praying"

Praying for India

My Enthusiasm had no boundaries

And I climbed a tree

To see what is happening

And I realized

It was just a game of Cricket!

This is my India!

Just like heaven or Arcadia, This is India.

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F1 Broom.......Broom

The jams on the roads...

People cheers and the roars

Want to reach near the tracks....

To see the participants bonnet cracks

There’s no lack of rush in high speed

Else winning and loosing is the participant’s deed.... In the stadium live

In the restaurants with the snacks

On the TV in home with family and friends.

In the café’s with live bands

Listening the sound of engine

The force of wind

Excites me a lot.........

I can't control my emotions for

Wanting the signal to be passed

But before the race starts

I would like to ask the god

To let people who had taken part

Be fine after the race completes

May any one win

May any one get a beat

Though its too exiting

But it can be threatening

If it leads to hurt a life

So I wish this time this sport

Doesn’t threatens the human eye

Thank you

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Consumer Rights

Human is a social creature.The natural and healthy interaction among the fellow beings in the

society is imperative.

Since the early civilization on earth has participated in market both as a consumer and

producer throughout his life.

To maintain the peaceful and harmonious environment in the society its necessary to have

strict laws.

Everyone in the society is equal and rights of every member of society should be protected.

Consumer Rights is one such measure which controls and maintains the smooth functioning of

our system.

Consumer Rights help every citizen from -

1)Exploitation and false commitment through verbal or printed and online advertisement.

2)It also protects from unfair practises of sellers which include selling of inappropriate quantity

or weight of goods.

3)Also it controls unfair manipulation of market by big companies.

These consumer movement not only assign rules and regulation to ensure protection to the

consumer but also curbs the unethical and unfair trade practises by the seller.

In India consumer movement was formed in 1960s but only became a law in 1986 by the

enactment of consumer protection act popularly known as "COPRA".

Indian government has taken initiatives to spread awareness about consumer rights among its


"Jago Grahak Jago" is one such initiative which through various mediums educate people of

India about their consumer rights which also educates the people about the rightway of

redressal of their grievances.

Finally I would like to say to all my friends its our duty and our right to follow consumer law to

maintain healthy environment in the society.

Thank You

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Human is the Social Creature.

Human is a social creature. He wants to create a good impression of his in the society. When

he is alone, he, start feeling lonely, bored, and sometime scared.

.It’s like a sheep when a sheep is alone he feels scared and little bored he also start missing the environment near his flock but sheep cannot be amused but human beings can. People can

enjoy by

Playing Video Games

Watching Television

Reading Books etc.

Human Beings always wants to amuse themselves and that is why the social networking, audio

listening and video watching sites are made. Every Human Being wants to be the best and

sometimes their greed forces them to do criminal activities.

Practicing Skills is the best way to get rid of loneliness. As the more, we practice and learn we

become more skillful and it makes us to get more fame in the society and so we shall never feel


Having friends always helps. as we can talk to them when we are feeling lonely.

That was my opinion about how human being is a social creature

Thank you


Khakhi on the Policemen … Poem by Nandini Goel My independent nation...

No Suffocation....

Only Expectation....

My motherland.....

Khakhi on the policeman.....

One day will turn blessed...

by all god of universe....

my god is kind....

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Helping us in each minute of time...

Khakhi for the policeman will turn blessed...

I know my motherland is the best....

Thank you

Nandini Goel

Life is there to live.

Life is very precious!.....

Live it being conscious……………

Help a person who can’t help himself Help him in any way may he be blind, dumb or deaf

For poor’s, not just donations…

Help them get some courage and determination

Love and peace on earth to be build…. So, the age of truth never tilt

Share your riches with others

Treat all women your sisters and all men your brothers

Help everyone with your heart

God will give charm to your art.

Thank you

Nandini goel.

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My Understanding towards English and Greek Society

English and Greek society always from the beginning contained a difference of teacher and a


The only difference in the mind set of English society and Greek society was that Greek 's were

ancient and English were same in a new package.

English society started growing early but only after Greek Society .There are many thing that

English society learned from Greek society. There are some common things English society

learned from Greek society.

Language - English society started making words by using the technique of Greek society.

Architecture-English society are now at the heights in achitecture but all because of teachings

of Greek society.

Events -Greek society from the beginning is known the best in event management.In Todays

time english society is also known for event organizing skills which was again a brain child of

Greek society.

The Greek society had been achieving its goal also because of their great ideas.Hence Greeks

were great thinkers.

Some of the ideas that originated from Greek society were.

*Discovery of Olympic games,So all the world came together and played together.So when

you play together you stay together.

*Discovery of methods of farming , pot making etc.

*Discovery of Organised language and stitched clothes.

The Greek society had a great army, It was the first organised army and it brought weapons to

the world.The Greek army became more stronger after the inventions of the weapons.

English society are considered as great thinkers which again was well studied and importance

of innovative thinking came from Greek society.

In todays time English army is one of the best army in the world but again this idea of making

a modern army came from looking at the ancient army built by the Greek society.

The Practices of Greek society were followed by English society that made it win in almost

every fields.

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So as a good teacher Greek society taught many lessons to English and English society as a

good student took it respectfully.


Duties of a Citizen in the Society

A society is a place where a group of people lives. A citizen in the society plays a big role. He

has a big duty. Like when the society is in a fear than the citizen has a big duty to give people


When the society is or becomes sad than a citizen has a big duty to make them happy.

There are some points from which we can make them happy.

We can make them happy by:

*telling them that we cannot grow being sad.

*being nice to them.

*helping them etc.

When a disaster happen in the society and the society becomes needy, a citizen has a duty to

work hard for the society.

If a citizen is not treated equal in the society than a citizen has a duty to treat him equal in the


When the society is diverse than it’s a duty of a citizen to unite the society because a society is a place where people live being united.

Helping each other in each trouble is a duty of each citizen in the society.

Thank you.

Women Empowerment.

Today in the changing world, where women are seen as weaker gender, there should be steps

taken to empower the women and discrimination upon them should be stopped.

The first and the best way to empower women is education.

“Education”, it is said that “when you teach a man you only teach a man but when you teach a women you teach a generation”. Education gives knowledge. The knowledge encourages women to become self dependant and

helps them to solve their own problem.

Education makes women self reliant and gives power and knowledge to fight against the


Wrongness can not be hidden and can be measured when we are educated.

We in the society should give opportunities to the women, so that they can earn their own


“Jobs for women” Second most effective way is to provide jobs to women and encourage them to earn their living.

Men and women should share their household works and both should be treated equal in the

family. Girl child should be encouraged to go to school as her brothers and should not be

married before 18 years of her age.

Women should be protected well in the society from the bad elements of our society. The safe

environment should be made for the living of the women.

It has been believed that women are very hard working. Margret Thatcher once said” if you want some thing said ask a man but if you want something done ask a woman”.

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We should always remember women are a daughter, a mother, a sister, a wife in the society.

She is the maker of the new generation. Women are mother of all human beings.

To encourage women our government is now getting women's right bill passed in the Indian

parliament, where there will be 33% of women seat reserved in the Indian parliament.

Thank you.


Thinking is the best brain exercise. If people have not thought than today we wouldn’t be living peacefully, Every time we would be having problems. There were many big thinkers of the

world. The beauty of thinkers is that they ask themselves big questions. Socrates was one of


Socrates lived in Athens. His father was a stone carver and her mother was a


Socrates asked himself what is wisdom? What is beauty? And what is the right thing to do? He

sometimes asked others. When he understood, he started teaching young men. But he never

took money. Plato was one of them.

After some time people thought that that he was teaching wrong to their young men and he

was against society and their religious beliefs.

Than one day Socrates servant gave him a poisonous drink and he died.

Goodness or wrong doing can’t be seen, that is why people thought that he was against their religious belief. Socrates work was further taken by his students .

Thank You

Music … Poem by Nandini Goel

Each note of this,

If I hear....

Make feel so good,

To my ears....

Very Pleasant

Very rare...

Not built recent

but known every where....

this is Music to my ears!!

Odyssey of Mind

The long journey of mind is odyssey of mind. The Odyssey of mind results in Human thinking

and questioning himself why,what, how etc.

There are some examples.

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Isaac Newton was sitting ideal on a bench and he saw an apple falling down towards the earth

and he discovered the famous Laws of gravity.

An early human saw a stone rolling down the hill and he got an idea for invention of wheels. etc

This is a natural process . We all should know that if thinking had not taken place on earth than

we would have been speaking in sign languages.

When we think on a problem we get thousand solution. We should all think about the society

like Samuel Morse did . Samuel Morse invented the Morse code for blind deaf and dumb.

When we think of Society we think of our bright future. Thank You


The birthday of lord Krishna is celebrated as Janmashtmi.

Janmashtmi is celebrated on 8th day of "Bhaado month" as per the Hindu calender. Janmashtmi in each state of India is celebrated differently from each state.

Every culture has taken its own belief and depicting the birth and the life of of Lord Krishna.

Some cultures celebrate his youth and romance with Goddess Radha.Where as some cultures

celebrate his naughty activities by breaking pots filled with butter, yogurt and honey tied high from the ground.

On every janmastmi temples are decorated.The traditional dances of each state is performed

in the temples.The prashad is distributed at 12:00am.The milieu is pleasant on Janmashtmi

days.It usually rains , the weather is very pleasant and adds to the festivity of the day. The scintillation of janmashtmi permeate around the world.

Priests and deities(people) cajole lord Krishna by offering him butter, yoghurt and other sweets favorite to him. They also cajole lord Krishna by their prayers.

Let us all pray to lord Krishna to give happiness and harmony to each one of us and make this

world a better place. Thank you.

Gurukul(Art of Living)

Gurukul were the school of Hindus. In older times there were only Gurukul but in the modern

times there are many big schools built. The word Gurukul is made of Guru and kul. Guru means

“Teacher” and Kul means “Extended Family”. Gurukuls were very Pleasants. Arts like archery, meditation were taught in the Gurukul. Praying to god is a good habit because meditation is

the best way to live in peace. Peace is the best way to win your position in the society. Saints

live in peace; they meditate and teach how to live in peace. It was believed that The “Ashirwad” or the blessing of Guru or teacher is very important to win.

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A teacher or Guru is like a “Sun”, we can take light and heat from it. The heat can only be taken if we have “Ashirwad”of our teachers. Thank you.

Education for All

Education is the key to world peace. It’s the only way to stop violence because people want to live and for that they do violence. To live we need money and education is the only way to

generate income.

Children are just like plants, as for plants growth we need water, sunlight etc. like that we

children need education for our growth.

Primary education is must for children to make a brighter future.

Children who are orphan, rag pickers or children who sell things on streets are very poor. If

they get a little bit of knowledge and than there must be no difference between children who

live in homes, who get education in schools.

We should donate our books which are not in our use to poor people.

Children have many dreams but they can be only full filled if there father and mother have

money, If they don’t have money to feed themselves then how would they feed their children?

We should ask people their problems and then tell our opinions to them.

Education can make a plateau back into a mountain. Education is for every one, it’s for both poor and rich.

Birds’ Constitution

Once upon a time the flock of birds was flying in the sky. They looked for food together.

Some of them were Hindus, Some of them were Muslims, Some were Christians and some of

them were Sikhs and some Jews. They always prayed together,

They all were friends and they lived together. So if it is some religion day they go to pray


They had one bird judge. If they had any problem they went to the judge and asked for


There were some rules made by the judge.


Rule1. you have to find food together

Rule2 you have to pray together

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Rule 3 Exercise every day

Rule 4 help your friends

Rule5 Share things

Rule 6 be healthy

These 6 rules everyone had to follow.


If someone did not follow the rules than he will not get home to live and he was treated as

slave of REST OF THE BIRDSs. So everyone followed the rules.

Moral: Rules are made to make our life easy and must be followed.
