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Self-construction of SnO2 cubes based on aggration of nanorods

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Self-construction of SnO 2 cubes based on aggration of nanorods Dan Qin, Peng Yan , Guangzhong Li, Juan Xing, Yukuan An Physics Department, Binzhou Medical University, Yantai, 264003, China Received 4 October 2007; accepted 8 December 2007 Available online 3 January 2008 Abstract The SnO 2 cubes with the rutile structure have been successfully synthesized without using any catalyst. Their morphology and microstructure were studied by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and elected area electron diffraction (SAED). It is revealed that the SnO 2 nanocubes exhibit high crystalline quality. The size of the nanocubes ranges from 100 nm to 300 nm. The side surfaces of nanocubes are {110} planes, while their cube axes are [001] direction. The growth mechanism of SnO 2 nanocubes was discussed and we suggested vapor-solid process should dominate the growth. These SnO 2 nanostructures represent an important example of spontaneous organization. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: SnO 2 nanocubes; Chemical vapor Deposition (CVD); Nanomaterials 1. Introduction One-dimensional (1D) and quasi-one-dimensional (quasi- 1D) nanostructures are attracting a great deal of attention due to their unique properties and novel applications [13]. Oxides are the basis of smart and functional materials that have tunable properties and important technological applica- tions. As an important low-cost, n-type semiconductor with wide band gap (Eg = 3.6 eV), 1D SnO 2 nanostructures have currently attracted considerable attention for their promising application in optical waveguides [4], solar cells [5] and gas sensors [6]. Recently, 1D SnO 2 nanostructures have been prepared by different methods, such as hydrothermal process [7], thermal evaporation [8], template-directed synthesis [9], and solution method [10]. Compared with other methods, the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) approach is a better alter- native with the advantages of high yield, high purity and low pollution. Oriented attachment has attracted increasing interest in recent years as a new means for fabrication and self-organizaion of nanocrystalline materals [1116]. Recent examples include formation of 1D nanorods from their respective 0D nanocrys- tallites [1113]. The formed 1D nanostructures can also further self-attach through stacking by lateral lattice fusionto generate either length-multiplied 1D nanostructures or 2D crystal sheets and walls [1416]. Here we report another novel organizing route with an underlying oriented-attachment mechanism in which geome- trical structures (cubes) can be built by the assembly route 1D 3D. We demonstrate that the SnO 2 nanocubes can be prepared by CVD method without using any catalyst. 2. Experiment In our experiments, the SnO 2 nanocubes were synthe- sized through a CVD method. The synthesis route is depicted as follows: a horizontal ceramic tube was mounted inside a tube furnace. SnO/Sn powder with molar ratio of ~4:1 was put into an alumina boat, and then loaded into the central region of the ceramic tube. The substrate was a Si wafer. The distance between the substrate and source materials was about 8 cm. After the tube had been purged with high-purity Argon (Ar) for about 1 h, the Ar/O 2 flow was introduced into the system. The volume ratio of Ar/O 2 was 50:1 and flow rate was 50 sccm. The temperature of the central region of the furnace was rapidly increased to Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Materials Letters 62 (2008) 2411 2414 www.elsevier.com/locate/matlet Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 535 6913204; fax: +86 535 6913458. E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Yan). 0167-577X/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2007.12.009

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Materials Letters 62 (20

Self-construction of SnO2 cubes based on aggration of nanorods

Dan Qin, Peng Yan ⁎, Guangzhong Li, Juan Xing, Yukuan An

Physics Department, Binzhou Medical University, Yantai, 264003, China

Received 4 October 2007; accepted 8 December 2007Available online 3 January 2008


The SnO2 cubes with the rutile structure have been successfully synthesized without using any catalyst. Their morphology and microstructurewere studied by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and electedarea electron diffraction (SAED). It is revealed that the SnO2 nanocubes exhibit high crystalline quality. The size of the nanocubes ranges from100 nm to 300 nm. The side surfaces of nanocubes are {110} planes, while their cube axes are [001] direction. The growth mechanism of SnO2

nanocubes was discussed and we suggested vapor-solid process should dominate the growth. These SnO2 nanostructures represent an importantexample of spontaneous organization.© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: SnO2 nanocubes; Chemical vapor Deposition (CVD); Nanomaterials

1. Introduction

One-dimensional (1D) and quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) nanostructures are attracting a great deal of attention dueto their unique properties and novel applications [1–3].Oxides are the basis of smart and functional materials thathave tunable properties and important technological applica-tions. As an important low-cost, n-type semiconductor withwide band gap (Eg=3.6 eV), 1D SnO2 nanostructures havecurrently attracted considerable attention for their promisingapplication in optical waveguides [4], solar cells [5] and gassensors [6]. Recently, 1D SnO2 nanostructures have beenprepared by different methods, such as hydrothermal process[7], thermal evaporation [8], template-directed synthesis [9],and solution method [10]. Compared with other methods, thechemical vapor deposition (CVD) approach is a better alter-native with the advantages of high yield, high purity and lowpollution.

Oriented attachment has attracted increasing interest inrecent years as a new means for fabrication and self-organizaionof nanocrystalline materals [11–16]. Recent examples include

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 535 6913204; fax: +86 535 6913458.E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Yan).

0167-577X/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2007.12.009

formation of 1D nanorods from their respective 0D nanocrys-tallites [11–13]. The formed 1D nanostructures can also furtherself-attach through stacking by lateral “lattice fusion” togenerate either length-multiplied 1D nanostructures or 2Dcrystal sheets and walls [14–16].

Here we report another novel organizing route with anunderlying oriented-attachment mechanism in which geome-trical structures (cubes) can be built by the assembly route1D→3D. We demonstrate that the SnO2 nanocubes can beprepared by CVD method without using any catalyst.

2. Experiment

In our experiments, the SnO2 nanocubes were synthe-sized through a CVD method. The synthesis route isdepicted as follows: a horizontal ceramic tube was mountedinside a tube furnace. SnO/Sn powder with molar ratio of~4:1 was put into an alumina boat, and then loaded into thecentral region of the ceramic tube. The substrate was a Siwafer. The distance between the substrate and sourcematerials was about 8 cm. After the tube had been purgedwith high-purity Argon (Ar) for about 1 h, the Ar/O2 flowwas introduced into the system. The volume ratio of Ar/O2

was 50:1 and flow rate was 50 sccm. The temperature ofthe central region of the furnace was rapidly increased to

Fig. 1. XRD pattern of the SnO2 sample.

Fig. 3. TEM images of the nanocubes. (a) General morphology of two kinds of

2412 D. Qin et al. / Materials Letters 62 (2008) 2411–2414

1000 °C in 10 min and then maintained at this temperaturefor 45 min. After the furnace was cooled to room tempe-rature, white wool-like products were collected from theSi wafer.

The morphology and microstructure of the as-preparedsamples were studied by field emission scanning electronmicroscopy (FE-SEM, Sirion 200), and high-resolution trans-mission electron microscopy (HRTEM, JEOL-2010, at 200 KV)equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)attachment. Before HRTEM imaging, the samples wereultrasonically dispersed in ethanol.

Fig. 2. SEM images of the SnO2 nanocubes. (a) overall product morphology (b) general sample morphology. (c) and (d) the high-magnification image of the typicalnanocubes.

nanocubes. (b) A typical nanocube with two caves in the top and bottom.

Fig. 5. (a) Dispersive nanorods founded in the products. (b) Well-developednanocubes.

2413D. Qin et al. / Materials Letters 62 (2008) 2411–2414

3. Results and discussion

The XRD pattern (Fig. 1) reveals the overall crystal structure andphase purity of the as-synthesized products. All of the diffraction peakscan be indexed to a tetragonal rutile structure of SnO2, which agreeswell with the reported values (a=4.738 and c=3.187 Å) from JCPDScard (41-1445). No characteristic peaks from impurities, such aselemental Sn or other tin oxides, can be detected.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to study themorphologies of the as-synthesized products. The general morphologyof the nanocubes is displayed in Fig. 2(a) and (b), which demonstratesthat the samples are in large quantity and their structures are uniform.Fig. 2(c) and (d) reveal that the nanocubes mainly have two kinds ofmorphologies. The size of the nanocubes is in the range of 100 nm–300 nm. Cube-like architectures have rough side-faces, which consistof four SnO2 nanorods with diameters of 60–80 nm. Fig. 2(d) showssome nanocubes have smooth side-faces with two caves in the top andbottom.

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can give us more detailedmicrostructural information on the complex SnO2 nanostructures. TEMimage of nanocubes and dispersive nanorods is presented in Fig. 3(a).The nanocubes are clearly shown in the image, with a high contrastbetween the joining part and the edge of the cube. The TEM image ofthe samples shows that the SnO2 cube-like architectures with roughside-faces are veritably formed by nanorods side by side. Fig. 3(b)shows the typical nanocube with smooth side faces and two caves in thetop and bottom.

Fig. 4 is a HRTEM image taken near the edge of a nanocube,together with an inset of the corresponding SAED pattern. Fig. 4(a)reveals that the resolved spacing of about 0.34 nm corresponds to thespacing of (110) lattice planes (d=0.335 nm) of SnO2. SAED patternindicates that the SnO2 nanocube is a single crystal with rutilestructure (a=0.473 nm and c=0.318 nm). Combining HRTEM andSAED, the axis direction of the SnO2 cube could be determined as[001]. The four peripheral surfaces of the SnO2 nanocubes are {110}planes, as schematically shown in Fig. 4(b). Further, the representa-tive energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis of thenanocubes indicates that the atomic ration of tin/oxygen isapproximately 1:2. Cu and C peaks in the spectrum arise from theCu grids with carbon film.

The VLS mechanism is supported usually by the observation of aspherical particle of tin at the tip of each nanostructure. In our case,there are no special metallic particles found at the growth fronts of thenanocubes. Accordingly, the growth of SnO2 nanocubes was thoughtmost likely to be dominated by the vapor-solid (VS) mechanism.

Fig. 4. (a) HRTEM image of the edge of the nanocube. The EDX spectrum and SAEDthe cube.

We suggest that the process for the formation of the nanocubes canbe divided into two steps. Firstly, SnO2 vapor was formed through thefollowing reaction [17,18]:

2Snþ O2Y2SnO ð1Þ

2SnOYSnO2 þ Sn ð2ÞThe melting of metallic tin took place during the experiment since

its melting point is as low as 231 °C. The liquid tin could provide an

pattern were inserted. (b) A schematic figure showing the growth orientation of

2414 D. Qin et al. / Materials Letters 62 (2008) 2411–2414

energetically favored site for the absorption of oxygen, or react withoxygen to yield tin oxides. As the temperature further increases, pureliquid tin might be rapidly oxidized. It is generally believed that SnOforms at the initial stage of oxidation of tin, as shown in Eq. (1). As wehave known, SnO is metastable and will decompose to SnO2 and Sn.The reaction between tin and oxygen decreased the oxygen partialpressure in system and accelerated the decomposition rate of SnO [18],which could supply more SnO2 species. The generated SnO2 vapor wascarried by Ar atmosphere followed by nucleation and growth. Theseeds were formed in the deposition region through a VS process.Because SnO2 had an anisotropic structure, the growth direction waslargely confined to the b001N direction and the single crystalline seedstended to grow into the cylindrical shape. Oriented attachment involvesspontaneous self-organization of adjacent particles so that they share acommon crystallographic orientation [11]. When such rod-likestructures were close to each other, the chance of joining existed,that is, the cubes grew into each other. Dispersive nanorods were alsofounded in our product. A similar phenomenon has been observed inother reports [19]. Afterwards, the neighboring nanorods graduallyunited to form a smooth side-face by continuous deposition of gaseousSnO2 into the joining parts (Fig. 2(d)). At the same time, the condensedvapor species could diffuse across the surfaces of the nanorods andincorporated into the growth fronts, prolonging the cubes. Eventually,well-developed nanocubes (Fig. 5(b)) were obtained. With the increaseof growth time, the supply of vapor species was deficient and thefurther addition of SnO2 species would preferentially occur at thecircumferential edges of each cube because these sites had relativelyhigher free energies than other sites on the surface, leading to theformation of caves in the nanocubes [20]. In the growth process, thehigh degree super-saturation for the two-dimensional nucleation playsan important factor in the formation of such nanocubes.

4. Conclusion

In summary, single-crystal SnO2 nanocubes were synthe-sized by CVD method. TEM characterization shows that theSnO2 nanocubes are of a crystalline rutile structure. The side-faces of SnO2 nanocubes are {110} planes and the growthdirection is [001]. A reasonable mechanism is suggested toexplain the formation of the nanocubes. These nanostructures

represent an important example of spontaneous organization ofnanorods.


This work was supported by the Binzhou medical universityproject of Fundamental Research: Nanomaterials andNanostructure.


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