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Self discovery

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Life is an endless process of self discovery.

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What is Self Discovery?The act or process of gaining knowledge or understanding of your abilities, character, and feelings.

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Self Discovery starts with Self Assessment.

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Steps to Self DiscoveryI analyzed the steps into seven(7) different processes:

– Ask And Acknowledge Your Unique Purpose.– Have The Courage To Be Totally Honest– Find A Buddy– Embrace Change– Conversation With Your 99-year-old Self.– Celebrate– God

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Ask And Acknowledge Your Unique Purpose.

Ask yourself what do you truly desire to be / do / have? What do you feel compelled to do? Acknowledge yourself for your uniqueness. This will give you the courage to leap from your comfort zone.


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What is My Deepest Desire?

This is not what I have a general or passing "interest" in, but rather a deep yearning or aspiration to do. Here is another way to answer it. What is the thing I want most out of life?

What Am I Truly Passionate About?

What do I really care about? What gifts and abilities do I especially enjoy using? What is the thing I simply must do? What energizes me? What makes me forget to eat or sleep?

What Ideas Are Persistent in My Heart and Thoughts?

What recurring dreams do I have for my life? What ideas never leave me? What ideas, inventions, or innovations keep coming back to me? What is my vision for my life or others' lives?

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What Do I Constantly Imagine Myself Doing?

What do I dream about becoming? What gifts or skills would I use and develop in order to become this? What is my vision for my life or others' lives?

What Do I Want to Do for Humanity?

What kind of impact would I like to have on my community? What do I want to pass along to the next generation? What would I like to be remembered for? What problem would I like to solve? What need would I fill?

What Would Bring Me the Greatest Fulfillment?What three endeavors or achievements have given me the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment in life so far, and why? What motivates and gratifies me the most, and how can I incorporate it into my life as my vocation or life focus? What activities, projects, courses, jobs, and hobbies have brought me the most fulfillment?

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What Would I Do If I Knew I Could Not Fail?

What endeavor, enterprise, creative work, project, or plan would I engage in if it were risk-free? If money were no object? If I didn't worry that I had the wrong background, the wrong looks, the wrong job experiences, or the wrong anything else?

What Is the Most Important Thing I Could Do with My Life?

Above all other things, what is the most significant thing I could do with my life? What do I want to occur in my life? How do I want to live my life based on my values and beliefs?

What Endeavor or Activity Would Best Connect Me to My Creator?

Finally, ask yourself. What draws me closest to God?

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2. Have The Courage To Be Totally HonestThe second step to self discovering is being honest. Being Honest to yourself and to everyone. When you are answering some of the questions outlined in the first point. You have to be Honest to yourself. There is no gain in deceiving yourself.What assumptions have you made about yourself and others? Self-acceptance and facing issues honestly gives you the opportunity to uncover the truth and live life with integrity. Living in integrity will not allow you to short-change yourself by staying with the status quo.

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3. Find A BuddyYou know the good thing about honesty, it gets you the right friends. The journey of self discovery is a never ending journey which will need company at one point or the other.

Ask someone you trust to support you in your journey of self-discovery and tell them how they can help. When people understand how your personal growth benefits them and the world (because you are showing up authentically and on purpose), you will be supported in bursting out of your comfort zone to create the life of your dreams!

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4. Embrace ChangeChange is constant, it is one thing that happens every day of our lives.

Dare to dream, take big steps forward. You don't need to know everything before you proceed; and yes, there's no such thing as a mistake.

Whatever appears is there for your greater good; a learning opportunity.

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5. Conversation with your 99-year-old self.Pretend that you’re 99 years old, very wise and in perfect health. Answer the following questions in your journal: “What would you have me know? “What should I concentrate on in the coming days and years? “What things could I do or experience that would have the most positive impact on my life?” “What could I have done better if I were younger? And start doing them now.

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6. CelebrateChoose something daily to celebrate. Rejoice in all that you are attracting and creating.

Imagine yourself graduating from school, jumping up and down, eyes wide open and a BIG grin on your face! You did it, you took the leap. Now look around and see yourself into your new future; the future created by you, just for you. Doesn't that feel good!

Commit Today to do whatever it takes to turn yourself loose - throw away beliefs, attitudes and expectations that get in the way of your ability to create your best life NOW!

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7. GODThe one thing we cannot do without on our journey to self discovery is GOD. Knowing God and having a relationship with him helps us understand who we are.No one is a mistake; God has specific purpose and plan for every individual. God has given unto every man a talent or potential according to his or her ability, your ability to discover them and put to proper use gives you fulfillment in lifeHe shines light to the dark areas and explains thing that we can’t understand. Even when we fall, he comforts us. This is why we need God.

Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew the; and before thou came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee unto the nations” Jeremiah 1:5

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Blockages of Self DiscoverySome of us find it difficult of going through the process of self discovery because of some reasons:

– Fear Of Finding Demons– Lack of Self Love– Stifle Your Creativity And Dreams– Too Much Noise

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1. Fear Of Finding Demons.You fear the process of examining your life under a microscope. You are afraid of discovering that there can be demons in the closet. What terrifies you is that in the process of self discovery, you can come to the conclusion that you are worthless. Or that you are not very likable. Rather than put yourself in pain, you would prefer to stay unaware about these demons and pretend that everything is fine.

From young, you are also taught to appear strong: don’t cry or display signs of weakness. You are warned that consequences of appearing weak or emotional or needing help can be severe, because you’ve observed that only those that appear strongest survive. You believe that there is no place for weepy Souls on this planet if you want to get ahead in life.

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By acknowledging who You really are, you are afraid that others may find that out the same truths too. You fear losing their friendships. Hence, you prefer that others do not know about any signs of vulnerability or weakness that you have. It can be hard to admit that you are not all that great, especially if you are holding a leadership position. Your ego is at stake here. You prefer to put on a mask rather than be your true authentic Self.

When you avoid the process of self discovery, you are basically in denial of the real You. You appear to be functioning but simmering underneath, are your sabotaging thoughts and beliefs. Because you have never confronted your demons, they are still very much alive. You may not realize it but they are probably the reasons why success has eluded you or why you have never been truly happy.

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2. Lack of Self LoveYou may have never been taught to love yourself, from young. How can it be possible to love and accept yourself, if you have been handed more criticisms than encouragement? So you have grown up, not really knowing who you really are or what your strengths are.

There has never been a need to, in any case. Since it has always been about others. You crave for social acceptance. It would seem far better to adopt traits, ideas and behaviors of people who are popular and those whom you choose to emulate. You believe that there is nothing worthy within to find out, based on your low sense of Self.

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3. Stifle Your Creativity And DreamsYou have also been taught that it is best to stifle your dreams. “It’s easier to make a living on an Economics degree than on a degree in design,” you were told at the age of 7. You were taught to choose a career choice based on what would be more financially viable by industry standards than your own personal likes and natural inclinations. Even while you have an innate talent for art, you came to the conclusion that it is best not to develop it.As you grow older, you have fewer and fewer dreams. After all, dreams seldom come true, you say. You allow your dreams – which are essentially a reflection of your inner desires

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4. Too Much NoiseThere is so much noise and stress in your life, that there is hardly any time for self discovery. You lead a busy lifestyle, with important datelines to fulfill and schedules that need to run like clockwork. You simply do not have the time to find answers that may or may not result in paying the bills for you. You would rather continue life as before. If you have been functioning so far, why rock the boat?

In your environment, you may find that what thrives are mindless gossips, unfair comparisons, snide remarks, and thoughtless comments. If your thoughts are filled with these mental defilements, it will be hard to find the space for more loving and kind thoughts. The process of self discovery is not just about finding negatives about yourself. It is also about finding love for yourself and nurturing yourself.

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Benefits of Self Discovery• An increase in the ability to focus attention, resulting in being more effective, operating

“in the Zone”, being “in the Flow”

• An increase in the ability to be in the present moment, resulting in greater clarity and greater discernment.

• An increase in self-awareness, resulting in the ability to be more deliberate.

• An increase in the skills and ability to manage the mind and emotions.

• An increase in the ability to become aware of stress, and release it.

• Quickly and effectively learn how to meditate. If you already meditate, learn how to “super-charge” your meditation ability for greater well-being and more peace of mind.

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• An increase in the ability to manage one’s belief system, resulting in greater success and fulfillment in any chosen area of life.

• An increase in life force, vigor, energy resulting in more youthful vitality and creative energy.

• Greater mental clarity, resulting in an increased ability to learn and more effectively apply knowledge (increased intelligence).

• Increased ability to release the stresses that cause pain and disease, resulting in better health.

• An increase in the ability to become more fully self-expressed, resulting in more authentic and empowering relationships.

• A greater ability to succeed in business, art, or any chosen undertaking.

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ConclusionSelf discovery is not an a one-day or a one-week affair. In fact, it can take a lifetime of building a relationship with yourself. Also, do note that your inner Self is not going to stay constant either. You are evolving all the time. Based on your self discovery at any point in time, you make conscious decisions for changes. Additionally, as you mature, you gain insights that make up the New You.

You become clearer and clearer, in the intent that you sent out to the Universe. Because this intent is in perfect alignment with the real You, you do not experience any conflict or sabotage. The energy vibration of your intent is pure, untainted and strong. By the Law of Attraction, you attract the very thing that resonates well with your Being

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God is a major factor in whatever discovery you are making.To discover Gods purpose, you will also need his manual- the bible.Before you make plans for your life, consult God for his purpose for your life. Plans should be an outcome of purpose.The more you know yourself, the more empowered you are going to be. A clear self understanding results in renewed confidence, centeredness and strength. You Live Purposely and Are Truly Happy!

“Those that know their God shall be strong and do exploit” Dan 11:32

“There are many plans in a mans heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel- that will stand” Proverbs 19:21.

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