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http://revped.ise.ro Print ISSN 0034-8678; Online ISSN: 2559 - 639X SELF-REGULATION RESEARCH IN THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE – A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW CERCETĂRI ASUPRA AUTOREGLĂRII ÎN CONTEXTUL NEOUROŞTIINŢEI EDUCAŢIEI – O ANALIZĂ SISTEMATICĂ Violeta Maria CARAGEA, Lucian VOINEA, Miruna Luana MIULESCU Journal of Pedagogy, 2017 (2), 7 – 25 https://doi.org/10.26755/RevPed/2017.2/7 The online version of this article can be found at: http://revped.ise.ro/category/2017-en/ This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Published by: http://www.ise.ro/ Further information about Revista de Pedagogie – Journal of Pedagogy can be found at: Editorial Policy: http://revped.ise.ro/editorial-policy/ Author Guidelines: http://revped.ise.ro/the-writer-guide-2/
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Print ISSN 0034-8678; Online ISSN: 2559 - 639X





Violeta Maria CARAGEA, Lucian VOINEA,

Miruna Luana MIULESCU

Journal of Pedagogy, 2017 (2), 7 – 25


The online version of this article can be found at: http://revped.ise.ro/category/2017-en/

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA

94042, USA.

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Further information about Revista de Pedagogie – Journal of Pedagogy can be found at: Editorial Policy: http://revped.ise.ro/editorial-policy/

Author Guidelines: http://revped.ise.ro/the-writer-guide-2/

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Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 7

AbstractSelf-regulation in school contexts is a subject that caught the attention ofresearchers from many disciplines. Educational neuroscience is an emergingresearch field aiming to bridge the neuroscientific knowledge and methodologywith those of more consecrated research disciplines investigating learningand education, like psychology, sociology or education. Our paper investigatesrecent empirical studies exploring self-regulation in preK-12 educationalcontexts and which were identified as educational neuroscientific literature.As a result of an extensive search and filtering process conducted in conformitywith the systematic review methodology, we found five articles that passedthe predefined filtering criteria. Our findings suggest that this type of literatureappeared mostly in the last decade with the occasion of new neuroscientificmethodologies allowing conducting non-invasive advanced brain studies. Themain self-regulation elements these studies focus on are academic motivation,attention orientation, self-perception on own mental abilities and behaviours,cognitive and emotional engagement in learning, social and task-relatedbehaviour regulation. The methodologies used consisted mainly in self- orothers-reported questionnaires, behavioural measures evaluation, academicperformance measurement, computerized testing of cognitive abilities,physiological measures recordings (e.g. saliva or blood samples, heart rate),electroencephalography (EEG), and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI). The samples included in the reviewed articles vary from preschool toprimary, middle and high school students, comprising 376 participants intotal. The reported research outcomes are rather limited but they also offeroptimism regarding the possibilities to use neuroscientific methods forinvestigating self-regulation in an educational context. Various aspectsregarding limitations of this type of research are discussed.Keywords: educational neuroscience; school context; self-regulation;systematic review.


Violeta Maria CARAGEA*Lucian VOINEA**

Miruna Luana MIULESCU***

Institute of Education Sciences Bucharest, Romania;* Researcher dr.; [email protected];** Researcher; [email protected];*** Assistant Researcher; [email protected]


Revista de Pedagogie - Journal of Pedagogy, 2017 (2), 7 – 25https://doi.org/10.26755/RevPed/2017.2/7

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RezumatAuto-reglarea în contexte şcolare este un subiect care a preocupat mulţicercetători din variate discipline. Neuroştiinţa educaţiei este un domeniuemergent de cercetare care îşi propune să conecteze cunoaşterea şimetodologia specifică neuroştiinţelor cu cea a altor domenii mai consacrateîn studiul învăţării şi educaţiei, precum psihologia, sociologia sau ştiinţeleeducaţiei. Lucrarea de faţă analizează studiile empirice recente ce exploreazăauto-reglarea în sistemul preuniversitar şi care se încadrează în literatura deneuroştiinţă a educaţiei. În urma unei căutări şi filtrări laborioase, conformecu metodologia analizei sistematice, am identificat cinci articole care autrecut de criteriile de filtrare predefinite. Rezultatele analizei noastre sugereazăcă acest tip de literatură este publicat în mod special în ultimul deceniu, fiindprilejuit de noile metodologii din neuroştiinţă care au facilitat realizarea destudii non-invazive avansate la nivelul creierului uman. Principalele elementeale auto-reglării studiate în aceste articole se referă la orientarea şi reglareamotivaţiei pentru învăţare, orientarea atenţiei, modul de percepere a propriilorabilităţi mentale şi comportamente, gradul de implicare cognitivă şi emoţionalăîn învăţarea şcolară şi autocontrolul comportamentului social şi cel privindimplicarea în sarcinile şcolare. Metodologiile utilizate au constat în principalîn aplicarea de chestionare auto-completate sau completate de către ceilalţi,evaluări comportamentale, testarea performanţei academice, testecomputerizate vizând abilităţi cognitive, înregistrări de indicatori fiziologici(precum probe de salivă, sânge sau bătăile inimii), electroencefalografie (EGG)şi imagistică funcţională prin rezonanţă magnetică (RMN funcţional).Eşantioanele incluse în aceste studii variază de la elevi preşcolari la cei dinînvăţământul primar, gimnazial şi liceal, însumând 376 de participanţi în total.Rezultatele de cercetare raportate sunt mai degrabă limitate, însă oferătotodată optimism privind utilizarea metodelor de investigare din neuroştiinţepentru cercetarea auto-reglării în context şcolar. Diferite aspecte privindlimitările acestui tip de cercetare sunt, de asemenea, discutate în acest articol.Cuvinte-cheie: analiză sistematică de literatură; auto-reglare; context şcolar;neuroştiinţa educaţiei.


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1. Introduction

Educational neuroscience is an emerging research field with a history of nolonger than one decade. Although there were many attempts to connect theknowledge from fields such as cognitive psychology to that from cognitiveneuroscience when approaching subjects of interest in education (Mareschal,Butterworth & Tolmie, 2013), such as the mechanisms of the learningprocesses, this was always perceived as “a bridge too far” (Bruer, 1997) to beused by researchers and even practitioners in education.  

But, as new neuroscientific methodologies of non-invasive investigation onhumans developed in the last decades, this “bridge” seems to have formedmore appropriate avenues and therefore allowed researchers to find betterways to explore education specific subjects using neuroscientific knowledge.Using electroencephalography or functional magnetic resonance imaging toexplore the impact of various education-related stimuli such as cognitive orsocial abilities training on students is no longer a strange or extravagantresearch initiative but rather the norm for researchers willing to find moreprofound ways to explore how the brain works in different educational contexts(Caragea et al., 2017).

Self-regulation is defined in the psychological literature as a process of self-management, based on a set of abilities that a certain person uses in order tomonitor and control his/her own emotions, thoughts, or behaviour, as to bettersuit the goals that the person established for himself and/or to better adapt todifferent contexts. It includes abilities related to self-observation andawareness, self-evaluation, self-control, self-modification, self-motivation,attentional orientation (Woltering & Lewis, 2009; Posner, Rothbart & Tang,2013).

In education, we find the concept of self-regulated learning, which is a processaimed at achieving certain learning objectives by taking control of one’s learningand guiding it as best as it can. The main abilities involved, besides the onesspecified above, are learning-specific: establishing specific objectives; planningand monitoring activities; selecting and using specific strategies; usingfeedback in order to better reach objectives (Zimmerman, 1990).

The current study aims to understand how educational neuroscientific literatureapproaches the self-regulation research topic in general, in school contexts.In order to do that we are looking at studies that investigated various aspectsof self-regulation (e.g. motivation, attention, meta-cognition, behavioural self-control) at the level of preK-12 students, using a mix of methods specificeither to neuroscience or behavioural sciences.

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We will, therefore, address the following research questions to the above-mentioned literature: How large is the contribution of educational neuroscience literature on

exploring self-regulation in school contexts? What aspects of self-regulation are mostly studied in this area of research? What type of methodologies is preferred when studying self-regulation in

educational neuroscience? What is the specific of the reported research outcomes of these empirical

studies? What are the main limitations? What can be drawn as future perspectives?

In order to be able to answer all of these questions, we selected the systematicreview as a good research method to help us achieve our predefined researchaim (Roth, Ogrin & Schmitz, 2015; Betihavas et al., 2016; Dion & Restrepo,2016).

2. Methodology2.1. Search StrategyIn September 2017, a systematic search was conducted of the followinginternational psychological, educational and neuroscientific electronicdatabases: PubMed, EBSCO, ERIC, and ProQuest. The Boolean operators“AND”/”OR”/”NOT”/”-related” were used to combine search terms including:“self-regulation”, “school”, and “neuro-”.

A secondary search was conducted on screening for the most relevant journalsin educational neuroscience currently - Trends in Neuroscience and Education(published by Elsevier) and Mind, Brain, and Education (published by Wiley).Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience journal (published by OxfordAcademic) was also screened for relevant articles.

The search was limited to English articles only. The search for each databasewas conducted separately based on similar keywords combination asmentioned above. Abstracts were first screened to see if the entries meet thepredefined criteria and then saved if they seemed to have potential to beselected. A secondary more in-depth screening (including the full text of thepaper) was consequently conducted. The references to these studies werealso checked in order to identify additional papers fulfilling the inclusion criteria.The results from all searches were concatenated and duplicates were thenremoved. The results of the different search and filtering stages are exposedin Figure 1.


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Each of the three authors was involved in the screening of databases, onebeing in charge with education and psychology related databases (EBSCO,ERIC, and ProQuest), one with PubMed biomedical research database, andone searched more targeted in three selected journals considered as mostrelevant for the review focus. A common database was built to integrate theresults after the exclusion phase, thus helping to identify potential duplicates.

2.2. Filtering CriteriaThe main inclusion criteria used to search for relevant studies referred to: Peer review empirical studies (not reviews or another type of research)

that investigated self-regulation in an educational context having also afocus on brain research specific input.

The following exclusion criteria were used: Published in the last 10 years (starting with January 2007); Full text in the English language; Only samples of students from 3 to 18 years old approximately (preK to

12-grade students); Using neuroscientific methods of investigation (measuring physiological

input that is related to how the human nervous system functions); Approaching aspects that can be inferred to the educational context.

Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 11

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the systematic review process

Identification (237)DataBases (221): PubMed (164),

EBSCO (34), proQuest (15), ERIC (8)Journals (16): Trends in Neuroscience

and Education (4) Mind, Brain, andEducation (8), Social, Cognitive and

Affective Neuroscience (4)

Eligibility (after abstracts reading)N = 33

Eligibility (after full text assessment)N = 5

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2.3. Search OutcomesThe search for each stream of articles had different results. PubMed databasegenerated the largest number of entries (164), followed by EBSCO (34),ProQuest (15), and ERIC (8). The most targeted search, in the three scientificjournals targeted, generated a total of 16 results. Therefore the filtering process,according to the exclusion criteria, included 237 titles. Generally, by onlyreading the abstracts, the filters could be applied, but in cases where someelements were not clear, the full text was examined for significant details(mostly, for the information regarding sample characteristics, neuroscientificmethods use, educational context relatedness and quality of the journal).This was the case for a total of 33 articles.

The filtering process resulted in a number of only five articles that met all thecriteria. From our observations, many other relevant articles were either areview or were not using basic neuroscientific methods or the samples wereother than preK-12 students (mostly undergraduates). In the case of thecriterion regarding educational context relevance, all the three researchersshared their opinions on the articles that raised this question until a consensuswas reached.

2.4. Data ExtractionAll three researchers contributed to the extraction and categorization of data.An online collaborative spreadsheet was built in order to have all raw data puttogether for comparison. Each column was used as a category and each rowwas dedicated to one article. The categories used for extracting data were:author(s), year & journal; the aim of the study; tested variables; samples;methodology; reported outcomes; reported limitations; future researchperspectives; educational implications (Table 1).

As a secondary analysis of these data, patterns of information were identifiedand then categorized as summaries of a systematic synthesis. The followingthemes were, therefore, approached: study characteristics, self-regulationelements addressed, methods and instruments, outcomes and educationalimplications, study limitations, and future research perspectives.

3. Results

3.1. Study CharacteristicsThe systematic review of the empirical studies investigating self-regulation inschool contexts with the help of neuroscientific knowledge and methodscomprised five studies. All of these studies where published in educational


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neuroscience dedicated journals (3 in Mind, Brain, and Educational journaland 2 in Trends in Neuroscience and Education journal), within the last tenyears. All three elements that are a subject of self-regulation were approachedin these studies: emotional, cognitive, and behavioural regulation. Nevertheless,the approaches and foci were diverse. The samples of all five studies totalled376 participants with 36 being the smallest sample and 164 the largest witha wide age spectrum (one study involved pre-schoolers, one a mix of pre-schoolers and primary school students, one middle school students and twostudies tested high school students). The research studies included wereconducted in US (2), Spain, UK, and Finland. The methodology of all empiricalstudies was based on a mix of methods - ones that are more specific tobehavioural sciences (such as self- or others-reported questionnaires, testing

Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 13

Table 1a. Summary of included studies in the systematic review (part 1)

Author(s),Year &Journal

Aim of the study Tested variables Samples Methodology

Checa et al.,2008; in Mind,Brain, andEducation

To examine therole of individualdifferences inneurocognitive andtemperamentalsystems of self-regulation in earlyadolescents’ socialand academiccompetence.

Alerting attention;orienting attention;executive attention;effortful control (EC);negative affect;extraversion/Surgency;social status(appreciation /rejection);schooling skills;school grades.

N=69, Meanage: 12.7yearsSD: 0.65; 34boys; Spanishhigh schoolstudents.

Computerizedtesting ofattentionnetworks (basedon specificneural correlatestheories);self/peer/parentquestionnaires;school gradesmeasures.

Fisher et al.,2009; in Mind,Brain, andEducation

To test the relationbetween academicmotivationalcharacteristics andcertainneurophysiologicalsystems that arethought to underliethe processing ofsuccesses andfailures.

Academic motivation;motivation orientation/regulation;causal attributions ofperformance;error-related negativity(ERN) amplitude;anterior cingulatecortex (ACC)-basederror-monitoringsystem.

N=36; 3rd to5th-grade USstudents (22male), Meanage: 9.53years,SD=0.84.

Electroencephalography (EEG) –Event-RelatedPotentials(ERP);Computerizedtesting;self-reportedquestionnaires;intelligencemeasure;academicperformancemeasure.

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Author(s),Year &Journal

Aim of the study Tested variables Samples Methodology

Lisonbee et al.,2010; in Mind,Brain, andEducation

To examine thecontribution ofHypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal(HPA) andSympatheticNervous System(SNS) activity tochildren’sbehaviouralregulation abilitiesin a classroomsetting.

Regulation difficulties;effortful control;delay of gratification;inhibitory control/slowdown motor;level of cortisol;level of alpha-amylase;Control variables:age; gender; socio-economic status;minority status;classroom group size;teacher sensitivity.

N =186 USAchildren in 4-year-oldclassrooms in12 full-daypreschools:101 boys,mean age53.25 months,66%Caucasian;

Teachers andparents reports;Saliva sampleanalysis (pre andpost Challengetask) formeasuring thelevels of cortisoland alpha-amylase;Observer reportson CIS(CaregiverInteractionScale); Videorecording andanalysing ofchildrenbehaviourduring theChallenge tasks.

Sanger &Dorjee, 2016;in Trends inNeuroscienceand Education

To investigate theimpact of amindfulnesstraining onmarkers ofattention andmetacognition inadolescents

Mindful disposition;self-perception on ownmental abilities andbehaviours;mind wandering;curriculum enjoyment;attention to stimuli;inhibition of stimuli;cognitive load.

N=40, 16 to18 years, UKstudents inprogramsawarded withthe highesthigh schoolqualifications.

Self-reportedquestionnaires(pre and post-test);Behaviouralmeasures;Computerizedtests;Electroencephalo-graphy (EEG).

Streb et al.,2015; inTrends inNeuroscienceand Education

To test whetherchildren’s'emotional arousalis affected bysatisfaction of thebasicpsychologicalneeds as definedby the self-determinationtheory (autonomy,social relatedness,and competence).

Emotional arousal (asambulatory assessedadditional heart rateincrease); basicpsychological needs (associal relatedness,autonomy, andcompetence)

N = 64(kindergarten= 6, grammarschool grade 1and 2 =16,grammarschool grade 3and 4 =16,secondaryschool =16;boys= 32,girls = 32).Finland

FMS (FreiburgerMonitoringsystem)-Analysis:Accelerometryandelectrocardio-graphy (ECG).

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Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 15

Table 1b. Summary of included studies in the systematic review (part 2)

Author(s)& Year



Future researchperspectives


Checa etal., 2008

Executive attentionaccounted for uniquevariance only whenpredicting grades inmathematics;Temperamental systemsof negative emotionalityshowed a strongassociation with poorerschooling skills;Parent-reported negativeaffectivity wasassociated with both lowacademic performanceand increased socialrejection in school;Both self- and parent-reported temperamentalEC were positivelyrelated to all measures ofschooling skills andacademic achievement;Parent-reported EC waspositively associatedwith social appreciationand negatively withantisocial behaviour;The relationshipbetween socialmaladjustment andpoorer schoolingoutcomes was mediatedby EC;A significant correlationwas recorded betweenthe executive attentionscore and parent-reported EC.

Measures of brainfunction duringperformance ofcognitive tasks to testthe connection betweenactivation of the brainnetwork andbehavioural regulationand achievement atschool were notincluded.

Collectingmeasures of brainfunction duringperformance ofcognitive tasks totest the connectionbetween activationof the brainnetwork andbehaviouralregulation andachievement atschool;The relationshipbetween eitherperformance incognitive tasks orreports ofchildren’s EC andachievement, andsocio-emotionalregulation incross-sectionaland/orlongitudinalstudies along theperiods of majordevelopment ofself-regulation;Examination ofbeneficial effectsof interventionsalso affecttemperament andacademicperformance andtransfer to abilitiesrelevant forschoolingcompetence suchas socio-emotionalregulation.

Possibility todesigninterventions toimprove schoolreadiness;Arguments for thereduction ofteacher’s negativereactions;Promotion ofsupport feelings;Encouragingstudents to usemore appropriatecoping strategies.

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Author(s)& Year



Future researchperspectives


Fisher etal., 2009

Intrinsically orientedstudents displayed largeramplitude ERNresponses and mademore internally directedattributions about theirtask performance;Students with highintrinsic orientationattribute performance topersonal control andtheir error-monitoringsystem was morestrongly engaged byperformance errors;Students who attributetheir performance tointernal causes on thetask were moreintrinsically motivatedand had higher grades(GPAs).

Small data set;Limited range ofmotivation orientation

Moreneurocognitivestudies examiningerror monitoringand educationalissues relatedmotivation;Exploring theparallels betweenmotivationalprocesses and theACC-based error-monitoring system(as indexed by theERN response);Explaining whyintrinsicmotivationorientation wouldbe associated witha larger ERN.

Helping teachersunderstand howacademicmotivation may berelated toindividualdifferences inerror-monitoringbehaviour and errorprocessing patterns.

Lisonbee etal., 2010

Girls showed betterdelay of gratificationthan boys;Minority childrenperformed more poorlyon the delay ofgratification task;Higher SES children andolder children werebetter able to slow downtheir drawing during thetask;Children with highercortisol and alpha-amylase levels showedmore difficulty slowingdown during the drawingtask than did childrenwith lower levels ofboth;The successful delay ofgratification requiresthat the child puts togood use the resourcesof the central nervoussystem;The nervous systems ofbetter functioningchildren are more at restwhen demands are notplaced on them.

The methodologicalapproach to assessingphysiological activitywas the biggestlimitation;The 30-min longchallenge task and 30-min ‘‘recovery’’ periodmay not be idealdurations for assessingphysiologicalreactivity;It is difficult toascertain exactly whateach physiologicalmeasure is assessingbecause of timingdifferences;It is impossible toascertain direction ofeffect or dismissthe effect of thirdvariables contributingto both physiologicalactivity andbehavioural regulation.

Examiningcultural, societal,or biologicalinfluences thatmay account forsAA differencesacross groups;

Making clearersense of theresults by studyingpatterns ofstability or changein physiologicalmeasures acrossbehaviouralassessments;Studying HPA andSNS activitytogether to morefully understandhow differentphysiologicalsystems shapebehaviour.

Increasing ourunderstanding ofhow physiologicalactivity may shapeself-regulation inways thatcontribute tochildren’s abilitiesto effectively learnin classrooms andfunction in socialsettings.

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Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 17

Author(s)& Year



Future researchperspectives


Sanger &Dorjee,2016

Mindfulness training foradolescents, delivered byschoolteachers, can havea positive impact onattention processing.Specifically, it leads toless concentrationlapses, relying less onworry-based motivationsto work; reducingsuperstitious and self-punishing beliefs instudents' thoughtcontent; increasingability to discriminatelyinhibit responses to task-irrelevant oddballstimuli; greater self-reported enjoyment ofthe programme andchanges in targetresponse accuracy; nosignificant results on theinvestigation of P3 areaactivation correlatedwith cognitive load.

The correlationbetween targetaccuracy andmindfulness courseenjoyment may havebeen confounded bymotivation;There was a marginalvariance for changes inmetacognition, andtherefore inadvertentselection bias mayhave impacted theresults;Does not includefollow-upmeasurements to assessthe possibility ofemotion regulationeffects as subsequent toimprovements inattention processing.

Follow-upmeasurements onemotionregulation offormermindfulnesstraining students;Studying the‘startle’ effectafter mindfulnesstraining indifferent sensorialconditions (e.g.sound stimuli);Investigating linksbetweenmodulations in N2are andimpulsivity, thatcould becorrelated withadolescents risk-taking behaviour.

Offers argumentsfor introducingmindfulness-basedtraining in schools,as a facilitatingfactor ofmetacognitive andattention skills ofadolescents, whichfurther lead togreater academicperformance andlearning.

Streb et al.,2015

Higher additional heartrates, respectivelyemotional arousal werenoticed at institutionalenvironments that putemphasis on socialrelatedness andautonomy support;Increased additionalheart rates wereregistered in the case ofchildren who reported asense of competence.

The FMS-analysisoverlooks emotionalarousal thataccompanies increasesin physical activity sothat not all emotionalevents will be detected;The FMS-analysiscannot discriminatebetween differentemotions (e.g. angerand happiness).

Studying the roleof self -determination forlearning andcreate learningenvironments thatsupport autonomy,social relatedness,and competence.

Bringingarguments fordesigning differenteducational settingsthat supportactivities likegames, discussions,and cooperativelearning;Providing aninspiringenvironment so thatchildren associatepleasure andsatisfaction withtheir participationin learning.

behaviours or cognitive abilities, academic performance reports, computerizedtesting) and others more specific to neuroscientific studies (e.g. assessmentof physiological markers such as saliva, blood samples, or heart rate;electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging). All fivestudies reported some type of positive correlations regarding self-regulationand another type of tested variable, although they also reported limitations in

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their studies (mainly regarding the small number of participants or themethodology used). Three out of five studies formulated specific implicationsthat their results can have on educational practice.

3.2. Self-regulation Elements AddressedThis section details the topics addressed by the studies and the variablesused in order to measure the relationships hypothesized to exist betweendifferent aspects of self-regulation and different skills and emotional statesthat facilitate learning and social relationships.

The topics approached were very diverse: the contribution of physiologicalactivity (HPA and SNS) to children’s behavioural regulation abilities expectedto relate to classroom and home measures of self-regulation (Lisonbee et al.,2010); the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and its effects onemotional arousal (Streb et al., 2015); the impact of a mindfulness training onmarkers of attention and metacognition in adolescents (Sanger & Dorjee,2016); the role of individual differences in neurocognitive and temperamentalsystems of self-regulation in early adolescents’ social and academic competence(Checa et al., 2008), and the relation between academic motivationalcharacteristics and certain neurophysiological systems that are thought tounderlie the processing of successes and failures (Fisher et al., 2009).

Summing up, the main individual characteristics related to self-regulationaddressed were: physiological and psychological activity, temperament,attention, metacognition, motivation and neurophysiological systems. Theabilities and components regarding learning and social relationships wererelated to behavioural, attentional, metacognitive, temperamental, emotional,and motivational and cognitive (error processing) self-regulation.

For a more details view, variables studied can be clustered as follows: Behavioural elements: regulation difficulties, effortful control, delay of

gratification, inhibitory control/slow down motor - Lisonbee et al., 2010. Cognitive aspects: attentional and metacognitive factors (more specific,

in Sanger & Dorjee, 2016 - mindful disposition, self-perception on ownmental abilities and behaviours, mind wandering, curriculum enjoyment,attention to stimuli, inhibition of stimuli, cognitive load); general intellectualability; attributional style of performance - Fisher et al., 2009; attentionaland temperamental factors (alerting attention, orienting attention, executiveattention, effortful control, negative affect, extraversion/surgency).

Motivational factors: motivational orientation (intrinsic vs. extrinsic); neuralcorrelates associated with motivation processing patterns (error-relatednegativity (ERN) amplitude, processed by the anterior cingulate cortex

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Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 19

(ACC)-based error-monitoring system) - Fisher et al., 2009; satisfaction ofbasic psychological needs (relatedness - interaction with teacher and withpeers, autonomy - freedom of choice with regard to the learning materialand to the preferred way of learning, and competence – feeling of prideregarding personal achievement).

Social factors: social status reflected as appreciation/rejection, schoolingskills, or teacher sensitivity (Checa et al., 2008).

Other physiological elements: level of cortisol - HPA activity and level ofalpha-amylase - SNS activity, associated with emotional and behaviouralself-regulation capacities; heart rate, associated with emotional arousal(Streb et al., 2015).

Socio-demographic variables: age, gender, socioeconomic status of thefamily, minority status (Lisonbee et al., 2010), classroom group size.

Academic performance: grades and other similar measures (Fisher et al.,2009; Checa et al., 2008).

3.3. Methods and InstrumentsThe focus of this systematic review was on identifying neuroscientific methodsand their adapted instruments used on examining self-regulation in schoolcontexts. Therefore, studies that only mentioned neuroscientific knowledgebut used only surveys, psychological testing or classical behavioural data,did not pass our filtering process.

The way psychological behavioural methods are mixed with ones more specificto biomedical research it is, in fact, a characteristic and also an asset foreducational neuroscience. Finding the best fit and the balance betweenbehavioural and physiological evidence it is indeed a challenging act forresearchers in this field, as this is also applied to children increasing thusethical concerns on using human participants in empirical experiments.

In Table 2 a selective list of methods and their associated instruments willingto test self-regulation relevant variables are enumerated based on the dataprovided by the authors of the systematically reviewed studies. This couldserve as an inspiration for researchers willing to further test self-regulation inschool contexts.

3.4. Outcomes and Educational ImplicationsThe emergence of new research techniques in neuroscience suitable for humannon-invasive testing has produced a large body of neuroscientific studies ofself-regulation over the past 10 years. The illustrated findings are significantbecause they extend the neuroscientific research of self-regulation beyondthe laboratory settings and more close to the classroom environment.

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Table 2. List of main methods and instruments for testing self-regulationused by the reviewed studies

Category of methods Instruments

Self- or others-reportedquestionnaires

Social Competence and Behaviour Evaluation Scale-ShortForm (LaFrenière & Dumas, 1996) - investigating self-regulation;Children’s Behaviour Questionnaire (CBQ; Rothbart,Ahadi, Hershey & Fisher, 2001) - investigating temperament;(Challenge Task) - measures of inhibitory control adaptedfrom the battery developed by Kochanska et al. (1996);The Caregiver Interaction Scale (CIS; Arnett, 1989) -assessing teacher insensitivity;The Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) -indicates mindful disposition;The Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire – Adolescent Version(MCQ-A) - records changes in students' perceptions of theirmental abilities and behaviours;A mind wandering measure - records the amount of state mindwandering participants experienced during an attention task;Attention Network Test (ANT) - a modified version of the Fanet al. (2002) adult ANT;The Early Adolescence Temperament Questionnaire-Revised(EATQ-R; Ellis and Rothbarth, 2001)Harter’s Scale of Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic MotivationalOrientation in the Classroom;Attributional Style Concerning Flanker Task Performance.

Physiological markers FMS (Freiburger Monitoring system) - Emotions analysisAccelerometry and electrocardiography (ECG)


The Event-Related Potential (ERP) analysis – post hocanalysis of EEG measures of various brain areas associatedwith specific cognitive functions

Computerized testing The oddball test - an attention task used for computerizedtesting of students;Eriksen flanker task- computerized testing intended to elicit acombination of successful and failed responses;

Abilities testing Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - 4th Edition;

School gradesmeasures.

Academic Performance (GPA scale).

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Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 21

Because the field is rather new and has been approached from a variety ofinteresting directions, this heterogeneity makes it difficult to summarize theexisting discoveries. Nevertheless, the current studies represent attempts toexplore how educationally relevant cognitive and motivational componentsmay parallel neurophysiological reactions to performance outcomes in schoolsettings. For instance, Fisher et al., 2009, set the stage for future researchby testing the relation between academic motivational characteristics andspecific neurophysiological systems that are believed to underlie successesand failures processing.

Although we should not over-interpret these findings, we must be cognizantthat some may play an important role in shaping the future of education. Forinstance, one should think diligently about providing engaging learningenvironments which further lead to greater academic performance and learning.Given these facts, the authors offer arguments for introducing facilitating factorsin schools (e.g. mindfulness-based training for students), or increasingteacher’s awareness by helping them understand how some changes mighthave the potential to reduce conflict and elicit positive responses from students(Sanger & Dorjee, 2016). These findings offer, therefore, a useful and interestingstarting point for future investigations.

3.5. Study LimitationsThe limitations of the studies, as identified and declared by the authors, wererelated to aspects of measurement (timing, interpretation), of some possiblebut un-investigated effects of confounding variables, selection bias, lack offollow-up measures to assess subsequent effects, and lack of measures toinvestigate brain function during performance of cognitive tasks and smalldata sets.

3.6. Future Research PerspectivesDespite the large research on self-regulation, there are still critical questionsregarding research gaps that need to be addressed. For example, we are stillconfronted with the problem of generalizing from these results to the actualschool environment. A proactive approach to research and research-to-classroom setting translation that includes neuroscientists, teachers, andschool managers is an important next step. This is especially significant withregard to the large discrepancies between teacher’s beliefs and self-regulatedlearning strategies (Sanger & Dorjee, 2016).  

Moreover, further investigation is a must in order to increase our understandingof the variables affecting self-regulation. For this reason, it has been stated

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that we must take into account a variety of factors and linkages that, to date,have not been sufficiently examined. Also, in some cases, it might be advisableto replicate the relevant physical characteristics in order to make clearersense of the results (Lisonbee et al., 2010).

4. Discussion

This systematic review examined how educational neuroscientific literatureapproaches self-regulation research topics in school contexts. Due to thebrief history of educational neuroscience literature (Mareschal, Butterworth &Tolmie, 2013), we have found only a little number of empirical studies to passour filtering criteria. Although, the number was higher in general as manyother relevant and consistent studies were conducted on self-regulation in aneducational setting using other samples than the ones we have selected forthis review (mainly, consisting in higher education students).

Self-Regulation in School ContextsSelf-regulation is a subject well studied in disciplines like psychology andeducation, many testing instruments being developed over the years, somealso exemplified in the studies here. Nevertheless, specific research subjectssuch as self-regulated learning (Zimmerman, 1990; Pintrich, 2004) are still ahot and debated topic in education. In this context, the new neuroscientificmethods looking to find brain correlates that can bring new insights on moresubtle elements of self-regulation (e.g. metacognition, mindset, engagement,conflicting stimuli inhibition) are currently under development and refinement.In this regard, as our review indicates, there are some specific abilities relatedto self-regulation that can be explored with neuroscientific methods, as forexample the capacity to orient and focus own attention on specific environment/internal stimuli (Sanger & Dorjee, 2016; Checa et al., 2008); the capacity toinhibit first responses and adapt to a specific context (Lisonbee et al., 2010);the awareness of one’s own emotions, thoughts, beliefs (Fisher et al., 2009).

The Educational Neuroscience PromiseAs Butterworth and Tolmie formulated in their introductory chapter of one ofthe educational neuroscience pioneering books (Mareschal, Butterworth &Tolmie, 2013), this new research field aims to provide insights on how we canhelp learners to achieve their learning potential “and to make learning moreeffective to all learners” (p. 2).

Taking this further, M.S.C. Thomas (2013) formulates some predictionsregarding the evolution of educational neuroscience and of its impact in

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Revista de Pedagogie/ Journal of Pedagogy • 2017 (2) • LXV 23

education. Thus, in the near future we can expect that this new discipline willhelp understanding reasons for why some methods work and some not, andwe shall find ways to optimize learning but on a broader level; but on a farfuture, this could lead to some interesting and challenging phenomena, suchas an “educational placebo effect”, genetically personalized education, andthus will increase the need of a neuroscientific training for teachers.

Despite all these promises, we should keep aware that using neuroscientificmethods in an educational setting has also many limitations. For example,using laboratory instruments of investigation (e.g. EEG or fMRI apparatus) ismore difficult to assess subtle educational-specific elements as for examplebehavioural regulation in educational regular social contexts (Caragea et al.,2017).

LimitationsRegarding the limitations of our own study, we consider that although we triedto conduct a thorough search for relevant articles, some could have misseddue to the fact that not all relevant databases were included in our searchstrategy. For example, for a future study, we are considering to use anaggregator such as Google Scholar (Dion & Restrepo, 2016), which can offera more thorough integration of potential relevant entries for our search.Another limitation could have been the data extraction strategy, as eachresearcher had a slightly different approach in selecting the most relevantcontent to extract and also his or her way to analyse and formulate a synthesisof main ideas. For this, we used collaborative documents as to see in realtime what the others are formulating and indicate them if some discrepancieswould appear.

5. ConclusionsThis systematic review, which included only five empirical studies, with atotal of 376 participants, offered some insights regarding the type of relevantself-regulation variables and experimental designs that researchers fromeducational neuroscience can use in order to conduct specific studies inschool contexts. The review indicates that this type of literature is in its dawnand that a successful mix between psychological tools and more neuroscientificphysiological data related instruments, can be used to conduct self-regulationresearch in school contexts also for preK-12 students. We take note of thelimitations these methods have, as they are very new in education research,but we are also keeping ourselves optimistic regarding their potential to facilitatefurther research insights on self-regulation in education and also on othereducation-related topics.

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