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Sem Part - :: APSA COLLEGE

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Pso1: Focuses on preparing student for roles pertaining IT industry. Pso2: Start from the basics and in every semester learns each and everything about computers. Pso3: Develop programming skills, networking skills, learn applications, packages, programming languages and modern techniques of IT. Pso4: Get skill and info not only about computer and information technology but also in common, organization and management. Pso5: Learn programming language such as C++, Java, Visual Basic, HTML, PHP,SQL, etc… Pso6: Information about various computer applications and latest development in IT and communication system is also provided. Pso7: Gives overview of the topics in IT like networking, computer graphics, web development, trouble shooting, and hardware and software skills. Pso8: Bachelor of Information Technology gives a number of opportunities to individuals to go ahead and shine in their lives. Pso9: A few of them being like software programmer, system and network administrator, web designer faculty for Information Technology, computer science and computer applications.

Pso1: Focuses on preparing student for roles pertaining IT industry.

Pso2: Start from the basics and in every semester learns each and everything about


Pso3: Develop programming skills, networking skills, learn applications, packages,

programming languages and modern techniques of IT.

Pso4: Get skill and info not only about computer and information technology but

also in common, organization and management.

Pso5: Learn programming language such as C++, Java, Visual Basic, HTML,

PHP,SQL, etc…

Pso6: Information about various computer applications and latest development in IT

and communication system is also provided.

Pso7: Gives overview of the topics in IT like networking, computer graphics, web

development, trouble shooting, and hardware and software skills.

Pso8: Bachelor of Information Technology gives a number of opportunities to

individuals to go ahead and shine in their lives.

Pso9: A few of them being like software programmer, system and network

administrator, web designer faculty for Information Technology, computer science

and computer applications.


Course Cr. Hrs./ Marks Total

Part Subject Name Week Int. Ext.



I 411T Tamil/other languages – I 3 6 25 75 100

II 412E English – I 3 6 25 75 100

III 4BIT1C1 Core – I – Principles of

Information Technology & OS 4 6 25 75 100

III 4BIT1P1 Core – II – Operating System

Lab 4 6 40 60 100

III Allied – I 5 5 25 75 100


4NME1B /


(1) Non-Major Elective– I

2 1 25 75 100

Total 21 30 -- -- 600


Semester –I

Name of the Subject: (4BIT1C1) Principles of Information Technology & OS


This course is an introductory course to computers and information technology. It includes

computer and information literacy, with the main emphasis on competency with software through

hands-on practice. Candidates should know that the OS is software that controls all operations.


COS 1: Define the basic components of a computer system; Understand the basic characteristics

of a typical microprocessor; Be aware of the principal input devices, main storage devices, main

output devices currently in use;

COS 2: Determine the roles for IT in organizations and how IT policies are developed and fit

within the organization's objectives and mission statement, while balancing the role of team player

and independent technician.

COS 3:Discuss about communication,MODEM,process management ,internet and surfing of data

COS 4: Components of OS. Kernel (supervisor or control program), memory manager,

input/output manager, backing store manager, resource allocation and scheduler, accounting, error

handling and security, interface between hardware and user.

COS 5: Types of operating systems. Single program OS, multitasking, multiprogramming and

networked. Command line interface and GUI interface. Candidates are expected to be aware of

different types of operating systems.

Texts Prescribed

1. Stacey C Sawyer, Brain K Williams, Sarah E Hutchinson Using Information Technology –

Brief Version A Practical Introduction to Computer and Communications Second Edition,

The McGraw Hill Companies Unit I to III.

2. A Silberschatz Peter Galvin and Greg Gagne, “Applied Operating System Concepts”, John

Wiley & Sons, 2000 Unit IV & V.


Part Course


Title of the Paper Cr. Hrs./


Max. Marks

Int. Ext. Total


I 421T Tamil/other languages – II 3 6 25 75 100

II 422E English – II 3 6 25 75 100

III 4BIT2C1 Core – III – Programming in C

and Data Structures 4 5 25 75 100

III 4BIT2P1 Core – IV – Data Structures

using C Lab 4 6 40 60 100

III Allied – II 5 5 25 75 100

IV 4BES2 (3) Environmental Studies 2 2 25 75 100

Total 21 30



Semester –II

Name of the Subject: (4BSOA2)Office Automation (Allied)


COS 1: a)Word Processing Basics introducon to word processing soware; features and area of

use; menus and commands; toolbars and buons; shortcut menus, wizards and templates; creang a

new document; paragraph and page formang; text eding using various features ; bullets,

numbering, auto formating, printing and various print options

COS 2: Advanced word processing features: spell check, thesaurus, find and replace; headers and

footers; inserting – page numbers, pictures, files, auto texts, symbols etc.; working with columns,

tabs and indents.

COS 3:working with spread sheet different views of work sheet

COS 4: Creation of tables, queries, forms and reports. Creation of well organised and linked

relational tables. Field data types: numeric, string, boolean and date. Enforcement of referential

integrity. Use of macros. Creation of customised menus. Execution of multitable queries.

COS 5: How the Internet was developed. Internet structure. Internet registries. Domain names.

DNS and TLD. Intranets and Extranets.

Internet service provider. Web site. Web page construction. Web server. Web browser (URL,

HTML, bookmark, history, downloading, hyperlinks).

Texts Prescribed

1) “PC SOFTWARE for Windows 98 Made Simple”, 2006, R.K.Taxali, TATA

McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

2) “Introduction to Computers with MS-Office 2000” 2001, Alexis Leno & Mathews

Leon, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.


Semester –II

Name of the Subject: (7BIT2C1) Programming in C and Data Structures

Course Description

C is a powerful general purpose programming language used for creating a wide variety of

system programs and applications. It is one of the most preferred programming languages amongst

software programmers. It can be used on a broad range of hardware and operating system

platforms. This intermediatelevel language offers imperative, objectoriented and generic

programming features.

Data structure is a specific method of storing and organizing system data in order to use it

efficiently. Large amounts of data including internet indexing services and large databases can be

efficiently managed with the implementation of data structures. It also has a major role to play in

designing efficient algorithms and system software programs.

Course Objectives

C with Data Structures

1. Enhance your Programming Skills by Learning C with Data Structures

2. C is a powerful general purpose programming language used for creating a wide variety of

system programs and applications. It is one of the most preferred programming languages

amongst software programmers. It can be used on a broad range of hardware and operating

system platforms. This intermediatelevel language offers imperative, objectoriented and

generic programming features.

3. Data structure is a specific method of storing and organizing system data in order to use it

efficiently. Large amounts of data including internet indexing services and large databases

can be efficiently managed with the implementation of data structures. It also has a major

role to play in designing efficient algorithms and system software programs.

4. Provide an overview of programming languages and problem solving techniques.

5. Develop programming skills with the understanding of the fundamentals and basics of C

Language. Give complete information about control structures, arrays, strings, functions,

structures, and pointers.

6. Enable the uses the memory management concepts. Provide understanding about the issues

regarding file organization and the implementation of file systems.

7. Impart knowledge about data structures including linked lists, stacks & queues, and binary


Delegates will be able to:

Write programs with the help of basic elements including control statements, arrays and


Edit, compile, execute and get hard copy of a simple program.

Write a program using C++ arithmetic operators, input/output methods and appropriate

manipulators for formatting.

Implement user defined functions to understand the code reusability.

Gain complete understanding of bit fields and bit wise operations.

Use pointers to overcome the memory access problems.

Learn inheritance and its types for code reuse.

Implement sorting and searching techniques in data structure.

Use character data and string processing, and create their own data type.

Understand the uses of both one dimensional and multidimensional arrays.

Use exception handling to avoid exceptions during program executions.

Get on over view of common data structures such as linked lists, stacks, queues, & tree.

Develop sophisticated applications using enumerated data types, function pointers and

nested structures.

Texts Prescribed

1. Theory and Problems of programming with C, by Byron S.Gottfried, TATA McGRAW


2. Data Structures Using C, by Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe

J.Augenstein, Low Price Edition, PEARSON Education.(Chapter 2, 4, 5)

Course Outcome (COs)

COS 1: Understanding about C Basics

History of C,Characteristics of C,C Program Structure, Variables, Defining Global

Variables, Printing Out and Inputting Variables,Constants,Arithmetic Operations,

Comparison Operations, Logical Operators, Order of Precedence


Conditionals, The if statement, The? Operator, The switch Statement, Looping and

Iteration, The for statement, The while statement, The dowhile statement, Break and


COS 2: Understanding about Arrays and Strings

Defining, initializing and using arrays, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, Arrays of

Characters and Strings, Arrays and pointers, Strings Functions

Role of Functions, Passing arguments to functions, Returning values from functions,

Recursive functions, Call back functions, Implications on Stack, Pass by value / reference,

Passing Arrays to functions

String Handling : <string.h>

Basic String handling functions, String Searching, Character Conversions and testing :

<ctype.h>, Memory Operations: <memory.h>

COS 3: Understanding about Structures and Unions

Structures, Nested Structures, Array of Structures, Allocation of memory and holes, Unions

Further Data Types

Coercion or TypeCasting, Enumerated Types, Static Variables

Dynamic Memory Allocation & Dynamic Structures

Malloc, Sized, and Free, Calloc and Realloc

Advanced Pointer Topics

The purpose of pointers, Defining pointers, The & and * Operators, Pointer, Assignment,

Pointers with functions, Pointer Arithmetic, Advanced pointer types, Pointers to functions,

Pointers to String, Pointers and Dynamic memory, Pointers and Structures, Common

Pointer Pitfalls, Not assigning a pointer to memory address before using it Illegal


Storage Classes

Scope, Internal,External,Automatic,Static,Scope and extent of parameters

Low Level Operators and Bit Fields

Bitwise Operators, Bit Fields, Bit Fields: Practical Example, A note of Caution: Portability

COS 4 : Understanding about The C Processor

#define,#undef,#include,#if – conditional inclusion,Preprocessor Compiler Control, Other

Preprocessor Commands, Integer Functions, Random Number, String Conversion :

<stdlib.h>,Arithmetic Functions, Random Numbers, String Conversion

Mathematics: <math.h>

Math Functions, Math Constants

Input and Output (I/O) : <stdio.h>

Reporting Errors, perror(),errno,exit(),Streams,Predefined Streams, Redirection,Basic

I/O,Formatted I/O, Printf,Scanf,Files, Reading and writing files,Sprintf and sscanf

Stream Status Enquiries

COS 5: Understanding about Data Structures

Linked Lists, Stacks & Queues, Binary Tree

Sorting & Searching Techniques

Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort

Sem. Part Course


Title of the Paper Cr. Hrs./


Max. Marks

Int. Ext. Total


I 431T Tamil/other languages – III 3 6 25 75 100

II 432E English – III 3 6 25 75 100

III 4BIT3C1 Core – V – Programming in

C++ and Algorithms 4 5 25 75 100

III 4BIT3P1 Core – VI – Algorithms using

C++ Lab 4 5 40 60 100

III Allied – III 5 5 25 75 100


4NME3A /

4NME3B /


(1) Nonmajor Elective–II – (a)

,yf;fpaKk; nkhopg;gad;ghLk; /

(b)goe;jkpo; ,yf;fpaq;fSk;


(c)Effective Employability


2 1 25 75 100



(2) Skill Based Subjects – I 2 2 25 75 100

V 4BEA3 Extension activities 1




Semester –III

Name of the Subject: (4BIT3C1) Programming in C++ and Algorithms

Course Description

C++ Programming is intended for software engineers, systems analysts, program

managers and user support personnel who wish to learn the C++ programming language.

Course Objectives

1. To understand how C++ improves C with objectoriented features.

2. To learn how to write inline functions for efficiency and performance.

3. To learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language.

4. To learn how to design C++ classes for code reuse.

5. To learn how to implement copy constructors and class member functions.

6. To understand the concept of data abstraction and encapsulation.

7. To learn how to overload functions and operators in C++.

8. To learn how containment and inheritance promote code reuse in C++.

9. To learn how inheritance and virtual functions implement dynamic binding with


10. To learn how to design and implement generic classes with C++ templates.

11. To learn how to use exception handling in C++ programs.

Texts Prescribed

1. ObjectOriented Programming with C++, E.Balagurusamy, Tata McGrawHill Publishing

Company Limited, New Delhi.

2. Algorithms, Richard Johnsonbaugh and Marcus Schaefer, Pearson Education Pte Ltd,

Delhi, 2004

Course Outcome (COs)

COS 1: Understanding about Basic data types and pointer variables, Constants, expressions, and

header files, Basic I/O processing, Control structures, Functions, One and two dimensional arrays,

Arrays and pointer arithmetic, Characters and Strings: string class, Structures, Definition of

structures, Declaring and using structure variables, Structure definitions and source modules,

Structures as member variables of another structure, Initializing structure variables, Structure

variables and the assignment operator, Structures and functions, arrays, and pointer variables

COS 2: Understanding about Classes, Definition of classes and function members of classes,

Defining objects and specifying the members of an object, Objects, assignment, and Arrays,

Classes, functions, and pointer variables, Objected oriented Programming, Data abstraction and

information hiding and data validation (exit function),Initializing objects with constructors: default

constructors, copy constructors, initial values of an object, constructors with default arguments,

explicit constructor calls, constructors with initialization sections, constructor of a class with arrays

as data members, and array of objects and constructors.

COS 3: Friend functions, Inheritance, Virtual function: dynamic/late binding of the methods, File

Input/Output, Operator Overloading: as friend functions and as member functions. Execution a

C++ program. Memory layout of a C/C++ program and the binding of variables to memory

locations: global variables, local variables, static variables, value parameters, and reference

parameters. Dynamic memory management: operators new and delete. Objects as members of a

class, Classes and dynamic memory locations/arrays: destructors, copy constructors, and

overloading the assignment operator.

COS 4: Understanding about Function and class templates. Foundations: Introduction to design

and analysis of algorithms, insertion sort, merge sort, Asymptotic notations, solving recurrences,

Divide and conquer algorithms: modular exponentiation; Stassen’s algorithm, Polynomials and

long Integer’s multiplication; division algorithm; Euclid’s algorithm.

COS 5: Understanding Sorting and order statistics: Quick sort, randomized algorithms, Sorting

lower bounds, and counting sort , Medians and order statistics algorithms Dynamic programming

Longest common subsequence, and Matrix chain multiplication Graph algorithms, Elementary

graph algorithms. Representing graphs, breadth-first-search, depth-first-search, and applications.

Minimum spanning tree, shortest path algorithms.


Course Description

Students will be use the operations research to solve problems like linear programming

problem (LPP), transportation problem and assignment problem.

Course Objectives

Texts Prescribed

1. Operation Research by Kanti Swarup, P.K.Gupta, Man Mohan Sultan Chand & Sons

Educational Publishers, New Delhi.

2. Linear Programming by S.Arumugam & A.Thangapandi Isaac. New gamma Publicating

House, Palayamkottai – 2003

Students completing the course will be able to

a. Explain the methods of Operations Research

b. Understand the linear and non linear programming search techniques.

c. Explain probabilistic models and dynamic programming.

Course Outcome (COs)

COS 1: Know introduction to operations research, tools, techniques and methods

COS 2 : Define and formulate linear programming problems and appreciate their limitations.

Understand the simplex method and artificial variable technique for linear programming

and perform iterations.

COS 3 : Understand the method for solving the assignment problem and travelling salesman


COS 4 : Understand the transportation problem and find the initial feasible solution and optimal


COS 5 : Understand the network scheduling PERT/CPM, basic components, Rules of Network

Construction, Critical path Analysis and Distinction between PERT and CPM.


I 441T Tamil/other languages – IV 3 6 25 75 100

II 442E English – IV 3 6 25 75 100

III 4BIT4C1 Core – VII – Java Programming 4 4 25 75 100

III 4BIT4P1 Core – VIII – Java Programming

Lab 4 5 40 60 100

III 4BITSA4 Allied – IV 5 5 25 75 100




(2) Skill Based Subjects – II 2 2 25 75 100




(4) Value Education /

Manavalakalai Yoga /

Women’s Studies

2 2 25 75 100

Total 23 30 -- -- 700



Text Book

“Programming with JAVA”, Second Edition 2006”, E. Balagurusamy, TATA McGraw-Hill

Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

COS 1: Understand the basic oops concept. Java evaluation and implementation overview of java.

Explain about basic Java language , concepts of variables , syntax and semantics to write Java


COS 2: Know operators and expressions, decision making and branching, Decision making and


COS 3: Able to understand classes and methods, array strings and vectors, inheritance, interface

concept instead of multiple inheritances.

COS 4: Packages of java, multithreaded programming contains synchronization, managing errors

and exceptions handling.

COS 5: Able to perform applet programming designing HTML, graphic programming.



CO1 Explain the programming language design, syntax and semantics.

CO2. Describe the critical thinking skills through solving programming problems.

CO3 Explain the standard syntax for java programs and other programming Tools.

CO4. Describe the animation and events based advanced java program concepts (Applet)

CO5. Explain the java programs using object oriented class with parameters, constructors, utility,

calculations, methods including inheritance, test classes and exception handling.


Course Description

Student will get the knowledge of Approximation in numerical computation, Interpolation,

Numerical integration, system of linear equations, Algebraic equation and ordinary differential


Course Objectives

Texts Prescribed

1. Numerical methods in Science and Engineering. By Dr. M. K. Venkatraman, National

Publishing Company Chennai.

2. Computer Oriented Numerical methods – V. Rajaraman.

3. Numerical Methods by Dr.S.Arumugam, A.Thangapandi, Issac and A.Somasundaram


Students completing the course will be able to

a. Student will get the knowledge of Approximation in numerical computation

b. Student will get the knowledge of Interpolation and Numerical integration

c. Student will get the knowledge of Numerical solution of Algebraic equation and ordinary

differential equation

Course Outcome (COs)

CO1:- Student will get the knowledge of Approximation in numerical computation

CO2 : Student will get the knowledge of Curve Fitting, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a


CO3:- Student will get the knowledge of basic concepts of operators ∆,Ε, ∇ and Interpolation.

Solve problems using Newton forward formula and Newton backward formula. Derive

Gauss’s formula and Stirling formula using Newton forward formula and Newton

backward formula.

CO4:- Student will get the knowledge of Numerical solution of Numerical Differentiation and

Integration. Derive rules using trapezoidal rule, Romberg’s method and Gaussian

Quadrative formula.

CO5:- Student will get the knowledge of Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation.

Find the solution of Taylor’s series, Picards, Euler’s, Runge kutta, Predictor, Corrector and

Milne’s method.

Sem. Part Course


Title of the Paper Cr. Hrs./


Max. Marks

Int. Ext. Total


III 4BIT5C1 Core – IX – Database

Management Systems 4 5 25 75 100

III 4BIT5P1 Core – X – Visual Basic and

MYSQL Lab 4 6 40 60 100

III 4BIT5C2 Core – XI – Visual

Programming 4 5 25 75 100



Elective – I – XML and Web

Services (or) Graphics and


5 5 25 75 100


III 4BITE2A/ Elective – II – Computer

Networks (or) Security in

Computing (or) Client

Server Computing

5 5 25 75 100







(2) Skill Based Subjects – I 2 2 25 75 100

(2) Skill Based Subjects – I 2 2 25 75 100

Total 26 30



Semester –V

Name of the Subject: (4BIT5C1) Database Management Systems

Course Description

This course provides students an introduction to the design and programming of database

systems, with a focus on the ER (entity-relationship) approach to data modeling, the relational

model of database management systems (DBMSs), knowledge creation and sharing, and the use

of query languages such as SQL.

Texts Prescribed

1. Database System Concepts – Silberschatz Korth Sudarshan, International (5th Edition)

McGraw Hill Higher Education 2006.

2. Jose A.Ramalho – Learn ORACLE 8i BPB Publications 2003

Course Outcome (COs)

COS 1:Give an introduction about DBMS, data models, a schema, E-R diagram, relational

database and benefits of database.

COS 2: Able to design a good database using normalization, decomposition and functional


COS 3: Understand the concepts of database architecture, client server architecture, parallelism

concepts and distributed database concepts

COS 4: Learn about indexes, sequences, data integrity, creating and maintaining tables and user


COS 5: understand the basic concepts of PL/SQL programming, cursors, triggers, packages,

procedures, functions and transactions



CO1 Explain the simple programs using basic control statement.

CO2.Explain the GUI based program using Basic ActiveX Control.

CO3. Explain the different advanced ActiveX control with example application programs.

CO4.Explain the various types of data base handling with MS-Access and Oracle.

CO5.Describe the concepts of data report for an organization.



COS 1: Know the working environment of visual basics using a control structure. Explain the basic

Concepts of Program building block control statements and the basic concepts of function and


COS 2: Understand the module, components and menu editor and its concept in a simple manner.

Describe the functionality and properties of GUI based ActiveX Control with example programs.

COS 3: Analyze a controls such text box, rich text box and etc…write coding easily. Discuss about

graphics handling related control and properties.

COS 4: Develop the project with database using ODBC, DAO, ADO and visual data manager.

COS 5: Understand the MFC, Include the active controls and other control to perform particular



Course Description

Students will be learning to develop entries web services.

Course Objectives

Texts Prescribed

1. Sandeep ChatterJee, James webber, “Developing Enterprise web services”, Pearson

Education, 2004

Students completing the course will be able to

(a) Know What are Web Services? SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Importance of Web Service and

Web Services and enterprises.

(b) Understand overview of SOAP, HTTP, XML, RPC, SOAP, UDDT

Course Outcome (COs)

CO1 : Know What are Web Services? SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Importance of Web Service and

Web Services and enterprises

CO2 : Learn XML Fundamentals

CO3 : Understand overview of SOAP, HTTP, XML, RPC, SOAP

CO4 : Learn UDDT

CO5: Learn conversions Web Services, Web Services Conversation Language, WSDL Interface



Course Description

Students will be able to various graphics drawing algorithms, 2D-3D transformations and

clipping techniques. To develop an interactive multimedia presentation by using multimedia

devices and identify theoretical and practical aspects in designing multimedia applications

surround the emergence of multimedia technology.

Course Objectives

Texts Prescribed

1. Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition McGraw Hill 1995.

2. Plastok and Gordon Kalley, Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill.

3. ”Multimedia technology and applications” 2002, David Hillman, Galgotia publications

Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

4. Foley Feiner, Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice , Addison Wesley.

Students completing the course will be able to

a. Will be able to analyze computer graphics and algorithms

b. To implement 2D and 3D transformation.

c. To understand about various latest interactive multimedia devices, the basic concepts about

text and text formats and to provide comprehensive introduction about graphics and

multimedia applications. To understand about digital audio, Digital video and animation.

Course Outcome (COs)

CO1 : To provide comprehensive introduction about computer graphics system and design

algorithms. To implement various graphics drawing algorithms.

CO2 : To implement 2D transformations.

CO3 : To make the students familiar with techniques of clipping and viewing, three dimensional

graphics and three dimensional transformations.

CO4 : To understand about various latest interactive multimedia devices, the basic concepts about

text and text formats.

CO5 : To provide comprehensive introduction about graphics and multimedia applications. To

understand about digital audio, Digital video and animation.


Semester – V

Elective – II

(4BITE2C) Client Server Computing

Course Description

It is an introduction to Client/Server Computing. This course examines the computing

environment that satisfies the organizational needs of allocating application processing between

workstation (the client) and server processors. The student will be exposed to terminology,

concepts, and client/server programming techniques.

Course Objectives

Gain Exposure on most common used servers. Understand the concept of clientserver development

and learn problem solving skills through design scenarios for network environment. Develop a

client –server based application

1. Define the underlying concepts in client server development using common access databases

2. Design client server environment with given scenarios using computer aided tool.

3. Devise popular servers with two tier scenarios.

4. Design and Set up a client server environment using LAN and WAN Scenarios.

5. Describe the concept of middleware, and communication protocols.

6. Design and build client server applications with network programming exposure. Understand

basic networking concepts using sockets.

7. Examine the techniques which are required to develop network application internet based


8. Explain the different component of N Tier and Three Tier application.

9. Compare various application deployment mechanisms and the use of digital certificates.

Texts Prescribed

Client Server Computing, Patrick Smith, Sams Publishing, 1994.

Course Outcome (COs)

COS 1: Know the basic of network, network type’s reference model and layers in network To

introduce the client server architecture and fundamentals of distributed systems.To make students

familiar with Distributed computing environment, RMI and DCOM architecture The objective of

the course is to understand Distributed Systems, distributed computing environment, RMI, DCOM

architecture and CORBA architecture.

COS 2: Understand the routing algorithm and protocols that are used in network communication.

To understand elementary socket system calls, advanced socket system calls and Java Socket API

and to explain the basic concepts relating to TCP and UDP based sockets.

To understand File transfer protocol, remote login using pseudo terminal and RPC.

COS 3: Learn the different types of protocols such as RPP, DHCP, ARP, RAP. To evaluate

reliability of systems with permanent and temporary faults. Assess the relation between software

testing and residual defects and security vulnerabilities To understand the use of client/server

architecture, inter process communication and to explain the basic communication protocols.

COS 4: Try to tackle various information security techniques to safe guard the valuable

information from one end to another Client / Server systems Development Software, Rising

Technology Client / Server systems development methodology Project Management Architecture

definition Systems Development Environment Productivity measures, CASE Object Oriented

Programming Client / Server systems Development Hardware, Hardware/Network acquisition

Server Hardware Data storage Magnetic disks, Network Interface Card.

COS 5: Apply the concept of networks in various fields. To the widely applicable area of reliable

and fault tolerant computing. To understand the techniques to model faults and know how to

generate tests and evaluate effectiveness.

Sem. Part Course


Title of the Paper Cr. Hrs./


Max. Marks

Int. Ext. Total


III 4BIT6C1 Core – XII – Software

Engineering 4 5 25 75 100

III 4BIT6C2 Core – XIII – Cloud Computing 4 5 25 75 100

III 4BIT6C3 Core – XIV – Web Programming 4 5 25 75 100

III 4BIT6PR Core – XV – Project 4 6 40 60 100

III 4BITE3A / Elective – III – Mobile

Communication (or) Parallel


5 5 25 75 100






(2) Skill Based Subjects – II 2 2 25 75 100

(2) Skill Based Subjects – II 2 2 25 75 100


Course Description

Students will be learn the software life cycle phases (project management, requirements

engineering, software design, prototyping and testing). Create and specify a software design based

on the requirement specification that the software can be implemented based on the design. Make

a testing plan for the software.

Course Objectives

Texts Prescribed

1. Software Engineering Concepts – Richard E. Fairley, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company

Ltd , New Delhi (Chapters: 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 9)

2. Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s approach – Roger S. Pressman, (Fourth

Edition)McGraw Hill International Editions(Chapters:8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7, 8.9, 8.10, 17)

3. An Integrated Approach to Software engineering – Pankaj Jalote, Second Edition

Narosa Publishing House.

4. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli,

Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

Students completing the course will be able to

a. Explain the fundamental knowledge in science, mathematics, fundamentals of computer

science, software engineering and multidisciplinary engineering to begin in practice as a

software engineer.

b. Understand tools and techniques of software engineering.

c. Verify and validate the problem of software programming

Course Outcome (COs)

COS 1: Know introduction to software engineering and planning a software project.

COS 2: Learn software cost estimation and software requirements definition.

COS 3: Understand software design and software implementation.

COS 4: Verify and validate the problem of software programming

COS 5: Maintain the quality of software project


Semester –VI

(4BIT6C2) Cloud Computing

Course Description

Cloud Computing is considered one of the top five emerging technologies that will have a major

impact on the quality of science and society over next 20 years. It provides a way to centralize the

setup, implementation, maintenance, and management of integrated computation services to

individual and corporate end users. This course provides a graduate-level comprehensive

introduction to cloud computing with an emphasis on advanced topics.

Course objectives:

1. To learn how to use Cloud Services.

2. To implement Virtualization

3. To implement Task Scheduling algorithms.

4. Apply Map-Reduce concept to applications.

5. To build Private Cloud.

6. Broadly educate to know the impact of engineering on legal and societal issues involved.

Texts Prescribed

Course Outcome (COs)

CO1: Analyze the Cloud computing setup with it's vulnerabilities and applications using different

architectures VMWare.

CO2: Design different workflows according to requirements and apply map reduce programming

mode, Cloud providers, Cloud deployment models.

CO3: Apply and design suitable Virtualization concept, Cloud Resource Management and design

scheduling algorithms, Aneka , service level agreement.

CO4: Create combinatorial auctions for cloud resources and design scheduling algorithms for

computing clouds Amazon S3, Cloud file system.

CO5: Assess cloud Storage systems and Cloud security, the risks involved, its impact and develop

cloud application. Broadly educate to know the impact of engineering on legal and societal issues

involved in addressing the security issues of cloud computing.



CO1 Describe the concepts of markup languages, un order list, table, formatting, liking and frames.

CO2. Discuss about the creation of cascading style sheets, backgrounds, media types and building

a dropdown menu.

CO3 Explain the JavaScript, control structure, if structure, switch, do-while and logical operators.

Describe the java script functions, java script arrays and java script objects.

CO4. Describe the concepts of Open source , PHP functions, arrays ,files and OOPs.

CO5. Describe the concepts of Python , Data types and array.


Semester –VI

Name of the Subject: (4BITE3A) Mobile Communication

Course Description

This course aims to teach the students the principles of mobile communication, mobile sets, and

mobile networks, since the mobile networks are very important sector of telecommunication

business, these concepts are crucial for the students in telecommunication engineering, after

completing this course successfully, the student will be able to demonstrate the mobile network

(for both GSM/UMTS) structure.

Texts Prescribed

1. JOCHEN SCHILLER, Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley, 2000.

Course Outcome (COs)

COS 1: General knowledge of Mobile and Wireless Communication technology. Define Mobile

Computing and look at current trends. Apply advanced data communicating methods and

networking protocols for wireless and mobile environments.

COS 2: . Wireless sensor network system in different fields - Design and development of sensor

nodes, wireless sensor network and sensor based automatic devices. Critically analyse security

issues of mobile and wireless computing systems

COS 3 : GSM network architecture, handover principles in GSM, GPRS, EGSM, system capacity

and network planning, UMTS network architectures, services offered by UMTS, the integration

of UMTS and GSM systems

COS 4 : Discuss about WiMAX, DECT Phones, VoIP, and WiFi,,BLUETOOTH,HIPER LAN

Mobile transport layer and network layer.

COS 5: working of WAP(Wireless Application Protocol),Design of WEB pages by using

