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Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language

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Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language Gowri Allampalli-Nagaraj A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science University of Washington 2007 Program Authorized to Offer Degree: Institute of Technology - Tacoma
Page 1: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language

Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language

Gowri Allampalli-Nagaraj

A thesis

submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

University of Washington


Program Authorized to Offer Degree:

Institute of Technology - Tacoma

Page 2: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language

University of Washington

Graduate School

This is to certify that I have examined this copy of a master‘s thesis by

Gowri Allampalli-Nagaraj

and have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respects,

and that any and all revisions required by the final

examining committee have been made.

Committee Members:


Isabelle Bichindaritz


George Mobus


Page 3: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language

In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master‘s degree at

the University of Washington, I agree that the Library shall make its copies freely available

for inspection. I further agree that extensive copying of this thesis is allowable only for

scholarly purposes, consistent with ―fair use‖ as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Any

other reproduction for any purposes or by any means shall not be allowed without my

written permission.

Signature ________________________

Date ____________________________

Page 4: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language

University Of Washington


Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language

Gowri Allampalli-Nagaraj

Chair of the Supervisory Committee:

Professor Isabelle Bichindaritz

Computing and Software Systems

This paper presents a system implemented to evaluate the retrieval efficiency of images

when they are semantically indexed using a combination of a Web Ontology Language and

the low level features of the image. Finding a similarity measure algorithm to retrieve

images based on the semantic metadata can be very challenging due to diverse image

content and inadequate domain specific ontologies describing the content. Existing

methods for indexing images are primarily based on text. While this method is widely used

due to its simplicity, it is not very efficient as it requires a domain expert and the textual

interpretations of image content vary from person to person. In our approach, we leverage

sophisticated image processing techniques to extract image content information and

associate them to existing domain ontologies developed by experts thereby, bridging the

gap between low level features and high level semantics. The work described in this paper

shows that a high retrieval accuracy rate is obtained when all the image descriptors are

combined with an ontology while building the semantic metadata for indexing images.

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List Of Figures ........................................................................................................................ iii

List Of Tables .......................................................................................................................... iv

Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................... 3

Motivation......................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................... 4

Problem Statement ........................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................... 6

Background ....................................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Ontology ................................................................................................................. 6

4.2 Image Databases ..................................................................................................... 6

4.3 Image Semantic Representation Languages .......................................................... 7

4.4 Image Interpretation Software ............................................................................... 8

4.5 MPEG – 7 ............................................................................................................... 8

4.6 Distance Measure ................................................................................................. 11

Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................. 12

Datasets ........................................................................................................................... 12

5.1 Visible Human Image Data Set: .......................................................................... 12

5.2 University Of Washington Digital Anatomist Reference Ontology ................... 13

Chapter 6 ............................................................................................................................. 14

Preprocessing Tools ....................................................................................................... 14

6.1 MySQL ................................................................................................................. 14

6.2 Adobe Photo Shop ............................................................................................... 14

6.3 M - Ontomat Annotizer ........................................................................................ 14

Chapter 7 ............................................................................................................................. 16

Preprocessing Methods .................................................................................................. 16

7.1 Selection Of Images From Visible Human ......................................................... 16

7.2 Extraction Of UWDA Ontological Terms From The UMLS Database ............. 16

7.3 Creation Of UWDA Reference Ontology In DAML (Darpa Agent Mark Up

Language) ................................................................................................................... 17

7.5 Conversion Of Image Format To JPEG .............................................................. 18

7.6 Extracting Image Content And Linking To Domain Ontology .......................... 18

Chapter 8 ............................................................................................................................. 20

Methods .......................................................................................................................... 20

8.1 Training And Test Set .......................................................................................... 20

8.2 Extracting Image Content From XML Files ....................................................... 21

8.3 Calculating Distance Measure ............................................................................. 21

8.4 Calculating Combined Distance Measure ........................................................... 25

8.5 Creating Distance Matrix ..................................................................................... 25

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8.6 Calculating Retrieval Accuracy Rate .................................................................. 25

8.7 Improving Retrieval Accuracy Rates. ................................................................. 27

Chapter 9 ............................................................................................................................. 29

Results, Discussion And Analysis ................................................................................. 29

9.1 Initial Results ........................................................................................................ 29

9.2 Increased Training To Test Ratio ........................................................................ 30

9.3 Combined Descriptors ......................................................................................... 32

9.4 Ensemble Classification ....................................................................................... 33

9.5 Ten Fold Cross Validation ................................................................................... 35

9.6 Excluding Descriptors .......................................................................................... 37

9.7 Empirical Weight Optimization ........................................................................... 38

Chapter 10 ........................................................................................................................... 39

Related Work .................................................................................................................. 39

10.1 Knowledge – Assisted Video Analysis And Object Detection ........................ 39

10.2 Retrieval of Multimedia Objects By Combining Semantic Information From

Visual And Textual Descriptors ................................................................................ 40

Chapter 11 ........................................................................................................................... 41

Educational Statement .................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 12 ........................................................................................................................... 43

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 43

Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 44

Appendix A ............................................................................................................................. 48

Presentation Slides.......................................................................................................... 48

Appendix B ............................................................................................................................. 98

Installation & User Manual ............................................................................................ 98

Appendix C ........................................................................................................................... 102

System Output .............................................................................................................. 102

Appendix D ........................................................................................................................... 103

Image Descriptor Files ................................................................................................. 103

Appendix E ........................................................................................................................... 109

DAML Ontology File ................................................................................................... 109

Appendix F ............................................................................................................................ 114

Image Annotation Files ................................................................................................ 114

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Figure Number Page

1: Image of Abdomen from Visible Human Data Set. .................................................... 12

2: Image of Thigh from Visible Human Data Set. ........................................................... 13

3: Screenshot of SQL query used to Extract UWDA terms from UMLS. ...................... 17

4: Screenshot of VDE tool in M-Ontomat Annotizer showing the image feature extraction

and annotation process. ............................................................................................ 19

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Table Number Page

1: Accuracy rate for training set. ...................................................................................... 29

2: Accuracy rate for test set. ............................................................................................. 30

3: Accuracy rate for 75% images in training set and 25% images in test set. ................ 31

4: Accuracy rate for 50% images in training set and 50% images in test set. ................ 31

5: Combined accuracy rate for training Set = 50 % and test Set = 50%. ........................ 32

6: Combined accuracy rate for training set = 75 % and test set = 25%. ......................... 33

7: Accuracy rate for Ensemble Classification for 50% test and 50% training. ............... 33

8: Accuracy rate for Ensemble Classification for 75% training and 25% training......... 34

9: Accuracy rate for Ten Fold Cross Validation for 75% training and 25 % test. .......... 35

10 : Accuracy rate for Ten Fold Cross Validation for 50% training and 50 % test. ....... 36

11: Accuracy Rate excluding Contour Shape and Texture Browsing. ........................... 37

12: Accuracy rate excluding Contour Shape descriptor. ................................................. 38

13: Accuracy rates for Empirical Weight Optimization. ................................................. 38

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Special thanks to Professor Isabelle Bichindaritz for all her assistance, guidance and

feedback during the course of this thesis. Her involvement was essential in the completion

of this thesis. I am also very thankful to Professor George Mobus for all his help and

valuable feedback. Thanks to the members of the committee for all their valuable input.

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To my husband, family and friends.

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Chapter 1


With the advances in medical technology over the years we have a large number of

digital images like Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI), X-Rays, anatomical and

pathological images, etc. Medical research has led to the development of valuable

knowledge bases consisting of formal domain ontologies, electronic patient records,

statistical medical data and results of various medical studies. Analysis of these images is

of utmost importance to study the different aspects of a problem. To analyze the

information stored in these images, the concerned doctors / scientists should be able to

access the image information easily and effectively [15]. Until lately, medical databases

mostly used textual information to store and retrieve images not making potential use of the

rich image content present in the digital images. Handling large collections of images is a

growing challenge and there has been a lot of research in the area of image retrieval

systems to efficiently store and retrieve image collections.

The main goal for this thesis work is to aid the ongoing research in the area of

semantic indexing of images by evaluating the retrieval effectiveness of image collections

when image content information is combined with a formalized ontology to automatically

index images by content. Research in this area has raised questions as to whether or not it is

possible to develop a semantic indexing system with an efficient rate of image retrieval

[34]. The challenge involved is to develop a similarity matching algorithm for analyzing

the image content extracted and producing a match.

In the system presented here, we use medical anatomical images from the Visible

Human [24] data set and the Digital Anatomist [22] formal medical ontology developed for

the human anatomical terms. In our approach, we extract various image features like color,

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shape, texture, etc in MPEG-7[35] standard image feature description format and associate

them to the related anatomical terms thus building the semantic metadata. An important

feature of this system is the similarity matching algorithm developed to calculate the

matching between images thereby determining the retrieval accuracy rate for the system.

Various experiments based on different approaches for improving the accuracy rates were

performed to evaluate the retrieval efficiency of the system.

Chapter 2 describes the motivation behind this research. A detailed description of

the problem being solved and the background information required to understand this

research area are illustrated in Chapters 3 and 4. Chapters 5 and 6 illustrate the dataset and

preprocessing tools and resources used to process the data for further analysis. Chapter 7

describes the methods used in pre processing the data. The architecture of the system and

the methodology used to solve the research issue is described in Chapter 8. The

experimental results, analysis and discussion are described in Chapter 9. Chapter10

describes other related work in this area. Chapter 11 contains the Educational Statement.

Finally, Chapter 12 contains the conclusions derived from this implementation.

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Chapter 2


With the number of digital images increasing rapidly, there is a great need to

manage digital image repositories. There is a need to store and retrieve images just like text

documents. Advances in the field of medical technologies have encouraged hospitals and

medical research centers to use various machines like X-Ray, Magnetic Resonance

Imaging (MRI), Scan, etc. The use of such machines has resulted in the production of

valuable data in the form of digital images on different diseases, physical structures,

various organisms, etc. Analysis of these images is of utmost importance to study the

different aspects of a problem. To analyze the information stored in these images, the

concerned doctors / scientists should be able to access the image information easily and


By indexing images based on semantic descriptors of low level features, doctors

can submit a query like – ‗find images with round calcifications‘ [3]. In such a query,

‗calcification‘ is the textual description representing the semantics of the region of interest

and the shape ‗round‘ is the textual annotation representing the low-level shape feature.

Executing such a query would avoid the retrieval of images with just a round shape or with

just the associated text ‗calcification‘. Another example query can be of this form- ‗find all

the images having a blue sky‘. Such a query would yield images whose semantic descriptor

is ‗blue‘ and the corresponding feature representation is the color ‗blue‘. This kind of

semantic annotation for images greatly improves the image classification and query

mechanisms. There is a growing need for research in the area of attaching semantics to low

level features to improve image retrieval and storage methods [25]. In our implementation,

images are indexed based on their semantic content, in order to address the growing need

for representing images with meaningful annotations and improve their retrieval efficiency.

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Chapter 3


The number of digital images is growing rapidly, driving the need for the

development of efficient tools to browse, retrieve and navigate through these large image

collections. As information contained in images is complex, containing different colors,

shapes, textures and subject, indexing methods designed for storing and retrieving textual

content will not work effectively. There is a need to explicitly capture a sufficient amount

of content information as well as application specific semantics by means of a variety of

metadata like multimedia indexes, attribute based annotations and intentional descriptions

to allow appropriate selection, browsing and retrieval of images from large collections [1].

Potentially, images have many types of attributes that could be used for storage and

retrieval. Presence of a particular combination of color, texture or shape features, presence

of a specific type of object, depiction of a particular event, presence of individuals /

locations, presence of specific emotions or metadata such as who created the image, where

and when, etc., are some image attributes that could be used for indexing images. Images

can be indexed based on a single attribute or a combination of attributes to improve the

efficiency of the image retrieval system.

Traditionally images are indexed based on textual annotations. Every image is

examined individually and a textual annotation describing the various characteristics of the

image is stored along with the image for the purposes of indexing. Given the large number

of images being produced, manual annotations tend to be very time consuming and prone

to error. Querying images with textual annotations is also not very effective, as images

have so much more content in them making it harder to describe the image with plain text

[15, 34].

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Another approach to indexing images is to extract the content of images like color,

shape and texture and to store the feature representation of such content along with the

images for indexing purposes. With this approach of indexing, the images could only be

queried on their color, shape and texture but not on the actual subject matter. This approach

is not useful in querying images containing a particular subject matter and is said to have

many limitations when applied to image databases with a broad content [15].

The most recent approach to indexing images is to use the low level features of the

image as semantic descriptors of the image thus bridging the gap between the above two

approaches of indexing images. Digital images are composed of pixels arranged in an

infinite variety of patterns and, in general, it is difficult to predict the particular pattern that

would match the information need. Deciding on the aspects of the image that are

appropriate for indexing is very challenging. Interpretation of the semantic content is in

itself a challenging task as every interpretation can be different. Such an indexing would

greatly improve the querying capability of images as they can be queried for both low level

features as well as high level semantics.

The feature representation and the semantic descriptors of the image thus obtained

are mapped onto domain ontologies in order to classify the images for retrieval purposes.

Determining the association between semantic descriptors and ontologies is a difficult task.

Having a system which indexes images based on the semantic metadata would be very

beneficial to retrieve large collections of images more effectively and efficiently. With this

approach, one can leverage and combine the research efforts in the areas of domain

ontologies and image processing to build an effective image indexing system.

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Chapter 4


4.1 Ontology

Ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization. A

‗conceptualization‘ refers to the abstract model of some phenomenon in the world,

identifying the relevant concepts of that phenomenon. Explicit means that the type of

concepts is explicitly defined and formal refers to the fact that the ontology can be

expressed mathematically. As a result it is machine readable and understandable. In image

retrieval applications, ontology allows the description of semantics, establishes a common

and shared understanding of a domain and facilitates the implementation of a user oriented

vocabulary of terms and their relationship with objects in images [12].

4.2 Image Databases

Image data such as satellite images, medical images and digital pictures are

generated in large numbers every day. The World Wide Web itself is a huge repository of

images. As a result of the huge volume of image data, the use of multimedia databases is

very essential. Multimedia databases store and retrieve images, texts, videos, sounds and

data stored on any media. The analysis of such images is very useful for archival and

retrieval purposes in fields like medicine, environmental studies, military purposes, etc.

Multimedia databases support querying images based on their content. Images can be

queried based on the shape of the objects present in the image, colors of the object,

textures, volume, spatial relationships, motion, etc.

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4.3 Image Semantic Representation Languages

Searching for images by content implies a first step of extracting features from the

images, to be able to search these features. Image mining deals with the extraction of this

semantic content from a large collection of images. Associating the semantic content with

the images is called annotation. Semantic content of images can be stored with images

using standard languages. In image annotation different objects of the image are attached

with textual and spatial information and stored in a database using a standard

representation. Images can be queried effectively by indexing the images along with their

semantic content. Metadata is the most important part of data archive and it provides

descriptive data about every stored object. Metadata includes indexing information that can

be described using a standardized framework to represent an image along with its semantic


Resource Description Framework (RDF)[20] is used to represent information and to

exchange knowledge on the Web. Web Ontology Language (OWL)[20] used to publish

and share sets of terms called ontologies, supporting advanced Web search, software agents

and knowledge management. The DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML)[20] is an

extension of XML, which provides a rich set of constructs to create ontologies and to

markup information so that it is machine readable and understandable. DAML, RDF and

OWL are some of the languages that have been developed to represent the semantic content

of the images. MPEG-7[35] offers a comprehensive set of audiovisual description tools to

create metadata descriptions which will form the basis for applications enabling the needed

effective and efficient access to multimedia content.

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4.4 Image Interpretation Software

Image analysis software provides the tools for segmentation, feature extraction and

statistical analysis of content in images. Segmentation deals with the identification of

objects of interest within an image. Feature extraction is extracting information from the

images by measuring the number, size, shape or color of objects.

4.5 MPEG – 7

MPEG-7[35] is an ISO/IEC standard developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts

Group). MPEG-7, formally named "Multimedia Content Description Interface", is a

standard for describing the multimedia content data that supports some degree of

interpretation of the information meaning, which can be passed onto, or accessed by, a

device or a computer code. MPEG-7 is not aimed at any one application in particular;

rather, the elements that MPEG-7 standardizes support as broad a range of applications as


MPEG-7 Visual Description Tools included in the standard consist of basic

structures and descriptors that cover the following basic visual features: Color, Texture,

Shape and Motion, Localization, and Face recognition. Each category consists of

elementary and sophisticated descriptors. In this implementation, we are only using the

Color, Texture and Shape descriptors. The following section provides a brief description of

the image descriptors used.

Dominant Color. This color descriptor is most suitable for representing local (object or

image region) features where a small number of colors are enough to characterize the

color information in the region of interest. Whole images are also applicable, for

example, flag images or color trademark images. Color quantization is used to extract a

small number of representing colors in each region/image. The percentage of each

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quantized color in the region is calculated correspondingly. A spatial coherency on the

entire descriptor is also defined, and is used in similarity retrieval.

Scalable Color. The Scalable Color Descriptor is a Color Histogram in HSV Color

Space, which is encoded by a Haar transform. Its binary representation is scalable in

terms of bin numbers and bit representation accuracy over a broad range of data rates.

The Scalable Color Descriptor is useful for image-to-image matching and retrieval based

on color feature. Retrieval accuracy increases with the number of bits used in the


Color Layout. This descriptor effectively represents the spatial distribution of color of

visual signals in a very compact form. This compactness allows visual signal matching

functionality with high retrieval efficiency at very small computational costs. It provides

image-to-image matching as well as ultra high-speed sequence-to-sequence matching,

which requires so many repetitions of similarity calculations.

Color Structure. The Color Structure descriptor is a color feature descriptor that

captures both color content (similar to a color histogram) and information about the

structure of this content. Its main functionality is image-to-image matching and its

intended use is for still-image retrieval, where an image may consist of either a single

rectangular frame or arbitrarily shaped, possibly disconnected, regions. The extraction

method embeds color structure information into the descriptor by taking into account all

colors in a structuring element of 8x8 pixels that slides over the image, instead of

considering each pixel separately.

Texture Browsing. The Texture Browsing Descriptor is useful for representing

homogeneous texture for browsing type applications, and requires only 12 bits

(maximum). It provides a perceptual characterization of texture, similar to a human

characterization, in terms of regularity, coarseness and directionality. The computation of

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this descriptor proceeds similarly as the Homogeneous Texture Descriptor. First, the

image is filtered with a bank of orientation and scale tuned filters (modeled using Gabor

functions); from the filtered outputs, two dominant texture orientations are identified.

Three bits are used to represent each of the dominant orientations. This is followed by

analyzing the filtered image ions along the dominant orientations to determine the

regularity (quantified to 2 bits) and coarseness (2 bits x 2). The second dominant

orientation and second scale feature are optional.

Edge Histogram. The edge histogram descriptor represents the spatial distribution of five

types of edges, namely four directional edges and one non-directional edge. Since edges

play an important role for image perception, it can retrieve images with similar semantic

meaning. Thus, it primarily targets image-to-image matching (by example or by sketch),

especially for natural images with non-uniform edge distribution. In this context, the image

retrieval performance can be significantly improved if the edge histogram descriptor is

combined with other Descriptors such as the color histogram descriptor.

Region Shape. The shape of an object may consist of either a single region or a set of

regions as well as some holes in the object. Since the Region Shape descriptor makes use of

all pixels constituting the shape within a frame, it can describe any shapes, i.e. not only a

simple shape with a single connected region but also a complex shape that consists of holes

in the object or several disjoint regions. The Region Shape descriptor not only can describe

such diverse shapes efficiently in a single descriptor, but is also robust to minor

deformation along the boundary of the object.

Contour Shape. The Contour Shape descriptor captures characteristic shape features of an

object or region based on its contour. It uses so-called Curvature Scale-Space

representation, which captures perceptually meaningful features of the shape.

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4.6 Distance Measure

A distance is a numerical description of how far apart objects are at any given

moment in time. In physics or everyday discussion, distance may refer to a physical length,

a period of time, etc. In mathematics, the Euclidean distance or Euclidean metric is the

"ordinary" distance between two points that one would measure with a ruler, which can

be proven by repeated application of the Pythagorean Theorem.

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Chapter 5


This chapter illustrates the image data set and the reference ontology used for this


5.1 Visible Human Image Data Set:

Images from the Visible Human [24] Data Set were used. The Visible Human

dataset contains anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal

male and female human bodies. This digital image dataset contains complete human male

and female cadavers in MRI, CT and anatomical modes. The images were obtained via

academic licensing through National Library of Medicine.

Figure 1: Image of Abdomen from Visible

Human Data Set.

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Figure 2: Image of Thigh from Visible Human

Data Set.

5.2 University Of Washington Digital Anatomist Reference Ontology

The University of Washington Digital Anatomist (UWDA) [22] reference ontology

from the medical domain was chosen. UWDA is an abridged version of the Foundation

Model of Anatomy [27] Ontology and is incorporated into the UMLS (Unified Medical

Language System) Meta source. UWDA is a domain ontology that represents knowledge of

the human body. It contains classes and relationships that provide a symbolic model of the

structure of the human body. This domain is computer based and was designed for

bioinformatics. It was developed by the structural information group at the University of

Washington. UMLS was obtained through academic licensing in order to access the

UWDA Ontology.

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Chapter 6


This chapter illustrates the tools used to process the image data set and create the

reference ontology.

6.1 MySQL

MySQL is an open source SQL Database Management System. MySQL was used

in this implementation to house the UMLS database containing the University of

Washington Digital Anatomist reference ontology. The ontological terms contained in the

UWDA ontology was retrieved using SQL queries from the MySQL instance of UMLS.

6.2 Adobe Photo Shop

Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editor developed by Adobe Systems for image

manipulation. Images obtained from the visible human data set are in the raw format.

Adobe Photoshop was used to convert these images to JPEG format in order to access any

information contained in the images.

6.3 M - Ontomat Annotizer

M-OntoMat-Annotizer (M stands for Multimedia)[26] is a user-friendly tool

developed inside the aceMedia. It is an extension of the CREAM (CREAting Metadata

for the Semantic Web) framework and its reference implementation, OntoMat-

Annotizer. M-OntoMat-Annotizer Visual Descriptor Extraction Tool developed as a

plug –in to Ontomat –Annotizer presents a graphical interface for loading and

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processing visual content (images and videos), extraction of visual features and

association with domain ontology concepts. M-OntoMat-Annotizer is a Java-based

application and is distributed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE


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Chapter 7


The following chapter describes the various steps involved in preparing the image

data set and the reference ontology for this implementation using the tools and data sets

described in the above chapters.

7.1 Selection Of Images From Visible Human

A subset of 90 images from the Visible Human Data Set was chosen. This subset

consisted of both the male and female images spanning from head to toe of the human

body. 15 categories based on different regions of the human body such as Head, Abdomen,

Thigh, Abductor Magnus, Kidney, Eyes, Brain, Gluteal Muscles, Hamstring, Biceps,

Pectoralis Major, Colon, Pelvis, Thorax and Lungs were chosen. The categories were

chosen such that the images range in their content i.e. they have different colors, shapes and

textures. 90 images were selected by picking 6 images from each of the 15 categories to act

as test and training images for our experiments.

7.2 Extraction Of UWDA Ontological Terms From The UMLS Database

A subset of 15 UWDA ontological terms corresponding to the 15 categories of

images described in the above section was extracted from the UMLS database for our

experiment. MySQL was used to install the UMLS database and SQL queries were

designed to extract the UWDA ontological terms from the UMLS database. The UMLS

database has various tables in the databases containing information such as concepts,

definitions, terms, etc. The following SQL query was used to extract the UWDA

ontological terms and their definition from the UMLS tables.

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Figure 3: Screenshot of SQL query used to

Extract UWDA terms from UMLS.

7.3 Creation Of UWDA Reference Ontology In DAML (Darpa Agent Mark Up


An empty ontology file was created in the DAML format. The 15 extracted

ontology terms and definitions were then added to the file in DAML format using the

DAML references and guidelines. This file containing the 15 UWDA ontological terms

was used in M-Ontomat Annotizer as the reference ontology file in DAML format.

7.4 Loading Domain Ontology In M-Ontomat Annotizer

The reference ontology DAML file is loaded into M-Onto Annotizer using the

Ontology Explorer. The Ontology Explorer displays all the ontological terms contained in

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the domain ontology file created above. Ontology Explorer provides a way to create

prototype instances for ontology terms to be linked to image feature content.

7.5 Conversion Of Image Format To JPEG

The subset of images chosen for the implementation from the Visible Human Data

Set is in the raw format. These images need to be converted to the bitmap or JPEG format

to access the image content information. The raw images were opened with Adobe

Photoshop after specifying the width, size and resolution as per guidelines set by National

Library of Medicine for this data set. These images were then saved as JPEG files through

Adobe Photoshop. The JPEG image files were then used for image segmentation and

feature extraction as described in the next section.

7.6 Extracting Image Content And Linking To Domain Ontology

The Visual Descriptor Extraction (VDE) tool in M- Ontomat Annotizer was used

for loading the JPEG image files and selecting and extracting image content information.

An ontology term from one of the 15 terms was selected from the Ontology Explorer. A

new prototype instance of this ontology term was created in order to link the image content

features for the new image. An image was chosen from the same category as the ontology

term and uploaded to the VDE tool. An electronic pen or mouse was used to select the

region on the image corresponding to the ontological term for this image. For example, if

the chosen ontological term is Head, then an image from the category Head is chosen and

uploaded to the VDE tool. The Head region is then selected on the image for image content

extraction. VDE provides the functionality to extract the following content from the images

– Texture Browsing, Region Shape, Dominant Color, Scalable Color, Contour Shape, Edge

Histogram, Color Structure and Color Layout. Once the region of interest was selected on

the image, all the above image features were extracted using the VDE tool one by one. The

features are extracted into XML files and the association with the prototype instance is also

Page 29: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


stored in the XML file for each image feature by the VDE tool. This procedure was

followed for all the 90 images in the data set. Each image will have 8 XML files

containing the image content, 1 RDF file containing the domain ontology and references to

the XML files and 1 DAML file containing the domain ontology terms. These files form

the core data set and were used to build the semantic retrieval system described in the next


Figure 4: Screenshot of VDE tool in M-Ontomat

Annotizer showing the image feature extraction

and annotation process.

Page 30: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


Chapter 8


This chapter describes the methodology used in the development of the system to

semantically index images and calculate the retrieval efficiency. The first step in the

implementation involved selecting the test and the training images. Once the test set and

the training set was obtained, every test image was compared to a training image by

extracting all the feature descriptors for each image and calculating the distance measure

for each feature type. Distance matrices were built containing the distance measures for test

versus training images for every feature. The test images were then classified using

similarity matching algorithms and the Ensemble classification approach. The accuracy

rate was determined for every approach. The following sections describe the methods and

approach used to develop the system.

8.1 Training And Test Set

The chosen subset of 90 images is divided into 2 sets. The first set is the training set

and the second set is the test set. 3 approaches were followed for populating the test set and

the training set. In the first approach, 15 representative images from each category were

used as the training set and the remaining images were in the test set. Many studies show

that with a larger training set, the accuracy rate results can be improved. Hence, in the

second approach, a training set that contained 50% of the images and a test set that

contained the remaining 50% of the images were used. Also, an algorithm was developed

to randomly populate both the test and the training images. In the third approach, the test

and the training images were randomly populated. However, the training set contained 75%

of images and the remaining 25 % of the images were in the test set.

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For every image in the test set, the distance measure between the test image and

every other training image for a particular feature descriptor was calculated and stored in a

distance matrix for that feature descriptor. Also, for every training image, the distance

between the training image and every other training image for a particular feature

descriptor was calculated and stored in a distance matrix for that particular feature


8.2 Extracting Image Content From XML Files

Image content information for a particular image is extracted from the descriptor

XML files. Every visual descriptor file has a different format and hence different XPath

expression methods were developed for parsing each type of file. Image content from the

XML files are extracted at run time while calculating similarity measure for each image.

8.3 Calculating Distance Measure

Distance measure calculations require the image content information for the 2

images whose distance needs to be calculated. The image content information is extracted

for the 2 images as described in the above section. Every feature descriptor has a different

formula for calculating the distance as attributes of the descriptor are unique to a particular

descriptor. The distance measure is thus calculated using one of the following formulae

depending on which feature descriptor the distance measure is being calculated for.

Dominant Color. The distance between two dominant color descriptors, F1 and F2, is

calculated by the following distance function [28]:

. (1)

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where F is the dominant color and p is the corresponding percentage value. N is the total

number of dominant colors, and ak,l is the similarity coefficient between two colors. The

formula for ak,l is shown below:


dk,l, Td and dmax are defined as follows: (3)



where is the dominant color coefficient between 1 and 1.5 [28].


where, ck and cl, are colors. (5)

Color Layout. The distance between two color layout descriptors values [Y,Cb,Cr] and

[Y‘,Cb‘,Cr‘] can be calculated as follows[28]:


Page 33: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


where , and denote weighting values for each coefficient. Y, Cb and Cr are

color layout descriptors also known as YCoeff, CbCoeff and CrCoeff.

Color Structure. The color structure distance measure between their descriptors is shown

in the following formula [28]:

. (7)

where hA and hB are the color structure descriptor vectors of images A and B and i is the

total number of color structure descriptors.

Texture Browsing. The texture browsing descriptor captures the regularity v1, direction v2

and v4, and scale v3 and v5 in the texture pattern. The distances between two sets of

corresponding coefficients of TBC vector is shown in following formula [28]:

TBC = . (8)

Edge Histogram. Edge histogram distance E is measured as the distances between two sets

of inverse quantized edge histograms A and B is shown below [28]:

. (9)

where, and are Edge Histogram descriptors and i is the total number of Edge

Histogram descriptors.

Contour Shape. Contour shape distance measure M is computed as a weighted sum of the

distance measure between the global curve parameters and the distance measure between

the Curvature Scale Space (CSS) peaks associated with the object and the semantic entity


Page 34: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


. (10)

where E and C are the absolute values of Eccentricity and Circularity. Mcss is the distance

measure value between the CSS matching peaks with an additional penalty for each

unmatched peak equivalent to the missing peak height [28].


where xpeak and ypeak are coordinate values in x and y axes and i is the total number of

Contour Shape descriptors.

Region Shape . The distance function between 2 region shape descriptor is obtained from

the following formula [28]:

. . (12)

where p and q are region shape attributes and i is the total number of attributes.

Scalable Color. The distance function between 2 scalable color descriptors is obtained

from the following formula [28]:

. (13)

where p and q are scalable color attributes and i is the total number of attributes.

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8.4 Calculating Combined Distance Measure

Combined distance measure is calculated by summing the weighted distances

obtained for all the image descriptors as described in the above section. Different weights

were used while combining all the distances. The process of weight determination is

explained in the Results and Analysis section.

8.5 Creating Distance Matrix

A distance matrix is created for every feature descriptor. The elements of the matrix

are the distance measures calculated using the methods stated in the above section. The

dimensions of the matrix are Test X Training or Training X Training. Totally, 17 distance

matrices are generated for image retrieval calculations. 8 matrices, one for every feature

description is created for the dimension - Test X Training. The remaining 8 matrices, one

for every feature description is created for the dimension – Training X Training. These

distance matrices are used in the image retrieval algorithms to calculate the retrieval

accuracy rate as described in the following sections. The elements of the last distance

matrix contain the combined distances of all image descriptors.

8.6 Calculating Retrieval Accuracy Rate

Two algorithms based on different classification approaches were developed to

calculate the retrieval accuracy rate. The first algorithm uses a simple classification

technique based on smallest distance matching. The second algorithm follows the

Ensemble Classification technique.

Smallest Distance Classification. The algorithm for smallest distance classification is

based on calculation on distance matrices. To further explain the algorithm, let us consider

any distance matrix - Test X Training for Scalable Color. The first row of the matrix

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containing the distance measure for the test image and all the training images is scanned

and the smallest distance measure is calculated using fundamental sorting techniques.

Once, the smallest distance measure is obtained, the first row is scanned again to find all

the training images that have the same smallest distance measure. A count of all the

matches and the matching training images ID‘s are stored for calculating the retrieval

accuracy. The ontology term for the test image is retrieved using XPath expression parsing

of the ontology RDF files. The ontology terms are retrieved for all the matching training

images using XPath expressions as well. If any one of the training ontology terms matches

the test ontology term then the algorithm classifies the image to the right category for

identification. Each positive match is reflected in the accuracy count. The algorithm is

repeated for all the rows in the distance matrix. The overall accuracy is obtained once the

algorithm finishes with all the rows. The overall accuracy is a percentage obtained as a

ratio of the number of test images classified over the total number of test images. The

following are the different retrieval efficiencies that were calculated for all the test and

training images using the smallest distance matching algorithm, Independent retrieval

efficiency for every feature descriptor and Retrieval efficiency when combining all the

feature descriptors.

Ensemble Classification. The Ensemble technique is a popular and efficient classification

technique. It derives from the concept of voting. Every image descriptor votes for a

particular category. The test image will be classified to the category that has the maximum

number of votes. An algorithm was developed to reflect this method. The algorithm uses

the distance matrices produced for all the image descriptors. The algorithm considers the

distance matrices belonging to a particular image descriptor. The first row of the matrix

containing the distance measure for the test image and all the training images is scanned

and the smallest distance measure is calculated using fundamental sorting techniques.

Once, the smallest distance measure is obtained, the first row is scanned again to find all

the training images that have the same smallest distance measure. A count of all the

matches and the matching training images ID‘s are stored for calculating the retrieval

Page 37: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


accuracy. The ontology term for the test image is retrieved using XPath expression parsing

of the ontology RDF files. The ontology terms are retrieved for all the matching training

images using XPath expressions as well. The training ontology terms retrieved is stored in

an array. These steps are repeated for the first row of every distance matrix belonging to all

the image descriptors. At the end of these steps, the array contains the matched training

image ontology terms. Each set of ontology terms added to this list by the feature

descriptors are analogous to votes added. The frequency of all the ontology terms is

counted and the term with the highest frequency/vote is the obtained. This term is then

compared to the ontology term for the test image and classified as positive if they match

and the count of positive matches is tracked for retrieval accuracy rate calculations. The

above procedure is repeated for all the rows in the distance matrices i.e. for all the test

images. The overall retrieval accuracy rate is calculated as described earlier.

8.7 Improving Retrieval Accuracy Rates.

Ten Fold Cross Validation and Empirical Weight Optimization techniques were

used to improve the retrieval accuracy rates produced by the system.

Ten Fold Cross Validation. In the Ten Fold Cross Validation approach, all the

calculations performed in system are repeated 10 times and the calculations are averaged at

the end of the last iteration. This approach is aimed at generalizing the errors caused by

random operations such as populating the test set and the training set. The whole program

runs in a loop of 10 iterations. In each of the iterations, the training and the test sets are

populated, the distance matrices and accuracy rates are calculated. At the end of each of

the iterations the results are summed. At the end of all the iterations the results are


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Empirical Weight Optimization. Empirical weight optimization technique was used to

determine the weights while calculating the weighted combined distance measure.

Combined distance measure is calculated as a weighted sum of all the descriptors. To start

with, all the descriptors are assigned equal weights. One of the descriptors is chosen and its

corresponding weight is varied from +1 to -1 in increments of +/- 0.1 each time. For every

weight measure, the difference between the maximum weight and the weight chosen for the

descriptor is calculated and the difference is distributed as among all the other descriptors

equally. Combined accuracy rate is calculated for every variation. This technique is then

applied to all the other descriptors.

Page 39: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


Chapter 9


The following chapter illustrates the results obtained from the implementation

approach described above. An analysis of the results the various methods used to improve

the implementation results are described in detail in this section.

9.1 Initial Results

The initial results for the implementation contained 15 images in the training set and 75

images in the test set. The tables below show the results for test vs. training and training vs.


Table 1: Accuracy rate for training set.

Training Set = 15 Images, Training Set = 15 Images

Image Descriptor Accuracy Rate

Color Layout 100%

Color Structure 100%

Contour Shape 100%

Dominant Color 100%

Edge Histogram 100%

Region Shape 100%

Scalable Color 100%

Texture Browsing 100%

From the training vs. training results table we can see that the retrieval accuracy rate for

all training images is 100%. The retrieval rate for training images is calculated to verify

that the algorithm developed is able to correctly classify images in the training set.

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Table 2: Accuracy rate for test set.

Training Set = 15 Images, Test Set = 75 Images

Image Descriptor Accuracy Rate

Color Layout 42.6666666666667%

Color Structure 50.6666666666667%

Contour Shape 14.6666666666667%

Dominant Color 37.3333333333333%

Edge Histogram 41.3333333333333%

Region Shape 68%

Scalable Color 53.3333333333333%

Texture Browsing 29.3333333333333%

From the test vs. training results table we see that highest accuracy rate is obtained

by indexing images only on the Region Shape descriptor. Scalable Color and Color

Structure provide the second best retrieval rates. This accuracy rate is definitely better

compared to a random classifier accuracy rate of 6.66 %. The random classifier rate is

obtained as the percentage probability of the test image being classified as one of the 15

training images.

9.2 Increased Training To Test Ratio

Data mining best practices indicate that the Training to Test ratio should be high for

improved retrieval accuracy rates. In our experiments we selected 2 ratios for training and

test sets. The first ratio was 2/3rd

training and 1/3rd

test. The second ratio was 1/2 training

and 1/2 test. The training and the test sets were populated randomly based on another data

mining best practice guidelines. The following table indicates the results obtained with the

2 ratios of training and test sets.

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Table 3: Accuracy rate for 75% images in

training set and 25% images in test set.

Training Set = 75%, Test Set = 25%

Image Descriptor Accuracy Rate

Color Layout 48%

Color Structure 87%

Contour Shape 26.07%

Dominant Color 47.83%

Edge Histogram 65.22%

Region Shape 65.22%

Scalable Color 78.26%

Texture Browsing 52.17%

With training to test ratio being 2/3rd

and 1/3rd

, the best retrieval accuracy rates are

obtained for Color Structure descriptor. Scalable Color also gives good results.

Table 4: Accuracy rate for 50% images in

training set and 50% images in test set.

Training Set = 50%, Test Set = 50%

Image Descriptor Accuracy Rate

Color Layout 44.44%

Color Structure 57.77%

Contour Shape 17.77%

Dominant Color 37.77%

Edge Histogram 44.44%

Region Shape 68.88%

Scalable Color 64.44%

Texture Browsing 62.22%

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With training to test ratio being1/2 and 1/2, the best retrieval accuracy rates are

obtained for Region Shape descriptor followed by Scalable Color.

From the results, we can see that the retrieval accuracy rates have significantly

improved with a higher number of images in the training set. By increasing the number of

images in the training set, the maximum value for the retrieval accuracy rate for a

descriptor has increased from 68% to 87%.

9.3 Combined Descriptors

To further improve the accuracy rate, we combined the distance measures for all the

descriptors and calculated the accuracy rate on the combined value. Above mentioned

ratios for the test and training sets were used. The test and the training sets were also

randomly populated.

Table 5: Combined accuracy rate for training Set

= 50 % and test Set = 50%.

Training Set = 50%, Test Set = 50%

Image Descriptors Accuracy Rate

Combined Descriptors (Equal



With test to training ratio being ½ and ½, the combined accuracy rate is shown


Page 43: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


Table 6: Combined accuracy rate for training set

= 75 % and test set = 25%.

Training Set = 75%, Test Set = 25%

Image Descriptors Accuracy Rate

Combined Descriptors (Equal



With test to training ratio being 1/3 and 2/3, the combined accuracy rate is shown


The retrieval accuracy rate obtained by combining all the descriptors is almost

equivalent to the highest retrieval accuracy rate obtained for one of the descriptors in the

previous experiment (Color Structure). Due to the combined retrieval accuracy rates not

being significantly higher compared to accuracy rates obtained by single descriptors, we

experimented with some more methods to improve the combined accuracy rates as

described in the following sections.

9.4 Ensemble Classification

The next approach used to improve the retrieval accuracy rate was Ensemble


Table 7: Accuracy rate for Ensemble

Classification for 50% test and 50% training.

Training Set = 50%, Test Set = 50%

Image Descriptors Accuracy Rate

Ensemble 37.77%

Page 44: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


With test to training ratio being ½ and ½, the Ensemble accuracy rate is shown


Table 8: Accuracy rate for Ensemble

Classification for 75% training and 25% training.

Training Set = 75%, Test Set = 25%

Image Descriptors Accuracy Rate

Ensemble 43.47%

With test to training ratio being 1/3 and 2/3, the Ensemble accuracy rate is shown


Good results were not obtained using the Ensemble classification approach due to

the votes being distorted for certain descriptors. Due to the nature of the image descriptors,

we found that there were more than one training images with the smallest distance

measures for a particular test image. The images from the Visible Human Data Set are very

similar in terms of dominant colors and textures in the images. Many training images

having the same smallest distance measure meant that the test images were voted to be in

different training classes thereby skewing the voting calculations for the Ensemble

classification method.

For example, for test image 1, training images 3, 8, and 9 had the same smallest

distance measures. However, training images 3 and 9 voted the test image to be in the

―Head‖ class whereas training image 8 voted for ―Eyes‖. While predicting the class of the

test images using the Ensemble classification technique, we considered all the votes for a

particular test image across all the descriptors distance matrices and calculated the vote

with the maximum occurrence and assigned the test image to the class with the maximum

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votes. In the above example, the test image will be assigned to the ―Head‖ class. In actual,

the test image belongs to the ―Eyes‖ class. Hence, the retrieval accuracy rate is reduced due

to incorrect classification.

9.5 Ten Fold Cross Validation

We used Ten Fold Cross Validation method to further improve the accuracy rates

for single descriptors and combined descriptors. With the Ten Fold Cross Validation we

can average out any errors that might occur due to random selection of training and test


From the table below, for the training to test ratio of 2/3rd

and 1/3rd

, the best results

are obtained when all the descriptors are combined. The Ensemble accuracy rate is also

improved but the results are not as high as the combined accuracy rate. However, Scalable

Color, Edge Histogram, Color Structure provide good results as well.

Table 9: Accuracy rate for Ten Fold Cross

Validation for 75% training and 25 % test.

Training Set = 75%, Test Set = 25%

Ten Fold Cross Validation

Image Descriptor Accuracy Rate

Color Layout 55.65%

Color Structure 71.304%

Contour Shape 30.86%

Dominant Color 52.60%

Edge Histogram 71.73%

Region Shape 66.95%

Scalable Color 75.65%

Texture Browsing 65.65%

Combined Descriptors (Equal Weights) 84.34%

Ensemble 64.78%

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From the table below, for the training to test ratio of ½ and ½, the best results are

obtained when all the descriptors are combined. The Ensemble accuracy rate is also

improved but the results are not as high as the combined accuracy rate. However, Scalable

Color and Region Shape descriptors provide good results as well.

Table 10 : Accuracy rate for Ten Fold Cross

Validation for 50% training and 50 % test.

Training Set = 50%, Test Set = 50%

Ten Fold Cross Validation

Image Descriptor Accuracy Rate

Color Layout 52%

Color Structure 64.22%

Contour Shape 26.22%

Dominant Color 46.44%

Edge Histogram 63.55%

Region Shape 68.44%

Scalable Color 70.22%

Texture Browsing 55.11%

Combined Descriptors (Equal



Ensemble 62.22%

From all the above experiments, we observed that Scalable Color, Color Structure,

Region Shape and Edge Histogram provided consistent good results.

However, Contour Shape consistently has the lowest accuracy rates followed by Texture

Browsing and Dominant Color. Color Layout lies in between, with an average of around

50% accuracy rate across all experiments. The next section describes experiments done by

excluding descriptors with low individual retrieval accuracy rates while calculating the

overall combined accuracy rate.

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9.6 Excluding Descriptors

Texture Browsing and Contour Shape descriptors were excluded from the

combined accuracy rate calculations. The results obtained from this exclusion are shown

below. There is an increase in the combined accuracy rate (87.39%) compared to previous

experiment results (~84%).

Although, Contour Shape has consistently given low accuracy rates, Texture

Browsing did give average results in some of the experiments described above. Hence,

removing both the Texture Browsing descriptor and the Contour Shape descriptor from the

combined descriptor calculations did not significantly improve the accuracy rates.

Table 11: Accuracy rate excluding Contour

Shape and Texture Browsing.

Training Set = 50%, Test Set = 50%,

Training Set = 75%, Test Set = 25%

Image Descriptors Accuracy Rate

Combined Descriptors (Equal

Weights, No Contour Shape and

Texture Browsing)


Combined Descriptors (Equal

Weights, No Contour Shape and

Texture Browsing)


The combined accuracy rate significantly improved when Contour Shape

Descriptor was excluded from the combined accuracy rate calculations. A high accuracy

rate of 90.434 % was obtained with the training and test ratio as 2/3rd

and 1/3rd


Page 48: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


Table 12: Accuracy rate excluding Contour

Shape descriptor.

Training Set = 50%, Test Set = 50%,

Training Set = 75%, Test Set = 25%

Image Descriptors Accuracy Rate

Combined Descriptors (Equal

Weights, No Contour Shape)


Combined Descriptors (Equal

Weights, No Contour Shape)


Accuracy rates obtained for Contour Shape have been consistently lower across all

experiments and hence excluding it from the combined descriptor calculations significantly

improved the retrieval accuracy rates.

9.7 Empirical Weight Optimization

By using the Empirical Weight Optimization Technique, we were able to further

improve the retrieval accuracy rates by combining weighted descriptors and not excluding

any descriptors from the semantic metadata. The highest retrieval accuracy rate obtained

from this approach is 93.48% with weights for the descriptors as shown in the table. These

results also show that by maximizing the weight for Region Shape, the accuracy rates

significantly improve when combining all the descriptors.

Table 13: Accuracy rates for Empirical Weight


Training Set = 75%, Test Set = 25%

Image Descriptor Weights Accuracy Rate

Region Shape = 1.9

Other descriptors = 0.0148


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Chapter 10


10.1 Knowledge – Assisted Video Analysis And Object Detection

Gabriel Tsechpenakis, Giorgos Akrivas, Giorgos Andreou, Giorgos Stamou and

Stefanos Kollias presented a method for object recognition in video sequences [28]. The

goal of the system is to extract semantics automatically by detecting and tracking moving

objects in video sequences and then using low-level features of each semantic entity, in

order to associate moving objects with them. The proposed algorithm consists of two

main steps: the detection and localization of ―regions-of-interest‖ in a sequence, and the

estimation of the main mobile object contours. Visual descriptors, which are used to

model visual content associated with semantic entities, are categorized according to the

MPEG-7 framework. Visual descriptors extracted were mapped to the conceptual terms

to build the semantic indexing metadata. Similarity matching algorithms were used to

match the moving regions extracted. The simulation of this system was able to identify

moving regions based on the extracted semantics.

A similar approach was used in our implementation. Our implementation focused

on the content of images and not videos. The main difference is that in our

implementation, the semantics are manually extracted by selecting the region of interest

and formalized domain ontology is used for mapping the extracted content to meaningful

terms. Also, the above system used similar videos to build the training and test sets

whereas in our implementation, we used images diverse in their content.

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10.2 Retrieval of Multimedia Objects By Combining Semantic Information From

Visual And Textual Descriptors

Mats Sjöberg, Jorma Laaksonen, Matti Pöllä and Timo Honkela proposed a

method of content-based multimedia retrieval of objects with visual, aural and textual

properties [33]. In their method, training examples of objects belonging to a specific

semantic class are associated with their low-level visual descriptors (such as MPEG-7)

and textual features such as frequencies of significant keywords extracted from audio

tracks. A fuzzy mapping of a semantic class in the training set to a class of similar objects

in the test set was created by using Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) trained from the visual

and textual descriptors. Query by example (QBE) is the main operating principle in

SOM, meaning that the user provides the system a set of example objects of what he or

she is looking for, taken from the existing database. The various experiments performed

by them on the system proposed showed a promising increase in retrieval performance.

The results also showed that the retrieval performance increased with the use of textual


The implementation approach described above is less similar to the approach used

in our implementation. We classified images using a similarity matching algorithm based

on smallest distances and Ensemble classification. This approach is slightly different to

the SOM approach used in the implementation described above. Also, in our approach all

the training images in a particular class have the same textual descriptor whereas this

implementation uses a range of words and their frequencies.

Page 51: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


Chapter 11


This research work benefited from the knowledge obtained from many classes

taken as a part of the Graduate curriculum at the Institute of Technology, UW Tacoma.

Strong foundations obtained from the TCSS 543 – Advanced Algorithms class helped in

the mathematical aspects involved in this research. Knowledge obtained from this class was

also useful in selecting and implementing the right data structures needed for this

implementation. Image processing foundations from the TCSS 451 - Digital Media class

was very useful in extracting image features which was a significant part of this

implementation. Database design basics learnt from the TCSS 545 class was extremely

helpful during the data pre processing phase. The basics of scientific research obtained

from the TCSS 598 – Master‘s Seminar was extremely helpful while researching on this

area. The exposure to formal technical writing in this class was also very helpful while

writing this paper. Concepts of Bioinformatics such as data mining and domain ontologies

helped me a lot when trying to understand the concepts related to the medical domain.

TCSS588 - Bioinformatics class was very useful in determining areas for future research

that would benefit the medical domain. Apart from these classes, programming knowledge

gained from many other classes was very useful in the design and implementation stages.

Exposure to image processing tools, similarity matching algorithms and techniques

proved to be very knowledgeable, as it can be applied to solve indexing problems in

various domains. Many indexing algorithms were researched during the course of this

research. This knowledge will be very useful to build information retrieval applications in

the future. This research also proved to be very beneficial in learning the languages of the

Semantic Web such as RDF and DAML. Working on this thesis has given me the

opportunity to research and learn about various areas of computer science like imaging,

Page 52: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


multimedia databases, knowledge representation languages, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed the

learning experience and exposure to various technologies during the course of this research.

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Chapter 12


The implementation described in this paper has shown that a high retrieval accuracy

rate is obtained by semantically indexing images using a web ontology language and the

visual descriptors of the image. The biggest challenge in this implementation was to

develop a similarity matching algorithm to retrieve matching images by combining all the

visual descriptors and the ontology terms. A retrieval accuracy rate of 93.48 % was

obtained using the algorithm developed. The approach proposed in this paper will benefit

the medical community to a large extent as large collections of medical images can be

indexed and retrieved semantically. Future improvements to this implementation include

automating the image segmentation and feature extraction phase and using learning

techniques to improve the similarity matching algorithm developed.

Page 54: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language



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This appendix contains the PowerPoint slides prepared for the thesis presentation.

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1. Download images from Visible Human Project available from the National Library

of Medicine FTP site - vhnet.nlm.nih.gov (

2. Install Adobe Photoshop Graphics Software available as Compact Discs after

academic purchase.

3. Install MySQL Database Management System from the MySQL download site -


4. Download UMLS database from the National Library of Medicine site -


5. Install UMLS as a MySQL database on the MySQL server.

6. Download M-Ontomat Annotizer from the Acemedia site -


7. Install Microsoft Visual Studio Integrated Developer Environment (IDE) or you can

use any IDE such as Eclipse available through academic purchase.

8. Install Microsoft .NET Framework available through academic purchase.

Page 109: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


User Manual:

Preprocessing Steps:

1. Convert images from .raw format to JPEG files using Adobe Photoshop and specify

the values shown below for conversion:

Anatomy CT MRI

Header 0 3416 7900

Width 2048 512 256

Height 1216 512 256

Channels 3 2 2

Interlaced X X

2. Store the JPEG image files in individual folders( one for each image)

3. Extract University of Washington Digital Anatomist (UWDA) ontology terms from

UMLS using the SQL query shown below:


MRCONSO is the table containing the ontological concepts and SAB is the name

of the column representing the source of the terms in UMLS Database.

4. Create an empty text file in DAML format using the standard XML schema for

DAML. Store the extracted terms in the file created to form the DAML ontology


Page 110: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


5. Run M-Ontomat Annotizer, open the Ontology Explorer and load the ontology

DAML file created in the earlier step.

6. Open the Visual Description Extraction (VDE) Tool in M-Ontomat Annotizer and

load an image for image segmentation and feature extraction.

7. Select an ontology term in the ontology explorer and create a prototype instance for

the ontology term.

8. Corresponding to the selected ontology term, select the region of interest on the

image and extract all the image descriptors for this region using the VDE tool.

9. Store the image descriptor files and annotation files generated by M-Ontomat after

the prototype instance creation and extraction of image descriptors.

10. Repeat steps 6-9 for all the images.

Execution Steps for new images:

1. Pre-process the images as described in the earlier section.

2. Open Visual Studio and load the Semantic Indexing.csproj file stored in the

Compact Disc submitted with this thesis.

3. Specify size of the image dataset, location of the image and M-Ontomat output files

in the MainProgram.cs file in the project. Also, specify the location to output the

results files.

4. Build the project and execute to start the semantic indexing system.

Page 111: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


5. Results are all stored in text files.

Execution Steps for existing images:

1. Download the contents of the folder ―Project‖ from the compact disc submitted.

2. Navigate to the ―Semantic Indexing‖ folder under top Folder ―Project‖ and execute

the file Semantic Indexing. Exe

3. Results will be obtained in the Results folder under top Folder ―Project‖.

Page 112: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language




This appendix contains a screenshot of the sample output produced by the implementation

as shown below.

Page 113: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language




This appendix contains sample image descriptor files for all images descriptor types.

1. Color Layour Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "http://www.mpeg7.org/2001/MPEG-7_Schema" xmlns:xsi =


<DescriptionUnit xsi:type = "DescriptorCollectionType">

<Descriptor xsi:type = "ColorLayoutType"><YDCCoeff>26</YDCCoeff>



<YACCoeff5>16 14 17 16 16 </YACCoeff5>

<CbACCoeff2>16 18 </CbACCoeff2>

<CrACCoeff2>16 15 </CrACCoeff2>




2. Color Structure Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xmlns:xsi =

"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation =

"urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001 .\Mpeg7-2001.xsd">

<Description xsi:type = "ContentEntityType">

<MultimediaContent xsi:type = "ImageType">

Page 114: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


<Image><VisualDescriptor xsi:type = "ColorStructureType" colorQuant = "1">

<Values>3 0 16 0 255 0 32 0 110 117 93 6 1 18 9 0 26 32 0 0 3 3 0 0 3

6 2 0 0 0 0 0 </Values>






3. Contour Shape Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xmlns:xsi =

"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation =

"urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001 schema/Mpeg7-2001.xsd">

<DescriptionUnit xsi:type = "DescriptorCollectionType"><

Descriptor xsi:type = "ContourShapeType">

<GlobalCurvature>1 1 </GlobalCurvature>

<PrototypeCurvature>0 1 </PrototypeCurvature>


<Peak peakX = "23" peakY = "3"/>

<Peak peakX = "15" peakY = "5"/>

<Peak peakX = "55" peakY = "5"/>

<Peak peakX = "38" peakY = "6"/>

<Peak peakX = "58" peakY = "7"/>

<Peak peakX = "28" peakY = "7"/>

<Peak peakX = "32" peakY = "5"/>

<Peak peakX = "19" peakY = "7"/>

<Peak peakX = "26" peakY = "7"/>

Page 115: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language





4. Dominant Color Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xmlns:xsi =


<DescriptionUnit xsi:type = "DescriptorCollectionType">

<Descriptor xsi:type =



<Index>4 9 15 </Index>

<ColorVariance>0 0 1 </ColorVariance>



<Index>18 14 11 </Index>

<ColorVariance>1 1 0 </ColorVariance>



<Index>8 4 3 </Index>

<ColorVariance>0 0 0 </ColorVariance>



<Index>25 22 15 </Index>

<ColorVariance>0 0 0 </ColorVariance>



Page 116: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


<Index>14 8 6 </Index>

<ColorVariance>0 1 0 </ColorVariance>





5. Edge Histogram Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "http://www.mpeg7.org/2001/MPEG-7_Schema" xmlns:xsi =


<DescriptionUnit xsi:type = "DescriptorCollectionType">

<Descriptor xsi:type = "EdgeHistogramType">

<BinCounts>1 2 7 1 4 1 4 4 5 4 2 4 3 5 5 1 2 1 6 5 6 0 6 5 5 1 2 2 5 6

2 3 3 3 6 6 0 3 5 6 5 0 2 7 6 5 2 4 6 5 3 4 6 5 5 6 0 4 2 6 0 0 0 3 3

0 4 2 7 5 1 4 6 0 5 0 1 5 0 3 </BinCounts>




6. Region Shape Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "http://www.mpeg7.org/2001/MPEG-7_Schema" xmlns:xsi =


<DescriptionUnit xsi:type = "DescriptorCollectionType">

Page 117: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


<Descriptor xsi:type = "RegionShapeType"><MagnitudeOfART>15 15 4 5 5 15 15

5 8 2 5 6 0 7 1 0 0 13 13 8 2 2 2 11 10 8 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 0 2





7. Scalable Color Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "http://www.mpeg7.org/2001/MPEG-7_Schema" xmlns:xsi =


<DescriptionUnit xsi:type = "DescriptorCollectionType">

<Descriptor xsi:type = "ScalableColorType" NumberOfCoefficients = "2"

NumberOfBitplanesDiscarded = "3">

<Coefficients>-11 -3 -7 4 3 1 2 3 1 1 0 2 -3 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0

0 -1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 </Coefficients>




8. Texture Browsing Descriptor File:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

<Mpeg7 xmlns = "http://www.mpeg7.org/2001/MPEG-7_Schema" xmlns:xsi =


<DescriptionUnit xsi:type = "DescriptorCollectionType">

<Descriptor xsi:type = "TextureBrowsingType"><Regularity>irregular</Regularity>

Page 118: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


<Direction>90 degree</Direction>


<Direction>0 degree</Direction>





Page 119: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language




This appendix contains the University of Washington Digital Anatomist ontology file

created in DAML for this implementation.


xmlns:rdf ="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"

xmlns:rdfs ="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"

xmlns:daml ="http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil#"

xmlns:xsd ="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema#"

xmlns:srdef ="C:\Gowri\Project\UWDA#"


<!-- This ontology is based on the Semantic Network part of Unified Medical Language

System (UMLS)

Knowledge Source Server, which is accessible at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/

All the data are retrived from this knowledge sourse server for educational and scietific



<daml:Ontology rdf:about="">

<daml:versionInfo>$Id: UWDA.daml Rue Feb 06 21:40:59 2007$</daml:versionInfo>


Semantic Types of UMLS Semantic Network


<daml:imports rdf:resource="http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil"/>


<daml:Class rdf:ID="Kidney">


Page 120: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


Body organ that filters blood for the secretion of URINE and that regulates ion




<daml:Class rdf:ID="Abdomen">


Subdivision of trunk, which is demarcated from the thorax internally by the inferior surface

of the sternocostal part of the diaphragm and externally by the costal margin, from the

pelvis by the plane of the superior pelvic aperture and from the lower limbs by the inguinal

folds; together with the thorax, pelvis, and perineum, it constitutes the trunk. Examples:

There is only one abdomen.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Head">


Body part, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ

part spatially associated with the skull, it is partially surrounded by skin of head.

Examples: There is only one head.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="AdductorMagnus">


Largest muscle in the thigh. It keeps the knees together.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Brain">


Subdivision of neuraxis that consists of neural tissue (which is organized into gray

matter and white matter) and the cerebral ventricular system (cavity of organ part); it is

Page 121: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language


embryologically derived from the rostral part of the neural tube; together with the spinal

cord, the brain constitutes the organ neuraxis. Examples: There is only one brain.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Pelvis">


Subdivision of trunk, which is demarcated from the abdomen by the plane of the

superior pelvic aperture, and from the perineum by the inferior surface of the pelvic

diaphragm; together with the thorax, abdomen, and perineum, it constitutes the trunk.

Examples: There is only one pelvis.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Thigh">


Different groups of muscles carry out opposing actions with regards to moving the

hip and knee joints.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Biceps">


The biceps brachialis, flexes the elbow (bends the arm).



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Lungs">


Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of air-filled alveoli which

communicate with the tracheobronchial tree. Examples: There are only two instances, right

lung and left lung.

Page 122: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language




<daml:Class rdf:ID="PectoralisMajor">


The pectoralis major muscle lies over the anterior wall of the chest.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Thorax">


Subdivision of the trunk, which is demarcated from the neck by the plane of the

superior thoracic aperture and from the abdomen internally by the inferior surface of the

diaphragm and externally by the costal margin; together with the abdomen, pelvis and

perineum, it constitutes the trunk. Examples: There is only one thorax.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Eyes">


Organ with organ cavity which is connected to the optic nerve. Examples: There are

only two eyeballs, the right and the left eyeballs.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Hamstring">


Muscle in the thigh.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Colon">


Part of the large intestine that extends from the cecum to the rectum.

Page 123: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language




<daml:Class rdf:ID="GlutealMuscles">


Muscle in the pelvis region.



<daml:Class rdf:ID="Unknown">






Page 124: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language




This appendix contains a sample annotation file containing the ontology term associated

with the image and links to image descriptor files associated with the image.

<rdf:RDF xml:base="http://www.acemedia.org/fact-statements/PROTOTYPES#"





<vdoext:Prototype rdf:about="http://www.acemedia.org/ontologies/VDO-


<rdf:type rdf:resource="file://newOnto.org/C_/Gowri/Project/UWDA.daml#Abdomen"/>













Page 125: Semantic Indexing Of Images Using A Web Ontology Language















<vdoext:Prototype rdf:about="http://www.acemedia.org/ontologies/VDO-


<rdf:type rdf:resource="file://newOnto.org/C_/Gowri/Project/UWDA.daml#Abdomen"/>





