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(Semester -5th )Finance - Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Paper sem-5th Dec.16.pdf · What are the...

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===================================================================================== ==== Assignment Paper (Semester -5 th )Finance Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course Code: MS--- Course Title : Working capital Management Coverage: All Blocks ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Attempt all the questions How do you plan for the Working capital of an organization? Choose your own company as an example. What are the various factors influencing the determination of working capital ? How do you assess the credit worthiness of customers ? What is floatation? How do you cut down the floatation time.? What are the common securities against which a bank may lend for working capital purposes ? Can a bank extend an unsecured loan or advance ? What do you understand by factoring ? Discuss with Recourse and Without recourse factoring . Why is trade credit used extensively by firms ? What are the main advantages of trade credit or payables ? Explain the mechanism of an Interest rate swap with the help of an example.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Finance

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Working capital Management

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

How do you plan for the Working capital of an organization? Choose your own company as an example.

What are the various factors influencing the determination of working capital ?

How do you assess the credit worthiness of customers ?

What is floatation? How do you cut down the floatation time.?

What are the common securities against which a bank may lend for working capital purposes ? Can a bank extend an unsecured loan or advance ?

What do you understand by factoring ? Discuss with Recourse and Without recourse factoring .

Why is trade credit used extensively by firms ? What are the main advantages of trade credit or payables ?

Explain the mechanism of an Interest rate swap with the help of an example.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Finance

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Strategic Financial Management

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

1. What is strategic planning? Discuss in detail along with financial forecasting 2. Define the concept of capital budgeting? What are its different methods? 3. What do you understand by dividend decisions? What are the various types of

dividends? 4. Define in detail leasing and how many types of leasing contracts available for a business 5. Write a detail note on merger, acquisition and takeover? 6. Write short notes on following

Time value of money Capital rationing Corporate restructuring

7. Define derivatives discuss its features, types and pros and cones? 8. Define the term valuation of shares in detail.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Finance

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Mgmt. of financial Insti. & MKt.

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

1. Write answers to the following questions:- a. Define financial system and discuss the important function performed by it. b. Write a brief note on journey of Indian financial system. Also express your view for

future challenges in development of Indian financial system. 2. What do you mean by security analysis? Explain by elaborating fundamental and technical

analysis. 3. Reserve Bank of India and Securities & Exchange Board of India are two main pillars of Indian

Financial system. Critically evaluate this statement. 4. Write short notes on:-

a. Smalls Savings b. Retirement Funds c. General Insurance Companies d. Life Insurance Companies e. Unit Trust of India f. Mutual Funds

5. Write answers to the following questions:- a. Write an essay on structure of banking industry in India. b. Non banking statutory financial organisation and non banking financial intermediaries

have critical roles in any financial system. Expand with special reference to Indian economy.

6. Call money market, Treasury bill market, commercial bill market and discount market form important part of o Indian money market. Explain with the help of suitable examples.

7. Write short notes on:- a. Discount market b. Market for financial guarantee c. Industrial securities market

8. Explain international dimensions of financial markets with special reference to foreign exchange market and foreign capital flows.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Finance

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : International Financial Management

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

1. Discuss the nature and scope of international financial decision. 2. What do you mean by cash positioning? Should the surplus cash be centralised? 3. How do you calculate the cost of debt and cost of equity? 4. Who are the participants in foreign exchange market? 5. Explain the IRP theory. Is it sufficient to explain the forward exchange rate? 6. Is forecasting of exchange rate relevant? Discuss. 7. Name the major techniques of contractual hedge. 8. Explain the major theories of FDI. 9. What do you mean by syndication of lending? 10. Write short notes on the following

A. ADR/GDRs B. Foreign bonds and Euro bonds C. Sensitivity analysis

Reference: International Financial Management 6th edition: Vyuptakesh Sharan, PHI Learning Private Limited



Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Marketing

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Sales and Distribution Management

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

1) Describe the factors responsible for interdependence of sales and distributions.

2) discuss the changing role of personal selling. 3) What are the various theories of personal selling? Compare and contrast

them with each other. 4) Describe the importance of sales training in origination, also describe

different types of training. 5) How does the compensation package differ between the companies

selling different types of products? 6) How does sales forecasting help in sales planning, suggest at least five

requirements of a sales manager in which sales forecasting can be of help. 7) Discuss the process of developing a sales organization. What are the

factors which affect the size of the sales organization, also discuss different types of sales organization.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Marketing

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Marketing of Services

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1. What is a Service? Using an example of a Service Industry explain the Characteristics of


Q2. What impact does Pricing has on services? How Price can create a Value Chain? Explain

quoting example.

Q3. Explain the following channel distribution strategies with a suitable example :

a. Multi-site Distribution

b. Multi- Service Distribution

c. Multi-Segment Distribution

Q4. What is Service Process Matrix? What are its implications? Differentiate between high-contact and low contact services.

Q5. "You cannot create a satisfied customer with dissatisfied employee". Do you agree with this statement? In which way internal marketing is useful in this context? Explain giving examples.

Q6. What is meant by Search, Experience and Credence attribute? How do they influence consumer behaviour? Explain the role of surrogate management in service marketing.

Q7. Explain the components of Strategic Service Vision. What are the different ways of segmenting a market? Does segmentation based on psychographics reveal a better picture of the market? Give an example in support of your answer.

Q8. What is the Gap model of Quality? Discuss various GAPS and suggest strategies for bridging those gaps.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Marketing

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Product Management

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1. What do you mean by Product Management? Discuss the following- Product Classification Value Chain Product Mix

Q2. Discuss the marketing strategies for Leaders, Challenges, Followers and Nichers. Explain the following strategic models –

Portfolio Analysis Blue Ocean & Red Ocean Strategy

Q3. Elaborate the Product Life Cycle.

Q4. Discuss the New Product Development Process. Explain the following Innovation and discuss the various sources of Ideas Reverse Innovation

Q5. What are the different Pricing strategies? Explain the following techniques of designing an offer-

Perpetual Space Mapping (PSM) Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) Cojoint Analysis

Q6. What do you mean by Sales and Market Forecasting? Discuss the concept of Pre-testing & various Test Models.

Q7. Discuss the various Brand Strategy Decisions. Explain the concept of Brand Equity.

Q8. Write short notes on – Packaging & Sales Promotion Consumer Protection Delta Habit Factor (DHF) Model for brand success.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Marketing

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Consumer Behaviour

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1. Consumer Behaviour is an important aspect to be understood by marketers. Why?

Q2. While aiming for Indian Market what are the various parameters a marketer needs to know?

Q3. Motivation triggers consumption. Justify.

Q4. Perception is an important factor in consumer decision making process.

Q5. Explain the theories of Personality affecting

Q6. Reference groups impacts the consumer’s buying behaviour. Explain

Q7. Describe the impact of personal factors on Consumer Behaviour.

Q8. Rural Consumer Behaviour needs special attention. Explain


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )HR

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Human Resource Planning

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1. “Right people with Right Capabilities at Right time and Right place is Human Resource Planning” Examine and analyze the statement with reasons in favor or against it.

Q2. What are the stages for developing a Strategic Human Resource Planning Model?

Q3. Explain the concept of human resource forecasting .Discuss various techniques used in forecasting human resource planning.

Q4. Job analysis is the first step towards Human Resource Planning. Justify.

Q5. To get the best delivered form employees is it important to know their competencies. Describe process of competency mapping.

Q6. Describe the various methods and techniques of recruitment?

Q7. . Explain the significance of information system in Human Resource Management.

Q8.What is career? What are the factors which go into the shaping of a career?


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )HR

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Human Resource Development

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q.1 What are the objectives of HRD function? Briefly explain the HRD objectives of any leading organization.

Q.2 What are the purpose of job evaluation of ? Discuss the steps involved in job evaluation .

Q.3 Identify the need for manpower training in an organization. What are the important purposes served by training.

Q.4 Write short notes on:-

(a)Multi Skilling

(b)OD intervention

(c) HRD Objectives

Q.5 Briefly state the elements & purpose of promotion.

Q.6 Define the term workplace diversity. How work place diversity benefits organization?

Q.7 What ate the different types of unemployment? Explain structural unemployment in context of an organization of your choice.

Q.8 Explain Hofsted’s Cultural Orientating Model.

Q.9 Differentiate between:

(a) Individual and Collective Orientation

(b) VRS and Retirement

( c) Replacement transfer and Lateral transfer

Q.10 How Can we do competency mapping ? In what way it contributes to HRP.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )HR

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Organization Design Development and Change

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1. Discuss the meaning and characteristics of an organization. Explain the different approaches to organization. Also explain the 7s model.

Q2. Discuss the meaning and theories of organizational design. Describe the concepts of organization design.

Q3. Define OD and what are the objectives of OD? What are the essentials for success of OD?

Q4. Explain the meaning of OD intervention. Explain the Process consultation, organizational mirroring, Role analysis and team building.

Q5. How do you define the concept of developmental supervision in light of effective management of change?

Q6.What is the role of a manager as a change agent? What are the skills required for becoming a successful change agent?

Q7. Explain what organizational analysis an organizational diagnosis is. Why are they necessary?


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )HR

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Organizational Dynamics

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

1. What are the different phases of group development and what is the impact of group cohesiveness in it?

2. How is role of mentoring to leadership? Why it is valuable and what are the keys to effective mentoring?

3. What are the unique challenges to oral, written and non verbal communication?

4. Give an explanatory note on different types of decision taken in an organization.

5. Give a brief note on abuse of power and effectiveness of power.

6. What is the importance of managing conflicts in the organization and explain the conflict resolution techniques.

7. Explain meaning of stress. Is it good for an individual in an organization setting? Explain the good and the bad effects of stress.

8. Analyse the impact of structural change (such as diversification, acquisition and mergers) on culture of the organization.

9. Explain in brief the impact of performance and reward management in an organization .

10. Write a brief note on gender issue in the organization. What are the strategies to overcome them?


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Production

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Business Processes Reengineering

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

1. What do you understand by Operational Business Processes? Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in details with ‘key words’. Give briefly historical background of BPR and reasons of today’s need for Reengineering.

2. (i) Information Technology (IT) is a key enabler of BPR. Justify the statement. What is the role of IT in Reengineering? Explain, citing some examples, manifesting use of IT in “Inductive thinking” and in its “Power of disruption”.

(ii) Explain collaborative manufacturing.

3. Name the activities related to performing the ‘transformation’ as a prior step for BPR implementation. Describe the 5-step approach to BPR implementation.

4. Discuss about the success factors of Business Process Reengineering.

What are the critical success factors of BPR?

5. (i) Explain briefly the Business Process reengineering implementation barriers. (ii) Write briefly about ‘Barrier Management”

6. Define lean manufacturing? What are all the tools and methods used for lean implementation? Explain cellular manufacturing in detail.

7. (i) Define the features of ERP. Discuss briefly the steps to select the right ERP package.

(ii) What do you understand by ‘software reengineering’ and what are its objectives? Define reverse and forward engineering.

8. Write short notes. (i) Kaizen. (ii) Use of IT capabilities in reengineering. (iii) Six Sigma. (iv) Functional information system.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Production

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Operation Research

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q. 1 A plant manufactures two products A and B. The profit contribution of each product has been estimated as Rs. 20 for product A and Rs. 24 for product B. Each product passes through three department X, Y, Z of the plant. The time requires for each product and total time available in each department are as follows :

Department Product A Prodcut B Available hours during

the month X 2 3 1,500 Y 3 2 1,500 Z 1 1 600 The company has a contract to supply at least 250 units of product B per month. Formulate the problem as linear programming model and solve by graphical method.

Q.2 solve by Simples method

Maximize Z = 3X1 + 2X2 + 2X3 Subjected to 5X1 + 7X2 + 4X3 < 7 -4X1 + 7X2 + 5X3 > -2 3X1 + 4X2 – 6X3 > 29/7 X1, X2, X3 > 0 Q.3 Solve the following transportation problem where cell entries are unit costs .

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Available O1 68 35 4 74 15 18 O2 57 88 91 3 8 17 O3 91 60 75 45 60 19


Q.4 Five mechanics are available to work on five machins and the respective cost in rupes for each mechanic – machine combination is given in the matrix below. A sixth machine is abailable to replace one of the existing machines and the associated costs are given in table. Determine

(i) whether the new machine can be accepted.

(ii) the optimal assignments and the associated costs.



Q.5 Solve the following 3 x 3 game by the method of matrices.



Q. 6 Phillips India is engaged in manufacturing different types of equipment for various consumers. The company has tow assembly lines to produce its product. The Processing time for each of the assembly lines is regarded as random variable and is described by the following distributions : Processing time (min) Assembly X Assembly Y 40 0.10 0.20 42 0.15 0.40 44 0.40 0.20 46 0.10 0.15 48 0.25 0.05

O4 52 53 24 7 82 13 O5 51 18 82 13 7 15

Required 16 18 20 14 14 82/82

1 2 3 4 5 6

A 19 15 - 16 13 22 B 13 - 15 - 21 14 C 15 17 19 20 12 18 D 20 22 16 18 17 - E - 16 14 19 18 15

1 2 3 1 1 -1 -1 (-1) 2 -1 -1 3 (-1) 3 -1 2 -1 (-1) (1) 2 3


Using the following random numbers, generate data on the processing times for 10 units of the product and compute the expected processing time for the product :

42-36 , 75-73, 49-43, 12-83, 20-14, 36-04, 93-44, 53-16, 76-06, 00-89.

For the purpose, read the number horizontally , taking the first two digits for processing time on assembly X and the last two digits for processing time on assembly Y. for example 42-36 then, for X=42 and For Y = 36

Q.7 Goods trucks arrive randomly at a stockyard with a mean of 8 trucks/hours. A crew of four operatives can unload a truck in 6 minutes. Trucks waiting in queue to be unloaded are paid a waiting charge at the rate of Rs. 60 per hour. Operatives are paid a wage rate of Rs. 20 per hour. It is possible to augment the crew strength to 2 or 3 ( of four operatives per crew ) when the unloading time will be 4 minutes or 3 minutes respectively per truck. Find the optimal crew size.

Q.8 The following failure rates have been observed for a certain type of transistors in digital computer.

End of Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Probability of failure 0.07 0.11 0.25 0.41 0.70 0.88 0.96 1.00

The cost of replacement of transistor individually on failures is Rs. 15/ unit. A decision is made to replace all transistors simultaneously and to replace the individual transistors as they fail in service. If the cost of group replacement is Rs. 8/ unit.

(i) What is the best interval between group replacement ? (ii) Which policy of replacement is economical ? (iii) If group replacement is economical at current costs, at what cost of individual replacement ,

group replacement would be uneconomical ? (iv) How high can the cost/unit in group replacement be to make a preference for individual

replacement policy?

Q.9 Define operation research . explain the scope and various models of operation research.


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Production

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Technology Management

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1) Define Technology and Technology Management? Explain the role of technology in the overall business strategy of the firm.

Q2) Define Technology Transfer ? Explain Technology various levels of Technology Transfer ?

Q3) Explain Management by Objectives (MBO). What are different viewpoints about MBO? Explain with example on successful companies using MBO worldwide?

Q4) Explain Positive, Negative, Monetary and Non-Monetary Motivation ? Explain the difference with examples?

Q5) Which are different category of decision making? Discuss a decision tree. How it can be constructed? What are the rules?

Q6) Explain Flexible Manufacturing System ? What are Key components of Flexible Manufacturing System ? Mention the advantages and disadvantages of FMS?

Q7) Explain in detail difference in Manufacturing and service industry ?

Q8) Discuss the various needs coming under Maslows theory and explain each one of them?

Q9) Write Short note in context to Technology Management –

A. Production planning and control B. MRP I and MRP II C. Innovation and Invention

Q10) Discuss new technologies emerging in our country? Explain Brainstorming in more details?

Q11) What is meant by plant location? Discuss the various aspects to be considered in the location of plant, with particular reference to cement plant?


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )Production

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title : Logistics and Supply chain management

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1) Consider the purchase of a can of soda at a convenience store? Describe the various stages in the supply chain and the different flows involved?

Q2) Explain in detail about supply chain of Pizza Hut?

Q3) Identify the three key supply chain decision phases and explain the significance of each one?

Q4) Explain why achieving strategic fit is critical to a company overall success?

Q5) How do location and size of warehouse affects the performance of a firm such as Flipkart ? What factors should Flipkart take into account when deciding when and how big its warehouse should be?

Q6) Discuss the role of each driver in creating strategic fit between the supply chain strategy and competitive strategy?

Q7) Explain the role of forecasting in the supply chain of build to order?

Q8) How can a supplier with a lower price end up costing the buyer more than a supplier with a bigger price ?

Q9) Write short note on –

A. Outbound and Inbound Transportation B. Risk Management in IT C. Demand Forecasting D. Procurement Process E. Competitive strategy

Q10) Explain the importance of aggregate planning as a supply chain activity?


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )System

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title :

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )System

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title :

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )System

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title :

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions


Assignment Paper

(Semester -5th )System

Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the D.E.office on.


Course Code: MS---

Course Title :

Coverage: All Blocks


Note: Attempt all the questions
