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Semi-parametric Survival Analysis with Time Dependent Covariates · Background • Models/methods...

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Semi-parametric Survival Analysis with Time Dependent Covariates Adam Branscum Tim Hanson University of Kentucky University of Minnesota and Wesley Johnson Prakash Laud UC Irvine Medical College of Wisconsin Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Semi-parametric SurvivalAnalysis with Time Dependent

CovariatesAdam Branscum Tim Hanson

University of Kentucky University of Minnesota


Wesley Johnson Prakash Laud

UC Irvine Medical College of Wisconsin

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Survival Analysis Background• Cox Ph model is flexible but often fails to fit

• Semiparametric versions of AFT and proportional oddsmodels are competitors

• Ancient attempts to provide semi-parametric approachesto the AFT model met with limited success (Miller,1976; Buckley and James, 1979; Koul Susarla and VanRyzin, 1981; Christensen and Johnson, 1988

• Recent Bayesian approaches are promising (Kuo andMallick, 1997; Kottas and Gelfand, 2001; Gelfand andKottas, 2002; Walker and Mallick, 1999, 2001; Hansonand Johnson, 2002, 2004.

• Recent frequentist approaches tend to focus onasymptotics for regression coefficients (Lin and Ying,1995; Tseng, Wang and Hsieh, 2005)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Background• Models/methods for Time Dependent Covariates are

more sparse (Cox, 1972; Cox and Oakes, 1984; Robinsand Tsiatis, 1992; Lin and Ying, 1995; Shyer et al.,1999)

• Frequentist joint modeling (Davidian and Tsiatis, 2003;Tseng, Hsieh and Wang, 2005)

• Bayesian approaches to joint modeling (Law, Taylor andSandler, 2002; Brown and Ibrahim, 2003; Brown,Ibrahim and DeGruttola, 2005)

• We develop Bayesian semi-parametric approaches for theCox, Cox and Oakes, and AFT models

• We also develop a Bayesian joint-modeling approachusing Cox, Cox and Oakes and Proportional Odds models

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

The Basics of Survival Modeling• Let T > 0 denote a random survival (event) time.

• S(t) = P (T > t) : Survival Function

• h(t)dt = P (T ∈ [t, t + dt)|T ≥ t) : Hazard Function

• Denote risk factors as x = (x1, . . . , xp). The PH modelrelates covariates to the hazard and survival function as:

h(t|x) = exp(xβ)h0(t)

S(t|x) = S0(t)exβ

• Censored Survival Data:

ti, δi, xi : i = 1, ..., n

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Alternative Models• AFT Model:

S(t|x) = S0(exp(xβ)t) ⇔ T = exp(xβ)V :

• Prop. Odds Model:


1 − S(t|x)= exβ S0(t)

1 − S0(t)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Models for S0

• Dirichlet Process (DP) (Ferguson, 1973)

• Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes (MDP) (Antoniak, 1974)

• Dirichlet Process Mixtures (DPM) (Escobar, 1994)

• Polya Tree and Mixture of PT Process (MPT) (Lavine,1992, 1994; Hanson, 2006)

• Alternative to semi-parametric models

Dependent Dirichlet Process (DDP) regression model(MacEachern, 1999: De Iorio et al. 2004; De Iorio et al.2007)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Polya Trees• Split sample space Ω into two disjoint sets B0 and B1;

further split B0 into B00 and B01, split B1 into B10 andB11:

B0 B1

B00 B01 B10 B11

• Define

Y0 = P (V ∈ B0), Y1 = P (V ∈ B1),

Y00 = P (V ∈ B00|V ∈ B0),

Y01 = P (V ∈ B01|V ∈ B0),

Y10 = P (V ∈ B10|V ∈ B1),

Y11 = P (V ∈ B11|V ∈ B1).

• Then P (V ∈ Bij) = YiYij. Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

• Continue: Let ǫ = ǫ1 · · · ǫm be an arbitrary binarynumber.

• Split Bǫ → Bǫ0, Bǫ1 ∀ǫ.

• Then

Yǫ0 = P (V ∈ Bǫ0|V ∈ Bǫ)

Yǫ1 = P (V ∈ Bǫ1|V ∈ Bǫ)

P (V ∈ Bǫ1···ǫm) =




Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

PT• Create random PM on S0:

(Yǫ1···ǫm0, Yǫ1···ǫm1) ∼ Dir(αǫ1···ǫm0, αǫ1···ǫm1)

• Random S0 specified by

• Π = ∪∞

j=1Bǫ1···ǫj: ǫ1 · · · ǫj ∈ 0, 1j

• A = ∪∞

j=1αǫ1···ǫj: ǫ1 · · · ǫj ∈ 0, 1j

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

PT• S0|Π,A ∼ PT (Π,A)

• Lavine (1992, 1994) catalogues Polya tree theory

• Conjugacy: V1|S0 ∼ S0 −→

S0|V1,Π,A ∼ PT (Π,A∗), A∗ = αǫ + IBǫ(V1)

• Specify Π and A only to level M −→“partially specified Polya tree”

• S0|ΠM ,AM ∼ FPT (ΠM ,AM )

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

PT• Ferguson (1974):

αǫ1···ǫm−10 = αǫ1···ǫm−11 = cm2

⇒ S0 absolutely continuous

• Large c results in a parametric analysis, and small cresults in a more non-parametric analysis

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Center Process Around Sθ• By definition of the process

ESθ(Bǫ1···ǫm) =



α0 + α1



αǫ10 + αǫ11


· · ·

· · ·



αǫ1···ǫm−10 + αǫ1···ǫm−11


• If αǫ0 = αǫ1 for all ǫ, then ESθ(Bǫ1···ǫm) = 2−m.

• Sθ(Bǫ1···ǫm) = 2−m ⇒ ES0(Bǫ) = Sθ(Bǫ)


Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Predictive Density• Let

Vi ∼ S0, i = 1, ...n + 1

S0|Π,A ∼ PT (Π,A)

V = (V1, . . . , Vn)′

• Define fθ = −S′


Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Pred Dens and Marg Post for β

fVn+1(w|V ) =



cj2 + nǫj(w)(V )

2cj2 + nǫj−1(w)(V )


For the AFT model

p(β|data) ∝ p(β)×n



−xjβ |Vi = Tie−xiβ, i < j)e−xjβ

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Mixture of Polya Trees• Can make exact inferences for β

• However, choosing Sθ for particular fixed θ, is ad hoc &the partition affects inferences for β

• Solution: Mixture of Polya Trees

S0|Πθ,A ∼ PT (Πθ,A)

θ ∼ p(θ), β ∼ p(β)

• Has the additional nice property of centering on aparametric family, like the family of log normal pdf’s, orWeibull family...

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Full AFT Model with MPT Prior

Ti = exp(xiβ)Vi

V1, . . . , Vn|S0iid∼ S0, S0|θ ∼ PT (Πθ,A)

β ∼ p(β), θ ∼ p(θ)

• Predictive density for Tn+1|x, data is differentiableeverywhere; partition effects are“smoothed”

• Exact inference for β, θ|data is possible

• S0 centered on a parametric family of probabilitydistributions

• We set S0(0, 1] = 0.5 with probability one

• Results in median regression eg. med(T )|x = exβ

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

• Can place prior on c

• Easy to incorporate informative prior information for βas in BCJ (1999) or Ibrahim and Chen (2000)

• Can use output from parametric analysis in constructingcandidate in Metropolis sampler

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Time Dependent Covariates• Stanford Heart Transplant Data: Time of HTP is

not known at the beginning of the study.

• Let Z1(t) be zero until the time of HTP and oneafterwards

• Let Z2(t) be the mismatch score between donor andrecipient hearts. Takes the value zero before HTP and aparticular value afterwards

• Goal is to measure effect of HTP and mismatch score onsurvival prospects.

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Cerebral Edema (CE)• CE is a complication of diabetic ketoacidosis (DK) in


• Children are admitted to the hospital for DK and CEmay or may not occur

• Children are monitored over time. The response is timeto CE after entry into the hospital

• Fixed covariates are age and BUN

• Time Dependent covariates are Sodium administered,fluids administered, and bicarbonate administered

• Goal is to determine if procedures of administeringvarious fluids is hastening the onset of CE

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Cox TDC Model (CTD)• Let z(t) : t > 0 be a vector of TDC covariate

processes, which we assume are fixed and known for now

• Define the Cox TD hazard function as

h(t|z, β) = ez(t)βh0(t)

where h0(·) is an arbitrary“baseline”hazard function

• Let rj , j = 0, 1, . . . be the grid of times over whichz(t) : t > 0 is constant, eg. no known changes

• Denote the rj ’s as changepoints for the covariate process

• Relative hazard for any two individuals is constant inbetween each adjacent pair of changepoints

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

AFT TDC Model (AFTD)• Prentice and Kalbfleisch (1979)

h(t|z, β) = ez(t)βh0(tez(t)β)

• Can show that this model is equivalent to a mixture oftruncated AFT models over each of the adjacentchangepoint intervals, ([rj−1, rj)), where the acceleration

factor (AF) for the jth interval is cj ≡ ez(rj−1)β.

• Both the CTD and AFTD models presume that the riskof failure at time t only depends on the current values ofthe TDC’s, and not their history.

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Cox and Oakes TDC Model (COTD)• Model assumes that an individual with covariate z(·)

uses up their time at a rate of ez(t)β relative to“baseline”, namely

T0 =

∫ T


• The corresponding hazard function is

h(t|z, β) = ez(t)βh0(c(t)t), c(t) =1


∫ t


• This model presumes that there is a cumulative effect ofthe covariate process up to time t that will effect thehazard of failure at that time.

20 Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

MFPT Baseline for All Models• Assume the same MFPT prior for all three models, eg.

S0 ∼ PT (AM ,ΠθM ), θ ∼ p(θ)

• Center PT on the family Sθ : θ ∈ Θ

• Assume that, for given θ, the prior on the intervals atthe highest level of the tree is governed by Sθ

• A Lik cont (no marg) for the AFTD model isLz(β,ΞM , θ|T = t) =





Sθ(cm+1rm|ΞM ),

where pj = S0(cjrj|ΞM )/S0(cjrj−1|ΞM )

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Likelihood Functions• The likelihood contribution for an observation

right-censored at time t is Lz(β,ΞM , θ|T > t) =




S0(cm+1t|ΞM , θ)

S0(cm+1rm|ΞM , θ)

• The complete data involve n independent event times,ti

ni=1, that are the observed survival times (Ti = ti) or

are right-censoring times (Ti > ti), and

• n covariate processes zi(·)ni=1

• The complete likelihood is

L(β,ΞM , θ) =



Li(β,ΞM , θ)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Gibbs Sampling• Alternate between sampling β, θ|ΞM and ΞM |β, θ

• The former can be sampled via Metropolis-Hastingsusing a parametric model in WinBUGS or SAS to obtaina suitable candidate distribution

• Use MH for updating the components (Yǫ0, Yǫ1), withcandidate

(Y ∗

ǫ0, Y∗

ǫ1) ∼ Beta(mYǫ0,mYǫ1)

typically m = 20 or 30

• Can easily handle interval censored data

• Other likelihoods are similarly obtained

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Simulated Data• Simulate data from true baseline of log normal(0.69,

0.04) with two distinct TDC’s

• The first TDC is constant at zero, and the second iszero up to one unit of time and is one thereafter.

• Ten data points with TDC 1 and 90 with TDC 2

• The regression coefficient is β = 0.69

• Fit MFPT with c = 1 and M = 4, and with log-logisticfamily as base

• Uniform priors on finite intervals for (θ1, θ2, β)


Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis


E(ℓn(Lik)) 55 47 49.5

LPML 51 42 46

β .65 1.73 3.17

Prob Interval (.48,.96) (1.34,2.22) (2.23,4.22)

Posterior inferences for simulated data.

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Candidate Generating Distributions• If Sθ is exponential with parameter θ, then the AFTD,

COTD, and CTD models are the same

• The likelihood is

L(β, θ) =









• Readily implemented in SAS, S-plus, WinBUGS... toobtain starting values and covariance matrices for thecandidate generating distribution (CGD)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

CGD’s• We generally used the log-logistic to center the three

MPT survival models

• Used WinBUGS fit to get rough candidate generatingcovariance matrix for (β, θ) using random-walk M-Hchain

• Only needed 10,000 iterates in the final runs. Can all beeasily automated

• Jara, DP Package

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Stanford Heart Transplant Data• Data on patients admitted to Stanford Program and

analyzed using the Cox model with TDC’s (Crowley andHu, 1977)

• Lin and Ying (1995) use same data to illustrate theirheuristic procedure for COTD justified by asymptoticproperties

• We fit data using CTD, COTD and AFTD models withMFPT prior; M = 5 and c = 1.

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Stanford Study

xi1(t) =

0 if t < zi

1 if t ≥ zi

xi2(t) =

0 if t < zi

age at transplant − 35 if t ≥ zi

xi3(t) =

0 if t < zi

mismatch score − 0.5 if t ≥ zi


Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Stanford Study


ELL -461 -460 -458

LPML -468 -467 -464

Stat -1.76 -1.10 -1.04

(-3.86,1.57) (-2.70,0.50) (-1.99,-0.17)

Age-35 0.104 0.054 0.058

(-0.020,0.260) (-0.004,0.133) (0.015,0.107)

Mis-0.5 1.63 0.64 0.49

(-0.38,3.89) (-0.30,1.52) (-0.09,1.03)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Stanford Study• The relative hazard (RH), comparing individual w/ no

HTP to an individual how gets one after 6 months

2.83 (1.19, 7.31)

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0 180 360





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Stanford Study• Parametric exponential yielded posterior median

estimates for (β1, β2, β3)

(−2.74, 0.08, 0.98)

LPML = −486.3

• Integrated Cox-Snell residuals show extreme curvature

• Lin and Ying (1995) semiparametric-partial-likelihoodestimates

(−1.99, 0.096, 0.93)

Closer to exponential than semiparametric

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

CE Data• Range of LPML’s ranged between -175 to - 176

• AFTD appears to fit the best based on residual plots

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Relative hazards in the OR over time

5 15





7.00 8.00

9.00 10.00

11.00 12.00

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Joint modeling setting• Longitudinal data associated with terminal event of


• Conditional on longitudinal process, we have survivalanalysis with TDC’s

• Longitudinal process is often observed with error

• With TDC’s, process was assumed constant betweenobservation times

• Can lead to bias (Prentice, 1982)

• Joint modeling is used to make inferences for assessing:

1. Trends in the time course of a longitudinal process

2. The association between de-noised time-dependentprocesses and event prognosis

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Alternatives to Joint Modeling• Don’t model the longitudinal data. Survival analysis with

TDCs (subsequently called RAW)

• Two-stage procedures (called Imputation):

Model the observed longitudinal process assuming ithas noise

Impute the de-noised signal process; treat it as aTDC

• Compare joint analyses with these

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Joint Modeling• Model the longitudinal data


Conditional on that, model the survival time,

f(T |y, ξ)

• Longitudinal process, xi(·), is measured with error so weobserve yi(·) at several time points where

yi(t) = xi(t) + ǫi(t)

xi(t) = f(t)γ + g(t)bi + Ui(t) + ziα

ǫi(t)iid∼ N(0, σ2)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Imputation• Use the longitudinal model to obtain xi(t)

• Use data ti, δi, xi as if xi were observed

• Define the cumulative history Xt = x(s) : s ≤ t

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Inferences: Bayesian Joint Modeling• Here, (after some modeling) we obtain,

f(yf , Tf |data) = f(yf |data)f(Tf |yf , data)

yf is a hypothetical observed history

• Prognosis based on their predictive density,f(Tf |yf , data). Compare these for different hypotheticalhistories. Set yf = yi

• Conditional hazards:

h(t|Xt, data) =

h(t|Xt, ξ)p(dξ|data)

for hypothetical Xt.

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Models for survival data with TDC’s• Tseng et al (2005) developed a semiparametric

frequentist joint model using the COAFT (Monte CarloEM algorithm with bootstrap se’s for reg coeffs)

• Sundaram (2006) extended the proportional odds modelto allow for TDCs yielding a POTDC model, which isdefined by




1 − S(t|x(·))



= ex(t)β d



1 − S0(t)



Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Illustration: Medfly Data• Data from a study on reproductive patterns of 1000

female Mediterranean fruit flies.

• Obtained by recording the number of eggs producedeach day throughout their lifespans

• Goal was to examine the association between eggproduction patterns and lifetime

• Sample size of 251 flies with lifespans ranging from 22to 99 days, and no censored observations

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Fitted trajectory: Fly 1• Fitted trajectory for a“typical”medfly. Similar shapes for

PO, PH, CO, and longitudinal only analysis

5 10 15 20 250





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Model for longitudinal data• Compare with a previous joint analysis (Tseng et al,

2005), so we use their structure

• yi = (yi1, . . . , yini)′ are the ni longitudinal

measurements of subject i at times ti = (ti1, . . . , tini)′

• Model specifies that trajectories satisfy

yij|bi, σ2 ⊥∼ N


bi1g1(tij) + bi2g2(tij) + · · · + bidgd(tij), σ2)

• Individual trajectories

bi|µ,Σiid∼ Nd(µ,Σ).

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Model fitting• Let xi(t|bi) = bi1g1(t) + · · · + bidgd(t)

• For joint models, survival is specified conditional on


• S0 modeled with MFPT prior• log-logistic centering family, i.e.

E(S0(t)) = (1 + t1/τe−α/τ )−1

• collection of branch probabilities ΞM

• weight parameter c

• Let θ = (α, τ,ΞM , c)

• A model [Ti|θ, β, xi(·|bi)] is specified as CO, PO, or PH


Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Model fitting• Independent priors:

• p(µ,Σ, β, α, τ) ∝ |Σ|−(d+1)/2

• p(σ−2) ∝ 1/σ−2

• c ∼ Γ(c|ac, bc)

• (Xj,2k−1, Xj,2k) ∼ Dirichlet(cj2, cj2)

• The posterior based on the survival portion, thelongitudinal portion, and the prior is then

p(β,θ,µ,Σ, σ|T,y1:n) =[



f(Ti|xi(·|bi),θ, β)δiS(Ti|xi(·|bi),θ, β)1−δi






p(yi|bi, σ)p(bi|µ,Σ)


p(β,θ,µ,Σ, σ)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Model fitting• The full conditional distributions for µ, Σ, and σ−2 are:

Σ−1|b1:n,µ ∼ Wishart





(bi − µ)(bi − µ)′


µ|b1:n,Σ ∼ Nd



σ−2|b1:n ∼ Γ



ni, 0.5∑


(yij − xi(tij|bi))2

• Metropolis-Hastings steps were used to sample the fullconditionals for the bi’s (random-walk M-H), ΞM (w/beta proposals), c (w/ truncated normal proposal),(α, β, τ) (w/ random walk M-H).

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Illustration: Medfly DataResponse

ln(yi(t) + 1)


xi(t|bi) = b1i ln(t) + b2i(t − 1)

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Model comparison• negative-LPML statistics (smaller is better) comparing

modeling approaches:

Model Method PO PH CO

parametric raw 867 870 937

MPT raw 865 866 938

MPT imputed 947 959 973

parametric joint 947 959 973

MFPT joint 945 956 973

• Summary based on LPML criterion:• Predictively, PO and PH models preferred over CO• Survival with fixed TDC’s preferred over joint• MFPT improves predictive performance only slightly

compared to parametric modelCambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Fitted trajectory: Fly 1• Fitted trajectory for a“typical”medfly. Similar shapes for

PO, PH, CO, and longitudinal only analysis

5 10 15 20 250





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Predictive survival density: Fly 1• Solid is PO, dashed is PH, and dotted is CO

20 40 60 80 100





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Fitted trajectory: Fly 2• Fitted trajectory for another medfly using PO, PH, CO,

and longitudinal only analysis

0 10 20 30 40 500





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Predictive survival density: Fly 2• PO (solid), PH (dashed) and CO (dotted) analyses using

Raw trajectories.

20 40 60 80 100






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Predictive survival density: Fly 2• Raw trajectory (dashed line); joint analysis (solid line)

20 40 60 80 100





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Posterior inference for β

Model Method PO PH CO

parametric raw −0.75 −0.65 −0.36 (−0.44,−0.27)

MPT raw −0.74 −0.64 −0.37 (−0.45,−0.29)

MPT imputed −0.74 −0.37 0.16 (−0.01,0.30)

parametric joint −0.78 −0.39 0.19 (0.01,0.33)

MPT joint −0.79 −0.40 0.19 (0.01,0.32)

• Pr(β < 0|T,y1:n) = 1 for PO and PH models⇒ survival prospects are better for the most fertile flies.

• Inferences based on CO are different for joint modelsthan for models based on raw trajectories

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis

Why I like MFPT’s for SA• Prior centered on parametric family; DPM Not

• Easy to place informative prior on reg coeffs; DPM Not

• No need to marginalize over S0

• Inferences on functionals of S0 simple

• Median regression is immediate; DPM not

• No“sticky clusters”

• Hanson (2006, JASA)

• Hanson, T., Branscum, A., and Johnson, W.O. (2005).Bayesian nonparametric modeling and data analysis: anintroduction. In Bayesian Thinking: Modeling andComputation (Handbook of Statistics, volume 25)

Cambridge: Semi-parametric Survival Analysis
