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Respect – We treat others as we expect to be treated. Responsibility – We will take ownership to deliver individually and as a team. Results – We deliver as committed. Integrity- We have the courage to do the right thing. Innovation – We do something new or better in anything we do to deliver better results. SenaiNT English Language Centre Newsletter 2- March 17 March, 2017 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697 March has been a busy month at SenaiNT ELC. To date, most of our students have completed at least 3 modules of work and are continuing to work hard to practice their English speaking skills wherever they can. Last week, our students went to the polling booth to select the new members of the Student Representative Council (SRC), the School Captain and Vice-Captain. Well done to the students below who were elected to be members of the SRC Semester 1 team. Sebastiao Gaio (CSWE II) School Captain Belandina Abuc (FSK II) Vice Captain Luis Freitas (FSK II) SRC member Veneranda Belo (CSWE II) SRC member Jeremias Panao (CSWE I) SRC member Maria Lopes (CSWE I) SRC member The staff are very excited to be working with this new team. This highly enthusiastic students will turn new initiatives into action and make our learning program at SenaiNT even more exciting. We will work closely with the team to develop their leadership skills in particular, effective communication, teamwork skills and confidence. Last week, I attended the 2 day Australian Employers Conference in Dili. The Secretary of State for SEPFOPE, Sr. Ilidio Ximenes opened the conference, supported by the Ambassador to Timor Leste, Mr. Peter Doyle. On the first day, we heard presentations about the current systems and mechanisms for screening and selecting seasonal workers, worker’s experiences and challenges, and Australian Employers’ perceptions of Timorese workers and their outlook for future workers. Project Partners Congratulations to SenaiNT staff team for being the recipient of the 2016 Batchelor Institute Council award in recognition of our work in TL On day 2, participants were divided into groups to discuss questions such as “How to improve the quality of workers?”, “How to increase the number of Timorese workers to Australia?” and “How seasonal workers could be better supported in Timor Leste? Day 2, presented a fantastic opportunity for all participants including myself to engage in conversation and debate improvements to the current system and possibilities for future engagement. It was fantastic to meet the many employers from around Australia but particularly the Northern Territory who I hope will benefit from our well trained and highly skilled students. Last week, we had visits from two Darwin schools that have begun their journeys with the Northern Territory/Timor Leste sister schools program. The two schools Nemarluk School and Wulagi Primary and their Principals and delegations, worked with members of their respective sister schools, to co-develop and sign Memorandum of Understanding. Thank you to Mr.Gerio Patricio and our school Captain, Mr. Sebastiao Gaio for providing bilingual support to these two schools over the duration of their stay in Timor Leste. I am happy to report that last Tuesday, we also had a very successful REACT session between Maubara School and Wagaman Primary School. All the participants involved in the REACT hook up including Principal Mrs. Michele Cody, were ecstatic with the smooth IT connection between the two sites and the lesson that took place. All three schools are forging forward with productive partnerships with their sister schools with the ultimate aim of Timor Leste and Northern Territory growing a positive relationship.
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17 March, 2017

SenaiNT English Language Centre Newsletter 1

Respect – We treat others as we expect to be treated. Responsibility – We will take ownership to deliver individually and as a team. Results – We deliver as committed. Integrity- We have the courage to do the right thing. Innovation – We do something new or better in anything we do to deliver better results.

Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

SenaiNT English Language Centre Newsletter 2- March

17 March, 2017 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

March has been a busy month at SenaiNT ELC. To date, most of our students have completed at least 3 modules of work and are continuing to work hard to practice their English speaking skills wherever they can.

Last week, our students went to the polling booth to select the new members of the Student Representative Council (SRC), the School Captain and Vice-Captain. Well done to the students below who were elected to be members of the SRC Semester 1 team.

• Sebastiao Gaio (CSWE II) School Captain• Belandina Abuc (FSK II) Vice Captain• Luis Freitas (FSK II) SRC member• Veneranda Belo (CSWE II) SRC member• Jeremias Panao (CSWE I) SRC member• Maria Lopes (CSWE I) SRC member

The staff are very excited to be working with this new team. This highly enthusiastic students will turn new initiatives into action and make our learning program at SenaiNT even more exciting. We will work closely with the team to develop their leadership skills in particular, effective communication, teamwork skills and confidence.

Last week, I attended the 2 day Australian Employers Conference in Dili. The Secretary of State for SEPFOPE, Sr. Ilidio Ximenes opened the conference, supported by the Ambassador to Timor Leste, Mr. Peter Doyle.

On the first day, we heard presentations about the current systems and mechanisms for screening and selecting seasonal workers, worker’s experiences and challenges, and Australian Employers’ perceptions of Timorese workers and their outlook for future workers.

Project Partners

Congratulations to SenaiNT staff team for being the recipient of the 2016 Batchelor Institute Council award in recognition of our work in TL

On day 2, participants were divided into groups to discuss questions such as “How to improve the quality of workers?”, “How to increase the number of Timorese workers to Australia?” and “How seasonal workers could be better supported in Timor Leste? Day 2, presented a fantastic opportunity for all participants including myself to engage in conversation and debate improvements to the current system and possibilities for future engagement. It was fantastic to meet the many employers from around Australia but particularly the Northern Territory who I hope will benefit from our well trained and highly skilled students.

Last week, we had visits from two Darwin schools that have begun their journeys with the Northern Territory/Timor Leste sister schools program. The two schools Nemarluk School and Wulagi Primary and their Principals and delegations, worked with members of their respective sister schools, to co-develop and sign Memorandum of Understanding. Thank you to Mr.Gerio Patricio and our school Captain, Mr. Sebastiao Gaio for providing bilingual support to these two schools over the duration of their stay in Timor Leste. I am happy to report that last Tuesday, we also had a very successful REACT session between Maubara School and Wagaman Primary School. All the participants involved in the REACT hook up including Principal Mrs. Michele Cody, were ecstatic with the smooth IT connection between the two sites and the lesson that took place. All three schools are forging forward with productive partnerships with their sister schools with the ultimate aim of Timor Leste and Northern Territory growing a positive relationship.

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Semana ida ne’e nia laran ami okupadu teb-tebes iha sentru SenaiNT ELC. Durante ne’e estudante barak mak kompleta ona modula tolu husi sira nia servisu no kontinua servisu makas nafatin atu pratika sira nia abilidade koalia lian Ingles iha ne’ebe deit wainhira sir abele.

Semana kotuk, ami nia estudante halo votasaun atu hili membru representante estudante foun (SRC), kapitaun no vise. Parabens ba estudante sira tuir mai nebe mak eleitu ona atu sai membru representativa ba sentru ida ne’e ba semester ida ne’e nian.

• Sebastiao Gaio (CSWE II) Kapitaun eskola nian• Belandina Abuc (FSK II) Vise• Luis Freitas (FSK II) membru representativa• Veneranda Belo (CSWE II) membru representativa• Jeremias Panao (CSWE I) membru representativa• Maria Lopes (CSWE I) membru representativa

Ami nia funsionariu sira mos animado teb-tebes atu servisu hamutuk ho ekipa foun ho estudante sira nebe’e mak entuziasmu tebes atu hamosu inisiativa foun atu halo programa aprendizazem iha SenaiNT sai kapas liu tan. Ami mos sei servisu hamutuk ho ekipa ida ne atu dezenvolve sira nia abilidade lideransa nian liu-liu kona ba komunikasaun ne’ebe efektiva, abilidade atu servisu hamutuk no fiar an liu tan. Semana kotuk, hau atende konferensia durante loron 2 kona ba empregadus Australia nian iha Dili. Konferensia ne’e hetan abertura husi Sr. Ilidio Ximenes nudar Sekretariu Estadu no mos Embaixador Australia nian ba Timor Leste, Excelensia Sr. Peter Doyle. Iha loron dahuluk, ami rona aprezentasaun kona ba sistema atual no mekanizmuatu halo selesaun ba sira ne’ebe mak atu ba servisu iha Australia, esperiensia no dezafius husi trabalhador sira ne’ebe mak fila fali ona husi Australia no persepsaun husi empregador Australia sira nian kona ba trabalhador sira husi Timor Leste no planu ba futuru nian. Iha loron daruak, partisipante sira hafahe an ba grupu rua atu halo diskusaun konaba “Oinsa atu hadia kualidade trabalhador sira nian”, “Oinsa atu aumenta numeru trabalhador Timor sira nian iha Australia” no “Oinsa mak sira ne’ebe fila fali ona mai Timor Leste atu bele hetan suporta ne’ebe diak liu tan”. Loron daruak, aprezenta oportunidade ne’ebe mak kapas teb-tebes ba partisipante sira hotu inklui hau nia an rasik atu involve an iha konversa no debate atu hadia liu tan Sistema no posibiidade ba iha future.

Ida ne’e oportunidade ne’ebe diak tebes atu hasoru empregador sira husi Australia, liu-liu sira ne’ebe hudi Norte Teritoriu ne’ebe hau espera bele fo benefisiu husi ami nia estudante sira ne’ebe ma kami fo treinu no iha abilidade ne’ebe mak diak.

Semana kotuk, ami hetan visita husi eskola rua husi Darwin ne’ebe mak hahu ona jornada ho Norte Teritoriu no Timor Leste iha programa eskola bin alin. Eskola rua ne’e mak hanesan eskola primaria Nemerluk no Wulagi ne’ebe mak sira nia pirnsipal no delegasaun servisu hamutuk ho eskola sira ne’ebe mak sai sira nia parseira atu servisu hamutuk hodi dezenvolve no asina MoU. Obrigado wain ba Sr. Gerio Patricio no ita nia kapitaun eskola nian, Sr. Sebastiao gaio ne’ebe mak fo ajuda hodi sai hanesan tradutor ba eskola rua ne’ebe mai visita durante sira nia tempo iha Timor Leste. Hau kontente tebes atu hato’o katak Tersa semana kotuk, ita mos iha sesaun REACT ne’ebe mak susesu tebes entre eskola Maubara no eskola primaria Wagaman. Partisipante sira hotu involve iha sesaun REACT inklui Prinsipal husi eskola Wagaman nian, Sra. Michele Cody, sesaun ne’e lao ho diak liu husi koneksaun internet ne’ebe mak diak entre sitiu rua ne’e no mos lisaun sira ne’e mos lao ho diak. Eskola tolu ne’e hotu hahu kria relasaun ne’ebe mak diak ho eskola bin alin sira iha Timor Leste no Norte Teritoriu atu iha relasaun ne’ebe diak liu tan.

Sra. Maria Albion

SenaiNT English Language Centre Newsletter 2 - March

Participants at the Australian Employers Conference, Dili, Timor Leste, 9-10 March, 2017.

17 March, 2017 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

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Class Teacher: Miss Carmen Gomes Teacher Assistant: Miss Nensia Ku

FROM CSWE I 17 March, 2017 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

During the last four weeks, CSWE I students have been very busy learning new skills including “Filling in forms” both electronically and in written form. They also studied the topic, Weather and Seasons”. One of the activities for this topic was to list the different types of weather, draw pictures to go with the words and then translate the words into Tetum or Indonesian language.

This week, CSWE I students are learning about “Transactional Exchanges and in particular, buying a laptop. Students are practicing how to answer a phone call with a good opening and closing of the conversation. Other skills that they are learning with this topic are: How to answer questions in complete sentences, use appropriate vocabulary, use one-clause statements or questions, say numbers correctly (money, time or weight) and pronounce specific topic words with clarity.

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Here we have our “Classroom Tree” where we have shared some personal information about ourselves.

Class Teacher: Miss Carmen Gomes Teacher Assistant: Miss Nensia Ku

FROM CSWE I 17 March, 2017 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

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Last week, as part of this work, we planned and attended an excursion to the library. In preparation for the library excursion, we developed questions to ask our Librarian. The questions were written in English and then translated to Tetum. Our questions included asking about the following:

Teachers: Mrs Albion and Ms Manuela Babo Teacher Assistant: Mr. Gerio Patricio FROM CSWE II

17 March, 2017 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

In our CSWE II classroom we have been learning to comprehend and participate in transactional exchanges. As part of our formal assessments later on this week, we have to

o demonstrate understanding of a spoken transaction for information/goods and services and o Participate in a spoken transaction for information/goods and services.

Some of the learning contexts in the last 4 weeks have been around returning, exchanging or asking for money back for goods obtained in fashion stores, electrical stores etc., making a variety of appointments for a service and joining a library. Most of our learning experiences have been around listening to modelled transactions, deconstructing and deconstructing modelled transactions, independently writing dialogue for transactions and lots of role-playing to practice the language of transactions. We’ve had a lot of fun too in between all this work. We are now ready to be assessed.

Opening hours How you can join The cost of joining What you can borrow How many items you can

borrow How long you can borrow

things for Materials in other languages English language learning


We had to remember to: Open the conversation politely Ask some polite indirect questions Ask some direct questions Give feedback Close politely

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Teachers: Mrs Albion and Ms Manuela Babo Teacher Assistant: Mr.Gerio Patricio

FROM CSWE II 17 March, 2017 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

We spent two half days visiting our local library, called Xanana’s Reading Room situated in the suburb of Lecidere. We all made our own way there and met our teacher there.

We now can borrow books every week. We want to read in English everyday so we can improve not only our reading but our writing as well. It is good to know that we can borrow books in English as well as books in Tetum.

This is our CSWE II class in action at Xanana’s Reading Room and at the Museum.

On the second day, we went back for the Librarian to process our library cards. We had to take our electoral cards as proof of our identity. Our library cards were printed within minutes.

On the first day, we asked our prepared questions to the Librarian and also visited the Museum next to the library. We found the Museum to be a very interesting place to observe, learn and ask more questions.

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FROM FSK II Teacher: Mr Paulo Quefi Teacher Assistant: Miss Madalena Barros

17 March, 2016 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

In the last two weeks the Foundation Skills class have been working on a unit which called “Use Digital Technology in Routine Workplace Tasks”. Students have identified digital technology that can be used to complete specific tasks at work. Below are some examples of our class work.

Panorama Restaurant This flyer was developed by Helder, Everilda and Leopoldina to advertise their business called “Panorama Restaurant”. Panorama Restaurant only sells pizza. The price for one slice of pizza is $1.50 and for a whole pizza, $7.50. They did it as a word document and then transferred it into PDF document.

OMZ Fruits and Vegetables The flyer was designed by Feliberto, Zelia and Martina to advertise their “Fruits and Vegetables shop”. Their shop concentrates on selling fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.

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FROM FSK II Teacher: Mr Paulo Quefi Teacher Assistant: Miss Madalena Barros

17 March, 2016 Estrada de becora Dili-Timor Leste T (+670) 73172697

During a recent visit from the Australian Employers’ to the Centre, our FSK II student Ilario Oliveira, took time from his busy school schedule to interview one of the Australian employers. This lady hires Seasonal Workers from many countries to work on a variety of farms. She lives in Emerald, Queensland, Australia. Ilario is an aspiring journalist.

Ilario’s Interview Q: How many types of business would you say are running in Australia? A. There are millions of businesses operating in Australia. Thousands of shops like butchers, bakers and many

more. Q: How many Timorese youth are working for you? A: I am new to the Timorese workers program but I have four workers doing pineapple picking and I have ten

Timorese working in citrus picking (lime, orange, lemon and mandarin). Q: Do you plan to hire more people from Timor to work in your company? A: Yes I do. Q: Is there a criteria that a worker needs to meet to work in your business? A: Because I have a variety of farms, I need a variety of workers. For pineapple workers, I need short people

but very strong people because the pineapple tree is very short and for a tall man, this work will hurt his back. Some workers need to have mechanical skills because much of the work needs to be done by machines such as in packing and planting are done by machines. Most important is the workers ability to learn, to listen and to ask for clarification if you don’t understand. The employer will take you if you want to learn and you want to listen.

Q: If we have the opportunity to work with you will you give us the chance to study more English? A: Every year when the workers come, the employer will give them some time to observe and watch and we

can also train you in Basic English, computer study and first aid. Every year when you come back you can build on it. The employer will make sure that you can study something else when you come back. If you prove to your farmer that you have the ability to learn and listen and want to do more they will give you another opportunity to come back and work for them.

I felt very happy after interviewing one of the Australian employers that visited SenaiNT. It was my first ever interview conducted in English. I want to keep developing my interviewing skills and writing good questions so I can work towards being a journalist one day.

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My name is Sebastiao Gaio. I am from Baucau District but I live at Becora, Dili. I am currently an intermediate English student and the School Captain at SenaiNT English Language Centre. I have completed Certificate I in Spoken and written English at SenaiNT in 2016. I have active mind and good attitude. I am loving, friendly, helpful, kind, patient and humble. In my spare time, I like to read English books especially funny story books, listen to music, share my skills with others, chat with people and watch movies. As the School Captain, I hope to be a good role model for others and to encourage my fellow students to behave according to our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Result, Integrity and Innovation. During my time as School Captain, I would also like initiate some after hour fun activities such as conversational English opportunities, seminar topics, sporting competitions between three classes, cooking in English classes, movie nights and many more fun events.

My name is Belandina do Rêgo Abuc. I am currently a Foundation Skills student (FSKII) and the Vice-School Captain of SenaiNT. I have completed a Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways and I graduated from Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) in 2016, and hold a degree in tourism studies. My hobbies are watching movies, reading, gardening, travelling, sharing new ideas with others and taking photographs of landscapes. I am approachable, friendly, kind, a great listener, happy, studious, and driven to do the right thing by my fellow students, staff and community. I am excited to be a Vice Captain of the school. In this role, I hope to assist my fellow SRC members to organise some activities at the Centre such as English conversation, seminars, study groups, special events and excursions. Our school values of “Respect, Responsibility, Results, Integrity and Innovation” will sit at the heart of everything I will do. In the future, I hope to run my own business (tourism industries) in this lovely country of “Timor-Leste”.

My Name Is Luis Freitas. I am currently a Foundation Skills (FSK II) and a member of the Student Representative Council member at SenaiNT. I have completed a Certificate II in General Administration at ETDA. I also have a Certificate I in Foundation Skills and Vocational Pathways completed last semester. Currently I am also studying at UNTL University and my major is Public Administration. My hobbies are watching movies, reading and playing the guitar. I am pleased to be a member of student Representative council. In this role, I hope to assist my fellow SRC members to organise some activities such as English conversation, seminars, study groups, special events and excursions. I also want to be a good role model to my fellow students and ensure my behaviour is always consistent with our school values “Respect, Responsibility, Results, Integrity and Innovation. I want to be an exemplary teacher in the future and travel widely to learn new things and gain experiences from people around the world.

Sebastiao Gaio School Captain

Belandina Abuc Vice Captain

Luis Freitas SRC Member

Meet our new SRC team members!

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Movie Afternoon & Barbeque Dinner

Thursday, 6 April 2017, 4 pm.

Crazy Hair Day Friday, 7 April 2017

FROM SRC My full name is Veneranda da Silva Belo. I am currently a CSWE II student and an SRC member. I hold the following qualifications: A Bachelor Degree in Computer Studies, 3 certificates in English and Information Systems. I am a part-time IT Teaching Assistant at CNFP. My favourite hobbies are learning new skills, talking and sharing my ideas with my teachers, friends and foreigners, reading English books, watching movies, shopping, exercising, and helping others. I love travelling and hope to one day, visit many countries around the world to gain new experiences. I am pleased to be a member of the Student Representative Council for this semester. In this role, I will promote and uphold our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Results, Integrity and Innovation (RIRII). I will model these behaviours and help others to do so also.

My name is Jeremias da Costa Panao. I am currently a CSWE I student and a SRC member. I have completed a Certificate I in IT completed at CNFP, a Certificate I in Basic English completed at SOLS and a Certificate I in Computer Science completed at Aitarak-laran. My favourite hobbies are listening to music, going to the gym and studying. As a SRC member, I hope to create new learning to opportunities for our students to practice English after school as well as other activities to make our school an even better place. I hope to be a good role model for other students based on the school values of Respect, Responsibility, Result, Integrity, and Innovation. I am very happy to be part of this team and working with a fantastic group of students across the three classes. In the future I hope to be a good teacher.

My name is Maria Lopes. I am currently a CSWEI student and the member of Student Representative Council (SRC). To date, I have completed certificates in Bread Making, Office Administration and Hospitality. My hobbies are cooking, shopping and travelling. I hope to one day, travel around the world. I am friendly, kind, a great listener, happy, studious, and driven to do the right thing by my fellow students, staff and community. I am very happy to be a member of the SRC team. I will work hard to help all of my fellow students to be successful learners as “Together We Can Make a Difference”. I want to be a good role model and always follow our school values of “Respect, Responsibility, Results, Integrity and Innovation”. In the future, I hope to have my own bakery shop.

Veneranda Belo SRC Member

Maria Lopes SRC Member

Jeremias Panao SRC Member

DATES toRemember

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On 6-7 March 2017, Mrs. Susan Kilgour, Principal of Wulagi Primary School, Mrs. Annette Saiter and Mr. Joel Spry, visited their sister school “Escola Basico Catolica Sao Paulo” in Manlau. They met with the School Principal Father, Feliciano Soares and officially signed their M.O.U. Our School Captain, Sebastiao Gaio also participated in this visit to provide bilingual support to sister school team.

Also on the 6-7 March 2017, Mrs. Lorraine Hodgson, Principal of Nemarluk School, Mrs. Virg Hughes, visited Centro Recursos da Educação Inclusivo (C.R.E.I.) in Aileu to co-write the M.O.U.. Mr. Gerio Patricio our Teaching Assistant participated in this visit and provided bilingual support. The two schools have now signed the M.O.U.

Mr. Gerio and Miss Madalena conducted a REACT session between Maubara School and Wagaman Primary on the 14 March. The students from both sites shared their daily schedules and learnt of the similarities and differences in the key learning areas covered at each school. It was wonderful to finally have the technology working well.




Mrs. Kilgour & Fr. Feliciano Signing the M.O.U

Students at C.R.E.I. in Aileu Mrs. Lorraine Hogdson and Mrs. Virg Hughes with staff and students at C.R.E.I. in Aileu

Maubara and Wagaman Primary students in action!

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Last week, on the 10 March, 2017, we had a visit at the Centre by a group of Australian Employers. They came from different states in Australia such as Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia and Northern Territory. They were here in TL to attend the Australian Employers Conference which took place on 9 – 10 March, 2017 at Novo Tourism Hotel, Dili.

Ms. Michelene Rigby Kimberly Accommodation -Broome

Mr. Brian Weis, Chief Executive, Department of Employment for Seasonal Worker Program, Canberra.

Mrs. Albion, SenaiNT School Principal and SRC members welcomed the Australian Employers and SEPFOPE staff to the Centre.

Mr. Andrew Coldbeck Job Shop – N.T.

Mr. Steven Jurd 2PH – Queensland.

It was great for our students to meet and greet the Employers. Their visit has provided our students with motivation and hope that one day, they will make it to Australia to work and be part of this life changing experience.

Ms. Aisla Connolly NT Farmers Association

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Filomena Soares CSWE I - Student

Julio Maia CSWE II - Student


Well done to all of our students featured on this page who have achieved perfect attendance at our Centre for this last fortnight including getting to class on time. You are showing that you are committed to your learning and your studies.

Adriano, Alzira, Barbara, Belandina, Everilda, Felisberto, Filomena, Helder, Laura, Leonito, Martinha and Zelia.

Octaviana, Sildonia, Americo, Tobias, Filomena, Abreu, Sidonia, Francisco M., Epifania, Aderito and Zacarias.

Ilario Albano FSK II - Student

Filomena for always helping her friend on her table and always asking for clarification when she is confused.

For fulfilling all the requirements for his transactional oral assessment.

For his performance and courage during his first English interview.

Mariano, Isabel, Sabiana, Jose.

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Listening to instructions from our PE Trainer, Mr. Corey.

Warm up activities

No pain, no gain, Mr. Gerio!

Sit- Ups

Push- Ups

Warming Up!

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NAME: _________________________________________

CROSSWORD COMPETITION To enter the competition, complete the crossword puzzle below, place your name on the sheet, fold it and place it in the competition box in Miss Ana’s office. Next Thursday, on the 23 March, the first 3 correct entries drawn from the box will win a special prize. Be in it to win it!
