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TABLE OF CONTENT SENSIBLE – DELIVERABLE Implementation Plan for the Demonstrators This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 645963. Deliverable number: D1.4 Due date: 31.08.2015 Nature 1 : R Dissemination Level1: PU Work Package: WP1 Lead Beneficiary: 4 - EDP Labelec Contributing Beneficiaries: ARMINES, Siemens, GPTech, Adevice, Empower, UoN, THN, MOZES, INDRA Editor(s): Filipe Guerra, Miguel Marques and Ricardo André, EDP Labelec Reviewer(s): Matthias Unbehaun, K&S 1 Nature: R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other Dissemination level PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) Restraint UE = Classified with the classification level "Restraint UE" according to Commis- sion Decision 2001/844 and amendments Confidential UE = Classified with the mention of the classification level "Confidential UE" according to Commission Decision 2001/844 and amendments Secret UE = Classified with the mention of the classification level "Secret UE" according to Commission Decision 2001/844 and amendments
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Implementation Plan for the Demonstrators

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 645963.

Deliverable number: D1.4

Due date: 31.08.2015

Nature1: R

Dissemination Level1: PU

Work Package: WP1

Lead Beneficiary: 4 - EDP Labelec

Contributing Beneficiaries: ARMINES, Siemens, GPTech, Adevice, Empower, UoN, THN, MOZES, INDRA

Editor(s): Filipe Guerra, Miguel Marques and Ricardo André, EDP Labelec

Reviewer(s): Matthias Unbehaun, K&S

1 Nature: R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other Dissemination level PU = Public

PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) Restraint UE = Classified with the classification level "Restraint UE" according to Commis-sion Decision 2001/844 and amendments Confidential UE = Classified with the mention of the classification level "Confidential UE" according to Commission Decision 2001/844 and amendments Secret UE = Classified with the mention of the classification level "Secret UE" according to Commission Decision 2001/844 and amendments

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The present report describes the foreseen implementation of the demonstrators of the SENSIBLE project taking into consideration the information available when preparing D1.4 report. During the course of the execution of subsequent work packages and during the implementation phase itself, adaptations and readjustments may be considered nec-essary, for example, but not limited to, taking into consideration aspects such as adhe-sion of the communities where demonstration work will be undertaken, data privacy is-sues or practical / physical constraints when implementing the demonstrators. Any changes to the grid will comply with the applicable legal and regulatory framework. Should those adaptations and / or readjustments be deemed significantly, coordinator and / or relevant work package leaders will promote the necessary steps internally at the consortium level and with the European Commission. This will be done in accordance with the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement, in order to determine the best course of action.

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Version Date Description

0.1 18.05.2015 EDP Labelec

V2 10.07.2015 Including of equipment specification, based on a draft of the RFI

V3 20.07.2015 Review and update of sections 2.1 and 2.2

V4 21.07.2015 Template review and correction, im-provement of subsection 2.2.2

V4 23.07.2015 Review and writing of section 2.3. – inovgrid. Review and change of the structure of sections 2.4 and 2.5.

V4.3 27.07.2015 Writing of section 2.4.

Acronyms and references added.

V4.4 28.07.2015 Changes in section 2.7. – plan added

Indra’s contribution and EDP upgrade to section 2.6.

V4.5 31.07.2015 First compilation of the three sections

V5 03.08.2015 Version ready for review

V6 13.08.2015 Review done by M.Unbehaun

V7 24.08.2015 Adjustments done by the authors

V8 27.08.2015 Review done by M.Metzger

V9 27.08.2015 Adjustments done by S.Kadlubek – de-liverable ready for GA approval process

V10 03.09.2015 Approved by GA – Final Version

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1 Introduction 9

1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Deliverable ......................................... 9

1.2 References ..................................................................................... 9

1.2.1 Internal documents 9

1.2.2 External documents 9

1.3 Acronyms ..................................................................................... 11

2 Évora demonstrator 13

2.1 General characterization of Portuguese demonstrator ............. 13

2.1.1 General characterization of real environmental demonstrator 13

2.1.2 General characterization of INESC-Porto and EDP Labelec laboratories 14

2.2 Overall demonstrator Architecture ............................................. 15

2.2.1 Power grid architecture 15

2.2.2 ICT architecture 17

2.3 Site assessment and existing infrastructures ........................... 18

2.3.1 Power grid architecture 18

2.3.2 ICT Architecture 21

2.4 Requirements ............................................................................... 22

2.4.1 Changes to the MV/LV grid 23

2.4.2 Changes to the residential installation 24

2.4.3 Integration of components 25

2.5 Equipment and System Specification ........................................ 27

2.5.1 Residential equipment 27 Home Energy Management System (HEMS) 28 Residential PV system 30 Residential Energy Storage Systems (RESS) 30 Residential electrical water heaters (WH) 31 SmartPlugs (SP) 32 Energy Consumption monitor (ECM) 32 2.5.2 Grid Equipment 32 Secondary Substation A Equipment 32 Secondary Substation B Equipment 40 MV Equipment 44 Grid Automation 44

2.6 Developments for Évora demonstrator components ................ 44

2.7 Implementation Plan .................................................................... 49

2.8 Community and stakeholders’ engagement .............................. 52

2.8.1 Engagement plan for the Valverde community 53

2.8.2 Engagement plan for the energy communities 56

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2.9 Key Performance Indicators ....................................................... 56

3 Nottingham Demonstrator 58

3.1 General characterization of the Nottingham Demonstrator ...... 58

3.1.1 FlexElec Laboratory 58

3.1.2 The Meadows Demonstrator site 59

3.2 Overall Demonstrator Architecture ............................................ 60

3.2.1 Power grid architecture 60

3.2.2 ICT 61

3.3 Site assessment and existing Infrastructures ........................... 63

3.3.1 Power grid architecture 64

3.3.2 ICT Architecture 65

3.4 Requirements ............................................................................... 65

3.4.1 UK regulatory grid code requirements 66

3.4.2 Requirements of Community level storage and monitoring devices 66 Electrical Installation 66 Electrical Monitoring 67 3.4.3 Requirements of Residential level storage and monitoring devices 67 Electrical Installation 67 Thermal Installation 67 Electrical Monitoring 68 Thermal Monitoring 68 3.4.4 Integration of components 68

3.5 Equipment and System Specification ........................................ 70

3.5.1 Community level power equipment 70 Community electrochemical storage 70 Community electromechanical storage 71 Community Dual media storage device 71 Additional Devices (switchgear, circuit breakersA) 72 3.5.2 Residential power equipment 73 Residential electrical storage 73 Residential thermal storage 74 Additional Devices (switchgear, circuit breakersA) 74 Auxiliary data capture device 75

3.6 Developments for Nottingham demonstrator components ...... 75

3.7 Implementation Plan .................................................................... 76

3.8 Community and stakeholders’ engagement .............................. 78

3.8.1 Engagement strategic plan for the Meadows community 80

3.9 Key Performance Indicators ....................................................... 82

4 Nuremberg Demonstrator 83

4.1 Overall Demonstrator Architecture ............................................ 83

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4.1.1 General architecture 83

4.1.2 ICT 85

4.2 Site assessment and existing Infrastructures ........................... 86

4.2.1 Existing architecture and components 86

4.2.2 ICT 88

4.3 Requirements ............................................................................... 90

4.4 Equipment and System Specification ........................................ 91

4.4.1 Generator-System-Lab 92

4.4.2 AHU-Lab 94

4.4.3 BEMS-Lab 95

4.4.4 Systems and platforms 95

4.5 Developments for Nuremberg demonstrator components ....... 96

4.5.1 BEMS System 96

4.5.2 Demand Forecast 96

4.5.3 PV Production Forecast 97

4.5.4 Energy Market Service Platform 97

4.6 Implementation Plan .................................................................... 97

4.7 Community and stakeholders’ engagement .............................. 99

4.8 Nuremberg demonstrator KPI ..................................................... 99

5 Demonstrators full Implementation Plan 100

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Executive Summary This deliverable presents the implementation plan for the three SENSIBLE’s demonstra-tors: Évora, Nottingham and Nuremberg. These three plans follow a common structure, covering the definition of the specifications of all the equipment and systems which will be deployed in the WP4-Demonstration of Energy Management and Storage Solutions, taking into account a previous site assessment and existing infrastructures. The devel-opments of each component as well as the requirements for its integration within each demonstrator are also reported. Moreover, the responsible partners of each develop-ment / integration are also identified. For both Évora and Nottingham demonstrators, several engagement activities are planned throughout the project to ensure a large im-pact on key stakeholders. Last but not least, in order to monitor and assess the projects outcomes, a set of Key Performance Indicators are mapped for each demonstrator.

Regarding the Évora demonstrator, it covers 238 clients connected to a rural LV grid, with no redundancy, two Secondary Substations of 250 kVA and a MV Storage System connected to a client secondary substation. The Portuguese demonstrator is focused on testing grid technical operation modes and demand side management (DSM) function-alities. Hence, a wide range of advanced equipment and technologies are going to be deployed in a real test bed, comprising a circuit breaker aiming at enabling the creation of a microgrid; electrochemical storage and a flywheel at the secondary substation; elec-trochemical storage at the LV grid, along the feeders; smart meters that enable DSM functionalities; residential storage in the form of both electrochemical batteries and ther-mal water heating units as well as Photovoltaic Systems and Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) aimed at integrating, controlling and managing the aforementioned customer’s applications. After laboratorial validation at INESC – Porto, the installation of equipment is expected to kick-off in May 2016 and the data acquisition is planned from June 2016 to April 2018.

The Nottingham demonstrator will be divided into two sites. The first is the FlexElec la-boratory that will be used to test and validate the power electronic units, flywheel, storage components and energy management algorithms. The second correspond to a real test bed, covering 40 dwellings in the Meadows area of Nottingham. The demonstrator is focused in energy storage units distributed at both the residential level and the commu-nity level, combining local RES generation and energy-market participation. For that pur-pose, the main equipment to be installed are the electrical storage equipment, inverters and the electrical monitoring equipment (ADEVICE smart meters), gateway to integrate all data streams from the local sensors and the ImmerSun power controller to send re-mote power commands, useful for DSM functionalities. PV system and thermal storage are already installed. The laboratory validation starts in the end of 2015 and both the installation of equipment and the data acquisition start in June 2016.

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The Nuremberg demonstrator is based on two locations: Siemens in Erlangen (BEMS-Lab) and the THN in Nuremberg (Generator-System-Lab and AHU-Lab). All the labs are interconnected virtually using a VPN-tunnel. The demonstrator is focused on commercial building applications, namely the integration of electrical and thermal storage together with heat pumps, CHP and different energy vectors. The integration is done by means of a BEMS that minimizes the building’s energy procurement costs. For that purpose, local generation sources (PV, CHP and HP) as well as storage units (electrochemical and thermal storage) will be installed and configured in an appropriate way as an inte-grated part of the building infrastructure managed directly by the BEMS-software. The lab validation of key components and systems start in December 2015 and the Nurem-berg demonstrator itself is planned to start in January 2016

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Deliverable The purpose of Deliverable 1.4 is to provide a specification for the developments for each of the demonstrators in SENSIBLE project: Évora, Nottingham and Nuremberg. Moreo-ver an implementation plan for WP4-Demonstration of Energy Management and Storage

Solutions is included in the scope of this document, so that the demonstrator phase and also the coming working packages (WP2 and WP3) can be developed in a common and integrated approach.

This document is organized in three separate and similar organized sections, one for each demonstrator. The first section refers to Évora, the second concerns Nottingham and the third refers to Nuremberg. Each of these sections comprises a general charac-terization of the demonstrator, followed by an overview of the demonstrator’s architec-ture. This architecture encompasses not only ICT (from D1.2) but also power grid fea-tures, providing an overview of what currently exists on site and describing developments to be made in the components, to be deployed as a result of WP1, WP2 and WP3.

The requirements to implement each of the use cases from D1.3 are recovered, bridging the gap to the specifications for the developments in each demonstrator, divided in three levels: Grid level, behind the meter level and Interfaces for system and platforms level.

The developments to be made to each component are clearly identified and an imple-mentation plan is proposed. The last part of each section provides an overview on stake-holders’ and community engagement approach.

The last section, common to all demonstrators, is the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) section, where the goals are clearly identified.

1.2 References

1.2.1 Internal documents

[1] SENSIBLE Deliverable D1.1 Energy storage domain roles & classification;

[2] SENSIBLE Deliverable D1.2 Analysis of ICT Storage Integration Architectures;

[3] SENSIBLE Deliverable D1.3 Use cases and requirements;

1.2.2 External documents

[4] Giordano, V. et al, (2012) Guidelines for conducting a cost-benefit analysis of smart grid projects. Joint Research Centre Reference Report. Available from: http://ses.jrc.ec.europa.eu/sites/ses/files/documents/guidelines_for_conducting_a_cost-benefit_analysis_of_smart_grid_projects.pdf

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[5] Landeck, Eric et al, (2012) The smartness barometer – how to quantify smart grid projects and interpret results. Eureletric paper. Available from: http://www.eurelec-tric.org/media/27000/the_smartness_barometer_cba_final-2012-030-0197-01-e.pdf

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1.3 Acronyms

AC Air Conditioning

AHU Air Handling Unit

AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure

BACnet Building Automation and Control Networks

BEMS Building Energy Management System

BMS Battery Management System

CB Circuit Breaker

CHP Combined heat and power

DC Direct Current

DHW Domestic Hot Water

DMS Distribution Management System

DSM Demand Side Management

DSO Distribution System Operator

DTC Distribution Transformer Controller


ECM Energy Consumption Monitor

ESS Energy Storage System

GHX Ground Heat exchanger

HEMS Home Energy Management System

HMI Human Machine Interface

HP Heat Pump

HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning

ICT Information and Communications Technologies

JRC Joint Research Centre

LV Low Voltage

MV Medium Voltage

NC Normally Closed

NEP Nottingham Energy Partnerships

NO Normally Opened

PRIME PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution

PV Photovoltaic

QoS Quality of Service

RES Renewable Energy System

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RESS Residential Energy Storage System

RTP Real Time Platform

SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

SS Secondary Substation

VPN Virtual Private Network

VPP Virtual Power Plant

P.U. Per Unit

PLC Power Line Carrier

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

DLMS Device Language Message Specification

COSEM COmpanion Specification for Energy Metering

DCSK Differential Code Shift Keying

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing

SP Smart Plugs

ECM Energy Consumption Monitor

SoC State of Charge

UC Use Case

BMS Battery Management System

KPI Key Performance Indicators

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

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2 Évora demonstrator

2.1 General characterization of Portuguese demonstrator Portuguese demonstrator will be divided in two parts. The first part will consist in a labora-tory validation shared between INESC-Porto and EDP Labelec facilities, where all equip-ment and tools developed in WP 2 and WP 3 shall be tested before installation on real environment.

2.1.1 General characterization of real environmental demonstrator

Évora is a Portuguese Municipality located in the Alto Alentejo Region, around 130km from Lisbon, with a population of almost 60.000 in-habitants in an area of 1307,08 km2. The city of Évora is the main urban and economic centre of the region. Évora is a UNESCO World Herit-age Site due to a large number of monuments dating from various historical periods, being the Roman Temple of Diana one of the most fa-mous symbols of the city (Figure 1).

Évora was also chosen as the first EDP smart city in the InovGrid project2, a project led by EDP Distribuição, the main Portuguese Distri-bution System Operator (DSO), aiming at promoting a better network management and energy efficiency.

Regarding the test bed, the two distribution substations and the Medium Voltage (MV) En-ergy Storage System (ESS) test site (inside the campus of the University of Évora) consid-ered in the demonstrator are located in Valverde, a small rural village in the countryside of Évora. This village, shown in Figure 2, is located within the Nossa Senhora da Tourega Parish, a division of the Municipality of Évora. The population of Valverde consists of 450 inhabitants and there are about 200 buildings, most of them are residential homes. All of them are connected to the Low Voltage (LV) grid.

2 www.inovgrid.pt/en

Figure 1 – Roman Temple of Diana in


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2.1.2 General characterization of INESC-Porto and EDP Labelec labora-tories

INESC Porto has been implementing a laboratorial infrastructure that exploits specific con-trol and management solutions for key Distributed Energy Resources (DER) such as micro-generation and storage units. A distinct feature of this laboratory relies on the integration of both commercially available solutions and in-house developed prototypes. The laboratory constitutes the physical space that integrates both equipment and software modules that allows individual and fully integrated development and testing of concepts, algorithms and communication solutions. The main building block of the laboratory includes micro-genera-tion technologies, energy storage devices, controllable loads and the Low Voltage (LV) grid cable simulators.

The Smart Grids laboratory from INESC Porto will enable proof-of-concept demonstrations, in a real micro-grid environment (or LV network), of the WP2 power electronic devices and advanced functionalities. The laboratory replicates the hierarchical structure existing in the smart grid test-pilot in Évora (including smart meters and distributed transformer controller), which makes it unique to perform prototype testing and proof of concept in an almost real test site. The main advantage is that in the laboratory extreme scenarios can be tested, allowing the validation of specific control capabilities that will be difficult to perform in the real test site

EDP Labelec is the multidisciplinary technical excellence centre of EDP Group, with high tech laboratories providing several services to inside and outside customers with wide ap-plication from insulating materials area, to qualifying and acceptance tests in electrical (low voltage and high voltage) and mechanical equipment. It has state-of-the-art testing / labor-atorial facilities and is the lead technical advisor of the EDP Group with a long experience

Figure 2 – Valverde on the map: location of Valverde in Portugal (left) and a zoom in of

Valverde village (right). (Google Maps)

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in grid studies, metering / smart metering testing and validation and electrochemical analy-sis. It combines all these different “know-hows” with a very strong background in energy systems, namely understanding in detail grids’ physical constraints and operational / com-mercial issues.

EDP Labelec has a smart grid lab which has the ability to test and validate several applica-tions in such innovative area, from smart meter certification to communication and functional testing, both in smart grid infrastructure and behind-the-meter applications, namely in home energy management systems interaction and functional validation and testing or communi-cation among smart grid components.

EDP Labelec laboratory and INESC-Porto laboratory are complementary, so all the tests within task 4.1 will be divided between these two high tech infrastructures.

2.2 Overall demonstrator Architecture This section presents a brief description of the energy storage and energy management tools integration within the Évora demonstrator architecture, with diagrams of both the phys-ical on-site devices (power grid architecture) and the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT architecture).

The changes to the existing power grid are performed under the scope of the defined use cases ([3]) for the Évora demonstrator to enable their implementation.

Since the architecture has already been fully defined and discussed in [2], this document will only provide an overview on the issue.

2.2.1 Power grid architecture

The section of the power grid chosen for the Évora demonstrator includes two distribution secondary substations (MV/LV substations) and a client-owned secondary substation. On top of this power grid, additional equipment will be installed, which will be fully integrated in the existing power grid, as can be seen in Figure 3. In this figure, the elements depicted in colour represent the equipment to be installed in the existing grid (shown in black).

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Figure 3 – Power Grid architecture of the Évora demonstrator

At the MV level, no significant changes are planned, since the MV ESS will be deployed and commissioned by the end of 2015 as part of another project led by EDP Distribuição. Nevertheless a use case will be deployed over this MV ESS (UC 8, as in [3]).

At the LV level, the demonstrator will include the installation of a number of devices that will enable the functionalities to be demonstrated:

• A circuit breaker between the transformer’s LV side and the LV secondary substa-tion switchgear will be connected in secondary substation A (SS A, at the left hand side of Figure 3) to enable the creation of a microgrid;

• Electrochemical storage units (batteries) and an electromechanical storage unit (flywheel) will be integrated at the SS A LV busbar, aiming to trial different func-tionalities and capabilities of energy storage in grid operation;

• Electrochemical storage units will also be installed in other points of the LV grid, along the feeders, enabling different applications like technical losses’ reduction, voltage control and renewable energy sources integration;

• Smart meters that enable demand side management (DSM) functionalities will also be deployed in a wide number of clients;

• Electrochemical storage units and thermal storage units (water heaters) will be installed at the residential level (“behind the meter”) at a selected number of cus-tomers. Furthermore, Photovoltaic (PV) Systems as a form of microgeneration will also be included on selected houses.

• Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) and Controllable Plugs aimed at integrating, controlling and managing the aforementioned customer’s applications (as well as controllable plugs spread throughout the house) will also be installed at a household level in an extensive number of clients;

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2.2.2 ICT architecture

The ICT architecture of the Évora demonstrator has been thoroughly analysed in [2] so this section aims at reviewing the output of the work done on task 1.2 applied to Évora.

The architecture definition for Évora, considering all the systems and devices and data flow between these systems is presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – Évora demonstrator ICT architecture

According to Figure 4, the components of the Évora architecture can be organized in four groups, according to the ownership/responsibility of each of the components: DSO Infra-structure, Independent Actors, Market Operators and Client/Retailer Infrastructure.

The DSO devices include the InovGrid devices, namely the smart meters (EDP Box) in-stalled at each client’s house and the Distribution Transformer Controller (DTC) installed in each secondary substation to enable the aggregation of data collected from the smart me-ters. DTC also play an important role as integration devices of the grid level storage, which are (i) installed in the LV switchgear of the Secondary Substation (flywheel and batteries) or (ii) deployed along the LV feeders (batteries).

The DMS Data Base collects all the data communicated via DTC and acts as a middleware between the downstream smart grid (and all the grid connected devices) and the upstream Real Time Integration Platform (RTP). The MV ESS, also DSO-owned, enables the power backup of the Évora University Campus and can also perform grid support. This MV asset will be managed by EDP’s SCADA system, included in DMS Data Base component.

The RTP provided by INDRA will play an important role bridging the gap between smart grid components and high level tools (which include analytics, forecast and market).

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The RTP will also allow a real connection between clients (through HEMS) and retailers enabling a real market participation for residential sector through SENSIBLE energy man-agement tools.

Évora demonstrator will have its own instance of the RTP since no real time information is expected to be shared between demonstrators.

2.3 Site assessment and existing infrastructures This section presents an overview of the current existing field conditions, including the ex-isting power grid, and how it will interact with the equipment and systems to be installed, at both the grid-level and the residential-level.

Since in Évora there is already a deployed smart grid infrastructure, some information about this project – EDP’s InovGrid – will be provided, having in mind how the SENSIBLE project will interact with this structure and, furthermore, what are the foreseen constraints that the existing structure may pose to the installation of the devices within SENSIBLE.

2.3.1 Power grid architecture

The Évora demonstrator focuses on validating some functionalities of local and small-scale storage on rural and semi-rural LV and MV networks.

As such, three substations (two distribution substations and one client-owned substation) were chosen as test sites for the demonstrator. The three substations are installed on the same MV feeder (15kV) of a network representative of a typical rural one, with long over-head lines (weather exposed), low short-circuit ratio, small low-power transformers and no redundancy. The substations are also located at the end of the MV feeder, where power quality issues may arise. The main features of the substations are listed below, in Table 1.

Table 1 – Features of the Secondary Substations included in the demonstrator

Characteristics SS A SS B SS C

# Clients 111 (LV) 127 (LV) 1 (MV)

Transformer Rated Power (KVA)

250 250 860

Peak power 146 119 480

# Microgenerators 2 0 NA

MV Nominal Voltage 15 kV

LV Nominal Voltage 400 V

Substation Type Distribution Client

Construction Type Pole-mounted Prefabricated

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As can be seen in Table 1, there are already some fitted micro generation (photovoltaic) installations connected in the LV network.

SS C, owned by the Évora University, will be equipped with an Energy Storage System. This MV ESS is based on Li-Ion batteries, with 480 kW and 360 kWh. The main function for which this system is designed is the backup of the grid, albeit additional functionalities, such as voltage control or peak shaving, will also be tested. This ESS is an EDP Distribuição’s project, expected to be installed and commissioned by late 2015. The three mentioned sec-ondary substations are depicted in Figure 5.

Figure 5 – Secondary Substations of the Évora demonstrator (left to right: SS A, SS B and SS


All the customers included in the demonstrator already have smart metering devices in-stalled (in some specific cases, latest version of smart meters will still need to be installed / integrated in order to accommodate the necessary flexibility to support SENSIBLE demon-stration; this topic is further detailed below). These smart meters are part of the first Portu-guese large scale smart grid infrastructure, EDP’s InovGrid. This integrated and intelligent electricity system, led by EDP Distribuição, was first deployed in the municipality of Évora (EDP’s Inovcity) in 2010, as a test location for a proof of concept and to validate the busi-ness case. It has, since then, been extended to other cities across Portugal, to a significate number of customers.

The project is focused on the LV customers and its main objectives can be summarized as follows:

• Improving the commercial and technical QoS;

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• Increasing the customer’s energy efficiency; • Promoting a better integration of distributed energy resources and electric vehicle in

the grid; • Increasing the economic benefits to the energy sector.

The business case of InovGrid has been validated, with proven results of consumption, losses and operational costs’ reductions. The project has also been chosen as a reference European case study by both the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and Eurelectric ([4] and [5]).

The main elements in the InovGrid architecture are represented in Figure 6: EDP Box, DTC and Central Systems.

Figure 6 – EDP’s InovGrid architecture

The EDP Box (EB) is the energy smart meter device designed according to the Portuguese specifications. It is a static technology network monitoring equipment, single-phase or three-phase, prepared for direct connection and meant to measure and record the most relevant energy related quantities (such as energy, power, voltage, current and frequency). It holds remote communication capabilities for network management and Advanced Metering Infra-structure (AMI). It has a set of different functionalities such as metering, QoS, load profile, demand management, among others.

The DTC is installed on secondary substations and aims at locally controlling and monitor-ing the energy network which includes measurement, automation, processing, interface and communication modules.

In addition to the local control and supervising functionalities of the secondary substation transformer, the DTC also allows the concentration of data collected by all EB installed downstream in the electrical grid of the respective power transformer and send it to the

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upstream central systems (namely SCADA). The DTC also allows the interaction between the utility central management systems and the EB.

The Central Systems include SCADA systems and an AMI application which work as mid-dleware between the smart grid and all the corporative systems.

2.3.2 ICT Architecture

The current InovGrid communication infrastructure can be seen in Figure 7 and Figure 8, where the first and second generation of InovGrid are represented.

Figure 7 – InovGrid ICT DCSK Architecture

Figure 8 – InovGrid ICT PRIME Architecture

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Smart meters are prepared to communicate using PLC (Power Line Carrier) or GPRS tech-nologies, using the DLMS/COSEM protocol, a widely used protocol in metering devices.

The first generation of PLC EB uses DCSK modulation technology whereas the second – more recent – generation uses PRIME, a specification based on OFDM modulation tech-nology, created within the PRIME Alliance. For some specific cases GPRS meters are also used.

Smart meters currently installed in Évora are DCSK generation but considering SENSIBLE requirements some new PLC PRIME EB may be installed.

At secondary substations, the DTC acts as a metering data concentrator and also enables substation monitoring and automation functionalities. There are also DTC from first and second generation considering the smart meters managed by them.

The central systems – that encompass all the systems within DMS Database (in Figure 4) – communicate with the smart grid through a webservices library implemented on the DTC.

While the first generation of the InovGrid infrastructure was a metering and grid monitoring infrastructure, the latest one also allows more advanced features like DSM. Moreover, com-munication reliability and latency were also improved in the second generation.

2.4 Requirements This section includes the required conditions to fully and successfully implement in the field the functionalities planned within the use cases for the Évora demonstrator. These require-ments are considered using as a reference the existing scenario.

The focus is given to the integration of all the components of the demonstrator architec-ture that have already been defined and detailed in [2].

According to the detailing in [3], the use cases to be implemented in Évora are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2 – Use cases for the Évora demonstrator

Use Case Main functionality under testing

UC 2 - Flexibility and DSM in Market Partici-pation

Participation of customers in market through flexibility availability and DSM technics for grid operation purposes

UC 8 - Optimizing the MV Distribution Net-work Operation using available storage re-sources

Usage of MV ESS to allow optimal power flow applications

UC 9 - Optimizing the operation of storage devices in the LV network

Usage of LV storage systems and cli-ents’ flexibility to allow optimal power flow applications in LV grid

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UC 10 - Islanding Operation of Low Voltage Networks

Usage of LV storage systems and cli-ents’ flexibility to enable islanding op-eration

UC 11 - Microgrid Emergency Balance Tool Usage of LV storage systems and cli-ents’ flexibility to minimize energy not supplied in case of MV failure

Having in mind the equipment to be fitted as well as the use cases to be tested and validated within the scope of the project, some changes and adaptations to the grid will have to be performed.

2.4.1 Changes to the MV/LV grid

For the purpose of the demonstrator some changes to the existing MV/LV power grid are planned. The following aspects have to be considered:

1. At the secondary substation in which the low voltage islanding features will be tested (SS A) a number of different devices will need to be connected to the substation. Firstly, the equipment will have to be kept in closed premises, for both safety and security reasons. In this sense, a prefabricated secondary substation will be installed – replacing the existing pole mounted substation – to contain the transformer, the LV switchgear and the MV switch-gear (e.g. Ring Main Unit), much like a typical EDP Distribuição installation. Additionally, the installation of a circuit breaker fitted between the LV side of the transformer and the LV switchgear must be considered, since it is critical to enable the formation of the low voltage island (considered in the use cases).

To suit this change to the typology of the substation (from pole mounted to prefabricated), an aerial-underground transition and a portion of underground cable will have to be installed in the MV pole in order to fit in with the prefabricated substation.

2. Also at SS A, the storage devices – batteries and flywheel – and their respective power electronics converters will have to be containerized next to the secondary substation. These devices will also have to be connected to the secondary substation through underground cables.

3. The DTC installed at both the distribution secondary substations in Table 1 (SS A and SS B) will have to be replaced by a newer version in order to cope with storage devices (both in the substation and along the LV feeder) connected to it. This upgrade, consisting of software development, will be a feature required to suppliers in the scope of the market tender.

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4. Along the LV feeders of SS B, storage devices (and their respective power electronics converters) will be installed containerized on certain points of the LV grid. Although the exact location and sizing of the storage devices will only be determined within task 3.1, section 2.5.2 of this document already provides a rough estimate for location and sizing. The storage units will be connected in either a LV distribution cabinet or in a LV pole as a derivation with insulation piercing connectors.

5. The grid operation and protection, particularly when working as a microgrid, will be considered and thoroughly analysed. In a traditional distribution system – without islanding features – the protection systems assume the power flow to be unidirectional and so the protection is based on simple overcurrent relays. When working in islanding mode, there will have to be some sort of innovative protection scheme in order to make sure that the severe reduction of the short circuit power (which results from working temporarily isolated from the main grid and fed only by power inverters) does not endanger the safety of the LV grid and its customers. The protection system will also have to be able to respond to both distribution system and microgrid faults.

For this reason, the protection scheme of the grid will be reviewed and some devices may need to be installed along the LV grid. The methodology to apply to this study will be further detailed in task 2.4.

Moreover, other important aspects regarding the compliance with grid codes will be con-sidered when introducing new equipment or changes in the grid. Any changes to the main grid, namely the technical requirements of the connection of storage and PV systems, must comply with the Portuguese legal and regulatory framework. This will be taken into account throughout the project.

2.4.2 Changes to the residential installation

The installation of behind the meter devices (storage units, inverters, PV systems and HEMS) will likely carry some changes to the electrical installation of the participating houses. The expected changes are listed below.

1. The client’s electrical installation will have to be assessed in order to evaluate if the ex-isting residential circuit boards can accommodate the connection of storage devices and PV Systems. The connections of these devices will likely involve changes to the resi-dential switchgear, which must comply with the best practices, particularly in respect to the safety of people and property. These changes can either include (i) The replacement of protection devices in the circuit board (some houses may still have simple fuses instead of circuit breakers); (ii) The replacement of the whole circuit board for safety reasons or simply (iii) The increase of the available (contracted) power of the residential connections.

2. The installation of electrical water heaters may imply changes to the plumbing of the household, as most houses currently use gas-powered water heaters.

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3. Installation of HEMS in selected participants, which requires an internet connection for data exchange between HEMS and upstream systems.

4. Installation of storage and PV systems which implies physical space allocation inside and outside of the households and a proper cable path allocation.

2.4.3 Integration of components

The integration of all the components is of key importance for this task, since the success of the Évora demonstrator depends on the correct fitting and joint operation of these com-ponents.

As such, a responsibility assignment table has been designed, together with all the partners taking part in the Évora demonstrator, which is presented in Table 3.

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Table 3 – Summary of integration items and responsibilities for the Évora demonstrator.

Responsible PartnersPV Panel PV Inv EDP Lab Supplier

GPTech Inv GPTech USE

Commercial Inv EDP Lab Supplier

PV Inv EDP Lab SupplierGPTech Inv EDP Lab Supplier

Commercial Inv EDP Lab SupplierWater Heaters EDP Lab Supplier



Responsible PartnersGPTech Inv (30kVA) GPTech USE

GPTech Inv (100kVA) GPTech USE

Flywheel Siemens -

GPTech Inv (30kVA) GPTech Siemens

GPTech Inv (30kVA) EDP Lab GPTechGPTech Inv (100kVA) EDP Lab GPTech

Flywheel Inv EDP Lab Siemens

Responsible PartnersBatteries+BMS EDP Lab Supplier

DTC EDP Lab Supplier

Batteries+BMS INESC SupplierDTC EDP Lab INESC

Responsible Partners

DMS Data Base MV Storage EDP Lab Siemens

Responsible PartnersDTC EDP Lab -RTP INDRA -

Responsible PartnersRTP INDRA -DMS INDRA -


LV Storage Optimization tool RTP INESC INDRA



Responsible PartnersDemand Forecast RTP ARMINES INDRAPV Production Forecast RTP ARMINES INDRAStorage aggregator RTP ARMINES INDRA

Responsible PartnersRTP EMPOWER INDRA

Energy Markets EMPOWER EMPOWEREnergy Market Service Platform


Real Time Network Simulator (OTS)

Independent Actors

Equipment to integrate

Market Operators

Equipment to integrate

DSO Operation Analytics

Equipment to integrate

Real Time MV Analytics platform

Grid Equipment

MV Storage Optimization tool

DSO high level tools

Equipment to integrate

Grid Automation

Equipment to integrate

DMS Data Base


Equipment to integrate

Commercial Inv.


MV Equipment


Equipment to integrate


Flywheel Inv



Residential Equipment

Equipment to integrate



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2.5 Equipment and System Specification This section provides information of all the equipment to be integrated in the scope of the Évora demonstrator. The section is focused on the low level components integrated in Évora rather than on high level components, already described in [2]. Specific aspects for the systems, namely the developments to be made in these systems, will also be outlined in section 2.6 of this document.

Technical aspects to be considered for all the different components to be acquired are also considered, including some detailing of the data exchange between devices and with data platforms. The functionalities of the components were already described in [2] and so this section will provide a wider view on the components and, above all, will serve as a basis towards integrating all the components with each other. This information and specifications will also support the procurement process.

The Évora demonstrator will validate the use of energy storage and energy management technologies to create value both for client and DSO. The equipment to be deployed can be divided into residential equipment (behind the meter) and grid equipment.

2.5.1 Residential equipment

Apart from the benefits to the grid, SENSIBLE project also addresses energy storage and energy management tools within the residential framework, creating value for end users.

Figure 9 shows a schematic depicting what will be installed in each household. The house-holds will host residential PV systems, Residential Energy Storage Systems (RESS), Resi-dential Electrical Water Heaters (WH), Smartplugs (SP) (to which the controllable loads are connected), Energy Consumption Meter (ECM) and also a HEMS that will be able to man-age all these distributed resources and will bridge the gap between this layer and the high-level tools, like market tools or DSO tools.

Nevertheless it is likely that in some households only part of these devices will be installed. As an example some houses may have a HEMS installed but no PV system and some houses may have PV system but no storage devices installed.

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Figure 9 – Schematic of SENSIBLE architecture to residential customers Home Energy Management System (HEMS)

The HEMS is able to manage the household energy needs, according to some drivers (which most commonly could be the energy cost to customer) stipulated by the user or from an external expert entity.

The HEMS can be considered as a system with two components: the HEMS gateway and the HEMS server.

The HEMS gateway is an equipment installed in each household. The main features of the HEMS gateway are the following:

• It must be able to communicate with all the low level components/equipment, send-ing commands to these components and receiving information from them in real time, with no delay. The information and commands are resumed in Table 4;

• The gateway must exchange the information and commands in Table 4 with the HEMS server, through an internet connection;

• The maximum delay allowed to receive and send the communication between the HEMS gateway and the HEMS server is 15 minutes;

• The HEMS gateway is also supposed to have a real time clock synchronous with the HEMS server;

• The communication between the HEMS gateway and the low level compo-nents/equipment will be wireless as far as possible.

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Table 4 - Summary of information and command exchange between HEMS gateway and low

level equipment

Equipment Information tag Information type


Setpoints Order

On/Off Order

SoC Information

Alarm/Trip Information

Actual Input/Output Information


Setpoints Order

On/Off Order

Alarm/Trip Information

Actual Output Information


Setpoints Order

On/Off Order

Alarm/Trip Information

Actual Input Information


Setpoints Order

SoC Order

Alarm/Trip Information

Actual Input Information

ECM Actual consumption Information

Voltage Information

The HEMS server is a high level platform which is responsible for managing several HEMS gateways, one in each household.

The HEMS has three main functions, which are (i) interface with users and systems, (ii) information collection from downstream HEMS gateways and (iii) performing some calcula-tions. Main functionalities of the HEMS server are:

• The HEMS server must collect information and send orders to each household’s HEMS gateway, according to Table 4, with a minimum frequency of 15 minutes. This collection must be synchronized to a common Real Time Clock;

• The HEMS server must provide a Human Machine Interface (HMI) to interact both with clients and also with a dedicated communication system to interact with High Level Systems.

• Regarding High Level Systems, the HEMS server must be able to send information upstream, to another system that optimizes the clients’ low level equipment opera-tion, considering other drivers other than energy price, like client’s flexibility and availability as described in UC 2 – Flexibility and DSM in market participation.

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• The HEMS Server must be able to aggregate the information from every HEMS gateway and send it upstream. It must be also capable of receiving some set points from upstream to disaggregate it to each HEMS gateway.

• The communication from HEMS server to High Level Systems should be based on internet type communication.

Regarding the clients’ interface, the HEMS must be able to receive clients’ settings to PV, storage and controllable loads operation. This interface must be done through a browser accessible from any computer with an internet connection.

The features foreseen for the HEMS may not be commercially available at the time of the procurement, though some developments on this component are foreseen in task 3.1, as it will be mentioned in 2.6. Residential PV system

To provide the clients with power generation capacity, PV panels will be installed in some of them. The PV system includes a DC/AC power converter with the ability to receive the following commands from HEMS:

• Power set points, regarding active and reactive power, considering that this set point must be between zero and the maximum solar energy available (considering DC/AC power converter efficiency);

• On/off order.

The PV DC/AC power converter must conversely be able to send the following information to the HEMS:

• Actual active and reactive power output; • Trip/alarm in case of any failure or system unavailability.

The PV panels are expected to be purchased with a peak power between 1,5 kWp and 3,5 kWp and are estimated to be installed in, around, 15 to 25 clients. Residential Energy Storage Systems (RESS)

Residential scale batteries will be procured, purchased and installed. These batteries will be equipped with a Battery Management System (BMS) which should be able to receive the following commands from HEMS:

• Charge/discharge set points (both to active and reactive power), between zero and rated power, considering RESS State-of-charge (SoC).

• On/off order.

The RESS should be able to send the following information signals to HEMS:

• RESS SoC. • Actual active and reactive power output/input. • Trip/alarm in case of any failure or system unavailability.

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Based on the predicted production and consumption of the clients, the capacity of the bat-teries to be purchased are expected to be within a range of 2,0kWh to 5,0kWh.

In some cases (two to four) GPTech will provide RESS inverters to install in some Évora demonstrator households. The main characteristics of these inverters are described in Ta-ble 5.

Table 5 – GPTech Inverter’s features

DC Input

Voltage range (adjustable) 300-525 Vdc

Maximum DC voltage 600 Vdc

Maximum input current 17 A

AC Output

Voltage 230 Vac

Frequency (rated) 50 Hz

AC Power (rated) 5 kVA

Maximum output current 23 Arms

For these cases small scale batteries will be acquired to fulfil the above mentioned features. The RESS are estimated to be installed in around 15 to 25 clients. Residential electrical water heaters (WH)

Selected houses will also be equipped with thermal storage units. For this purpose electrical water heaters’ (WH) will be installed. The WH must be able to receive the following com-mands from the HEMS:

• Power set points, regarding active power, considering that this set point must be between zero and the WH’s rated power.

• On/off order.

The WH must be able to send the following information to the HEMS:

• Actual power consumption. • Trip/alarm in case of any failure or system unavailability.

To meet the clients’ needs, and depending on hot water usage, the WH installed is esti-mated to have a peak power between 1,5kW and 2,5kW, and will likely be installed, in around 40 to 80 clients.

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To handle the controllable loads smart plugs will be installed. These plugs are able to control the load connected to them. The SP must be able to receive the following commands from the HEMS:

• Power set points, regarding active power, considering that this set point must be between zero and the controllable load’s rated power.

• On/off order.

The SP must be able to send the following information to the HEMS:

• Actual active output. • Trip/alarm in case of any failure or system unavailability. Energy Consumption monitor (ECM)

The Energy Consumption monitor is an equipment able to monitor the energy consumption from the household. It can be measured by its own meter, or it can use the smart meter’s Home Area Network connection with RS485/Modbus communication.

The ECM shall be able to send the following information for the HEMS:

• Actual active and reactive power consumption by phase. • Voltage by phase.

2.5.2 Grid Equipment

As already mentioned, under this project scope, the purpose of installing grid storage on LV networks is to:

• Optimize grid operation, managing local distributed storage devices in order to solve technical problems in the LV grid (power quality, and grid reliability) and also minimizing technical losses;

• Maximize renewable energy integration; • Enable the operation of LV networks in islanding mode ensuring the secure transi-

tion to islanding operation and also a secure synchronization to the main grid.

At low voltage and grid level, Évora demonstrator will encompass two secondary substa-tions (SS A and SS B), both equipped with technology to solve technical problems and peak shaving but only one with the capability to work in islanding mode (SS A). Secondary Substation A Equipment

This secondary substation will host part of the demonstrator with a main goal focused in demonstrating islanding operation capabilities towards energy storage and energy manage-ment technologies, as described in Use Case 10: Islanding Operation of Low Voltage Net-

works and Use Case 11: Microgrid Emergency Balance Tool.

Moreover when working in steady state regimen and connected to the MV grid, the storage devices will be used to power quality improvement and technical loss reduction purposes as stated in Use Case 9: Optimizing the operation of storage devices in the LV network.

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In order to allow a safe connection and disconnection, a high power and quick response time storage system is necessary. For this purpose, Siemens AG will supply and install a flywheel with maximum power of 125 kW and usable capacity of 0,55 kWh, as described in section of [2]. This equipment has the capability to respond quickly to a power failure being able to maintain the grid frequency and voltage in acceptable levels without compromising the grid safety.

Flywheels have a limited energy supply with an operation time no longer than minute scale. Although the flywheel is an appropriate equipment to islanding transients, the fact that it has a very low response time, because of its low energy density, means that it must be comple-mented with other storage devices like electrochemical for energy management purposes, since they have a higher energy density and can operate from minutes to several hours. Further information on these storage devices are featured in sections 3.2 and 3.3 of [1].

In order to assure this complementarity between flywheel (shorter response time, lower energy) and electrochemical (longer response time, higher energy) this SS will be equipped with two ESS for long term energy management applications, namely in steady state regi-men.

Since the main application of this SS ESS is to enable islanding mode operation, it is nec-essary to assure that the available power is larger than the load, in order to maintain system stability.

Figure 10 shows a daily average load profile in January, the highest consumption month.

Figure 10 – Average daily load profile in Secondary Substation A in January

Since the highest consumption is on winter a cumulative relative frequency regarding max-imum consumption is presented in Table 6. It can be seen that in 99% of the time the SS A load consumption is less than 125 KVA and it is always less than 130 kVA. So islanding operation, considering a random failure in MV grid, is assured in case of a 130 kVA capacity in the grid. This power will be split between two ESS systems.

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Table 6 - Cumulative relative frequency in higher consumption months (December to March)

kVA > Maximum consumption Cumu-lative Relative Frequency

50 65%

75 26%

100 9%

125 1%

130 0%

After the sizing of the ESS regarding power is done, energy must also be defined. If we consider a random failure in the MV grid that leads to a blackout in the feeder, its duration would define the maximum amount of energy that will be necessary.

Considering a two year historical analysis – as represented in Figure 11 – one can conclude that 95% of the failures last less than 30 minutes. So an installed capacity of 130 kVA and 65 kWh would fit to enable islanding operation with a success probability of 95% in case of a random failure.

Figure 11 – Cumulative failure probability and failure duration.

On the other hand this SS grid will also enable a second goal regarding grid operation op-timization when coupled to the MV grid. In this case, and considering the technical losses reduction, the ideal situation would be that the ESS, using peak-shaving ability, could settle the daily load diagram as flat and equal to the average (since losses are proportional to the square of the current) as represented in Figure 10. In order to minimize the losses, the ESS would need to shift the energy from peak to off-peak, so that the diagram would fit the grey line. This energy shift has an amount of 180 kVA.

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Figure 12 shows the grid topology of SS A with its two LV feeders and each of the green dots represents a customer.

Figure 12 – SS A grid topology

Figure 13 (peak generation in summer) and Figure 14 (peak consumption in winter) show the estimation of the grid operation status after installing the PV systems and also the ther-mal loads considered in section 2.5.1, when the residential and grid storage units are not connected. It can be seen in Figure 13 an overvoltage situation between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (max of 1,13 p.u – blue colour indicates node voltage over 1,1 p.u.). It’s also possible to see in Figure 14 an under voltage in peak period during 19 p.m. to 20:30 p.m. (min of 0,82 p.u –red colour indicates node voltage under 0,9 p.u)

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Figure 13 – SS A grid operation status in a

situation of peak generation (noon)

Figure 14 – SS A grid operation status in a

situation of peak consumption (night)

In Figure 15 and Figure 16 it’s possible to see what could be the location of the ESS, both residential and grid connected, that mitigate these issues (bringing the node voltage back to green colour). In the previously mentioned figures it’s possible to see that storage is able to eliminate the technical constraints caused in the previous step (Figure 13 and Figure 14). In this case, and according to estimates already made based on power flow studies, it is expected that 130 kVA and up to 130 kWh can solve the issues, but only the 100 kVA unit will contribute for power flow optimization.

The sizing of the WH, RESS and residential PV was already mentioned in section 2.5.1. The detail sizing will be made in task 3.1.

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Figure 15 – SS A grid operation status in a

situation of peak generation (noon) with


Figure 16 – SS A grid operation status in a

situation of peak consumption (night) with


These two limits (130kVA and 65-180 kWh) determine the boundaries of the power and energy sizing and it will be detailed in task 3.1 considering the additional equipment (gen-eration and loads) that will be installed in the residential sector - section 2.5.1.

One of the ESS will be installed in the SS LV bus bar and the other one will be installed along the LV grid. Within its own container, the smaller ESS (30 kVA) will be located next to the SS and the flywheel. These two storage systems (flywheel and batteries) will have to be coordinated when islanding operation is enabled.

The larger ESS (100 kVA) will be located in a strategic point along a LV feeder where it is able to supply energy to consumers with minimum losses and where it is able to minimize the grid constraints.

For each of these two electrochemical storage devices, the connection to the grid will be made through three-phase power inverters which will be supplied by GPTech. Its main char-acteristics are listed below in

Table 7.

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Table 7 - GPTech inverters’ technical features

DC Input

Voltage range (adjustable) 425-800 Vdc 425-800 Vdc

Maximum DC voltage 900 Vdc 900 Vdc

Maximum input current 250 A 75 A

AC Output

Line-to-line voltage (ad-justable)

3x400 + N Vac 3x400 + N Vac

Frequency rated 50 Hz 50 Hz

Rated AC Power 100 kVA 30 kVA

Maximum output current 173 A 52 A

These inverters will be coupled to batteries which are allowed to be based in any chemical element as long as safety, health and environmental aspects are respected. The inverters and batteries should be managed as an integrated system, which is mentioned as an Elec-trochemical ESS.

Regarding the Electrochemical ESS operation and control, the ESS should be able to re-ceive the following commands from the Distribution Transformer Controller (DTC).

• Charge/discharge setpoints (both to active and reactive power), between zero and rated power.

• On/off order. • V/f or P/Q control mode (only applied to the ESS which inverters have these capa-


The ESS should be able to send the following information signals to DTC:

• ESS availability • SoC of the ESS. • Actual active and reactive power (Output/Input). • ESS voltage by phase.

The communication module in the ESS should be compatible with DTC, as described in section 2.2.1 of [2].

SS A substation schematic is in Figure 17, were it can be seen that there are five LV feeders available.

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Figure 17 – Electrical schematic of SS A switchgear

Two of the LV feeders will be used to supply the two active feeders from LV grid where clients are connected as it is today. One of the feeders will be used to connect the flywheel. One will be used to connect the electrochemical storage and the last two will be used as reserve. As mentioned in 2.4.1, for islanding mode purposes, one circuit breaker (CB) will be installed between the LV side of the transformer and the LV switchgear so that the LV grid has the capability to connect and disconnect from the MV network. This CB’s main features are the following:

• Rated voltage: 440 V, 50 Hz • Rated current: 1250 A • Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc: 25 kA • Motor driven, two coils for connect and disconnect • Control voltage: 230 V, 50 Hz • Integrated multifunction protection relay • Auxiliary contacts: (4NO+4NC) • External UPS

The automation to be installed in SS A will be defined in task 2.2 of WP2. It is assumed that the SS A installed DTC will handle the operation of the SS regarding the integration with high level systems.

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SS B will also host the demonstration of Use Case 9: Optimizing the operation of storage

devices in the LV network. This use case was already mentioned in Secondary Substation A Equipment, but since in that substation there are only 2 ESS and even one of them is connected in the SS LV bus bar there is not so much capacity that could be applied to grid operation. So in SS B the storage equipment installed in the grid will be sized in order to solve its technical problems and minimize grid losses. Figure 18 shows SS B’s grid topology with its four LV feeders.

Figure 18 – SS B grid topology

Figure 19 (peak generation in summer) and Figure 20 (peak consumption in winter) show the estimation of the grid operation status after installing the PV systems and also the WH considered in section 2.5.1, when the residential and grid storage units are not connected. It can be seen in Figure 19 an overvoltage situation between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m (max of 1,13 p.u – blue colour indicates node voltage over 1,1 p.u.). It’s also possible to see in Figure 20 an under voltage in peak period during 19 p.m. to 20:30 p.m. (min of 0,82 p.u –red colour indicates node voltage under 0,9 p.u)

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Figure 19 – SS B grid operation status in a

situation of peak generation (noon)

Figure 20 – SS B grid operation status in a

situation of peak consumption (night)

On Figure 21 and Figure 22 it’s possible to see what could be the location of the ESS, both residential and grid connected, that mitigate these issues. In the previously mentioned fig-ures it’s possible to see that storage is able to eliminate the technical constraints caused in previous step (Figure 19 and Figure 20). In this case, and according to estimates already made based on power flow studies, it is expected to install electrochemical storage in three to four strategic locations with an overall sizing of 75 up to 125 kVA of power and 75 up to 125 kWh of energy, divided between three to five systems purchased in the market. The sizing of the WH, RESS and residential PV was already mentioned in section 2.5.1. The detailed sizing will be made in task 3.1.

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Figure 21 – SS B grid operation status in a

situation of peak generation (noon) with stor-


Figure 22 – SS B grid operation status in a

situation of peak consumption (night) with


On the other hand, as explained in section, if one considers a technical losses re-duction approach the technical losses reduction the ideal situation would be that the ESS, using peak-shaving ability, could settle the daily load diagram as flat and equal to the aver-age (since losses are proportional to the square of the current) as represented in Figure 23. In order to minimize the losses, ESS would need to shift the energy from peak to off-peak, so that the diagram would fit the grey line. This energy shift has a maximum amount of up to 70 kVA 280 kWh.

So considering both approaches the grid storage sizing should be from 75 kVA up to 125 kVA and 75 kWh to 280 kWh.

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Figure 23 – Average daily load profile in Secondary Substation B in January

INESC will supply one inverter whose main characteristics are listed below in Table 8. Its location in the grid will be detailed in task 3.1.

Table 8 – INESC Inverter’s main features

DC Input

Voltage range (adjustable) 320 - 490 Vdc

Maximum DC voltage 490 Vdc

Maximum input current 31 A

AC Output

Voltage 3x400 Vrms

Frequency (rated) 50 Hz

AC Power (rated) ± 10kW

Maximum output current 16 Arms

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For SS B ESS, all the requirements from SS A ESS are also applicable. So the batteries are also allowed to be based in any chemical element as long as safety, health and envi-ronmental aspects are respected. Moreover the ESS integration with the DTC and the con-trol options available and information exchange are already indicated in section MV Equipment

The only application in MV grid will be focused in Use Case 8: Optimizing the MV Distribu-

tion Network Operation using available storage resources.

Nevertheless this project is an independent project led by EDP Distribuição. Its integration will be just focused in ICT as stated in [2]. Grid Automation

The grid automation changes will be incorporated only in SS A since islanding operation will be enabled and two storage systems will be installed (batteries and flywheel), as mentioned in section

So grid automation will be necessary to properly control the islanding and synchronization process, coordinating circuit breaker operation with protection actuation and inverter’s re-sponse and coordination.

Moreover the DTC is not prepared to manage energy storage systems neither islanding operation, so some developments will be necessary as described in section 2.2.1 of [2].

SS B will not have any equipment installed nearby, so no changes are expected in SS B.

This topic and its developments will be properly addressed in task 2.2 of WP2.

2.6 Developments for Évora demonstrator components The integration of storage in the grid, and the coordinated operation of the storage devices – be it connected or isolated from the main power grid and be it residential based or grid based – poses technical challenges that may require the upgrade of the grid components (both systems and hardware devices).

It is, in fact, expected that some of the features (described in the use cases) to be tested in the Évora demonstrator will not be available in the components that will be purchased. Moreover, some of the components already installed in the grid may need developments in order to comply with the new scenarios. In this sense, this section provides an estimate of the developments to be made to the components of the demonstrator.

The following table provides a list of the developments planned, organized according to the partner in charge of the component (according to the component description list of [2]). The table includes a brief description of the development(s) to be made to the component and also an indication of the task of WP2, WP3 or WP5 where this development is expected to be performed.

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The components which are not expected to be developed during WP2 and WP3 are obvi-ously not included in Table 9

Table 9 - Developments predicted in WP2, WP3 and WP5

Partner Component Development(s) predicted in WP2/WP3/WP5

New functionalities added to the component

Task to de-velop the


GPTech 3-phase Inverter

• Voltage regulation system • Frequency regulation • Islanded Operation • Droop Control • Black Star • Load levelling • Flywheel synchronization





• Specification and HW design and manufac-turing according to storage system character-istics

• Monitor and control system • Communications between BMS and power

converter control



Storage integration system

• Power electronic to adapt storage voltage to 3-phase inverter operation voltage

• Energy demands management of the power converter to battery in order to minimize the current losses on the battery by designing power saving techniques into the applications circuitry and thus prolong the time between battery charges




Flywheel grid stor-age

• Transportable container-based system solu-tion for simple integration into Évora demon-strator

• Burst-optimized system design to scale down the required installation space

MV Storage Sys-tem

• No developments predicted NA

EDP Low voltage stor-age grid support

• Equipment to be purchased for the Évora de-monstrator – market tender to include all re-quired functionalities.


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Partner Component Development(s) predicted in WP2/WP3/WP5

New functionalities added to the component

Task to de-velop the


EB – Smart meter • No developments predicted NA

Low voltage stor-age residential support

• Equipment to be purchased for the Évora de-monstrator – market tender to include all re-quired functionalities.


Residential Photo-voltaic System

• Equipment to be purchased for the Évora de-monstrator – market tender to include all re-quired functionalities.


Distribution Trans-former Controller

• Capability of accommodating LV grid stor-age, both installed in the Secondary Substa-tion and in the LV feeder;

• Ability to receive and cope with setpoints sent from the upwards systems to the storage de-vices;

• Ability to manage islanding operation.

Note: This equipment will be purchased for the Évora demonstrator: the functionalities requested will also be requested in the market tender.


Home Energy Man-agement System

• Household controllable loads, RESS and PV System monitoring, control and manage-ment;

• Ability to calculate individual flexibilities for each customer;

• Communication with the Real Time Interface Platform (through a HEMS server, aggregat-ing all individual HEMS).

Note: This equipment will be purchased for the Évora demonstrator. The commercially available products do not predictably encompass these functionalities, hence the developments men-tioned.


DMS Data Base

• Ability to interface with the upstream systems using either FTP server or IEC 60870-5-104 (according to the component description in [2] );

• Adaptation of the existing data models of the system to cope with the new devices in the grid (particularly storage devices).

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Partner Component Development(s) predicted in WP2/WP3/WP5

New functionalities added to the component

Task to de-velop the



Real Time Integra-tion Platform

• Bidirectional real-time integration of grid data and commands through the DMS Database: including EB smart meter, grid data from the SCADA and grid support storage at LV and MV level;

• Bidirectional real-time data integration of household controllable loads, residential storage and PV panels through the HEMS server;

• Bidirectional integration of the high level al-gorithms and systems: o DSO grid operation analytics: LV storage

optimization tool, MV storage optimiza-tion tool and Real Time MV Analytics plat-form

o DSO tools: Distribution Management System (DMS) and Real Time Network Simulator (OTS)

o Service provider analytics: forecasting and storage aggregator

o Energy Market Service Platform • Parameterization of the quality of services of

the Real Time Platform for Évora in order to guarantee data delivery and reliability.


Real Time MV An-alytics platform

• Distribution Volt/Var Control in order to mon-itor and control the different equipment to re-duce peak load and system losses;

• Improvement of the identification of possible fault locations on the system in order to max-imize the efficiency in the network operation;

• Demand Forecast. Improving the mechanism to stabilize the distribution network by con-trolling the variation of distribution system voltage caused by the introduction of renew-able generation;

• Improvement of the OPF (Optimal Power Flow) algorithms under new network actors;

• Improvement of the load flow state estimation calculations.


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Partner Component Development(s) predicted in WP2/WP3/WP5

New functionalities added to the component

Task to de-velop the



• Visualization/monitoring of MV Storage de-vices: o Incorporation of storage devices into GIS,

including graphic position and alphanu-meric/constructive details

o Real-time monitoring of the status of each device

o Real time measures: Voltage, Current, Active Power, Reactive Power

o State estimation information: Voltage, Current, Active Power, Reactive Power

• Network static data exchange: Incorporation of storage devices into the files generated by the ‘export tool’;

• Control commands exchange: o Monitoring of commands suggested by

other components. Capability to confirm (or cancel) them.

o Real-time safety control commands. o Computational/configuration control com-

mands. • Integration with the SCADA, OTS and Real

Time MV Analytics platform through the Real Time Platform;

• Integration with OMS systems.


Real Time Network Simulator (OTS)

Dynamic modelling and simulation of distributed resources (distributed generation, demand, power control devices, storage)



MG Emergency Balance

Tool to be developed. Integration with RTP and DMS Database and possibly HEMS server is ex-pected.


MV Storage Opti-mization tool

Tool to be developed. Integration with RTP and DMS Database is expected.


LV Storage Optimi-zation tool

Tool to be developed. Integration with RTP, DMS Database and possibly HEMS server is expected.


Monte Carlo Simu-lation for Life-Cycle Analysis

• Tool to be developed. Offline tools for network planning.


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Partner Component Development(s) predicted in WP2/WP3/WP5

New functionalities added to the component

Task to de-velop the


MV Network Plan-ning with Storage

• Tool to be developed. Offline tools for network planning. T5.5

Microgrid Dynamic Simulation Tools

• Tool to be developed. Offline tools for network planning. T2.2


PV Production Forecast

• Improvement of the quality of the results by reducing the failures

• Integrating in the forecast specific phenom-ena such as: presence of snow, fog



Storage aggregator

• Adaptation of the existing storage portfolio manager to the necessity of the UCs where it is applied.

• Improvement of the multi-objective optimisa-tion algorithm



Planning tool with storage

• Development of the optimisation algorithm with unbalanced three-phase load flow T3.1


Energy Market Ser-vice Platform

• Ability to send and define setpoints to differ-ent DSO systems

• Interface and protocol development to inte-grate and apply message exchange to other systems

• Handling of HEMS devices, defining HEMS device functionalities and how to utilize them

• Develop new aggregation functions and algo-rithms based on the HEMS functionality


Energy Markets

• Demonstrator specific market configurations, e.g. different time requirements, minimum bid sizes, etc.

• Requirements for aggregated masses when handled in Energy Markets


2.7 Implementation Plan This section provides a schedule of all the tasks to be completed in the scope of the Évora demonstrator, stating an estimated duration for each task as well as an expected timeframe. This plan will serve as a rough basis for the definition of the work and effort throughout WP4.

Within WP4, the Évora part of task 4.1 (Lab validation of key systems and components) and the whole task 4.2 were broken down into smaller sub-tasks. The activities defined in these

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sub-tasks are defined and organized according to a logical distribution of the resources along the duration of WP4 and considering also the dependencies between some of the activities.

In task 4.1 – lab validation it’s supposed to test and validate in lab environment all the tools and equipment developed in WP 2 and WP3. It’s not possible to detail all the tests to be performed since WP 2 and WP 3 outputs aren’t yet defined.

Task 4.6 (Synthesis of demonstration work) is not here considered since it does not refer directly to the Évora demonstrator. Its schedule remains as initially planed and it will be detailed as soon as WP 4. Starts. Table 10 represents the WP4 implementation plan for Évora demonstrator.

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Table 10 - WP4 Implementation Plan for Évora demonstrator

WP 4 - Demonstration of Energy management and storage solutions4.1 – Lab validation of key systems and components (INESC)4.1.1- Hardware and integration validationPrototypes tests (INESC and GPTech Inverters)Secondary Substation Equipment: Integration tests (Flywheel, Inverters, Storage, DTC, Automation, etc\)Grid Distributed Equipment: Integration tests (Inverters, Storage, DTC, Automation, etc...)

Residential Equipment: Integration tests (HEMS,PV,Inverters,Storage,Loads)

4.1.2- Grid functionalities validationValidation of MG control software module and its integration with smart metering equipmentPoC of DR management under emergency conditions while exploiting the coordination between energy storage devicesDemonstration of FRT functionalities implemented on power converter prototypes4.2 – Évora demonstrator (EDP)4.2.1-Regulatory and legal issuesPermittingNegotiation with local communities4.2.2- Selection and Acquisition of equipmentSelection of equipment & systemsProcurement4.2.3- Grid equipment installationInstallation of SS in cabinInstallation of SS storage system (electrochemical)Installation of SS storage system (electromechanical)Installation of Grid storage system (electrochemical)Installation of EB's (critical nodes)Comissioning & SAT4.2.4-Residential equipment installationInstallation of PV systemsInstallation of Storage systems (electrochemical)Installation of controllable loads (thermal)Installation of EB'sInstallation of HEMSComissioning & SAT4.2.5-Data acquisition and grid O&MData acquisition, monitoring and performance analysisComparison of local results with lab results and equipment optimizationOperate, maintain and manage demonstrator infrastructure, in close cooperation with each partner

2015 2016 2017 2018Q2 Q3Q1Q4 Q2Q1Q4Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3

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2.8 Community and stakeholders’ engagement The success of the SENSIBLE project depends on the full engagement of all stakehold-ers. In the case of the Évora demonstrator, hundreds of actors will be directly reached within the project and, especially the Valverde community will be fully involved within the project’s activities.

Motivation and awareness among stakeholders are of utmost importance to influence their acceptance of the project activities and outcomes. On the one hand, the community in general is scarcely motivated to cooperate with private companies’ activities since they see their own involvement as time consuming without tangible benefits and because they are expecting that the ultimate companies’ goal is to make them buy their products. On the other hand, public authorities, politicians and stakeholders in general have weak skills on energy topics, they consider that there are more urgent issues to dedicate their time rather than R&D projects and since there are few incentives to participate in these kind of projects.

Therefore, apart from the dissemination master plan developed in the scope of the WP6

– D6.2 Dissemination, exploitation and standardization, EDP in partnership with the local council, will launch a focused engagement plan for Évora demonstrator. This plan com-prises several initiatives and communication activities ensuring a large impact on key stakeholders and citizens aiming at “bringing on board” all those directly and indirectly affected by the Évora demonstrator.

Figure 24 summarizes the range of stakeholders who are expected to be involved in the SENSIBLE project in the Évora demonstrator. Among others, the most relevant stake-holders are the citizens in general and the inhabitants of Valverde in particular, the mu-nicipality of Évora and the parish of Nossa Senhora da Tourega, the public authorities including the licensing and regulating ones, local press namely local newspapers, the University of Évora, the DSO (EDP Distribuição) and professionals of the construction sector including renewable energy equipment installers and architectures.

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Figure 24 - Range of different sort of stakeholders involved in the Évora demonstrator.

Since the inhabitants of Valverde are the key actors for the success of the Évora demon-strator, the majority of the engagement action are tailored for this group of stakeholders.

2.8.1 Engagement plan for the Valverde community

The Valverde community’s engagement is quite challenging since it is a rural community with, according to Census 20113, 436 inhabitants of which 132 are more than 65 years old and 142 are retired. Regarding their education level, only 31 inhabitants hold a ter-tiary education degree and 125 have only received a basic training. Thereby, some of the inhabitants may feel uncomfortable with the project activities and some of them may even be technology-averse.

Notwithstanding, there are several goals for the community involvement in the SENSI-BLE project in Évora demonstrator. On the one hand, to make people feel confident about new technologies otherwise it will be impossible to install storage equipment, PV systems and HEMS devices in their homes and, in addition, their full commitment with the use cases is required to test it properly, namely the use 2 - Flexibility and DSM in

retail market. On the other hand, while this is an innovative action, it is vital that the participants fully understand what is at stake and the problems that might arise during the use case tests, namely the quality of the service.

3 http://censos.ine.pt/xportal/xmain?xpid=CENSOS&xpgid=censos2011_apresentacao


Municipality and parish

Local Press



Professionals of

construction sector

Licensing and Regulating Authorities


Local public


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Thus, for starters, the advantages of the projects to the potential participants should be explained, namely the benefits related to:

• Security of supply; • Increased power quality and low voltage grid stability; • Increased energy self-consumption; • Consumption of endogenous resources; • Participation in energy markets and lower energy procurement costs; • Installation of PV and storage systems for free; • Installation of HEMS for free in all dwellings.

In order to assure a smooth relationship between the project team members and the inhabitants, the ethical issues, procedures and rules to take part of the pilot as well as rights and duties of each part will be specified. The feedback from the community is also ensured through surveys among other tools and initiatives.

Bearing all these ideas in mind, a multi-faceted range of initiatives are foreseen through-out the project, as can be seen in Table 11.

Table 11 – Engagement activities for the Valverde community

Date Activity Description

25-06-2015 Meeting with the

Council of Nª Sen-

hora da Tourega

Presentation of the SENSIBLE Project;

Strategies for local community’s engagement;

8-07-2015 1st dissemination

session in Valverde

Presentation of SENSIBLE project to the community.


� 19h: Welcome and general introduction (Par-ish of N.S. Tourega, EDP)

� 19h10: Project presentation (EDP) o Summary and objectives o Activitiy Plan for Valverde o Equipment to be installed o Project benefits in the costumers’ per-

spective � 19h40: Debate (all) � 19h50: Closure (Parish of N.S. Tourega,

EDP) All inhabitants of Valverde are invited by to participate in this meeting. Parish staff is in charge of deliverer the letters to all inhabitants

8-07-2015 Flyers and posters


These informative dissemination materials should be

written in Portuguese and will be delivered to the com-

munity during the dissemination sessions. Flyers and

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Date Activity Description

posters should be placed in services buildings such as

cafes, supermarkets, schools, etc

8-07-2015 Project email for the

Évora demonstrator

Creation of a project email for the Évora demonstrator

in order to facilitate the communication between the

project team and all stakeholders.



Micro-site in Portu-


The micro-website, in Portuguese, will include details

of the partners, demonstrators, useful and clear infor-

mation about Évora demonstrator, aims, objectives

and contacts. The website will be updated whenever




Open day – SENSI-

BLE day

Visit to InovGrid centre in Évora



Workshop about the

equipment to be in-


Workshop about the equipment to be installed in




Documentation about

the equipment

User manual in Portuguese for all equipment to be in-

stalled at homes



Initial survey Initial survey to be filled in by the community in the end

of the workshop aiming at assessing their awareness

about the topic, their willingness to participate in the

project, their buildings conditions namely internet con-

nections and energy systems, etc.



Procedures and rules

to take part of the pi-

lot; as well as rights

and duties of each


Documentation about the rights and duties of the par-

ticipants within the Évora demonstrator



Letter of Intent from

the Valverde’s partici-


Letter of intent from the Valverde participants about

their commitment with the project activities



3rd Meeting with

Valverde community

- Clarification about

the use cases

Clarification session about the use cases

• Use case description and objectives

• Schedule of special tests

• Inhabitants´ role during the use case tests



Survey Survey to be filled in by the community in the end of

the 3rd meeting aiming at learning their current opinion

about the meeting and about the project in general

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Date Activity Description

During the

use case


Regular communica-


Continued communication between project team and

Valverde community, including the local mayors and

public authorities

May 2018 Engagement with

Évora community –fi-

nal event

Final event to present the project´s achievements to

the Valverde community and local stakeholders in gen-


May 2018 Survey Final survey to be filled in by the community in the end

of the project, aimed to collect the Valverde community

impressions about the projects.

2.8.2 Engagement plan for the energy communities

The SENSIBLE project activities embrace the installation of a wide panoply of equip-ment, such as storage devices, PV systems and HEMS. Moreover, there are project´s objectives related to the study of the interaction between new storage enabled concepts and energy markets and the provision of inputs for a regulatory framework development that promote the new energy storage enabled concepts. Thereby, the engagement of leading stakeholders who can drive the regulatory changes and deal with licensing is-sues is of utmost importance. In Portugal, there are two relevant public bodies on this topic, ERSE – Energy Services Regulatory Authority4 and DGEG - Directorate General for Energy and Geology5, therefore three meetings are expected to take place throughout the project in October 2015, May 2016 and October 2017.

2.9 Key Performance Indicators In [1] a set of high-level Key Performance Indicators (KPI) were defined for the SENSI-BLE project and cover different domains, such as distribution network operation, elec-tricity markets, and consumer/communities engagement. Table 12 presents the mapping between the high-level KPI and the Évora demonstrator.

It is possible to see that Évora aims at evaluating eight KPI, where the main focus is to improve network operation and flexibility. Nevertheless, in order to meet this goal, con-sumer awareness and engagement is in the critical path of the demonstrator.

4 www.erse.pt

5 www.dgeg.pt

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Table 12 - Évora demonstrator KPI


1 Increased RES and DER hosting capacity X

2 Reduced energy curtailment of RES and DER X

3 Power quality and quality of supply X

4 Increased flexibility from energy players X

5 Investment deferral (MV network) X

6 Increased self-consumption X

7 Increased socio-economic welfare

8 Consumer awareness and engagement X

9 Losses minimization (network, inverters) X

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3 Nottingham Demonstrator

3.1 General characterization of the Nottingham Demonstrator

The Nottingham demonstrator will be divided into two sites in order to fulfil the require-ments of the project. The first is the ‘FlexElec’ laboratory based on one of the University of Nottingham (UoN) campuses. This will be used by the consortium to test and validate the power electronic units, storage components and energy management algorithms prior to being installed in the ‘live’ second demonstrator site. This second site is a group of 40 houses that form part of the Meadows area of Nottingham.

3.1.1 FlexElec Laboratory

The FlexElec laboratory at UoN is a purpose built experimental facility for researching power and energy management strategies for microgrids. The facility includes a 500kVA incoming three-phase supply, and two sets of isolated 300A busbars that can be config-ured for three phase (four wire) AC or DC operation and is used to replicate different types of small energy community (e.g. houses, villages, commercial buildings, ships, aircraft).

A 90kW isolated four quadrant programmable supply takes power from the main grid and feeds it to one of the busbars to form the controllable (AC/DC/ variable AC) primary source for the microgrid to be studied. Power electronic “Emulators” have been devel-oped which can be connected to the microgrid, and controlled to follow the characteristics of real electrical supplies or loads, and these characteristics can be either pre-defined or derived from real time data telemetered into the laboratory.

Figure 25 - Inside the FlexElec Laboratory

The laboratory provides an experimental test bed where equipment can be developed and tested in a safe operating environment before being deployed in a real community. Individual emulators exists which can process up to 45kW and therefore representative

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tests can be performed considering the target size of the Nottingham Meadows Demon-strator. Indeed it will be possible to emulate the Meadows demonstrator with real time power/current measurements made on site and telemetered back to the FlexElec labor-atory.

The main use of the FlexElec Laboratory will be to integrate, demonstrate and validate the ICT systems, energy controllers and demonstrate new and developed energy man-agement algorithms together with those provided by other members of the consortium from work packages 2 and 3. Data from the systems that will form part of a virtual Mead-ows emulator, will also feed into WP5 to develop the business models and socio eco-nomic studies. This facility will also be used to de-risk the deployment of equipment in the Nottingham Meadows Demonstrator site by validating the functionality and safety of the systems prior to the site integration. Higher risk items or algorithms can also be demonstrated and validated using the demonstrator site emulator.

3.1.2 The Meadows Demonstrator site

The Meadows is an inner city community of some 9,000 inhabitants in central Notting-ham. Located to the south of the city, it is a geographically distinct area separated from the city centre by the inner ring road and bounded to the south by the River Trent.

During the early part of the 21st century the social environment of the Meadows suffered a dramatic decline in reputation. The community, with assistance from the local authority banded together and formed a number of community organisations, the coordinator of which was the Meadows Partnership Trust. One of these organisations was MOZES, an ESCO which aims to use environmental issues and initiatives as a way of developing and growing community pride and improve the reputation and life of the Meadows. This project will further these aims through helping to tackle fuel poverty, improve energy conservation and consciousness and by building community cohesion.

Figure 26 – Location of Nottingham and the Meadows demonstrator (Google Maps)

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Nottingham city council owns a significant number of the properties and has moved, along with MOZES to install solar PV panels 76 PV buildings including 3 installations on local schools and two on community buildings. The penetration of PV systems on the Meadows site was limited by the physical electrical network and as such, the creation of a Storage Enabled Community will pave the way for increased RES generation without limitation from the grid. The aim of this project will be to include up to 40 dwellings con-nected to a single point on the network as part of the considered community.

3.2 Overall Demonstrator Architecture This section provides a short description of the storage integration architecture for the Meadows area of the Nottingham demonstrator, with schematics of both the physical on-site devices (Equipment) and the Information and Communications Technologies (Sys-tems). Details of the ICT architecture will not be addressed here, since these have al-ready been fully defined in [2].

3.2.1 Power grid architecture

Within the scope of the Nottingham demonstrator, only the LV client network beyond the secondary substations will be considered as this is the grid which feeds a typical small community. It is also easier to install equipment in commercial and residential buildings from a regulatory and safety point of view. A schematic diagram of the envisaged power grid architecture can be seen in Figure 27. No modifications are envisaged at the MV distribution level of the power grid. All additions and modifications will be at the LV resi-dential level. These modifications will include the addition of energy storage units distrib-uted at both the residential level and the community level.

Figure 27 – Schematic representation of the envisaged grid structure of the meadows in-

cluding two residential types (PV and non-PV) with community buildings

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The architecture shows the different types of building to be considered in the study which are connected to the main supply via the LV grid. Two generic types of residential build-ing will be included within the study, those with pre-existing PV generation and those without. The advantages of adding energy storage to houses which generate their own energy is clear in that self-consumption can be increased. The advantages of including energy storage in the houses which do not generate their own energy is less clear cut and several use cases aim to demonstrate the benefit to the community in terms of ag-gregated energy storage and flexible energy tariff operation.

Within these two types of residence, various different demographics and house types/constructions will be used in order to gain as much information as possible about usage patterns and household efficiencies. Energy storage media will be installed in each of the houses within the scope of the project. The storage installed will be mainly electrical but there will also be some thermal storage. The advantage of the electrical storage is that energy can be both import and export to and from the energy store, offer-ing increased flexibility to validate the use cases described in [3] and offering the com-munity and residents the maximum potential to reduce their energy costs. Thermal stor-age in the form of domestic hot water (DHW) can only be used by the residents of the dwelling but this will help to maximise self-usage of the energy.

The community buildings will house the community energy storage units and these will nominally be installed at a local school and a community building. These energy storage units will be of a significantly higher power than those used in the residential buildings and will utilise a three phase grid connection.

The installation for the school, as shown in Figure 27 will simply be a much larger version of the residential system since it is a larger energy user and producer. The Nottingham Energy Partnerships (NEP) building will house a more complex mix of equipment to be used by the demonstrator with larger energy stores in order to validate the different func-tionalities and capabilities of the different energy storage use-cases. This will include several three phase connected energy stores, dual media energy stores, in this case batteries and super-capacitor banks, any experimental equipment from the consortium and, if applicable, the flywheel system (or equivalent emulation).

During the project, the NEP building will also be re-furbished to contain 6 residential dwellings and several small businesses. Data monitoring will be installed within each dwelling and the storage equipment will be used to determine the real energy price re-duction which can be achieved for a group of residences when using energy storage systems.

3.2.2 ICT

As mentioned previously, the ICT architecture of the Nottingham Demonstrator has been carefully analysed in [2], so this section reviews the output of the work done on task 1.2.

The architecture of all the systems and devices and data flow between these systems is defined in Figure 28.

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Figure 28 – Nottingham ICT architecture

The main difference between the community buildings (NEP building and school) and the residential buildings will be that larger power converters using three phase connec-tions will be used in the community buildings. This will also mean that larger amounts of monitoring and hence data will need to be handled from the community buildings.

The ICT architecture for each building has been generally divided into four control layers:

• Low level ‘End Users’ (Blue) • Low level control (Light Red) • High level local control and data capture (Light Blue) • Integration

At the lowest level, the ‘end users’ are the actors for which the data path cannot propa-gate further and include such items as storage devices, PV generation units, loads and auxiliary data sources. These items are used by the system for specific functionalities or in order to gather data.

The next level (low level control), shown in light red, are the actors which control the low level equipment. The energy storage media or PV generation are controlled by the grid inverters whilst the auxiliary data sensors are controlled by the auxiliary data controller.

Above the low level control layer, the higher level data capture and high level local control functionalities are represented in the form of the ADEVICE smart meters, used for the gathering of electrical date within the buildings as well as the eBroker. The eBroker is a distributed control system which can operate on both a local and community managerial level and will be used to validate the community use cases.

Above this level is the Integration Gateway which is used to concentrate all data within a given domain to seamlessly integrate the functionalities available together with the collection and transmission of data to the real time integration platform. Functionality for

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temporal storage of data in case of poor data transmission will also be incorporated into the Integration gateway in order to prevent data loss due to network errors or down time.

At the Highest level in the ICT architecture are the analytics modules, those which aim to analyse, predict and control the community energy resources together with the energy market services. The functionalities of the different use cases will be validated using the meadow data manager actor (MDM). The MDM is a generic controller which collects all data from the different nodes of the demonstrator for storage, processing and analysis. The MDM is also responsible for sending the different commands and setpoints to the distributed equipment within the demonstrator in order to generate the correct system response and validate the use cases. Analytics packages from external partners can also be implemented on the MDM.

All of the components mentioned above are interconnected using the Real-Time Integra-tion Platform. This is a unified real-time data communications platform which enables real time communications for the different actors in the demonstrator. All data is trans-ferred through the RTP and allows each actor access the necessary information about either the system or individual nodes within the network.

Nottingham demonstrator will have its own instance of the RTP since no real time infor-mation is expected to be shared between demonstrators.

In addition to the above mentioned items, there is also a weather station which will be used to gather environmental data such as temperature, wind speed and direction, pres-sure, humidity and solar irradiance. This data is necessary for many of the prediction and forecasting algorithms. A visualisation tool is also included such that the residents and participants in the programme can visualise their energy usage and that of the com-munity in real time. This will increase use awareness and interaction with the project and inform the participants of the potential benefits that the system is delivering.

3.3 Site assessment and existing Infrastructures This section presents a brief overview of the current existing field conditions including the locations and numbers of PV installations. Figure 29 shows the area of the Meadows which will be used for the study. The coloured houses are those which contain existing PV installations. It is envisaged that between 40 and 50 homes will be included in the study. The community building are highlighted with red circles, NEP to the left, school to the right.

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Figure 29 – Area in the study within the Meadows

3.3.1 Power grid architecture

The existing power grid architecture is fairly complex since the Meadows area is a densely populated area and it has not been possible to isolate a single ‘community’ of suitable houses attached to the same substation. Due to the wide variety of house types, of demographic needs of socio economic aspects of the project, each house will form part of a ‘virtual’ microgrid. Measurements from the houses and nodes around the de-monstrator will be aggregated by the Meadows Data Manager so that it will be possible to show the actual power usage of the community without the need to have a single point of metering (as would be the case in an isolated community). The grid is generally con-sidered to be fairly ‘stiff’ but it will also be monitored during testing to determine the effect of the SENSIBLE operations.

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Presently, very few residences have smart meters installed and if they have, they are used for remote billing activities and for usage feedback for the user and cannot be used for the study.

3.3.2 ICT Architecture

Presently there is no unified ICT architecture for the Meadows area, since there is no smart grid infrastructure deployed in this location.

3.4 Requirements This section encompasses the required conditions to implement the functionalities in-tended for the Nottingham demonstrator. The main driver behind this section is the full integration of all the components of the demonstrator architecture. These components were detailed in [2].

According to the specifying in [3], the use Cases for the Nottingham demonstrator are summarized in Table 13.

Table 13 - Use Cases for the Évora demonstrator

Use Case Main functionality under test

UC5 - Microgrid PV Management Management of storage resources to manage PV generation more effec-tively in terms of grid stability and local power quality due to over or underpro-duction

UC6 - Enabling an independent energy community

Using community energy storage to create economic benefit for energy consumers and to improve power qual-ity drawn by the community to the ben-efit of the network operator

UC7 - Microgrid energy market Show the capacity of the Energy Man-agement System, the Real Time Inte-gration Platform and the e-Broker sys-tem to manage the different power sources and power consumers while creating a common energy market

In order to fulfil these use cases, equipment will need to be installed at a residential level, within people’s homes and at a community level.

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3.4.1 UK regulatory grid code requirements

The UK Regulatory Grid Code covers all material technical aspects relating to connec-tions to, and the operation and use of, the national electricity transmission system. Any installation which is capable of generating power, including battery storage inverters ca-pable of inverting power onto the grid must adhere to the relevant grid codes. Grid code G59 covers equipment and installations with a net current output greater than 16A per phase. Grid Code G83 covers equipment and installations with a net output of less than 16A per phase.

In addition to the above mentioned grid codes, all installations must adhere to the 17th edition IET wiring regulations, Building regulations part P, and other relevant building regulations.

3.4.2 Requirements of Community level storage and monitoring de-vices

An initial survey of the community storage sites has been carried out during the WP1 writing and planning phase. Site suitability has been determined according to:

• High capacity three phase grid connection available • Space availability to install equipment • Willingness of site owner to be involved with the project

The purpose of community based energy storage equipment is as follows:

• Gives the community the benefit of higher power, higher capacity storage units • Possibility of improved net power consumption and power quality (imbalance /

power factor), rendering the community as a more attractive energy user • Peak shaving during high demand periods • Increased storage capacity to ensure all generated energy is contained locally

without exporting to the grid • Ability to assist the DSO and TSO in order to reduce the net contracted energy

rating and hence running costs of the community energy budget • Storage of unused energy from building that cannot maximise self-usage, i.e.

schools during holiday times

This section will further highlight the requirements of the community level storage devices Electrical Installation

The community building electrical installation will have to be thoroughly evaluated in or-der to evaluate if the existing circuit boards can accommodate the connection of storage devices. The connections of these devices will likely involve some changes to the circuit board, which must observe the best practices in force. The UK grid codes also require

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a safety disconnect device to be installed where any generation capable equipment ex-ists in order to disconnect the building from the grid during power interruptions. Electrical Monitoring

The electrical monitoring equipment ADEVICE smart meter SM3 (see Fig.27; [2]) will be installed in close proximity to the distribution board of the community building and will be able to perform 3phase power measurements. Where different power measurements need to be made within the building, e.g. PV generation, energy usage, energy store usage and grid export different power meters will need to be installed. Communications with the smart-meters will be via the integration gateway.

3.4.3 Requirements of Residential level storage and monitoring de-vices

A survey of each participant’s house will be necessary in order to determine the suitability and work needed to install the necessary equipment in the client’s house. This survey will determine the most suitable type of energy storage and monitoring equipment re-quired to be installed. This will depend on:

• Physical space requirements • Whether thermal storage is available • Whether PV RES is available and rated power of the installation • Size of residence and demographic energy usage profile Electrical Installation

Much like in the community case, the client’s electrical installation will also have to be assessed to make sure the storage devices and PV systems are correctly fitted safe-guarding the safety of people and property. It is likely that some residential distribution boards will need to be upgraded, either replacement of old style fuses or complete re-placement. The UK grid codes also require a safety disconnect device to be installed where PV RES exists. While this should already exist in houses with existing PV, it will need to be added to the ‘battery only’ installations in order to disconnect the house from the grid during power interruptions. It should not be necessary to upgrade the ‘available power’ of the residential connections as most UK houses have either a 24kW or 15kW supply as standard. Thermal Installation

No new thermal energy stores are likely to be installed but those which already exist may need to be suitable for the inclusion of power electronic equipment to control energy transfer to the hot water. Safety devices, such as thermostatic mixing valves may be needed to limit the usable water to a safe temperature. The inclusion of thermostatic mixing valves will also allow an increase in energy storage capability as the thermal store

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can then be used at a much higher temperature. This will require significant plumbing within the residence. Electrical Monitoring

The electrical monitoring equipment ADEVICE smart meter SM (see Fig.27; [2]) will be installed in close proximity to the distribution board and will be able to measure 3 sepa-rate currents connected to the same supply, i.e. PV generation, household usage, energy store usage and grid export will all be able to be derived from these 3 measurements. Thermal Monitoring

In situations where thermal storage will be used, monitoring of input and output temper-ature and flow rate of the domestic hot water will be used to calculate energy usage / sore efficiency. These sensors will require significant plumbing within the residence.

The other thermal aspects of the houses such as, individual room temperatures, and Gas consumption will also be measured using the nOcean sensors defined in [2].

3.4.4 Integration of components

The integration of all the components is of key importance for this task, since the success of the Nottingham Demonstrator depends on the correct fitting and joint operation of these components.

As such, a responsibility assignment table has been designed, together with all the part-ners taking part in the Demonstrator. Initially, the component integration activities will take place at the FlexElec Laboratory to ensure that the systems to be installed function correctly. They will then be implemented within the residential and community buildings within the community. This will be done in order to minimise the number of visits needed to the resident’s houses. If the visits to the houses are too frequent, we risk alienating and annoying the participants of the sensible project. The integration responsibilities ta-ble for component integration is shown below on Table 14.

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Table 14 - Summary of integration items and responsibilities for the Nottingham demon-


Responsible Partners

Batteries / BMS Commercial Inv (SMA) UoN -

Commercial Inv (SMA) USE UoN

ImmerSun UoN USE

eBroker USE USE, GPTech

Smart Meters 1 phase USE ADEVICE

Auxiliary Data Controller UoN USE


Commercial Inv (SMA) MOZES UoN


eBroker MOZES USE, GPTech

Smart Meters 1 phase MOZES ADEVICE

Auxiliary Data Controller MOZES USE

Responsible Partners

Commercial Inv (SMA) USE UoN

eBroker USE USE, GPTech

Smart Meters 3 phase USE ADEVICE

Auxiliary Data Controller UoN USE



eBroker MOZES USE, GPTech

Smart Meters 3 phase MOZES ADEVICE

Auxiliary Data Controller MOZES USE

Integration Gateway MOZES USE

GPTech Inv (30kW) UoN , MOZES GPTech, USE

Batteries UoN , MOZES -

GPTech Inv (30kW) UoN , MOZES GPTech, USE

GPTech Inv (100kW) UoN , MOZES GPTech, USE

GPTech 2Port Inv (30kW) UoN , MOZES GPTech, USE

Batteries UoN , MOZES -

Meadows Data Manager RTP UoN INDRA

Visualization tool RTP ADEVICE INDRA

Weather Station RTP UoN INDRA

Responsible Partners


PV Production Forecast RTP ARMINES INDRA

Storage aggregator RTP ARMINES INDRA

Responsible Partners





Equipment to integrate

Equipment to integrate




Integration Gateway

Independent Actors

Equipment to integrate

Market Operators

Equipment to integrate

Energy Market Service Platform

Integration Gateway



All Community Buildings

Residential Buildings

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3.5 Equipment and System Specification This section specifies the equipment to be integrated and developed in the scope of the Nottingham demonstrator. Technical aspects of some of the components are discussed.

3.5.1 Community level power equipment

This section highlights the community level power equipment. This power equipment will be generally higher power than the residential equipment and it will utilise three phase connections. There will be no thermal energy storage considered in the community level equipment. Community electrochemical storage

The community electrochemical storage facilities will use three phase, grid tied inverters from GPTech. Two different power levels are considered for the study and will be placed within the school and the NEP building respectively. The potential technical specification of such inverters is considered thus in Table 15:

Table 15 - GPtech inverters' characteristics'

DC Input Port

Maximum Input Current 75A 250A

Voltage Range 425V-800V 425V-800V

Maximum DC Voltage 900V 900V

AC Output Port

Rated Power 30kVA 100kVA

Maximum Output Current 52A 173A

Rated AC Voltage 3X 400V +N AC 3X 400V +N AC

Rated Frequency 50Hz 50Hz

Communications ports MODBUS RTU/TCP - CANOpen

The electrochemical store will consist of a suitable battery bank using any chemical tech-nology suitable in terms of safety and environmental factors.

A BMS should be employed to maintain the healthy state of the battery storage. Infor-mation such as

• State of charge • Temperature • Battery Voltage and current

should be available to the MDM in order to prevent damage to the battery units.

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The capacity of the community storage units is envisaged to be much larger than the residential storage units and should be in the order of 50-100kWh.

Communications to the community grid inverters will be through the Integration Gate-ways and RTP. Community electromechanical storage

A direct AC-AC power converter will be developed at UoN for comparison with the ‘off the shelf’ version of grid inverter supplied by Siemens for the flywheel. The functionality of the flywheel / power electronics will be validated within the FlexElec Lab and not in-stalled within the Meadows area (unless the Siemens budget allows the creation of 2 flywheel systems).

A multi-modular, direct AC-AC power converter employing Silicon Carbide switching de-vices will be constructed. The power level implemented will depend on budgetary con-straints but since it will demonstrate a modular topology, the functionality of a several modules will validate higher power versions.

Physical safety of the electro-mechanical storage system will be ensured by the bespoke casing design of the system and no special local arrangements should be necessary for the installation and use of the system. Community Dual media storage device

The GPTech dual DC source grid inverter will be used to connect both supercapacitors and Lithium Ion electrochemical energy storage devices to the grid. The aim would be to use second life batteries where the peak energy demands would be provided by the supercapacitors extending the functional life of the batteries. Potential ratings of the equipment:

Table 16 - GPTech dual DC source grid inverter characteristics

3 phase port

Rated Current 16A

Rated Voltage 415V

Power Factor 1

Battery DC port

Rated Power 3kW

Minimum input voltage >200V

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Maximum Input Voltage <400V

Irated @ Vmin 15A

Irated @ Vmax 7,5A

Expected Capacity >25kWh

Super-Capacitor DC port

Peak Rated Power 11,5kW Peak

Minimum input voltage >100V

Maximum Input Voltage <400V

Ipeak @Vmin 115A

Expected Capacity >100F

Communications ports MODBUS RTU/TCP - CANOpen

In this case, the information required to control the device will be different from the typical P/Q setpoint system employed by grid inverters. Here, individual current demands will be necessary for each of the DC-DC ports in order to control the power sharing between the supercapacitors and the batteries. A local controller will take the MDM power de-mands and convert these into current control demands based on a suitable algorithm which aims to limit peak battery output by using the supercapacitors. Additional Devices (switchgear, circuit breakers\)

Along with standard switchgear for each device, additional devices will be needed in order to comply with the relevant safety and regulatory guidelines in force. These will include circuit breakers of a suitable rating for the equipment to protect for both overcur-rent and earth leakage currents in order to protect both the wiring and provide protection to the user of the equipment in case of a failure.

A remotely controlled disconnect device (contactor) will be installed for each grid con-nection in order to provide the maximum flexibility in the configuration and control of the equipment on the grid. These contactors should be controllable locally or from com-mands sent from the MDM and could be actuated from several of the installed pieces of equipment, for example, the ADEVICE smart meters have 3 controllable outputs for ON/OFF actuation of external loads.

UK grid codes also require the addition of an automatic disconnect device whereby the grid inverter would be physically removed from the grid if a grid disturbance or failure were detected.

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3.5.2 Residential power equipment

The types of energy storage media for the residential clients have been chosen based on safety, cost and usability concerns. Domestic hot water is already commonly stored in tanks within residential properties and as such, the safety and operation of these de-vices is not a concern. In terms of electrical storage, sealed batteries, either Lead Acid or Li-Ion are commonly used and if treated correctly, do not pose a risk to the user. The technology readiness level (TRL) however of Electro-Mechanical storage, together with the cost makes this medium a risky solution and as such will not be considered for the residential storage systems. Residential electrical storage

• Power electronics

The SMA SunnyIsland series of Battery storage inverters fulfil all of the requirements of the Meadows demonstrator residential battery storage system needs. The key require-ments are:

• Off the shelf – CE marked equipment, • Low voltage battery connection (for user safety - 42V) • Suitable power levels • Suitable communications interfaces

A summary of the potential ratings and features are listed below.

Table 17 - SMA SunnyIsland inverters‘ characteristics

Sunny Island 6.0H 8.0H

Converter Ratings:- AC port

Rated Current (Peak) 20A (120A) 26A (120A)

Rated Voltage / range 230 V / 202 V ... 253 V 230 V / 202 V ... 253 V

AC power at 25°C f (30 min / 5 min / 3 sec)

6kW / 6,8kW / 11kW 8kW / 9,1kW / 11kW

AC power at 45°C 3,7kW 5,43kW

Battery DC port

Voltage (range) 48 V / (41 V - 63 V) 48 V / (41 V - 63 V)

Max Charge Current 110A 140A

Rated Charge / Discharge current

90 A / 103 A 115 A / 136 A

Battery type / battery ca-pacity (range)

Li-Ion,FLA, VRLA / 100 Ah ... 10 000 Ah

Li-Ion,FLA, VRLA / 100 Ah ... 10 000 Ah

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Communications Interface ModBus (RS484) ModBus (RS484)

• Storage device

The SMA SunnyIsland inverter can accept a wide range of battery types and capacities. The inverters contain the necessary functionality to also act as the battery management system (BMS) for the residential storage system with functionality embedded such as:

• Over-temperature • Battery deep discharge protection • Full charge • State of charge • Equalisation of charge

Both Lead acid and Li Ion battery types are supported by the SunnyIsland which offers different maximum and minimum capacities depending on the battery type:

• 100 Ah to 10,000 Ah (lead-acid) • 50 Ah to 10,000 Ah (Li-Ion)

It is predicted a storage capacity between 2 kWh and 5 kWh. Residential thermal storage

• Storage device The residential thermal storage device, i.e. hot water tank, will typically already exist in the property in order for that property to take part to the study. A survey of the residence will reveal whether the storage tank is of suitable capacity and insulation standard. It may be prudent to replace the tank or improve the insulation to maximise the benefit in using this storage medium. The thermal store also needs to incorporate an electrical heating element (immersion heater). • Power electronics The ImmerSUN thermal energy store controller will be used to vary the amount of power delivered to the immersion heater which is typically installed in the thermal store. A power converter is required as a direct connection from the supply to the immersion heater will deliver a fixed and non-varying amount of power and the use case scenarios will require variable amounts of power to be delivered to the store. The ImmerSun con-troller contains three output channels each rated at 3kW. It uses its own proprietary wireless protocol to communicate with its remote sensors but a LAN bridge is available which will be connected to the Integration gateway via the household router. Additional Devices (switchgear, circuit breakers\)

UK grid codes also require the addition of an automatic disconnect device whereby the grid inverter would be physically removed from the grid if a grid disturbance or failure were detected.

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Bypass switchgear will also be installed incase of a problem with the equipment such that the user will not remain without power. Circuit breakers will also be used to intercon-nect the inverters to the distribution board with a lower rating than that of the incoming supply so that the battery-grid inverter / PV inverters will trip before the main grid supply in order to minimise supply dropouts for the user. Auxiliary data capture device

The Auxiliary data capture sus-system will consist of remote sensors and a local auxiliary data server. Each sensor connects wirelessly to a local receiver which then connects to the server. In this case, the most likely solution would be a Raspberry PI style microcon-troller mounted in a suitable enclosure. The auxiliary data server will then interface to the high level systems via the Integration Gateway. This platform is likely to be similar to the HEMS developed for the Évora demonstrator but the functionality implemented in that case would be different. The likely sensor functionality required would include:

• Occupancy data • CO2 levels • Ambient Temperature • Gas usage • DHW flow rate • DHW flow and return temperatures

3.6 Developments for Nottingham demonstrator components

The exact features of each of the components are not totally defined yet, since some of the devices will be purchased for the demonstrator. Nonetheless, it is predicted that some of the features that will be tested in the Nottingham demonstrator will not be avail-able in the purchased components.

The following is a first draft of the developments to some of the components:

• Aux data collector / HEMS server

This will need to interface to the necessary sensors in the case of the Nottingham demonstrator and controllable loads in the case of the Évora demonstrator. It will have to be able to communicate upwards with the RTP, according to the available protocols.

• Metering Devices

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The ADEVICE three phase smart meter will be modified in order to create a smart meter that is able to sense individual phase current and not treat them as a three phase set. This will be done in order to measure the power / electrical attributes required on multiple nodes of a single phase system. The aim of this would be that on a single phase residential supply, the energy usage / generation of the PV inverter, battery inverter, user loads and grid import / export can be measured using a single piece of equipment.

• Power electronics devices

Two distinct power converters will be developed for the demonstrator. The first would be developed by GPtech and will create a dual port DC-DC converter. The aim of this would be to connect both a electrochemical battery store and a super-capacitor energy store to the same converter which is then connected to the grid. The super-capacitor bank would be used in order to reduce the peak stresses on the battery. In this way, older second life batteries can be used.

The second power converter would be a direct AC-AC power converter designed to drive a sinusoidal motor. This would then be connected to a flywheel electro-mechanical storage system. The converter will be formed using a multi-modular matrix converter structure and will employ Silicon Carbide JFET switching de-vices. The aim of this work is to compare and contrast the existing flywheel grid inverter in terms of efficiency, size and weight.

• Integration Gateway

The Integration Gateway is being developed by USE and will form the low level task of integrating all data streams from the local sensors and to the controllable devices with the Real Time Integration Platform

• ImmerSun

The ImmerSun power controller will be modified by ImmerSun in order to enable the SENSIBLE consortium to be able to send remote power commands. As such, this would also be useful as a DSM controller where a variable power is required in the load.

3.7 Implementation Plan A schedule of all the tasks to be completed in both the laboratory and in the field has been created. This plan includes an estimated duration for each task and a prediction for the beginning of each task. In Table 18 is shown the WP4 implementation plan for the Nottingham demonstrator.

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Table 18 - WP4 Implementation Plan for Nottingham demonstrator

WP 4 - Demonstration of Energy management and storage solutions4.1 – Lab validation of key systems and components (UoN)4.1.1- Hardware and integration validationTest Residential Inverters Test Residential BatteriesTest Residential Water heater interface (Immersun)Test UoN Flywheel Inverter Compare with Siemens InverterTest Grid Inverters (GPTech)Test 2 port Grid Inverter (GPTech)Test Grid BatteriesTest Inverters (INESC Prototype)Test Smart MeterDevelop / configure / Test Residential grid disconnect systemMDM component test/development / configurationTest / develop connectivity with induvidal components (Residential)Test / develop connectivity with induvidal components (Commercial)Test connectivity with RTPTest connectivity with complete set of residential components (inverter, smart meter, Integration Gateway\)4.1.2- micro-grid functionality validationInstallation of representative MG @ FlexElec using 2-3 complete residential sets with the required control software modules for every componentValidata peak shaving / power quality algorythms of 2nd life battery inverter (2 port grid inverter)Demonstration of power quality improvements by the corresponding functionalities implemented on power converters (Grid PF correction)Verification of Energy/Power management algorithms Emulation and test of ICT systems failures for safety analysis4.3 – Meadows demonstrator (UoN)4.3.1-Regulatory and legal issuesPermitting/ contractsEthics Approval process

Negotiation with local communities, surveys, homes, people, buildings users etc..

4.3.2- Selection and Acquisition of equipmentSelection of equipment & systemsProcurement4.3.3- Community equipment installationInstalation of School storage systemsInstalation of NEP storage systems4.3.4-Residential equipment installationInstallation of Residentail Storage systems (electrochemical)Installation of Residentail Storage systems (electro-thermall)Installation of Data monitoring only systems4.3.5-Data acquisition and grid O&MData acquisition, monitoring and performance analysisComparison of local results with lab results and equipment optimizationImplementation of external partners analytics packagesOperate, maintain and manage demonstrator infrastructure, in close cooperation with each partner

Q2Q1Q4Q4 Q1 Q2 Q32015 2016 2017 2018

Q2 Q3Q1Q4

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3.8 Community and stakeholders’ engagement The success of the SENSIBLE project depends on the full engagement of all stakehold-ers, but for the Nottingham demonstrator the end users are most important. It is essential that the SENSIBLE project team (especially with the University of Nottingham and MOZES) regularly meet with the Meadows Community to inform and receive feedback on project progress. The main output from the Nottingham Demonstrator is an under-standing of the social impact of these technologies which includes:

User acceptance

Aspects here include how well Meadows residents understand and accept the energy community paradigm as a whole and the technologies and infrastructure installed to sup-port this;

Working with other stakeholders

This part of the project will aim to understand how end users accept the new relationships created by this paradigm, for example “trading” energy with their neighbours, investing in technology as a community, and negotiating with network operators to provide added value for their equipment;

Economic impact

Whilst it is not possible to set up an actual energy community, it will be possible to use the energy and power data capture from the community to simulate community energy scenarios which can demonstrate the financial benefit (or otherwise) accrued by the com-munity as a whole, and how this can be distributed to individual community members;

Attitude change

The user engagement will be monitored and quantified where appropriate throughout the duration of the project to develop an understanding of how attitudes and acceptance may change with familiarisation with the concepts proposed.

The second expected impact resulting from the Nottingham Demonstrator is to provide evidence to support proposals for changes to the Regulatory Frameworks which exist for energy storage and energy communities. The aim here is to demonstrate the positive user experience both in terms of working as a community (closely geographically located in this case but possibly virtual) as well as potential economic benefits for both consum-ers and distributers of electricity. By doing this it is hoped that the key stakeholders who can influence public policy can use this evidence to support changes to national and European energy policy.

The dissemination activities proposed for the Nottingham Demonstrator will focus on achieving these two main outputs, as described in D6.2 – the Dissemination Masterplan, and regularly reported in D6.8. MOZES and with the University of Nottingham will work closely with the community through a series of communication activities based in the

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Meadows area throughout the project, and will bring in representatives from other key stakeholders – Nottingham City Council, Western Power Distribution (local DSO), local Members of Parliament – where appropriate. They will also look for more widespread dissemination as and when opportunities arise e.g. by contacting the local press (Not-tingham Evening Post, Local TV/Radio), the Nottingham Energy Partnerships and also engaging with other related projects in the UK (particularly in the East Midlands of the UK).

Figure 30 summarizes the range of stakeholders who are expected to be involved in the SENSIBLE project in the Nottingham demonstrator. The most relevant (as already stated) are the Meadows community residents (in direct contact with the University of Nottingham and MOZES as project partners). The local city council and DSO will also collaborate as additional local stakeholders in the community energy concept. Dissemi-nation activities will be used to inform and engage professionals from the buildings sector including renewable energy equipment installers and architects, and as mentioned ear-lier, as specific task will be to engage with licensing and Regulating Authorities to high-light the project outputs which may provide evidence to support changes to the Regula-tory Frameworks.

Figure 30 - Range of different sort of stakeholders involved in the Nottingham demon-




Local Press



Professionals of construction

sector Licensing and Regulating Authorities


Meadows Community

Nottingham Energy


Nottingham City Council

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3.8.1 Engagement strategic plan for the Meadows community

The Meadows Community has already engaged with modern energy technologies: MOZES is the Meadows’ own ‘Community Energy Group’ and covers The Meadows catchment area and Greater Meadows area in Nottingham, United Kingdom, and its aim is for the Meadows to become a place for experimentation and innovation in sustainable energy. Its achievements so far are described at:


SENSIBLE will build on existing partnerships between MOZES and the University of Not-tingham to deliver the outputs from the Nottingham Demonstrator. This will require vol-unteers from the community who are willing to trial monitoring and control equipment in their house and for some this will include energy equipment as well such as small battery storage systems or domestic hot water control systems (e.g. ImmerSun devices). Other members of the community, for example a school, will also participate and may be re-quired to install monitoring equipment and larger battery systems. It is essential that vol-unteers fully understand the problems that may arise as this is a trial (e.g. equipment failure, temporary loss of supply) as well as understanding the motivation for the trial and its expected benefits i.e.

At global level

• Security of supply – resilience to grid failure / power cuts • Increased power quality and low voltage grid stability; • Participation in energy markets and lower energy procurement costs; • Participation in project which aims to gather evidence and data in order to

change government policy in order to enable community based energy tariffs and trading

Direct user benefits:

• Increased energy self-consumption; • Lower overall energy costs • Installation of storage systems for free • Installation of energy monitoring equipment for free in all dwellings. • Free personal energy audit at the end of the project

Before any work is carried out in this project, ethics approval will be sought from the University’s Ethics Committee. The University of Nottingham’s Code of Research Con-duct and Research Ethics provides a comprehensive framework for good research con-duct and the governance of all research carried out across the University. The Code underpins the University’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, rigour and excellence in all aspects of our research and for all research to be conducted according to the appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks and standards.

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The Code outlines the duty of researchers including their responsibilities towards all par-ticipants and subjects of research and it provides a basis for the transparent and appro-priate communication and dissemination of research findings.

In order to ensure an inclusive and successful project, interaction with the community and specifically the residents involved with the project will be essential. Table 19 below shows the planned dissemination activities within the Meadows community.

Table 19 – Dissemination activities for the Meadows community

Date Activity Description

1-07-2015 Information Leaflet

describing SENSI-


Information leaflet to encourage residents to take part

in the project; to be delivered in July to residents

22-07-2015 1st dissemination

session in Meadows

Presentation of SENSIBLE project to the community.

All inhabitants of the Meadows are invited by to partici-pate in this meeting. MOZES together with NEP are responsible for the promotion of the event.

31-07-2015 Project email address

for the Meadows De-


Creation of an email address for residents to be able

to contact the relevant person with question about the


31-07-2015 Project email distribu-

tion list for the Mead-

ows demonstrator

Creation of a project email list for the Meadows de-

monstrator in order to facilitate the communication be-

tween the project team and all stakeholders.



Survey Survey of volunteers to determine specific equipment

and installation requirements



Open Day – SENSI-

BLE day

Engagement with Meadows participants and other

community members to present deployment plans



Workshop about the

equipment to be in-


Workshop about the equipment to be installed in

homes, and the rights of participants (withdrawl from

project, switching off equipment, complaints etc)



Documentation about

the equipment

User manual for all equipment to be installed at homes



Survey Survey of volunteers to understand initial views on ac-

ceptance and understanding of equipment deployed.



Stakeholder Engage-

ment meeting

Engagement with Meadows participants and other

community members to present initial learnings and

evidence of potential benefit to community.

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Date Activity Description

During the

use case


Regular communica-


Continued communication between project team and

Meadows community.

May 2018 Engagement with

Meadows community

–final event

Final event to present the project´s achievements to

the Meadows community and local stakeholders in


May 2018 Survey Final Survey for community volunteers to determine

any change in attitudes during the project and under-

stand user acceptance and interaction with the tech-

nology and the use case scenarios

3.9 Key Performance Indicators In [1] a set of high-level Key Performance Indicators (KPI) were defined for the SENSI-BLE project and cover different domains, such as distribution network operation, elec-tricity markets, and consumer/communities engagement. Table 20 presents the mapping between the high-level KPI and the Nottingham demonstrator.

The Nottingham demonstrator is focused on community storage, thus the KPI are cen-tred in exploring flexibility from residential consumers and buildings, considering the wholesale and retailing markets.

Table 20 - Nottingham demonstrator KPI


1 Increased RES and DER hosting capacity

2 Reduced energy curtailment of RES and DER

3 Power quality and quality of supply X

4 Increased flexibility from energy players X

5 Investment deferral (MV network)

6 Increased self-consumption X

7 Increased socio-economic welfare X

8 Consumer awareness and engagement X

9 Losses minimization (network, inverters)

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4 Nuremberg Demonstrator

4.1 Overall Demonstrator Architecture The main objectives of the demonstrators are: implement, demonstrate and validate strategies of small-scale storage, microgeneration devices and energy storage in com-mercial buildings.

The Nuremberg demonstrator mainly comprises two locations, namely Siemens in Er-langen and THN in Nuremberg. The BEMS-Lab is located in Erlangen whereas two labs are by TH-Nuremberg, namely: Generator-System-Lab and AHU-Lab. The labs by Sie-mens and THN are interconnected virtually using a VPN-tunnel as shown in the Figure 31.

Figure 31 - Connection within the Nuremberg demonstrator labs

4.1.1 General architecture


The BEMS-Lab mainly contains the BEMS-software besides the uncontrollable load em-ulator and the PV emulator. The thermal storage units, air conditioner and local genera-tion units are located in THN-Labs. Description of the components and platforms in the Nuremberg demonstrator is given below.


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This lab consists of a test bench for thermal and decentralised power generation for buildings. The heat pump plant converts electrical power to thermal power for heating purposes using geothermal energy from a borehole heat exchanger (GHX). The other configuration of the test bench allows the operation of a CHP unit, which generates ther-mal and electrical power at the same time. Figure 32 shows a simplified architecture of the system. Building and GHX will be simulated by the test bench via a heating or a cooling network.

Figure 32 - Generator-System-Lab emulation environment


The AHU-Lab consists of a climate chamber and an air handling unit. The building energy management system (BEMS) will control the system. Regarding the case of energy stor-age in building mass and inertia, load management effects on the thermal comfort will be studied in this lab. Figure 33 shows the structure that this system emulates.

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Figure 33 - Example of a building setup for tests at the AHU and generator laboratory

4.1.2 ICT

The Indra Real Time Integration Platform provides the necessary communication (includ-ing real-time connectivity, if necessary) and data exchange between BEMS on the one side and the Energy Market Service Platform (Empower) and the Analytics (Armines) on the other side. The Energy Market Service Platform emulates the energy market and communicates and exchanges data with the BEMS related to hourly prices, balancing power etc. The Analytics Module is expected to provide BEMS with the necessary fore-cast of commercial building’s energy demand (electrical and thermal load forecast), PV generation and weather forecast. Forecast data are very important for the BEMS to op-erate the infrastructure intelligently to better utilize the internal flexibility in energy con-sumption and to reduce energy procurement from local power grids. Data communica-tion and exchange between the BEMS and the Real Time Integration Platform is realized as a web service using SOAP protocol.

The BEMS-Lab is connected virtually with both Labs in Nuremberg (AHU Lab and Sys-tem Generation Lab) across the public network (Internet) by means of “virtual private network” (VPN). This enables the BEMS to send and receive data across the public net-work (internet) while still benefiting from the functionalities, security and management policies of the private network. The BEMS will be extended accordingly to control all the components which are distributed over the aforementioned locations/labs. The BACnet, which is a communication protocol for building automation and control networks, is the communication protocol assumed by the BEMS-software for internal communication (communication inside the BEMS-Lab as well as with the THN-Labs). Internally, the BEMS-software uses a gateway as a protocol converter between SOAP and BACnet.

The block diagram below gives an overview of the architecture of the Nuremberg de-monstrator and distribution of the components/aggregates. Moreover, additional services obtained by the BEMS from external service providers are also presented.

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Figure 34 - Demonstrator architecture

Nuremberg demonstrator will have its own instance of the RTP since no real time infor-mation is expected to be shared between demonstrators.

4.2 Site assessment and existing Infrastructures This chapter introduces the main technical conditions of the existing labs as well as a general scheme of the ICT infrastructure.

4.2.1 Existing architecture and components

Generator-System-Lab (THN):

The existing architecture enables an emulation test for the evaluation of system dynam-ics for heat pumps. It provides high temperature applications with heating and cooling up to 100 kW and a free cooling capacity of 1 MW, provided by a cooling tower.

The heat pump is connected to both storage tanks; warm and cold water storage. De-pending on the water temperature at both sides, heating and cooling can be emulated.

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AHU-Lab (THN):

It consists of a two zone climate chamber, each of them 10m2. The temperature ratios are between 30 °C - 40 °C and humidity range is between 20%-70%. The heating and cooling capacities are 35 and 37 kW respectively with a total airflow of 2500 m3/hr.

BEMS-Lab (SIEMENS Erlangen):

The current architecture of the BEMS-Lab is shown the block diagram below. It is worth to notice that the AC and DC chargers are not part of the Nuremberg demonstrator.

Figure 35 - Generator-System-Lab with the heat pump

Figure 36 - AHU-Lab

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Figure 37 - Architecture of BEMS Lab

4.2.2 ICT

Generator-System-Lab (THN):

The current Generator-System-Lab consists of a test bench for heat pumps. The corre-sponding building, which is supplied by the heat pump, is simulated in the building sim-ulation software Transient Systems Simulation (TRNSYS).

For the communication between the simulation and the hardware test bench, the soft-ware LabVIEW is used. LabVIEW controls the test bench in a way to fulfil the current building conditions (e.g. return flow temperature, brine supply temperature, etc.). The components of the test bench are controlled via analogue input and output modules by National Instruments. The system allows testing heat pumps under real conditions also in long-term test scenarios.

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Figure 38 - LabVIEW Interface for the heat pump test bench

AHU-Lab (THN):

The AHU-Lab is controlled by a Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 Box. By defining setpoints for the zone temperatures and the air flow entering the zones the SIMATIC PCS 7 Box manages the operation of the AHU as required.

Figure 39 - Control Interface of the AHU-Lab

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BEMS-Lab (SIEMENS Erlangen):

The BEMS-Software is mainly responsible for managing the building infrastructure to maximize the energy efficiency in the building: it optimizes a day-ahead operation sched-ule and monitors the consumption and generation in real-time to compensate for unex-pected deviation and/or disturbances. In order to implement the operation schedule, the BEMS controls the operation of all “controllable” energy consumers and “controllable” local generators. Moreover, it communicates with an energy market platform in order to get energy prices in order to commercialize the flexibility available in the building infra-structure.

The BEMS-software is basically based on the SOA-architecture. All (external) services provided by the BEMS are available as web services. In the same manner, all (external) service consumers implemented in the BEMS are realized as web service clients. Both web services and web service clients use the SOAP-protocol as a unified communication protocol for all external service providers or web service clients.

For additional description of the ICT description in the BEMS-Lab, please refer to the block diagram of the BEMS-Lab architecture above; sub-section 4.2.1 and the corre-sponding components’ description in [2].

4.3 Requirements In this section the requirements, which are needed to implement the three use cases presented in [3] are described. In the Nuremberg demonstrator the use cases 1, 3 and 4 will be presented, these are:

Use case 1 (managing building energy flexibility): In this use case, part of the internal flexibility of building infrastructure is commercialized at the tertiary balancing power mar-ket via a virtual power plant (VPP). The participation at other energy markets, e.g. intra-day electricity market is considered optionally to analyze the potential benefits which may be achieved by the building operator. The grid stabilization and possible contributions of the building, especially in emergency situations is considered optionally in this use case.

Use case 3 (increased percentage of self-consumption): This use case demonstrates the ability of the BEMS to increase self-consumption of locally generated power in an energy-efficient manner by utilizing the flexibility of building devices and infrastructure (e.g. flex-ible loads, generation units, storage units).

Use case 4 (optimized energy procurement): This Use Case aims at minimizing energy procurement costs by using flexibilities of the building in combination with flexible energy tariffs.

The three use cases considered in Nuremberg demonstrator mainly deal with enhancing energy efficiency in commercial building and reducing energy procurement from local power grids. For that purpose, local generation sources (PV, CHP and HP) as well as storage units (electrochemical and thermal storage) will be installed and configured in an

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appropriate way as an integrated part of the building infrastructure managed directly by the BEMS-software.

As a central part to achieve energy efficiency in Nuremberg Demonstrator, the BEMS manages all the energy consumers, generators and storage units jointly. In a first step, an operation schedule is optimized considering local generation and electrical and ther-mal energy consumption (forecast) together with the weather and solar radiation fore-cast. The operation plan is usually optimized for a day-ahead operation. During the pe-riod of operation (i.e. during the day of operation), an online management module which is an integrated part of the BEMS is responsible for assuring that the operation schedule is followed. All deviations are immediately compensated as far as possible by utilizing local generation as well as load-shifting.

The online management module intends also to adapt the operation schedule (re-opti-mizing a new operation schedule starting from the given time in the current day) due to significant deviations from the forecast (for example to counteract the remarkable inac-curacy in weather forecast) or to respond to request from the local power grid and/or the DSO in order to support the stability of the power grid.

The current infrastructure in the labs, namely the AHU-Lab and the Generator-System-Lab will be extended by installing new local generation, storage units and communication systems to fulfil the requirements of the use cases. The BEMS will also be extended correspondingly by implementing new control strategies to manage all these new com-ponents to achieve energy efficiency in multi-modal energy systems. Furthermore, the BEMS interfaces will be extended to access forecast service providers (e.g. Armines) and the energy market service platform through a real-time integration platform. The real time integration platform will add a significant value for data acquisition and data ex-change between different service providers and end users. It aims basically at providing real-time data acquisition. It also enables handling large volumes of data at low latency. In the next section, detailed description of the required extensions is provided.

Extending the BEMS-software for multi-modal energy management is the responsibility of Siemens Erlangen supported by THN at the algorithmic level. Together with Empower, Armines and Indra the Real-Time Integration Platform will be integrated by Siemens Er-langen. The configuration of the components in the THN-Labs and installation and con-figuration of the new components (electro-thermal storage, CHP) is done by THN. Both Siemens Erlangen and THN cooperate to create and configure the VPN-tunnel to virtu-ally connect the THN-Labs to the BEMS-Lab.

4.4 Equipment and System Specification This section describes additional installations, configurations and technical aspects which are needed to be done in order to successfully implement the aforementioned use cases in the Nuremberg Demonstrator. Detailed description of the components is skipped here since the components were already described in detail in [2].

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4.4.1 Generator-System-Lab Heat Pump Plant:

The heat pump test bench will include storage for heating and cooling. The storages will be sensible. The heat pump test bench is connected to a simulation environment (simu-lated building and components).

The test bench consists of a heat pump (Dimplex SI 11TU) and a hot and cold water storage. The source for the heat pump is simulated and is represented by a ground heat exchanger, which is connected to both storages (depending on the operation mode). Therefore the heat pump is able to produce cold and hot water at the same time. The heat pump converts electrical to thermal power and is connected to the BEMS. Herein-after a short component description and a hydraulic scheme follow.

Table 21 - Component description

Heat Pump Plant

Plant Component Indication Manufacturer Type Properties Interfaces

Power Heat Pump HP Dimplex SI 11TU 10,9 kW Modbus

Source Ground Heat Exchanger GHX simulated


Hot Water Storage St1 Vaillant 1000 liters

Cold Water Storage St2 Vaillant 1000 liters


Pump (HP-cold) P1c

Pump (HP-heat) P2h

Pump (gound) P3

Pump (TAB) P4


Valve (cold) V1a

Valve (cold) V1b

Valve (cold-heat) V2a

Valve (cold-heat) V2b

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Figure 40 - Plan of the heat pump plant

CHP-Unit Plant:

The CHP-Unit Test Bench will include storage for heating and domestic hot water. The storages will be sensible. The test bench is connected to the BEMS that provides all information about the system (full load or part load, operation schedule, etc.) and the building. The CHP-Unit uses natural gas as fuel and converts it to thermal and electrical power. Hereinafter a short component description and a hydraulic scheme follow.

Table 22 - Component description

CHP-Unit Plant

Plant Component Indication Manufacturer Type Properties Interfaces

Power CHP-Unit CHP Vaillant Ecopower

4.7 12,5 (th.)/ 5 (el.)

kW RS 232


Hot Water Storage St3 Vaillant 1000 liters

Domestic Water Stor-age

St4 Vaillant 500 liters


Pump (heat) P1h

Pump (domestic) P2d


Valve V1a

Valve V1b

GHX Building

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Figure 41 - Plan of the CHP-Plant

4.4.2 AHU-Lab

The AHU test bench is to emulate the behavior of building’s inertia. In particular, the potential of pre-cooling and pre-heating of the building volume will be studied. Further-more the AHU test bench is used for studying the electrical power consumption in addi-tion to the response of the building. The AHU test bench is connected to the BEMS which provides necessary controls signals/values. The AHU-Lab consists of two AHUs for heat-ing and cooling for each zone of the climate chamber (indoor and outdoor zone). The connection to the BEMS is realized with a controller (Px/Tx controller).

Hereinafter a short component description follows.

Table 23 - Component description


Plant Component Indication Manufacturer Type Properties Interfaces


Heating coil H 35 kW

Cooling coil C 37 kW

Ventilation Fan V 2500 m³/hr

Chambers Indoor/Outdoor -30°C - 40°C (T)

20% - 70% (H)

Controller SIMATIC PCS 7

Building GHX

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4.4.3 BEMS-Lab

PV-Emulation system:

The PV Emulator consists of a PV panel emulator which is connected to a PV-inverter. The inverter can feed active and reactive power to building nano grid. The panel emulator uses AC/DC inverters to emulate a PV-Panel. The assumed PV panel configuration to-gether with the weather and solar radiation forecasts are used to compute the PV panel U/I characteristic. The PV emulator is connected to the Desigo Product Building Auto-mation System which is connected to the BEMS using BACnet/IP protocol.

Electrochemical storage system:

The targeted battery storage system consist of a Li-Ion battery connected to a bidirec-tional inverter/rectifier (3 phase) for charging/ discharging and a management system (controller). The maximum power load of the bidirectional inverter is 50 kW (in both di-rections). The battery has a capacity of 25 (36) kWh. In the same manner, the battery is connected to the Desigo Product Building Automation System which is connected to the BEMS using BACnet/IP protocol.

Uncontrollable load emulation system:

The uncontrollable loads are emulated by using an AC/DC inverter able to stick to a previously defined load curse and a DC/AC controllable power supply (400 V, 3-phase) feeding back the electric energy to the grid.

Hint: Refer to the BEMS-Lab architecture above for more technical details; sub-section 4.2.1.

4.4.4 Systems and platforms

The BEMS is the central management system in the Nuremberg demonstrator. It opti-mizes an operation schedule considering energy consumption, local generation and us-age of storage units to maximize the energy efficiency in the building infrastructure and to reduce the energy procurement from the grid. Furthermore, the BEMS monitors the state of generation and consumption in real-time to compensate for deviation between the schedule and reality. Re-optimization of a new intra-day operation schedule is an option, for example if the deviation between the day-ahead optimized operation schedule and the reality is drastic and cannot be compensated at all. Weather forecast data (in-cluding solar radiation forecast) which are obtained from an external service provider (ARMINES) is also considered by the BEMS during operation schedule optimization.

The BEMS-Software will be extended accordingly to enable multi-modal energy man-agement to maximize energy efficiency in the building infrastructure as explained previ-ously.

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4.5 Developments for Nuremberg demonstrator components

4.5.1 BEMS System

The BEMS system includes basically the BEMS management software which is installed on a normal desktop computer and the Desigo system (Desigo Product Automation Sys-tem). The Desigo System offers a unified protocol to the BEMS-software, namely BACnet to communicate with almost all aggregates in the BEMS Lab. The web-services and web-service clients of the BEMS software use SOAP protocol as a unified communication protocol for all external service providers or web service clients. An additional SOAP-to-BACnet gateway is implemented between the BEMS software and the Desigo system.

Similarly, a Desigo system will also be installed and configured in both labs, namely AHU and System Generation Labs in Nuremberg. In this way, the BEMS software will connect to both local (BEMS Lab in Erlangen) and remote Desigo (AHU and System Generation Labs in Nuremberg) systems in the same way using the same SOAP-to-BACnet gate-way.

The local area network of the BEMS-Lab will be extended across the public network (Internet) by means of VPN in order to connect to the remote Desigo System in the way explained previously. The BEMS software will be extended accordingly by:

• Extending the current BEMS software interfaces and/or creating new interfaces if necessary in order to communicate with the energy market service platform and the forecast service provider through the real time integration platform. Similar to other interfaces of the BEMS software, the new extensions will enable the ex-change of structured information using web-services based on the SOAP-proto-col.

• Integrating digital models of the aggregates (automated models for the CHP, HP, AHU, etc.) to the optimization kernel of the BEMS software.

• Developing and integrating new control strategies for managing multi-modal en-ergy systems to maximize the energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

• Extending the HIL/SIL test environment to enable smooth and safe test of newly developed and extended software modules to control the new electro-thermal aggregates.

• Extending the BEMS software in order to enable physical control of all the aggre-gates connected to the remote Desigo System. New BACnet components/objects will be created accordingly for all new aggregates.

4.5.2 Demand Forecast

The forecast information used by BEMS will be obtained from Armines. For that purpose, forecasting algorithms and a forecasting web service will be developed, which uses

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weather forecasts and historical measurements to predict the thermal and electrical de-mand of the building (heating, cooling). The time horizon can range between 15 minutes to 48 hours and the update rate is of 1 hour. The forecasting data is obtained by the BEMS through Indra Real Time Integration Platform.

4.5.3 PV Production Forecast

In order to optimize an operation schedule, the BEMS needs also, beside the demand forecast, forecast of locally generated energy by the RES, namely PV. For that purpose, the forecasting algorithms and a forecasting web service will be developed by Armines, which uses weather forecasts and historical measurements to predict the PV production within a defined area. All the forecast data is obtained by the BEMS through Indra Real Time Integration Platform.

4.5.4 Energy Market Service Platform

The Energy Market Service Platform utilizes measurement, control, forecast and contract information provided by the storage enabled buildings and communities. The platform will also have inputs from the energy markets utilizing price and other market data. The platform will be extended accordingly fulfil the requirements of all use cases targeted in the project.

4.6 Implementation Plan This section describes the schedule of all the tasks to be completed for using for the Nuremberg Demonstrator.

This work will serve as base for the definition of the tasks and effort in the WP4.

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Table 24 - WP4 Implementation plan for Nuremberg demonstrator

WP 4 - Demonstration of Energy management and storage solutions4.1 – Lab validation of key systems and components (INESC)4.1.1- Lab validation of components and automated models (AHU, generation units, storages)Setup and commissioning, testsModel validation for AHU-LabModel validation for Generator-System-LabModel validation for storage modelsModel validation (batteries)Model validation calibration4.1.2- SIL platform extension for early validation of control strategies (extension for each aggregate)4.1.3- HIL test (extension for each aggregate)4.1.4- "Real time integration platform" integration and test4.1.5- ICT connections establishment and test4.4 – Nuremberg Demonstrator (THN)4.4.1- Physical control and test of electro-thermal aggregates and storage unitsThermal storage model integration to BEMS and physical controlAHU integration to BEMS (possible together with building inertia model) and physical controlElectro-chemical (Lio-Ion Battery) model integration to BEMS and physical controlHP model integration to BEMS and physical controlCHP model integration to BEMS and physical control4.4.2- Integration and test of forecast algorithms / webservice4.4.3-Extending BEMS optimization kernel4.4.4-Connecting the Nuremberg demonstrator with Empower's energy market emulator4.4.5-Validation of self-consumption optimization potential (BEMS - THN)Preparation and tests for UCs4.5 – Emulation of energy market participation (Empower)4.5.1-Energy trading mechanisms and markets

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4.7 Community and stakeholders’ engagement Nuremberg demonstrator will be deployed in a laboratory and closed environment. This feature causes a more private stakeholder engagement. Nevertheless, scientific community will be involved during the development phase, as well as acquired knowledge will be shared with other stakeholders, such as manufac-tures or other related players.

4.8 Nuremberg demonstrator KPI In [1] a set of high-level Key Performance Indicators (KPI) were defined for the SENSI-BLE project and cover different domains, such as distribution network operation, elec-tricity markets, and consumer/communities engagement. Table 25 presents the mapping between the high-level KPI and the Nuremberg demonstrator.

The Nuremberg demonstrator is focused on exploring the building flexibility to participate in electricity markets and maximize the use of electrical energy from renewable energy sources.

Table 25 - Nuremberg demonstrator KPI


1 Increased RES and DER hosting capacity

2 Reduced energy curtailment of RES and DER X

3 Power quality and quality of supply

4 Increased flexibility from energy players X

5 Investment deferral (MV network)

6 Increased self-consumption X

7 Increased socio-economic welfare X

8 Consumer awareness and engagement

9 Losses minimization (network, inverters)

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5 Demonstrators full Implementation Plan

After the full description of the project’s three demonstrators, this section intends to pro-vide a global schedule of the demonstrators’ implementation plan so it is easier to track the overall process. This is a merged summary of the individual plans mentioned above which also takes into account the overlap of tasks among different demonstrators alt-hough it is almost inexistent. As the individual ones, this plan serves as a rough basis for the definition of the work and effort throughout WP4. The full implementation plan is presented in Table 26.

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Table 26 - Demonstrators full Implementation Plan

WP 4 – Demonstration of Energy management and storage solutions4.1 a) – Lab validation of key systems and components (INESC)4.1.1 – Hardware and integration validation4.1.2 – Grid functionalities validation4.1 b) – Lab validation of key systems and components (UoN)4.1.1 – Hardware and integration validation4.1.2 – Micro-grid functionality validation4.1 c) – Lab validation of key systems and components (THN)4.1.1 – Lab validation of components and automated models (AHU, generation units, storages)4.1.2 – SIL platform extension for early validation of control strategies (extension for each aggregate)4.1.3 – HIL test (extension for each aggregate)4.1.4 – "Real time integration platform" integration and test4.1.5 – ICT connections establishment and test4.2 – Évora demonstrator (EDP)4.2.1 – Regulatory and legal issues4.2.2 – Selection and Acquisition of equipment4.2.3 – Grid equipment installation4.2.4 – Residential equipment installation4.2.5 – Data acquisition and grid O&M4.3 – Meadows demonstrator (UoN)4.3.1 – Regulatory and legal issues4.3.2 – Selection and Acquisition of equipment4.3.3 – Community equipment installation4.3.4 – Residential equipment installation4.3.5 – Data acquisition and grid O&M4.4 – Nuremberg Demonstrator (THN)4.4.1 – Physical control and test of electro-thermal aggregates and storage units4.4.2 – Integration and test of forecast algorithms / webservice4.4.3 – Extending BEMS optimization kernel

4.4.4 – Connecting the Nuremberg demonstrator with Empower's energy market emulator

4.4.5 – Validation of self-consumption optimization potential (BEMS - THN)4.5 – Emulation of energy market participation (Empower)4.6 – Synthesis of demonstration work (EDP)

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