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Research Report Sentence processing in the visual and auditory modality: Do comma and prosodic break have parallel functions? Roel Kerkhofs a , Wietske Vonk a,b, , Herbert Schriefers c , Dorothee J. Chwilla c,d a Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands b Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands c Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands d F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article history: Accepted 14 May 2008 Available online 21 May 2008 Two Event-Related Potential (ERP) studies contrast the processing of locally ambiguous sentences in the visual and the auditory modality. These sentences are disambiguated by a lexical element. Before this element appears in a sentence, the sentence can also be disambiguated by a boundary marker: a comma in the visual modality, or a prosodic break in the auditory modality. Previous studies have shown that a specific ERP component, the Closure Positive Shift (CPS), can be elicited by these markers. The results of the present studies show that both the comma and the prosodic break disambiguate the ambiguous sentences before the critical lexical element, despite the fact that a clear CPS is only found in the auditory modality. Comma and prosodic break thus have parallel functions irrespective of whether they do or do not elicit a CPS. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Language processing Prosodic break ERP N400 LAN CPS P600 1. Introduction The majority of ERP research on sentence processing has been carried out in the visual domain (see for reviews: Kutas and Schmitt, 2003; Osterhout et al., 2004). By contrast, only a rela- tively small number of studies on connected speech have been conducted. On the whole similar ERP signatures for semantic and syntactic anomalies have been observed in the visual and auditory domain (Friederici et al., 1993; Hagoort and Brown, 2000; Holcomb and Neville, 1991; Osterhout and Holcomb, 1993). Even less frequent than auditory studies on sentence processing are direct comparisons of sentence processing in the visual and the auditory domain. To our knowledge there are only two studies on sentence processing that directly compare ERPs across modalities, one in Dutch (Hagoort and Brown, 2000), and one in Italian (Balcony and Pozzoli, 2005). Both studies looked at ERPs elicited by syntactic violations. They reported similar P600 effects for the visual and the auditory modality. In particular, for Dutch, the language used in the present article, Hagoort and Brown (2000) observed similar P600 effects in terms of both the overall scalp distribution (though the auditory effect showed a more anterior distribution) and the timing of the effect. From this they con- cluded that core aspects of parsing operations are identical across the two domains of input. In the present paper, we focus on a direct comparison of ERP correlates in the visual and the auditory domain while parti- cipants process locally ambiguous sentences. In contrast to the studies mentioned above, the sentences in the present experi- ment are correct sentences and do not contain syntactic or BRAIN RESEARCH 1224 (2008) 102 118 The authors would like to thank Karsten Steinhauer and an anonymous reviewer for their comments on an earlier draft. Corresponding author. Wundtlaan 1, 6525XD Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 243521213. E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Vonk). 0006-8993/$ see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.05.034 available at www.sciencedirect.com www.elsevier.com/locate/brainres
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Research Report

Sentence processing in the visual and auditory modality: Docomma and prosodic break have parallel functions? ☆

Roel Kerkhofsa, Wietske Vonka,b,⁎, Herbert Schriefersc, Dorothee J. Chwillac,d

aCentre for Language Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, The NetherlandsbMax Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The NetherlandscNijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Radboud University Nijmegen, The NetherlandsdF.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands


☆ The authors would like to thank Karsten⁎ Corresponding author. Wundtlaan 1, 6525XD

E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Vonk).

0006-8993/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevidoi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.05.034


Article history:Accepted 14 May 2008Available online 21 May 2008

TwoEvent-RelatedPotential (ERP) studies contrast theprocessingof locally ambiguoussentencesin the visual and the auditorymodality. These sentences are disambiguated by a lexical element.Before this elementappears ina sentence, the sentence canalsobedisambiguatedbyaboundarymarker: a comma in the visual modality, or a prosodic break in the auditory modality. Previousstudieshave shownthat a specific ERPcomponent, theClosurePositiveShift (CPS), canbeelicitedby thesemarkers. The results of the present studies show that both the commaand the prosodicbreak disambiguate the ambiguous sentences before the critical lexical element, despite the factthat a clear CPS is only found in the auditory modality. Comma and prosodic break thus haveparallel functions irrespective of whether they do or do not elicit a CPS.

© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Language processingProsodic breakERPN400LANCPSP600

1. Introduction

The majority of ERP research on sentence processing has beencarried out in the visual domain (see for reviews: Kutas andSchmitt, 2003; Osterhout et al., 2004). By contrast, only a rela-tively small number of studies on connected speech have beenconducted. On the whole similar ERP signatures for semanticand syntactic anomalies have been observed in the visual andauditory domain (Friederici et al., 1993; Hagoort and Brown,2000; HolcombandNeville, 1991; Osterhout andHolcomb, 1993).Even less frequent thanauditory studies onsentenceprocessingare direct comparisons of sentence processing in the visual andthe auditory domain.

To our knowledge there are only two studies on sentenceprocessing that directly compare ERPs acrossmodalities, one in

Steinhauer and an anonyNijmegen, The Netherla

er B.V. All rights reserved

Dutch (Hagoort and Brown, 2000), and one in Italian (Balconyand Pozzoli, 2005). Both studies looked at ERPs elicited bysyntactic violations. They reported similar P600 effects for thevisual and the auditory modality. In particular, for Dutch, thelanguage used in the present article, Hagoort and Brown (2000)observed similar P600 effects in terms of both the overall scalpdistribution (though the auditory effect showed amore anteriordistribution) and the timing of the effect. From this they con-cluded that core aspects of parsing operations are identicalacross the two domains of input.

In the present paper, we focus on a direct comparison of ERPcorrelates in the visual and the auditory domain while parti-cipants process locally ambiguous sentences. In contrast to thestudies mentioned above, the sentences in the present experi-ment are correct sentences and do not contain syntactic or

mous reviewer for their comments on an earlier draft.nds. Fax: +31 243521213.


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semantic violations. Rather, we will compare the effects of thesignaling of a syntactic break in locally ambiguous sentencesacrossmodalities. In thevisual domain, thepresenceor absenceof a syntactic break can be signaled by the presence or absenceof a comma.Apotential analog in theauditorydomain concernsthe presence or absence of a prosodic break.

Before turning to a more specific discussion of the type ofambiguity used in the present study, we will first provide anoverview of language-related ERP components. The most im-portant ERP component for the semantic domain is a negativewave peaking at about 400 ms, called the N400 (Kutas andHillyard, 1984). A well-established view is that modulations inN400 amplitude reflect the easewithwhich aword is integratedinto the current context, be this a single word (Chwilla et al.,1998), a sentential context (Friederici, 1995), or a discourse con-text (van Berkum et al., 1999).

For the syntactic domain, two main ERP components havebeen identified (for an overview, see Friederici, 1995). The firstcomponent is an anterior distributed negative potential, whichtypically occurs to words that render the sentence incorrect(Friederici et al., 1993; Neville et al., 1991; Rösler et al., 1993).Although the topography of this negativity varies somewhatbetween studies, it often shows a left anterior maximum andtherefore is called the Left Anterior Negativity (LAN) (Friederici,1995). The timing of this negativity has been proposed to differas a function of the kind of syntactic violation involved. Inparticular, phrase structure violations (i.e.,wordcategory errors)elicit an immediate effect between 100 to 300ms after stimulusonset (Hahne and Friederici, 2002), whereas morphosyntacticviolations (e.g., subject–verb agreement errors) elicit an effectbetween 300 to 500ms after stimulus onset. With respect to thefunctional significance, it has been proposed that the LANreflects a syntactic process (Friederici, 2002). It has also beensuggested that the LAN reflects a general index of working-memory load1 (King and Kutas, 1995).

The second syntax-related ERP component is a late centro-parietally distributed positive potential starting at about 500msand typically extending up to at least 800 ms. This positivity isusually referred to as P600. An increase in P600 amplitude hasbeen observed in response to various kinds of syntactic viola-tions like phrase structure violations (Friederici et al., 1996;Neville et al., 1991; Osterhout and Holcomb, 1992, 1993), sub-jacency violations (McKinnonandOsterhout, 1996; Neville et al.,1991) and agreement violations (for an overview, see Vos et al.,2001). P600 effects have also beenobserved in locally ambiguoussentences at the disambiguating lexical element (Friedericiet al., 1999;Osterhout andHolcomb, 1992; Osterhout et al., 1994).While the P600 effect to syntactic violations shows a posteriorscalp distribution (Coulson et al., 1998), a more anterior or abroader scalpdistribution of the P600effect has been reported inlocally ambiguous sentences at the disambiguating element(Friederici et al., 1996; Hagoort et al., 1999; Osterhout and Hol-comb, 1992; van Berkum et al., 1999). The P600 is generally

1 One argument in favor of the latter view is that lexicallyambiguous words like bank have been reported to elicit verysimilar anterior distributed negativities (Ischebeck et al., 2008).Such ambiguities are not syntactic but can be assumed to taxverbal working memory more heavily than sentences withoutlexical ambiguities.

conceived of as reflecting processes of revision and repair insentence processing. It should be noted, however, that recentevidence suggests that theN400and theP600arenotnecessarilydistinct, in the sense that they only occur within their ownsemantic or syntactic domain (e.g., Kim and Osterhout, 2005,and Schlesewsky and Bornkessel, 2006).

In the present study, we use locally ambiguous sentencesthat allow for two different syntactic analyses up to a certainpoint in the sentence after which the sentence becomes disam-biguatedby a lexical element, as exemplified in (1) and (2). Thesesentences are ambiguous up to and including the noun phrasethe policeman, and they are disambiguated at theword followingthis noun phrase (in (2)) or at least at the end of the sentence(in (1)). In (1), the prepositional phrase in front of the statue sug-gests that the coordinated noun phrase the squatter and thepoliceman is the object of the verb interviewed (noun phrasecoordination; NP-coordination), because it is more likely for infront of to set the scene in which the action is taking place thanindicating the place at which only the policeman (but not thesquatter) is located. In (2), the verb interrupted indicates that thenoun phrase the policeman is the subject of a new sentence(sentence coordination; S-coordination).

(1) The reporter interviewed the squatter and the police-man in front of the statue in the centre of the city.

(2) The reporter interviewed the squatter and the police-man interrupted the interview right away.

In the present paper, we study the processing of the Dutchequivalents of locally ambiguous sentences as (2) (henceforthcalled ambiguous sentences). In written Dutch, these sen-tences can also be disambiguated at an earlier point, namelyat the NP the squatter. When this noun phrase is followed by acomma, this excludes the possibility that the sentence will beresolved as an NP-coordination (for details see below). For theauditory domain, one could hypothesize that a prosodic breakafter the noun phrase the squatter has the same disambiguat-ing function as the comma in the visual domain. It should benoted that this hypothesis does not imply that syntax andprosody are isomorphic. Not all aspects of syntax are expres-sed in the prosodic structure, and identical syntactic struc-tures can lead to different prosodic structures (see Shattuck-Hufnagel and Turk, 1996) for a review).

The combination of the modality manipulation with thisambiguity allows us to test whether readers and listeners areable to use the information contained in a comma or a pro-sodic break as a means of an early disambiguation, that is, adisambiguation at a point in time at which the lexical elementthat disambiguates the sentence (i.e., the prepositional phrasein front of the statue versus the verb interrupted) has not yet beenprocessed. Furthermore, it allows us to test whether commaand prosodic break have a parallel function in the visual andauditory modality, respectively. Such a parallel function of aprosodic break and a comma could be because the processingof a comma is mediated through prosodic processing as sug-gested in the implicit prosody hypothesis (see Fodor, 2002).Alternatively, such a parallel function could be because aprosodic break and a comma are processed differently, whilenevertheless having the same consequence for the disambi-guation of the sentence.

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2 Recent results from Toepel et al. (2007) suggest that a CPS isalso elicited by the stress pattern of focus prosody.

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An example of the Dutch materials in the visual domain isgiven in (3) and (4) (literal English translation is given in italics).The sentences only differ with respect to the absence in (3) or thepresence in (4) of a comma after the NP de boer (the farmer).Sentence (3) is ambiguous until the disambiguating verb. Sen-tence (4), by contrast, is disambiguated by the comma followingde boer (the farmer). Both sentences are lexically disambiguatedas S-coordinations on the verb verdedigde (defended).

(3) De sheriff beschermde de boer en de knecht verdedigdedapper de ranch tegen Johnson's bende. The sheriffprotected the farmer and the farm hand defended bravelythe ranch against Johnson's gang.

(4) De sheriff beschermde de boer, en de knecht verdedigdedapper de ranch tegen Johnson's bende. The sheriffprotected the farmer, and the farm hand defended bravelythe ranch against Johnson's gang.

The present study builds on a previous study on the coor-dination ambiguity in Dutch by Hoeks, Vonk, and Schriefers(Hoeks et al., 2002). In a reading study, they compared tem-porarily ambiguous S-coordination sentences as in (3) (commaabsent) with unambiguous S-coordinated control sentences asin (4) (comma present). In Dutch, there are no strict rulesregarding the placement of a comma in S-coordinated sen-tences (Geerts et al., 1984; Renkema, 2004). There is, however, ageneral habit of not putting commas before and in conjoinedsentences (Sanders and Metselaar, 2000, pag 163–164), and it isdefinitely not acceptable to place a comma in cases where twoNPs are conjoined. So the absence of a comma does not providemuch useful information regarding the structure of a sentence,whereas its presence signals that an S-coordination (or a VP-coordination, for that matter) is very likely and excludes thepossibility that the sentence will turn out to be an NP-coor-dination. The results of a self-paced reading experiment and aneye-movement experiment by Hoeks et al. (2005) showed, forsentences in isolation, that reading times in the disambiguatingregion (defended)were longer in theabsenceof a commaafter thenounphrase the farmer (see (3)) than in the presence of a commaat this position (see (4)). Thus, in the absence of a comma, thesentence is initially analyzed as an NP-coordination, and thisinitial analysis has to be revisedwhen reading the verb defended.By contrast, when a comma is present, the sentence is rightaway (from the commaonwards) analyzed as an S-coordinationand thus no processing difficulty occurs at the verb defended asno reanalysis is necessary (see also Frazier, 1987).

With respect to thepotential impactof a prosodic breakasanauditory analog of a comma, the starting point for the presentresearch was the discovery of an ERP signature to intonationalphrase (IPh) boundaries, here referred to as prosodic breaks.Steinhauer and colleagues (Steinhauer, 2003; Steinhauer et al.,1999; Steinhauer and Friederici, 2001) demonstrated that aprosodicbreak reliably elicits apositive shift, termed theClosurePositive Shift (CPS; see also Bögels et al., submitted for publi-cation;Kerkhofs et al., 2007;Mietz et al., 2008; Toepel et al., 2007).In a first series of studies, Steinhauer et al. (1999) presentedsentenceswith andwithout a prosodic break. They found that aCPS was elicited by sentences with a prosodic break relative tosentences without a prosodic break. In addition, they testedwhether a prosodic break could induce garden path effects. To

this aim, they constructed sentences in which the prosodicinformation and the syntactic information either were in line(both a prosodic break and a syntactic clause boundary werepresent at the same point in the sentence, or neither a prosodicbreak nor a syntactic clause boundary was present) or were inconflict with each other (a prosodic break was present, whereasthere was no syntactic clause boundary). When the prosodicstructure did not match the syntactic structure of the sentence,processing difficulty was observed at the point at which thedisambiguating syntactic information (which occurred somewords after the prosodic break) was encountered. With respectto the functional significance, Steinhauer and colleaguesproposed that the CPS is tightly linked to the cognitive processof structuring the incoming speech signal: A CPS occursimmediately when a prosodic break is perceived and is used toguide syntactic parsing decisions.2

In a second series of studies,Steinhauer and Friederici (2001)explored whether the CPS is a universal marker for prosodicphrasing during listening and reading. They tested whetherpunctuation,which also serves the role of structuring the input,gives rise to a CPS-like ERP component. Steinhauer and Frie-derici made the assumption that if punctuation is mediated bysubvocal prosody (an “internal voice”), then its processing mayresemble that of overt prosody. To test this they presentedsentenceswitha commaandwithouta comma.Themain resultwas that a small but reliable CPS to the comma occurred forreaders with strict punctuation habits but not for readers with-out strict punctuation habits. The difference between the twogroups suggests a correspondence of punctuation habits andthe impact of comma information on on-line sentence proces-sing, which is reflected in the ERPs.

From this, Steinhauer and Friederici concluded that commaperception during reading involves processes similar to theperception of prosodic breaks in spoken language. The maindifference between modalities was that the auditory CPS islarger and more extended in time than its visual counterpart.Steinhauer proposed that this difference is most likely due tothe fact that phonological representations are more stronglyactivated during listening than during silent reading (Stein-hauer, 2003).

Although Steinhauer and Friederici (2001) discuss the pat-terns at the occurrence of a comma for both lax and strongpunctuation groups, they do not report the findings at thesyntactically disambiguating region in detail for these twogroups of participants. Therefore, it remains unclear whetherthe presence of a comma has different effects on how thesyntacticallydisambiguating regionof thesentence isprocessedby the participants with strict and with lax punctuation habits.

In the present article, we combine what is known about theprocessing of the coordination ambiguity in the visual domainwith what is known from ERP research on the processing ofcommas and prosodic breaks. In the visual domain, we pre-sented sentences like (3) and (4) visually while recording theElectroencephalogram (EEG). For the auditory domain, wepresented auditory versions of the same sentences with eithera prosodic break or no prosodic break between the noun phrasethe farmer and and the farm hand, while recording the EEG.

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For the visual modality, the predictions are as follows. Asdescribed above, we know from the literature that the pre-sence of a comma is used for the early disambiguation of thesesentences towards an S-coordination analysis (Hoeks et al.,2002). A corresponding pattern should also be found inthe present ERP experiment with visual stimuli. However, itshould be recalled that the evidence for a CPS in response toa comma is not that general. As pointed out above, Steinhauerand colleagues only found a CPS in response to a commafor the group of readers with strict punctuation rules, butnot for readers with lax punctuation rules. Because in Dutchpunctuation rules are not as strict as in German, it is not clearin advance whether a CPS will be elicited by a comma inDutch readers. This leads to the following predictions. If thereis a CPS in response to the presence of a comma, we can becertain that the comma has been processed, and thuswe should find a P600-effect at the disambiguating verb de-fended in the condition without a comma relative to thecondition with a comma. By contrast, when there is no CPS,this could be either because the comma did not elicit a CPS,or because participants did not notice the comma. In thefirst instance we should find a P600-effect at the disambi-guating verb defended in the condition without a commarelative to the condition with a comma. In the second ins-tance we should not find any difference at the disambiguatingverb.

For the auditory sentences, we expect a CPS at the prosodicbreak relative to the condition without a prosodic break. If thepresence of a prosodic break leads the listener to adopt an S-coordination analysis right at or shortly after the prosodicbreak, this should in addition be reflected in the ERPs at thedisambiguating verb (defended). More specifically, in theabsence of a prosodic break, the verb defended will signal theneed for a reanalysis of the initially preferred NP-coordinationanalysis while no such reanalysis would be necessary in thecase of the same sentence with a prosodic break. In terms ofthe ERP components introduced above, we would thus expecta P600-effect in the conditionwithout a prosodic break relativeto the condition with a prosodic break. By contrast, if thepresence of a prosodic break does not lead to the adoption ofan S-coordination analysis right at or shortly after theprosodic break, listeners should adopt the preferred NP-coordination analysis in both conditions. In this case, thereshould be no differences in the ERP signatures between thetwo conditions (prosodic break present versus absent) at thedisambiguating verb as in both conditions a reanalysis wouldbecome necessary.

In the following we will test these predictions in two ERPexperiments, one in the visual domain (Experiment 1) and onein the auditory domain (Experiment 2). Both experiments wereset up such that each half of the experiment comprised acomplete design in order to have the possibility to trackpotential changes in effects over the course of experiments.This may be particularly relevant for the experiment in thevisual modality given the between-participant differences inthe processing of a comma as a function of strict versus laxpunctuation habits as reported in Steinhauer and Friederici(2001). As comma rules are not very strict in Dutch (see above),it could be the case that our participants may adopt strategiesin the course of the experiment.

2. Results

2.1. Experiment 1 — visual modality

2.1.1. Data analysisThe data were filtered with a low-pass filter of 30 Hz. EEG andEOG recordswere examined for artifacts and for excessive EOGamplitude during the epochs from 150ms preceding the onsetof the NP with or without a comma (hereafter NP2, i.e., thefarmer in (3) and (4)) and of the verb (i.e., defended in (3) and (4))until 1000 ms after the respective onsets. We used a 150 msperiod preceding the onset of the critical word as a baseline.Only trials in which the EOG did not exceed 75 μV, and inwhich no artifacts (EEGN100 μV) occurred, were included inthe analysis. The data from two participants were excludedfrom the analyses due to excessive artifacts, leaving the dataof a total of 30 participants.

Two kinds of analysis were performed on these pre-pro-cessed data. First, we used relatively broadwindows to quantifythe ERP effects. Based on the 500 to 650 ms time-windows ofSteinhauer and Friederici (Steinhauer and Friederici, 2001,p. 277) and visual inspection of the waveforms we used the400 to 800mswindowafterNP2 onset to quantify a possible CPSat the comma. In order to quantify reflections of potentialprocessingdifficulty at thedisambiguatingverb, theP600 toverbonsetwasmeasured in the 600 to 900mswindow (Hagoort et al.,1999). In addition, visual inspection of thewaveforms revealed amore negative going deflection from 350 to 450 ms after verbonset for the condition without a comma relative to thecondition with a comma (e.g., electrodes aF7, aF3, and F3). Weused the 350 to 450ms time-window to quantify this negativity.

To further investigate the onset and duration of the effects,we performed additional time-course analyses. To this aim theaverage amplitude of the EEG was computed from 0 to 1000 msin steps of 100 ms after the onset of NP2 and after the onset ofthe disambiguating verb. The data from these analyses are onlypresented if they provide additional information that is notalready contained in the analyses of the broad time-windows.

The mean amplitudes of these windows were entered into aMANOVA repeatedmeasures analysis. Themultivariate approachto repeatedmeasurementswasused toavoidproblemsconcerningsphericity (Vasey and Thayer, 1987). Two kinds of MANOVA wereperformed, one for the midline electrodes, and one for the lateralelectrodes.TheMANOVAfor themidlineelectrodeshad the factorsComma (present/absent) and Midline Electrode (aFz/Fz/Cz/Pz/Oz).The MANOVA for the lateral electrodes had Comma (present/absent) as factor, using aHemisphere by Region of Interest (ROI) byElectrodedesign.The factorsHemisphereandROIdivided thescalpinto 4 quadrants: left anterior (aF7, F7, aF3, and F3), right anterior(aF8, F8, aF4, and F4), left posterior (P7, PO7, P3, and PO3), and rightposterior (P8, PO8, P4, and PO4).

To check whether the participants performed differentlythrough the course of the experiment, additional analyses forthe standard windows were performed which included thefactor Part of Experiment (first/second half of the experiment).

2.1.2. CPS: NP2 with and without commaGrandaveragewaveforms time-locked to the onset ofNP2 (whichcontains the noun with or without a comma) are presented in

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Fig. 1. The presentation of NP2 elicited the for visual stimulitypical ERP response, that is, anN1-P2 complex. Inspection of thewaveforms suggests that no CPS was elicited by the comma. Forsomeelectrodes, theCommaconditionappeared tobeevenmorenegative (rather than positive) than the No Comma condition(e.g., PO8 between 550 and 600 ms and aF4 between 750 and800 ms).

The absence of a CPS was confirmed by the statisticalanalysis for the CPS window (400–800 ms) for the midlineelectrodes, which did not yield an effect of Comma (Fb1), noran interaction of this factor with Midline Electrode (Fb1). Alsofor the lateral electrodes neither an effect for Comma (Fb1) norinteractions of Comma with ROI, Hemisphere or Electrodewere present (all Fsb1).

One could argue, however, that the 400 to 800 ms time-window is too long to detect a potentially small CPS. However,also the time-course analyses on consecutive epochs of100 ms for the CPS-window did not yield reliable effects ofComma neither in the midline analyses (Fsb1 for the 100 mstime-windows between 400 and 700 ms; F[1,29]=2.94, p=.096from 700 to 800 ms) nor in the lateral analyses (Fsb1 for the100 ms time-windows between 400 and 700 ms; F[1,29]=3.46,p=.067 from 700 to 800 ms). Furthermore, no interactions ofComma with Midline Electrode for the midline analyses werefound (all Fsb1). Likewise, for the lateral analyses no effects ofComma or relevant interactions were present (all psN .075).Thus, there appears to be no clear and statistically reliable CPSin response to the comma. Additionally, the negative-goingeffects for the Comma condition described at the visual ins-pection were not statistically reliable. Time-course analyseson 100ms consecutive time-windows outside the 400 to 800mswindow (i.e., the windows between 0 and 400 ms and between800 and 1000 ms) did not show any effects of Comma, nor anyinteractions with this factor (all psN .12).

Finally, the Part of Experiment-analyses for the midlineand for the lateral electrodes also did not reveal an interaction

Fig. 1 – Grand average waveforms over participants (n=30), timewith a comma (solid line) and the S-coordination sentences with

between Part of Experiment (first versus second half of theexperiment) and Comma (all psN .20), nor any other relevantinteractions (all psN .084), indicating that the same pattern ofresults was found across the course of the experiment. In sum,the results of all analyses for the CPS converge in that no CPSwas found in the visual modality.

2.1.3. Negativity and P600 effects: Disambiguating verbTo test for reflections of a processing difficulty at the disam-biguating verb, the signals were time-locked to verb onset.Grand averagewaveforms are presented in Fig. 2. Inspection ofFig. 2 suggests the presence of a biphasic pattern for the Nocomma condition relative to the comma condition: a negative-going effect around 400ms at bilateral anterior electrodes (e.g.,aF3, aF4, F3, and F4) and a P600-like effect starting at about600 ms at the midline (see aFz and Fz) and bilateral anteriorsites.

The midline analysis for the 350–450 ms window did notdisclose an effect of Comma (pN .10), nor an interaction betweenComma and Midline Electrode (Fb1). However, in the lateralanalysis an effect for Commawas obtained (F[1,29]=4.33; pb05).This main effect showed that mean amplitudes were morenegative-going for the sentences without a comma (i.e.,ambiguous sentences) than for the sentences with a comma(i.e., unambiguous sentences). No interactions with ROI, hemi-sphere or electrode were found (all psN .19), indicating that thenegativity was broadly distributed across the scalp and notrestricted to (left) anterior sites.

In themidline analysis for the P600window (600–900ms) noeffect of Comma was obtained (pN .10). There was an interac-tion of Comma with Midline Electrode (F[4,26]=3.24; pb .05).Follow-up analyses revealed P600-like effects at two anteriorsites (aFZ and Fz; both psb .05), but not at more posterior sites(all psN .10). The analyses for the lateral electrodes for the P600window did not yield an effect of Comma (Fb1). Instead, aninteraction between Comma and ROI (F[1,29]=9.16; pb .01) was

-locked to the onset of NP2, for the S-coordination sentencesout a comma (dotted line) in Experiment 1.

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Fig. 2 – Grand average waveforms over participants (n=30), time-locked to the onset of the disambiguating verb, for the S-coordination sentenceswitha comma (solid line) and the S-coordination sentenceswithout a comma (dotted line) in Experiment 1.

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found. Separate analyses for the two levels of ROI showed aneffect of Comma for the anterior ROIs (F[1,29]=4.89; pb .05), butnot for the posterior ROIs (pN .20). A four-way interactionbetween Comma, Electrode, Hemisphere, and ROI was alsopresent (F[3,27]=3.03; pb .05). Follow-up t-tests for all lateralelectrodes revealed P600 effects at the following sites of theright hemisphere: aF8, aF4, and F8 (all psb .05), and at a singlesite over the left hemisphere: PO7 (pb .05). The time-courseanalyses yielded essentially the same pattern of results as thewindow analyses. In sum, the analyses for the disambiguatingverb indicated that a P600 effect was present at the anteriorsites of both the midline and the right hemisphere.

Finally, both the midline analysis and the lateral analysiscontaining Part of Experiment as a factor did not yieldinteractions between Part of Experiment and Comma, orother relevant interactions. This indicated that the partici-pants' brain responses to the materials remained the sameduring the experiments.

2.1.4. Discussion Experiment 1In Experiment 1, no significant CPS was obtained after thecomma. This is in contrast to Steinhauer and Friederici, whodemonstrated a CPS in response to a comma (Steinhauer andFriederici, 2001). However, Steinhauer (2003) also showedthat the occurrence of a CPS in response to the presenceversus absence of a comma depends on the degree to whichparticipants did or did not follow punctuation rules (also seeIntroduction).

One possible explanation for the apparent discrepancybetween the results of the present study and that ofSteinhauer and Friederici (2001) is a difference in design. Ourmaterials did not include any punctuation errors, while inSteinhauer and Friederici half of the critical materials and aproportion of the filler items (Experiment 1) or only aproportion of the filler items (Experiment 2) contained

punctuation errors. This makes it likely that participantswere more aware of the comma manipulation in Steinhauerand Friederici's experiment than in the present experiment.

The reason that we do not find a CPS in the visual modalitymay be that the CPS only occurs when participants' attentionis focused on punctuation. Following this line of reasoning,one could argue that our data do not show a CPS because theparticipants were not paying particular attention to punctua-tion. Possibly, the participants from Steinhauer and Friedericiwith low punctuation knowledge also did not show a CPSbecause they were unaware of at least some proportion ofcomma errors, and thus were not as focused on punctuationas the participants with high punctuation knowledge.

A second possible explanation for the difference in resultsrelates to the language that was tested. In Dutch, in contrast toGerman, language users are in general sloppy with punctua-tion. This could mean that our participants are similar to theparticipants with low punctuation knowledge from Stein-hauer and Friederici (2001). It might be that these participantssimply ignore the comma. However, the results at thedisambiguating verb reveal that this was not the case. If thecomma had not been processed at all, the unambiguous S-coordinations with a comma and the ambiguous S-coordina-tions without a comma should have shown identical results atthe disambiguating verb. Clearly, this is not the case. Thecomparison of the two conditions shows a biphasic ERPpattern, that is, a negativity followed by a P600-like effect forthe ambiguous S-coordinations relative to the unambiguousS-coordinations. As these two conditions only differ withrespect to the presence versus absence of the comma, we canconclude that the comma must have been processed, despitethe fact that it did not elicit a CPS.

Based on the timing, the negativity of the biphasic patternat the disambiguating verb can either be an N400 or it can be aLAN. However, the scalp distribution of this effect does not

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3 Note that in Experiment 2, a different electrode montage wasused than in Experiment 1. This was done because, in addition totraditional language-related areas, the auditory modality wasexpected to give different scalp distributions than the visualmodality (see Experimental Procedures section).

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match that of the LAN, which typically shows a left-anterior oranterior distribution. Instead, the broad distribution of theeffect – including posterior and anterior sites –would fit betterwith the distribution of an N400. Note that Steinhauer et al.(1999) in response to a prosody–syntax mismatch also obser-ved a biphasic N400–P600 pattern.

The P600 effect in Experiment 1 did not show the centro-parietal scalp distribution that is usually found in response tosyntactic violations, but an anterior distribution. However, aspointed out in the introduction, previous studies on locallyambiguous sentences (as opposed to sentences with syntacticviolations) have also reported an anterior scalp distribution ofthe P600 effect (Friederici et al., 1996; Hagoort et al., 1999;Osterhout and Holcomb, 1992; van Berkum et al., 1999). Basedon these differences in topography, some authors (Friedericiet al., 2002; Hagoort et al., 1999) have proposed that theposterior distributed P600 effect indicates a failure of a parseand/or the resulting repair processes, whereas the frontallydistributed P600 effect reflects processing difficulty related torevision processes in the case of (locally) ambiguous sen-tences. It is important for our present purposes that the fin-ding of an anterior distributed P600 effect to locally ambiguoussentences is consistent with previous ERP studies.

2.2. Experiment 2: Auditory modality

Having established in Experiment 1 that the presence of acomma isusedby readers toarrive at anearly disambiguationoflocally ambiguous sentences, Experiment 2 was conducted totest whether a prosodic break can have a parallel function inspoken sentence processing. The same sentences as in Experi-ment 1 were presented, but now in the auditory modality.

2.2.1. Data analysisIn Experiment 2 the waveforms were time-locked to the offsetof NP2 (e.g., the farmer in (3) and (4)), and to the uniquenesspoint of the disambiguating verb (e.g., defended in (3) and (4);for details about the determination of the uniqueness pointsee the Results section of Experiment 2 below). The data ofthree participants were excluded from the analyses; two dueto excessive artifacts, one due to a software error, leaving thedata of a total of 24 participants.

Based on visual inspection of the ERP waveforms, we usedthe time-window from 400 to 800 ms to quantify the CPS in theauditory modality. At first sight, this seems to contradict thetime-windows used in earlier auditory CPS studies (Steinhauer,2003; Steinhauer et al., 1999; Steinhauer and Friederici, 2001).However, it has to be pointed out that the time-locking proce-dure in the present study differed from that used in otherauditory CPS studies. In the present study, we use the standardERP methodology of time-locking each individual trial to aspecific critical event and normalize thewaveforms in a 150msinterval directly preceding that event. For the auditory materi-als, we defined this critical event as the offset of the secondnoun (and thus the onset of the pause in the condition with aprosodic break). Previous CPS studies (Steinhauer, 2003; Stein-hauer et al., 1999; Steinhauer and Friederici, 2001) time-lockedand normalized the waveforms to the onset of the sentences,computing anaverage ERP-waveformover the entire sentences.The location of a prosodic break in the auditory signal was then

determined by computing the average location of the pause ofthe prosodic break in the auditory signal. The latency of the CPSis estimated by comparing the point in time at which the pro-sodic break condition and thenoprosodic break condition beginto differwith the average position of the prosodic break. Clearly,this latter procedure has the disadvantage of “considerablelatency variability across trials” (Steinhauer, 2003, p. 151) withrespect to the onset of the pause of the prosodic break, aproblem that does not occur when time-locking the ERPs to theoffset of the word preceding the pause. On the other hand, theprocedureused in thepresent studyhas thedisadvantage that itdoes not take into account potential contributions of otheracoustic aspects of the prosodic break that precede the pause,such as the prefinal lengthening and pitch rise of the boundarytone. Due to these procedural differences in time-locking andaveraging, the time-windows in which a CPS is found in thepresent study cannot be compared directly with the time-windows from the previous studies (Steinhauer, 2003; Stein-hauer et al., 1999; Steinhauer and Friederici, 2001).

Studies that use a similar time-locking procedure as in thepresent studyalso report a time-course that is similar to the time-course in thepresentexperiment. For instance,Toepel et al. (2007)used a similar time-locking procedure and report a CPS with alatency of 500 to 800ms. Knösche et al. (2005) find a CPS from500to 600 ms in the EEG and from 400 to 700 ms in the MEG as aresponse to musical phrase boundaries. Finally, for the visualmodality Steinhauer and Friederici (2001) investigated the CPS bytime-locking to theword that either has a commaattachedorhasno comma attached. They report a CPS within the 550 to 650windowfollowingcommaonset. Inaddition to thedifferent time-locking points for the CPS, one has to keep in mind thatdifferences in the acoustic realizations of the prosodic breakbetweendifferent studiesmight also affect the latency of theCPS.

For the P600 at the disambiguating verb, the same windowwasused as in Experiment 1. In the Part of Experiment-analysescontrasting the first and the second half of the experiment, thewindows for theanalysesweredeterminedby visual inspection:from 200 to 400ms for the first half of the experiment, and from600 to 700 ms for the second half of the experiment.

For each window, two kinds of MANOVA were performed.The midline MANOVA had the factors Prosodic Break (break/no break) and Midline Electrode (Fz/Cz/Pz). The MANOVA forthe lateral electrodes had Prosodic Break (prosodic break/noprosodic break) as a factor, using a Hemisphere by Region ofInterest (ROI) by Electrode design. The factors Hemisphere andROI divided the scalp into 4 quadrants: left anterior (aF7, F7,FC3, and F3), right anterior (aF8, F8, FC4, and F4), left posterior(CP5, P7, PO7, and P3), and right posterior (CP6, P8, PO8,and P4)3. Also the time course analyses were carried out in thesame way as for Experiment 1.

2.2.2. CPS: NP2 with and without prosodic breakGrand average waveforms time-locked to the offset of NP2 arepresented in Fig. 3. Inspection of the waveforms suggests that

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Fig. 3 – Grand average waveforms over participants (n=24), time-locked to the offset of NP2, for the Prosodic Break condition(solid line) and the No Prosodic Break condition (dotted line) in Experiment 2.

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the prosodic break gave rise to a CPS (e.g., at CP5 and CP6).Furthermore, the CPS appears to be preceded by a negativitybetween 100 and 300 ms (e.g., electrodes Fz and Cz).

In the analysis for the 400 to 800mswindow for themidlineelectrodes, no effect of Prosodic Break (Fb1), and no interac-tion between Prosodic Break and Midline Electrode (Fb1) waspresent. Although the lateral analysis did not yield a maineffect of Prosodic Break (Fb1), a three-way interaction betweenProsodic Break, ROI, and Electrode was found (F[3,21]=8.20;pb .01). Separate analyses for the two levels of ROI did not yielda main effect of Prosodic Break, neither for the anterior nor forthe posterior ROI (both psN .19). However, for the posterior ROIa Prosodic Break by Electrode interaction was found (F[3,21]=4.85; pb .01). This interaction showed a trend towards sig-nificance at the anterior ROI (F[3,21]=3.02; p=.057). Follow-upanalyses for the single sites in the posterior ROI revealed a CPSeffect at bilateral centroparietal sites (CP5 and CP6; pb .05).

The time-course analyses revealed that in the 400 to 500 mswindow a CPS was obtained not only for the lateral electrodesbut also for the midline electrodes. In particular, the midlineanalysis in this time-window yielded an effect for ProsodicBreak (F[1,23]=7.51; pb .05). The interaction between ProsodicBreak andMidline Electrodewas not significant (Fb1) indicatingthat a CPS effect was broadly distributed across the midline.Likewise, the lateral analyses in the 400 to 500 ms windowrevealed an effect of Prosodic Break (F[1,23]=5.10; pb .05) and aninteraction between Prosodic Break, ROI and Electrode (F[3,21]=7.20; pb .01). Follow-up analyses showed that a CPS effect waspresent at the following sites: FC3, FC4, CP5, CP6, P3, and P4(all psb .05). The time-course analyses thus revealed that a CPSeffect was elicited at bilateral anterior and posterior sites.

With respect to the early negativity that was describedin the visual inspection of the signals, the time-courseanalyses revealed a trend towards a significant effect ofProsodic Break for the midline analysis of the 100 to 200 mstime-window (F[1,23] 3.42; p=.078).

The results for themidline analysis and the lateral analysisfor the CPS-window containing Part of Experiment as a factordid not show any interactions between Prosodic Break andPart of Experiment (both Fsb1) or any other relevant interac-tions (all psN .091).

2.2.3. Negativity and P600 effect: Uniqueness point of thedisambiguating verbTo examine the effects at the verb, averages were computedtime-locked to the onset of the disambiguating phoneme of thedisambiguating verb. This point was determined using thephonological representations from the CELEX database (Baayenet al., 1993). The verbs were matched against a database ofwords from those syntactic categories that allowed for asyntactically well-formed continuation of the sentence, butwhich did not lead to an S-coordination structure. The databasetherefore contained all plural verbs, present tense verbs, allnouns, all determiners, and all infinitives. The point of disam-biguation was defined as the point at which the verb shares nomore phonemes with another word in this database. Theuniqueness point of the disambiguating verb was chosen forthe time-locking of the averaging of the EEG signals because ofthe left-to-right temporal nature of the speech signal whichimplies that the actual verbswill be recognizedat quite differentpoints in timewhen using the onset of the verb as reference fortime-locking.Ashasbeenpointedout byvanBerkumetal. usingthe onset of a spoken word for time-locking introduces unde-sirable jitter in the signal (van Berkum et al., 2003).

Grand average waveforms time-locked to the onset of thedisambiguating phoneme of the verb are presented in Fig. 4.Visual inspection of the waveforms suggests that no P600effect was present.

Consistent with this, for the P600 window (600–900 ms) noeffect of Prosodic Break (psN .10) or relevant interactions werepresent neither for the midline nor for the lateral analyses(psN .20).

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Fig. 4 – Grand average waveforms over participants (n=24), time-locked to the onset of the disambiguating phoneme of thedisambiguating verb, for the Prosodic Break condition (solid line) and theNoProsodicBreak condition (dotted line) in Experiment 2.

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Grand average waveforms, time-locked to the onset of thedisambiguating phoneme of the disambiguating verb, for thefirst and the second half of the experiment are presented inFigs. 5 and 6, respectively. Inspection of the figures suggeststhat the patterns for the first and the second half of the expe-riment differ. In the first half, a negative effect for the NoProsodic Break condition relative to the Prosodic Break con-dition seems to be present from about 200 to 400 ms at leftanterior electrodes (e.g., aF7 and F3 in Fig. 5), and between 500and 600 ms (e.g., aF8 and F8 in Fig. 5). In contrast, for thesecond half, a P600-like effect seemed to be present at moreposterior sites (e.g., CP5 and P3 in Fig. 6).

This descriptive pattern was confirmed in correspondingtime-course analyses. The midline time-course analyses of

Fig. 5 – Grand average waveforms over participants (n=24), timdisambiguating verb, for the Prosodic Break condition (solid linehalf of the experiment in Experiment 2.

the first half of the experiment for the negativity (epochs 200–300 and 300–400 ms) did not yield an effect of Prosodic Break(psb .19) or an interaction with Midline Electrode (psN .075).The lateral analysis for the first epoch (200 to 300ms) yielded amain effect for Prosodic Break (F[1,23]=4.37; pb .05) and aProsodic Break by Electrode interaction (F[3,21]=5.59; pb .001)in the absence of interactions with ROI (Fsb1). Follow-upanalyses for the single electrodes indicated that a LAN-likeeffect was present at the following sites: aF7, aF8, F3, FC3, andCP5 (all psb .05). The analyses for the 300 to 400 ms windowfor the lateral sites yielded an interaction between ProsodicBreak, Hemisphere, ROI, and Electrode (F[3,21]=5.72; pb .01).Follow-up analyses, however, indicated that no other effectsor interactions were obtained, except for a trend towards an

e-locked to the onset of the disambiguating phoneme of the) and the No Prosodic Break condition (dotted line) for the first

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Fig. 6 – Grand average waveforms over participants (n=24), time-locked to the onset of the disambiguating phoneme of thedisambiguating verb, for the Prosodic Break condition (solid line) and the No Prosodic Break condition (dotted line) for thesecond half of the experiment in Experiment 2.

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effect of Prosodic Break for the left-posterior ROI (F[1,23]=4.16;p=.057).

Further time-course analyses for 100 ms consecutive time-windows across the entire 1000 ms revealed a trend towards amain effect of Prosodic Break from 100 to 200 ms (F[1,23] = 4.07;p=.056) in the lateral analysis. Thenegativity from500 to 600msshowed a trend towards a main effect of Prosodic Break both inthemidlineanalysis (F[1,23]=3.77;p=.065) and the lateral analysis(F[1,23]=3.54; p=.073) in the time-window 500 to 600 ms.

Statistical analyses for the second half of the experimentrevealed a P600-like effect for the 600 to 700ms epoch. Althoughthemidline and lateral analyses did not yield effects of ProsodicBreak (psN .10) or interactions with Electrode (psN .60), the lateralanalyses did reveal a Prosodic Break by Hemisphere interaction(F[1,23]=7.71; pb .05). Separate analyses for the twohemispheresindicated that a P600-like effect was present for the left hemi-sphere (F[1,23]=5.91, pb .05), but not for the right hemisphere(pN .30). The time-course analyses for the 100 ms consecutivetime windows spanning the entire 1000 ms did not reveal anyreliable differences between conditions (all psN .10).

2.2.4. Discussion Experiment 2Taken together, the data at the prosodic break replicate thefindings of Steinhauer et al. (1999), and show that also for Dutcha CPS is elicited by a prosodic break. Visual inspection of thesignals suggested that a small negativity preceded the CPS, butno significant effects were found. Note that other CPS-studieshave also observed a small negativity preceding the CPS (e.g.,Bögels et al., submitted for publication andKerkhofs et al., 2007).

At the disambiguating verb, the data show a differencebetween the S-coordination sentenceswithout a prosodic breakand with a prosodic break. This difference indicates processingdifficulty at the disambiguating verb for sentences without aprosodic break relative to sentences with a prosodic break.However, this processing difficulty took a different form in thetwohalves of the experiment. In the first half of the experiment,

an early increase in negativity for the S-coordination sentenceswithout a prosodic break was observed. The time course ana-lyses revealed that this effect was significant in the 200 to300 ms time window after the onset of the uniqueness point ofthe disambiguating verb. Given the timing (200–300ms) and theanterior scalp distribution of the effect we take this effect toreflect a LAN effect. The trend towards significance in the 100 to200 ms window does not contradict this interpretation, as thiseffect falls into the timewindow inwhichLANeffects for phrasestructure violations have been reported (100 to 300 ms afterstimulus onset). We will come back to this point in the GeneralDiscussion. In the second half of the experiment, the LAN effectdisappeared and instead a P600-like effect was found for the S-coordination sentences without a prosodic break.

In order to understand the differential pattern in the twohalves of the experiment at the disambiguating verb, it isuseful to have a closer look at the potential functions of thepresence or absence of a prosodic break. The presence of aprosodic break presumably functions in the same way as thecomma in the visual modality: It signals an S-coordination.By contrast, the absence of a prosodic break may have twodifferent functions. It may indicate the presence of an NP-coordination, or itmay functionas aneutral cue, i.e., it doesnotlead to any specific expectation of an NP- or S-Coordination.

Given these two potential functions of the absence of aprosodic break, one could hypothesize that in the first halfof the experiment the absence of a prosodic break is used topredict an NP-coordination. This turns out to be correct for theexperimental filler sentences (NP-coordination sentenceswithout a prosodic break; see Materials section, below), butnot for the critical S-coordination sentences without a pro-sodic break. Actually, for the S-coordination sentences with-out a prosodic break a double violation takes place. First, theexpectation based on the absence of a prosodic cue is vio-lated and second, the default NP-coordination preference isviolated.

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In the course of the experiment, however, listeners will learnthat the absence of a prosodic break should not be taken as areliable cue for an upcoming NP-coordination. Thus, they willtreat the absence of the prosodic break as neutral (i.e., as notimplying any specific upcoming syntactic structure). The stan-dard NP-coordination preferencewill start to dominate, and thussyntactic processing difficulty will be reflected in a P600 effect atthe disambiguating verb. Obviously this raises the question ofwhya comparable patternwasnot obtained in thevisual domain.We will come back to this question in the General discussion.

3. General discussion

We presented two experiments, one in the visual and one inthe auditorymodality. In order to compare the twomodalities,the same sentences were presented in both experiments.

In the visual study, no significant CPS occurred at thecomma, but the N400/P600 effect at the verb shows that thecomma has nevertheless been used to disambiguate the ambi-guous S-coordination sentences. In the discussion of the visualstudy it was hypothesized that the absence of a CPS was due tothe fact that participants did not pay specific attention to thecomma. This suggests that the CPS in the visual modality doesnot reflect themeredetectionof a comma, and thusof a syntacticbreak. It remains an open question as to what the CPS in thevisual modality does reflect. We would suggest that it primarilyreflects conscious processing of the comma. Such consciousprocessing can occur when part of the experimental materialscontain explicit punctuation errors, as in the studies of Stein-hauer (2003), Steinhauer et al. (1999), and of Steinhauer andFriederici (2001). That attention has an effect on the CPS is alsoconsistent with a recent MEG study in the auditory modality ofKnösche et al. (2005). They observed an MEG correlate of phrasestructure inmusic perception that resembled the CPS in terms oftiming and scalp distribution. Source localization suggested thatstructures in the limbic system, in particular, anterior andposterior cingulate as well as posterior mediotemportal cortexwere the likely generator of thismagnetic counterpart of the CPS.These brain structures have been shown to be involved inmemory and attention processes (Cabeza and Nyberg, 2000) (forfurther evidence on the localization of the CPS see Ischebeck etal., 2008).

In contrast to the absence of a CPS in the visual study,Hoeks et al. did find a difference between NP2 with andwithout a comma in an eye-movement experiment in whichthey tested similar materials (Hoeks et al., 2005). Readingtimes on NP2 with a comma were slower than reading timeson NP2 without a comma. These data show that the presenceor absence of a comma can lead to behavioral differences,even though these differences do not show up in the ERPs.

At the disambiguating verb in the visualmodality we founda negativity followed by a P600 for the sentences without acomma. Based on the broad anterior/posterior scalp distribu-tion of the negativity it was classified as an N400. The P600effect showed an anterior scalp distribution which has beenreported before in studies using ambiguous sentences (Ha-goort and Brown, 2000). The observation of a biphasic N400/P600 pattern to a prosody–syntax mismatch is in line with aprevious study of Steinhauer et al. (1999).

In the auditory experiment, the prosodic break did elicit aCPS. This replicates previous findings showing that a CPS iselicited by the occurrence of a prosodic break (Bögels et al.,submitted for publication; Isel et al., 2005; Kerkhofs et al., 2007;Mietz et al., 2008; Pannekamp et al., 2005; Steinhauer, 2003;Steinhauer et al., 1999; Steinhauer and Friederici, 2001; Toepelet al., 2007). The presence of a prosodic break led todisambiguation of the S-coordination sentences: In sentenceswithout a prosodic break reflections of a processing difficultyat the disambiguating verb were found. However, the reflec-tions of processing difficulty in the first half of the experimenttook on a different form than those in the second half of theexperiment. In the first half of the experiment, we found aLAN-effect, whereas in the second half of the experiment wefound a P600-effect. As described in the introduction, a LAN isassociated with word category violations. If we assume that inthe first half of the experiment the absence of a prosodic breakis taken as a cue for an NP-coordination interpretation, the S-coordination sentences without a prosodic break contain botha violation against the default NP-coordination expectationand a violation against the additional expectation induced bythe prosodic cue. This should lead to an extremely strongexpectation of an NP-coordination. Therefore, the occurrenceof a verb after NP3 (i.e., defended following the farm hand in (3)and (4)) will be picked up as a word category violation. Thisinterpretation is consistent with the early timing of the LANeffect in the first half of the auditory study (200–300 msfollowing the uniqueness point of the disambiguating verb)which corresponds well with the time window in which LANeffects to word category violations have been observed (100–300 ms; see, e.g., Friederici et al., 1996).

In the course of the auditory experiment, however, thefunction and use of the absence of a prosodic break mightchange. The sentences without a prosodic break turn out tobe NP-coordination sentences in two thirds of the cases.Thus, in one third of the sentences the absence of a prosodicbreak is not a cue for an NP-coordination. Participants mighteventually learn during the first half of the experiment thatthe absence of the prosodic break is not a reliable cue. If this isthe case, participants will stop using the absence of a prosodicbreak as a cue. When the participants have learned to ig-nore the absence of a prosodic break, only the default NP-coordination preference plays a role. This will result in a lessextreme violation of the expectations of the participants whenthe verb is encountered. This violation is thus not picked up asa word category violation anymore, but rather induces asyntactic reanalysis, which will result in a P600, as observed inthe second half of the experiment.

The topography of this P600 effect in the auditory studydiffered from that in the visual study. Specifically, the auditoryP600 effect was widely distributed over the left hemisphere(including anterior and posterior sites), while in the visualstudy it was restricted to anterior areas. This finding is at oddswith the claim that frontally distributed P600 effects are asso-ciated with processing difficulty related to the revision pro-cesses for ambiguous sentences. There is one other visualstudy, by Kaan and Swaab (2003), that did not find an anteriorpositivity for non-preferred continuations in ambiguoussentences. In this study, both non-preferred and ungramma-tical continuations elicited a posterior-distributed P600 effect.

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4 Note that this can also explain the occurrence of a CPS inhummed sentences as reported in (Mietz et al., 2008). In thesesentences the structuring information (i.e., the prosodic breaks) isvery salient because in these sentences the prosodic informationpresumably is the main type of structuring information availabe.

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Based on this study, Kaan and Swaab proposed that revisionis not a sufficient condition to evoke a frontally distributedP600 effect. Future studies are needed to further determinethe antecedent conditions for eliciting the frontal P600component.

We have been proposing that the negativity in the firsthalf of the auditory experiment reflects an extreme proces-sing difficulty due to a double violation of the expectation of anNP-coordination. Butwhy is there no corresponding negativityin the first half of the visual experiment? According to Dutchpunctuation rules, NP-coordination sentences are writtenwithout a comma. S-coordination sentences are usually alsowritten without a comma, but the placement of a comma afterthe second noun (although infrequent) disambiguatesthe coordination as an S-coordination. This means thatthe absence of a comma is a neutral cue as it can signify bothan NP-coordination sentence and an S-coordination sentence.Thus, there is no double violation in the visual experiment. Andtherefore, the pattern does not change over the two halvesbecause the absence of a comma is a neutral cue right fromthebeginningof theexperiment, and remains so throughout theexperiment.

In the auditory experiment, it appears as if the same wordcan be picked up as an outright (word-category) violation or asa signal for a need of syntactic reanalysis, depending on howstrong the syntactic expectation or preference is. This proposalis similar to related work by Kim and Osterhout who showedthat one and the same violation can lead to different ERPsignatures depending on the strength of a syntactic expecta-tion. Kim and Osterhout showed that in sentences like “Themeal was devouring”, the semantically anomalous “devour-ing” elicited a P600 effect (KimandOsterhout, 2005). Additionalexperiments (Kim, personal communication) showed thatwhen the same target sentences were preceded by semanti-cally and syntactically correct sentences with the samesyntactic structure (i.e., “NP was VERB-ing”), the P600 effectwas eliminated. Put differently, it appears that the strength ofthe expectancy of a specific syntactic structure modulates theway in which a given violation is processed.

The argumentation put forward for the different patternsof results in the first and the second half of the auditoryexperiment follows a similar line. In the first half of theexperiment the absence of a prosodic break is taken as astrong cue for an upcoming NP-coordination, and thus thedisambiguating verb (defended in (3) and (4)) will be picked upas a word category violation. In the second half of theexperiment, the absence of a prosodic break is not takenanymore as a cue for an upcoming NP-coordination, and thusthe disambiguating verb will be picked up as signaling theneed for syntactic reanalysis.

The present experiments show that a CPS is elicited by aprosodic break, while a comma does not necessarily elicit aCPS.Whywas a CPS elicited by a prosodic break in Experiment2, whereas no CPS was elicited by a comma in Experiment 1?We propose that whether a CPS is elicited at a boundarymarker depends on how salient this marker is. Presumably aprosodic cue is more salient than a comma (at least in alanguage with lax punctuation rules like Dutch). If this is thecase, it is more likely for a CPS to occur after a prosodic breakthan after a comma. This implies that the CPS cannot simply

be the reflection of the processing of any boundary cue.Rather, in order to elicit a CPS, the boundary cue either has tobe very salient as in the case of a prosodic break or, in case of aless salient cue like a comma, has to attract attention.4

Regardless of whether a CPS was elicited at the boundarymarker, both comma and prosodic break led to an early disam-biguation at the commaor theprosodic break, herebyoverridingthe default NP-coordination preference. This establishes thatcomma and prosodic break have a parallel function as a boun-dary marker.

4. Experimental procedures

4.1. Methods Experiment 1

4.1.1. ParticipantsThe participants were 32 undergraduate students from theUniversity of Nijmegen, 10 male and 22 female (aged 21 to 32,mean age 23.9). All participants were right-handed. Hand do-minance was assessed by an abridged version of the EdinburghInventory (Oldfield, 1971). The participants were paid for theirparticipation.

4.1.2. MaterialsThe stimulus materials consisted of 60 S-coordination sentencesin two conditions, 60 NP-coordination experimental fillers and144other fillers. The60NP-coordinationexperimental fillerswereincluded tohaveanequalnumber of sentences that turnout tobeS-coordination sentences and sentences that turn out to be NP-coordination sentences. The other filler sentences contained asubject/object relative clause ambiguity. The S-coordination sen-tences either were (locally) ambiguous (as in (3) repeated hereas (5a)) or were disambiguated by a comma between the farmerand and (as in (4) repeated here as (5b)). The S-coordinationsentences without a comma (5a) were identical with respect tosyntactic word categories to the NP-coordination experimentalfillersas in (6) up to thedisambiguating region (defended in (5a) andon in (6)). None of the 60 NP-coordination experimental fillerscontained a comma, and thus there were no sentences in theexperiment that violated Dutch punctuation rules. The S-coordination sentences were lexically disambiguated by thesecond verb in the sentence (defended in 5). The NP-coordinationsentences were in principle disambiguated at the end of thesentence. However, in the construction of the NP-coordinationsentences, care was taken to choose PPs following NP3 thatdid not fit NP3 as a continuation. For example in (6) it is unlikelythat … in front of the statue is a PP modifying the NP the policeman,but rather provides the locationof the entire scene.Asa result ourNP-coordination sentences were disambiguated at the PP follow-ing NP3 (on the square in 6). Note that the actual lexical dis-ambiguationpoint forNP-coordinations is not critical for our dataas the NP-coordinations only served as filler materials.

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) a. De sheriff

beschermde de boer en de knecht verdedigde The sheriff protected the farmer and the farm hand defended NP1 verb1 NP2 and NP3 Verb2 dapper de ranch tegen Johnson's bende. bravely the ranch against Johnson's gang. Adverb NP PP

b. De sheriff

beschermde de boer, en de knecht verdedigde The sheriff protected the farmer, and the farm hand defended NP1 verb1 NP2, and NP3 Verb2 dapper de ranch tegen Johnson's bende. bravely the ranch against Johnson's gang. Adverb NP PP

) De journalist

interviewde de kraker en de agent voor het standbeeld The reporter interviewed the squatter and the policeman in front of the statue NP1 verb1 NP2 and NP3 PP in het centrum van de stad.in the centre of the city.PP

In addition to these materials, 20 sentences for a trainingblock and 12 starter sentences were constructed. Thesesentences were representative for the materials that wereused in the actual experiment. The sentences were pre-testedin a self-paced reading experiment. The data confirmed thatthe comma disambiguated the S-coordination sentences asreflected by a processing difficulty at the disambiguating verbin (5a) relative to (5b).

4.1.3. DesignThe 60 experimental sentences (S-coordination sentenceswith and without a comma), 60 experimental filler sentences(NP-coordination sentences), the 144 other filler sentences,and12 starter sentences, 276 in total,were divided into 6 blocksof 46 items. The actual design of the experiment only concernsthe 60 S-coordination sentences, with the experimentalfactor Comma (present/absent). A pseudo-random order ofall 276 items was generated, such that the maximum numberof S-coordination sentences in a row was 3. Furthermore,each block started with 2 starter sentences. We constructedtwo versions of this order, such that each version con-tained 30 S-coordination sentences without a comma and 30S-coordination sentences with a comma.Within each version,each of the 60 S-coordination sentences occurred only once.Half of the participants read version one and the other halfread version two. Therefore, across participants, each S-coordination sentence contributed to each of the two levelsof the experimental factor Comma equally often, but eachparticipant saw each S-coordination sentence in only one ofthe two conditions. Furthermore, the pseudo-random orderwas constructed in such a way that the first and the secondhalf of the experiment also followed these constraints. Thuseach of the two halves also comprised a complete design. The20 training sentenceswere combined intoa trainingblock.Alsofor this block the list was generated in a pseudo-randomfashion, such that the maximum number of S-coordinationsentences in a row was 3.

4.1.4. ApparatusThe EEG was recorded from 27 tin electrodes mounted in anelastic electrode cap. Of these 27 electrodes, 21 were included

in the analyses (see paragraph 2.1.1). The electrode positionswere a subset of the international 10% systemwhich has beenused in other studies on sentence processing in the visualmodality (e.g., van Herten et al., 2005). The left mastoid servedas reference during the recording, but before the EEG wasanalyzed, the signal was re-referenced to software linkedmastoids. Electrode impedance was less than 3 KΩ. VerticalEOG was recorded bipolary by placing electrodes above andbelow the right eye. Horizontal EOG was recorded bipolary byplacing electrodes beside the left and beside the right eye. Theelectrode impedance of the EOG electrodes was less than 5 kΩ.EEG and EOG channels were amplified (time constant=10 s,bandpass=.02–100Hz). All signalswere digitized on-linewith asampling frequency of 500 Hz using a 16-bit A/D converter.

4.1.5. ProcedureThe participants were tested in a soundproof and dimly litroom. The sentences were presented using Rapid Serial VisualPresentation (RSVP), centered (with a fixed left margin) on acomputer screen. Each word of the sentence was presentedseparately for 300 ms, followed by 300 ms of blank screen,before the next word appeared. In the case of very short words(like articles or prepositions), an entire constituent or a partof a constituent was shown (e.g., [de ranch] (the ranch) and[tegen Johnson's bende.] (against Johnson's gang.) in example (7)).The comma was presented together with NP2 (e.g., [de boer,](the farmer,).

(7) [De sheriff] [beschermde] [de boer] [en] [de knecht][verdedigde] [dapper] [de ranch] [tegen Johnson'sbende.]

A trial started with the presentation of a fixation cross in thecenter of the screen for 300 ms. The first word of the sentencewas presented 600 ms after the onset of the fixation cross. Theparticipantswereaskednot to blinkwhile reading a sentence. Inorder to determine whether participants were paying attentionto the sentences, 20% of all sentences (experimental and allfiller sentences) were followed by a question. For instance, thequestion for the sentence in (3) was: “Did the farmer defend theranch?”, forwhich the “no”answerwouldhavebeenappropriate.

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Fig. 7 – Acoustic properties of a typical critical region of the target sentence. The upper boxes show the amplitude of the speechsignal in the Prosodic Break condition (Panel A) and in the No Prosodic Break condition (Panel B). The middle boxes show thepitch-track of the speech signal in both conditions. The lower boxes show the transcription in ToDI (Gussenhoven, 2004) and inwords of the speech signal.

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Beforeeachquestion, theword “VRAAG” (question)waspresentedin upper case. Participants had to answer the question bypressing a button on a button box with the right index finger(“yes” response) or the left index finger (“no” response).5 After1500ms following the offset of the last word of a preceding trial,or following the button press after a question, the fixation crossfor the next trial appeared.

4.2. Methods Experiment 2

4.2.1. ParticipantsThe participants were 27 undergraduate students from theUniversity of Nijmegen, eight male and 19 female (aged 19 to28, mean age 22.8) who fulfilled the same criteria as those inExperiment 1 and had not participated in Experiment 1.

4.2.2. MaterialsThematerials used for the recording session were constructedas follows. For each S-coordination sentence used in the visualERP study (e.g., example (5) repeated here as (9)), a secondsentence was constructed with an NP-coordination structure(e.g., example (10)). This was accomplished by modifying theS-coordination sentences by replacing the Verb Phrase of the

5 Only 6.5 % of the questions was answered incorrectly,indicating that the participants had been paying attention tothe meaning of the sentences.

S-coordination sentences (from defended to the end of thesentence in (9)) with two or more Prepositional Phrases (PPs;in front of the shed in (10)). This resulted in 60 NP-coordinationexperimental fillers which were identical to their S-coordina-tion counterparts up to the second verb (defended), or PP(in front of the shed). In addition, the same 60 NP-coordinationexperimental filler sentences, 144 unrelated filler sentences,14 training block items, and 12 starter items were used as inExperiment 1.

(9) De sheriff beschermde de boer en de knecht verdedigdedapper de ranch tegen Johnson's bende. The sheriff pro-tected the farmer and the farm hand defended bravely the ranchagainst Johnson's gang.

(10) De sheriff beschermde de boer en de knecht voor deschuur waar een gevecht plaatsvond. The sheriff protectedthe farmer and the farm hand in front of the shedwhere a fightwas fought.

A female speaker recorded these materials. The speakerwas instructed to first read the sentences for herself, and thento read the sentences out loud. She was asked to producethe NP-coordination sentences twice with a clear continua-tion intonation (without a prosodic break), and to produce theS-coordination sentences four times, twice with a prosodicbreak after farmer, and twice with as little prosodic marking as

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possible (neutral). The materials were recorded in blocksof ten items in a row, alternating between 10 S-coordina-tion items and 10 NP-coordination items. This resultedin 2 ⁎60 S-coordination sentences with a prosodic break, 2 ⁎60S-coordination sentences with a neutral intonation, 2 ⁎60modified to NP-coordination sentences (such as (10)) with anNP-coordination intonation, 2 ⁎60 NP-coordination experi-mental fillers, 144 unrelated filler sentences containing asubject relative/object relative clause ambiguity, 14 trainingblock items, and 12 starter items.

From these recorded materials, the experimental sen-tences and filler sentences were constructed as follows.First, from the two recordings of the same sentence thesecond recording was discarded, except when the first had anartifact in it (e.g., a cough from the speaker). Second, for theexperimental S-coordination sentences, the neutral intona-tion S-coordination sentences were duplicated, creating a setof two identical sentences with neutral intonation. Finally, foreach of these two duplicates, a first target sentence wasconstructed by cross-splicing the coordination part (the farmerand the farm hand) from sentences such as (9) over thecoordination part in the first neutral sentence. A second targetsentence was constructed by cross-splicing the coordinationpart from sentences such as (10) over the coordination part inthe neutral sentence. This resulted in pairs of S-coordinationtarget sentences with the two sentences of a pair onlydiffering with respect to the intonation in the coordinationpart (prosodic break present versus prosodic break absent).Like in the visual experiment, the NP-coordination experi-mental fillers did not contain a boundary marker (prosodicbreak).

The prosodic structure of the constructed target sentenceswas transcribed by two independent judges using the ToDIsystem (Gussenhoven, 2004) (see ToDI line in Fig. 7). Acousticanalyses of the target sentences showed clear differencesbetween the Prosodic Break and the No Prosodic Break con-ditions. The pattern from Fig. 7, panel A (the prosodic breakcondition) consists of a pitch accent without a low target(H⁎) followed by a high boundary tone (%H), a pause, a lowboundary tone (%L) and a pitch accent on the third noun (H⁎L).This pattern occurred in 65% of the sentences with a prosodicbreak. In addition to this pattern, a pattern in which thefirst pitch accent preceding the pause had a low target wasobserved in 35% of the sentences with a prosodic break(as denoted by the H⁎L in H⁎L %H %L H⁎L). The average lengthof the pause was 343 ms (sd: 59 ms; min: 216 ms; max 499 ms).

In the No Prosodic Break condition (Fig. 7, panel B), thesefeatures were not present. Instead there were pitch accents(H⁎L) on NP2 (farmer) and NP3 (i.e., the third noun phrase: farmhand). The pattern from Fig. 1 Panel B was observed in 82% ofthe sentences without a prosodic break. In addition to thisstructure, instances in which the second pitch accent wassmaller than the first pitch accent (as denoted by !H⁎L in H⁎L !H⁎L) occurred in 15%of the sentenceswithout a prosodic break.Finally in 3% of the sentences without a prosodic break, thepitch accent on the first of the two NPs was lower than thepitch accent on the second NP (!H⁎L H⁎L).

In summary, these analyses reveal clear differencesbetween the two prosodic conditions: The prosodic breakitems all had a pause that was preceded by a boundary tone,

the no prosodic break items contained a pitch accent on eachnoun, but did not contain boundary tones or a pause.

4.2.3. DesignApart from the main experimental factor, the design wasidentical to that of Experiment 1. The main experimentalfactor was Prosodic Break (prosodic break/no prosodic break).The same two versions as in Experiment 1 were used.

4.2.4. ApparatusThe apparatus was the same as in Experiment 1 with twoexceptions. First, we used a somewhat different electrodemontage, as used earlier in auditory ERP studies (e.g., Stein-hauer, 2003). The auditory cap featured 25 electrodes, of which19 were included in the analyses (see paragraph 2.2.1). Theelectrode positions were a subset of electrodes from the 10%system featuring electrodes over traditional language-relatedsites. In addition the electrode cap for the visual modalityfeaturedmore electrodes over thevisual cortex,whereas the capfor the auditory modality featured more electrodes over thetemporal lobes. Second, the time constant of the amplifier inExperiment 2 was 8 s instead of 10 s in Experiment 1.

4.2.5. ProcedureThe participants were tested in a soundproof room. Thesentences were presented over headphones. A trial startedwith a warning beep of 100 ms. The auditory presentation of asentence started 500 ms after offset of the warning beep.Following the offset of each sentence there was a 4000 msinterval before the onset of the warning beep of the next trial.Because eyemovements distort the EEG-signal, the participantswere asked to look at a fixationpoint. Theywere trained toavoideye-blinksduring thepresentationof the itemsduringa trainingblock of 14 items that preceded the actual experiment. Theparticipants were instructed to listen carefully to each story. Incontrast to Experiment 1 theywere not given an additional task.We did not use an additional task because we assume that theauditory materials are salient enough to ensure processing (seealso (van Berkum et al., 2003).


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