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T he Technology Management Center (TMC) is a mul-disciplinary program of the University of the Philippines. It was formally established through a resoluon approved by the UP Board of Regents on 23 February 1995. The TMC is mandated to serve two fundamental purposes: 1) to respond to the recognized need of firms and industries for technology upgrading, producvity improvement, and enhanced global compeveness; and 2) to respond to the established requirements of the Philippine government for expert advice and assistance on science and technology policy analysis and formulaon; technology forecasng, planning, and assessment; R&D management; and program and project management. The TMC is guided by a renewed vision in the performance of its mandate, which is, to serve as a world-class center for advanced educaon, research, and extension services in the new and dynamic field of Technology Management. By definion, Technology Management is the management and integraon of the technological processes of a firm or naon with the end in view of formulang and implemenng a coherent technology strategy that informs and reinforces the firm’s or naon’s overall strategy. In living up to this definion and in realizing this vision, the TMC pursues the following objecves: To provide advanced educaon and training in technology management. To undertake interdisciplinary research on various aspects of technology management. To provide advice and assistance to the government on technology forecasng, planning and assessment, S&T policies, R&D management, and other macroeconomic aspects of technology management. To assist local entrepreneurs, business and industry execuves, and other technology users in their efforts to harness and manage technology for compeve advantage. To raise public awareness of the importance of science and technology, technological innovaons, and naonal technology development for economic growth and improved standards of living. The TMC is the first of its kind in the country and the ASEAN region, being an interdisciplinary undertaking where it draws from the experse, experience and perspecves of nine UP Diliman units affiliated with the Center, namely, the: College of Science College of Engineering College of Business Administraon School of Economics College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Naonal College of Public Administraon and Governance College of Home Economics Asian Center Instute of Small Scale Industries The TMC is directly aached to the Office of the Chancellor of UP Diliman for its administrave supervision and program coordinaon. SENTRO ng PAMAMAHALA sa TEKNOLOHIYA Locaon: UP TMC, ASTI Bldg. CP Garcia Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101 Philippines Telephone Numbers: +632-426-2765 | +632-426-2767 | +632- 426-27-65 (fax) Email Address: [email protected] Website: www.tmc.upd.edu.ph T ECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT CENTER

582 Technology Management Center

T he Technology Management Center (TMC) is a multi-disciplinary program of the University of the Philippines. It was formally established through a resolution approved by the UP Board of Regents on 23 February 1995. The TMC is mandated to serve two fundamental purposes: 1) to respond to the recognized need of firms and industries for technology upgrading, productivity improvement, and enhanced global

competitiveness; and 2) to respond to the established requirements of the Philippine government for expert advice and assistance on science and technology policy analysis and formulation; technology forecasting, planning, and assessment; R&D management; and program and project management.

The TMC is guided by a renewed vision in the performance of its mandate, which is, to serve as a world-class center for advanced education, research, and extension services in the new and dynamic field of Technology Management. By definition, Technology Management is the management and integration of the technological processes of a firm or nation with the end in view of formulating and implementing a coherent technology strategy that informs and reinforces the firm’s or nation’s overall strategy. In living up to this definition and in realizing this vision, the TMC pursues the following objectives: • To provide advanced education and training in technology management.• To undertake interdisciplinary research on various aspects of technology management.• To provide advice and assistance to the government on technology forecasting, planning and assessment, S&T policies, R&D management,

and other macroeconomic aspects of technology management.• To assist local entrepreneurs, business and industry executives, and other technology users in their efforts to harness and manage

technology for competitive advantage.• To raise public awareness of the importance of science and technology, technological innovations, and national technology development for

economic growth and improved standards of living. The TMC is the first of its kind in the country and the ASEAN region, being an interdisciplinary undertaking where it draws from the expertise,

experience and perspectives of nine UP Diliman units affiliated with the Center, namely, the:• College of Science• College of Engineering• College of Business Administration• School of Economics• College of Social Sciences and Philosophy• National College of Public Administration and Governance• College of Home Economics• Asian Center• Institute of Small Scale Industries

The TMC is directly attached to the Office of the Chancellor of UP Diliman for its administrative supervision and program coordination.

SENTRO ng PAMAMAHALA sa TEKNOLOHIYALocation:UPTMC,ASTIBldg.CPGarciaAvenue,Diliman,QuezonCity,1101PhilippinesTelephoneNumbers:+632-426-2765|+632-426-2767|+632-426-27-65(fax)EmailAddress:[email protected]:www.tmc.upd.edu.ph

Technology ManageMenT cenTer

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The TMC offers graduate courses leading to the degree ofMasterof Technology Management (MTM). The MTM program uses aninterdisciplinary approach that combines business management,engineering, and the social and physical sciences. It is the first evergraduateprogramofitskindtobeofferedinthecountry,andinUP.TheMTMprogramhastwofundamentalobjectives,namely:

1)ToproduceTechnologyManagers forboth thebusinessandpublicsectorswhocanrespondeffectivelytorapidtechnologicalchangesandinnovationsbyharnessingthesetoenhancetheproductivity,quality, competitiveness, and service of their respectiveorganizations.

2) To equip policymakers and analystswith the knowledge and skillsneeded to analyze the economic, political, and socio-culturalaspectsoftechnologicalchangeandinnovation.

TheMTMprogramisdesignedforpresentandprospectivemanagers,entrepreneursandconsultantsinthebusinesssector,aswellasforpolicyanalysts, planners, managers of R&D institutions, and program andprojectmanagers in government agencies, government corporations,andnon-governmentorganizations.

Training Programs

For those unable to pursue a full degree graduate program, theTMC offers short-term executive courses for business and industryexecutives, entrepreneurs, corporate planners, government scienceandtechnologypolicymakersandanalysts,andothertechnologyusers.Amongthetopicstaughtinthesetrainingprogramsarethefollowing.


Research Programs and Consulting Services


Conferences, Workshops, and Other Fora

The TMC conducts special workshops, symposia, conferences, andsituationers to raise public awareness and the level of discussion ontechnologyandinnovationissues.


Throughitsfacilities,nationalaswellas internationalcontacts,andexpertise,theTMCservesasavitallinkbetweenindustry,governmentandtheacademe.TheTMCalsoholdsrountablediscussionsonindustrysectors such as electronics, ICT, and packaging. These roundtablediscussionsarecurrentlyon-going.


Admission is open to all bachelor’s degree-holderswith very goodacademic records. Preference will be given, however, to those withbackgroundsinengineeringandscience,business,economics,andthesocialsciences.Applicantswithworkexperienceincorporateplanning,program/projectmanagement,developmentplanning,policyanalysis,S&TorR&Dinstitutions,andothertechnology-relatedbackgroundswillalsobegivenpriority.

Applicants are asked to submit to the Technology ManagementCenterthefollowingdocuments:



ApplicantsfromschoolswhereEnglishisnotamediumofinstructionarerequiredtotaketheTOEFLandobtainascoreofatleast500paper-based173computer-based,or61internet-based(IBT).Applicantsmayalso be asked to undergo an interview and a written examination ifnecessary.

Assisting the Chancellor in the administration of the Center is the TMC Coordinating Council composed of the deans and directors of the affiliated UP Diliman units. The day-to-day management of the Center is the responsibility of the Executive Director, assisted by the Deputy Director.

The programs and services of the Center, which are described below, are undertaken through a select group of UP Diliman affiliate faculty members, adjunct faculty, and research fellows. These faculty and fellows are renowned for their outstanding qualifications and experience in teaching, consulting and research in academe, industry and government, in their respective fields of discipline and in various aspects of Technology Management or its components.

584 Technology Management Center

Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS)





1st Semester9 units

2nd Semester9 units







Core Courses24 units

Electives9 units

TM299 3

Major Project Course3 units

Comprehensive Examination


ElectiveCourses9unitsofthefollowing:TM 211, 221, 225, 231, 232, 255,271,298



201 Overview of Technology Management. Thenature,processesand dynamics of technology; technology management andcompetitivestrategyatthefirm,industry,andnationallevels.Prereq:COI.3u.

202 Technological Innovation. The nature, types, process andimportanceoftechnological innovation;technologytransferand dissemination; technological learning and mastery;emergingmodesoftechnologicalinnovation.Prereq:COI.3u.

204 Management of Research and Development. Systematictreatment of the various issues and factors inherent in themanagement of R&D; R&D strategies; measurement andassessmentofR&Dproductivity;strategicR&Dmanagement.Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

205 Financial Analysis for Technology Managers. Analyticaltoolsand techniques for the generation of financial informationin aid of managerial decision-making; uses and limitationsof current management accounting tools and theories fortechnologyinvestmentdecisions.Prereq:COI.3u.

206 Technology Marketing and Commercialization. The R&D/marketinginterfaceintechnologicalinnovation;theprocessofcommercializingnewtechnologies.Prereq:TM201/COI.3u.

211 Economics of Technological Change. Technologyasa factoraffecting micro and macro economic outcomes; influenceof micro and macroeconomic factors on the nature, paceandpatternof technological change. Prereq: TM201, 202,elementarydifferentialcalculus/COI.3u.

213 Information Technology Management. Basic concepts ofmanagementofinformationsystems.3u.

214 Organizations and Technological Change. The interplay oftechnological change with organizational roles, structures,processes, anddynamics at thefirm level. Prereq: TM201/COI.3u.

221 Technology and Competitive Strategy. Technology andtechnological capability as a source of firm and industrycompetitiveadvantage.Prereq:TM201,202,205.3u.

222 Management of Product and Process Innovation. Concepts,approaches,andmethodsfortheeffectiveorganizationandmanagementofproductandprocessinnovation.Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

225 Total Quality Management. Framework,toolsandtechniquesfor designing, installing and improving qualitymanagementand quality assurance systems; integrating successfuldeterminants of total quality; research and experiential

Technology Management Center585

applications of total quality management. Prereq: TM 201,202/COI.3u.

231 National Innovation Systems. Science, technology andinnovation policies, institutions and practices in selectedcountries.Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

232 Science and Technology Policy. AnalysisofPhilippinescienceand technology (S & T) as public goods; the evolution ofgovernment policies on S & T; contemporary governmentpolicies on S& T and their interrelations; impact on trade,economic and industrial policies and the socio-culturalenvironment; issues on the role of government in theevolutionandmanagementofS&Tpolicies;andtheroleofvaluesinS&T.Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

241 Technology Acquisition and Assimilation. Systematictreatmentofissuesandproblemsintheselection,sourcing,transfer,andmasteryofexogenous technology.Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

251 Technology-Based Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurshipand itsrole infosteringtechnology innovation;organizationand financing of business ventures; social dimensions ofentrepreneurship.Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

255 Legal Issues in Technology Management. Legal andregulatoryenvironment for technology, innovation,and theenforcementofintellectualpropertyrights(IPR).Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

261 Technology, Environment and Sustainable Development. Technological change and its implications for the naturalenvironment; models of technology-people-natureinteractions; technologyriskassessmentandenvironmental

ethics; environment-friendly technologies. Prereq: TM 201,202/COI.3u.

271 Technology Management in the Services Sector. Technologyas a sourceof competitiveadvantage in the service sector;techniques and strategies for structuring and managingserviceenterprises;integrationoftechnologywithmarketingoperations, and human resources for effective servicemanagement.Prereq:TM201,202/COI.3u.

281 Strategic Technology Planning. Framework for strategictechnology planning at the firm, industry, and nationallevels; models and methods of technology forecasting andassessmentfortheformulationofastrategictechnologyplan.Prereq:TM201,ElementaryStatistics/COI.3u.

291 Management of Technology Programs and Projects. Principles, methods and techniques for the effectivemanagementoftechnology-orientedprogramsandprojects;program and project organization, structure and staffing;criteria for project analysis and selection; program andproject implementation; preparation of detailed plan for atechnologymanagementproject.Prereq:TM201,205,241,281.3u.

298 Special Topics in Technology Management. Prereq:COI.Maybeofferedbytheparticipatingunits.3u.

299 Special Project in Technology Management. A supervisedmajor project in technology management involving eitherS&T policy formulation and implementation or technologymanagementdecision-makingattheenterpriselevel.Prereq:TM291.3u.
