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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annual Report 2003 Seoul National University Hospital Seoul National University Childrens Hospital
Page 1: Seoul National University Hospital ⑤ Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College o f Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annual Report 2003 In Front of the Statue of the Deceased

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

Seoul National University Hospital

Seoul National University Children’s Hospital

Page 2: Seoul National University Hospital ⑤ Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College o f Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annual Report 2003 In Front of the Statue of the Deceased

Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

Boramae Hospital

Page 3: Seoul National University Hospital ⑤ Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College o f Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annual Report 2003 In Front of the Statue of the Deceased

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

In Front of the Statue of the Deceased Professor Bo Sung Sim Upper row (from the left) Seung-Ki Kim, Dong Gyu Kim, Kyu-Chang Wang, Chun-Kee Chung, Chang Wan Oh, Lower row (from the left) Hee-Won Jung, Dae Hee Han, Hyun Jib Kim

Celebrating the Opening of the Clinical Neuroscience Center at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Upper row (from the left) Joong Cheol Park, Seung Hyun Kim, Chang Seob Lee, Chae Yong Kim, Upper row( from the left) Jeong Eun Kim, Sang Hyung Lee, O-Ki Kwon, Chang Wan Oh, Hyun-Tai Chung, Upper row( from the left) Young Jae Son, Ho Jun Seol, Sang-Ki Chung Lower row (from the left) Byung-Kyu Cho, Kil Soo Choi, Hyun Jib Kim, Dae-Hee Han, Hee-Won Jung

Page 4: Seoul National University Hospital ⑤ Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College o f Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annual Report 2003 In Front of the Statue of the Deceased


2003년은 나라 안으로는 국민 참여 정부가 등장하면서 여러

분야에서 개혁과 진보의 소리가 높아져 사회 전반적으로 불안정

하였고, 나라 밖으로는 이라크 전쟁과 각종 테러, 다시 재기된

북핵 문제 등으로 인해 어수선하고 불안한 가운데 매우 빨리 지

나간 한해였습니다.

우리 교실은 그 동안 8년 가까이 기다려왔던 분당서울대학교

병원이 분원으로 6월 25일 드디어 개원함으로써 본원, 소아병

원, 보라매병원과 함께 4개 병원에 신경외과를 가진 큰 교실로

자리잡게 되었습니다.

이 4개 병원 신경외과의 총 병상 수가 200병상에 이르렀고

수술 건수는 처음으로 2,500예를 넘어 섰습니다. 분당병원이 정

상적으로 운영되는 2004년에는 년간 약 3,000 예의 수술을 시

행하는 초대형 신경외과학 교실이 될 것으로 예상됩니다. 분당

서울대학교병원 신경외과의 비약적인 발전을 전 교실원과 함께


전임 교원이라고는 고 심 보성 교수 한 분과 의국원 3명으로

연간 수술 80여건을 시행하였던 1957년 본 교실의 창설 당시

이후 45년이란 세월이 지난 오늘 날 19명의 전임 교원과 23명

의 의국원 등 총 42명의 의사가 연간 2,500 예의 각종 신경외

과 수술을 훌륭히 수행 할 수 있게 되었습니다.

2003년의 또 다른 진료 업적은 1998년 1월에 감마나이프

방사선 수술을 시작한 후 5년 만에 최단기간 1,000예 수술의

실적을 올린 것입니다. 짧은 기간 내에 괄목할만한 성과를 거두

기까지 헌신적으로 수고해 준 김동규 교수를 비롯한 감마나이프

센터 직원들의 노고에 감사 드립니다. 또한 최첨단‘C-type’으

로 upgrade 함으로서 보다 정확하고 효과적인 감마나이프 치료

를 하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.

연구 업적의 발전도 괄목할 만하여 1970년대 3편, 1980년대

12편, 1990년대 56편에 불과하던 국제학술지 발표 논문수가

1999년부터 2003년까지 5년간 총 174편을 기록하였습니다. 이

는 국내 타 대학의 발표를 월등히 앞서며 해외 선진국의 유명한

신경외과 교실과도 견줄 수 있는 숫자입니다.

이와 더불어 본 교실의 대외 연구비 획득이 8억 원을 상회하

였습니다. 이는 교수 여러분의 값진 노력과 장기 연구 과제의

선택 그리고 독창적 연구 프로젝트의 개발에 힘입은 결과라고

생각합니다. 그러나 아직 본 교실의 연구 여건은 선진국과 비교

할 때 미흡한 수준으로서 앞으로 더욱 많은 노력을 해야 할 것


이러한 교실 발전의 도약기에 부족한 제가 2003년 7월 16

일부터 주임교수직을 맡게 되어 무거운 책임감을 느낍니다. 전

임 주임교수이셨던 김현집 교수님의 그간의 노고에 깊이 감사

드리며 또한 앞으로 분당서울대학교병원에서 교실의 발전에 계

속 기여해 주실 것으로 기대합니다.

우리 교실의 이념과 목표는 병원의 이념과 마찬가지로 세계최

고 수준의 교육, 연구, 진료를 통하여 국민이 건강하고 질 높은

삶을 누릴 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.

이를 달성하기 위해서는 다음의 세가지가 꼭 필요하다고 생각

합니다. 첫째, 우리 교실의 모습을 겸허히 비춰보는 自己 省察에

시간과 노력을 아끼지 말아야 할 것이며, 둘째는 우리 교실의

좌우명이기도 한‘人和’가 필요합니다.‘人和’는 교실원 간의

이해와 배려로부터 나오며 이는 특히 상대방의 견해가 자신의

것과 차이가 있음을 먼저 인정하고 그 사람의 말을 경청하는 것

으로 시작됩니다. 이‘人和’를 통하여 우리 교실은 성장해왔고

또한 앞으로도 더욱 발전해 나갈 수 있을 것입니다. 셋째는 교

실을 이끄는 리더들이 넓은 視野와 강한 意志를 가지고 미래 지

향적인 비전을 제시해 나가야 할 것입니다. 이상의 자기 성찰,

인화, 비전 세가지를 갖춘다면 우리 교실은 머지 않아 세계 최

고 수준에 이를 것으로 확신합니다.

저는 앞으로 수년 내에 교실의 발전을 위한 다음과 같은 과제

를 중점적으로 추진하고자 합니다. 첫째, 국내 최초의 자기뇌파

검사센터(Magnetocecephalography Center), 운동장애질환센

터, 뇌종양센터 및 뇌혈관질환센터를 건립하고 전문간호사 제도

를 정착시키면서 교실 홈페이지를 효과적으로 운영함으로써 환

자 중심의 효율적 진료시스템을 구축하겠습니다. 둘째, 2007년

에 맞게 되는 교실 창설 50주년 기념 사업의 일환으로 젊은 신

경외과 의사들을 위한 증례 중심의 교과서를 발간하고 또한 신

경외과 영역에서의 자가 학습 프로그램을 개발하여 학생 및 전

공의 교육이 효율적으로 이루어지도록 하겠습니다. 셋째, 줄기세

포 연구 및 뇌교종 연구 등의 기초 연구를 더욱 활성화하고 더

많은 국제 학술지 및 국제 학회 논문 발표를 통하여 학문적 발

전의 토대를 굳건히 할 것입니다.

2004년에는 교실의 더욱 큰 발전이 있기를 기원하며 저희 모

든 교실원과 동문 여러분, 그리고 저희 교실을 아껴주시는 모두

에게 신의 축복과 평안이 함께하기를 기원합니다.

主任敎授 丁 憙 源

Professor & Chairman Hee-Won Jung, M.D., Ph.D.

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

2003 has been an extraordinary year and has flown by. Within Korea, we have seen the inauguration of a new Pre-sident, the rise of advanced democracy through active popular participation, and further initiatives for reform in important social fields. Externally, we have continued to see the North Korea nuclear crisis, the manifestations of global terrorism, and the impact and consequences of the invasion of Iraq.

Closer to home, we were able to celebrate the grand opening of the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital on June 25th, eight years after initiating its foundation. The Department of Neurosurgery at Seoul National University College of Me-dicine now provides neurosurgical services at four hospitals.

The Department of Neurosurgery now operates a total of 200 beds, and over 2,500 neurosurgical operations were performed in our four hospitals during the last year. With the completion of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, all the mem-bers of our department are committed to further remarkable developments, and it is expected that we will be performing around 3,000 operations annually by 2004.

Since the establishment of our department in September 1957 the annual number of operations has increased from 80 cases performed by one faculty member and three residents, to 2,500 cases 45 years later performed by 19 full-time faculty members and 23 residents and fellows.

Another significant milestone for our department in the last year was the completion of the 1000th gamma-knife radiosur-gery, only 5 years since the first one was performed in January 1998. I would like to recognize the devoted efforts of Professor Dong-Gyu Kim and other staff at the Gamma-Knife Center for their excellent results. Another positive is the upgrade of the system to the spearhead “C-type” so that we can provide more accurate and effective treatment for patients.

The research activities of our department have also advanced significantly, with the publication of 174 articles in SCI-regi-stered journals during the last 5 years. This number is superior to that of any other departments of neurosurgery in the country, and is comparable to other leading overseas institutions.

Our department’s external research funding also surpassed US$ 700,000 last year. This achievement is thanks to the in-valuable efforts of promoting creative, well-planned research subjects by all of our faculty members. However, the current level of research funding and results still give us a long way to go when compared with the foremost groups in this field, so still more inspiration and endeavor is needed.

I feel heavy responsibility accepting the appointment of ch-airman of the department on July 16, 2003, at such a crucial time for our academic and clinical takeoff. I should like to thank Professor Hyun-Jib Kim for his invaluable efforts and achieve-ments during his term of office as the previous chairman of the department, and I look forward to his continuing contributions to our department now that he is at the Seoul National Univer-sity Bundang Hospital.

The ideals and objectives of our department are as same as

those of our hospital that we can contribute to the health and welfare of the people by providing world class neurosurgical services, research and education.

There are three things that we must bear in mind to achieve these objectives:

Firstly, we should always seek humble self-reflection for ourselves and our department, learning from our experiences and continually seeking to advance our skills and capabilities.

Secondly, it is indispensable to ensure harmony among our members, which is the motto of our department. This comes from thoughtful sharing, consideration and understanding bet-ween our members, recognizing that there are different points of view. Listening courteously to others is the starting point of harmony, whilst open consideration and free discussion allow advancement of our skills and understanding. By virtue of this harmony our department has developed well in the past, and I expect it to keep developing in extraordinary ways for the fu-ture.

Thirdly, a future-oriented vision should be provided by the leaders of our department based upon their broad knowledge and strong will.

I am confident that we can make this one of the top-ranked neurosurgical departments in the world before long if all mem-bers of the department focus their efforts to wisely pursue these three dimensions of self-reflection, harmony, and vision.

We have a number of important projects to pursue within the next few years for the advancement of the Department.

Firstly, we plan to establish an effective system for patient-centered treatment through setting up of and the Magnetoence-phalography (MEG) Center, the Brain Tumor Center, the Mo-vement Disorder Center, and the Cerebrovascular Center, along with introduction of the Physician Assistant system and an efficient departmental web site.

Secondly, a new practical textbook for young neurosurgeons and self-learning pograms in the neurosurgical field shall be developed for effective education of residents and students.

Thirdly, I will devote more of my capability to directing basic laboratory activities such as research on stem cells and glioma, and to promoting publication in international journals and active participation in international meetings to provide a solid foun-dation of academic development at global standards and inter-national best practices for our Department.

We look forward to achieving many more developments in our department in the year of 2004, and I extend my warmest regards to all the department staff, alumni, colleagues and fri-ends who always contribute so much to the Department of Neurosurgery at Seoul National University College of Medi-cine.

Hee-Won Jung, M.D., Ph.D. Professor and Chairman,

Department of Neurosurgery Seoul National University College of Medicine

Seoul, Korea

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I. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DEPARTMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------- 31

II. PERSONNEL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35

1. Faculty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37

2. Residents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

3. Nursing Staff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

4. Secretaries --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

5. Research Assistants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16

6. Postgraduate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

7. Degrees and Diplomas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

III. EDUCATION PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

1. Lectures for Medical Students --------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

2. Clerkship for Medical Students --------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

3. Lectures for Postgraduates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25

4. Residency Program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

5. 13th Annual Neurosurgery Update 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------- 28

IV. RESEARCH & ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES -------------------------------------------------------------- 29

1. Research Activities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

2. Publications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

3. Presentations in Academic Meetings --------------------------------------------------------------- 38

4. Invited Lectures ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

5. Overseas Training --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

V. NEUROSURGICAL STATISTICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 347

1. Neurosurgical Admissions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 349

2. Neurosurgical Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 351

3. Neurosurgical ICU Admissions -------------------------------------------------------------------- 357

4. Monthly Outpatients, Inpatients and Neurosurgical Operations --------------------------------------- 358

5. Comparative Neurosurgical Statistics 1999~2003 --------------------------------------------------- 359

VI. SPECIAL REMARKS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 361

1. Graduation Remarks by Senior Residents ---------------------------------------------------------- 363

2. After Two-Years Overseas Research -------------------------------------------------------------- 366

VII. PHOTOGRAPHICS IN 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 371

VIII. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 375

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VOLUME 33 ■ 1


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VOLUME 33 ■ 3

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

History of Department of Neurosurgery Seoul National University College of Medicine 1957 The Division of Neurosurgery was established in the Department of Surgery in January, and independent

clinical activity was established by Professor Bo Sung Sim on September 1.

1958 Residency and post-graduate courses of the University were introduced. Carotid ligation for posterior comm-unicating artery aneurysm, cerebral hemispherectomy, tumor removal for pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma,

spinal meningioma and tuberculoma were performed. Annual operations were 64 cases.

1966 Operative microscope was introduced. Separate neurosurgical wards were allocated.

1967 Department of Neurosurgery was officially separated from the Department of Surgery, and Professor Bo Sung

Sim was appointed as the chairman. Annual operations were 146 cases.

1970 Direct neck clipping of the posterior communicating artery aneurysm was performed

1973 Conray ventriculography and transfemoral cerebral angiography (TFCA) were carried out. Operative microsco-pe was applied to cervical cord tumor surgery. The Alumni Association of Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul

National University College of Medicine was organized.

1977 National medical insurance system was introduced. Annual operations were 308 cases.

1979 New building of Seoul National University Hospital was completed. Computed tomography (CT) scanner was

installed. Microvascular decompression was performed for hemifacial spasm patients.

1983 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging machine Goldstar 2000 was installed.

1985 Seoul National University-Children’s Hospital was completed. Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery was esta-blished in the Children’s Hospital.

1987 Professor Kil Soo Choi was elected as the second Vice-President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical

Societies, President of Asian-Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgeons and Vice-President of Eurasian

Academy of Neurological Surgery.

1990 Annual operations were 665 cases. Skull base surgery was established.

1991 The 1st Neurosurgery Update, an annual educational symposium, was held under the auspices of the De-partment.

1992 The City of Seoul assigned the management of the Boramae Hospital to the Seoul National University Hospital.

1993 The Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology put co-research into operation for transplantation of fetal stem

cell to brain.

1994 Endoscopic neurosurgery was established.

1995 Surgery for epilepsy through video-EEG monitoring system was established. Korea Brain and Spinal Cord Re-search Foundation (KBSCRF) was founded by the Department.

1997 Gamma Knife Center was inaugurated, and gamma knife radiosurgery was established.

1998 Clinical Research Institute was completed and neurosurgical research was accelerated.

2001 Professor Bo Sung Sim, the founder of department, deceased.

2002 Annual operations exceeded 2,000 cases. More than 190 articles were published so far in SCI Journals.

2003 The Bundang Hospital was opened, as a new branch of the Seoul National University Hospital. A total of 19

full-time faculty members are working in every subspecialty field. The number of annual operations exceeded

2,500 and 34 articles were published in the international journals in 2003.

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VOLUME 33 ■ 5


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VOLUME 33 ■ 7

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

1. Faculty

Professor Emeritus Kil Soo Choi, MD, PhD

Full-time Faculty


Hee-Won Jung, MD, PhD Dae Hee Han, MD, PhD Byung-Kyu Cho, MD, PhD • Chairman of the Department • Cerebrovascular surgery • Pediatric neurosurgery • Neuro-oncology • Brain tumor

• Skull base surgery

Hyun Jib Kim, MD, PhD Dong Gyu Kim, MD, PhD Kyu-Chang Wang, MD, PhD • Director of the Clinical • Stereotactic brain surgery • Pediatric neurosurgery • Neuroscience Center, • Brain tumor

• SNU Bundang Hospital • Functional neurosurgery • Spine surgery

• Functional neurosurgery

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Associate Professor

Young Seob Chung, MD, PhD Chun-Kee Chung, MD, PhD • Chief of the Department of • Epilepsy surgery • Neurosurgery, Boramae Hospital • Spine surgery • Cerebrovascular surgery • Neurotrauma

Chang-Wan Oh, MD, PhD Tae-Ahn Jahng, MD, PhD • SNU Bundang Hospital • Spine surgery • Cerebrovascular surgery • Brain tumor

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VOLUME 33 ■ 9

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

Assistant Professor

Sang-Hyung Lee, MD, PhD Sun-Ha Paek, MD, PhD Hyun-Tai Chung, PhD • Boramae Hospital • Functional neurosurgery • Stereotacitc and radiosurgery • Cerebrovascular surgery • Stereotacitc brain surgery • Brain tumor • Brain tumor

Seung-Ki Kim, MD, PhD O-Ki Kwon, MD, PhD • Chief of the Division of • SNU Bundang Hospital • Pediatric Neurosurgery • Interventional neuroradiology • Pediatric neurosurgery • Cerebrovascular surgery

Sang-Ki Chung, MD Jeong-Eun Kim, MD, PhD • SNU Bundang Hospital • Cerebrovascular surgery • Spine surgery • Brain tumor

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Clinical Instructor

Hee-Jin Yang, MD, PhD You-Nam Chung, MD, PhD • Boramae Hospital • Boramae Hospital • Neuro-oncology • Neurotrauma • Neuro-oncology • Pediatric neurosurgery

Postdoctoral Fellow

Chae Yong Kim, MD (Bundang Hospital) So Hyang Lim, MD (Bundang Hospital) Chang Seob Lee, MD

Dong Yeob Lee, MD

Ho Jun Seol, MD

Young Je Son, M.D

Part-time Faculty

Clinical Professor

Young Cho Koh, MD, PhD

Clinical Associate Professor

Whan Eoh, MD, PhD

Seung Hoon Lee, MD, PhD

Chang Hun Rhee, MD, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Dong Ho Kim, MD, PhD

Ki Bum Sim, MD, PhD

Hyung Jin Shin, MD, PhD

Seung Chyul Hong, MD, PhD

Kwan Park, MD, PhD

Mou Seop Lee, MD, PhD

Chang Jin Kim, MD, PhD

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VOLUME 33 ■ 11

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

Former Faculty


Bo Sung Sim, MD, PhD (deceased)

Associate Professor

Jeong Hwa Chu, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Sun Ho Lee, MD, PhD


Kum Joong Youn, MD, PhD

Jin Chae, MD, PhD

Clinical Professor

Duck Young Choi, MD, PhD

Jong Sik Suck, MD, PhD

Myoung Sun Moon, MD, PhD Gook Ki Kim, MD, PhD Hyo Il Park, MD, PhD Jong Hyun Kim, MD, PhD

Clinical Associate Professor

Do Yun Hwang, MD, PhD

Maeng Ki Cho, MD, PhD

Hyo Jung Sohn, MD, PhD

Seung Kwan Hong, MD, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Kwang Sae Rhim, MD, PhD

Kyung Soo Park, MD, PhD

Sung Nam Hwang, MD, PhD

Byung Duk Kwun, MD, PhD

Se Moon Oh, MD, PhD

Jong Woo Han, MD

R.N. Mitgang, MD

J.B. Wimple, MD

O. Polanco, MD

M.R. Cressman, MD

S.M. Wigser, MD

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Clinical Instructor

Doo Ho Song, MD, PhD

2. Residents

4th Year 3rd Year

Seung Hyun Kim, MD Yong Hwy Kim, MD Ji Ha Kim, MD Choong Hyo Kim, MD

Chi Heon Kim, MD Ji Hoon Phi, MD Seung Jun Lee, MD Seung Yeob Yang, M.D Jung Cheol Park, MD 2nd Year 1st Year

Wook Ha Kim, MD Young Hun Kim, MD Won Sang Cho, MD Jae Hoon Cho, MD In Jae Choi, MD Sung Yun Cho, MD Jung Ho Han, MD Sang Woo Song, MD

3. Nursing Staff



Hee Kang Choi - Ward 55 Eun Hee Lee - Ward 45

Ock Hyang Park - Surgical ICU Deok Hee An - Pediatric ward Young Aei Song - Bundang clinical neuroscience clinic:ward 92 Soon Oak Oak - Bundang clinical neuroscience clinic:ward 91 Sang Im Park - Bundang surgical ICU Dock Lye Jeon - Boramae 61

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VOLUME 33 ■ 13

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003


- Ward 55 - - Ward 45 -

Hyun Soon Hwang Soo Youn Kim

Ji Ae Lee Young Ran Hwang

Suk Kyung Lee Hyun Ju Kim

Mi Suk Ryu Mi Ra Kim

Kyoung Hee Noh Kyeong Aa Jang

Jeong Sun Hong Mi Young Myong

Na Nyeon Kim Bi Bong Kim

Hwang Suk Shin Jae Hui Cho

Ha Na Chang Jeon Sook Choi Eun Young Seo Sook Hee Park

Eun Mi Park In Sook Jung

Kum Young Shin

So Youn Kim

Sung Ok Lee - Surgical ICU -

Hye Sun Kim Seung Youn Lee Ja Young Lee Yun Kyung Lim Sang Hee Lim Young-in Kim In Hyang Um Young Hee Lee Won Hee Lee Seun Ok Kim Soo Yon Lee Hea Suk Woo Hyang Mi Kim Su-Hwa Hong Bae Jung Choi Sun Young Kim Ji Yon Cha Hye Jin Kim Mi Jung Lee Ki Hye Han Ji Eun Kim Hye-Yoon Lee Yoon Sun Park Yeon-Kyoung Ju Sang-Mi Park Hyo Jin Shin Hanna Lee Sun Hee Lee Eun-Jin Kim Hyun Joo Kim Mi Joung Pak Sun Young Park Eun Young Yun Kyung Lim Park Ok Kyung Kim Dae Yun Jeung Jin Hee Park Eun Mi Jung Bo-Yeon Park Hee Sup Jeoung

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Song-Ei Yang Kum Hee Kim Jeong Ae Jeong Hyun Mi Lee Min Jung Bae Eun Ju Kim Mi Sun Seo Eun Jung Kang Mi Hyeon Lee Kyung Ah Bae Jee-Yeon Shin Kyoung Wook Suk Hee Song Ji Eun Oh Hyun Jung Noh Jin Young Kim Jin A Kang Ji Suk Heo NaNa Kim

- Pediatric Ward - - Boramae Hospital: Ward 61 -

Hye Jin Kim Eun Ah Kim

Seung Ham Hong Young ae Baek

Soo Jung Jun Ho Yeon Son

Ji Won Ahn Hyo Seon Choe Seung Yeon Hong Yun Jung Kim

Hyun Sook Gang Jeong Mi Kim

Hyo Jeong Cho Eun Sun Lee Kyoung A Noh Su Jung Park

Seok Mee Kang Ju Nam Kim

Sun Kyung Nam Myoung Hee Ko

In Suk Kim Jin Hee Kim

Mi Ran Kim Seo Huon Jung

- SNUBH Clinical Neuroscience Clinic: OPD -

Min Jung Choi - SNUBH Clinical Neuroscience Clinic: Ward 91 -

Young Lim Oh Ok Hui Kim

Min Jeong Kim Hyun Phil Kang

Min Ju Kim Mi Kyung Cho

Youn Jung Jang Hwa Young Jeong

Youn Mi Kim Sung Mi Ha Mi Hee Kim Joo Yi Choi Hui Lea Yeo Do Hee Kim

Eun Jung Choi Ji Youn Chung

Min Hye Lee Sang Youn Kim

Hee Young Kwak

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VOLUME 33 ■ 15

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

- SNUBH Clinical Neuroscience Clinic: Ward 92 -

Hyo-Sun Jang Sung-A Hyun Soon-Young Seo Jeong-Mi Yun Rae-Hee Hong Ja-Ok Lee Hye-Won Lee Young-Sun Ham Woo-Hee Kim Eun-Hee Cho Yun-Mi Lee Kyung-Hyun Park - SNUBH Clinical Neuroscience Clinic: Surgical ICU -

Seol Hee Cho Sun Hwa Namgoong Kyoung Suk Kim Hyo Chan An Seon Heui Kwon Hye Jin Kim Mi Suk Choi Myoung Won Lee Hye Kyung Cheon Hyun Mi Lee Yeon Jue Lee Hyun Hee Lee Eun Kyung Kim Ho Yeon Yun Kyung Soon Kim Ji Eun Nam Se Hwa Lee Young Sin Kim Han Ju Bea Ji Sun Park Eun Ju Park Sun Ja Kang Ji Hyun Lee Jong Hee Choi Ji Youn Mun Kyung Jin Parg Sun Mi An Ji Sun Kang Soo Yeon Park Mi Sun Park Sung Nam Pim Hyo Jung Sea Young Ju Kim Hee Won Son Ga Hyun Lee Ji Sook Kim Jin Young Han



Yong Hee Lee - Room C-4 Mi Hyoung Kim - Room C-2 Eun-Hi Gi - Room C-3 Jang Mi Lim - Children’s Hospital Kyu Jeong Park - Boramae Hospital Jae Sun Yang - Bundang Hospital

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Sun-Mi Ko - Main Hospital


Young Mi Kang - Main Hospital Ji Sook Yu - Main Hospital Young Hee Kim - Children’s Hospital Gyoung Sook Lee - Boramae Hospital



Sang Soon Jeong


Hyun Mi Kim

4. Secretaries

Mi Sun Park - Secretary, Chairman’s Office Jung Youn Ryu - Secretary, Clinical Data Management Hyun Ju Kim - Secretary, Doctor’s Office

5. Research Assistants

Young Yim Kim, B.A. Su Young Lim, B.A. Myung Sook Lee, R.N. Do Hyeon Lee Yun Jin Lee, B.A.

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VOLUME 33 ■ 17

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

6. Postgraduate

PhD Course

■ Senior Course ■ Junior Course

Hyun-Seung Kang, MD Dong Yeob Lee, M.D

Dong Yun Kim, MD Chae Yong Kim, MD Myung Soo Kim, MD Keun Tae Cho, MD

■ On Leave of Absence

Chul-Kee Park, MD Yong Jun Jin, MD

■ Completion of Doctorship

Ji Young Lee, MD Jung Nam Sung, MD Ho Shin Gwak, MD Ki Jung Kim, MD Yong Ahn, MD

M.S. Course

■ Senior Course ■ Junior Course

Chi Heon Kim, MD Seung Yeob Yang, MD So Hyang Im, MD In Jae Choi, MD Jung Choel Park, MD Yong Hwy Kim, MD Young Je Son, MD Choong Hyo Kim, MD Seung Jun Lee, MD Ji Hoon Phi, MD Seung Hyun Kim, MD Wook Ha Kim, MD Ji Ha Kim, MD

■ On Leave of Absence

Seok Ho Hong, MD Hong-Jun Park, MD Jae Seung Bang, MD

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7. Degrees and Diplomas

Ph.D. Degree

2003. 8 Jeong Eun Kim

The effect of high dose gamma radiation and p53 gene transfection on human malignant glioma cell lines

M.S. Degree

2003. 2 Dae Kyu Lee - The Effect of awake brain surgery on epilepsy - Clinical analysis and surgery outcome Yong Jun Jin - Primary intracranial germ cell tumors in children

2003. 8 Chi Heon Kim - Giant pituitary adenoma - Clinical analysis Jung Cheol Park - Analysis of results and problematic cases in interventional therapy for cerebral aneurysms

Diplomas of Korean Board of Neurosurgery

Chi Heon Kim, MD Ji Ha Kim, MD Seung Hyun Kim MD Seung Jun Lee, MD Jung Choel Park, MD

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VOLUME 33 ■ 19


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VOLUME 33 ■ 21

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

1. Lectures for Medical Students


Neuroscience Block Lecture

Endocrinology Block Lecture

Date Subject Lecturer

Sep. 19 Functional Modulation of CNS Dong Gyu Kim, M.D.

20 Cerebral Blood Flow Dae Hee Han, M,D.

20 CSF Dynamics/Increased ICP Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

23 Brain Tumors Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

23 Trauma of CNS Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

24 Seizure Surgery - Case Study Chun-Kee Chung, M.D.

25 CPC Seung Ki Kim, M.D.

Date Subject Lecturer

Oct. 28 Surgical Treatment of Pituitary Disease Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

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Date Subject Lecturer

Mar. 4 Evaluation & management of comatose patients Young Seob Chung, M.D.

6 1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage Dae Hee Han, M.D.

2. Intraventricular hemorrhage

11 Occlusive cerebrovasucular disease Chang Wan Oh, M.D.

11 Brain tumor I Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

13 Brain tumor II Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

13 Brain tumor III Dong Gyu Kim, M.D.

18 1. Pediatric brain tumor Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

2. Hydrocephalus

20 1. Congenital malformation I Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

2. Congenital malformation II

25 1. Spinal cord tumor Hyun Jib Kim, M.D.

2. Herniated intervertebral disc

27 Spinal cord trauma Chun-Kee Chung, M.D.

27 Functional & stereotactic surgery Dong Gyu Kim, M.D.

Apr. 1 Surgical treatment of epilepsy Chun-Kee Chung, M.D.

1 Perepheral neuropathy Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

03 CNS infection Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

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VOLUME 33 ■ 23

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003


Date Subject Lecturer

Mar. 24 SAH*, vascular malformations, occlusive vascular disease part I & II Chang Wan Oh, M.D

Apr. 14 Pediatric brain tumors, hydrocephalus, peripheral nerve disease, CNS infection Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

14 A trauma of spine, HIVD**, spinal tumors, surgical treatment of epilepsy Chun-Kee Chung, M.D

May 31 Brain tumors part I, II, III & IV Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

Abbreviations * SAH:Subarachnoid Hemorrhage **HIVD:Herniated Intervertebral Disc

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2. Clerkship for Medical Students


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

07:00 Morning

Conference All Staffs


Conference All Staffs


Conference All Staffs

08:00 Orientation

SK Kim, JE Kim Journal Club

Group Discussion/

Gamma Knife HW Jung, DG Kim,

HT Chung


Group Discussion/

Neurological Examination

HJ Kim, CK Chung, HJ Yang

Group Discussion/

Head Trauma BK Cho, KC Wang,

SK Kim, SH Lee G Park

Group Discussion/ Congenital Anomaly

BK Cho, KC Wang,SK Kim

Group Discussion/

Seizure Disorder HJ Kim, CK Chung,

SC Hong

Group Discussion/ Functional

Neurosurgery HW Jung, DG Kim,

HT Chung

Case Presentation

All Staffs


Group Discussion/

Neurological Examination

DH Han, CW Oh, YS Chung

Group Discussion/

HydrocephalusBK Cho, KC Wang,

SK Kim

Group Discussion/

HIVD HJ Kim, CK Chung

EvaluationAll Staffs


Group Discussion/ Functional

Neuroanatomy HW Jung, DG Kim,

DH Kim

Group Discussion/ Brain Tumor

HW Jung, DG Kim

Group Discussion/

Pediatric BrainTumor

BK Cho, KC Wang,SK Kim, YC Koh,

HJ Shin

Group Discussion/

Spinal Cord Injury

HJ Kim, CK Chung, W Eoh

Group Discussion/


DH Han, CW Oh,JW Han, JE Kim

12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

13:00 OR

DH Han, CW Oh, JE Kim

OR HW Jung, DG Kim

OR BK Cho, KC Wang,

SK Kim

OR HJ Kim, CK Chung

Group Discussion/

CNS Infection DH Han, CW Oh,

JE Kim

15:00 Ward Round

DH Han, CW Oh, JE Kim

Ward Round BK Cho, KC Wang,

SK Kim

Ward Round HJ Kim, CK Chung

ICU CW Oh, SK Kim,

JE Kim

16:00 NEJC

Ward Round HW Jung, DG Kim


All Staffs

17:00 RSC/NOC (biweekly)

NNSGR All Staffs

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VOLUME 33 ■ 25

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

3. Lectures for Postgraduates

FIRST SEMESTER Neouroendocrinology

SECOND SEMESTER Clinical Neurosurgery

4. Residency Program

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


8 am MC MC



9 am TR

10 am

11 am


1 pm

2 pm

3 pm


4 pm NEJC/NVJC (biweekly)



5 pm EB PNOB (monthly) NNSGR

6 pm


RSC/NOC (biweekly) M & MC (monthly)


*MC:Morning Conference *NRC:Neuroradiology Conference *TR:Teaching Round *NEJC:Neuroendocrinology Joint Conference *NVJC:Neurovascular Joint Conference *MMCC:Myelomeningocele Conference *PNOB:Pediatric Neurooncology Board *RSC:Radiosurgery Conference *NOC:Neuro-oncology Conference *NPC:Neuropathology Conference *NNSGR:Neurology-Neurosurgery Grand Round *M&MC:Mortality & Morbidity Conference *EB:Epilepsy Board

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Date Subject Lecturer

Mar 06 Methionine PET in glioma;correlation with Ki-67 & histologic grade

Chae Yong Kim, M.D.

13 Management of complex hydrocephalus Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

20 Elevation of CRABP-I in the cerebrospinal fluid of moyamoya disease patients

Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

27 Deep Brain Stimulation Johanes Voges (Koeln University, Köeln, Germany)

Apr. 03 Cyberknife in spinal lesions Woong Gyu Jang, M.D.

10 Expression of neuronal antigens and patterning- associated gene in neural development

Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

24 Adenoviral p16/CDKN2 gene transfer to malignant glioma:role of p16 in growth, invasion, and senescence

Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

May 01 Artificial disc surgery Sang Ki Chung, M.D.

15 Incidental benign brain tumors:when to observe & when to operate ?

Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

29 Cyberknife in intracranial lesions Ho Shin Gwak, M.D.

June 05 GDC vs. craniotomy for treatment of cerebral aneurysms

O-Ki Kwon, M.D.

12 Neuroimaging vs. psychiatric disorders Jun Su Kwon (Neuropsychology)

19 Carotid endarterectomy vs. angioplasty Hyun Seung Kang, M.D.

26 StAR expression in brain tumors Jeong Eun Kim, M.D.

Sep 04 Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in childhood ependymomas:role of COX-2 inhibitorin growth and multi-drug resistance in vitro

Seung-Ki Kim,M.D.

25 Endoscopic Spine Surgery Tae-Ahn Jahng, M.D.

Oct 02 Revascularization surgery for adult MMD Chang Wan Oh, M.D.

09 Histological changes of hippocampus in patients withmedial temporal lobe epilepsy

Keun Sik Hong, M.D. (Neurology, Inje University Seoul)

23 The role of cerebral revascularization in patients with intracranial aneurysm

Jeong Eun Kim, M.D.

30 Aggressive vestibular schwannoma:preliminary report of molecular study

Ho Jun Seol, M.D.

Nov 06 Stem cell transplantation in surgically induced spiral open neural tube defects in chick embryos

Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

20 Long-term outcome and quality of life of patients with meningioma after conservative Tx

Ho Jun Seol, M.D.

27 Congenital dermal sinus:validation of prevalent hypothesis

Chang Seob Lee, M.D.

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VOLUME 33 ■ 27

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003


Date Subject Lecturer

Mar 08 Stereotactic surgery – instruments Hyun-Tai Chung, Ph.D.

Apr 12 Endoscopic surgery Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

26 Moyamoya disease Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

May 03 Occult spinal dysraphism Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

17 Management of spasticity Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

24 KNS board exam preparation Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

31 Surgical technique, spinal surgery (1) Hyun-Jib Kim, M.D.

June 07 Surgical technique, spinal surgery (2) Hyun-Jib Kim, M.D.

14 Cerebral angiography (1) Chang-Wan Oh, M.D.

21 Cerebral angiography (2) Chang-Wan Oh, M.D.

28 Surgical neuroanatomy (1) Jeong Eun Kim, M.D.

July 05 Surgical neuroanatomy (2) Jeong Eun Kim, M.D.

Sep 13 An operation of a craniopharyngioma Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

20 Endoscopic surgery Seung-Ki Kim, M.D.

Oct 04 Neuropathology part I Sung-Hye Park, MD.

11 Endoscopic technique in spine surgery Tae-Ahn Jahng, M.D.

Nov 22 Methods of cerebral hemodynamic assessment (I) Jeong Eun Kim, M.D.

Dec 06 STA-MCA anastomosis - surgical procedure Chang-Wan Oh, M.D

13 Neuropathology part II Sung-Hye Park, M.D.

20 Methods of cerebral hemodynamic assessment (II) Jeong Eun Kim, M.D.

27 An operation of a medulloblastoma Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

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5. 13th Annual Neurosurgery Update 2003

Date:May 15, 2003

Place:Auditorium of Clinical Research Institute of Seoul National University Hospital

Subjects and Lecturers

1. Neuroembryology for neurosurgeons - Kyu-Chang Wang

2. Occult spinal dysraphism - Marion L. Walker (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA)

3. Stem cells:neurosurgical perspectives - Kyung-Sun Kang

4. Management of intracranial cysts and fluid collections - Marion L. Walker (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA)

5. Carotid endarterectomy vs. stenting - Yong-Kwang Tu (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)

6. Carotid endarterectomy - Nobuo Hashimoto (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)

7. Short term result of carotid endarterectomy vs. stenting - Dae Hee Han

8. AVM surgery - Nobuo Hashimoto (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)

9. Cerebral revascularization for the treatment and prevention of ischemic cerebrovascular disease - Yong-Kwang Tu (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)

10. Effect of STA-MCA anastomosis on ischemic cerebrovascular disease - Chang Wan Oh

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VOLUME 33 ■ 29


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VOLUME 33 ■ 31

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

1. Research Activities

■ Neurovascular Disease

1. Dae Hee Han, O Ki Kwon

Experimental aneurysm occlusion: using autologous fibroblast attached GDC (Guglielmi detachable coil)

2. Chang Wan Oh

Role of endothelial senescence-like state in radiation-induced disruption of blood-brain barrier

3. Byung-Kyu Cho

Family linkage analysis of CCM1 locus on chromosome 7q in familial cavernous malformation

4. Chang Wan Oh

Development of neuronavigator program for cerebrovascular surgery

■ Congenital Anomaly

1. Kyu-Chang Wang

Mechanism and protection of fetal injury (Korea Research Foundation)

2. Kyu-Chang Wang

Morphological and cytokinetic observation and immunohistochemical study for neural differentiation of caudal cell mass in chick embryos (Korea Research Foundation)

3. Kyu-Chang Wang

Stem cell therapy for central nervous system disease (Ministry of Health & Welfare)

■ Epilepsy

1. Byung-Kyu Cho

Genetic analysis in cortical dysplasia (Ministry of Health & Welfare)

2. Chun-Kee Chung

Mechanism and neurotransmitter in epileptic brain injury (Ministry of Health & Welfare)

3. Chun-Kee Chung

Fas-Fas ligand expression in hippocampus from intractable epilepsy patients

■ Neuro-oncology

1. Hee-Won Jung

VEGF activity in peritumoral edema: Quantitative analysis of pre- and post-operatire MRI

2. Byung-Kyu Cho

Combined gene therapy by adenovirus-mediated p53 and p16 in human glioma cell lines

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3. Byung-Kyu Cho, Jong Jae Kim, Dong Soon Lee

Establishment and effective management of pediatric cancer bank in Korea (Ministry of Health & Welfare)

4. Sun Ha Paek

Origin of central neurocytoma and application to neural stem cell study

5. Seung-Ki Kim

Effect of recombinant adenovirus-mediated p16 gene transfer on glioma invasion

6. Seung-Ki Kim

Interaction between cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor and anti-cancer drugs in pediatric posterior fossa tumor

7. Jeong Eun Kim

Biological effect of combined p53, p16 transfection and gamma knife irradiation in human malignant glioma cell lines. (Korea Research Foundation)

■ Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

1. Dong Gyu Kim, Kyung Min Lee

Stereotactic electrophysiologic micro-recording and microstimulation in movement disorder

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VOLUME 33 ■ 33

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

2. Publications (60 Articles)

■ Publications-International Journals (34 Articles)

1. Choi-Kwon S, Chung C, Kim H, Lee S, Yoon S, Kho H, Oh J, Lee S: Factors affecting the quality of life in patients with epilepsy in Seoul, South Korea. Acta Neurol Scand. 108:428-434, 2003

2. Chung HT, Kim DG: Distortion correction for digital subtraction angiography imaging: PC based system for radiosur-gery planing. Comput Method Program Biomed 71:165-173, 2003

3. Gwak HS, Hwang SK, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Long-term outcome of trigeminal neurinomas with modified classi-fication focusing on petrous erosion. Surg Neurol 60:39-48, 2003

4. Im SH, Paek SH, Choi YL, Chi JG, Kim DG, Jung HW, Cho BK: Clinicopathological study of seven cases of sympto-matic supratentorial subependymoma. J Neurooncol 61:57-67, 2003

5. Im SH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Chung YN, Kim HS, Lee CH, Cho BK: Transsphenoidal microsurgery for pediatric cranio-pharyngioma: special considerations regarding indications and method. Pediatr Neurosurg 39:97-103, 2003

6. Im SH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Lee YH, Chi JG, Cho BK: Congenital intracranial teratoma: prenatal diagnosis and postna-tal successful resection. Med Pediatr Oncol 40:57-61, 2003

7. Kim CH, Chung CK, Kwon BJ, Kim HJ: Holocord myelopathy with thoracic stenosis: case report and hypothesis. Spinal Cord 41:696-699, 2003

8. Kim CH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Chung YN, Choi YL, Chi JG, Cho BK: Spinal intramedullary lipoma: report of three cases. Spinal Cord 41:310-315, 2003

9. Kim CY, Paek SH, Dong Gyu Kim: Linear accelerator radiosurgery for central neurocyutoma : a case report. J Neuro-oncol 61: 249-254, 2003

10. Kim CY, Paek SH, Seo BG, Kim JH, Han DH: Changes in vascular responses of the basilar artery to acetylcholine and endothelin-1 in an experimental rabbit vasospasm model. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145:571-577, 2003

11. Kim CY, Wang KC, Kim SK, Chung YN, Kim HS, Cho BK: Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis with bifrontal encephalo-galeo(periosteal) synangiosis in the pediatric moyamoya disease: the surgical technique and its outcomes. Childs Nerv Syst 19:316-324, 2003

12. Kim HJ, Hong SM, Kim S, Kim JH, Chie EK, Kim IH, Park CI, Ha SW, Wu HG, Kim DG, Kang WS: Efficacy of whole brain radiotherapy combined with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in metastatic brain tumor, and prognostic fac-tors. Radiat Med 21:155-160, 2003

13. Kim HJ, Kim JE, Ha M, Kang SS, Kim JT, Park IS, Paek SH, Jung HW, Kim DG, Cho GJ, Choi WS: Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression in the normal human brain and intracranial tumors. Brain Res 978:245-249, 2003

14. Kim JE, Kim CY, Kim DG, Jung HW: Implantation metastasis along the stereotactic biopsy tract in anaplastic astrocy-toma: a case report. J Neurooncol 61:215-218, 2003

15. Kim JE, Kim DG, Paek SH, Jung HW: Stereotactic biopsy for intracranial lesions: reliability and its impact on the plan-ning of treatment. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145:547-555, 2003

16. Kim JH, Jung HW, Kim YS, Kim CJ, Hwang SK, Paek SH, Kim DG, Kwun BD: Meningeal hemangiopericytomas: long-term outcome and biological behavior. Surg Neurol 59:47-54, 2003

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17. Kim MS, Han DH, Han MH, Oh CW: Posterior fossa hemorrhage caused by dural arteriovenous fistula: case reports. Surg Neurol 59:512-516, 2003

18. Kim NR, Wang KC, Bang JS, Choe G, Park Y, Kim SK, Cho BK, Chi JG: Glioblastomatous transformation of gangliog-lioma: Case report with reference to molecular genetic and flow cytometric analysis. Pathol Int 53:874-882, 2003

19. Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Lim SY, Kim YY, Oh CW, Chung YN, Kim CY, Lee CT, Kim HJ: Adenoviral p16/CDKN2 gene transfer to malignant glioma: Role of p16 in growth, invasion, and senescence. Oncol Rep 10:1121-1126, 2003

20. Kim SK, Wang KC, Hong SJ, Chung CK, Lim SY, Kim YY, Chi JG, Kim CJ, Chung YN, Kim HJ, Cho BK: Gene expre-ssion profile analyses of cortical dysplasia by cDNA arrays. Epilepsy Res 56:175-183, 2003

21. Kim SK, Wang KC, Oh CW, Kim IO, Lee DS, Song IC, Cho BK: Evaluation of cerebral hemodynamics with perfusion MRI in childhood moyamoya disease. Pediatr Neurosurg 38:68-75, 2003

22. Kim SK, Yoo JI, Cho BK, Hong SJ, Kim YK, Moon JA, Kim JH, Chung YN, Wang KC: Elevation of CRABP-I in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with moyamoya disease. Stroke 34:2835-2841, 2003

23. Kim YK, Lee DS, Lee SK, Kim SK, Chung CK, Chang KH, Choi KY, Chung JK, Lee MC: Differential features of me-tabolic abnormalities between medial and lateral temporal lobe epilepsy: quantitative analysis of (18)F-FDG PET using SPM. J Nucl Med 44:1006-1021, 2003

24. Kwon BJ, Han MH, Oh CW, Kim KH, Chang KH: Procedure-related haemorrhage in embolization of intracranial aneu-rysms with Guglielmi detachable coils. Neuroradiology 45:562-569, 2003

25. Kwon OK, Han MH, Oh CW, Park IA, Choe GY, Lee KH, Chang KH, Han DH: Embolization with autologous fibroblast-attached platinum coils in canine carotid artery aneurysms - histopathological differences from plain coil embolization. Invest Radiol 38:281-287, 2003

26. Lee DK, Choe WJ, Chung CK, Kim HJ: Spinal cord hemangioblastoma: surgical strategy and clinical outcome. J Neuro-oncol 61:27-34, 2003

27. Lee JH, Oh CW, Lee SH, Han DH: Aplasia of the internal carotid artery. Acta Neurochir(Wien) 145:117-25, 2003

28. Lee SK, Yun CH, Oh JB, Nam HW, Jung SW, Paeng JC, Lee DS, Chung CK, Choe G: Intracranial ictal onset zone in nonlesional lateral temporal lobe epilepsy on scalp ictal EEG. Neurology 61:757-764, 2003

29. Oh CW, Hoover-Plow J, Plow E: The role of plasminogen in angiogenesis in vivo. J Thromb Haemost 1:1683-1687, 2003

30. Park JC, Chung CK, Kim HJ: Iatrogenic spinal epidermoid tumor. A complication of spinal puncture in an adult. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 105:281-285, 2003

31. Seol HJ, Hwang SK, Choi YL, Chi JG, Jung HW: A case of recurrent subependymoma with subependymal seeding: case report. J Neurooncol 62:315-320, 2003

32. Son YJ, Wang KC, Kim SK, Cho BK, Chi JG, Kim YM: Primary intracranial malignant melanoma evolving from lepto-meningeal melanosis. Med Pediatr Oncol 40:201-204, 2003

33. Yang HJ, Kim JE, Paek SH, Chi JG, Jung HW, Kim DG: The significance of gemistocytes in astrocytoma. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145:1097-1104, 2003

34. Yang HJ, Wang KC, Chi JG, Lee MS, Lee YJ, Kim SK, Cho BK: Neural differentiation of caudal cell mass (secondary neurulation) in chick embryos: Hamburger and Hamilton Stages 16-45. Dev Brain Res 142:31-36, 2003

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Annual Report 2003

■ Publications-Domestic Journals (26 Articles)

35. Cho KT, Kim DG: Stereotatic radiosurgery for brain metastases: Prognostic factors for survival and local control. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:333-338, 2003

36. Chung HT, Yang HJ, JS Choi, Kim DG: Analysis of publications on Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society in 2003. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:597-599, 2003

37. Kim DY, Chung SK, Cho KT, Chung CK, Kim HJ: A survival analysis of surgically treated metastatic spine tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:247-251, 2003

38. Hwang SK, Seong WJ, Jeon YK, Chi JG, Lee CH, Jung HW: Olfactory neuroblastoma: clinical features and treatment outcome. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:446-453, 2003

39. Park JC, Chung CK, Kim HJ: Intradural-extramedullary spinal cavernous angioma as a cause of subarachnoid hemo-rrhage. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:174-176, 2003

40. Kim CH, Jung HW, Hwang SG, Chi JG: Cerebral central neurocytoma with high proliferative index: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:195-198, 2003

41. Kim CH, Kim CY, Kim DG, Han DH, Chi JG, Jung HW: Giant pituitary adenoma: long-term outcome after surgical treatment of 61 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:91-95, 2003

42. Kim CY, Chung HT, Lee SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Quality of life in patients with vestibular schwannoma after treatment: short form-36 based study. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:535-539, 2003

43. Kim DY, Chung SK, Cho KT, Chung CK, Kim HJ: A survival analysis of surgically treated metastatic spine tumor. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:247-251, 2003

44. Kim JE, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jung HW: Gamma knife radiosurgery for skull base meningiomas. J Korean Neu-rosurg Soc 33:363-369, 2003

45. Kim JE, Paek SH, Chung HT, Kim DG: Gamma knife radiosurgery for thalamotomy in parkinsonian tremor: preliminary report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 370-375, 2003

46. Kim JH, Oh CW, Han DH, Roh JK: Limb-Shaking transient ischemic attack due to stenosis of the middle cerebral artery. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:585-587, 2003

47. Kim SH, Kim DG, Kim CY, Choe GY, Chang KH, Jung HW: Microcystic meningioma: the characteristic neuroradiolo-gic findings. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:401-406, 2003

48. Kim SH, Kim DG: Sellar tuberculoma mimicking pituitary adenoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 245-248, 2003

49. Kim YH, Seol HJ, Jung HW, Han DH, Kim MA, Chi JG: Pituitary astrocytoma presenting with primary amenorrhea. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 2:25-28, 2003

50. Kwon BJ, Chang KH, Chung CK, Han MH, Choi YL, Chi JG: MR imaging findings of cortical dysplasia of the brain: correlation with pathologic grades and subtypes. J Korean Rad Soc 7:47-55, 2003

51. Lee SJ, Kim JE, Paek SH, Keyoung HM, Kim DG, Jung HW: Primary cell culture of central neurocytomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:238-244, 2003

52. Li YC, Chung YN, Wang KC: Re-closure by the Skin Graft of the Surgically Induced Spinal Open Neural Tube Defect in Chick Embryos. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33(3):291-296, 2003 Mar

53. Paek SH, Kim JE, Kim DG, Han MH, Jung HW: Angiographic characteristics of central neurocytoma suggest the origin

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of tumor. J Korean Med Sci 18:573-580, 2003

54. Park JC, Kim JE, Oh CW, Han DH: Embolization of cerebral aneuryms by using the Guglielmi Detachable Coil. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:187-191, 2003

55. Son H, Lee SH, Choi YK, Kim DY, Yoon BW, Lim DJ, Kim KM, Paick JS, Choi H: Urodynamic Effect of Oxybutynin Chloride on Bladder Dysfunction in Rats with Focal Cerebral Ischemia. J Korean Continence Soc 7(1):15-24, 2003 Jun

56. Yang HJ, Chung HT, Choi JS, Kim DG: Citation of Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:226-229, 2003

57. Kwon OK, Han MH, Oh CW, Han DH, Choe GY: Effect of aneurysm embolization with autologous fibroblast-attached platinum coils. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:45-50, 2003

58. Oh CW, Han DH: Posterior circulation aneurysm. J Korean Cerebrovas dis 5:123-129, 2003

59. Chung SK, Lee SH, Lim SR: Comparative study of laparoscopic L5-S1 fusion versus open mini-anterior lumbar inter-body fusion. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33:154-159, 2003

60. Phi JH, Chung CK: Perioerative anti-epileptic drug in neurosurgy. J Korean Epilepsy Soc 7:37-40, 2003

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

◆ Scientific Publications Listed in PubMed, 1999-2003

Vascular Tumor Spine/Epilepsy Pediatric Functional/Stereotactic Total

1999 04 03 07 05 00 019 2000 02 06 09 07 02 026 2001 10 09 13 06 00 038

2002 08 13 15 13 02 051 2003 11 10 05 10 04 040 Total 35 41 49 41 08 174

◆ Scientific Publications Listed in KoreaMed, 1999-2003

Vascular Tumor Spine/Epilepsy Pediatric Functional/Stereotactic Total

1999 06 06 03 04 04 23

2000 04 04 02 02 01 13 2001 02 05 06 01 00 14 2002 02 11 03 03 00 19 2003 04 09 07 01 05 26

Total 18 34 20 10 10 92 ◆ Neurosurgical Publications of SNU and Major Foreign Universities Listed in PubMed









No. of Publications

Osaka Univ.



201 218 212



Tokyo Univ.




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3. Presentations in Academic Meetings


■ The 9th Seoul International Epilepsy Symposium

Date: Feb. 22, 2003 Place: Seoul National University College of Medicine Speaker and Title of Paper:

Chung CK: Analysis of 1,000 cases of epilepsy surgery in SNUH

■ Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Cerebrovascular Disease

Date: Feb. 21-22, 2003 Place: Hotel Lotte Jamsil, Seoul Attendants: Han DH, Oh CW, Kang HS Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Han DH: Seizure outcome in patients with cerebral AVM 2. Oh CW: Interventional and surgical combined treatment for cerebral aneurysm 3. Kang HS: Treatment outcome of carotid angioplasty and stenting

■ Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Neurosurgical Society

Date: Mar. 14, 2003 Place: Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science, Seoul Speaker and Title of Paper:

Jung HW, Kim DG, Soel HJ: A case of rhabdoid meningioma:case report

■ 9th Annual Meeting of the Korean Stereotatic and Functional Neurosurgical Society

Date: Mar. 29, 2003 Place: Gacheon Medical School, Incheon Attendants: Jung HW, Kim DG, Chung CK, Jung HT, fellows, residents Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Chung CK: SNUH experience of 1,000 epilepsy surgeries 2. Seol HJ: Edema following gamma knife radiosurgery for meningiomas

■ 21st Annual Spring Meeting of the Korean Neurosurgical Society

Date: April 17-19, 2003 Place: Hotel Libera, Yousung, Daejun

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Annual Report 2003

Speaker and Title of Paper: 1. Han DH: Endovascsular surgery of cerebral aneurysm: A strategic choice of neurosurgery (luncheon seminar) 2. Jung HW: Long-term outcome & quality of life after brain tumor surgery-schwannoma (luncheon seminar) 3. Chung CK: Low grade gliomas - aggressive treatment (symposium) 4. Oh CW: Perioperative critical care in cerebrovascular disease-AVM surgery (breakfast seminar) 5. Oh CW: Embolectomy of acute thromboemboli in middle cerebral artery (oral) 6. Kwon OK: Basic knowledge for cerebrovascular surgery - Neuroimaging of cerebral artery (symposium) 7. Kim SK: Pediatric epilepsy surgery - benign lesions: hamartoma, cortical dysplasia and DNET (symposium) 8. Kim JY: SF-36 based health-related quality of life in patients after treatment of vestibular schwannoma (oral) 9. Jung YN: Expression of neuronal antigens in the secondary neurulation of chick embryos (oral) 10. Kim CH: Carotid endarterectomy vs. carotid angioplasty and stenting: comparison of treatment results(oral) 11. Kim JH: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for primary trigeminal neuralgia: preliminary report (oral) 12. Kim JH: Annalysis of 9 cases neuroblastoma invading to spinal cord (oral) 13. Kim JH: Treatment of a de-novo basilar trunk giant aneurysm developing after carotid occlusion (poster) 14. Kim YH: Colloid cyst and neuroglial heterotopia presenting with acute hydrocephalus (poster) 15. Lee SJ: Case report - Multi lobular epilepsy patient (poster) 16. Kim CH: Orbitofrontal cholesterol granuloma: case report (poster) 17. Kim YH: Idiopathic spontaneous spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage: case report (poster) 18. Yang SY: Brucellar spondylodiscitis: case report and literature review (poster)

■ 15th Annual Meeting of Korean Pediatric Neurosurgical Society

Date: May 10, 2003 Place: Chung-nam National University School of Medicine, Daejun Attendants: Wang KC, Kim SK, Chung YN, Lee CS, Kim SH, Phi JH, Han JH Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Wang KC: Moyamoya disease in the young: its aggressive clinical course and the role of active surgical treatment 2. Kim SK: Overexpression of COX-2 in children ependymomas: role of COX-2 inhibitor in growth and multi-drug

resistance 3. Phi JH: Immature teratoma: is adjuvant therapy mandatory?

■ Special Symposium on Magnetoencephalography(MEG)

Date: May 23, 2003 Place: Seoul National University Hospital Attendants: Choi KS, Han DH, Jung HW, Kim DG, Chung CK, Chung HT, fellows, residents Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Chung CK: Authorized discussion

2. Kuriki Shinya: The role of MEG in cortical high function

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3. Kamada Kyosuke: Alternation for WADA test

■ International Neurofibromatosis Symposium in Seoul (1st Symposium in Korea)

Date: May 28, 2003 Place: Seoul National University College of Medicine Cancer Center Speaker and Title of Paper:

Jung HW: Neurofibromatosis type 2: long-term treatment outcome

■ 8th Annual Meeting of the Korean Epilepsy Society

Date: June 13-14, 2003 Place: Hotel Libera, Daejun Attendants: Chung CK, Lee DY Speaker and Title of Paper:

Chung CK: - Hippocampal Sclerosis:Mossy Fiber Sprouting and Synaptic Reorganization, Epileptogenesis of Hippocam-pal

Sclerosis. Investigator’s Workshop. Hippocampus. - Surgery for Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. Surgical Workshop. Epilepsy Surgery

■ 1st Education course for Neurosurgery Nurses

Date: Aug. 1, 2003 Place: Cancer Center, Seoul National University Hospital Lecturer: Han DH, Jung HW, Kim DG, Wang KC, Chung CK

■ Postgraduate Course of the Society of Korean Cerebrovascular Disease

Date: Sep. 6, 2003 Place: Asan Medical Center, Seoul Attendants: Oh CW, Kim JE, Son YJ, residents Speaker and Title of Paper:

Oh CW: Posterior circulation aneurysm

■ Stroke Symposium KNUH 2003 (Acute Stroke & Vasospasm)

Date: Sep. 26, 2003 Place: Kyungbuk National University, Daegu Speaker and Title of Paper:

Han DH: Ischemic complications in the management of cerebral aneurysm

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Annual Report 2003

■ 11th Postgraduate Course of the Korean Brain Tumor Society

Date: Sep. 27, 2003 Place: Seoul National University, College of Medicine Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Chung CK: Functional and metabolic imaging for brain tumor surgery 2. Kim SK: Management of pediatric brain tumors

■ 43rd Annual Meeting of the Korean Neurosurgical Society

Date: Oct. 15-19, 2003 Place: Grand Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul Award: IS Lee Award

Seol HJ: “Surgical approach to anterior compression in the upper thoracic spine” Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Chung CK: The surgical outcome of epilepsy patients with brain tumor (PS) 2. Kwon OK: Intravascular neurosurgery for aneurysm: presentation of complicated cases (LS) 3. Kim DG: Nonsurgical treatment options for difficult meningiomas: Radiosurgery (LS) 4. Kim SK: Recent advances in pediatric brain tumors (LS) 5. Kim SK: Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in childhood ependymomas: role of COX-2 inhibitor in

growth and multidrug resistance (FP) 6. Lee DY: Use of navigation system for transoral approach with posterior atlantoaxial facet screw fixation:techni-

cal note (FP) 7. Kim SK: Elevation of CRABP-I in the cerebrospinal fluid of moyamoya disease patients (FP) 8. Lee CS: Fetal hydrocephalus patient: case report (FP) 9. Yang SY: Glioblastoma at the site of a cerebellar medulloblastoma treated 10 years earlier (FP) 10. Kim YH: Surgical result of the prolactinoma (1998-2002) (FP) 11. Kim JH: Analysis of 19 post TSA operation. Cases of Cushing’s disease (FP) 12. Son YJ: Oculomotor nerve palsy caused by posterior communicating artery aneurysm: The possible mechanism and

the pattern of recovery following endovascular treatment (FP) 13. Kim JH: Analysis of 138 cervical and thoracic spinal IDEM tumor cases (FP) 14. Son YJ: Surgical results of intramedullary spinal cord ependymomas:retrospective analysis of 51 cases (FP) 15. Wang KC: The promotive effect on reclosure of open neural tube defect of chicken embryo by injection of em-

bryo stem cell into amniotic cavity (FP) 16. Kim JE: Analysis of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) messenger RNA expression in human intra-

cranial tumors by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (FP) 17. Kim JE: The in vitro effect of gamma knife radiation and p53 gene transfection on human malignant glioma cell

lines (FP) 18. Kim JY: Thoracic disc herniation associated with syringomyelia: intra- and extradural approach (VP)

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19. Seol HJ: Treatment outcome and prognostic factors in adult patients with germ cell tumor: analysis of 57 conse-cutive cases (FP)

20. Yang SY: The treatment result of malignant meningioma (FP) 21. Kwon OK: Platinum coil embolization for cerebral aneurysm: 1996-2003.5 (FP) 22. Kwon OK: Complication of platinum coil embolization: Guglielmi Detachable coil (FP) 23. Kim JE: Postoperative result of STA-MCA anastomosis in ischemic cerebral disease patients (FP) 24. Im SH: Pre- and post-operative cerebral hemodynamics in symptomatic patients with internal carotid artery ste-

nosis: a SPECT study (FP) 25. Oh CW: Cerebral hemodynamics in adult moyamoya disease patients: perfusion MR imaging and SPECT study

(FP) 26. Choi IJ: A case of germinoma: located in infratemporal fossa (P) 27. Han JH: Aggressive rhabdoid meningioma: case report (P) 28. Kim YH: Pituitary astrocytoma presenting with primary amenorrhea (P) 29. Lee SJ: Cervical myelopathy diagnosed with dynamic MRI in a patient with partial neurological deficit (P) 30. Kim YH: Hemangioblastomas of the central nervous system: analysis of one institution surgical experience (P) 31. Kim CH: Vertebral artery injury after cervical trauma (P) 32. Park JC: Embolization of cerebral aneurysm by using the Guglielmi Detachable coil (P)

■ Postgraduate Course of the Korean Stereotatic and Functional Neurosurgical Society

Date: Nov. 1, 2003 Place: Seoul National University College of Medicine Attendants: Kim DG, Chung CK, et al. Speaker and Title of Paper:

Chung CK: Basic mechanism of antiepileptic drugs

■ Annual Meeting of the Korean Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Society

Date: Nov. 2, 2003 Place: Seoul National University College of Medicine Attendants: Kim HJ, Chung CK, Jahng TA, et al. Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Jahng TA: L1 burst fractures: thoracoscopic trans-diaphragmatic decompression and stabilization 2. Chung SK: Treatment of lower lumbar radiculopathy caused by osteoporotic compression fracture: the role of ver-


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Annual Report 2003


■ 6th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress

Date: 2003. 6. 22-26 Place: Kyoto, Japan Attendants: Kim DG, Chung HT, Jung SS Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Kim DG: Gamma knife radiosurgery for treatment of vestibular schwannoma 2. Jung HT: Virtual phantom for verification of treatment planning software 3. Jung SS: Improvement in satisfaction of patients who underwent Gamma knife surgery

■ 94th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research

Date: 2003. 7. 10-16 Place: Washington, USA Speaker and Title of Paper:

Kim SK: Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in childhood ependymomas: role of COX-2 inhibitor in growth and multi-drug resistance

■ World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Interim Meeting of the Executive Committee/12th Eu-ropean Congress of Neurosurgery

Date: 2003. 9. 5-14 Place: Lisbon, Portugal Attendants: Han DH, Jung HW

■ The International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery

Date: 2003. 9. 12-19 Place: Monaco Attendants: Cho BK, Wang KC Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Cho BK: - Terminal myelocystocele: An experience of six cases - Moyamoya disease in the young: its aggressive clinical course and the role of active surgical treatment

2. Wang KC: Headache in moyamoya disease

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■ The 4th Biennial Korea-Japan Conference on Spinal Surgery

Date: 2003. 9. 18-20 Place: Hotel Hyundae, Geongju, Korea Attendants: Chung CK, Jahng TA, Lee DY, Son YJ, Kim JH, Kim CH Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Kim JH: Postoperative analysis of 138 cases of intradual extramedullary cord tumor in cervico-thoracic segment 2. Son YJ: Surgical results of intramedullary spinal cord ependymomas: retrospective analysis of 51 cases 3. Lee DY: Use of navigation system for transoral approach with posterior atlantoaxial facet screw fixation: technical

note 4. Jahng TA: Endoscope assisted pedicle screw fixation using pedicle finder system and microscopic decompression

and PLIF with tubular retractor 5. Kim CH: Vertebral artery injury after cervical trauma

■ 1st International Symposium on CNS Germ Cell Tumors

Date: 2003. 9. 16-20 Place: Kyoto Park Hotel, Japan Attendants: Jung HW, Seol HJ Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Jung HW: Germ cell tumor: analysis of adult 57 cases (oral) 2. Seol HJ: A case of germinoma: located in infratemporal fossa (poster) 3. Seol HJ: Methionine-positron emission tomography (PET) study for germ cell tumors: is it useful in diagnosing

and predicting the prognosis? (oral)

■ The 4th Annual International Meeting on Cerebral Revascularization

Date: 2003. 10. 8-14 Place: Saint Louis, USA

Attendants: Oh CW, Kim JE, Son YJ, Im SH

■ 25th International Epilepsy Congress

Date: 2003. 10. 9-16 Place: Lisbon, Portugal Speaker and Title of Paper:

Chung CK: Long term surgical outcome for epilespy and prognostic factors

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Annual Report 2003

■ 53rd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Date: 2003. 10. 18-25 Place: Denver, U.S.A. Attendants: Han DH, Jung HW, Seol HJ, Son YJ Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Jung HW: State-of-the-art management of brain metastases: Decision making in selection of treatment (Luncheon Seminar Faculty)

2. Seol HJ: Long-term outcome of residual vestibular schwannoma after near total resection: analysis of 69 cases (Oral poster)

3. Son YJ: Seizure outcome in patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations (Oral poster) 4. Son YJ: Intracranial aneurysm: treatment outcome after a team approach of the interventionists and neurosurgeons in

136 patients (Poster) 5. Son YJ: Failed or partial embolization of cerebral aneurysm with endovascular technique (Poster)

■ 2nd Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology

Date: 2003. 12. 4-6 Place: Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul Attendants: Han DH, Jung HW, Kim DG, Kim JE, et al. Speaker and Title of Paper:

1. Jung HW: Long-term outcome of residual vestibular schwannoma after near total resection: analysis of 69 cases 2. Kim DG: Reduced-dose Gamma Knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma 3. Seol HJ: Decreased expression of p27 may be associated with aggressive but histologically benign vestibular sch-

wannomas: preliminary report of molecular study of 15 cases 4. Yang SY: Treatment outcome and prognostic factors of malignant meningioma

■ 5th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society

Date: 2003. 12. 5-11 Place: Boston, USA Speaker and Title of Paper:

Chung CK: Functional MR study for language organization in left medial temporal lobe epilepsy patients

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4. Invited Lecture

■ Hiroshi Mori M.D., Niigata University, Japan

Date: May 9, 2003 Place: Seoul National University College of Medicine Title of Paper: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy for pediatric hydrocepahlic patients - discussion on the indications and

strategy for shunt removal

5. Overseas Training

■ Sun Ha Paek: 2002. 1. 14~2004. 1. 12 - New York Cornell University, New York, U.S.A. - Weill Medical College & Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

■ Dae Hee Han: 2003. 10. 18~11. 5 - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

1. Neurosurgical Admissions


I. BRAIN LESIONS 1. Tumor 0930

A. Primary brain tumors 0857 1) Tumors of neuroepithelial tissue 0200

a. Astrocytic tumor 0082 014 001 012 0109 b. Oligodendroglial tumor 0033 001 0034 c. Mixed glioma d. Ependymal tumor 0009 008 0017 e. Choroid plexus tumor 0002 003 0005 f. Glial tumors of uncertain origin 0001 0001 g. Neuronal and mixed neuroglial tumors 0012 003 0015 h. Neuroblastic tumors 0003 0003 i. Medulloblastomas 0002 008 0010 j. Pineal parenchymal tumors 0003 0003 k. Embryonal tumors 003 0003

2) Tumors of peripheral nerve 0109 001 005 001 0116 3) Tumors of the meninges 0232 017 015 0264 4) Primary melanocytic lesions 5) Tumors of the sellar lesions 0128 010 012 025 0175 6) Germ cell tumors 0002 001 0003 7) Other tumors 0070 018 002 009 0099 B. Metastatic brain tumors 0049 007 0056 C. Others 0002 010 005 0017

2. Vascular lesions 0962 A. Subarachnoid hemorrhage 0088 061 039 0188 B. Unruptured aneurysm 0166 028 009 0203 C. Dissection 0004 0004 D. Vascular malformation 0146 007 019 002 0174 E. Ischemic vascular lesions 0093 110 048 018 0269 F. Carotid cavernous fistula 0003 002 0005 G. Intracranial hemorrhage, spontaneous 0033 001 031 038 0103 H. Intraventricular hemorrhage, spontaneous 0014 001 001 0016

3. Hydrocephalus 0078 035 019 016 0148

4. Congenital and developmental anomaly 0028 040 004 004 0076

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5. Trauma 0095 018 064 114 0291 6. Infection 0064 013 002 005 0084 7. Scalp and skull 0039 011 007 021 0078 8. Others 0028 003 004 004 0039

II. SPINE 0850

1. Tumors 0083 A. Primary spinal cord tumors 0047 003 012 001 0063 B. Metastatic spine tumors 0011 004 001 0016 C. Vertebral body tumors 0004 0004

2. Vascular lesions 0005 002 005 0012 3. Benign and degenerative lesions 0196 010 225 063 0494 4. Congenital and developmental anomalies 0004 053 003 0060 5. Trauma 0033 033 010 0076 6. Infection 0019 003 003 0025 7. Others 017 0017


1. Epilepsy 0074 009 015 0098 2. Movement and pain disorder 0085 004 003 0092 3. Peripheral nervous system 004 024 0028

Total 2,096, 387 655 455 3,593, *SNUH: Seoul National University Hospital *SNUCH: Seoul National University Children’s Hospital *SNUBH: Seoul National University Bundang Hospital *BRMH: Boramae Hospital

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

2. Neurosurgical Operations



A. Neoplasms 638

1. Classification according to surgical method

1) Craniotomy 238 55 15 26 334

2) Biopsy a. Stereotactic 39 1 3 43b. Endoscopic 8 8 16c. Open 5 2 1 8

3) TSA 65 5 5 17 92

4) Gamma knife radiosurgery 144 1 145

2. Classification according to pathology

1) Tumors of neuroepithelial tissue 250a . Astrocytic tumors 56 22 7 85b . Oligodendroglial tumors 19 2 21c . Mixed gliomas 1 1 2d . Ependymal tumors 9 3 12e . Choroid plexus tumors 1 3 4f . Glial tumors of uncertain origin 3 3g . Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors 6 2 8h . Pineal parenchymal tumors 1 2 3i . Neuroblastic tumor 1 1j . Medulloblastoma 1 17 18

2) Tumors of peripheral nerves 86 3 4 93

3) Tumors of the meninges 156a. Tumors of meningothelial cells 114 1 11 11 137b. Mesenchymnal non-meningothelial tumors 7 7c. Tumor of uncertain histogenesis 11 1 12

4) Lymphomas and hemopoietic neoplasms 7 1 8

5) Germ cell tumors 9 17 26

6) Cysts & tumor-like lesions 12 1 13

7) Tumors of the sellar region 70 9 5 20 104

8) Others 60 7 1 7 75

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B. Cerebrovascular lesions 645

1. Aneurysm 272

1) Classification according to treatment modality a. Craniotomy 68 16 27 111b. Endovascular 100 61 161

2) Classificaton according to location of lesion a. Craniotomy

- Anterior circulation 60 12 25 97- Posterior circulation 8 1 3 12- Multiple 3 3

b. Endovascular - Anterior circulation 76 40 116- Posterior circulation 24 20 44- Multiple - Dissection 1 1

2. Vascular malformation 109

1) Classificatoin accroding to treatment modality a. Craniotomy 17 5 3 25b. Gamma knife radiosurgery 73 73c. Endovascular embolizaton 4 7 11d. Combination

2) Classification according to pathology a. Arteriovenous malformation 70 5 10 3 88b. Cavernous angioma 20 20c. Arteriovenous fistula 4 7 11d. Carotid-cavernous fistula 1 1e. Others 1 1

3. Ischemic vascular disease 112

1) Classificatoin according to treatment modality a. Surgery

- Direct 9 2 17 2 30- Indirect 2 62 2 2 68

b. Endovascular 1 13 14

2) Classification according to pathology

a. Carotid stenosis - Carotid endarterectomy 1 1 2 4- Endovascular stent insertion 1 1

b. Moyamoya disease - Direct 7 2 8 17- Indirect 2 62 1 2 67

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003


c. Other ischemic vascular disease - Direct 1 3 4- Indirect 1 1

d. Endovascular angioplasty 13 13e. Others (including decompression) 3 14 3 20

4. Intracranial hemorrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage 26

1) Craniotomy 19 1 20

2) Stereotactic aspiration 3 3

3) Extraventricular drainage 3 3

C. Congenital and developmental anomaly 9 16 2 27

D. Hydrocephalus 119 59 23 26 227

E. Trauma 86 18 31 53 188

F. Infection 24 4 4 32

G. Others 72 25 15 12 124


A. Tumor 108

1. Extradural tumor 19

1) Primary 1 6 2 9

2) Metastasis 8 2 10

2. Intradural tumor 65

1) Intrameduallry 5 1 10 16

2) Extramedullary 33 3 11 2 49

3. Bone tumor 20 3 23

B. HIVD 120

1. Cervical 24 26 6 56

2. Thoracic 3 2 5

3. Lumbar 59

1) Laminectomy and discectomy 37 45 15 52

2) Laminectomy and discectomy with tubular retractor 2 3 2

3) Transforaminal endoscopic discectomy 6 8 6

4) Artificial disc replacement

5) Laminectomy, discectomy and fusion 5 43 5

6) Intradiscal thermocoagulation

7) Discography 6 16 6

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C. Other benign spine lesions 200

1. Cervical 5 61 6 72

2. Thoracic 10 4 1 15

3. Lumbar 61 1 39 12 113

D. Vascular lesions 4

1. Vascular malformation

1) Arteriovenous malformation 1 3 4

E. Congenital and developmental anomaly 42

1. Tethered cord syndrome 3 6 3 12

2. Lipomyelomeningocele 1 16 17

3. Myelomeningocele 2 2

4. Congenital dermal sinus 3 3

5. Currarino syndrome 1 1

6. Syringomyelia 1 3 3 7

F. Trauma 20

1. Cervical spine 11 3 2 16

2. Thoracic spine 1 3 4

3. Thoracolumbar junction (T11, 12, L1)

4. Lumbar spine 1 1

5. Sacral spine

G. Infection and inflammation 34

1. Infection

1) Pyogenic 11 1 5 2 19

2) Tuberculosis 6 1 7

3) Others 2 2

2. Inflammatory 6 6


A. Epilepsy surgery 76

1. Anterior temporal lobectomy and amygdalohippocampectomy 28 5 33

2. Selective amygdalohippocampectomy 1 1

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003


3. Grid and strip insertion 16 4 20

4. Lesionectomy 12 3 3 185. Hemispherectomy 1 2 36. Corpus callosotomy 1 1

B. Pain and movement disorders 87

1. Trigeminal neuralgia 1) Microvascular decompression 2) Gamma kinfe surgery 46 46

2. Hemifacial spasm Microvascular decompression 18 18

3. Cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia Selective dorsal rhizotomy 11 11

4. Parkinson’s disease 1) Deep brain stimulation 1 12) Pallidotomy 1 13) Gamma knife surgery 1 1

5. Tremor 1) Thalamotomy 3 32) Gamma kinfe surgery 2 2

6. Torticollis 2 2 4 IV. PERIPHERAL NERVE 26A. Carpal tunnel syndrome

1. Open surgery 2 3 4 92. Endoscopic surgery 17 17


Excisional biopsy 11 3 1 4 19B. Skull

Excisional biopsy 7 5 2 2 16C. Others 1 4 6 5 16

Total operations 1,393 369 528 284 2,574 *SNUH: Seoul National University Hospital *SNUCH: Seoul National University Children’s Hospital *SNUBH: Seoul National University Bundang Hospital *BRMH: Boramae Hospital

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Neurosurgical Operations According to Subspecialties in Main and Affiliated Hospitals

Subspecialties SNUH SNUCH SNUBH BRMH Total

Tumor 0566 082 050 048 0746

- Brain 0499 072 021 046 0638

- Spine 0067 010 029 002 0108

Vascular lesions 0343 076 161 065 0645

- Brain 0342 076 157 065 0640

- Spine 0001 000 004 00 005

Trauma 0100 018 037 072 0227

- Brain 0086 018 031 053 0188

- Spine 0012 000 006 019 0037

Benign spinal lesions 0159 001 0211 039 0410

Functional 0122 026 005 000 0153

Developmental anomalies 0011 065 007 000 0083

Others 0011 083 057 060 0211

Total 1,393, 369 528 284 2,574,


















gn sp






















*SNUH: Seoul National University Hospital*SNUCH: Seoul National University Children’s Hospital *SNUBH: Seoul National University Bundang Hospital *BRMH: Boramae Hospital

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Monthly Patients in Outpatient Clinic and Ward

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

3. Neurosurgical ICU Admissions


Brain 340 35 142 116 633

Tumor 156 15 017 034 222

Vascular 176 09 125 082 392

Developmental anomalies 08 11 000 000 019

Spine 05 03 002 000 010

Tumor 01 01 002 000 004

Vascular 00 00 000 000 000

Degenerative 04 00 000 000 004

Developmental anomalies 000 02 000 000 002

Trauma 013 02 043 000 058

- Brain 011 02 043 046 102

- Spine 002 00 000 003 005

Others 022 04 007 006 039

Total 398 44 239 171 852

Mortality cases (%) 30 (5.8%) 00 18 (9.3%) 35 (20%) 87 (10.2%)

Average duration of stay (day) 0007.6 0003.7 0009.4 0032.7 0013.4

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4. Monthly Outpatients, Inpatients and Neurosurgical Operations



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12







Monthly Operations







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Monthly Patients in Outpatient Clinic and Ward

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

5. Comparative Neurosurgical Statistics 1999~2003




1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

SNUH 4,350 3,958 06,267 07,456 27,274

SNUCH 0,750 0,769 01,046 01,803 03,773

SNUBH 06,153

BRMH 1,250 2,022 08,952 09,238 10,434

Total 6,350 6,749 16,250 18,497 47,634

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

SNUH 1,541 1,170 1,654 1,757 2,335

SNUCH 0,357 0,280 0,349 0,400 0,406

SNUBH 0,655

BRMH 0,397 0,412 0,495 0,411 0,455

Total 2,295 1,862 2,498 2,568 3,851

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

SNUH 1,345 1,058 1,284 1,371 1,393

SNUCH 0,352 0,263 0,354 0,408 0,369

SNUBH 0,528

BRMH 0,270 0,241 0,305 0,268 0,284

Total 1,967 1,562 1,943 2,047 2,574

*SNUH: Seoul National University Hospital*SNUCH: Seoul National University Children’s Hospital, *SNUBH: Seoul National University Bundang Hospital *BRMH: Boramae Hospital

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5-Year Trends











1999 2000 2001 2002 2003












1999 2000 2001 2002 2003















1999 2000 2001 2002 2003


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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

1. Graduation Remarks by Senior Residents

전공의를 마치며

신경외과에 들어온 것이 엊그제 같은데 벌써 퇴국을 하게 되었습니다. 신경외과라는 누구에게나 힘

들고 어렵게 느껴지는 과를 선택하며 각오를 새롭게 했건만 막상 생활해보니 쉽지만은 않은 곳 같았습

니다. 지금 돌이켜 생각해보면 어떤 힘든 일이 있을 때 헤쳐 나갈 수 있는 힘은, 물론 자신의 의지에서

나오지만 그만큼 중요한 것은 다른 사람의 격려와 자극인 것 같습니다. 힘들고 지칠 때 누군가의 격려

의 한마디 또는 의욕이 넘치는 모습 등에 힘이 생기기도 하고 때로는 낙심하기도 할 수 있는 것 같습

니다. 전공의 생활을 하는 동안 격려와 지도를 해주셨던 교수님들께 감사드립니다. 한 사람의 부족하지

만 전문의로서 키워주신 많은 의국 선배님들과 교수님들께 다시 한번 감사드립니다.

전공의를 마치며

설레이는 마음으로 신경외과에 들어온지 얼마되지 않은 것 같은데 벌써 퇴국이라니 실감이 나질

않습니다. 힘들었지만 인생에 있어 가장 중요했던 4년이 너무나 빨리 지난 것 같아 한편으로는 겁이

나기도 하지만 다른 한편으로는 설레임으로 앞으로 다가올 미래를 기 해봅니다. 앞으로 전공의 생활

을 더 해야 할 후배들에게 하고 싶은 말은 환자보는 일, 논문쓰는 일 모두 중요하고 무엇보다도 동료

나 선후배간의 인간관계가 가장 중요하다는 생각이 듭니다. 존경하는 교수님들과 지난 4년 동안 같이

했던 선배, 후배, 간호사, 환자, 그리고 환자가족 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.

김 승 현

김 지 하

Page 64: Seoul National University Hospital ⑤ Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College o f Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annual Report 2003 In Front of the Statue of the Deceased



전공의를 마치며

4년간의 전공의 생활을 마치고 전문의 시험을 치르고 난 지금 퇴국 소감을 쓰려고 하니 지난 시간

들이 주마등처럼 흘러 갑니다. 처음 신경외과를 시작할 때 가졌던 열정 그리고 중간중간 힘든 시간마

다 이끌어 주던 동료들, 스승님들이 생각이 납니다. 전공의 때 온실의 화초처럼 보호를 받으면서 지내

다가 이제 온실에서 벗어난 듯한 기분이 들며 기 도 되지만 모든 것이 두렵습니다. 한명의 신경외과

전문의로 만들어주신 스승님들, 선배들, 동료들 특히 같은 년차 동기에게 이 지면을 빌려 다시 한번 감

사드립니다. 이번 퇴국이 수련의 끝이 아니고 이제부터 진정 고민하고 공부해야 하며 새로이 더 나은

관점에서 새로이 수련을 해야 하는 것 같습니다. 앞으로 전공의 생활을 더해야 할 후배들에게 하고 싶

은 말은 아무리 힘들어도 환자는 항상 불쌍한 사람이기 때문에 잘 해주라는 말과 모든 일은 때가 있으

니까 힘들어도 기회가 주어지면 모든 일을 열심히 하라는 말 입니다. 그리고 제일 중요한 것은 힘든

생활에 항상 힘이 되는 것은 동료이기에 동료, 선 후배와 좋은 인간 관계를 가지라는 말을 마지막으로

하고 싶습니다.

부족한 한 사람을 전문의로 만들어 주신 많은 의국 선배님들과 교수님들 그리고 동료와 후배들에게

다시 한번 감사드립니다.

전공의를 마치며

벌써 퇴국이라고 하니 지나간 전공의 시절들이 주마등처럼 머릿속을 스치고 지나갑니다. 그 동안 지

도 편달해 주신 교수님과 선배님, 힘든 상황에서 도움이 되어준 동료 및 후배들 그리고 다른 분야의

의국 비서 및 여러분들께 감사의 말씀을 올립니다. 해가 다르게 발전하는 신경외과의 분야에서 계속적

으로 노력해서 훌륭한 후배가 되는 것이 그 동안 베풀어 주신 선배님의 은혜를 갚는 길이라 생각하고

학문적으로 진료에서도 좋은 의사가 되기 위해 노력하겠습니다.

김 치 헌

박 중 철

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VOLUME 33 ■ 65

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

전공의를 마치며

지난 4년간이 주마등처럼 머릿속을 지나갑니다. 분명 선생님들께 혼난 적도 많았건만 그런 기억

들보다 수술 후 환해지는 환자와 보호자의 얼굴을 보며 함께 즐거워하던 모습이 더 뚜렷합니다. 천

둥벌거숭이였던 나를 신경외과 의사로 거듭나게 해주었던 지난 4년! 시간이 지남에 따라 제 역할도

점점 변해갔었지만 선생님들과 동료들, 환자들을 할 때마다 항상 초심으로 살아야겠다는 생각이


이 승 준

Page 66: Seoul National University Hospital ⑤ Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College o f Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annual Report 2003 In Front of the Statue of the Deceased



2. After Two-Years Overseas Research


2년간의 연수기간중 1년은 뉴욕주 맨하탄에 있는 Cornell University Joan and Sanford I. Weil l

Medical College의 Neurology 교실의 research lab에서 neuronal stem cell research에 한 기초 연

구 실험에 참여하였고 나머지 1년은 펜실베니아주 필라델피아에 있는 Thomas Jefferson University

Hospital의 신경외과 교실에서 clinical research work에 참여하였다. Weill Medical College는 1898년

에 설립되었고 그 학부속병원인 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital은 1927년에 개원하였는데 이 의과

학은 다른 곳과는 달리 이웃한 Rockefeller University와 Sloan-Kettering Institute와 제휴하여 MD-

PhD과정을 두고 있다. Weill Medical College의 Neurology & Neuroscience Department에서 주로

human adult neuronal stem cell research로 명성을 얻고 있는 Steven A. Goldman 박사의 MD-PhD

과정 지도 학생이었던 재미 교포학생이 1999년 본 교실을 방문하였던 것이 우연한 계기가 되어 이곳에서

연수기간의 첫 해를 보내게 되었다. 2000년도에 들어서면서부터 정부와 각계에서 stem cell research에

한 지 한 관심을 보이고 있었고 신경외과 의사가 주축이 되어 neuronal stem cell research를 하는

것이 바람직할 것같다는 생각을 하고 있던 참이었다. 실험실은 맨하탄의 York Avenue 68번지에 위치한

생화학연구 건물의 6층과 8층에 자리잡고 있었는데 뒷편으로 흐르고 있는 east river의 전경을 한눈에

내려다 볼 수 있어 숨막힐 듯한 맨하탄의 빌딩숲 분위기와는 조를 이루는 곳이었다. 맨하탄의 살인적인

높은 물가도 물가이려니와 당시 초등학교 5학년과 중학교 1학년에 있었던 두 아이들의 거주지역으로 맨

하탄은 적합하지 않다고 생각되어 집은 New Jersey주의 Madison이라는 곳으로 정하였다. 덕분에 통근

기차와 맨하탄 지하철을 이용하여 출퇴근을 해야하는 번거로움이 있었으나 가족들이 미국의 전형적인 도

시근교 생활을 느낄 수 있어 좋았다. Goldman 교수는 조류 및 포유류, 그리고 인체에서 adult brain에서

도 neuronal progenitor cell이 존재한다는 것을 수십편의 논문을 통해 꾸준히 입증해 오고 있는 성체 줄

기 세포의 연구에는 세계적으로 잘 알려져 있는 석학이다. 2000년에 인체의 성인 뇌의 해마의 sube-

pendymal layer에서 neuronal cell, astrocyte, oligodendrocyte로의 다기능적 분화가 가능한 neuronal

progenitor cell를 분리해 내어 이를 Nature Medicine에 보고하였다1). 2003년에는 인체의 성인 뇌의

white matter에서 neuronal cell, astrocyte, oligodendrocyte 등으로의 다기능적 분화가 가능한 adult

neuronal stem cel l(A2B5+)을 분리해 내어 이를 또 다시 Nature Medicine에 보고하였다2). 실험

백 선 하

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

실에서는 PostDoc 5명, MD-PhD 과정 학생 2명, research work을 위해 파견된 신경외과 레지던트 2

명, PhD과정의 학생 1명, 실험실 기사 4명, 실험실 조교수 1명, 실험실 전담 비서 1명이 Goldman 교수의

개인 lab을 꾸려가고 있었다. Goldman 박사 한 사람이 이끄는 실험실의 인적 자원은 물론이거니와 더욱

놀라웠던 것은 Beckton & Dikinson사의 FACS기계를 포함하여 Goldman 박사 한사람이 갖고 있는 실험

실 기자재가 본인이 근무하고 있는 병원의 임상연구동에 비치되어 있는 것보다 훨씬 up-grade 되어 있었

다는 것과 이 실험실에서만 하루에 신청되는 실험실 물품의 규모에 놀라지 않을 수 없었다. 기초 실험실

에 한 실전적 경험이 없었던 본인에게는 모든 것들이 새로웠다. 연수 기간중의 첫 해는 이 분야에서 최

근에 행해지고 있는 여러 가지 실험적 연구 기법을 접할 수 있었다. 미국 보건성에서 인준한 인체 배아 세

포들중 배양 조건과 성격이 다른 두가지 세포주(H1, H9)을 이용하여 이들을 계 배양하고 신경 줄기 세

포로의 분화를 유도하는 실험적 기법, 유산된 인체 태아의 뇌조직의 뇌실 주번 신경 줄기 세포를 분리하

여 일차 배양하는 실험적 기법, Fluorescence Activated Cells Sorting의 기본 술기, 분리된 신경 줄기

세포의 실험동물내의 이식 방법 등의 실험 연구기법을 접할 수 있었다. 특히 본 교실과의 협동 과제로 진

행된 central neurocytoma내에 존재하는 neuronal progenitor cell에 한 연구의 중간 결과를 지난

한 신경외과 학회지에 보고한 바 있다3). 향후 이 분야에 한 연구의 전망은 매우 밝다고 생각된다. 여러

가지 배양 인자와 신경 유도 물질 및 이에 관련된 유전자의 활성화 등을 통한 신경 줄기 세포의 분화 및

증식에 한 연구는 향후 중추신경계의 생성과 발달의 기전을 연구하고 궁극적으로 신경 손상을 동반한

각종 퇴행성 뇌,척수 질환, 뇌,척수 경색, 뇌척수 손상 질환의 세포 이식 치료를 가능하게 할 것으로 생각

되고 있다. 해결되어야 할 많은 과제들이 산적해 있지만 비가역성 신경 손상의 후유장애로 고통받고 있는

많은 환자들을 위해 신경외과 의사로서 이러한 기초 및 응용 연구 분야에 참여할 수 있다는 것에 큰 기쁨

과 환희를 느꼈던 한해였다. 더욱이 성체 줄기 세포의 연구에 세계적으로 잘 알려진 Goldman 교수의 연

구실에서 경험하였던 여러 가지 생명공학 분야의 최첨단 연구 기법과 인체 신경 줄기 세포에 관한 연구에

서 제기된 여러가지 문제점과 이를 해결하기 위한 과학적 접근 자세는 본인이 Goldmann 교수로부터 배

울 수 있었던 값진 수확이라고 생각하고 있으며 연수 기간동안 많은 도움을 주었던 MD-PhD 과정의 재미

교포 경한수 학생에게 지면을 빌어 감사한 마음을 전하고 싶다.

Central neurocytoma의 공동연구를 마무리 하고 연수 기간 중 두 번째 해에는 필라델피아의 Thomas

Jefferson 병원의 신경외과학 교실로 자리를 옮기게 되었다. Thomas Jefferson Medical College는

1824년 설립되었고 1877년에는 125병상 수준의 의과 학 부속 병원이 처음 문을 열어 진료를 시작하였

다. 본인은 신경외과 교실의 Radiosurgery Center의 Director인 David W. Andrews 박사와 함께 연수

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기간의 두 번째 해를 보냈다.

병원은 필라델피아의 중심 거리에 위치해 있고 신경외과 외래는 909 walnut street에 위치해 있다.

David W. Andrews 박사는 재발한 악성 신경 교종 환자에 IGF1R에 한 anti-sense oligonucleotide를

이용한 gene therapy의 clinical trial 결과를 2001년에 Journal of Clinical Oncology에 발표하였고4),

9508 RTOG protocol의 PI로서 다발성 전이성 뇌종양 환자의 Whole brain radiation therapy versus

WBRT plus booster radiosurgery와 doulbe blind controlled study의 결과를 Lancet에 보고하였다(in

press). 또한 청신경 초종을 비롯한 양성 뇌종양에서 fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy를 시행한

결과를 많은 학술지에 발표해 오고 있다5-7). 이 곳에서의 임상 연구는 주로 뇌종양과 관련된 수술과 방사

선 치료 성적에 관한 연구가 부분이었는데 그 중에서도 청신경 초종 환자의 치료성적의 비교 분석에 관

한 연구가 본인의 주된 연구과제였다. 청력이 남아있는 3cm 미만의 청신경 초종 환자를 상으로 하여

미세 수술을 시행한 76명의 환자군과 fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy를 시행한 73명의 환자군

과 본원의 42명의 환자를 포함하여 gamma knife를 시행한 56명의 환자군, 그리고 아무런 치료를 시행하

지 않고 관찰만을 한 73명의 환자군들 간의 치료 성적을 비교 분석하면서 미국 신경외과 교실의 효율적

자료 및 인력 관리의 현황을 파악할 수 있어 좋았다. 외래, 수술장, 뇌정위 방사선 치료실, 뇌종양 연구 실

험실 등을 통하여 우리와는 다르게 이 들만이 갖고 있는 시스템의 규모의 방 함에 놀랐고 부럽다는 생각

에 젖기도 하였으며 부러운 만큼 돌아가서 하고 싶은 일들도 많이 떠올리곤 하였다.

기초와 임상을 드나들며 지낸 2년간의 연수기간동안 많은 것을 보고 들으면서 문득문득 떠올랐던 기발

한 생각들에 가슴 벅찬 순간들도 있었지만 고등학교 1학년에 입학하여야 할 큰 아이와 중학교 2학년에

들어가야 하는 작은 아이의 아버지인 40세의 가장이 넘기기 힘든 벽을 느꼈던 것 또한 연수를 끝내고 털

어놓는 솔직한 고백이다. 해외연수를 계획하고 있는 후배 선생님들께 드리고 싶은 말씀은 기회가 닿는다

면 한해라도 앞당겨 해외연수를 다녀오시라고 권해드리고 싶다. 끝으로 여러 가지 어려운 상황속에서도 2

년 동안의 빈자리를 메꾸어 주시고 끝까지 성원을 아끼지 않으셨던 교실의 교수님들과 여러분들께 지면을

통해서나마 감사의 마음을 전해 드리며 앞으로 교실의 발전을 위해 미력이나마 최선을 다할 것을 다짐해


REFERENCES 1) Roy NS, et al. In vitro neurogenesis by progenitor cells isolated from the adult human hippocampus. Nat Med


2) Nunes MC, Roy NS, Keyoung HM, Goodman RR, McKhann G 2nd, Jiang L, Kang J, Nedergaard M, Gold-man SA. Identification and isolation of multipotential neural progenitor cells from the subcortical white matter

of the adult human brain. Nat Med. Apr 9(4):439-447, 2003.

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Annual Report 2003

3) Lee SJ, Kim JE, Paek SH, Keyoung HM, Kim DG, Jung HW. Primary Cell Culutre of Central Neurocytoma. J

Korean Neurosurger Soc 34:238-244, 2003.

4) Andrews DW, ResnicoffM, Flanders AE, Kenyon L, Curtis M, Merli G, Baserga R, Iliakis G, Aiken RD. Results

of a pilot study involving the use of an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide directed against the insulin-like growth

factor type 1 receptor in malignant astrocytomas. J Clin Oncol Apr 15:19(8):2189-2200, 2001.

5) Coke C, Andrews DW, Corn BW, Werner-Wasik M, Downes B, McCune C, Curran WJ Jr. Multiple fraction-ated stereotactic radiotherapy of residual pituitary macroadenomas: initial experience. Stereotactic Funct Neu-rosurg 69:183-190, 1997.

6) Andrews DW, Suarez O, Goldman HW, Downes MB, Dednarz G, Corn BW, Werner-Wasik M, Rosenstock J,

Curran WJ Jr. Stereotactic radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of acoustic

schwannomas:comparative observations of 125 patients treated at one institution. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol

Phys. Aug 1:50(5):1265-1278, 2001.

7) Andrews DW, Faroozan R, Yang BP, Hudes RS, Werner-Wasik M, kim SM, Sergott RC, Savino PJ, Shields J,

Shields C, Downes MB, Simeone FA, Goldman HW, Curran WJ Jr. Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for

the treatment of optic nerve sheath meningiomas:preliminary observations of 33 optic nerves in 30 patients

with historical comparison to observation with or without prior surgery. Neurosurgery 51(4):890-904. 2002.

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

▼ 교실발전 워크샵 (2003. 11. 29~30, 제주) ▶▶

분당서울대병원 ▶

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▲ 재단이사회 (2003. 12. 13)

동문송년회 (2003. 12. 13) ▲

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VOLUME 33 ■ 77

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

1. 동문회 및 교실 소식 (Events & Activities of Alumni and the Department)

2003년 1월

1일 신년하례식 (장소: 서울대학교병원 5314회의실)

2일 대학 및 병원 시무식

9일 전문의 고시 (필기시험)

10일 조병규동문 모친상

17~18일 전문의 고시 (구술시험)

21일 설호준, 임소향, 진용준선생 전문의 고시 합격

2003년 2월

1일 오창완동문 서울대학교 의과대학 부교수 승진

11일 김정식동문 부친상

21~22일 대한뇌혈관학회 학술대회 (잠실롯데호텔)

참석자: 한대희, 오창완, 강현승 동문외 다수


• 한대희: Seizure outcome in patients with cerebral AVM

• 오창완: 뇌동맥류에 대한 중재적 및 수술적 협동치료

• 강현승: Treatment outcome of carotid angioplasty and stenting

22일 제 9 차 서울국제 간질심포지움 (서울대병원 어린이병원 임상제2강의실)

발표자 및 연제:

• 정천기동문: 서울대학교병원에서 경험한 간질수술 1000례의 임상분석

23~28일 범아시아 신경외과학회 (2003 Joint Neurosurgical Convention Mt.Bandai & PPNC)

장ㅔ소: 호놀룰루, 미국

참석자: 한대희, 정희원동문외 다수


• 한대희 - Seizure outcome in patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations

• 정희원

- Aggressive vestibular schwannomas with postoperative rapid growth: Clinic opathologic an-alysis of 15 cases

- Long-term treatment outcome of 40 patients of central neurocytoma: Its benign biological

behavior and the usefulness of radiosurgery

서울대학교 대학원 학위수여식

석ㅔ사: 이대규, 진용준선생

2003년 3월

1일 김영훈, 송상우, 조성윤, 조재훈선생 전공의 1년차 근무시작

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설호준, 임소향동문 전임의로 근무시작

김현집, 오창완동문 분당서울대학교병원 근무시작

김은상동문 서울 삼성병원으로.

2일 대학원 개강

박사과정입학: 박철기, 이동엽, 진용준동문

석사과정입학: 김욱하, 김충효, 피지훈선생

10일 황성남동문 부친상

14일 대한신경외과학회 서울경인지회 12차 학술대회

발표자 및 연제:

• 정희원, 김동규, 설호준동문: A case of rhabdoid meningioma: case report

15일 Neurosurgery Update 2003

장ㅔ소: 서울대학교병원 임상의학연구소 강당

발표자 및 연제:

• Neuroembryology for neurosurgeons - Kyu-Chang Wang

• Occult spinal dysraphism - Marion L. Walker / Kyu-Chang Wang

• Stem cells: Neurosurgical perspectives - Kyung-Sun Kang

• Management of intracranial cysts and fluid collections - Marion L. Walker/ Seung-Ki Kim

• Carotid endarterectomy vs. stenting - Yong-Kwang Tu

• Carotid endarterectomy - Nobuo Hashimoto

• Short term result of carotid endarterectomy vs. stenting - Dae Hee Han

•AVM surgery - Nobuo Hashimoto

• Cerebral revascularization for the treatment and prevention of ischemic cerebrovascular

disease - Yong-Kwang Tu

• Effect of STA-MCA anastomosis on ischemic cerebrovascular disease - Chang Wan Oh

16일 동아마라톤대회 (세종문화회관~잠실주경기장)

: 고영초, 왕규창동문 full course 완주

29일 제 9 회 대한정위기능신경외과학회 학술대회 (인천가천의대 중앙길병원 응급센터 강당)

참석자: 정희원, 김동규, 정천기, 정현태동문외 다수


• 정천기: SNUH experience of 1,000 epilepsy surgeries

• 설호준: Edema following gamma knife radiosurgery for meningiomas

2003년 4월

1일 김현집동문 분당서울대학교병원 뇌신경센터장 발령

권오기, 정상기동문 분당서울대학교병원 임상교수요원 조교수 대우 임용

김정은동문 서울대학교병원 임상교수요원 조교수대우 임용

7일 정희원동문 서울대학교병원 신경외과과장 취임

15일 김정은동문 부친상

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Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

19일 박청수동문 자녀결혼

17~19일 제 21 차 대한신경외과학회 춘계학술대회

장ㅔ소: 유성, 리베라호텔

참석자: 한대희, 김현집, 정희원, 김동규, 정천기, 오창완, 정현태, 김승기, 권오기, 정상기동문외 다수


• 한대희: 뇌동맥류 혈관내 수술: 어떻게 볼것인가

• 한대희: - 뇌동맥류 치료: 신경외과의 전략적 선택 (Luncheon Seminar)

• 정희원: Long-term outcome & quality of life after brain tumor surgery

• 한대희:- Vestibular Schwannomas (Luncheon Seminar)

• 정천기: Low grade gliomas - Aggressive treatment (Symposium)

• 오창완: Perioperative critical care in cerebrovascular disease

• 한대희: - AVM surgery (Breakfast Seminar)

• 오창완: Embolectomy of acute thromboemboli in middle cerebral artery (oral)

• 권오기: Basic knowledge for cerebrovascular surgery

• 한대희: - Neuroimaging of cerebral artery (Symposium)

• 김승기: Pediatric epilepsy surgery

• 한대희: - benign lesions: hamartoma, cortical dysplasia and DNET (Symposium)

• 김재용: SF-36 based health-related quality of life in patients after treatment of vestibular

schwannoma (oral)

• 정유남: Expression of neuronal antigens in the secondary neurulation of chick embryos (oral)

10일 2003년도 1차 동문평의원회

장ㅔ소: 향토골(압구정동)

참석자: 조맹기, 김국기, 오세문, 정희원, 황성남, 고영초, 이현구(김승기 배석)동문

2003년 5월

1일 손영제, 이동엽동문, 이창섭 선생 전임의로 발령받고 근무시작

10일 분당서울대학교병원 진료시작

10일 제 15 차 대한소아신경외과학회 학술대회 및 총회

장ㅔ소: 충남대학교 응급의료센터 대강당

참석자: 왕규창, 김승기동문, 정유남, 이창섭선생외 다수


• 왕규창: Moyamoya disease in the young: its aggressive clinical course and the role of active

surgical treatment

• 김승기: Overexpression of COX-2 in children ependymomas: role of COX-2 inhibitor in growth

and multi-drug resistance

16일 동문춘계골프모임

장ㅔ소: Pine Creek(경기도 안성)

참석인원(총 22명, 6팀): 고영초, 김윤, 김국기, 김동호, 김승기, 김종현, 김현집, 박효일, 석종식, 이무섭,

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참석인원(총 22명, 6팀): 이현구, 정영섭, 정희원, 조맹기, 한대희동문 (가나다순), 유승희(김윤동문),

참석인원(총 22명, 6팀): 한정자(김국기동문), 정선희(조맹기동문), 이주원(석종식동문),

참석인원(총 22명, 6팀): 정순호(김종현동문), 정미령(김현집동문), 박경희(정희원동문)

23일 MEG (Magnetoencephalography) Symposium

장ㅔ소: 서울대병원 소아 임상제 2 강의실

참석자: 최길수, 한대희, 정희원, 김동규, 정천기, 정현태동문외 다수

발표자 및 연제:

• 정천기: 지정토론

• Shinya Kuriki: 고위 피질기능에 있어 MEG의 역할

• Kyosuke Kamada: WADA 테스트의 대체 가능성

25일 동문야유회

장 소: 과천 서울대공원 삼림욕장 (참석인원: 총 38명)

정회원 16명: 고영초, 김승기, 김영규, 김재용, 김정은, 김현집(2), 오창완, 임소향,

정회원 16명: 정상기(4), 정유남, 정천기(4), 정현태(4), 정희원, 조맹기, 최운성(2),

정회원 16명: 한대희(2)동문 (가족 12명)

준회원 4명: 박중철, 김지하, 김치헌, 김승현선생

전공의 6명: 양승엽, 피지훈, 김용휘, 최인재, 김욱하, 한정호선생

28일 1st International Neurofibromatosis Symposium in Seoul, Korea

장ㅔ소: 서울의대 암연구동

참석자: 최길수, 한대희, 정희원, 김동규, 정천기, 정현태동문외 다수


• 정희원: Neurofibromatosis Type 2: Long-Term Treatment Outcome

2003년 6월

13~14일 대한간질학회 제 8 차 학술대회

장ㅔ소: 대전리베라유성호텔

참석자: 정천기, 이동엽동문외 다수

연제발표: 정천기

- Hippocampal sclerosis: Mossy Fiber Sprouting and Synaptic Reorganization, Epileptogene-sis of Hippocampal Sclerosis. Investigator’s Workshop

- Surgery for Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. Surgical Workshop

25일 이현구동문 부친상

22~26일 제 6 차 국제방사선수술학회(6th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress)

장ㅔ소: 교토, 일본

참석자: 김동규동문외 다수


• 김동규

- Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma (Breakfast Seminar)

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VOLUME 33 ■ 81

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

- Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for solitary lung cancer Brain Metastasis

- Edema following gamma knife radiosurgery for meningioma

• 정현태 - Virtual phantom for verification of treatment planning software

• 정상순 - Improvement of patient satisfaction Gamma Knife surgery

2003년 7월

2일 정영섭동문 부친상

5일 차희중동문 장남결혼

8일 서울의대 신경외과 동문모임

장ㅔ소: 한국관(도곡동)

참석자: 고영초, 김국기, 김정식, 김정훈, 김현집, 박 관, 석종식, 송두호, 양희진, 유ㅐ헌, 정현태, 정희원,

참석자: 조맹기, 조병규, 차희중, 한대희, 홍승관, 황성남동문 (김승기배석)

9일 분당서울대병원 뇌신경센터 개소식

11일 김동규동문 부친상

16일 정희원동문 서울대학교의과대학 신경외과학교실 주임교수 발령

2003년 8월

23일 최덕영동문 정년퇴임식(코엑스 인터컨티넨탈호텔 Diamond Rm.)

2003년도 대학원 후기 신입생

박ㅔ사: 김치헌동문

석ㅔ사: 이창섭선생

2003년 9월

5~14일 World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Interim Meeting of the Executive Committee

/ 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery

장ㅔ소: Lisbon, Portugal

참석자: 한대희, 정희원 동문외 다수

6일 대한뇌혈관학회

장ㅔ소: 서울아산병원

참석자: 오창완, 김정은 동문외 다수


• 오창완: Posterior circulation aneurysm

7일 심보성 교수님 성묘

장ㅔ소: 광탄 바다의별 성당묘지

참석자: 고영초, 김국기, 김동호, 김승기, 김재용, 김정은, 김종현, 김현집, 문명선, 송두호, 오창완,

참석자: 왕규창, 이승훈, 정상기, 정유남, 정천기, 조맹기, 조병규, 주정화, 최길수, 최덕영, 최운성동문

12~19일 The International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery

장 소: Monaco

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참석자: 조병규, 왕규창 동문외 다수


• 조병규:

- Terminal myelocystocele: An experience of six cases

- Moyamoya disease in the young: its aggressive clinical course and the role of active

surgical treatment

• 왕규창 - Headache in Moyamoya Disease

16~20일 1st International Symposium on CNS Germ Cell Tumors

장ㅔ소: Japan, Kyoto Park Hotel

참석자: 정희원, 설호준 동문외 다수


• 정희원: Germ cell tumor: analysis of 57 adult cases (oral)

• 설호준:

- A case of germinoma: located in infratemporal fossa (poster)

- Methionine-positron emission tomography (PET) study for germ cell tumors: is it useful in

diagnosis and predicting the prognosis? (oral)

18~20일 The 4th Biennial Korea-Japan Conference on Spinal Surgery

장ㅔ소: 경주현대호텔

참석자: 정천기 동문외 다수

26일 Stroke Symposium KNUH 2003 (Acute Stroke & Vasospasm)

장 소: 경북대학교병원 대강당

참석자: 한대희 동문외 다수


• 한대희: Ischemic complications in the management of cerebral aneurysm

27일 대한뇌종양학회 제11회 연수강좌

장 소: 서울대학교병원 임상제1강의실

참석자: 정희원, 김동규, 정천기, 김승기 동문외 다수


• 정천기: Functional and metabolic imaging for brain tumor surgery

• 김승기: Management of pediatric brain tumors

2003년 10월

10일 동문 추계 골프모임 (Pine Creek, 5팀)

장ㅔ소: Pine Creek (경기도 안성, 031-672-0071)

참석자: 유승희(김윤동문), 한정자(김국기동문), 최은주(이성우사장), 정선희(조맹기동문),

참석자: 정순호(김종현동문), 박경희(정희원동문), 김국기, 조맹기, 김 윤, 김종현, 김현집,

참석자: 이현구, 정희원, 고영초, 김기정, 김승기, 한대희동문, 정규숙(심보성선생님),

8~14일 4th Annual International Meeting on Cerebral Revascularization

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VOLUME 33 ■ 83

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

장ㅔ소: Saint Louis

참석자: 오창완, 김정은 동문외 다수

9~16일 25th International Epilepsy Congress

장ㅔ소: Lisbon, Portugal

참석자: 정천기 동문외 다수

발표연제: Long term surgical outcome for epilespy and prognostic factors

15~19일 대한신경외과학회 제43차 추계학술대회 및 총회

장ㅔ소: 그랜드 인터콘티넨탈호텔 (서울)

설호준동문 논문 이인수 학술상 수상

: Surgical approach to Anterior Compression in the Upper Thoracic Spine


• 정천기: The surgical outcome of epilepsy patients with brain tumor (PS)

• 권오기: Intravascular Neurosurgery for aneurysm: presentation of complicated cases

• 김동규: Nonsurgical treatment options for difficult meningiomas: Radiosurgery (LS)

• 김승기: Recent advances in pediatric brain tumors (LS)

14~11/4일 한대희동문 단기연수(미국, 필라델피아)

18~25일 53rd Congress of Neurological Surgeons

장ㅔ소: Denver, U.S.A.

참석자: 한대희,정희원 동문외 다수


• 정희원: State of the art-management of brain metastases (Luncheon Seminar Faculty로 발

표)-Decision making in management

• 설호준: Long-term outcome of residual vestibular schwannoma after near total resection:

analysis of 69 cases (Oral poster)

• 손영제:

- Intracranial aneurysm: treatment outcome after a team approach of the interventionists and

neurosurgeons in 136 patients (P)

- Failed or partial embolization of cerebral aneurysm with endovascular technique (P)

- Seizure outcome in patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations (Oral poster)

31일 김국기동문 삼남결혼

2003년 11월

2일 대한미세침습척추학회

장ㅔ소: 서울대학교병원 임상의학연구소 대강당

참석자: 김현집, 정천기 동문외 다수


• 장태안: L1 burst fractures: thoracoscopic trans-diaphragmatic decompression and stabilization

13일 2003년도 2차 동문평의원회

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장ㅔ소: 한국관(도곡동)

참석자: 조맹기, 김국기, 김현집, 김종현, 정희원, 황성남, 고영초, 김동호, 김정은(배석) 동문

2003년 12월

대학원 입학시험 합격자

박ㅔ사: 설호준, 손영제동문

석ㅔ사: 조원상, 송상우선생

5~11일 Meeting of American Epilepsy Society 2003

장ㅔ소: 미국, 보스턴

참석자: 정천기 동문외 다수


• 정천기: Functional MR study for language organization in left medial temporal lobe epilepsy


13일 제 30 회 서울대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 동문송년회

장ㅔ소: 신라호텔, 루비홀

참석자: 동문 (부부동반 23, Single 17), 전공의및사무원 (총 83명)

17일 김태호동문 부친상

28~1/27일 정천기동문 단기연수 (독일, 본대학)

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VOLUME 33 ■ 85

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

2. 동문회 회칙 및 임원명단

제 1 장 총 칙

제 1 조 본회는 서울대학교 의과대학 신경외과 동문회라 칭한다.

제 2 조 본회는 회원 상호간의 친목, 학술교류 및 서울대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실의 발전에 기여함을 목적으로 한다.

제 3 조 본회는 사무소를 의과대학 신경외과학교실에 둔다.

제 2 장 회 칙

제 4 조 본회의 회원의 자격은 다음과 같이 정한다.

1. 본 서울대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실에 재직하였거나 재직하고 있는자.

2. 본 서울대학교 의과대학 출신으로서 신경외과학을 전공하고 있는 자.

3. 본 신경외과학교실의 발전에 공헌하였거나 본회의 취지에 찬동하는 자.

제 5 조 본회는 평의원회를 거쳐 약간명의 간사와 특별회원을 둔다.

제 3 장 임 원

제 6 조 1. 본회의 평의원회의 의결을 거쳐 1명의 명예회장을 둔다.

2. 본회의 평의원회의 의결을 거쳐 65세이상 또는 정년 퇴임한 동문중 약간명의 고문을 위촉할 수 있다.

제 7 조 본회에는 다음의 임원을 두며, 임기는 1년으로 하되 중임할 수 있다.

단, 회장은 1회에 한하여 연임할 수 있다.

회 장:1명 평의원:약간명 감 사:약간명

총 무:1명 부총무:1명 간 사:약간명

제 8 조 회장, 평의원 및 감사는 총회에서 선출한다.

제 9 조 총무, 부총무 및 간사는 회장이 위촉한다.

제10조 명예회장과 고문은 본회 회무에 관하여 회장의 자문에 응한다.

제11조 회장은 회의룰 대표하며 회무를 관장하고 평의원회를 소집하며 평의원회장이 된다.

제12조 평의원회는 회무 전반에 대하여 기획 심의한다.

제13조 총무는 일반서무, 회계, 연락사무, 기타 평의원회에서 결의된 사항을 집행하며, 부총무 및 간사는 총무를 보좌


제 4 장 사 업

제14조 본회는 다음의 정례사업을 가진다.

1. 교실발전 및 동문회 육성에 관한 사업

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2. 교실연보 및 회원명단 발행

3. 기타 필요한 사업

제 5 장 회 의

제15조 본회의 정기총회는 매년 12월 중에 소집한다. 단, 평의원회의 결의로 임시총회를 소집할 수 있다.

제16조 평의원회는 회장이 소집하여 회운영에 관한 중요사항을 결의한다.

제 6 장 경 리

제17조 본회의 경비 및 기금은 회원의 년회비, 찬조금 및 기타 등으로 충당한다.

단, 회비에 관한 사항은 평의원회에서 결정한다.

제18조 본회의 경리는 감사의 감사를 거쳐 총회에서 보고한다.

제 7 장 회원 경조 회칙

제19조(대상) 경조사의 대상은 본인, 본인의 배우자, 장인 장모 및 직계존비속에 한한다.

제20조(방법)1) 병·의원의 개원, 이전, 신·증설 : 금 2돈

2) 회갑 : 금 10돈에 준하는 기념품, 또는 화환등으로 하는 것을 원칙으로 하되 평의원회에서 조절할 수 있다.

부 칙

제21조 본회 회칙에 제정되어 있지 않은 사항은 일반 관례에 따른다.

제22조 본 회칙은 총칙통과일로부터 유효하다.

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VOLUME 33 ■ 87

Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Annual Report 2003

◈ 현 임원명단

회ㅔㅔ장ㅔㅔ김종현 (2004- )

부 회 장ㅔㅔ김정식 (2004- )

고ㅔㅔ문ㅔㅔ조영희, 주정화, 최길수, 최덕영

감ㅔㅔ사ㅔㅔ홍승관 (2003-2005), 한종우 (2003-2005)

총ㅔㅔ무ㅔㅔ이승훈 (2004- )

부 총 무ㅔㅔ백선하


평 의 원ㅔㅔ김국기(’02-), 권병덕(’94-), 김동호(’97-), 김정식(’94-), 김창진(’01-), 김현집(’91-)

평 의 원ㅔㅔ신동휘(’98-), 어 환(’01-), 왕규창(’97-), 오세문(’02-), 이창훈(’01), 이현구(’98-),

평 의 원ㅔㅔ정희원 (’97-), 한대희(’02-), 한종우(’01-), 황도윤(’97-), 황성남 (’98-), 홍승관(’94-),

평 의 원ㅔㅔ이승훈, 김종현, 김 윤, 조맹기, 최운성, 고영초, 김영규, 손효정 (이상 가나다순)

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서울대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 연보

2003 Volume 33

인ㅔ쇄 ■ 2004년 8월 20일

발ㅔ행 ■ 2004년 8월 28일

발행인 ■ 주임교수 정 희 원

발행처 ■ 서울대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실

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