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Separation of Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt With

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Page 1: Separation of Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt With

Gems & Gemological Institute of Pakistan(GGIP)-Peshawar.


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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters/  

Ultraviolet  Lamp                    OR  

The  effect  of  Blue  stones  colored  by  cobalt  in  Colored  filters  and  in  UV  (Long  wave/short  wave)  

Presented  to  my  best  Japanese  friend    Akira  Kono  

CEO  of  SERAPH  &  Co.  Izumi,  Osaka,  Japan.    Reported  and  prepared  by  Hamid  Usman  KhaIak  (HUK)-­‐AG  Gemologist    

Gems  and  Gemological  Ins&tute  of  Pakistan  (GGIP)-­‐Peshawar.      


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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters/  Ultraviolet  Lamp  

                                                                   OR  The  effect  of  Blue  stones  colored  by  cobalt  in  Colored  filters  and  in  UV  (Long  wave/short  wave)  

}  Introduc&on    }  Blue  spinel  colored  by  cobalt  is  reported  in  Vietnams,  Hunza  valley  Pakistan  and  in  Sri  lanka.  

}  Cobalt  is  a  lustrous  grayish  silvery  metal.  It  is  very  hard  and  can  take  very  good  polish.    

}  Cobalt  is  also  ferromagne&c  and  therefore  is  capable  of  being  magne&zed.  

}  Cobalt  is  a  transi&on  element  and  when  it  found  in  minerals  or  in  gemstone  in  traces  it  produce  two  type  of  colors  

}  1.Blue  2.  Pink.  }  Blue  mineral  and  gemstone  due  to  Cobalt  are  Lusakite    and  Blue  spinel.  

}  Pink  minerals  due  to  cobalt  are    Erythrite,  roselite,  spherocobal&te.    

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters/  Ultraviolet  Lamp  

                                                                   OR  The  effect  of  Blue  stones  colored  by  cobalt  in  Colored  filters  and  in  UV  (Long  wave/short  wave)  

Aim  of  the  introduc&on  of  new  test  in  Gemology:    The  objec&ves  of  the  introduc&on  of  this  test  are  •   to  iden&fy  the  gemstones  through  a  sample  instrument  

(advanced  gemological  instruments  are    very  expensive  and  their  prices  may  be  equivalent  to  GGIP  fund).  

•  To  introduced  quick  iden&fica&ons  methods  to  save  the  precious  &me  (easily  separate  blue  spinel  from  blue  stone  lot)  

•  Promote  the  using  of  sample  gemology  tes&ng  tools  which  are  easily  available  and  affordable.    

•  To  promote  an  easy  gemstones  iden&fica&on  methods  which  can  handle  easily  a  common  trade  people.  

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Test  Details  

•  Details  of  the  conduct  test  :  For  carry  out  this  test  I  selected  10  cut  and  polished  blue  stones(  glass  and  spinel)  of  different  tone  and  saturaMon.  Due  to  unavailability  of  cut  blue  spinel  I  selected  one  number  of    blue  spinel  specimen  ,  locality  Hunza  ,  Pakistan.  

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

Different tone and saturation synthetic spinel colored by cobalt.

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

Different tone and saturation Glass(Paste) colored by cobalt.

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

Natural Blue spinel colored by cobalt specimen . Many spinel crystals can be seen embedded in the calcite .

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

The selected gemstones for testing From left to right, first five are blue glass colored by cobalt then in middle one is

Natural spinel colored by cobalt specimen and other five stones are Synthetic spinel colored by cobalt.

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Tools  need  for  this  test  

 1.  To  carried  out  this  test  we  needs  

two  types  of  filters  and  strong  over  head  light  (tungsten  light    is  preferable)  and  white  back  ground.    

2.  Ultraviolet  lamp  with  capability  of  Long  waves(LW)  and  short  waves  (SW),  Black  background.  


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SeparaMon  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imitaMon/syntheMc  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters  


•  Filters  which  we  needs:  The  filters  are  divided  into  two  category  

       1.  OpMonal  filters  2.  Compulsory  filter.          1.  OpMonal  filters  :  op&onal  filters  means  that  availability  of  any  one  filter  is  enough  for  this  test.    

     2.  Compulsory  filter.  Compulsory    filters  means  that  without  availability  of  this  filter  we  can  not  do  this  test.    

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SeparaMon  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imitaMon/syntheMc  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters  


•  1.  OpMonal  filters  •  In  op&onal  filters  we  are  required  any  one  of  the  following  filters  1.Chelsea  filter  2.Aqua  filter  3.  SyntheMc  Emerald  filter(The  described  three  filters  gives    the  same  

result)    •  2.  Compulsory  filter.  •   For  this  test  the  Synthe&c  Emerald  support  filter  is  considered  a  compulsory  filter.  

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SeparaMon  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imitaMon/syntheMc  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters  

Optional filters and Compulsory filter. Chelsea , Aqua and synthetic Emerald filter are optional filters and Synthetic support Emerald filter is Compulsory filter.

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SeparaMon  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imitaMon/syntheMc  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters  


•  TesMng  Procedure:  placed  the  stones  on  white  background  under  the  strong  over  head  light  and  see  through  the  filters  

•  Effect  in  opMonal  filters:  All  the  stones  turn  to  red.    

•  Effect  in  compulsory  filter:  on  viewing  through  the  Synthe&c  Emerald  support  filter  I  obtained  the  following  result    

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters  

•  All  the  glass  of  different  tone  and  saturaMon  do  not  changes  its  color  

•  Natural  blue  spinel  colored  by  cobalt  turn  into  strong  red.  

•  SyntheMc  spinel  colored  by  cobalt    stone  turn  its  color  into  Pale  color    and  on  stone  turn  it  color  in  very  light  reddish  shade.  

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op&onal  filters    

1.  Effect  in  Chelsea  Color  Filter  (CCF)  

In Chelsea filter all the stones turns to red. optional filters

Separation of Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitation/synthetic gemstones with the help of color filters

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op&onal  filters    

 2.  Effect  in  Aqua  Color  Filter      

optional filters

In Aqua filter all the stones turns to red. Same result as Chelsea filter.

Separation of Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitation/synthetic gemstones with the help of color filters

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op&onal  filters    

 2.  Effect  in  Synthe&c  Emerald  color  filter.    

In Synthetic Emerald filter all the stones turns to red. Same result as Chelsea filter and Aqua filter

optional filters

Separation of Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitation/synthetic gemstones with the help of color filters

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Compulsory  filter    

Effect  in  Synthe&c  Support  Emerald  Filter.  

Compulsory filter 1. Glass do not changes its color 2. Natural blue spinel colored by cobalt turn into strong red. 3. Synthetic spinel color by cobalt turn its color into Pale color and one stone turn it color into very light red shade or Pastel red color. Separation of Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitation/synthetic gemstones with the help of color


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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

From left to right Rectangular cut syn.spinel Turn it color into very light red and the other two Syn. Spinel stones looks pale color.

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

Same stones but with different background From left to right Rectangular cut syn.spinel

Turn it color into very light red and the other two Syn. Spinel stones looks pale color.

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

Dark color Syn. Spinel in Compulsory filter

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Separa&on  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imita&on/synthe&c  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

Natural Spinel specimen in Syn. Support Emerald Filter In syn. support Emerald Filter Natural spinel turns its color Into strong Red.

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SeparaMon  of  Natural  Blue  Spinel  Colored  by  Cobalt  from  imitaMon/syntheMc  gemstones  with  the  help  of  color  filters.  

Summary    of  the  effect  of  Blue  stones  colored  by  cobalt  in  Colored  filters.  

S#   Gems   Effect  in  OpMonal  filters  

(Chelsea,  Aqua,  SyntheMc  Emerald  


Effect  in  Compulsory  filter  (syntheMc  Emerald  support  filter)  


Nat.  Blue  Spinel   Red   Red   In  all  the  men&oned  look  red  

SyntheMc  Blue  Spinel   Red   Pale  to  Very  light  red    

Some  stones  turns  to  pale  color  and  one  stone  turn  to  very  light  red  &nt  color.  

Blue  Glass   Red   Inert  

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 The  effect  of  Blue  stones  colored  by  cobalt  in  Colored  filters  

and  in  UV  (Long  wave/short  wave)  

•  TesMng  Procedure:  placed  the  stones  on  black  background    and  note  stone's  reac&on  in  the  type  of  radia&on  used  -­‐  whether  long  waves  or  short  waves.    

•  Effect  in  Long  waves:  In  long  waves  the  blue  glass  show  no  change  (inert),  Natural  spinel  turn  to  red  and  syn.  Spinel  also  turn  to  red.  

•  Effect  in  Short  waves.  In  short  waves  the  blue  glass  turns  to  chalky,  Natural  spinel  show  no  change  (Inert)and  syn.  Spinel  turn  to  chalky.    

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The  effect  of  Blue  stones  colored  by  cobalt  in  Colored  filters  and  in  UV  (Long  wave/short  wave)  

Summary    of  the  effect  of  Blue  stones  colored  by  cobalt  in  Long  waves/Short  waves  

S#   Gems   Effect  in  LW   Effect  in  SW   Comments  

1   Nat.  Blue  Spinel   Red   Inert  

2   SyntheMc  Blue  Spinel   Red   Chalky   Light  color  stones  strong  chalky    in  SW  as  compared  to  intense  color  stones  

3   Blue  Glass   Inert     Two  type  effect  1.  Majority    Chalky  2.  Yellowish  color        

It  is  observed  that  the  glass  which  show  yellowish    color  in  SW  have  magne&c  property.,  weak  to  moderate.    But  blue  glass  show  chalky  effect  in  SW  have  no  magne&c  property.    

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Effect  in  Long  waves/Short  waves  

In Short waves blue glass colored by cobalt turns into two types 1.  Chalky (mostly) just like Syn.spinel 2.  Turn into yellow color and this type glass show magnetic property weak to


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Effect  in  Long  waves/Short  waves  

In Long waves syn. Spinel colored by cobalt turns to Red In short waves syn. Spinel colored by

Cobalt turn into Chalky Note: The syn. Spinel which body color is Light blue shows strong chalky effect as Compared to dark color syn. Spinel.

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Effect  in  Long  waves/Short  waves  

Natural spinel colored by in Long waves In Long waves Natural spinel colored by cobalt turns into strong red But in short waves it show inter.

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Other  SupporMng  Tests  

Following  are  the  suppor&ng  tests    1. Spectrum  2. Refrac&ve  index  3.Magne&c  Effect    

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Synthetic spinel colored by cobalt: Three broad bands centered at 540, 580, (Broadest) and 635: (Thin Thick Thin) Blue Glass colored by cobalt: Three broad bands centered at 535, 590 (Narrowest) and 655. (Thick Thin Thick) Natural Blue spinel colored by cobalt spectrum

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2.Refrac&ve  Index  

  S#   Gems   RefracMve  Index  (RI)  


1   Natural  Blue  Spinel  colored  by  cobalt  

1.718     Mostly  

2   SyntheMc  Blue  Spinel  colored  by  cobalt  

1.728  or  1.730  

3   Blue  Glass  colored  by  cobalt  

1.50  or  1.51  or  1.52  


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3.Magne&c  Effect  

  S#   Gems   MagneMc  effect   comments  

1   Natural  Blue  Spinel  colored  by  cobalt  


2   SyntheMc  Blue  Spinel  colored  by  cobalt  

None   I  checked  many  specimen  of  synthe&c  spinel  of  different  tone  but  found  no  magne&c  effect.  

3   Blue  Glass  colored  by  cobalt  

Some  blue  glass  have  weak  to  moderate  

magneMc  effect  and  some  blue  glass  show  no  

magneMc  effect  .    

Note:  It  is  observed  that  the  blue  glass  which  show  yellowish    color  in  SW  have  magne&c  property.,  weak  to  moderate.    But  blue  glass  show  chalky  effect  in  SW  have  no  magne&c  property.          

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Acknowledgement  ,References  and  suggested  reading  

             1.www.MineralsUK.com  2.  hIp://www.minsocam.org/msa/collectors_corner/arc/color.htm  3.hIp://www.gemlab.jkharris.co.uk/Synthe&c%20blue%20Spinel%20and%20Co.Glass.html    


Note:              Everyone  can  use  this  presenta&on  for  educa&onal  purpose  without  my  

permission.    Gems  &  Gemological  InsMtute  of  Pakistan  (GGIP)-­‐Peshawar      slogan  is    “Gemology  for  everyone”.  

       because  gemology  is  not  the  property  of  Mineralogist,  Geologist,  Engineer,  IT  expert,  or  any  other  profession  or  trade  which  directly  or  indirectly  related  to  it.    

                                                                                                                                                 Hamid  Usman  KhaIak  (HUK)-­‐AG    Gemologist    
