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Sept '10 HamLtr Layout 1w9ccu.org/hamletter/hamltr_1009sep.pdfIf you ever had any questions about...

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HAMLETTER Published Monthly Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs Issue 564 Founded 1948 Sept 2010 The Annual WCRA Summer Picnic was again held at Blackwell on August 7th.
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HAMLETTERPublished Monthly

Wheaton Community Radio AmateursIssue 564 Founded 1948 Sept 2010

The Annual WCRA Summer Picnic was again held at Blackwell on August 7th.

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WCRA Staff Elected Officers

President Steve, N9OA Vice President John, WT9Y Secretary Kevin, AB9RNTreasurer Ken, N9HQ Custodian Bruce, KA0DSF

Volunteer Committee ChairsClub Call Trustee Tom, N9CBA Christmas Party Ruth , KA9RZG Club Awards John, N9MWF Elmer/Know-Code Charlie, WB9SGField Day Dale, NJ9E Hamfest John, WT9Y Refreshments John, WT9YMembership Paul, KA9RVSPublic Service Steve, N9OA VHF/HF Awards John, N9MWFWebmaster Tom, N9WBW

Amateur License StaffTraining Classes Charlie, WB9SGDVolunteer Exam. Harry, K9HK

WCRA Repeater Administrative Board (RAB)Chairman Don, N9NYXSecretary George, KA3HSWMember Rich, N9DKO Member Larry, KA9KDC

WCRA Radio NetsSunday 8:00 pm 145.310/(-600) Net Control: Rotates

WCRA Repeaters145.310/ 144.710 103.5(1A) or 107.2(1B) PL Encode/Decode224.140/222.540 Carrier Access444.475/449.475 114.8 Hz(2A) PL Encode/ Decode

HAMLETTEREditor Don, N9NYX Photos Larry, KA9KDCFeatures Jim, W9DHX

HAMLETTER 24 HOUR FAX 888 665-8246HAMLETTER eMail address: [email protected] publication uses QuarkXPress 8.12 and Photoshop CS3

From the President’sGavel

by Steve, N9OA WCRA President

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Wow! The summer just seems to have flownby. Cool weather will soon be upon us whichseems to be when antennas get installed. Dothey really work better when they are installedin cold weather?

Thank you to all of you that joined us at theclub picnic. For details, please read Jim’s arti-cle found later here in the Hamletter. We arelooking for recommendations on what eventcould be done for next year. Be creative anyideas are good ones. John, WT9Y, ouresteemed vice presidend and program chair-man assures me that the program for theSeptember 10 meeting. (Oh yeah, a reminder… the meeting date is changed fromSeptember 3 to September 10.)

Before we know it, it will be time for the holi-day party, look forward to hearing more aboutthat in the near future.

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WCRAMeetingMinutesKevin, AB9RN

WCRA Secretary

Page 3 Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs Issue 564 Sept 2010 HAMLETTER

The minutes for the July meeting were published in theAugust 2010 HamLetter. The Club Picnic was held in lieuof an August General Membership Meeting.


On Saturday, September 25, 2010 (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE), the DuPage County Amateur Radio Emergency Service(ARES) will sponsor the 2010 Simulated Emergency Test (SET).

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Simulated Emergency Test is a nationwide exercise in emergency communications,administered by ARRL Field Organization leaders including Emergency Coordinators, District Emergency Coordinators, SectionEmergency Coordinators and Net Managers. Many other Section Leaders like the Section Manager and the Section Traffic Managermay havea hand in planning the exercises and/or reviewing the results. Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), National TrafficSystem (NTS), Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) and other public-service oriented groups can be involved.

Here in DuPage County, the DuPage County Amateur Radio Emergency Service inclose cooperation with the DuPage Amateur RadioClub (DARC) and the Weather Officer from the Naperville Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) will conduct a county levelexercise that simulates all facets of an actual severe weather event that previously impacted DuPage County. The simulation scenariowill be based on actual historical meteorological data and documentation of the original episode.

Participating, trained, severe weather spotters will be deployed within DuPage County in response to the forecasted severe weatherconditions. Utilizing actual historical weather forecasts, severe weather advisories, severe weather alerts and interactive photograph-ic aids, the participants will be exposed to the event exactly as it originally impacted DuPage County.

The exercise will focus on spotting and emergency communications capabilities within DuPage County itself utilizing communica-tion assets and pathways currently available locally to DuPage County ARES and the DuPage Amateur Radio Club.

Field participants in this year's SET will be dispatched to pre-selected spotting locations throughout DuPage County in teams of two.At least one member of the team will be a trained severe weather spotter. Each team will need to have the capability to monitor andoperate on both 2-meters and 440MHz simultaneously and should have either a mobile radio or handheld with an external mobileantenna.

To culminate nearly four (4) months of pre-planning, we are now soliciting commitments for field participants. You do not need tobe a member of the DuPage County ARES to participate and any DuPage County amateur radio operator is encouraged to do so. Thefield activity will be followed by a debriefing led by Al Fisher, retired meteorologist from the National Weather Service. A box lunchwill be served.

To volunteer as a field participant, please respond to this email and indicate whether or not you are a trained severe weather spotter.Volunteer responses need to be received by September 1, 2010.

Michael J. SchulzW9MJSAssistant Emergency Coordinator - OperationsDuPage County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)

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Sept - 9/10Oct - 10/1

Nov - 11/5 (Auction)Dec - No meeting. Holiday Party TBA


Kate Saccany, KC9IQF will be discussing the ham radio logistics and challenges surroundingthe Chicago Marathon held in October. Last year was the first year that ham radio operator vol-unteers provided communications support for the Chicago Marathon in many years. Amateurradio operators will again provide support for this major marathon on October 10. Kate is amember of the Marathon's ham radio leadership team and I am sure some of her insights willbe applicable to other amateur radio public service events.John WT9YProgram Chairman

1 house support bracket.

All new section bolt and nuts.

Very clean. Very good condition. Make a reason-able offer.

Mark Potter [email protected]

Rohn 25 Tower

New 3' ground section3 - 10' used sections - no rust1 - 8' top section with thrust bearing.

Almost flat top with 3 support cableholes.1 rotor bracket


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COVER STORY THIS MONTH –Our Emergency Service organization—ARES—gets the once over inthe September issue. If you ever had any questions about the history and purpose of the organization, you’llfind the answers on pages 69 through 71. The DuPage ARES has come to life in the past 12 months, and willbe running a Simulated Emergency Test (SET). It is NOT on the originally announced date. Mike Schulz,W9MJS, Asst. Emergency Coordinator-ARES DuPage County, explained that the new date will be September25th, due to a schedule conflict by one of the major participants. WCRA club members interested in joiningthe test should contact Mike at his e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (630-762-49216). A separatestory will give you detailed information.

HUGE ICOM HS PRODUCT INSERT AND HF BAND PLAN REVISED -- The Septemberissue includes a giant (22” x 34”) insert sponsored by ICOM and containing a colorful HF Band chart, showingall the current allocations. Great for the shack to cover up some cracks in the wallpaper. Be sure to get it up inadvance of the Christmas shopping season.

YES, VIRGINIA, THERE IS A U.S. HAM RADIO MANUFACTURER—IT IS MFJ –Most ofus think that other than Ten Tech, most Ham equipment is manufactured outside the US. In fact, Starkville,Mississippi, is humming along as a manufacturing site for a lot of amateur radio stuff. QST this month takesyou on tour of MFJ’s facility. The article is on pages 59 and 60.

AIR-GOING WIRELESS STORY – This month’s issue contains the first part of a two part series on aspark-gap wireless operator's experiences on an “airship”. The operator was Jack Irwin, and his story is astrange one. Read it in Jack Dilks “Old Time Radio” column on pages 92 and 93.

COLLEGE STUDENT HAMS SET BALLOON FLIGHT RECORD –A reminder of our 2010Field Day Weather Balloon Flight with TV cameras aboard! Pages 57 and 58 report a remarkable 33 hour,1100 mile flight organized by some Hams at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. It was a part of their Master'sDegree program in Systems Engineering named “Project Blue Horizon”. The balloon reached an altitude ofover 125,000 feet and the Altoid tin encased transmitter was a Rock-Mite low power kit unit.

HOW TO MOUNT A HAM ANTENNA ON YOUR RV –Can’t be without a good antenna whenyou head out with your RV? Pages 34 and 35 give you the answer. Good photos and simple materials willmake it possible taking advantage of a special storage space most units have for holding sewer hose! Checkyour RV; if it has that space, this project is for you.

Today's CleanPun

“Massachusetts: When a Catholic sneezes three times during the church service.”

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By Jim Ward, W9DHX

A giant white tent was waiting in Blackwell Preserve's southeast meadow when a goodly number ofWCRA members and their families arrived on Saturday, August 7th for the Club’s annual Picnic Event. Thesylvan setting was perfect for a summer outing, and cooling breezes and refreshments minimized the mosquitohazard. The committee had spare cans of insect repellent to offset this year's heavy crop of pesky insects.

Nothing stopped the fox hunters, out tracing down hidden signals under the direction of veteran fox-hunter, Tom, N9CBA. Mark, W9UZ, contributed his Badminton Net, and the birds were flying! Lots of ragchewing and sampling the vast assortment of snacks and drinks took place in the shadow of Mt. Trashmore andalong the shores of Silver Lake.

Picnic host John Faber assembled a great combination of dinner items from the kitchens of Portillo andthe Colonel –both with their famous sides and main dishes. Not to be outdone for a culinary display was thedessert table –loaded down with pies, cakes, cookies and exotic sweets. No end of sweet tooth satisfiers werecontributed!

Climaxing the afternoon was the selection of the door prizes. Number one out of the barrel and winnerof a Gift Certificate from Peppercorn's Restaurant was Roberto, WA9E. Second Prizes were chosen by winnersTom Geletka, N9CBA (Handy Bucket); Mark Potter, W9UZ (Yard Lights); and Don Peterson, KB9UFS (FogLights).

Thanks to the host, John, and all those who added to the Picnic Fun!


Jim Ryder, former Glendale Heights resident with the call KA9CHQ, died on July 31st, and willbe remembered for his service in keeping the Club's rolling stock in good shape, as well as repairing theClub's generator. Besides his ham interests, he was also a classic car collector with a restored ’'51Mercury.

A member of the Land of Lincoln Theater Organ Society, Jim was living in Lake Summerset atthe time of his death. His memorial services were held in the Indian Grove Country Church in RockCity, Il., with burial at the Durand, Il., cemetery.(Information provided by Roberto, WA9E, formerneighbor of Jim)

Bill MorrisonBill Morrison, Sr., W9GMO, Berkeley resident and WW II Army veteran, died on July 24th, and

will be remembered for his enthusiastic work for the American Legion, and his elaborate multi-stickmobile antenna setup. He was generous in his mentoring of new hams, and sharing stories about his var-ious electronic career adventures, including his time at Hallicrafters. In keeping with his devotion to hiscountry, Bill was buried at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Wilmington. (Information providedby Bill Hollister, K9WH)

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If you do not see your birthday listed here in your birth month, please contact the editor with your information.


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YOU! Could be filling this space withan article you have written.

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First Class Mail

HAMLETTERClub and HamLetter Mailing Address:

Wheaton Community Radio AmateursP.O. Box QSLWheaton, Illinois 60187eMail: [email protected]


2nd: Club Brunch 1st & 3rd Thursdays 10:30 AM at Peppercorns. Peppercorns is located at the corner of President and Geneva Road in the shopping center on the North side of Geneva. All are welcome.

10th: Monthly membership meeting at First Presbyterian Church in Wheaton, 615 W. Jefferson Ave. at 7:30pm. Talk-in on 145..31. Kate Saccany, KC9IQF will be discussing the ham radio logistics and challenges surrounding the Chicago Marathon.


23rd VEC testing at the Helen Plum Library in Lombard from 6:30 till 8:30pm. Go to the club VE Testing website at vetesting.harrykamer.com for the latest details. No testing on November.

Remember the Club net on 2M is held every Sunday evening at 8 PM local on 145.31 (-) unless it isn’t.

Next WCRA General Membership Meeting Sept 10th, 2010, First Presbyterian Church 615W. Jefferson Ave., Wheaton, Illinois 7:30 PMWCRA was founded in 1948 and continues to be involved in all facets of Amateur Radio supporting the healthy growth of the hobby throughdiversification and participation. Our members have always been our most important asset and we would like to see you join us for our next meet-ing. Our business meetings are followed by a break for conversation, coffee, soda pop, and fat pills. This is followed by an amateur radio relat-ed program. We would like to see you there to share the enthusiasm.
