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September 11th Articlesmsberryss7.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/108296107/... ·...

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Empty Sky Junior Scholastic's editor recalls how the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, changed her family—and the nation By Suzanne McCabe | May 9, 2011 On the evening of September 11, 2001, six dads from my hometown of Rumson, New Jersey, didn’t come home from work. Their cars sat empty in the parking lot of the commuter ferry they’d taken into Manhattan that morning. Their seats at the dinner table have been empty ever since. My brother Mike was one of those dads. He and more than 2,700 other people were killed at the World Trade Center in New York City when 10 members of Al Qaeda, an Islamic terrorist group, crashed two hijacked planes into the Twin Towers. The 9/11 attacks were the deadliest on U.S. soil since the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941, and they would change the nation profoundly. I was on a commuter ferry headed to downtown Manhattan when the first plane struck the North Tower. It was 8:46 a.m. I knew that my brother, who had started a job as an equities trader at Cantor Fitzgerald a week earlier, would already be at his desk. I would soon learn that he was on the 104th floor of that 110story building. “As you can see,” the ferry captain said over his bullhorn, “a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center.” BALLY Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:40:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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Empty Sky Junior Scholastic's editor recalls how the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, changed her family—and the nation

By  Suzanne  McCabe  |  May  9,  2011     On  the  evening  of  September  11,  2001,  six  dads  from  my  hometown  of  Rumson,  New  Jersey,  didn’t  come  home  from  work.  Their  cars  sat  empty  in  the  parking  lot  of  the  commuter  ferry  they’d  taken  into  Manhattan  that  morning.  Their  seats  at  the  dinner  table  have  been  empty  ever  since.    My  brother  Mike  was  one  of  those  dads.  He  and  more  than  2,700  other  people  were  killed  at  the  World  Trade  Center  in  New  York  City  when  10  members  of  Al  Qaeda,  an  Islamic  terrorist  group,  crashed  two  hijacked  planes  into  the  Twin  Towers.  The  9/11  attacks  were  the  deadliest  on  U.S.  soil  since  the  Japanese  bombed  Pearl  Harbor  in  December  1941,  and  they  would  change  the  nation  profoundly.    I  was  on  a  commuter  ferry  headed  to  downtown  Manhattan  when  the  first  plane  struck  the  North  Tower.  It  was  8:46  a.m.  I  knew  that  my  brother,  who  had  started  a  job  as  an  equities  trader  at  Cantor  Fitzgerald  a  week  earlier,  would  already  be  at  his  desk.  I  would  soon  learn  that  he  was  on  the  104th  floor  of  that  110-­‐story  building.    “As  you  can  see,”  the  ferry  captain  said  over  his  bullhorn,  “a  plane  just  crashed  into  the  World  Trade  Center.”  

BALLY Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:40:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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 We  could  see  the  Trade  Center  and  the  skyscrapers  of  Lower  Manhattan—still  40  minutes  away—with  aching  clarity.  As  Mike,  an  avid  bodysurfer,  surely  would  have  noted,  it  was  a  perfect  beach  day,  crisp  and  cloudless.    I  tried  him  on  his  cell  phone  several  times  but  couldn’t  get  through.  Service  had  already  become  sporadic  so  I  couldn’t  reach  his  wife,  Lynn,  or  any  other  family  members  either.    As  the  ferry  continued  across  the  Hudson  River  to  New  York,  we  watched  smoke  spewing  from  the  upper  floors  of  the  North  Tower.    At  first,  it  seemed  as  if  the  crash  had  been  some  terrible  accident.  Then,  just  17  minutes  later,  a  second  plane  sliced  through  the  top  of  the  South  Tower.    Everyone  gasped.  America,  we  realized,  was  under  attack.    Still,  we  sailed  on.  We  passed  the  Statue  of  Liberty  and  Ellis  Island,  all  eyes  glued  to  the  two  towers.  While  smoke  billowed  from  one,  orange  fireballs  ringed  the  other.    Paper  and  shards  of  glass  began  to  rain  down  on  the  streets,  and  thick  black  soot  coated  much  of  the  sky.  I  tried  to  picture  Mike  and  his  best  friend,  Michael  Tucker,  or  “Tuck,”  who  also  worked  at  Cantor,  racing  down  the  stairs  to  safety.    When  our  ferry  docked  in  Lower  Manhattan,  we  were  instructed  not  to  get  off.  Instead,  we  would  take  on  people  who  had  fled  the  Trade  Center  and  nearby  office  buildings,  and  head  back  to  New  Jersey.    Other  Attacks    I  looked  for  my  brother  and  Tuck  in  the  crowd  on  the  pier.  If  anyone  could  escape  that  building,  I  thought,  it  was  those  two  guys.  Mike  had  lifted  weights  since  high  school  and  was  a  great  basketball  player.  And  Tuck  was  as  big  and  strong  as  the  guys  on  the  Syracuse  University  football  team  he  once  roomed  with.  As  we  sailed  back  to  New  Jersey,  the  smell  of  death  and  burning  plastic  began  to  fill  the  air.  But  nothing  prepared  us  for  what  happened  next.  We  watched  in  stunned  silence  as  the  South  Tower  collapsed  in  a  massive  swirl  of  ash.  It  was  10:05.  Less  than  a  half-­‐hour  later,  the  North  Tower  fell,  leaving  us,  in  the  words  of  Bruce  Springsteen,  with  nothing  but  an  empty  sky.    We  soon  learned  that  there  had  been  other  attacks.  Shortly  after  9:30  a.m.,  hijackers  had  crashed  a  plane  into  the  Pentagon,  the  U.S.  military  headquarters  outside  Washington,  D.C.,  killing  189  people.  And  in  Shanksville,  Pennsylvania,  passengers  on  a  fourth  plane,  known  as  Flight  93,  brought  down  their  hijacked  jet  in  a  field  when  they  realized  it  was  headed  for  either  the  White  House  or  the  Capitol.  All  44  people  onboard  died.    That  morning,  my  brother’s  three  children  and  thousands  of  others  were  called  from  their  classrooms.  My  niece  Regan,  then  8,  remembers  an  unfamiliar  teacher  arriving  at  the  door  during  art  class.    “Come  with  me,  please,”  he  said,  “and  bring  your  belongings.”  When  Regan  and  her  brother  and  sister  got  home,  their  mom  was  in  the  driveway,  her  face  ashen.  

BALLY Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:40:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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They  went  inside  and  turned  on  the  TV.  “I’d  never  seen  those  two  buildings  before,”  Regan  says.  “Flames  and  chunks  were  tumbling  down.  ‘Your  father  is  in  there,’  my  mom  managed  to  say.  Then  she  burst  into  tears.”    A  decade  later,  those  memories  are  still  raw  for  everyone  who  lived  through  that  day.  “Any  time  I  hear  ‘9/11,’  it  just  brings  everything  back,”  says  John  Pollinger,  who  was  the  police  chief  of  Middletown,  New  Jersey,  in  2001.  His  town  of  68,000  lost  37  people  that  day.    Pollinger  was  at  the  ferry  landing  when  my  boat  got  back.  “People  were  shell-­‐shocked,  stunned,  covered  with  dust,”  he  says.  “I  told  my  detectives,  ‘Get  on  the  ferry.  Go  over  there.  See  what  you  can  do.’  In  the  end,  there  was  little  anyone  could  do  besides  tend  to  grieving  families  and  try  to  recover  the  bodies  of  those  who  had  died.    Life  Without  Dad    My  brother’s  children  have  had  to  grow  up  without  their  dad.  He  has  missed  their  field  hockey  games,  skateboarding  competitions,  proms,  and  graduations.  He  didn’t  live  to  see  their  funny  texts  or  Facebook  posts.    Most  important,  he’s  missed  seeing  the  extraordinary  young  adults  they’ve  become.  Thousands  of  other  families  have  faced  the  same  heartbreaking  loss.    More  than  400  firefighters  and  other  rescue  workers  who  went  into  the  burning  buildings  to  try  to  save  people  like  Mike  and  Tuck  also  died  on  9/11.  Countless  others  spent  months  at  the  site,  which  came  to  be  known  as  Ground  Zero,  searching  through  the  rubble  for  bodies,  trying  to  give  families  some  measure  of  peace.  Often,  all  they  found  were  bone  fragments.    Many  Ground  Zero  workers  have  since  developed  severe  lung  ailments  from  the  pollutants  they  inhaled.  Some  have  died.  Those  remaining  live  with  the  trauma  of  what  they  saw.    If  there’s  a  silver  lining,  it’s  that  our  friends  and  people  we  didn’t  even  know  were  there  to  look  out  for  us.  They  stuck  by  us  when  we  needed  them  most.  My  family  and  so  many  others  lost  a  lot  on  9/11.  We  also  incurred  a  debt  that  we  can  never  repay.      This  article  originally  appeared  in  the  September  5,  2011,  issue  of  Junior  Scholastic.  

BALLY Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:40:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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“I Was 11 on 9/11” A student from New York City tells what it was like to live through a tragic day 10 years ago  By  Laura  Modigliani      September  11,  2001,  was  Emily  Sussell’s  fourth  day  of  sixth  grade.  She  attended  Intermediate  School  89  in  New  York  City,  four  blocks  away  from  the  World  Trade  Center.  The  school  stood  in  the  shadows  of  two  110-­‐story  skyscrapers  known  as  the  Twin  Towers.    As  she  sat  in  social  studies  class  at  about  8:45  a.m.,  Emily  heard  a  loud  crash.    “We  felt  the  building  shake  a  little  bit  and  heard  a  shattering  boom,”  she  says.    An  airplane  had  flown  into  the  north  tower  of  the  World  Trade  Center.  Emily  and  her  classmates  quickly  evacuated  their  school.  A  family  friend  came  to  pick  up  Emily.  As  they  went  outside,  Emily  looked  up  at  the  towers.    “It  looked  like  a  giant  hole  through  the  top  of  the  tower,  filled  with  flames,”  she  says.  “I  could  feel  the  heat  of  the  fire  on  my  face,  even  four  city  blocks  away.”      

BALLY Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:40:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Running  for  Her  Life    The  family  friend  took  Emily  a  few  blocks  to  Public  School  234,  where  Emily’s  mother  worked.  As  they  waited  for  instructions  on  what  to  do  next,  a  second  plane  hit  the  south  tower.  Emily  and  her  mom  soon  left  the  school—just  as  the  south  tower  collapsed.  They  ran  to  escape  the  huge  cloud  of  smoke  and  debris.    “I  remember  thinking  that  these  kinds  of  things  happen  only  in  movies,  not  to  me,”  Emily  says.    At  10:28  a.m.,  the  north  tower  crashed  to  the  ground.  By  then,  Emily  and  her  mom  were  safely  in  another  school  about  two  miles  from  the  World  Trade  Center.      A  National  Tragedy    Like  many  people,  Emily  first  thought  the  crashes  were  an  accident.  That  changed  when  she  learned  what  had  happened  near  Washington,  D.C.  A  third  plane  had  slammed  into  the  side  of  the  Pentagon  in  Arlington,  Virginia.  The  five-­‐sided  building  is  the  headquarters  of  the  U.S.  military.    As  news  reports  soon  revealed,  terrorists  had  hijacked,  or  taken  over,  the  planes  and  flown  them  into  the  buildings  on  purpose.  A  fourth  hijacked  plane  crashed  in  a  field  in  Shanksville,  Pennsylvania.  Many  people  believe  it  was  headed  for  the  White  House  or  the  U.S.  Capitol.    The  events  of  September  11,  often  called  9/11,  stunned  the  nation  and  the  world.    In  just  a  few  hours,  close  to  3,000  people  had  been  killed.  More  than  400  of  them  were  firefighters  and  police  officers  who  were  trying  to  rescue  people  in  the  Twin  Towers.    The  Aftermath    Following  9/11,  the  U.S.  government  took  many  steps  to  try  to  make  the  country  safer.  It  tightened  security  at  airports  and  in  public  buildings.  Within  a  month  of  the  attacks,  the  U.S.  would  go  to  war  to  hunt  down  the  people  who  had  planned  the  attacks.    Like  many  Americans,  Emily  recovered  from  the  tragedy  slowly.  Clouds  of  toxic  dust  from  the  disaster  hung  in  the  air  in  her  neighborhood.  Her  family  couldn’t  return  home  for  nearly  two  weeks.  She  and  her  classmates  had  to  attend  another  school  for  almost  six  months.    Today,  Emily,  21,  is  in  her  final  year  of  college  at  the  State  University  of  New  York  at  New  Paltz.  She  says  9/11  is  still  a  big  part  of  her  life.      “It  was  the  scariest  thing  that’s  ever  happened  to  me,  and  I  survived  it,  so  I  think  that  I’m  braver  now,”  she  says.    “It’s  definitely  made  me  more  grateful  for  all  of  the  things  in  my  life.”    This  article  originally  appeared  in  the  September  5,  2011,  issue  of  Scholastic  News  Edition.  

BALLY Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:40:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Growing  Up  in  a  Hurry  Austin  Vukosa,  one  of  some  3,000  children  under  18  who  lost  a  parent  in  the  attacks,  became  a  hyperambitious,  self-­‐reliant  teenager.    By  DAVID  GONZALEZ  Published:  September  8,  2011    It  took  a  few  weeks  for  Annette  Vukosa  to  finally  break  it  to  her  elder  son,  Austin,  that  his  father  would  not  be  coming  home,  and  for  a  long  time  after  that,  the  two  spoke  only  sparingly  about  him.      Finally,  a  few  months  after  Sept.  11,  Austin,  all  of  7,  went  up  to  his  mother  in  their  apartment  in  Kensington,  Brooklyn,  and  announced:  “I  have  a  plan.”      “We  can  be  together  with  Daddy  when  we  die,”  he  said.  “If  we  cut  our  wrists,  we’ll  die  and  we’ll  all  be  with  Daddy  again.”      How  Austin  grew  from  being  a  bereft  little  boy  to  a  hyperambitious  beanpole  of  a  16-­‐year-­‐old  is  a  story  of  stand-­‐ins  and  mentors,  therapy  and  special  camps,  and  a  universal  desire  by  everyone  close  to  him  to  ensure  that  Sept.  11  would  neither  destroy  nor  define  his  life.  Most  of  all,  it  is  a  story  of  a  child  who  grew  up  fast  and  focused,  picking  himself  up,  realizing  early  on  that  the  boy  truly  is  the  father  to  the  man.    He  is  among  some  3,000  children  under  18  who  lost  not  only  a  parent  in  the  attacks,  but  also  their  very  sense  of  security.  Some,  like  Austin,  were  old  enough  to  know  —  but  not  fully  comprehend  —  the  depth  of  their  loss.  Those  sobering  insights  came  later,  as  they  became  prematurely  independent  or  even  prematurely  serious,  sometimes  taking  it  upon  themselves  to  shoulder  more  responsibilities.    Austin  speaks  of  his  life  with  a  keenly  felt  sense  of  duty  that  goes  beyond  honoring  a  memory.  He  talks  matter-­‐of-­‐factly  about  having  to  rely  on  his  own  wits  and  work  to  get  ahead,  unlike  some  children  who  think  school  is  a  joke,  since,  he  said,  their  fathers  will  set  them  up  in  their  family  business.    “I  push  myself  to  do  what  I  do,  from  running  to  taking  all  these  ridiculous  Advanced  Placement  classes,”  he  said.  “I  don’t  have  anything  to  fall  back  on.  I  have  to  do  this  by  my  own  hands.”    His  12-­‐year-­‐old  brother,  Adam,  does  not  remember  their  father,  and  constantly  asks  relatives  for  information  about  him:  how  he  spoke  or  what  sports  he  liked.  Austin,  by  contrast,  has  memories,  but  keeps  them  close  and  quiet.    Sometimes,  it  is  impossible.  In    a  city  like  New  York,  where  the  broken  skyline  attests  to  the  staggering  losses  of  that  day,  there  are  a  decade’s  worth  of  reminders.  Even  the  park  where  he  used  to  play  catch  with  his  father  has  been  renamed  in  honor  of  another  9/11  victim.  “Would  this  have  been  easier  for  me  had  his  death  not  been  so  public?”  Austin  asked,  then  answered,  as  if  observing  himself  through  a  window:    “Most  people  lose  a  parent,  and  it’s  private.  Everybody  knows  it  happened  and  people  talk  about  it  all  the  time.  It’s  so  much  more  difficult  because  it  was  so  public.”    A  Dreaded  Sit-­‐Down    Alfred  and  Annette  Vukosa’s  paths  crossed  —  and  parted  —  in  Lower  Manhattan.      

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 Annette  Lalman  had  grown  up  in  Guyana  and  moved  to  Ozone  Park,  Queens,  during  high  school.    Alfred  Vukosa  was  born  in  Croatia,  then  part  of  Yugoslavia.  In  November  1967,  his  family  dashed  across  the  border  into  Italy,  spending  a  year  in  a  refugee  camp  before  settling  in  Brooklyn.    Alfred  and  Annette  met  in  the  late  1980s  on  the  floor  of  the  New  York  Mercantile  Exchange,  where  both  worked  in  trading  operations.  They  married  in  1992  and  moved  into  the  third  floor  of  the  modest  building  in  Kensington  that  Alfred’s  parents  had  bought.  Austin  was  born  in  1994,  and  Adam  five  years  later.    Alfred  loved  his  job  —  information  technology  specialist  at  Cantor  Fitzgerald  —  and  they  began  looking  to  buy  their  own  home.  They  fell  in  love  with  a  two-­‐family  brick  house  in  Dyker  Heights,  and  were  about  to  go  to  contract.    That  was  about  a  week  before  Sept.  11.    Annette  heard  the  noise  from  the  first  plane’s  impact;  her  job,  evaluating  corporate  bonds,  was  a  couple  of  blocks  away.    She  called  her  husband,  only  to  get  an  agitated  co-­‐worker  who  answered  the  phone  and  begged  her  to  hang  up  and  call  911.  When  she  and  several  friends  decided  to  walk  over,  they  found  themselves  dashing  inside  a  building  to  seek  shelter  when  the  towers  collapsed.  She  walked  the  six  miles  home,  where  Austin  and  Adam  were  with  their  grandparents.    “My  grandmother  was  watching  the  television,  crying,”  Austin  recalled.  “My  grandfather  was  standing  there,  trying  to  be  strong,  I  guess.”    For  a  few  weeks,  the  family  searched  hospitals  and  pored  over  lists.  Seldom-­‐seen  relatives  came  from  far  away,  and  there  were  whispered  conversations  and  emotional  arguments  —  like  the  time  Annette’s  sister  said  no  one  could  survive  five  days  in  rubble.  A  few  weeks  later,  Annette  had  the  sit-­‐down  with  Austin  she  had  been  dreading.    “I  explained  to  him,  the  building  came  down,”  she  recalled.  “Daddy  was  in  the  building.  We  went  to  look  for  him  and  we  can’t  find  him.  I  don’t  remember  if  I  even  said  the  words  ‘He’s  dead.’  ”    Even  during  the  memorial  service  at  a  Queens  church,  Austin  was  puzzled  by  the  tears  and  tributes  for  his  father.    “It’s  like  one  of  those  jokes  people  are  talking  about  and  you  don’t  understand  it,”  he  said.  “You  feel  left  out.  About  a  year  later  I  came  around  to  the  fact  he’s  probably  not  going  to  come  home.  For  some  reason,  I  didn’t  think  it  had  happened  to  anyone  else  besides  me.”    Pushing  Himself    Tall  and  slender,  with  close-­‐cropped  hair,  Austin  looks  like  anyone  else  on  the  track  team  at  Xavier  High  School  in  Manhattan.  He  has  an  easy  smile,  softening  his  edge  of  quiet  intensity.    A  classmate  and  good  friend,  Anthony  Pucik,  said  it  was  not  until  a  year  after  they  met  that  he  learned  what  had  happened  to  Austin’s  father.  Austin  had  been  like  that  since  grammar  school,  keeping  his  

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father’s  memory  to  himself,  as  much  for  privacy  as  for  not  wanting  to  be  framed  solely  by  the  tragedy  that  befell  him.      “If  you  knew,  you  knew,”  he  said.  “But  if  you  didn’t,  I  wasn’t  going  to  explain  it.”    His  little  brother  has  been  the  exact  opposite.  Without  a  single  memory  of  his  father,  he  has  ceaselessly  grilled  his  mother  and  relatives  on  every  aspect  of  Alfred’s  life.  For  a  while,  Annette  said,  he  would  tell  even  strangers  that  his  father  had  died  in  the  World  Trade  Center.    Their  paternal  grandfather,  Sam,  tried  to  be  a  father  to  the  boys.  He  took  them  to  basketball  games  and  the  movies.  But  at  home,  he  often  broke  down  in  tears  thinking  how  he  —  a  man  who  had  survived  the  Nazis  and  escaped  Communism  —  lost  his  son  in  the  land  that  gave  him  refuge.  He  died  six  years  later.    About  the  same  time,  Brian  Malone,  a  young  banker  who  had  lost  family  friends  on  Sept.  11,  became  Austin’s  mentor  through  Tuesday’s  Children,  an  organization  for  children  of  9/11.  Mr.  Malone  goes  bowling  and  sailing  with  him,  teaching  him  how  to  tie  a  tie  and  shave,  and  even  giving  him  a  book  that  he  described  as  “a  thousand  things  every  guy  should  know.”    He  was  the  latest  member  of  a  circle  that  helped  nurture  the  shy  boy,  from  his  mother’s  extended  family  and  their  yearly  vacations  to  the  teachers  at  the  local  Roman  Catholic  school  where  his  mother  enrolled  him  to  provide  a  smaller  and  more  supportive  community.    One  thing  that  he  needed  little  help  with  was  school,  never  having  to  be  cajoled  into  doing  his  homework.    “I  owed  it  to  myself,  and  my  family,”  Austin  said.  “For  my  dad.  He  was  always  big  on  school  and  making  sure  I  studied.”    He  received  a  scholarship  to  Xavier,  a  Jesuit  high  school  in  Chelsea  whose  traditions  date  to  the  mid-­‐19th  century.  It  is  a  school  that  understands  loss  —  10  alumni  died  in  the  attacks,  their  memory  enshrined  in  a  plaque  honoring  “The  Lost  Sons  of  Xavier”  that  hangs  by  the  front  entrance  on  West  16th  Street.    At  Xavier  he  has  taken  the  hardest  courses  he  could,  and  though  he  did  not  make  the  basketball  team,  he  joined  the  track  team,  where  he  has  been  a  sprinter.    “I’m  not  the  fastest  guy,”  he  said.  “But  track’s  about  the  mental  toughness.  Once  the  pain  sets  in,  you  want  to  finish.  It  definitely  shows  you  how  strong  you  are.”    His  junior  year  has  been  the  most  challenging  emotionally  and  intellectually,  starting  with  a  religious  retreat  where  he  had  ample  time  to  reflect  on  the  course  of  his  life.    The  news  about  Osama  bin  Laden’s  death  came  while  he  was  studying  on  a  Sunday  night.  His  cellphone  flashed  a  stream  of  text  messages  from  his  friends.  His  mother  called  out  to  him  that  the  president  would  be  addressing  the  nation.    That  night,  his  mother  could  hear  him  crying  in  his  room.    “Over  the  years  he  never  talked  much  about  his  father’s  death,”  she  said.  “I  used  to  wonder,  what  was  he  thinking.  But  that  night,  oh,  he  cried  and  cried.”  

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 In  the  coming  days,  he  went  online  to  research  as  much  as  he  could  about  Bin  Laden.  In  school,  the  topic  came  up,  as  students  in  his  religion  class  wrestled  with  questions  of  forgiveness  and  celebration.  The  class  was  among  his  favorites,  since  it  was  the  kind  of  class  that  rewarded  thought  and  reason.  It  was,  he  said,  about  life.    “Some  people  in  class  asked  if  Bin  Laden  could  be  forgiven,”  he  said.  “How  can  you  forgive  somebody  like  that?  He  clearly  didn’t  care  about  what  he  was  doing.  To  forgive  somebody,  they  have  to  be  sorry.  He  didn’t  care.”    The  Rev.  Ralph  Rivera  said  Austin  was  among  the  best  students  in  his  religion  class.    “This  has  been  about  finding  meaning  in  tragedy  and  not  being  a  victim,”  he  said.  “He  is  clearly  still  in  pain,  but  he  is  also  seeking  answers.  As  long  as  he  seeks  answers,  there  is  hope.  I  am  very  optimistic  for  him.”    A  Special  Haven    On  one  of  the  hottest  days  of  the  summer,  Austin  headed  out  to  school  for  a  practice  test.  His  mother  sat  at  her  desk  in  a  corner  of  the  living  room,  the  television  set  to  a  financial  news  channel  as  she  tracked  the  market  on  a  trio  of  computer  monitors  and  executed  trades.  She  has  worked  from  home  for  several  years,  allowing  her  a  little  more  flexibility.    She  bristles  at  how  some  people  ask  whether  she  landed  a  hefty  financial  settlement  or  whether  she  has  “gotten  over  it”  and  started  dating  someone.    “I’d  give  any  amount  of  money  to  have  my  life  back,”  she  said.  “I  feel  sorry  seeing  these  boys  without  a  male  influence  in  their  lives  often  enough.  Watching  them  grow  up,  my  heart  aches  for  them.”    Austin  has  now  thrown  himself  into  researching  and  applying  to  colleges.  He  knows  his  mother  would  prefer  he  stay  close  to  home  —  she  can’t  bear  the  thought  of  his  being  away  for  four  years.  But  he  thinks  it  might  be  good  to  go  out  of  town,  though  not  too  far.  This  summer,  on  a  trip  to  England  sponsored  by  the  British  government  for  children  of  Sept.  11  victims,  he  visited  a  dormitory  for  the  first  time,  saw  Oxford  and  toured  London.  Back  in  Brooklyn,  he  prepared  to  take  the  SAT  again  —  his  third  time,  though  he  has  already  scored  2000,  among  the  top  10  percent  —  and  brushed  up  on  physics  for  an  Advanced  Placement  course.    This  summer  also  marks  his  last  visit  to  America’s  Camp,  a  haven  in  the  Berkshires  for  young  people  who  lost  parents  to  terrorism.  He  has  come  to  see  his  friends  there  as  his  closest.    Where  he  once  refused  to  let  his  life  be  defined  by  the  tragedy  that  changed  his  world,  he  now  accepts  it  as  part  of  who  he  is.  It  is  a  legacy.    “I  sometimes  wonder,  if  this  could  have  happened  to  anybody,  why  did  it  happen  to  me?”  he  said.  “I’m  still  dealing  with  this.  I  don’t  think  it’ll  ever  go  away.  And  I  don’t  think  that’s  necessarily  a  bad  thing.  It’s  good  to  remember.”  

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