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September 12 th 2010 Ms.Raffi 7 th grade math

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Aim : How do we conduct ourselves inside a classroom, so that we may strive for excellence? Objectives: Class procedures and Problem Solving. September 12 th 2010 Ms.Raffi 7 th grade math. Do Now / Warm-Up :. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Aim : How do we conduct ourselves inside a classroom, so that we may strive for excellence? Objectives: Class procedures and Problem Solving September 12 th 2010 Ms.Raffi 7 th grade math
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Aim : How do we conduct ourselves inside a classroom,

so that we may strive for excellence?

Objectives: Class procedures and Problem Solving

September 12th 2010

Ms.Raffi 7th grade math

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Do Now / Warm-Up:• Take one piece of construction paper for name

plates , write your name on both sides after folding the construction piece of paper into fold of three.

• Then, Fill out index cards with the following information A.) parents name B.) other family members you live with C.) home address D.) parent’s email address E.) your email address F.) phone number

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Agenda : • Review classroom rules,

• Go over daily routines

• Discuss class procedures,

• Hand out parent letter and supply list,

• Discuss interest survey and multiple intelligence checklist - students will select and write down on index cards what they identify with from checklist and email me to me as their HW assignment from a current email address, with the following restated A.) parents name B.) other family members you live with C.) home address D.) parent’s email address E.) your email address F.) phone number,

• go over grading policy, website

• Problem solving strategies discussed .

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Classroom Rules • 1. Come to class on time

• 2. Respect your teacher and classmates

• 3. Begin class activities immediately and quietly

• 4. Attend to personal needs before class

• 5. no eating in class and the importance of keeping the classroom clean

6. talk only when permitted

7. 7. remain seated at all times

8. 8. use polite speech, appropriate language and body language in the classroom

9. 9. Follow teacher’s directions immediately

10.10. Respect all faculty members that enter the room

11.11. HW should be completed before you come to class and at home or during lunch time unless otherwise instructed.  

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Class Procedures • Assigned Seats-You will be assigned seats and are expected to sit in your

assigned seat every day. These seats will change throughout the year.  

• Attention – If I would like your attention, I will count down from three, two , one or sometimes hold up my hand in an “O” shape, and ask for “level zero.” This means that you should end all conversation or noise and face forward.

• Late arrival to class – There are five minutes between classes, this is including how you will arrive to class by lining up in front of the classroom and taking your math notebook out. The line should be two straight lines one boys and one girls line. If you are not in your seat by the time I allow the class to enter or the bell rings, you are cutting. If you are in the room, but not in your seat, you will be marked cutting.

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•Unexcused lateness -If you are late to class for an unexcused reason, and we have already handed in a Do Now, or completed a quiz, you will not be permitted to retake the Quiz or Do Now. This will get marked in the grade book as a 0.

• Absence from class – If you have been absent from class, please call your work buddy to find out what you missed. Also, note you ARE RESPONSIBLE for the content discussed during the class, as well as for the homework assigned. “I wasn’t there the day we did this in class” is NOT an appropriate excuse. If you do not feel comfortable learning the material on your own, attend tutoring – or better yet, try not to be absent. It is your responsibility to schedule a time with me to make up the missed work. If you do not, your grade will remain a 0. If your absence is unexcused (e.g. cutting class), you will not be permitted to make up work. Your

grade will remain a 0.  

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• Absence on test day – You are allowed one test absence per semester. Absence during a test should be a rare circumstance. If you are absent on a test day, that grade will be dropped for you. This is to ensure timely return of exams to students. After one test absence, you MUST provide a doctor’s note, and schedule a make-up exam.

• Absence notes – Only notes from a medical doctor (or parent for homework) are acceptable as absence notes.

• Late notes – Only notes written and signed by another teacher are acceptable as late notes. If the class is your first class of the day, you must provide a note from your parent as a late note.

• Entering the room at the beginning of the period – At the beginning of the period every one is to line up outside quietly in the hallway with their math notebooks out. When you enter the room, you should quietly go directly to your seat, sit down, and begin working on the Do Now problem. all HATS, MP3/music players, cell phones, etc, should be OFF AND AWAY BEFORE walking into class. If you need to obtain a pencil, sharpen your pencil, obtain paper, etc, you should arrive to class with sufficient time prior to the bell to allow you to do these or other activities.


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• Leaving the room at the end of the period – You are only to leave your seat when given permission, and this includes at the end of the period. The class will either be dismissed via individuals, desks, rows, or as a class. You are to remain in your seat until you are dismissed. Please do not start packing up until you are given permission to leave. Once you are dismissed, you may collect your things, and promptly leave the room. Do not engage in any activity (roughhousing, horseplay, foul language, etc) that you would not otherwise engage in during class time. You are still in class. 

• Going to the restroom – The time between classes is to be used for bathroom needs. If you must go to the restroom during class, please raise your hand. If given permission, quietly get up without distracting the class, take the pass, use the restroom, enter class, quietly return to your seat. If you show that you can not properly follow this procedure you may lose the right to go the right to go to the bathroom. In addition, if you are late to class, you may also lose the right to go to the bathroom.

• Going to the nurse – If you have to see the nurse, please raise your hand and ask. I will walk over and have a brief discussion with you regarding the illness. If a nurse’s visit is appropriate, I will write you a note. If you go to the nurse’s office and she is not present, follow the procedures for returning from the bathroom when returning to class. If you would like to try the nurse again at a later time, raise your hand and hold up the note.

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• Going to the library – The only library time that is permitted is when we go to the library as a class for research purposes. It is not appropriate to miss class in order to work in the library on projects for this, or another class.

• Loudspeaker Announcements- If an announcement is made over the loudspeaker, please finish conversations so that all students can hear the announcement. I will ask for, and expect, level 0 noise.

• Pulled out of Class-If I am pulled out of class for an unexplained reason, please

continue to work on your assignment • Fire Drills – Fire drills are usually scheduled during first and last few months of

school. An announcement will come over the loudspeaker, and the drill typically occurs 2-3 minutes after the announcement. After the bell for the drill rings, wait for my permission to get out of your seats. Then stand up, and line up quietly at the door. I will ask the first person to lead us down the stairs. At no time between lining up for the door, and leaving the building, should students be talking.

• Sharpening Pencils – Pencils should be sharpened prior to the start of class. Please bring a backup pen or pencil so that we can minimize time used for sharpening pencils. If both pencils break, raise your hand and hold up both pencils. I will walk over and give you a hand sharpener. Please leave it on your desk when you are done, and I will collect it at a later point in time.

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• Getting materials – Handouts will be distributed by the appropriate selected students. So that we can minimize the time it takes to hand out materials, do not engage in conversation with the materials person.

• Class materials – You are expected to have two pens/pencils, a composition notebook and a calculator. I will not distribute class materials, except for scrap paper during an exam (when you are not allowed to have any materials other than a pen/pencil). Please do not ask me for a pen/pencil/paper/calculator as I will NOT give these materials out. If you fail to bring the appropriate materials, or are not able to borrow them from another student BEFORE the bell rings, you will not be able to complete any of the required work for the class.

• Homework Collection – Homework is assigned every night, collected every day, graded, and returned typically the next class day. Therefore, there will be homework to be collected on an almost daily basis. When you arrive in class and are seated, leave your homework on the top of the desk. Homework will be collected by the class work collector. Again, so that we can minimize the time it takes to collect materials, do not engage in conversation with the collector.

• Returning Homework – Homework will be returned by the appropriate selected student, and will follow procedures for getting materials.

• Class heading – Notebook – the heading for each day in your notebook should contain the date, Aim, Do now, lesson notes and HW assignment

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• Trash –1. Leave it on your desk until the end of the class. When you are dismissed from class, place, not throw, the trash into the trash can. 2. Raise your hand and quietly hold up the trash you would like to throw out. I will either walk over with the trash can or take from you and throw it out myself.

• Cell Phones – It is a city rule that you are not permitted to have a cell phone. I am not going to search every student when they enter class. I will take your cell phone if I hear it or see it. Cell phones may NOT be used as calculators, and therefore there is no need to have them on during class.

• MP3 Players – It is a city rule not to have MP3 players. You are not allowed to listen to your MP3 player/radio/CD player during class. This is not open for discussion. This applies at all times, whether during a test or while working on an activity. I realize that some students are less distracted when listening to it, but this is a school rule and it is enforced in this class. Please do not ask me if you can listen to it, and please do not tell me that other teachers let you. I only care about what goes on in this class, and in this class, it is not allowed. 

• Getting the teacher’s attention If you have a question, or would like to speak or answer a question during discussion, please raise your hand and say, Ms. Raffi, so that if my back is turned to you, I can hear you. This includes answering any questions that I ask of

the class.  

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Problem Solving is easy if you follow these steps



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Step 1 – Understand the problem• Read the problem carefully.• Find the important information.• Write down the numbers.• Identify what the problem wants

you to solve.• Ask if your answer is going to be a

larger or smaller number compared to what you already know.

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Step 1 - Understand the ProblemRead the problem carefully.

• Luis earned 14 Accelerated Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?

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Step 1 - Understand the ProblemFind the important information.

• Luis earned 14 Accelerated Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?

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Step 1 - Understand the ProblemWrite down the numbers.

• Luis earned 14 Accelerated Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?Total = 31 1st week =14

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Step 1 - Understand the ProblemIdentify what the problem wants

you to solve.• Luis earned 14 Accelerated

Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?Total = 31 1st week =14

2nd week = ?

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Step 1 - Understand the ProblemAsk if your answer is going to be a larger or smaller number compared

to what you already know.

Total = 31 1st week =142nd week = ?

It will be smaller than the total but may or may not be smaller than the first week.

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Step 2 - Decide how you’re going to solve the problem

Choose a method

Use a graph Use formulasWrite an equation Make a listFind a pattern Work backwardsUse reasoning Draw a pictureMake a table Act it out

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Step 2 - Decide how you’re going to solve the problem

Write your equation

Since I know both weeks total 31 I write14 + s = 31

Total = 31 1st week =142nd week = ?

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Step 2 - Decide how you’re going to solve the problem

Write your equation

I can use the inverse operation to solve for s14 + s = 31 31 – 14 = s

Total = 31 1st week =142nd week = ?

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Step 3 - Solve the problem

3 1 – 1 4

Total = 31 1st week =142nd week = ?




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Step 4 - Look Back & CheckReread the problem

• Luis earned 14 Accelerated Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?Total = 31 1st week =14

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Step 4 - Look Back & CheckSubstitute your new number

• Luis earned 14 Accelerated Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?

Total = 31 1st week =142nd week = 17

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Step 4 - Look Back & CheckSubstitute your new number

• Luis earned 14 Accelerated Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?

14 + 17 = 31

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Step 4 - Look Back & CheckDid your new number work?

• Luis earned 14 Accelerated Reading points the first week of November. At the end of the following week he had a total of 31 points. How many points did he earn the second week?

14 + 17 = 31 Yes!

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Write an equation to solve this problem.

• Jaylynn had $84.75 in her savings account. She made a deposit. Her new balance was $107.03. How much was her deposit?

$84.75 + d = $107.03Inverse operation

$107.03 – $84.75 = d

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Write an equation to solve this problem.

• Anthony has twice as many pokemon cards as Joshua. If Anthony has 124 cards, how many does Joshua have?

2 x d = 124 2d = 124inverse operation d = 124/2

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Write an equation to solve this problem.

• Vicki baked 90 cookies . If there are 15 cookies in each batch. How many batches did she bake?

15 x b = 90 15b = 90inverse operation b = 90/15

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Write an equation to solve this problem.

• Navneet has 3 times as many CD’s as Arlene. If Navneet has 36 CD’s, how many does Arlene have?

3 x c = 36 3c = 36inverse operation c = 36/3

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Write an equation to solve this problem.

• A square has a perimeter of 48 inches. What is the length of each side of the square.

4 x s = 48 4s = 48

inverse operation s = 48/4

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Write an equation to solve this problem.

• One year the city ambulance responded to emergencies on 293 days. How many days were there no emergencies?

293 + d = 365

inverse operation d = 365 - 293
