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September 2014 cyber safety presentation

Date post: 17-Nov-2014
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School Safety Coordinator Training Forsyth County Schools Todd Shirley, Director Tim Monroe, Assistant Director Steve Honn, School Safety Manager Ola Shadburn, General Administrative School Safety and Student Discipline Joey Pirkle Associate Superintendent Educational Leadership Dr. Jeff Bearden Superintendent of Schools Department of School Safety and Student Discipline Session #5
  • 1. Department of School Safety and Student DisciplineForsyth County SchoolsTodd Shirley, DirectorTim Monroe, Assistant DirectorSteve Honn, School Safety ManagerOla Shadburn, General AdministrativeSchool Safety and Student DisciplineDr. Jeff BeardenSuperintendent of SchoolsJoey PirkleAssociate SuperintendentEducational LeadershipSession #5

2. 2 3. Facebook-87% students use--*Facebook Messenger-72% Twitter Instagram-77% usage--online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networkingservice that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them,and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter,Tumblr and Flickr Vine-Owned by Twitter, enables its users to create and post short video clips Snapchat-65% useAllows users to take photos or short videos, then share them with friendsfor up to 10 seconds before the image self-destructs. If a recipient screenshots the photo, theapp alerts the original sender, though hacks to interrupt this function do exist. Askfm-social networking website where users can ask other users questions, with theoption of anonymity used in foreign countries mostly KIK-allows users to send texts via the Internet without having to use a cellulartelephone Yik Yak-social media site that gives you an anonymous live feed of what people aresaying and doing. Users create all the content. Youtube-No. 1 site for watching videos (Schoolsafetyandsecurityalert.com August 2014)3 4. Bullies can use your information Predators can use the information Comments sued for defamation Info arrested or school discipline No reasonable expectation of privacy Future employers and schools can useinformation as instant background checks Clark Howard Video4 5. 5 6. Eliminate all identifying information Anything that allows you to be located Anything that pairs the profile to your name Delete inappropriate information Read your information to determine whatimpression it gives Your site may appeal to someone you didnt intendfor it to impress6 7. Choose appropriate photos Setting privacy settings appropriately For privacy: Develop your profile to be associated with anickname rather than your official name7 8. 8 9. 9-Disable Geo-tagging PhotosiPhoneSettings>PrivacyAndroidCamera>Settings>Privacy 10. Protect your friends info no name, location,birthday wish, phone numbers, etc. Dont write anything you wouldnt want yourparents or principal to read (because they canand MIGHT!) Set your profile to private so you control whoviews your profile. Be careful when you post pics10 11. What sport you play, the movies you like,your musicthat would be okay Remember that these facts can be used to fool you Be smarter than them Always tell a trusted adult if you haveproblems online11 12. High-tech version of flirting, teens textingexplicit messages or photos to each other Experimental Aggravated12http://www.unh.edu/ccrc/pdf/CV231_Sexting Typology Bulletin_4-6-11_revised.pdf 13. 13 Obscene Average person wouldfind it wrong It depicts sexualconduct It has no literary,artistic, political orscientific value Child Pornography Images of sexualconduct Under 18 years413 US 15, OCGA 16-12-80OCGA 16-12-100 14. If someone sends you something Inappropriate delete Obscene and/or makes you uncomfortable alert yourparent or authority If you sent something Ask recipient to delete it and not to forward it Never send inappropriate text or images In 2010, 20 percent of teenagers (22 % of girls and 18 %of boys) sent naked/seminude images of themselves orposted them online. Nearly 1 in 6 teens between the ages of 12 and 17 havereceived naked or nearly nude pictures via text messagefrom someone they know. (FBI Law EnforcementBulletin)14 15. Cyber bullying: One form of bullying Youth use technology to: Send Text Messages Make Web Postings Stalk Others Post Unauthorized Photos Online Deception and Violence Cyber-ostracism15 http://www.smlinks.com/sotw/why/ 16. One mistreating others usually someonethat the target knows Target can be anyone Bystander Harmful-if complacent Helpful-if report to adult16 17. Making threats of violence to people orproperty Engaging in coercion Making obscene or harassing text messages Harassment or stalkingNancy Willard, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats, Effectively Managing Internet Use Risks in Schools, Center for Safeand Responsible Use of the Internet, January 200717 18. Hate or bias crime Creating or sending sexually explicit imagesof teens or children Sexual exploitation Taking a photo of someone in a place whereprivacy is expected (Locker room/Restroom)Nancy Willard, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats, Effectively Managing Internet Use Risks in Schools, Center for Safeand Responsible Use of the Internet, January 200718 19. 10% to 20% of youth have been targetsand/or aggressors Cyberbullying peaks in the middle schoolyears (grades 6-8) Girls are more likely to be the target Looks and body shape are the mosttargeted characteristics While there is an increase in cyberbullying,it is likely because there is an increase inuse of technology19http://cyberbullying.us/blogwww.unh.edu/ccrc 20. 20 21. 21Since January 23, 2004, criminals have been using the FDIC's name and reputation toperpetrate various "phishing" schemes. It is important to note that the FDIC will never ask forpersonal or confidential information in this manner. 22. 22WIFI THIEVES-Set up open wifi in public areas posing as alegitimate business. Stealing usernames and passwords to loginto accounts. (WSBTV 2014)If you suspect that you have been a victim of identity theft,perhaps because you submitted personal information inresponse to a suspicious, unsolicited e-mail or you seeunauthorized charges on your credit card, immediately contactyour financial institution and, if necessary, close existingaccounts and open new ones. Also contact the police andrequest a copy of any police report or case number for laterreference.WEBCam-Hacking into cameras (have to set passwords toprevent hacking) 23. March 05, 2014 Pre-installed malware turns up on newAndroid devices Fake version of Netflix that steals personaldata and sends it to Russia has been foundon some smartphones and tablets fromSamsung, Motorola, and LG23 24. Child Identity Theft Credit Reports www.annualcreditreport.com Federal Law allows you to get a free copy of yourcredit report every 12 months from each creditreporting company. Credit Reporting Agencies Equifax 800-525-6285 Experian 888-397-3742 TransUnion 800-680-728924 25. 1. Make sure your child does not spend all of his/her time on the computer. People,not computers, should be their best friends and companions.2. Keep the computer in an area where it can be monitored, like the family room,kitchen or living room, not in your childs bedroom.3. Learn enough about computers so you can enjoy them together with your kids.4. Teach them never to meet an online friend offline unless you are with them.5. Watch your children when theyre online and see where they go.6. Make sure that your children feel comfortable coming to you with questions anddont over react if things go wrong.7. Keep kids out of chatrooms unless they are monitored.8. Encourage discussions between you and your child about what they enjoy online.25Next page 26. 9. Teach them what information they can share with others online and whatthey cant (like telephone numbers, address, their full name and school)10. Get to know their online friends just as you get to know all of their otherfriends.11. Warn them that people may not be what they seem to be and that peoplethey chat with are not their friends, they are just people they chat with.12. Discuss these rules, get your children to agree to adhere to them, andpost them near the computer as a reminder.www.cyber-safety.com26 27. Four steps you can start taking now to make ID security a priority and a practice: 1. Change weak passwords. Do not use your birth date or part of your address or phone number. Strongestpasswords combine upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. 2. Make sure your home Wi-Fi network is password-protected. Be careful how you use your devices at public hotspots. Most aren't secure which means any information you send is only protected if you're on an encryptedwebsite. To be sure a website is encrypted, look for "https" in the address before you log in or send any personal info. 3. Don't click on links in unsolicited emails. Don't give out information over the phone or online unless you'veverified the source. 4. Keep your eye on debit and credit cards when paying for purchases. If anything seems out of the ordinary, becautious using your card.www.ftc.gov/idtheft27 28. ConnectSafely Smart Socializing Starts Here http://www.connectsafely.org/safety-tips-advice/ National Center for Missing & Exploited Children http://www.netsmartz.org/InternetSafety FBI-Internet Crime Complaints www.FBI.GOV Internet Monitoring Software (Free) http://www.qustodio.com/internet_monitoring_software/ http://www.nchsoftware.com/childmonitoring/index.html http://www.monitor.us/en/website-monitoring https://onlinefamily.norton.com/familysafety/basicpremium.fs Internet Monitoring Software-All have mixed reviews 1. Net Nanny $28.99 2. WebWatcher $97.00 3. McAfee Safe Eyes $49.95 4. Spectorsoft-eblaster $99.9528 29. 29
