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September 25, 2016 am Sunday... · 2020-03-13 · September 27: Cynthia Bunch, William Carter, Mark...

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September 25, 2016 9:30 AM Worship

September 25, 2016 9:30 AM Worship

No matter who you are, No matter where you are On life’s journey, You are welcome here.

Worship begins with chimes.

The prelude is a time of reflection and preparation for the worship of God. Please silence cell phones.

Bibles for use during worship are available at each entrance to the Sanctuary.

PRELUDE “I’m Gonna Live the Life I Sing About in My Song” Thomas A. Dorsey Gospel Trio




One: Hallelujah! Praise God in this house of worship! Praise God under the open skies! All: Sing to God a brand-new song, In the company of those who love God! One: Praise God with a blast of the trumpet!

Praise God by strumming soft strings. All: Praise God with castanets and dance! Praise God with banjo and flute! One: Praise God with cymbals and a big bass drum. Praise God with fiddles and mandolin! All: Let every living, breathing creature praise God!

Hallelujah! (Psalm 150)

* HYMN Enter, Rejoice and Come In Black Hymnal, No. 73 Enter, rejoice, and come in. Enter, rejoice, and come in. Today will be a joyful day;

Enter, rejoice, and come in.

Open yourself to the song. Open yourself to the song. Today will be a joyful day; Enter, rejoice, and come in.

Open your hearts every one. Open your hearts everyone. Today will be a joyful day; Enter, rejoice, and come in.

Don’t be afraid of some change. Don’t be afraid of some change. Today will be a joyful day; Enter, rejoice, and come in.

Enter, rejoice, and come in. Enter, rejoice, and come in. Today will be a joyful day; Enter, rejoice, and come in.


O God, I am an open book to you. You already know what I am thinking. You know when I sit down and when I rise; Even before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely. I look behind me and you are there; then up ahead and you are there, too. It was you who formed my innermost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I thank you, God, that I am marvelously made!

You know me inside and out. Search me, O God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139)


During the Response, students may leave the Sanctuary and go to their classrooms. JK/Kindergarten and 7th grade teachers will be waiting in the back of the church, and 1st

through 6th grade teachers will be waiting at the side door of the church to lead the students. If you would like to accompany your child, you’re welcome to drop them off

and then return to worship. *Please stand if you are able to do so.

RESPONSE Insert, v. 1

Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, full of pity, love and power.

I will arise and go to Jesus he will embrace me with his arms; in the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms.

THE BIBLICAL WORD FOR THIS DAY Gerald Wilk Luke 16:19-31(NRSV) There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted

sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table; even the dogs would come and lick his sores. The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was being tormented, he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus in his bosom. He called out, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send

Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames.” But Abraham said, “Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in agony. Besides all this, between you and us a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who might want to pass from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.” He said, “Then, father, I beg you to send him to my father’s house— for I have five brothers—that he may warn

them, so that they will not also come into this place of torment.” Abraham replied, “They have Moses and the prophets; they should listen to them.” He said, “No, father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.” He said to him, “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”

* A STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe in God who has created and is creating, who has come to us in Jesus Christ to reconcile and make us new, who works in us and others by the Holy Spirit. We trust God. God calls us to be the Church, to celebrate God’s presence,

to love and serve others, to care for creation, to seek justice and to resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life and death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God!

(adapted from the United Church of Canada) * RESPONSE Insert, v. 2

Come, ye thirsty, come and welcome, God’s free bounty glorify; true belief and true repentance, every grace that brings you nigh.

I will arise and go to Jesus he will embrace me with his arms; in the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms. SERMON “Stranger at the Gate” Jeff Carlson

* HYMN Come, Ye Sinners Poor and Needy Insert, vs. 3-4

Come ye weary, heavy laden, lost and ruined by the fall; if you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all.

I will arise and go to Jesus he will embrace me with his arms; in the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms.

Let not conscience make you linger, nor of fitness fondly dream;

all the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of him. I will arise and go to Jesus he will embrace me with his arms; in the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms. OFFERTORY He Has Done Great Things Jessy Dixon

Gospel Trio

* FESTIVAL DOXOLOGY Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise God above, ye heavenly host, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia! PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Avena Ward THE LORD’S PRAYER

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy

will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

* HYMN God of Abraham and Sarah Black Hymnal, No. 20 God of Abraham and Sarah, God of Moses, Miriam’s Guide;

God of David and the prophets, God in Jesus glorified: Up from the dust you raise a people, breathe in the breath of life, of soul; Down through the years the people praise you till alleluias make them whole! God who dances in creation, spinning stars above our heads; God whose face is scribed in music, by whose hand the earth is fed:

Up from the ground you raise the mountains, raise our spirits, life our eyes: Down through the years your people praise you till alleluias flood the skies! God who loves the poor in spirit, God who comforts those who mourn; Balm for wounds, the friend of sinners, taking the side of earth’s forlorn: Up from the depths you raise your people, giving them courage for the day;

Down through the years let people praise you till alleluias light their way! In our lives from birth to dying, depth of sorrow, height of joy; Praising God in every season, let every key our hearts employ. Praise is the healing, praise, the glory, praise is the final mystery; Down through the years let people praise you till alleluias set them free!


POSTLUDE Sunshine Day Danniebelle Hall Gospel Trio

Following Worship, all are invited for coffee and snacks downstairs in the Social Hall


Head Usher: Beatrice Jaji Ushers: Brian Hafner, Bruce Voice Acolyte Coordinators: Micki Fayhee, Cindy Zinn Ball Acolytes: Samantha Fayhee, Devlin Jozwiak Head Greeter: Greg Mooney Special Accommodations: Dodd Brown

Gospel Trio: Brendan Henry, piano; Joel Kelsey, bass; David Agee, drums THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR were donated by Mead Gifford.


BORN THIS WEEK IN SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER Donations to the Birthday Fund support A Just Harvest

We celebrate and give thanks for your life at St. Pauls.

September 25: Erik Carlson, Nicole Chaiken, Kim Chamberlain, Matt Fitzgerald Christine Schmidt, Tess Scrivner, Kay Wilde, Sarah Williams September 26: Kristi Noonan

September 27: Cynthia Bunch, William Carter, Mark Hansen, Douglas Roewer, Allen Smart September 28: Brian Gallagher, Carrie Liebergen, Toby Rogers

September 29: Avery Miller, Tallulah Avery, Jill Brennan, Miles Davidson, Hannah Fitzgerald, Andy Vahey September 30: Greyson Lavin, Layton Olson, Hannah Tatum,

October 1: Amy Akers, Theresa Herlevsen, Paul Schrimpf, Ryan Stoner

ANNOUNCEMENTS PARENTS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS: We are collecting addresses of our college students. If you have a student, to receive a care package from the Connectors, please send their address to

Leigh at [email protected] by September 30.

BIKE TO THE BOTANIC OCTOBER 1, 9:00 AM– 3:00 PM - Join other St. Pauls cyclists on a moderately-paced 32-mile round-trip bike ride up the North Branch Trail from Caldwell Woods to the Chicago Botanic Garden. We'll meet in the Caldwell Woods parking lot at 9:00

AM and be led by experienced cyclist Nancy Curotto. Bring your lunch, or eat in the Garden Cafe, before we ride back to Caldwell Woods. Ride will be postponed in the event of rain, so

please RSVP to Nancy Curotto by September 29: [email protected].

FIRST WEDNESDAY LUNCHEONS will resume on October 5, 2016 from 12:00 -1:30 PM

in the Parlor. Can poetry be exciting? Come find out as we engage in discussion with Pastor Matt as he shares a few of his favorite poems. This poetry is clear and accessible. Some poems will be

uplifting, while others are disturbing. This promises to be an exciting lunch! Please invite your friends. All are welcome to attend. Cost is $10/person. Please RSVP with Leigh Borge ([email protected]) by September 29.


12:00 PM. Pharmacist Lily from Walgreens on Clark Street will provide the shots. Flu shots are covered under Medicare Part B with a valid Medicare card. Under 65 and want the flu shot? Bring your insurance card. No insurance? The flu shot costs $31.99 or High or double flu for

$59.99. Pneumonia shots are also covered by Medicare Part B with a valid Medicare card. There are two different kinds of Pneumonia shots: Pneumavaz @ $109.00 or Prevanar @ $209.99 if

you don’t have insurance. You can pay by check or cash. Thanks to Connectors and Barbara Kaiser for arranging to have Walgreens Flu Shots at St. Pauls.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 5:00 – 9:00 PM - A Just Harvest Annual Event "The Sky is the Limit" will be at the Kenilworth Club. Funds raised will support their ongoing ministry of

feeding the hungry and working for justice in Rogers Park. For tickets and more information visit ajustharvest.org.

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: We will continue to pass along information in our Friday emails regarding the CMH Redevelopment. If you would like to receive up-to-the-minute information

from the McCaffrey website, you can do so by visiting mi-cmh.com and clicking on project updates in the top right corner.

The "Lincoln Common" parking lot (formerly known as the CMH parking lot) is now a pay lot.

However, St. Pauls worshippers are able to park free of charge from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM on Sundays. The pay terminal has now been installed in the parking lot but will not be monitored between those hours. We will receive instructions from the parking garage about how to validate

parking for St. Pauls members. If you park in the lot before 8:00 AM or after 1:00 PM you will be required to pay.

LOOKING FOR LEADERS FOR THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP. The youth say they would like a youth group for high school students and so this Fall we are planning

to create one. We need caring, energetic leaders to help us make this dream a reality. If you are interested, contact Pastor Sarah at [email protected].

SANCTUARY ENVELOPE REMODELING PROJECT - As we talked about at our Annual Meeting this year, we are working on our Sanctuary Envelope Remodeling Project. Work is

being done to the roofing tiles, gutter system and snow guards. Work will also begin on the Orchard Street stairs. The main entrance to the Sanctuary is now open. During this time, please

use either the Kemper Street entrance or the bell courtyard entrance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

WANT MORE VARIETY AT COFFEE HOUR? Sign up to bring it at http://bit.ly/1RtSUuH.

ALTAR FLOWER SIGN UP - If you would like to purchase flowers for the altar please go to our link at http://tinyurl.com/h55pl82 and sign up. There are only a few Sundays left for the year. Thank you!


ONE-SESSION NEW MEMBER CLASS, Sunday, October 16, 12:30 – 2:30 PM. Learn more about St. Pauls’ 173-year ministry of making a joyful sound in the city, meet others exploring membership, find out what we believe and how you can become more engaged. The

next class will be held on January 29, 2017. Contact Pastor Matt at [email protected] to be registered.

FAITH FORMATION SUNDAYS, 9:30 AM, Adult Faith Formation in the Parlor:

TODAY - "GOD CREATED IT, AND IT WAS GOOD” Inspired by Pastor Sarah's

sermon last May, we will think about what it means to start our understanding of God, the world and ourselves with God's Yes to creation. Session will include a short video by Fr.

Richard Rohr, OFM, an introductory lecture, and discussion.


tell us about The Ancient Middle East and the Bible: The Middle East looms large in the news, given the protracted wars and ancient feuds. But the Middle East was always a key area influencing the world, including the writers of the Bible. For those writers, we often

want to know "What did they know, and when did they know it?" For example, “Are there other flood stories in the Ancient Middle East; if so, how do we think the biblical

writers found them, and how do we know anything about this transfer?” Or: "Were the ancient Hebrews aware of Egyptian myths and writings -- and if so, how did they become aware of Egypt, and how do we in turn know that?" J.J. Cross, our scholar from the

Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, is a specialist in both Egypt and the

Hebrew Bible. Don't miss this stimulating conversation. Coffee and rolls available in

addition to fascinating surprises.

OCTOBER 9 - No Faith Formation: Join us for Pancake Church and discussion of One

Church - One Book at 11:15 AM

OCTOBER 16 – Silence: We live in a noisy, distracting world. Our minds are full of constant chatter and we feel a compulsion to always be and look "busy." Yet, one of the

core, ancient practices of Christianity is silence. It's time to reclaim it in our lives. Discussion led by Pastor Jeff Carlson.

THE CHRISTIAN-BUDDHIST STUDY GROUP will meet again November 6 from 2:00-

4:00 PM at the home of Pastor Avena, 1613 N. Mohawk, Chicago. We’ll discuss the book

Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh. Please let Pastor Avena know if you’d like to be on the mailing list for this group at [email protected].

FRESH START MINDFULNESS MEDITATION – Two options available beginning on Thursdays. Choose 10:00 -11:30 AM or 7:00-8:30 PM, until November 17. A “Deepening the

Practice Retreat,” will also be offered November 19, 9:00-12:00 PM. Starting fresh is available in every moment. But how? Mindfulness meditation is an ancient and effective technique for refreshment by taming the mind and calming the nervous system. In a 9-week class, we’ll

learn/practice a variety of approaches including sitting, walking, contemplation and mindful communication. Each class will begin with light yoga stretches for everybody, followed by

guided mindfulness practice and discussion. Classes will be facilitated by Kimberley Lueck, a meditation practitioner for more than 20 years. She has also completed seminary study in both the Christian and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions and sees in mindfulness practice a powerful,

accessible tool for deeper understanding of each other, the Divine and ourselves. Register with Pastor Avena Ward [email protected].

NEXT BIBLE STUDY: Saturday, October 22, 10 – 11:45 AM in the Chapel. Tobit Part 2 Tobit, it’s not in our Protestant Bible, but our Catholic and Orthodox cousins have preserved this

remarkable folktale of adventure, love and healing, including a demon and an angel in disguise. Its themes are echoed in the New Testament and its characters are frequent subjects of art. If

your Bible doesn't contain it, contact Pastor Jeff Carlson for a copy. RSVP: [email protected].

A YEAR WITH MARILYNNE ROBINSON - You are welcome to join this reading group as we read Lila, our final novel by the Pulitzer Prize winning author. Discussion will be Thursday,

October 27 at 7:00 PM in the Parlor. It will include a retro-1956 small-town Iowa church potluck. Need ideas? Ask an Iowan. RSVP: Pastor Jeff Carlson, [email protected].

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Visit our Food for Thought blog to find a weekly thought provoking article at http://www.spucc.org/blogs/food-for-thought.


will discuss this short (152 pages!), impactful book after the all-congregation, post-worship pancake repast on Sunday, October 9. This book is a letter to the author’s son about being black in the United States. It reviews American history and explains “the racist violence that has been

woven into American culture,” the violence that came from slavery and institutional racism. Ta-Nehisi Coates, an African American writer, journalist and educator, is a national

correspondent for The Atlantic where he writes about cultural, social and political issues. Our discussion will be moderated by Dr. Valerie Johnson, Chair of the Political Science Department at DePaul University. A limited number of copies of the book will be available for purchase in

the church office. Please read (or re-read) and plan to join us in discussion in October.

UCC DAILY DEVOTIONAL - The UCC publishes a daily online devotional that arrives in your inbox today, tomorrow, every single day! Devotions are short, less than 300 words, and feature some of the UCC's most insightful voices, including our own Pastor Matt. To register for

the Still Speaking Daily Devotional: http://www.ucc.org/daily_devotional

CHILDREN AND YOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL REGISTRATION NOW OPEN. We have Church School for 2-years- old up to 9th graders. Please register your children for church school. Even if you have registered

in the past we ask you re-register each year so we have the most up-to-date information. You can register by going to http://www.spucc.org/churchschool and clicking the Register Now


CHRISTIAN PAINTBALL ADVENTURE - Youth in 8th grade and above are invited to join

us on an afternoon trip to the Promised Land Paintball center in Trevor, WI. We’re going on Saturday, October 22. Meet at the church at noon and we'll drive up together or meet us there.

Not into paintball? They also have archery, an ultimate frisbee course, fishing and more. For the full package it is $35 per person. For the non-paintball package it is $15 per person. RSVP to Pastor Sarah [email protected]

DO YOUR KIDS LIKE TO SING? - Youth choirs start today! No prior singing experience

needed. Open to all.

CHILDREN'S CHOIR - All children grades 1-3 are welcome! Rehearsals are Sunday

mornings in the Chapel from 9:00-9:30 AM directed by Nancy Voigts ([email protected]), accompanied by Karen Johnson.

PAUL'S PEOPLE - All youth in grades 4-8 are welcome! Rehearsals are Sunday

mornings in the Choir Room (upstairs) from 9:00-9:30 AM directed by Kecia Waldschmidt ([email protected]).

CONFIRMATION BREAKFAST TODAY, from 9:30 to 10:45 AM in the Oscar Mayer room. All parents and students in 8th and 9th grade who are in or interested in being in the

Confirmation program are strongly encouraged to come to this meeting to get important information and build community among the Confirmation families.

SIGN UP TO SERVE AS AN ACOLYTE! We need two volunteers for each service this fall, through December 25, 2016. Acolytes have the responsibilities of 1) leading the pastors to the

Chancel during the processional and lighting the candles on the altar, 2) receiving the offering plates and presenting our gifts to the altar, and 3) dousing the candles as we are sent forth. Training is provided for new acolytes. Please sign up as many times as you are able and willing

to serve on our website at http://www.spucc.org/worship-music/worship- leaders-acolyte-guild. Children in 4th - 9th grade are welcome to join the Acolyte Guild. For more information contact

Micki Fayhee at [email protected].

HIGH SCHOOLERS - Do you like kids? Our church school needs you! This year high school

students have the opportunity to be leaders in our church school classes. You can teach a class or just be an assistant and help the teachers. You will do crafts. You will read stories. The kids

will think you are a superhero! If you are interested in learning more about being a helper in a church school class please contact Pastor Sarah at [email protected].

YOUTH MISSION TRIP MEETING – Sunday, October 2, at 9:45 AM in the high school room. All youth in 8th thru 12th grades are invited to come share their ideas and interest in this

year’s youth mission trip.

HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS MEETING – Sunday, October 30 at 9:45 AM in the Conference

room. We want to hear form the parents about what is important to you in the St. Pauls ministry to high school students. What are your thoughts on the mission trip? Youth group? Stressed out

students? Come share your thoughts and ideas. YOUTH GROUPS FOR 2nd – 7th GRADERS. Every Tuesday we will have youth group for

2nd - 4th graders from 4:00 to 5:30 PM. We will have youth group for 5th -7th graders from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Pizza will be served at 5:00 PM for all kids. Eight graders and high schoolers are invited to be youth group leaders. Come for food, friendship, faith and fun.


For more information contact, Corie Gallemore at [email protected].

ST. PAULS PLAY GROUP for children from birth to 3-years-old in the church Nursery and

Toddler Room. Drop in anytime from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Wednesdays.

WINE TASTING Thursday, October 6, from 7:30 – 9:00 PM in the Oscar Mayer room. Moms are invited to come and enjoy wine, cheese and chocolate. Enjoy meeting other moms and leave your little ones at home. To RSVP contact Corie Gallemore at [email protected].


A group for fun and fellowship for folks in their twenties and thirties. All are welcome! Email [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.

KICKOFF BRUNCH - TODAY, 12:00 PM - Join the Young Adults group as we resume our monthly brunches! After the 11:00 AM worship meet at social hour and we will walk somewhere

close. Share ideas for what events you'd like to see in the 2016-2017 year and connect with members new and old. Please contact Hannah Basil at [email protected] with questions

and to RSVP. SUNDAY CEP SUPPER - TODAY, 3:00-5:00 PM, St. Pauls Kitchen. As a group of 6-8

volunteers, we will purchase food and prepare and serve a Sunday supper for approximately 35 guests as part of the Community Engagement Program (CEP) of the Lincoln Park Community

Shelter. Supper will be prepared and served at St. Pauls. Please email Jen Kew ([email protected]) if you are interested in participating in this rewarding, hands-on service opportunity.

CHRISTIANITY 101 - Monday, October 3, 7:00 PM - Parlor. Join Pastor Jeff and fellow

young adults for a lively discussion of the real-life questions we face in our daily lives. This month: Silence. We live in a noisy, distracting world yet one of the core, ancient practices of Christianity is silence. It brings clarity to the constant chatter in our minds and our compulsion to

always be "busy." Silence helps us to take a deep breath. There is no need to prepare in advance. Please contact Hannah Basil at [email protected] with questions and to RSVP.

LAY CARE GIVING CONNECTORS provide networking and support for members and friends of St. Pauls. We send

cards and care packages, make telephone calls, provide food and meals, give rides to doctor’s appointments and the store. Membership is open to all who have the time and the inclination to

help. Meetings are held once a month, except in July and December. The Connectors put together “Fall Care Packages” for our college students. We appreciate donations from the congregation of cookies, mints, gum, nuts, soup, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the church

office between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Fridays or on Sundays. Collection ends on Sunday, October 9. Contact Pastor Avena Ward for more information [email protected].

STEPHEN MINISTRY – NEW TRAINING CLASS FORMING. In case you missed the information sessions for the upcoming Stephen Ministry class, you can still meet one-on-one

with a Stephen Leader. Contact Avena Ward [email protected] to schedule a meeting. We’ll begin training on October 1, 2016.


EMERGENCY DISASTER ASSISTANCE is being solicited to aid Louisiana where 40,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed by flooding in Baton Rouge and Lafayette. The UCC Disaster Response Network is helping. If you can contribute go to

https://transactions.ucc.org/CampaignForm/UCChrist/emergency_usa or mail a check to United Church of Christ, c/o Financial Services Office, 700 Prospect Ave, Cleveland OH 44115.


You aren’t expected to stay up all night: you can choose to sleep or use the late-night time to

catch up on quiet projects. We have several open shifts (9:00 PM - 6:30 AM weekdays, 9:00 PM – 8:00 AM weekends) in the next few weeks. Contact the Volunteer Manager, Fawn O’Brien, to

sign up: [email protected] 773-549-6111.

FEED THE HUNGRY - Community Engagement Project (CEP) Sunday Supper - Each week

St. Pauls welcomes homeless and hungry people to Sunday dinner. As an outreach program of the Lincoln Park Community Shelter, this meal is for those on the LPCS waiting list and others

struggling with housing.

St. Pauls provides volunteers to prepare and serve about 40 people every week! If you would like to cook and serve, contact Brent Carstensen at [email protected]. Volunteers arrive at 3:00 PM, serve at 4:30 PM, and clean up by 5:00 PM - no experience required. Childcare is provided for

those who need it at the church every second Sunday. To sign up for a Sunday with childcare, contact Pastor Sarah at [email protected].

SARAH’S SISTERS gather every Wednesday morning to make 40 bag lunches to be distributed to the homeless at the Fullerton Avenue door. Meet at the church at 9:30 AM, no need to RSVP.


VOLUNTEER? Do you like to be with high school students? Do you remember how hard it was to get started writing an essay? We could really use you if you have some time to give to the Writing Center at Lincoln Park High School, where kids learn to do the kind of writing that will

help them in college and in the workplace. Training is available. And the payback comes from the faces of the students when they "get it." If you can help with this project initiated by St.

Pauls, please contact St. Pauls member Nancy Brandt, [email protected].


PUBLIC ISSUES THAT MAKE US THINK: Please reserve your space for the One

Church-One Book Discussion on October 9 by emailing Toby Rogers toby@rogers-

home.com. Our Faith and Public Issues Task Force plans Sunday afternoon programs in the fall and spring. If you would like to join the Task Force and help us plan, please contact co-chair Toby Rogers.

PUBLIC ISSUES TO PONDER. Check the Public Issues rack on the bulletin board in the

hallway outside the Sanctuary for articles relating to emergent public issues.


Please send any announcements you would like in the following week’s bulletin to [email protected] no later than 10:00 AM on Tuesday. Please limit announcements to

70 words. Thank you!


• Pastor Sarah’s aunt, Mary, sick with pneumonia. • Abby, granddaughter of Penny Trowbridge’s friend Dorne, who has leukemia and is in hospice.

• Doug Dobmeyer at St. Pauls House after a fall. • Jan Exworthy’s mother, recovering from a fall. • Betty Voice, recovering at St. Pauls House, following knee surgery and a fall.

• Fernando’s son, Andrew Diaz, in his new journey as a Marine. • Bev Petrunich asks for prayer for a little girl Ellie who is going through family difficulties.

• Ryan Braun's father, Carl, recovering from neck surgery. • Friends and family of Doris Drost at her death. • Bev Petrunich’s cousin, Juanita, in hospice.

• Pat Kirby’s homemaker for housing needs. • Nancy Heffernan’s dear friend, Leona Plaugh, in hospice care during her final days.

• Sylvia Pine’s grandfather, Terry Barton, recovering from strokes. • Joel, critically injured, and his family, as they pray for his recovery. • Edith, Anita, Kim and all others who struggle with chronic pain and progressive illnesses.

• Carlos and Cynthia Cata’s friend, a mother of three with stage 4 lung cancer. • Candi Huber's niece, Kathryn, continuing treatments for cancer.

• Juanita Barlow’s aunt, Sol; her grandchildren’s other grandmother, Rose, with cancer. • Michelle’s friends Michael, Chris and Jerry, all sick with chronic illnesses. • Carolyn Stoner’s husband, Ryan, undergoing treatment for chronic pain; and her sister-in- law,

Grace, and her doctors discerning the cause of her illness. • Diane Massie’s friend, Ashley, battling brain cancer and in need of a miracle.

• Lorri Gunn Wirsum, for her husband, Karl Wirsum, and her brother, Jim. • Ed Wosylus’ sister-in-law, Monetta, being treated for breast and lung cancer. • Mary Train and her nephew Carl and family.

• Rob Castle's mother Kathie and his father Rich, living with chronic illness. • Philip Smedley’s father, for health issues.

• Jonah, Sean and Kevin and all homeless individuals with mental illness living in this city. • For all those touched by violence in Chicago. • The Renfrow family as they walk with Wayne, in hospice care.

• Ed Zasadil with balance problems, eczema, and other health issues. • Del Arsenault, in hospice care at home.

• Carole Crowley recovering from a stroke. • Steve Warsh, undergoing chemotherapy. • Tom Palkon being treated for cancer.

• For young adults as they try to make their way in life moving away (physically) from family. • For those involved in research trying to find a cure for cancer.

• Those killed and injured in terrorist attacks around the world and all others in need of prayer. • All service members and their loved ones before, during and after deployment.

(Prayer cards are available in the pew racks. Fill one out and drop it in the offering plate.)

NEARLY 1 IN 5 ADULTS STRUGGLE WITH A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE. Contact one of the pastors today for information about mental healthcare advocacy and resources that can help you

and your loved ones. Contact information for the pastors is at the back of this bulletin

St. Pauls Directory

Below are the names of the families whose information we have. If your name is not shown below, please

stop by the office and fill out a Member Profile form. If you see your information and you do not want your personal information to be included in our member directory, please contact Jean Newcomer

at [email protected] and we will remove your name immediately. Thanks!

Abercrombie, Dan & Karin

Abraham/Mathew, Jay & Anne

Acker/Curren, Sally & John

Adams, Rachel

Agosta, John & Marie

Akers, Amy

Alan, Jenn & Lee

Althen, Gretchen

Anderson, Carol

Anderson, Ralph & Sandi

Anderson, Sally & Stephen

Andrioff, Joni

Arsenault, Del & Barbara

Artis/Miller, Julie & Craig

Ashley, Gary & Petrine

Ashley/McGraw, Jessica & Darren

Atkins/Cameron, Christine &


Avery, Ann & Lance

Avery/Donaldson, Cameron &


Avery/Hayes, Susan & Michael

Bail, Jan & Rick

Baker, David & Susanne

Bakke/Canfield, Daniel &


Balevic/Edwards, John & Debbie

Ball, Bob & Cindy

Banjavcic/Fitzpatrick, Scott &


Banks, Marcia

Banks/Rieck, Ron & Karen

Barlow, Juanita

Bartels, Daniel & Tabitha

Bartlow, Michele

Barton, Amy

Barton, Hannah

Barton/Pine, Gregory & Rachel

Bashiti, Amy & Sam

Basil, Greg & Lois

Basil, Hannah

Baukol, David

Baumann, Alan & Denise

Bayly/Martin, Deborah & Kelly

Beck, Amy & Herm

Beck, Elizabeth & Norman

Beck, Jonathan & Kim

Beckers, Betty

Beeson, Jenna & Todd

Bell, John

Benedict, Ann

Benedict, Sandra

Berghoff, David

Berghoff, Emily

Berghoff, Henry

Berghoff, Paul & Kathy

Bettler, Chris & Carrie

Biegert, Diane

Bieniek, Adam

Bieniek, Emily

Bingaman, Nancy

Black, Doug

Block, Cindy & Steve

Borden/Heinemann, Bill & Allen

Bowersock, Blake

Braband, Libby & Dan

Brach/Spivey, Karen & Karen

Brackett, Beth

Braden, Donna

Bradley, David

Brandhorst, Jenny

Brandt, James & Nancy

Braun, Darlene

Braun, Ryan & Alicia

Breitwiser, Terry

Brennan, Jill

Brick, Sarah & Katie

Brill, Mike & Bonnie

Britt, Bob

Brown, Dodd & Mary

Brown, Karen Marie

Brown, Lauren & Jeff

Brown, Rebecca

Bruggers, Carrie

Bueschel, David & Betsy

Bultemeier, Nathan & Kendra

Bunch, Brent & Cynthia

Burley, Hannah

Burnett, David

Burton, Becky

Burton, Janet & Jim

Busker, John & Theresa

Butcher, Larry

Butler, Brian

Byrne, Jennifer

Cabrera/Schram, Remberto &


Camp, Don

Campbell, Dianne

Campbell, Mary Kay & David

Canfield, Mary Beth & Phil

Cansfield, Michael

Cardarelli, Alyn & Karen

Carlson, Kent & Ellie

Carlson/JaQuay, Jeff & Joe

Carstensen, Brent & Ann

Castle, Robert & Shannon

Cata, Carlos & Cynthia

Cerkan, Ashley

Cerkan/Ruch, Al & Pat

Chaiken, Nicole & Joel

Chamberlain, Bryan & Kim

Chamberlain/Shaffer, Nathan &


Chang, CP & Jessica

Charlton, Dan

Charlton, Shari

Chernansky, Mark & Betty

Christophersen/ Blumenthal, Ann

& Amy

Cittadine, Emily & Andrew

Clark, Doug

Clarke, Cathy & Ron

Cochran, Kimberly & John

Coe, Todd & Breanna

Colosi-McCann, Jason & Robert

Combs, Kristy & Nate

Conner, Beth

Conner, Robert & Barbara

Connolly, Tom & Sally

Corbett, Coco

Corbett/Ward, Tom & Avena

Cory, Andy & Janet

Coulter, Sarah

Cowie, Agnotti

Craig/Bawden, Scott & Carol

Cramb, Alan & Anna

Cramb, Liana

Cromwell, Emily

Crowley, Matt & Pearl

Crowley, Walter & Carole

Cruz-Cedeno/Smedley, Christina

& Philip

Culver, Andy & Julie

Curotto/Osorio, Nancy & Hugo

Cuzman, Ruth

Damron, Larry & Charlotte

Davidson, Kent & Nancy

Davis, Andy & Lynn

Davis, Debby & Matt

Davis, Eve

Davis, Paul

Davis, Seth

Decoster/Mosley, John & Michael

DeForest, Christie

Demery, Monique & Tom

Deters, Fred

Dimmitt, Evelyn

Dobos, JoEllen

Dodt, Owen & Claudette

Doerr, Peter & Lisa

Dorrell/Corrin, Judy & Dean

Dow, Andrew

Dreves/Hunt, Dana & Kristy

Drost, Beth & George

Drost, Doris

Dull-Howse, Karl & Karen

Dunham, Doug & Donna

Dunn, Emily

DuPont, Laura & Chris

Dzierzawski, Kevin

Egan, Joyce & Tom

Egan, Kitty

Eicher, Tiscia

Ekdahl, Jennie & Kris

Ekdahl/Hull, Kirsten & Kevin

Ekdahl/Opp, Jon & Marcia

Elkins/Koenig, Phillip & Rob

Erdman, Kelly

Erickson, Melissa

Exworthy, Jan

Fayhee, Deon & Micki

Felson, Dorothy

Felson, Eileen

Finkle, Kevin

Finkle, James

Finkle, Sue & Joel

Fishburn, Gordon

Fisher, Karen

Fitzgerald, Kelli & Matt

Fitzgerald/Agnew, Nancy & Jerry

Fletcher, Sally

Fletcher/Thomas, Janine & Tyrone

Frank, Lorne & Marcia

Freise/Atkinson, Kathy & Mark

Frisch, Christine & Michael

Fromm, Betty

Fuller, Dorothy

Gallagher, Kris & Ed

Gallemore, John & Corie

Gannello, Bobbi

Gentzen, Ginna & Shane

Gidwani, Karla & Sanjay

Gifford, Mead

Gillmore, Heidi & Ryan

Gist, Brianna

Gist, Geoff

Glashagel, Jerry & Charlotte

Gleason, Carrie & Jay

Glomp/Johnson, Chris & Chantell

Gorz/McCroskey, Bobby & Anaka

Graham, Carol

Granzetto, Kurt

Granzetto, Staci

Greco/Fyfe, Joan & John

Gregg, Helen

Grimm, Phyllis

Grose, Pat

Grosshans, Mark & Laura

Grossman, Stacey & Richard

Grunst, James & Maureen

Grunst/Holtzrichter, Carolyn &


Guigle, Charles & Nancy Kay

Gulbrandsen, Marcia

Gunn/Wirsum, Lorri & Karl

Guthrie, Amanda

Haider/Phillips, Paul & Jeanne

Hall, Kathy & Chuck

Hamilton, Sue

Hammac, James

Hamp/Hochuli, Phil & Laura

Hansen, Kurt & Theresa

Hansen, Mark & Ann

Hargitt, Andrew

Harper, Brian & Liz

Harris, Melanie

Hartanov, Justin & Creighton

Hartig, Sara

Hawkins, Bonnie

Hawkins, Julia

Hayes, James & Susan

Hays, Caroline & Scott

Hebert, Alice

Hecht, Ginger & Andreas

Heffernan, Nancy & Sean

Hefferon, Nina

Heiney, Jennifer

Held/Sanders, Jason & John

Heller, Drew

Henry, Brendan & Corinne

Henry, Tom

Herrin/White, Steve & Stephen

Heyboer, Doug

Hibbard/Magner, Scott & Tara

Higginbotham, Rodney & Julie

Hockin, Katrina

Hofer, Dana & Amy

Hofmann, Hilda & John

Hogan, Sonja Rae & Jack

Holland/Dronen, Tyler & Annie

Honegger, Andrew & Lynsey

Horton, Robert

Hosler, Joellen

Hotz, Michael & Cara

Hotz/Wilson, J. Roger & Pamela

Houser, Harley & Adam

Howell, Susan & Larry

Huber/Dobmeyer, Candi & Doug

Huddle, Mark

Hunt, Glenn & Marlene

Hyson/Badanes, Carolyn &


Issep, Helen

Iversen, James

Iversen, Thomas

Jabal, Amy & Mans

Jackson, Scott & Nicole

Jaji, Amy

Jaji, Beatrice

Jaji, Michael

Javorcic, Barb & Jim

Jensen, Betsy

Jensen, James

Joachim, Maxine

Johnson, Annie & Jeff

Johnson, Karen E.

Johnson, Karen L.

Johnson, Margery

Joseph, Carleigh

Joseph, Jon

Joseph, Nial & Gloria

Joyce, Ronald & Diane

Jozwiak, Tiffany & Mark

Kahan/Herlevsen, Marc & Theresa

Kaiser, Peter & Patricia

Kaiser-Zawacki, Barbara & Brian

Kearns, Larry & Winnie

Keeler, Robert & Janice

Keller, Ed & Shelley

Kelly, Moe & Gay

Kendall, Paul & Vicki

Kennedy, Bill & Cheryl

Kent, Chuck & Debbie

Kew, Jennifer

Kiefer, Charles

Kinnamon, Sally

Kintzel, Nancy

Kiphart, Dick & Susan

Kirby, Patricia

Klein, Tom

Knazur, Lauren

Knight, Jack

Knotts/Garcia, Toby & Sarah

Knudson/Salsbury, Marcia & Wes

Knuti, Carole & Robert

Kobak, Greg & Sherrie

Kohler, Jennifer & Chris

Koldyke, Dede & Laird

Kompare, Tom & Anya

Kooistra, Randall & Maria

Kornick, Joe & Becky

Krumrei, Ben

Kuba, Cheryl & Bob

Kuhlman, Ann

Kurtz, John

Landaverry-Freeman, Ninon

Lang, Gordon & Linda

Lange, Jerry & Stephanie

Lannin/Ettinger, Sue & Albert

LaVigne, Todd

Lawrence, Scott & Jill

Lawson, Aaron

Lefens, Mark

Leo/Gollins, Dana & Jan

Lias, Daniel

Lichamer, Lee

Liebergen, Andrew

Liebergen, Paula

Lippert/Johnson, Jake & Terra

Liwag, Dolores & Jose

Lohnes, Candy & Mike

Lord/Moules, Dennis & Mary

Love/Smith, Wendy & David

Luerssen, Jen

Lumm, Drew

Lumm, Jaimee

Mack, A. Kyle & Kristin Lane

Magnuson, Karin

Mako Helbert, Mary

Malley, Paul & Erin

Mannina/Schwendener, Steve &


Manrique, Robert

Manteniers, Melanie

Marshall, Marah

Massie, Diane

May, Charles

Mayer, Nancy

Mayer, Patricia

McCown, Marilyn

McCoy, Pat

McCroskey, Anaka

McCroskey, Craig

McElhinney, Adam

McGuire, Chris & Lindy

McGuire, Christopher & Michael

McIntosh, Gordon & Meridyth

McMenamin, Eithne

McMillan, Kathryn & Robert

McMillen, Denika & Mandy

Mehaffey, Barbara & Stanley

Mergl, Christian

Mergl, Laura

Mergl, Lindsey

Meyer, Bob & Leslie

Meyer, Rebecca

Michod, Susan & Charles

Millard, Francois & Sune

Miller, Lydia

Miller, Patricia & James

Minetz, Jill & Bob

Mix/O'Connell, Brent & Stacy

Moehrke/Hardt, Scott & Renee

Moen, Tom & Sarah

Montgomery, Alex

Montgomery, Robert & Terri

Mooney, Madelaine

Mooney, Sheryl & Greg

Morgan, Muzette

Morreale, Yvonne

Morris, Donna

Morrissey, Melinda

Morrow, JJ & Kim

Mosley, David

Mosley/Good, Mark & Sarah

Moulton, Sue & Eric

Mueller, Paquita

Muller, Catherine

Muller, Karen

Murray, Tom & Lydia

Mussatt, David & Kathryn

Mutch/Reed, Nic & Andrea

Myers, Sherrie

Mynard, Frank & Suzanne

Nach, Tracy & Brian

Nagy, Sara & Michael

Nelson, Jim

Nero, Irene

Newbury, Perry (Rick)

Newman, Amy

Niendorff, Jim

Nitzsche, Linda & Dan

Noll, Byron & Stacia

Nowack, Kathy & Marvin

Nowack, Tim & Laura

O'Brien, Kevin

O'Brien/Nuno, Mark & Juan

O'Brien/Parman, Jana & Wayne

Olszewski, Joe

Orozco, Grace

Oswalt, Chris & Lindsay

Otte, David & Stacey

Palkon, Tom & Lyndsay

Palm, Margaret & Chuck

Panko, Steve & Cherilynn

Parman/O'Brien, Wayne & Jana

Parman/Reed, Jessica & Tim

Parry/Luehers, Lorien & Paul

Patterson/Raterman, Lisa & Tom

Patton, Andrew & Chloe

Patton, Linda & Stephen

Patton, Sean & Sophia

Pearson, Fred

Pechnyo, Marti & Michael

Pellegrino, Mark

Penniman, Ross & Diana

Perschke, Gerhard

Peterson, Dana

Peterson, Jacob

Peterson, Steve & Betsy

Peterson/Bradley, Rick & Wayne

Peterson/Coughlin, Niels & Caitlin

Petrunich, Beverley

Pfeiffer, Scott

Pfister, Harold

Phelps, Josie

Phillips, Martha

Phillips, Sharon

Pifer, Dolores

Pifer, Pam

Piper, Betty Jane

Polson, Adam & Megan

Potsos-Miller, John & Elaine

Priest, Ann

Quinton/Williams, Will & Sarah

Raiman, Elizabeth

Raiman, Paul & Melanie

Razeghi, Andrew & Cindy

Reddel/Laskaris, Sue & Diana

Reed/Parman, Tim & Jessica

Reeds, Christine & Alex

Reilly, Maureen

Renfrow, Jae & Gail

Reynolds, Benjamin

Richardson, Lydia

Rieck, Shirley

Riportella, Linda & Paul

Roach, Elizabeth

Roark, Brooke & Chris

Robinson/Olson, Annette &


Rodriguez/Drew, Bill & Michelle

Rodriguez, Susie

Roehm, Chris & Tammy

Roewer, Doug & Crescencia

Roewer, Douglas & Hanna

Rogers, Jenn

Rogers, Toby

Rohlfs/Hanas, Allan & Karen

Rose, Deborah

Rosebrock, Evelyn

Rossberger, Lucille

Roverud/Roschen, Solveig &


Rowland, Joanne

Runner, Meggan

Russell/Aden, Jim & Marilyn

Russell/Truskey, Jesse & Katie

Saltarelli, Jennifer & Gerald

Sanders, Michael & Martha

Schalekamp, Laura

Schauble, Ed

Schloerb, John & Aileen

Schmahl, Kimberlee & David

Schmidt, Gustav & Christine

Schmidt-Hein, Karen & Armin

Schmitz, Frank & Hilary

Schrimpf, Melinda & Paul

Schuller, Katherine

Schuster/Jung, Josef & Sejin

Schwab, Alison & Howie

Scott, Robin

Scrivner, Colleen & Tom

Seaton, Jessica

Sensenbrenner, Rick & Courtney

Sharp, Brad & Anna

Sheadel, Jean

Sheehan, Elysia & Tim

Sibblies, Beverley

Simpson/Zasadil, Larry & Edward

Sippy, Rod & Polly

Skowron/Anderson, Phil &


Smart, A.J.

Smith, Georgia

Smith, Mark

Smith, Pamela

Smith, Susan

Smith, Todd

Soard, Lisa & Ryan

Spainhour, Jen & Joel

Spietz, Arthur & Marilyn

Sprincz, Joanne

Sprincz, Lynne

Stack, Stephen & Lois

Stauskas, Grace

Stemley, Adrianne & Brian

Stensaas, Mike

Stepf, Maggie & Linhard

Stinnett, Melinda

Stoner, Carolyn & Ryan

Stoops/Gerdes, John & Katie

Streeter, Nathan

Stuart, Jennifer

Stumpf, Terry

Sturm, Forrest & Art

Svetlitskaya, Lina

Swanson/Pifer, Mark & Nancy

Sylvester/McMahan, Chelsey &


Szwajkowski, Todd

Tavas, Kevin & Kristy

Taylor, Pauline

Taylor/Bergeron, Gregg & Kristie

Tetzlaff, Ted

Timmerman, Gary

Timmerman, Glen

Tincknell, Tim & Tara

Titcomb, Anna

Toomin, Michael

Towns, Marisol & William

Train, Mary

Trost, Frederick & Louise

Trowbridge/Hafner, Penny & Brian

Trubilowicz, Anna-Kate

Vahey, Mike & Jessica

Valadez/Mercer, Alec & Julia

Van Denburg, Alyssa

VandenBerk, Thomas & Kathryn

VanDenburg, Miles

Vanderlinde, Nancy

Vanderlinde, Pam

VanSomeren, Geneine

VanZeyl, Michael & Laura

Vasys, Mary & Dalius

Vaughn/Manasia, Daniel &


Verduin, David

Vespa, Carl & Hazel

Vieira, Roxana

Voice, Bruce & Betty

Voigts/Godinez, Nancy & Henry

Volk, Marcia

Vossburg/Hamilton, Donald & Douglas

Wachholz, Jill

Wachter, Jill & Joe

Wagner, Jeffrey

Waldschmidt, Jim & Kecia

Walker, Julia

Wallace, Laura & Maurice

Walvoord, Brooke & Chris

Wander, Peg

Warner, Jim & Jenny

Warsh, Steve

Weber, Elfrieda

Weglarz, Mark & Vanya

Weimer, Jean & James

Weldon, Christine & Jesse

Werner, Rebecca

Weston, Carol & Don

Whitsel, Nina

Wilde, Kay

Wilhoite, Tilly

Wilk/Frei, Gerald & Jennifer

Williamson, Tom & Kimberly

Winking, Andrew & Mary Francis

Winters/Curtis, Stephen & Don

Wirsum, Ruby

Wiser, Ralph & Beth

Witkowski, Dianne

Woll, Pam

Womack, Jan & Joe

Womack, Julie

Wosylus, Edward

Wu, Klaudia & Richard

Ziesemer, Andrew & Jennifer

Zinn, Laini

ABOUT ST. PAULS Making a joyful sound in the city

Saint Pauls UCC has a vibrant history in the city of Chicago. Founded in 1843, we are one of the city's oldest churches. In 1989 we became one of America's first congregations to declare ourselves "Open to and Affirming of” LGBT women and men. From founding Chicago's largest provider of social services to at-risk children to starting a home for the elderly, from housing protestors at the 1968 Democratic Convention to hosting Lincoln Park's first MLK day march against violence on Chicago's streets we are proud to make a joyful sound in the city. Most importantly, over the past 172 years we are glad to have introduced thousands of children and adults to the amazing, inclusive, life changing, uplifting love of God. We do so in worship that is traditional, but far from conventional.

St. Pauls United Church of Christ 2335 North Orchard Street Chicago, Illinois 60614

(773) 348-3829 FAX (773) 348-3858 www.spucc.org

Matt Fitzgerald, Senior Pastor, [email protected]

Avena Ward, Associate Pastor, [email protected] Jeff Carlson, Associate Pastor, [email protected]

Sarah Garcia, Associate Pastor for Children and Youth, [email protected] Tom Henry, Pastor Emeritus, [email protected]

Kurt R. Hansen, Music Director, [email protected] Kevin Dzierzawski, Organist, [email protected]

Brendan Henry, Pianist, [email protected] Nancy Voigts, Children’s Choir Director, [email protected]

Kecia Waldschmidt, Youth Choir Director, [email protected] Karen E. Johnson, Joyful Sounds Choir Director, [email protected]

Mark Mosley, Intergenerational Orchestra Director, [email protected] Kevin O’Brien, Lay Liturgical Administrator, [email protected]

Free Parking is available on Sundays at Children’s Memorial Hospital 2300 Block of North Lincoln Ave. – Vouchers Not Needed


Welcome to those whose hearts are on fire with faith, and to those who bring their doubt inside our doors.

Welcome to our first time guests and our longtime members.

Welcome to single people, tiny children, grandparents and families of all configurations.

Welcome to those who rejoice and to those who grieve. Welcome to each and to everyone.

We are an Open and Affirming church. We welcome all.

We are blessed by your presence and we are glad you are here!
