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September newsletter

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September Newsletter for The Crystal Gateway
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Greetings and Welcome• Dear Friends & lightworkers , Come September, I always love this month when the

Springtime begins and we know the cold is going to recede for yet another year and opening the doors to new life in the mating season for the birds , humans too ,if you so desire, lol.

• August has been a very interesting month and we had a class graduate from Opening to Channel which went very well, not without the usual little hiccups with a course like this is always bound to test our strengths and our faith of course.

• Congratulations to all that came through with flying colours and ready to go further now with their spiritual journey filled with many awakenings.

• I will be starting another when enough people show an interest and I will be holding a class of Opening to Channel on Zorap our Classroom on the Crystal Gateway as well as Gematria so I will be starting this month of September to advertise for them.

• I also have started a page on the Crystal Gateway with the heading ; Online Healer;s Directory which I invite any member of the site to advertise your Healing Modalities, it’s a page that you create your own full sub page and fill in personally so I hope you take advantage of my offer .

• I am also asking for anyone to volunteer to hold a Meditation or Angel card Reading , whatever you like freely and use this time to advertise what you have to offer.

• Please let me know as I would like to fill our Calendar as we are all free at different times to suit out International Members.

• Classes that will be available on the next page...................

• Please share this Newsletter to those you feel may be interested, Love & Blessings, Rosalie Muir

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Classes & Workshops @ Runawaybay

• Every Saturday morning is Meditation ~ All Welcome 9.30am.

• Saturday September 11 ~Awareness & Enlightenment Class 1 9.30am -3.30

• There are only 3 vacancies left in this Course so please contact me if you would like to join.

• Enrolment for the above Course is Saturday 4th so please contact me regarding deposit and any further queries regarding details .As this Course is ongoing for 9weeks it will finish in time before school holidays.

• Gematria (Ancient Egyptian Numerology) a one day Workshop will be held September 20th9am-4pm.

• Bookings for Gematria must be at least one week prior to the Course. For further details contact me.

• Friday17th September –Opening to Channel Course begins 9.30-1pm over 10 weeks @one half day per week .All other days are available for Healing and Readings by appointment only.

• Ph 0755005570 or Mobile-0329040944 or [email protected]

• Wesite- www.thecrystalgateway.net

• Namaste •

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Online @The Crystal Gateway• I would like to start with saying Welcome and it’s a pleasure to send you a

Newsletter so that you are more aware of what may be happening onsite here?• Firstly I would like to let you know that the issue regarding placing pictures on

each other’s profile is being looked into by Webs technical team thanks goodness.

• Also I invite anyone who would like to donate an hour per week to give meditation, a talk on Spiritual subjects such as Orbs, Dreams, Spirit Clearing etc on our Chat /Classroom.

• Zorap is our free Chat/Class Room and it is a very small plug that you only need to download to use, it does not take up a lot of usage unless using your webcam which is unnecessary most of the time although you do need a microphone for speaking , however you can always just listen and type also so please go ahead and download Zorap so you can join in with us on the many events we will be having.

• Always check the Calendar for what's on but I will give you a run down for what we have happening this month of September.

• Every Tuesday morning Aussie time 9am we have either a Spiritual chat or Meditation, I will be holding an in depth Healing Meditation next week at this time. California 4pm 6th September.

• Join Bubbles who will share tips &tricks for the week as well as free Angel card readings plus energy Chakra readings.

• Thursday USA time 5p.m. central time.  Aussie time is 8am Friday, 3rd

September. Continued on next page..................

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Online @ The Crystal Gateway• Reaching to the other side with Fran will be meditations with angels, Guides and Ascending

Masters.• Come along and join in.• Every Wed central time 2pm• 5am GMT+10 the next morning

• Thanks to those who make our site more fun and enjoyable and hope that more will offer , it would be great to always have something happening on Zorap no matter when you come on .please check the calendar regularly as it will change from day or week to week.

• I am preparing to teach Gematria online over 4 2 hour sessions, Investment-$100 USD• It is Ancient Egyptian Numerology which shows every aspect of a person and is a very handy

tool for Healers to use as a quick way of knowing the best way of applying the Healing.

• It can also show what kind of a year it will be if in your highest potential and what could happen if a person does not be their true selves.

• Rosalie has found a way to Teach this online so she can reach more people and can be done in 8 hours. Breaking the hours up online however in one day personally on the Gold Coast of Australia.

• The knowledge and Certificate will be a valuable tool for your Healing Tool Box.• For more info and to place your name down to learn please contact me

[email protected]. So that we can agree on a suitable time for us all.• I am also ready to Teach “Opening to Channel “online for two and half hours per week over

10 weeks –Investment $40 per class which you can pay as you go with a deposit upfront of two classes which will pay for the last two.

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Signs from the Heavenly Realm by Isis

• I am Isis,

• My dear beloved children, feel the magic in the air as the energies of manifestation on all levels surround you , no more waiting, thoughts are instantly transporting you into vibrational realms that may not have experienced before and if you had , you may not have recognized them for what they represent.

• Many of you are suffering in different ways however they need not be as uncomfortable if you show no resistance, its a natural human instinct to resist to change but that is of the old energies so relax and go with the flow ,the winds of change need to be celebrated.

• It is of utmost importance to have forgiveness in your heart now so that it is light as a feather, there is nothing or no-one that cannot be forgiven as the unforgivenness in your heart causes your entire being to be unbalanced.

• Each time you feel unbalanced like even an energy of vertigo ,stop and think about who or what is causing it because no matter what the earth's energies and the universal energies are doing it still connects back to YOU, what change are you resisting?

• Your Angels and Guides are pointing out to you in the only way they can and if it means putting you in a position of rest walking away from a situation not conducive to your energies, or signals like touches on different parts of the body that you can relate to as being different.

• Listen and then be in touch with your feelings to feel the message and keep the thoughts at bay by allowing them to float away on bubbles of light.

• Forgive yourself as well for any change that may be happening within as you, being of utmost importance to give guidance to others.

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Message from Isis continued• UnForgiveness to yourself can be more damaging to ones spirit than anything else and mostly

people are too harsh with oneself , often being the Judge, jury and executor, which will in turn change your destiny to a rougher road to travel so ease up on yourself and know that perfection is yours no matter what may have transpired to make you judge yourself so harshly, it is all meant to be.

• In ancient times when someone passed over the heart was removed and placed on a scale with a feather & if the heart was as light as the feather it was suitable for you to enter the heavenly realms but if the heart was heavy with sadness, hate, unforgiveness etc you would then choose to return to earth to finish your sacred contracts.

• However that is of old ancient times and the resources you have now need not be the same although similar ,mainly because in the NOW moment you can experience the heavenly energies in your lifetime alive on the Earth.

• There is no waiting , No-one else to judge you , nothing outside of you that can take the place of what you can re-member to do or be to yourself.

• Many predictions are being changed, some even totally dismissed because of the consistent love and light you are working with and it is being warmly acknowledged by gifts that are sent from heaven that may even go unnoticed which is perfect as it is unconditional.

• As you know the veil is thin now and more and more are noticing out of your peripheral vision and in the shape of what you call Orbs.

• Names here in the spirit world mean nothing to us but we acknowledge they do to you in your human form , Orbs are the gatherings we like to call them as more and more come forth to reveal themselves to you their shapes and colours will spark some recognition from you and the more faith and trust you have with them the clearer they will be .

• Contimued next page

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• They have come en mass of late and there will be times they will have other duties to perform , there are healing angel(Orbs) Teaching, guiding, elemental, fae kingdom and souls of those who have crossed over to come by your side .

• Some wonder why they can see them with open eyes or third eye but not be able to photograph them ,it is less needed to those who see without any outside application however those who are seeing many by camera will also begin seeing them clearer and clear without, like a training time as many will take on more recognisable entities.

• These Orbs as you call them have always been present , it is only since the thinning of the veil they have been in plentiful supply.

• Take notice of the colours that come to and around you for they are showing you where you are needing some realignment and healing.

• The meaning of the colours are connected to your energy points, the chakras and the clear ones which are more plentiful are of spiritual entities of the Light Realms .

• Always be light with them , sing or chant and start to ask in your mind as they are very telepathic as to who they are and where they are coming from as many are star brothers and sisters from many planets and star systems that may not even be known about.

• Dear beloved ones please allow your voice to follow sounds that wish to come through as I have always said L.O.V.E means Let Our Voices Enter and our languages of the Universe are wishing to come into your energy fields not only for self healing but also for the love you are able to offer your fellow friends and those needing your guidance with our Love as it pours through and connects to the heart ,as we are one, heart to heart.

• Such excitement dear beloved ones that we connect so strongly now and for those who have listened to the messages and been through the difficult releasing times can now lend a ear or hand to those who are awakening and seeking.

• My Love and Heart is always open for the asking• and So It Is

• I Am Isis

• Copyright applies ,please share freely as long as nothing has changed and credit is given to Rosalie Muir • www.thecrystalgateway.net

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Blessings to all from The Crystal Gateway
