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www.lymmlife.co.uk 1 September 2010
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www.lymmlife.co.uk 1September 2010

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R + N STANHOPECoal and Log Supplies

Best Quality Coal

Smokeless FuelCaravan Club, Certified Location

Open 7 DaysBroomedge Farm

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www.lymmlife.co.uk2 September 2010

EditorGary Skentelbery

ProductionPaul Walker

Business ManagerTony Record

AdvertisingFreephone0800 955 5247

Editorial01925 623630

[email protected]


AddressNew Media CentreOld Road WarringtonWA4 1AT

Editor’s Comment

Lymm Life is published monthlyby Orbit News Ltd.The contents of this magazineare fully protected by copyrightand nothing may be reprintedor reproduced without priorpermission of the publishers.The publishers are not liable forany statement made or opinionexpressed by third parties in thispublication.Printed by TwentyFourSeven

WE share the concern of local tradersat the decision of the Nat West Bankto close its Lymm branch onWednesdays and Thursdays.

No doubt the decision was madefar away from Lymm, so we have nocriticism of the local staff who, fromall accounts, have providedcustomers with an excellent serviceand will doubtless continue to strive todo so.

We are aware of the growth ofonline and telephone banking andthe availability of ATM facilities. Butwe believe banks have a greaterresponsibility, particularly in villagecommunities such as Lymm, wherethey have always acted as a magnetto draw people into the shoppingarea.

The traders are worried about theimpact on footfall. The bank,

apparently, is not.Elsewhere in this issue we report on

the fears of traders, the concerns ofresidents and the attitude of the bank.When we approached the bank - notlocally, of course, but through somedistant communications department -one of the issues we raised was theeffect on footfall in the village.

Readers will note that the bank'sresponse makes no mention of this - infact it actually suggests that customerscould go to the branch in StocktonHeath.

Precisely what Lymm traders fear.Nat West is, of course, part of

RBS, one of the banks rescued by theGovernment and revealed as runningup the biggest losses of any bank inthe world in a survey of the world'stop 1,000 banks by The Bankermagazine after suffering losses of

more than £35bn in 2008/09.In fairness, it was also ranked the

fourth safest after Government fundingof £18bn was taken into account.

In Lymm, unfortunately, there areonly three banks.

Roof grantOUGHTRINGTON Community Centrehas been successful in getting a grantof £42,462 from environmental groupWREN towards the cost of areplacement roof for the building.

Lymm Parish Council has sent thecommunity association congratulations.

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Custom made curtains,cushions, roman blinds etcChoose from our range of fabrics

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www.lymmlife.co.uk 3September 2010

The calendar boys shed theirclothes at various locationsthroughout the village, with localcelebrity Peter (Matthew) Corbett ofSooty and Sweep fame, baring all onthe banks of the Bridgewater Canal!

‘Calendar Boys’ is the brainchild ofmembers of the Lymm Ladies, thelocal branch of the NationalAssociation of Ladies Circles.

What started as a joke in a barquickly turned into reality and now,the campaign group are hoping foras much ‘exposure’ as possible, asthe money raised will be splitbetween Everyman, a national

A GROUP of Lymm businessmen will be wishing residents avery ‘happy nude rear’ in 2011 after stripping off for a charitycalendar.

cancer charity and local Cheshire-based charities.

Headed by Catherine Sharman,Kay Hilton and shot by Cheshirephotographer Sandi Hodkinson, thegroup wanted to do something a ‘bitcheeky’ and decided it was a fun andunusual way to raise money forcancer charities.

“It’s also been brilliant for thecommunity and shows that all thechaps in Lymm are game for alaugh,” said Cath. “You’d think menwould be shy about baring all, butwe had so much interest from localbusinesses that we even had to turn

some people away. Who knows –this could be the launch of amodelling career for some of them!”

Among those taking part is Lymm’sTown Crier Peter Powell, theHopkinson butchers, Lymm wood-burner installer Jamie Sharman andXorist Karl Welsh.

The cheeky chappies were allmore than happy to do their bit forcharity, but did use props or certainposes to keep the images tasteful.

While local celebrity and musicianMatthew Corbett was also happy toshow that he looked good naked, byposing on his boat on the canalrumour has it that even Sooty himselfmay be featured in the calendar!

The calendar will be launched onTuesday September 28 at a venue inthe centre of Lymm (to be decided).

Anyone wanting to order onlineand Wnd out more about the calendarshould visit www.lymmcalendar.co.uk.

The calendar will also be on salein most of the shops appearing in thecalendar for £10.

Calendar boys bare all!

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We design and install all types of kitchensand bathrooms.Our comprehensive service

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www.lymmlife.co.uk4 September 2010

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What’s On

NNoonn--pprrooffiitt mmaakkiinngg ccoommmmuunniittyy oorrggaanniissaattiioonnss wwhhoowwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo ffeeaattuurree iinn tthhee

WWhhaatt’’ss OOnn CCoolluummnn

sshhoouulldd ccoonnttaacctt LLyymmmm LLiiffee oonn

0011992255 663311559922

September 14LYMM PARISH COUNCILLymm Parish Hall, 7.30pm

LYMM LIONS GROUPMeet: Bridgewater Club, Lymm1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. 8pmContact: 0845 833 5729LYMM THURSDAY EVENING BRIDGE CLUBLymm Village Hall every Thursday 7pmMAPLE LODGE ART GROUPMeet each Wednesday 9.30am - 12.30pmMaple Lodge Guide HQ, Pepper St, LymmDetails: 01925 755126 ROTARY CLUB OF LYMMMeet every Wednesday at Statham Lodge Hotel7.15pm for 7.45pmContact the secretary 01925 755757LOVING HANDSKnitting for charity at Lymm Methodist Church,2nd and 4th Thursday each month.1.30pm - 3pm. Details: 01925 823614.MARKET LUNCHESEagle Brow Methodist Church3rd Thursday in the monthLight lunches 12 noon till 2pmAll procceds to Opening Doors Charity,WarringtonLYMM SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLUBSt Mary’s Church HallSecond and fourth Fridays (Sept - May) 7.30pmDetails: 753853LYMM BAPTIST CHURCH DROP-LUNCHHigher Lane. Mondays (during term time).12 noon to 1.15pm. £2.50LYMM JUBILEE GARDENING CLUBMeet Third Wednesday of the monthLymm Baptist Church, Higher Lane. 7.30pmVisitors welcome. £2 includes tea and cakeLYMM FLORAL ART GROUPLymm Village HallThird Monday of the month(except August) at 7.30pm Woodbine Road, Lymm

General BuildingExtensionsAlterations

Tel/Fax: 01925 756265Mob: 07810 [email protected]

The Nat West bank at Lymm is toclose on Wednesdays and Thursdaysfrom September

Angry traders say the bank'sdecision could have a serious impacton footfall in the village, as well ascausing tremendous inconveniencefor cash businesses and othercustomers.

Phil Sexton, chairman of the villagetraders' association said: "Nat Westare basically saying to all ourcustomers: 'We don't want you tocome to Lymm on Wednesdays andThursdays - go to Stockton Heathinstead."

Shopkeepers in Lymm have beenexpressing concern about the numberof people shopping in the village forsome years.

They fought a lengthy battle to getpay-and-display parking - a movethey believe has helped arrest thedecline in footfall.

But there has also been concernover road works and changes to localshops which some believe may havedriven more shoppers away.

Mr Sexton said some businesseswould not be too worried about thebank closing because most of theirtransactions were processed by cardor online.

But the implications for footfall onWednesdays and Thursday wereserious.

There could also be an effect onthe other days of the week when areduced staff at the bank was alreadystruggling to cope.

"Having to serve all their customersin almost half-the-time suggests it willbe double the wait – and its notunusual to be there 15 minutes now!"

Mr Sexton is recommending hismembers to "vote with their feet" byswitching to a bank that will supportLymm.

"I am moving my account and havebeen amazed at how uncompetitiveNat West have become. We willsave in excess of £4,000-a-year."

He added: "I tried to reverse NatWest's decision but unfortunately theywon't reconsider, so there is noalternative but to support a bank thatsupports Lymm."

A Nat West customer said: "I shallwrite to the bank but this will make nodifference I am sure.

"Do banks appreciate that this isnot just about closing a couple ofdays/ disruption to some of their'valued' customers but may denytrade to the other businesses on thosedays? Do they really think beyondbonuses/proWt or is this amanagement strategy that has beentaken with no real thought for theimpact it can have on local people?"

Coun Sheila Woodyatt said: "Iagree with the traders that thisdecision could have a serious impacton footfall in the village. "

A spokesman for Nat West saidthe Lymm branch offered only parttime banking, between 10am and3pm and that transactions had fallenover the last few years - particularlyon Wednesdays and Thursdays.There would be no redundancies as a

result.He added: "The decision to

reduce hours at Lymm branch was nottaken lightly, but is a response tofalling customer demand at thebranch. Any customers needing tovisit a branch outside the revisedhours can do so at the Stockton Heathor Warrington branches. ATMfacilities and a night safe remainavailable at the Lymm branch outsidethe revised hours. Customers alsohave 24-hour access to our telephoneand online banking services."

Storm over bank'sclosure decision

A STORM has broken over a bank's decision to close two daysa week.

Phil Sexton.

Soccer clubseeks newtalent

MEMBERS of Lymm Football Clubhave started pre-season training inreadiness for another campaignin the Lancashire Amateur League- and are looking for new talent.

The club - successors to theformer Lymm Old Boys - Weld threeteams, including a Veterans' side- and are training at Sandy Lane.

Anyone aged 16-plusinterested in joining should callJames Slavin on 07737 655211or Gary Caldwell on 07710287041.

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Thelwall UpholsteryThelwall Upholstery49 Knutsford Road, Grappenhall WA4 2NR

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Tim & Janet Harrison753465

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Bramble LodgeDay Nursery

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Cotebrook House

Opposite Lymm High SchoolOughtrington Lane, LymmWA13 0QY Tel: 01925 752583

Musical ExtravaganzaEvent to be held on

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Bring a picnic and enjoyour beautiful grounds

Admission £5.Children under 12 half price.

(proceeds for charity)Please phone or call in for tickets

www.lymmlife.co.uk 7September 2010

IT was a Graduation Party with a difference. Four-year-olds at the Bramble Lodge Day Nursery, Lymm were treated toa special party to celebrate their move up to primary school this month.Clancy Clown was on hand to provide entertainment and there werelots of other attractions to make sure the youngsters left with happymemories of their nursery days.

Graduation party

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Megan iscrownedqueen

www.lymmlife.co.uk8 September 2010


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LYMM residents still have a chanceto have their say on the future of thecommunity and youth facilitiesbased at Lymm Youth Club.

Over the past couple of months,Lymm Youth and CommunityAssociation have been conducting asurvey about our community andyouth facilities.

They will be publishing the fullresults in the next month, so this is thelast chance for residents to have theirsay.

There has been a fantastic

response so far and the committeewould like to thank everyone for theirtime and support. Almost everyonesurveyed would like to see communityfacilities improved or maintained inthe village and with over 85% ofpeople surveyed agreeing that Lymmwould beneWt from a revitalised youthclub, it is clear there is a demand forthe centre. Over 80% of people thinkit would be a mistake if the site, alongwith the neighbouring car parks, wassold for redevelopment.There havebeen some great suggestions forimprovements or new activities andfacilities that could be offered at thecentre, which the committee hope toact upon. It seems that many peopleare keen to get involved with theircommunity or are interested in newactivities at the centre, so we arecalling upon you to make it happen.Lymm Youth & Community Associationis always looking for people whowould like to help out at the centre, inwhatever capacity.

For more information, visitwww.lymmyca.org.uk/support-us/ orplease contact the secretary, NevilleDavies on 01925 755757.

If you would like to add your voiceto the results, then you don’t havelong left to complete the survey.

Copies are available at LymmYouth & Community Centre and anumber of local businesses.

Alternatively, complete the surveyonline at www.lymmyca.org.uk/survey

LYMM High school pupilMegan Roylance was crownedThelwall Rose Queen 2010following the annual parade inthe village.Megan is pictured on her


Lastchanceto haveyour say

19 The Cross Lymm Cheshire WA13 0HR T. 01925 756931 E. [email protected]

With an increase in sales, we currently have clients waiting to purchase. Ridgeway Residential isthe right choice to sell your property quickly and efficiently.

Urgently Required Properties For Sale. Please call for aFree Market Appraisal Today

FOR SALE FOR SALE1 Longcroft Place, LymmA well presented modern detachedproperty standing on a corner plot ofHeatley Mere development. Brieflycomp lounge, garden, dining kitchen,utility, downstairs W/C, 5 bedrooms, 3bathrooms, good sized garden, garageand off road parking for 3 cars. NoChain. Viewing Recommended.£439,950

24 Manor Road, LymmWell presented, Extended SemiDetached property, short walk fromLymm Village. The property brieflycomprises of porch, large lounge,dining kitchen, utility, conservatory, 3large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, UPVCdouble glazed, garage, gardens frontand rear. Must be viewed.£399,500

1 Orchard Road, LymmA fully refurbished end terracedsituated in a sought after location.Comprises of entrance hall, lounge,dining kitchen, 3 beds, 2 baths (familybath and en-suite), double glazing,landscaped good-sized front garden,off road parking. Detached garage thatcan be purchased separately.£225,000

10a Reddish Lane, LymmA delightful well presented semidetached property in a quite soughtafter location. The property comprisesof a spacious lounge, fully fittedkitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom,parking, rear garden and gas centralheating. Viewing Recommended.£184,950

47 White Clover Square, LymmWell presented modern mews propertyfor sale as a 50% ownership with arent of £235pcm. Entrance hall,living/dining room, fully fitted kitchen,downstairs W/C, 2 double bedrooms,family bathroom, south facing reargarden, allocated parking.£99,950

38a Grove Avenue, LymmModern semi detached property withina short walk of Lymm village. Theproperty briefly comprises of entrancehall, downstairs W/C, good-sizedliving/dining room, fitted kitchen, 3bedrooms, family bathroom and en-suite shower room, gardens to thefront and rear. Viewing Recommended£189,950

24 Huntsfield Close, LymmThis 4 bedroom end mews withinwalking distance of Lymm village,briefly comprises of four bedrooms,two bathrooms, lounge/dining room,large family room, breakfast kitchenwith balcony, utility, enclosed gardento the rear, off road parking. ViewingRecommended.£299,950

2 Woodbine Road, LymmAttractive end modern mews inpopular location comprising ofentrance hall, large lounge, breakfastkitchen with door leading into thegarden, two double bedrooms, twobathrooms, gas central heating,enclosed garden, garage and parking.Viewing recommended..£194,950

Trimble House, 9 Bold Street, WarringtonSpacious commercial premises, kitchen & bathroomfacilities, 248 Square Metres.£1000pcm

7 Bucklow Gardens, Lymm3 bed modern mews, unfurnished, available 27/08/10£750pcm

9 Buckingham Drive, Knutsford2 bed semi-detached, furnished, available immediately£750pcm

6 Waterbridge Court, Lymm2 bed flat, furnished, available 09/08/10£495pcm














Due to the high demand in Rentals we require To Let properties in all prices.Call today, we offer competitive fees!




Deadline for theOctober issue ofLymm Life isSeptember 7

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www.lymmlife.co.uk 9September 2010

19 The Cross Lymm Cheshire WA13 0HR T. 01925 756931 E. [email protected]

With an increase in sales, we currently have clients waiting to purchase. Ridgeway Residential isthe right choice to sell your property quickly and efficiently.

Urgently Required Properties For Sale. Please call for aFree Market Appraisal Today

FOR SALE FOR SALE1 Longcroft Place, LymmA well presented modern detachedproperty standing on a corner plot ofHeatley Mere development. Brieflycomp lounge, garden, dining kitchen,utility, downstairs W/C, 5 bedrooms, 3bathrooms, good sized garden, garageand off road parking for 3 cars. NoChain. Viewing Recommended.£439,950

24 Manor Road, LymmWell presented, Extended SemiDetached property, short walk fromLymm Village. The property brieflycomprises of porch, large lounge,dining kitchen, utility, conservatory, 3large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, UPVCdouble glazed, garage, gardens frontand rear. Must be viewed.£399,500

1 Orchard Road, LymmA fully refurbished end terracedsituated in a sought after location.Comprises of entrance hall, lounge,dining kitchen, 3 beds, 2 baths (familybath and en-suite), double glazing,landscaped good-sized front garden,off road parking. Detached garage thatcan be purchased separately.£225,000

10a Reddish Lane, LymmA delightful well presented semidetached property in a quite soughtafter location. The property comprisesof a spacious lounge, fully fittedkitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom,parking, rear garden and gas centralheating. Viewing Recommended.£184,950

47 White Clover Square, LymmWell presented modern mews propertyfor sale as a 50% ownership with arent of £235pcm. Entrance hall,living/dining room, fully fitted kitchen,downstairs W/C, 2 double bedrooms,family bathroom, south facing reargarden, allocated parking.£99,950

38a Grove Avenue, LymmModern semi detached property withina short walk of Lymm village. Theproperty briefly comprises of entrancehall, downstairs W/C, good-sizedliving/dining room, fitted kitchen, 3bedrooms, family bathroom and en-suite shower room, gardens to thefront and rear. Viewing Recommended£189,950

24 Huntsfield Close, LymmThis 4 bedroom end mews withinwalking distance of Lymm village,briefly comprises of four bedrooms,two bathrooms, lounge/dining room,large family room, breakfast kitchenwith balcony, utility, enclosed gardento the rear, off road parking. ViewingRecommended.£299,950

2 Woodbine Road, LymmAttractive end modern mews inpopular location comprising ofentrance hall, large lounge, breakfastkitchen with door leading into thegarden, two double bedrooms, twobathrooms, gas central heating,enclosed garden, garage and parking.Viewing recommended..£194,950

Trimble House, 9 Bold Street, WarringtonSpacious commercial premises, kitchen & bathroomfacilities, 248 Square Metres.£1000pcm

7 Bucklow Gardens, Lymm3 bed modern mews, unfurnished, available 27/08/10£750pcm

9 Buckingham Drive, Knutsford2 bed semi-detached, furnished, available immediately£750pcm

6 Waterbridge Court, Lymm2 bed flat, furnished, available 09/08/10£495pcm















Due to the high demand in Rentals we require To Let properties in all prices.Call today, we offer competitive fees!




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www.lymmlife.co.uk10 September 2010

STUDENTS from Dunham Hall - oneof the Wve halls within Lymm HighSchool - have presented a catalogueof all graves in the graveyard at StPeter's Church, Oughtrington to thevicar, the Rev Michael Burgess.

It has been completed over aperiod of some two years and willhelp people Wnd the graves ofrelatives - including those dating frompast centuries.

St Peter's is the link church forDunham Hall and Father Michael isDunham Hall's local member ofclergy.

Some two years he approved NeilHodgson, head of Dunham Hall, andasked if students would be interest inhelping him identify and cataloguethe graves in the graveyard.

Many are very old, someinscriptions are very difWcult to readand the location of some is alsouncertain.

This makes it difWcult for peoplelooking for the graves of relatives -particularly old ones they might beseeking in researching family trees,etc.

Students worked with MaureenStebbings, a member of staff withinDunham Hall, to clearly identify thegraves.

They then presented a catalogue toFather Michael, including print-outs oflocations together with names anddates of deceased.

They also gave him a spreadsheetversion so he can easily keep it up-to-date from now on.

Judges had a difWcultdecision to choose winnersas standards were veryhigh. They chose Gollum forthe Gold First Prize, whichwas made by the Mundyfamily of HighWeld Road.

A competitionspokesperson said: "Thisfantastic interpretation of thegood, bad and uglycharacter Gollum from Lordof the Rings is overlookedby the all seeing-eye as heis about to eat his supper!"

The scarecrow is madefrom papier-mâché on awire frame, then paintedand varnished. It was very popularwith festival visitors.

The Silver Second Prize went toHiccup Horrendous Haddock IIImade by the Leigh Family of ManorRoad.

The spokesperson added: "A hugeamount of enthusiasm has gone intothe superb creation of these

characters from the How to Train YourDragon series of books by CressidaCowell.

"The Viking Hiccup and his dragonToothless are the heroes, the seadragon in the hedge is Green Deaththe baddie and Hiccup's archenemyis Alvin the Treacherous, who is prettyugly as he has lost several parts of his

anatomy in the adventures -so far he has lost a hand, aleg, all his hair, an eye andhis nose! In fact, anotherbaddie - non-Wction this time- made sure that Alvin losthis whole head on the nightof the Food Fest!"

During the festival therewas also a Scarecrow TrailQuiz where people had toguess the scarecrow titles.Prize Winners were ChloëEllerton-Raines andMatthew George.

Lymm’s tennis triumphLYMM Tennis Club has had an outstanding season in the Warrington TennisLeague.

The women's 1st team has won the division one title - and won praise fromclub captain Jannette Harris.

She said: "As I have always said, I view us as one big squad - so without theextra players who played when needed it wouldn't have been possible!

"A big thankyou to Jo Murphy who has been an awesome captain."Meanwhile the Lymm Men's team also won the Warrington League title and,

in addition, division two of the North East Cheshire League, gaining promotionto division one.

Mr Hodgson said: "It is a greatexample of our youngsterscontributing positively to the localcommunity. They gave up their owntime at lunch-times and Mrs Stebbingsworked hard in her own time to co-ordinate the project.

"Dunham Hall is very proud to havebeen able to help the local church inthis way."

A LYMM girl is back home afterrepresenting England in aninternational handball tournament inSweden.

All-round sportswoman EmilyMaddison, a pupil at Lymm HighSchool, had previously representedCheshire at hockey and netball andholds the national shotput record forunder 16 girls in the Air TrainingCorps.

Emily played handball forWarrington, and as a result of herperformances, was invited to play forCheshire. Next, she was invited forEngland handball trials and won aplace in the squad The tournamentinvolved 19,000 youngsters aged 8-18. The England team won one oftheir games 10-4, against a Danishteam.When the team returned homethey defeated Ireland 15-9.

Emily's a realall-rounder

Picture shows (left to right) Maureen Stebbings, Rev Michael Burgess, Jack Croft, JeremyRuss and Ben Evans-Clarke. Other students involved in the project were

Maeve Walkington and Josh Monks.

Studentsmap outgraveyard

Good, bad and ugly scarecrows!DOZENS of people entered into the fun of Lymm Festival's annual ScarecrowCompetition which this year had the theme of ‘The Good, Bad and the Ugly’.

Gold Prize Winner 2010 - Gollum (6) made by the Mundy Family.

Silver Prize Winner 2010 - Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III(22) made by theLeigh Family.

Left to right, back: Lorraine Sinclair, Sharron Cranston, Kim Schmider; front: JannetteHarris, Jo Murphy, Rosemary Voisey.

Left to right, back:N. Gwilliam, J.Fairbotham, A.Newell, front: G.Benger, R.Grasby(capt), T.Schmider. Also in squad M.Austin, M.Ward, P.Wilkinson R.Longworth,

C.Clarke and C.Thornley.

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CCrraafftt SSttoorree && HHaanndd MMaaddee WWeeddddiinngg SSttaattiioonneerryy BBoouuttiiqquuee


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www.lymmlife.co.uk12 September 2010

Both are now to go on to universityfor degree courses - mature studentJacqueline Clarke to ManchesterMetropolitan University and VictoriaMorton to Oxford Brooks University.

They both live in Lymm and theirwork has been related to and inspiredby the village in different ways.

Jacqueline's work has been a totalcelebration of Lymm village and life interms of the place, people andcharacter/identity explored through awide variety of creative media andculminating in textile-based pieces of

Students exhibit for Erst time

art work. Jacqueline has completed a full

time course as a mature student, wifeand mother of two.

She has studied at Trafford Collegebefore - completing a beauty therapycourse in her 20s.

Victoria's work used a number of

architectural inXuences in and aroundLymm to stimulate her work which issculptural and inspired by the contrastand interest when old and newarchitecture comes together.

Course leader Ian Read said:"Jacqueline and Victoria represent anew generation of designers andcreative practitioners.

"Their work attracted a lot ofattention at the exhibition."

TWO art students from Lymm exhibited for the Drst time aftercompleting their Foundation Studies Diploma at TraffordCollege.

(A LYMM school hasbeen awarded ArtsmarkGold to mark itsexcellence in artseducation.

Cherry Tree PrimarySchool received theaward from the Arts Council England.

Headteacher Mrs Helen Hall said: "I am delighted that the Arts Council hasrecognised the school's dynamic arts education programme.

"Artsmark is more than simply a mark of distinction to us. Taking part in thescheme has enabled us to develop our arts provision and see the students whotake part become more self-conWdent, engaged and excited about learning."

Pupils from the school have enjoyed jazz, gospel and brass band musiclessons with Warrington Music Service and taking part in the Primary ArtsNetwork exhibiting at the Pyramid in Warrington.

School'sgoldawardfor art

Two Lymm youngsters travelled in style to their end of year School Prom – byhelicopter!

Lymm High School pupils, Ella Corrigan and Charles Butcher, both aged 16are pictured getting on the helicopter to go to their prom at the Park Royal hotel.

Pupils travelled in style!

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www.lymmlife.co.uk 13September 2010

RREEGGEENNCCYY RROOAADD PPUULLLLMMAANNTTOOUURRIINNGG CCOOMMPPAANNYYRReeggeennccyy HHoouussee,, 8833 MMaanncchheesstteerr RRooaadd,, NNoorrtthhwwiicchh,, CChheesshhiirree CCWW99 55NNDD

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WinterMystery Tour8th November

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A Country Housein The Cotswolds18th September

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www.lymmlife.co.uk14 September 2010

The visit by both long-term andrecent new members was hailed awonderful success on both sides ofthe Channel. Friendships spanningdecades were reinforced and newlinks were forged between youngfamilies new to the society.

The visit combined fantasticweather, outstanding hospitality, awell organised itinerary in the LoireValley involving vineyards, winecellars, restaurants, chateaux and

NEARLY 60 ‘Twin Towners’ returned 'en masse' from the bi-annual visit to Meung-sur-Loire, the small village near Orleansthat Lymm has been twinned with for over 40 years.

Twin Town debutants enjoy exchange visitparks; and culminated with an ofWcialreception lunch and entertainment.

Membership of the society is on theincrease following various initiativesto promote its beneWts to young andmature members alike. Two newfamilies who recently joined thesociety recounted fantasticexperiences during their Meung visitthis year.

Twin Town 'debutants', theUnsworth family, were very excited

but apprehensive about joining theexchange visit to Meung with twoyoung children (aged 2 and 5).However, it exceeded all theirexpectations. Commenting on theirexperience they said: "Meung wastruly a lovely place - not onlypicturesque but the people we metthere were warm and friendly too.We were so well received by Frenchand Lymm Twin Town Societymembers alike and wereoverwhelmed by how much effortwas put into the welcome, ofWcial visitand formal lunch; and as for our hostfamily....they were just fantastic.

"We couldn't recommend enough

to any potential new young familymembers what a fabulous trip it wasand would urge them to join thesociety. Our 5 year old loved theexperience and I'm sure it hasprovided her with a fantastic learningand cultural experience."

The Lynas family, who also madetheir debut visit to Meung this year,went so far as to say that joining theLymm-Meung Twin Town Society hadbeen one of the best decisions theyhave made in years, 'reigniting theirpassion for France and helping themmake many new friends both in theLymm area and in Meung-sur-Loire'.

The Society looks forward towelcoming its French counterparts toLymm next June and plans are alreadyunderway to make the 3-day returnleg an impressive and fun event.

Meanwhile it was yet anothersuccessful annual summer BBQ forLymm's Twin Town Society.

The sun shone down on MossBrow Farm in Warburton owned bymembers Richard and Karen Cleggas an astounding 198 people werewelcomed into superb grounds toenjoy a plentiful BBQ spread, anafternoon full of fun for the kids andrelaxation for parents as they lookedupon a Weld of kids games, obstacleraces and a rather competitive Dad's'Tir à la Corde' (Tug of War).

Since their Noel Arrive Christmasevent, the society has been workinghard to extend the proWle of itsmembership by organising eventsappealing to young families including

The table at the official receptionfor the Lymm party.

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www.lymmlife.co.uk 15September 2010

Twin Town debutants enjoy exchange visita Treasure Hunt, a French evening ata local French restaurant and thesummer BBQ.

Kirsty James, membershipcoordinator, who has been involvedwith the society since being a young

child herself and who nowparticipates with her own youngfamily, has been leading the recentdrive for new membership byorganising several new eventsappealing to families with young

children. She said: "The turnout andsupport exceeded all expectations.The weather was glorious, childrenwere happy, and there's no doubtthat we have raised awareness aboutthis long-standing society and givenourselves a great chance atwelcoming new young membersinterested in French language andculture."

With further social events plannedthis year to include two further Frenchevenings (Sept and Nov), aBeaujolais Nouveau evening (18Nov) and Noel Arrive (19 Dec), thesociety seems set to be undergoing averitable renaissance.

For more details about the society,membership and events, [email protected] visit www.lymmtwintownsociety.co.uk

Police topatrolpark

POLICE have been asked topatrol Lymm's RidgwayGrundy Park after 9.30pm.The request was made by

chairman Coun Pam Hunterat a meeting of the ParishCouncilCoun Bob Barr also told

the meeting he had receivedcomplaints from parentsabout high school pupilsmonopolising playequipment in the park whichwas intended for youngerchildren.Twin Town Society summer barbecue at Warburton.

Members of the society on an outing in the Loire Valley.

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www.lymmlife.co.uk16 September 2010

(A LYMM man has won an award forbeing top student on his course atMyerscough College, Preston.

Paul Brennan won the John ReillyResearch Award for the FdSc FarrieryDegree – a foundation degree coveringthe shoeing and care of horses' hooves.

His course tutor Mark Caldwell said:"Paul can be extremely happy with hisefforts during his time at the college. Hehas won this award because of his hardwork, dedication and talent for thesubject."

He will now move to the honours topup degree at the college.

Paul said: "I'm absolutely delighted tohave won this award. I've really enjoyedthe course and it has helped me to gaina wider knowledge into the art andscience of farriery.

Top economist coming ‘home’ONE of Lymm Grammar School's most distinguished former pupils is to addressa supper meeting of Lymm Twin Town Society on November 13.

Economist Ruth Lea, is a non-executive director and economic adviser to theArbuthnot Banking Group but previously spent many years in the Civil Service,working in the Treasury, the Department of Trade and Industry, the CentralStatistical OfWce and the Civil Service College.

She has also worked in the City of London and held various positions inbanking and the media, regularly appearing on television and radio oneconomic matters. She was born in Warburton.

Dr Lea is visiting Lymm at the invitation of one of her former teachers, PeterBirchall, former deputy head at Lymm Grammar School and now chairman of theTwin Town Society.

Degree award forcollege student 1.The precept for the year

was £135,200 and £40,888was brought forward fromthe previous year. The totalreceipts for the year were£38403. The payments forthe year comprised £26927for administration, £21460for the Village Hall, £3370for the allotments and£93613 for miscellaneousitems. The miscellaneousexpenditure included GrantAid totalling £30361 ofwhich £8610 was to LymmCAB, £10390 toOughtrington CommunityAssociation and £3000 toLymm DickensianChristmas. The totalpayments for the year were£145370.2.During the year thefollowing matters wereeither discussed, carried outor supported :a. The Parish Council nowhas a website whereinformation about theParish Council can befound atwww.lymmparishcouncil.gov.ukb.Lymm Duck Race, LymmMay Queen Festival, LymmFestival and LymmDickensian Day were allvery enjoyable eventsduring the year organisedby various volunteers.c. The Parish Council hascontinued to supportChurches Together with themonthly litter picks inLymm during the summermonths. These litter pickshave greatly improved thecleanliness in the villagecentre.d.Part of the Playbuildergrant awarded toWarrington BoroughCouncil was used toupgrade the play facilitiesat Sandy Lane play areaand to provide newchallenging play equipmentin the Ridgway GrundyPark.

e. The Parish Council hascontinued to work as partof the Lymm Environmentand Heritage Group tooversee the projects beingfunded by the HeritageLottery Fund Grant. TheGroup submitted asuccessful application toretain the Green Flag statusat Lymm Dam in 2009.

f. The Parish Council heldmeetings were held duringthe year with ChrisWakefield and Officersfrom Warrington BoroughCouncil to discuss safetymeasures and speed limitson Higher Lane.

g.Lymm Parish Councilcontinued as a member ofthe South WarringtonParish CouncilsCommunity SupportOfficers Group andprovided a contribution tothe funding of the threePCSOs in Lymm

h.The Village Hall Playgroupsecured a grant fromWarrington BoroughCouncil to purchase aremovable fence for useoutside the Village Hall sothat the Playgroup childrencould enjoy outdoor play.

i. Local volunteers haveworked very hard duringthe year to improve theYouth and CommunityCentre in Lymm. TheCentre is now open on aregular basis for use by theyouth and variouscommunity groups.

j. The Parish Council agreedto fund a bench or picnictable each year in Lymmand any suggestions for thelocation of a bench orpicnic table should be sentto the Clerk (01925753746/ [email protected])

Contact information

Village Hall Bookings Mrs Swindells 01925 755494

Council Chamber Bookings Mrs Cook

Allotment Garden Rental Mrs Cook

Parish Council Website:www.lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk

Lymm Parish Counci l Annual Report 2009 - 2010Lymm Parish Council




















Cllr R Barr (OBE)2A Danebank Road, LymmWA13 9DH01925 75181701925 750911 (fax)[email protected] Hall sub-committee

Cllr Mrs C Coupe2 Limefield Avenue, LymmWA13 0BQ01925 [email protected] Applications & Village Hallsub-committees


Cllr J Griffiths9 Manor Road, Lymm WA13 0AY01925 [email protected] Applications & Village Hallsub-committees

Cllr L Gallimore13 Orchard Avenue, LymmWA13 0JX01925 757972

Allotment Gardens sub-committee

Cllr Mrs P Gaster72 Whitbarrow Road, LymmWA13 9BA01925 [email protected] Gardens sub-committee

Cllr June Gittins1 Longbutt Lane, Lymm WA13 0JB01925 75386201925 [email protected] Applications, AllotmentGardens and Village Hallsub-committees


Cllr Mrs P Hunter (Chairman)19 Sandy Lane, Lymm WA13 9HJ01925 [email protected] Applications, AllotmentGardens & Village Hall sub-committee

Cllr I G Marks80a Whitbarrow Road, LymmWA13 9BA01925 753051 (phone & fax)[email protected] Garden sub-committee

Cllr Mrs P Marks80a Whitbarrow Road, LymmWA13 9BA01925 753051 (phone & fax)[email protected] Applications and Village Hallsub-committees

Cllr Mrs S E Woodyatt (MBE)16 Oughtrington Lane, LymmWA13 0RD01925 75385001925 758793 (fax)[email protected] Applications sub-committee

Cllr W N Woodyatt16 Oughtrington Lane, LymmWA13 0RD01925 75385001925 758793 (fax)[email protected] Applications sub-committee



Cllr D Openshaw (Deputy Chairman)12 Booths Lane, Lymm WA13 0PE01925 75318007976 244 [email protected] Applications sub-committee

01925 [email protected]}

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www.lymmlife.co.uk 17September 2010

1.The precept for the yearwas £135,200 and £40,888was brought forward fromthe previous year. The totalreceipts for the year were£38403. The payments forthe year comprised £26927for administration, £21460for the Village Hall, £3370for the allotments and£93613 for miscellaneousitems. The miscellaneousexpenditure included GrantAid totalling £30361 ofwhich £8610 was to LymmCAB, £10390 toOughtrington CommunityAssociation and £3000 toLymm DickensianChristmas. The totalpayments for the year were£145370.2.During the year thefollowing matters wereeither discussed, carried outor supported :a. The Parish Council nowhas a website whereinformation about theParish Council can befound atwww.lymmparishcouncil.gov.ukb.Lymm Duck Race, LymmMay Queen Festival, LymmFestival and LymmDickensian Day were allvery enjoyable eventsduring the year organisedby various volunteers.c. The Parish Council hascontinued to supportChurches Together with themonthly litter picks inLymm during the summermonths. These litter pickshave greatly improved thecleanliness in the villagecentre.d.Part of the Playbuildergrant awarded toWarrington BoroughCouncil was used toupgrade the play facilitiesat Sandy Lane play areaand to provide newchallenging play equipmentin the Ridgway GrundyPark.

e. The Parish Council hascontinued to work as partof the Lymm Environmentand Heritage Group tooversee the projects beingfunded by the HeritageLottery Fund Grant. TheGroup submitted asuccessful application toretain the Green Flag statusat Lymm Dam in 2009.

f. The Parish Council heldmeetings were held duringthe year with ChrisWakefield and Officersfrom Warrington BoroughCouncil to discuss safetymeasures and speed limitson Higher Lane.

g.Lymm Parish Councilcontinued as a member ofthe South WarringtonParish CouncilsCommunity SupportOfficers Group andprovided a contribution tothe funding of the threePCSOs in Lymm

h.The Village Hall Playgroupsecured a grant fromWarrington BoroughCouncil to purchase aremovable fence for useoutside the Village Hall sothat the Playgroup childrencould enjoy outdoor play.

i. Local volunteers haveworked very hard duringthe year to improve theYouth and CommunityCentre in Lymm. TheCentre is now open on aregular basis for use by theyouth and variouscommunity groups.

j. The Parish Council agreedto fund a bench or picnictable each year in Lymmand any suggestions for thelocation of a bench orpicnic table should be sentto the Clerk (01925753746/ [email protected])

Contact information

Village Hall Bookings Mrs Swindells 01925 755494

Council Chamber Bookings Mrs Cook

Allotment Garden Rental Mrs Cook

Parish Council Website:www.lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk

Lymm Parish Counci l Annual Report 2009 - 2010Lymm Parish Council




















Cllr R Barr (OBE)2A Danebank Road, LymmWA13 9DH01925 75181701925 750911 (fax)[email protected] Hall sub-committee

Cllr Mrs C Coupe2 Limefield Avenue, LymmWA13 0BQ01925 [email protected] Applications & Village Hallsub-committees


Cllr J Griffiths9 Manor Road, Lymm WA13 0AY01925 [email protected] Applications & Village Hallsub-committees

Cllr L Gallimore13 Orchard Avenue, LymmWA13 0JX01925 757972

Allotment Gardens sub-committee

Cllr Mrs P Gaster72 Whitbarrow Road, LymmWA13 9BA01925 [email protected] Gardens sub-committee

Cllr June Gittins1 Longbutt Lane, Lymm WA13 0JB01925 75386201925 [email protected] Applications, AllotmentGardens and Village Hallsub-committees


Cllr Mrs P Hunter (Chairman)19 Sandy Lane, Lymm WA13 9HJ01925 [email protected] Applications, AllotmentGardens & Village Hall sub-committee

Cllr I G Marks80a Whitbarrow Road, LymmWA13 9BA01925 753051 (phone & fax)[email protected] Garden sub-committee

Cllr Mrs P Marks80a Whitbarrow Road, LymmWA13 9BA01925 753051 (phone & fax)[email protected] Applications and Village Hallsub-committees

Cllr Mrs S E Woodyatt (MBE)16 Oughtrington Lane, LymmWA13 0RD01925 75385001925 758793 (fax)[email protected] Applications sub-committee

Cllr W N Woodyatt16 Oughtrington Lane, LymmWA13 0RD01925 75385001925 758793 (fax)[email protected] Applications sub-committee



Cllr D Openshaw (Deputy Chairman)12 Booths Lane, Lymm WA13 0PE01925 75318007976 244 [email protected] Applications sub-committee

01925 [email protected]}

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www.lymmlife.co.uk18 September 2010

PUTTING other jobs onhold and working latenights ensured a Lymmbusinessman gave a"fantastic facelift" to anoutdoor activity area foryoung children.

Because of hisconnections with the area,landscape gardenerJames Slavin worked forfree on the project for pre-school children atOughtrington CommunityCentre.

His connections alsoenabled him to obtainmaterials and labourdonated by a number ofother traders.

James, of J C SlavinLandscape and GardenMaintenance, managedto get the work completedwithin the pre-schoolgroup's budget of£7,000.

Work carried outincluded removing scrubs,clearing the site, fencingand providing raisedplanters. Other workincluded building anarchway for Xowers togrow on and paintingfences.

He said: "The work tookabout a month and hasgiven a fantastic facelift."

Music Matters atStatham Primary

UNUSUAL musical instruments including aSwiss Alpine Horn, African Kudu Horns and an"exploding Tuba" were demonstrated to pupilsat Statham Primary School, Lymm.

Musical duo Travelling by Tuba visited theschool for a morning concert and workshopsthroughout the day.

The duo, sponsored by Manchester Airport,visited Lymm as part of their 80,000 miles-a-year roadshow which visits schools and othergroups.

The project, called Music Matters, aims toencourage children to appreciate music andconsider learning a musical instrument.

Chris Cranham and Stewart Death havebeen working together for 20 years. Each yearthey visit more than 200 schools, and tourvenues throughout the UK and abroad.

Fantastic facelift for play area

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www.lymmlife.co.uk 19September 2010

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www.lymmlife.co.uk20 September 2010

Two-and-a-half years ago, thefuture of The Golden Fleece, in thevillage centre, was in the balance.

Ian Creighton, from the Punch PubCompany said: "I was faced with adecision about the pub's future. It wasat its lowest ebb, was beset withproblems and was on the verge ofclosure.

"As a company, we did not wantto let this happen and I had heardabout a landlady from the past whomight, just might, be persuaded tocome back.

"On a cold and wet April morning

LYMM residents are being encouraged to re-use bags rather than take plastichand-out bags from supermarkets and then throw them away.

The initiative comes from green group Low Carbon Lymm (LCL) who have beenhanding out linen bags, donated by Warrington Borough Council's "Love FoodHate Waste" campaign.

Students from the art department at Lymm High School have printed the LCLlogo and website address on 250 of the bags.

Some 13 billion plastic bags are dumped in landWll sites every year nationally.They are harmful to the environment and to wildlife.

LCL's ultimate aim is to make Lymm a plastic bag free zone.Our picture shows LCL vice chairman Steve Walsh and member Su Williams

with village butcher Malcolm Hopkinson who helped distribute the bags.

the deal was struck and DianeJennings agreed to return."

Since then, Diane has transformedthe Fleece into a vibrant, successfulpub which is now Wrmly back in theheart of the community.

Diane and her team's success hasbeen such that the company whiskedher away for a champagne weekendin Paris and she has won a luxuryholiday for the biggest salesturnaround in the company.

Ian added: "The turnaround at theGolden Fleece is testimony to thedetermination and hard work of

Diane and her team in putting oldfashioned values of great service,great products and great value backinto the hard of the community andwe are all very proud of what theyhave achieved."

The pub is also putting things backinto the community. The car park isavailable to shoppers, free of charge,before opening time and the pubmakes a monthly donation to StRocco's Hospice - its local charity ofchoice.

It has created a new function room,The Narrowboat, ideal for familyfunctions and available for hire forspecial events.

Great value food is on offer seven

days a week and there is live sportfrom Sky and ESPN, including 3Dscreens, for the new Premier Leagueseason.

When the sun shines, there is thecanal-side beer garden where eventhe family dog is welcome!

Diane is not the only member of theJennings family who has been helpingput Lymm on the map. Her son, Mark,toured South Africa with the EnglandUnder-18 rugby squad, playingagainst Namibia, France and SouthAfrica and scoring the Wrst try in agame at the Nelson MandelaStadium in Port Elizabeth.

Mark said: It was an amazing tripand the team spirit was so good."

PRE-school children at Lymm are learning about plants and howthey grow, thanks to parents who were able to acquire gardeningtools by collecting supermarket vouchers.Children, parents and staff at St Mary's Pre-School collected the

vouchers which provided a mini-green house, trowels, a plantingtray and watering cans. Since then staff and children have beenbusy sowing seeds and tending the vegetables, herbs and Fowersthey planted.Among the things they planted were lettuce which they later tried

as part of their daily snack.Lynn Smith, who co-ordinates the gardening activity said: "It is

a delight to see the excitement on the children's faces as they takeyour hand and lead you to the garden so show you 'how big' theplants have grown."We are keeping a scrap book so we can see the changes we

have made in the garden and the growth of the seeds over time".Some of the children are so keen they have now learnt how to

'dead head' the pansies as well as plant and water the seeds.

Pre-school childrenlearn about plants

The pub the village almost forgot!IT was the village pub that Lymm forgot – until popularlandlady Diane Jennings decided otherwise.

Bid to banish the plastic bag

Christian faith exploredA COURSE to enable people to Dnd out more about theChristian faith is to be run at Lymm Baptist Church.The 10-week ‘Alpha course’ will start on Saturday,

September 18 at 7.30pm with a free, informal AlphaLaunch Dinner.Fourteen million people worldwide have joined Alpha

courses which provide an opportunity to explore what itmeans to be a Christian in a low key, friendly and funway.Alpha is a nationally recognised course run by local

churches.More details are available from the church on 01925

752805 or from www.lymmbaptistchurch.com

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www.lymmlife.co.uk22 September 2010

Charity celebrates 25thanniversary

A POPULAR Lymm charity is inviting people to its 25th Anniversary Open Dayand Family Fun Day on Sunday August 22.

The Children's Adventure Farm Trust (CAFT) event is open to all and will includestalls, funfair rides, brass band and bouncy castle.

Other attractions include a tearoom and bar, barbecue and face painting.There will be a display by Gauntlet Birds of Prey and the chance to try a sixmetre climbing wall.

CAFT at Booth Bank Farm, Millington, helps disadvantaged children andmoney raised by the day will support the charity. The event runs from 1pm to4pm.

Anyone who can help by sponsoring the event, donating food or prizes orvolunteering on the day is asked to contact CAFT on 01565 830053.

New Inner Wheel President

Lymm Inner Wheel retiring president Mrs Gladys Carr is seen handing over thechain of ofWce to incoming president Mrs Frances Stubbs.

Last year the club's main charity was Diabetes UK and they were able to send£1,300 raised through various charity events.

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Running successDespite it being one of the hottest days of the year so far eight Lymm Runners

members clocked up respectable times.Kieran Walshe, even came in ninth out of the men, with a time of 19 minutes

and 53 seconds.The rest of the runners' times ranged from 20 minutes and 27 seconds to 32

minutes and seven seconds.Club captain Chris Lees said: “I was exhausted just watching everyone, it was

such a hot day but all the Lymm Runners made a great effort in the heat. "We have a real enthusiasm in the club and our training is beginning to show

in some great times."The Lymm 5k was organised by Spectrum Striders and is part of the North

Cheshire 5k Grand Prix – Wve 5k races over Wve weeks.Several of the runners were taking part just two days after racing in the

Warrington 10k, organised by Warrington Road Runners, where 11 membersrecorded times from 40 minutes 59 seconds to 61 minutes and 51 seconds.

Lymm Runners meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm outside Lymm Libraryand on Sundays at 8am. All abilities are welcome.

For more information visit: http://lymmrunners.org.uk.

Stayingyoung whilegrowing old

TIPS on staying young while growing oldwere given to High Legh WI.

About 34 members attended to hearspeaker Margaret Clephan, fromGoostrey WI.

She told tales of her family going backmany generations and how she hadfound out that her maternal grandparentswere related to John of Gaunt. She sangto members "Count Your Blessings," afterrelating a story on how her grandmothertold her to do just that instead ofmoaning. She said the words made herappreciate her family and home.

Two members, Jacky Kay and TracyCooke, went to Denman College on abursary. Their course was DiscoveringOxford, and they had both enjoyed it.

Members were invited by the churchesin Lymm to choose a hymn for the End ofFestival Service. They chose Jerusalemand proudly sang it with thecongregation.


A MUSICAL extravaganza is to beheld at Cotebrook House, Lymm onSunday, September 5 by theManchester Reed Trio andsupporting artists. Admission will be£5 - half price for children under 12- in aid of charity and people arebeing invited to take a picnic toenjoy in the grounds. The eventstarts at 2.30pm. Further details areavailable from 01925 752583.

LYMM'S newest running club was out in force at the village's Erst 5k race.

From left, Stewart �eedham, David Holmes, Kathryn Ryan, Ian Pike,Kieran Walshe and Debbie Crouch

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THE funeral has taken place ofGeorge Arthur Higgins (known asTish), of Booths Hill Road, Lymm.

He died at Applecourt NursingHome, Warrington, on June 29 aged90.

Lymm-born Mr Higgins was well-known in the community. He playedfootball for Statham and LymmRangers and was a member of LymmPigeon Club.

He leaves his wife Amy, sonKenneth, daughter-in-law Val,daughter Barbara, son-in-law Tom,grandchildren Victoria, Mark,Andrew and Vicki, and greatgrandchildren Harry and Evie.

Funeral arrangements were by JohnBurrows and Sons, Lymm.

Rugby club launchesColts Academy

LYMM Rugby Union Club has announced the launch of a Colts Academy.Junior (U17) and senior (U19) colts squads have joined together under thedirection of Academy director Mark O'Callaghan.

This follows a series of highly successful seasons for the Colts teams, includinga National Colts Cup in 2009 and Northern Colts Cup this year.

Mark said: "Through the Colts Academy we are looking to reinforce the linksbetween our senior and junior sections in a structure providing all our Coltsplayers with a level of coaching and support more usually found only at moresenior level. As well as a Wrst rate coaching team they will have access to astrength and conditioning specialist as well as the club's physiotherapists. Wealso plan to involve our U16 age group in the Academy as the seasonprogresses to prepare them for their move to Colts rugby next season."

First team player and coach Lee Pickles, will lead a team of assistant andspecialist coaches drawn from fellow members of the 1st team playing andcoaching staff assembled to provide a broad range of high quality coaching.

He said: "I am delighted to take on the role of head coach of the new ColtsAcademy. The talent of our junior players is illustrated by their success in recentyears. I and my team are excited by the prospect of helping them develop bothindividually and as teams to maximise their success and enjoyment from theirrugby as they move towards the senior game."

Both junior and senior Colts sides will play in the "A" divisions of the RagingBull North West Colts Leagues next season.

Academy numbers are healthy but as Mark points out: "All teams lose playersover the close season so we are always on the look out for new recruits. Weare also seeking sponsors for the Academy and its teams which play throughoutthe North West."

I FIND it curious that, yet again, you have found the need to report on thebuilding of my garage, especially when there are many more controversialdevelopments within the village which must be of more interest to your readersthan a garage.

So, to put the record straight; My development is for a double garage, withspace for a garden store at the back and a split level inside so that I can workaway from the property in a quiet area when my kids get home from school. Theplans that have now been approved are for a development which is smaller thanone for which there was already planning permission granted and the garagewill be the same size as the garage opposite in Old Smithy Lane.

Eleven neighbours did not make objections, there were 11 objections, fromjust two neighbours, and when the independent planning inspector made hisruling on the appeal, none of these were upheld.

Whilst your reporting has incensed me enough to reply, I would also like totake the opportunity to thank everyone who visited my garden as part of LymmFestival Open Gardens in support of St Rocco's Hospice and conWrm that wemanaged to raise an additional £300 on the day for my daughter's specialneeds school.

Editor's note: Having reported the original decision of the planning committeeto refuse permission for this development, we felt it only right to report thesuccessful appeal. Lymm Life regularly reports planning decisions in the village.

Herbert HeidenreichTHE funeral has taken place of MrHerbert Heidenreich, aged 86, ofAlbany Road, Statham, who died onJuly 7.

The service at Dunham MasseyCrematorium was attended by hisimmediate family and friends andwas conducted by Father MichaelBurgess.

Funeral arrangements were by JohnBurrows and Sons of Lymm.

Brian HewittTHE funeral has taken place of Mr BrianHewitt, aged 73, of Star Lane, Lymmwho died at home on June 16.

Mr Hewitt was formerly employed asa JCB driver at Tarmac. But his mainhobby was his garden and allotment,growing all his own vegetables andeven helping other people out with theirgardens. He leaves a widow,Maureen, two sons, Robert and Pauland a daughter, Hazel.

Funeral arrangements were by JohnBurrows and Sons of Lymm.

George Arthur Higgins

Reader’s LetterPlease send your correspondence to:

Lymm Life, New Media Centre, Old Road, Warrington WA4 1ATor email: [email protected]

Re: Garage Plan Approved Sam Walker, Lymm

Deadline for theOctober issue ofLymm Life isSeptember 7

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EQUESTRIAN SUPPLIES& ANIMAL FEEDSSTABLES SADDLERY. EST. 1964. Good stock ofall equestrian supplies and animal feeds. Lots ofinteresting and unusual equine and caninecollectables. Tel: Barbara Williams on Lymm752762. (J2/11)


ELECTEK ELECTRICAL SERVICES NICEIC PARTP Approved 17th Edition Electrician. Rewiring,fuse boards, additional sockets and lights,burglar alarms and security lights. Free estimatesand advice. Call John 01925 754241/07977560015. (L9/10)

A1 ELECTRICAL SERVICES PAUL LEWIS. Forextra sockets/lights, main board upgrades to fullrewires, no job too large or small. No call out fee.All work guaranteed. Tel 01925 758337 or07966 386806. Est 23 years. (J12/10)

TRUST PROPERTY ELECTRICAL SERVICES.NICEIC Part P Approved Contractor. All Electricalwork undertaken. Inspection & Testing & PATTesting. All work certified & guaranteed. CallTim on 07754409906 or 01925 601055 (G3/11)

LYMM RIDING SCHOOL. Learn to ride withfriendly atmosphere, group lessons or private.Horses/ponies well schooled. Lessons from £10,we offer tests with pony club cert, please ring formore details. Training for pony club. RebeccaBennett RegAI. 01925 750435. Mob 07778866006. (T2/11)


SIMPLY GARDENS CONSULTANCY offersmaintenance and design advice; maintenanceschedules; planting plans; expert plant selection; on-site training. Regular or occasional maintenance canbe arranged. Call Graham on 01925 766873 oremail [email protected] (T3/11)

FOUR SEASONS GARDEN SHOP EXCELLENTselection of perennials, shrubs, bedding, hangingbaskets and much more! Excellent quality andeven better prices! Free parking! Near northwichCW8 2EB. Call 07792313460 (T7/11)





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BRICKLAYER AVAILABLE for garden walls,pointing etc. Tel: 01925 755441 Mobile: 07966491624 (J11/10)

THELWALL BUILDING SERVICES, extensions,internal alterations, brickwork, roofing, joinery,plastering, upvc windows and doors, sophets,facias, guttering. All work guaranteed, 20 yearsexperience. For free quotes call Gary on01925 266646 or 07808 169278 (JB10/10)

18TH CENTURY ENGLISH OAK BEAMS andtruss for sale. I can arrange transport. Call KeithLyon Mob 07860 329315 or 01925 763015.


LYMM KITCHEN & BATHROOMPROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION. Ceramic wall& floor tiling. For free estimates and advicecontact Rob Evans on 01925 752623business or 07763 770408 mobile. Est 2002.Local references provided (T9/10)





SIMPLY THE BEST CARPET CLEAN YOU WILL EVERhave. Cleaners UK Ltd. Est 22 yrs. Have your carpets& sofas beautifully deep cleaned leaving them freshsmelling & colour restored. Latest & best methods.Dry/steam. Professional, reliable & affordable. CallNeil Riley on 01925 264989/07831 336060www.cleaners-uk.net (J12/10)

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WE HOLD large stocks of garden and petmeshes. Why pay garden centre and DIY prices.Trade enquiries welcome. Wirecloth Sales &Development Ltd. 11A East View,Grappenhall, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 2QH. Telephone: 01925 268417. Email:[email protected] Web: www.wireclothsales.co.uk (T9/10)

DRIVEWAY & PATIOPAVED AREAS NEED POWER WASHING?We can transform your block paving, flags ortarmac. Super power washers also to hire.Millington Power Cleaning 01565 830547 or07983 837994 (BK1/11)


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PICTURE FRAMING SERVICE, also originalpaintings, prints, and giftware. Giclee PrintingService for artists. The Brentwood Gallery, 106- 108 London Road, Stockton Heath,Warrington WA4 5LE. Tel: 01925 601473www.brentwoodgallery.co.uk (T1/11)

PICTURE FRAMINGEDGAR ART & FRAMING, 19b The CrossLymm. Picture framing, original art, jewellery,gifts and greetings cards. (Turn right at TheTerrace Brasserie & Cafe and right again at thefar end). Tel 01925 754700. (D11/10)


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N & K DECORATING SERVICES, High ClassProfessional Decorators, Paper HangingSpecialist, Internal and External worksundertaken, Lymm Based Company, FreeQuoations. Call 01925 759936 or 07783068377. (T4/11)

OPTICIANSADCOTT OPTICIANS. State of the Art opticiansin the heart of Lymm Village. Comprehensivesight tests and a wide choice of spectaclestailored to you, whatever your budget. 01925757075 (T11/10)

TRADITIONAL and modern re-uphol stery. Diningchairs, headboards, 3-piece suites etc. Customer’sown fabric welcome. Tel: Orchard SoftFurnishings 756388. (T2/11)

ROOFINGJ & S ROOFING. Roofing repairs & completereplacement. Built up flat roofing, Slating, Tiling,Fascias, soffits and gutting Free quotes,referencesavailable.Tel: 0781 488 0246 & 0788 639 0444.




MINI BUS HIRETAURUS TRAVEL. 8 and 14 seat mini buses forall occasions including 24 hour airport transfers.Friendly and reliable service. Local and longdistance. Fully seat belted. Jon: 07786 630675.


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LOCKSMITHCHESHIRE LOCKSMITHS LTD UPVC DoorSpecialist. Non Destructive Entry Service. FreeQuotations. Lymm Based Business. ContactTony 07774 805 588. (T10/10)

KITCHENSLYMM KITCHEN & BATHROOMPROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION. Ceramic wall& floor tiling. For free estimates and advicecontact Rob Evans on 01925 752623business or 07763 770408 mobile. Est 2002.Local references provided (T9/10)

PAYROLLWHY TRY TO BE A PAYE EXPERT? WatkinsonBlack can provide a cost effective payroll service,releasing you to concentrate on your business. Forfurther details please phone: 01925 413210 ore-mail: info@warrington accountants.co.uk



LYMM & DISTRICT JOINERY & CONSTRUCTIONLoft & Cellar conversions. Extensions andrenovations. All aspects of joinery undertaken.Free estimates no obligation. T: 07867 973566.M: 01925 267611 W: www.joinerywarrington.co.uk (G12/10)

SPM JOINERY, 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Allaspects of joinery, garage conversions andextentions. Good rates, quality work and freeestimates. Call 01925 754950 or Mob 07920837852 (JB8/10)





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CLASSIFIED Call 0800 955 5247 to advertise

EQUESTRIAN SUPPLIES& ANIMAL FEEDSSTABLES SADDLERY. EST. 1964. Good stock ofall equestrian supplies and animal feeds. Lots ofinteresting and unusual equine and caninecollectables. Tel: Barbara Williams on Lymm752762. (J2/11)


ELECTEK ELECTRICAL SERVICES NICEIC PARTP Approved 17th Edition Electrician. Rewiring,fuse boards, additional sockets and lights,burglar alarms and security lights. Free estimatesand advice. Call John 01925 754241/07977560015. (L9/10)

A1 ELECTRICAL SERVICES PAUL LEWIS. Forextra sockets/lights, main board upgrades to fullrewires, no job too large or small. No call out fee.All work guaranteed. Tel 01925 758337 or07966 386806. Est 23 years. (J12/10)

TRUST PROPERTY ELECTRICAL SERVICES.NICEIC Part P Approved Contractor. All Electricalwork undertaken. Inspection & Testing & PATTesting. All work certified & guaranteed. CallTim on 07754409906 or 01925 601055 (G3/11)

LYMM RIDING SCHOOL. Learn to ride withfriendly atmosphere, group lessons or private.Horses/ponies well schooled. Lessons from £10,we offer tests with pony club cert, please ring formore details. Training for pony club. RebeccaBennett RegAI. 01925 750435. Mob 07778866006. (T2/11)


SIMPLY GARDENS CONSULTANCY offersmaintenance and design advice; maintenanceschedules; planting plans; expert plant selection; on-site training. Regular or occasional maintenance canbe arranged. Call Graham on 01925 766873 oremail [email protected] (T3/11)

FOUR SEASONS GARDEN SHOP EXCELLENTselection of perennials, shrubs, bedding, hangingbaskets and much more! Excellent quality andeven better prices! Free parking! Near northwichCW8 2EB. Call 07792313460 (T7/11)





M J NEEDHAM LANDSCAPES Award winningwith over 15 years experience. All aspects oflandscaping, specialist in bespoke construction.Qualified design service available. Contact01925 825 645 or 07888 730 383 (J9/10)

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LYMM KITCHEN & BATHROOMPROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION. Ceramic wall& floor tiling. For free estimates and advicecontact Rob Evans on 01925 752623business or 07763 770408 mobile. Est 2002.Local references provided (T9/10)





SIMPLY THE BEST CARPET CLEAN YOU WILL EVERhave. Cleaners UK Ltd. Est 22 yrs. Have your carpets& sofas beautifully deep cleaned leaving them freshsmelling & colour restored. Latest & best methods.Dry/steam. Professional, reliable & affordable. CallNeil Riley on 01925 264989/07831 336060www.cleaners-uk.net (J12/10)

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