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Sept/Oct 2004 Issue 04 From the Nexus Publishing House The Escort Gothic Fleet The Captains Day - A New Chapter in the Captain Sinn Series Alternate Ork Pirate Rules The Tau'n Fleet Kr00zin' - Part Two
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Sept/Oct 2004 Issue 04

From the Nexus Publishing House

⊗ The Escort Gothic Fleet⊗ The Captains Day - A New Chapter in the Captain Sinn Series

⊗ Alternate Ork Pirate Rules⊗ The Tau'n Fleet⊗ Kr00zin' - Part Two

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Please register your support for this publication.Download your copy direct from the

official web site, at:www.epic40k.co.uk/bfgmag/

Submissions:All types of article are desperately needed, to keep this publicationalive. In some cases, submission includes inclusion on the web site at:www.epic40k.co.uk. Please include a note with your submission if youwould like this clarified. Submission via email implies approval forpublication.

Send your submissions to:New Rules - [email protected] Articles - [email protected] and Converting - [email protected] - [email protected] Reports - [email protected]

Any comments, feedback or anything else, please send your email to:[email protected]

Warp Rift Publication Team:Iain (CyberShadow) - Editor, Gothic Battles, NavigatorRay Bell - New RulesChris French - ArticlesJohn Webber - PaintingSpace Cadet - Fiction

Credits:Title Banner - Nicholas MarianaCover Picture - Geoff NurcombeAdditional Graphics - Ray Bell, Lee Eldridge, John WebberAdditional Fiction - CyberShadow Warp Rift:

Volume One,Number FourSept/Oct 2004

Warp Rift is not endorsed, nor does it endorse, Games Workshop, and it is not an official publication of GamesWorkshop. Any words, phrases or images are used without permission and no challenge is intended as a resultof such usage, including the use of these words, phrases and images without the appropriate symbols ofcopyright. Additionally, these pages - including content, design and images - are copyright (except wheresuch copyright would infringe other such rights). Licensed names, images and logos are copyright theirrespective companies or authors. No part of these pages may be 'borrowed' or reproduced, and no articles orrules should be considered 'official' in any way.

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Issue Four - Contents:Warp Rift Meet the Warp Rift Editors 03Lock On The Fly and the Shotgun: The All Escort 07 BFG Force (Chris French)Encyclopedia Gothica Clarifications (Space Cadet & Ray Bell) 10 Tau'n Fleet List (Ray Bell) 11 Alternate Ork Pirate Rules (Ray Bell) 20The Dry Dock Kr00zin' - Part Two (Kr00za) 22Officers Mess The Captains Day (Norman) 24Void Stalker Docking Claws 34 Incoming 34


And so, one week late again, issue four of Warp Rift hits theunsuspecting internet community. There is not much to say aboutthis issue beyond the articles and features contained here. I will letthem speak for themselves and let you make up your own minds.I would like to make my (now regular) call for submissions to add tofuture editions on this publication. Warp Rift has been going half ayear now, and I am interested in hearing about what people thinkabout it. So, please feel free to drop me an email and let me knowwhat you like, what you don't like, what you would like to see hereand any other comments that you may have. You can get in touch byemailing me directly at: [email protected] next issue, thanks for the continued support. With your help Iwould like to see this publication grow and expand, and reach an evenwider audience. Good hunting, CyberShadow

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Meet the Warp Rift Editorsby The Warp Rift Team

I have been planning this article since issue one, but forone reason or another it was postponed each time. So,finally, we are able to bring you a little background onthe dedicated team of players who bring thispublication to you every two months. We hope that thiswill convince you that there are humans behind this,and where our individual backgrounds are.Iain (CyberShadow)

I have been Games Workshop gaming since Rogue Trader days, cuttingmy teeth on the first edition of Space Marine and Space Hulk. My twogames of choice are Battlefleet Gothic and Epic, and I run the web sitededicated to these two where this very magazine is based and hosted. Ihave been playing Battlefleet Gothic since Space Fleet, moving on to thefree trial game in White Dwarf and then onto Battlefleet Gothic. I amprimarily a Chaos fleet player, and my current fleet includes more thanfifty four vessels, all individually named and almost none painted. I aman extremely slow painter! I also have an Eldar Corsair fleet of aroundthe same size, and I am working on a human faction fleet (the NebulaeAlliance) and just embarking on a Tyranid Vanguard fleet, mainly for theconverting possibilities - you may see an article here in about two years,when I have a squadron together.

Aside from Battlefleet Gothic and Epic (all versions and most forces), Iplay a whole range of wargames, from Ancients (Vis Bellica, Armati, etcusing forces from Ancient Egypt to the end of the Roman Empire) toFantasy wargames (BattleStorm) to Science Fiction (Advanced SpaceCrusade, Space Hulk). I am also a huge Science Fiction fan in all its forms.

I am the main editor for this publication, which sounds grand but actuallyI just put it all together at the end of the deadline. I am mainly in thisposition due to the fact that I first shouted about putting it all together.

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Chris French

OK, we'll start with the surprising facts first: I am not a Hardcore WH40Kplayer, and never have been. I have a hard time assemblingsnap-together models; and my painting skills are so poor, I nearly faileda 7th-grade art course (tho' I'm a menace when it comes tosplatter-painting). I do not have any copies of any of the GW magazines,haven't read any of the novels, and know just enough of the 40Kversebackground to know my Imperials from my Orks. In fact, the only 40Kgames I own are BFG (duh!), Space Hulk, and Space Marine Assault.

So, one asks, how did this clown get to be a sub-editor on a BFGwebzine? Simple - I volunteered. (Folk in the Navy say "Navy" stands for"Never Again Volunteer Yourself"....)

Here's what I do bring to the table: I am a military historian, whichcomes in handy for coming up with ideas for scenarios and such (theapproach known as "history with the serial numbers filed off"). I have anexcellent grasp of vocabulary - I have been referred to as "TheTyponator". (Any typos found in my section of Warp Rift are Iain's fault!)And I am a Recovering Rules-Lawyer; now when I spot a flagrant rulesloophole, I try to find a way to close the damned thing, rather thanexploiting it like a - never mind.... These traits combine to make meIain's choice for the "random stuff which doesn't fit into any of the othercategories" section.

How did I come to BFG? Watch the movie Event Horizon sometime,and/or read the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. (Take a wild guesswhy the Chaos force I'm building has an Acheron BC in it....) Basically, Ilike dark, and BFG is pretty damned dark - try reading the description ofthe Servitors again, and ask yourself if there really are any Good Guys inthis universe.

The kitten currently sitting between me and the keyboard, head-buttingmy arms and generally making it difficult to type, is trying to tell me toshut up. So I will.

Ray Bell

I have been gaming since 1999 when I was introduced to BattlefleetGothic which is still my favourite game. I also infrequently play

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Warhammer 40K with a rather large Eldar army and WarhammerFantasy with a newly spawned Lizardmen army to coincide with myLizardmen Bloodbowl team who some how always get beaten up! I havebeen building an Epic Tau army to fight along side (or should that beunder) my Tau fleets (it started when I bought Tigersharks because Ithought they made pretty good spaceships, they do!). I enjoyconverting and painting the ships just as much as playing with them. MyBFG addiction is I hope in its final stages; I own over 1000 vessels atgreat cost to my health (have to stop eating for a while when a new fleetlist comes out). I am mainly a Chaos player (I have 13 Chaos fleets, onefor each of the Legions) but I own every fleet, each worth at least1500pts (so how big is my entire chaos fleet!?).

John Webber

Home: Knoxville, East Tennessee... yes, it's almost like a separate state.Work: Freelance Video/Film producer, Apple Computer "Expert".Favorite places visited: Paris and Provence, France, WesternMontana/Wyoming/Yellowstone N.P.Education: B.A. Business Admin,. Univ. of TN, A.A. Video Prod. Tech.,Pellissippi STCC.Significant Accomplishments: Expenditure of untold $$$ and body parts(mostly mine) racing Motocross for 7 years, many years ago.Current favorite outdoor activity: Riding my bicycles, canoeing localrivers.Current Heroes: Lance Armstrong, Jim Hall(Chaparral Cars), Sgt. R. LeeErmey, Sgt. Alvin York, All those responsible for the making of "Band ofBrothers", my Dad, Iain and Nate Montes ...Start in wargaming hobby: Napoleonics in early 1980's.Start in Games Workshop genre of hobby: 1988, WH40k and SpaceMarine/Adeptus Titanicus.Start in BfG: 2001?Main Fleets: Eldar Corsairs, Chaos Incursion, Imperial Navy/SpaceMarineCurrent favorite BfG projects: Warp Rift Net-Zine, building Ork fleet,expanding Chaos fleet, scratch-building an Eldar Craftworld (yes, metoo), etc., etc., etc...Biggest Personal Problems: Not enough BfG playing time, not enoughbicycling time.

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Space Cadet

My name is Todd Kes. I got started with gaming in elementary school,where a friend and I would draw military forces on a map, and just fighteach other that way. No rules, no points, just little pictures on a map. Asyou can tell, the fights would quickly get out of control.

In the seventh grade, I noticed another classmate holding a book ofBattletech. This was one of the original books, with the designs for theMarauder, Stinger, and other Mechs directly in it. That introduced me tothe concept of rules for a board game, which (except for chess) I hadnever thought of.

In high school I got introduced to Shadowrun, and bought books for thatas well, thinking it was an interesting RPG game, mixing magic andtechnology.

After high school, I was in the Navy for a couple years, and while there,read a book called "Insurrection", by David Weber. After I got out of theNavy, I was in a local gaming store, and I noticed the game book forCrusade, for the game Starfire. That got me hooked on that gamesystem (and I am still hooked).

From there, I branched out into Fire on the Suns (FOTS), an Excel basedcomputer game, which can model just about any universe you want.While browsing the magazines in another gaming store, I noticed anarticle about BFG, and got hooked that way. I even wrote up a basic setof rules for fighters, but they were barely finished when the real thingcame out.

Looking back, it has been around sixteen years that I have been havingfun in gaming, in one fashion or another.

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The Fly and the Shotgun:The All Escort BFG Force

by Chris FrenchAs I write this, I am recoveringfrom a half-hour-long chase andcapture of a kitten who did notwant to have flea-killingmedication placed on his neck.Whilst stalking and pursuing saidkitten, I was reminded of a debatethat occasionally crops up in theBFG community, which alsoconcerns the pursuit of small,annoying objects (though with farmore destructive results) - is anall-Escort force a viable concept?Like most things in BFG, theall-Escort force (also known as"the Fuzzy-Wuzzy fleet", forancient and venerable reasons)has its positives, and its negatives.Herewith, a review of same:Positives:First of all, maneuverability is thestrong-suit of Escorts; in mostfleets (Orks excepted), Escortscan quite literally run rings aroundthe multi-hit units. 90-degree turnmodes, a shorter minimum - move- before - turning value, andusually a 5cm speed advantagemean that the F-Ws can controlwhen and where the engagementoccurs (this becomes important inlight of one of the all-Escort force'smajor disadvantages; more on

this later). Also, thismaneuverability means the Escortdriver can get into the enemy'srear arc far more easily (thedreaded "game of grab-ass").Second is the essentially modularnature of the Escorts. While acruiser or battleship is pretty wellset in what weapons it has, aEscort squadron can carry justabout any weapon loadout itscommander desires. Want acouple of torpedoes? Get 'em.Want lances? They're available.Pure WB (for whacking on thosepointy-eared types)? Go ahead.The pure-Escort force can, withinpoint limits, be whatever yourheart wants it to be. (Sort of theWilly Wonka of BFG, only withoutthe Michael Jackson vibe….)The all-Escort force also has muchgreater weapon-arc flexibility thana capital ship. Look at the weaponarcs on Escorts; pretty mucheverything is L/F/R. This allows theEscort to shoot constantly on theway in to the target, then shoot asit passes, then pivot and shoot upthe foe's backside. Meanwhile, acapital ship is limited in its arcs;damned few capital ships haveL/F/R weaponry of any kind(Imperials take note), and what

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weapons there are, aren't muchmore powerful than the Escortsthemselves.Damage issues are another plus.Every time a capital ship takes ahit, there is a risk of it vanishinginto a warp rift, or simply beingevaporated. The all-Escort forcedoes not have this problem; if onepart of the force is destroyed, therest of the force keeps on as it was.Instead of having one entire side ofa ship turned into a big "AttentionEnemy - Shoot Here" sign, theall-Escort player simply loses achunk of his firepower. Also, theall-Escort force doesn't have toworry about the rules for Crippledships (but there's another problemhe does need to worry about -attrition; more later). Shields are awash; the Escort player has moreof them than a comparable capitalship, but they'll all be affected byone Blast marker.Finally, the Escort player canperform a nasty little trick that acapital-ship operator cannot - hecan disperse his ships across awide area, making life difficult fortorpedo or NC-heavy forces. It canbe somewhat annoying to unload amassed torpedo volley at a foe,only to see him open up his force,allowing the torpedoes to sailmerrily off into the Dark. And forImperials, those Nova Cannonshots can be a bear when the foe isspread across 90-odd cm of tablefrontage.

All that said, there are a few…Negatives:OK, the big one here is attrition offorces. Every time a hit is markedoff, the striking power of the wholeis affected, and not in a good way.For example, a 6-pack ofIconoclasts that loses one of itsmembers is out 3 FP, and 1 turret.A Murder so hit may explode, or itmay lose a gun deck, or it maysimply motor on minus a hit point;there is a chance of disaster, butthere is also a chance of nothinghappening, whereas the Escortdriver will lose something everytime that 6 appears (or 4s and 5s,for that matter; Escorts haveworse armor than capital ships, toboot).And the Escort driver is going toget hit first; with the exception ofOrks and Imperials (at this point,the Chris-sade is gearing up…),the Escort ships all have farshorter ranges on their weaponsthan capital ships. The Escort forcemust run a gauntlet of fire, prayingnot too many hits are scored,before taking vengeance for theinsult.If the Escort player is taking aweapon-battery-heavy force, he'sin trouble; Escorts tend not to haveas many WB points, per capita, ascapital ships. And since WB fromdifferent ships cannot be addedtogether, every shot after the firstone the Escort force attempts will

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be affected by Blast Markers.(From a economic standpoint,all-escort forces are a pain; after awhile, all them little minis startgetting' expensive.)Boarding could be a problem, if thescenario requires it; escortseffectively are useless at boardingactions (1-HP ships boarding 8-HPship - do the math.)For Imperial players, "no capitalships" means "no Nova Cannon",which means thealready-embarrassing lack ofrange the fleet suffers frombecomes even worse. Beingoutranged by Escorts could befatally embarrassing, as theEmperor's Finest are slowlypecked to death like a middle-agedunmarried man who lives with hismother.And finally, speaking of lacking

weapons, there is one weaponwhich the all-Escort player isprohibited from using. That's right- I'm talking about assault craft.The Escort-only player simplydoesn't have any - no fighters, nobombers, no assault boats,nothing. For the capital-shipplayer who faces an all-Escortforce, aircraft are a god-send.(Apologies to A CertainAircraft-Hating Long-Service BFGPlayer Who Shall RemainNameless, but that's how it is.)Unless the Escort player hasaccess to optional rules allowingcombining of turrets, an incomingmass of aircraft is the last thing Ol'Fuzzy-Wuzzy is going to see.To quote Queen's "I'm GoingSlightly Mad": "And there you haveit." The Escort-only force is aviable idea, or not, depending onwhat the enemy is fielding, and theeternal vagaries of the die rolls.And that's the way it ought to be.

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ClarificationsBy Space Cadet and Ray Bell

One of the advantages of a having an editorial team, is that weare all able to read articles from other editors, provide feedbackand sort out any questions. Well, that would be an advantage ifI could get organized enough to allow the time for this processto occur (sorry guys!). This process occurred with the new rulespresented in issue three, but the questions and subsequentclarifications did not make it into the final version. So, toanswer any doubts, they are presented here. Questions fromSpace Cadet (Todd), answers supplied by Ray.Page 08 - Orkimedes' Tellyportas: What is the range of the RelayTower? Can this be used to perform Mega-Armored Tellyporta attacksanywhere on the board, or is there a range from the mounting ship?Some how I edited out the within 10cm sentence as it was within thefluff. But yeah its supposed to replace the teleport attack (as is said)and not be a ridiculous super weapon.Page 10 - Shokk Attack Lance Gubbins: For the Shock attack LanceGubbins, what keeps the ship from putting in explosives, andteleporting them through the target's shields? I'd request that thetarget has to be shields down first.To be honest it needs this advantage to be worthwhile (and fun), andbesides it seems to fit with fluff about shock attack guns in 40K.Page 11 - Pulsa-Rokkit Torpedoes: For the Pulsa Rokkit, if there aremultiple Pulsas on the board, how do you know which ones should bereduced in the enemy's shooting phased, and which should not?They all should (apart from it's first enemies shooting phase). I thoughtthis was pretty clear?Page 15 - Crystalline Composite Hull: Can this be taken multiple times?Can Escorts take this?As with other refits you can't get doubles. Escorts can't get refits unlessthey're otherwise noted!If you have any questions, comments or queries about anything thatyou read here, feel free to drop us an email and we will do what we canto clarify the issue.

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IntroductionThe Tau'n Fleet list represents the Kor'Vattra at its' earliest stage and assuch is quite limited in firepower and experience. If used in a campaignI'd suggest that Tau Refits (and Normal Refits) should not be used. CrewSkills and the Promotion Table from 'WarpRift #3' should be used, butremember the Leadership is still reduced by 1 and the Promotion Refitsare ignored. The Promotion Re-rolls may only be used by the Flagship orby any ships squadroned with it.The Tau'n FleetBefore the Tau Empire had asserted itself as an Interstellar contender,before the Tau had even discovered the Imperium of Man there was onlyone Tau Sept, T'au itself. Bottled up in one system, this civilisation ofexponential promise built an enormous colonisation fleet using thecountless Orbital Docks and Shipyards circling the Home world andvarious colonised planets and moons of the T'au system.T'au Seven, the famed planet of alien discovery, proved an excellentchoice to launch the first colonisation fleet. The resources, manpowerand determined devotion to the Greater Good would carry the Tau fleetthrough space to claim Tau'n, the nearest truly habitable planet to T'au.The fleet finally reached Tau'n, after spending considerable timedeploying Way Stations, allowing supplies to reach the fleet 40 lightyears away from its' origin. Only having been in Orbit for one Kai'Rotta(just under 2 Months) a surprisingly large Ork Pirate Fleet entered thesystem having destroyed all the way stations in their path.Having followed this trail of breadcrumbs from a small Ork Pirate baselocated inside a system in-between T'au and Tau'n. The Ork WarlordScraghurtz led this offensive using the majority of his Pirate fleet. His aimwas to gather resources to build a Rok Fleet large enough to complementhis already impressive number of true Ork warships. This would enablehim to initiate a Waaagh across the Eastern Fringe. The Tau'nColonisation Fleet looked a lot like a massive convoy of Transport ships, avery tempting target. If the Orks had discovered the Way Station earlier,the Tau would never have got any Orbitals into place to aid in theirdefence and would most likely have been destroyed.

Tau’n Fleet ListBy Ray Bell

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At the end of the Campaign the Tau had secured their first new Sept andre-established the Way Station link to the T'au system. But the Orks hadcollected the wreckage from over ten capital ships and were wellunderway to creating a Waaagh capable of crushing the fledglingEmpire.Tau'n Special RulesTurrets: Tau turrets act as normal but gain a re-roll to hit when within10cm of a ship with Tracking systems.Railgun (Rail) Batteries: Rail Batteries function as normal WeaponsBatteries but do not suffer for long range shifts when within 10cm of aship with Tracking systems.Tracking systems: See Turrets and Rail Batteries.Gravitic Hooks: Gravitic Hooks allow the fleet to field a number of Orcasequal to or under the total strength of Gravitic Hooks. Note that apercentage of the Orca's point value is included in the Explorer andMerchant ships making the capital ships more expensive. Gravitic Hookshave no game effect and cannot be destroyed by critical hits.Shields: Function as normal shields.Critical Hits: Use the standard critical hit chart.Leadership: Due to the inexperience of the Kor'Vattra at this time allships have a normal leadership with a -1 modifier, giving them aleadership value between 5 and 8.Teleport Attacks: Tau vessels cannot conduct teleport attacks.Boarding Actions: Tau vessels have a boarding value of half normal.Other Notes: The Tau'n Fleet list does not include Ion Cannons, GraviticLaunchers or Deflectors, as they haven't been built yet.Gal'leath (Explorer) Class StarshipVash'ya Configuration 'Mk VII'In the early stages of the Tau expansion the Explorer proved to be thegreat galleon of the Tau Empire. It made interstellar colonisationpossible having massive cargo bays and Gravitic hooks allowing it to actas a mobile Orbital Dock during the first stages of colonisation. Mostcolonies pre-Tau'n were limited in size, being either research or miningcolonies. Long-range observation posts were also scattered through outthe neighbouring star systems to link the colonies together. Either waythe Explorer carried the resources and people necessary to make thesefirst interstellar colonies possible.

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The Mark VII was for the most part a huge transport ship, carryingcolonisation equipment or Orbital components. But the Mark VII didhave a fair launch capacity of Ion bombers and fighters. Some could evenlaunch the prototype Manta Low Orbit Landers. Other than launch baysthe Mark VII had Gravitic hooks to transport up to three Orcas and adorsal armament of Rail Batteries, which latter variants of the Explorerwould have as standard.Rogue Traders encountered a Mark VII before the Damocles crusade andofficial contact with the Imperium. The Rogue Trader captain MarcusOrell designated the ship 'Dragon Fish' as he couldn't quite pronouncethe ships variant name in Tau (T'au Gal'leath-Vash'ya Yen'al K'or'es).The Designation 'Dragon Fish' would latter be transferred to the Mk XXIIIas all MkVII's were refitted.

Explorer Standard (Gal'leath Vash'ya) Configuration Mk VII………..160ptsImperial Designation: (earlier period) Dragon Fish Class ColonyshipFamous Ships: Yen'al (Pioneer)





ARMOUR5+ (4+ Rear)


ARMAMENTProw Rail batteryPort launch bays

Starboard launch baysStern Gravitic Hook




2 sqdrns2 sqdrns


FIRE ARCLeft/Front/Right


NOTES: Can't Come To New Heading. When in contact with Blast Markers it can'tturn.

Il'fannor (Merchant) Class StarshipVash'ya Standard ConfigurationWhat has become known as the Merchant's Standard Configuration wasdeveloped specifically for carrying Orca Gunships and remains in theKor'vattra for the same purpose. The Cargo bays were replaced by RailBatteries and Gravitic Hooks making the ship a pure warship, even if notintimidating to Major races.

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Merchant Standard (Il’fannor Vash’ya) Configuration, 75ptsImperial Designation: Moray Class Light cruiserFamous Ships: Tash’han (Rebelious)







ARMAMENTProw Rail batteryPort Rail battery

Starboard Rail btryPort Gravitic Hook

Starboard Grav Hook




FIRE ARCLeft/Front/Right



Il'fannor (Merchant) Class StarshipKor'eldi Carrier ConfigurationThe Merchant was originally designed to replace the Explorer's transportrole but the Kor'eldi configuration was designed to supplement theExplorer's Launch capacity. But when the Explorer Mk XV took shape asa dedicated carrier boasting three times the capacity than the Mk VII theKor'eldi became obsolete and almost all were refitted as short-rangetransports. The Kor'eldi mainly ran the transport lanes between T'au andTau'n.

Il'fannor Kor'eldi (Merchant Carrier) Configuration……….90ptsImperial Designation: HellWind Class Light cruiserFamous Ships: Vral'ka (Undercut blow)







ARMAMENTProw Rail batteryPort Rail battery

Starboard Rail btryPort Launch bays

Starboard Launch bays



1 sqdrn1 sqdrn

FIRE ARCLeft/Front/Right



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Orca (Kass'l) Class Gunship, Mk IIThe second version of the Orca Gunship smoothed out the obvious flawsin the prototype but had still by no means found its niche in theKor'vattra. The Mk II couldn't match the range of the capital ships and sohad to speed ahead to get in range at the same time as its parent ship.But the main problem was that with such superior manoeuvrability thefleet commanders were tempted to use this ability all the time havingtheir Orca squadrons pursuing the enemy and leaving the main fleetbehind. Eventually the Orca's found their niche but only after the fleetcommanders became more versed in fleet tactics. With the introductionof the Ion Cannon the Orcas became much more valued, firing their Ioncannons after the long range Rail batteries of the Capital ships. But thisupgrade wasn't to come for some time.

Kass'l (Orca) Class Gunship Mk II………..20ptsFamous ships: Por'ash squadron (Black Ocean)







ARMAMENTRail battery



FIRE ARCLeft/Front/Right

NOTES: Can only be included in a fleet that has the same or more Gravitic hooksas Orcas.

Messenger (Skether'qan) Class Class Relay ship 'Prototype'.The Prototype Messenger unfortunately had a very unreliable Graviticdrive due to its size and recent inception. In the Tau'n fleet it was actingsolely as a fleet support vessel but relaying messages with Gravitic Hookequipped Merchant Starships. As after the first trial of a Messenger relayone of the Messengers, Vash'run'al (Star seer), was lost in deep space asthe Gravitic drive over shot its predicted re-mergence point as the driveburned out. It took over 2 Tau'cyr (roughly 2 years) for the Vash'run'al'ssignal to reach the nearest waypoint, by the time the Messenger wasrecovered the few crew that were aboard were found murdered. Theirremains were scattered throughout the ship, blood, organs, skin andskulls forming strange iconic symbols frozen on the walls, floors andceilings.

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Skether'qan (Messenger) Class Relay ship 'Prototype'.……….40ptsFamous ships: Vash'run'al (Star seer)

ARMAMENTRail battery

Tracking systemRANGE/SPEED



FIRE ARCLeft/Front/Right

-NOTES: Can't initiate boarding actions, -1 to Tau boarding modifier. Reduces themaximum number of Orcas in the fleet.

Tau OrdnanceTau Launch bays can launch Barracuda Superiority Fighters and TigerShark Ion Bombers. Mantas may be purchased for Explorers for 10ptsper Explorer but they will only function with their Low Orbit Rules.Barracuda Superiority FighterBarracudas are almost an exact equivalent to Imperial fighters, butdoesn't equal its speed.Barracudas act as normal Fighters with '29cm speed'.Tiger Shark Ion BombersTiger sharks are equipped with experimental Ion cannons, far too smallto be used on a starship but extremely powerful for their size. The Ioncannons disintegrate any form of armour if enough shots hit in the sameplace.Tiger Sharks act as normal Bombers (20cm speed, D6 attack runs) butignore armour values; always hit on a 5+. Tiger sharks have DroneDecoys: can only be hit by turrets on a 5+.Manta Low Orbit Lander (Low Orbit rules only)The Manta was first designed to act as a low orbit transport from Capitalship to Planetary Surface.Mantas may enter low orbit as if it were an escort. The Manta has a speedof 20cm in each ordnance phase. When a Manta lands on the Planet'ssurface it contributes 1 assault point and is then removed. The Mantahas a 4+ save vs Ordnance excluding Torpedoes and Mines (this is adefensive save from bombers trying to bomb, assault boats trying toboard, fighters trying to destroy. Torpedoes and Mines ignore the Mantaand visa versa.

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High Orbit DefencesTau Orbitals of the Tau'n CampaignTau Orbitals were used extensively during the Tau'n campaign carriedby the 17 Explorers and a few Merchant Transports that were part of thefleet. Having Explorers in your fleet will increase your defence pointallowance representing their transport ability of Orbitals.In scenarios where the Tau player is defending a world (possibly Tau'n)you will receive D6x5 extra Defence points for each Explorer on the tableat the start of the game.Tau Orbitals are much like the high orbit defences in the Rulebook exceptthey are modular and therefore customisable. Tau Orbitals follow ALLthe normal rules for High Orbit defences.

Tau Orbital………………..20pts in addition to Security and Civilian ModulesTYPE/HITSDefence/4






ARMAMENTSecurity Modules(maximum of 4)Launch bay: 15ptsRail Battery: 15ptsGravitic Hook: 5ptsCivilian Modules(maximum of 4)

Research Module: 5ptsHabitat Module: 5pts

NOTES: Tau Orbitals have tracking systems if worth over 50pts.Can Purchase modules for the assigned points.

RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER FIRE ARCEach security module adds +1 turret


1 sqdrn3


0-3 Orcas (25pts each). Can be squadroned with otherOrcas bought in this fashion.

+1 Shield, up to max of 3+1 Hit

Tau do not use the normal High Orbit defences from the Rule Book, theyuse the following instead.Tau Orbitals…………….pts: varies0-2 Minefields………….40ptsOrca Gunships…………25pts (see Tau Orbitals)

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TransportsIl'fannor (Merchant) Class StarshipVash'ya'vesa Transport ConfigurationThe Merchant was originally designed as a Transport to replace theExplorer as the Galleon of the Empire. The Vash'ya'vesa (TransportConfiguration) is the unrefitted Merchant starship and so does not haveany broadside weapons, Gravitic Hooks or launch bays.

Merchant Transport (Il'fannor Vash'ya'vesa )……. pts: SpecialImperial Designation: Heavy Transport







ARMAMENTProw Rail battery



FIRE ARCLeft/Front/Right

NOTE: In scenarios involving transports replace all normal transports forMerchant Transports at a ratio of 2:1 (Normal:Tau).

“Break right! Break right!”Seldar threw the stick shift right, pulling the Starhawk into a spiral, as thecraft groaned under the forces involved. He risked a backwards glance to seethe Chaos Swiftdeath Interceptor react too late, thrown off the attack line bythe sudden change in approach pattern.He dragged his thoughts back to his Starhawk, and the looming shape of theChaos Murder Cruiser ahead. He gunned the thrusters, and the rest of hisformation drifted back into the attack pattern. The runes inside his craftflashed as the squadron acknowledged the bombing run ahead, and thenbroke formation again, making the defending turrets work for their kills.Gamma fourteen and seven exploded in balls of gas as they were caught indefensive flak, before the formation drew around behind the Cruiser, liningup to strafe along the length of the enemy vessel. Seldar gritted his teeth andprepared himself for the run, selecting his targets as his thundered towardsthe ship, avoiding the wash of its main engines.

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Tau'n Fleet List0-1 Commander: Tau Kor'O (Ld 8), 1 re-roll…… 50ptsCapital Ships0-17 Battleships (May not have more Explorers than Merchants).Gal'leath (Explorer) Class StarshipVash'ya Configuration 'Mk VII' ………..160ptsOrbital Allowance: In scenarios where the Tau player is defending aworld (possibly Tau'n) you will receive D6x5 extra Defence points foreach Explorer on the table at the start of the game.1-23 CruisersIl'fannor (Merchant) Class StarshipVash'ya Standard Configuration…….75ptsIl'fannor (Merchant) Class StarshipKor'eldi Carrier Configuration…..…..90ptsEscortsOrca, Kass'l Mk II….…………………20ptsCan only be included in a fleet that has the same or more Gravitic hooksas Orcas.Messenger.…………..40ptsNote that Messengers use up one Gravitic Hook each, taking the place ofan Orka Gunship.Due to their rarity you may only field one per 750pts.SquadronsCapital ship squadrons no larger than two.Orcas maybe in squadrons of two or three.Messengers may not be placed in squadrons.No additional ships maybe chosen such as Mercenaries, Rogue Tradersor Allies.

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IntroductionThese alternate rules are a set of tweaks that change the way the OrkPirate Fleet plays. They balance the fleet so they are not inherently weakor expensive but keep with the Ork mentality. This is not an attempt tojust make Ork ships better but to stop putting the Green Man Down! Themain problems with the Ork fleet are the Ordnance phase and the pointvalues of the escorts. Please try the following rules out and tell us whatyou think.Alternate Ork Pirate RulesThe Ordnance PhaseTurretsUnlike turrets of other races Ork turrets are haphazard, numerous anddon't have sophisticated targeting systems. But as there are so many ofthem they distract bomber pilots and can benefit greatly from luck.Ork Turrets always hit on 6's and will shoot at different types ofOrdnance (e.g. Torpedoes and Bombers). Ordnance with forms ofstealth such as Eldar bombers will still be hit on 6's, it's just unlikely theOrks know what they are shooting at.Normal massed turret rules apply, except that the turrets hit on 6's.The number of turrets each ship has changes as follows: Kroozers: 2 turrets Escorts: 2 turrets Brute Ramships: 1 turret.Fighta-BommasFighta-Bommas act as fighters as normal. Fighta-Bommas act as weakbombers with fighter suppression: D3 (D6 result:1 or 2=1, 3 or 4=2, 5or 6=3) attack runs - Turret value +1 attack. This means thatfighta-bommbers will always get at least 1 attack even if shot down!Think of this as a Kamikaze attack or the fighta-bommas as highlymaneuverable torpedoes!

Alternate Ork Pirate RulesBy Ray Bell

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WavesOrks are so poor at coordinating waves of attack craft ships withordnance they can't combine waves of ordnance with other ships in thesame squadron (just like Ork torpedoes).TorpedoesThe speed of torpedoes is brought down to 20cm speed (boardingtorpedoes are still 20cm). But torpedo bays automatically reload justlike the All Ahead Full special rule (there is still a special order diceplaced, and the ship can't reload if on any other special order). Ships stillcan't combine torpedo salvoes.The strength of torpedoes is changed to 2D6-2 for Kroozers (assumingthe Prow Heavy Gunz are replaced by torpedo tubes) and D6-1 forRavagers.Kroozers run out of torpedoes on a roll of a double for the strength (butnot if a double is rolled for reloading any launch bays) and Ravagers runout on a roll of a 1.(Note that only the ship that has a double or a 1 rolled runs out others ina squadron would not run out unless they also had a double or a one, agood way to mark this is with the contact markers from the box set.)Note that launch bays reload as normal.Heavy GunzHeavy Gunz can fire massive 'Flak Shells' allowing them to hit Ordnanceon a 5+ rather than a 6+.Escort Point ValuesOnslaught 35ptsRavager, Savage, and Brute Ramships are all 30pts each.But these points represent the changes in turrets, torpedoes and HeavyGunz.

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Kr00zin’ - Part TwoBy Kr00za

This issue, we revisit the shipyards of Kr00za, who isbecoming a regular here at Warp Rift and has puttogether a Chaos Blackstone Fortress. We are alwayslooking for more vessels from players out there, so whatare you waiting for?

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Heres a list of bitz used -Tyranid Claws:9947010602906 x29947010602905 x29947010602901 x29947010602902 x2Chaos Spawn Spines:99479915001069947991500107Plus bitz from the Chaos SpikyBits sprue.

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The Captains DayBy Norman

"Admiral Severus, Captain Sinnhas been on a rampage, all overthree sectors," exclaimed theCommander from FleetIntelligence. "Sinn has beenleaving more death anddestruction than some battlesfought during the Gothic War. Heis also leaving that damn burningheart symbol in some cases".Looking up at the Commanderfrom Fleet Intelligence, AdmiralSeverus was deep in thought.Taking a moment to clear his

thoughts, the admiral began toanswer."Commander, Captain Sinn isdeeply unhappy aboutsomething." Putting up his handthe Admiral stopped theCommander from asking hisquestions. "Let me explain a littlehistory first. The burning heart isthe symbol he uses to show howhis heart is in pain from loss. Itwas a special symbol between himand his wife Alexandria. It showedhis wife how much he loved and

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missed her.""When she was reported to havebeen killed by an ImperialTaskforce, it broke his heart andhis will to live. Using some from oftechno-sorcery, Sinn uses theburning heart to show that he ismaking revenge on thedescendents of the Taskforcessenior officers, theAdministratum, a planetarygovernor and a few others. It isalso his means to show theImperium that he had deliveredhis justice that we did not. AlsoCommander, the burning heart isused by Captain Sinn whensomething really has made himangry. Now what is the totalnumber of burning heartsreported now, is it I believeeleven, if so then Captain Sinn istruly upset".Elsewhere above the planetThraxis Prime home a ImperialNaval base, six non-descriptfreighters emerged from warpspace. Making it through the navalsecurity check points, thefreighters begin to head to themerchant docks located in thenaval yard for unloading ofsupplies that fed the massiveImperial fleets."Freighter Hearts Desire, pleasestate the nature of youremergency", spoke the navalcontroller into the vox caster. "Isay again, the helm is notresponding, we need assistance

immediately". The navalcontroller immediately dispatchedtwo heavy tugs to take the HeartDesire under control, as anuncontrolled freighter in themiddle of the shipyard was adanger for every ship there.But before the two tugs could getto the distressed freighter, theHearts Desire with a burst ofspeed turned to starboard. Fromthe naval controllers position theHearts Desire was headed straightfor the Overlord Battlecruiser LordTempest. Without hesitation thenaval controller hit the emergencyklaxon alerting the naval yard ofan imminent attack.In Admiral Severus office, theadmiral reacted to the soundingklaxon, calling his staff to find outwhat was happing. As he wasbeginning to receive the answers,the Hearts Desire rammed into theLord Tempest exploding into themighty Battlecruiser. The mightyBattlecruiser rocked from thesympathetic explosions fromammo stores loaded aboard her.But what was to anger the Admiralthe most, was not the damage tothe Lord Tempest, but the burningheart that would last for a month,that was burning over his shipyard.In warp space aboard the mightydreadnought Night Raven thepersonal flagship of the notoriousCaptain Sinn, CommanderStephan and Major Anders were

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approaching Captain Sinn'spersonal quarters behind thebridge. As they approached theysaw the Captains purser beingthrown from the captain'sstateroom, "Guards take him tothe rack for twenty turns",commanded the voice fromwithin. Obeying the order given,the two Chaos storm trooperspicked up the whimpering purser.As the two storm troopers went topass Major Anders andCommander Stephan, MajorAnders stopped the two troopers,"Sailor what did you do to angerthe Captain?" The purser lookingup to Major Anders, and with fearin his eyes, "Sir, I forgot the creamfor the captains herbal tea".Major Anders and CommanderStephan both looked at the purserand then to each other. Withouthesitation both men turned aboutface and headed away from thecaptains quarters.Later in the officer's mess, acouncil was being held with MajorAnders, Commander Stephan,Ghee, Reng, Plato and the newestmember of Captain Sinn's staffForce Commander Bane of theLegion space marines. With all thestaff present everyone looked atCommander Stephan the oldestmember of Captain Sinn's originalcrew.Commander Stephan looked over

the assembled council members."I have not seen the Captain soupset before this time. I havenever seen him completely wipeout a pirates base and not takesupplies or grant mercy. He evenleft a burning heart there"."What about Kensington, wherewe raided the planet, took allthose prisoners, grabbed whatsupplies and other stuff hewanted. Then what does he dobefore we left orbit, he virusbombed the planet. Then he tookthe prisoners we needed for backat Encounter and traded them tothe Dark Eldar for a mimic engine,something he's never donebefore. He actually traded with theDark Eldar", spoke Reng.Ghee looked at them all "Most ofthe raids and battle we havefought he has left totaldevastation and no survivors, nottoo mention the burning heart hehas been leaving. Then he sent aburning heart to Admiral Severusas well".Everyone then looked atCommander Stephan. Deep inthought, Commander Stephanbegan to think back to when thecaptain had acted like this beforeover the thousands of years theyhad been together. Then it struckhim what the problem was as henoted something on the far wall ofthe officer's mess. Looking at theassembled staff, Commander

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Stephan smiled."I know what's wrong with theCaptain and what we must do", hestated. As he began to speakmany of the staff were surprised,that this was the problem. Sobowing their heads they began toplan. "When we reach Encounter,we will go our own ways toaccomplish the mission."In uncharted space the fleet ofCaptain Sinn reached the placewhere they called home. A smallforgotten system that CaptainSinn named Encounter, located inwild space. Located in Encounterwere thirteen planets, that duringthe time of strife the system wascut off by warp storms and forcedto survive. The citizens of thesystem slowly slid away from theworship of the Emperor and beganto worship Chaos undivided. Theybuilt ships for the day they wouldget to rejoin their Chaos brethren.Captain Sinn, who braved thewarp storm that hid Encounter,was seen by the populace as theirhero and savior. It is here that thefleet comes to heal and rest. InEncounter Prime's orbit, there is asmall planetoid that Captain Sinncalls home when he needs time torest.As the officers began to giveliberty to the fleet, many would goto Encounter Prime to worship orenjoy the pleasures of Slaanesh,to see the blood games of Khorne,

or seek Tzeentch for guidance.Some go to the small moon wherefollowers of Nurgle reside.After the Captain had left the NightRaven, the council met once againin the officer's mess. "Ok, I toldthe Captain we were going toleave the system for training raidsor other reasons. He just looked atme and shrugged his shoulders anwalked off", spoke Stephan to theothers. Looking to the othersgathered, Stephan spoke oncemore, "I wish you all luck and willsee you in three month's time".With that the council members leftto board other ships of the fleet.In orbit above the Planet Abnett,Commander Stephan was on thebridge of the Desolator class battleship Aftermath watching as hismix force of Chaos space marinesand infantry assaulted the planet.The system defense ships were nomatch for the small raiding fleetthat came in system. Abnett'ssmall Planetary Defense Forcewas keeping busy trying to repulsethe multiple landings or weredigging in to defend vital targets.But in the city of Dunn, a smallinfiltration team just kidnappedthe man they were after.Evading the PDF troopers in thecity of Dunn, the small force ofLegion space marines made theirpick up with the prize in tow. Theyboarded their transport and spedto the Aftermath. Once aboardthe great battleship, their prisoner

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was brought before CommanderStephan. On shaking knees, theman began to plead for his life, "Idon't know nothing, I cannot helpyou", screeched the prisoner.Looking at the man between thetwo chaos space marinesCommander Stephan just smiledand spoke. "Can you make this" ashe showed a pic slate to the man.The man just looked up and wasutterly speechless for a minute,then "Yes, my lord, I can, justdon't hurt me". Turning from theman, "Give the recall order, wemake return to Encounter" spokeCommander Stephan.Elsewhere, aboard the CraftworldIsil-Gan, Reng walked among herpeople once again. Many shunnedher or turned their backs to her as

she walked. As she approachedthe Crystal Dome, blue armored,silver helmeted GuardianDefenders blocked heradmittance. With crossed energyhalberds they forbade herentrance. "Reng, you areforbidden entrance to the CrystalDome" as the Guardian spoke ashe was slowly reaching for hisshuriken pistol. "You havevoluntarily left the home towonder the path of a Ranger, youhave no place here" sneered theGuardian to Reng.But within the Crystal Dome, thegreat doors began to open. Fromin strode an elderly Eldar in regalrobes of shimmering blues andgold. Supporting him was a solidebony colored walking staff. As

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the Guardian Defenders saw whowas coming through the door theydropped to a knee and bowed theirheads. Reng seeing who wascoming through the door also didthe same. The senior Guardianspoke to the elderly Eldar "FarseerElvadrierion, we were barringpassage of this rogue ranger whotried to gain entrance to theCrystal Dome"."Delulas, do not bar the passage ofyour sister. I have been expectingher arrival" spoke the Farseer.With that, Reng stood up andapproached. "Now, child offer meyour hand so as to support me aswe go in". With that Reng, offeredher hand to the elder Farseer, andthe two proceeded into the CrystalDome. As they walked in, thegreat doors closed behind them.With caring blue eyes, FarseerElvadrierion looked into Reng'seyes as the two took a seat on awhite marble bench among thecrystal matrix of the dome. "Now,my child do not let your brother'santics disturb you, but tell me whyyou have come home. It is nottime for you to return to us as ofyet".Looking up, Reng looked at her oldmentor, "Lord, I need an itemfrom the Craftworld. I need to givethis to Captain Sinn. I believeit will make his mood better. Hehas sunk into this foul depressionand I believe this will make himbetter".

"Then my child get what you needand return to your Captain" spokeFarseer Elvadrierion. With thosewords, Reng gently kissed the oldeldar Farseer on the cheek andleft. As she left, she missed thewords the old one softly spoke,"Be well my daughter".Proceeding to a part of theCraftworld that had not beenvisited in some time, Rengproceed to the chamber where theprize she was seeking would befound. After much searchingthrough dusty corners, she foundher prize. "This shall work," shethought to her self. With her prizein hand, she quickly made her wayback to the Webway portal toreturn to Encounter.Else where in Imperial held space,a battle rages on the decks of anInquisition deep space fortress."Fire in the hold," shouts one ofthe Chaos Space Marines fromLegion as a melta charge explodesagainst a hatch. From the otherside of the hatch comes the returnfire of a lascannon. As two of theChaos Marines attempt to stormthe breach the bolts of energyfelled them."Its no use, we can not force thehatch, the Inquisition Stormieshave it blocked with that frakkinglascannon. Approaching thehuddled Chaos Space Marines,Force Commander Bane, takes aquick look down the hall. "Ok,Marines, stand ready, I have

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something for them" spoke Baneto the Marines.In the distance the deck began tothump as something very heavywas walking upon it. As it drewnear, the enhanced senses of theMarines could smell unguents,ozone and hear the noise ofservomotors. Standing up theMarines flatten themselves as aChaos close in Dreadnoughtlumbered past them. Turning thecorner the monstrosity began itsslow approach to hatch way. Evenas slowly as it moved theInquisition Storm Troopers couldnot slow the Dreadnought. All thatwas heard next was the sounds ofmen screaming offering prayers totheir husk of an Emperor and thecrash of metal. In the com beadsof the Marines, a metallic voicespoke "All clear". As one theMarines turned the corner andproceeded to the next hatch.Elsewhere Inquisitor Rankin withtwo Inquisitor Storm Troopers anda servitor were headed to thenearest Savior pod to escape theservants of Chaos. As the leadStormtrooper hurriedly turned acorner he smacked into a wall ofmuscle. Unbalanced theStormtrooper looked up in time tosee a eight-foot tall Orygnstanding there with a very bigheavy bolter being held onehanded. The last thing theStormtrooper heard and saw wasthe smile and the word "Ello", asthe his life faded.

Aboard the Black Paladin, Gheethe Tzeentch sorcerer felt thepower from with in the spacestation, but only for a secondbefore it faded again. From thespace station itself, savior podssprang forth as crew tried toescape. But the weapons of theBlack Paladin and her escortsbegan shooting the pods toprevent the escape. "No!!!!"shouted Ghee, but it was too lateas the savior pods weredestroyed. Turning his head, Gheerealized that the sword may havebeen on one of the pods and wasnow destroyed.Later in a returning assaulttransport, Plato sat by him selfwith a big smile on his face.Nudging one of the fellow ChaosSpace Marines, the other spoke,"That Ogryn been sitting theresmiling like a grox in heat andsaying got Boss nice shiny, whatan idiot".On board the freighter Lady Midas,"Major Anders, we have securedthe ship" spoke one of hisSergeants. "Have the prize crew,make course to Encounter"shouted Major Anders. Thinking ofhimself, I wonder if everyone elsehad it easy.On Captain Sinn's privateplanetoid, Captain Sinn was a veryunhappy individual. The staff wasstaying away from him especiallyafter his took a pot shot at hisbutler for intruding on him. His

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Daemonettes and concubinescould not please him. Walking onEncounter Prime did him no goodas did participating in one of thegladiatorial fights, there was nochallenge there, the houses ofSlaanesh could offer nothing,Tzeentch offered no solace, andthe little Nurgle planet, well hedidn't need to extra baggage fromthere. So the great Captain sat inhis rocking chair on the greatbalcony over looking his vastestate. Sinn could feel the yearsweigh down upon him; he wasfeeling old and sorry for himself.His friends were all gone, makingexcuses to just get away from him.From a distance the las singedbutler slowly on jittery legsentered the room where CaptainSinn was sitting staring out."Captain Sinn, Milord there is acourier for you in the ballroom, hesays Lord Khyron sent him".Cringing in fear, the butler fearedthe worst as Captain Sinn aroseand was heard muttering underhis breath as he walked past thebutler. "Let me go see what thissycophant has to say from thewinged wonder", mutteredCaptain Sinn as he strode past hisbutler.Upon entering the ballroom,"Frak, why are there no lights on inhere, is it afraid of some light",mumbled Sinn. Before CaptainSinn could proceed further, theballroom came to life with lightsand sounds. From the throng of

people, aliens and mutantsgathered a great "SURPRISE andHappy Birthday Captain!!!" wasshouted.Momentarily stunned, CaptainSinn took a step back and gave agenuine smile of amusement uponhis worn features."Happy birthday Captain" saidReng as she kissed the Captain onthe cheek. Walking past MajorAnders, he saluted "Happybirthday sir". Bowing to CaptainSinn, "Long life to you Captain"spoke Ghee. Off to the side ForceCommander Bane gave a salute,arm crossed the chest with a halfbow. Bouncing from foot to footwas Plato with a large somethingwrapped in garish paper. Standingbehind the crowd wasCommander Stephan. CaptainSinn, upon seeing his life longfriend, made a bee line to him.Embracing his friend in a hug, Sinnspoke to his closet friend "Thanks,Stephan, I know you did this".Holding him close Sinn whisperedin his friends ear " You know I willget you for this with a very goodjoke". Standing back from hisfriend, Stephan looked at hisfriend, "I know you will", hereplied."Now follow me" smiled Stephanto his friend. Out in the middle ofthe floor was the biggest birthdaycake that had been seen in someyears. "Captain, I went to all thetrouble with some of Bane and

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Anders men to kidnap the bestpastry chief I could find to makethis cake. It is your favorite,Devil's Delight" spoke Stephan.Silent as a whisper, Reng wasstanding next to the Captain with aornate wrapped present in herhands. "Captain I wish to give thistoo you, it is from me to you"spoke Reng. Slowly opening thepresent, Captain Sinn looked upona bluish grey cloth neatly laid inthe box. "Pull it out Captain". Without further waiting Sinn pulled outa garment that was slightly longerthan a mans undershirt. With apuzzled look, Sinn glanced atReng. Returning the look Renganswered. "Am, it is a mithril shirt.It is designed to prevent injury tothe wearer". Looking up, CaptainSinn pulled Reng close and kissedher deep."Captain, we have more presentsfor you to open" spoke a voice inthe background. From the LegionSpace Marines and Ghee therewas an amulet of Demon calling,Major Anders forces brought in afreighter of fine wines and luxuryproducts. Others brought avariety of gifts and offers. Eventhe Demon Prince Khyron sent asquadron of the new Hells TalonFighters.As the present were done beingopened, Plato came forward topresent his to Captain Sinn. In hisdeep voice Plato spoke to theCaptain, "Boss, ere is present I got

for you, it is shiny, you like",smiled the giant Ogryn. Takingthe present from Plato, CaptainSinn took a seat to open the hugepackage. Amid the crowd ofpeople there was mumbling onwhat the giant Ogryn may hadgotten the Captain. Bets were on abusted las gun.As Captain Sinn removed all thegaudy wrapping from around thecase, it was evident it was aweapons case that was warded toprevent psychic emissions fromescaping. When the Captainopened the case, Ghee felt theenergy, he now knew where thesword of the Apocalypse went,and Plato apparently found it."Ghee, what is this sword, do youknow" asked Captain Sinn."It is the Sword of the Apocalypse;it has the 4 known powers ofChaos, Tzeentch, Slaanesh,Khorne and Nurgle. Also there is afifth power but I have no idea whatit does. The cross guard has thefour powers and the pommel holdsthe fifth. The sword is verypowerful, from what I understandit give its wieldier strength fromKhorne, grace from Slaanesh, skillfrom Tzeentch and stamina fromNurgle. The fifth I am unsurewhat it would do for the wielder"spoke Ghee. Looking at the swordadmiringly, Sinn felt the powerflow through his body as the swordand its new owner silentlymatched wits.

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Placing the sword down, CaptainSinn faced the crowd of friends,looking for a face. Captain Sinnstrode toward them. "Reng, comeand go with me". Taking Reng bythe hand, Captain Sinn waved tothe group and left the room withReng in tow.Deep in the Eye of Terror aboardthe flagship of WarmasterFathom, the Warmaster was notsleeping very well. A voice wasbeing persistent in his mind.Finally being unable to take it nomore, Fathom sat bolt up in hisbed, "What in the name of Horusdo you want with me" he shoutedto the empty room. Slowly agolden glow began to gather in theshape of a small winged dragonwith multiple colors that radiated."Why Warmaster Fathom, I havecome to offer you power if youaccept".

"Accept power from a demon Iknow nothing of", spoke Fathom.The voice responded from theglowing dragon, "But Fathom youcalled me, Lord Tzeentch, yoursoul speaks of revenge andpower". Momentarily shocked,Fathom weighed his chances tohimself. Once again the dragonspoke as anticipating whatFathom was thinking, "I can makeyou stronger, powerful, you wouldnot have to serve Abbadon andyou could have revenge on Sinn aswell".Getting out of his bed, WarmasterFathom took a knee before theLord of Change and uttered wordsthat would change his life again. "Iaccept". Unseen by Fathom, therewas a slight smile to the face of theLord of Change.

Page 35: Sept/Oct 2004 Issue 04 - specialist-arms.com · Sept/Oct 2004 Issue 04 ... Chris French - Articles John Webber - Painting ... Space Hulk, and Space Marine Assault. So, one asks, ...


Docking ClawsThe best of the web, listing sites which deal with BattlefleetGothic. If you have a site that you would like listed here, dropus an email.www.epic40k.co.uk (www.epic40k.co.uk) - The host of thispublication, www.epic40k.co.uk is a growing site featuring theEpiComms Forums for great Gothic and Epic chat, the Players Index tofind players in your area, and the Spotters Guide, a discourse on thevessels in the game, as well as lots more.Port Maw (www.one-end.com/portmaw) - Currently undergoing arevamp, Port Maw has always been a favourite for web surfers lookingfor Gothic. In particular, the site has a large collection of new vesselsfor the game.Blackstone 6 (http://blackstone.outpost10f.com) - While currently notbeing updated regularly, there are still a lot of useful articles here, andsome excellent extra counters and downloads.The Golgotha Spiral(http://www.angelfire.com/games4/chubbybob/bfg1.htm) - Anexcellent site focussing on the vessels of the Golgotha Spiral, and theunique vessels which patrol it. An gold mine for the Gothic converter.

IncomingGot an event for Gothic coming up? Let us know. We want tohear about meetings, groups, conventions and games. So,put the word out, and drop us an email detailing your events.
