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Sequences Lesson Plan

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SequencesLesson Plan

Hour of Code

Copyright © 2018 Cherrypicks All rights reserved. For teachers’ reference only. Teachers can select or adjust the content as needed.

Page 2

Lesson OverviewIn this lesson, learners will learn to decompose tasks and use sequences to

they will work through block-based coding puzzles in the Coding Galaxy app to apply and consolidate the concepts.


Audience: Beginners aged 5–8 (no programming experience needed)

Class size: 8–40 students

●programming and daily problems;


60 minutes

1.a.b. Warm-up

2.a.b. Let’s walkc.

3. Self-directed learning (20 mins)a. Coding Galaxy app

4. Wrap-up (5 mins)a.b.

Adventure PlanetHour of Code

Copyright © 2018 Cherrypicks All rights reserved. For teachers’ reference only. Teachers can select or adjust the content as needed.

Page 3

Teaching GuideMaterials, resources and preparation● Review the Hour of Code Educator Guide and Best Practices from Successful Educators

to plan your Hour of Code event.● Register your Hour of Code event and promote it with some fun posters.● Make sure to download the Coding Galaxy app in advance to the mobile devices

that will be used (available for both Android or iOS smartphones and tablets). Also make sure those devices are fully charged.

● Review the lesson and the resources first. Prepare the materials for the lesson: 16 sheets of A4 paper (can reuse single-sided), 1 marker pen.

● Try out all the missions in the Coding Galaxy app yourself. You should read the Guide to computational thinking and programming concepts if you do not have any prior programming experience.

● Each student who completes the lesson should receive a certificate. Print one for everyone in advance to make this easier at the end of your Hour of Code.

Lesson planItem Teaching procedure

Introduction Ask students: Have you used any home electronics or computers? Do you know their functions? How do they work?

Explain that each product has a computer in it, programmed with instructions to perform its tasks or functions.

This course introduces computational thinking as a method to solve problems and some basic programming concepts for making computers help us with more complex problems.

Terminology● Decomposition – To break down a problem into a set of smaller subproblems,

making the problem and solution easier to describe, analyse, plan and execute.● Sequences – A series of steps (commands) to perform a task.● Algorithm design – To devise a step-by-step strategy to solve a problem.

Adventure PlanetHour of Code

Copyright © 2018 Cherrypicks All rights reserved. For teachers’ reference only. Teachers can select or adjust the content as needed.

Page 4

Teaching GuideItem Teaching procedure

1b. Warm-up

Role playing

5 mins

Ask: What did you do to get ready for school this morning?

Suppose the teacher wants to live a day as one of the students. Ask students to describe their day’s schedule with a sequence of instructions for the teacher to follow exactly.

This activity aims to encourage students to give clear, detailed and ordered instructions in a sequence. If the student’s instructions are vague, the teacher may respond with exaggerated and illogical details to highlight the importance of clear instructions.


Student A: I got up at 6am. Then I ate my breakfast and went to school. After that, I came here.

Teacher: I got up at 6am and skated to the dining room. Then I ate a watermelon for breakfast without brushing my teeth. I traveled by plane to school in my pyjamas. After school, I came here by boat.

2a. Worksheet

Activity 1

10 mins

First ask students to use their imagination and discuss how to make 10 steps to buy a cooled bottle of cola from a convenience store.

Students may describe in too much detail, such as lifting your arm, turning around, lifting your leg. The teacher should lead the discussion to make steps that serve a meaningful purpose (at a level of abstraction), such as “walking to the fridge”, “pick up a bottle of cola”.

Complete Worksheet Activity 1 (1.1)

Can you use 10 instructions to teach your robot friend to buy a bottle of cola in the convenience store? Choose the right steps from below and put them in order.

Adventure PlanetHour of Code

Copyright © 2018 Cherrypicks All rights reserved. For teachers’ reference only. Teachers can select or adjust the content as needed.

Page 5

Teaching GuideItem Teaching procedure

2b. Activity

Let’s walk

15 mins

Use 16 sheets of A4 paper and a marker pen.

Arrange the A4 sheets in a 4×4 square on the floor.

Student A draws a simple picture for “home” on one sheet and “school” on another.

Student B stands on an empty sheet.

The teacher gives instructions for B to walk somewhere (without saying out the destination), such as “forward, turn left, forward, forward, forward”. See where B gets to, and asks other students to count the number of steps.


(i) Clarify “left” and “right” is B’s left and right.

(ii) Each “turn left” or “turn right” is one command.

(iii) When B is moving, encourage the whole class to count “1, 2, 3, …” to keep a stable rhythm.

Variation 1: For weaker students, may start with 3×3 instead. Use 4×4 after getting familiarized.

Variation 2: Draw different places (e.g. park, supermarket) on the map and make up a story for the route (e.g. after school, Tom goes to the supermarket, then plays at the park before going home).

Adventure PlanetHour of Code

Copyright © 2018 Cherrypicks All rights reserved. For teachers’ reference only. Teachers can select or adjust the content as needed.

Page 6

Teaching GuideItem Teaching procedure

2c. Worksheet

Activity 3

10 mins

Complete Worksheet Activity 2 (1.2)

Encourage students to find different possible routes. Write out the respective commands and compare their lengths to find the simplest way.

Familiarize students with the 3 commands: go forward, turn left and turn right. Emphasize that each “turn left” or “turn right” is one command. The direction to turn is from the point of view of the avatar, i.e. based on his orientation.

3. Coding Galaxy


20 mins

Login Instructions and Notes for Chapter 1 on Worksheet (1.3–1.4)

Students log in to the Coding Galaxy app for the first time.

Students finish the game tutorial to learn about the story and gameplay. Then they may play all the missions in Chapter 1.

Observe students’ progress. Give hints where needed but avoid revealing answers directly. Encourage students to find answers by trial and error.

Unfinished missions may be set as homework assignment.

4a. Reflection

5 mins

Discuss with students to encourage them to reflect on the lesson:

1. Why do we do things in sequence?

2. What happens if our instructions are not clear?

3. What was your favorite activity from this lesson? What did you learn from it?

4. How many routes were there in each mission in Coding Galaxy? How did you choose your route?

4a. Presentation Celebrate and hand out certificates to students.

Beyond one hourThis lesson is part of a course on computational thinking and programming concepts:● Learn more about the Coding Galaxy curriculum.

Adventure PlanetHour of Code






Mission Answer Key 





Adventure Planet Mission 1 - Simple Sequence Number of commands: 4 


1. Forward 2. Forward 3. Turn Left 4. Forward 


Rating Condition 

Students need to fulfil the below condition to get the stars. 

3 stars: Best solution, finishing in the fewest steps while collecting everything possible. 

2 stars: Good solution but something is not perfect. 

1 stars: Did not apply the correct concepts or tricks. 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   n/a 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 4 



Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 1 


Mission 2 - Simple Sequence Number of commands: 7 


1. Forward 2. Turn Left 3. Forward 4. Collect 5. Forward 6. Turn Right 7. Forward 



Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 1 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 7 



Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 2 


Mission 3 - Simple Sequence Number of commands: 10 


1. Turn Left 2. Jump 3. Turn Left 4. Jump 5. Collect 6. Turn Right 7. Jump 8. Turn Right 9. Jump 10.Forward 



Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 1 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 10 



Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 3 


Mission 4 - Simple Sequence Number of commands:10 


1. Jump 2. Jump 3. Turn Left 4. Jump 5. Collect 6. Jump 7. Turn Left 8. Forward 9. Jump 10.Jump 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 1 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 10 


Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 4 


Mission 5 - Advanced Sequence Number of commands:14 


1. Turn Left 2. Jump 3. Collect 4. Turn Right 5. Forward 6. Turn Right 7. Jump 8. Collect 9. Jump 10.Turn Right 11.Jump 12.Jump 13.Turn Right 14.Jump 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 2 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 14 


Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 5 


Mission 6 - Advanced Sequence Number of commands:13 


1. Jump 2. Forward 3. Collect 4. Turn Right 5. Jump 6. Collect 7. Turn Left 8. Jump 9. Turn Right 10.Forward 11.Turn Right 12.Jump 13.Forward 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 2 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 13 



Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 6 


Mission 7 - Advanced Sequence  

Number of commands:14 


1. Jump 2. Forward 3. Collect 4. Forward 5. Turn Right 6. Jump 7. Forward 8. Collect 9. Turn Right 10.Jump 11.Jump 12.Collect 13.Turn Right 14.Forward 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 3 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 14 



Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 7 


Mission 8 - Advanced Sequence Number of commands:12 


1. Jump 2. Jump 3. Forward 4. Turn Left 5. Jump 6. Turn Left 7. Jump 8. Collect 9. Turn Right 10.Jump 11.Turn Right 12.Jump 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 1 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 12 


Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 8 


Mission 9 - Complex Sequence Number of commands:18 


1. Turn Left 2. Jump 3. Collect 4. Turn Left 5. Forward 6. Turn Left 7. Forward 8. Jump 9. Collect 10.Jump 11.Turn Left 12.Jump 13.Forward 14.Collect 15.Turn Left 16.Jump 17.Turn Left 18.Jump 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 3 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 18 


Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 9 


Mission 10 - Complex Sequence Number of commands:19 


1. Turn Right 2. Jump 3. Jump 4. Jump 5. Turn Left 6. Jump 7. Forward 8. Turn Left 9. Jump 10.Collect 11.Jump 12.Turn Left 13.Jump 14.Collect 15.Turn Right 16.Jump 17.Turn Right 18.Jump 19.Jump 


Rating Condition  

⭐   Reach the end point 

⭐ ⭐   No. of crystals = 2 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐   No. of steps <= 19 


Visit https://codinggalaxy.com to learn more about Coding Galaxy, or contact us at 

[email protected]. We are here for you!  

Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet: Hour of Code - Mission Answer Key 10 
