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Sequential Life of Jesus

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  • 8/19/2019 Sequential Life of Jesus


    This presentation gives a chronological sequence of the events in Jesus' life, as presented

    in the Four Gospels. Each event includes the appropriate Scriptural reference(s). Also, the

    location of the events are indicated, to better follow the travels of the Lord while He was on


    Most of the events occurred during the approximate three-year Ministry of Jesus, and the

    following chart uses the annual Passover feast to help divide up the Ministry into historical


    There are literally thousands of books that have been published that present "commentary"

    on these various events. That is not the intent of this chart. Commentary invariably involves

    some opinions, conclusions and judgments regarding what occurred and why, and this

    presentation means to avoid that, and merely present the sequence of events, and their 

    Scriptural basis.

    This presentation has another value. The "Harmony of the Gospels" is included as a

    consequence of the thoroughness of the Scriptural support, so many of the events have

    Scriptural citations in Matthew, Mark and Luke.

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    (for printing)

    The Nativity and Early Life of Jesus

    Description Location Scripture

    The Divinity of Christ . Joh 1:1-5

     Annunciation of birth of John the Baptist Jerusalem Lu 1:5-25

    Espousal of the Virgin Mary Nazareth Mt 1:18 Lu 1:27

    The annunciation of the birth of Jesus Nazareth Lu 1:26-38

    about 120 miles - about two weeks travel

    The visitation of Mary to Elisabeth Hebron,or Juttah Lu 1:39-55

    about 120 miles - about two weeks travel

    Her return to Nazareth Nazareth Lu 1:56

    Joseph's vision Nazareth Mt 1:20-25

    Birth and infancy of John the Baptist Hebron Lu 1:57-80

    about 90 miles - about ten days travel from Nazareth, and ten miles PAST Jerusalem

    Birth of Jesus Bethlehem Lu 2:1-7

     Adoration by the shepherds Bethlehem Lu 2:8-16

    Circumcision Bethlehem Mt 1:25 Lu 2:21

    about 10 miles - about one day's travel

    Presentation and purification Jerusalem Lu 2:22-29

    The Genealogies . Mt 1:1-17 Lu 3:23-38

    about 10 miles - about one day's travel

     Adoration by the wise men Bethlehem Mt 2:1-12

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    Flight into Egypt . Mt 2:13-15

    Massacre of the innocents Bethlehem Mt 2:16-18

    about 100 miles - about ten days' travel

    Return to Nazareth Nazareth Mt 2:19-23 Lu 2:39

    Childhood of Jesus Nazareth Lu 2:40

    about 90 miles - about ten days' travel

    With the doctors in the Temple Jerusalem Lu 2:46-50

    about 90 miles - about ten days' travel

    Youth of Jesus Nazareth Lu 2:51

    From the Preaching of John the Baptist to the First Passover 

    Description Location Scripture

    Ministry of John the Baptist Bethabara Mt 3:1-4 Mr 1:1-8 Lu 3:1-6 Joh 1:6-15

    Baptisms by John Bethabara Mt 3:5 Mr 1:5 Lu 3:7

    First testimony of the Baptist to Christ Bethabara Mt 3:11,12 Mr 1:7,8 Lu 3:15-18

    Baptism of Jesus by John Bethabara Mt 3:13-17 Mr 1:9-11 Lu 3:21,22

    Temptation of Jesus Wilderness Of Judea Judea Mt 4:1-11 Mr 1:12,13 Lu 4:1-13

    John the Baptist's second testimony Bethabara Joh 1:19-35

    Call of the first disciples Bethabara Joh 1:37-51

    First Miracle at Cana Cana Joh 2:1-11

    Visit to Capernaum Capernaum Joh 2:12

    First Passover: Cleansing of the Temple Jerusalem Joh 2:13-23

    Discourse with Nicodemus Jerusalem Joh 3:1-21

    From the First Passover to the Second

    Description Location Scripture

    The Baptist's last testimony Aenon Joh 3:23-36

    Christ's visit to Samaria Sychar Joh 4:1-42

    Return to Cana . Joh 4:43-46

    Miraculous Healing of the Nobleman's son Cana Joh 4:46-54

    Brief visit to Jerusalem Jerusalem Joh 5:1-47

    Miracle at pool of Bethesda Jerusalem Joh 5:1-47

    Imprisonment of John the Baptist Machaerus Mt 4:12,17 Mr 1:14,15

    Christ preaches in Galilee Galilee Lu 4:14,15

    about 15 miles - about two days' travel

    Christ preaches at Nazareth Nazareth Mr 6:1 Lu 4:15-30

    Christ preaches at Capernaum Capernaum Mt 4:13-16 Lu 4:31

    Call of Andrew,Peter,James and John Capernaum Mt 4:18-22 Mr 1:16-20 Lu 5:1-11

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    Miracle draught of fishes Capernaum Lu 5:1-11

    Miraculous Healing of a demoniac Capernaum Mr 1:23-27 Lu 4:33-36

    Miraculous Healing of Peter's mother-in-law Capernaum Mt 8:14,15 Mr 1:29-31 Lu 4:38,39

    Miraculous Healing of many sick and diseased Capernaum Mt 8:16,17 Mr 1:32-34 Lu 4:40,41

    Retirement for solitary prayer . Mr 1:35 Lu 4:42

    Circuit through Galilee . Mr 1:35-39 Lu 4:42-44

    Miraculous Healing of a leper Galilee Mt 8:1-4 Mr 1:40-45 Lu 5:12-16

    Retirement for a solitary prayer Galilee Mr 1:45 Lu 5:16

    Miraculous Healing of a paralytic Capernaum Mt 9:1-8 Mr 2:1-12 Lu 5:18-26

    Call of Matthew(Levi) Discourse at the feast Capernaum Mt 9:9-17 Mr 2:13-22 Lu 5:27-39

    Disciples pluck the ears of corn Galilee Mt 12:1-8 Mr 2:23-28 Lu 6:1-5

    Miraculous Healing of the man with a withered

    handCapernaum Mt 12:9-14 Mr 3:1-6 Lu 6:6-11

    Retirement for solitary prayer . Lu 6:12

    Call of the Twelve Apostles Hill of Hattin? Mt 10:2-4 Mr 3:13-19 Lu 6:13-16

    Sermon on the Mount Hill of Hattin? Mt 5:7-29 Lu 6:17-49

    Parable of House on rock or sand Hill of Hattin? Mt 7:24-29 Lu 6:47-49

    Miraculous Healing of the centurion's servant Hill of Hattin? Mt 8:5-13 Lu 7:1-10

    Miraculous Raising of the son of the Widow of 

    Nain. Lu 7:11-17

    Message from John the Baptist Capernaum Mt 11:2-19 Lu 7:18-35

    Christ's testimony respecting him Capernaum Mt 11:2-19 Lu 7:18-35

    The woman which was a sinner Capernaum? Lu 7:36-50

    Parable of two debtors Capernaum? Lu 7:41,42

    Tour through Galilee with the twelve Galilee Lu 8:1-3

    Miraculous Healing of a demoniac Capernaum Mt 12:22

    Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Capernaum Mt 12:24-37 Mr 3:22-30

    The unclean spirit Capernaum Mt 12:43-46

    The interruption of his relatives Capernaum Mt 12:46 Mr 3:31

    Parables: The Sower Plain of 


    Mt 13:1-9,18-23 Mr 4:1,14-20 Lu


    Parables: The TaresPlain of 

    GennesaretMt 13:24

    Parables: The Mustard seed Plain of Gennesaret

    Mt 13:31 Mr 4:30

    Parables: The LeavenPlain of 

    GennesaretMt 13:33 Lu 13:20,21

    Parables: The CandlePlain of 

    GennesaretMt 5:15 Mr 4:21 Lu 8:16

    Parables: The CandlePlain of 

    GennesaretMt 5:15 Mr 4:21 Lu 11:33

    Parables: The TreasurePlain of 

    GennesaretMt 13:44

    Parables: The Pearl Plain of Gennesaret

    Mt 13:45

    Parables: The DrawnetPlain of 

    GennesaretMt 13:47

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    Parables: The Seed growing secretlyPlain of 

    GennesaretMr 4:26-29

    Christ miraculously calms the stormSea of 

    GennesaretMt 8:24-27 Mr 4:37-41 Lu 8:23-25

    Miracle involving the Gergesene demoniacs Gergesa Mt 8:28-34 Mr 5:1-15 Lu 8:27-35

    Parables: The Bridegroom Capernaum Mt 9:15

    Parable of new cloth on old garment Capernaum Mt 9:16 Mr 2:21 Lu 5:36

    Parable of new wine in old bottles Capernaum Mt 9:17 Mr 2:22 Lu 5:37,38

    Miracles: Woman with issue of blood Gennesaret Mt 9:18 Mr 5:22 Lu 8:41

    Miracles: Jairus' daughter Capernaum Mt 9:18 Mr 5:22 Lu 8:41

    Miracles: Two blind men Capernaum Mt 9:27,30

    Miracles: Dumb spirit Capernaum Mt 9:32,33

    Mission of Twelve Apostles Capernaum Mt 10:1 Mr 6:7-12 Lu 9:1-6

    Death of John the Baptist Machaerus Mt 14:1-12 Mr 6:14-29 Lu 9:7

    Feeding of the five thousand BethsaidaMt 14:13-21 Mr 6:30-44 Lu 9:12-17 Joh


    Miraculous walking on the water Lake Gennesaret Mt 14:25 Mr 6:48 Joh 6:19

    Discourse in synagogue on the Bread of Life Capernaum Mt 14:34 Joh 6:26-70

    From the Second Passover to the Third

    Description Location Scripture

    Opposition of Scribes and Pharisees Capernaum Mt 15:1

    Discourse on Pollution Capernaum Mt 15:2-20 Mr 7:1-23

    Miraculous Healing the daughter of the Syrophoenician

    womanPhoenicia Mt 15:21-29 Mr 7:24-30

    Miraculous Healing of the deaf and dumb man Tyre, Sidon Mr 7:32

    Miraculous Healing of many sick persons Decapolis Mt 15:30,31

    Miraculous Feeding of the four thousand Gennesaret Mt 15:32-39 Mr 8:1-9

    Parable of the leaven of Pharisees Gennesaret Mt 16:1-12 Mr 8:14-22

    Miraculous Healing of the Blind man Bethsaida Mr 8:23-27

    Peter's confession of ChristCaesarea

    PhillippiMt 16:13-21 Mr 8:27-30

    First prediction of the passionCaesarea


    Mt 16:21-28 Mr 8:31-38 Lu


    The transfiguration Mt. Hermon Mt 17:1-8 Mr 9:2-8 Lu 9:28-36

    Miraculous Healing the demoniac child Mt. HermonMt 17:14-21 Mr 9:14-27 Lu


    Second prediction of the passion Mt. Hermon Mt 17:22,23 Mr 9:31 Lu 9:43,44

    Miracle: The stater in the fish's mouth Capernaum Mt 17:27

    Lesson on docility Capernaum Mt 18:1-14 Mr 9:33-37 Lu9:46-48

    Lesson on forgiveness Capernaum Mt 18:15 Mr 9:43

    Lesson on self-denial Capernaum Mt 18:18

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    Parable of the unmerciful servant Capernaum Mt 18:23-35

    Journey to Jerusalem through Samaria . Lu 9:51,52

    Jealousy of the Samaritans Samaria Lu 9:53

     Anger of the 'sons of thunder' Samaria Lu 9:54-56

    The feast of tabernacles Jerusalem Joh 7:2-10

    Discourses Jerusalem Joh 7:10-46

    Officers sent to arrest Christ Jerusalem Joh 7:30,46

    The adulteress Jerusalem Joh 8:3

    Discourses Jerusalem Joh 8:12

    Christ threatened with stoning Jerusalem Joh 8:59

    Miraculous Healing of the Blind man and discourses Jerusalem Joh 9:1

    Christ the Door Jerusalem Joh 10:1

    Christ the Good Shepherd Jerusalem Joh 10:11

    Departure from Jerusalem.

    Mission of the seventy Judea Lu 10:1-16

    Return of the seventy Judea Lu 10:17-24

    Parable of the Good Samaritan Judea Lu 10:30-37

    Visit to Martha, Mary Bethany Lu 10:38-42

    Jesus teaches his disciples to pray Judea Lu 11:1-13

    Parable of importunate friend Judea Lu 11:5-8

    He miraculously heals the mute demoniac Judea Mt 12:22-45 Lu 11:14

    He rebukes the blasphemy of the Pharisees Judea Mt 12:22-45 Lu 11:14

    Discourses:- The repentant Ninevites Judea Mt 12:41 Lu 11:29-36

    God's providence to birds and flowers Judea Lu 12:1-12

    Parable of the Rich fool Judea Lu 12:13-21

    Parable of servants watching Judea Lu 12:35-40

    Parable of the wise steward Judea Lu 12:42-48

    The murdered Galileans Judea Lu 13:1-5

    The barren fig tree Judea Lu 13:6-9

    Miraculous Healing of a woman with an infirmity Judea Lu 13:10-17

    Visit to Jerusalem at the feast of Dedication . Joh 10:22-30

     Attempt to stone Jesus Jerusalem Joh 10:31

    Jesus retires across Jordan Peraea Joh 10:40 Are there few that be saved? Peraea Lu 13:23-30

    The message to Herod Paraea Lu 13:31-33

    Miraculous Healing of the man with the dropsy Peraea Lu 14:1-6

    Parable of the great supper Peraea Lu 14:15-24

    Parable of Tower, King going to war Paraea Lu 14:28-33

    Parable of the lost sheep Peraea Mt 18:12,13 Lu 15:1-7

    Parable of the lost coin Peraea Lu 15:8-10

    Parable of the prodigal son Peraea Lu 15:11-32

    Parable of the unjust steward Peraea Lu 16:1-13

    Parable of the rich man and Lazarus Peraea Lu 16:19-31

    Parable of the unprofitable servants Peraea Lu 17:7-10

    Sickness of Lazarus Bethany Joh 11:1-10

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    Return of Jesus from Peraea to Bethany . Joh 11:11-16

    Miraculous Resurrection of Lazarus Bethany Joh 11:17-46

    The council: Advice of Caiaphas Jerusalem Joh 11:47-53

    Jesus retires to the town of Ephraim . Joh 11:54

    Last journey to JerusalemBorders of 

    SamariaMt 19:1 Mr 10:1 Lu 17:11

    Miraculous Healing of the ten lepers Borders of Samaria

    Lu 17:12-19

    Parable of the unjust judgeBorders of 

    SamariaLu 18:1-8

    Parable of the Pharisee and the publicanBorders of 

    SamariaLu 18:9-14

    The question of divorceBorders of 

    SamariaMt 19:3-12 Mr 10:2-12

    Christ blesses little childrenBorders of 


    Mt 19:13-15 Mr 10:13-16 Lu


    The rich young ruler  Borders of Samaria

    Mt 19:16-22 Mr 10:17-22 Lu18:18-23

    Parable of the labourers in the vineyardBorders of 

    SamariaMt 20:1-16

    Third prediction of the passionBorders of 


    Mt 20:17-19 Mr 10:32-34 Lu


    Request of James and JohnBorders of 

    SamariaMt 20:20-28 Mr 10:35-45

    Miraculous Healing of Blind Bartimaeus Near JerichoMt 20:29-34 Mr 10:46-52 Lu


    Jesus at the house of Zacchaeus Jericho Lu 19:1-10Parable of the pounds Jericho Lu 19:11-28

    Holy Week

    Description Location Scripture

    The supper in Simon's house Bethany Mt 26:6-13 Mr 14:3-9 Joh 12:1-9Mary anoints Jesus Bethany Mt 26:7-13 Mr 14:3-8 Joh 12:3-8

    Triumphal entry into the city Jerusalem Mt 21:1-11 Mr 11:1-10 Lu 19:29-44 Joh 12:12-19

    Survey of the Temple Jerusalem Mr 11:11

    Retirement to Bethany . Mr 11:11

    Miraculous Withering of the barren fig-tree Mt. of Olives Mt 21:18-19 Mr 11:12-14

    Second cleansing of the Temple Jerusalem Mt 21:12-17 Mr 11:15-19 Lu 19:45-48

    Retirement to Bethany . Mt 21:17 Mr 11:19

    The lesson of the fig-tree Mt. of Olives Mt 21:20-22 Mr 11:20-25

    Discourses in the Temple: . Mr 11:26

    The rulers' question Jerusalem Mt 21:23-27 Mr 11:27-33 Lu 20:1-8

    The parable of the two sons Jerusalem Mt 21:28-32

    Parable of the wicked husbandmen Jerusalem Mt 21:33-46 Mr 12:1-12 Lu 20:9-19

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    Parable of the wedding garment Jerusalem Mt 22:1-14

    The subtle questions:-

    1a) of the Pharisees - the tribute money Jerusalem Mt 22:15-22 Mr 12:13-17 Lu 20:20-26

    1b) of the Sadducees - the resurrection Jerusalem Mt 22:23-33 Mr 12:18-27 Lu 20:27-39

    1c) of the Lawyer - the great commandment Jerusalem Mt 22:34-40 Mr 12:28-34

    Our Lord's counter question Jerusalem Mt 22:41-46 Mr 12:35-37 Lu 20:41-44

    The woes on the Scribes and Pharisees Jerusalem Mt 23:13-33

    The widow's mite Jerusalem Mr 12:41-44 Lu 21:1-4

    The coming of the Greeks Jerusalem Joh 12:20-36

    The departure to the Mount of Olives . Mt 24:1-3 Mr 13:1-3

    The prediction -

    1a) of the destruction of Jerusalem Olivet Mt 24:3-28 Mr 13:3-23 Lu 21:5-24

    Parable of fig-tree and all the trees Olivet Mt 24:32,33 Mr 13:28,29 Lu 21:29-32

    The prediction -

    1b) of the second coming Olivet Mt 24:28-51 Mr 13:23-37 Lu 21:24-36

    Parable of the householder Olivet Mr 13:34

    Parables:- The ten virgins Olivet Mt 25:1-13

    Parables:- The talents Olivet Mt 25:14-30

    Parables:- The sheep and the goats Olivet Mt 25:31-46

    The Sanhedrin in council Jerusalem Mt 26:3-5 Mr 14:1-2 Lu 22:1-2

    Compact of the traitor Jerusalem Mt 26:14-16 Mr 14:10,11 Lu 22:3-6

     A slightly different description of Passion Week.

    Passion Week, Passion Play, Passion Cycle

    The Death and Burial

    Description Location Scripture

    Preparation of the Passover Jerusalem Mt 26:17-19 Mr 14:12-16 Lu 22:7-13

    Washing the apostles' feet Jerusalem Joh 13:1-17

    The breaking of bread Jerusalem Mt 26:26 Mr 14:22 Lu 22:19

    'One of you shall betray me' Jerusalem Mt 26:21 Mr 14:18 Lu 22:21 Joh 13:21

    'Is it I ?' Jerusalem Mt 26:22-25 Mr 14:19

    Giving of the sop 'That thou doest, do quickly' Jerusalem Joh 13:26,27

    Departure of Judas Iscariot Jerusalem Joh 13:30

    Peter warned Jerusalem Mt 26:34 Mr 14:30 Lu 22:34 Joh 13:38

    Blessing the cup Jerusalem Mt 26:27,28 Mr 14:23,24 Lu 22:17

    The discourses after supper Jerusalem Joh 14:1-16:33

    Christ's prayer for his apostles Jerusalem Joh 17:1-17:26

    The hymn Jerusalem Mt 26:30 Mr 14:26The agony Gethsemane Mt 26:37 Mr 14:33 Lu 22:39 Joh 18:1

    The thrice-repeated prayer Gethsemane Mt 26:39-44 Mr 14:36-39 Lu 22:42

    His sweat and comforting by the angel Gethsemane Lu 22:43,44

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    The sleep of the apostles Gethsemane Mt 26:40-45 Mr 14:37-41 Lu 22:45,46

    Betrayal by Judas Gethsemane Mt 26:47-50 Mr 14:34,44 Lu 22:47 Joh 18:2-5

    Peter smites Malchus Gethsemane Mt 26:51 Mr 14:47 Lu 22:50 Joh 18:10

    Christ miraculously heals the ear of Malchus Gethsemane Lu 22:51

    Christ forsaken by his disciples Gethsemane Mt 26:56 Mr 14:50

    Christ led to Annas Jerusalem Joh 18:12,13

    Christ tried by Caiaphas Jerusalem Mt 26:57 Mr 14:53 Lu 22:54 Joh 18:15

    Peter follows Christ Jerusalem Mt 26:58 Mr 14:54 Lu 22:55 Joh 18:15

    The high priest's adjuration Jerusalem Mt 26:63 Mr 14:61

    Christ condemned, buffeted, mocked Jerusalem Mt 26:66,67 Mr 14:64,65 Lu 22:63-65

    Peter's denial of Christ JerusalemMt 26:69-75 Mr 14:66-72 Lu 22:54-62 Joh


    Christ before Pilate Jerusalem Mt 27:1,2 Mr 15:1 Lu 23:1 Joh 18:28

    Repentance of Judas Jerusalem Mt 27:3

    Pilate comes out to the people Jerusalem Joh 18:29

    Pilate speaks to Jesus privately Jerusalem Joh 18:33

    Pilate orders him to be scourged Jerusalem Mt 27:26 Mr 15:15 Joh 19:1

    Jesus crowned with thorns Jerusalem Mt 27:29 Mr 15:17 Joh 19:2

    Jesus exhibited by Pilate;'Behold the man' Jerusalem Joh 19:5

    Jesus accused formally Jerusalem Mt 27:11 Mr 15:2 Lu 23:2

    Jesus sent by Pilate to Herod Jerusalem Lu 23:6-11

    Jesus mocked, arrayed in purple Jerusalem Lu 23:6-11

    'Behold your King' Jerusalem Joh 19:14

    Pilate desires to release him Jerusalem Mt 27:15 Mr 15:6 Lu 23:17 Joh 19:12

    Pilate receives a message from his wife Jerusalem Mt 27:19

    Pilate washes his hands Jerusalem Mt 27:24

    Pilate releases Barabbas Jerusalem Mt 27:26

    Pilate delivers Jesus to be crucified Jerusalem Mt 27:26 Mr 15:15 Lu 23:25 Joh 19:16

    Simon of Cyrene carries the cross Jerusalem Mt 27:32 Mr 15:21 Lu 23:26

    They give him vinegar and gall Golgotha Mt 27:34 Mr 15:23 Lu 23:36

    They nail him to the cross Golgotha Mt 27:35 Mr 15:24,25 Lu 23:33 Joh 19:18

    The superscription Golgotha Mt 27:37 Mr 15:26 Lu 23:38 Joh 19:19


    1a) Father, forgive them Golgotha Lu 23:34

    His garments parted, and vesture allotted Golgotha Mt 27:35 Mr 15:24 Lu 23:34 Joh 19:23

    Passers-by rail, the two thieves revile Golgotha Mt 27:39-44 Mr 15:29-32 Lu 23:35

    The penitent thief Golgotha Lu 23:40

    1b) Today shalt thou be with me in paradise Golgotha Lu 23:43

    1c) Woman, behold thy son, etc Golgotha Joh 19:26,27

    Darkness over all the land Golgotha Mt 27:45 Mr 15:33 Lu 23:44,45

    1d) My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken

    meGolgotha Mt 27:46 Mr 15:34

    1e) I thirst Golgotha Joh 19:28

    The vinegar Golgatha Mt 27:48 Mr 15:36 Joh 19:29

    1f) It is finished Golgotha Joh 19:30

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    1g) Father, into thy hands I commend my

    spiritGolgotha Lu 23:46

    Rending of the veil Jerusalem Mt 27:51 Mr 15:38 Lu 23:45

    Opening of the graves, resurrection of saints Jerusalem Mt 27:52

    Testimony of Centurion Golgotha Mt 27:54 Mr 15:39 Lu 23:47

    Watching of the women Golgotha Mt 27:55 Mr 15:40 Lu 23:49

    The piercing of his side Golgotha Joh 19:34Taking down from the cross The Garden Mt 27:57-60 Mr 15:46 Lu 23:53 Joh 19:38-42

    Burial by Joseph of Arimethea, Nicodemus The Garden Mt 27:57-60 Mr 15:46 Lu 23:53 Joh 19:38-42

     A guard placed over the sealed stone The Garden Mt 27:65,66

    The Resurrection and the Great Forty Days

    Description Location Scripture

    Women carry spices to the tomb The Garden Mt 28:1 Mr 16:1,2 Lu 24:1

    The angel had rolled away the stone The Garden Mt 28:2

    Women announce the resurrection Jerusalem Mt 28:8 Lu 24:9,10 Joh 20:1,2

    Peter and John run to the tomb The Garden Lu 24:12 Joh 20:3

    The women return to the tomb The Garden Lu 24:1

    The guards report these things to the chief priests Jerusalem Mt 28:11-15


    1a) To Mary Magdalene The Garden Mr 16:9,10 Joh 20:14'All hail! Fear not. Touch me not' The Garden Mt 28:9 Joh 20:17

    1b) To the women returning home The Garden Mt 28:9

    'Go tell my brethren that they go The Garden Mt 28:10

    Into Galilee - there shall they see me' The Garden Mt 28:10

    1c) To two disciples going to Emmaus . Mr 16:12 Lu 24:13

    (Exposition of prophecies on the passion)

    1d) To Peter Jerusalem 1Co 15:5 Lu 24:34

    1e) To ten Apostles in the upper room Jerusalem Lu 24:33 Joh 20:19

    'Peace be unto you As my Father hath.. Jerusalem Joh 20:21

    'sent me, so send I you' Jerusalem Joh 20:21

    'Receive ye the Holy Spirit.. Jerusalem Joh 20:22,23

    Whose sover sins ye remit,' etc Jerusalem Joh 20:22,23

    1f) To the eleven Apostles in the upper room Jerusalem Mr 16:14 Joh 20:26

    'Peace be unto you' . Joh 20:26

    To Thomas' reach hither thy finger,' etc Jerusalem Joh 20:27

    'Blessed are they that have not seen, yet have believed' Jerusalem Joh 20:29

    Miracle - Draught of fishes Tiberias Joh 21:1-11

    1g) To the disciples at the sea of Tiberias . Joh 21:1-24

    1h) To Peter;'Feed my sheep,fead my lambs' Tiberias Joh 21:15-17

    1i) To the eleven disciples on a mountain.. Galilee Mt 28:16

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    BELIEVE Religious

    Information Source -

    By Alphabet Our List

    of 2,300 Religious



    1j) in Galilee (1 Cor.15.5) Galilee Mt 28:16

    'All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth' Galilee Mt 28:18

    'Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them,' etc Galilee Mt 28:19

    'Lo, I am with you alway,.. Galilee Mt 28:20

    'even unto the end of the world. Amen' Galilee Mt 28:20

    1k) To five hundred brethren at once Galilee 1Co 15:6

    1l) To James . 1Co 15:7

    THE ASCENSION Bethany Mr 16:19 Lu 24:50,51

    For events prior to, and after the life of Jesus, please see the separate Chronology

    for that period, at: Chronology of the Events of the Bible.

    For a list of the Miracles of Jesus, please see: 39 Miracles Performed by Jesus.

     Also, see:Sequential Life of Jesus, from the Gospels

    Chronology of Jesus' Life (Catholic Article)

    Early Documents Regarding the History of Jesus' Life

    Miracles Performed by Jesus

    OT Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

    Sequence of all important in Christianity

    Date of Birth of Jesus, by several Analytical Methods

    Passion Week, Passion Play, Passion Cycle

    The individual articles presented here were generally first published in the early 1980s. This subject

    presentation was first placed on the Internet in December 1997.

    This page - - Sequential Life of Jesus - - is at http://mb-soft.com/believe/txh/gospgosp.htmThis subject presentation was last updated on - - 02/01/2016 22:53:41

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